Shift-Reduce Table Longest Sequence at The Top of Stack Matching The RHS of A Rule

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Operator precedence parsing

Bottom-up parsing methods that follow the idea of shift-reduce parsers Several avors: operator, simple, and weak precedence. In this course, only weak precedence Main dierences with respect to LR parsers:

There is no explicit state associated to the parser (and thus no state pushed on the stack) The decision of whether to shift or reduce is taken based solely on the symbol on the top of the stack and the next input symbol (and stored in a shift-reduce table) In case of reduction, the handle is the longest sequence at the top of stack matching the RHS of a rule

Syntax analysis


Structure of the weak precedence parser

input stack
Xm Xm




Weak precedence parsing

X2 X1


Shift-reduce table
terminals and $ terminals, nonterminals and $


Syntax analysis

modier) (A


Weak precedence parsing algorithm

Create a stack with the special symbol $ a = getnexttoken() while (True) if (Stack= = $S and a = = $) break / / Parsing is over Xm = top(Stack) if (SRT [Xm , a] = shift) Push a onto the stack a = getnexttoken() elseif (SRT [Xm , a] = reduce) Search for the longest RHS that matches the top of the stack if no match found call error-recovery routine Let denote this rule by Y ! Xm r +1 . . . Xm Pop r elements o the stack Push Y onto the stack Output Y ! Xm r +1 . . . Xm else call error-recovery routine

Syntax analysis


Example for the expression grammar

Shift/reduce table E T F + ( ) id $ S R + S R R ( ) S R R id $ R R R


!E +T !T !T F !F ! (E ) ! id



Syntax analysis


Example of parsing
Stack $ $id $F $T $E $E + $E + id $E + F $E + T $E + T $E + T id $E + T F $E + T $E Input id $ id $ id $ id $ id $ id $ id $ id $ id $ id $ $ $ $ $ Action Shift Reduce Reduce Reduce Shift Shift Reduce Reduce Shift Shift Reduce Reduce Reduce Accept

id + id +id +id +id +id id

by F ! id by T ! F by E ! T by F ! id by T ! F by F ! id by T ! T F by E ! E + T

Syntax analysis


Precedence relation: principle

We dene the (weak precedence) relations l and m between symbols of the grammar (terminals or nonterminals)

X l Y if XY appears in the RHS of a rule or if X precedes a reducible word whose leftmost symbol is Y X m Y if X is the rightmost symbol of a reducible word and Y the symbol immediately following that word

Shift when Xm l a, reduce when Xm m a Reducing changes the precedence relation only at the top of the stack (there is thus no need to shift backward)

Syntax analysis


Precedence relation: formal denition

Let G = (V , , R , S ) be a context-free grammar and $ a new symbol acting as left and right end-marker for the input word. Dene V 0 = V [ {$} The weak precedence relations l and m are dened respectively on V 0 V and V V 0 as follows:
1. X l Y if A ! XB 2. X l Y if A ! XY + 3. $ l X if S ) X 4. X m a if A ! B + 5. X m $ if S ) X is in R , and B ) Y , is in R
+ +

is in R , and B ) X and


for some , , , and B

Syntax analysis


Construction of the SR table: shift

Shift relation, l:
Initialize S to the empty set. add $ l S to S for each production X ! L1 L2 . . . Lk for i = 1 to k 1 add Li l Li +1 to S 3 repeat for each pair X l Y in S for each production Y ! L1 L2 . . . Lk Add X l L1 to S until S did not change in this iteration. 1 2

We only need to consider the pairs X l Y with Y a nonterminal that were added in

S at the previous iteration

Syntax analysis 201

Example of the expression grammar: shift

Step 1 Step 2 Sl$ E l+ +lT T l lF (lE E l) +lF l id l( (lT + l id +l( (lF (l( (lid


!E +T !T !T F !F ! (E ) ! id

Step 3.1

Step 3.2

Step 3.3

Syntax analysis


Construction of the SR table: reduce

Reduce relation, m:
Initialize R to the empty set. add S m $ to R for each production X ! L1 L2 . . . Lk for each pair X l Y in S add Lk m Y in R 3 repeat for each pair X m Y in R for each production X ! L1 L2 . . . Lk Add Lk m Y to R until R did not change in this iteration. 1 2

We only need to consider the pairs X m Y with X a nonterminal that were added in

R at the previous iteration.

Syntax analysis 203

Example of the expression grammar: reduce

Step 1 Step 2 E m$ T m+ F m T m) T m$ F m+ id m )m F m) F m$ id m + )m+ )m) id m $ )m$


!E +T !T !T F !F ! (E ) ! id

Step 3.1

Step 3.2

Step 3.3

Syntax analysis


Weak precedence grammars

Weak precedence grammars are those that can be analysed by a weak precedence parser. A grammar G = (V , , R , S ) is called a weak precedence grammar if it satises the following conditions:
1. There exist no pair of productions with the same right hand side 2. There are no empty right hand sides (A ! ) 3. There is at most one weak precedence relation between any two symbols 4. Whenever there are two syntactic rules of the form A ! X and B ! , we dont have X l B

Conditions 1 and 2 are easy to check

Conditions 3 and 4 can be checked by constructing the SR table.

Syntax analysis


Example of the expression grammar

Shift/reduce table
E E T T F F !E +T !T !T F !F ! (E ) ! id
E T F + ( ) id $ S R + S R R ( ) S R R id $ R R R



Conditions 1-3 are satised (there is no conict in the SR table) Condition 4:


E ! E + T and E ! T but we dont have + l E (see slide 202) T ! T F and T ! F but we dont have l T (see slide 202)

Syntax analysis


Removing rules
Removing rules of the form A ! is not di cult For each rule with A in the RHS, add a set of new rules consisting of the dierent combinations of A replaced or not with . Example: S ! AbA|B

B ! b |c A ! is transformed into S

B ! b |c

! AbA|Ab |bA|b |B

Syntax analysis


Summary of weak precedence parsing

Construction of a weak precedence parser Eliminate ambiguity (or not, see later) Eliminate productions with and ensure that there are no two productions with identical RHS Construct the shift/reduce table Check that there are no conict during the construction Check condition 4 of slide 205

Syntax analysis


Using ambiguous grammars with bottom-up parsers

All grammars used in the construction of Shift/Reduce parsing tables must be un-ambiguous We can still create a parsing table for an ambiguous grammar but there will be conicts We can often resolve these conicts in favor of one of the choices to disambiguate the grammar Why use an ambiguous grammar?

Because the ambiguous grammar is much more natural and the corresponding unambiguous one can be very complex Using an ambiguous grammar may eliminate unnecessary reductions

Example: E ! E + E |E E |(E )|id ) E ! E + T |T T ! T F |F F ! (E )|id


Syntax analysis

Set of LR(0) items of the ambiguous expression grammar

E ! E + E |E E |(E )|id

Follow (E ) = {$, +, , )} ) states 7 and 8 have shift/reduce conicts for + and .

Syntax analysis 210

Example: Parsing of id + id id will give the conguration (0E 1 + 4E 7, id$) We can choose:

ACTION [7, ] =shift ) precedence to ACTION [7, ] =reduce E ! E + E ) precedence to +

Parsing of id + id + id will give the conguration (0E 1 + 4E 7, +id$) We can choose:


(same analysis for I8 )

Syntax analysis

ACTION [7, +] =shift ) + is right-associative ACTION [7, +] =reduce E ! E + E ) + is left-associative


Error detection and recovery

In table-driven parsers, there is an error as soon as the table contains no entry (or an error entry) for the current stack (state) and input symbols The least one can do: report a syntax error and give information about the position in the input le and the tokens that were expected at that position In practice, it is however desirable to continue parsing to report more errors There are several ways to recover from an error:

Panic mode Phrase-level recovery Introduce specic productions for errors Global error repair

Syntax analysis


Panic-mode recovery

In case of syntax error within a phrase, skip until the next synchronizing token is found (e.g., semicolon, right parenthesis) and then resume parsing In LR parsing:

Scan down the stack until a state s with a goto on a particular nonterminal A is found Discard zero or more input symbols until a symbol a is found that can follow A Stack the state GOTO (s , A) and resume normal parsing

Syntax analysis


Phrase-level recovery

Examine each error entry in the parsing table and decide on an appropriate recovery procedure based on the most likely programmer error. Examples in LR parsing: E ! E + E |E E |(E )|id

id + id : is unexpected after a +: report a missing operand error, push an arbitrary number on the stack and go to the appropriate next state id + id ) + id : Report a unbalanced right parenthesis error and remove the right parenthesis from the input

Syntax analysis


Other error recovery approaches

Introduce specic productions for detecting errors: Add rules in the grammar to detect common errors Examples for a C compiler: I ! if E I (parenthesis are missing around the expression) I ! if (E ) then I (then is not needed in C) Global error repair: Try to nd globally the smallest set of insertions and deletions that would turn the program into a syntactically correct string Very costly and not always eective

Syntax analysis


Building the syntax tree

Parsing algorithms presented so far only check that the program is syntactically correct In practice, the parser needs also to build the parse tree (also called concrete syntax tree) Its construction is easily embedded into the parsing algorithm Top-down parsing:

Recursive descent: let each parsing function return the sub-trees for the parts of the input they parse Table-driven: each nonterminal on the stack points to its node in the partially built syntax tree. When the nonterminal is replaced by one of its RHS, nodes for the symbols on the RHS are added as children to the nonterminal node

Syntax analysis


in which tokens are grouped ea often represented inname a parse token such as <id,1>. The id is short for identifier. The value 1 is

ymbol table produced by the compiler. This table is used to pass

Building the syntax tree

Bottom-up parsing:

he token <=>. In reality it is probably mapped to a pair, whose second hat there are many different identifiers so we need the second component, mbol =. I Each stack element points to a subtree of the syntax tree n <id,2> n <+>. e right. I When performing a reduce, a new syntax tree is built with g and is discussed further in subsequent chapters. It is mapped to e something. On the one hand there is only one 3 so root we could just use the nonterminal at the and the popped-o stack elements ammar containing rules as can be a difference between how such this should be printed (e.g., in an error hases) and how it should be stored (fixed vs. float vs double). Perhaps the le where an entry for "this kind of 3" is stored. Another possibility is to <;>.

the as children


In C, most blanks are non-significant. rlly removed during scanning. simplied abstract syntax tree

In practice, the concrete syntax tree is not built but rather an Depending on the complexity of the compiler, the syntax tree might

rs, and the various symbols and punctuation without using recursion

evenalso notthe behierarchical constructed ression (expr). Note decomposition in the figure on the right.

ng) parsing is somewhat arbitrary, but invariably if a recursive definition is involved,

g. ch tokens are grouped

represented in a parse

d the syntax tree with operators as interior nodes and rator. The syntax tree on the right corresponds to the parse

epresents ansuch assignment expression not an assignment statement. In C an containing rules as railing semicolon. That is, in C (unlike in Algol) the semicolon is a statement Syntax analysis


Conclusion: top-down versus bottom-up parsing


Easier to implement (recursively), enough for most standard programming languages Need to modify the grammar sometimes strongly, less general than bottom-up parsers Used in most hand-written compilers More general, less strict rules on the grammar, SLR(1) powerful enough for most standard programming languages More di cult to implement, less easy to maintain (add new rules, etc.) Used in most parser generators like Yacc or Bison (but JavaCC is top-down)


Syntax analysis


For your project

The choice of a parsing technique is left open for the project but we ask you to implement the parser by yourself (Yacc, bison or other parser generators are forbidden) Weak precedence parsing was the recommended method in previous implementations of this course Motivate your choice in your report and explain any transformation you had to apply to your grammar to make it t the parsers constraints To avoid mistakes, you should build the parsing tables by program

Syntax analysis


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