433 Industrial Relations
433 Industrial Relations
433 Industrial Relations
SYLLABUS UNIT 1 Industrial Relations: Concept Definition Significance Objectives Scope Approaches Principles of good industrial relations Role of State, Employers and the Unions in industrial relation. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations: Labour movement Concepts Trade union movement Development of trade unionism in Indian Functions and problems of trade unions. International Labour Movement International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTC) International Labour Organisations (ILO) Origin, history, objectives and functions. UNIT 3 Industrial Disputes: Meaning Causes Forms Industrial relations machinery Joint consultation Works committee Conciliations Court of Enquiry Voluntary arbitration Adjudication. Employee Discipline: Definition Causes of indiscipline Code of discipline Disciplinary procedure Code of conduct. Grievance Handling: Meaning of grievances Causes of grievances Guidelines for grievance handling Grievances redressal procedures. UNIT 4 Workers Participation in Management: Meaning Significance Forms Situations in India. Collective Bargaining: Meaning Significance Principles Process Training methods Evaluation of training and retraining. Wage Administration and Industrial Relations Wage policy Objectives Wage regulation machinery Wage Board: Growth and development Composition and functions Evaluation of wage bonds.
Employee Communication: Meaning - Significance - Types Barriers Methods of overcoming barriers Principal of effective communication Employee Education and Training Concept features Aims and objects Contents Teaching techniques Training Schemes.
UNIT 6 Employee health, safety and security: Meaning Significance Programmes Employee Counseling: Meaning Significance Types and Process Conflict management: Meaning Types of conflict episode management of conflict Quality circle: Meaning Objectives Techniques.
UNIT I 1. Industrial Relations Introduction 2. Labour And The Constitution UNIT II 3. Trade Unionism UNIT III 4. Industrial Disputes 5. Grievances Handling 6. Employee Discipline UNIT IV 7. Workers Participation in Management 8. Collective Bargaining 9. Wage Administration and Industrial Relations UNIT V 10. Employee Communication 11. Workers Education and Training UNIT VI 12. Industrial Health and Social Security 13. Employee Safety Programme 14. Employee Counseling 15. Conflict Management 16. Quality Circles
1. 2. Industrial Relations Introduction Labour and The Constitutions
Industry today is neither viewed as a venture of employers alone nor profit if considered as its sole objective. It is considered to be a venture based on purposeful cooperation between management and labour in the process of production and maximum social good is regarded as its ultimate end and both management and employees contribute in their own way towards its success. Similarly, labour today is no more an unorganized mass of ignorant works ready to obey without resentment or protest the arbitrary and discretionary dictates of management. The management has to deal with employees today nto as individuals but also as members of organized social groups who are very much conscious about their rights and have substantial bargaining strength. Hence, the objective of evolving and maintaining sound industrial relations is not only to find our ways and means to solve conflicts to resolve differences but also to secure the cooperation among the employees in the conduct of industry. But maintaining smooth industrial relation is not an easy task. Almost all the industrialized countries of he world fact the problem of establishing and maintaining
good management worker relationships in their industries. Each country has sought to find our solution, depending upon its economic, social and political environment. However, industrial conflict still arises and therefore establishment and maintenance of satisfactory industrial relations forms an important plank in the personnel policies of modern organization. Meaning In the broad sense, industrial relations cover all such relationships that a business enterprise maintains with various sections of the society such as workers, state, customers and public who come into its contact. In the narrow sense, it refers to all types of relationships between employer and employees, trade union and management, works and union and between workers and workers. It also includes all sorts of relationships at both formal and informal levels in the organization. The term industrial relations has been variously defined. J.T. Dunlop defines industrial relations as the complex interrelations among managers, workers and agencies of the governments. According to Dale Yoder industrial relations is the process of management dealing with one or more unions with a view to negotiate and subsequently administer collective bargaining agreement or labour contract. In indusial relations, therefore, one seeks to study how people get on together at their work, what difficulties arise between them, how their relations including wages and working conditions etc., are regulated. Industrial relations, thus, include both industrial relations and collective relations as well as the role of the state in regulating these relations. Such a relationship is therefore complex and multidimensional resting on economic, social, psychological, ethical, occupational, political and legal levels. There are mainly two set of factors that determine the state of industrial relations whether good or poor in any country. The first set of factors, described as institutional factors include type of labour legislation, policy of state relating to labour and industry, extent and stage of development of trade unions and employers organizations and the type of social institutions. The other set of factors, described as economic factors include the nature of economic organization capitalist, socialist technology, the sources of demand and supply in the labour market, the nature and composition of labour force etc. Distinction between human relations and industrial relations The term human relations lays stress upon the processes of inter-personal relationships among individuals as well as the behavior of individuals as members of groups. The term industrial relations is used widely in industrial organizations and refers to the relations between the employers and workers in an organization, at any specified time.
Thus, while problem of human relations are personal in character and are related to the behavior of individuals where moral and social element predominate, the term industrial relations is comprehensive covering human relations and the relations between the employers and workers in an organization as well as matters regulated by law or by specific collective agreement arrived at between trade unions and the management. However, the concept of industrial relations has undergone a considerable change since the objective of evolving sound and healthy industrial relations today is not only to find out ways and means to solve conflicts or resolve difference but also t secure unreserved cooperation and goodwill to divert their interest and energies toward constructive channel. The problems of industrial relations are therefore, essentially problems that may be solved effectively only by developing in conflicting social groups of an industrial undertaking, a sense of mutual confidence, dependence and respect and at the same time encouraging them to come closer to each other for removing misunderstanding if any, in a peaceful atmosphere and fostering industrial pursuits for mutual benefits. Significance of Industrial Relations Maintenance of harmonious industrials relations is on vital importance for the survival and growth of the industrials enterprise. Good industrial relations result in increased efficiency and hence prosperity, reduced turnover and other tangible benefits to the organization. The significance of industrial relations can be summarized as below: 1. It establishes industrial democracy: Industrial relations means settling employees problems through collective bargaining, mutual cooperation and mutual agreement amongst the parties i.e., management and employees unions. This helps in establishing industrial democracy in the organization which motivates them to contribute their best to the growth and prosperity of the organization. 2. It contributes to economic growth and development: Good industrial relations lead to increased efficiency and hence higher productivity and income. This will result in economic development of the economy. 3. It improves morale of he work force: Good industrial relations, built-in mutual cooperation and common agreed approach motivate one to contribute ones best, result in higher productivity and hence income, give more job satisfaction and help improve the morale of the workers. 4. It ensures optimum use of scare resources: Good and harmonious industrial relations create a sense of belongingness and group-cohesiveness among workers, and also a congenial environment resulting in less industrial unrest, grievances and disputes. This will ensure optimum use of resources, both human and materials, eliminating all types of wastage.
5. It discourages unfair practices on the part of both management and unions: Industrial relations involve setting up a machinery to solve problems confronted by management and employees through mutual agreement to which both these parties are bound. This results in banning of the unfair practices being used by employers or trade unions. 6. It prompts enactment of sound labour legislation: Industrial relations necessitate passing of certain labour laws to protect and promote the welfare of labour and safeguard interests of all the parties against unfair means or practices. 7. It facilitates change: Good industrial relations help in improvement of cooperation, team work, performance and productivity and hence in taking full advantages of modern inventions, innovations and other scientific and technological advances. It helps the work force to adjust themselves to change easily and quickly Causes of Poor Industrial Relations Perhaps the main cause or source of poor industrial relations resulting in inefficiency and labour unrest is mental laziness on the part of both management and labour. Management is not sufficiently concerned to ascertain the causes of inefficiency and unrest following the laissez-faire policy, until it is faced with strikes and more serious unrest. Even with regard to methods of work, management does not bother to devise the best method but leaves it mainly to the subordinates to work it out for themselves. Contempt on the part of the employers towards the workers is another major cause. However, the following are briefly the causes of poor industrial relations: 1. Mental inertia on the part of management and labour; 2. An intolerant attitude of contempt of contempt towards the workers on the part of management. 3. Inadequate fixation of wage or wage structure; 4. Unhealthy working conditions; 5. Indiscipline; 6. Lack of human relations skill on the part of supervisors and other managers; 7. Desire on the part of the workers for higher bonus or DA and the corresponding desire of the employers to give as little as possible; 8. Inappropriate introduction of automation without providing the right climate;
10. Inadequate welfare facilities; 11. Dispute on sharing the gains of productivity; 12. Unfair labour practices, like victimization and undue dismissal; 13. Retrenchment, dismissals and lock-outs on the part of management and strikes on the part of the workers; 14. Inter-union rivalries; and 15. General economic and political environment, such as rising prices, strikes by others, and general indiscipline having their effect on the employees attitudes. Objectives of Industrial Relations 1. To bring better understanding and cooperation between employers and workers. 2. To establish a proper channel of communication between workers and management. 3. To ensure constructive contribution of trade unions. 4. To avoid industrial conflicts and to maintain harmonious relations. 5. To safeguard the interest of workers and the management. 6. To work in the direction of establishing and maintaining industrial democracy. 7. To ensure workers participation in decision-making. 8. To increase the morale and discipline of workers. 9. To ensure better working conditions, living conditions and reasonable wages. 10. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological, social and economic changes. 11. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country. Scope The scope of industrial relations includes all aspects of relationships such as bringing cordial and healthy labour management relations, creating industrial peace and developing industrial democracy.
The cordial and healthy labour management relations could be brought in by safeguarding the interest of the workers; by fixing reasonable wages; by providing good working conditions; by providing other social security measures; by maintaining healthy trade unions; by collective bargaining.
The industrial peace could be attained by setting industrial disputes through mutual understanding and agreement; by evolving various legal measure and setting up various machineries such as Works Committee, Boards of Conciliation, Labour Courts etc.
The industrial democracy could be achieved by allowing workers to take part in management; and by recognition of human rights.
Approaches to Industrial Relations Industrial conflicts are the results of several socio-economic, psychological and political factors. Various lines of thoughts have been expressed and approaches used to explain his complex phenomenon. One observer has stated, An economist tries to interpret industrial conflict in terms of impersonal markets forces and laws of supply demand. To a politician, industrial conflict is a war of different ideologies perhaps a class-war. To a psychologist, industrial conflict means the conflicting interests, aspirations, goals, motives and perceptions of different groups of individuals, operating within and reacting to a given socio-economic and political environment. Psychological approach According to psychologists, problems of industrial relations have their origin in the perceptions of the management, unions and rank and file workers. These perceptions may be the perceptions of persons, of situations or of issues involved in the conflict. The
perceptions of situations and issues differ because the same position may appear entirely different to different parties. The perceptions of unions and of the management of the same issues may be widely different and, hence, clashes and may arise between the two parties. Other factors also influence perception and may bring about clashes. The reasons of strained industrial relations between the employers and the employees can be understood by studying differences in the perception of issues, situations and persons between the management groups and labour groups. The organizational behavior of inter-groups of management and workers is of crucial importance in the pattern of industrial relations. The group-dynamics between the two conflicting groups in industrial relations tend to shape the behavioural pattern. Sociological approach Industry is a social world in miniature. The management goals, workers attitudes, perception of change in industry, are all, in turn, decided by broad social factors like the culture of the institutions, customs, structural changes, status-symbols, rationality, acceptance or resistance to change, tolerance etc. Industry is, thus inseparable from the society in which it functions. Through the main function of an industry is economic, its social consequences are also important such as urbanization, social mobility, housing and transport problem in industrial areas, disintegration of family structure, stress and strain, etc. As industries develop, a new industrial-cum-social pattern emerges, which provides general new relationships, institutions and behavioural pattern and new techniques of handling human resources. These do influence the development of industrial relations.
Human relations approach Human resources are made up of living human beings. They want freedom of speech, of thought of expression, of movement, etc. When employers treat them as inanimate objects, encroach on their expectations, throat-cuts, conflicts and tensions arise. In fact major problems in industrial relations arise out of a tension which is created because of the employers pressures and workers reactions, protests and resistance to these pressures through protective mechanisms in the form of workers organization, associations and trade unions. Through tension is more direct in work place; gradually it extends to the whole industry and sometimes affects the entire economy of the country. Therefore, the management must realize that efforts are made to set right the situation. Services of specialists in Behavioural Sciences (namely, psychologists, industrial engineers, human relations expert and personnel managers) are used to deal with such related problems. Assistance is
also taken from economists, anthropologists, psychiatrists, pedagogists, tec. In resolving conflicts, understanding of human behavior both individual and groups is a prerequisite for the employers, the union leaders and the government more so for the management. Conflicts cannot be resolved unless the management must learn and know what the basic what the basic needs of men are and how they can be motivated to work effectively. It has now been increasingly recognized that much can be gained by the managers and the worker, if they understand and apply the techniques of human relations approaches to industrial relations. The workers are likely to attain greater job satisfaction, develop greater involvement in their work and achieve a measure of identification of their objectives with the objectives of the organization; the manager, on their part, would develop greater insight and effectiveness in their work. Principle of Good Industrial Relations The willingness and ability of management and trade unions to deal with the problems freely, independently and with responsibility. Recognition of collective bargaining. Desirability of associations of workers and managements with the Government while formulating and implementing policies relating to general economic and social measures affecting industrial relations. Fair redressal of employee grievances by the management Providing satisfactory working conditions and payment of fair wage. Introducing a suitable system of employees education and training. Developing proper communication system between management and employees. To ensure better working conditions, living conditions and reasonable wages. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological, social and economic changes. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country.
Role of state in industrial relations In recent years the State has played an important role in regulating industrial relations but the extent of its involvement in the process is determined by the level of social and
economic development while the mode of intervention gets patterned in conformity with the political system obtaining in the country and the social and cultural traditions of its people. The degree of State intervention is also determined by the stage of economic develop. For example, in a developing economy like ours, work-stoppages to settle claims have more serious consequences than in a developed economy and similarly, a free market economy may leave the parties free to settle their relations through strikes and lockouts but in other systems varying degrees of State participation is required for building up sound industrial relations. In India, the role played by the State is an important feature in the field of industrial relations and State intervention in this area has assumed a more direct form. The State has enacted procedural as well as substantive laws to regulate industrial relations in the country. Role of management in industrial relations The management have a significant role to play in maintaining smooth industrial relations. For a positive improvement in their relations with employees and maintaining sound human relations in the organization, the management must treat employees with dignity and respect. Employees should be given say in the affairs of the organization generally and wherever possible, in the decision-making process as well. A participative and permissive altitude on the part of management tends to give an employee a feeling that he is an important member of the organization a feeling that encourages a spirit of cooperativeness and dedication to work. Management must make a genuine efforts to provide congenial work environment. They must make the employees feel that they are genuinely interested in their personal development. To this end, adequate opportunities for appropriate programmes of 18training and development should be provided. Managements must delegate authority to their employees commensurate with responsibility. They must evolve well conceived and scientific wage and salary plan so that the employees may receive just compensation for their efforts. They must devise, develop and implement a proper incentive plan for personnel at all levels in the organization. There must be a well-planned communication system in the organization to pass on information and to get feed back from the employees.
Managements must pay personal attention to the problems of their employees irrespective of the fact whether they arise out of job environment or they are of personal nature. They must evolve, establish and utilize appropriate machineries for speedy redressal of employees grievances. Manageemnts must provide an enlightened leadership to the people in the organization.
An environment of mutual respect, confidence, goodwill and understanding on the part of both management and employees in the exercise of their rights and performance of their duties should prevail for maintaining good industrial relations Role of trade unions in maintaining industrial relations The trade unions have a crucial role to play in maintaining smooth industrial relations. It is true that the unions have to protect and safeguard the interests of the workers through collective bargaining. But at the same time they have equal responsibility to see that the organization do not suffer on account of their direct actions such as strikes, even for trivial reasons. They must be able to understand and appreciate the problems of managements and must adopt a policy of give and take while bargaining with the managements. Trade unions must understand that both management and workers depend on each other and any sort of problem on either side will do harm to both sides. Besides public are also affected, particularly when the institutions involved are public utility organizations. The labour management synergy Planning for healthy Industrial Relations is one of the most delicate and complex problems of present day industrial society, representing diverse points of flexion and bases of industrial edifice. How people get on together at their work, what difficulties arise between them, how their relations, including wages and working conditions, are regulated and what organizations are set up for the protection of different interests- these are some of the major issues of industrial relations system. The Triangle of Industrial Relations System represents multi-pronged relationship between management, trade unions and workers. Industrial Relations Systems responsibility implies: (a) Inter-vertex Relationship (amongst management, trade unions and workers inter se) and, (b) Inter-societal obligations.
Management relationship vis--vis trade unions is based on increasing realization that trade unionism has to come to stay as a necessary concomitant of the contemporary capitalist them; and, that trade unions movement is the expression of the workers collective determination to recover emotional security lost through Industrial revolution. Management relationship vis--vis workers revolves round the themes like attitude towards work; industrial democracy; urge for greater degree of control over work situation; search for an environment, where worker can take roots and where he belongs to; and, identification of the functions, where he sees the purpose of his work and feels important in achieving it. Management approach towards itself presupposes management as a social task. Since life is based on conflict, the management task in the long-run is directed towards harmonizing this conflict inside and outside the enterprise. The art and science of management is highly sophisticated with theories, concepts and models of management. Trade union relationship vis--vis management is conditioned by accepting the fact that management presents an indissoluble partnership amongst interest, power and responsibility in the societal context. Trade Union relationship vis--vis workers implied that it should appreciate workers aspirations and expectations that trade union is essentially a protective, friendly society, meant primarily to manage and handle their economic, social and cultural problems. Often aspirations of workers are at variance with those of leaders in the trade union movement. Trade union approach towards itself is based on the premise that trade unionism is a management system. Trade Unions as organizations generally viewed themselves as an end rather than as a means centering on cause and not on man, which, in turn, creates an attitude of convalescence and the cause of unconsciousness. There is often a tendency in trade unionism to promote mass movement instead of an organisation, and its membership is often based on calamity features rather than on positive factors. In a changing situation like India, ideological postures are of limited relevance in the realm of trade unionism, which has to undertake responsibilities in a dynamic situation, influenced by external and internal environment and focusing on:
The primary purpose Organisation Adjustment and adaptation Attitudes Representation Economic responsibility Discipline
There is an imperative need of strengthening the democracy and freedom within the trade unions, encourage workers participation in the process of decision-making and developing new perspectives in the personnel problems of the trade unionism. Management and trade unions both have to be aware of the changing value system, the needs of a new breed of employee, the ever-increasing generational gap in attitudes towards money, emphasis on quality of life, publics lower frustration tolerance, changing attitudes towards work and leisure, educations impact on peoples self-image, rejection of authoritarianism and dogmatism, greater stress on pluralism and individualism, and search of identity, self-esteem and self-realization. The ideology based on rationality; moral absolutes leading to situational ethics; and, economic efficiency resulting in social justice; are the new bases and postulates for shaping the future industrial relations system in the Indian context.
Planning Industrial Relations: Tasks Ahead In future organization systems, employees would consider themselves to be partners in management and expect their talents to be utilized to the fullest. With increased selfesteem and self-image, young graduates will resist authority and would challenge prevailing management prerogatives. Tomorrows management control centers, advanced OR models will aid future managers in the use of resources, they would need to balance humanistic values with the flow of advancing science and technology. According to Victor Fuchs, In future, the large corporation is likely to be over-shadowed by the hospital, university, research institutes, government offices and professional organizations that are the hallmarks of a service economy. Following the concept of corporate citizenship, the responsible corporation has to develop as a social institution, where people share success and failure, create ideas, interact and work for development and realization of the individuals potential as human being. Since Industrial Relations is a function of three variables management, trade unions and workers, a workable approach towards planning for healthy labour-management relations can be developed by: Defining the acceptable boundaries of employer/ employee action; Granting the freedom to act within these boundaries; and Monitoring the resulting developments.
For achieving the objectives of improved management trade union the following line fo action is suggested: A realistic attitude of managers towards employees and vice versa for humanizing industrial relations. Proper organization climate and extension of area of Industrial Relations, Institutionalism of industrial relations and effective forums for interaction between management and trade unions at plant, industry and national levels. A comprehensive system of rules and discipline, The maintenance of an efficient system of communication, An objective follow-up pattern for industrial relations system.
Respect for public opinion and democratic values An integrated industrial relations policy incorporating rational wage policy; trade union and democratic rights, sanctity of ballot, collective bargaining and tripartite negotiations.
Whatever, labour laws may lay down, it is the approach of the management and union which matters and unless both are enlightened, industrial harmony is not possible. In fact both managements and workers need a change in their philosophy and attitudes towards each other. In all fairness, both management and workers should not look upon themselves as two separate and distinct segments of an organization, but on the contrary, realize that both are partners in an enterprise working for the success of the organization for their mutual benefit and interest. It is becoming increasingly obvious that industrial peace amongst all participants in the industrial relations systems requires truth as foundation, justice as its rule, love as its driving force, and liberty as its atmosphere.
REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Bring out the significance of industrial relations. 2. Discuss different approaches to industrial relations. 3. What are the principles of good industrial relations? 4. Explain the role of the Government, Employer and the Trade Union in maintaining sooth industrial relations. 5. Suggest suitable strategies for maintaining cordial industrial relations.
public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want. Social security is guaranteed in our Constitution under Arts. 39, 41 and 43. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, is a pioneering piece of legislation in the field of social insurance. The benefits provided to the employees under the scheme are: (1) sickness benefit and extended sickness benefit; (2) maternity benefit; (3) disablement benefit; (4) dependants benefit; (5) funeral benefit; and (6) medical benefit. All the benefits are provided in cash except the medial which is in kind. The administration of the scheme is entrusted to an autonomous corporation called the Employees State Insurance Corporation. The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, are also social security measures to help fulfill the objectives of Directive Principles of our Constitution. The Provident Fund Scheme aimed at providing substantial security and timely monetary assistance to industrial employees and their families. This scheme has provided protection to employees and their dependants in case of old age, disablement, early death of the bread-winner and in some other contingencies. A scheme of Family Pension-cum-Life Assurance was introduced with a view t providing ling-term recurring financial benefit to the families in the event of the members premature death while in service. The Employees Provident Fund Organization, is in charge of three important schemes, viz., the Employees Provident Funds Scheme, the Employees Family Pension Scheme and the Employees Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme. The Maternity Benefit Scheme is primarily designed to provide full wages and security of employment. They enable a female employee to get maternity leave with full wages at least for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after confinement. The object of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is to provide a scheme for the payment of gratuity to employees employed in factories, mines, oil fields, plantations, ports, railways, shops and establishments. All employees who have rendered a minimum of years continuous service in the above mentioned establishments are entitled to gratuity at the time of superannuation, retirement, resignation, death or if they leave their job due to accident, disablement. Under the Act., employers are required to pay gratuity at the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year of service subject to a maximum of 20 months wages.
Article 42 enjoins the State government to make provision for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief.
Substantial steps have been taken to fulfill the object of Art.42 of the Constitution. The Factories Act., 1948, provides for health, safety, welfare, employment of young persons and women, hours of work for adults and children, holidays, leave with wages etc. Labour welfare funds have been set up to provide welfare facilities to the workers employed in different mines such a coal, mica, iron ore and limestone. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act of 1970, a piece of social legislation, provides for the abolition of contract labour wherever possible and to regulate the conditions of contract labour in establishments or employments where the abolition of contract labour system is not considered feasible for the time being. The Act provides for licensing of contractors and registration of establishments by the employers employing contract labour. Article 43 makes it obligatory for the State to secure by suitable legislation or economic organization or in any other manner to all workers, agricultural, industrial, or otherwise, work, a living wage, condition of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities. To ensure this, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, was enacted. It provides for the fixation of minimum rates of wages by the Central or State governments within a specified period for workers employed in certain scheduled employments. These rates vary from State, area to area and from employments to employment. The minimum wage in any event must be paid irrespective of the capacity of the industry to pay. Living wage is the higher level of wage and of the industry to pay and naturally, it would include all amenities which a citizen living in a modern civilized society is entitled to. Fair wage is something above the minimum wage which may roughly be said to approximate to the need-based minimum wage. It is a mean between the living wage and the minimum wage. Article 43A makes it obligatory on the State to take steps by suitable legislation or otherwise to secure the participation of workers in the management of undertakings and industrial establishments. As observed by the National Commission on Labour in its report, in accepting the Directive Principles, the country is committed morally and ethically to see that the governance of the country is carried on with a view to implementing these Directive Principles in course of time (Chapter VI, p.48). Social Justice In industrial adjudication, the concept of social justice has been given wide acceptance. Different views have been expressed by different authorities about the exact meaning and scope of this concept. According to the Supreme Court, it was a vague and indeterminate expression and that no definition could be laid down which would cover all situations. According to Justice Holmes, social justice is an inarticulate major premise which is personal and individual to every court and every judge.
In a democratic society, administration of justice is based on the Rule of Law, which, as conceived by modern jurists, is dynamic and includes within its imports social justice. It has been given a place of pride in our Constitution. The philosophy of social justice has now become an integral part of industrial jurisprudence. The philosophy of social justice has now become an integral part of industrial jurisprudence. The concept of social justice is a very important variable in the function of industrial relations. In a welfare State it is necessary to apply the general principles of social and economics justice to remove the imbalances in the political, economic and social life of the people.
Review Questions 1. State the relevant provisions of Indian Constitution for labour welfare. 2. State the relevant legal enactments relating to labour.
3. Trade Unionism
The term Trade Union has been defined in various ways because of wide differences in the use of this term in different countries. Of all the definitions of a trade union, the classic definition of the Webbs has been most popular. According to them a trade union is a continuous association of wage-earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the condition of their working lives. Since this definition does not cover all the extensions of trade union activities in modern times, a trade union with some modification may be redefined as a continuous association of wage-earners or salaried employees for maintaining the conditions of their working lives and ensuring them a better and healthier status in industry as well as in the society. The term Organized Labour is used to distinguish workers/ employees who are members of trade unions or employee association from those who are unorganized, i.e. who are not members of any union.
The term Labour Movement is generally applied to all the various types of long-term association of workers / employees that the formed in industrialized or industrializing economies. According to Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, labour movement is conceived as all of the organized activity of wage-earners to better their own condition s either immediately or in the more or less distant future. According to G.D.H. code, Labour movement implies, in some degree, a community of outlook. Thus the labour movement in a country emerges from a common need to serve a common interest. It seeks to develop amongst employees a spirit of combination, class-consciousness and solidarity of interest and generates a consciousness for self-respect and creates organizations for their self protection, safeguarding of their common interest and betterment of their economic and social conditions. A trade union is thus an essential basis of labour movement. The labour movement without trade unions cannot exist. Trade unions are the principal institutions in which the employees learn the lesson of selfreliance and solidarity.
Difference between Labour Movement and Trade Union Movement
There is lot of confusion on the use of the terms labour movement and trade union movement. Often the two are used interchangeably. However, there is a slight distinction between the two. The labour movement is for the worker; whereas the trade union movement is by the workers. This distinction needs to be noticed all the more because till the workers organized themselves into trade unions, efforts were made mainly by the social reformers to improve the working and living conditions of labour. These efforts should be taken as forming a part of the labour movement and not that of the trade union movement. The labour movement thus conveys a higher degree of consciousness amongst workers than conveyed by mere trade union movement.
The Trade Union Movement in India
The trade union movements origin in a sense can be traced back to very early date to the time when villages had panchayats and guilds for settling disputes between the masters and their members. The panchayats prescribed the code of conduct which was rigidly observed by its members. Its non-observance resulted in expulsion from the community. Trade unions, as understood today, however originated in the first quarter of the present century, although the groundwork was laid during the last quarter of the 19 th century. In Mumbai, as early as in 1975, a movement was started by reformers under the leadership of Sorabji Shapurju. They protested against the appealing conditions of the factory workers and appealed for introduction of adequate legislation to prevent them. The credit of laying the foundation of the organized labour movement in India is at time accorded to Mr. N.M. Lokhande, a factory worker himself. An agitation was organized by him a 19884 in Mumbai. This resulted in certain amenities being extended to the mill workers which led to the organization of the Mumbai Milhands Association.
Actually a real organized labour movement in India started at eh end of the First World War. Rising prices, without a corresponding increase in wages, despite the employers making huge profits, led to a new awakening. Many trade unions were formed throughout India. There were a number of strikes during 1919 to 1922. To this was added the influence of the Russian Revolution, the establishment of the ILO (International Labour Organisation) and the All-India Trade Union Congress. Thie4 speeded up the pace of the trade union movement. Following the Second World War, there was a spiraling of prices. The workers once again became restive. This further indirectly strengthened the movement in India. The labour world in India is dominated mainly by four central organization of labour. These unions are, in fact, federations of affiliated union units which function on regional, local and craft bases. These are: 1. All-India Trade Union Congress (AITUC): An important event in the history of trade union movement in India was the organization of the All-India Trade Union Congress in 1920. Mr. Nehru took a prominent part in the organization of this Congress. It followed the pattern of the trade union s in the United Kingdom. The effort toward unified action in the matter of labour was, however, short-lived and soon it came under the domination of the Communists and Radicals. This lienated any prominent people who did not subscribe to the views and ideology of the communists. At present, it is the second largest union of workers and is still controlled by Communists and fellow-travellers. 2. Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) : In May, the Indian National Trade Union Congress was organized by the Congress party on its labour front. This was formed with the help of the Hindustan Mazdoor Sewak Sangh which consisted of those who believed in Gandhian methods and had left the AITUC in 1937 under of leadership of Mr. M.N. Roy. The INTUC received the blessings of the top congress leaders at the Centre like Mr. Nehru and Sardar Patel. The prominent leaders of ATLA and HMSS were elected office-bearers of INTUC. One of the important points of the constitution of Indian National Trade Union Congress is that every affiliated union has to agree to submit to arbitration every individual dispute in which settlement is not reached thorough negotiations. There must be no strikes till other means of settlement are exhausted. In 1948, the Government of India declared that INTUC, and not AITUC, was the most representative organization of labour in the country entitled to represent Indian labour in I.L.O. 3. Hind Mazdoor Sangha (HMS) : The socialists in the Congress disapproved not only the Communist run AITUC but also the Congress-sponsored INTUC, particularly because it advocated compulsory arbitration as a method of resolving
industrial disputes. For sometime the activities of socialist leaders were coordinated by the Hind Mazdoor Panchayat. Subsequently when they left the Congress, they met in Kolkatta in December, 1948 and a new federation by the Hind Mazdoor domination by employers, Government and political parties. 4. United Trade Union Congress (UTUC): The dissidents from the Socialist Leaders Congerence held at Kolkatta in December, 1948 proceeded to establish yet another federation of trade unions in April-May 1949 under the name of United Trade Union Congress. The UTUS is more radical than HMS but less revolutionary in its objectives and policies than AITUC.
Need for Trade Union
One of the main reasons of workers joining a trade union been their belief to get wages increased and maintained at a reasonable standard through collective action and their realization that individual bargaining was utterly useless for this purpose. Since the employee, as an individual, feels specially weak, he prefers to join an organization that my afford him an opportunity to join others for the achievement of those objectives that he considers as socially desirable. The employees may join the unions to ensure a just and fair dealing by management. Through collective strength, they restrain the management from taking any such action which may be irrational, illogical, discriminatory or contrary to their general interests. Another reason of employees joining some union may be the broader realization on their part that unions fulfill the important need for adequate machinery for proper maintenance of labour-management relations. Employees may join the unions because of their belief that it is an effective way to secure adequate protection form various types of hazards and income insecurity such as accident injury, illness, unemployment etc. The employees may join the unions because of their feeling that this would enable them to communicate their views, ideas, feelings and frustrations to the management effectively. Individuals may join the unions in the hope of finding a job through their influence in the company management.
Functions relating to members Functions relating to organization Functions relating to the union; and Functions relating to the society.
1. To safeguard workers against all sorts of exploitation by the employers, by union leaders and by political parties. 2. To protect workers from the atrocities and unfair practices of the management. 3. To ensure healthy, safe and conducive working conditions, and adequate conditions of work. 4. To exert pressure for enhancement of rewards associated with the work only after making a realistic assessment of its practical implications. 5. To ensure a desirable standard to living by providing various types of social service health, housing, educational, recreational, cooperative, etc. and by widening and consolidating the social security measures. 6. To guarantee a fair and square deal and social security measures. 7. To remove the dissatisfaction and redress the grievances and complaints of workers. 8. To encourage workers participation in the management of industrial organization and trade union, and to foster labour-management cooperation. 9. To make the workers conscious of their rights and duties. 10. To impress upon works the need to exercise restraint in the use of rights and to enforce them after realistically ascertaining their practical implications. 11. To stress the significance of settling disputes through negotiation, joint consultation and voluntary arbitration. 12. The raise the status of trade union members in the industrial organization and in the society at large.
Functions relating to industrial organization 28
1. To highlight industrial organization as a joint enterprise between workers and management and to promote identity of interests. 2. To increase production quantitatively and qualitatively, by laying down the norms or production and ensuring their adequate observance. 3. To help in the maintenance of discipline. 4. To create opportunities for workers participation in management and to strengthen labour-management cooperation. 5. To help in the removal of dissatisfaction and redressal of grievances and complaints. 6. To promote cordial and amicable relations between the workers and management by settling disputes through negotiation, joint consultation and voluntary arbitration, and by avoiding litigation. 7. To create favourable opinion of the management towards trade unions and improve their status in industrial organization. 8. To exert pressure on the employer to enforce legislative provision beneficial to the workers, to share the profits equitably, and to keep away from various types of unfair labour practices. 9. To facilitate communication with the management. 10. To impress upon the management the need to adopt reformative and not punitive, approach towards workers faults.
Functions relating to trade unions organization
1. To formulate policies and plans consistent with those of the industrial organization and society at large. 2. To improve financial position by fixing higher subscription, by realizing the union dues and by organizing special fund-raising campaigns. 3. To preserve and strengthen trade union democracy. 4. To train members to assume leadership position. 5. To improve the network of communication between trade union and its members. 6. To curb inter-union rivalry and thereby help in the creating of unified trade union movement.
7. To resolve the problem of factionalism and promote unity and solidarity within the union. 8. To eradicate casteism, regionalism and linguism within the trade union movement. 9. To keep away from unfair labour practices. 10. To save the union organization from the exploitation by vested interests personal and political. 11. To continuously review the relevance of union objectives in the context of social change, and to change them accordingly. 12. To prepare and maintain the necessary records. 13. To manage the trade union organization on scientific lines. 14. To publicise the trade union objectives and functions, to know peoples reaction towards them, and to make necessary modifications.
Functions relating to society
1. To render all sorts of constructive cooperation in the formulation and implementation of plans and policies relating to national development. 2. To actively participate in the development of programmes of national development, e.g., family planning, afforestation, national integration, etc. 3. To launch special campaigns against the social evils of corporation, nepotism, communalism, casteism, regionalism, linguism, price rise, hoarding, black marketing, smuggling, sex, inequality, dowry, untouchability, illiteracy, dirt and disease. 4. To create public opinion favourable to governments policies and plans, and to mobilize peoples participation for their effective implementation. 5. To create public opinion favourable to trade unions and thereby to raise their status. 6. To exert pressure, after realistically ascertaining its practical implications, on the government to enact legislation conducive to the development of trade unions and their members.
Problems of Trade Union
The following are some of the most important problems of the trade unions in India:
1. Multiplicity of Trade Unions and Inter-union Rivalry 2. Small Size of Unions 3. Financial Weakness 4. Leadership Issues 5. Politicalisation of the Unions 6. Problems of Recognition of Trade Unions
Multiplicity of trade unions
Multiple rival unionism is one of the great weaknesses of the Indian trade union movement. Multiple unions are mainly the result of political outsiders wanting to establish unions of their own, with a view to increasing their political influence. The existence of different conflicting or rival organisatoins, with divergent political views, is greatly responsible for inadequate and unhealthy growth of the movement. Within a single organisation one comes across a number of groups comprising or insiders and outsiders, new-comers, and old-timers, moderates and radicals, and high and low caste people. This develops small unions. Inter-union and intra-union rivalry undermines the strength and solidarity of the workers in many ways. Multiplicity of unions lead to inter-union rivalries, which ultimately cuts at the very root of unionism, weakens the power of collective bargaining, and reduces the effectiveness of workers in securing their legitimate rights. Therefore, there should be One union in one Industry. Inter-union rivalry Another vexing problem is that of intra-union rivalry. Trade rivalry is acute and pervades the entire industrial scene in India. Practically every important industry, there exists parallel and competing unions, e.g. on the Indian Railways, there are two parallel Federations the Indian Railway Mens Federation and Indian National Federation of Railway-men.
Small Size of unions
The small size of unions is due to various factors, namely: The fact that by seven workers may form a union under the Trade Union Act of 1926, and get it registered and a large number of small unions have grown.
The structure of the trade union organization in the country which is in most cases the factory or the unit of employment; so whenever employees in a particular factory or mine are organized, a new union is formed. Unionism in India started with the big employers and gradually spread to smaller employers. This process is still continuing and has pulled down the average membership. Though the number of unions and union membership are increasing average membership is declining. Rivalry among the leaders and the Central Organisation has resulted in multiplicity of unions.
The small size of unions create problems such as: Lack of funds to help its members. Lack of ability among the leaders and members. Low bargaining power. Rivalry between the unions Lack of unity among workers.
Financial weakness
The financial weakness of the union may be attributed to the small size of union and poor ability of its members to contribute. The other reasons are low subscriptions and irregular payments of subscriptions by the members.
Leadership issues
Another disquieting feature of the trade unions is the outside leadership, i.e. leadership of trade unions by persons who are professional politicians and lawyers and who have no history of physical work in the industry. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, namely. The rank and the file are largely illiterate as such they cannot effectively communicate with the management; The unions lack of formal power tends to put a premium on the dharismatic type of the leader, usually a politician, who can play the role of the defender of the workers against the management;
For ensuring a measure of equation of power in collective bargaining where the workers are generally uneducated and have a low status. For avoiding victimisation of worker-office-bearers of the trade unions; and For lack of financial resources to appoint whole time office-bearers.
These political leaders are inevitably concerned with maximizing their individual standing as political leaders rather than with, maximizing the welfare of their members. Further, in bigger unions, direct contact with the rank and file membership and the top leaders is missing because of their hold on a number of trade unions in varied fields; they fail to pay adequate attention to any one union. Again, often these union leaders are not adequately aware of the actual needs and pressing problems of the members. They, therefore cannot put forth the case of the union effectively. Outside leadership of the unions leads to political unionism (each union having an allegiance to a different political party), which in turn, leads to multiplicity of unions, leading to intra-union rivalry, which cause low membership leading to unsound finances and in turn, lack of welfare and other constructive activities which may infuse strength into unions and to conduct collective bargaining effectively the unions depend on outside leadership, and the vicious circle thus goes on and on. Over and again it has been realized that a reorientation of policy is desirable by a switchover to working class leadership. The National Commmission on Labour gave a good deal of though to the issue whether outside leadership shoul be retained. It felt that, there should be no ban on non-employees holding positions in the executive body of the unions as that would be a very drastic step. The Commission also refers to the ILO convention (No. 87) concerning freedom of association and protection of the right to organize, and the workers organisation shall have the right to elect their representative in full freedom. The commissions own estimate was that outsiders in the unions executive bodies would be about 10%, much less than the number legally permitted. It makes the following recommendations to deal with the problem of outside leadership: Ex-employees of an industrial enterprise should not be treated as outsiders; Intensification of workers education; Penalties for victimization and similar unfair labour practices such as would discourage the growth of internal leadership;
Intensification of efforts by trade union organizers to train workers in union organisation. Limiting the proportion of outsiders in the union execute; Establishing a convention that no union office-bearer will concurrently hold an office in a political party.
Hence, leadership should be promoted from within the rank and file and given a more responsible role. Initiative should come from the workers themselves through the launching of a vigorous programme for Workers Education. This will enable them to participate in the decision-making and managing the union affairs effectively.
Politicalisation of the unions
On of the biggest problems of the countrys trade union movement faces is the influence of the political parties. i.e., the most distressing feature is its political character. Harold Crouch has observed, Even to the most casual observer of the Indian trade union scene, it must be clear that much of the behaviour of Indian unions, whether it be militant or passive behaviour can be explained in political terms. Dr. Ramans observations are: Trade union multiplicity in India is directly traceable to the domination and control of the trade union movement by rival political parties. The clay of unionism is possibly an effervescent industrial labourers, but the sculptors chiseling it into shape have certainly been members of political parties. In a recent study, Dr. Pandey had reached the conclusion: The unions are closely aligned with political parties, and political leaders continue to dominate the unions even now The supreme consequence of political involvement of unions in India in general, formed to safeguard and promote the social and economic interests of workers, have tended to become tools of party politics. It should be noted that decisions in the trade union fields are taken by the respective political parties to which the unions are attached and, therefore, with the changing political situation, the decisions also change. With the split in the political ideology, there develops factional split in the same trade union professing the same political ideology. The divisions and sub-divisions, thus made, have affected adversely the trade union movement. It has become fragmented and disjointed. Each section pulls itself in different directions; with the result that instead of becoming a unity and mighty torrential river, the movement is sub-divided into numerous rivulets. Dr. Raman ahs very aptly conclude that: The use of political methods by trade unions may be to their advantage, but the union cause is endangered when unions allow themselves to become pawns in political fights. Political unionism has prevented the
development of a movement or organisation that could be termed the workers own and turned the soil upside down to such a degree that it has become impossible for a genuine labour-inspired, labour-oriented, worker-led trade union movement to take root.
Problems of recognition of trade unions
This is one of the basic issues in our industrial relation system because employers are under no obligation to give recognition to any union. In the initial stages, the attitudes of the employers towards the trade unions have been very hostile. The employers many a times have refused recognition to trade unions either on the basis that unions consist of only a minority of employees; or that two or more unions existed.
Recommendations of National Strengthening Trade Unions Commission on Labour for
The National Commission on Labour has made a large number of recommendations on different aspects of trade unions, as given below;
Enlargement of functions
The N.C.L. has stated that the unions must pay greater attention to the basic needs of its members which are: to secure for workers fair wages; to safeguard security of tenure and improved conditions of service; to enlarge opportunities for promotion and training; to improve working and living conditions; to provide for educational, cultural and recreational facilities; to cooperate in and facilitate technological advance by broadening the understanding of workers on its underlying issues; to promote identity of interests of the workers with their industry; to offer responsible cooperation in improving levels of production and productivity, discipline, and high standard of quality; and generally to promote individual and collective welfare.
In addition, unions should also undertake social responsibilities such as promotion of national integration,
influencing the socio-economic policies of the community through active participation in the formulations of these policies, and instilling in their members a sense of responsibility towards industry and community.
The main objective should be to draw unions as closely as possible into the entire development process.
Regarding leadership the N.C.L. has recommended that (i) There should be not ban on non-employees holding the position in the executive of the unions; (ii) steps should taken in to promote international leadership and give it more responsible role (iii) internal leadership should be kept outside the pale of victimization; (iv) permissible limit of outsiders in the executive of the unions should be reduced to 25%; and (v) ex-employees should not be treated as outsiders.
Union rivalries
In regard to union rivalries, the Commission was of the opinion that its recommendation regarding recognition of unions, building up of internal leadership, shift to collective bargaining and institution of an independent authority for union recognition would reduce them. Intra-union rivalries should be left to the central organisation concerned to settle and if it is unable to resolve the dispute the Labour Court should be set up at the request of either group or on a motion by the government.
The Commission has recommended that registration should be cancelled if: (a) its membership fell below the minimum prescribed for registration; (b) the union failed to submit its annual; (c) it submitted defective returns and defects were not rectified within the prescribed time; and (d) an application for re-registration should not be entertained within six months of the date of cancellation of registration. Improvement of financial condition To improve the financial conditions of the unions, the Commission recommended for the increase of membership fees. Verification of membership The Industrial Relations Commission should decide the representative character of a union, either by examination of membership records or if it consider necessary by holding an election by secret ballot open to all employees.
Recognition of the unions The N.C.L. has been of the opinion that, it would be desirable to make recognition compulsory under a Central Law in all undertakings employing 100 or more workers or where the capital invested in above a stipulated size. A trade union seeking recognition as a bargaining agent from an individual employer should have a membership of at least 30 per cent of workers in that establishment. The minimum membership should be 25 per cent, if recognition is sought for an industry in a local area. Trade Unionism in the International Context To be understood in the international context, trade unionism must be examined as part of a wider concept-the labour movement as a whole. That movement consists of several more or less intimately relative related organization such as labour parties, workers mutual insurance organisatoins, producers or consumers cooperatives, and workers education and sports association. All have the common objective of improving the material, cultural, and social status of their members. What distinguishes one organisation from another is the particular aspects of that broad objective it is endeavouring to pursue, and the particular method it employees. The relationship among the various parts of the labour movement varies from country to country and from period to period. Not all countries have produced the entire gamut of organisation referred to above; in some countries the term labour movement is virtually synonymous with trade unionism. Origins and background of the trade union movement Early forms of labour organisatoins Union oriented, mainly in Great Britain the U.S.A in the late 18 th and early 19th centuries, as, associations of workers using the same skill. There is no connection between trade unions and medieval craft guilds, for the latter were composed of master craftsmen who owned capital and often employer several workers. The early unions were formed a partly as social clubs but soon became increasingly concerned with improving wages and working conditions, primarily by the device of collective bargaining. Progressing from trade to trade within the same city or area, the clubs formed local associations which, because they carried on their main activities on a purely local level, were almost selfsufficient. With industrial development, however, local associations sooner or later followed the expansion of production beyond the local market and developed into national unions of the same trade. These in turn formed national union federations. Factors favouring unionism
The unions of the early 19th century were almost exclusively based upon a particular craft. But as mass production industries which required large numbers of rapidly trained, semiskilled workers developed, a rend toward large-scale union organisation grew, and toward the end of the 19th century Great Britain was including unskilled workers. Unions that recruited members from such groups whose ranks were expanding rapidly as a result of new technologies emerged either as industrial unions or as general unions. Industrial unions attempted to organize all works employed in producing a given product or service, sometimes including even the general office or white-collar workers. General unions included skilled workers and labourers of all grades from different industries, even though they usually started from a base in one particular industry. But changing technologies, union mergers, and ideological factors led to the development of various kinds of unions that would not fit easily into any of the above categories.
Obstacles to union organisation In most Western countries, labour movements arose out of the protest of workers and intellectuals against social and political systems based upon discrimination according to ancestry, social status, income and property. Such a system offered few avenues for individual or collective advancement. Discrimination in political franchise (restriction on or outright denials of the vote) and a lack of educational opportunities, anti-union legislation, and the whole spirit of a society founded upon acknowledged class distinction were the main sources of the social protest at the root of modern labour movements. International Trade Union Organisation The large trade union movements of various countries for may years have maintained loose alliances by joining international organisations of labour; federations of unions, rather than individual unions, usually hold membership. In 1901, the International Federation of Trade Unions was established, chiefly under the guidance of German unions. It proved to be ineffective and disappeared during World War I. In 1919 it was revived at Amsterdam, but immediately came into collision with the Red International of Labour Unions, established by the new government of the Soviet Union. The Communist organisation had a brief period of expansion but soon dwindled away and had disappeared before 1939. World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Origin The WFTU was founded in 1945 on a worldwide basis, representing trade union organisatoins in more than 50 Communist and Non-Communist countries. From he
outset, the American Federation of Labour declined to participate. In January 1949, with the WFTU under Communist control, British, USA and Netherlands trade union organisatoins withdrew and went on to found the ICFTU; by June 1951 all NonCommunist trade unions and the Yogoslav Federation had withdrawn. By the 1990s, after the collapse of the European Communist regimes, membership became uncertain; unions broke their links with the Communist parties and most were later accepted into the ICFTU. Most of the national trade union centers in Africa and Latin America moved to the ICFTU after 1989, and the French Confederation Generale du Travail has proposed withdrawal to its members. At the Nov. 1994 Congress in Damascus, most WFTU delegates come from the developing countries (Cuba, India, South Korea, Vietnam). In a move towards decentralization, regional offices have been set up in New Delhi (India), Havana (Cuba), Dakar (Senegal), Damascus (Syria) and Moscow (Russia). World Confederation of Labour (WCL) Founded in 1920 as the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions, it went our of existence in 1940 as a large proportion of its 3.4 million members were in Italy and Germany, where affiliated unions were suppressed by the Fascist and Nazi regimes. Reconstituted in 1945 and declining to merge with the WFTU or ICFTU, its policy was based on the papal encyclicals Return novarum (1891) and Quadragesimo anno (1931), and in 1968 it became the WCL and dropped its openly confessional approach. Today, it has Protestant, Buddhist and Moslem member confederations, as well as a mainly Roman Catholic membership. In its concern to defend trade union freedoms and assist trade union development, the WCL differs little in policy from the ICFTU above. A membership of 11 million in about 90 countries is claimed. The biggest group is the Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CSC) of Belgium (1.2 million). Organisation The WCL is organized on a federative basis which leaves wide discretion to its autonomous constituent unions. Its governing body is the Congress, which meets every 4 years. The Congress appoints (or re-appoints) the Secretary-General at each 4-yearly meeting. The General Council which meets at least once a year, is composed of the members of the Confederal Board (at least 22 members, elected by the Congress) and representatives of national confederations, international trade federations, and trade union organisatoins where there is not confederation affiliated to the WCL. The Confederal Board is responsible for the general leadership of the WCL, in accordance with the decisions and directive of the Council and Congress. Its headquarters is at Belgium.
There are regional organisation in Latin America (Caracas), Africa (Banjul, Gambia) and Asia (Manila) and a liaison centre in Montreal. A much smaller international organisation, the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (IFCTU), now called the WCL (World Confederation of Labour), is made up largely of Catholic labour unions in France, Italy and Latin America. The ICFT, at its founding congress in 1949, invited the affiliates of the IFCTU to join, but the invitation was rejected. On the international scene, the WCL has been a comparatively ineffective organisation. Its influence limited to a few countries in Europe and Latin America. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) Origin The founding congress o f the ICFTU was held in London in December 1949 following the withdrawal of some Western trade unions from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), which had come under Communist Control. The constitution, as amended, provides for cooperation with the UN and the ILO, and for regional organisation to promote free trade unionism, especially in developing countries. The ICFTU represents some 124m. workers across 196 affiliated organizations in 136 countries. Aims The ICFTU aims to promote the interests of the working people and to secure recognition of workers organisation as free bargaining agents; to reduce the gap between rich and poor; and to defend fundamental human and trade union rights. In 1996, it campaigned for the adoption by the WTO of a social clause, with legally binding minimum labour standards. Organisation The Congress meets every 4 years. It elects the executive Board of 50 members nominated on an area basis for a 4-years period; 5 seats are reserved for women nominated by the Womens Committee; and the Board meets at least once a year, Various Committees cover economic and social policy, violation of trade union and other human rights, trade union cooperation projects and also the administration of the International Solidarity Fund. There are joint ICFTU-International Trade Secretariat Committees for coordinating activities. The ICFTU has its headquarters at Belgium; branch offices in Geneva and New York, and regional organizations in America (Caracas), Asia (Singapore) and Africa (Nairobi) Purposes of ICFTU
Striving for world peace, the spreading of democratic institutions, increasing the standard of living for workers everywhere, a worldwide strengthening of free trade unions, and support to colonial people in their struggle for freedom. The ICFTU consistently opposed Fascist as well as Communist dictatorships, and implemented that policy by giving such aid as was possible to free labour in Spain and certain Latin American countries. It also furnished direct financial assistance to workers in Hungary and Tibet and campaigned against racialist policies in South Africa. Failures and successes of the ICFTU Lack of homogeneity among affiliates hindered the activity of the ICFTU in many fields, chiefly because of difference among its affiliates in the approach to unions in Communist-controlled countries. It found its work to be most effective in the area of international education. By 1960 it has created an international Solidarity Fund of $2,000,000 to aid workers who became victims of oppression and to promote democratic trade unionism in economically under developed countries. Problems of union organization were discussed at ICFTU seminars in various parts of the world, with experienced labour leaders and labour spokesmen from the less industrialized countries participating. To facilitate the functioning of its widespread activities, the ICFTU established headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, with regional or subregional offices in may other countries. Form one or more of those centers it conducted numerous educational conferences, maintained a residential trade union training college in Calcutta, India and assisted in founding an African Labour College in Kampala, Uganda. It provided assistance to inexperienced works in areas in the first stages of industrialization and sent organizers to Lebanon, Okinawa, Cyprus, Cameroon, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and elsewhere. It has been the consistent policy of the ICFTU to cooperate with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation and with the International Labour Office in Geneva. It is wholly financed by contributions from its affiliates. International Labour Organisation (ILO) The International Labour Organisatoin (ILO) was set up in 1919 by the Versailles Peace Conference as an autonomous body associated with the League of Nations. The ILO was the only international organisation that survived the Second World War even after the dissolution of its parent body. It became the first specialized agency of the United Nations in 1946 in accordance with an agreement entered into between the two organizations. India has been a member of the ILO since its inception. A unique feature of the ILO, as distinct from other international institutions, is its tripartite character.
The aims and objectives of ILO are set out in the preamble to its Constitution and in the Declaration of Philadelphia (1944) which was formally annexed to the Constitution in 1946. The preamble affirms that universal and lasting peace can be established only if its is based upon social justice, draws attention to the existence of conditions of labour involving injustice, hardship and privation of a large number of people, and declares that improvement of these conditions is urgently required through such means as the regulation of hours of work, prevention of unemployment, provision of an adequate living wage, protection of workers against sickness, disease, and injury arising out of employment, protection of children, young persons and women, protection of the interests of migrant workers, recognition of the principle of freedom of association, and organisation of vocational and technical education. The Preamble also states that the failure of any nation to adopt human conditions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations desiring to improve labour conditions in their own countries. The three main functions of the ILO are; to establish international labour standards; to collect and disseminate information on labour and industrial conditions; and to provide technical assistance for carrying ort programmes of social and economic development.
From the very beginning, the ILO has been confronted with the tremendous task of promoting social justice by improving the work and conditions of life in all parts of the world. The ILO consists of three principal organs, namely, the International Labour Conference, the Governing Body and the International Labour Office. The work of the Conference and the Governing Body is supplemented by that of Regional Conferences, Regional Advisory Committees, Industrial Committees, etc. The meeting of the General Conference, held normally every year, are attended by four delegates from each member State, of whom two are government delegates and one each representing respectively the employers and the work people of the State. The International Labour Conference is the supreme organ of the ILO and acts as the legislative wing of the Organisatoin. The General Conference elect the Governing Body, adopt the Organizations biennial programme and budget, adopt international labour standards in the form of conventions and Recommendations and provide a forum for discussion of social and labour issues. The Governing Body is the executive wing of the Organisation. It appoints the DirectorGeneral, draws up the agenda of each session of the Conference and examines the implementation by member countries of its Conventions and Recommendations. The International Labour Office, whose headquarters are located at Geneva, provides the
secretariat for all conferences and other meetings and is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the administrative and other decisions of the Conference, the Governing Body, etc. The Director-General is the chief executive of the International Labour Office. An important aspect of its work relates to the provision of assistance to member States. It also serves as a clearing house of information on all labour matters. In order to achieve its objective, the ILO has relied on its standard-setting function. The international labour standards take the form of Conventions and Recommendations. A Convention is a treaty which, when ratified, creates binding international obligations on the country concerned. On the other hand, a Recommendation creates no such obligations but is essentially a guide to national actions. The ILO adopted a series of Conventions and Recommendations covering hours of work, employment of women, children and your persons, weekly rest, holidays leave with wages, night work, industrial safety, health, hygiene, labour inspection, social security, labour-management, relations, freedom of association, wages and wage fixation, productivity, employment, etc. One of the fundamental obligations imposed on governments by the Constitutions of the ILO is that they must submit the instruments before the competent national or State or provincial authorities within a maximum period of 18 months of their adoption by the Conference for such actions as might be considered practicable. These dynamic instruments continue to be the principal means at the disposal of the ILO to strive for establishing a just, democratic and changing social order necessary for lasting peace. In fact, these instruments have been included in the category of international labour legislation. These Conventions and Recommendations taken together are known as the International Labour Code. Wilfred Jenks describes the International Labour Code as the corpus juris of social justice. Review Questions 1. Trace the origin and growth of trade union movement. 2. What are the functions of a trade union? 3. What are the problems of a trade union? 4. Briefly explain the history, objectives and functions of ILO.
4. 5. 6. Industrial Disputes Grievances Handling Employee Discipline
Lack of competence or training on the part of first-line supervision as well management at upper levels in the practice of human relations. Assignment of unduly heavy work-loads to worker, unfair labour practices (such as victimization or undue dismissal). Lack of strong and healthy trade unionism, lack of a proper policy of union recognition and inter-union rivalries. A spirit of non-cooperation and a general tendency among employees to criticize or oppose managerial policies or decisions even when they may be in the right directions. A fall in the standard of discipline among employees largely due to wrong or improper leadership, often resulting in insubordination or disobedience on the part of employees. Difference in regard to sharing the gains of increased productivity. Inadequate collective bargaining agreements. Legal complexities in the industrial relations machinery or settlement of industrial disputes. Lack of necessary changes in the working of government in accordance with changing needs and circumstances. Combination of too much law and too little respect for law even at high levels. Growing factional and personal difference among rank-and-file employees who are union members or union leaders and a tendency on the part of the management in some cases to prefer having with outside leaders and not give due respect to worker-leaders. Political environment of the country; and Agitation and wrong propaganda by selfish labour leaders to further their own interests of their own party.
Forms of Disputes Strikes, lockouts and gheraos are the most common forms of disputes. Strike
Strike means a cessation of work by a body of persons employed in any industry acting in combination; or a concerted refusal or a refusal under a common understanding or an number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment. The following points may be noted regarding the definition of strike: Strike can take place only when there is a cessation of work or refusal to work by the workmen acting in combination or in a concerted manner. A concerted refusal or a refusal under a common understanding of any number of persons to continue to work or to accept employment will amount to a strike. A general strike is one when there is a concert of combination of workers stopping or refusing to resume work. Going on mass casual leave under a common understanding amounts to a strike. If on the sudden death of a fellow-worker, the workmen acting in concert refuse to resume work, it amounts to a strike (National Textile Workers Union Vs. Shree Meenakshi Mills (1951) II L.L.J. 516). The striking workman, must be employed in an industry which has not been closed down. Even when workmen cease to work, the relationship of employers and employees is deemed to continue albeit in a state of belligerent suspension.
Types of Strike Stay-in, sit-down, pen-down strike: In all such cases, the workmen after taking their seats, refuse to do work. All such acts on the part of the workmen acting in combination, amount to a strike. Go-slow: Go-slow does not amount to strike, but it is a serious case of is conduct. Sympathetic strike : Cessation of work in the support of the demands of workmen belonging to other employer is called a sympathetic strike. The management can take disciplinary action for the absence of workmen. However, in Remalingam Vs. Indian Metallurgical Corporation, Madras, 1964-I L.L.J.81, it was held that such cessation of work will not amount to a strike since there is no intention to use the strike against the management. Hunger strike: Some workers may resort to fast on or near the place of work or residence of the employers. If it is peaceful and does not result in cessation of
work, it will not constitute a strike. But if due to such an fact, even those present for work, could not be given work, it will amount to strike (Pepariach Sugar Mills Ltd. Vs. Their Workmen). Lightning or wildcat strike: A wildcat strike is an unofficial strike i.e. a strike not sanctioned by the union. Such strikes occasionally occur in violation of the nostrike pledge in collective bargaining agreements. In such a situation union is obliged to use its best efforts to end the strike. Such strikes are prohibited in public utility services under Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Further, the standing order of a company generally required for notice. Work-to-rule: Since there is a no cessation of work, it does not constitute a strike.
Lockout Section 2(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 defines lockout to mean the temporary closing of a place of employment or the suspension of work, or the refusal by an employers to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him, lockout, thus, is the counterpart of strike the corresponding weapon the hands of employer to resist the collective demands of workmen or to enforce his terms. It has been held by the courts that the suspension of work as a disciplinary measure does not amount to lockout. Similarly, temporary suspension of work called lay-off is not lock-out. Gherao Gherao means encirclement of the managers to criminally intimidate him to accept the demands of the workers. It amounts to criminal conspiracy under Section 120-A of the I.P.C. and is not saved by Sec. 17 of the Trade Unions Act on the grounds of its being a concerted activity. Regulation of strikes and lock-outs Employees do not have an unfettered right to go on strike nor do employers have such right to impost lockout. The Industrial Disputes Act lays down several restrictions on the rights of both the parties. A strike or lockout commenced or continued in contravention of those restriction is termed illegal and there is serve punishment provided for the same. Illegal strikes and lockout are of two types: Those which are illegal form the time of their commencement; and Those which are not illegal at the time of commencement but become illegal subsequently.
Section 22 and 23 of the IDA provide for certain restriction which if not followed make strikes and lockouts illegal from their very commencement. According to this section, no person employed shall go on strike in breach of contract Without giving notice of strike to the employer, as here matter provided, within 6 week before striking; or Within fourteen days of giving such notice; or Before the expiry of the date of strike specified in any such notice as aforesaid; or During the pendency of any conciliation proceedings before a Conciliation Officer and seven days after the conclusion of such proceedings.
Consequences of illegal strikes and lock-outs. 1. Penalty for illegal strikes [Sec.26(1)]: Any workman who commences, continues or otherwise acts in furtherance of a strike which is illegal, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1 month, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 50, or with both.
2. Penalty for illegal lock-out [Sec.26(2): Any employer who commences, continues or otherwise acts in furtherance of a lock-out which is illegal, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1 month, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000 or with both. 3. Penalty for instigation, etc. [Sec. 27]: Any person who instigates or incites others to take part in, or otherwise acts in furtherance of, a strike or lock-out which is illegal, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000 or with both. 4. Penalty for giving financial aid for illegal strikes and lock-outs [Sec. 28] : Any person who knowingly expends or applies any money in direct furtherance or support of any illegal strike or lock-out shall be punishable with an imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000 or with both. Machinery Relations for Prevention and Settlement of Industrial
The machinery for prevention and settlement of the disputes has been given in the following figure: Machinery for Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Relations
Voluntary Methods
Government Machinery
Statutory Measures
Code of Discipline
Tripartite Machinery
Workers Participation
Collective Bargaining
State Acts
Labour Administration (States & Central Levels) Works Committee Conciliation Voluntary Arbitration Court of Enquiry Adjudication
Conciliation Officers
Conciliation Board
Labour Court
Industrial Tribunal
National Tribunal
Voluntary Methods Code of discipline Formally announced in 1958, the Code of Discipline provides guidelines for the workers, unions and employers. The code which was approved by major national trade unions and principal organisation of employers enjoyed on them to create an environment of mutual trust and cooperation and to settle the disputes by mutual negotiation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration. It required the employers and workers to utilize the existing machinery for the settlement of disputes. A few important provisions of code of discipline are: Strikes and lockout cannot be declared without proper notice.
The parties should not take any action without consulting each other. There should be no go slow statistics or any resort to deliberate damage to plant or property or resort to acts of violence, intimidation, coercion etc.
The code has moral sanction only and it does not entail any legal liability or punishment. Tripartite machinery Tripartite machinery consists of various bodies like Indian Labour Conference, the Standing Labour Committee, the International Committees, the Central Implementation and Evaluation Committee and the Committee on conventions. Generally, these committees include representatives from centre and the states, and the same number of workers and employers organisatoins. These various committees are basically of advisory nature, yet they carry considerable weight among the government, workers and employers. Workers participation in management Workers participation in management is an essential ingredient of industrial democracy. The concept of workers participation in management is based on Human Relations approach to management which brought about new set of values to labour and management. According to one view, workers participation is based on the fundamental concept that the ordinary workers invest his labour in, and ties his fate to, his place of work and, therefore, he has a legitimate right to have a share in influencing the various aspects of company policy.
According to G.S. Walpole, participation in management gives the workers a sense of importance, pride and accomplishment; it gives him the freedom and the opportunity for self-expression; a feeling of belonging to his place of work and a sense of workmanship and creativity. It provides for the integration of his interests with those of the management and makes him a joint partners in the enterprise. The forms of workers participation in management vary from industry to industry and country to country depending upon the political system, pattern of management relations and subject or area of participation. The forms of workers participation may be as follows: 1. Joint Consultation Modes 2. Joint Decision Model
3. Self Management, or Auto Management Scheme 4. Workers Representation on Board It should be borne in mind that when individuals are provided with opportunities for expression and share in decision-making, they show much initiative and accept responsibility substantially. The rationale of workers participation in management lies in that it helps in creating amongst the workers a sense of involvement in their organisatoin, a better understanding of their role in the smooth functioning of industry and provides them a means of self-realization, thereby, promoting efficiency and increased productivity. Collective bargaining Collective bargaining is a source of solving the problems of employees in the work situation collectively. It provides a good climate for discussing the problems of workers with their employers. The employees put their demands before the employers and the employers also gives certain concession to them. Thus it ensures that the management cannot take unilateral decisions concerning the work ignoring the workers. It also helps the works to achieve reasonable wages, working conditions, working hours, fringe benefits etc. It provides them a collective strength to bargain with the employer. It also provides the employer some control over the employees. The process of collective bargaining is bipartite in nature i.e., the negotiations are between the employers without a thirds partys intervention. Thus collective bargaining serves to bridge the emotional and physiological between the workers and employers through direct discussions.
Government Machinery The Ministry of Labour and Employment at the centre is the key agency for the policy formulation and administration in all the matters pertaining to labour. The State governments with the cooperation of their labour departments are responsible for the enforcement thereof. The Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET), Office of Chief Labour Commissioner (CLC) (Central), the Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS), the Director General of Factory Advice and Labour Institutes, and Industrial Tribunals are some of the agencies through which the Central Government discharges its functions related to framing of labour laws and settlement of industrial disputes. The Labour Secretary is the overall incharge of policy formulation and
administration, and commissioners of labour in the States are the operative arms for the effective implementation of Labour Laws. Statutory Measures Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 The States are free to frame their own labour laws as the labour falls in the concurrent list, Some States like Maharashtra, M.P., U.P. and Rajasthan have their own Acts. In the rest of the states, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 applies. However, in the States having their own Acts, the IDA, 1947 will be applicable to the industries not covered by the State Legislation. Formally announced in 1947, the Industrial Disputes Act, has been amended several times since then. Under the Act the following authorities have been proposed for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes.
Works committees The IDA, 1947 provides for setting up works committees in every organisation having 100 or more employees. Having representatives of employees and employees, these are consultative bodies and are set up for maintaining harmonious relations at the work lace and sort out the difference if any. Though the act does not define the jurisdiction of these committees, yet their functions mainly include providing proper working conditions and amenities for the welfare of employees at the work place or away from the work. A work committee aims at promoting measures for securing the preserving amity and good relations between employees and workers. Conciliation When the services of a neural party are availed for the amicable solution of a dispute between the disputing parties, this practice is known as conciliation. The IDA, 1947 provides for conciliation and it can be utilized either by appointing Conciliation Officer or by setting up Board or Conciliation. The Conciliation Officers are appointed by the Government by notifying in the Official Gazettee. Usually at the State level, Commissioners of Labour, Additional and Deputy Commissioners of Labour act as Conciliation Officer for disputes arising in any undertaking employing less than twenty workers. In the conciliation process the officer ties to bring the disputing parties together towards a settlement of the dispute and hence works as a mediator. The intervention of conciliation officer may e mandatory or discretionary. But in the disputes related to public utilities in respect of which proper notice is served to him, his intervention becomes mandatory. The Board of Conciliation is a higher forum and is constituted for a specific dispute. It consists of equal number of representatives of employers and employees under the
chairmanship of an independent person, appointed by the government. The Board has to submit its report to the government regarding the dispute within two months from the date dispute was referred to it. However, depending on the case, the period can be extended. Voluntary arbitration Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 1956 incorporated Section 10A favouring voluntary arbitration. In case of existed or apprehended dispute, the disputing parties can enter into an arbitration agreement in writing. The success of voluntary arbitration depends on a sufficient degree of mutual confidence in decision by agreement on subjects which may be submitted for arbitration. Court of enquiry The IDA, 1947 empowers the appropriate government to constitute a Court of Enquiry. This body basically is a fact-finding agency, constituted just to reveal the causes of the disputes and does not care much for the settlement thereof. The Court of Enquiry is required to submit its report to the government ordinarily within six months from the commencement of enquiry. The report of the court shall be published by the government within 30 days of its receipt. Adjudication If the dispute is not settled by any other method, the government may refer it for adjudication. Hence it is a compulsory method which provides for three-tier system for adjudication of industrial disputes. This machinery consists of Labour Court, Industrial Tribunals and National Tribunal. The first two bodies can be set up either by State or Central Government but the National Tribunal can be constituted by Central Government only, when it thinks that the solution of dispute is of national significance. A Labour Court consists of one person only, called Presiding Officer, who is or has been a judge of a High Court. The jurisdiction of Industrial Tribunal is comparatively wider than Labour Courts, and further the Presiding Officer of Tribunal can have two assessors may be appointed by the Central Government to help its Presiding Officer. Labour Courts and Tribunals are now required to submit award to the appropriate government within three months in case of individual disputes The submitted award shall be published by government within 30 days from the date of its receipt. It shall come into force on the expiry of 30 days from the date if its publication and shall be operative for a period of one year, unless declared otherwise by the appropriate government. Review Questions 1. What is an industrial dispute? What are the causes of industrial disputes?
2. What are the forms of industrial disputes? 3. Explain various machineries for settlement of industrial disputes.
Grievances resulting from management policy and practices Poor payment Lack of job security Inadequate benefits such as medical benefits, leave travel concession etc. Leave facilities Seniority Transfer Promotion Lack of career planning and development Hostility towards labour union Defective leadership style Communication gap
Grievances resulting from alleged violations of Violation collective bargaining agreement Violation of Central/State laws Violation of common rules
Methods of Indentifying Grievances The following methods can help the employer to identify the grievances: 1. Directive observation: Knowledge of human behaviour is requisite quality of every good manager. From the changed behaviour of employees, he should be
able to snuff the causes of grievances. This he can do without its knowledge to the employee. This method will give general pattern of grievances. In addition to normal routine, periodic interviews with the employees, group meetings and collective bargaining are the specific occasions where direct observation can help in unfolding the grievances. 2. Grip boxes: The boxes (like suggestion boxes) are placed at easily accessible spots to most employees in the organisation. The employees can file anonymous complaints about their dissatisfaction in these boxes. Due to anonymity, the fear of managerial action is avoided. Moreover managements interest is also limited to the free and fair views of employees. 3. Open door policy: Most democratic by nature, the policy is preached most but practiced very rarely in Indian organizations. But this method will be more useful in absence of an effective grievance procedure, otherwise the organisation will do well to have a grievance procedure. Open door policy demands that the employees, even at the lowest rank, should have easy access to the chief executive to get his grievances redressed. 4. Exit interview: Higher employee turnover is a problem of every organisation. Employees leave the organisation either due to dissatisfaction or for better prospects. Exit interviews may be conducted to know the reasons for leaving the job. Properly conducted exit interviews can provide significant information about the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation and can pave way for further improving the management policies for its labour force. Principles or Guidelines for Grievance Handling 1. In handling grievances, a considerable amount of time must be spent in talking to employees; gathering data from them and passing on various types of information. Such talks to be most effective, should conform to definite patterns and adhere to well tested rules. 2. The manager must seek to develop an attitude towards employees that should be helpful in gaining their confidence. The management should also display a sincere interest in the problems of employees and their constructive willingness to be to help to them with a view to gain not only their confidence but also their utmost loyal by and genuine cooperation. 3. The procedure adopt by the management in handling the grievances must be apparent.
4. Grievances should be handled in terms of their total effect on the organisation and not solely their immediate or individual effect. Steps in handling grievances It is important that grievance must be handled in a systematic manner. The following steps should be taken in handling grievances: 1. Defining, describing or expressing the nature of the grievances as clearly and fully as possible; 2. Gathering all facts that serve to explain when, how, where, to whom and why the grievance occurred; 3. Establishing tentative solutions or answers to the grievances; 4. Gathering additional information to check the validity of the solutions and thus ascertain the best possible solution; 5. Applying the solution, and 6. Following up the case to see that it has been handled satisfactorily and the trouble has been eliminated.
Grievance handling procedures Grievance procedure is the most significant channel through which dissatisfaction of employees can be communicated to management. A grievance procedure is an ordered multistep process that the employer and employee jointly use to redress grievances and resolve disputes that arise. Thus a formal procedure which attempts to resolve the differences of parties involved, in an orderly, peaceful and expeditious manner, may be defined as grievance procedure or grievance redressal machinery. The steps in this machinery vary from organisation to organisation. For handling grievances, as a first step, the management is required to designate the persons for each of the various departments to be approached by the works and the department heads for handling grievances as the second step. A Grievance Committee may also be constituted with representatives of workers and management. The model grievance producer give the various steps through which a grievance should be processed. First, the grievance is taken to the departmental representative of the management who has to give an answer within 48 hours. Failing this, the aggrieved worker/ employee can
beet the departmental head along with the departmental representative of the management and this step is allotted three days. Above this, the grievance is taken up by the Grievance Committee which should make its recommendations to the manager within seven days. The final decision of the management has to be communicated to the workers or employee concerned within three days of the Grievance Committees recommendations. If the employee is not satisfied, he can make an appeal for revision and the management has to communicate its decision within a week. In the case of non-settlement, the grievance may be referred to voluntary arbitration. The formal conciliation machinery will not be invoked till the final decision of the top management has been found unacceptable by the aggrieved employee. In the case of any grievance arising out of discharge or dismissal, the workman or employee has the right to appeal either to the dismissing authority or to a senior authority specific by the management within a week from the date of dismissal or discharge. Although the grievance procedure gives the employees opportunity to raise their grievances to the highest possible level of management, yet they should be resolved as close as possible to their source. The main object of grievance procedure is to resolve the grievance at earliest possible stage. The management must convince itself that justice is not only done, but seen to be done and the presence of a trade union representative with the aggrieved party helps to ensure fair play not only for the employee concerned, but also for his management.
CASE Sandoz (India) Limited Grievance Settlement Procedure 1. Any aggrieved employee may approach his immediate supervisor for the redressal of any complaint regarding his work, conditions pertaining to his work, etc. The supervisor will look into the complaint, discuss with his departmental head if necessary, who will, in turn, consult the Personal Department if necessary and give a reply to the aggrieved employee within a period of 3 days to one week. 2. If the aggrieved employee is not satisfied with the reply received from his supervisor, he may approach his departmental head, who will, in turn, investigate the matter personally and give a reply within a further period of 3 days to one week. 3. If the employee concerned is still not satisfied, he may approach the Factory Manager either personally or in writing for the redressal of his complaint. The
Factory Manager will look into the complaint and the reply given by him will be final in the matter. Such a reply in given generally within a week. 4. If the employee still continues to be aggrieved, he may approach the Management through the Union when the matter is taken up at the Union-Management forum for settlement on tripartite basis or by adjudication/ arbitration. 5. If it is necessary for the workman to leave the work place on a call from any authority under this procedure, previous permission from his immediate superior should be obtained. 6. If a grievance arises out of an order given by the Management, the said order shall be complied with before the workman concerned invokes the procedure laid down for redressal of grievances.
Review Questions 1. Define grievance and state the causes of grievances. 2. Indicate the guidelines for handling grievances. 3. Discuss briefly grievance handling procedures.
To obtain a willing acceptance of the rules, regulations and procedures of an organisation so that organizational objectives can be attained; To develop among the employees a spirit of tolerance and a desire to make adjustments; To give and seek direction and responsibility; To create an atmosphere of respect for human personality and human relations; To increase the working efficiency morale of the employees; and To impart an element of certainty despite several differences in informal behaviour patterns and other related changes in an organisation.
Indiscipline The term indiscipline generally means the violation of formal or informal rules and regulations in an organisation. Indiscipline, if unchecked, will affect the morale of the organisation. Hence indiscipline is to be checked by appropriate positive means to maintain industrial peace. Causes for indiscipline in organizations It is more complex and difficult to identify the causes of indiscipline. The policies and procedures of organizations, the attitude of the management towards workers, the attitude of workers, individual behaviors etc. are the causes for indiscipline. The important causes for indiscipline are: Ineffective leadership to control, coordinate and motivate workers. Low wages and poor working conditions. Lack of timely redressal or workers grievances. Lack or defective grievance procedure. Character of the workers such as gambling, drinking, violet nature etc. Political influence.
Principle Of Effective Discipline Disciplinary actions have serious repercussions on the employees and on the industry, and, therefore, must be based on certain principles in order to be fair, just and acceptable
to be the employee and their unions. Therefore, in any discipline maintenance system, certain principles are to be observed such as: 1. The rules of discipline, as far as possible, should be framed in cooperation and collaboration with the representatives of employees for their easy implementation. Employees in a group should be associated in the process of discipline enforcement. The group as a whole can control an individual works much more effectively than the management can through a process of remote control or by imposing occasional penalties. Informal groups are likely to exert social pressures on wrong-doers avoiding the need for negative disciplinary actions. 2. The rules and regulations should be appraised at frequent and regular intervals to ensure that they are appropriate, sensible and useful. 3. The rules and regulations should be flexible to suit different categories of employees in the organisation, i.e., both the blue-collar workers and white-collar employees. 4. The rules must be uniformly enforced for their proper acceptance. They must be applied fairly and impersonally. In other words, all defaulters should be treated alike, depending upon the nature of their offence and past record. Any discrimination or favoritism in this regard is likely to create discontent among the employees. Further, there should be a definite and precise provision for appeal and review of all disciplinary actions. 5. The rules of discipline embodied in the standing orders, or in the companys manual, must be properly and carefully communicated to every employee preferably at the time of induction for their easy acceptance. It serves as a warning and a learning process and helps to improve future behaviors of the employees in the enterprise. 6. Every kind of disciplinary penalty, even if it is a rebuke or a warning, should be recorded. In some of the American industries they have what is known as the pink slip system. Pink slips are issued as warning signals to a defaulting employee. A person who has been issued with a stated number of pink slips will be liable to be laid-off or discharged, and no elaborate procedure has to be followed. 7. The responsibility for maintaining employee discipline should be enirusted to a responsible person (e.g. a line executive), through it is the personnel officer who should be given the responsibility of offering advice and assistance. The line executive should issue only verbal and written warnings. In serious matters,
which warrant suspension, discharge etc., the industrial relations departments should be consulted. 8. Disciplinary actions should be taken in private because its main objectives is to ensure that a wrong behaviour is corrected and not that the wrongdoer is punished. If disciplinary actions are taken in the presence of other employees, it may offend the sense of dignity of the employee and impair his social standing with his colleagues. Similarly, an immediate supervisor should never be disciplined in the presence of his subordinates. If this happens, it would lower his status and authority, and make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to discipline his subordinates under certain circumstances. 9. A punitive actions must satisfy the principle of natural justice. The management must act without bias and without vindictiveness, and its disciplinary actions must be based on justice and fairplay. The punishment should be commensurate with the gravity of the offence. An individual is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty. The burden of proof is on the employer and not on the employee. Approaches to Discipline Enforcement The different approaches to discipline include Human Relations Approach Human Resources Approach Group Discipline Approach The Leadership Approach and
Under human relations approach, the employee is treated as human being and his acts of indiscipline will be dealt from the view point of human values, aspirations, problems, needs, goals, behaviors etc. In this approach the employee is helped to correct his deviations. Under human resources approach, the employee is considered as resource as an asset to the organisation. This approach analysis the cause of indiscipline from management activities such as defects in selections, training, motivations, leadership etc., after indentifying the defects, corrective steps are carried out by the management. Under group discipline approach, group as a whole, sets the standard of disciplines and punishments for the deviations. In this approach, trade unions also act as agencies in maintaining discipline in work situation.
Under the leadership approach, in disciplinary cases are dealt on the basis of legislations and court decisions. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 to a certain extent, prescribed the correct procedure that should be followed before awarding punishment to an employee. Code of Discipline The Fifteenth Indian Labour Conference discussed the question of discipline in industry and lain down the following general principles: There should be no lock-out or strike without notice. No unilateral action should be taken in connection with any industrial matter. There should be no recourse to go-slow tactics. No deliberate damage should be caused to plant or property. Acts of violence, intimidation, coercion or instigation should not be resorted to. The existing machinery for settlement of disputes should be utilized. Awards and agreements should be speedily implemented. Any agreement which disturbs cordial industrial relations should be avoided.
The Code embodies four parts. Part I contains the duties and responsibilities of employees, workers and the government in maintaining discipline in industry. Part II enlists the common obligations of management and unions. Part III deals with the obligations of management only, while Part IV relates to those of the unions only. In additions, Annexure-A to the Code embodies the national level agreement on the criteria for the recognition of unions. A supplementary document contains the rights of recognized unions and a model grievance procedure. Thus, the Code is highly comprehensive and ethical in its approach to the industrial relations system. It has been reproduced below. Part I: To maintain discipline in industry (both in public and private sectors) There has to be: (i) a just recognition by employers and workers of the rights and responsibilities of either party, as defined by the laws and agreements (including bipartite and tripartite agreements arrived at all levels from time to time); and ii) a proper and willing discharge by either party of its obligation consequent on such recognition. Part II: To ensure better discipline in industry, management and union(s) agree
that no unilateral actions should be taken in connection with any industrial matter and that disputes should be settled at appropriate level; that the existing machinery for settlement of disputes should be utilized with the utmost expedition. that there should be no strike or lock-out without notice; that affirming their faith in democratic principles, they bind themselves to settle all future differences, disputes and grievances by mutual negotiation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration; that neither will have recourse to (a) coercion, (b) intimidation, (c) victimization, and (d) go-show; that they will avoid (a) litigation, (b) sit-down and stay-in-strikes, and (c) lockuts; that they will promote constructive cooperation between their representatives at all levels and as between workers themselves and abide by the spirit of agreements mutually entered into; that they will establish upon a mutually agreed basis a Grievance Procedure which will ensure a speedy and full investigation leading to settlement; that they will abide by various stages in the Grievance Procedure and take no arbitrary action which would by-pass this procedure; and that they will educate the management personnel and workers regarding their obligations to each other.
Part-III Management agrees not to increase work-loads unless agreed upon or settled otherwise; not to support or encourage nay unfair labour practice such as: (a) interference with the right of employees to enroll or continue as union members; (b) discriminations, restraint or coercion against any employee because of recognized activity of trade unions; and (c) victimization of any employee and abuse of authority in any form; to take prompt actions for (a) settlement of grievance, and (b) implementation of settlements, awards, decisions and orders;
to display in conspicuous places in the undertaking the provision of this Code in local language(s); to distinguish between actions justifying immediate discharge and those where discharge must e preceded by a warning, reprimand, suspension or some other form of disciplinary action and to arrange that all such disciplinary action should be subject to an appeal through normal Grievance Procedure; to take appropriate disciplinary action against its officers and members in cases where enquiries reveal that they were responsible for precipitate action by workers leading to indiscipline; and to recognize the unions in accordance with the criteria (Annexure A given below) evolved at the 16th session of the Indian Labour Conference held in May, 1958.
Part-IV: Union(s) agree not to encourage any form of physical duress; not to permit demonstrations which are not peaceful and not to permit rowdyism in demonstration; that their members will not engage or cause other employees to engage in any union activity during working hours, unless as provided for by law, agreement or practice; to discourage unfair labour practices such as: (a) negligence of duty, (b) careless operation, (c) damage to property, (d) interference with or disturbance to normal work, and (e) insubordination; to take prompt actions to implement awards, agreements, settlements and decisions; to display in conspicuous places in the union offices, the provision of this Code in the local language(s); and to express disapproval and to take appropriate action against office bearers and members for indulging in action against the spirit of this Code.
The Code does not have any legal section but the following moral sanctions are behind it: 1. The Central Employers and Workers Organizations shall take the following steps against their constituent units guilty of breaches of Code:
to ask the unit to explain the infringement of the Code; to give notice to the unit to set right the infringement within a specific period; to warn, and in case persistent violation of the Code; and not to give countenance, in any manner, to non-members who did not observe the Code; and not to give countenance, in any manner, to non-members who did not observe the Code.
2. Grave, willful and persistent breaches of the Code by any party should be widely publicized. 3. Failure to observe the Code would entail derecognition normally for a period of one year-this period may be increased or decreased by the implementing Committee concerned. 4. A dispute may not ordinarily be referred for adjudication if there is a strike or lockout without proper notice or in breach of the code as determined by an Implementation. The Code of Discipline worked well at the beginning of its introduction and had a considerable impact on the industrial relations scene. But, however, the impact of the Code was not sustained over a long period of time due to several problems in its application and implementation. The spirit of the Code has not been imbibed by the central organisations which were signatories to it. According to the National Commission on Labour, the Code has had only limited success and was obviously not the answer to the industrial relations problems. The Code began to rust and the parties were more eager to take it off; they developed an attitude of indifference. As regards the future of the Code, the Commission was in favour of giving a legal form to its important provisions regarding recognition of unions, grievance procedure, unfair labour practices, and the like. With the removal of these provisions from the Code to give them a statutory shape, the Code will have no useful function to perform. Discipline is a two-way traffic and a breach of discipline on the part of either party in industry will cause unrest. The approach to managing discipline depends to a great extent upon managerial philosophy, culture and attitude towards the employees. A negative approach to discipline relies heavily on punitive measures and in the line with the traditional managerial attitude of hire and fire and obedience to orders. On the other hand, a constructive approach stress on modifying forbidden behaviour by taking positive
steps like educating, counseling etc., The concept of positive discipline promotion aims at the generation of a sense of self-discipline and disciplined behaviour in all the human beings in a dynamic organizational setting, instead of discipline imposed by force or punishment. In brief, the approach to the disciplinary action in most cases should be corrective rather than punitive. Review Questions 1. What are the causes of indiscipline? 2. What are the principles of effective discipline? 3. State the principles of code of discipline.
7. 8. Workers Participation in Management Collective Bargaining Administration and Industrial
9. Wage Relations
According to Dr. Davis, it is a mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to contribute to goals and share responsibilities in them. According to Dr. Davis, it is a mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to contribute to goals and share responsibilities in them. In should be borne in mid that when individuals are provided with opportunities for expression and share in decision-making, they show much initiative and accept responsibility substantially. The rationale of workers participation in management lies in that it helps in creation amongst the workers a sense of involvement in their organisation, a better understanding of their role in the smooth functioning of industry and provides them a means of self-realization, thereby, promoting efficiency and increased productivity. Thus the concept workers participation in management encompasses the following: It provides scope for employees in the decision making of the organisation. The participation may be at the shop level, departmental level or at the top level. The participation includes the willingness to share the responsibility by works as they have a commitment to execute their decisions. The participation is conducted through the mechanism of forums which provide for association of workers representatives. The basic idea is to develop self control and self discipline among works, so that the management become Auto Management.
Objectives The scheme has economic, psychological, ethical and political objectives. Its psychological objective of the scheme is to secure full recognition of the workers. Association of worker with management provides him with a sense of importance, involvement and a feeling of belongingness. He considers himself to be an indispensable constituent of the organisation. Socially, the need for participation arises because modern industry is a social institution with the interest of employer, the share-holders, the community and the workers equally invested in it. The ethical objective of participation is to develop workers free personality and to recognize human dignity.
The political objective of participation is to develop workers conscious of their democratic rights on their work place and thus bring about industrial democracy.
Levels of Participation Workers participation is possible at all levels of management; the only difference is that of degree and nature of application. For instance, it may be vigorous at lower level and faint at top level. Broadly speaking there is following five levels of participation: 1. Information participation: It ensures that employees are able to receive information and express their views pertaining to the matters of general economic importance. 2. Consultative participation: Here works are consulted on the matters of employee welfare such as work, safety and health. However, final decision always rests at the option of management and employees views are only of advisory nature. 3. Associative participation: It is extension of consultative participation as management here is under moral obligation to accept and implement the unanimous decisions of employees. 4. Administrative participation: It ensure greater share of works in discharge of managerial functions. Here, decision already taken by the management come to employees, preferably with alternatives for administration and employees have to select the best from those for implementation. 5. Decisive participation: Highest level of participation where decisions are jointly taken on the matters relation to production, welfare etc. is called decisive participation. Forms of Workers Participation in Management The forms of workers participation in management vary from industry to industry and country to country depending upon the political system, pattern of management relations and subject or area of participation. The forms of workers participation may be as follows: 1. Joint Consultation Model 2. Joint Decision Model 3. Self Management, or Auto Management Scheme 4. Workers Representation on Board
1. Joint consultation model: In joint consultation model the management consults with the workers before taking decisions. The workers represent their view through Joint consultative Committees. This form is followed in U.K., Sweden and Poland. 2. Joint decision model: In this form both the workers and management jointly decide and execute the decisions. This form of participation is followed in U.S.A. and West Germany. 3. Self management of auto management: In this model, the entire control is in the hands of workers. Yugoslavia is an example to this model. Where the state industrial units are run by the workers under a scheme called Self Management or Auto Management Scheme. 4. Workers representation on board: Under this method, the workers elect their representative and send them to the Board to participate in the decision making process. The participation of workers may be formal or informal. In the formal participation, it takes the forms of formal structures such as Works Committee, Shop Councils, Production Committee, Safety Committee, Joint Management Councils, Canteen Committee etc. The informal participation may be such as the supervisor consulting the workers for granting leave, overtime, and allotment of worked or transfer of workers from one department to another. Workers Participation in Management in India Workers participation in management in India was given importance only after independence. Industrial Disputes Act of 1947 was the first step in this direction, which recommended for the setting up of Works Committees. The Joint Management Councils were established in 1950 which increased the participation of labour in management. The management scheme, 1970 gave birth to Board of Management. Since July 1975, the two-tire participation model called Shop Council at the shop level and Joint Councils at the enterprise level were introduced. Based on the review and performance of previous schemes a new scheme was formulated in 1983. The new scheme of workers participation was applicable to all central public sector enterprises, except those specifically exempted. The scheme with equal number of representatives will operate both at shop as well as plant level. The various functions of participative forum laid down in the scheme could be modified with the consent of parties. The scheme could not make such head way due to lack of union leaders consensus of the mode of representation and workers tendency to discuss ultra-vires issues e.g. pay scales, wages etc.
Prior to WPM Bill, 1990 all the schemes of participation were non-statutory and concentrated on particular levels. For effective and meaningful participation at all levels, a bill was introduced in Parliament on 25th May, 1990. The bill provide for effective participation at all level by formulating schemes of participation. For electing representatives for participation it also provides for secret ballot. The appropriate government may also appoint inspectors to review participation schemes and the bill also has provision of punishment for those who contravene any of the provision of the Act. Thus the workers participation schemes in India provide wide scope for application and upliftment of workers. But in practice, these schemes have not met with success though they are successful in some private sector units. The factors responsible for the failure are: Attitude of the management towards the scheme is not encouraging. The preventatives of workers are not given due recognition by the management. The attitude of trade unions towards the schemes is negative as they consider these schemes are reducing the power of Trade Unions. Some Trade Unions boycott Joint Management Council meetings. The success these schemes require certain conditions. Management should appreciate the scheme and accept them in full faith. Trade unions have to cooperate with the schemes. Workers have to be educated.
Thus workers participation in management in India has yet to succeed. It can be done by educating the workers, creating an environment in the organisatoin for coordination of workers and management. Review Questions 1. What do you understand by the concept of workers participation in management? What are its objectives? 2. What are the different forms of workers participation in management? 3. Discuss the concept of workers participation in management in the Indian context.
persons acting in concert. The resulting bargain is an understanding as to the terms and conditions which a continuing service is to be performed. More specifically, collective bargaining is a procedure, by which employer and a group of employees agree upon the conditions of work. Richardson says, Collective bargaining takes place when a number of work people enter into negotiation as a bargaining unit with an employer or a group of employers with the object of reaching agreement on conditions of the employment of the work people. The I.L.O. workers manual defines collective bargaining as, negotiation about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a group of employers or one or more employers organizations, on the one hand, and one or more representative workers organisation on the other with a view of reaching an agreement. Salient Features It is a collective process in which representatives of employers and employees participate mutually. It is a flexible and dynamic process wherein no party adopt a rigid attitude. It is a bipartite process whereas the representatives of workers and management get an opportunity for clear and face to face negotiation. It is a continuous process which can establish regular and stable relationship between workers organisatoin and management. It is a practical way to establish an industrial democracy. It is a good method of promoting industrial jurisprudence. It is good form of interdisciplinary system (i.e. a function embodying economic psychological, administrative, ethical and other aspects.) It is a process that includes efforts from preliminary preparations to the presentation of conflicting view points, collection of necessary facts, understanding of view points, taking correct decisions etc.
Importance Whatever labour laws may lay down, it is the approach of employers and trade unions which matters and unless both are enlightened, industrial harmony is not possible. Therefore, the solution to common problems can be found directly through negotiation between both parties and in this context the scope of collective bargaining is very great.
Collective bargaining is really beneficial forms the stand part of employees and their unions as well as management. If it works well, it develops a sense of self-responsibility and self-respect among the employees concerned and thus significantly paves the way for improved employee morale and productivity. Collective bargaining restricts managements freedom for arbitrary action and thereby management learns a new code of behaviour by conceiving of the union as a method of dealing with employees. The management also comes to know the grievances of workers in advance and it gives an opportunity to take precautionary measure. Moreover, collective bargaining opens u the channel of communication between top and bottom levels of an organization. From the point of the view of the society, collective bargaining; if property conducted, result in the establishment of a harmonious industrial climate which helps for the socioeconomic development of the nation. It builds up a system of industrial jurisprudence by introducing civil rights in industry and ensures that management is conduct by rules rather than by a arbitrary decisions. It extends the democratic principles from the political to industrial field. Functions Prof. Butler has viewed the functions as: a process of social change a peace treaty between two parties a system of industrial jurisprudence
Collective bargaining as a process of social change Collective bargaining enhances the status of the working class in the society. Wage earners have enhanced their social and economic position in relation to other groups. Employers have also retained high power and dignity through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining as a peace treaty Collective bargaining serves as a peace treat between the employers and employees. However the settlement between the two parties is a compromise. Collective bargaining as an industrial jurisprudence Collective bargaining creates a system of Industrial Jurisprudence. It is a method of introducing civil rights into industry. It establishes rules which define and restrict the
traditional authority exercised by employers over their employees placing part of the authority under joint control of union and management. In addition to the above, its functions include: Increasing the economic strength to employers and employers. Improving working conditions and fair wages. Maintaining peace in industry Prompt and fair redressel of grievances. Promoting stability and prosperity of the industry.
Principles of Collective Bargaining The success of collective bargaining is based on certain principles. These principles are to be followed by the employers and unions. Prof. Arnold. F. Campo has laid down certain principles for union and management, for management and for union. For both union and management 1. Collective bargaining process should give due consideration to hear the problems on both sides. This will develop mutual understanding of a problem which is more important for arriving at the solutions. 2. Both the management and union should analyze the alternatives to arrive at the best solution. 3. There must be mutual respect on both the parties. The management should respect the unions and the unions should recognize the importance of management. 4. Both the union and management must have good faith and confidence in discussion and arriving at a solution. 5. Collective bargaining required effective leadership on both sides, on the union side and management side to moderate discussions and create confidence. 6. In collective bargaining both the union and management should observe the laws and regulations in practice in arriving at a solution. 7. In all negotiations, the labour should be given due consideration in wage fixation, in working conditions, bonus etc. For management
1. Management should think of realistic principles and policies for labour regulations. 2. The recognitions of a trade union to represent the problems is more essential. If there are more than one union, the management can recognize on which is having the support of majority of workers. 3. Management should follow a policy of goodwill, and cooperation in collective bargaining rather than an indifferent attitude towards the union. 4. Managements need not wait for trade union to represent their grievances for settlement. Management can voluntarily take measures to settle the grievances. 5. Managements should give due consideration to social and economic conditions of workers in collective bargaining. For unions 1. Unions should avoid undemocratic practices. 2. Unions have to recognize their duties to the management also before emphasizing their demands. 3. Unions have to consider the benefits to all workers rather than a section of workers. 4. Strike lock-outs should be resorted to, only as a last measure. As far as possible they have to be avoided by compromise and discussion. Forms of Collective Bargaining The forms of collective bargaining differ from country to country and time to time in India. Collective bargaining takes the following forms: 1. Settlements under industrial disputes act: According to this, negotiations are carried out by officers according to the Industrial Disputes Act. 2. Settlements by parties: In this case settlements are arrived at by parties themselves without the interference of a third party. 3. Consent awards: Here the agreements are negotiated by the parties on a voluntary basis when disputes are subjudiced. Later these are submitted to the labour courts. 4. Direct negotiation: In this agreements are arrived at by both the parties after direct negation. The enforcement of these agreements depends upon the goodwill and cooperation of the parties.
On the basis of the level (in which collective bargaining takes place) it can be classified as: 1. Plant level bargaining 2. Industry level bargaining 3. National level bargaining Plant level bargaining It is the micro level bargaining. It takes place in the particular unit between the management and the trade unions of that unit. Industry level bargaining Several unions of the same industry form and association and negotiate with the employers. National level bargaining In this, the representatives of trade unions and employers at the national level will negotiate.
The Contents of Collective Bargaining Agreements The scope of collective bargaining has increased during the recent years. Prof. Randle observes that the increase in the scope of collective bargaining is due to the growth of trade unions, increased response by the managements, increased response by the managements, increased prices and the legislations. Problems relating to security of trade unions, wages, promotions, transfers, hours and conditions or work, holidays and leave with wages, safety and health etc. are included in the collective bargaining. The Institute of Personal Management includes the following in a collective agreement. Nature, scope, definition and purpose of agreement. Rights and responsibilities of management and trade unions. Wages, bonus, production norms, leave, retirements benefits and other benefits and terms and conditions of service.
Grievance redressal procedure. Methods and machinery for the settlements of possible future, disputes, and A termination clause
Thus collective bargaining includes not only the negotiation of wages, but also working condition, labour welfare and organizational matters. Process of Collective Bargaining The process of collective bargaining consists of two stages, (i) the negotiation state, and (ii) the contract administration. Negotiation Stage At the negotiation stage certain proposals are put forward for mutual agreement after careful consideration. The negotiation stage consists of three steps. Preparation for negotiation Negotiation procedure Follow up action
Preparation for negotiation First the union will submit their fresh contract to the management before the expiry of existing contract (usually 30 to 60 days before the expiry). Both the management and unions will take considerable time to the preparation and negotiation. They collect the required data relating to large number of issues such as wage, salary, seniority, overtime allowance, the cost of living, the policies of trade unions and management, nature of agreement in other companies etc. The company will collect such information its internal sources such as balance sheet, contract agreements, market research reports, Govt. reports etc. The trade union also collects such data from their own central organisation, research staff from various Department etc. The personal department prepares a personal, which includes Specific proposals of the company including the objectives of negotiation. Estimating the cost of implementing the proposals.
Classifying the demands as demands acceptable before negotiation, demands acceptable after negotiation, demands which cannot be accepted. Such proposals are based on companys commitment to shareholders, consumers, workers and public.
Negotiation technique or procedure In this step, a negotiation committee is to be formed by both the parties. From the management side the representative include the chief executives. The unions is represented by the leaders and centrals leaders. The committee consists of three to six members. The demands are classified as demands which need bargaining and demands which may be rejected. During negotiations, normally the easier demands are taken up first. Both parties should have a bargaining cushion, and make counter proposals. For example, a demand for wage increase by the union, may be accompanied by a counter proposal for increase in production by the management. Such negotiations go on till the point of no return is being reached. A rigid or irrevocable stance should always be avoided. Follow-up action At this stage, the agreement is printed and circulated among all the employees. The supervisors will be enlightened about the agreements for their effective implementation. Contract Administration Agreement will be useful if they are executed properly. As observed by Profs. Illiamson and Harries, if anything is more important to industrial relations than the contract itself, it is the administration of the contract. Prof. Campo has laid down the following general principles for administering the contact effectively; Cooperation between both the parties is essential. Both the parties should have a tolerant attitude towards each other and have a spirit of accommodation and goodwill. Proper procedure should be adopted for the redressal of grievances by providing opportunity to exchange views. When a conference over the redressal of grievance reaches an impasse, the grievance should be referred to arbitration. Both the parties should honour the commitment.
Pre-requisite for Successful Collective Bargaining Collective bargaining will be more effective under the following conditions: Negotiating team Negotiating team should represent all groups including production, finance and industrial relations experts. The team should be headed by an appropriate person with adequate authority to take decisions. Recognition of unions The management should recognize the trade union and analyze the facts in their representation of grievances. Mutual understanding encourages mutual agreement. Open mind Both the management and union should have open minds to listen and appreciate each others point of view with flexibility and adjustment. Home Work on demands The union and management have to collect relevant data relating wages, conditions of work, welfare schemes, cost of benefits. Routine problems The management and unions have to identify the grievances on routine basis and take appropriate action then and there. Internal union democracy Trade unions should encourage internal union democracy by consulting the rank and file members. Importance to output Trade unions should also give importance to output, quality of the products, companys image etc., in addition to their wages, bonus, working conditions etc. Strikes/ lockouts Strikes and lockouts should be resorted to as last measure. Before taking any decision, both the union and management should conduct periodic discussions to avoid strikes and lockouts.
Collective bargaining has gradually been taking roots in Indian soil. Most of the collective bargaining agreements were concluded at plant level. Some industry level agreements were also concluded in textile industries in Bombay and Ahemadabad. The scope is widening. It includes matters relating to productivity, bonus, modernization, standing orders, voluntary arbitration, incentive schemes and job evaluation etc. The number of agreement has been increasing. Most of the agreements were relating to wages. In a study conducted by E.F.I. shows that out of 109 agreements 96 were relating towages. Thus collective bargaining is an important method of solving problems, thorough mutual understanding. If used properly it can solve the problems of both the parties- management and union through mutual confidence. Collective bargaining is also used as a tool for bringing coordination between workers and managements. It also serves as tool of communication of views by both management and works. In the long-run it will serve as an instrument for labour participation in management and pave way for he cordial industrial relations in India. Collective bargaining in central public sector undertakings Collective bargaining in central public sector undertakings is done according to the guidelines issued by the Departments of Public Enterprises (earlier known as the Bureau of Public Enterprises). This department gives the content and limits of financial commitments which a public enterpriser can make with the union during the course of bargaining. However, in many instances these4 limits are circumvented by the management by making gentlemans promises with the unions on several issues outside the written agreement and implementing these promises over a period through administrative orders. In core industries like steel, ports and docks and banks, collective bargaining is done at the national level for the industry as a whole. Thus, in steel industry, one main collective agreement is entered into by the National Joint Consultative Forum on behalf of all private and public sector steel units with other unions. This is followed by several supplementary agreements being entered into at the plant level to cover aspects not resulted in creating uniform wage structures and fringe benefit patterns in all public sector units irrespective of the nature of industry (labour or capital intensive) and the paying capacity of a unit as determined by its financial performance. This is in sharp contrast to a private sector unit where its wages and fringe benefits are more geared to its specific requirements and circumstances.
Review Questions 1. What do you understand by collective bargaining? What is its scope? 2. Enumerate the principles of collective bargaining. 3. What are the pre-requisites for successful collective bargaining?
semi-aggregative level, the problem is that of evolving a wage structure which is conducive to economic development. At the plant level, the problem is that of a system which provides incentives to increasing productivity and improving the quality of workers. Objectives of a Wage Policy The ILO publication has enumerated the following objectives of a wage policy in developing countries: To abolish malpractices and abuses in wage payment. To set minimum wages for workers whose bargaining position is weak because they are unorganized or inefficiently organized, accompanied by separate measures to promote the growth of trade unions and collective bargaining. To obtain for the workers a just share in the fruits of economic development, supplemented by appropriate measures to keep workers expenditure on consumption goods in step with available supplies so as to minimize inflationary pressure; and To bring about a more efficient allocation and utilization of manpower through wage differentials and where appropriate, systems of payment by results.
In India, the objectives of a national wage policy may be stated thus: To provide minimum wages to workers employed in sweated industries To fix wage ceilings To improve the existing wage-structure To control inflationary tendencies To accelerate export promotion and Other objectives.
Provision of minimum wages in sweated industries In a country like India, where labourers are exploited in the sweated industries, the basic need is to provide for safety net wages to prevent its exploitation. According to Turner, The protection of workers against exploitation or unduly low wages remains wager
policys major pre-occupation for the under-developed areas. The fixing of minimum wage is also necessary to boost up industrial employment, partly to smooth the flow of labour from the farm to expanding modern industries; and partly to cover the differentials in wage rates so that wages paid to employees doing identical work are rationalized. Thus, the wage policy should aim at a minimum wage in sweated occupation as well as a floor for entry to industrial employment.
Fixation of wage ceilings Ceilings on wages need be fixed to save employees from the pinch of inflationary tendency that follow from uncontrolled price movement. The workers should get a just share in the fruits of economic development and increased productivity. Productivity and efficiency can be boosted by giving incentives to them and by improving the investment capacity of industries by plaughing back a part of the profit in the industry. Improvement in existing wage structure Desirable or rational wage structure facilitates the acquisition of productive skills, serves as an incentive to higher productivity and wage income, and encourages the allocation of labour to the expanding sectors of economy in which labour is in great demand. Justice and fairness demand that a sound relationship should exist between rates of ay for different groups in similar occupations. The jobs which demand a higher degree of skill, training, experience, responsibility, mental and physical effort and hazards should be paid more than those having lower requirement. According to Clark Kerr, improving worker efficiency and performance, encouraging the acquisition of skills and providing and incentive of labour mobility should be the real purpose of a wage policy in a developing economy. Control over inflationary tendencies Controlling inflationary pressures should be an essential element of wage policy, for increasing prices erode workers real income and lower down their standard of living and ultimately cause industrial unrest. The wage policy should, therefore, aim at stabilizing prices by tying wage increases to productivity. Acceleration of export promotion
To get imports of essential capital goods, technical know-how, trained manpower and raw materials, foreign exchange need be earned by promoting exports through increased productivity of exportable goods and price stability or price reduction wherever possible. A wage policy should help to accelerate a nations development process. Other objectives To bring social justice to workers and equal opportunities of personal development through the development of socialistic pattern of society; as provided by the Directive Principles of the State Policy in the Constitution. To maintain industrial peace, which cannot be achieved only through statutory measures and ban on strikes and lockouts and compulsory arbitration To provide guidance to various authorities charged with the task of wage fixation and revision. To develop the skill of newly recruited industrial labour and other manpower resources.
Dr. Giri has said, A national wage policy must aim at establishing wages at the highest possible level, which the economic conditions of the country as a whole resulting from economic development. Thus, it may be said that the protection of workers against exploitation or unduly low wags, improving workers efficiency and performance, encouraging acquisition of strikes, providing and incentive to labour mobility, stabilizing prices and acceleration of the nations development process should be the real purpose and the need for a national wage policy. It may be observed that no serious attempt has so far been made at the level, for formulating a national wage policy; and there does not appear to be a formally proclaimed wage policy in India. Wage Regulation Machinery In unorganized industries, wages are fixed and revised under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. But for other industrial workers, they are fixed by several well-established procedures or practices available for wage-fixation and wage revision. These are settlements in conciliation of wage disputes, collective bargaining at the plant level, bipartite wage revision committees in several industries, adjudication, and arbitration. Lately, Wage Boards have also been created. Wage Board
Wage Board is a tripartite body, having representation of the employers and labour besides, independent members. The representatives of the former two interests are nominated by their central organisatoins; others are nominated by the Government. It is an important machinery of State regulation of wages. Growth and development After independence, the Industrial Disputes Act was enacted under which disputed regarding wages could be settled through adjudication. But the parties were not satisfied with this system. The idea of setting up of tripartite Wage Boards was, therefore, mooted and endorsed in the First Plan. But no action was taken during that Plan period. However, the Second Plan emphasized the need to determine wages through industrial wage boards. It observed, the existing machinery for settlement of wage disputes has not given full satisfaction to the parties concerned. A more acceptable machinery for settling wage disputes will be one which gives he parties themselves a more responsible role in reaching decisions. An authority like a tripartite Wage Board, consisting of equal representative of employers and workers and an independent chairman will probably ensure more acceptable decisions. Such wage boards should be instituted for individual industries in different areas. This recommendation was subsequently reiterated by the 15 th Indian Labour Conference in 1957 and various Industrial Committees. The Government decision to set up the first wage board in cotton textile and sugar industries in 1957 was also influence by the Report of the ILOs expert. Composition and functions of wage board The composition of wage boards is, as a rule, tripartite representing the interests of labor, management and the public. Labour and management representatives are maintained in equal numbers by the government, with consultation and consent of the major central organizations. Generally, the labor and management representatives are selected from the particular industry being investigated. These boards are chaired by governmentnominated members representing the public. They function industry-wise with broad terms fo reference, which include recommending the minimum wage, differential cost of living compensation, regional wage differentials, gratuity, hours of work, etc. The Wage Boards are required to: determine which categories of employees (manual, clerical, supervisory etc.) are to be brought within the scope of the wage fixation;
to work out a wage structure based on principles of fair wages as formulated by the Committee on Fair Wages. the system of payment by results; to work out the principles that should govern of bonus to workers in respective industries.
In addition to these common items, some wage boards may also be asked to deal with the question of bonus (like that of the wage boards for cement, sugar and jute industries); gratuity (like that of the wage boards for the iron ore mining, limestone and dolomite mining industries and the second wage board on cotton textile industry; demands in respect of payments other than wages (wage boards of jute and iron and steel industry); hours of work ( rubber plantation industry), interim relief (like that of the wage boards for jute industry and port and dock workers). Some wage boards (like that of the wage boards for sugar, jute, iron ore, rubber, tea and coffee plantation, limestone and dolomite mining industries) have been required to take into account the special features of the industry. Thus, wage boards have to deal with a large range of subjects of which the fixation of wage-scales on an industry-wise basis constitutes the biggest of all the issues before them. Evaluation of wage boards The Committee set up by the National Commission on Labour identified three major problems from which the wage boards suffer: Majority of the recommendations of wage boards are not unanimous; The time taken by the wage boards to complete their task has been rather unduly long; and Implementation of the recommendations of the wage boards has been difficult. The Committee made some important recommendations as below: The Chairman of the wage board should be selected by common consent of the organisation of employees and employees in the industry concerned. In future the wages board should function essentially as a machinery for collective bargaining and should strive for unity. Wage boards should be assisted by technical assessors and experts.
Terms of reference of wage boards should be decided by Government in consultation with the organisation of employers and the workers concerned. A central wage board should be set up in the Union Ministry of Labour on a permanent basis to serve all wage boards through the supply of statistical and other material and lending of the necessary staff. Unanimous recommendations of wage boards should be accepted and in case of non-unanimous recommendations, government should hold consultations with the organisation of employers and employees before taking a final decision. Wage boards should not be set up under any statues, but their recommendations as finally accepted by the Government should be made statutorily binding in the parties. For Industries covered by wage boards, a permanent machinery should be created for follow-up action; and Wage-boards should complete their work in one years time and the operation of the recommendation of a wage board should be between two or three years, after which need for a subsequent wage boards should be considered on merit.
In these recommendations are accepted, the working of wage boards may be made more effective. The institution of wage boards has come to be widely accepted in India as a viable wage determination mechanism. Both unions and employers organizations have supported it from its very inception, and have been willing to accept changes to make it more efficient and productive. It has succeeded in promoting industry-wise negotiations, as contrasted to enterprise-level decisions under adjudications, more acceptable agreements on wages and other conditions of employment of industrial peace. Furthermore, in addition to encouraging greater participation by the parties and freedom in decision-making, the boards have functioned with responsibility and restraint and their recommendations have not undermined the efficiency of the industry. However, delays involved in actual working of the boards and imperfect implementation of the reconditions has been often the cause of anxiety, but these can be reduce considerably if collection and tabulation of basic information and relevant data on wage fixation is done on a running and continuing basis in respect of all major industries/ employments. Review Questions
1. What is a wage policy? What are its objectives? 2. What are wage boards? What are its functions?
10. Employee Communication 11. Workers Education and Training
To prepare workers for a change in methods of environments by giving them necessary information in advance. To encourage subordinates to supply ideas and suggestions for improving upon the product or work environment and taking these suggestions seriously. To improve labour-management relations by keeping the communications channels open and accessible. To encourage social relations among workers by encouraging intercommunication. This would satisfy the basic human need for a sense of belonging and friendship.
Importance of Communication Inter-personal roles require managers to interact with supervisors, sub-ordinates, peers and other outside the organisation. Thus, or co-ordinate action, communication is necessary. Communication transforms a group of unrelated individuals into a term that knows what its goals are and how it will try to reach them. Communication allows people to co-ordinate by providing them with a way to share information. The first type of information that needs to be shared is what the goals of the organisatoins are. People need to know where they are heading and why. They also need directions for their specific tasks. Communication is especially important for the task of decision-making. Decision-makes must share their views on what the problem is and what the alternatives are. Once a decision has been made, communication is necessary to implement the decision and to evaluate its results. Communication also allows people to express their emotions. Communications of feelings can be very important to employee morale and productivity. Employees who feel that they cannot vent their anger or express their joy on the job may feel frustrated and repressed. On any given day, a manager may communicate for all the purposes described above. Communication goes up, down and across the levels of the organizations hierarchy. Communication Process The following figure presents a general way to view the communication process as a loop between the source and the receiver. In the simplest kind of communication, both the sender and the receiver perform the encoding and decoding functions automatically.
Sources Sender
Source/sender The communication cycle begins when one (called the sender) wants to transport meaning-a fact, idea, opinion or other information-to someone else. A manager, for instance, might call the research departments to send to the latest information on a particular market. Encoding The second step is to encode the message into a form appropriate to the situation. The encoding might take the form of words, facial expressions, gestures, and physical actions and symbols like numbers, pictures, graphs etc. Indeed, most communication involves a combination of these. The encoding process is influenced by the content of the message, the familiarity of the sender and receiver and other situational factors. Transmission
After the message has been encoded, it is transmitted through the appropriate channel or medium. Common channels or media in organizations include face-to-face communication (using the media of sound waves, light etc.), letters, and reports etc. (The channel by which an encoded message is being transmitted to you at this moment is the printer page). Decoding The person to whom the message in sent the receiver) interprets the meaning of the message through the process of decoding. This process may be simple and automatic, but it can also quite complex. Even when you are just reading a letter, you may need to use all your knowledge of the language, your experience with the letter-writer and so on. If the intended message and the received message differ a great deal, communication has broken down (communication gap) and misunderstanding is likely to follow. Receiver The receiver can be an individual, a group, or an individual acting on behalf of a group. The sender has generally little control over how the receiver will deal with the message. The receiver may ignore it, decide not to try to decode or understand it or respond immediately. The communication cycle continues when the receiver responds by the same steps back to the original sender, which is called feedback. Noise In the communication process, noise takes on a meaning slightly different from its usual one. Noise refers to any type of disturbance that reduces the clearness of the message being transmitted. Thus, it might be something that keeps the receiver from paying close attention such as someone coughing. Other people talking closely, a car driving by etc., it can be a disruption such as disturbance in a telephone line, weak hunger or minor ailments which may affect the message. Methods of Communication There are mainly three primary methods of communicating in organizations, i.e. written, oral, and non-verbal. Often the methods are combined. Considerations that effect the choice of method include the audience (whether it is physically present), the nature of the message (its urgency or secrecy), and the cost of transmission. The figure given below shows various forms each method can take
Non-Verbal Human Elements: Facial expressions Body language Environmental Elements: Office design Building architecture
Typically organisations produce a great deal of written communication of many kinds. A letter is a formal means of communicating with an individual, generally someone outside the organisatoin. Probably the most common form of written communication in organisatoins is the office memorandum, or memo. Memos usually are addressed to a person or group inside the organisatoin. They tend to deal with a single topic and are more impersonal, but less formal than letters. Other common forms of written communication include reports, manuals and forms. Reports generally summarize the progress or results of a project and often provide information to be used in decisionmaking. Manuals have various functions in organizations. Instructions manuals tell employees how to operate machines; policy and procedures manuals inform them to work-related problems. Forms are standardized documents on which to report information. As such, they represent attempts to make communication more efficient and information more accessible. A performance appraisal form is an example.
Oral Communication Oral communication, also known as face-to-face communication is the most prevalent form of organizational. It may be in the form of direct talk and conversation between the speakers and listeners when they are physically present at one place or through telephone or intercom system conversation. Where one-way communication is required, then oral communication may include public address system. Informal rumour mill or grapevine are also popular form of oral communication. It is most effective for leaders to address the followers via public address system or audio-visual media. Oral communication is particularly powerful because the receiver not only hears the content of the message, but also observes the physical gestures associated with it as well as changes in tone, pitch, speed and volume of the spoken word. The human voice can impart the message much more forcefully and effectively than the written words is an effective way of changing attitudes, beliefs and feelings, since faith, trust and sincerity can be better judged in a face-to-face conversation rather than in written words. Advantages Some of the advantages of oral communication are: It is direct, time saving and least expensive form of communication. It allows for feedback and spontaneous thinking, so that if the receiver is unsure of the message, rapid feedback allows for early detection by the sender so that corrections can be immediately made, if necessary. Because the message is conveyed instantaneously, it helps in avoiding delays; red tape and other formalities. It conveys a personal warmth and friendliness and it develops a sense of belonging because of these personalized contracts.
Disadvantages There is not formal record of communication so that any misunderstood message cannot be referred back to what was actually said. If the verbal message is passed on long the hierarchical chain of command, then some distortions can occur during the process. The more people the message must pass through, the greater the potential distortion. Lengthy and distant communication cannot be effectively conveyed verbally.
The receiver may receive the message in his own perception and thus misunderstand the intent of the message. Spontaneous responses may not be carefully though about. The spirit of authority cannot be transmitted effectively in verbal transactions. More or less or a different meaning might be conveyed by manner of speaking, tone of voice and facial expressions.
Written Communication A written communication is put in writing and is generally in the form of instructions, letters, memos, formal reports, rules and regulations, policy manuals, information bulletins and so on. These areas have to be covered in writing for efficient functioning of the organisation. It is most effective when it is required to communicate information that requires actions in the future and also in situations where communication is that of general informational nature. It also ensures that every one has the same information. Advantages It serves as evidence of events and proceedings. It provides a permanency of record for future references. The message can be stored for an indefinite period of time. It reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. The written communications are more likely to be well considered, logical and clear. And the message can be checked for accuracy before it is transmitted. It can save time when many persons must be contacted at the same time. It is more reliable for transmitting lengthy statistical data. It appears formal and authoritative for action.
Disadvantages It can be very time-consuming, specially for lengthy reports. There is no immediate feedback opportunity to be sure that the receiver has understood the message. Confidential written material may leak out before time, causing disruption in its effectiveness.
Non-verbal communication Some of the meaningful communication is conveyed through non-verbal ways. Even some of the verbal messages are strengthened or diluted by non-verbal expressions. These non-verbal expressions include facial expressions and physical movement. In addition, some of the environmental elements such as building and office space can convey a message about the authority of the person. According to Tipkins and McCarter, facial expressions can be categorised as: Interest-excitement Enjoyment-joy Surprise-startle Distress-anguish Fear-terror Shame-humiliation Contempt-disgust; and Anger-rage
Physical movements or body language is known as kinesics. A handshake is probably the most common form of body language and tells a lot about a persons disposition. Other examples of body language are tilting of head, folding of arms or sitting position in a chair. Our facial expressions can show anger, frustration, arrogance, shyness, fear and other characteristics that can never be adequately communicated through written word or through oral communication itself. Some of the other body language symptoms are shrugging our shoulders for indifference, wink an eye for mischief or intimacy, tap our fingers on the table for impatience and we slap our forehead for forgetfulness. As for us environmental elements are concerned, a large office with plush carpeting and expensive furniture conveys a message of status, power and prestige such as that of a chief operating officer. On the other hand, a small metal desk on a corner communicates the status of a low ranking officer in the organizational setting. Accordingly non-verbal actions have considerable impact on the quality of communication. Communication networks
A communication network is the pattern of information exchange used by the members of a group.
Subordinate WHEEL
Communication networks CHAIN CIRCLE Task Force Member Task Force Member
Informal Group Member Informal Group Member
When the members of a group communicate mostly with the group leader, a wheel network develops. When the members of a group are on different levels of the organizations hierarchy, a chain network is likely. Members or a task-force or committee often develop a circle network of communication with each person communicating directly to the other members of the task-force. Informal groups that lack a formal leader often form an all-channel network that everyone communicates with everyone else. The density of the communication refers to the total quantity of communication among members. The distance between members describes how far a message must travel to reach the receiver. The ease with which members can communicate with others I measured by members relative freedom to use different paths to communicate. Members commitment to the groups work is defined by the centrality of the position of the members. All these provide insight into possible communication problems. For instance, a group with high density and distance can expect a lot of noise distortion in its communications, as messages travel a long distance to their receives.
The following factors influence the formation of communication patterns within small groups: 1. Type of task: If the task of the group is simple a chain or wheel network will probably arise. For hand task, all channel network will arise. 2. The environment: The environment including the groups seating arrangement and meeting place also affects communication patterns. For instance, if members always sit around a table, then circle network will arise. 3. Group performance factors: The group performance factors like groups size, composition, norms and cohesiveness also affect the formation of communication networks. For instance, it is much easier to have an all-channel network in a group of eight than in a group of eighty. Managers must make use of all these characteristics and tendencies to help groups communicate and work most efficiently. A manager who sees that a wheel network is forming around and experienced, trusted employee may not interfere with the process. If an assertive but irresponsible employee becomes the hub of such a wheel, the manger may need to take action. If the manager relies on a group to help make decision, the manager may encourage silent group members to seek in order to get the desired decisions. Forms of Organizational Communication Although interpersonal and group forms of communication pertains even at the broadest organizational levels, they do not sufficiently describe the paths of all message transmitted in organizations. Individuals can send and receive messages across whole organizational levels and departments by means of vertical communication or the information communication network. Non-verbal communication is also important and can be part of interpersonal, group and organizational communication. Vertical communication Vertical communication is communication that follows both up and down the organizational hierarchy. The communication typically takes place between manages and their superiors and sub-ordinates. Upward communication Upward Communication consists of messages moving up the hierarchy from subordinates to superiors. The content of upward communication usually includes requests, suggestions or complaints and information the sub-ordinate thinks is of importance to the superior.
Downward communication Downward Communication consists of messages moving down the hierarchy from superiors to sub-ordinates. The content of downward communication often includes directives, assignments, performance feedback and information that the superior thinks is of value to the sub-ordinate. For example, at TELCO, with a view to facilitate expeditious and simultaneous communicate to the workers on their jobs, the Worker is provided with a public address system. Dissemination of information is regard to such maters as procedural change and companys policies on transfers, promotion etc. is done through circulars and notice put up on the notice boards. In addition, magazines such as Telco News, Telco Flashes and Telco Ek Samuday provide details with regard to the companys activities in different spheres. Transactional communication Wenburg and Wilmont suggest that instead of communication being upward or downward which is inter-communication, it should be transactional communication which is mutual and reciprocal because, all persons are engaged in sending encoding and receiving (decoding) messages simultaneously. Each person is constantly sharing in the encoding and decoding process and each person is affecting the other. In the transactional process, the communication is not simply the flow of information, but it develops a personal linkage between the superior and the subordinate. Informal Communication Another term for informal communication network is the grapevine informal networks are found in all organizations. It is in the form of gossip in which personal spreads a message to as many others as possible who may either keep the information to themselves or pass it on to others. The content of gossip is likely to the personal information or the information about the organisation itself. Managers should have some control over the informal network. For example, the grapevine in an organisation may be carrying harmful information, false information or politically motivated information. When these kinds of rumours are being spread, manages may need to intervene. They can gold open meetings and objectively discuss the issues that are being informally discussed already. They may also issues a clearly worded memo or report stating the facts and thereby help minimize the damage that the informal network can do. Managers can also obtain valuable information from the grapevine and use it for decision-making.
Other Forms of Communication One that has become especially popular of late is rather colloquially labeled management by wandering around. The basic idea is that some managers keep in touch with whats going on by wandering around and talking with people-sub-ordinates, customers, dealers and any one else involved tithe company in any way. This will give managers new ideas and a better feel for the entire company. Barriers to Communication The communication must be interpreted and understood in the same manner as it was meant to be sent by the sender, otherwise it will not achieve the desired result and a communication break-down will occur. There are certain external road blocks to effective communication. In addition, there are personal factors which affect communication. Some of the organizational barriers and some of the interpersonal barriers to effective communication are discussed below: Noise Barriers Noise in any external factor which; interferes with the effectiveness of communication. The term is derived from noise or static effects in telephone conversation or radio wage transmission. It may cause interference in the process of communication by distraction or by blocking a part of the message or by diluting the strength of the communication. Some of the sources contributing towards noise factor are: Poor timing A message sent on poor timing acts as a barrier. For instance a last minute communication with a deadline may put too much pressure on the receivers and may result in resentment. A message must be sent at an appropriate time to avoid these problems. Hence the manager must know when to communicate. Inappropriate channel Poor choice of channel communication can also be contributory to the misunderstanding of the message. The manager must decide whether the communication would be most effective if it is in writing or by a telephone call or a face-to-face conversation or a combination of these modes. Improper or inadequate information The information must be meaningful to the employee. It must be precise and to the point. Too little or too much information endangers effective communication. Ambiguity in use of words will lead to different interpretations.
Physical distractions Any physical distractions such as telephone interruptions or walk-in visitors can interfere with the effective face-to-face communication process. Organizational structure Communication may be blocked, chaotic or distorted if the channels are not clear or if there are bottlenecks or dead ends. Hence the organisation structure should be such that the chain of command and channels of communication are clearly established and the responsibility and authority are clearly assigned and are traceable. Information overhead Overload occurs when individuals receive more information than they are capable of processing. The result could be confusion or some important information may be laid aside for the purpose of convenience. Network breakdown Network breakdown may be intentional or due to information overload and time pressures under which a communication has to be acted upon. Some factors contributing to such disruption are: Important negative information may be withheld by the managers. The secretary may forget to forward a memo. There may be professional jealousy resulting in closed channels.
Interpersonal Barriers There are may interpersonal barriers that disrupt the effectiveness of the communication process and generally involve such characteristics of either the sender or the receiver that cause communication problems. Some of these are: Filtering Filtering refers to intentionally withholding or deliberate manipulation of information by the sender, either because the sender believes that the receiver does not need all the information or that the receiver is better off not knowing all aspects of a given situation. It should also be that the receiver is simply told what he wants to hear.
Semantic barriers These barriers occur due to differences in individual interpretations of words and symbols. The words and paragraphs must be interpreted with the same meaning as was intended. The choice of a wrong word or a comma at a wrong place in a sentence can sometimes alter the meanings of the intended message. For example, a night club advertisement sign, clean and decent dancing every night except Sunday, could lead to two interpretations. First, that there is no dancing on Sundays and second, that there is dancing on Sundays, but it not clean and decent. Perception Perception relates to the process through which we receive and interpret information from our environment and create a meaningful work out of it. Different people may perceive the same situation differently. Hearing what we want to hear and ignoring information that conflicts with what we know can totally distort the intent or the content of the message. Some of the perceptual situations that may distort a managers assessment of people resulting in reduced effectiveness of the communication are: A manager may perceive people to belong to one category or another as stereotypes, rather than unique and distinct individuals. For example, he may perceive women to be less efficient managers. A manager may make total assessment of a person based on a single trait. A pleasant smile may make a positive first impression. A manager may assume that his subordinates perception about things and situation are similar to his own.
This perception limits the managers ability to effectively respond to and deal with individual difference and differing views of work situations. Cultural barriers The cultural differences can adversely affect the communication effectiveness, specially for multi-national companies and enterprise. Sender credibility When the sender of the communication has high credibility in the eyes of the receiver, the message is taken much more seriously and accepted at face value. If the receiver has confidence, trust and respect for the sender, then the decoding and the interpretations of the message will lead to a meaning of sender. Conversely, if the sender is not trusted, then the receiver will scrutinize the message heavily and deliberately look for hidden
meanings or tricks and may end up distorting the entire message. Similarly, if the source is believed to be an expert in a particular field then the listener may pay close attention to the message, and believe it specially if the message is related to the field of expertise. Emotions The interpretation of the communication also depends upon the state of the receiver at the time when message is received. The same message received when the receiver is angry, frustrated or depressed may be interpreted differently than when he is happy. Extreme emotions are most likely to hinder effective communication because national judgments are replaced by emotional judgments. Multi-meaning words Many words in English language have different meanings when used in different situations. Accordingly, a manager must not assume that a particular work means the same thing to all people who use it. Hence, the managers must make sure that they use the word in the same manner as the receiver is expected to understand it, otherwise it will create a barriers to proper understanding of the message. Feedback barriers The final source of communication barriers is the feedback or lack of it. Feedback is the only way to ascertain as to how the message was interpreted. Overcoming Communication Barriers It is very important for the management to recognize and overcome barriers to effective communication for operational optimization and this would involve diagnosing and annualizing, situations, designing proper messages, selecting appropriate channels for communicating these messages, assisting receivers of massages in correct decoding and interpretation and providing an efficient and effective feedback system. Some of the steps that can be taken in this respect are as follows: 1. Feedback: Feedback helps to reduce misunderstandings. The information is transferred more accurately when the receiver is given the opportunity to ask for clarifications and answer to any questions about the message. Two-way communication, even though more time-consuming, avoids the message. Twoway communication even though more time-consuming, avoids distrust and leads to trust and openness which builds a healthy relationship contributing to communications effectiveness. 2. Improve listening skills: Good listening habits lead to better understanding and good relationships with the each other. Some guidelines for effective listening are:
Listening requires full attention to the speaker. Do not let your mind wander or be preoccupied with something else, otherwise you would not be able to grasp the meaning of the message in its entirety. The language used, tone of the voice and emotions should receive proper attention. Listen for feelings in the message content and respond positively to these feelings. Ask questions to clarify any points that you do not understand clearly and reflect back to the speaker your understanding of what has been said. Make sure that there are no outside interruptions and interference during the course of conversation. Do not prejudice or value the importance of the message due to your previous dealings and experiences with the sender or your perceptions about him, positive or negative. Dont jump to conclusions before the message is over and is clearly understood. Summarize and restate the message after it is over to make sure about the content and the intent of the message.
3. Develop writing skills: Clearly written messages can help avoid semantic and perception barriers. A well written communication eliminates the possibility of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. When writing messages it is necessary to be precise thus making the meaning as clear as possible so that it accomplishes the desired purpose. Some helpful hints in written communication are suggested by Robert Degise as follows:
Keep words simple: This will reduce your thoughts to essentials and the message will be easier to understand by the receiver. The message will be lost if the words are complex and do not lend to a clear single meaning. Do not be bogged down by rules of composition. While the rules of grammar and composition must be respected, they should not take priority over the ultimate purpose of the communication.
Write concisely: Use a few words as possible. Do not be brief at the cost of completeness, but express your thoughts, opinions and ideas in the fewest number of words possible. In specific: Vagueness destroys accuracy which leads to misunderstanding of the meaning or intent of the message. Accordingly, be specific and to the point.
4. Avoid credibility gaps: Communication is a continuing process and the goal of the communication is complete understanding of the message as well as the creation of trust among all members of the organisation. Accordingly, the management must be sincere and should earn the trust of the subordinates. Management should not only be sensitive to the needs and feelings of works but also its promises should be supported by actions. Accordingly to studies conducted by J. Lift, openness and an atmosphere of trust builds healthy relationship and closes credibility gaps, thus contributing to communications effectiveness. Guidelines for Effective Communication These guidelines are designed to help management improve their skills in communicating so as not only avoid any barriers to effective communication, but also to strengthen the basis for optimum results which depend upon the clear understanding of the desired communication. The ideas and messages should be clear, brief and precise The ideas to be communicated must be well planned and clearly identified. This will eliminate ambiguity so that the message will not be subject to more than one interpretation. The message must be clear, precise and to the point and free from distortions and noise. It should also be clear, precise and to the point and free from distortions and noise. It should also be brief so that it is just necessary and sufficient and should avoid loose ends or meaningless and unnecessary words. Sense of timing The message should not only be timely so that the decisions and actions can be taken in tie and when necessary, but also the timing of the message and the environmental setting in which the message is delivered and received is equally important. Integrity
The communication must pass through the proper channels to reach the intended receiver. The communication flow and its spread must avoid by passing levels or people. When these concerned levels are omitted or bypassed, it creates bickering, distrust, confusion and conflict. Accordingly, the established channels must be used as required. Consult with others who are involved in planning the communication If people have participated in the planning process, they would be highly motivated to give active support to such communication and would carry it through. The people who are concerned must know exactly what they need and when they need the communication. Consider the receivers interest Take the receivers interest into account, then the receiver will be more responsive to the communication. The management must clarify any part of the communication that may be necessary and must encourage comments, questions, and feedback. The management must always be helpful in carrying out the intended message of the communication. Mode of delivery While delivering the communication, avoid negative statements like, I am not sure it will work, but be confident and definitive. The success of the communication also depends upon the tone of the voice if the communication is verbal, expression and emotions exhibited, attentiveness to the receiver and so on. The written communication should be polite and unambiguous. Use proper follow-up All communications need a follow-up to ensure that these were properly understood and carried out. The response and feedback to the communication should determine whether the action to the communication has been prompt, appropriate and accurate. Communication should be comprehensive Communication should be complete so as not only to meet the demands of today but, should also be based on future needs of the organisation as well as individuals. Recently, the nature of managerial and organizational communication has changed dramatically, mainly because of break through the electronic technology and advent of computers. Now cellular phones, E-mail and Internet have made the communication quick and convenient. It is not even possible for managers from different cities to meet by teleconferencing method without leaving their offices. At the same times,
psychologists are beginning to discover some problems associates with these new advances in communication. Role of Communication in Industrial Relations The overall objective of the communication system is to create a sense of oneness among the people and to secure the individuals identification with the organisation. It is vital in the relationship between executives and their subordinates. Through proper communication the management is able to keep its employees well informed with its ultimate objectives and what it expects from each individual. If such information is shared freely, the management can will the confidence and the employees can be properly prepared for accepting necessary changes by avoiding unnecessary misgivings. Thus, communication seeks to unify, coordinate and combine the entire employee for the achievement of organizational objectives. As put b Charles E. Redfield, Communication is the mechanism through which human relations have developed. It is claimed that it is impossible to have human relations without communication. There can be no denying the fact that the adequacy and effectiveness of communication system largely determines the success and progress of an organisation. Review Questions 1. Define communication and bring out the importance of organizational communications. 2. What are the steps in communication process? 3. What are the different types of communication? 4. Identify the barriers to effective communication and discuss how they can be overcome? 5. Discuss how communication acts as a tool to bring about smooth industrial relations.
The educational system should be such in which the workers themselves prepare the syllabi and curricula and themselves select the teachers; and The system of education should be financed by the fund of the union concerned.
Florence Peterson observes, The workers education, as commonly used, in not a generic term but has a specific connotation. It is a special kind of adult education designed to give workers a better understanding for their status, problem, rights and responsibilities as workers, as union members, as consumers and as citizens. According to another authority, Workers education and trade union are synonymous, since the chief aim of workers, education is to equip the trade unions to take a more active interest in the movement. But trade union education is narrower in scope in as much as it only confines itself in training workers to become good members of trade union whereas the workers education besides providing the workers the training in trade unions also aims at social and fundamental education as that is given with view to making a worker a good citizen as well as a good member of the trade union. According to the Encyclopedia of Social sciences, Workers Education seeks to help the worker solve his problems not as an individual but as a member of his social class. aS a whole, workers education has to take into consideration the educational needs of the worker as an individual for his personal evolution; as an operative for his efficiency and advancement; as a citizen for a happy and integrated life in the community; as a member of a trade union for the protection of his interests as a member of the working class.. It is , therefore, to bridge the lacuna by illiteracy, to create better understanding of work and ones own place in national economy, to prepare worker for effective collaboration with the management, to make him a better citizen, to create leadership among the ranks of labour, to replace outsiders in trade unions and ultimately to make them conscious of their rights and responsibilities that workers education aims at. Characteristic Features of Workers Education On the basis of the various definitions given of workers education, certain characteristic features may be noted as below: The scope of workers education is much wider than that of trade union education.
Workers education is designed to create trade union consciousness in the workers besides making them good citizens and training them to understand their status, rights and responsibilities. In workers education, the workers themselves form the curriculum and select their own teaches. The institutions providing workers education are controlled, financed and managed by the workers. It is based upon the idea of gaining more the more strength for the bargaining power of trade and producing workers who should behave as workers, It differs from vocational and professional education as its main aim is to train a worker for his group advancement and for the solution of group problems, whereas vocational and professional education aims at individual advancement. The approach in workers education is psychological and philosophical. It includes general education, vocational education, technical education, social education and training in trade unionism.
Aims and Objects of Workers Education According to the National Commission on Labour, workers educations should make a worker: A responsibly committed and disciplined operative; Understand the basic economic and technical aspect of the industry and the plant where he is employed so that he can take an intelligent interest in its affairs; Aware of his rights and obligations; Understand the organisatoin and functioning of the union as well as develop qualities of leadership, loyalty and devotion towards trade union work so that the can intelligently participate in the affairs of his union; Lead a clean and healthy life based on a firm ethical foundations; and A responsible and alert citizen.
In the words of the Director-General of the I.L.O., The primary aim of workers education is to enable the worker to put his finger on problems confronting him in his social group; he must acquire a certain culture so that in his capacity of an individual he can locate his proper place within his own trade and milieu; he must understand both his position in the enterprise as well as the role of the enterprise itself within the general framework of national and economic development; he must know what man represents and how he should behave in society, family, neighborhoods, workplace and nation. Training programmers will stem logically from the foregoing the workers place in society, the study of his rights and duties, the need for trade unionism and its role, knowledge of the undertaking and of economic principles, labour legislation, human relations without losing sight of a few basic essentials such as how to write a letter or a report, to calculate a wage sheet, to contribute effectively in meetings, tec. All of which will help to equip him to express and put to practical use the ideas, experience and teaching received. The workers Education Review Committee in India has laid down the following objectives: To equip all sections of workers, including rural workers, for intelligent participation in social and economic development of the nations in accordance with its declared objectives; To develop among workers a greater understanding of the problems of their social and economic environment, their responsibilities towards family members and their rights and obligations as citizens, as workers in industry and as members and officials of their trade unions: To develop leadership from among the rank and file of workers themselves; To develop strong, united and more responsible trade unions through more enlightened members and better trained officials; To strengthen democratic process and traditions in the trade unions movement; and To enable trade unions themselves to take over ultimately the function of workers educations.
Contents of Workers Education The contents of workers education cannot be put in water-tight compartment as the cultural outlook, historical background, availability of resources in men, material and
money and stage of economic development differs from country to country. But in general the scope and contents of workers education should be determined according to the environment, employment and union development. It should include different types of education ranging from general education to trade union education covering vocational guidance, technological training, literacy and artistic studies and the manner of conducting conferences and seminars. The content of workers education should be built around core subjects such as Industrial Economics (particularly organizational and financial aspects of industrial units), Industrial and Social Psychology, Industrial Sociology, Labour Economies, Philosophy, co-operative and Community Organisation. The broad contents should cover: Organisation, recruitment of members, farming of constitution, registration, collection of dues, maintenance of accounts, correspondence and other office work, submission of returns, propaganda, of research memoranda, fighting cases in labour courts, negotiations with employers and the States. Relevant economic and social problems, such as grievance procedures, methods of collective bargaining, determination of wages, productivity problems, economics of employment and social security, planning for economic development, indices of wages, and consumer prices, labour statistics, provisions of social and labour legislation, labor welfare and international labour problems. With emphasis on trade union leadership, workers education should also deal directly with areas like history the trade union movement, structure, constitution, administration and methods of organisation of trade unions; communication with members, delegation of authority, elections of representatives; aims and objective of trade unions and methods of achieving these; holding of meetings and writing of reports; trade union finance; general and political funds; adult, accounts control and safeguard of the funds; mutual insurance, welfare work of trade unions, community services; cultural, recreational, educational and cooperative activities; union management relations, implementation of laws and awards; strikes and demonstrations; Union-State relations; labour administration and policy; Interunion relations; social and labour legislation and practices concerting their legal rights and obligations.
Teaching Techniques
The workers education courses may be conducted in the campus itself. The workers may also be given practical training in the field. Extension work may also form a part of the programme of workers educations. The techniques employed in imparting workers education are: (i) the general lectures, delivered in simple, direct and unambiguous language; (ii) discussions on the topics/ issues involved; (iii) arranging study groups; and (iv) correspondence courses. Modern methods of teaching are adopted, and for this purpose a number of educational aids and devices are used like films, films strips, radio and recording, flip card, pictorial charts, flash cards, posters, flannel graphs, maps and diagrams, wall newspapers, etc. Demonstration, special lectures, tests seminars, debates, role-playing, arranging symposia, case studies and two-way communication methods are also encouraged. Educational visits and study tours of the trainees to union-offices, factories and multipurpose projects are important aspects of workers education. The results of workers education programmes have not been very impressive and leaves a vast scope for its improvement. The success of the programme depends to a great extent on responsive cooperation from the unions and management, besides active and enthusiastic participation by the worker-teachers, rank and file workers, and trade union leaders.
Workers Training Till recently, India had been suffering from acute shortage of skilled and trained workers for a number of occupations and industries; and majority of the workers suffered from low efficiency, which necessarily meant that the rate of skill formation ahs been low. Besides, factors like social attitude towards industrial work, differentials between he income of skilled and unskilled workers, and the training and educational facilities available in the country, the educational system has also been responsible for this state of affairs. Bringing about any change in these is an uphill task. But for rapid industrial development, the provision of training facilities for the workers is the great need of he hour. This training pre-supposes a sound basis of universal literacy, proper planning an utilization of trained personnel and utilization of trained personnel, and properly designed training institutes. Needless to say that trained leads to higher efficiency and increased productivity, less waste, reduced supervision, higher employee earning, reduced
accidents, increased organizational stability and flexibility, heightened morale and vertical job mobility. Training Schemes of D.G.E.T. The Directorate General of Employment and Training has evolved various training programmes for the young persons. Such programmes comprise: 1. Craftsmens Training Programmes 2. Craft Instructor Training 3. Advanced Vocational Training 4. Foremens Training 5. Apprenticeship Training Schemes 6. Part-time Training to Industrial Workers 7. Vocational Training Programme for Women Craftmens training To provide training to young men and women in the age-group 15-25, the D.G.E.T. has set up Industrial Training (it is) all over the country. To promote the efficiency of craftsmen trainees, aptitude tests have been introduced which are applied for the selection of craftsmen Trainees in engineering trades and one year for non-engineering trades. National Trade Certificates are issued to the successful candidates.
Craft instructors training The central training institutes train craft instructors required by the ITIs and the apprentice training establishments. For example, training in chemical group of trades is provided at Bombay institute, and in hotel catering at the Hyderabad Institute; the institutes at Kanpur, Bombay and Ludhiana provide training in printing, weaving and farm machines trade. Advanced vocational training system
Under this system, training of highly skilled workers and technicians are provided in a variety of advanced and sophisticated skills not available from other vocational training programmes. Foremens training For the training of foremen an institute was set up. Training is provided to the existing and potential shop foremen and supervisors in theoretical and managerial skills and workers from industry in advances technical skills. Apprenticeships training scheme Under the Apprentices Act, 1961, employees are required to engage apprentices. For such apprentices, training is provided in basic trades and on the job. Part-time training for industrial workers For industrial workers, part-time evening classes are organized to improve their standards of working. Industrial workers, possessing two years workshop experience in a particular trade and sponsored by their employers are eligible for admission to this course. Vocational training programme for women The National Vocational Training Institute for Women provides instructor training, basic training and advanced training in selected trades particularly suitable for women. But, substantial training capacities have remained unutilized. Further, the training programmes do not take into account local and regional needs. The quality of the training programme need to be increased a large extent.
Review Question 1. What is workers education? What are its objectives? 2. Explain the contents and teaching techniques of workers education? 3. Briefly explain various schemes of workers training.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Industrial Health and Social Security Employee Safety Programme Employee Counselling Conflict Management Quality Circles
inhaled or absorbed by the skin which may result in acute or chronic sickness including respiratory or heart diseases, cancer and neurological disorders they may shorten life expectancy; Biological factors including sickness caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, dietary deficiencies, allergies, emotional strains due to fear, anxiety etc. and Environmental factors including illness due to radiation, noise, vibrations and shocks or atmospheric conditions such as inadequate ventilation, lighting arrangement or very high or low temperature at the work place.
While exposure of workers to radiation may cause cataract, vibration and shocks may cause nerve injury and inflammation of tissues of he joints of the operatives hands and improper lighting may impair the employees vision, it has been pointed out that many manufacturing processes are accompanied by such noise as is capable of not only impairing the hearing of a workers but also of making it difficult for him to hear any warning of an impending danger. Besides such health hazards, various occupational diseases may also be caused as a result of the physical conditions and the presence of poisonous and non-poisonous dust and toxic substances in the atmosphere during the process of manufacturing or extraction. Such diseases are usually slow to develop and generally cumulative in their effects. Each diseases are usually slow to develop and generally cumulative in their effects. In India, a list of such diseases are appended to sections 89 and 90 of the Factories Act, 1948 as well as the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 which includes lead poisoning, phosphorous poisoning, arsenic poisoning, chorome ulceration, anthrax silicosis, primarily cancers of skin, dermatitis due to action of mineral oil, asbestosis, toxic anemia, begassoise etc. Social Security Broadly speaking, financial and social insecurity means inability or lack of capacity of a person or individual to protect himself from the risks of unemployment, sickness, industrial accidents or disability, old age and other contingencies. Thus linked with problems of employees safety and industrial health of workers is the question of provision of security to them by the society or the government. In industrial undertakings, workers are often subject to periodic unemployment due to sickness, industrial accidents, old age, or on account of financial sickness or not soefficient condition of business. These may incapacitate a worker temporarily or permanently and lead to unemployment causing financial misery and other consequences.
Ordinarily, workers do not have financial resources to cope up with these problems or alternative means of livelihood. In these circumstances it is obligatory on the part of industrial establishment and the government to help these workers and provide them security or what we call social security. Social security is a system of protection or support provided by the society or government to workers and their families in time of sudden calamity, sickness, unemployment, injuries, industrial accidents, disablement, ole age or other contingencies. Social security programmes include Medicare and insurance benefits Medical help at the time of injury and accident and provision financial compensation and relief. Pension in case of disablement Unemployment insurance or allowance Maternity benefits Death payments and family pension Retirement benefits or old age relief etc.
Social Security Programmes in India In pre-independence period, a beginning was made in social security with the passing of the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923. After independence, the government of India has enacted a number of laws and has introduced and implemented many schemes to provide social security to industrial workers. Some important acts and schemes in this context are discussed below. Workmens compensation act, 1923 Workmens Compensation Act, passed by the Government of India in 1923, became effective from July 1, 1924. The act provided for payment of compensation to workmen and their dependents in case of injury, accident and some occupational diseases arising our of and in the course of employment and resulting in disablement and death. The act is applicable to railway men and persons working in factories, mines, plantations, mechanically propelled vehicles, construction works and certain other hazardous occupations. The rate of compensation ranges from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 90,000 in case of
death and from Rs. 24,000 to Rs. 1,14,000 in case of permanent disablement depending on wages of workmen. In case of partial disablements, the rate of compensation is 50 per cent of the wages of workmen and is to be paid for a maximum period of 5 years. The act, however, does not apply to workmen who are covered by the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. Maternity benefit act, 1961 The Government of Mumbai was the first one which passed Maternity Benefits Act in 1929. Now, such laws are in force in almost every state of the country. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 passed by Central Government regulates employment of women in certain establishments for certain period before and after child birth and provides for maternity and other benefits. The Act covers female works in mines, factories, circus industry, plantations, hotels, restaurants and shops and establishments employing ten or more persons. There is no wage limit for coverage under the Act. The act entitles the female workers to get about 3 months or 12 weeks maternity leave with full wages. However this act is not applicable to those female workers who are covered by Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. Employees state insurance act, 1948 (ESI scheme) The Employee State Insurance Act, 1948 is the most important comprehensive scheme for providing social security benefits. The scheme which was originally framed to cover perennial i.e. non-seasonal factories using power and employing 20 or more persons has been gradually extended to smaller factories, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, shops, etc. employing 20 or more persons. It covers employees drawing wages upto Rs. 1600 per month. The Act provides for medical care in kind and cash, benefits in the contingency of sickness, maternity employment injury and pension for dependents on the death of the worker because of employment injury. Full Medicare and hospitalization is also being progressively made to members of family of he injured persons. The act aims at providing compulsory and contributory health insurance coverage to workers, For the purpose, the government has set ups employees State Insurance fund administered by an autonomous Employees State Insurance Corporation. Finances for the fund come from the contribution from employers and employees and government grants. Employees have to contribute compulsorily a nominal sum, a small percentage of the wages towards this insurance coverage. Presently employers are required to contribute 1.25 per cent of their total wage bill towards the fund. There is a network of hospitals, annexes and dispensaries established at important industrial centers throughout the country to provide medical care and other facilities to workers. The scheme covers about 62 lakhs employees.
Employment provided fund The Employment Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 provides retirements benefits such as provident fund, family pension and deposit-linked insurance. This act covers establishments employing 20 or more persons and is restricted to those drawing wages up to Rs. 3500 per month and is applicable to about 175 industries or classes of establishments. The minimum rate of contribution under the act presently is 8.33 per cent. However in respect of 98 industries or classes of establishment employing 50 or more persons, it has been enhanced to 10 per cent. Under the act, this contribution is deducted from the wages of employees and deposited in the Fund set up for the purpose. The employers have to make a matching contribution. The amount of provident fund held in employees name along with interest is paid to him at the time or his retirement. Death relief A Death Relief Fund was established under the Employee Provident Fund Scheme in 1964 to provide financial assistance to nominees or heirs of deceased members of unexempted establishments getting maximum salary of Rs. 1500 per month at the time of death. The amount was restricted to the sum equal to the amount of PF balance falling short of Rs. 2000. Employees deposit-linked insurance schemes, 1976 as amended in 1990 Under this scheme, in case of death of an employee, the person entitled to received his accumulated provident fund gets an additional insurance amount equal to average balance in PF account of the deceased during the preceding twelve months provided that such average balance was not less than Rs. 500 during the said period. The maximum amount to be paid is restricted to Rs. 25,000 and the employees are not required to make any contribution to it. Family pension scheme This scheme was introduced in 1971. It provides long-term financial security to families of industrial workers in case of their premature death. It is made out of the Employees Provident Fund to which the government makes additional contribution for the purpose. Family pension ranges from Rs. 225 to Rs. 750 per month depending on the period of membership. Presently family pensioners are also entitled to assurance benefits of Rs. 500 to meet immediate expenses. Retirement-cum-withdrawal benefit
A member is entitled to withdrawal benefit on retirement or superannuation at the rates ranging between Rs. 110 to Rs. 400 (for one years membership) and from Rs. 9000 to Rs. 19825 (for 40 years membership) depending upon the pay range of the members and length of his membership. Payment of gratuity act, 1972 This Act is applicable to factories, mines, oil-fields, plantations, ports, railways, automobiles undertakings, companies, shops etc. The act covers employees receiven wages upto Rs. 2500 per month. The act provides for payment of gratuity at the rate of 15 days wages for each complete year of service subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000. In such case of seasonal establishments gratuity is payable at the rate of seven days wages for each season. Personnel departments can play an important role in ensuring safety, health, security and welfare of the workers engaged in the organisation. The first thing they can do is to make employees aware of the safety measures, rules and regulation, and their rights concerning compensation payable to them in case of accidents and injuries and about the provisions of various social security measure in force for their welfare. This can be done by organizing training courses. They can help in reducing accidents and thus, lower the cost of workers compensation by persuading the management to provide a safe working environment. An important implication for the personnel department is that it should provide adequate the reasonable financial and security benefits and facilities. It should also comply with various legal rules and regulation honestly and faithfully.
create psychological and physical problems for the worker and will invite industrial accident. Worker-related causes: These are human factors responsible for accidents due to their unsafe acts. Lack of adequate skill or knowledge in handling the machine, disturbed mental condition, neglecting safety device and instruction, using unsafe machine, working at unsafe speed are some of the causes due to which workers become victims of industrial accidents.
Machinery for Preventing Industrial Accidents Employees pressure for higher production, efficiency and profits can result in unsafe working conditions and work behaviour. Accidents always do not take place by chance. Obviously the first step for the accident prevention machinery will be to isolate such situational factors which may lead to accidents. In addition to it, the organizations should have strong voluntary machinery for the prevention of accidents and should follow strictly the guidelines issued by Government. The machinery for prevention of industrial accidents can be studied under two heads voluntary machinery and regulatory machinery. Voluntary machinery As the name suggests, these measures include the ways implemented by the management voluntarily and not imposed by the law. Here management will have to be cautious from the very selection of the employees. Today various psychological tests are available to test the ability and suitability of the individual for a particular job. Organisatoins may develop their own safety programmes and enjoyed safety officers. Safety training should be provided to the workers on regular intervals. Further to generate the interest of workers in safety programme, they should be involved in them. There should be proper record of the accidents which took place in the past so that management is able to concentrate on accident prone areas. Employees should be motivated to develop safety behaviour and follow safety rules. If the voluntary machinery for the prevention of industrial accidents is strong enough, the management perhaps may not require to follow statutory laws. Regulatory machinery International Labour Organisation (I.L.O.) is the body which is working for employees safety, health and welfare since long. The latest effort in this direction was the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, No. 155, adopted in 1981. Government of India also took initiative in enacting protective provision in its various legislations.
Workmens Compensation Act 1923, Factories Act, 1948. The employees State Insurance Act, 1948 and Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act., 1963 are the main legislations passed by the Union Government which deal with occupational safety provisions in the industrial organizations. Whereas the Factories Act prescribes measures for avoidance of industrial accidents, the rest of the three prescribed the liability of employer to pay compensation to the workers for the injuries caused by industrial accidents. The details of a few of these acts and schemes are given later in this Chapter Sec. 21 to 38 of Factories Act provide for safety provisions in the industrial organisatoin. The act provides for fencing of machinery, recruitment of trained and adult male workers, minimum distance to be maintained form self acting machine, prohibition of women and children from working on moving machines and specific provisions for protection of eyes against glare, dangerous fumes, explosive dust, gas tec. In addition to these, State Governments are empowered to supplement the provisions to further strengthen the safety of industrial workers. The Mines Act 1952 contains rules and regulations for providing safety, health and welfare or works employed in mines. These rules are enforced by the Directorate General of Mines Safety whose main functions included inspection of mines, investigation of all fatal accidents and certain serous accidents depending upon their gravity, grant of statutory permission, exemptions and relaxation in respect of various mining operations, approval to mines safety equipment, appliances and material etc. As industrial safety is both an end and a means, therefore, adequate measures should be taken by the employees to provide safe and secure work-place to the workers. Companies of Safety Service Among the many components of a safety service the following have proved effective when applied in combination: Appointment of safety officer In big organizations, the appointment of a safety officer to head the safety departments is a must. In small organizations, the personnel manager may look after the functions of this department. The head of the safety department, who is usually a staff man, is granted power to inspect the plant for unsafe condition, to promote sound safety practices (through posters and safety campaigns), to make safety rules, and to report violations to the plant manager. His functions also include analyzing the causes of accidents, maintaining accident statistics and records, purchasing safety equipments, and so on. In some organizations, the relationship between the head of the safety departments and the line manager may be functional, that is, the head has the authority to issue and enforce orders in his functional field of safety.
Support by line management The head of the safety department, whether enjoying a staff or a functional position, by himself, cannot make a plant safe. His appointment lulls line management into assuming that all its safety problems have been solved. This highlights the importance of making safety a line responsibility. It is said that safety is essentially a line problem. Like all other line management problems it also involves questions of motivation, enforcement of standards and working through groups. One sure way to win line peoples support is to encourage them to participate on safety committees, on housekeeping inspections and investigations of accidents. Elimination of hazards Although complete elimination of all hazards is virtually an impossibility but following steps ca be taken to help reduce them: Job safety analysis: All job procedures and practices should be analyzed by an expert to discover hazards. He should then suggest changers in their motion patterns, sequence and the like. For example, he may discover that a particular reach over a machine could easily result in a loss of balance and injury or he may discover that a corner of a fixture is sharp enough to cut the hands of the worker. On the basis of job safety analysis the expert should also determine any special qualifications needed by an individual to perform the job. These qualifications may be later incorporate in the job specifications. Placement: a poorly placed employee is more apt to incur injury that a properly place employee. Employees should be placed on jobs only after carefully estimating and considering the job requirements with those which the individual apparently possesses. Personal protective equipment: Endless variety of personal safety equipment is available nowadays which can be sued to prevent injury. Safeguarding Machinery: Guards must be securely fixed to all power driven machinery. Material handling: Though often ignored, the careless handling of heavy and inflammable materials is an important source of several injuries and fire.
Hand tools: Minor injuries often result from improperly using a good tool or using a poorly designed tool. Therefore, close supervision and instruction should be given to the employees on the proper tool to use and the proper use of the tool. Maintenance: Worn-out machinery, machinery guards and attachments, old and out-of-date fire fighting equipment also contribute to serious hazards. They often give employee a false sense of security and protection. Layout and design: A good plant layout and design can go long way in preventing accidents, construction of fireproof walls, adequate fire escapes, aisles, and storage space, doorways and passageways, location of hazardous items above employee reach, provision for non-skid floor, protection of radiators by grills can do much to reduce accidents. Housekeeping: Good housekeeping does not include only tidy and clean floors and machines; other items such as dirty windows, dusty lights and dirty reflectors which reduce the effectiveness of lighting can also result in employee injury. Falls: Another major source of industrial injury is tripping over subjects, slipping on floors and falling on to another level. Many dangers lurk in stacking and storing. Piles may not be properly constructed and may subsequently collapse. Periodic inspection can help prevent many accidents stemming directly from these causes.
Safety training, education and publicity Safety training is concerned with developing safety skills, whereas safety education is concerned with increasing the employees knowledge about accident prevention. Publicity in the form of contest programmes, safety companies, suggestion awards, and various audio-visual aids can be considered as a form of employee education. Safety training programmes should be derived from an analysis of training needs. This should refer to the hazards generally prevent in the company as well as the specific hazards associated with individuals jobs. Training to deal with the general hazards can be given at the time of induction. Specific hazards can be covered at the time of job training. Safety inspections An inspection by a trained individual or a committee to detect evidence of possible safety hazards (such as poor lighting, slippery floors, unguarded machines, faulty electrical installations, poor work methods and disregard of safety rules) is a very effective device to promote safety. Safety inspections can take any one of the following four forms:
Periodical safety audit: Here checklists are prepared of the points to be covered and an inspection programme is planned to deal with them at regular intervals. We give below a sample form that can be used for this purpose.
The safety audit form Random spot check: Spot checks can be made in each area or department on a random sample basis or to cover special problems, such as the inadequate use of protective clothing. Here the inspector may simply enumerate the unsafe acts or conditions observed by him. An example of the form that can be used for this purpose is given below: Inspection carried out by Date. Unsafe Act or Condition Dept. A Number of Observation Dept. B Dept. C
Random inspection form Daily checks: Supervisors can be required to make daily checks of safety points in the departments under their control which should list the problem conditions and indicate the action to be taken either by the supervisor himself, management, or the safety advisor. An example for the form to be used for this purpose is given below: Supervisor Date.
Daily check form Regular inspection: This may be carried out when required by legislation or by insurance companies, of boilers, pressure vessels, pipelines, dangerous processes, lifts, hoists etc.
Investigation of accidents By determining the reasons for an accident, appropriate action can be taken to prevent similar future occurrences. Investigation of an accident usually involves the following steps: Define the problem or nature of accident Collect all relevant facts Determine the cause of the accident Develop several alternatives to prevent recurrence Select and implement the most effective alternative Suggest disciplinary action against the employee whose actions were formed deliberately unsafe or negligent.
An example of a simple investigation report is shown below: Department.. Name of injured. Date & Time of injury.. Date & Time of return to work Where and how die the accident occur?
Names of injury---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Names of witnesses----------------------------------------------------------------------------Classification of accident: Type of accident Location of accident Severity of injury
Measures taken and proposed to avoid repetition Signature Measurement of safety Various rates and ratios can be computed to indicate to employees and management the progress the safety departments is making in its job. These rates can be computed periodically, say, on a quarterly basis, both for the company as a whole and for each line departments. Too important measures of safety widely recognized and used in business are as follows: Frequency Rates: This is expressed as the number of lost-time accidents per million man-hours worked. The formula to calculate this rate is: Date..
A lost-time accident is one which makes an employee unable to work on one or more days following the accident. Security Rate: This expressed as the number of days lost due to accidents per million man-hours worked. The formula for this is:
New Techniques in Account Prevention Three new techniques of accident prevention which have recently been developed in industrially advanced courtiers of the West are: Damage control, Human engineering or ergonomics and
Systems safety
Damage control Heinrich in his book, Industrial Accidents Prevention, postulates that before a given set of circumstances can lead to a lost-time accident, here would be 29 accidents involving minor injuries and 300 near-accidents involving no injury caused by the same set of circumstances. However, this theory does not go so far as to accurately predict when the lost-time injury would occur. Lukens Steel of the United States have conducted systematic research to evolve a method that would predict accurately when the lost-time injury would occur. Their study concludes hat every accident is preceded by a series of minor injuries and incidents which can be said to occur in the following six steps: At stage one, the situation has an accident potential only. There ay be something unsafe in the working environment or wrong attitude to safety in a certain department. Unsafe acts may occur due to inefficient supervison. At stage two, the accident potential is realized and dangerous incidents do in fact occur. But as it is near-miss, there is no injury and no damage to plant or equipment. At stage three, the near-miss becomes a hit a plant and equipment are damaged, But people are not involved. Therefore, no injury is recorded. At stage four, people are involved. The accident causes minor injuries to people as well as possible damage to plant and equipment. At stage five, the injuries caused by an accident are serious enough to keep the worker away for more than three days. At stage six, the injuries received prove fatal.
Likens Steels experts have, therefore, established that adequate number of sign and indications would be available to those who can keep their eyes open and mind watchful and a documentation of these indicators would help exercise a better control over the situations and factors leading to damage. This is damage control. One should note that it is not the same as conventional accident control. It concentrates attention on injury potential at the pre-injury stage. Human engineering or ergonomics
Ergonomics is the science that deals with many-sided problems of how to fit a job to mans anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristic to enhance human efficiency and well-being. Thus ergonomics is the application of knowledge of human capabilities and limitations to the design of plant and equipment. An equipment designed on the principles of human engineering is far less likely to be a source of accident than one designed without such considerations. Systems safety A system is an orderly arrangement of components which are interrelated and which act and interact to perform some task or function in a particular environment. All the components of a system are complementary to each other. Accidents occur when any one part of the system fails or malfunctions. Certainly if the entire industrial system were under complete control, no accident would result. The systems approach gives rise to use of advanced quantitative techniques and computers. Review Question 1. Bring out the importance of industrial health and safety. 2. What are the major sources of health hazards and other types of insecurity of industrial employees? 3. What types of health and safety programmes are generally provided to employees in modern industrial organisation.
Informal counselling is done in the natural course of human relations among individuals who have mutual confidence and respect for each other judgments. It takes place in the normal work situation without any predetermined schedule and is considered as a part of he routine duty of a manager. Quit often, the subordinates does not know or realize that counselling is taking place. Techniques of Counselling On the basis of techniques counselling could be Directive Counselling Non-directive Counselling Cooperative Counselling
Directive Counselling centre around the counselor. The counselor, after hearing the problems of an employee, decides what should be done and give advice and suggestion to him to resolve the problem. But directive counselling seldom succeeds, as people do not wish to take up advice normally, no matter how good it might be. Nondirective Counselling is the process of skillfully listening the emotional problems of an employee, understand him and determine the course of action to be adopted to resolve his problem. It focuses on the counselee hence it is called client centred ounselling. Professional counselors usually adopt this method of ounselling. The unique advantage of this type of counselling is its ability to cause the employees reorientation. The main stress is to change the person instead of dealing with his immediate problem only. The nondirective counselor deals with respect the person so affected. He takes the person as best to solve his own problems and he facilitates the person to reach his goal. Cooperative Counselling is the process in which both the councellor and client mutually cooperate to solve the problems of the client. It is not either wholly client centred nor wholly counselor centred but it is centred both councellor and client equally. It is defined as mutual discussion of an employees emotional problem to set up conditions and plans of actions that will remedy it. This form of counselling appears to be more suitable to managerial attitude and temperament in our country. Among the three from of counselling, the advice offered in directive counseling considers the surface crises; the nondirective counselling goes to the underlining cause, the real crisis that leads the employee to understand his problem. It is thus suggested that nondirective to counselling is, probably, the best among the three forms. Counselling Process
The counselling process, normally consists of the following stages: Initiating This involves developing mutual understanding openness and acceptance between counselor and counseled. This rapport building is essential to initiate the counselling. Exploration This involved understanding with the help of the counselling, the counsellees own situation, his feelings, his strengths and weakness, his problems and needs. The councellor allows the counselee to talk about anything even apparently unrelated to the issue. It is important for the counselor to achieve a free flow of expression-often through rumblings of the employee. The counselor will need an alert and receptive mind for this. The councellor, however, see to it that the councellor eventually concentrates his thoughts on his problem rather than stray away from it. The counselor has to help the counselee in concentrating more on the problem and getting deeper into it and to discover the basic problems by himself. Formulation of action plan This involved exploring possible solutions and formulating action plan for implementing them to make the counselee the normal person. Counselling and Industrial Relations When employee are affected by job related and personal problems that very much affect the organizational welfare besides their own. Hence, if he problems are not identified in the initial stages itself and solved, they may assume a serious proportion and ultimately affect the employee and organisation resulting in poor industrial relations. Hence the organisatoins should take these problem seriously and solve them. If the problems are relating to technical or job related, the line manager knows well from his experience how and what changes he may suggest that may help restoration of employees effective performance. Concerning career problems the supervisors may refer such cases to the personnel specialists within the organisation. Again, it is the line supervisors who must create confidence on the minds of their subordinates that they can solve even the personal problems of their employees. The supervisors should also be aware of that personal and job related problems are largely inseparable and the employee brings his total personality to his work and hence the organizations should also help their employees to solve their personal problems to the extent possible through counselling.
Having understood the importance of counselling as a tool of solving the various problems of the employees and help them the maintain/ improve concentration in their work performance, now many organizations start adopting conselling practices and procedure to maintain better industrial relations.
Review Questions 1. What is counselling? Bring out its importance. 2. Explain the forms and techniques of employee counselling in industry. 3. Describe the process of counselling.
Level of Conflict Low level of conflict creates conditions of inertia and boredom in the system and excessive conflict results in destruction and dysfunctional tendencies. Managers have to monitor the level of conflict in the system and if there is too little or no conflict at all, the managers may even have to induce some level of conflict to energize the system. As the level of conflict tends to go beyond the optimum level the manager must act to resolve the conflict in a manner that will be beneficial to the organisation. LEVEL OF CONFLICT
Optimum Level
High Level
Low Level
The above model presents conflict as a series of stages namely latent conflict; perceived conflict; felt conflict; manifest conflict and conflict aftermath. Latent Conflict Each episode of conflict starts with a latent conflict but the actual conflict has not emerged. Factors such as competition for scarce resources, competition for positions in the organisation exist which could become conflicts.
Perceived conflict This conflicts results in due to the parties misunderstanding of each other true position. One party perceives the other to be likely to thwart or frustrate his goals. Felt conflict When the conflict makes one tense or anxious, the conflict is a felt conflict because the difference are personalized or internalized. Manifest conflict This is the stage for open confrontation. It takes the form of conflictual behaviour including aggression, sabotage, apathy etc. all of which reduce organizations effectiveness. Conflict resolution When conflict is resolved in some form, it is called conflict resolution. Conflict aftermath The aftermath of conflict may be either positive or negative for the organisation depending on how the conflict is resolved. If the conflict is genuinely resolved, it can lead to more enduring relationship between parties; if the conflict is merely suppressed but not resolved, the latent of conflict may be aggravated and explode in more violent and serious forms. This is called conflict aftermath, Types of conflicts Conflicts may take following forms:
Individual Conflict
Group Conflict
Organizational Conflict
Interindividual conflict
Intraindividual conflict
Intergroup conflict
Intergroup conflict
Individual conflict Inter-individual conflict Inter-individual or inter-personal conflict involves two or more individuals who hold polarized points of view. The most common reasons for inter-personal conflicts are personality differences, perceptions, clashes of values and interests, and competing for scare resources. Intra-individual conflict Intra-individual conflict is internal to the person and probably the most difficult type of conflict to analyze. Basically, intra-personal conflict can be related to two things; conflict arising due to divergent goals or conflict arising from out of multiple roles to be played. Goal conflict occurs when a goal that an individual is attempting to achieve has both positive and negative features. Generally three separate types of goal conflicts are indentified. Approach-approach conflict: A person wants tow positive situations but can have only one. Approach-avoidance conflict: In this form of goal conflict the person attempts to achieve a goal that has both positive and negative aspects but wants to avail of positive and negative. Avoidance-avoidance conflict: This type of conflict can be resolved because a person faced two negative goals and he may not choose either of them and may simply leave the situation.
Role conflict is the result of divergent role expectations. It exits when the expectations of a job are mutually different or opposite and the individual cannot meet one expectation without rejecting the other. An individual confronting with role conflict will experience psychological stress leading to emotional problems, resulting in poor performance. Group conflict Inter-group conflict
Every group is in atleast partial conflict with every other group it interacts with. The groups differ in goals, work activities, power and prestige. The sources of intergroup conflict are incompatible goals, task interdependence, resource allocation, competitive incentive and reward system, differences in values or perception etc. Intra-group conflict Intra-group conflict is essentially same as the bases of inter-individual conflict. Organizational conflict Inter-organizational conflict The bases to inter-organizational conflicts are essentially the same as the bases on interoup conflict. The types of inter-organizational conflict are between management and government, management and management, union and government etc. Intra-organizational conflict Intra-organisational conflict are mainly three kinds: Horizontal conflict: It refers to conflict between employees of departments a the same hierarchical level in an organization. Vertical conflict: If refers to any conflict between different hierarchical levels in an organisation. It occurs usually in superior-subordinate relations. The reasons for vertical conflicts are inadequate communication, differences in interest, perception and attitudes between position holders occupying different levels. Line and staff conflict: It refers to conflict between line managers and staff specialists.
Conflict Management Conflict has to be resolved as soon as the optimum level is crossed and before dysfunctional consequences start occurring. Following are some of the techniques employed to resolve conflict. Dominance through position Quiet often managers use positional authority to fire a lower ranking subordinate they consider to be a trouble-maker. Individuals, in organisation, with rare exception, recognize and accept the authority of their superiors as an acceptable way or resolving
conflicts. Although they may not be in agreement with these decisions, the abide by them. Appeals procedures The people in disagreements may appeal to higher authority to help them to arrive at a solution by resolving the problem satisfactorily. Liaison groups To arbit differences between two warring factions, an arbitrator can be appoint who can use this expertise and persuasion to achieve coordination and get people together. Reduce interdependence On way to resolve conflict is to reduce interdependences. Departments may be provided with resources that are independent of those provided for other departments. Conflict Resolution Model Thompson suggested five styles such as competiting, avoiding, accommodating, collaborating and compromising to resolve conflicts. If two parties experience conflicts, each one could be more concerned above their own self or could be more concerned for the other. When the concern for self is very low they could be very unassertive. If the concern for he self is very high, they could be very assertive. If their concern for the other is low, they would tend to the non-cooperative. If the concern for the other it high, they could be co-operative. In a conflicting situation: If an individuals concern for self and others is low, he will avoid the conflict; If he has high concern for himself and low condern for others he will compete; If he has high concern for himself and for others, he will collaborate; If he has high concern for other but low concern for himself, he will accommodate;
If he has medium level of concern for both himself and the other, he will go for compromise.
All the five styles have its own advantage and disadvantages and a suitable style depends upon both the nature of the individual and the situational factors. Review Questions 1. What do you understand by conflicts? What are the types of conflicts? 2. Explain conflicts episode. 3. How to manage conflicts in an organisatoin?
Brain-storming process Under this technique complete free environment is created with a view to stimulate creativity and the employees can come out with as many ideas as possible. Later these ideas will be screened and best ideas will be chosen. Cause and effect Under this technique members are asked to find out the causes for the identified problem. They identify the causes and their effects. Sampling and charting methods Under this technique, members of the quality circle observe the events and their consequences in the form of positive or negative results. They chart out all their observation either in sequence or in some other relationship which gives clear ideal of the problem. These techniques will work effectively in attaining the objectives only when the organizational structure of Q-C is sound and systematic. Quality Circle Process Size of the each Q-C select the problem from the operational problems suggested by management or by the members of the Q-C. After selecting the problem the members analyze it by using the various problem solving techniques. Then the members develop alternative solution, their effect and consequences on organisation and members, cost benefit analysis and merits and demerits of each solution. The next stage is that members select the best solution from among the alternative solutions. Management reviews the solutions and may or may not accept the solution offered by the Q-C members. If the solution is accepted it is implemented. Making Q-C Process Effective The following factors should be recognized and practiced to make Q-C process of effective: All members should accept that there is more than one way to solve a problem successfully. All members to be encouraged to clarify and build on each others ideas.
Periodic summarizing of the activities by the leader or member to ensure common understanding. Avoidance of heated arguments in favour of one particular position. Avoidance of technique such as majority vote to obtain group agreement.
It has been stated in many forums that a major part of he responsibility for quality circles lies with the management than workers. Mr. Ishikawa, during a visit to India in 1987 had remarked that Q-Cs can contribute only about 30 percent to quality improvement and the rest has to be in the form of management efforts. The famous American expert Mr. Deming, after whom, most of the quality awards are given, unhesitatingly says that a major part of the effort towards quality improvement has to come form management. The secret of the success of the Japanese effort has been the continuous modification of their designs to overcome the quality problems faced by the customers and rectify them. This calls for a lot of upstream management and proper tools of analysis to be applied for successful efforts. It is only in a climate of cohesion, mutual trust and understanding that there can be meaningful progress. For this, both managements and trade unions have to work jointly for the common organizational goal. It is not enough if only the management takes upon itself the task of achieving the desired results. It calls for the willing involvement of every section of employees, including those at the grassroots, leading to company wise true participation and open management. Finally, development of the most important of all resources, human resource has to find a place. To achieve the prerequisites for excellence, many organizations are adopting various kinds of management tools in the fond hope of finding a place for all their problems in order to bring in greater involvement of employees in day-to-day affairs. Sweden and Yugoslavia (and some companied in India, too) had experimented with work place democracy and work autonomy but not with much success. The task before India is to recreate the culture in which a sense of belonging to the organisation is generated among all employees. If has were to happen, managements have to change their age-old attitudes. Management, by itself, without actively involving task performers would not be able to achieve the organizational goals. This would be possible only through a holistic approach towards employees and humanization of work. Enrichment of the quality of working life and catering to the self-esteem and recognition needs of employees only would help
develop in them a sense of involvement, participation and pride in the organizational progress. The one road to achieve this goal is the effective implementation of small group activities such as Employees Participation Circle (EPC); Small Group Activities (SGA) and Training at Work Teams (TAWT). In India in the West they are called Quality Circles. In Japan and many Southeast Asian countries, the small groups are known as Quality Control Circles because they got evolved in the sixties as a result of massive quality control training imparted to the employees. The Quality Circle concept comes nearest o satisfying the pre-requisites for developing the capability to face the current and emerging challenges. Its unique features such as voluntariness, bottom up group synergy are now proved to being about tangible and intangible benefits to any organisation, if practiced with sincerity of purpose as adapted to the Indian milieu. The number of organizations implementing quality circles in India has been steadily rising covering both the public and private sectors and government agencies. This scheme will no doubt contribute to the organizational effectiveness and to enhance job satisfaction and sound human relations in all organizations. Review Questions 1. Define the term Quality Circle. What are its objectives? 2. Explain the purpose and process of Quality Circles.
The Tata Iron and Steel Co. Limited has a history of successful industrial relations. This is mainly due to the support established between management and labour. TISCO management believes that the human being is the core of the industry. Therefore his needs and fulfillment of his basic necessities were as important as any other consideration in industry such as production and profit. The excellent association of employees with management started with the signing of an agreement by the management and the union way back in 1956. The agreement provided an increasing measure of closer association of the workers with the management in the working of the industry. They believed this would helpa) in promoting increases in productivity for the general benefit of the organisation, the employees and the country. b) in giving employees a better understanding of their role and importance in the working of the industry and in process production; and c) in satisfying the urge for self-expression.
Joint councils and works committees
A series of Joint Councils and Joint Works Committees were subsequently set up. The objectives was to study and advise on the steps deemed necessary for increasing production, improving productivity, discipline, cost, economy, promotion, welfare, encouragement of suggestions, improvement of working conditions, as well as the follow-up action on the implementation of the recommendations and decisions approved by the management from time to time.
The three-tier setup
As already indicated, the close association of employees with management came more into existence with the agreement signed in 1956. The three-tier setup of joint councils consisted of the Joint Departmental Councils (JDCs) at the base. One was set up for each major department and combined ones for two or more smaller departments. The Joint Works Council (JWC for the whole organisation is at the intermediate level. The Joint Consultative Council of Management (JCCM) constituting the apex body.
The Joint Councils at their respective levels study operational results and production problems, advise on the steps deemed necessary to promote and rationalize production, improve productivity and discipline and economize costs. Promotions of welfare and safety, encouragement of suggestions and improvement of working conditions also fall within the purview of these Councils. These bodies have also to follow up on the implementation of their recommendations and decisions approved by management.
In addition to these common functions, the Joint Works Councils has the special function of reviewing every month the working of the departmental councils and a few other joint committees like the Suggestion Box Committee, General Safety Committee, Canteen Managing Committee and the Safety Appliances Committee.
The Joint Consultative Council of Management is entrusted with the task of advising management on all matters concerning the working of he industry in respect of production and welfare, particularly those referred to it by the Joint Workers Council and follow up on the implementation of its recommendations. The Council has also to advise management on economic and financial matters placed by management before it, but not those affecting the relations of company with its shareholders and managerial staff, or taxes. This does not mean that there are no problems in putting through the scheme. For example the coordination of the functioning of the various JDCs of which there were 41 in 1986, is naturally a complex job. This is sought to be done through an annual meeting of Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen and Secretaries of al the Councils under the Chairmanship of the General Manager (op), who is also the Chairman of the Joint Works Council. It is also attended by the top officials of management and the Union. All procedural issues concerning the working of the councils are discussed and settled at this meeting, and a review made of the Scheme of Employees Association with Management as a whole. This provides an opportunity to the various JDC officials to learn from one another the weaknesses of a particular council and the strong points of others. Achievements It is difficult to measure the success of JDCs in terms of production tonnage or savings in the cost of steel per tone. However, the fact remains that, during the past several years, production in Tata Steel been toe the tune of 100% of the Plant/s capacity. During the year 1981-82, it reached the all-time high figure of more than 105% of the Plants capacity. He various improvements suggested in process and procedure elimination of defective work, import substitution, consumption of materials etc. indicate the JDCs are
deeply involved with the problem of productivity. By and large, the Councils have succeeded in making the employees think about development and improvements. The most abiding effect, however, of these joint consultations has been the strengthening of the team spirit and of the sense of belonging, which is responsible for the unique industrial harmony and cordial relationship that prevails between employees and management of Tata Steel since the past 53 years-a record indeed. Yet management is not complacent as is evident from the following wordings of J.R.D. Tata: In 1956, in consultation with the Union, we created the consultative machinery which has proved largely responsible for the mutual trust and cooperation we have enjoyed since then. But we must not be satisfied with what we have done up to now. Our workers, today, particularly they younger ones, are better educated and trained to understand the technical and managerial problems of industry and are, therefore, quite capable of enhanced participation in the management of industry. I have been feeling for some time that we should we take a further step forward in our joint scheme or cooperation. Finally let us end with the opinion of an independent individual: May I hope that the relationship between the great House of Tata and the Workers will be of the friendliest character, and that both of them will constitute a great family bringing in unity and harmony. It is the privilege of both of youto given India in object lesson in amity and goodwill. -Mahatma Gandhi
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BOOKS REFERRED 1. Mamoria C B & Sathish Mamoria, Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 2. Tripathi P.C., Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi. 3. Bhagoliwal T. N. Personnel Management and Industrial Relatoin, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra. 4. Daver R.S. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Vikash Publications, New Delhi. 5. Kapur S. K. & Punia B.K. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, S.K. Publishers, New Delhi. 6. Tripathi S.D. & Arya P P, Trade Union Management Relation in India, Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi.