Coming To Our Senses by John Kabat-Zinn
Coming To Our Senses by John Kabat-Zinn
Coming To Our Senses by John Kabat-Zinn
....... -
......... d ....
- -tI ... O.Ziia*m 1k h t "'""
' I
.. II\ w! :,....,a
rJi \rfo&..a. f "
r .. JilL ._'t<d .
. ,
for \Viii, w.J Sc11!f"...t.
(oy T IOWle and R.xl
fur wh11t 1 w
tor wisdom
ior danty
tor JeR-e
\I t 1\!t.'l\''ll J.'- M lN I,
1 wouW like 111 dt'Cp w Utn-y ll<lfWit.!.
Rh;cliliefg, JJu.l I J,,\,1'11 7itan ii1r eul.v d.l:.Uu "I the
!'lhliiUliCi'tp[ .J.nJ lhf IIUiji;hU iU\,i t'rl' ... -ouraltc:fntd
O"cp gurltmil" wdl to Allln \\',Lilact, !\T1ltur i)(,ug T.utllt'T.
llich,ltl mJ k.Jb.u-llun lOr rhcitcrit
i;::al te.n.ling nt sigmlh.:.,ut ;of [ht Jn:mu-,.,:rir' . .JUJ tc Tt)th I .. -st!t.
I("Y f\u,nw..:il, lih:lc:.l t\>. . .Jolm TcJ.-" ,\n.h1t"t
,uul EJ',I\Vf\it \ \'1\ler titt mq on 'fJIC'.O:lri..: .:hJ!'f-:-U
thou (lf 1 hr11 4m;l l .. m p,n:.ul\ inJebtcJ
tli 1\JL I .ah.() tt' 't'.Xpte!is. 1l1.1nb 1Jipm.iati,m, .tJ1d and.:breJncs,
M II)_\ tdUfif, \\'ill wbn. \\ilh l"lllil,\ GPltl,l, \V\Ifknlam:.l(>t:ol'Y
Atld \\ith nlc t., thit. mn 1bf. tiu.ll f,rn, hl nw
l"'l'h .. .. all\' t'ricnll, \ IUkr, .llld hi I he ('IITirC l hl'CrloUI
I h,.,,. Jl!..:ei\t.l cf1CVUfli-,'1:1ltdlt .aml i.\lnt.:c t'nm'llll\, .Ln)
m.Lo"-'Ut..lric. 'f rcuuimu,.:: m cb..r;. tt\t ;&rtttlttft.h Ill\'"'"
l \1ulJ Jlu lzlw h '"" en1ha"'.t;Jf-'tl"l tl':.r''' h'
tnt1ul , dlunn.1 hrol hu, It' ,,\lk hi.;, S.u\tcn:W,
I.e llu,, hlf ,I 1h\ Chuh; llirn:
htj Ul l..'ull\"t 1;1( f\JLnJiulue: u-J,,,,.(' lf11,\;\11l.U!In.Jt' oltPh!I',IUhil\1k.
"' .. O>totll .,.
1 tnrtJ(r.!! .lllJifCl"-1 fl t wnr\ "'
"Afj fb il'llnJ t ttj; p:.l tnd p11l Ill fht
1(.e, t I an" ttrr l .,t-v, trm
'lUI attclll!e'lt l'""'t!l tto rhb "''''l: .\tdutA
n,.,\,tr f ,, J +w:; Jb lLJII:fl>, l nu
! n N!r. lwmfl L"CYt AIVI*tt',
r t \I ,..,. .J lli.m, Ksll l't' lfthhl.: lkck,
/.. \! "'<mr, ftudr 1 ?.hJ J >4rrt
t ,ttrn , l 1111 r';,rotUf'lllll,
JJtet , l(;c"' flllrt, Arm J
11. I # 1h ;rttil JtrJ forH:riuolly on totf
r hr llall!t'l u.t"r. Uinl 011 rl11: { 't'nlo-11Hitlth\"lf
l1 1 tl'l j ildt'll' t tr.m 11JC .,('ty ht"p,!nmuKO P.t/'loltUr,,
.... 10 n, k 1,1\nnt lun j..t11111"
I ( u I l.r ,t. I nc1y, kJa. 1 M"ulc:, ll.lllf.ftll I C"NIQ' _1 .. ,,
lolfl.o ..,, l lo lin, hi.>JNrt"\", r :II OJ' I I l<trr, CPI(J!
"' . , l)fl " 11) ' flf'll llrt\llr)' 1 ' 1J!1I'Ill' l arrt
lj..,.t) \f '"-''" fiiMf ,..1. '\' t I 111 t url I \Vuau, J
I to: 1 JaW \J' u l""* r. OIIJUW!! Jlillr(.fpc( 1 t" .. l"n'tY
tt '' l A'x' .,.I J h wuik .,, c., ,.rr. nuruffuh h.U(I
.,, ,- lJ!'fJ, h I.!"'\' rd1 :tftuu, ,111,j
Ito I ,1: ,.,. ' J,o)ofh
!..., rt I ...,.,.. t'I1111J! II I' d1 th , Whu llifo
t .fliJ t. 1' 1 ' 1 ..,1'
md '"" 111 hr ,J
IJ! I )J ,,, !f _I urrl tt,., ... r IIIII . JU[ It
l r ltOJ >I
11,( I :1,,T,n, 1 " .,,., .1 I .lfr:tutlc
1',\lrl I
' 11d't ... Ill' .......... \Vh I I;.,, Jl JonJ I 10n!(
,.1.-;.fll ll'l h lnf tl.r r;,.11,J-J lotlfll"ll
Wiu: '"tt l ltw'l(ult\
MNii r,.,,.,,, I\
lftljCit ll Jylomorl h
' l.r}y)llr" ' '"I the ltloOO
N .. "H . "1111'110
I ( IH,(Ut <of :A fl' ln
h I .... ,, ... , " I I '
, ,,. "'' !JII fQII
11) W
1 II,,, 1 Mrmr-L' Mr Jl,nrh
l tu luftdrJIIt.ol 1)1111)111"
iftl MUjllll"l)l.flutldWt
fllfJ1'r-\!IC1ult;u .,
1\IIAoiUIIJ !'1.11.1
lJul 'l('JI"I m!J Jljllll,...jfll
lh rhr tkm II
Yrnr CrU"y!
:\-I u , Y(o.t I hw
Aut I ... h:. It hm ,\u .clwt
"\orttubiu)t fl!
Wh WN !Ill' 1!1111"1 llPI\1
A'!J l :!t tdrl1t< .,,
o,.tuc fk-:1 I y IU D
Ytho tlit-l.Jcou
rJ.n11 Ktu
.... v...o... Ow
.. II!
I'Mtr 7
1 luhn11. r)tt!" 8n,Jr P.+ih1o
1 tht" ftfd> 1\,fhtf
"f thr :'llnY!I Tud,,y, 0h
tkmindln)f I hlll 5di RIWI<'WUlUO) It NP1 I fclpltl
Plll iha ;\nf n Fm1 lrtlfl"t Mtd1anr
I "minx .,1 rhe- Sm-1lt
w\d Denti!{.llll.:)'
Ta!kJ,Jg Vttrn;uo Mrrlortmon 8Jua A 11>-lt!"l lhr Pu.o.t,
t h (t the:
W11gthc Deg
b,,o"t Whu I Would )i:lv-t "O<!Ilot Willwur My l'r.ttucef"
ttr Oitmu:wm
Mume.n1..-(Jf "Silen/.'("
'nu: Au ('.lllbncy-Qf tlw ;\lindt'ul
I Cl rJu: lt?"uty LO't'C.llC \\'hut I )(I
l.hllnrctlf \V.ayt of KIIQWi!IJ:( P.L:Iw I '\
(}t l , ,, .. .()qpP. It:l"'' K.UU'!IO.MtUl Qp;mrum rol
llo#/Q Srtntl
ltl:lllrninn rn ttw Nntruc: Whcrt" Fh In
u,, rudrJ
Cc!fil!IJ Tlti"M' 111
Rcl.ilt.J lt.tll.ilhj';'
l ' ' .flr,.uu,j l'.,uuml'
MuulluJ,.,. t. lh
,, ..
Tlf l ( liALUN\of JfA IIH'.' li M!
lt'il'lfl)' llr whm Wl-fl() lMfl'''Jwrw l"ii6JJ,
rtJme fp l)twntl/ '41Qi/:,
""I( th#r ll(tlq"l{r know 11..PiriJ /!)go.
WI. bit{/(' Pegrm !11.1,. j11urmy ..
I don't knQw :at\l"'m }"\?u, bul fo,\ffiy$tl(. tJi:e1s like we J.l"C' llt J criocul
ll& r.ult ht.:,. pbne 1r oonlil go "lnJ' numbct ot di.ffetcnt w;a:v. h
tluu 1 he "">riJ ii vn. liw Md sQ our heam., witt.
1111J 110Ct'ttn.1m \', htcking -ali -c.d'nvictim;, Q(ren widl' p.a!l,sjo!uft l,lu1
intcll!tit.\\ Httw-"\\'e h)-.'$e,/;!: IJ.Il,d dw world .tl th!s
j11nnurc: wiU m.tke a hugt! hi d11C! \\.-'!!)' thinp:' unti.\ltl Wh 11
tta-r U "' indiVtdmtl!i llnd ;l i !l.(i.tty 111 luturc: uumcnl:'ll will tC'
m 111elsun: by how \ Y't! m:lkc Ul!e llt YUJ inn-lie
J.n<l c:tpacin fu1' itt 1.hi11 h will hl'
by Wh;U we chrxtt' h.l clo ro hc.ll th l.!ivrtc><-, d"'!ll.ltitil1.1iuu .uKI
llloiU.j.thr o>l lmr il lhlof I lUI" fllllf$, (:'V,:h II \W ll0111Uh 111d rrt\
aU 1h:11 ahJ ht-liltitul ;lru:f lu:lrh, in ..... 1 n he: W01IJ.
1hr 11 ,.,,11' nf
uf tlw
rebrion11lit.VtS condl) ul\tl}' slmplliA h ill>o slt J.ptlmd tlrluw
\'Cf)' wor'lci u'l which we hvc -:md m wq.ith our uttfotd. 1\hr( h olf
tlK tne, we.!Sce the$.: t\\!o oi' 1ii0. how -:heworltl j .. I'Jt""tii'lg we tutJ
huw J IHII trt;lrlng the- world, i(:'IC:pt.!trtiC:n 1-hwc yQI\I .IUU-'ceLI
we co.n get Oil'-'t.'ht up in pl4)'1:tl' Ill\ otn 11'1rrl Jrnt;e.
o;;:if \'(q:l'ld were IW\nlr "''f \loflf.l ntJ! 'i; I wu w
tired th;ct <)1t)ll ;JCf il!> tf t here WCrea signifitilnt '\C(fMllliOI'I uot
ahetc .1.nd Jn here; when cur 1:..\'fl!rithWe, t.l!o t.hllt It i-s tht: thiullclol nf
rcully uo .-;;pMiltiOj) ;J,t ;til? E1c:.n i( we M'flllt. I hi! Jfti'IUUte re1JL-
bt:t'l\i:Cn ' ool'er 1111d ; unt-1, e;(ill, we '"' ' 1 be fairly the
W.t}'lout fiw:4 unpin9;c upon :a:nd tht ami ds.c v-.1\'H 111
whkh 1 h\' oudlwi; i1'1 .1 f,YJrlbiotie tbm:c 11f fi::.;-tpruul)' nd
Oh llwd, frum intirn.wy 'YI1l1 olur )\\'0 on,l
lnl\dt-autl wlwt tbey"Ut goilft tlm)ug:h.;"' wt'W.'t' rcl.lftl'lg-W d11t j',,,"
Uy tfom our bl.ying hJbitl' w we th111k ('If tm nt;w we
wnrd) {>rdan) ,\'1.\tfh on rV, t!1 h(l\V WC ;;suor d9n'( IH'f wtr111 dt1:
Qf he bQdr
hlll lnt<n,IMI)< t . ptil't RulllrlyJ..)ncfttlljJ:l c''t.;tt .whtu '"C .al-
h:l11pt, 1\'r. pfhn du, ttr fl'fli(.' h" br .1 w.w, 'nw
f\'"A\UI l(rr I h., C\'r11 (Il l I h0: I btJI ,, iU
lllfitttnr ych ,, hlt'.ak Ill flwchm oil b ttut Wltli h.
"' la11 ' 1.14h fr:tr.cinl{ cltoirv rh11 \', lht buutr ,,f I he-
;!t.ul lukt ,u,,t lhr lll rh ... itlld I, wr wind " l'tolt.'f'pulg-, Wtl
Oli(IV 1\1 lru , I I,H,tll. fludt 1m.:-h n\II UI
, ). \.XI J.) refusing rq.
,1, Jrmn o , . _j _ ,
f.!cn.htiCif, ' . j . " '' "'"llliC11I pc-rhn.p'$.h_t(jll.U6C '.\'t! a<.ll' t
I ' *''viii r J.ll' "' u ., .
,.w_-e. blpv t tiJii d 'n .,.w::mpting t<> .. "<)m_ntolll s-llUal l()h rQ. ..
"' ltuttn':lr,.sfl
wanrt ' , , '' 'ot
bt out of t:11 we m:l.)'
M - '
hnont- P ' ' . }, ct hv,ctting tlwt mon (If the rime. hi\rdly
1)111 our m d A d f< h
W'l)' rc.tU)' i)(: W: VIC o. I) \\'C -orgct t 't
ou. own , " .. . . ,. d .
of tnm-dinut}'OOinJ'IeXJt}'<li "veU $ll'lpliclt).1ll tlt.l,[
rll drutt't . .
ll'"'-rsfld whcu \\l!i:lo nN 1n
<.. d snn 010d :;U;tt living Qt.J( n:uth-, well be
,,1 oun.:ln m . ' .....-r "'
1, ' t
11\ !o ti
dlt'"Ont11)l o\<t:l' auvrhing for vet)' ltmg.
ti'IQ,HIIJf'.' ln:IIV . ....,... 1
>!fi\-iduntc :md 41i . \\'1.\ ca.n nu to- Jgn()tc rhtl!
fundiii'IICIIt'ill of uur- n!o_procity .md no
an ,..<e iJJre hhw intert11riA& ne-t' c-mt<rse" ou1 of fl',u'
r'i' ;md our inrt'rilit>.llk \''hen tn our l\WII accuully cruc t'O
1hem l!oMVC\'CJ (lr opaque 1hcy m!'ly .1t l)mes fed td
ThrO'! aur rhtougb onr our hb:tont;$, ltlnd our
petUuiil we lnvt -ccnr ftr(:t our hc!l!th and w(ll) ... bt:1ng as
c h11ppicu-. anJ K.tu..tUy cvc:n the )f. 1ht germ
linr. th;u;-ldc tbu.t we tn: an!\- ,, bJbblt l11, th;lt' W'llY ;,,
wn.dl we iliC the lifc-givc.h wJ wMld -hullde01 tCtr our furore g<:uc:''
tioo:.. t'lfl lww we di!:)OR tJJ I we: qur own wtul.c- wt h.lV\' 1 hc:m
111 11'.-ot:
\1 the 11ititx tuut, 11 nJhun:, wrt. have t;Onn:. to ser: rh;u tbt \'try i::;dll h
)f) w'luch u.t ltw,ro uy nuduug ,,f tht Jll d ir-
.4.uhwa.. drpr.uilt tn UT'I tbtltc \,m\e dlalr.,u. W11t lar.gc
thnloJgb tlllrcallecrivt bdlaviht n tO<Uil
ro 11kc jatt oJJC C'Xllmplc. global rernpeo.liJlP C"iiTJ be
d!wted bJ&d.ct. bcf o\00.-QOO Jar lind C!ln be th<'.M'n tt' ftuat.Ltlt' between
a:t'a' vf hen; aqrl CIJl.J We W I rtl.atM!J)' ",nm
nM aU\'
WJ;I'JfJI;f than Ill)' Ql It- otbu warn m lw t'liJ1critl""c..t. I hl\vever,
l,...tfi.IIPad ta-leam recmd_t, a 1 mcumgbctwocn thr lhl111;lllll4t
-o( ocmui .... dhn-luth. [WI-14 f'AII """""""'" C<l,1mll""
N Up h:P' lS tu .a II'!'Vcl thar n higher a han
t h .. been m dw
., .. llo;> IHIC'f II.JN I.\
Jllll,OOO yd.t,c, 11 mclinutcd by L>*tiHtn d1Wdd j,-, ''f!U:IIi 111 Anu.rttia.
,'\nrl t h.c IC:\'eiiS f() d \( ut lila evtr
Thill dr.rol;lUc- "11d in,:tl-"atlt utt't1q11pherk C0
ll!llf ill:l)' tQ 'hC lll!ti\'JI)' {of I.1Um:111 I')Cingw. If UntiJGckoc.l, tlu: rpu:r
Panel on l:Jimatc p(c:rJicu thtu lncl
r.;f Juun
COi will double b}' .illOO atJd tLJ :1. 'nult, cht
te:mps:.rnturc mny rijc dr:t!Y\?-tlr:.tll) One <onlitq1\Cm;c -,c:emll to rlut
open watet-ar the Nol.'t h P()le, i11 tn.;-ltirtJ;",lll both IXJie ,
gl:tciers arc dit>appe.;l<mg. The t)oten;rial in
ocrmJ o( flud!up.uom descabllizing- clim.ue wYrld-
,f Ol'>l l:<:Jnfylng. VVI1tlc 11npredictJbfe.
indu<.lc :1 pQ$sible ir. Jew I ''' a n::l;lriY'tl)' :tbhrt hr
time:, rhe C(Hlse-qlh:nt fi(kldir.g of :.1ll nnd citic. ..
"''ldd\'llde, 1mag)ne. M:ulh!\lf:ul if the occru1 tiS!<t.6fty fetf.
We. rouJd .say r.h:n rhf'!l .one <lfltl only one of ln.ll\'1, <:u
kind of nuro-immll!!c of.thllc:tn h, in orte as-pa:t of hlllll.&n "t
li\'it)' il>; thF 0\'tpll dyn:in'ut buJance of of
as a.w.heylc, 1c it :idmrbody
1,hdr" pr-ol>lem, whoever fltl!. govanmcms,
urtJit} the..;u,o 1B lt p<.'uible, i{ we11te n:.
nllyllll llf' thll: body, "., .:,(fiJecti\Cl)' l-'OOC sen$6n.tlm issue and
re\r.o-n: kind of dynnmlral Can we do 1hat tOt ;my af the
W.:\)'S In v,ih\c)1 -tbrtatt'm ow fetl' J.wn and
live::> of. hl <:OJ))e, ,:,t t)d in f'att., tb.: Qt' many ..
Tn my m1!'1d, it- is pl!ol time tOr 01 Q:l cv whJt
kno\\l ' I' IIQt jU!iJ lu rl1(: 0\H!!C'WOPld ,,f \lUI rl;'l.lfi(UWhlfM. \\'lfh (JfiW
Hid wil h our i n .;lu: llttttiH wlltJd of our oW11
.. '
... ,. '!IIIII II 'n!v, *'!II, N'l b;i li ... f'Oi.!!.' d \ atl>nh:..,,\1 ... .1 uoll llr lntll(<ll .
lio od'o.rt .IU;I.
_,fa"" &rwt ua U&b'Hmll!LIN: d..KDC ul ,;a, ..a\ piARt1
..,,..,.. tb mnn ttaw:.t.htr1ol lrom the a.:r(vq .and
WMa thcnWEm'lht.lvwr tororulr.kll'lthiil
rhc :o.!o.Q{ eJP," mt>Jem b.)Ut the n:otl
.ljlptmu:htt ,.., cotlPi.tiqn,.,_ l.t 1\I,(Oi(mt t bJil' m 1 he pa.stlhrrty
' 'Utll'f, ITi t!tliOanr: hod to kft!JW
fn1m n-ar'lltrkabl<:
>1 n:
1m.d clinitl pr'.tctkCII Jn tbc: 6111 Wr:i()lulv k'l\twn u mmdlbQd,
bch:Wiol'll mcdfcinc," U:r4ii'ine
rueditint!; rh.1t rhe l'l)'$ttnQIAli, b:.W:ncc we c.a1l "hc:.,trt."
btltb. tbc body nnd the "lnln..:l ltn u;f.e ()\lr awltv.-.arll and .lrtifidal wt4)' (1f
spe!\):;Jpg: t hll t bniJ.f.rely spUt'l ftlml C'.lLh
-'Od (;3Jl b.:.
.t)y ol :nttenoQn. thnt O:.lltl bcsu-naming, tl:!torntive,
hc:iling" h out tb:.r \\:t:1ill, us:. in bur
;md n <Nt" ,c:rr a for., d}'n:lmic, vital, u'IIU'r, :md fur a .huge., IIUl.U<:,
.geJ.lCC tfu.tgi)C$ way b!:JT>Ild the .mc.rcly conctptual. \Vben wt mbOili/.c
-and r<ftrt4 <:np:acl'ty =!lld put it to usc-. \\'e hcnlttue., rbpioally
('notionilly, ami 'l{>irituidly mncll hB-J)("tr. E\'C.1\ hut thtnl'ing be-
rom we-trt fe\!i ;n th"' rrurul
Thh <':tpaP,tyfqr (.\tl bl! L1ll
th'll.ted, numutXJ, md bc):Ood:<'(lur v,iJdes:t dre3n\':1 i:t we b3vt rkt
to> d1 Sadly, '* individu:1l th;&{ mom'2tl()n come:.
<mlnvlw:-n wt_ have- alrea,dy u "f 11. se--
\'ert- to tha tha.r mu..\ IMve us. i,:t trellh!tld&lu! p-.cin In both
Sr>m.t .md p!<."\'(be. fr 11111)' Qnly oomt!. :.l'> it J<tts fur sonuny o.f p.uiems
in- t he Streit> Rt:'tlucrion Ctinic, .. Wt: ;trt: n1ddr .1\\'llhntd m tbt: t'Jn
na n'l.ll'tn' ltd\\- ttmilrk;able- our Tt
linntlltiiJni t-b:ar,;e C'Ompktc- cu;n. 1l trc.\l!ll'u:61 Ctftcft 11
:!Glion ro tainoin rht: H;Ut.,..qu\<1, it tllert U a.aycll'eaiu tnw-
.JI aJI. tnd 1.'\'t'll t1f !; \Yr6tlg ,In iOtX\iCt .md roo d-ftm
Wrtbbut; 11 ito tO thJl 1he1e fit'' 6dili
UJaiJciru: iUC thi'tt ir ti w ntoX!ili.:c tk('p
.l:tnillt' v.><: Jeern tt> 'S'hMC" br.rvin-uc "'r bclng, hum:m, rc ... u.n:'ltll
'"' bnun .J I' .c
g, tur Wr .tth-1 jqr lT,t.tb olfTU,lU\l!l ma:- an
w ;.1-lb!.c f\"1 Ul lll:to\1 tile cnt!Jt' life ;parl JU int<t
Our J.i1:111!t, llU hums. u11r nue nutuh, .wd mlo) <IUJ
"'nhc:.a.:_t I d th 1
Ji 1<t .Ill '1'1lh \\>1(}d. \ \e i;AJn ;t..:CI!U to t'm uamng fllltD
)lrfl h Alwll}'IO hen;, af:nl 1D -he mnmcnt t\'t!r
ju_.m, ,,., r. W
L - _,
I . ' 1\.lW w(: .all hAW: tbr. pt.otenfi>!l lilt' nc..uu'lg lln'd tr:m-
1 ,.Judl'"
, llhlll the: WI' h tJtl (JI01'4Ct\'C'I lu, Of J Ur-o\-
1 II \ ut.tUCf' . "" d" "
. J , J o ren..-: \\'( lit<: 11 b ll , M
'''"' lf l'/';.'(111' Pfl . .,.,, ' - _,
I )
fool wt ""e" rh< C'o\1-JIIe\ :1i Ultl::n,u <)r ('t)C"If!lfhll.
'"'fl"'lt."tt JU I! I' ' ' .
., . .,.
rt {YJI birl11ti1(ht. Thc.,.aro
llttR: 1nnn rtW- -
n.._ hccau11e Mt: 11o'J1In fl"Y \'':lY Mtpilnltc; rt,) lll tu. h 11' Jq
('utur "'": r'" . .
l' .,
-mt"':lleti M le;&rn aml rovt .1ud he:1l an1l nu7w mwutd
'lilt \'I'll 1; " b
n 1 rur 11.l)' H .md In our t(ld
jl\t(ltff Will '
gf"!lt.r nthern.
Uvl ,,ill, -rl:tt. tO be uuct.l\'erc.d, an.d pur ro
IlL. i!n l clullrt1p;t f tf ' "'' 1\IC' time, rh,ll \11.11 r.h,ulf;C 111 lt)llb
lhi! IIIP1H+I !l tntln'WI\1:11 dur WI.' IJ.lYt'. :\J ;I tUic.,IIUI ,t!t C!UII}'
1-1r rillrl1.1p IIIUJI , Wil:l\f('rl Hnl unwmrcrl Htll 11 1!1 nJUIll)
", rt..Uk 111.11, tn unJOWmg )Ill' hvt:., "l.luully h.wr bJI
mutnl'fi'J Ill wlud1 rn li\'(
111111 it J, ,1 I" he I'm 1h<!u1,
ilnd I o1UI 1 lh h+IJ'l)l'fl we 1111.
IIIII ,},,lJI(Jt,l!.e uf t Ilk' 111 h hl cultl\'lllo ll.t-w:
ftf "'lltiiH!
r, f.JUWIOI(o ,UH1 '! If INIU&tic,ou tight tn I 1\( uf
, out II' u;r.-UIIlj ... 11 .11 I hr . ...dl'l'llfllrJ' Cl ' !Jf.;thm: 11 i>!:Xin" 1l juunlrY tuw,\ro
lulah\1', v.h- Wo; lf'.:l.IIV rc ,1rtt.l ooOJJ )!o 11 H"lliiV IIUtltl(tl,
\mil hey ,II, we 1 hntlt. Mnit rl11111 w. f'cl:ltrlhl\. .HJd
1 n1l'l6y l(li" JJUI otwr. n' or ;&(( ,h h "'" t,wtl
uv a t tr.r.lm tll" wt-U bctn;t an.d aa;l;nnlpl lnnrnt -JTr h ounl T hl, Ill,
alJ !hi!' URII'.
llu Jl"l'"' tow.atd pnll't:'f dtui onttv t h' au1lt1t:.c
.at.d cStvel"''"n,; n:ilttutllll Wt' Ill h.avc:.. Ar,tltht: ''")'' iniJ''rt'"''''
llDit '*' CJIP'M-'lft' 60.r fJII:"V'I .lltfmtlun. in p1t11o.,Jiar hi lhu<t rn l" ut
WiJ' Jn._ thlr WI' bavo Mt been If: VU)' b tllh'-ilfltJn ho, IlLII WC
.... ...,. Mal'l11'11)' frncnt,
nrti.IW' IMit'aMM tha.t fn.tutc <)t I"K"IIR thl-l
th '*'lH" dirtuatuft.,. tbl! p>ttmh!ll ut our 'l'n:lt"t for
for 1nn.fu-ra!Jit1nn, bot-h rndR"Wiuil cdlccus-c Wt K'
dt,mgr h;:tm .1ml bclc;(\IOC +lWoiC'' ihfl)nlt'h '''<: ,JireH
chlngll tlu'tlvgh ti'vto (')ltplcd (mr pawcr11 ;:
.,.,1, w!
Hu.cJ.,;IlliliPI ltc llli .1 'iCLm: lrl i owr'l rlgll t. Wl. nl
,.,:1\C:IVIIIK d;
1111)' tli1C OlCpCJ iam;c .111 utiiut
&OffiC' 1')1 whid1 ;i.n.: l111pur nun tl) .,11r lnuur
, . .
term wl- mi}(ht iM lite IH\&u}' ,,f rl!
::r.w.ay'.-Thc}' 0111}' f'M now ,he: mtal'r 111 lddrn 11itnr lllll\11!4 \Y\1 li J,U tl
of '1'11' tn l1c: h .. 'tll 110) c hmc: hidden clhiii"U
ur I we mJglu c:.tiJ
t;j'pvnlariJ, il rt pOI!!Illlll l h
11ad will K''lldll11tly it:vt:ul rht:rrtll!lVC!I hi n. o111 wr: ...
Jwcll in 11111 tIJMity lor J>y
1iirh b111h -nwc and kndt:Jni!Ji!l 1'mnplcx. fC.I
1-11)' o;l,,Jcrcd wm ld, wrr in, family, 1Uind ,mrl 00\ly w
rlun which
loc:tc md oric-ht :dJ wh.icl1 1'\'t"f)' lc\d, I \:C)IIIirm,
fiu.i&ng"Jntl chunP,.iug.. whetbu we knuw irc)r ntll, wt
1 .,
II lid t,ll!!l'rb}" r l'nViding IJII \o/lth n nndCP
l uutl t!li l.o J(fllW1 ull'l fll t.!lc:lrl y, ;llltllll tnow t()W!Htl W'l!llta' wiWun ,
llo;H 01('-t:IC.Il!l, .anrl H.J\1-':Ild IJ\IriJing ri1C COriUIX'tl ritlfjJ.i.etlj{ tlJ 1)11/ I umulh\UIIII
IJIIJid[, hlih:ruall y Jm ( -nm htlhe, u Rt,, lrorrltjlllcr utod .--et
}f'/utncr t.,Yf.Lrd h(:dtll J.l1d 11:1hitV h lcs' rlun ,
mvi u
thn rQ up to full nc!lll f)( Uu1 livl;'-. while W<l a\ IU;1IIy lmvc \lll'mt
lhc:r nnly, tf t'W'Ii tll (.IU[ Wh1ch J lr-nrv IJ.w
r , .,
(UUI:.liJI WUnt:d 4g-.11111 Cltt<j\le'nffy ltl mdtfllfl wfu:n hr
I Wo: l lu \\'(JtJII loecllU\C I whhr.d I) ltv; tll!li brrl'td}', tn t'rQnl
9l life ,1i1d 1c.:: tl I ''"t tnrn Wh' If htul
hi tc.u:h ;lut-1 nor, ...,.llru I ":111W 1n rho&t I h11d
1 , 1 1 - jiH!IIIihl l" f(rr u ' " k.u II hl
. . h
rh t l , 1
liur ' p, '"'""
, l!ll wi 11 ud
1 .uh1r11 .rp;o
., 111 ,, ' ' hr "' , I I I,, ""'' ul ,fnu .thh IQ ht\1
t I 1 I I I I
Jlc t ' "'' '''' ' I ,.,
!\.Uh' Ur" ul hnrll hr.ut ;.end
I I t!'l th d ,I Jll +I l' l., ,
11 t nt
1 11
' , I
It tW.IrT 1 .111 t- tubr11 , ,
th 1u t l h, '
\\'h '
1' I , 1 ,.n.l lntH!JIIut\ ol ml nll.ll llll7cd
r.J I {to'fllft;t hl lt HI
I r I
,I rtiJitlflthlpt, .m,l
!I r t,i!Yi rf11.&11nll(\'
I'" I ,
, j ,i(o,tnu ,in.l llnd C'tnuhmu
tk IJr nth- lUI !Il l I
.. h luh r .ur: ... ... .JtCM'Ittl lv the
. .. .
t._... L. , eteiiC tllM!frt.arto.:, uur npcnrn.:c:J oi
.... .. .... ., :1 lo.'U ,. .
t: .,, bd.
.and !Uftt), lr:tllntt ol tlti\\ Otduoe-t.'\ h.Jt
hi .rcill .t ,, hum long tandm,;rc-
:t fr. f'U h!-,,lf1\ 'I 0. l .. iUwJ 0\'fiWht!mlfti( lu.m'
lltJ ""'"' 1h.a1 .at:"ttW uur v-rw, d ;r1 our
t-.1, f m&Uf J'R""ffll our ._ :l"r. 111d uur hr
10 JUl. urnc11, l-.ot1 ht , .Jit &nilmr 'l'honuJh, h11t
1 tt'4l tJ, tJnallc &I a.t .a u r:: l.o. hum n IXmJ. wt' hn.t'lJ . t! '""" , J ,._ t 1h', r\r: 1 . " tluu ""'"' h 1 Ire bu.1Jur 11 t-en
v :.Jirh, tuJ 11r r:,. ;Jo:ndtcj\'ol
1, I ,h11 ,, r :all. 'l'tl ,ultmlm
11 Ou1
::!'11.1 j, . .Jyu '' uf,dy,a l nd tapclhll, m.uh.wnJIJ lvllflhJmrlruand
M\.1 t IJI'II. <II}., f I 1.1 )I I till11111l11 \\' 11Utlo1 If II,' f, (II r\'t'll
lo;r I tkp IOJI, II II'" I s.nt\\\lt.ln\l IIIUT lutt!o\1 fr-.. u w ltlijo';hl '\I
nL&' 11 ' t 111 \' hr RolthrthlllJ; "'t w\11lh' !.l'o!u,, d lw,thw !>t't Wtl h
h. bcJ.J\ I r 11 IJ1rr Itt" W I tl lo 1u\. 111 II llul l.illlll>j Uti I 1111\ oll1
but tcrnn ly rl'lllloc U prt 11,1.1 in\un
\t 11 W I tN '"''''m'u l1 1 II, we lrh'" hum nuLt\l'
thril.tolal I filii ILudy ""J"rnr m 1l1r I''' rt11nt\ t
'lint' t\'11111 t ul to\,'llhm tl111 lndy tntluul!.l rul "" lia,l
l(tettl'l ht11h II bcu1p;. lll)tJ'IIII', 11 J I lil t' r\ot'll m tltr flll ll
I ' tl"" It" ltd thtf!uth Mwrv ''''"' n.l 111 l'''"l'lr. l1111rc 11lu
,, .. , rW ""lit I'''"" pi h rc1v rrrJ ""''""''''Ill '" rq" fl h'
rrwlul ln_,-fll ''" 111J h,r tltt'n '"''h \\'lu 1
" 1..-.l \\\ 1'-\ nut tu ' tho11 "' 1111 11 ''' ...,.h
! N ti!OhU\' '!I)U lu
, W"-)'1 ,,nd rhr tl'll )"t:tpping lnh) hrldcn diruct1Aitr1l! ,
ntl r1t::W \kp;n.q
11r ftcc:<lom, 1'1 not 11 (";uh ror the .. d tH fc'"' Anvbcxly CJII ('mb;uk qn tuch
,1 p.ath ;l, ll.J _.nd in n .
l b i5 rlr( Whtk of i\.11 ilt .all, ul be
11n.l.t"'' kc hc:re and IHtW. h is ai"J p-.a!ild1,.xtc-.dly, .a hh:.tltr.c.' eng;li(cmcnr
\'ou rhultl sar we: take it ut "'tOr :.Ott:," m n't:ry n( rh.
t phial<
'Oi l' tir't 'Jtep rm the ;.acl\'cnture in Clrlming to
., ttn$C't
.any ilnd cvt>ty ltvd is the of p.utiad.u- lund CJ[
k.110\vn u rmmlfil:lnm. '"the final Nnmoo parh.\.ay o! wh.u
u' hun\J;U I)W' C3p:l< ty t'or " I and {or ManJ
(ofne1.. ... " cuh:i\-afcd by P<S>" Uttntion. otnd, :u we hall du,. payang
<lUtMCft l\ dcveiupa! .tnd-rdincd through i1 pr.Kt.Q known .J tlfllffi/
which has. spre..ading r::>n:dl\" .-round the world and anto
rOc: of \Ve"rcm adtutc" in 1ht h.anb an pur
Dan numb, of Kitruilic and nt.:dial cf il\ \'ArlOlH d
ts. Bur if. in c:\en hc.uing 1hc: wo.rd med:it.a.boa. _\tJU m allo>l 11 tUJdc:n
r.. <.001\d.s cithtr weird, snu 1\,.Jiy:uHI.lll'b, or jut.t llQt *<r
\'tu uf rbe ideas: :t:-:.,1 im.agti you fu. vt: of wh:u mcdin..bnn N m
' 1 ht'$ umsidr t thn- wlte:n'ef)'l)!Jt i.fc:u ..1bour mtd,t.uivtt, .md h(Wt'\oi#
!her Wei'(' .U141 in p-uticulu mtndfatl ncn mctlit;Uun,
' ' think.
is nothi ng. wri.r.:l or tJut oJ lllC: vrdin.:uy JhfiUI, o1
rncdit:ltion It t, jus.t ,Jbl)ut P"Yi ug tlthnrlion m your life.! 1f '' r1 nul
hr,tl \nil it mighr lwlp ro
dt.n, while 1t i relll ly n.rh!ll}! 11
thr Uhli tuty, norhirig
l1 .1.t um
'!I AtJrJinlttily \ petiill llflo;otf_, 11'!\l.lL.fUmltlh\'f Ill 't'! W I h;tt .111: Jq
tu !l.hhough th.
t wl-hl't U\ ifcltn
.t!hl rdi nr d, han..:(ldl d fl'll l\'dv P li
)' ll'\rl, rhr tndividuallf) 1 ht' .;
np(w.uc, the- Jtdrtl I.
ttlod ' '"'lllrh,tlltur lr dl)(-!1 l <'qttU't' ' Ill I \W l ....: nuti\ .l(t\llo.l 1\' whn1.
'' ''dh I I
' io t. J.I\'c I IHT"h\.c. 1111ff rl'lllf\ Uhl t tt'll:, II I( ,u u hl IIIII
'"" '" 'qr thc:o w.rlJ llu JJwlun! ul .1 hf(fi!Ur:' unt.ol.,fttom th
' trlll(' rlu pat h, ,, 1\t' " ill du '"l(t'rherut du11 hr)k. "'
rl I
J ..
"' '
, . ,
.. 'i.lf fit:
.,fft l;tJW tf,y
11'/)wuJI I " ..
@IJ (..;p
'" .. ,,,,f, lk 141
I allp fj_ijf!
I t1 , f f. It )1'14 h f
I rJ
.W. ljl" IJ,l
A tr,. ..
I #ill I
I I( lU
. ''" 1 A nnYn
.,.., IJ , ,
lr I tl' .,,"r"' I
, I r ....
,,, .. , . ,,"&, ,,t,
1,, ''" u riJ "'
' m
I 11!l1Ul;J
II)! 'I .,d
,j ,,,. "' '-
II t;l wl,l II I I iu y
II If 1 10 Ill 11' 111 Ill
''"'ll-"'''' '"""' ...
rt.t:rff"Y Jatt w , tt.J ... t..,
....,., 1-J: r.itd.t.M" ltJitN v nuNiJetp:"r iC' An
J b)- d t1Uf4J II""''"""
vt 1(,, 1"C
t t w. .J,narn tit
t tr r
dw.J u 14'
I I fftf' ll\l'lfJ
mumm. :lMiuef,,,mwh1_1,0U7tpr
"' w. I tiJIW twdy h IAJ1 wdl w JthcrWr
!f'O 1
1 ' I I lltmn1ytwJ W11f'll they m 1J
.'I II J, ' f, d.m 1'7UI ''lilt "I! frtl r1 du .,.t tn.ay I]IC
ho-I t> I :J .. 1 t lhl n n w :&bh tr Hlft'l 111 J t
JJ fill 1 rJ '"
'WI Jt ' "'''' w.u tl/1\'f,\IJ.Iy!l 1 IJt diJ1,.,, I' Jiiillt'llft.'
I t WUtlltl'klhr l , , I" Will ,j .. ,.,.,h. J..,t ltt!I.nwdy !dhn:-lU
,,, tJ .. uLmy, wl IW;II,..,,, fll ... j l pGJuiiiiJ\ u l('if11!11 I, m rlw. IJJ
'' '"1
' '''" Ill L1 J,,,,,, l!ltuJttUJI,..'ulilltJtfP''
,,,,I ' ' ' '' htw , ,j ' '''"' ' ' ""' ""'Y lltt! 'I"" ' " wh. -r- hullt fiC'
til I
1jl'llllll "'''1 frht' dwu ,., .. shl"' .,,, I IJIIII 111J f'tltiC, utJ
I f,lt ,j ho! l lmr- !t,. uttll!"h
,J,ur,, td'i ''''"' ln!W Wf1 l u t 1'1\'111!( tl!I'H' ,Vor .uru411Y If.
't/.ll j., J ,jh 11 I fll !lll ,j ,h jll \ilr f ll t!lAIIIIWI ttll!jlU
1 1
'"''' nl "ffwl '"' J rllr 111 bl!'
h hlr
1 w I I \-\
AU 11
1 I l '"''!1"11111 I' I' t ll tr>l)u P""' l'
ul "'''"''!+ ,u,.
II I 'Ill '
llol .l.f, '' ' llllj!'"''h' ,,
II +lllt!ltllll
.,.,,..,u, ,,,,. lw,,h h, thr ,, I' f ) r ''"' t\\lu
It! ,, ,,.,,, ltl""hJn 1\1 I tl
IHit,lu In ' '''', uu 111 I tt J,. ,h pthltl, ih ''' '''u'
tlt!ll"'"' Jhthu pnHi ti! l tdl vt ll \t.'tilll uu ,Ill !"til)' I, 111t lllmul
I n! , , 1
,,!1 t-1 11 hi I 1 hN , t In h 11W11 t u" It I u hi i lh t h ltN Ill, 1\lld
u .. , I ' " "" . .tl 1''"' 111 . 1111 ult t\Hhjot rll lt\V\Ilt'l\'1
''"'I Ill lillld "' til tl !I I Itt 11 t\O II h fill t 1111" II u.l ti hI )fl' I '"''' . )II' \ tlld I
Il l
I ,,.,,,,,.... tm ur nllw l!lt llul11111!'. ""' nt1h,. h,,u
llltttthh In 11'1.1\'1' tlu huth'' t!Wt\ tdl 1 ll'<tlll\''"''"'
111, JI,IIIU.' <l!lutk, ,,, 1,uklnv, II
"' ' " w11lt unr INI1 (I 11"1'IJ wnr'll" Ill
"1 f ,..,._ t tllhh, arnl 11 nllf hl 111 tll!:lwr W.ll'
... , ..... """ t I kiltl( II '''*" ... t I WII h II 'It'""',,,,,,, .t {,,..,, ,,,,
\ tJ11. w mn II tullltn 11! ,, 1hh1t ,I 1t
11\o .. ,.,,, fl\1 'II nlltl' ltl' IJ.;ll Ill ( li!tfl\('1\
r........... II..Uf .... l 'ln. ..... , l I lh tl lllolf "11lr
lttktt .. lll
'I 1 II tJ W 1lt'f h tflnil h"
.and ubfa:.-cu_tg
ciut 1hcy ulighr M'o'CJ' llc.tllt! hh1 and prb.i(Mnlr lmd mu
fflC!I\It> '* 6ulul\'..: to wotk '" 1''"h W!!;y
pcopiC!. up :l f l'ttte;\t', wr. u ,,.,umr.
1 ,, w.u "'
thct of elhu t;r II'\ nf ch,,t WJI.Y,
(lUI 1 will be: 11n i11tpl.eit Lr tl
;\ it1m Jlid \111lin,n"'"
.m the pa 1t (I( whll do c;how up t9 t'Xplore 1lw illf411'ior ql
the mind n.nd the I)( wbu C:llin,eu;Ti.-ol'h lld
()hnn (1110I.CI'i t:allcd ttt}h-1/oing, thtJ d-om:. m ol Ill!<: mdit.Mn'h, jn ,,.l)h.h 11
though ot 1'1.0rhi ng m11c:h '" ot bring but
ut th,e sa1nc ''oth1rg mpclttllill it left undotw, 11r1d ;l'l J
U.I)t m,.tetiiJII" \.'lllefh'Yof .:u1 Qjll:tl , '\Wlil'e DOh4 dtung m.u1i fnt 111 tht
1V>tlil of' dolngQ1 retn.1tk.1blc: W'lt_)': ..
Of \\'e P,IJ UIOJill_ll ll\'6-ld 1lw whill[)l:"!rl ltmgi111;1 of our >wn
;ut: car.itW .. 1on,g iu tlu: qt' ltfei tl()ir'l.IJ:I, Aml l,om ((P
firinly il:\ 11\IAAt'i<ring I h11t ll lt'ditill'llltl ili!LI W:.}"ll r.V.l),' or 1!:\'1':!1 h "
kmplc1 but 11 isn't a lt,la.r i11 nor ,, . lew
iu which 16 J)ll,lttio.:e fonn11Jty 1111 i' regubt h>l.!!f in t
life, lltlltl' mind rhal miidtuln"C."'-:-1, ll,lf.til.dllt fV \tr )Uu
o;ay '" and every uti'ottli%' rn(lmrnr of uur
811t llliiiC'.ti R\\'.J. no ij;norc:- rh!)l-c frum ow- own
11">1rtll, J.ti d !OIIwtintt::.s ; lit4 pulled to lil\{)1\' '"
.,.,.,. nu11oarfly wolu.l!ln
t . ltl when.:
iwql fill 11 tJtntt ll!l ll d1Jid.l)t ,,, wiJdc I"'ell!l,-jjt to'* mcdiuuon rttt'<:ilt,
f)( II ltoJal( t lr .1 da, (:If tQ 11 Ulli Utighr n lh'l d1.1f
uf Pl.h:11dvc-;o.
lQ apco ru rht'!lunlWtt. tll ;uul
1'11 a1tJ fdr 1l1ld kr .. mm mh.i hikrl hy I>} lliJ CO'I'r'll l'lta.l'l
"fJn._ Hl mtd
' . ,.
IIJr. .lvcrn un: 1 ot n\lndhJucW offc11 one (\or;stl:olc
fl1-!tth tnt.:. (litll('!tniunl! o f )'l.l'llt f-\i.' i
g: rh Ill .I) ,f:t\'lttc it:;norcJ
liulur.,ull"lloiC,j "' 1m
!It !lid I lJ I I 11!1 If! h11h t !'\", !hi Ill' IH'"' !lultht
""t tltt ., ,,,1,1, Jl .,,,.,,,,j, ,j I f1' t .. thi tnt
ell alu'r I," ,uul .. ,,, ''"' rw'"'' f,
11 1 1111 Muodl tl1 u " ..t '-''"' r- "' lt
, 1r "' ''"'' " API , v.ll H 1, "" u Wt 11111 " ,.. ,,, ,
II ''"' , It .of,., ,"" II L
111 w ,, .. , I .,
11 I +1!111 ''''Ill , 11}1 oAf uf
It IWI1 Ill II 1t 111
II tf 1\h lrtlll 11f <ill
1/lltl.lutr. "''"'' ''' l1
1t t tt Wttll ol tilill
..... 11,1 I I lit
n111 I, tl
lltlo.,.ljfl 'y It! fill I II ilh '
1 .ur '' , ll"'"'" ,, "'1 "'Ill
I II I I 1111 1 hi
.I t" '
11! 11!1'"111lrrtl!lh j . , I I
1 11 1
111 , fttu tl I "' 1 <otJII
l l liHtll!!i!hllj '"'h -"l'lj!HIIII Ill ' '" I I" lol I I
' '" "I r' t Ill !I I' It I
1, tjl!' l! I+> tltu l .iiH\'t 1111. Wh111 hI wd1111 l"ttll ''" 1
j,,j,,, 1 ,,
l''''h 't'Nthtll llt 1111111 .t il tlu itth llt 11111i It dtrl"l' I 1
l/jjl trll)l:lll IIIII jttJI Ill lilt lit li.f'l j l' ' ttl tilt < oil lth ltul llifll ,,1
Hill l!olli!lll ll \.' !ihti lt.a\' lu. 11 t l 'I'" I luy r tl t '""Y
1u t "' tttuiJ, .,.,.,,1, .,, , wl'''" ,, , '" ''''''''"Wittttli, 'uti At"'" h,
't! /\.,,,,,,Ill!,
l"!ltli 1\uu 1 h ' " C ltll!r IIIIMII l.w 'I'' 111, l't rrltqh,
Jml! u ' '' /\ttl>lll t 1,11"' ' 111, ! WI .It, fd,lllllo, l! tuhl lt 1 ,,
!!!!Ill I 1!11 II !1. \\'II III 111oj rrttfl ,1111 !ill'ftl ttlll /llitt lol! II III' h1Y,\ 1
!llf I l'tltt !(il l ltj!llll 11
tfl I ' ltt lit' Wtll.
'11 1/!1. I J!th/11! , I II III tt 114h!t
wlm lt ''' ' + till I 'ti!W ,,, ...., "'" l11r
jllt I I tlhhtt 1111, ! I !till 11111
''' lll!itt lutltt.llllhlltlltt r 'I"'''' II dt
' "'It I''"'' "''' ,,,. ,,, hlltftjllh ' ,,, II
, ..
"' ...
,,,,.. 111 II I . I
u ''' '''' ''"r' .. .. \ ',,, ,, ... ''"' I"""'
I "''
...,,. I I I I I I I
'"' I
Ill 111'1' I 11/y!! /llo j11 t11 11."'1 hll I II f"ll I
II !Ill H 1111 ,j, ,j, , d1otl tl!+i "II II 11! Wll tWH
'""I ,,,..,J ''''' ' I I I f I ' I II utlf ! 11 I jl .\lj Jilll Ifill'' oil II 11!1' '""I! 1
II 1 1 11
'-!tf!"lll I ph
,, ,,,
ollt ultt 1 , tl! r p+l<
I. ljiiJW'ftOJ ,,, ""' ''
t\.1, "' I"''''' It tw 1111,
ttullu 111, ,,, It ,j
,., ,;Q"'J WI!J!T 'H' 'I l Ull
,. murrO"-
_ ... kt.'l11ld tke- wr&.1ght 1nd.
111 ) tn.&..;ICtl ol . .
---' n't,o to bfe m pm ""' our own J'ilttfClp..lUou
"''rJ rmfPt'l"i '
u.fM ,mt.;r. '"" roLm: t cbu'n nnd l,:t th-:m can\,., to
:n rt-..::m . ...., .. 1- .n ' o.
tadil)<"'(lf hen.nna. when W'( lungwuJ1 llc.nd-
u: rrtr.;A.t ""' 1:' cv
n,J un "'(.t!'d, ewry I:'Tnl ur C.\'Qktd1
nrn .W,wn ,., C\'Okc tr. WILh
II" RttiJibt, b;1ck 10 CtutfCh'l:ll Whitt ii;'!ICtUall)' :S,o,
.tncl p..t-uie t1QW 11"d qn. our iorhl .. y roge.tller -to lut"hc
., rbtk Wllll:O' nJ and <,f' .J.ngui$); jud "> be by the !n-
d7orn of hllmimiiJ' ;eai'nitJt 10 temu\dJng iUlc:lf llf
l\'hil ir-'*'r: '"metirrffl "llnd in <l..:epJ)! 1
11d utnnr.lldi Jw.gel gc:fw:fOU1. .tc:r. although hru-ftJy
nu .ll.lldrrt.!kcn t"on.hllt pointi!1jf4Ul p.oss:lble wa>-s -of
AJt .mtl cur !ttmJ;". 1n1l ttr,hap;. moa:c-:tud
o'CO '-C]cbohn;r- -wbaJ.nd what-we .1n', llt d m, bcoome.
\ Ty hrpTT ""''''5
!4 i rw.0'91 m'tt:l
ami r.(;tf..;(qtl ..,ohl)' l)(jk ol(
t .f:..Jr p,iiJ.ttJ jc1 tk
t .. .u 1l!Jf/ fitW.ltt!Jr, lut w
.lnfJtJ ftM'rn.
11 h .irjprult
Stl '"'til }rom f>'J!m,
,/Jt nurcJI"'y l"'t:rrr 1/.sy
.f1Jr 1 ..
\\' fl 1 JU'I) (_ II Ill (II \V11 1 IAD-11
1tit gt"6wftu.lrm,
Lrtt/J.t hl01ltJwiWtth ti.VJr,y
f{(f dsiflgonlcs .
"{'lJNViltimn/1 /t!rtftd
iiifS 11..1TJitVtbm'l.,
M'lff(JI 0 M?aiJa/, b/ot./ul!fd /rul/.
Thr nro:...-Cit iJ f:41o/ tJ,ilj'uturr,
/>rltiiJ,t.rMI tttws 'midt lm:r
1.< ll'ttrl} Ill) llt:WS. at all
TJ'aml.'tt.'.fl 6)' Cq/otJt.w Burls 1.1.ii/J.,{ MIJ_Vtl(
lw, lymx un 1ht- dwr uf vp!lCiaui aqd new
R-9tlm If du: lJ:\oJ.a.'\11 :.t,.Jii.--d rr.utn \\itb '1 group
(ll C:. :tJI i1t, .. rn p;u.inJtT in lltr J.windOng Jighr of Lue Septtmba :J-
Thill 1re- rint 11.,,, i11 the fifl!r ,-,1 I he Strr ... t Hc;lrti(ln
.it: J Rclu:!ul<lll Pmgxorm, hu.r h) .. umc: d the Sttci& Roduulon
\. :-mt lh;! hall iut bccu ht:rt 1 u.m tbwuv;h J;ll4lllt'i
'r t. n nmdc:J h1uj;.-d11\\ o n1ediT.mou Srin-Hwll the bodv !!Wit1,. \Vt
m tU h ,"fiJ-i 010 vur h.,, k on br..ud \tW f,JJul m.u:.: (lj ,o;a;-
' """ luu"reJ ar one ttl! Qj rhr r'Olm Of, ,11i:<ettr1
I hnt l:a)- If) (fliCQIIU
In r&- rnufdlt-o( IILI)r.g etrrtch dn. the Juor t.J the mum &-"11-
Jt.,dl 'Jf'C"' 4Gd 11 WWP ul buuf tlllfll r'C')p1c 111 whuc: I<OIIh Cflh'll-
ln lhr b.! n Wl md J te.trr.,Jr:.scl\'('f mwhtnl un h"
llfl 1nd fClUV tiat down iJpml 111r. \ltr:ldted uut un tht ltxr m 11
t1hUt and bb.:k. kAf1U1 Jllnl! to.:u'rl OOj, tilt' II ttriUoJ t"l:otllU, .J.IttJtUd
aadbenaDtlt kkon I J
Hr &o. ... w.n at me: I;Jllh 41nd. aftrr u ilmtiiJ, tin.dh "'Whtt
&'C'"'"on r rr,..lo:.rmuu 1\41 to d.>r11 tb. cl.r
'*'J'W-Itkt oo t'hr.r (fl nul m.lll, Jhr:u prtl!itJ
ltiWtCO thdt fCotto whcr< lsuij . .rtC'd Old. ,and hL lop I)( tile. hcird,
. t rutl l.(ll,-
n"l rnn:rr ,;,, :11\'l!fllllt\f nr1.1l * tl\'1 I< ihtlt IJ'I<' hulr::d, Ill 11d,lu uon {.' 1111 llt\l';
-a, wll" ,Jrmnlhrl \\ ,, rll'ul rl 1111 noli ul
1, nt 111 ,,,.,t tlJ.o !ltth' ''"''
\V.,.Intr' \It'll ill \hiL,t.hl!lh tlomtl'!Juw \Nl':!'t>Wt t,m
l.!.ld "' hMu .11111 In lhr Wll.lnl!l''' h .. ,..,., .,ort uf n:r-
' '
rn 1111 j \Jt:,J r I, ,!l.t!t,h \'n "'I w1J,t.umn The Hf)' f.u 1 1h.1t 11 '' J
,,..,., h) l<"numjoltknuh,J,J,.,.,,J'fll'h'l J t! .. ,,, luL'.J,rJitnl 'tJI\
the tr ol! .au.l II ltr alrh VAl .a kllwct h'llll hnw II lit
lull' '' 1lv:: ltt!lln ltr.t.m "' uu lt I n" 111!4''1 .a IJUI
rnv;lj,tnllenr (1'1"1 I If the WI'\ lc\\' ''' 1 hr 1:111,\ & .. r.l(r.
nrntu:nruu u::11t1tn .uc uptl11111h an
..... trtrr,th t.nJ 1\11 I I.
!l111l tullft: .&1\lJ mtll'
mll'lll,tulltcllllllleMrra!MIIrt hJtrllul. ,,, ... ,. III"'U
ft ffl' f"'l'uW. ,,JU) h11IIU I)Wh II'Nt " i.'r.,. ,., ""' e ,u11l
f'l l..t.l.r11 "I \) ,J,.Mn ro 4nd ly IK'IIhrtJ .mlll:\"1 r.\'l""h' II k
fMIUl n II 6jtJ111\i,' 111'1) h . I " I'( JI,, n 1 IN Hit lllii\Linllh' nvd,
In lOti.\, lUI ,J,,J V"11l.n;vrJ lh Jl)l!.l, hhlh itllllcrtlt lllc.tiuflun.
What tlll c;uth i i,ti1f'lg. on?' You rnight "''')' thtrt we lll'C in du 1'21'1\
wgchlf up '
I'O dw Q( 1
;rwatcnell..(; :.\n intlm11..:.r wltJ, \Vc tlt:t
tx-ornning- ru rali,1.t tbr: (:l<r!WW of mnrnctu
11otl greater md
11 1
llll'.diu lion ill n(l ltlngt. !ti'U'rtethrng o1nd ttii'IUt 1
1 1
lf(i\'f a} ltli IUI.)'thio.l! ei!IC.. It- h.1s arrivtlL 1\ ll'(l Mnt- toQ "''"'n ci-
dll!t. stl\1:1\ tbc of d1e \IMdtl anJ the I UIJ{t: t(ncet. irnpiCI&ol( C'UI . .,
B_., kt:ep nne i11 mind . ll
' 0.,, \'tln tlfink!
I ,1( 11 IN"l \t<)\ILI\1'10
Titrn a luur. ffllltl tha ,..arlv ro l.uc wh\'1) I 'fi:Udit'd Wo{h
Mr. irr S.1kh. I 1, fl!alht- tr';u 51.ttct lita.dl ... fu
H ... ,.:l Mount4ill, rlw nam<" ttf rhc tnuounr11i11 m <11m ,Jxfh Zt:h
llut II"S.AUI Til h;>\'1' We uUtsl
!,j,,, ,;,, '\,,. 1$-hj--11 J I t.:t:6d) fwnd r.n hrmon:tl Xcm 11:'.1\hd'.
I ' ;.th;nk.mfil h . ,, m::tul )t tlw
rne: I
h, Mil
I!( n'ct in)QI No1r .1 nJ u Wtllllltd ''I' In Prvvidt:u-;.r,
hiJ! I. whrr't Burl"ll "11\U:'rtln: trtu.l('tlt hun.
II ph.-lt4 1, (11\11 Wf t:lll1N: t>t (r)tll rrctty with Jtlm \UI
f'ul Nr r wuh, It m.sdUu '" 11 tmafl h ttnc
I JJ !W kr.ol rb:w: I 9r}r.uw&f.J oUllhhllm)if J(nntp turn
6f1d M-tw 1hJ ,;uy w II nallud t) otfr-r, 'rt#O'I,. ,,waJI tnfvt-
1 C'dbcrt 1'1111'.1Jtw.ll,. ""' lurth ,,, chc: f'ttnllrm;( l'rntcr .anti
fmm d r1 Che tl1a1 t(l RUlli ltlhrt CCI.trn llJ"tJUUJ t ilt
wudd. d... lllll'P"'ffC\1 Slltu S. 1 h" luta " I hurd llhout h.itn trum ,
fL 0AIIf Ill brtllu.JCI , 11J WUtl 1lt1Yfl1 h1 l'r.-:Nidt't\4'4' 1111(' ,--bv f(l
t,\'D ,t Zen whall::vrr thiiT w.t:, whn w.u\ ......-.;nrj_n,. n
l t11, 41 . . r 1
stlif'htnrll itrJd Very- haflp-y tlotllg He .hurl perfurly ttlltnd
fO(C tholt wuJ diW!ITUG!;'l)' OpCil .U)tJ WtntQm.e, W.ll ttl
110 ..tJtl, lid Hu heJd \Viu c.ontplctdy the
nn symbolkAJ in Zen of t3th;red of the Ar\t Ztn pnrc-
flh'(}f'o('ti n China.llt f'-at1cier 1111d oun
(t i'ar
n:wirt(l ,._nd C!W:Imonit.51 wlUch pc.tfomu:d F.n lbt lu
;(1 KQI'\.'lln Blld-
fJe hll.d ;tn unusulit way of In pan b. drtln1r know
flllll}' Wl')f\ls 111 .at, 2nd in parr bcWJSe
<o ho 1"01 in \I ill nll ,,r brolkn F.ugiUh Ko-
rtan h1t: acm<S. in jw-c ,.,r, thtn tr.IDc.d
IT"::llci ol tfte littlt'nor wltb a bttatt'i(' our l.uuf
nl:'il:r htnrd t hmking lik.,. atJd proa:\$ t1 in the
\1'01,1'-Wc UYIIMI)' dt> with wh It jf H) l)appcm tn.such
t!l111b, <lf 'hts scudemt. fi:ll iato talk,mg ilntOfl}t in tbc
Wit Wll), In Pngljs.h, ll1l)'!l1g 1hi%" tlitil other hkt 1utt gn
tr'- w/:11 un1 ,,, J\ntcoti,.,1 ;11 thr tlt'tiC'l .sn.J lc.\'Cnfl6
! , oitt \Oil l .\1
It vnh11tht1 I In 1ltQIl" lo\Jtit t.m
,;'I Ll f II '
I'''""."' hi I . '' 1/#lf.IA.,, I., Sjb t\ lili h ll
' . lff.1
" ,, .,
. . f 1 !It'll hC"III !lf"'hll\ t.JIIt br
Sirn 1,,, )'tiun '' I c u r> I I
' 1 1 1 h\."lm .m , lu.cnl)
. ,.,,,,!h tvh Ill '!I' ' '
' I I. I lit\' ,)l,) ll j It, wlh h lu lo(llli1
1i tlltl. im
fllrH''\' ' ' I II
I J 1 It 1 lw '1\hfio'IU I' Q.nt l, h Uj
11\ I \t llil4
l!!fl"''lltl!l'l' ur ntt' ' " I
1 1 1 hrllt t\\' t W. " '' ' L' ''!ot 1
ill oil;t J!>111r
'' I ( I I ,
'I 1 1 I I hum h lll tiKhl .ftWtll nll !lu tlOtl Ill''" ll tuhlr ut
!ur-I. l 1111 It I""'
. I'
f I
j ll!ltl 11 htfuJ ft. 'J)t lw11r dttt( ),liltp, I
lll't!l ' Jl n
lt h \1,
1 1 h hr w
ot\lot hr,o:iA hi mi lt. ( U II' r\ ht tll ttll.l nphtJri wL:t t 1hht lJitn
I I''' ' II
oil"' " Um 1 hl' nvto h'wh lt<" .utu. "'u)'bl vnf)
.. - ..
j,, 111111 tuu r. .u ;.l llllll' !l)ot''"' Nl 111\llto t i UIIMI
' llj ll. tnl \.,ltt tt: 1 l'tl 10! l!ll'i !Jt.llll " I' I r-.1<:-.f
""' ,11111()11 AI 11\r!UJl iiiV. ol, t\ut r l'' " '"l',\)' ,,f Uh ur ml.;d
11,, . lou: h11olo. .u, 1.11 11 1, !.rqlng tnmplt n
'''' ' ' ntlt,tl
. t l\1.,. " , ., 1 ,,, umtl, ll,c 11111\llll t 'ilt u
11! \111 II I iht h htJr l 1 11111 .lilY "Ill l mlr tJ, II 111 iu1
I'"' ,q, '" 1 ..
h y,.u ,11 "" Ill tl 1.. \lohrt -. ot:"llljl;' ll \'lilt t i ll ht II 1lu hit. wh
l!t'Jhl!ll lh thr 1111J-1I tnni11CI11 <I t.o:t:l'nt;. till 11 II ju I I ht \('t'h\y,, t->.:t,l l'
t r 1 .unlthr ln.,. 'I wndtl wh1 lu
tlijll '''' '"'II I l'etlu lttl "l'h.uuJIIIIt Jl<tlll.""ltl,,u'llhinl.;i
1- 111 k )lkr til I' J lilf<.t "''It ll' hr 11. 1\(,,lb('l "'h
'1..1 IPI! ru fol lin ,, w. L lil.c rl "I IT,\' I In t ,I()IIIK w11l t\ul
' .
lt. I Wflllllrt r.l '(1,1 1 "-nal 111 , .. ,,t, \\f(JWI
M tbUWIItl rl\111 {<AI' Ul lnllt '11h f\\'1 Vtllh I hi . , \dlltl
I ..WikN" IJat 11 tlt ,.,t., "
Ur wu h rln I I 1lu I ..... II I tit; I i ' J "''\ "'
"Of 11.11
I h1'<1-11ltlo llool " ''I,,., Ill' tluuL. tl.t 411 tlr11ll "I hd I
\IISlir ut dw 1"''"' 'j lr ... .,, , ldt Jmh r1 "'"k m
,. lliJ j hw lw \ .. t h ,,, -t "I ).w,ul J,. ltuvw 1h111 tlt11
"'*11)11.1 .. 1 ..
, ,
,, l'"'pcrty?'' " I lu uutr
1 II'' .11
l'lnr 1 11., 1'11t polul
'f.J11 Y''' ' lf(t!t We hMUiy- jmt lit
"I )n )"''' lo!';lrfl" Wt <':.'\'t' l
( Hi tll ittJ\11 pvur ,,, ,
'l'nddy folluw4ur
,.,y,lilttJ 1 irt:n' 1''\fCIItiht.'c!- 111111 Uli f''ltj't'l'h&IJI\tu. OWII h\'l'ur( rf!
Jlhll.-rhur \\'1" h..1tdlV 1h.u we v."C't"'
rbc ,,
m"'ncnl I h(': ()d,ttmnl nl111H'Jll ,f' hc: tltiV. If wr Wt:'lt-, n w
1 hr
.ll'lti tHlt' ''1 hc 1'C./'
we "-t'C U\11 umotr jll$ ''"rlwr lhuu 1 h -.: \Vl 114tur C)lr ru
tupl:t, t,Uhl!l tlt,u, th< I hwlt\ lt. \,.Vo t''l'lltllhlft,
hKrtlll, wr t.:;tf('
Wt' H J t I 1
1110ij{Jil1\ll ,'(, 1111rl IIUickl\' I h:tl I he lnlllll t"fl'r
j plnt
'ffltp,. cln lr 11uN! i1; ltN. lhr rh 11 tntlrl\_cfll )tt
,wltl 'l' l' Ch!tt \W lo1t tl\11 utnt)l! nud h.IV 1 bwt: rl( ut
OJ o;o-,u o!t, tlt1cl1 IIW!!at'nt .:tt' 1:1.lot 'vhut Ill'(, II! I
lhtTI: 11 11 re11d l.'rU,\' lu till'),,. t , to lillull<\ !tuk\11 P\tm, (II
I!W J,,r l'"'i-; trrl'h uf ll ttl\"1 ,111d not O.Vtlll ltn,w .. If
:-:>a Nhn "lhl ''"''lit'<' thi-.? 011l't)1j htnt\lt ulr II
... tnd l ilt rt mKhl fum: ppt.ut:tl hi h4' ut (iJ,t- hlti!lt. u('
1i II) Wlkco ltp t:nJtlt lht' til d 111 .\elf 1111\l llur r1ul
d u nl t\l ru'"' rh!ll Ull ft'()lll wlut
it lthc!lit! th1atntld ur Whllt \1 C .:,11.1 m il lifi
We 50mttltnt:'f -.1) It! Y'.''ur tn t iiJQin 11umebody to.wa.koc
uJ> to how .ll:lu.,lly
don't maRidlh Knr.ib!c I ''N Me. l!npltH lhtm to
(Nt,u ,J+s we wht:u WI: Ullpl<ll'( nurr.clve!..) 'Tl1c11 unt:ntnlwrt-t'li
tlrnlathd, 1hr all!l eYt:t)'rh1mt U<\"tl m ovallAul.
vmt"tune a; darn.. one II> go .. br.ur. dut? 11 1akc111
hobh cru" Tol 111,.......,1 1! "'C'l n'r killlh (U'\t
We )' "He hu,1 tvlu:n ic&\"t of bit to me-.m hr nv ln
1 Altb '*"h rr.thl') M'"f ot the. nmc, ' ' u IICrl .,, tu IQI' 111 Wll(h
Whr.rc- wr)IJI!Ill{ll' 1:\'C:n 11Utt whc.J1 }'11111111: otf-. Anl 1f rht
or abc W..('n of lti Tot'nte. ,o th.13
\b oil tt>h1c a l'td the clcrllant but no&odyll ZVJ)lt-
hiD∨ tht' wh.llt of it" Mttanwhilo.. wlu.l we thQtakht WIU 11n ckphAnri
UW) klmelbiug mn:t> liL.t unnlng .uuol....and m! llf'C
ltll(ka:nw1llinr. tQ pen:ciw un1J u.uue What i 11o, much like the pc--:1#0
Ul dx rn.lro of IlK t:mpQ\'t wnl1 hi nc" 'r:t qf '""''it-It:
,. fil:t ,,( tlu: ma1e1 I ,r I n)l '>I) IQ oome tn uur
AruJ" ,, ruL.-. Wl ;ut; IIIII uf rr,utkt' Wr JH
A"U 1111 IIHI!Io 1 il
lll' (If 11 II' our We !rt:. ut (,f wh.tpe when it
o:IIIDtS 11, rmt rd1rtiun' hip with 1 h(MC iapet."h (,r t'oudv and
JnJ p111111kc Qf lhc llon,c.!i, 11te CP'"'t!1kfl\IY-t: .wreh rhc \ah'!J., :lff in
,,mn1 by the 'Jl:Jlllb, ..tJ\d ::uc .lrapll,y tlu:m. Jn u1hc:r word wc:ill"C.
uut 11f nhapc when il 1,1110 tn 1rntJ '4\'f.JtcneM.
"'hrrhe.r UUt\V:trdly inwardly, or 1'1<,71 h. We b.p;ck
tohopt: try
CJC.WJlmg nurfat:UftJcs..for pl}'lfj. uutntlt'lo twrr iiVCr J{.'ilin. wh,u
rl!ld more rObJ.ttt :mel Hclcibk thtnugb
In l\lc (II.CC qf cocuitlc:r.-blt: rt:;iiJtancc frorn wiclw) '"Jr own mind,
, lor
mQrt imuesong-c.h:):ll '
c1f llJe rime:, our fncluding Q[ our rn
nd,, Jlfar-
fo.rt:l: o{ hilbit :tnd the f':tet1hat Ml
l'l!lf'JUir.c: coht-rct)t.1h:t1Ve and ini&pmall.()n frJtrrYM
(('rJst_cgiM.snf rhc bra: in. -\<Ve- b111 we 1\t.intiY"-aw::ttc: of .u ,..
the .rdatkrpsh..p our Ci!p:t.c!il') tO .wd ,,fur i
to \Vee believe wht we think it 111 front of w. Bur 1tw
i; ::ctuaUJ filter$ cur "fcbruciotn
oon"""t"b oand the mys-tenouw.. we .sc:crn to be 1!1\'c iA<.idc J wwkl
wi!_CAu ruke1n cbmugh 1 he uyt
Sv WC'f.el some btJt :At. tht.- time,. oor sec '!'l'iut t:
7100 rnpott:tnl or moRt fur our- unfulding We h.abit.dh,
wll; :b. mean: We-iCc u1 \tt:t;J litnited 'Na)"'1,'1Jrwe.dor,'t fe 2t all. even
:elt),;._j wiut U. ti.ght undc!'" our n-u';ies and in &:ont o( our q:ee-. We :.-:r
IX'! lfut(loJftUl.: pilot, r.d:u1H thJ: miracl,r: ot for po.ttd. untfl it "'
t'"tcly l'ill'r l)r rbr an'flcknowledt;,ed ,,.ithin
11/t lrtLii.nrt'.._
We tUJ) h..;tC- chih.lrcn. nd b-:0 .:foqt;Jt1" rQity 'hem be-:
'lliiC "\'t 110: onlt .... uur rhtw.ght$ !lbOUt our c.'(ro. ...
II r
'lr tiT!. Tile Nltlt: be trut r01: .11} Of' " tJ ""'
\.V<' ln"t' wnhln 1 he namul -w"rld, bur much 11f rbe tlfM. "":
It tnbn, m1 1111 rht w:nnun.li_gh1 rn:ghr be: uti ol
bf. '" lu)\1,1 ,,.c ate iu rbe ci') b' uitS-
rdfr.;:tl,lu m ...,mdw,i1' ml Jn we t nt!e,
"''' lltt bc:utlo( '!:lin
1 QI:"Ur.od by lltb
,,, indUU!nl! wlldhh' en r]tc l.tnd-
Pctbap&' nce;h nn(l .endemtc bli1ldnes:r (It\ our f>:)O""tl$ h11mu.n
oor I \T th11 vt')' dllwn of ihe V/t:stern tta
't'n, L
L uf1llh dile cir(:t SOO BCJ:, tn the nl iddJc nf
IJUD,1iiJ11 b,U
TN C'dys::cu :i .. -<:.k 001 on rhc. border of H'adcy t'O
1.cnn .a:nd \\Ktt' he '' home. fobr nrcsf:t'l 3
J s--eer ;r "IJtind m.ak:ro an krur.Y
IU"t abPat ro mtot!S}ti-og and more be
r d1a1 -gue" w.:.y bcyort(i h;ning funcrif)nal e):cy.l n f\i.clt
C}'Ci c.1o be Jn m finding .ane'!l We ni.ttH
how rn M:c:
r 'ti"-1
ft , 1 11f ' ' ,1mt l,,,fll" 11 Ill' l or 11!" tl'! ,, It,
1,r d.tu ,,, Nc
! ;,.M )1'111 I .. hu lt1tl "' fii ''""''V. o tlto1r 1J t' .-,,, HIM f llfIWf ln
1: .'(,I'''' llw .tJpt t i JIIt , , j 1 hlv. lit'l""' lt1n1 IMI '''1.'"''''
,1,.;01 w Uur '' 1111r hr-'k' hlp. '''f'l" 1 w 11 YA j;.,.,ta ,,1
lo !11 ;\totl lfll fr' ll hf,l(dJI IJif"J '''''' 1, Jh flu N1ortl1
II ' jl,l!' fy tl
If, If l i t' ''" vu I .... 1 t)'vrte ,, dr.tWIII" f,f"I,M" \Vh I
r '" 111 '' ,,,.,,
I hm k lhr C"jlo lot It\" hmn Atthltnl! .Je sr . F):ll('t' ,\'
IUAtW\ou (_.....,\:, /J /.,.iiJ Jt, J.Jtor
, , ,,,.,.,, .. ,. .. Ill I! 1!11
In 1l1,4: brmk, il 'l(\t'l' lllllli' luJ 1 thtlt fn'l!)'
wtwlr., whhttur !Ut 1\tl ,
1c ,,,
!fi(l\'t\1' 1111 I hcv .lcr p 1ln lrlv. tlw ttlx tnnftl htt of rl \fir ll4lll.
h. 1h1111'i' I tltt)UJht It l1)1 ll\11Ut Junl(lc ,,,(r,
111 urn, .md
,md mu_ybc .tbidin$t
1 1 j' '1... .... t
' ll I Ul om ,;ul'lu:r ec.t t\ wn,ll btu .. u 1111:; 1111n,
t ll"dl11 ltlllfna-nrruul Tin JnJ;turi
tUmIJ 'fll\lltli.:c dl sllid
n"""'ri 1 . I
\'l<lfllnj: tll 04111\lhfim 11.1 flu \\\" lrWuufl lteltC\'11 flllllllt
I, flu
F.Jt unrurr;tut ht kl,1fil.--ll ('\ 'C!IC \II tht
II P.o-.,, hill II II II I It t< lflll lll'bbk r IIAI Ill(
, I olD\ I 'fl ,. I
fiT .lit' TO.I:
Tw'1JJ "Jflk- in toboc' wM b.l''<- olwiutt!il)" jusr fi tU Ind a petWd of
l:)ne rtlT'ft.l d the ..lthcr. Th(! c:'llJition
\r.:o 1'11.1 n thinkitllfWbill I'm ntl.l thit\ldbg_?
fl.: a.1hurr u ..:.Lh;hlliE! .1 drift n\ eclitnti()l'l i( u
hr.rclJ1 f() ltighbrQ\\ It tn bubblt )fl!l('J!,
1nn L'J u.h1:rll ttll(::l'ltl GO Ph\go.::mo;, o.oJ
lr.n:: fll O.WI
1C:" ...lltl 1..r1 lltlll N.,. i:t thn i .i gMol 1 hingt but il .lue::. n
'!ion !l.w: t1h1.,, NHfrin)! ' hetom;- mm\! III\'1Te <m >(.tmr l.t:\-d
I lrtr rrol. lit lmJ I ho rr.t. ht-al R' Llitv\'\f "Vlt. punui-n;. .utd of Colllf'lC. c>f
111 rmn hl a=\l'l t jut\ 11b:1lt J'.>t-'lh<' ;-:.ikr of mukeri11g '&
lu >IJI: bttbbll' gun l"'mUC: f!l\'tll ''' me ttCI\rt ago flilUent, 1hr
teqllt!ll u( l'ti:tlll'!' .. .IO:YWfiMJlr<i h)> the fo-llowing- JJ.t!l"r(Ut'. from 1lot
1'rlQ '' rtll!1fK 101 tht p""-nue'" tnigJu: bet
"\\"hat uc yw ra.. Mon
rm Jlnaidaac madlt;tfi.Oft. After II f'nor m\' uuml1f Jl
-.-.. .....
aad I th 1.11Pu b& Wti- boo-m dm ".m
.bAit ltlaldl4( thr 11\11JJ !',1-\ t-ol.&n)!; u mn-
ftiOClit&twm \'t:l 1(..oo, \lolli,lfC"t't.'l fl\'l-'(11;. '\.'lltiUfl#-lf h:t be
INI dww II \\'t.anrm ht.hun . .u (',rn:r bclun: 11k: ll..Ui
Ho ""''c.-.tu. .. ,, In
t...unis f.l.:c peen; d1)W1'l from huge tOlll.IC,S)' Ol Apple
pl!1e1 l gp s.mples (tl u ru. book
7'/Y Art of in own in t he tc:ction on Jm .
.SUm<!th.tJg- prQfmmd hb llilppencd (oVq rhe p:m thirty .uul the
II :u-e nQ\'' sprout ,1l1 <JVt:f the pl-.let. lt tbuM be \:illlca thr. com
l?j:C)f to tf'SC \Vt:$f+ JI rhe word b unf:uru1i111 to yw, or
lticanios opaque: 111 d\e{, he .oexploring It ;u tome bil
Pntt 2- For (lOW, suffice lt to s:.r that tbl)u;hr of as anc
1 te' J.dtings o.t' the 'Buddh:l and -.r unin t ll.ltl, 1
w:ty omd the of the mind dut pc!rtet\'l:i
a.n.d knot\''
'lhc: Bt;tddhll silid lh.-r tho core Ql his teaclungs-hr
rJugtu cantinu.llly MCJ )"tlln;>-C)llld b.e .mmmi:(l up )n l.l'llC
:W:t!t, ()n die cll:.rn:.: .th:tt dr.u:might be rht it might oot be. :t
bad ida to oommit to m,cmory. You nfllef luww whrn it
if "tn,s\" C9 )'0\1 thOugh ln. the
It: dHb{L Lbats.t1ltCtlL!t" -, ...,
fn other nfl E'sp<cialJy to or )'Oum:ti
Ll),j "116 .UC
It it J bnrJ mc.$&;&ge ccr swJll<'l\\' u first bf-usl\ 1-r brjnp Into
tlrinlt el'tHrfu1\g lh,u: we think'vc ru--t. Cor. tt.r m05t pl'r
t.:. ftnm wh.1 we with, trur bbdie:, ow our ful-
tflr, "'u rd"titmah.ijl'4. o.ur work. tllll wl)a1 ll
1'1!<lied ... ''' .uhl h'J'W 1 hinp;ac _..$upeostil" ro w'Ork out form..:
ndq f(ltlnc kl hl' b11ppy, our wh(I"'"w-t came f'rl(ltn
o:r :l.nJ Cil W we ate.
O..<ict' . '-c .B ..
lila;' "'" quite -5.0 qu!l:)cly. e'''"'' though 111 ltt!lt
t "(OILfbd. tnJ\1 t<cl n'IO!t' u liltlt- 5CIIJ\ 111 t\'rll ur uteleYl\nt
'II tht" 'IJ o1 . J
Jci .. tavc \hlt.l ,., "dinging. h h h'df"-1Tl'itn! lt.>
'II 'fl\C.Itn dlngmg ._.-. W(' JN1'1 llli llftlltfp r t:( t bis ill o\Jnc-tH.In llA-'
... j Ml 1J 1 I o/lf'f I
1 1
vJwn '" j ,,, r il 1111111 luviuullJU ru hu.,
I I 11\r '-' .,<'' .
10, , ,,,.,
1 1
J , ll fl'
fh mitt.!\ I wi1h tVtovbtlth w, huld
, ,., .. ,.,.
1t.1n !!Ill '
''' 1 r: .
lluun r hnl I mt'Wt lllllh etmllf 1\'l'llbrlu,c
! J!U 111'1111 <1!11
, . t.. ,
, I II' jlUnll, "'"1/, (lfld f UHI , flt,\1 11\l lhtko 1\'f\o\C I thfliwlt
""'" (". II , .
. II ,. , ,, Wilt'" 1fw 1111d of t he huu,
I 1 rjlli' I ' Ol oIUI
I I'
!! 'n'lotfl I nuw up ih V\lf II ' II I\ 111
' l\1 o.k "OI\11('1 br
' ''!" 'I I! "
, .
n unntll II 111
1 !}
mli:hlllli:nl Itt
1!'1' t 'l'ffr1 1h,ai enur be: 1M ('I liviol-;.1!11!
.1 l!!oUt"lllbhldr In Ill;' n,illtulilltl oil \\hr i!A\Id \YJt111 We
, ,11 I I 1Vhn1 .uttl !uU!IiUlt. I c. mt1' he th1tl iu
II 1,,11 It ttti'll'rlt+,11 '!\.';\\ \ Ul t 'CJIIt !l!lfl lH:U!f!t lrt I hl' !Uill +. f'lf llf'I:C!t'h lt"e
t!l 1bo fllll J. n.t t', o\111 lnllll' , wt uu.tniu tl!!:! 11111:),\lllliuc-J
I1Jitll ,j p.toi'IUII;I 11111 ru 1\'IIUI 11,\ llilt whilt
Tllf: Ok iC: )N 0 1
/ \ " "' 1_1.
Or)tt I}"W)n ;t tltllu. ,, It>'!.!!. ! tlmc- <lP;I), It J'((!m'!, 1 w;t.'i" "ll
ll11tll;c'S. 'i whli, while Wlt lldng turr day. :t;tubb!!d tier t(le ott '' rom
111 the I "itt h. Vc.,(<tl, 1ih't!l vrn.n1 1u 1 ht: mimsO:.r and
tn*red th:t he dr..1w \tft udi ct dedAiinglflut 1 be cm.tte. kingd"'"'
tl.vuld l'ltWtl in thAt 1\0 .one \ V9Uid cV'C'r h:t.Y't' tu.liuf
If, hom u toe l\'o.w 1 hi' ptimc nutliMf knew 1 h041
II \}11 W.llled Ill pltii'ill his.-d:tlltihter in oln)' .tnd
Y lltl.f) be Ul Ut ,,qwnll y<u\'cr rht l::int.-di'Ol iJt
ft.tlht,, Whtl'l., wiJito 11 nttJ.;h! 1hlll rr!Jblc:m ami n'Ulkt' dtc
otnd frl)tU taf IUbhcd
' J,.: 11nnly pr(lblt"M'n:rit: utnww w ll:t,V nnthing ,,r
l ltiu kin_ P, , l'"tklr lJ Wo:')fl. r "n11 hi . I 1 "1, tlll.' pti
''-1IJ)o\nr1:d: 'I h!l.vt' u l ,,j \\ lutW l.:in!'-
It, k:all,,,, \'uur wlw ol{n-1 W a-.tft J'lc.:c. t!llmther
1" I I? 'nur t(<,., o\lltl
uuu.:h iiLIIIIUII.' 1.\tiLJMr l'htu,
'ot/,qq,,.,, . . - , I
'"' 111111 h:p \\'Ill 1!.1\ pttllt'' I! ... \II l h I>OIIl\1' , ,;j,
1r .. ,
1d,,lw k;wu, ,,J ""d
'1/u wllllhll hu11r 1. ut.:u t''f-"
, .
I fAf'C)M I
2JO....:::O th< -.,-
-- m
'==-= ._ =--'
"-J'C<= if
"""'""'"'" I
.mcdjb t:C' "'? rt.
" .. :xncr...: thr: d -.c un rat tn ?'Qacw
!-dq;"' 1ft 1 f '"""ntc a rhc
IJI ir..t.:il1o Cto'!'lft tr.r:b.&nc-c uld ('.i
1 fll'f'kl l'r.lf !Wm any NrK::t r.( 1iv b1t :;a .. !'J
0t .... r.:: :r.:, af co at n 11.1il
tt:ua d-ION, 1.11 (roca the: cut
ol .c".mffiOr
ra. ft}fsctf and un
Mrm fr nor 'Co ttrnr,J,e- and
m rM fJ'IOnVnl m h 1
I thn , the IO.II:tn
Jl, (Ju what 1t , ,..;;j rhc
tJttlf. we ur: ftu. tmm
( \.\C'
, llfl".1ttl. lmt'lt.l.creJ,
, J>l "'"' u
, r. t, ,r ....,.,,, 1 'tmrwnR r111
"' u ..-.. y
tf j1Uwf, I ITUfl' Ill I!Vt
e IIIHI .. lhltt.tlm
I 11}'/.#tfM'IliiiiW, 11
rr tl
1 I .IIJI I.V}' 111 j'lfli
411 I I!VtiWo!
I ,.. II I
t I :r .,., I I ,, ,., "I'"'"""''
<t I +Hfft
(1',\ N( I WIL\1 Yptl 111 11'11.
lt tniqht b.: g .. M '" clMif1 low dnnmur .tbr1bl
111 htuJull o lf 1he
rnediMitm i I !1' it Wllf
,.1 hrns- hathr- :1 ta l'n11cQtit., uf
l'tl u.t 1r n!:;"JIIJ
a w,l\' (I J,rll1g,IIN
lnr.Jn retluurjolt:\ .u ...
flfh lhrd!t;;li{>ll rroiJ.,llH Tllctt: ln lld, tllt'IC 11.11,: lhindttdn ,_,f rhtm,
anJ .\0.'1' \\'11l ltr m..luu,g nt ut1t' ,,,- 1hc:n1 Bur W(fh(lll un.altr-
U4 hln tlut all kt:hrmllttb nmg \ehidn pnullitrg- It w,l}'$ In
nMt l'r1lflo 01 m rl'lathmhip 111 the flcw<tll n1urru-11t 11nd to ,,nt'!> own
md ud WY' uwn r. pcuctu.'C, !o\'1' ,,m g_cr in .-nd in
nur nuKUadcd hw tnunlj J.lkmpt ''' unr d1:(m lu
"'" and t::rprri.:lk.'C imc p Jill'' lr 01 t.ltr th:u w.' 1
dar pi Q( II ..U -.h11l11t:r Mw:lt "'" o>tlr;llf:.III/Jtl ,
.. rrln11d.)' nnpt:tlc
..U:tu-1.,.....1ins u( ht,l ndull"'W vi mc:.flhltJ 111 llT'' (lit: _,mJ \Vh:tt 11
"'"" ... So lJ hrll'lhl h 1 I 1.., .. 1' '" ntlllrl t}o.ll Jb.)llt' mtSLittilltn b
't\111 t ,,,(,j If \1 \V',.\ f kn.otWifiR,l...-t'll
4 '"' "11 ,1 1 to'lll '"lrll 11\1
dtilllltl rlhlt "''"in .Ill Mr.,Wudml it. Ml ')"j'dled rlaft(:r
' l'h!lf nu;,_n I hal mC.!in1111111 ntt t'oqUCnll} l,ICCompaun;:rl by
puwuntl n1ft:ll of lltHI
r-t<lht!l' hf wtll Ot
cbllt41 if ._,., " ' ('ll'1 l,c, nnl tfln lt,, Sut 1111 fflt-tlhi1h}tt
1 du
hrmr qf ;IO)' ;utd LII mind i.IUf/UI i11 '-WM.tni!1J, W:ithtMJl tu
anQtllt'l' Fron pomt VI \'Itt\\' of
jtaut ur
Ill (ur thut OlllliCI' b nl'(d,(lltl (It lmp;ltjCI'It'C lit lit 411' l rll
-.ion in rhe butl} ;t1J Cfl1fttlly vllld <hir.1:t vf w.u H' we
11qHiug ln presenl" moml"t:n, .a nell
,1nd ll: iltull:rg, fJ<Mt:nc:Wlly, ftw hbcratlon, nu he:r ; riM t"llJI
llt-ttihllJion pmttkc ill nt'll bt:eaulc we 1111! tl (1t'
urc.'lipgnenQittg hllssin mpmcc1
\Vt; nhglu .:;:.,y rh:lt mc.cbtlllion IJ, rc;IJiy. :.1 \lf.l)' oi bt-mlt W
f.II'IC: find)! in. tn r.aqy1md -every mcm\e:m lf we: .ur
ntght u.p m the pn.:()(\.'llji MWn li of QUr (1\\'0 ln t h:.t nb lltC:HI w..: till'
1"* on "t)ptoprhne \If.\}' or !II llfi. Weo w11l hrmg JHl
or tl(llnC kind wh:tt<rv.or we S.lf 6r cl n m lh\ltlt, C:\'en II w tltm't
.kiJnw 11
Thl doc_t[fl't tllt-.10 fh,tt 1 .,.ron't Vili'IPI,I' gtun,g <)u u1 O\n
mlrtil1 unmr of 1lwm cb:-ultic, harbulrm, puinful, .rnd ('onf,.,mg. if we
lll11nlnl$ I lltltl)c nwrc mJndful. h it. uuJy n\ lh!tl thw: wdll1c. l'k1r
tht tu!Hm.: of l'l\u mind and uf' mr lwc .t< 'But we c-JQ ntn lt.t\'t: In
he: hy thin19>, qr11o C".ll,lghr u
, an dwn dt.u they t:QII,r c:11.
pnrih tuliCI\'c-iVl' 1 1 ull Xttnr qf whut tm ;md whJt n lilr
Ql!r tti JWt'C.;l.'iW , yt ha\'t: "" itl i!,t wh;tl h f\'JIIy "'.i tg
..,,, 'I whn ,r6J r11r). 11 tlw 1bc
llld thl' ,tpptnj)t iol h'.ll' wdun
Mt' .11J1inl.{ th.1t tlti'l W1l} ,,j tll.ll '''C ::11'\: '1111
lhj, llll'lllfilhllj
11 111
11 rllwt1n'lmnn j 11r whloiii>W Jh ,1( tmdtt-.trttm
thl')' l htOJ the= utnft.l tn h.uh<11 t ht 11\'tluu due 11t:JJU
. IJv li \\llhtl in\.,._,11,1 11111nlpul.i tlcm, Lm h -' m.-; n kWII t: h ill
ltrfh, u1 ,.H\t
1 nu I' ' "'""' N" uwtc
. ..
<ace<=o,cd <!-.,. ...
r.M sio!W:.
. ., .a.,pc .... _,... -=d .;.,....
- i:-o--l=:.,. .....
C-y- = =;..;r:zs -
"":.:.. mt:! c-. :
- w!::.; <!ae u....,.. ..,._
9:1< }ar cut.
tt ''*'" ?c;a lo.! m de>;p rdu.att; 'l.
ll)oj t:" and t ..... ::X te"::" .nin'lnl.
:'ld: 6& k &me::s o nrm
In' lA af.m.t:.r..t. JulOo cr, J fin.. J' yWu. r;'
a:-.d wh.a1 t'1lt: r nu Dn'f'!" wbok ton
r( 2norl \ '*! r.a
t .. r uculo:u
""'" ...
'"'"""" 1\'!uk'
'(IA'lfic lt,.II"!',M t Ji."1m
pcnfu: !j 01 liC'ol g b J
1 J> lt11 Cm!1W,rr.;s oad1a.
tt snd, t1
It rhi.J,kmg .b<:IJl frn
It ' j.UI ' r;aed to be: J'n:"l'mt
I U II t4tJII"t' thJM
'11111r' rn IJ'I r l.:at nl1.., opt:n tul
i:r "' am .. DO!: 6c
..,_,. d>-rfr .,.; Cbl!l ftdl "' """" .... mobor;..,.,
"""'i.i..;..,. pa<c:' .... n!uod.l: ,..n. "' --
...:d ,:::S:::! .:::: .. ::be. beln IDd n=d .lttn ... <C lda'.k::n -we
.-.AJ:iUIC'W Ql :C jln'Jc:U 'DCWC ,_, II II! 11.. a:_-
=...tL_....-.:r il ""'fly bea::.. It II ;;.,
#IC ;,..-rv;cica tl re'"::ftaj :> IQ
;>e2"'l do""' coo!v=.,""' dmra, ... W
ope rrtjnm -'"'it:n, ilnd ianruaes .lQ:' &D (l(ttAW and
a'uy r.l.l! a:-:
u .a!l".:Uily when they iltC' tbour n-.cda!b<lo f'O'-"t'ia: .itJU
ames of ... and .u!l.inmtnl
\feJit.o.t;Oa. i! not-3bout U)ing te che. Jt If abot..i
\'I"A."'Xi Will 1tr and u 'nlU an-, aDd for :..!x
be c:.a.:: :Jr u c R -':r: thiE .u WC'l. Ill2s n to QSJ. JaK"e t bet
Ib-m :!ut w: rrll:h lind ;,w d we: .ur imaG.e oct
:b:s- w "'d:lo:r< ,..,.,. C) be gr.u ........... u,. par.C>! be-
rhrr 1 1'
:t hn Iii mv bot nm EIIOIC ai "R .ur Otdiuc.-g,
:lw bv dol n, "' "" ..,. ell""'' ..Jwr,;<. ,U. !hoop llS-
:r.- ow- ""'1: Irn-o.. tnd ro .:mpronnr tbr lac of the
QDean tlut JOOI .b""puat:om M di'r potirlw
t-: dlfteum, )nur IJJI!' nd thto 1'"'1 01 rhc world
' i ,.rc: aJj '1:lY rttJ poithdllttt. )1.1 t b\ J:.v iirting
dr an.:f b1ng, )'>U )nunt;lf Lt.tld 1ht: world f.n ! .. ..:r,
IT1lln" I] bc-c:tg UiU, 1n.! llll.tfll JM Ut.f \\ 1\,)'\"!J .J
"-'Y """
f"'c f'-'t...Wn rhn )'Ql oah h.utJ,;t wundf Dt 1M ""'wM;!
'lUI Jf ''-"Jt C'Wh W".l\' f'lt a lJ11 Ill(' 'If, In> I .)'U1.111fft ('1\'Cf anJ
,. ff
L ...... t._r !rwo.h wthour f"llf'Stung J IJrrluou_ .....
, ....
1 :'l.W 1t:f m at ]OUt 1 h!,ti.rug. t:-lnn:t111 put n tluire
rrolhlem Hur t'.tM In the_ wnr:ldtl'hilJ $'0F\'('d by
J (rf on-1m-t 'he-m. Wt 4'1 ti(:\'Citl-(
.Jill .&til.! 1n .. 11Jlo1crilti- C.:tt k111W.i1\g., J\)r
- ' .,....-J!ut "' h<lle\ct ;md t.:UI1fqlfi.-:&11d un- tulli.;.. " ..... " -
__-:.__. -.-1' I n"t' rtfk'r..tfotJ nr .:-dfnpnutJdoc:l rhl(' tliffin1hic;o. 1\'r 6nd
..... >. ....... . ,. '
011!11otha. Wlbftqj'r13 wuiun, a nuu.t 1 hat .uld In 0 (:1\
,. n 'lllrt 1 rltc same aK x.uing-'' ,. need Ill hl Qnr
Jnmu..:hcd, m1n-J.
nM fol ' l fJrJ lfu? bl' . loog ll IIICIOH'nl hl nur 111 llU;
wn WJ\' m F 11t qf rhuughr aud stt b.\' the hl\Hk ,iml
n:.l fr1r 11ltifc: 1l1 thmgtll Ch1:)' .uc llldt tftt.ltll our qr J Soeu
q ,'\,m fiL-d '41 Ill', hdon:thinkinfl.' what} fnr
II l"ln!hl'tll, ,\mJ Jlll \rin8 ii ;IUrJ bt l in C'f.t't.'tl if I '
Jv"'!tl't m,,q. ':lll l' ' en ,. h) I hinb:c,g-.mmd. Smcc Me: f mme th.m
r!l! urn " l ,, :11 and idC;I 1mJ <ll'' IUOfl1i, md u.iint: you
JI wl111 '' u no .m . l nf rl,. t;pdd 11nd rlir -vc.;rir and l!l.t<l.-u,
u;IJ . '>uurlr Jh(l\11 All thul. ,Jroppiug m on dtt b:u.- o pa.irnLc
fh n -'I'IH'nt h'jr,g tn 011 JU-!.r du: quulil it , .,u
n .... ,. hr. 0-cput t ()- 'tltihu .. 1 h,-v ;11l 1,'0me ""r -'0\ '
I 1 -J' dt.n 1W< tJ.II 1111q when tllp t1 _ving ,,, J.,'t'r .;,(Jml('ow! .nco Or
I fu\'41 feclm,R a.ll11w l<f.ll"\o:'h'Cll Ill be= 1\l
1rl!I&Od Will,
fiJir\l:r,"'r .. n: !'t-'1dm,c: t<ll,ht nuw . .-\wmncu 1hdl1ll 1hu rrmcl\o, rhll Ill
Lltuc, 1nJ tilt .. m
S from'"' p:mJt r.( of an\' .,r ,mml h .1 mcJmt-
(f ...dtJ;r .. , l"''' u .u'ILIIJ-.cftll !lll-.1 h1
lblu Uf Jd1gltt, 141t tfi"JI\" lh,m J lii.1Uk Ill inti, II
fhmd thar \a IR!It:Daarc, u.n nl .\nr,t.r,, "-SIru- ,
utnm1'' em...-. rJy,c:..
1 CFI duJlntM, und hJ fli '' Ill I Ki ll II 111Jn d 1111d
Ja .. )W lldt/tl'.'r. h._:tf'\"j- II '-\'1 , .111 lnfl,illlol, umllitlrn, Ill
un u;i-rr!r "' ,,.,u Cn!ae ,u,,J he lllfl rt'IJrt "''II' prr
.. , 4111 "\'t:" ' lliQII/a.uf J'h rhltl,lt.
' '
(W-t:) T0 Tn tNK.
ASGH' I "\fUi it\fi ON
cluJ tT.c:dltnnon ,.,_nQt ... or !etof ttthDiquei 'btu
t..Uilll wirr (lr brll);;!. n to that
rmlv, "llu:ufiu.:.r)' fl) 1lnnk->1bl.lut "'**-lit11tl0n and whllt- ir lr. ;)1.1 .1hQu1;
r.1ul "''' " Jifiettut f(rr rHffi:renr unrl 1n dlllcr.cr11
\ltu tn.ll' !lnJ n\1: pW}lo)llei:IJl) uttng tb.t l)ln,gaugt m IH11h mlultaqtl:lu5ly
ix-ulM bo:orh Ilk CfJUa.ily ttur ll)lj IJ\lfVrh.nt, ;uwJ u-n;\on
tlotm Uolhvt UJd llill!flll
Onr fu dunk of inRI'Umtntal, <a&: -.IL,
tbld 1/.L 19 ldUlr, .u\d d.t.t-pen tll!:r.inty 10
.attrnJJ.-.m nd to dwell ln ptele!OItnOflit<nt The trtutc mo
l"llebO: tilt n.rr.JIQd, wdd u numbo Qf mc:tb-
od the lt\ti:f? m drt rhnc tQ i:kv't'IDp ,NQitl
IQ Dnr
.wt"n:, IU.amad 10 auy or nrn' J.ri_the field of
... "' QltWardly. tQ.biJin om be apcsricu.:cd in rlu:
....U...ta thwmlnd,a,.J I Ill 1ry n in.:ftb
&:lllna.l-in 1he it -.elf. Our of suclt
aud lntWu- lnll'l the of i.t1
tend tit Dttloe fl4f\ltally lr1 Wll)' ot I
that ID II lttattr lA) Jl' lhlf uns IMw".Ud Wl"
pud d arit}' 1 t hlll beginning. 11
' , , , -, I
end .dthO\u;k lw-dly Ur 'Sa ttl h> be llnc:Jr,
. - -
like- it comm<ts ol one step:fGTwnd nnd s'l::pt rhh
ttgJtd)t i; not u My-other <:"OmpetenC!y rhat wo b)
Al'ld dwto arc mUn(:hOn;; nnJ \l::<.:hings ra l{u.ido a.loni
rb: way.
fhi$ wiY ot mc<litiitlon in ntCt:1)!ilry, und
&n. tlftd ;, ts b1g b\il r t:\
en thi)Ugb rbe h:ud
mfit;1ung for six ytl.("S hlDkt: through l (t .an exuao.-.din\l:ry re:illuoon
ro COme
1o) !ht: hft h .
:It fo1 lt(j.h111-'1.\ ,\f tU lDI .}(\t o.f
t.'h!li.ll Ql I ltu; l!JJ-
Ih'Ju!Uw ., ; .
, . \ tll)d io 111tdto \'once- ;lnJ ttlw:.., ' J , lh
\hr.t 1,\.
1!: Wnh t b\C: 1W6 of for a )'Ou
Jj Mnd tlut They r'ld frtl:ncb .t.nd .JJliq.lhl;'-
l:ltp.pening. n all. C:v,ery monhmt in wbich \\'1: are <!l\'ught; by t.le!t.i:re. by an
c!JlOtto' by-an lro.puJsc:, ideo., <k op'infCHI, ina ve:ty real we
:r:n: ma;.uuly tmpnsoned by th<=" cont.ra<:ci!ln within rlte lfabitu
J ..... re-
wherhcr ar is .1 h\lbit o( withd(awal al'ld di'S't!lncing- a; 1
:":!Od or erupeing and emQticnally by
mu Wh(:n we fall h(;3dJong-into aJ.lger: Such moment.,
in bo;h the mjnd the bod,,
1!-Jt+ n,nd I hi.;.. is a. hW$:e '"but," there, 2 (>Qtt:ntiaJ opcrt-
lng heT<: .a.; Wi'll, :1 dUll((' m;f to f:tlf i.lltO the COtlfl';l(:Q'dn-or f\l
ttJ'i<: IUiltc <]uickly it-if we Ci.ln btius to h. Por Wi: arc
lctk.:d up m the o\\a[Qmati.::ity .of our and oaugiu i11 its down-
'IUt-J.m;qij-:ocef{l.e., wh11t i.u ''try next momut, in the
Wllrl il:pd m QUUdV($) ooly b\r our hJU)dn-t::
in that tnomem. the
blirulucli'S., <Ul.fl we se th-:u c:tge we wett ..:augh1 i" i:f .11-
!t.tdr tlpcn.
E\c:l'y fl tne we att -nbte to kMw .J desiJ.x: as desire, anger as .J.nger .t
hllhjt :1:-1 hb [ . 'nd
tu\ :ts .m opu,ion, J. th0\1ght ,l! .e tholi,ght, a ml
1pl;1rll !l tn
..,. 1
. I s.. ... 1 i
ty pa.SI'U, tlf lll!CilSC' if'.O!l9fU}II Ill r h: t->1}"\ oi l\ Jn lnleD....te
'll' . .
\\'( 11.1 C'()rrcS"pO!Hl ilboi\' libc:-:ttctL Nothing ebc h:tS h)
I t (101ft C\lt11 L, . d ' ' ' ']' d
. n.l\'(; t9 gwc lll) dt< d!l't whatever It rs, (I sec n .u'l
'I'KJW It /. .
i h.
t'I1Y, whMc\'l:r it lS) il;' ln any gii!<.:u hom.:-ot. W(' :uc
('J PIUc' . . - .
\VI fll nJ;Z n1lndf.u.lness. Ot, de f .. wt\''1, :.l(e p(:tcticmg
''1\ humtd 1 hi ' ..... ' 1'
way. wc mghc wu.nt ro ttll."i.- uu!J"e mpanSI\.wn ft.r hm\'
'0ct tbtow 11
011 the wholt, that cate had hardly bec..n C:ttlllp;. rtqwres
flolthy :11\d mindfuJIJc:ss, .tnd opcnbe.;tJted pPesenc-c:, often urpri"Fingl)'
me WuJd ic wopld be ullt. ln t'\'idc:nce, .Afrer aU, we
d,, i' bcs.dth mre. It i11 sboclcing;. rh11,r $UCb
'(mlt>r 11\'t:n flO\\; all loo conthlQn
rhz Wey come n<en frop1 f,ICX'-
1'Jt; dtt 1 J h 1
ITl\(. when they ('art t t'nuc: .. ""
< ThJnking- in the Jbsencc: of
I .l<A?n!:IC,.
:;i1rtplr !1\flll(;l!nt OJ lm<ruttrvc., qu.hru ur
. .
I h f
tbr cimt- it is !iarsnhtl, Wltllngly or \hHl'lllingi)
,\ u.: <' '
If J
w the: wnh \\'hou\ we 10 ronml..'t ur tha.rc
hath tQ nur'< 1111 - . , ,
. u J,, rlf<'- iS. 1\"Crwh.dmu\gly RJ\Wtng, 1nd :twr.
(1101 {lit'>l " _
, ,
, ... Sc"ow"Up (vr 1 t P"Y hJ ti\Q
rtfl'o'""'lli!"'nrn ,
p>ntS:u.lnN. . .
If we ur u.11 rhc moments. m.tUC'I\tlon <3.n. ton-
I l
lol ""'d vit c!w.'l)'!' we do-ami l!:i)olec
IUU)C' <)Uf W )() 1- _..., '"' .
rnk:c N J.\J M '"a_M., Is Tltis wtut 'vt: 1uc: t<-r. to miss>omd theu;-
rn,._w O<ll \'t!tY I _go into rbe ad\'tOnt.f(-
\mh un pil\'in& .rtention to wlw is mo:ot imp(rt:mt. e\'el'i if I
"COJ' $CWO}!; .. u- timet, With the t:ebleuess of mv .et:i.">fl'i> (when
1 rhP
1. t}1('ll n1t "m.ine"l tbt uJ mr ml;)tt it\gN :1n1l
mhcti.: hnbnr; I thinl: the) .t.rc J find u uscfu.l meet
u il t<) lop l't'tunung to ,J n o:-
llrJ\\ o\T.t atu.l tr.-er %'lim, an<ilcl :1 geo.dc. but t11111 "!.remmlng
from the dh.:tplialt- f,( the prJ;cn'c- 101: lelst 'om(!wlw qptll f()
a on)IJ hehuW 1t, 3pf!CChend it, lol)k lf.ll() Jt, and
1etm l''lutau IT aught be pov.-ihlc to11lart1 t natutt" of the Sit uut-im1
m tht sw:nJU.g.
When }'At right dav-11 to 11', wlut '" thttl! li> tio; lJ we asr.
t1o1 pucmdcd in our
af we an ntl1 m :llu:tuii'!C>S, ur. we
1W;II: lk11llllly m tht: gift of ntu ''CJ'Y h\'C! ant a he oppl)ttunirv
10 br fll &IW raJ ht-nr6i b.)
hotp if 1 rmliftlt m\'.fC lf to 11tk nn hem from ti:nit' to r:intc whnt
IMiitnnpomlllt tighr in rht momeu.t, :uid \'l!n' cu.rtfnUr lOr
A. pot n at the end uf HW/drn, "Only thut d.\}' d.1Wtl"i
wJbda m "wall.:
.-\IMINt, A"-'1-.
A coJ,\.:II,b'tlt t,:wni\g off l'ttte:n t1IW rhought rn('(iiomon pcactt\:t
WJ-l ilU rhc :lttehtion and thencSusu...n1ng 1h.n m.Qtnenr
bv moment. I wrote it ofl' th( ti:me..11> being- prttt)\idatt,
lr!ViaL ir hMI tQI) liWCh lit' ,J <Lge!nt.:)' f\\ it, I Thnught tll my
":11. IQO mu.:.h Qf :l. sc.Me af somctbin,&, md therefcm tou
um.\h- l,)n tOne ro bt. doing rhc doing. Lt lfJnk me yur" for the:
af dtn: i.nsighr tl> 1n be fun&Lmenttl.
F'<>r jwt ils bre:u:hing doe-on'1 :.r '"oomcone" '* thmk
(.If ut;thc in -:am' fundtunenul \\'0'1'\
we ..:.m 8hrknte rhc
. 0
lho(>ught uf Hll! (such (1,.- "'tllt hrUJ.ti!l--lb.1r fllfjli>b.! Hlfcf'Otlrw. fa-r. bit.::b
llming and don't .. (n clu rhe-aiminl{ ,,r
:thbO\Igh make up. illtd rue
f'l'Cny nmdt bound to d(.) nt fim out of t1111 peN!sf(nt luhi! of "'sdfinl{.
retUr, both ,md emile unurullY 11.: be<:On'lt
>:urnfo1ablc .md rr..Ktic&i in rtmng in 111 \\'hat W\'
lllt"'llt ...._fl"f L
rt'.t. kl\O''i ng."
.-tt'!l t'..akc tht brt:ath .,.,<II\ ex:unplc., lik
As :1 ndt w,: dm\'t fMV- muda!Utttntion 1t wr
' . . .
nl(_ Ql dmwnu1p;, or \)I' " b;td told, l!u1 r:1t-
. . , .OI br:!thing. T{> hoot 1 h!lf wo fed t ht
he; nan a.,..,.'- ,
. .o:.._, , , l'b.Cl: 1n the J1<;11,l uf wlllth 1$ 411\b.v:r,
end -lii'' X).>
' -;
..... ,f' "'h:n rhe mind oc t.lw bddy t.lf wot!d utlcn up In
dut1gu1:1t 1n lChu '
ucl\IJQn. We rni.ght be uble to l ed t he boenth, h\lt
the: nrx-1 mtm)C!nt, it is fQrgtlUn il) (It somc-th1ng d,t: The 11lmmg
is but clin.! i& no !:lo \'fC: hn)'(; to:t ;tim t)\'Cr and U\'(t ll!Jiun
((uthag 1\:td! .. commg ba,k, .;uto1ng. h:11'"-. to m'tt and over
:\'t" nm<: ooncin..-. mnidng, nndctog; 111Jt1L1ng 111 l'lllsyle
"' 'l N ("
aur attention
TJ\e' ,w
i.n.g ron1e11 wilh dt<! inu:tl tion to h require,
.1ttcntiVI:IitiS to.)-boep tflc. {Q('US 00 tile hfleutb Whe1\
u .mcotioa b1Jile.
so P'Ji td elscwhl:re. Over}, wi!du,
htw(t\'ef, Wth :u1d gcmk ,mennon
pei'Ji(.VI:T.tnee .now: ptWKt: thu: (<)1111:!> out 4l our love tbr a gte:u:tr
Wh1dl \Ve .ml pe:rh11p \lil1!;1-1l.lly mirnng i11 the
o;mdlkt :tnt! .uJJ.olillitt; of our \-err hVI:S, wt cumr n> n:st mort in the
llr't:4th,w :be of'' frum lnt'lffi.r!UI 10 lntlmdu :t! 1t b. !
Thb ih S.lnAtit:l lo!"17/JJbi, th:lt r,)\,"llSed quality
,f mir.d ThJl ll <>U.CfMimnl. '-'011tt-ntr.ttC'd, !Uld iJ- not Wtd"f)' UllWAYer'ir,-g,
Ul i('Vl rdotthd) S;amadhi is de-1.doped J.nd lco:pc:rtcJ I he. nor-
Trulfy ngtattd ill.ti'o'iry of QQr m.ndi uilk tho: II thf"l.lllj.\}J che l"'Ontinut'd ex-
tn:ic r our abthtr t< rroogr.t wh1.'11 rht: mmd bll\ W.lndc:ttd off tl:<
00jn1 Q( .&.nentiQn, m thh -er-e rl1c bft';lth, .110.:1 to hrlng it
CM!r nJ "n"cr 11g_ujn, witho11r tudgmt:J'II, f"(;t<;Dan. or ntpadtn.::e.. Sim-
PY l.lmlng. 1tM11rnmg.. rn-.ogmnng 1vhnl Mhl.a.imng l111s 1"\aporarcd,
rbelr ft-l..llllio.v, and llgiltn Chtr .uwl und (Wtr and (,.,'t"r
Ilia- the fin.- uf a eot cl1e: Jwd on a
m1Uihi IU
laihet llhd -.dib lDlDI..I. nt-n in thr. fat( of tU vnnd' and
abate 11 Cbt1. htrfk8 hd h) uur &ud rntr
lo their uuJ wntml. Wirh rhr mind rclah\'tl'
and IIIJ'I" auy obic- t we lwld in berorne [JIOre
Wlfll KfCitCI d.a.tlll'
h rl!>)ff rln1t fu ibrlt' ;u 1
,...,..,.. fllindw wht'-n we p.:ut u( a d" or VtOrkahOJI CVC.11
!Jf11J(tlt P.:d mc-rllt:ui.ou t clrot, int..:.ut rrml*lly t"tn ,,
llt"J'C.: t )lc' .utd hu' tJc ld. lire ,lnd 11.. rr"!"f)o;:tl pu
!!\' ,R)Itl
':' obl!g.-ci.orl'h ,,od for }\11'' 11:1 l!.tpcr1cun: .. u..:.h
'Un dl I I . . "I I
rodcm..:nt."ll!itl CS10Utwar YlhU lttlfilo.:l: rt)rKICJWC!.l l,ltt.anat-
. .
" - !
i.s :.mnlr. l ot :.rr.angmg (llll!'f ti e (4l cu 1nu tc 111
j))tll{>lltl} 1 . ,.
. J'iihilil}' frorn time tc) tune,
Nc t\'1' HC"e thilt the \\':tV'es .ml
oh"'l I" I ' . b J b"
d' o( the rnind Ill'<: not \11\c 1tm wc:lt cr p:ttu:.rr\11 "yfC. \.t IH-
"" d l l k l .1 .
.lll . .
an 1 ost m, mg r 1t contef'll wlat.u IUJ.l'\t rm
J gc:;._. "' th<.:!' th,n\ \lW:UOfltflll \Vlth\n Wbtch the of cmr 1n111d
flllt'l ... , ....
.. uttfold.
O!I(C )00 h:l \1(! w()nit! d '*('ClC or and llt,lh)l ll}' ol
tONSJn )'our it is somewh:rr <.::t!l.itr to celt(,! buch Hablhry ot
within it tli -Qiher timt$.th:1.n on f"I:UCat
r,i.e;hr h th(' m1d!lf
('ll bllaY life. o f'coof!Sc", rhi:. doe::n't mean rh:u <:\'tryrhirtg 10 the mind
1n!l be \=:ll1w We :\re \i!;itcd Over time by o1lloorh of mcml
ilnd lmrl)' ple:Jsant, othct'i unple3.$:lnt, so nourr.ll
1lxym:t} be hard ro notice .ttalt But what mprc c:t1m :md rnorc 11table 1A
rur:.l.tili-'}' t9 aHencllr is the pf:ttform of (ll)l' Llut l)c,Hn\cll mar-:
u1hlc. A"-d wi1 h :1. ch.:greo of .susrained c:gJrnni!-S'S in our aucndi''l? 1i wt
1!Dn.'t cling to It for it (Wirl invariably <'OIOI:!t the dt\tlo_pmctlt 11f i!l-
lighl, lut!ktl Wld by o.ur by mil'u:i,fulnt511 ilsdf, chc
111.1uJ'" t(l knqw any :aU c;f m ;uty
'1'>1:1 oocry momem.-a11 are
be.)'(lld mere conc..: ptu:i.,l kn()w1nJ!,
1hrall6b l:.beling u!ld m:rki"g-mtaning 6ul u( thing through thi.nklng;
Milldfl,llneti" ,!ilkerns. tllc brduh ;"' clte:p it j, deep. It
lbe brtillll it$ wheu it iii. Jt knOWJ'i the coming in o111d it
the: gJ')inJ; OULlt knl,wS i01 ;,,\pt!ttoo.>n;ll nature ln the 'CI.Jric: w:y tl ut
k.Jut .... ill :;ome tJ(:ep Wll)' tb:tl 11 in no I "you" wbtJ is htcathif'lg--it t
''t rhut ill jun luppening-. know'S rhe intJlc:'m.--
hl'lll tutor - 1 b .
. t Ql !.:ac) rnuh. It lilY anti ;ill rl\ought'-,
Ill d I n .
m pu c.s ,,, rht'\' riM"- 111 .1ruuna ;Lnd vuu;tdc md
1 0
' 111 the kunwtng of .1\\"J.rt'll t:fr., t ilt' (01\::
PI'JI(rtJ of rnulLI ...... 1 I . I . . j
. I 111 .trco:uglht'nc-t by !t.lH;umng, .-w 11 1 !itolt-
tl Urunll. Mi df I ,
11 11
1'' rhc: tirld al knvw111g, chat tidltl jj sLibt
II llt.!l"tt t!!l """'
I! ,
,- htr!' m 1
, 11, ,;. ,u ,fl u"., tl " ' 11114 ,.j 1 ht I. 1 "V(ml'.lll.,ll h
d II IIIItH'' ! rill'
.. I ,, I''' - I
" II r ,,, II ..,, .dut!l, ' UlJIII' lfllllj
f f, I !!<II- IHl ff
11111' ,1
1 1 1 hh h"fll illf. ,,flw d uu ,, httuuu
I I "f!IP,Itll lit I'<
1 1 lirt.l 111 luto\I'IIW tholl ll lllhlll fl) wlu11
'l""''""'"" .
1 111 d l il /"1"'1111 Wlf l1111 II \'Uollll'"' J,i l.t tlu
"''' II# tlj11r" "' ' "
,, , , , ., ulw.r I"'" ,.,.,, Inti It '" hC'n "'"nrtl J,y
,, ltr
1/ I'.' +r ,,.,j, lttwllr" rht II IIIIt h l
11 I nil 1 ollt'l Il l 1 "
,1,nt1rlllll\ 111 lt lllr''' tlt!it;t.l, lttlltn, oil 1111.1 111111 tl t I
j, ..Itt! 111811\ ,,j llu II I !Ill lj!lllt lllolh
1 It(\ ,11 ,1, ll.'i'
, , 1 1 .11111111 thl 1111r u hun, ll w "'''14.'
I II. I ' '
Jtt j J '
' . i af
r.ultvrc:. '-Yc ure n dl'c-c1io
. .
, , fur m:u\}' n:l i!IOP, nM lc.;.e11t t)j mlly bt
.,f!TUI1't' lllr.'lrtltCS . , d (
. - . r tt:C0\ '1:-foo.t putspcctave:tfl u mt:.llmg,
lr> .nrmflltil '-"''r Ufllt), ' f .
. , 1 11 ;and o th,!.A Jge,
_ _ . ,
. J rrtlmalh (all:illL to bet' 1l\u'lg11 :u:e '" thu
8\' atlll IIlii.' q , .
.-.fislll wirhm! tuw ru Judgmtht
tll(ltn(llf, P''I'Jf"'" . . .
' 1
wi1h ,uc_h wuh .1 h.t.1lth\ d6J.1; o
!ro, W!I(A-111/( WIIIC
;uccumh, iJI\d b:r (1\t m LLke up
nmt 111 rbr. pr' m<>m<fH in ,p,re. of .aU ou1 I}J.d
.t.;t:i!tcJ ;nmc:J H -gernng umcwhcre c}t.c, o,lUlplctlog a pi'Ujl!\!f qr
ouut;fi skurtd robjech t.r go:ili, we rhtotll\CI fhlt ,uch .an JCf ura-
lfr \l:h, diffimlt l'cl ttttuly
-rh .iw all. and t'l!!lt.:lm(i\'t uf tll111tl uuJ 11t>tly, !loul and
ft l.l(l>c al "'1 ut k" jnl h ut wd he qutet ftt 11 lime:
P! ;)ir:mg lftl'l\'11111 tlu wu}' D actuallr .t 'fillY ro cD.:e .; 6Und. Ln
ruur li(y t1 ht op;hr noo,.., lottWn'rr 11 111 Wr: uke i nnnd hC"TC now, b)
dto:,..r., ,.nd h 1 niug
It If till: f rhn rra 111 J>iUY """" In an imi:Uil'
wotld. UUI\' .Itt \o.'" t'\'tl g<lmg tn d1) it il "'C otn: ((1ntlnW11J) 11p In
tbc dutm uf OtJr n..,n minch and rhe of fcdlng lu-tf mit,.,
1aJ,d wrn( Toodl wub wh.u.r tt all tttrsn 1lld with whu Wl' rtill)'
wbm 11JJ rllr doug and ILLOftlplbhihg II tciiiCd U !Jelng m IIIJmt: W3)
llllff1, IUid V.c rr.ali'N; 1I(AI( tlll1M hfr ft)'l. It i1 )OVI;' that tdn
pr ._ tmr. What real and wbat 11 unporum. And 61), 11
af Jrn., makn liCit c-11Vt: (Of Life 11n\i (m the of ol<'"
J-MIJI dawn ADd k1 dNp lnrn ptcuna:
P'"l(floltiJ ,in1l
1-11w lGQ C7CI' @cod tfw pam t1 fKII In pun cvtT,
'llfwm:,wlfdottn hm..- Ia a ..-nmmoa aprncnce.
our we UIIUIJy do&t C'DDUDC' or atk: abour beuuw: n
,....._..._filii JO mudunorecompelliog &n rht mommt rr comes
"' o.u tl!lot,.
w tt. \\'il h liW<lt(ll(-,!. hor."!! t be willu ro Jet .
r:t"Jfi'>J - "!It
--c f(l ,.., .... !0 pmtf. 11 ltl, .. ilcnrly .am tLlltu.n,. )1:1 lht m.J - ... t
111 II ._,,.,. ' _ ''-" " U!'
pt'l' VOII 1111: rx -espc-rn:lk.l.ll_g- Aim- All. Y' JU arc 1\Rady "M:o.n:r. \!nu
&Jt'..ll1:.a-fr D ITI11J f!( lh1-JU$ all 1.hle
indwftng "\'Out rnmd. nghc he c... WM
. U tUD\'C" illto pure: the ttU.d 1 (un. ...
lilt< rt''\' l n d.
luu up Jf
h ...... .t
\d in its tbat we mtgbt hnng ,W,.'
Jt!.llf I II" IJ!('IJ'l""" ,
, "
111 11
hich we tind the mn..: of do( bc.)d}' 2n.:i of
l'jeti f(l 1.1(' .
rht" mind ,md hcllfL A!ld we u.kt Vl\t mooo lc:Lj), awa.rtoet4
ro rh!JI\':.ttenr.;.s
UJ l Or''ffUt
tlo)t! ,...,....,_.
. . t.
" n ,,u.' dnllkl11l'C is I'Wfolilld: tmJI, to
.U'f\l:' k(. .,_ _ ,
ts .. o ), u) .. na
\\..,y.;. Sr9<'lnd, ro
Cl1111()11 --..1 1 'I ' J
, . ..., wd .;nmc rn knm'o' t \v.:U'I!t lllKI lve mM< t& urgeJ
"-'';lftll....,. '
. ,d Who:(! J,), \'JC thoa,"" llbcrah."-thu,.
l'lntr.llmm"" ""
1\idn u! i On'O\V. When \W o:-)ch out ;md ;1. !-l>i p
t t'l'o--'''"''
:m!l,k. J
;f. lr 11 gottc. W'c t .:c mdl twn tl.'> WI! tn
. ,_,
ne- jr in '" .md rqt n the Jmig.n.-.n..:v nt" \\'hal b .
tn rlil fn'c,lnm, v.c C"11n meet _.,hthif.lg C!\'crnhing_ with greater
\\'( l.':lll hnld 1hc w .. i.uc 110\l' wlrl gt<lh!t t"ottitude,
w.-r We l.l}no ;.Jy livo: ifl ,l Otle Wt:. c:il
ftJtlo lw r111hr:1CL!111:pirin 11nd r<nr<>W:, wbcn-\h"tty arise, wlth Wl'ilt1lfld loving
prt>nu:c, with wirh unrontnwJ 11d ,,f Jllld
!HW>ltd oondr a11J 111, 'nngo gcdO!t 1n the iiJWOQ' dt
"WSu .,urn
Ytr ,,, 'wV, r!').;1Ktllr 1ptJklng, "'l!t flit OOiil'!lt': of .L
LnJ ol ti.uncwutk Uut ;;ri.\'t:'> UE J plate to br-
(\ill. ICCif<'i IJ tt\' IIUI. 111.1.p h.) foll.>W. \1 iie !tflUtidtfl to-giw Bll
c\,c tv llf other h:.u'd.wm tltl'l:li.t.I\Cc a.Qd
<\nJ wuuld nJoo:lude. Wt: r.ttd them. cunplO mlC'> lht
.l\'W!ltOld" 11rwl rn:dom tbu uc., lNru\7-lllly. Mrc for '-i man\' aOO
IUld J"t'l, at 1Unt1 liTe .w datllnt Ur imm 011r km.
(l'l\ I 1Nf.At01 \Nll !HI
ANO li\H I !\Th.'iN\ L'
St'">\FFOU) l ,(i
If J i,ut.\' ;1Nt to 11 w.'Ji-(m!y MrlUJ.e 1 ''ft..:l1m tht
r{ 1imi.J.
We all implicitly knQw rhllt there is hug_e M I.IS.tng whn!
mr bd0u;,111Ji!diog on rh.c crearhre genius 3nd hard work ofotbcl'fwho
ltt' thl: bsruos of .effort .and dedirotion toos<:e dctply into the nu:urt ot
t!nnp, wlteritet these forc-rurmcr t>.:plorer:s wtrc poc!ts, a.r rt ...
or yogls..ln any domain thatil-woJv!f we
ri;,; $'.l11ding on the shouldcrli of thulie who < t: before us. and
rlllulg WI' to ptr<:iive wllat they, with itlld cll'utl.
r tQ drt ccrn. If w" are we will mal:t every dfi)rt to r<atl thtJ!
bujh, lfaw:l roads. e-xplore their oon(irm su
'\:r m: lmty kr.ow wh:etc !O begin -llnd whar w.: (ovm, wl.111
''lh,nld,,p,n d h .. 1 . .I -
, un 1v etc uew mstg \ts, potcnwu 1111\C,.
0ftt'l1 ws: :te 'Ciblivious.Ol til( grouud we \lfiOR,
,, IJI . lo . I
r. I\' Ill , the lenaeli we tJl gitrctltq !llOSI}
1.,- (It h.-, 1, \N, IS Yc:tUi ow lxundiC$'> \lcbr w th'"
_.,.,.,f) "
11Jh(J, t)f 1 hor.r wht) CiUY'tt: betOrc ,,!1, !lll<l Jc.dtc.m:J lour
tl 'l\'1! ,, Jl(,;
'ftw/!n,,.t,lrr 1.'1fJIJ.',
11! ;"''''}'' hrlf !}ltp dr-op.(;/
I , ,.A/.JIIIIi''iiH.
Om .tlti '" nlL..llld thinir wmlt I" ne rltlmp-k r)f (f\U
IP thr hl':lglil rof ne1 >tur ll')'m 1nrult biolnj..'lf'al (\1 fUJI QWJl
tTurn ,;..
. \'ft ill lli\T the I (Qr tp.:lkt:tl lllllK\I:.;I(C. &u if ll hu-
''i' in h<>I,Hlm fuuu tUJAnl.')', uar l.a:t.gtngt
,hrou"h teitha- 1 hrougt. tu::.Ann-o: Qtlhrough "i;'' langu;l;_ttj, t h;t
tr crm, f-t JuiJ} lcvdnped l.atn .. w .. t ho of mt:m11!
h n 1 (o>gniJm: and etOtlfllln.&l, 1tul r:vrr, l'b-
rb: ''hen: (6 bepu wlrh. but !r ID l.r- ptrnM:d,
aculptcd, dl.lpellf. uurtu(c:d in ltXll\di rr;uJ.t b) hu-
r!Ufl:l rtpoturt 1o facet thQK' Klllnda
tl ere mnraa..., 10 inltucri<>n,
tt td.&bun4ahry wnh ttthc-r hUTU1n11 ''' r mdh. u wdl :u their
ll .1nd nchlr ttnMn emotional conntttmn. Fo1 the
vn &lldi In impurlaur w11v-. 11 muh uf 1\n.-1 rh-. appar4
fndv nerd. to hlppeu dunn! a "IUUI u(
mmt fur lat!guage to oa."Ut. 1f tha windnw tJ
wt wiD fa1&a&l1 nlll.llfl}' l'f!Uk, wj-.:h our owu end iu
cmpi) wr of bc:au.c 1hc- tc1ariot\.J
... thm: twlcl uwl""""' ,,. nuutc tarm<v.
1i bM OUln: fmdmC"AIIJ c-umpk* btak'l)' 1Ddf rt ut
...... bl. New lilc CNdy rrna hom old Life bwi.U lln iRe I Cdh
noNdltalar 0\VVJJrrmcnn, JC
llr< -IIIIIUncr.., 4 r ..... they m .n liktilnrd
' PJIINodc under W.atly tldl'crttlt
,..,. IJIO Udhl
.II' I
ure Jr tu malr-enn<,
c ,,( ;b,..lf, wh.-
f,r .sl'\" ,. it, l)"m inu:kTity. Thil It <.Uel
uitun... 4 r"' lt.
. trtUill-IIC Tr 111 the: n.adu:nenary fin1 link br:twec:n life: Anrt
tU f 11 "f "ll \"
tt '''"'' 1o w!!h 11 .;dttf ,u,,f !'''"''lui
,,,,,, ''"'
ml , ,, H!o h d, !!It' VI 11 lat\ II! hi I jli tph wlm I
11., '" I""' 1 t!l "' 111 o t lu .. k u wf +IJII I 1111 lio jtrl,,tj ott I
1,, ilruiiWI"h ' "'"'"'' ( t,,j.
""1 L ''''-'' t ,,,,,,I!' ji!lhlh tl ,1,,,, "'111111111 m,,,.,,.,,J lu 1'1 "'
lu,tl oil''''"''' llijl.l'll hltl
'" t 1 1 I'' '""'' ' ul \I" I'''' llpo,ult\, wl. I'". tl ,j lu1o1 111l ol
" lu "I ""I tf '"'It, '" 1lt1 "*''l' I Hfl 1 ... uuu ' lm
ilu'll.ll L 1 ''" 1,, ,j, , ,,j "' pr t,;l \' 1\'tl/o hun Ill t JIUIH!tt, 1hr
ul 1,,, ol!l 'lltll h</,1
I"'' ij" .J.J1111I1Jtll lutnliKit'' ,,.,.,ph1111ulllll rll
1\ /oil II (f j, loit I' oJ, ittll>ljll'!' llo11 I ,,j r/to
II IY ltll(l 1111111 tl hoJtot ,j, otho tllr utmltl
j,,, ,,,,,lhuo tlo.11l ,,, IILitu ,,IUtWJII6llwu
" n- I " I, ,till "' , '"" 11 ,.
1111111 witt, '"'l '"
I Ill
1o/I I !I
flO I I ..... ,I I "fl II ..
J ,- lt.llf!ll' "' rllf
' "'
1t'"'"l'' 1111( ''' r.fwl w
" '"'" '' I I I
Ht(' t .. ut ''1'11111111 II II ryd, "llold
I'" II , l"t IIJI'f'ly 1 'II n r t olfl ol 11 11111rtf'
,, ,, .... ,,
II Wll\ . ,1111 tl t ttMIV,.JJ !!\ VN I ttuhlt1h lut mh f,
I "" 1..1 If
' ' ,.
1,.,11!- uuhr)'. h lq,J
' n,ltJ J
tU!I . t'lll
'lilt ,,,,,,,ur-t n (,d,j,. lr1 riJw,j Wllft uttrl' fj
lith "'"'"l'i'
' /"tJidilt" 111; lolltVl l illl jllllllil
I ton ,, I)
j +I! 1 ,, tK '\tJII; l!lrthi .III IIJI \\'( f,,,, ' h 111 Wrfall 111' If
''"' '" '
11111,J, httY., lltt/dt I h.u Y.t '''.Itt: lilt l tll ntfwu, IHHI'!
l/tllh '
,, ' .
tll)lr n;,mr b(. jt,,, . .,_.,If lt(IJI lllfJ(IVSIU "'' 111d 11-111 lr,
!u)tl fllfll ,
' I i!HW "''"' tilltf t fllllill ... rlw ,,., ,11111 (jj \MH (,Wu Milhl 1111111 ollt
trr '
, , inrwuilt'f) rmlh ld1l h"lul illlldtlp 1" tltt- (!!llu wt ;til
1111 11'
'!jrlilill ''llfll , \\lr ... ,u hn In ffJin ntft1tl' "' .
UI-Ildu% tlto
I I I. ""' h!'le l'lt't'l trd h i 'It Jp Il l I (I II WI-' ;no fl o UJJl .... )'CJfitJ CJOi fftWJI llfllflt .. ' ,..
. 1111111 111h1t IIO:(IU!l)lltl lft 1lu tlutl1 1 w1mt b(:'i
'.11:-'""'' ,. 1'1
,t 1Jt t \\'NI'e.Ji. , IIIII
J: r-41' ltu/ illlltj{ ' '11'1\111 l iof I lfrrlf'
111 ffll't Jitll.'"
U!f.' ju ,1 tl t Vl'l ! f111 h1 Ill II hkdy "}' tflldi Ill
1111uH 11 -'lt:ht, !1'\fii'.IHttnruum, ll lihr.hldtm, nc1' th<li,Kh th.t 1!ry m,
r,, ,. t>l'itt lt'!tn m '''11' rll ' fl'lr uuhtjk
111dun .ulvnhul' A n rul. w lit ,..,., ..
( ,mr,ltt i11 1 hr n.ttl uivr that llll l'lla II'Jmrw'()lk. ,u,..J
'tt!t 'lilt llllh ,,..,
mctlihtlt\'t u m,11iv 1Jw llttt irm ul' ;t !lt'foh
(llhtlll. W tlfl ll il'<llhtli l iU. dio 11 11! Ct'm,llt \\'1' h!tvr h t:t:ll irtlllllolt
IIJ.I !uo I 1!\lt IIIII I 'llljllt -'11111 1111 I Jw f/1'1' .t tt r lllt'll,ltlll tl nd I Jw If' lllt:t,,tth1 n I h,it
I .. tU ,,,, ll}' IKlh'' """ lltf'fl ' liP "111.1\1'
IIi I"'' jltlll llt'}' 11 1"11
fl (h!pl/1 I Ull 1111' 1lt. l lllllflqf1, ht !I VI' I V l t'<il W,..,.,111 YlW:t.)' "hrtc',
JJ!II Ill 1 l t'Jll 1 tlh\'.I,Y Itt" II' t"VC'II lwl ulr If ill M'r'lt ,
.It " lht I, "'"kif, (I'"'" II 11 '\l, Ill" ,,.,.,,,' Ptl
''ld .. u,w It I 1 l 1 I I I
lUI II 11\l' t't'l)' Wlutt itll"l'dt'd I \'ll lfl'(ll ltt. !'filii ll 1 1 - 1
I II!UMt I t ' I - '
I 1\t A h'll\ lht itttUtt !li1U itr ",.li\V W1IJ 111... IWII drq\!1111 1
llw,ttu, I '.h I'
' ''
'1111!' "'lo 11,111 1 )t"t Wit l ttll tt'tl \\'t tff\,
"ll'''n tul I h , I
I, tl lr l't Il l hi ll'\1 thol Ill thr ,fttlllitftl til <till' tiWIJ ll li ftl lo
.Mcdttat!:on ptauice lnw.riably require.;. '3 ccrtam kind or s.caffolding,
1t cbe: beginnlL'g {but realty> always, .to some deg(C(;., only it nn
d h
" ill" " Jt .. d .. .
gct.v t<.l ,cdn t\tlt\JfC. r at no w or ilt..cmpt or til'!tft er l$
ill}lutlgt.i the (O(Ol of !l \':1-t!e.ty
uT mnhod& and Such'5caffoldilg also the la,rger. con
If(! in \vhitl1 <>nc would undertake such .n lifdoJlg <ldvcnt.ure -as r:e
Ul'IC Yi!Ur l)'lln .::ap3.<11)' for $veiling in stilln::tis, tor lookUJg deeply tnto
tiM nl!Uit:: of ('Wn n\itld, and re:alizlng m this rooment 2nd i.n
l1lhe n'lomcnt;. themSelves. che dimeo:;i<lollhty-oi.
JijS{ !
we nc.:d scaffdlding to h1,ilding, jt.iSI 1l$ scaflhtdi.og was
'or Mkhdangdo aDd his '11ppren6Ct$ co painl thll frac.n. oo the.
ttluli).:Ol rlx Sntine Cbapd so -we need
(;Crt.::l in kind of to
' tQ the o!
.\ntl mltnl
I'IWrocur h)' usurrtc:-nt t1u.l l'!lt 111 priupple, w.:
fl'lf dt<l'll \.Yitho1.11 t ht elb.ic II fouwlll-
!i(u\, ,.chh<!f n<n ,u likc.l" t" ukt> root. l he mimi
,jmply tO<) l\tltared, t<m vp 111 11nd In
anJ <!C!IlnJ..:tlvc to (HIvlr,lc: appropti<tle 'ro\f for the
doft of whill IS l:x:st ;md m 1el\'t:s.
Uhtnlltdrt e:tah one of ua- 'iWndl)'. a;;. w\"11 M; l.t.iu).lly, le.gally C\':-ron
tOr riUr own actions their
Ft.:\ II thaJ 1n
ng crime oag"inu r,um2nh:y. ruch as th\l:<e pupcrr:uc:d by dw in
'1\XItld W-.r ll, <>I' che My l . .ai in VictntlllJ, dt in Sn:hrenin, ink.r
w1rtrime!i 1dhunals howe-always wht-n .lll
!.md don-e, (he: h} ourhll utwriity 'lu squ:ml) un
t:l(h one u-s, no l\'har our nok O'T \l; ,ocicry. Tht'tt: Me
in whieh c.\'Cn in the ordcss ukc:1 pl't'ecdt!n
1'11cr orders. One pili>t, tl}'UJg- oo.u i\ly
l i u dn: tim<:: of d1e m:ossatre and. scein$ was going nn. l:mdod h$$
j,, chc mi-d,dlc Qf the villa_gu.l!:nJ O:td<::d hi' crew t() litc <.>n JOY
_,of soldie[-:S on the gro11nd who .:;onunuc:d hi loU the \VOif.:n,
duldtc:n, and ()ld mer1 1 hey Yl11! 10 the l)f mtu>f.lUing.
only indhtduals, one of us, who- <:lUI t.tke. a stand on t.h.; -tid.: of
1-r.annn and kim;Loess in the tl\X oF rhe imtm1ul All\l rflc umOnl
.mri 1b!: unctMcal. lr #Ia.)' require: the kifld of drun'1tjc: J.Crinn
1hu Army ol'licer took Somcflmcs it is cntirt:l)' -;iulpl}' d\mn.ift
J.ct cthlc=atly .;vcn if you the onln)th$M wtkl wUJ ever Or it
fnay the form <af aces of ti\11 fnr rnwr- of ic11cc,
4-Whtn One 10 j'u.tb)idy 2 min.ot bw (:t"d bl! (0 Wf
t.:( the full lc_gal con$1!qut'nC<:!I of o{le's.acti'u\s).lo l>ting to !l.Ud h1
1\'tioru; or pOtiC'ics or l;ws withi' (l"te blld\' -you
lldec to he: h;lttnful.
tiandhi ltnd Murtin J(in.g us:.od non\'i<tlent c;i.,.l
tv gre;).f dl'o:.;:t i11 fu
1ccrln.g-fl1-1: r.gllts m the llt!O'<: ot
:lldr.rnir. ;1n1i j,1l>tiillticu
Jl.-i:d o:tuelcyau
nju!itite Such nmt:ll
411111-l!lt,,. I ' . J l'cn h rWIUI
I "
1..!t t IC IU\'1(' hv 1 lev f(I\'CIIiffiC"t lA IJ")WCf !Ill \) t; _.
I .... I -"I Ill '"' ' ' ' "
' " 1 II HI.
!!lllt'<ol, o'Ho olio I r1)C th Jr11 llll:rNI uJ' I 1W 111\t f mdC(, p<"l JUfl)
IJ..J, 01 njlolfJUII II
fl f C\'( 11 {'/lr-t Ill!'!! .. ,j I j)Cl 1 lolfOt. Jt1 If II \'tlllfl flliJJ'(:
ntr.t'lrlu ''"' ' flout tl ,., .&tlf!.ll flt!lll I Mil tluut ncnl e11, I 'hey ''lllf hr rn
r!l mjUtflll. ltfoll'l hiflj.(, '' ' .e . l tll n rt l f .lnuet.rllt'l I 1 ,._, Milo
t he :nrdllj:crw:t' n l I f11 it mvn n )nti!:1ttuT, 1 hd1 'C
1 111
tlit'ol lttulrw, 1fw11 !111!)1.11 al' h(;lrll\1{ WlU II I" 1\ )Hi t h, Nntu'JI
1 l\.11 "'' t l1111 '' }!! lrt.\111111, r ht 'l lrC' 'I null )'
1: yo 1 1 1>lltt;11hr11
1\ul '' .t\'/,l) lur<lr- lj ly r lltl 11111 lltrl htht,Y 10 al w prr
tllotmttl',,lPtf'lll'l Ill, IJ!.tt I(
,,., cltt'1 )lu:n mm.Jtu,i.
I flwn.IT.h lllkl rn"''''' }' Mr 11111 tlbl1ut hcf)':.l'll All<l k.t.dl!l'!t mJ
f1olllllj( J'l1r:y !l it" llhUUIIIU: tl o)' too dby 11ld 11\IJfiiCI! I Ilt lllllllt lll
w,,,, t11 ulrodu.c t ut Wvn lo\ 'r ' .11nd whu1 "'" hwn llomq i l h)
W".Hd !110 t: tc-toltHt u- '" lltr nwn ' uul.- rh I lfi''' lnwnnl ,v,ncl,
ff('tl, Mtolfclu.ll<rll ...,.J,rn whtl! fl ll\fl till' tlct' )ll'l 1t' llll11f\'l' l
I t oll! ''"" loor md
lhl' .1: 1!11'1())' U llflftl-t'r.l .J oil. 11111()1\ )t cf tilt U\',y ot! \t!ll\ Oil
Cluo uu.t fo:\'1"
bur tt ulv ,, WtV ro ll't't'll l' '''' I I((' ;., tl " IWfl l ltiiU, .Uid
fJI! IId..litolttol lrtll llltfn,IIJ"Io .. 1111f tho I"' I ululiliN h)
rluuuv.i nl':llll.t!Ulll , 'I ltd 1 111111th ult!M 1
II 11 vmrrl1 . olnlll)k uu r 1h11r
wlulc v n W"l<i ulr l or rlt ''IC 111
r;llolmolrlr t.dwno l ru111 rh-:: Vl'()'l"'r.mmnp;nl rth"illl.lil!ll p tat l it ll,
11l tl , .111 '"fl in I l .uulul f'WII Jli .u, tlu I uri'" l\lilt
tl tl It I. . ,, l.lf I'.!V,IilfMC lfll '9
11 mi 1th J f<-:1 wlu_tlw thr J)('I">Wl rJioi\HIIIV, 1t1, It
uulh,o oufhrl' k 11 !.1111 ''' hi'tt.t"lf, 'ill 1ltnr ha\'0:: been
u ttlfl\' iur w" , cru.:luhuJ.[ uumr. 111 rurrllutiun t' rllll'fll whr:rt thPl' 111 N
1/J<Iflty, w.ltt:!l r h)l,t li U, puloiU:MIIIo, t ltrt;IJll' ! , phy-. 'itUI, tor
1'4, wot t' lm.;l /tHiJI I IJr If UWII pr: o: pf Ul I prnlt I! Ill .d 1 t I II- I ttl ,,tJIII \,
l u 1l.r '-''ltlt".:l r "' It: I lolrtJ( onll*'lluhwn iu tlw '111'r l(tJt,ltull Chu
filiot 11 dl'r-uw ,n\11 11 .,,.., ,,,,, ''" lu nul dt 11puhr.UCC';I 1
ctloi: (
11 ''W"'dtm , I" r'l' lit, l.oh<!ur _. ltrt! -.r, r,ohl
1ul pol! I A ("'" /WII li ;ultlill lu'Vt' W llvr tlullt",nh !lllfl j,ttiY
t_,tl.dt'C It llil l,lt tf11 Ullol f <l'llt 11 til moll 1fll}' uuf
II I I '
t, .. 11ttt m .. dlv uut tl mo. 111 1.,.1,1, h
1 1 1 'IJI C' " ljl l'f' II 1 i tl
W!l lt thr mcd u li "Jn
whith fltr-m-
.<h Ulf> il>lt:U: nl mm nlth 1e: 1r
11 1
w . ,, .. ..... , ..
' 1 .mrllt hl l !
' '"' "'''"'''' 111n1 1l thr lt)(oli l l
(1>!1 i ll'llf"' ,1nel ;t,lh o rdull ) 1,. 1 hr
, \ t'!
!CCC' llrnrt l w1' wud ' " r.u llui u llll ,,f It ' " ' '' l,ll'lll r 1\\"l,llrllr"'. Ill I I
rlil1.lll' (o' l !.&lfl d !nUx)li ltthl 1lw;fl! ,
hthlt, ''"'' ' 111ttflo li1y ''' (' t.:Cn, luccnvu, "''' l "1',1;;11 1 tiu'"''K'' /.rrnl.
li\'lll l;1r IWUt t t hey lU'I rl"'JIIl'flf And
., ,,
\ly,Jt wJIItll ll ll,tlhtt>dly lll't' MHI f(A .111\l Itt lu:;,o
)ll' In till' Hlltl\'jlli cm u( mimlhll H,;, hy fu.l .
h:u, lrhc 'ill nl!f nuJ ciTn:tll 1>1 " Ill " t llllh "''" wnnl, , 1wl .-11111 .,111
,mJ uur tl.y 11 .) l!r IT!n -
lllrttl hv uwnuut, lunllh by lm::.1th, .uHld,,r h)' ,11y.
So, .dtcr ;tllt hi tlllk -of n\ihclfLItH.':S'S. wh111 11- 11 lt'JIIv amway:?-
:\ccotding to tht= l!\:h(>l1u' monk 'Thera,
'.Hi11dfuhH':!il; is "the uniitiling ma'i-tcr kc)' t01 krJ'>WinK the mind is
1lu st;uting point; rhc perfect wol f6r J6(tping tht' 1'liimi. ;\1ul )!i thuJ. rhc: f-o
w.l .tnd the lofry of the .tl!hicve.d j''n.'4'dwr of thr mi\'ld.
and U. tlnu. the culmin-atfng point." Nut bo\d for that
ha.U,.,. down I<) iltte:ntjon
t.:att bo tht>llght of moment-to-moment, npn
culr\vatcd by payin.l!; nttti'Jti.(II J in 11. '\])C:ofic that
b ll the murncnr. and .1 l)oo-r.c;Lethdy, as,. und
3.\o Whtn 1t is"(;lhl\uu.:d ulten\'i()IYillly, u 1 s<11\W
ti.uf edCncd to -as .Mil>t'Jit mi?tl{julmm. \Vbrn a all.
it tends to dt. eun"" Jnd 11'1t)l'r the "1urr I intentii'lllldly, I i
wuktimcs.n:tCm::rl ro as ifforJ/,n ,.;,u{fuhu.\\. Ulrlm:U.d)'; .arelyc:J
Of ::eli tb..: mc:<l\t:ll:t\'e th1t hat"e in U\ui1-
tionlll ,hro\lghout the wdrJd -aud history, mjndfulnt:.
i$perhJips thv most bask, the I'T\Qllt f'h'I.Ctful, aht unh'eeyal,w:nrmg
C11SICSt tl} !lOd in, olllCJ rh4: MO!it .sorely Rl'.tdtd
now. For rruudfulnc.s-s l!i none other th1ua I hu .all ;\lre:ady have tu
kn(lV( wh<!.t is :tcru:dly happening 1l S. lt is lupptnifej;'l.;l.. tc:athtr
J.o$eph descri bes it as.that '(juaiity of mind th;tt eHIIia;.es
present wiJhOut j\adgmcnt, wnho\lt into-ft:rcm:e, h: iike 11 n1lrl'<>r t h.H
de:.-'J}' reJlecrs. wh.n (t()mc..s before it." Larry :motbtrr Vi}l<'Sl!anil
tc:acht:r, h "the. povrcr ot the nn.nd1 a powe-r that VlUic:" \vith
miturtt)' p(:.tetidoncr. " But, we mi!t rbt add, if mindfulness U. J.
ml JCOJ, S mu101' knO\V$ wh:at comes \virlun itt:c
J)Ot we might.say that it is more like
an field than :t mi.rro(, .... tic:ld or knowing, a ficJd ot' ll\vart:
m:ss. a fiefd in the- way thut a mirwr is intriru,tcn.Uy
l:lllJ)t"Y, ;u,d c:m therdor>e "<:ontain" ..111d tvtrytbin_g that comes
btfo!l' it.
If mindiulncss h .:w innarc qu.Lihy of mi11d, it Is ;t.isl) nu.t 1lw '""" bot:
rdit)cd t\r.dJor monof us ... it hal to be rt: lint:d
:hruugh '/Ill: h:a\'O already notec:l ht'lw r "hapc we tc.nd to h1:
w:hcn it te) c' ;<C:tci"'ing flr "innate c::apa(lt)' ply ilt t"nti:m. And th:u
is \\h:at tstiJ. . .. rhc a.nd inrcnh(lltl
1iurt af. ulilldful preseJh'e
:llfcl rhrouh-oil h. of wlsd.,n,, 'mpaS':ilml. lind
r tll"':r ,.,; 111intl :.mJ hcan to hrcakmu tree fr(ln\ J ,
trn , .( <l1r ''Wn hllndntlf:-.. :wd dclU!jtOn\,
l'h(' lltTcntJonitl Vtr: .tre o llihg mitldfulnes-.
h) :"'\yan .. poml lll"'rlw hcli rr (t BudtUt.b:t medh-aron, lc
lo tlllbl U111J.lh/t 111l1l lo r1U lhe Buddhllt tradnlons, from the
currc:ntt ill hi ntiW1!1 nl lrn m Lhml, I\Qrca.}3p:m, llOd \lietnam, to
'h.e \':lt\nur whnnl nt' Vtl'""',..m-1 Q r migh1 ntrtlllntion'' in the 'rhe
,,.,(,wl nnm"t: t1 Hurn\ll, nutiAnJ, .tnd Sn r lob. co tltose
01 TihC'IIItl ( \'.tjr ranstl in lrulm, l'lbet, I .. Bbur\ln.
And rw.m, V1HltAlly .t.ll of 1 bc:11c- 4.1 h<>ob ;tud their :lt
1r:nola111 h.J.\e nnn ff'JtJtll 111 rhe: :uhuu:t6J che
\11 1 ht:l' .uc f'te1itml) t\I)Urulung,
l'hc1 rrl.ativeh rttc.nt . rrivultn the We hll fl: llt .Uk!hk
lr:fllKlll nl a. ti,D\\'ermg th.u cme-ged \1111 t1t' l iu l h1; ic-
Lhr dc,nh 'I tbt Buddh11 .t.nd ,;ptt> . .ul 111 r.he;c mn_ny
lnnn_ II.Uil illO rt"tUmtJ rcla.uvel_\' rc..-:cndy IO ln.Ji11, \\ hr1c II I.JJ
dc:.:.lznc lnt humlttll uj \"t'M!>
Srr'"'"' Ql mind!ulneli& _tp\'t::"- '"'e tJ nwtt-
The q:JeitltJ und more "6tilh1o rhc nmdfuii\C"" rhc: tl.w
.md p<:n:lr,tHW 1h tt m;ty from 1t. Hnt 1fl ('1111lUWrl
51;11 b11L"c, o.nd :lW'Uc.rt.C'!>f. .lrt 11hcu .__...... ,lnpnoul) and,lt)r
"mr\ic-11)" we will oulhct\'c to llut wdl \ml .. n;.c: tht>e t:.-
hmg iHU t.kul:I.Ih Jlo.nUI attention ,or abour
nor 11wthlng I'U Ito ul.nly or "'r SoJUd1em for
th,at m;ntcl, thr: ellloCII+.c ul truly unlvCf! l\_oll; 1110n: tJ,>do'
v.ith the natUre ol fl11 hum.u\ miotl than tt doer with itlt()lt)g)' bcliet1., ,,r
It h1 .. n1oh:- -u '' uh ""' (N lur.
lt'>ioh ,tb;en.-t.t!, wlut " ctUcJ ,,. thmNl l)'uu' w1th ,, p;rtwulll.r rclig:un!,
phll\."ul'lw, '1t'W. _
R_c.turning ttl the r.unlc 1)f tlu rmr1x11, 11 1hc .ll'<llnJI '-'l "-''V
min'lt,lill' blb"' rh.11 it\ 1111 utUt.un "" llu.l -'P" drpctr.,linJ.: orl h.tJ\'
11 1
d whrlhl'r ,., dc,u or .._. ..,.\"n:d wih du.t "' h)
Ml Plfii./11:-H Ul
There- '" na to) :mchor thl' 1'nirror uf rc:.ujct 1t ro
rmc: ''icw tn lh!! .e...:dusion of vther \':l.l1<l l.mdsc.ape:s..
The!" :U'C many of -;u)d ildu,Ju
them u.U. jufir M we $11Y tlu:rc IS one truth, not rn.uty, hue :u-e
llliUlJ' in whirh 1t undcrsto<>d :md <.:lUI he tn dte vastne.$.$
<lf time {lud of condmons and
V..:t t'* ntirToJ I\ limircd-sLO\IIc or .mct.tphor tor tn ,)rh.:t
1\'ii)'S. evil II though :r-is exceedingly 11l It f."t1t ll refJ(,:C"tad IIY'I<lf!e -t<
alwl\y:l reversed. Wht-u )\KI !Q(k f.l<:C 10 dw tnuYor, tr i.t1 not yow
face: ndt by the world, but. the m .UTQT unage of ir. where leit nght
:nul (igl:tt 1S-!eti. BCJ(lg .t it does not retlecc tbm8' qune as clu:y il<:-
m tl\l<'h-
!\Tilldtu1nc-:s i$:-V'.liued, pcrtutpS=T)Ot br th;lt name, i>Qt by
in 111J .Jnd qclt\lrt'!-. lnd"'Jt one might-5:.\Y
t l.:.c uur li\'1:1 and ow: ve-ry hcle: lut.:. deJll!nilcJ t>1l th( d;niry .-.. r
nuod .u)clllo; "'apadcy I'Q .rdlccc, oonr.lin, e!l1'outuu,
llld knuw with grc:-olt lidt:ht) 1 ht) ft)r- t:ll.-itnple. our
t"'.lth .lr,cestors ncclletl h} ntll..: inSiilllt :md oorrecr assessmenh \lf o;itu.-
ci{lro> \'irru!lll_l' tl'lml"l<:nl by moment. !11 .mr rnnmt'lll, ilhilirr m d,,
.:ouM chc difitrc.uc\: bt"t'\t-een sur\h-aJ of Jn i1uli\ or
1'\'tO 11 whole:- cummunlry, and Thu f'tNOn nmv vr
l:nnh i\ thr ptOgt'llY of _gc.cictarions of run-it"OJ"S. tt'"J;;
.m ''' 3 mind rlut o:ould wh.\t' \t'.J
h.IJ)PCIIii_g i-h Tc-.11 time 14nd know II'I.M:J.ndv th-at whut i( kne'w couiJ bert'
!;ell nnJ wt, Tholll' whose 'VIfR' puhuP'-
tl,n.,.e, l m.t\' liN lui\'(' dcl.'i.0\)I);S thiLt .. riwh' m<oureJ 1 heir -s-un-1\
l1lnK hl p;1s;,_ on til c-it g\.'tK'lo ]n t hi. then:
IU clc: mmnr -c+J'\llll Jtlll\' re:..:dgi1 . ;:c. .:anJ rcH..-.:r
hi ,ul) n\n'fttr mpinjl;iu;-on i) ,lj rhr oonnng
dnuugh th, >(iMt' tlton;
lh- lhr mlu: 1\,)hl <ol rc:ri"IC:CU.illt M'll-n I ..
r 1 ... "'!!: t-c- J:-.;bn pr ,.
'' h f 1.11 ' n t't '"' tn aU I k I
1.: 1 IL (It
J...nllm' 1 .,tkc :3bo\'c average, Far .tl>o\c ,(\litm;ul
lL'I h:-
nhen \UII thitlk .lb(IUI it,
L h-er tht the i1\b.,-wn we !ill howe fr.r IIX-
t!uttd\' fihe-turxd a\\'urem<;s ,tnd msight bceu cxp1ol't.ld, m:lppud,
pn:K'n'fd. ,Jn-clopcd. 1uh3 much anymon;o by
luntl j, wh.i..:h udl), ;.lon.f,t with
l.:nuwof tht M'rkl. 11re tfl the V\:1"',:!1-l M broughton by tJ..c"wr-
tl the fi,n. of h1muu lutnr,,. !iU'-h Jgnculrur<: :.nd di\itio1\
.&n<J !ip.:.:t.a.lrzauan nt l>'llor rhe rwe tlf ad.v;mced
u1 um:nnon.ill} $<:11'.\C)f(!Jcd
'PfliR!l up c.arl) 1n llflllqlltty h.tvr wtutll('tNi ot' \'u ..
lithe whilt wut'trn '" heuer
toOl ely ''' .-ult 1\',lt!nl(, rrhmng, lllld dec-pcnLng mwdtulnct>\1 .111\IJmltin& it Ill
u.c {U 10\'C.&Uf!I\I.C rhe narurc ..,f rhc: mmd wtth the nllcu1wn ro C!ornc to,.
lull .and ctnhol{litJ n,11i1,;1lhw of n h.1t tf ru be I hum:u\ aud b(
me: fo::c from pmon ot h.abuual mc:nhll afliktlntl 11nd At
thdr hnt. lhf,r tt\th:thlr lu,h,lt;l.tMit"> fm
nnn1, .nl rht nmnlhlic-. wh1> then au I cnutluuc: 111 do Ill> IO
rl.l)' iU1 hoth the ,u1d fhto ilh.i.-u of
Ul\yJi hl\
L\OIIIlll :tud mtuu .nul 111.'\'tl otitma.l. 1, tOOk for t:hCI(
N<)l1h tlte: ol tlc Ruddh11 and tcadlln!!;S. l h( 13\.lJcU!la, ;ti
wt k1w .a whtl, fur Y.U'hlll!l tea&l.lflS';. !OQk it u1mll
lnnh<:tl ll,\ m ll .J dtu .. -a hit ;Utenton tl 1 ht qleltiOII ot
I 1 l1t ni' the 11'.\IHn: of rhC' JUi11d iuclt, tn [hi!
rrnual i11 hi'IC'tatltu J111m ..-:old llgt,.a,nd
f(i)m wkll
utgl.l he alktlllw .lit.-t'.\'-1! tlf lmm.anil)' nat by denyilp, J.l\}'
,Jt '' lh.:ulnvcut ! hl"'l), Lu.t IJ,. lw1khj: JjJeo;th rill'
1t11llm: h ttlll ,\!L elro pt I 11!1\Ct' II ol'lf, 11\ hl11 t Oiolflt llll! Ill l he C(lj\II:CitY
. '
i1 han; b111 t"or 11 l11.,f lln 11 h)rJJ(eng i11t0 o}'r nrt!!
In 1 he 1\r 1 pl ... n.tmtl )' rrwll.vt'f'"!'. 1iv I'll II tht 11.1U.I. P'
IC"ll-'11<1 rlc:cp litd ... huh )'mt, lttIKhl 1h.11 '"ill h . tu It, l (r J.1:11 rihtJ hitJl
"'li, wh1!.1
11t1l I.U .1 j-."!d, u wmLI \.,1w 11, lw lot
1\'t !m\1, '1''-'ilft'lll htlull\l!"lt}', ,ul.d Urn: \''ftfttt:c, '"'" viluph ,1\, .. kc.
111.11 Ul I flJ
Thatwnkdhlne!l!l: tlireetly from hh CXJ)(l(i<"nce of d-eeply mto
rhe httm:uuoodjtion and wtTeting::\nd it po!i-
t!ble tl1 brc,ak..out of 'ttrnmgly qde& ilf n.M -d.eh1.,jon,
uon, a tid menml affiJction to :10 fcocdom wi-sdom.
Over and V(e will 1'-; to rnindiulncs5
ro whilr
n :L11d to the di.tT<.'ren1 bnth formJlsan,d ;n(ol"mll), it can be ..:ulcl
vatOO., ,,,hi!e 3! th<: til'nl! hoptfuU)' cau,ghr in Our.
.1b<>tu it. even we generate them. Vv'c will
" Q$s fu)l1' nl:lny tliff..,rcnt uQg).e;., feclirtg wr way into 1h:
<tnd bow..-h&,y m:ty be rr::,la .. "AAt to the: of Qurtn:n
dily li\'(.:5 QO ew:ry level, and t O 11ur tbon- 1:nd long-ti:nn weU .. 'll.lld
We wiU !:f:ll1 b)' 1all.iug g, dosedoot-t-ar why .auenrioo i, w crit-
i-ca1J_y imporu:nr 'o well-ht:llg in' pl<1ce, and how 1t lit1 nero the
l..l:t"ger.schtmt! of tr.11ufonnin.g boch our ;uul the world.
ANtl 1'HE DlsE:As or THE \Voatt>
Ti.r Jw:tfty 9 t!ohmt.m"ly l.u! o1 mtJftt4fl,
.r-:d .rgam, 14 t!i
r.w:.; r(j(;f rJ:.r.-.-..:u; rJ.i 't.'l.U.
!\, '
t tt contro> j.,.i 1_f ht bHN ,, ,,ct.
lotauh/ it tlw cJ:tfllfl:...i par
B.t . .
tl t'o!JJtt h d<ji11r thu .J ... u
. . ... ,
mrhut1Jc"r f11r lrrmgu:1. tf .u ..... .
WliY f'AYI NO 1\ I' fb- t\'r i 0"\1
I S S-0 St: I?RE.\lELY I MPORTAr-.; r
\;1liam obviously didn't knmv- abNt the mlnc.lf\tl-
ness he pcnrtCJ tbe passage OR the preceding_J>11bre, but f :._m 'IU!C he.
would ba\"t!. bc.e:n delighted to h.._\'C: dt:-t fh<.(C wns. indced . ul edu
<;::1{.100 tor improvlqg of voluntarily bringi1li; back !1. wandering
over and ov<:r -again. For this p.l't01Sdy what' _p-r.teli
tiUtWilt havo devdo_ped llltQ fine art o\cr millennia, b.t.Sed on {he Bud-
dhn's original :md this ar{ is replete.
fo( bringil\g t.hiiJ kiod of self -educ:1.dofl abo(H. \,Vhiie jume11, \V\1.Sbelllo<ln
lng rhe absence of somcthing that alre-ady in a ufilvccse that \WS
un:rv:til.1btc co him. tht founder of r'Llodetn A..mcnc:m p$ychology r:e-\'tr- dcarlynndersroorl 1 he m1)gnlcudc of the problem. He
how endr.tniCaUj tht' mind W;Lnders, .and how critjcally lu\porta.LU it i.8 to
ride herd on nne'., I)Wn ,tucntion if one liv<.' fuUy ,\ l'fe .;1f, he
pur it, iOcl wiU."
for; paying dllention somcrhing so sd cccivt:lf nnd
:l.t'dl) th.u we dotl't-S<:"c what is. right in lront of eyes Qt even hc:ar
bOllud11 rh:tr ;Uc r(l \1:1 through chc 1UI !foUd ;m: deirllll our
e:ltK, The same cQo uid iQr r>\r (Jtht'r QS well Pcrbaps pru\-e no-
it 11l )'0111'*-lt,
tOUCh \Ylth whllt we c..aU the "" 'M')rld, with uw rm nt-hl:r pcu-
ple, with wbllt the:y art .tbuiJt m.ty be I:! .. eng rhroo:,'h "mlteding. even
whcll it ls on their fi>oe:JTif m Lhelr .. 11 unly-
vt WeJC To"li!abi(' to OO:f'O'Ckti ro D:kl! mmce.
Yet. the only t .. .. y WI: caa be ill touch \Yltb any of du.& 1hmugh our
tmly wap we hl4H: Clf knqWlng cJthcr the ntettor
,...,rid ru our own bemg. or dw: ootcr bnd;cape wt<:.1ll"rbc world ..
\V.c hao,-c: more 1IUU wt: thinlt.lntuJtlOO a .1. k1nd of p-tow
prwceptiqn--clic boO) knoNing h'"" it IS poli1iQl1ed in -'"p:att-1.; a scnw..
lnlCNCt:pt:iQrt-tbc O\-emlljn/ of the: lMXI-y liS a. a Tbt
nuod itself c.m be thght of ;es a .and, .n ilitidy noted,
d ill.char.l..:tettzcd as the lixrh :ense Jo6r i 11 Buddhlst a:achin!;!. FDr tnMt
uf ftt:::land ltnow of both lhe innet" Qlltu Land-
t:um,lktC'l tuclf thrbul.!h ptiXeing <.'t-i.rbin the miod. \Vithout
mind. C\en our intact se., of iUld skiu
wt.uld. oot g; .. c Ui tl ""tr. us-eful til tht! world we inhabit:. \Ve ru:ed
m kn<M whAt we are hearing,
itrlelling:, touching, and Wt-
ktvM h ehhJlh;h rhoe imrntction the .C..LI..C it&elf whit we
mend, terioo...- knowing quality of 6r
thought but is not limited w thou'ghL So we ctru1d ac-
cu:ra!dv c..diiW.- 4t'flt! i tself our o;r.h ritther thin mind. Jn l.
mind es:senc.c ]_(e nvo v.-.1v ol u;-wglhc-:.une thing.
(It wJu.r we l tm.tlh know, we k.oow in a Wllty.
lltinlung .ulil memoc-.\ uJmt in a bit latet. bwver)' em tht
w '-nttt.d momcm c.i fJW't" conwt, T1tlltkitlg and -mt:morv (;m
color uur originll o:pakna:. Jn \lo.l'i chat or- dt:tr.u.:r from rhc bilh::
iadi Thn.t u. wh\' paintcn $11 often T'ic:fer tn feel tbrfu \""!Y lmll
l flew paimir,g rurhtr 1o have 11 ..:nmC' bUt cl t:hi WI\Ccptu...L
"OK ..:nn.::eptw1 b. it plu:e. lu! 11 ollcm r'oi.LN.s and onh ai1J'lmU
mv ttdlug,. move the s<mc to .rw:iken in freoh :mJ ''"!\1
H . .
per.:lllpnou n rww. dc-m.t"nuJ. \'u:aJ 111 I thu_, croflV\'>, re-
-c-.tling:. \VHh KJr .\rliH:;,ct .mJ h; wa-r nl 1tsclt, W('
lrnd lu Udl \\-;;;., .T,,JJ, llJ ln hem m
\'i w}.lf
./...J//t;.'('" t4f (,lJ/,( o/ Ji<IZ:mg-lwuu
t A.ti r!f 10:.11 1:.'4--rr 'it
fNNIIJ ,,,/ f'N'rtuillktr _glflllo'rtiX
Rt>MI, "No Room f'>r F'orm"
1't6rrftdl't<! g,rA wrtt.J
ln ll! ..t.bJ1 the imp6n.u1c:c o( me-ntion in health lfld
bcillj;. I fuH: found it ureiitl and illvmifl1lliug to featuf'C' 3 modcll'i.rtt lrtib-
ul.ired bl' c ... r)' Scbwnrtz .. Nr quphn!>,ZC: u.ncution'$,)ivota.1
NJ(' m heAirh an-J t!il r;tt< Conui.det rhe dTecu -ol llQ( [T.I:)'UUJ '!ttCltion 10
'th11: out$ mind-n.r't: con,w,rly reU,ng For loog lretchelfof
Umt, IJI Clllflll', II W :.trC iiurly beaJtby tV b&:gu1 With, WC: \;l.ll
Wtrh oot pi)'Ulg iltrc.nnon to lHl}'llnng. Or .u>t lr;ecm tbat Wily
em rhr url.aC't' But lf wnuu 111ld >ymptom&, t'\.'C'Jl subdc ig
nor-:J, Jeir ulW!cndcd for too !e-ng, ;mdif rbr: .:ooditir>n t:l.nd ronndt
m "too nntch of a bunko on the bod' tlr tht rtliud, J.u-.utmrffm om
bd ro Ju-tVf'1'1rd!"" ;&trophymg ,.,, diuUjltion of spccifi.: p2c.hw.a)'
WtbDtc tind)' tuned l.!i nc.::c:!IIW'Y to mainain the. pru
(CIW'1I thn underlie balth. 'lllili dis-.:anru:ction can in rum lt'o&d tu ,Jn- whm thinb" a,aUJ.lly sbtt 10 gu \\Tong, 'wing aw1:;\
from n.uurill homr.l'\tilric baluu.'(, lJi,-regularion in turn L:Mi IV
nutr"Khl .:A -tJ'dn (m tbr o;, tiHuc. urgo.rn, ur II:\'Cl, 11 bf't';lk
liou.'lllnt' dj, ltgui.II("J, f'I\,IC(l< .. e'i. rnis Ji>;t'lfd('l II\ lutn to
Of mmi!Ot u 1urngJ,, ,Ji"wt,IJr p111 ol her" Ue, 10
\ umplr aampk. br lllll rllri I:IS t\l,lll\, urck J!rlin rlur
.mcghr f.l"l>t .1ppt-'r ,,f rJUm , ot t'tlll-..;lc Thnt
would he t11C' tim 5Jgu, iuari . .Jft(ln, c:'lpt:t'iuUl' it h pcu;it.t.:d, nJ lo(lmcthing
dut ncrtkd J&ttcr.Jmg to, cirhct m 1 hr IOtm lJ( .!X'ing il or
M j\t I''UK' !'1
\'' ht th it might
lt}O:tr htqumt .tnd filming
.nm .,.
-=lmprnlll rcthap!luf de<!per )::.ntng on. B;t that rirn.c. rmght
hil'<'t' gnuen :kind of nu:J tO ir. and 1f tM:-p:a.i.t1 1 noc tQQ bad. 1 we "lite
t:etybu:Y we- n'llghtj\1'; wrlfc iloff ro nr ' lf,q,l1c, .ami"oonnut t)
t. 0\'C:r wttk.'i
1noJ1h ... n'en 1f rv,tmendC'J tn. md1 a <nnil1
ttQn will either go on Jtl owu, or u:n.d. to woncn, espc-ci.11l\' tn
to '"t:Si. and n mighl make m more prone .., lniur.-. if WI=
curn nut while d.ri.\ in15., m I!:"Vt'n lie: m bed .. , ht v.ronp: v-.'"l.y.
BY rltat. tinlC! tt" 1lf'Y bec,omo,tt) Ql " ll)'ndmme thllt Wi' h11vt:
bft or. 'iQI' ,. ...
mt\\h.'lil uncnn-on 1.() be luvo!-
00, .ll'n!f'ITJ(Ifl ....
pf<'.lg<!'Jitl'l Ur learn hQW tQ ;rcnantul.ltcd
I lo'HIIof >I..._.,. . . ,
. ., ...... ,
doe'n r wu1tl up 1n l)Ut nclk becam
, ,,
rhr ug .;.Imple us ngi:l'lft grtura
:u the m flnt lie th.c! we ''' ttJUch ,...,,1!
d "'r.crh ngn11;- ;llld symprow ;.ud cs'l rhem f>l(h,:r
tJun Jht!tl, ;JIId prrllu,pL lmw t\!t t he br(Mrh diS-J)("! fVIr.(' I)]
rtn umulllft'l.4 rhif> 1hc con.:.Ut:n:utuu ut' cittumsr-...
prrtllrm.ul\ m A \'lrlncnug rJw ,-undi-t11111 lx- niJJf>ct{ ln t hl' hud.
no.: tl1 in .. "t)e\fn" and nn
t:f nrd: lmdc-J StnSl<. r.J&dlt:l th.m necl: pmbtcm!o,
! et " wlrco we Jl''-'"' Itt
'l"ng rhnr wr will ;u nmf rail 11\to) nUfopcrcqlteon. whrn fi)t
t...-e dn r"'r I<C detrly Whar u1 unhlldin,;t en ll l):miculue
uemunel, lllnrhr fill\''! thr:' 1eJ.I XUUc.;.liun .ated th, .;h;nn lc.Jclmg.
Gu111 '" ;pr:ltt'T !!f1111.1kh, 111 r.ast, mJ thllfi :o
d11r11), nrn J o( wi;dotn (ir Ill rht wJ
f)')ofUJI.ltti.;,u (in bl"iJ,g more l..lnd 111 ,uu!"'ldf .md )'Out 110d.:\. 'lh.n mumt:fll
nl 1n1 "f'C'n:'\"ptmn can hie If, el ltnAI to. lc.1d fll a nein
4 nm nt :. uwutim1 on;-ir(UIIult.&n<:t:, ,md IJ'om thctc co ... p: 1ih!t
mt '' flllrnf;UI.Jr t .:.dht.
I h.u 111 r tru r.10 tud rt) n anll lifl:t .. lf mil! lllkc, ,t mtf.t:tltilllt
I .,.,. thmk to Lc uur lor 1hc (II ltor\\' fuUuwcd b)
IIcht 'I m 111111 th 111 ro ill ,,,, ''' hl ''til
ht mwnttrtJ,uJrM, In rnn tJ/{:r h h-tpptll' m <I'Lir diiU) "!
thnsc UlQilJt"Jlt8 -.clrn \YI .u lit ally uut. rnlt;t.;kctO, '' .u:i h
b) mi pm:rpr u 'Jtllll r1l .111rlhurtnn It lllli'Xiltf11llC"d, t:MI llt ;1 p:u.el
lcJ routerodt "t'J ., 1'')\-lilllv;ll".llh; lll ully ... tuJ
In UUt c:.:acuplc u! !Itt' n.r;d; fllill, ,, nl might cite li t!IJ
an !'H"O.:\"Up!ltimt Wtlh (leumg ttll' dt.d \\'e
tnight cuv.J'CU!r" ;rein 111.1k ms; a Jt,ulllll.llfl HHI 111 .1 fl\ltJuhaJ. 1<0 IQ,
kadu-,{1. lu lt)'JM.uf,,mlua i ,1nd mu.yhc WCltlinf, 1 1wd. b11iC
whlc n1'!r .. eh.:. neck In w;e\'r. tlll 'JII\11 IU;ik-o: ic
Ullll(.-.., ' o;o '
-,;lplnger MHI nKol'e \Ve ltc \v,dkmg u"-mm\ lt.\r-nlit'ylnv, with
whti C \''t tr.ll i It 11Co.:!k ;emll\1\\llt\P, ,1\1 Ofpot1U
nllie=- fitt dJl1)' uuu ir. \rVe: qallh' ,, f'-"'''1) ot llf/"WIM
tNrtti'Jf/, Ill l rt:acbvc th.u keer- uK 'oturll. 111
..>1 difft!rent Ut\lc:r,
S1l!;Jt. UnW!SC ahm 1hin"ggl ,ell IIIII ftCIJI.ic:l\th 11i thf' lc\'eJ
<1f the bmly pol irk, when people. .we '\tllmtJe,ic<l hrco ptth
cic:. or rnal:,lug Cln the <ll' wrtmg, lncumt'lc-le-, nt m-
u1t"ormttt\11n, r'hc ftUill4l\)I.U:JlC- <ol wdt .mJ
rnlatukd C'iln be l6n-ltiVia:l, i1\ mi$sed opportumtiu m all 'llltl't
Ofc...," mis.-rnkcs <at lead til+; ti'r
lnttoJiiu y e:ituations. that h:wc bc:cl pcrt<:i\'r.d u\mc .e.-x:UJatclv in
the hct: t plal:'c, weR< the of pcn:cpti<wi uwl their fttatr ol cla11ry (:)(
lade nf ..:brity objc<:tli o( at:ruion at tbc.loegiuniug, !SuCh
nmatc ;uul <:orrcct app-le:henl\hm ntc lrey ck,"c:nt m
rQ ((Jinc. tG our. btecnlly -And mct,'i'h(>rit!l!y.
When, 1l1roUgh 1hc (1rJ.lti'Cc (If mindfulru:s11, we lt:em w h1:1tr:n ff) 1hc:
hml)' lhf(Migh enM! dtiUOh llt. wdJ 1\lo In :llh:ntl ttl t lw fl1w ctf (\\If
:mtl fed.illf:;:i , we !U\' IKgjnniug 1 he uf and
,,irLUn our Ow11 mncr 'l hat Ill
!ton n, ,11\d nn inlillhl\!'f with our unfoldml{ at the
I Ql whilt wq CJJI body and w-h:tt we cull mind 1 IIlii dce'!"p<'m .unl
v,dllM:in_lt' o.nd :\ -$eh!ll! of <:ttlll$ iu our 'ehttitJn!!hip to wh>tU.'\c:r
'' tmfflldiup; ul mlf liv1:!1 tfX:Im nlomcnt to \"h thu mtM! th.Jm
rlhc.'"' ooO'ig!n 1u l(rcJtc.r 11ttd ftaruwm' 1tml . . 111
we IW11h h.
Ahd thui 11 \vt' lilt.tll t.:omc t.O XJmm.r t"mlltf.)t vn, tlt uur U\
tf!l l loc 1l1c: i"'- 11 : fh1 che l1of 11\lr
0 ' E "E
.r..;..ry: 1 Jnr
\\,:b .regard to -d!.5ease-md ''-c might liil}" dut the mO'!f fu-n
d..unennl du -eaY.. urmming Ttolll du:-.tttnaon di:sc<tnnection, ,,r.:J
!fQtt r.u .and ffi15-:mriburion. is the :o.n&Wh ,,f hum'.ll'l
oucit, of the iull ut.U.m:lf'hc unmtt .:1nd uno,muneJ.
At: by tbt *1\U'.Jl. of our medJta60l"l broc.burtt
which I 1 bt unc.u.m.i.rtcd Wng'nS,i of the heJtl. ,irtlliJI}'
bn m son-.c: Jegrc-c nr .uhtt wb.i..:.pcrcJ 'nngin!t!l tiP
"' hut rhc s y:hc . I lit reillv, J. 1m full of :md po!">-lt-o-Jici.(:>
alf, Ucp .hi.dden. rho: 1\.:;ilt t hintt 1 , we it liulil
O'U..!'tth-oo L.rJ. \l,.'e tu.ti'ct gtc.:r.d) 'iS a .:Jn\t!quenu!. The
(llkn whole ol rr., wlrh no dl.t.t we: MC ('Ornpliol iP ;t
dur c:m be 3 m) &elf-.ll!lirructl.vl(,
. . . d
nJl' to:.U tob:tGt. TIIU \\1: Jcu.lly do nol kttuw who VI wh..u we llf':. !Of
1 bt- rn.Ol:o.'upUil"'ln.._, pn:tc:n&tom, and I ht iOWo\td .a*l
unn_l! \\..: ("CCnl!ftttcr hi(lr bclltnd ru kt-cp p tnd t'o rrybndr
In thr J,uk.
f"._"r 11.rt not auf v.lfltnll hll(:.l w,rh .lr1.::n, ac:-1 tnr
nlif'nf'(J by \IDIIiltutieJ and Cl"ldlcoM grt _, Ult.l \tiiAil, 1111
'".1t!t"'1 hu,, OOt\'l'",mlh J.ud. comli:Jr.t.alllc we m.n ll' 10 be?
\nd .nc 11'f AW.&f'C M w'lme ul\lctr.tne.m lcvt'l nt the r""'-ht
thlLf \ft' art 'i1t..,.ll!W:l.l" to .1 -:.nlmi1P ArHlth.ll we J.o f\(lt \m.m
wOO ;and wh.1t we ,u'1tt,,Jiy .uc>
Jn dute 1int'l>, captutef three'c..::t of the hum .. -u\
one, chat \\l'e .ttc:- \Uiful.tilled 1.tnd !ulfcr frrit howu1 we uc
,_, ,>ld Md de;uh, the b\\ of unpcruu
nMI.Ct .md rhn:t, chou nt rhe- tme mL-
cure dl bei1\g-.
hn't it rimo for us to thl( we MC 'hul we ...UPw
lO -know? l:W't it nme for ur; l'O th.u t( 1s pO!iStb-k :o lll-
hablt thnt knowmg md our$th-es tmm tbc dp ;tn
gUiib oi our h11b1t of gnonog _i$ L W\"lnM
argue: th:;u n and dut 1111W ,,; the pcrfco:t hmc
Ttue, wr may fed ;u nltimauons..of our ln \'".tgUe ur-
Within tht' OtKc ln J. nrc while. cvm tllfth nuu11e11
tar_\" of iT w:tking up disorienn:d :t.nd friglucnc:d ln the: midJit tll
th. -or when samC'\"11\C .:.l1,!lt 10 U!i <>ul.tcro ur ur ttur own
lilr-\ fr:mtt:.W.;>rk Mlddt:nl_\ unr.l.\'ch "''"" if it lu,d :ilw;) becu\ pruna.cily in
"lO(lU! '".oar mt':dr imJgitlbi. But tbt'ti
isn't tt t.roc th.u O\lO-n .-.&
pohible. we w deep aud mctaphMiC:tll \'. J.fld ,mesth.ctizc
Olill;d.\'l!.li one- din:l'llll'n .. ,r
primarJl.J hum1n,er uf whi\:h rlwt"\\'0 knt'\V
not whi'l.c-wt: .m. fl!'d-< tnu ltuf!_e to bcv- Th.ta, ''"" 1t deep Wldun.-rhe
!lt<f'l.f<d ,lWU\", wcU t:rom ill) hghr t_"11
tt:n, '"- \W h71c ir t;ikl!s u.n lcutc o:.ru1"- hi Ulll\\ tr, 11nd tn the
ti"Ut 1u:.Jling and tffeit1g 11 Jrom the ,tuklll!!-s Qf out
fell I rnJ QUf l f)l'tt).(ll\_g
oifu Ml-.:.uh m b!J, ;mJ uunrl hlln thi\ tlk:'lc
c!..c( )'( ,,( 1lur hult "tul\', \Vc lni'Y fed consunwd, to
w.,m:i . iiltnlll\ up,'' :md .<th.O Jimml dl('fl \n ...;l1tl0de;c, W;,\)';. h .t U..C'
"'"" ucgJt ,-
:lw rltU rt'llbt_l I 'I l bl Wf' .u'(" n 1 mtg'ht not ktWw t hnt whh
J .mtnlf cnn1.11dltm tirhtt
Thno vr .,tf lt;nortn,; wlnl' I< tllOSlt'nnda.tnenql
nr "J' nAwc ,., lwittl.o,; Qur u.-r tndU idtula 'tttuill) l'r.otu
:> motnC:t'lt .. "''tJ the t:-outk !( <lcLOAdcs. h C:'Oiin pu)til.t.:c dt<)U
hlnh ttnn J.l.i(.u,. JU oo.u h<::h h b(lllt mJ minJ. h hclt
[Jt .uluf fumil) lite: wmk \ilr. m \\':1\tl tlpt <)I ten 1'\:m .ull o)t
m r :sre 1 ut unw .H:.U ah"r ctn.un 'xo1
J,)nr: :uui unWt'l<' muh tmwtrrmgl,\ .\m:ltti ('I'Cfocn ... c <NI t1\
mdwtnn duoogn rour C'Oiknl\'c wot\' I .mJ <I
J,o;og boo.inr.<, h pt:tvouln .nu '' .uid 1h.c wr ;h:JJ\(' r
n<'rr o!;i l IUUCJ JUIJ 1HIC" Cn\'II'Qil llll:' llt
t ltl}lhnlJ!: ...,.tl.t.! i wl1trJ In tlnc \\'a\''" .uulhrr )1\ >lt i!,'TIttil ' ".c. 11f not kntrwi1,o! wlut wco .tw .1uJ hm\' .,,c.' t lw uhrn 1tr ..1i
I)W' uhi llulC Jlounc. :\ud .I < I'UI' h
Ill nt,lll\' I .U i.t.UU,Ill
Jllll.Ol' Jjif(ll:nt af ,lnJ(\iih !tullCrin)t nt th b cl ,,f fbi'
looJ)', I he n1i.nd. Jthl tho: l'l(lr!d
1)1 \
,, ;tnd t\!t'tf:'nt!h us.ct'ul \l'l"r.l hr tlh' .. 1,. r.1.:
f h,Jtll tiUcfl 11 ith ll"\n'l t ,h;ng ""
tlfl11l. .uul 111't l..t hl\\' 11\l!; wh,lt \\(' AI:\'
I 'hC'.\' I .lll it r.,t. t.:Ym Ill l'tl the I
111.11' htJi,;ulf hl \lf'IUCt! II\ t-,n "hl<h I n:n.ka.l
h. t1<111 '''"" An\1 d1l,u.; ' 11.?'"W npm/t, (n'"
.lu "' t1r , 'f,
l11t: hr-.! \!ullc> lfuth ul thr BuJJh '"the .diU lm, 111.t
"'"' ' lllih, .uul \111,1\'IIU.l.lhtllh 11' thi, llll!.lh 11! ,1!1\ <t IA.r
th;1t !tll.ut .tllh, ht <\I lll!!t .AI ,III '' ,._,f\u Ju\1
fiX' ltotf' II m (\1 <IW en l"'' \JI nn.llt.ttl\l r-
'11h c '6\u'-'1 !1\C' Ci'&u.: nltiuu <I thtkl.:l, 1, l ht j,\,nciti.lli:,tl I I tU l'l'ltt
\ 11.11d I he fiJ 11 i, t l\, v\'llll't" l 'nt, ,m1l dtpl.t\ Ill(' III 1 l J)llfi-1 \\'
wlwrdw " "l:lhl cMh lcnmh ,,,.c wn, n'l'l"'' " htm. ln'J(, "''' ""
J!ltlo. !ll hil, I hf.' h i l n'l.'1tll l)mtl tUI fHIUI, 11rr .\\I I W j.tdt\\11\' "'''"'' j'l"'l Ml I ,,, , ,1\,. 11 '''
wh,,l lu1w lwr11 k1', l' lllJ,f .,., , (1'1 .,r ttom It h, l11 1''' li\J; .tl
ltllfi HH u I I I I I
, ., \ II 1\ l lft'\'l'f .. II In ''111 1'1 1\tiiH', I \\lilt \I,
lll\IU!h llllll ll l ,j,,, W11j,h l tll lll o hi 1 \' IUI Hih>!l f II It ill. " .aJ1d
o I ""'" Jll: lon "''"(>I' 'I !II WQRt.n
,, ... ,\! ..... ..
t 1'1'1ftuU'Iti,:i.!:c it, quic:tlr J;nd ila.pelcf>$ly
to I w.uul Itt , -
Jm\' dn;wn m it;-<lr dtSJ!act tO
. . . ' . .
- - -s h l """hwil'' offe::s.; the. of \1. tar mo
, .. lpl: fiY1'11 IL Ill ' r' , _ , ,
ru; till- So the ot thr: dukk.h.n it-
llll1 tun!-( II MJf >t.l , - '
"'' nuudhn ml hcmoJ.tung nl 1N 111(''11tnbJJny--
hl,l [II) '" ' .......
II 1
lrul;nmcr.imcs is ocithrrco-
l'n:: ' ''"" . '
wi-lh religion, f{lr dva1 (\ll.l c-1', or c:111:n wirh
uuddluarn f>Cr' lf illlC .... '1\nt-1 h)- clunk of Buddll.ism ,\ Nl:igion lli all.
Uul hU Gntl\clli, it i' htetOlly g110d l'\C\\-.
\rl \' wnrJ "citulm1.-." whidl fli(';tllll \'}' the tea_ehiugs. of The.
fulnt:$S of ! he >Hld "the w.')' thmg:;.. are,'' hns
;,unJ.u; w,,,. inm out t.nguagc 111 th. past c.:ntur}' t hrougb jack Ketonac's
nl Mfi 11,
thr. pO<:t A!l.(n of Qh,umn JJuu.
rbe. moN-I'C...C:nt ou.rkr.-tiug lr <1 nOVtl in
tclrm-:on t"<:or J. utnt' di,-playtd pmmlm:ntly i.u liUbwn-y ana
on the udc of l;.u,..n, h1rpenuo
'llu dh.unu Wali N:igln;lll) :tuku.l:atc.d h)' the Buddha lnwhnt hr 1:;alkJ
rbe f,'1UJ Nl'lhl( Ttuth;.._ lt vn:& rlll\lf:lnatL...-3 on hi! lif.c:tune of
1r.:u:hiug, !I.Od n,1 thls in linesst-; 1111d
w\rhin tht Buddhi$-t rr.tditio.uil. Jn some ways: it iS ,,pptopriate to
duoctcriu dh.arn\11. 'J. rtiembling'SC:ierttific knowledge. ever growing, tVI."f }'Ct wu:h ., e;orr., botir <1! u)atho<h, obscrvnior.'tl, ;Hld nanu:l b.\l:l'
ali tnted f10ill thous;mds of of :inne-r eXpiOt:.tiOt' duough highly dis
(11)6&1"\!u.tion 111\d ,:;df--in:qUtry, a -and prcmc reoording_
.lnd ex-pe-rientt:f enrout1t exi!.J in ll<liun: Clf 1hc
mmd, and dm::ct empirical confumlog of the, lC$-Uh!:!,
llowcvcr, the bwt'u.lnc&ll'(lf rhe dh . tn\-4 tt such t hat
m l)r<k.r (or lt
be dh11.1llt'4J '' lw rut)' mote thof tht: l:M of
gsa\'it)' of Nt\VtQ-n or lWi.11n o( ot
nl dumnodynaniks Ausnhn bccll,ts.:.<: of Bo!t?.l;llMn. The:
tt.qn tlf rhcoc J.nd other !ll-icllti'Jt'> whO and dtS".:.ribcd ftW:I.I tMrt'tt:ul .. r hr,<'l"'"c chcr ,j()n;c.rn naru:t:
pun:- and umplt. :md rtJt ute i' o'll\1.' 1111o1mle!lr; whole.
The: t>l:&h!)f>lti(.lt ()( \ho;i 1awfu1ntlls uf the Jh:'.u-mll
f''rtKular time nn: of o,;r.;gjn in the tame wlY, ev-t:ll rhough "ft
ligion gn:w our nf it, .albeit u peculi.,r nne itom the pomt of vir;w;
_., it ba!<:d un "lln-hi J)ing dcty. Mindf\lnu-; and dh:lnna
1uc tl1ough; ._;f II," uniw-tlltil of chc nf tht: hu-
{1'1!111 mind r<:g:u'<iing rhe <>1ualiry of vm:'li atto;ntiou in
tQ the
1::<ptnc:w:c oF sufl4ring and the potcnti.U fdr happlnr.
11. They c.qu.oUl,y
w!\<:(C\'et thetellre humao minds,just as dte bvn oF ph>!licl llpply cqu..llly
. ' ;
t'\'tt)'\Y en:: 10 our uruvcne at 'liS we know), Or Noii.m Chomsky'!! Ulli
\'<:l-til iiCI'OS!I uUI:lllgmtgC$ in thl:
nQn of h01mn
J\:1d from rhe poihr of \icw of trs it ia hcl pftl to recall
rbc Stl(M)l:l him-1elf WiJs not -11 Buddlt.l$t-. He wM a
d a
:l-fl', :dbeit a qUiet nnd inw:uJ one_. l lc our hum
di\e.a:.e .and prc::.ttibed 11 btJIC'!-'Oicn' mechcinc for sa01ty nnd wdJ-being
Oi\'1;11 I'UJ,r. might say in order f<Jr to be mwmall)<>ef-
as a v.;hiclc ar tbi...., in r:he t\olution oJ ch.e planet and
for it;,-mrel} J)eedcd n,l cdiclnt: to be it.m:w to gave
up be-ing iJJ anyform.aJ si'>t up :nl)' ut.-
h'l it -in name or lonn. SiMic dhann.:. t .. ultim:.ttelv :.ali<JU"r non
tfuAilry. bct\\'CCu ;tnd <lb:t,db:t, r1r
Bu<lclhll;ts anti c:lnnor be fundamcnr:t.L Pn1m
Jl(;!-ipn'-'1;, che J'!)rdcol:i ai'ld l'oons whl.o:.h it milnifi-stli...UI!
vab!iHI,t, mulriplc, and (Outinunlf)' ,,, Sa.n;le rime:, the
Ckttkc l'tlllollllS, oUc without
even d1c "D'uddhim{ .is O()t Butldhi:Jt in ori_.gin. Apfw-
cntJy II \\1:1$. cOi(l.ctl by EurQpean phiJp]ogia.t-o., 11.nd religious
in and \!i.ghtecnth cemuric-;. wert:- u-,ing w
t thom f111ru th( c>utsidc::, rhwugh rhcu awn JS:tigiout cultural Jcoses.
3od t.atil as!u . I
mpt1nm. :l.n C.'COtJC wvrlt that war. lnrgdy l'lpa,q_uc h\ them
Pen more- thuu two rilw.sand rhose "+n' tt.: :1. "-hlngs--of
ll" ll<oddh ' h
. a, '" w ate\"Cr ltne:tgc1 .ullL wt:n: m'.trtv lin<::tgo;. nc
.m.di\)d,=f\.1 .ill.lh>l(fi ng SPmCI"'I'At intvpretJ.tillr
Cl rnc:: a:l h.
11 h'::lc mgk, MPPil!lintlv 1implr 1-eforrc:J 111 dl&'Jtt>Chc'i
tll''tl1 nf I 'vV
th t tc:: :ty" "tOUo\11-l'tt< of rbc Dh..armll.. "The\ Jad .lrJCrihC'
.. l.iutldhi\l!l,
' .. '
, I ' I I
,. , II o)U I ,\t o <I
1 ' lh
,,. dw 1\u llull,lhll, lhf fiht \ll'
"-' 1 T ho hi iuf,'tlotl't' ll!l)mn tulo
tt.r Flltt t "' .
cl dl\hrf"lll lotc\
1 ,htkli.h.,
i11UI't llllll 1101
1 11
r. 'I !tlttillliiA!I ..... l'lu r,,\mt 1\',1/1 vi
.-fl th ,ttfllloult't 1llf'C'IIII II' .tlhllhmrJII ,Jmp;Utj.l, llll d \Ute\:
. 1 L 11 . 1 1 hr J{<;t'rhln lt,tfnl I''' lu :tl\ llw
' 1,, (\1 le11. , 1\\'n mniiMnn ftr. 1hu1 t:(ll):;t
1.1 f o111.11'
n. n
1 1
,J..1J".a" m (lh('r w.,..l rhlil h ,,, he om
( I ... 11 l':UC h\ n.u hlllf"l .uhl AuJ tht
,,, nh x., r lt
h u111r; , n..tll t;.t11wu .111 the Nttblr
JIJ j\
h,..,. tlw ,,, th1
tl I ll.
\lu\>Jtu.U u. oor. "' tht t'lJ=;.II ti' Cl uJnm: d111 p.,th, I ht (me utu
I I .\II th(' ct#ll oil'<!
, .,.,;.c I 'llf"\\, \\111:' WI t '1\C"o.'t h, Y, 4(111111, '"'':"
J, dJ},o.xl., d'ft 11, W U\Jtlol!\llnr <!<, ,11\(l Whl' 1"<11\.,.111 r.nwu. l .. rh ,,f
1 rv, nt.un .dlth( l'lln .111: op.:c; r'llr
;".;ic;u ll.wh f"ILI JT th,, WW'
\\ 1xt H lu M . 11 tfYrIi,ahr ln11h, .mJ
tc'tt"tl othn dt"IIIC'llb I,,. I he Pilth arc rnt.till.
l'Hit:U NcH/1'1' H,,su
rill' I'R Rl IlL\<. l'l l>N I IN 11
I LlOOng lnck To dukkha md if l hadn't kn()wn fr bel'nrc
frotu Ul)' tl\\'11 mt.;fihlnou pr.,.ctice ao4 m)"own t<'n-
Jel'u:i1;. .. 111 gp u.nOO'h.s\,fi'!ts-and be "I' :.ln9 compltlel) iu
tlu: htrhulettt of 1be rh.nking mind c!notion
, in
'l:i:'J;; dinic tol)<,m cunlirntt:d tbc::
t un
JW;u-cntl! re'.ill\' md ht>w hungcy we. to tid it how !invvtd wr;.
fm " cOtltlhtenr, .tulhrnrU:, vJhQI<hc:mell e:tpt:>rinwing-of
how stu-'\'t:d w-; .ue I'Qr pt' ;),Cc-of" mind, and huw
'II lind.11'1g son1t Telirf liom (lf'Cen seenu. I ike ;,a tt't:J
1mill <>f
it)llknJ ,mJ ctl'l'lol i(lnaJ
, \tl''ll:tld COI1Utless4dit'C iat"C.S of \'f'Oilld in ..:o.lO\'<'Nil.-
tll.>rtwi,hi-Orl h .. . ' . . 1 . . L
"' t w n G:.imt! m tOt lflf'.h:l' mttrvww!\ JO!r! tng In<! pro-
l.tlllnt. woald .nerd) ask .l l1 uprncr. 'What brinb.,. ,'rou w St\"C.S$
11ntl th<:n kttp qulcc aiU) liS1tn. $1k.b .\ quesrioo tnvi.t<s -spclk,
!rum th(" It .u'ld t iiJt 1hct<: ll)!l.V be limides
C'flthl h> 0 ,.
nc: ... IWI1ermg--4r .It lt'ast duu tt ktl 1 h11r,
I lt,;.tmbj f'roJJ't tl\i-.. I, ll;rung du; 11111 l)'.lt!Oilt:i lo!:lnu: (0 Rc-'J' ,. .
!\. Ultc ul Tl:'...lQn" th JT, ltl rhc end, Wt'ttl't'llly fii!St
' ,.,..'
11:' t'.:. b h 1 1 I I I '
..: w c In r<:..:nptur(: .1 hr1 111h .c r r r tn' ln ....
I U I II I ,.,. ! , 1 j !
tdt thJ nnn htd hut .lw . n w.tntCfl 'l'hty Cli me be, th(y WOIO!td
tu l1-11 to rd.,,, ltnw rt"lic,c "nwc 11 f 1hn1 llht' "' huw ,.,
, h\'1 ll'.unur k.u 1 '" l1' wlfh d, """' f';:e ul ntu J
"''.a r.c11 c 1i
Th"'V .anlot bn tl'c rh \' Wlanh I tu ch.lfKc i11 rhcir own I
gtl, tJ fU!ln rrn"dkJI JII 1 ther .tt!ft .tll.\t(t) ttll'll, .llictfl, .tml flH bo;:
u the\ (';fleo ;ud, -.o r1 r1. "' n.J Jphgbt .arne,., rlt.: duuc:: be
U lhn-1\ "hentJ (:;ll ,j,,..,t: t of <Xbct l2lC<b. .ll rrobl m dut lHlC: h wtng n unltwr.ud anthcllll:c or.
rbt:it [ n t thrlr frrcdom ft'l runuc rtiC'tf .lrc.amJ amc '""'*
tbc,""Ut"h ort MU fJt.prr ..
t flw 1 h tomrt th..u no one t an the planet could da f.:.
tbcm. rKbl ng then na cl take m t1 ar L\u ..1'Mi dn
r rhq UJWd on thcU" own. il "'' c; mrltmc I lo wM n.ldtu.='!\&1
oiJopor """"' I ,ff,. tn !he h..op< I 'IU>g """""'
hin. pcrh1pt a.ho r, anwnllv anti outW.udl)
Jbnt u err of vr :"!hWdm'
(i., thtm lll'fltiOR &ad I au tlle)lo.rtnr that mtt.illmt ...._.Jd
oru, do mtiLh r. II 1ll t I hat It W2 n't llllC tu bl n gh h:aJ b I
cnnusfl \.If' to Df.M' The) bf.; ,11\,Ut rlctr !th.tot touft'fl'td il lr
gttmw.-,. on hung 111 to 1br 1';111111llll[it
ln"d and tl tomrtlur. .ID..outat '*"lh hr nfrrrmJ: th'" tl ut. 'J1.n
umt. hentute ..'W' 1 hru.:" ,,. IIJ.,:ht 111 1 he h P! . 1J thctd(lt nul1d
fultK and JTductt on, lnrdautuoh, nJ . 11 !lu unerl,; wtll
dlr'V WJu!d br lllVIlcd t1 in, tmu;h nf it Ill ilcnv ..:Huld hr ,.ecn .II
an llltcl_l,ra1!JII ol 10;a1nHrcll'm mc:d1o11,. .ud lw.1hh u .JmJ 1hu
cep1.1'-k ;tJirrttathts for dt.tlitiJ!, w11l 1 hr 11 ptnblr
ah.rV(' .til tllll t, <.tnd VIC
managed r11 .m 111 1hc tnuru clcrr
1Jpcnll1!:1f! mng, 1l.Jl fill , p)\ 1 h o11 t lw )IIII I H i'olllt\ rct;qgrutr
. I I Tt 1tkindrt
lumu Jillh'h J. t'III)Mthll, 11 !ll'f,I U, 1111 lthllg, II
' . L II 1 lctll c: in ' hu\V
umc, uulqrtUI\IIId}' 1 .m ,,, " " I l not,rh nt) ("I ,.
modica.J I.CIHU.
I Ill
c, bn w Y'>ti lten:?" mu.t wer'" ,
;mel open!y, oJtc:u With Ji-e.u P011;"1111nt:y, of 1ht-ir ,n.tJ,u,r
, ,) ...
tf.'C ol fiu:hu.g lol.1t0r 0\'e:twhd med, VI\Uim7..c:tl nr in o(')rnl:' l.a oo
1hc vrncer ur ptllfl ur hcatt pfflblc:m lnt J ,..
11tc primJ.rr diugn(Jo(i'f and ft::lJ>tm fqt the tcluul Thr1t tmn
the poign.n;t tUffCrirtg nf thte hr.l tJ lh.&t lr(.olnl)llOIC$ R<JI bctOJ
1ctn or honorctl h}' <>thee; t.n childhood, uf com tu o\fllltbt
:od With
010r kc.t.og. fhcir Q\Vn n:-- bburr or \\Otrhina;, . \nol af
rhc') rrorwifl..dy of the uf'fwtlg 1f cho: bod, imm chmcu.;
plrll, f'l((.k face p:am. lc:g pam.. m.ury di.ffc.n::n fornu 11f (.lJ\Ctt, t IIV
W \lOS, he-m disc-.uc.. ;and .a m' :.d of tom.uic m..ll.&Jin, C;lmpoundcd
n c:a..;a b) tbc of rht mmJ from dtroo.: n:uctv .and puu;;
fivm Jmd chs.:oppointmall. from conhn.on.
dltoNc iniubilitr .and Wklon, mel 1 hoM bl tomctmn ..,.,,
.aifu..1J,-c cmouo:W st;U($
"fbi! good .u poopk thtul.lgb progu.m
iDf thtmid'-a. tintt and 0\'I.*T" the yur,, and a Ulo AA
C'\'0" numbn- of ma.licd H odie f.., not ju 1 fram "'u IMn ct.nn
!)U1 hum TNndfulncssid1.1t'd ptoJ,r.&m\ in h(tol.r;>i1Jh and d!fl i,:J t hr
v.urld, tlut..each C\'tr}' ont- of us c-.111 iu\"t .J hJol'ld. 111 but.Jt
aA.i cu.lor or.g 1!1e fullne:. ... of as humm bc:rnga. m .dlumm.g
11 &I whoc.-\a wc :l!"c. 11 is. f'Ohible to wnlu np to wh,u *' .1JJ.J
1"1.1.j.JC', ll) tbat' tl\11 whtth<'t Wf
1r or not, .m.d o ;rwa.ken :u wdl ro orhtr, b .ahhter, -"tu:r I '"'''"K'
ll rt ;.til l u fron1 the .dcp!lu of OUJ own hc,lrfl nd le1 tht.l n lluw('r 111
cn1r irl w;w10 that art tt'S!OJJ.ti.,., ;and healing . .lnd 1r1 ..
lt:{ludnl::. t\h ooUragotJ ;Uhl J 111 1\ I ,lin olfOUiuJ
lhr ronnlr) ;u,,l ardnnd tltc- world lu.vt' ltlr pc ..
ulfl!'rtng WJth unthmkJbk Jt:ve: J11 pf lllfC5!i, p.1in, rUnt' I, 111UI 11111111.&1\'ll
Jblc life C.ltnuosraru:es atnl "th-= full
t 1 1 1 II I
' nun J'CI1g111m:v ol the IUU1111t nmt ltlolu 11\tl l 111 11 1'1'111 ' " "
In 1 1 .
r 1g )' \mnp e-x ol ,lt1t.11l
big 11r htll t, gtt)"ll 1.11 tht f ut II .UI lotrmUo!l
th;u I k I .
. I I' )J ,1 lA OV'i.'t .t ,\ ("o'r Il l l oll! f l tTll: Ill ' .IS(' llo iU
. '
011(: of dukkh,1 and di.H::tt<. prevatem m
tr.1s tm, lsc <.ldkitdisordtt, D.O. foT A.D.(). 11 a :scti'I)U>I
in che .. of artl!tllion itself. lt a:ur:s in both children
Jnd !!&drs. TI:Urty yeats ago. no one l'\'t'r .be.1tJ "'' mention detkir.ln
faa, 3 di.guosts didn't eXist. Ncml, ir tjlpe..m tu he 1 widespre.1d -1nd
gto)Wing Mfli.:rio11.
Since has everrthing ro do wirh the ,,f ...,ur c-J-
r11 pa-)' .utenriou, )''ciu mlbtht think rh." ITlt'dma.tWc.
-&.<ld libed light-l)n pMsihle w1y-;. to prevent or tte;lr Nndition, :md
dttxi,t.h!lt i':i the B11t it mighr wJrtl ;ot-il\_g {h.1t, !rom the per-
-0\ri\c ,>f rhe: mediative rrndiri\)m, tOe WIUtll
ltebtio11 diicit di-sorder-big ritr.c-:1nd from its most p;e\ nti.uu,
llltc.nnon detior t)ypottm'tL'f) 1\m.l jJ gcttinz''Tir:..c -h\- the &I\
how to rdi1le ou1' niJ:ilit)' m pi)' ,.tl'ld tl..l .cbtin .1ttcnot1n
lll.L\' nn be a lu.xurv bm Q lildinc back ro \\'hl.t h t\toit m
;u ill mt)st c:asik missl, igoo1etl, denieU, or run duo""gh '-'
thJu - . l d . . , .. .J
H (OU I lilt )'(\$1nbl\ be llOn\:1.
I Jt.l \'1' I I . IT. I'
. f 1.111 ,It \\'(' ,tJ.t,n hnu to t<t llltC1ltlun
I ill I
Jnnr l('r, more 1ul.:l ;uhrbnanC'.IU \\'.1\' due m thr ..
ut'( bll: rJ.kcn m thr.- p;1'J,t half ceO[\l.l _v. ir., we ,. ....
<JIJT cu . , . ,...,
r-:- ,
.... . mJ m,rc lon,eh liud liWISfbJc In ccltbrltv-
f.Vt"P4" ro "' ;o . ,
. 1 ...
. ,,
Ji,-rr.&di,,n, tti,qb,ly cnl'iblt<l''t:c:>pon!le abtlit)"
(n'1!n :ntnllltliJ.!II\(1 , of 11-c,.--f)t>:oting r() even
he ,;,
11 1 11
J Tltr lht h>n.!,'t!f, and we :..!-
n 1 leul\ to :;::tIn lht
\ll '"' 1 ),n\'' 1 ti\XJt lil t ,thility nnd lntbnanon to. s.usum ancn-
''"'' mrl 1hcn=br 111 1..1()\\' '' w.w mitr<4ti11g &pmc li;tnd
, 1 ,a.:h"*' \Vr. Lt.:k at whru, qu c.-m;il, \VC on I)
111 1 hr 'iC\"011tltn I"CIIll'lnl'<1 rl"'' we JOJg1'>t m tUJ:it.:h wh:.r \\'e JU-iol
we: WQIIM, PI lcudr \\T ,\,drlr rc . ll) w:..-nr to 'lY what we JU.rl did, or du1
we rr.1lh 1\'.Jtorcd ro we didn't , btll it'" ;lh'(:otd)' go.,tlt:,
I bt rhn.)lngy IThcll mr tltnt' we mlght hr "'dined tQ
t,ol;r. for pl1ct1im, h to.ho - lri'Ciiilltlblc urge tll get it out !lnd
11n111 fn tl1r: 1\nt 1 hir.v,. ttH)vc {)II .tn rl.ll: r.a-t lu:m m O\tr iu-hcw. 'rVc
fliJJdll i!!,h inwudl1' liml rhcrt 1,.-r it bt:-
pr sent! .1 cunCtiJPfl ll
d .. ;u, wr Jt, wil h r1"'""1 nrrl, r.'l:l'fJC..I r-rrtuil .. r
ll1U Ill I hi .. mtiJfu.:tity C:rtCf1 iUtlt ti\U r:vuya!.l}' dis
Clt>W'<' 01ntl r I tium, if we .ur 11
)r mtndful ,,f theM! illSJJ.iMI.S
,l,ui, v .. e JUt lfllt:o mor mryment to rhe ncxr. lhr WI! ate litl'filly,
illi :\ l>.l>. lt.ti'O: tt\lnrv{ll, dtivcn \O b\ ,\U
(In o.ldki!.ti.IC .llld. dwi..c11. '1/i.'c even ultt'trllpt uu.ndwli. o t4:<:1l
ID')IUCHI lll!Jffit'lll. 1ft tiUI 1'-t1tttpul.ri\'t multJn\lcil'lg. (dtttgn })lS (lllf
lo \:()n&:ratt.tiL:" 1 ht mi1uJ 1111d disttt II !nw!lrd nne. obJi!Ct
\'\'..: dtJ\'1: C<.'t d, .. ,l ,/(;linn :md I hi! human wotld dr,Vl:.:
dilll:l(l/ltn m w:a_n 1hr uutuul wurial oil wh1d\ Wl ll}' M ' MpC''n
. I M)
nnn dtd Th- lnun.u,. w;,rlt.l, Jor all Jb ,vorH1ct11 and pullwnd ''
homb.ual J Wtth 111floiC nrl mo 11: hiPI!J C< ultin ua, t;cJm,t
r111r 1o tl'otl' hu I)C:(tl!lnng It ttlok the
ch llnff? (If u& Jxittg witi1 bdog 1111111}' wit1t ,tctu.1lly .t(l
pu:ci:ui' & th.i 'lll\unlC'IU wit hqur hllvLng to fill it- wi(fl or rnU .. 't! ml
the 11c:Xt Qne, lc tOh11 rime C'VC!n :All we we dQn't IHI\'C
ll bas given Itt 11 d;m(c <+l in<1ttt:nti:<.m and ul t!Wbihty of 1nind. Oh. chat
\\'C could work b-.: wl,en we wntk..
lr J& 1elling-and actually ll';lglc thw- Q(
.tre nbwb("ing nc:dic:;ut:d JtJr A.D.D. :artd A.n.H D., down f1J C\'t:rt rh
)<tar oli'k Ca.dd it bt- that rn m:tnyof thcoo <::w:s, it i"' the :.duh'i wht) arc
au.r:unitg til.: c.hi1dreo iJ)t(l di:>tnlcriQJl :and hr11CI'l\ctwity. if bch.t,.Jon
'll' nor :actuall) normatl.,.c fOr lhe&e times, :tnd the,-.::fore 11tricdr
normttl \andc rht.: citc:mnHancca? Maybe the <'hiJdccn'!i bch:tvior i;. onl)' .1
of a much more dis.<::i,$eof famil) lift' . and lit(: tn gm-
q;tl irl rn, as id ikel)' .the the pidcmic we ,1re
scdog In cltildrcn af!d loldults.
lf Jll&r<:nts- mn:ly PJCstnt Wt" art-sflo l>11t)' al\d overwlu:lmcd.
and if we Ut JO'} in our he:td_$ when Wt: phy$i(.::lUy present, if
we ;m>J}' ar Wl1rk most of lime-, includ:n.g evening:'! lind
nron tM n lm when Yi'C ar<; hOJJl,_c
and alw juggling aU
and organiz:ltiol).ll) need;; .Of chc eve: the
vr.ty linlq Or.t$, out.r.igh1 pdr<llt deprn:ation and :c bugt,
jjmll'>t gctl\:tic grief behind it .f>'
ddien of p:tre.utn.l
t'ion, .l ddicit of acn11.1l living, bl\'::trhing, fediqg, reliable
l',lfh1$.C th:a" undi)"tracted
it i:4 chc big or .so we pcnplc renJ 1u
thmk S<> if impelled tO Eu: conto.mtl}' 111 one
0/ !UlOt11el', 1nd a h"RI time i!bcusing (.Ill iuiy one thmg t'or long,
''>' \'001\de.r th:1t mi,lJ:e :Uld children might be: dw WJ)' ooo " IKe.
the1r rhythms from 1 he till choy arc bow to:, u an arr..turdinarr
C-{pCol\U)'l$ uewborM and i,l(omtJ, so .urunc.d ftur..l
Or in some diildn;n Me not from
f at 11 a1 l)(lfOI\: lht'l' gel c;cll flhtol't'll 1111J llht;u\f
lbt'\' h\:.ay b. , J .II
_llllle norm,, \!111 t l'<.'n \\'nh 11 lwt <Jf cncgy, 1111 'imnt
ltleu-1 '"ll't-' H
j U Ul dl-1:}' M"'\ ' HOW ht'
wltb l\Ur-
"t'f\'ltl- lllld tht wutld 11!1 if uwmem b.y
l I \VC ;art ne\'CI
;IW;l) frow :md phum .. if wt:- &Jt oontmually into
" I '' 1 " " I "'' mu 1 1r.n Q .. t m:';o he IJwr,
F'c.icdntan \ll) JW
ITIII.)' be o-.c:r tDo, rcn..:lcrv.J .t
Wt' kn{)Wing b,.clw u> h('
hllr o r hti.Y) th.giw<)ur l''holly undtvirltd ro
ot rlut it u'1i$ht t'n:trtet.
we be "in" fOr oundves ever Can or nund be
lrtiru;d lr.'t:r We, pay at:ntiou It thmg, at
ha:ld. whatCScr 1t 11.13-y be? Arc we cvet g)ing t6 be. oil' duty, ,o nc t:u
t!tct t-hao-jua; do? Ami migl1.t be?
Jr qol 1ht long1ng IIJld ._,f <Jm 0\Vn l,c"!tn,
wlwt whQwiU e'\I'Cf Cllll U!i h9mc to
And will we ncocl t he wirrlef.s. wmp:\n}' -o f.Qm.c: uJJcrpcbip some
where, t() do e'<tn
t \1'11 rvrr tbr tnwurd t>no;c .,f run
wht-n IUt' fl' m nttlt pl.:!t'(' rn mrte
rw w. uutkrtJkiux;. c;o II .r i}' for .-. \\' .nd do ,, lot M
,Jatlnrnt thh11':- , .null I cell\, Wl)ltt l' II b;,,j,.: rb.-.1 )Qu\t hv1:u i(mdQr
mllLh J11\ likf .- 1vhulr wr('ll, and week l,k.t a
11\<lll!h, \VtJ duJ to much, 1111d tnjo<r'CJ }'U\1r-lf tl!'lt"UI(hl)
Y1m t1m h,l\'t a 1111111ln cxpwen.te il l'llu gv (If cumping in t he wili-111r
11c I :\'t'')' ocperit tiL(' md. l1 \ n ... r hut ,f1f1. t'\'t!''Y you
n f1.1r dar ""'' umc Ut..-iiU <C M tlu(, tht tlt'lt'J.blr" fir '.'0:
dunl "' . h) his,lwl than it migl! t he ,,c h<mlc..JUJ(tof
thc,n: h:tWt.r ror I he tUi t:ll unleso; y{\u brought
01 tmd ytrnr r;Jitdli lc di!ih or l.111tuJ1. Mc.mwtlllc:
I he people w;o
V")t:J h, rnt.l1:cd ,, rcf(uln w'l:d. ut<lll or Jc;. ... , 11J)d ia lJ'RU'll to go by h'f
tb:tu 1!'-:111 II fl, \h, .u <I .\'nu ktt :and now :ui"u.lrea.ciy
k:l)' Kurtwqi.
r wi'l;al'd .nul invctlOOt (If
(nhll!h:u'> t r rh.t '"lllilll \-itnp.un;d, cmr nuc1 n;d, .ubjt'QI1\'I! ;cnoc: of lillie'
j!:ltillg 1 by til' tlill:i ''t.l! h1: 1'.'/l!c.:u wlut wo; tCd ur
(Ofte Jt tiUltwon lt)' t:Vt'fll'-, "luiiJ;. .,..llh rlrgn::c of in ltK' t1'\
rrm 11r ulh thi1 die Lm oJI Tiro<'! .ltnl t:hlllli. \o\'lse11 mtl1 oJc,rc:tt:i
'!t.illllfl" 01 'I MI ''" ' "''" I f6J
tft't)l (lltc;, quantity Q[ diwrdored reli:ti>Jt: ti> the fJt()C:eM)
10 11 (du:. lltnt. bttweoco t.:.1!1cnt t\'Cflt9J eiO\Vfi down. And when
ordcr .till (h.tQt. in " 'I}'J>tCin, tune (th(': time
111fimtttvcnt\) Thi$.'tmo.IJary, which lw c'lllh lhc L11w of
ctt(i ng Rernms, describea (:\'llluti'tm:ry proce!I"Cr., like: rhc_ of
or of AC(!.hnologi.c$', Or Pt1\ver,
Bllhies und young hildr.:::n loll: ttt' h.appt;mng m
sht>;l'e rnanllove yean; :md tht' (rcqtJt'.ncy vf sud. dto::rcascs uvcr nmc,
"'Cfl-a$ 1be !c\'CI of chaos m tlt,:.ystcn furcltunplt!, unpn:dictnblt: life
e'lt:llts)jntrc>l').e-The 1nfuv:1l betw'(;:Cil \l\'tms i11 uhhrt and the
(di 41 c:hiJdbood 1!l m.c of rime!eSfi)C.SS.. of time"''Ct)'
ilowly. We ore luirdly ':lvtar nf it, vre <1: iu the ('lfe6ent A.
1,-e get {lltler, t he .,pAA.'t:d ina:rvaff> n<Hcwtmhy de\dopl'nenral
r\'!Jit:rnones t;;t!t:ms ro our mot.-: and pr.::Jenr noment ot'-
kn secmt em pry :md unfulfilling, -alvi'.I.)'S- the fi;une. it like
ume js tp::ediug up '31\ bc(':u!>e our tt (rame 1$ gm"Ving lon,gu.
s() if "'I<)IJ tvunted tll $1vw down the' fodi g of your me
;)1\d putup:s )'OU by, I hc:re :are two do f{, One !S ro AIL }'OUI
lirC' with "'*'many ru:wrt and hOpd:Ully .. as you i:IUI
MiUl}' J)::;ple ro thi..- pacll of for the.
big-(:l(pC:rience to mftke life worthwhile, whether lr i rhc big ui1 w
tht tooation, Q.:trcmc li{"'rtS, ot ,ivst t he grJunru:t
The other w"-)' ro ,;,tow the kit of t'Jnlt isM
):0111' ardi nuxy momcnril 10table 4.ncl noteworthy b}' t.lki'S norc of
tircm. This u.l!ifl incrc:l3sc:;. rhl. in the miud nit'
l>et:ol)l t verit'.-lble ll'lllertonds.lf rou Wtn: r<lUiy pre.;cne
with r'ur itthcy llfi ltWtttr what W:b hl'ljf'l'n-
mg, Yliu Wltl tld <hsooii:r (h:\t c:tch momenr Is unique :wd uovd Jnd theft!
Yaur exJJt:ricncc of rimt wouJd :;lo\.1.' time d(I\VII You
ll'lrg}u even find )'flursdf .stcppin,K our of rhe gubjt:,...tiVc: of time
flitihl},o; a.:; you opro tv dte! ri.mdr:>!i. quillit!o' of tbt: pt$nt 1'
llltnt s
'. rnre <4tt: :n nu111h(:r vJ m<>mcats m tbc
l'.,l nl )" J 1 h I 1
u, Ill' miltt<:t h{)\\' ofd you :t,n<, 1 c mon: }'Oll len: oJf
11'1, til(' murc JatC bc:c;:omeo. l'h.,: ndl(t rtu; 11\on\(lth
, " O. p 1 f ,. r II S".tl r n r. DU ' J -\11'- 0' l"ll !; '1\'"l O
!'I Tl<l ,.. 1
lJW thntret thl' illl'\'11 berw'('Wl them, the :;Jowcr dtt: pa$sttgt ..,{ time
tn)ll'l tbc fWJnt W' ,.,.( )V"UI' o;.;o;J>uitCe uf it. 3nd tht: tong(('' )'<lOr life
bomcJ. ;H ptU lft.' hdc {,,, utoJC t:Jf yaur 11\(:UTit:lll:$.
\'dl\ Ultcfellrirtgl}' tltct'C l:s \'Ct anothe.J: wuy in wllkh the sc.n$t. ot "time
IM.uiJl,lt '11,-,..,., d1"vu. ThiS wav ftcls rull _ v 1->A,L ' l' is we <:luglll
up in c-motioll!ll :uu.l 'mhappines. Tt thiugs go
wd] nn n11r \'.:(11riun, a wee,k, I!W''' 11 tllD.Secn1 intti,;ninabM
.00n'1 \Hnt IU be c. not go1ng (() pJau. Otu expo,;:.
tJti.,ra .m nnr l11'1ng llJihlled, .and we _.'I! C. in "' .$C<mingly . sti'\ggjt'
Wlrh rh.-. w11r thins- arc til<!)' not-a."' 1hr:m r<> be_
Tunc then fed :a wclghr, and \VC" c:ulr get hQmt:, <Jr JQr
uurr.t r1) for he ,;,b, np. ;c rbatwc
a.biQlutcl)' h.wc rn h:i\'C l1.1pJ'h'n iu (1tdcr to fed fulfillt:d, ro tl:el
11.\\'il.\' oJ wh('f1 Wt" f-'1.11 int(l its_tc:l:ttcd
m-:lod sac,., m01r ro do thiit!." bur e\cryrhlng we ilu
01nll drag on w-. C\'ttyHt.irtg is an cllU,n ;md time: it!>elf dt,gs 1\ii
m d<mn, il\1' the doldrums. lr li:d il!l if a o;i.gnitkanr, momcntaut,
uphfupg C\Tnl will never h.i:PJJt:n. that the:tc: .tic 1\b mort'
mil.emeJ to be orttXpcrienecd
tn do:m!Un Qf 1 be JUIC"J Kut-awcd uqtucs tharour tcchnolo
giti .arc aul,ing 4t :an )(ll.:twing the LJw o( :\'c!cr.uin}{
Rctuth'> fnt L.11w '' a 1n po:nt)_. 3nd rhuli thcttlila:stOf)C
dt:\1!lurmc:nb lu :n: and our lives
.iml n1r 00.,...- l cntvrmcd w1rh 1111r m;1dll11C$, dm *
111 1 he r.uc uf it<d.f si nmiQLnc:ou*IY ()\lr lht:
lntto an mrre:.m1gly p:t:c_ whicb 1:a wh) not on]y.;cem
to bt b111 .muu.ll,- ilr;;tt-, and f:mc.t,
\lr,k to ;ldttpr- IAJ .tn ever-tjllkktning p:llcc Dt a\d
nt'tldu tO huge or ln(Ottn6tiort
qwcit.h; abCI'JI it .aml _get impurtwt, or nt II!'"
ge1 1, rhn.l" done. Evtn uur nptiou, fo1 .bdug .111:
Ml ftT\"'vic;ling with illnr.-Unp, :wd
. .. . J ,.
...... 111 tlUt ;,i,lt..:mp111 m momc::r* of rc!axutltln 11111 4-
:\t,J t h anly gl!tting tmc: gae11 un.
Many diboicd enginc<:r.t believe, K1.1n.wcU. :mang, dl<:ul, tb.n .a ttu
.:hiDn:tt'C progrwnmcd to become more .(lld mor( "inttll
goent,"in the senR
r dpnl;Je. of tearning 110d modifying ()'111pllt on I he baS18 (I( thci1 if'l-
pcupJt wUJ dcstgn
nett genc-tatH.IIU of Th1$ l akead)' in SOl he: insr,l.flL't'.
]t:fqn:Qi..e1, -wMt wiJh t he potenri:al f!lt (lu-ch .1\ mett1tlr)'
fh11 t l!imulllte thinking Md pcrhi!pll
rlmology, digiti)
witol-ng: that e\otulipn hss_gpoe bc)"<,md rhe huma.n rt.owindticlc:s tlu:
.;\l)!utiQ' of th:u tht eta of human .we know a.1ul
ult the term "hmna11'' may be Clc'lming-w a clMc, than Any
ttf us Teaiize or--can farhom.
If this. h:l$. a remote pos-sibility af being true, h1.1n pethJp!> we.
lu.d btllt L')lp!ore tho fuU of hum.ulity and our evQiution;.ry
mll<::iitil:lce while W(:l$till have ir to which wvuld include lbk,ing
ab0\1-1 how '.'llU:'th!o tt is to us -:1$ !I sodcty to 001l$ciou.rl)'
thiartclluolo-gical.;ovoluth:m so that it docs--Mt tltoSt' MptS tf
o.urbiJUon or w ;tea.f'.i. ot' f_"tnetic inherit.anOc:,'Md 10(),000 3.$
liMw and 10erc S,OQO' rtal'9 O:r :>o of v.h:.t we call "c.iviliu-
ti6.'1 we and V"l.l."abk.
We beM preoot.ious a in
i:Nr devc!Qpmtntant.l usc of tools, l:mgultge, :'I I \ focms. rh(kl.ght. science,
litd ltl\notogy. Bur in other iltt'na!r, w-1{ have yc1 ro on
;' PPO:lcl'ii11g il of ,OUT fol" idt -knowwg,
;,), \v(Adom, iUld for compa,t;;;ion, fo., ThcfiC' Ol our
.iMI\tc ro our latb"'e brairu: illl<.ll.ltn bOOtes,_
fu t'w, they l'tmain undc\dopc:d. We m:t.} huvc: 14 vuy hu-fl
-t.dapbog to wbnt weak f;<:i Dg 11$ .;a in d1t" c;(tmi'g
ti.nd w\tys to Cultiv:uc. IIUJsc J)lpc:c-ts- of our mvu iiod
"'-'IV<> I '
t9, nw tlf\\t' dQWn both ;tml ('>Ut\\',uJI,'. Ullc tlur mo
l'lll;::,h nd <.:af>;<.:ity l(r wisdt)m {1,) ulv:tn-
... ,,, ....... . !! "'\'II' f!lf lllo t ... U l 01111 \IUif.!o
l !1\ll k J.. dtt cxr:ritn,; t' uf 'iUIC p.olllfi n)l, tn(udfulue;;l f oUl l'l:
unt'tltf too 111 hr w. di\U n ollld (!l<cli ,.,d
jlhl .d hn.:u wult rlwrr, d\\rU m them, led th<o tlmmgh .til rur
u.lluttv 1 'I'-'" "' w:mcu .. 1111\T we ,-N1ld 'i:l)'; h
,j,. ll nnu-. 1n the f tt111.d 11111,, 1 hr. All ULh. i;t
dt" .t ,. J,:cr,,l, , '1-\'111""'' '' an.vrhmg l1.1p('rn ncM, without
\ll I'WI"'M tltA!'
:u; If rhc
cettlncd m) Oulllitlc:! '-peak uf ming in rlc b lllt
:.ndclfc.ulng itt ch<: wt:Sf, ;md rl t COUl'C.Il60tt \'1(\t b wry wdl fur Ut. n gl.l'l
lmg l+N thrttugh the c],,}' rfu)ugh we know full well th.ct ntct
lll !l.l:(ll:J!y happtuir)g ,.,u, .tnd ;h;ll ac:-lu.lly tlw p1i1Htt i u.
il\1>. ;!nd m;r qf o( the sun. \c arc hl\p;:-v 10 t:(O wjch 1hr: Jfltttuuu.
of ttinp;o;, even the- :.uuali t)
a somr\\' olillet'Cut, Out
ha mll tltu.IJ}' I!Volw:d rl..;- lt(ldr'" 1n tht fiiJi ,., ... ,
G;ul-cCnt '11 . 1 1-
rn .uu li,l' it- t'< aotllq<giV!IIJft: h
1\vhurw-clf..L II f , ' ' h
\::1. . C U: COU\'\ltUIOnul sUhJI:!c-1 obj({ \'ICW )t t J1
'' n t:t)fi I ' I
tl'} tnh'; HU \\mk!l pf\tf\" wo;ll, !111 11 tt
lll'fl(lltir '" nt.1kt> o1 r<mn unslJlhl\'t: in it "lli( \'mualh-
I uWII' I oH
' 1 II I!! I Ill
,, ,, II!).; "' ..
'''" ,. l'rn
It'" W IIIII'"
r IWf,j, t"l hWI!II, tl r ''''' .tilt 1'111\tn
,j l\olfllll' ,ol' J.f!lhlil\ tllot.l !ltfl llli\'lfJdlif ial
.... 1111 IIH' I' fltlh II,, . u,. I
tit llolt.lro11 111tr" I tf I IW1
fie ,. 1 , " .1 ,,,, I .. !J. rhtl ''l'l' .t .....
t'tnl lup! '' 1 ..
T rt nJ wf I 1 1 u, 1h r rlkf II" I "''''' rwllnJ, t1!
, 1 rr I, 111 "' ol, tl I rwr nol l (Jlna'"rl Ttll'lt
IW ttl(' r..., ""lu h 1 IIIC::I aoJ,m
I d c "P' I')' I''' \'lUn
In< n e fll IC'plt'JI "\
and wt, IICl!IJ:
l't' .,.,.,
h d Ul kp-1
rho. h II,
Ill I ,0(. who ..
'"' .nd
1 t .tlron"' n >bKtlTf,
th:&t "tho')uf fW ((II'( lallmt nl rn life: J
ur I'P'I,) md1 k I (ltht.r-. rht 111 Wt' lallmt aw.arcn
\\ htu wr ( '' t f mtn , tlart"e be 111 l'IJ-1( 1 u c
' 11 p.artrm bttWN"n I'UI1 f"'.f ud I r t n-JII>hlmg 1
WI' h t' \ ''' mTf, lo("(tnl( W11 b, 1 ,., , r h "'"'"It WJI huut a tl ""Let, '' !Oa
l.le ''"1'1 I 111111 rht:n h\Cf)ll lnt'"ld\ llllluliiiiiJot Ill'C'IIC: 1 hr \ ltWJO.I!
JIICtnTt ftmt n1hc rlt,"llhnrllrrlt tUurdmthCIII thl
I I \\,If It lvt:l wltrll \\'r 01 uully h 1 111 I 1\!ln'ttl '"
II til 1 I IJIIIJII)' I rnrpn1) ul ,
111<1 ,,j ttl!l"l,j<l I ti-f
It 1ln1 lillfU.llllllhO!t wr ''r" n, ,1 pL11u!1,1''11holt thd)'JI.lflrl
ne' 1uuJ rlw 11 Jrlt iw .. 1 l>t' nv; , I'' 1 H h11Yt rttp11111Jnl.
our 1111 fnllj',l'l ltuuu,l lol th ,,.,, ,,, WI <llfl\utl tll\111) mh.dnl thJtlJ
l!le '" Ill' eo tll>tl 1lo1 <\otrll W 1 lu ''' tul C\'1 1 yrhw)( 1 lilt' '
IIA\1 I, .U itl n \i\'1. vo:u" nwhl.l'dl
lltr fftl .t vuw, ... wo Wltlll!l' rl;
. I I uutl>l I
'"' 'Ill'\ Ill Ill !loll hontml rh I 11'111 h\o , U!lt 11+l 1ltr !,11u 'llol,' 1)1 II
p.u; oljlr."u ""' W.&h'l" '' dl, 11 wl1111 WI' lntv,l!l
" It ,. JloJUU!dun4 "'C hwc: 1lr lldv r
' r in tomo: mtnt , l,,_cvrr J.nrf t:"ftl 1f wr ha"
I ll I IW:
.... 1J w1th mcJUJIU\J!l in 11117 (,)run I " '( f111 tht &! ... .- ID h.Kfl WC
tiiV' "" ,..,_
mhabt .. 11n- dw.J II"'Ucnnt then
...,,!JIJ "'' Jo,n.r;t-r be ;en '",n whiJ 1 1n111 r M we
"l(t: wh..,khortcdly tu It can .alto
14 11111dcnl) m nromnlU whrn lf)ru.LIItmJ .uc npe lor rt, tlft .. ft Jt:alyuJ by
ont.=:riiC p.un, Gt, more un:lr. by uur-me JOy The I unt::rcJncA (&UJ ;aw
n, ICJOgrt' center QC .a pcnphn-y rc Pnrcnnt. 11 ply
kMwtr ;, .ccing, kd1ng. tc.nung, rhrnlun,s.
2ll &ouoduyleunru '-11 zW"..mac.
when wt \lo"CK' .tbk-- to c.tupcnd ow 'OWn point vr new
mJ'" from :utothcr pe1"ill'l'l, point of nnv .and 1ed W'!th h mar hu \\r
caiJ (his If we- att roo aod -..p 111 our
CM'Il many moment', "'t: will be mu.blc to thift our pcnpc..t
an rbU md ""W'I c even think f'> try. Wbtn we .uc teli !'mxc:upacd.
thuc n no aw.ltcnc:s$ of whole: dornamt tJf realitl' tru:v be
:ng Jlnmr.rwi in Cl.oe;-y dzy but which hCVCI'Ihcless .are'ltlnuJllv rmptog-
g and our lJ\'el. ()u,- cmcotron-. .uW the
mt("!l!.rh affficti,.c c=motions \weep w "Al\q, uclla 11ngcr, tw, and
.. tl'lt, too t'.WI}' blmd u. lrl lbr tull pk.turc ol '" Ktualh
ppeuing with 0 1 hen. and '" ouruh"C
Such tll\aW.IfCilit:S) h01. Jti owM mcvit:Lblc lm ctl<IO:ntft, \Vh.v art:
1Xtllnl!s lil1 IUtpticd whrn rhi.ngs 'J1ill'l tn,.. n:Lllm IIIJ u
'IWn sell (Cnktcdncss '"'ll' have htoen J1W"Vtug 1t oJ u . ..-YI{'Cfl lor whil
pre,rmmg us from .lind wlu1 w )I right <ut n tel
dl( whQic tithe?
Smce nWilrctKill :.r.t blush ecm11 11., ht' o:pttlr tt t, t it
lllutiiCn u IKlt to til ink that we ,1ft tltc aubjco.!t, the rl\
tl.e dt1t1 .and IIVch, thl) vcrv .,f 1 hr th(' vc"' IIHkf
'f ,ltu: hdd 1f ill II,ing thu,, wr t.1kr \ 111 rhc
or II ('>til 1\lr \IIIWCI'1C, IJUI(C f!t!l
1;.U1 ti:d 11 u tltp.ludll o)CII m ull,firntinfl t'111111 u '*'
. I. 11
Wit lUI)., 'tll\
ai""Ck IUf '''Gil UL eud . Jntb rhe fcding th;rr C\'tmhing i.n tht
u u tv CI"Jr Wnon we biippcrl
_x 1;;m: 01r Jn ;n, Q'W,\!n"e<;.'S t1 cetll.Cr:t:.i l'ID u..._ m tlut
"'.{"PIIJ ,, to.:epn\rr. In it " ".
\u .. tOtil 1 .,, tr '"mt:t'r Gt pttrpher-.., ltseh
Wo rwa ... ">.)u .. t"}-'tuA rhmkilh:: tplib
oo:r. Luuud !Jb+,.:t lr ::Je<rtpn- uxi e\'uythln!t llh1h!d
1--z-tJ,,,J ht lr bo;_ndlcss .W ilbarc Jll, it 111
fiba.iru. call thl\ qo.2lin tl! .lnmvl'ut!
c: :iittl. C(ll.'nirm- let,Iruso,-1cnmt-.:-cill u lte'IIJI.'ts..."l!
In '1mt Wl\" Wt: ktl.:i\Y u tL:rn1Jc:n1 111 br.ain
ll'll rhc. nllRIIC' tlbn1bc:T <'l no,uutl.ll 1: tUJ. ull
with \."ttu.UI \,f bt.un d.uru:cgc.. and bc ... ue .:uinul Sl!cru
rl;r.,"'l:' 1f J. ''Tilt<) wrnn;.: n ulhn rru_\ 1mt l...c dtttribenc:
prnpc:trtCt. I I f'l."('(':">(r Lhilt ollltl\.\'l !,:) l.lp UJIH I dJO:
th u w.u hue fl'llru rln: , I of \'Ci'\' th.t fll C\tr
lllt'.lf" 1l1e potcno;ll tor nu:h wn Jl\1111 thto bt!;lnnill!;,
"lu.I(\U "i .. :gumiug" mi-ght mc11n.
Jn ud.:r \llutd>.., ntwin
h..!s been pcttthlt" n1 htm ae,
W'C' w.:w..IJrfr brre m .,,.,,,,. Thif u rht .mrhrnpi.:: pnncirlc-, m
I il'"('d b\' ill dw:u.lf,l(..l,b'\lt'l. ahottl J.flll IUtilil
plc uniw:n.: w '<;ty An' ,u
.lWnlll' Ulll\ enoe:: h:s!. tl'll' lutttwm_g itkli, tn "It .tlf1'1'-t .:h:_wrr h: rt1u thr,u;..h i' r;n. \-olit.9)t 111\11h rd
"l'lccd" ftl c'Jf
\Vttb lith uu m!.cril.U\I.'t'. tt u bt t.., cxp.lure thr
i .. ot our L.noi\'UIF. uf uot .lllllt:j"'Milll" fl'c)tll bllf
0 I c-mlxo,Jdi:'cl i1, \VJ\;;r :rc.ncr ,ld\'(IJIUT\': rhctC
to m thr lidJ ul IWatt"l'less, f,l it;;.clfr J!; t be
'l lif'lhit KU'II'l' OUE}(.I.., 1 that l' .1;\\ St<t\'CI1 m 1t:l' put- '
bot% JI()L tAr .\lm.l lfll)l'h. 'the mt.Jllt \lnlt'uublc rhing rh11'(:
It IJI tiiJl J. he 11\lf J.,<fll!t('o tlutl
thuu!.t nol lkttt 111 1 ht: lihglu"'' 1
" I ' I I I thtlfl):: ,dtl .-o;or r Jtl t :ut W.l}' oJ 1 b.t t-:o hqoru \ nth'tJ1 u.
tllt-nc d\ilt k:t\1n: \ Vl\tl\ AW.U\'1\(' ..
oe:lt. l'lf op.-rt \IJ'
\Vc .:aJ' drllntL;..tlh incn""K 1tW;h,,.,llf 111 ,,YI.trcuas e7oprtirm..:
ut:Z fhnoltgh the intetthrmll.l \:Uith'lt\'n 't muhihtlt\f':t', b\
JIJ\' ;tctt"flriml and 11tm u \I n f'l'.dh
!nllfte'kd--\'oo,"(IUI:Itl it
I fvo&..rly' Wh-Jt' )"'..-lit
.t N.Wdy--1"'1
I "'r.'! n/11 tiNy./
. :lrt,lrr 14/t'--
11'J1JifNitlt -tal al .... r.-
/i. I 1/,.!'J,. ,,,,.
/. ''IIJtilmN>IJ( Hog'
A i ,J,nlug Iii t'-'u '\';u H\'r.'rrnme wu It 11 en
,ruu I t(lltK'dnfll('. \'fill. I )lr '-1111\'fnu. ,turl
1dJt 11 1.11 .,.f l11 ..,, luwr <1, "( J l.t>td, I , n, .ri\lllfiL
l tu ntrlutiJ.(:I ht , -'"'''' HIUVI'I u lti
lm J 111 1um, 'f I I Ul\1, ' ;un 111o!ll!uy," Tf,r-u tl, t j.u'1it0t of 1ho Y'';t
''\J I -11"11
"'. dnph WH lw;ud 11 A_:u, "
r'"rr wn 1 l.J
,nthlng: Jl wh1c-h [be u.hbt lc.:mcd 'IYU t\l rbe anror and whnpcn:d,
Loo!t who th1N.:. ooduot; ..
i\n.d w "goc:' 1f1 our zmml't' to Jc-JiM uul"tCl\'OIIL'II 1(71Tle
nther than perb.rl"' dtcc:p Jo1.w tfuL rt.dly
ue .and thill our no n)aqa wh:rr our oac.:mnptkh.rurntl, .ue
built on umf, W'lth no -fitrn found.!hon, or pc:rh:rr- no at
a!l. Rt1bar Fuller. fn :1 Ngbh c:lc:gm arnys,, tn the book
teet tens-ion m ouncl\'t:j md bt:twern each ?:;bu rbc fun-
mbfivc foro: behind the lllcW md ..Ut 6 1 VJOI.t.nce-,.
nciun. fak'itn, ami.-St:mitiJm, and ageism pJilgUinJ:; the world,
f-l,s he: th.u: v.-c: rtt1t evtr.wnc a...-
lnVIng rhe fundamc.ntal tha1 Lheir itjLudlng aod
w}ith..liJC', be: argues co:,;cmLy, o.s doe, J:ued OiOlmou" in
r.'tt'll JJnri Sud, in ltu,gt Piltt mc:att -a m,utcr nf .ttcidcm, opp--m:u
nity. md rlu.o :an.ydung ol!c. AIDS ptJblk: hc:.tlth ,.,._
/\llann, who <Led in C"rash-otf the
t.,J,t of &ott.a, hinuclf :. ti.rel.e:li!i advoc.ue- tOr the tOle-of digni t) u1
und hoalth un aU I, an our world., wro-te: Juiuriei co
ndwU.hraf Colleedvc dignity fll;r) n:p.n .. u hnl).motv
f(Jrce with .a. C2pi1city ro,,-.. ,d and
'ln-l wcllb<.:ing w t 11. .-r of p9wuful word!.
We hurnun ;Ire, int!Ot:d, a.ll gl!'niu1e ai one kind or md
wlut f()r mo,r. Jlld tl'IO!it ttqi,IJtc., prot<:cling it -sttrm, ts our
dignity. "h ow;,, whlll ptopJe
md 1 nijt to dQrninlltf: othc:rt
but to be n:n;gn.i%td hJ thctu. lr' w
lnrtrr-.,tirlg rllllUghJ, Oi!Ullonrl w'Ould ut> rlollbt d4sagm:, givc:u tbc end
lcu .. Jr n-pe:Utd lmtlTf ur ,lomtn.crion mote ttdmoJiYttiuUy ad\ouwcJ
l cs!> r&;dtrt
(0;tlly ,ulv .m<cd unCL
' ruru.;al rhmking.ln the pro'-"'s"" w..;e ac.tuaU) bcltc >ll)(f
itb we: m&stlu,ow, wh;rr_ we JuJ we C:1rt"'llbow.
thmki-ng'. when all .1nd no nww;:r wh11t kinrl of
, hitWnc ir tt. 1 so!l onh thlnking.
we 1 -arc:? "Look who thinks he And
tfo Vtt th1r.k wr 11n: Theo;r: am we shun. W ;1\-'0id bringi
,, 1 uU f() rnqunng mto wrh even th.cJugh t hi!y mat-
u:t mllSr NrhN .;:l)ntrru(;C ()f
11 !1: .t cn.dw1hg t:utlry, r:;n If you c-lU i "uo-bodY r'li "n{lth-
"!> .. w.llhcn ding to i1 1ir1tl tecl b-oul :tbteut it, even rlw"-.s:,<h we know
LuJh, 1 han t tlw nature ol CIUI beins
1111t nffla, our .. l!
Ltur nfe,, out
rm'ttt'rntc milld nu: hilih of making up llfmie abou1 uur-
m.u,upnu O!J.mina.tivn. :!rc: seen to he IIIII) POll'riliU)' true, onl) tmt: fil
, ''"1-.'it:t', tncn Jitn.;ulr w OOiltC h f.Jf mi:nd. bco.:.s\t"e tbett: d
al:w-.tys iu" we ut not cnti.rt'l) whll lltlnk we nrc.
hr tbe ft'olr IS tlu.t we .tl't: wr 1 hink Wt' whtm tbe
uuliry tlf 11 u rh.u we m1-ch mt)rt'.
If we: rlut. wr no miltCe:t' whl) we ,nc, WI' Aft 11'1\llrll.k:tl'l.
\nd it" wt rhknk we Me" nobud), wc .. m:. .;qulllly A> !iiX'tt Su Nim
uUrhr hl,lvc ir, "rf ;,i arc liomcbody, plu "u: to name
.uu:11nnn, ,r I .v1U thl!C} tlfiJc II )'OU li;y }'11\1 .trt n(l!mdy, }"UI.I arc
ur.u hcd fh crnptinti<;, ;,n I Wtll hit yuu dtim ttu'lc:s. Wh;ar can ><fill dt.t?"
Pc:rtup.. tt '' 1 ir-dl that l; tht: pl'ob!u
J<kll B<:t.:k .1 \-W_.rujcrful AruMte&.tn ttJtrher:tnrl grttn1lmc.rher, f'.ow
111 hct l,u(' ril(htiet. bpen" her btull. Nr;thiiJg Spuit'Jlwidl J pow<rfuJ i.magc
the 1r ,md \.h oatJclcr' o( Ouf lillta as irl-lfMduJ)
rntltu:' 1n lht: of l1fe.:
Wt f'l'! r.uhet hk. wlli1"1p<.u)t,. ,, nvtc 01 hfe. In flowrng,
Qf nn muy hu rodU!, bto.nche:s, m
itie In [b, g.-.-mnd, c;t\u.i ng,.,.b,rlpuu!u ro IIJUu'lg up o;'l)'
httr ,u.,l 1hcm- \o\"'111c.r C'lltd.i u g wld.dpml1 pJ.!oiC:I
.lflll R')t;li1u W.: ri\c.t, e-JCJ\1 u:tUy jtim:i ug wJutlpl)l:ll
.1!1d mtwing Qn. Tbougll lor 1"hon ptriodt., ll 'ICC:th'i 1"11 be
:t) a th,. 'IJ;IIe: iq "'lmlpo,th IS.
.Jtslllf. The st'.lbilil=}' u(., whirlponl Ls <>nly'tenlpoi'M_)', .. 1 Cmv
eyer. we want CO t hink tli:u this lit de whir}pO<ll tha"t we :lre i-m'c f)tln
<Jf dteGSm::un. \ \
e want ft) Ol.&' llld sr:ihlc.
<)ur \\ohole <:ntr,b')' goc; intn tt)'.il')g to prot<:o:.t our sepa-
1atw>s. To protect W1; UJJ
trounJanc.;; as a<ons-cfluttntt. we ex<#S:S
thaMlips: fnto OUI' :tod ct;Jn't flm-.. uur 1\f;.Ain. Ih.l tl.gli clog
up l)ur whitl pooJ and clw prPct.Ss gets
whlrlpi1CI!s may ger IC!Jt! water b(!C'JU$e of OOr fru.nti.: holding Otl ,
'fhlrlc is sigrlihcam benefit n-nd freedom u1-allowing w r<tQg
l\i2e'.hl1\v impt'rsbna.l cht.: of life-r;;:(,(l}' is, an.d how n:id.dy, 'JUt of
out -of dtOught, W n:ify ;, intt?>:On<ll in an
,pd thl,'O gttStUCl: -in C01hli_.1 ifl ltl_g that arc of our OWtl crt
11f.Qn, nothing fll()re. \Vc :\l"C a c.:.ulture fr)f \.Vc 1q.rnthi1
g:s into chm'g..,
nnf we d11 the s:tnw with .. fik whiriJ)OOis ;\nd :1.\\;m:JlC!':ill". and
ni)u \\''(: iJ.t.e_ Thi$ is' we un.wirtioglz hccoml! ;urJ.chOO to nome a.l\d
:"nrm. \'/e rwed to \\::ttch UUtiil)!.wc an fOr o'ut iCiatiOfl 'Jhip tn ' h<:: pcnopal
we will :tutvmatiaU.y :Zk'" thit1gs fX:rson:a.tly when
11ieV"IcnUy .n;cn't .u :ill, ;md in the urmi.Hnke .. what acnufl\.it:
A, we noted bnck: in Acr:uhmcnrs;",hc Buddht once:
id rh:tt ;all of IW oould be condensed inltl{)n& .;cn.term_., "Norh
cl\tng-to 'J ,' 'ulc.' or\njne.'" fc up elk quc,a
lil'lu ot :dtutity
ll.fld our habit of Jtit)ing.
totc '
n:cung, th<; p<:r.;ona,l p(onoun im-a :ltl ttbs3-lutt ':ullt ltw\;amim:d
Jfld Ji\ing ingclc duu ":\tor\' ->f met for- -.a tiftlitne without
. , " . - . ""
o/ or '<>. tn Boddh;sm. th1S' 'l!!mc:t6u 1\i tbc
O! r.jj Sl.ltft:...;,t d .J "f ..t.. .I
- , ... g- an .A \lll)g <If 11 ,c
l!y"'t Ot;t'$: IJ ' 6- J
em., l fbe l!mJt<:J -:;tol'y beJp on pcrscu.1l pro-
l'hia ... t' . . . . , .
..... u (!<:Cuts W1th<1u1 11., 'il wm); ll ur
j$ -
. Ut W(." ''''"'' k.un IQ see 1t ;md s('e beh.ind h w 1 dt't.'pcr- muh,
Jrtr, b .
In I lU ,1JI hn-JA;!i.
fllttTI '77
of lht<e i1H:JudU,g in utrinm. c:mrrintm. ur held
i1l oll('jif((ll:ltl and taken tnto ;tccount apprupn.u-:
To mke J. biCllogical t'X.I.mplC'.life iro,c]f i.. ,1 p:roce:11t; tOO,.!lnd "-lot mon
('llntrlo cha.n an 11irlinc, n1 1U\)' Gk \'Our- owr hqd). Tnt
(Int. hundr<ll rri.Won ur a!) "employees.'' vour .. erl.t. . lrt coarinually ln pro-
hopefolh a.nd nm-az(n"IJ doing wh:n it fn be,
h,trbmlC' don't t hink<hty :lrc li.vr.r celb, .md hi!.irtcdlll <lun't think
:w. ncn.: cc.O; <lrkld.ney c\r(.m I hougll1 be,. .tU the po(tllttlll,
dtc bhu:printt ;Hl.d Sctli uashc,l 3W:ty oomt:whm!
n rll!'
'tneh" of tbcit to do .tU QtMr "jobs-." Sut !he
(IJ.nnr rhjng it.. thoogh. if -stop .1ml th-ink :.tbout it tor-, minut\;,litcicth
gpo:JJdn_g none: of thoSt' hundred trillion c.-1tiu.n .. of you .. body att
ior''Vou." Jr is-:iJJ rathcr'im("Ctt<JibJl. Y(lctr celli doing what tbcy do,
t'olltwing their a<: la,jd down in the ,ge-m:rit' cQde -and m the. hl11(m-
.:-Jil continuil} of ee:U.-based lifc-&>Qlng--:.11 \'t-:t,l/ b;u:k.
Wh:u h-e think of as <Mir uni'que i-s rhe prod
un ofrh.u process, llkt.: any busfness is :t )'PJducr of ,ts own e-ne.rgles
procesf:es: and outplll. it-s h,::alch_.our our cmorJons
Jll: .all depcn(ild'nt on our on J\10 chaonehi .l'<OoJl
tr:rniipon . Pt(lttln synthesis Mtl degf:\d:\tJOu- , c:ttal\'$.is uod me--
b.bolisrll, DNA Qtl and repai.r, -reguJ;ttiOfl of- divi11i.vJ1 md
thraugh rt'lacroph:l.g'es
prqgt:tmrued .;and highJy ceU .dtath (tedmicalh
k1,1own as liPQ(ll<?Si!.o). ::lnt.ibody product'J()I\ to Jttutrali-u and Jisptl com-
u.nrL Sll liCtl\reli the bQdy lta!>1lCYert<en bdOrc cb,,t tni.ght be lweu-
lul. The c.ellul!U' proCI:::>!iCS and the1r St:>mdess inregrMitlll
ntto:J soe;(,:ty we c:JI the living o.tganij;m is a fo11g one. and urJW, tOr-
l(nt'lwkdg.:, still JCoru t.-:omplcrc-,
qf tftiltpract.'$S, wl\t: n you Jopk dllepJV into it. is a1su !iOUilhow e-ml,n-
. tn,v lt\cJ, 1!1lduri11g s.elfhood. ilf uo .. us,- no Ul ir thJt
ht ti .J
l c:\-1. nQ matc-e1 how luftl we look \VC' :trC' un1 in mu tho-
time;-or our h d .
t. nmHc t.m
' ()f being" 1Jot1:Hm md liviug ,,fife .uu.l interlit..:ing
art II I d 1 . II I ..
'\'fNn om l'>H .1t c;tsr mm1m1t uf rwt.:uorun'-'
1,f 1tJI nl tl1.1t h'''cli! 'We ..rt- l>till harcl prt:f:-M:d co llllo!glnt:,
t 1r 1111 mu ,.:.Jcrrlrtk l'"'"'nt 11.nd br.i.U.Uutte.
Nnr .trt. we .I\ b"'' .rt .:btl .... 11bour \' itil-ln, _l't l W\l do swz
tfnw rt"C rhc Wo.\rld we Jive in (uln1 :ht" Jiglu illtQ uur
nn. \Vc t"xptricncco<OI oo;k\ being blue llll .1 cli!JJ rlty; tkt:
, no (1' be found whr.t m the of d\ltl p:.t.rticrtlllr w:l\e-
rior in the n:uo.a, the optil: rmw., til' in the occiprt.11 c:orrcr" h
rht" \'i.U1tl cen:r 'I the bnun. And \'CI cxperit:m.'t the imt:tntly a')
blu: \\'bl!'tC' d>t'., the c-xpuietu::ing 1f "hlut" It.)tv d0<:11 it
\\C' olnu'l knuw. ft ill 11\'l''!tterV, .1tf I" CVtl\' ntlWt tlt:\t
our Jeno.cs, induding tKH mmd :u1rl OUt s'l!'n.!<C of
epuntdy c"i'tllll{ "Kll, Our build a WC\t ld fw .mJ irrtllll! w.
"olllun 1L Thi Uliua1h, lult ,, hti;h <I
01nd .J i>tu')( or lxing- a ptrct:W<:J Mhl it being pC-
<r.rvcd. u thiuker and being liind whatever il
bnnA kit l1 ;t111mJJmonal procc.;.s._ :and rf th\!tt tJn tx to bel prod -
JCI, i11 11<'+\'o'htrr: f(+ be touod in rhc. part'S rhctnsdm,
Of COliNe. \\'1"<\f(': one of evofutcon'<j ({} ,!found (JI'I the
11 i1S :L )titol )ikt and e".lrthW<ll' mt,
md 1)1( \'ldl ad:1p:;i ru the r;h:Ulengc.-, o( liVi11g: by <tW vrits
r.uhc.c I') t:ur instio"r., th<'t .i:> uot ttl cl.:nlgra,tc: 0\lt
rru.ttncrs ll\ rhe l:glur ;l bave oppof>:tblc humb!i t our tli::,posaJ .tnd
.an upnght gAir rh.a frt"t'> oul' h:tnd .. co ,:;rasp thing-> :ao,d w
1n1ol aml gadgtt&..lm:.'!(HI;I!Itl_r, wt: also llll\'1:" rh(lught .md aVt"::!!enes;. nt -l.lllr
dL'I'Inal. ,u lta-<d lnl:t.erent d\at ht tdi.ncd aod usetJ fQr
muluplt> purpot<:ll uudr:.r tJ.l)ld\y C'h;mging
:luenri.!iu o;:'IU these tJntfrgmt plknf.f)H{'ffll, \Jrsul& Good
a ltt,1liU::tf,tl btolo.b'lSt J.nd tr:;;&dl1., 111;' Univcr:.h;y rn St.'.
\ '?C'"'k:i 111 them as IU(1:C. from uorh.iug hut
hmergc:nt Jlr;opertic!i do JUiil 1t11n l'hcy em.:rge form.s .u)d p;llt<:rrl' th:i t
1mr nut of the muuplt:X1tf of rile lh\:Jf, 'J"Itl')l ,:ci'C not li.Uribctt-:!!JJt
lu rht: lti,thidua.l p11,rl"'il uj th<l prt..\t<::Sii, to rhc thr
fUll, \r1d thry not\bl4: 1 n m)' rltt;ul enh n,r.')' lieoi "'hal '
"the crlgc <li
No L't)mplc:xiry, no r:ha01., ;md you 11.1\'1:' ., wry
111\d pr(:dic(nh/c 'fy,sro:m. lrkc a nune or ;a ltlog de.ut budy. TtMJ hjgh
;r n l m a d)'namioJ S)-1'!cm, yu11 get
!i -
For empnnes; is ntllWitd}' ttlated! m fullnt... mptineu dOc:lln't mea ..
. meaningles$ void, an O!X' .uion for nihillsm, and 01 an
abandoning or human wlue$. On the empti.oe-.s fullnb>, mc;mq
h1JfOC$S, :dlows for fuUneu , is the i( i.utnngil;>le .. ,p;tci:'\vithit\ whib
can cmc(geeand unfold. No no lc'tr.u-
simple a.s Emp.tmcss poinrs co chc nr .ill r.hing"'
prooes:scs- and phenomcrla . .Empciutss for a uuc t thie:-., bJsed un
fot life 3fld the r-c..:Q8t\ition of the inteteonnet."tcdtJcs:! of
lhUlgs :tnd rhe folly of forcing rhings to fit one's awu and
s.Mmlghred models for maximizing ooe's own adwntug' when rht-n: ilt no
6xcd CJ"Id\.ring ),'Ou to bq:u:fi't<from it\ whethtr ')"ou .. I$ l'(' l\:rring rb ,ullndi
viclwl or a (;OOntty,
drones or):
No eyes, no e:ta:s-, no nose, no tong:t!e, no bOd), no mi1H.I, Uti cular,
nd no smcU, riU w rouch, 1tn 1)bjcct.of mind, n'-" te.tlm
of and so forth \Inti! no mind ((lthtjowne;-,.,
I.ook, what Jt is doing with the with ou.r g-.. m:\\'u.vs tOr
ht. \vorldl
b j, n;:mindlng 11.s none of our tc<enit-> vt wJ11u :uno .1b-
inrl epcndent T ht.y-Me ..ill p;1rt of a l.u'f.{t.r ul .:."tulie
W1.wrn togecher. We oce1l fiLiil {t-nt.ino;Ung UVtt olnJ O\<er ag..Un
brrA (lr at It- 1 1 &hln quouon rhe- haht ot hcJil-viig tlT
r he ap1c.u .ll!lt >f in rhf! n .rlir)'.
;\'i.1 L).'IIOi,ID(.(! .nld .1110 flO 1!-),JIJIC[J(\11 Ul SO f,)tth Ullfi( ftQ Old
k th .mJ ,1!:.., II!) ..-,f Them.
I the ruro I f\
1iiintii-n.c tJ d:u.t ,JJ t)tJJ t'o'mceprs lt'e'
, d! h1Jinp; <Jul' vu. \\ Df LIUlJ.t"h ;tnd uur
(01 .111d rnnllnu tlirlJ.:" It 1n1hc
hC')u11.i .. u .11l limiting wfic('pl'<, all 8uddhtu
\\lud Jod 111 dw l'omim: lin , n: being in
o:hsded .a b;mug '"' ,,,frimit: 11eff {".xitiJnec:.
ullt"nng. nn uro:iu no $-"rpping. no p.u II, no t:IYt,llitinn,,) r111 .all.nnmcnr With llfithibjr11\
I be Four Noble Truchv, d1e P.Jth, . . ,1ll 11u1 lht' windtJW.
1\urJ \'Cf,
Hodh;II;J,(h.l clc:pend. Oil Ptaioa r .. Jlld the mind is no
lumlr .. ru:t:; Wllh()ur .any hindram:e no cXit-1 upm ltcrm
\ pt: rV<:rtcd \''' w mr dwdl in Nin'ltn:a
lu dw three Wl tld .all depend (){I PrAiu;l
,JOJ .nr.uu Anuuar. Sum\>:Lk.
lluu \'ol'.' rcrurulbr:r; uml.c:1flbody in tllt w:or m: h-okl
U1-t1111t"lll .;md the. w;.r we :,,_. . uq, rh:tr 1 hi.:rc i" uo und
' 'LI Tlus lt. th"- nnthlfl& 11i ,.tt.un Wl'.i a .dl!lttamiTlt"m lil po&$lu e.
c 1 1 h
of lrn 11 th<: fl'1 ni tnc 111';11'1(. u;,
t . C: ma.m el;ICU-1011 ' ''"' unhll, nf vuprcmc p<n1c( Anti we .tlrr.:td}' htJve it. All
. " is lc. n, I.'C' it \'Vhcn "'c it\:, de11 lorm 111 . uuJ cmrHI'Ies>
.:n11 Aud tht mi1ld l1i' llQ longer ns 1mrflnng. It nllltngtt
di ti."Okn:J, Jr Ill lt"CI'
bniJ IIJ JiKgJJPqlmjt-'ftil/ilrr Itt<.
WMI it (hb. l' )'(JU wunt Ia
"" tr>aWII'ry /'Jn riw-'WJd.. tmd IJ() 1'0-f{ti.
p;Htt dll)'OIIi m&'Ums_ ufttr.ft tl.'tt Mrzlt., t;T
1'Mrl' ir nn ritNtJ' #I u/(, turd 110 lx.l'lt, mul m1 b-;otnum.
is JJq- and 1;(J ()IU (()filii i1
Tk.rt is n() IJ() Jky. M !1':1-lJit,;i;., n() ji!rd.l
AnJ thn< h ll'J l!oif);. tm(/ li() ltuirri'
D? pu t&n "' Om( p!IJif thtlf Will .st.ul lm l/itr
lntbdl gfey: ,lfflutrt.ytm t.cillfinJ nQIQing.
He ttrQng dMn, i'mr/ ;.'IJU;r rnt(J )VJU.J'. ffiln
tMrt you h.P:w 11 toliJ'r )\$Ur ftd,
lPt,tJ't g!J
Knlw ra;s Jhis:./usl thraw h'4\1}' oil tMugiJts of ur!aK.:nnr)' thio:g),
q, 11d .shmdj!Km jn thai wh(th wJtM/Te.
lly /iV,
is no- 6JlVOJ:l." Liae f.wm the movie. Tlu fi,JJtru
lit' in mu! cft/:linf.J.
'f'luY. ir 11Realil)\ yvrt art: thflt RtrtiUJ
W6?u :J,i.; )VJU u:;J/ p(m 117 lfQfhm;:.
lm,J Jt!JtiJiug, )VJu m:t l!il.tr_!)thrhg. 1.1.t!l.
;lk 1JJOrldf
WAc iH(Itff! 1/)t ffJ.vm, tmd tht !ila(k btr?
Wh.? mmlt. tiM graJSIJ()jifJ'(r?
TIJl; graslMppv. I mttm-tl;t Qnf' w.M- has }lung lxl'fd[ QUI fJj" tiN-
lhtllnur:JJ!) If tguu;ut, q[ /Juntl.
fl:.*' JK()fl;'n(; rm.-J_font lniU:U/ e/ II/' '{r.d (j(lq),/lt-
ilj{utlng tltQuml with m!Jrlf1(1MJ ryt.,.lljiJ hrr and 1/Jt,J'ffugl:ly 'fi)QJRJ.);a fou ..
W! Stiii,!JI /)tr wingJ. (}pen, mul J!(J;ltllf'WdJ'.
t'l ft#IJ..:r n
1 dr. hw (() }II.J' iJa.<:.C! tdfa/1 drm.:!f
mto tiN 'UJJ, /Jo.t:J /()A ned Jown ,'n t6r gms:$.
/()h. idlr Mtd fl:nt,J. 6vw to stW/tl:rqqgh IJxjiddt,
iJ tl.J!Mt 1 hai't! """ ti6ptg u/1 (/IIJ'
Ttl/ mt, 'tiJINJi rise ,!N1tll:l! ;,(llJ/ dontt
t"W?'II.Iw;; .ll las/; urul trill
nit mr, whot,'J it )'ctJ pltJJJ '" tl
1JJ'th )'fll
f ,nul
Mo\lll' OU\Iitlt, 'Th!' SunlnU;f Dayr
r11 1 I Hf SIN'H\,.\NO
rur \PFU i,:)li I Ill Sl N\l!\ll \\'
11'6n1 t) Mjmh/( o/ 1/t<JtJiug. llo'lin$ Olt. Ill IN-
mimi. .. ao became clitr':J<H-dirudly te-
liucd. lt ili -s:. id tlm :tboriginaJ huntc.t,'llll, living in rhc
t:o.tlci 'oCC the (,UJ(Ct <){ _lo tpiter with lht: II AkQ:d l!}'l!, S\) was tbcir
\Vhc1\ 11HC' In at binh ' lf h\<h11.: tho 11gc >f rwv, tt
u:ems the <"ot her lit:ttloell m;t)' t.tiw on .,f acuin fnr b\!)'tmd we
U\llall) rhink possible. h;l\ iu v'r'io!llllltUdie-s, ev-en vmh
"'S:lw:d 11e6plc depr:i,?Cd ._.r fi.J tl rime, ti'Qm
lhp to boora.Tht:) ll how, in ()Jhc.r Satlus'l\ ";1 ,tfiking e.nb.Ut!.:.Cntt-111
i 'A!nsirnit)i" fmo c!kui rJf
Hf 'imp I)' being tn 11-ft-..:tr wlrh I ldt!u ,tlltld J(dJihcr
r;lng hr, flf !i:YIC.Jl ''the wudt' rltey ill'!! ocltl{'.tgcd itl. '01e oddn --'1 t'h
\vr .. ,d. ir.:;n, (IilitH, ;wd d int( co fhc uf wbu \\'llrk ln
lh:m \Vh,u 11 p<.:tMn paiiiiC' (juidclv fmrn lint JJIII"'-' tu .worltcl'. I t.;'t u
nf whc1(1 he hcen--thc kitrhch, the or clc
\ltf- t ntllu.
te- \'VtQUIIr VCil!Ot''l tw:Jirl 111 i'lunl' u t tlu:m m.J
nHn-mtrnct'IIIIS i ur!(ntul\) .t!l Jillc1n\1 of t he wt"l rld i Qr
ll , ,11111 1 ili1:1k l.lluwmg .,I dw wol'l ct 'CD-
.or .. J
bllt't' somdimes to nhlk<: " dtlibe:ttl': <! fr.mcmhe't 1 1\{)t
bocaURI! th<t<: i 1\ot hi1\j,;. 00: htar, S1.1(h non-
4udntfs i.nd1.1llc th!.! (IJght and ntOVC:ulcnt (If bifds, 1.'\'C:n tih ,wun-
rnrn_g 1n clt::u w.1tC1 (lr the unit of -;Jn uq1mrhuu.) tt lhlf tbc.
o( moat :II lclUt :u :1 dls.ttln<e, ll) UIU be s1knt .. Yet h
af'fil'"' :utdJble, c-.:tch dllr.;rent "e)'l.'-musi .. t r.,m
tbr. ,n:tmthahnt mcl:llleh(l!y of co (he- $t"dl:CIIIt of
tit:\ . "
JohP Hull, who 19-st hJa sight OOmJ,lcK'ly In l:tte
\\ !Q,t$ of a:l l :md mernCir)' dt:.$Cc:nt int<>
,\lut he en& ''de<p ng to Sach.t, "aboot the; in tP.<.' Ngw betn,g :t ''whole-bo,l) -,;r" term fM dL1t
Ktttit:ing ..... t:tc. of deep blj ndne11j;') I hift:ing hili
ccnlct of gr,tl"ity, h> 1 ht- other Sach$ notes, Hull "writes
all<i of tllc&e h.t\'( !lssumt.:d .a new Thu .. be
iJX'>'b IJ( how t bc: sound or rhc min, bcf(H't accotdc:tl mueb ltten
cion, n n now delineate a whole hin-, , li,r Jts sound on the
gMdtn f..'t h is flirerent from ih wund .111 it drum11 nn {he J!l'''n, or on
bWJhC6. i1) lug or on the diV:Wing::it from tht;
''R.iln of bri:ngin.g o\lr t he t<tmt'tlttill., at thro\...-11
1 blrinket previously thin(p iuste.1d ul ilh intcrmit-
tc .. 111d tlmJt wo-rld. che hilling r . ln ,R-ates
ol l "
\.IJI.o>'h C , present' I he iJ.llness Lil llll r.ntire .iifU.It'inn JU .d
IJI!;,:c g:tve.,: :l of ot)f rbt uf C'lfll:'
f-'lr! nf lhc wqrl d wlth
Sa.clli!'- 1t hr:llfC! ''nc:'/CI be(.")l'<: .tctordt, ( I.
fOHI!l\ omd furthcn-:<u.:h an of l UC.I\1' '"' in
Uc mi$1i11${ Pitt' (,If tllflrc ul the lt<lllic-.f.. llut \\If. rio n r( w
llultlt f 1 h l ' 1
'' t ur iiiJ; f or any ftt hot'r to .ltr<nnol!l
1,1 11 fl h j , .
. Ill l I' IIVU!tl{nl\ h i
ht!l .,,... wr '.111 lr.ttu fr,ltrl l'ut)11ltl't.:!"tilh t<:urJitlg l)'ti lnt; .ltlt1Hi()JI fQ
,,,m,.J wln..:h fill U .mrlt,lfc!l'i iiMJf tu 11 lltl"t),igh
11 , rnr Ill .1 V.-.;fld Ill uhiL'h o)\lf V<!r\' Wt=:IC r.nj
or d lnof ,tnrf 10 wlur.h ' .wl:r ''" unlc:ll!tl_\' o:mbt:tlded
th ..
1\h Ito It wluttt ,_,, -nnorict '' we p<rn:t\'C $1
1111t:t tilt v m r.' .ln,le \ re 1 rrJt"l1t .. en 111 (lm;:crti'II011 ;tnd
lll1ll'w 1fo1tt -Ut: o:-tli.'II'IWl ... 11' tier 1.-. I 'llliC'. \>\
nghr bil tr>
lunadl 1hu1lec /ll)t '' fiH it .tmliM/' t ()
lum, mauth \nd f lull. wt ... lit vi :,11
lk'\ eo tit rl' ,\( IL nl!ot:i! bl nlu:t" I hmWII ''.-nct inVililbJt;
t Itt, .ltl' .udc,.,.-1 m.aJc his .:urdu)
I 'hr: M'OU:I! Vcrl.,p arul Mcod iHll. 'l'hili t:o;pe
r lire I \Vc- "n: not li:e.;.,treHmtetl m <1ur hci-ng. We nu'ltf
wre.: lltn :l hlrn.d111p; dlape-oll.t ijf lhe \1'Urld, and
uut 1:111i. ipnmn 111 i1 lt'(ltll w fi)On1tJU. \\'1 dtt not n;c:tif;l'ihc
thl I 111rrdy . tl!co;:!u.rt: ,,j tl'()m uur.()wn ftdms bodf
D:.t\iJ Almuu, wlu Yo(' h>rok 'f"b V"-Il tif't/-;d St m114tt (l(t,..jl{y llltO tho
tru'!J !triTIJIJI; uJ
1h1'lu .,tno111tQ' ;Ulrl rltt: Ojl-1 wqdd .;u u j, Kfl'lctl ;111d
lo.t\u\'tt'i by .. litho ut .. llfl'l:' rhat ,nhllbir II, tflrluthng 0\JI'!,I!!IVd wben ci.wcU
n <\'iJd, hMcot ili1 h o 1 ht nrh ditn
minn:lhtyN the <:entr.nry m:\t.U l hl l
!;"' btn h lo J ,unl W h,tf ln.cndl't'tl ui yt..f.n;.
I h IQul, j(uu tJr;.l "" ir .JY't!t ltc:LlU, i.1 mit o.:ir
1.:um :l'ihcd Wlrhul :1 ,J.rlrrh :11ttlible lieltl--it odltJL' tlwpJr,l. t hr
lhJc.lttiiOI'd(auJ)' tfwo Vli;(Jfc- ltt lt dW(olf"C Nidi rlw
ol .... V\tlll'l IJ' i!! t. l I >11?1
lttct lYle- Qr mnOO (l"''IP1"T to J.CI hapc. My vrtOll
!'(Uf<l, .a.ti ill) irutt1,. tingle-, ooht>rent bldr. cOlter
cnlly ... well irt the th,ng, )Utt .. , U.u!- ;
()(my tWO t:._yes l.lfJQn Lbe r...,.t:rl -.nd ctr
into a t()eu,., {\4)' c;flnflC(t up with each o1 ha n
I petccwe:, or thing m}
,:e(l$(!1 10 n tnhurenr w:lY,lrld Jt j, !hi1 thOLt en;d,lc.o; mt= tl-
cxpttlem:t:. tht: thing iJ..:eff as.., <:ept(Jr,ol fort."es, il\ another nc:xu
,1 ;t; 1111 Other;
I fe:nce, jut;t ao;. we have dyl'l,mk
tkip liOil brfl\'etfi my budy and so we now disc.-em, wirhin
the ut 1 nf pctccpti(,q, J rnmcipation beno.etn rl1e vauous
1)%n:m5 of the bod.y ie;cl(. .ue: IHH iep.toblt:,
f<tt t.h'e lntcnwming 61 my bod) wirh the t hin(P -lt percen'C% IS e:f-
ft'\:tC.d-Qnly t htwgh ;he inte-rwe:wiog of my and vitf '1\:nl"<l
' Jilc: relaci\-'c divctogence of my bodil_y $CilR'I (eye) ht rht frnnr of
tbc head, O. 'lJ_;; toward bad, ctt,) and their
(110t but f'"-'() (UJ <:acll ,.i<.fe, and two e.ftlL, nvo
crd i.ndi.c:tW!o thlj.t rl1i1i bod) is 11 fomt t.lestincd t9 the:
'ic enS:Uit;$ dw. rny body is a .s-ort of Optn that com-
only 111 1hln-gs, 1,0 the cnwmpassin'_g t".uth.
and c.mbcddcd ttl fhc n:,lt\u'AI world. we know 11
thtoug!t :llld known 1 luough tfu: of bt:inji$.
mcludingbcingr. lhar not human bul wl1o some u; In (bcit
nwn WAys, whether it be ::J mo.S"quitutookmg rOr lunc-h or bird.;
111' i!llh,tl in ll f<keu glen. V\)c <lrc: p:uc of thrs up tn Jt,
:tretli!l t:hc n.ll its-gifn. :tltllough- comp-u-<:\lro wr hunter-
l11dgtllh!lret' ance'SIIc>rs. ours. htwe: 2LHIJlhied wme,y.hat from L:u:.k on
lltt tht! of' cl"\e .. , in Abram'i kwdy ph:t', nn lunhc-r
cb-tn rhe f.Qu.nd of 1 he 'ken itt,
r fhc.' the: .ur on rhc: 1>km, ot
lltt Wlltm1c " c 1 1
n llf tnc ti!Jtl b it vur b11ck,c, Q.r t he JOQk.. tt\ yutu i C)'t' w lt'R )''''*
"'\me c.,n we fed Ct? C:!n '"c k,now if? C.Ln be t:rnbr.t(cJ h,\ II
lldl\lj \ h -
' n m,g . 1 thai be? WltC!n? \VItt'n? wh,n( \\'l'l!h') When.-
\I fi Ni,
lit Jo d !at("t. 'Wrlool lwm. tr/J'J,"Jflfl, lrktuitm /1Jhr1 , ,
f),., /tx;l,r,g u pnfNtrrl '1!<'11' olllj--6Ut t.'\'" tUM lt.(t NfNJf'r Ji.b il
,.,.,., /llt.:tt ll't!Nt h if''oJ} IJj "'f!tn,( wr ''" (}tt-!04lrn, 5f4Y1110rt
r1 -&'1 .J'Y tfun ,(NJ; .tl 'W.;'i.ff. Qtm-ll) ti.V' ,,.,,J: Mbtls "" ,J/1 tiNt I#,
Whir rriol ,tfJ. lf.J tAt\f wr 'tf/Jb.,".:( rtii'.')'Ihttt
f.ut 114 'ij"S.'"' '" olfll)lhrll.t
Tlu:n: h :1 tirM ne.u: rm huttr.e thu1, ftom a c.ert:Un 'Uigtr. p.&llint-
illti.I t.ldJ}hlll nl\
C\'C I boo tht hultom uf this fii.!ld 11t.:vr:t.11 J. dJ}'
;md tn .III tot'JW>U! I w1111 I :tttt !llonc, 110me
t'...m(:t \\ lth ldtl'l pwplc, t;arun:imf!"' CH.u withotJt che dog. h m&;l
t..-:1 I iid.d 11 OJnnmt.tlty ttfTt:tJnll: curriculum uf light .md .sl.tdQW, fotm
rnkt fu the . 1hr dullc:nJZ_e (\I .md tlrink in tn
m wd 11t w ll-* ! dcifl .
l\t'.l I t'Ytt)' hrJUr, CVt"i)' 11111\UIC. W1fh pll$HI\it . ll\.1( t In c f
\'O'fr h C\'t:ry Whilt iro hcu; I bt lt'otn 11 diih:.n:nl,
dulllgog, mQrphlnl} wifh rht- &nd ti,L. hon from nnr
-1 fO untltllt'r, ll'ko:! tht l .lmiiiC".Iptl. Of I :tnJ "t?(/(t"A a,od the.
IIIPO> l'> -
lidd" 1,f hAfH;Itlkll t ettt1cc<1 MO!ll::l t1, plli'lt Jmm t he on
ruthiplc cascb 118- tbc: d.ay uofoldcl. as !ln\'CmJI tum('ti, n r turl ng rhe
light 11n1l my;;tc:th'l\1' bitt hing (lr ahapc! and rr;:x'UII!:- und
!Orlh. (:hC' (or to that Rtch ;\ di epl:w nO'trtd 1.1p hy
h't inh;tbit h in f"trt e'it.r)'whcrt. Yet rlm: lield, reatihg
lr tu' Lht: "'lrJJ\t': (1( :tnd lln<:.,.tm luJI, wuh I'WO
11f adding tv illiptti;,l taLllytJc eJfl.'et em me,
1iom \l,.pon ' ' I ilm M>mchc;-w -:hanged,
c:lib!tlwl, tnO(<: find)' Htttctl tQ both itlr.u -.:'Ifil l (lUter
It lid VI\ 1 he 1@, sloping '' P fo eaRt b\H'Ncen "''"other tlar
and beJow that al'e oc>n$ervariou land !In gmw wild, wu..-dy
with To the norJh i.> cht lnck of :t fitdtd bArn .:.nrl hrtt. il
:md an old wdl kept New P.nghnil fa.fmhouiS'c,
ob\iOU!il)' <!Xpa,t\<fcd tl-\'.;r the )'C:ll'lj
:sti'Ctchirlg Se-ction ll-}
'kiUfully the oldes"fl ;ntlr1>( tbe rr.r.uL Another <:ttn-
on the dlopc. hes. m th.t south, frum che
fencc:d-Jn one by :t dt.'luhkrow of I all oaks a.nd chok(cherries on <lither side
of .ovcr-:ltchin,g a low wnU 110 doobt d:uitlg_ 1> colon ell! rinl<.."
when the l:,t;nd was dean:::d i0 r planting and all thr (lnCJcOt dug-up,
1!4dt"tMLitt srt'lnes p1lcd wjdc Md m:t!.. ... ivtdr the edgtll.
The field th3t ca_prutt.S my C')'C ,, thN:c--(ic-r w.oockn hmcx
aru;,md lr vtith rwo hardly \'iliible C!lcetrit" wTri:s stt off from l'.:rrn< po!ot
bJ Vislble )-ell ow set there m 1 twt 1'tlung ..-:ows
l.un'lel' neighbor keep!! part oF hi,c;"' Tht! tCt1c:e dt-
-a. marktdl)' penl'tt'gon :Puu J. laf\.g time! I u .1
Then it tOok on t-he look vC u trupezoid Only with
l'i\id in rln wnrld
I fl 10 rhi m the h11de rp on tik h1U fi"Ou\ the outh-
wcu vanr..age. The tnrrh i1l the m1d-umrning k .... 1.1n rbi
--lth ot tr.uaking db: ncl.J m 1 nrcn.e. light ::and h!N.r A ruu Nm', umtmu-
line ol lurtJe nght fo lett I rom tb< "("l\l:thctn edge,
OOrn!tv nf the rnw u( tn:e1.. The field i QVC.rgtown. the: gr.l'>'>tn.l!, h>
lm.iot'l'n .md golih. grlncf ro sttd. Ompkfl df whne tw.g al'l)\"(_
d dllhbetJ tl) an .ahund.tntt:t nf vci.W'fi t..bc. ww havtJH ,;oJ-t to1
mpplng \'Cit. Whitt Aumr md thnt-, and o.n
the ki111l, ('Rti"Ollirlg .and f:urJYt:r the ga lmtugh tht
lll.l'!gtud Jlr 1ikt the: rmt"'r'elnm. iutlJrobilhlc., &:rc:Jttlrl' i1
n twu potn of l.u:OO. \'(nurilc
\'mtg,, on the ",ng m of 1\vo rrro in tSu:
hdd hr 10 rhe Ctlmcniglll in front of me, .wd .tic'\
!fi1;gt1 h.adc The hod U.pU'Il ('llher 11iJe, :\lc.!dV IS li hot htl:l)
h:coJ the day Tb- tl;y hehlnJ me 1; blue, m>ttl y cloud.lth, yet in my lltld
d 'L'"I''-'"' thr- hq\'C' du. hrJd, fn.ngLJ b) rbt brge-, Jlwor
bc'-')rul l he IHnHn:olv whitt-
Wullu.g lturk the' p:rrlt 6d,,w rite A.c!J ;m,ll.lf11lhuu!le sl-
.t.ul-g 11111>1: .i!.TIU-(JI!mg the tidJ fnr me 111ne, thr t"IJ'+In''l:' of tU fc
111 ffi\ L lr lll't itifnt"how u:J.t.,, than when I c.tmc J ;un $teirig
splotdn of hue 11.1o.! 111 be.: dower-
wt.ld J>l'.l-tt whuh I hld b.rrh. r!()Oted Tl;t;- \'11Jo..._. ,.buw
d '.,J'lllnin;< uu-QO;u ci!J.c, .1.1 1ht c.J,I.',l"_ ut rh,.. IJI);'i! b.\WI
tlwJrm.i...:n-,-n)l-,riJ:tn-..:luu t a
n 1-!rn:r.c -1ur'
t nl h) mveyc. r !CI.' (ar-mOtt dDKunlbot rw;nb) thqn I had eullu, amJ
FP" . b' I
. ' 1 uw rill! SWlllnw, wtu<;h cmc ba;rtlr t11w ar aU, ltt llitnng autl
1\Qnte 1 .
'p;og 111 low Q'\'t:r cbc. taU gran, h;u;k ;uul forth rhe i"Jwn 1u
:uld 1otrcm.k.J ti l nNnges Ollllf h11.1tt, purpSh .arid
(the f<mner l1we, hi& lluwcJ.,J, dd'lncd by un ov.c.rilnwing
of yc.Uow c.edum wjth its greentry lptlliog
horizomaJijnea of-a tWO-outd n)!!k. Wi!Uf:llrdcn rhlli rt:o
ffflm tile tM of the ht1ge lawn be!Qw rhe hOlue.
1 .c<Jmc to ihc rwd J curn tight, uphi.IJ. for veritably tt 1:, ll fhc.
;Jm< hiU, rt)w.ud my hou8e, cb:u thl,. J.fttrno6n, tbe iidd
and the wJ.Jk l wUJ along tht S41rle tra_;.echlf)' will be cntircl\'dHFtn::nt.
and tha,t will make me -wiU rtqutre--me cube:: ditrccem..
aCte:ih fo! will be nncn:d up tQ the m wlut-
cn;r mnm(nt 1 J\eitl if ahvti)'"S o,q, ntmmt:r nr wi-ntt1, opr1ng or flll.
y, in ro.Ur .and gloom and an ow, a( night: und.:""r T bt $W't
I ttn 3.niving.Ir is .Urc:ady hen, jun :u it ,flw.l}, th.: ume
6tld, but nc\'er the- same.
Ia wa.lkiug rhese pathll. thtte and lc:kt. 11tparation between me.
!.1ld the Vtew when 1 givt: ewer ro whc:n I tilluw to
COIJJC {tl live wlthil) my KOSCS. SuiUc Cse:r)-and (wh!Lt II &t'Cn\
unJI.e. ih the mo1nttm of 1l i11 One ft'IOfr'lcnt I
;tm from a conV(nbon:ai .111 to my!>df in rny he-ad
Tbt m:u Wrmc:m, th.:re is. no no des-cripuoo, only here,
'oeiJt..onlydrutk;ng-i.n rhrougb c:yt or ln'f !tm5e5 the)"Ol.df
kl)()l., b<wtto drink in whatcW!r i i: plC$entcd, wu.hout .1n_vduc-cbuu111
wnb.,ulli.O\' lhuught Itt .ill. In wch thut i only '"''I king or oclr
01 onJy or for nm.te:r, (.l!l]) lvlng In the .tidd.
ttdmg rfbe au .
Of ill! th!! it the of the e\'t'S, rlut domJtotn fD
\Vc 1opeal.. of .. , ew'" of 1he world. o{ Ou.t
--e: insigh{" and "pcn-ptt"ri\'-<.'' We: c,dtqtt (J..:h Htlll" eu
llflic" :ml11lu:q to "!ltt, wht<h i.s. (Inm :u i
,,.._.,nl liote" II. s -d ---
-..Jg, or me 1 JrQnt!inilhng-. mg .........,'!;
bold, clnufung tn. i:Oglilrlng t hcir cum;u)wi.J
t::tlrc, whttt :t..:ruJltr here. C2tlJuns
nol f'J<"ternl w,dt>rStund tlltc wotld .,uh br t he intellect: we h
a" much d\l"<.MI'h t.:dif\S !\1a.rcd Pr011st pot it cli rr way:
tl\IC oomt'l dhc:l!lvt'tr not in 5tckiutt I)C\v l..tnd-
tt0.1j}C:' 1n lla\ i1\g (rr-"b
\Vc .ce whu 'A':lTol to s-ec. 1161 i , l\ tu..iiJy-1->t.tbre t'tur eya,..Wc
l,1k bu1 \\'t my oat appl'l'bend at <.'<11\lplt'hn\J, \Ne mnrh..n--e- to tulle I'Jill
;;; JUSt :a-;. we rune ;m i11!orn.:unt.ut, ro illt"n:::ue ii$'{1C:nliiti'riry. its r::tnge, in
cl.mrr, ltJ cmparh). \Ve caA l.l.}'" rhe-gt'llll Wl)\lld bl! thing_:;. u du;y ac--
nrc. nor han Yol: would like tt nr cru:m ro be, ()r only
ulur .arr: tontllhrotwd fO nr frcl [f Jung ti nght, we
heetd war.h ow lc:clillg'l, J'C,, m: had best bc.lru.lmM.t' wi tb or
rhty \on.U provide onlf Ji-otto.m-8 (or rnr mi. 11tcing, t'lr .kn<hvir.;;.
One w.n or anothcr.11S Witb the other &en!let, <mrmimb often
(t,U c.apowio to A-e clearh: For t hill if wjsh ro !l(l!.
lully, bold of it fuJlr. \\II!\ will ned ro tr:tin rtt
1uough Or behind the uf thmg,. \>Vc will1\etd to culti \!are ifi
nma<:y w1th tht< of our ,oWn rhinkig. which r:verytlliflg_ in
the &en&Ory d(mifiiO, if we uc. ro peu;.qive 1 he rntenor .AAd c-xtc:,;:or
tududing evenrs ::..nd thi':uqocncCt, tP the degree that dwy c:tn b:
knnw11, in tht'ir uulr ar(".
SMti'IIK &n-. wf.vti du )'W wnnt tq rtmnnl.Jtr::o
1/pJP 4
1Urll IIJ.'C()if IJtJWrJ. W/XJJ
ra/"lllJjinm ()UJ.,itft jil/1 1/semr!
WillY'" rutr br;r:g 11 gJj'J JUr f/)r
r(spm tffltf)YIII. 'urry
t.....X,...,.,.r r1g/;t. mwf Jflll
ji1r {JIJII /I) tfl'"W J$"U Wt/(' b..ftutiJ!;u.J(!Jti?
l(lh,m J!6li /.1m: lJf()JIIUI,11fU'Iiflfll-t-w, 1ffi Jim
rM.w:gh'mpu tba! tarry intt; ewning
all ti,dt from)lttr d)' Tlmlnfa-1!6! )'IJII J}m.'
or D!aring th.iJ_. kap #fOr lift-
um anyilnf. giw )'CII gttlll("f t&n N:)W,
t(arti"& bm, rtght ir, tl;ii1"4Gm, whm.).tUJ Jurn ltr<nJJldP
\VH.r.JA>.t STa .. Reaaing-1'hi:., 'ae: Rnd(
1111'' 'Ill...:
. \I r Trif.-, !\ hh, .m.-! I 'nmctirru:. Jo 111 ..-:.;cru e \VIlli ;oplc wbn CQI'tc
I nr nundful pwl!lttiltj;; wtlrk:.h..-lp tkn bold rn :.1
!lh'Jmtnl 111 'mr 1\ lw" .'>'l..,l frlr J.l.'('fl nul ,\1.-:tqnrd fat
Win )'!)oJ wcro. t.._, .on .1duh, ll'll -ril}' ,1 and 1n tll('
It I' IIIII.; to111 nmjul'('d 1p l;v Lbc:
J\h'!'rrutivcli., t! 110 .ud. lll'!'flll.irica of iu tlnldhr.lud llriit
whru uwm:d. ,ue i1WJt.:rJ ... til.C, il tlu:y a:ri.;c tni)O'Ir 11 in
wlu, h yt)u 1.;-h U1nwcn, ,Ji,ueg.rdtd, lll'lt at 111l tm Who yaJ wt:rc-h)
.Ill ,tolHh Ill )"<1Uf h{c!
I 1 ' l'mk1r a.nd how '''\"tdly mornrnr of 111\tl
ri ,. for' 10 qcrnJll' wht:n '"''ittd 1n in 1lw linda
<:.wrt.t" ul' tuicJ ntuuu:nlli diggi11g m ttlot' dln ,t a child
wii It 11111.' ft!.&lldnu,dul, "' 11! .a l'fll 1\trupl)- halJJog h:m<l
J!.Wrl& 1! ri\t r, PI 111 l!rupping <J.II t"t!.!; on tht' Roof .on
.1her "'"'It 1l Jrmc > lw ;,(,iolf'rl iw.r )-' \uU w6uldn, fed Anrlt or
,, atitlt vl(cn wthoUt 111"''"1) c;ll()l'
ll('t'll CORKIUO>h' tt..:dUe<l befon- t lot'y l1.aW been 5\ett WJih ''' f)l-'t. whn!c
- f'J i fli!UO
\ifc, nt\ef \\'C-Jlfl" llt11 ltkdJ' f() lii'JI.('t, C\'1"11 !U ( II
I '
mrnr 1 ,,j fee-Log ,"'(.mrl-etdr mi to.:tpral
\(OJ.l ol t ht- nme, m.-,ttlenfl! Wit: WHhoJI,it Wf)rdi. Tht'l, ufun u.b-
(l!!d ,,, nlen,c. in a pllty ol together And btin.g togttMr.
thcr't ,,,trdr the otdr.Lage HI a gb.noe:-, at n gal<::,
tmile.oJr Q,;l!nst: I)( heJd ur o, hanJ 111ft,, ;u
d hcld.. Bm
lu!OWif'l that I h:tl yqu ;lit c:cn J,1--1d ktmwn .ant! kh, .anti noth-
mjt. 11ull'ling, sn the wqtiJ. led .. 69tttt, )"'1.1 murt :u C.tfe and. rht;
.,.uh! ptJij )..:SU mor<: pcaa:, if Uillft ur only ube
1 uurm-
+Jql we c.Jrtr 11 (()tcvc:r, We .nt\'et l'l)rp;ct it, lt -'li '" thcrr- It u in bere, be--
u 1neant 1u much, (evt:alc.d i6 muc:h., '"'Jch. J
f 1 giA tltln we: could con& knO\v. Sut 1'it: The
hndy lmew. Thl' soul knew. At1d '\1/"C knew And m rhe
pO\viug;ww: wtc'<: -:tnd zre moved ro chi,. duy by the mc:'"''tf
h '" al'o :'"11Zi11g J\()W f.;:w such mem,ot ie:' anv of h:u.e, aurl fmw
nnnyqf us m) )IIJc:h dit!f'C: lltl-}' rtrollcctions- of
nwmtnts-ln which we fdc d)5.f-int:tly umceo, or tHln
mtl1idko\IJC<iforbemg as wt:
The ffwn out for py-cntt i"' of couNc, th-at even
mumem wi1h tJllt c:hjld.n:n i.; ltli apporrunl.ty for U-"!: to ,{,'\!our cbdd.rcn
they tu1(1 !O accept thetO hdJr. ;md t:'I!Ct)' Jl -mome-nt.. nt
Jllvr) wtrt- so ilnporl'ant:fur w.u thildren th-11 WLI: forgtntJm
lhtm.n"tn1f rhvy \Y(CC:;:ly rare not be mindtlt1
fli du: power of1uch qujcl pri;:S(Ioce as CiO come J'l'mtl ing yr.w
ln some m.ornertt'l1 beyond ,\10u1 cxpec:rurilltl"'l lx
rmd f6nll, 11ud you j\ldh'lTl<:nt\ .md 1.-'"\'l."'l \'Our- hopes. Tht:sc momtt-a
l"lll flting, ifkntnvn a1ld cmbr:u:cd, they are-'de:cp aoul nti,hlrll:l,
lint <lf irlto' he h(:art qt !lie orb.-r.
Otlr tt,tard (frotn Ptt::ll\.11 look} Rlid.t' II \'Vt.JTth} ob-
.!:t"'t Cll iltfi'n-ticm., (0 be hdd Ill ;U\d rhe of it k:CO,
lclt, -alo!,} I;Mw'JL For it l!l r1ht iu:sr nll(l(lttlnL Theft' lli be
r ,
thllt 1'1 fnt it is true ror the- Olhtr. ;111y t,1thn.
1 . . .
"" "" t'ntnplc!c. :1 UI}'Std.o-ioiU rirnut ol ll!l"lf'll"r'
I .
. (I 1\i\'lW:tU e lll,-f TI\idl Nh.\1 ll.anh dla
U!i Sllrl tC:I'i,UfC;I ll'l" !l!ld IC"tt kr.u\\' rJ,,I, <.\ltlt i.JldJn .. 1thm It
- ''Ut \'It .. l llllllf) ;lrt: ;illd It> UUJbd\'t'.li Jf'IUUI lullheiii Ill J. fs.r.1lrhi
'tnrtahc. ba_"'tiJJr< wbn we .u:tunUr Ol.fV hu been .Je<;!n rc<:tJgni"'"d d
. '....,.i'tna..:.
out .:-ml--rvc:cd
' All thilf. it a!' I he: tecifmcif!i 01 llt4linJ;whcn u:eing t!. S\"eing
\\ l1 ::ft W \tnT Jdesil Jnd l':\pio.i.OJ'1 thitt enPUgh. 54-we "'n
kooow ;as rht'.\' ntthcr t'han I rig in boo,v \\'t' the
be '->t_ nm be.-our \"i;,i<3n bet.i_gn, ti.U1quil, bt".\1-ing. And
1t ill' Jtlt b.r nrll(n :1."-SU.<. h, 11 iHdr, 11 j, known, :111J it ft.eb \'\'n'
Itt. not ju,.t duldrm and odlfr t1cvph: wlw k11ow whtn che:y au! being
kuked IH, zvl an ftd tnuntly qulll.itY md Intent o.f 11 g"ze. Anunah
lmfflr it a 'Kell, :anJ bbw it u that ..1tr .:cting them, Wi\h wbn
CjU:a.lirie1 oi mtnd ;and hc-.:ut. wbcthe1 J11 rtJf N 111 t\nd WUmen, 11f rbc omuk'IUll, akpenunlii.iflg, mroe.ti.nlc. PJtda-
tot\ nt .a ttrtnin m.aie gu.ze unsoftenc:d by CD.Cing und. hy an bo"-
oring N the- of the -,)thet.
S.,tnt' .tn.:itnr\'t lr.adir,ion, thr I he "'lrifl QllT stein g.
and w nght back. C:\'CU tbe ucoo: aocltbc bushes. C\'t:n the rodul . .t\r.d
ccmml)', ri you h:r.\t C'\'Cf tpc:nr J mgh1 in the r11in or tlw
woo..:b. \'UIJ will know that rht quilitr ot' rour $eCtng an\i of ymn bring
fclt and known b) mru:c th:a.o the world. You tblll roo ate
tt:t"n and kml\vn .&l:i yoll 11n:, rl nQt t.., ..... )nu
tbllU::. of and tb.:u whtt:btr }UU <'omfonuhlc- with lt t1t uot, )liU.
llrt' an fntnn!liC: VJII of thrt t')J1C illlimlltr !lhd SCiliUOII; w:orld .
Ouly ""3S mJIJ'l't'!Ct h:ld (."J.f'ed fur t fo:-
J. \en lung time. Jnd 11 b.u:l.. M aeeJ and wi1Uflowtfi-. Jts
bclut\ w11l11" ubdety oniy nrcfu) ooold pcn..---t:l"'
(fJOIA r. SQmelirtJlJ. rM
llf!Nr: ll.I.M !11>1
'/Jrff tfuJ WoW, ifiJ?I!fitrd, lll'i'itiNt,
r.nNr tiM Jun .
flf (lY-IINII.fmlt 1Jr11l. tiJ;eugh JIJt uir,
J tM-bini wild. in J'($}rJII5t It>
rt;t rmfM,uJ muJit' hiddtt: i1J ihf JhmM1r_j.
Jt/u tutJtmlij'i/ieom <rt;stt-r/.f(lr ti.Jr rf#rs-
HJ IN frdojj/{)Wt[/IOOt "" ,,.,.,, Jl.
nain i11 the ,-.,ul ll1
my bC>old Even hm:u:m, there ta the -sound ur it. Can I
hnar n thoughn about the ..-.. .n.t.'V11 for out momcnt?Cul
I .. thbt ilHhc)' :u:c. w>rh f\(1 (Qnapu wh.,,md!Uiivg
the .;oou:r t .,f I 1 h,u bt-anng di(Irtlt;sdy. I dbn't
h.w-r to do hing. Thert' h nod11Dg to lila, In order rcill) he:u.
Jff lm
>r t-."t' of rht' U'i)' M, "r i_, ..:xtf1i .. 1lll:rl! ncll'll u"mc'
lhnt I hn.rm_g, '-'f oJU.I lnJ the 1 hal limmul_&.ltt liu!C. I
uoti .. -c,. th.u 1 .lll thinldng !!:j.)uUtin-g- (Mill. from C)
frun. ide-J.t Jb<mt m1
I CXJ'Ie:rinrnr. I "imfl\' let , "111d :tnd me: eu
llCfli" al"i,:' IT/ 1hc b(ln: 111' hcii,Tlng, Ill fl .1l:.tdy i.fl
ilRY M1d moment? 1. .u:tu..lly p<MII'ihk co l:(tt "'--.t of mr llWf' ""-
l '':d
fUll le.t 11WC\' 1\t htanng, rr let rhc omuio:I!O .:unu: lu t he. he in lht: Cilt, lll
rhe lllf, ih J mulnent. wnhnut '"l't wit hnm .1m
lr.trillt; wh.1t I!S' brtc w be he.u.:l, .. 't' thr "n' 11!1';1!)"
!'the Wllh ht"..o.rmg lfl tlw tillnt-'1'1 or etpcn
g>l!\'1''3}' 0 .
lr.I]J t:ll.'in l!;llt"'IC', P'\lfg!'; ;wlrl. '"'''1, wwirl- . flit- "i' 6lle,d
tip,< . ' 0 o:o-
(("m.d.. rhe: body in liOund. In rhero: 111 mil) tht:
::1\n <Ill the nl>Of. whipped "\(llnclimc by the wind intu 'jpaw:ri-ng mt
c "'lndows. !<(lUild m c:ulf:. 'filling the rooro
In t!uii fa, in t he tlwre iii c.h.e know-
aog th
t 1 um jJ(tit\$ here, iliat l'lliH is: fltllit\:g, but the exper;ent>l! .. bctorc
any' fiu)ughts rhe1rt>Cl, .. re. ou<:. of pute
ll.lnd, jl),t ht:t1ing, no lc>t'lgtt: i'l -sepant,e h<:arer au<,l l11 bcJng hear(l
'"fhtre heariug. .. And in the: lw-..lring
rhc .know--
int, o( .100nd, b()'<)Od- WQrds. lilw "r.nn, bB)'Ond COI).'!!pts. l.ike "me" and
htaf:ing."The k,nowing_ ln the heat'ing. For !hey an: aru:.
Thi,. t,:un i1 $1l tOroc:.fuJ, so "'l I hat
11:nmrib11 itself The c.xru:.cienci:ng of 'iound hn-. 111 thh
rnomenr the conccpru:!l mind. Thiw i<- 1\o:'lt :t\Wu}'S ot even uiUJ.lly
the pM:. lt ir. Clts.y he i.rtto rllinlcing. lt &Q 1'-'"'Y Cd
my,,df, tto be- catrieJsCI fiu awuy fr()l'rl the Cil.ft> chat 1 do not even h<.u- the
Li n unymoft', no. matter howfuoccful. eYcn thOOJ;h chc hod)' rho:. e.'A1'$
;u.:cmill jost -:1$ b:trht.d in it$ wunds ::s the moment wmn there Wol\
"j\1$.1. tha . . "
of i I() re,!lt n tbe ;wnucoess
ni ht:afing, he!lfiftg t)uly what t$ here. momenr by by
pasl\irtg, silence-lnsJde ana nndeme.uh sounds.,bc)'Ond in-
rhf. moml.!ntary expetlt.lCt :"ij. {tle:liltll Ctr unplc:tunr ot
I. tt.ll .1nJ h1.1y<>n.lnll thti\gllh
tnydting, iust tlui ti (Q hearing,
1<).4 I I Ul I ' ltHV '{O) I 11/
rklt f'ft!" nr ! Q! u \VIu n 1uc prrst-nr m We tn
tll4rn c .. u wr p"' lJctr. Wlrh rbl."m.t <.:.,u we he: 1($( S: rt0'.\<1 rtg. m rhc
k . ,WIP!4', Jl'r rout ;,:>t fully pretoenl with whqc alrt:ad, i.s? \Vhu
t lu- ftmt: n! \ U<:t. I
II ":"I
Tn mg 14 11, -: 4ruwn \\.,.r Jo n11r b.wt: In rry: C<l hear Sue the mind
j' de. WUI. \\'!" ktH)W C;m \YC' kaov. t(:
F.fYI'I w
'Mtrrttr, tho rn-
1 '""KJr'r
11t 11 }'t'nt:lf St11n.l by tht fltW, i:!t>f!ir
tiwb lm. u:/.wn. thm
/..l't 111nr mJ,JQ1t tl:ilt 1<-.Wtltt /() bttt to iu CCI.n
,-,Iff .'lfirr thotJtum,J o.-ail.
A fuN#< rru tbrottg( tl.- r.uth
,mJ t<; l'h'lw!, it:., tlar, .t/1
, .wlh n;m,umg, 'VN1rlll4,g ar;d hd r4r htJit .tga"l
S,,JJmft fl,fllf(fltr( JIW otff I.JJ1rt.Jn.t; m;UI/)Ll
1"11\'r'IIM/i ,/tcill'll, um( tlv- mrdt it t/)r TDOr!rl
II "' Ji!}'tmd fllll Jl., . ..., v.moltJJt
t hr
Qf t.l' Jb tht t"t.r.i1
1-li.IW w:u ;llnufl.rr< i1 f ff/W W)l/
ft;tm. f(;, t6t m t rh)ngJ I'> I k w '1flli ''Ttlit-'x.
\V1 Lt. I AM S.u1.1 I'! ng .. P.c.nqn"
1t 6:42 11.m, in Through open windoYI;ll, l an in
1ltr of btrds 1 do not know, trills .and wlunfes, "''l"arbfcs-
(alls and '!Ch,prr and !.OI'llt Jn <lt h
tn not &o ea4ly'Cii.sringyi .. hed 11flin, .tll modut.rcd, me:lodJ-
mJsly ('haow::2ll) t p'illing into tbc :.i:c;, filling rhe worM with roog under
&ong, within after song-. It goet; an ;l qd on chthQr, mo-
rncr.r by- m()menr, ever new, e:<uba:tnr, :1 w rnueopia of wund .-pilling
1ltct,r; is aJ,$o che :1nd growmg hum 61
a intigndk:)llf artery ilowin.A i:otendy deep mro t he hod}' of
che rowatd t he hc;1:tC C)( the OE)' fn:rm the
esy, ami pCJurilg out m rhe other direttion )imibr p001-rurc, The OC'<
Jkcn:U lltm1 is di:.m-.iblc hut for the mo!<t p lrl, I he
!:JIJicm tilt' and engine pur r& merge ttH() (tt'lt: -sound
trt'Qm 311n(ttmc ing t hat thr. world ttl pu r po11t:- ;md t1 wnk
lr-.,; from ;tlung wifh birds
l.)d,c,<>u; lhl1ctuared ;I t by rbe tlurn:.tiug \'II lc .Wtll
ltr Sit.onck No1way nMpJe be.lun-d dl'aNC rc> rfle llll d
__,,I '" .. '" \ ..
. I 11o.. of rhe twmlm k" in front nl 111r i-t\ l ltlt'l
I( lnlfll " .
I ol "'"'nrlro I\ .ill \\'II h, ''-cw, lht :wnnu .,.
llo. ,,( ,I<'M: v.,tli..u' In i11 tht IJIIP'''t.'d :th'ff hnq.
, 1<. ''uw 1 . 1nw ia uuuihut,rl, lor!c(, !lULl
I\ 1111j ,u,:.oin ,, h:lfljl: ln;lll )tll urthmg1u L\)' hcinJt oJl ,l tf\u:k.nn
I Itt- 1.11111 hd"'' lhrrT uJ"'' l1-cc:p; t'rom b:
llJl unnlli'n- nu) Jr.JrmrhC<ijl' ,, h !11\\'ll\' ..
mol ilh\11\'1 oL1hft'111 4\ rhr 11UilUlL''< !Uirl h'HJ' tJh h,l'- t\nd nhVolV.,, 111
HI, tllrR' ......: t hr b1tJ,.,' Uln ;-t .tm!
J thfr.lwtt 1111 tlu .. ov:ht .1hn1t ftlllllt;('!. .mtl gi\t <l\'tJ 11:
In lt 1 \ocn 111ud, 1 h.1tl1l n,.;- 111 _. o('flIUtU! hi-"'ri.atf11g in
M'llmJ th<'m. 111 IJI<c': Qjlllll 111' 'IHlU)ll!o.
tlJeT ""' , mI'IJ wku rlll'\' Mt, rw Jou!Ko:r nu lixwncd ittr
''' ,, n . ldurrg 'un 111 "ur 1 lu 1\.' lrlf)mCru IJ)'
whl&tC'\cr ll 1n rhc e\'\'u in\'iriug Jr (J)
o mr tu 1111 , H 11 oumiug !ll l\'W.l)', il uundv 1\1:1t
lic;.ud .. r ""'"''" hc:c.,uu: rhr cl ...'e,(\1\.'<IC>:UJlt-d wi1l1 $Oine
.mnlung at .all. wh-1 h u.n :lmt)'' mdmll' rhink1ng .ab\'111 the corig\IN
,.( I ht I .lm ftt:;tJ ill!{ "' )!ti ll(' Ill Pfhtll>, hllnng Op1t110!\'i
UIHC . L>i
iml fwJI'Ih_l;,
In tlu; nw\rlr t.Wt.l 111 tilt p111"C and in llu;:.e
n.unu:uh thtll ii uul\' the ht-.tnng. I h: 1, It llo1
ll11lt;n 1n the \\'todd. h iii r.bc. wo rill. (J,, more .tc.qmutly, llk 1'c nu wntltl
'"1'1 no mymu:c., \tid Ill) IJIC Uhd IJ() J.tut t ICJt. 1Cfl! .UC .
bnd 1111 tmkl!, uo alpltulc md ;md l.a.dt.W-s J\U( \1)\. Thc-rtttll
uttwl Hhi 1bt .p;u:C4.II<!C\I.'Crn ;ouuds. T!tdc i - clnl\ 1hr lu:;l(iflj:; iD
liw 11--::I ritudn, momc-ut nf now, i1 trow;; iu10 11'
,,, :rr nmd , mnnwr1 ut n1W. 1\nd i11 rite:: ll<m.nnjl, there 1:; ,,]JOO rlu mtllr'
' b f
dt.thlt1m,'ing u ". 11 1n 1nuu II\ 11'3 euatny, ul sb nc. . ,
. . I " , , . I "'" ... r:h fh,nklt!J;;
\n\g<Tif'V,, lU ot IW"\', .'If')! 1,..11(" 1<.11UW11\g ('Qll h .. ,
. kn k \ )'\'f"itlg- rout
11.1 tiUII,hlll ,I \leeper JltHlWJnp., J. 111()11' ll!TIIlfi\JC (1\\'lllg, ,1 I , . ,
&0'11th"w bcl;_,,-c lht" word<. <llht r-ncq>N tlur 11\lt
I f
. I I
.. u.dunrll h t 111tling, t um ;urlcllt.l
. . . , ltllill.hdo/CII
1\')fh llt.I\IIIJ (It the HI flllni J ;111 jUiif \\ h t
I!IPO)H" . I I
up bv t ht I .ulnr I .mtl by our by
:;:)( "mJ 1) r rhinwr. b.,. ithlgil'll' It i !
, like: il
....., ".
t rll \, llnupl y 1 dlo!..-huK whllt hrtft
- IJ
t!11 n JI I.P - "' ,
\l' <lpin111n qr Urllll\ulu. rru, Jtn)ll). und thrtl'li-,I'C
ol' Ocm
, .. v mrlun" 1)-mf 111CJit:l11 lfl)1
tu "'r "'
ln rhi<o molll ctll, tltt! inllllt:"iion 1 q,l <,;mnplc:tc tlur tl:wre r.
Jny unmctnm. :it)tuul e\erywhl'tt, r l1c i c:vc
ywhe1e, wil hin
rhc cl\<t:lpc c'>( 1 hmly t111d wh ftlr t:hcrr , nil lu
Rct "boum.IJiy 1.1f
;;;lrt. 'J'hue Is cmiy !!ound, Urtly he<triog, onl) Kilptlr knnwtng witltluur.
in/iuik only thit., hniy' j t1.H thi... , ,
Thlldllnt'lt :o IIi)' th.1t tltOuf(ht .. ,!u nut ui,<:, Tiwr du h U ht:t fa ''1)
th.1t 1hm uo lllJlgc: t tltc ur wi.lh i1 h i
1rnon a!> if tlK! thQ1,1glm bc:oornr: oour\.d)l:tlld heacd
(! lmnwn al<mg ncryrh11lg tlsc, in rhti1 J.risilg anJ in tbtir rauln_g,
l'ho.:;.- uQ dinua<:t llf lvr jn kuown, umrl ;q mclt
lll'l.IJ, hn longer <;ndiCsilly. The kno\\liuj; itlikt..
!!plltC', it bound!t;.SS. lt norhiug othel' t han
!t:df It i1- u.Jao lllt('rl_"' 11\y.>ttrit>ti,o, l(lr it it nor
thins: rhnt I t.'l\'llting lmr u. qu:1lir-y mr fttJ<n bt-ill& 1 hut
a rqmo 1\l $un iu.cU on -a lt>g in" for
eu ckuing, lc ling_CJII If J :am don't nwkc- '-ltddett IUOvtlUC:tlts
witit IIW wiU.
'fhe dc>;;k bdorc n\c: ntJ\\1 liht)ws$:P. 1 n rh:-:tie. 11-n num-
l,f 1notent..: t;"01k hr-:nd }'CL nu
blotr(l hy rhis-bMhing, b_y r11is i:n :.l rhat knrw .. JS 11v
ud by this h hearing. tlur 111
fiW, hlt 1 J.:nowinfl:. I w.-luda tf tht-(e iS :.ll\l' mnml!-nr lu whi\h ;his
dtlt it not 1"0 rnr. \Vbat i1 '" h!:.r \
l'ckl? J
ct tf'l &!: h..;.ud, buoyed .ts it :dwny11 it lUI
1 1
fo btt:r on, jf T ;1111 not C'ltn:.fuJ. u 1
I d ' h h
( \\,.' ,))' Within ll() tim'C f 1111#'1 be t'iltlOg 111){
"-'Urt-c>}) t'fld uthur thun roal'i
lt nui"tt ot rht: t ho11gl: .. Ill\
tu\'JI ttr d ""
-nu 1Jtutcc, wJ111T 1 J>rccnr
ng ftH!h 11 '-lu;.'l ''llf!k
l\lc:JinrmJ!: wirll" }tl\7'l' )I c.twjtxmmcoral Jctivi,.b qn u od-.--v h L
()" \Vindl:ill J;lan.J, ..u 1fle IMtrh ofTch.:nkof B.:t}' in 10ngrtb \\%:1llr
tint in Alndu, .llrT C"h.ath..aut Str.ut ,md rrom tbt
.u/To'.T""fjlnl ro:-h tl a.U.UIOV, nna.t V< am b llt fJ.kl': n(lte"(\f h<v,\
1hr wha,b:l; hugd_v 1hl: ,,mbictu !fQ'IuldS(;tpc io
\Yilduni:'Ss :tir ,,,.. rhev coulc :ond with the dil)'
n the bn Jfln dte IICIJ,\tt \Vc "r>Jr rhe whQosh ol fhci1
lmg .JC'C'f'l. !111mrcml;, .1nd =n n .m.:ictu. i.t i< if at<t imnt:lltd m
M)Und have be<;-. go,r;-1;" on uuinletTupre:d inr m1lli01lS <Jf }'fllll'-
ul rbc pk.;c, whu:.h haVl;:'" lf W<.' ure .:noogh,
...... lu:Jr lllo' lnhrcath i \rll, they fhp b:t<:k
dcr. \V1th uJn. Wt: Qf'i _jjre a-. wdJ J, h(:.lz- their evtto
llli'tJ;ii'J(C, u rlw ... .,pot g!:y:o.u l'lunh fnr1 h high I '\tO 1he
niT et'l!ft' Wiiting. \Vr it:clthe) know .m: on tiW:
b!.t:b .. our 1.'\'Cs clus.cJ ((1r 1 he m-ost jiJII F"nt rime we: ;no uh
tllt'NaJ 111 ,, world I pmbabh llnlc tiom th.: WLioY it \W:t tiw.
JJ bfn:cn 1 ago o:>t (I vJ;t 1l1li1 rilCTI.::t:.cbbiro,g
w1rh "'-"''ld.. B3!d c;1$!k-.: .;-n till,, mv.eni t:quw.wl, m 1Ut'l' birds on tht: w.t1t1
rn.J in rhe 11i1 Jll contribuu: their and aiti, the !I(
rhr hmt-, the wm.d thJI'I<Jgh oh-1-grov.r.h Sitkl spruce .uu! wbl:cm
hemlock u:mJu;N!c: mn torcsr dut- ha:. know I tho; lc>J uf tbe bru1:1l win
tc1 I ;I Nlvtr tf>t. clc:-uo:ut hne,l)pt"l1.lng to wodd, ((}
JIIndli> h) 111 .uwit:nr mtmt;ne" Or .trc tlu:r
tJur do.g 1J:.c indudos what 1:0 TIIJt heard evt"ty
bit "" unuli ,,, l1 I j' hr:11n; the doQr opc.n dost. b\t
d 1101 hc..u it .md "be ,he e<..c:1pr the huuto:
She juq lt.rn.lWP. nm. mc'td) m clt.lmJIc ...,, hriw t10t hca:it;g itl
- - 11 r .:t m eoo1o-h ftl
1/U'.al\mc>tpe t HI ul \ lilllhl.:.utl 1 wr :src !Urtc
..ic!cu rhc: il.b!<cnc.e. ()( J.nd dnnge1 i1\ part('rtl'i (11 wuud !ld ""
laux. m;lV 1idde our uudjlor}J <18 Taj M\l:lu.l tr, bl)Jtht
d h " 1ds wJ .;iJtnt"'s,
,ltllof T!Or U
t hMi:d l1y o11r ho rmg, wh(!n WI: wttling tt'> gJ\."t (lursrl,oe,
.,cr cmirdy
nuthing murt, being wnh beating.
1\<;n: " W l1Ad lilre .:a touclt <wutt<it;le 111 1 -s tt h!!re. In" nat
day. Perhap:. tt J$a &rett .t;wtcper, Sa}'l my mind, aomc WJY
(r) Jdeno(v lt. it i nut g_oing they are It I(MuuJ
like B truck. going up ;t. n,,t gwu\8 nc:ercr ar flll'lhcr
J.W.ty. l'c:t hapl' t hc.y ate tloirtg wotk \tp -che i t(Cil';, I un lilt here :md
dunk it1 wh-en: it i*' wmutg ifonl, bO\'' much I wish
ir h.:tt, why it il} happeni11_g so e:ldy in A:b)l>e )
;lmuld go:.! UJ) .tmi $Ct w})etl! it wlur n
tli:l.t ooiSl;!.
To:wbnt r:nd?. Right I am !litti.og here. J tlll'l chfl(ltiC to bl!.
rll.fbed or nQt;. But secrm diffiCul t and ..en of
.tri!Jppwer, a WliY of re$isfing whilf i$ alrtl.,ly $0, !hi.\ Wun9. ]
the dts:rur)):mce n.nd .ma tCml ..
Behind 1 play of my mind 1S pure <$Ouqd. Hc:arjng- tht iOIInd 11od
not knowing: "what" i1 .ate b..,rh knowmg. ln thi; noment. (:n 1 !implv
te>t: ln rhllt knowitlg:, the knl)wing t:h:\1 due:..n'c kn<M and need to
know, .. md is OOntc:nr bt:.;:cw;c soundi .tJ already m mo-
men-:? 1u-e alrt:1ldy jusr lik.e- this rigln Can fhoy be aa
because Mything_ el,c i:s gomg- tp lead f() ro irt1.nrcnon,
tQ d*ur.Mnce. tO greater
The mi nd :irctts -a . . . 1 could llCL'IC"pt lt-bc:ner It' I
kr.c-w- II wa&;, wbo."'.Y'!ls making it.. how long i1 m goJ dn
Aw:trcacw :l!s.o t h;t (hought 1Uc- rfu,,,g-hN-s ir ill erllal:iing. lr
7'"..c$'t-M thmki110 mi11d gtOJling, graaping. nil\o,.' fet lcirul6f
Otpl;Jnation, fc-,r fo1 a rootdinatc.liysrcm within whith lc.::tp-
ltight rtsidc, h:-1\'lng l'l'lltpagcd 1n tum wh.u W(lrc iust>wmu'ts in.>
a m.- : ....... r
' gu.::;u l unn,:c:e.s.--;::l.ry akhcn'lj'. thes-e cltiJilt:".h1,
the il'UIO).ante, tb:: an(f grn1pi ng n f'(la:l!r unn"
They i.tnptdimpnt':"l to tfilnquill t;r. mp<i111cua. tr(>nilMly
.. t h:tn tbt &OIIIld it!dl: 'Theft ill lr .. nHJUili t)' in 1 ht hr;arln,g l..lldm the.
Wltl)l, lillof(tnr oth fl1 I II! IIH I l ff'f :\ Uoln II 'f'fu 1(\)fll Ul>llhj
Lith I!IIH. N11 ,, IIHfl
\II ,,j' MJ 1,1, 11. llu. II !ttl lf!'ll jllll<"lh til nl olnlr<lnt111l, It
Ill htllfut)ot nul 1'-IIHll"h .. n. II\ IJ CW .IIH ltfj\l'f f11Ufh i'('\'"f!Qflll\' 'llu
1'1 Ill 1f j II lilt, l.o ido llllh llu lllllo I j',' I d!t hoJo.l)' I!J '" llUf l l t f
1\ ono! ..,.,
\ 1'1' lfll'l 1 jlW'I\11.1; h\, h ll llll r.l111lllif }II' httlnt Wlt!i1l.w f.l'l
1111 ur Ulll1 ''"Ill''"' 101" Ntlth ...
I olllt!t' f!Uif!i, 1n.l orc:fl'r 111 f! lu'lllllll.i , l"h1 llfl\\" Ill hrhi
rn ,, rh J.., 1 thC' ... , 11 I, lltllnar lttliH, , 41KI
out 111 \!hi J 'ltlult,I'M '"'''' II lUI' 1h :tnrl
i\llltrl c l"lunl.t!t (111nr Pl''''llll l\'1"11 ll11\\ !h!ll t hll'lK4
l't' "''lt'C{IJIC"I 11M! I !ofnL .\ lutlr I 'Ill "'u .. l.t t;r
1 o.IY\IIU. 111 1<\llollflll Sit! hl't(, o11111 ht: l( tltiUI!) .1 :tl'M
1 , l
o.,::n runccJ It, thm!-'ht ul "'""' "' )I tltul ,\WIIH Tbru
11'1" nu run tlllrnttplmt". 'l'ht: uurid "" uuc:rn1ph lhel[ J<'ur
1hn"(' r "''" , .. 1 '''' -'"" H11
II ''''''Ill Ill lu1tk. l"lrr- rmtlr:- l,.,,lrn , hnt,l't'l,
.\ 11hc \1' 1
lm:gine }'11\l tlldl' ut'ldel' w.-rl't'r, .able tor brc:1th<:
No.,v tl)'
MOYC ,iltM nne 111m J.ttd hand, -.ic'lwlr :u fi ut. C:tn you h(lw tht:
\nurr" :1round the bt; fiog..a11, t he of
rhc h,1ncf :111d 11. U A.; I rio 1t u6w, I fed ,, 81tidiy in moYC"m<:m
itstU, "<\$a mrar''' illld b:ind JiUddcnly hilVC J life llJ rhdir TI!t:)' lll!(;lfl
rfrwm lo thdr own whc:rt'vlel." bn, 10 flow an1l 11ndul.tto .tnr
:u1tl cvt'rywhel'<;:, to cxpl.l'rimcot :Jfl<l i\U.n('(IUd} \'lith b,7CO.ttt
.:.1 '!ll)tltln These !tlow; rnh<:rentlr to
Buill nu:rcly by
md tbucbj' char .m: cn 11
h dt:ung ;, nqw, red l1ow grateful )"Oilr mcwmg h:lJri lil -
And hnw Lingttr in rlua J"t:ding _.5 long .Jirt .' .. ' "
wldlc Ctl1Uinuing;1o lii(\'IC. Anti If li.k<, .tv;ldu,ll)' let the f"Clj( tl
j<>in in, l.<:.t .. tmn1 ('I w--tvilg
l'Jllo,. in a (If wowi ng kdp In the otc:u tw!:u when! eo. mcch '''"'l, ,:,.,,
:nJdtt t.lp il utc-
irting. .'\1ul I<! wbolo:! b.H(_\, mm,
11''' u,d mnvl' it like ... lcdiny; he duwm)! ,uno::nn
fIll! 111-lR'f'IIV W(l'tiD
'"-'11111 tjlr htld\ I( I oJri\t'n lllfn ((" jl\tlllfihjt ill wh,lh'\'CI '""YO
. , '!w..,,
110 rhr IIIII I 1\'1\ !;n'l \\'tl!r'h II I 1111111rl11t'J.
we J., In, t thr n'o 111 Jn o;)(leJn .. n IICI!.1tl llJr, l.el
.-.1 1 ltor. _,,.,.., mnlt ploly w11 h cci1(Jt il )'Ou
{u/ th!t tJ\C'.Ut ul .tiJ Willi li\111 . lYlll fll<'(' 't'fiUf Ufl1111
f<)Wh II j,ef;)f"(:, fl(' llC,I llllllJ; uJ I he Jir fhiough llll{jllfl)IJ(t(l
4Jul hun1l, 111 th.r '''ll.111lint1 l"\1 .uc I.'XJlL11l'l1(1flg, (,!r.l.t+
t\'Ct '''('\ h crtlt' Ill 'l't' :mtl lmtH.: ifll )'11111 hl}rly .lad
,. ltlinf'f IW,Itnut 11u Tlu: lll>tlr t. . tlfuwil1p, h 11.,1 lllfl\'c on
n .r 1,1" n Ufll ll'h ol dw b4tl.o,. tnn.,..i nt;
wrr. .trluttngh; 1111o I lu >{ r.n \ mu\'t;IhL'fll
uhlu . Wthin .10 nuom nr .m 1+\:C'.&II t,f ul1.
N,M '' rnmc to nl the Air with yotn
whulc hh. R11 he1 1l1.m tor ;1 pou lipefur 1 If dll
lh <WI ''. 11 wch: h tcnu.t; wrtl11'ur 11Un Jru tit'" tpeJI.. Vbu Jo
1101 fl) 1.: .. , h 1ur 01 ({1 du Ul lt:t'l.llll} I ;1ll. the .ur lll
aU .ato'I\Uiti \llC1 .11111 nuh.l.c ..,,.11
C }'till
hm.v voJ o:rnhl;'fldtJ '' thJ' fluid,
hmv flit: no..c.m ,,f .,, 1 ")11)1.11 ctJWJur" ,'rv!l, t'nlltroll,:t.'l you,l;'o'C:Il
1hrn 11 ll lt .. dl) 1001 roum, whru it l Uth'lh Peel hmv
f''U Art' 11>\"' rr.rl("tl, Jy drJ\\'11 In drnW il inh .V\lUt b(ldl! U\'l,'f nd 1>\'C'.r axuul
}'Olll IIU!If or lt'l(llldo, lww t'hi11 hi!ppcm \vitlu'.IUtWUr 1rvi11g. witlt-
1111 ,ill)" i<m ng, \V!IIulm volton f"Vt'l'l. Feel how ;c i .. received h)' lt:n
kr1 )'HilT md rcA<!t.l lm ' momc:nr 1111 the .OX)-gcn
IJIH]t{'lltli, lltly, IIIUito:J t)ll;l Ql I hi; tUI' fhllf bllSc
t!itfu cd it1111 li 111 It '"H" rnro> Thl h) the- !<1H'"
"r-:tnJ!rlu,l. crtornt."'. hu1 1111 tiny
rilcl!.l ,f I IIlli -IJ t1. . btfHhllj; WUII liX)%1."11-hrig_ht t"t:oi hiiJUd that
ti( the .inh of !r.uuporl cltotr .&n c. with {'\'t'ry o,.trmUacriorr of
tlu ltll vr:mndt: of '11111t hurr td uJI rllt' irlllic.m uf ..:dJ11 ul:tkt "P dK
mtinnd)' 1;111\'ttnt' )'IJJU hndv. ,rU oof wluch WQ\IItl liOO)n die
,) - t 1CI:lU1)TII(I Wlf II.IUI rhl'l .. J lll.t(lU.dHU:. h II It'" i{h"
_, . u I bl"l'!"atJI ;llld
rrunnc.11t, ..tJiowmg )r;u ''I l' ' "" 1 )'l'ltlr
II! I !Ill lJ ltu.Jtl.' 10 the
(I I" 1.' \I' I
(\.trw II , I otn h._.vinl( II 4ln lll;ih ll
r1H" IIY,lllll lnv,:: 1f oit w'
tht dit Whc:t1 I rtmemhi:l', l hc tilf:li r 'lu Vv'ho:n 1 h>Tjol<lt
, )I)"
q,ill until rlie 1111 ir,clf ..:nund, mo, md u -hhtlu' u1
:'lfJt cluu 11 h h11rfl rr1 -411'. l n tll utuncr. I'H"hL mnrnml'i
/)Ito'' uVCJ b!lft' ;111 I ftit in Kt lfl nr.:w, witl1 door t,
otpl'flr III:VIthe .air Mll\lllll t ltl:' h<d}' with km Jnd )t>,lht 1;
fl\'t:lll:d, r 1ft the rJIIH:IjUUI. I(Ubl!! OltuJ "'b1lcr 111 t h(' l)fml,
111 IJIC humidi ty 1l1id the ftt':ihhhll, IIli i J ilm qj :1 1f
ri WJike. The tljll)ltncu of u IIOnlt l'imc vpcakA IR lh f i'\VO
tt> , k:n o.,-very h11 u u\\u:h "" tlo lhc: ex,dl;ttinr .,, lc:&
tqotar<t m rny f..l.c:(.', rhe balcn l>f ;; 111id\\imu Jtul rht bih: u( ;1;lry wind th;t 11 ' r.;Ypos<td.
h Fm lrlfl' 1 of n1y lift, th,;- a it WJ.I; JUkl th .ur. no I rc
J!J}' \II \IJJ, and 'I'Pn.'(iarc:d 1. o.vcn lt.<ill, Slqwly tbc h11.
r rqtt up tm me that it I. iudcc:d ju .. .,, 11ir; llur whar n \Nh.1c il ienmttu
xill,tJti!C" invit<n"ion tO fld wha.t i-.:ll(rt:;ILf)' (lfl"cn:d In ur., to rhtlf
W\: bejng pett)c:t\lrdJy crnbraccd .rud .11 "" hnth
IO!k!ht:d I)" .nd ebe (II Ariel, t he: Vt:r)' .rir lr...cli. Wt: .tre
bn:adting.rmd brurhetl. We are Jivi ng i11 :1i r, J.!kc Ch .. ,,n1l
I1VilliS tn .t toq-, ;md ot't If,
Wh1'11 I "l,nc m rhe with a: dcgtrU n(
nd con
1JBq<, th:u ;,, With i11cre:1\ n1g m1ndtidness, ir m t\ot f nmN:c that rhe
hhtnpe cx:mnn,liiJ)' i11 tl!Q', 0 11\' ntomc:nt 1 1 111 ll)rl\ing, 1 he 1 mnmo:nl
"'Hill. h hrdWoJ; nu , me, mt qn m}' tQtll wlw11 I h.:d 11 m
Th11 w:ay Now WArm I ln(>k atul (ca:lll,l)!lln, uod 11 11 OO<I lt1 \"llriCf!l
flt:ft!JO.It .If' lllec 111 Jillh<'m hmu:-., 111 tu. .:li(fcuhl !fallfm1, Thl W\"r.t
OO(J}ne&f!', fufi JI tlu hr.11jng dull nl wlmn.
lrlllk rnr ;llld rho .tl wUJm d.w with .1 ,,JJ It uwn br
bcinp, 11n u 1V ,mrJ e.:r te J.l.l .UI.IlHrd, mrh
on,g;. J.U(! l)i!Jing.the 111:r flwn Ulli<ltiC of feel, olnll lmWII
n.C! .ali, lht Jir, rhl' Jir. (>m::c \'01) IU\'1111( uwutirm "' '' lo\IIIPi
lise mr Y' l 1 1
VJI <"I.IJJ <':1,, )' lndc:1nand wlo)' 11 ''', dtVrl k! rUI<I h'\'CI'n .1 J. pn
"'"'IMI 1:!.,, b . ' 1'1 ' I I I '
ncur y .lilt'lttu nnlin1nru. I hr oltrl \r u. '"'" '''" Jl
llnhlu I. , ,w,1,\-Jog, rJII.\' 111,11, rhnt t.u du I {K:d
q I r
otrnt nir thlt j< mmin}!:' thtlh moving now b.u:k :111.d
uncl11cd ... In thi,, II'<C .t(c: united, b) V<:r,v
ntm'td 110d in (I'Jr. own Wil.}'lh and <lli:W.;(ingl7, joi.JlOO l it"' \ eJoi
1 hn l,uger t.bnn nk boch, in whiCh 11!1 J,fe, pl.l\l and: anitn
prh:t.IJ!!i.lil" in C""Rry mt.tmew amund the emil'$ lll!ii.viog .1nd ft.
._ci\-mg ht(\I'C"!n lrse h1ing- bng.doun. em. a <'ilm!C tble, "
.rnJ toe1itllli:rm;>: o( the .ir-rh.u .1l1H1
-\u.t (his Jvnami.: CX!o)b,logt. ;1f wondeu., rn:i ntuilt this
md \1dna.-hl bl!u\ke( of tlur
nnm-d betmc wit hiP the of the v..euum
all p..lU(, '-1 41 J!n'lo'it 'Cm ptiutft, Jt("8
.-\ud th;t, fmm 011.1 pmm of viow u; livmg C\lt-rytt!il'lg ..
l'C(::lU<':r' Wilh!lUt dtc lnri lhlco W<: .tH: UOfl ll<nhu'lg a.g<liU
Hmt Jinu. 'JJ.o/Ji,/; .an-khl ,m, t,_l,<rfing
Ol tlxir '!/)lrJ.: U.rnf
\V SH-u lt:t. Thr>tll
h s nor ju;r rhc :.ur. chnttouc.hell u$, -$lrhough ifll mach iJ a,n:_w.un. Our
chuir it sirsotl, pie<'t! of t1r orpobttd lt !ltln.d1
em, mry;rotfuc.e on. p1ec.c- of clodllng u\ .;omact with 1he skin.
twry-tool QUI rhlng we ;mcmpt c(' grasp,liJt, p-ropel. tc-
or dcl.i\'t:T. And p.crtmps mo,t imponanrly._ we tot!.ch ct.1rh or.htt in
m)riad '\'-l)'lt, ;mmrll l\lit, pc:rfwlctwy. someume.1
!()lll('-timee; rom2tui<:. romctime:. lqvlng,
ll nfceling, with ;mger; Depending huw we -lrc
!Wtlt!. \ve <ll feel loved, aoccpwd, !lJld ignored.
;JitlnJ.Itcd. We couch :hrough handshaki!-ll, u rt.hld 'Qn u.noche.t's- ihtlul.k-r, ;111
uti" at-wtl.-.1 au. other, thm1-1gh pan, lift-s, ki;;:(')_
uud, 1n g'J.rnet. where MJC'h rauc.h b'
difkrent htt. uf th11n our nQrrrutf $0.:-i.d code., rhn)l.lgb
gc:,, e\c.n pu1c.hing. And 1P: t1mc1
whefl', not 1ft g:uiu:s, \\'e might be cirltr;;r C(Y.c\:!wd vr other 1n
th- ,_ 1 (Jf 1 I
' :c.n: 1.111"'-'1\l, ev.lln fir '''flr<tt lncrt'.ill ng
li(C I!J.W!i tlntt kitltl <f' (\l\lffi in \.0.-it{)' 111 the riVICI:ti\1U d-
f.liYLn\,f righh of !lnd budiJy 110\'i'\'t:JJ:, 'ftl'\ intll\'lt!U.1J,
we tomdt ,m,l whatcvct \'f'C coo;;h, ln!UlimJtt \)f tUli/UJit',
l'!.tlll 1wirnitl m huuun II dicnl, f, 1Cnd, 'hi1LI. r,_r-
rot w. Ot! t 1111:h rHf\ct" IUIIldhtUy Ill l'tHndk .. . . AutJ l11 lli'IJI
r'i'l'l\" rnr>mcN h m <t "h.lnc-o:-- to I ton"' d11cclly, thfOUglt ;lw;tte'tlt"U,
''' flfl"thl: brm,c ru1Jtlu ,1, .1nd hrrw we aJr ft<chnK ;md what wco
nur.v, .i11 1111 nnomrl l munrrnt ;n ' Q[ bt,th we ;jfC
lu.dltlllt an.llmw .ltl" lt{iJ._.. roudtcJ. Thi-. i dtc Ql
1 h1 r )UCIF 'pt' t H n nn tic l.j of t:\ot.'t'-lr<'il'm(\t.l dlrt:tl
i 11:1\h'CJlllnho5 mol 'f'lt w.:..rld. whit It \V"e <UI fc-tl. wltcl htJ upetlit
1 ,
ltrp .scr.o: '< 1111y .tnd 1:\'rq i11.:h oi (Uf lmd{c
11 btf,. lf'l thJII, mnmcr.t _,t tn)' I hr.- Aonr.lnm
1t rfr ;thf!llJ f{)ffilllf, lrnm htllf '" <OntJ+l \\ith m,v medit'l
hort IJflhi-oO (ufut, IITUJ ITIIITI lhl" i)U["ldC lengdt mr {(lz.,i-f,
Ul'h lunc; frr.m f .Jnklr,:n .tnd 1runcJ kor, Otlt tn frolfl of
the olln:r, .-:11 hhrk-"nd""ed Cltl\"'1'1 b;ullllj:i lnbutlll} tb3,1
rhcP't frnfT\ tiK" flttlf I J.Jn .al , aW11rt ,.,j th< rr.-ucl
'"llllng fmm the- liflpl"t ttltcr:;t ,,f nw IC"c:f,l\hu:h :J!r in lXlOUct witb
are rlw ,;nh JUih nf m,vlouh rrelic.nt 111 ,
wult Y.'hill t lcnC".uh me, h1hling rtlC' ur, c\11:&1 il!: ir. tutinwdl)'
l"'ll"'h (\'rr-r plrt of the b..-"1' t W:ud the IJlH-tr, Lumplt.t"t"h h.alamcd
I"Cpc'i-1! ,,f rho pot m: it .-If
J llWtlinant J! thr lltilt11l'll1 one nl lw:tlint:\ l11 rht
lower p.tll hf thc- luuud6 t-''lcndtn.g ,, hi1 1he upper thi:$ in
h.rl. the)' .11c abr.t1thmj;!" tlw pre-. of thc upper pu hing
dttWn lilt) ht ;'(..1fu. Th.: pc.:h 1 i fnrw.trd anrl t he lnm
h.u ptnt: 11 v::.n +C4JInh'r curvt!l in lnrdo.'>i!l rovnrrd 1bt .chclomcn
rhc h"ttJ.II >I piC'} urt: 111 un 1 he hctteil l)'ing htlu:o-,tfh :be ghJ!vu<+ m:vdmi
1 hrY'J" a tofr\IT!VtJIIn 111 thr tt'ft kooc: mon: rhl.i r1p,hr1
h 'he
h h
1 J...-whi-dt
Jdr !q;,lo:-'t. lld hccl.nt dMc:r ,,, pc-nnc.unl r an r c;: rth!lf c:ll''
hC"5 htnond th1 lcll nu 'llw h:clmg: \)I ooratrtu;ttnn gl'tCfi '' of d...:
_j . af ,: , ... linrr .ltod
Lnc bctg coou.c:Hc:u.. , nc:tc .t:te .1 t;-" o
. b I 1 k 1 orhtrO(I(.
l'J.Ittng. muc tr.ll h t nee I llltl Ill
I due ul tbc
11wn. h ,1l 11 1hn II1Jttl"5 nl u;: t 111f(:t .
. I , I I f tllc ,n
t.wu k-;,"' "'"'the nl l1e 1eo:r. 1 1.11 umv J
. 1 . 1 ho(L\'!! "
thr It-t .wJ bull ,, Ju .ore! tr-1111 tll-t' L!l\ ....,,l I wh;r oWt.:l '
rircg: ln thi. p01rture,l.lut otbu!<, like the cn the lrn. Clttc-nd
b()'Cind duKphy!iic:\1 llnd inelw:loe thilt :
re-s.m;ply,_,. Qtt
jltrJ \\'ith [hi: body;,. of itM:I( and where 111! the- Vlltum, rcg_
of' tbc body :u.:. in reUuomhip to e<:h <het &nd in to the
ll Thu ,., p;trt ol tbe cxpcri.:tu:c of JrrotNOUf
liDn, frQm the: "pn,prUq; QWn.,"
'Thl: r<-lil'll my ltqcly i" qnJy Hntchu,g tbe arrllrflund tht bt-JJ\, c.w:p
(Qr the tomacr u( dce bcda of til}' hith1.h wi1h lap<JJ$lu.rld ft';t. und
tbc plllrnRiliit ends of my rhc kc)'H:5-l t)'pe:u hj
Jny.-.cut uhle that :l de;){. in the ot I he h.and!l IQ-
dudt warmth (dk- laptop giving hea(), tht. and the
hmlt1Ci6 of the plulic Yutf;lcc they ure lying tln, .md own irrtnru
The of t be band<>. ' upporting tl11i wc:i.ghtuf urru.,
anchored uod The fleXed in the CWoh'lmary I" m:ion o-n rbe
ke}boord, fed light, cnqrgenc, :tild
Q( W\lf!)l,; rooch I& 1'101 \i.CgYCg1td ftotn I he GtMI' 1e'dlti. JU J am ,ili6
lW.lTe, ifl of here, che si)UndsC<lpe mc by
\'i't' o[ tbc :til' t-h.<t b:uhc:s my :ill .md c:.mer'J, mr lungfl with e:nnm,.
<tf ti'l)' and :1bdomen. t\nd 1 am tnu<:bed by u, 3. dlf-
!ete-m Wit)' lh.-.n rht direct $;QI'y <"Ont-acr Q( the It
fec:h ioJnewbar Jess p-.dr'lf;, more uno!. J [b.u: ow
whole 1100) ilf abscctiing $OUnd!i "ud not rhu tWt, !hat. ..!il T p;.LJ
iUitlnticm, ( .1Ql .lCtually f<:t.Jjng the. ph)"l'lli vibrnnOth Ql
:<ulld;. in !lome rigtu dqwrr tea rny bcnes.
1111'11 3l$Q,Iy aware of what i-.
'* b,e eytt, whnr we could c:all the whidr rhesc:
appe:tring--th.itty }leu.rFagu, j rl dll! tn <of de\:ult cypcwtircN.
liJch lln would ttuh h1avc considered dcicn.:e
tltc d\c and the .. , .. ,Jight
\\'II do
v' to my nght iUurninJ:tit* _itut a few 'Vtrtical the bk uJ
dit ..:hai.1, a t>it ,_;f the a
c;.l lt) bo,.,k .t.uOC.rl '.-'l::fric:illt
tu Ult: 1 L .J
Plmtcr, ' ij;: .:un"s 0\\'1'1 .:alligraplw ;.n.cuu\"' ot 11 it'W
... tl! liu h
ru ' c: mAple ' ''ltsitk-mal('.ttl!v appcm.nng Qn the \c-nic.t! bWtJ
tJP$1hllitt(( lh.e hdving OlbD\'1!" .the f)l I agton llflU :1
fuw rr i oUi dUfenmr. I hi" lt,qhlon tht de,kgone, he:shntt(w
oilltgr.aphy ,.:&; r tmm dighth dificl"'!nt ;1ngle. the ka\t:-" .ind Hcorn ""'"
ck'iocJ..-und d;l>
en 1,., fxo.L nn t;>uc.hjng, obsti'Vtd lh,n the \\oord
It rhc "If hn mg the WC!gt:t-1 cmry in O.rforJ E
K. It IJi f 11-1;n 11 i.s lnol?n even thJ.n tbc CQtry (dr tht.
"mJ "MJw_-AnJ, 1f "t tup Jn lrhw.l..LbnH H. t n1ay not UhscW
urpn where ""-'ut.t lm>e Ex- 1\ ithuut ruudir Touch j_,_,\} b3.iic
hfr ln h.i1 bwlogJ' d.J . .S.t, Kt1c-n ;et poked, ;uld p;tobtd
.r.t; .. od nim11J-' uur!c:r llUO'OSUlpt, rhtt f'l"\lf'Cth V.-ai coldlv-aq.d
n-fcmd ro J. i-rrimbilin_"i \Vr: tn: embedded in rhc. vmrld !Uld
LntM n rhnmgh ,dJrhc but the man b.uhmc, the:
rhe m 1 ,tifofnl. h..!s 10 bt t:>IJ,Ch.. 11ih.ic h tnmptres ii.U<'" rbe rnt-mhsanc
.r kiQ rh;u -cr f1f,Hn IJ!; )lllf bt:dy; iltld !1', intcrkra m
ln-u trum thl;. j)j,l.fU.lhc ...,.V'rld bcyDnd i11. hwmh. we Mt' bam, \\'e
!.fm'o' w:) l"lf l"<.d\ :md I)Ul h._,iug wltbm tbe li\inJ! cnvimnmcnl of l.n
tl1u bnd) Within }'rl orLcr whc:rc: we :ln: hdd }'l't
r.:u:rgr l a wdl, not qulU: rwr, not t:vtll'
\Vc mmum.l through toud1, rou.:h, k,.,,.,g 1uu.:h,
l"CJ.i;m. we l'<lrn .md 11ficr \Vh,te b-.abic11 uvuaJJr f(';l
uoun,J ltt ;ther ntjtplc <lJlrl hnl(l on to a, .wd 111 rouc.h wlrh
1 he cnr tlw= litnj with rbc. n 1 !lr:r rhrutlgh f't'ltt"'' tingeN. com-
pkl rrrorl d nurturing, nwti IU.n{{ -'onnc:rti(ln. a
IUJ lt'fli.IIIL.C Wt'll bC"tqruJ rhr ,.\nd wlwn otrrietl, artr being
. hdd i;ld ttJU-< hc-d, Jn ronua >\ lrh rht lllct
nf 1hr1r pararo; llJld urclulv:.t :\ud habie olr.cp wi-th rhtir
1n rheir trd. d1r\ nre uhen ill tit f'h}ti.ul w,th e:rrh orhn whtk:,.:. y,npp.:.! 111 the: t.1<1m wnnn .111J lu'\.'\n!' C(1t<1bn.
Wr :.m 1.-t ool of toodt, lose trJucll, be tOUched (.,, ita tb<:: :md
]) 1.11 not Pill
ftl"l b m when u1u lu:.ut .uc 11'1l1Vh . vve uu
(c., od, rut the-- tou;:b on JUillOJ(..C :t '(jUth of or ...-Jru: '
I - il I I II !."'he
add a rJI.u.J. (jl hJtJ[ ' Jl TK" crt lt , .lftf o
I b
.th .,tJ 1111 P'"ur,
J' 1 1 be ragh1 flucb, IX! f(tlrl not 10 h!tiC' .lll,VI wg. wu
. I 1 _ it tw 1111 our
twtn upon &Omt:thng tn tr 1 Uf! r lC ' "-
Jtld finl-iliing> Iouthtll 10 1 he flow.or 1.1Jr.tngcmtru11 , anu tOU-ch h'"c.
The $06 .;>( wuch Ui trqm +' ncurl'IIOgi:taJ p<
in to[' vkw,
1)11-lnbcr of di(fC!rcnt >eruc.1 .t!l "Jl<lktu nf a'l one- 1
lflt;lct one. Sensing the Q( <:tmLltt u. "llolber, t\nd nmfing
u1ol.>tt lhllt So 1ntonae i1 caullc" US-!1'.1.In ;_. And. $:tmwg
lo\ing ;-r g_-i\
1S u-; is 31JI),
Yet anoth<lr dirn'"n$iM <>f tht- lU."n&O of tout'h our ilhility w
"i(O!e the. bqdy inw .. to know, t()r tnstAnct-, whek your With.
cmt meovmg them or thc(ll, <>1 what the eurri.<t_ge tJf the but!y In
any mome,(. As. we h:wc nQ;d, th if !.eo'o'l' c-ap ..u:iey-we h;lve 1\
,cnUtd proprloe<:ption1 the 4)( know,ng where- th(" bod}' i1 tpatUII.\,
wirhlD r.hc 6dd Hf the body it" .lnd i-n-
Pn)prit)t:Ition is' so w.,._ Wmmt tlcver$C(,;ord Jt rJ-
In -;J.\filrencss. It is fQ.r gr:uncd. &1 ns we -.haJJ 101: U'l
P.ut 5. lois of PfOI)tinc:cptiOn rh1t1\1(th seMbry ncnc: l'ilY,Itt'rlrc-u-
aitl\'lphi(:. One no Jongc.r knom or f$.:h dtar.llfl.l: $;0 ro "1'\!Ak, lll;Csii.lcm
bodY, twillii)ftunhctse o( pottnua11ntentional\'U)'
wiehin the Jiu-gcr vrotld One's and. arc no longer one'., QVffl,
lbcy ::ur [Oreigu obj.e<!tro, with no vnJuc (If '-til.ity. The_x Cll;nr11n be mO\ed ih
ll:l'\}' like- fhe \ltlual W3.}'. conntetUln with rhem ;U1d wlrb the
wt..,lc of body is !ie"'t-ered. Th:u ultimau: being_ ol tcJ.t1m
chi!! crsnditio,n J.S. (IJ<t-mclv r.ue.
Bur bt:-ing of propti6ttpliun
;md being instnmw:nulh 1n1t of
t'"'u:h. iiR::, $:c.dly, c;xtrcmcly comma:n. T .utJ:I lr, in 1hi, c;a.{f!, tht:o: is :an <'nr.:>r-
1'1Ulu .amo11nr. we can do to teem'<:c this mirflculous dimenSJoo of L.vcd t'X'
rerit'llte, intl;mdy, !Or ir oeve.r r . , : IW+l)' d<>s"Cl thlll do><!. \Vc: <IU
ttnh outuf t'.)luh t>t.:au\ol igno::ore wh:tt U. n1n:ady bt.:"- 1r '1\t'
wt' (.'Qltl(' 11111.mdr '" the have
,.,.,'1(" 1., 11 Tlw u: their \11/1' ''t1ly need m ro tht!tll
I'' ,r;..f.J,tv/i" .r .. r./ da:mi'J, un.!rrilx Jri<'l
;J1J Jtor .f.l.'Olf'llt!! /&It l.'!.ll t j,-J 1/VW (()
.Mlh brtl:oll.: lr.m:b, ft,f,l /o fr,y , J"()wrJ JIJ fiN'
it U /1 olhopfNrt"-/_ut Jt?f 'I CNJJ'fi" U) T/(Jtllib
C(ll' 0:1'!!'11 not Nlrr/1 t;f tf:.t Go'i.tJ <:J:JJI/.'I.b ,. t/mr tiNuY,
,m;l 14' tMr,,IJ'r (If t!x IlK f'tl(/;irm OJ mn';
.h'1'' 1'ri'-'?ti tlJ plJr/f, tiY'
.m.l H' '11.J't'/ uiCl/1 fortboU.tilltJ\ fJj' '(f .. U\
"U;il/ l."it:$/I):H/xol
M11nv Ot I VUe.. "Lwgt:titlg i ll
TO l < I I \\ I I H \ Cl l M \I
The skin is. Ol1t -senliO(\' Somt:QIU' cJltulu.l;ed 1h:1r in lln
idult1t OlboUUWI.'UI)' f<:t:t Vf $Urt1t.( if J.aiJ 001 fut,
3ml nine p'Ounds. VVc tend ro ltibd the skin t' tlu t)l),.'fln of Much
even though, noted. it be -1aid tllJ( w.: .1rc the w(ll'ld
thn:mgh 6\u <ttbtr.1() uunc w:w-.; nh'ltel :lcnJ>C br,r;m.s n'i wrll
Bur what Wlltti "10uch" mon <'Vpkti t(,r il intlnl:ltdy ti-.:t.l Moor
skilt. Thi.$ is true we U!<t-flw wbal 1n ,c,,,.;,, l:'ol' it b
by W:l)' '\>[ the Skill th:lt we r.hJnk. of lU. "ph)'Hctl" m.1dc .tuJ
(i,Jrt ;111d it i.s- here wheN: the bjdin;ctional ul ccut
with the world i!l nl{.l$t upparcm. H'!-1 we t.'tiiiWif hmd,
'''ithuut bei,lg lluched by :c iu the imsbnt. We .. mnOf bt'
:XJchc\1 Witho\t ffillt'hmg. b:tmfoQIL, our fcot tht wirl1
tl't'r)' Htp..alttl rh<: entth kisses light h\l ck teo;l.r. ('II il we
..,oc llf lnucl.,'" we won'r h .... d it <:'tell dmnnh 1!w 1:,
' ,
iiqd wr knqw, du h<lit WJ}' to-be t'ut \'If rc.uch IS lpr n11f 1111nd tfl bl'
!If' i11 Ill liW "tC;IIU <)f 1mi C'l ll!l
1fl \ In ou II 1 1 I .
' r t.own h " hth 11 1 w .-\\C. 1tl 1
li llfl\';tililblt f l' .
ur 0: II,.,( I t' In ..IH)' 11111111 Clll,
w .. (11"1) knc1w thJl dt l!! 11kl
11 1
. t1nl11 um I(
!:t:t!TIIr l'r.OI!I .h
1ft 1 Mm. rhit'" <::m gtlt .. uudl'.r- We bhillh with
. ll fll!>$-
mcru, 11.rr hcJ w;rh pride, tun1 wlutc W1th feal', pt,le with t)rief,
\\ '''"' l:.ln,\',
FN ull rhrr n:J.'-Illh, Jtltl '"1111)' mrrr, the sk111 s m<lgnllft.-t ,._,
< "')Clil
( 1 Utitw;ing .&'t.lmlil lr1 o,>nr we c..:ttdlly !t(u;e. air
v.wd rhc bvd\. pt'fh:lpi' Jdr tho timt" Ar tirs; It mtcr he
c;tt;Cl Ttl tcl tht' tur rou.;:hint th(' slcin .tnd ow tOH\hiog- t he air
there i a.t>mc:.o.e hlo,ug. but WJth tult{\';Uion, Wt' ctu\ the <lJT :trQund
1hr boJ.. ;It .uw htn.:, L'\c:n wbe-u ,,i:J- lQ not mthine;, ju"\. hy
UIV.&fcnts'i '"the nf rh; body. The skiu bR.'Itht:s, :.r.d
ttnrc Jt it .. uhmx mt'lllblaoc. our tl elh lllt'd
till 1 "f 1 he hlu11rhctv: juH b}' cnto.::nbonalty rlitcmg tn1r mind em .md in
bllr PIUR. 001 ol\\'11.1-rJ>!''a ;:.,lll flu: a ei'J'Iie;lops (!l\1
bltlld.. .\h .Ut fit":'< oak ... r.i.g:h in[Co ktn lilq: tu-k r moo a pange. Wheit we
.uu mmdful of Lhc -:or.Mtiom 111 the -l.klll, 1t lffir.ltk.,. QUJ' m11td rl)h!lbil
ing b\u :ltld 'lrin ;ne nor \'\ttpt nnnd gts1o
tlr('l \'0\1 l'\'t"n '-ll', \Yith 11nme .U.:Lllfil r:)'. th:u tlw iikin !li ;to <WIJt'C! or
We mirtt.l
L'h1;; 1 Jol n i< m .. w d .. .U \'It' tht:tl! a.u: :.1
numberi)J diffeunt ()f; tlu bodv in the br.1i11, rmt 1(1( Hf \vhieh i\
lmawn h the h1.,m\.ln.culur. 377). The A the
to (h fC<.ttu tei. (JI tbe &tIn the :C:mf-
ory hm tllflrulus, 1l11 hnn.tb aod (c-!,t 11nd lip$':U.e huge coiJ\,)!I!i!d 10
l1r on 1 he dOn. Thio 1 l!t.UlUISc of the higll Q>ntC'ntr.ftifJn t>! scnrotv
t'ndinc,) m the 'Jet parbc.ular -;;:l);tng c:Jemenr,; t:mbcd-
,-Jcd the tlun n\nnhr.u'lo: that i:.-0\lr .wd 1he ris!.Ue bdow it
:'."" )'nu 1Jm yqon mwd m rour hands or fGt:t> or
hp - .m wlll ted a VIVJd p..l.ufJp\rm o;'>n cno!t.COUI'l\!ng thtgh rhe skn
I ht'1ot' IO.:IU.u>m
Thr 1okin i11 11 utw:> II It i nC\'tlr dt:\'\licl of
cuwwiHm ac.di.K.,rl' ttl he lnudlJilg.Jotnyrlu_r;g-. For 11 tourb-
mg IOm!!Lhi nj! h\ virtvco vf beim J.n mu:tf3t.c.. Jr I"' o1wu lOne
. ..
1t :an It is .alu'll;t'! in tuu.t:J1. 1 tt qutnlmu n, J1(
I.'IICh with CIIU CWil 11kmf
\i(,n rrlay .. tsq k.t:l_,goca.h:f )'OUt' .-nd feer nnt.l LJ)1 b:e
of b;g)\ cnc.rv;,ttlon of mOlQr in thtte: FtftiOnll,
. We anrl motor I I hmd i n
I . . u
hand ... SetWng yov.r !i frmn n&Juc, !nd right t>llt through tru:, you
.,,')u'rec:l (I (>r fi>rm and fanction that ilt in no WJ.Y tq nny
hands carved in lll:.:ltblc- by 1\ofichdllng<:lo. \IVc honor rhe 11l(l
cbttic1b!lt io pan beuu.u it 1111 to our
io!tlf.,Sk bC"al.l+,)'. lll,c:aut)' I hat ag.-: !Utd t\c:cytbing, that has hap--
pcoed to u$ m;y be. writ large oo and il'l th<! body m rome w.ty . . n
..,.,hes U/>. lt remindli U'i that these are-otb l:,:tttds th:u we
don'c know, thst-wc :romuch Iitke ((.If gmn:tl, so tl'le mecban
icaUy .. wi! csn be $o lnsem:uc OJ.. When we.
tl.e.ltfc io lht '''"tble, arc: brQught b3'c:k IQ life
m:ct:.a_phorkilly and
d<.l.K' f!T"'I'i.mity t(1 the- WQtltl It nu tO tcp
Q{ Qme., and tJ\Jt of my head.
P.c(lf!Je, drid, vtU,gc:r;, buUdltlgs o.nJ hoUSC"o, laotkupe:s,
till have their "Jigmtture arqm:l!. A fin;.c whit'l-" ut New
llt\'tl' forgotttrn, :tnd SO' ir fat- most .md exccp1
maP: Al1d sanitize them compuJaively !ipc-.J.k tQ nw ot many
rmfl\y fe<::lings, cmoti<.ms thar g,o wn}' bc}-vnd dr mere"
r..tmot}' Sci:lnts fugranccs 0ln plungt us into grief .or .. And
,'It!, yet . - rhey \<nkc::- u& up tbV, invite us C() m ehe
li!\.'!Cnl, b?J.kin_g in the and-Lhe 1\1\w.
t:;t'!llml/ 1)11< /),.tJJIQIII day. railed
1!1 "I)' !fm/ wiJh Gdbr qfjaJmuu.
tAr ()4/g, ?l
1:1 lrit 11/J (}(/or of row .
Tr.uulul(l( ky Rolwf 8/y
Tu j;U'r u r:nse of the I rhuught I wnulri U l ;thntlnd
1111d trr ft> ckfk::r,br th<' t"xpericnce. 1 it thr!.1 I ma.d!.' b;t
wed., tJ it w.111 b.akc:J ,tltlnj( wil11 J 1ut nl utbcr tududing t)live
ml uuplc fto\'nl )1, f>l' oJ >.:.t .. , .. ewmc ;ecxlr!. .. r.etl , Wmr;;: c.i.oo.a-
mnrl, JnrJ .a linlc .aft Ao1f1UI 1 lie J!mhtul in fll: rnbuth, Jam ftauck bf
eo It 11 tUtl'l: T tCcl th!:! 4Un up
all of.tud-
Jcn, 1 arr tw> m m}' n1tmrl\, J (:uu la1 1 ho on thr.-
(nle 1dr, J.nd rhc nvmrh 111ui'uce f rbc ,cedhng 1lwt nqo..Y pht 10 mu,
on the tht:l I IH!t mru rhcrn.-pcro:J\-'f dut rh<''' tut
11r1d urr , bcwang, l h(;' <"nmdunm 1\mfil 1t1
nh:thlllb W1th rh.- ,... n .,f cornme.1l. Jt 111 hnw l;t$tl!
lht ffiulh, F<:tk11,1111d ttll fxlitndrllh
I thunghl h .... IJUJ.I (0 in un the- I "tl: I fl\l! :mnfher lu my
m VI h .a.ltt' w,tllrwinp. wh.u'. lr:l-r lf abc firM nne.
Slcw.oh\ mindlull\' _ .1ewttg, dJtWiiiJI.. f'Jr.dnf;, IU5tlt-l* I fmmu1lnm
. . ' I I . I _1._ ' ' f the' l'tdCAf':
lw1:rvtluf\}', 111..-1 uu u1 t tiiHUI 1 1 1 1r U-Qtn.un o
hut .,,h,u ir Iii. 111 tl!i i(htlluti' J
. I I d bctl'l t-ht1 -
h tJelintl)' liWCtt. b ut u1 t ht> ( I Y(:t.y IJ. .
II k
lll)' ltll ll It:
luiJtJ lliKi _IIlio! hlld 11 piJL 111 !n)' muuth,J WIAI' nu\V IIWili!
u t It w1u au :1lnm"'tl, Bua wm11t.l l know, from taSii.f'lor thilt It w,u- iln
. .
(11h>11 h2" hccct m-annatcd 111 talite:o;l- f am no1
me. 1
:llu\Otl . .
Jtally J 11elc--tt tmn.urum, b.ut I H pu:-,etlt'tl pmh.lbly ocpli\in
1 1
n Jmt
hh ,.lmon{l ta-_te:> rt Sam-: fur the tll.lplc. '}'mp and the nU and
QthCJ Whtn h taid dt'lnc!, IK:tt> roo, rhc ;
df i:1 n<>t ::1dlly desrnbAhlc -.vlut ,Ina; cuulbmnn f'it' like w
thout lti--
tlll,t fh: word "tJonflmQJ1"h-bur tht tx'pt!rlcn{(: of t:Wrin;.c inf.niro1)
'"'''' 11, ,{r.;ll' :be koqwmA ''' Wlll'l uc tt,u
ural, l'nd cnnn.h bepmJ wnrds rhulkln, h ,. a,n ihattON that ittm
uJr ut th!ll WL. rt'Tlil tn l",lt &O J,,,J Sut h
nl atlll't'-. 1111 r.'Atirt.t;. iJH Jdih'.t<l w:tk1'ulneA:s: i.unmlh:ttd'(:
d11:re it iu 11lh m<mmr uuh I.Hiiug. 1\a:;.-yl ehl.' i11 n'u::td.' and
thrn 1"11!';--on.x Jt:nWl'J It l>:t 1 fwn1 prt"K'nl lllmrm
cn.::e. fr...\111 tt.dr, .m4 knm ... intprrti:m.Jtdv, s3.V(ru'lg,
ill thr !nn\llh.
Y..:-t had., atu: .,:un-y h,tlit<ur. tlut ttk: lh('f
nughf haw: tmd rrvt:.ahng to}' about
T11. l;ngtlu mouthful ddiouu" rnourh1uJ, i1 WA(I ;), if I were:UI
''' :t udden ar 11. Wine UMutg..:tnti h"'d r .....
o.lJ Bt">Jlic.uu: l.'t'-IUII:t nf .doUw.-.. J mJghr cnj.::l)' It, bur how 'quid
I 'l'rriltr, ntlwmmd. gil't , o..:c 10 .lll 1t1 vrrtuc, ur 1111
dtnbnd rh!!'=lll II tn "'-inlt:anc wtth('llU bdng .. ('Qnl1\1ill!leUC a r
And wll:u wvdJ d:.11 bet Jt.\1 .,omt:tln< wi th whttlu.;;, ti:-
cr.a.Jh', ''bt.o..otll. r .. through .t:mtiun to,, ,urrkulh.r field (II
to:lpcri<'r'-tl:' (tf'l:lm t.bc L:.uiu, t.1 know). So, 1n ro tht:
rmer.cape bv ,_ 111 wl1.1r wtr :nt Jd U!ill}' pultlflll: in our
J.11r.J tint-:. we .tr< bc.coming. <:onnois!;('$.11'' ll11l)' of Wh:tt m.e
tut Jf whq 1.1 d\r e:111 1.n rJ\c ph..-t' It b !l.J.1Jiilrt nt ''
pa.n.i.:UJill field 01 JWIIftllt'S-.
tcrun(C', in J>lrtk ul tu hunger and t .,, whh thr d,.
, ..... ..
. ' . l:l ....... -
11111'1 of wlucb tn 1 he w1lJ rt!d!lct!l ot J")l \<11liQg V!Jn('l\o.c)l.
,,.,,, ut' when hung!')' IJI' clulrt dl!dy
Tn ttlmmt Jll t he cn.,rFw uf CN<::I"\'
p cliUtl went IIWt pt9turing folld . l.n agri.::uhur:.ll, Kl\..:Jetie,
,h.: lhc m.-jodty of fimd ios W'O"vu !uul n..tllt:d r.1th.c.r t h J.II tlunte\1 aod
huge amount ene.''gy n the tQ,c>J pro-
}1. \:.vttthcJcr.:, :aod the ot r
me, iU
ler.1'1 in localit)lh whr r< the c:nvinmmrn1 Wi'l& <.() co:,, ptm!deri iiUr
with .1111 he \""n:"oltu:e!;i inh:tbitlo_g ltii)Cr
te.Jpc- [r; tbe end. rhete nO here t hi\t necdJ: I'C'".tching lOr: ' fheJninU-
i-. jlbt ,.
,; ... it i;. Th<J '-'h:illengl' an we 1r? CIUl Wt
nN be- by II; Wt he frte ()j it? Otu \\\'! be ! l et: j" if?
Ew:rrthing thar unfold$ Unfolrl!s "Qw, and ro mighr be" S;li(l ro
in-tht' "10\\'St'.lpc. We've :dready Ql>sefllt:d hQw n:ttur.e onfo-!tlt; only :md 1-
rhe nn" The 1rces a-;c grt>\Ying II O"'Y. thro4gh
1!w 11ir 01, tn the brancht::: only The ;:he mounr:.ins
now; 1'he ill In I'U)W. The 11la,nc:t is flimingnow.
Onr pl\ym:ist, Writing Eio$teil und tirnCJ, olnen-cd J:hat chtu1ge iO
tmntrhlng i.$ the via) we measure rime
-:nd an)rhjng ch:1t dunge.-ln a rcg--
ltllr wuy can 1heretbre be clUed ;t d(lck. l n it it more ;tc;:urace tl' be
'.tying change is che tvay we me :truc-e nmc to say ome.n che
'41V we mc;uul'l::
Si_nce- tinle is in and t>f .such ;1 mystery.
chang_es, .l:nd s:n there i:q.imc. E\'l'1}'1hing chMgt:$. and 1111 w-.:
omc, so we
(1( r1me for .a mo:toc:mt, and intimate wi1h wh:1t
tJ,bqond lft.e thnt the rl'1V$ttr)' of
1'' .
it ptt$<Sjflg,-ho! we do not luto;;')w .vh.1t time i$. Z\
\ wo.:1ak; \/h;t tithe Jt '' there. i.'!- only rml' 11nrower. an,d it
r.o (Olt th'll>llhur Bjg Bt:n (U ..-our
t;um clock 0 1 }'(JUI wa:h. oc tl'lt'
)JJnd C -
l t.lljng C tJee;s IllS now
11-,r bit u{ rcl'!&tio" will1nake it cvidt"l'll fQ Vllu tbl\T the-pi
t ' t'hlt
ntt"mtnt Is thr mlh momf'm we C\i.'t 111 -wh!c.ll 1(1 '-h\c.. P<'fha h
. - . p.u,,
n."".illunnn, 1u:t'm.inl!;l,y )()'tnt .uW to-fank it
<it"f'J' .J0 w11 imo W uuo the wcll nt our 0\\1l But ;
n ac;t:-
.illy \'l!'ty h4 r..t !1 raJ.:.e 11 tn lull); l"l:'o re.illy .fitrhom )t J'here: IS no til'nt! lltl):r
rh.m We ""' tomnn tn whur we .thin'-. It .'>'lJ
pr\'r.t 11 m-':'R" riel! Jr tJtlii!T 111omrnr th.m in Althgl
til I .;orne: lutlrt will be mot'e pka-;.tm, tb:tl\
thls on<'. we ..:11n'c- rt::tU) know. Sut wh:i.te\'t-rrho futun: l:onng1, irwjJJ nf)t
Whilt l"rttl Cl!Jir,.-J, or whar:-)'OU thmk. and whet) it ltlleJ, tr \vill k 1101\'
h too o,ril1 be" a momeln that.:an be ve1y mined.ju!lt -caAil)'llliuo.l
:.l-i tbtJ.::.nt:. And u too wm bl! ""'"bjc-.:r h) c;o1:rinu,l change: lteld rhe
AI rbc. C'..lWiC-1 ;ued tlliJr g1nc: oo rt m p1-evro<.:.:
In thM whc:rc\er\\'t go, Btt, wkuevu u
mJ m..uttr wlu1 dme .it .... ..n til'.: olt:!ld':.T - we 11lways hJ.vt
onh momc:n:-. hi 1Jo. '
And ht dawn, aamthffi.,., tn ll'' I ht- he11t Uli!! uf IYJr
m;'tiU dm"'i\'1:' while we 1!2U, rtxlllin:: ffillking.ur c:fC:u1.11)Jllll'
Jt'tcmwu tu uml r< the pTe$t!nt moment !xcau."': j1 li .o .uul
it is -su t'afYto_get LlU} up m tlr nl the J.t'l!!
tbto mmJ 11nd Qn inhJ.bimntl> .l.lld c:netgies \'ttl
gtr of t'JI!Ch w1th with othei"'J.. iU\l.i whh. th.: 'A'()cUI.
\Vr. .. pm oi:l iruo r h.: nUl the pan, rbUlk rhnt rhmg.< wlll
b.e. OK , \)fllr.daJ prvnded r.bis bapptnB and th.u d-oeonT !Ill of
whKh l-Ie Uti.(! ro one. <.>r another, but rl li:ll h:u yr..u mlui'(lg
your life, and m all bfc
y,.,,. ,,.-._,Jd dlJnk of rh:.u :.l.f \.-i!l:' alt ft\)'lll fhc
i-llll1r' Lhc_ ;wu hc;.pc, from rht, tn our
to ' ,,I,M. I 11 lltllnc\l\'er "or lu :.til tou frcquent1y; whc-tev<>
' s . OlJ:I t'lv
.!J.'e ntl 1u Hut Lbng. _ lrnnu;llll)'. wlwu
1 he.r lohabit the lm:f and outt'.r l.antlsc:r.pti of the m111d .a.nd the hod)';"
"- p .wd il;t-
tbc v.orlt!, n<.t '''tl tau pui'HJt: dtt Gn-::t'""'O:.ol c .
n 1\irh ruw
1 oor hvo; J.e a;, c:(tu! inu. II'! mlll wOuJ r I 11 v -prcgmu
l'tiiWH. r, I' I lj')
bilit)' 3"'-thl!)' .-r..c ... m 'hf most J iffi-:llt .md tryi,.g I> I . .And, th..t
d.y' .tr: M'l to be
'01e C;U\ up, t ht)' <;;Jn ;i.lso hill tl!f to 11lco, Tl -'
tu up.. t l lllo ci!n lull ur. tO 'k:p, The !iemes.unfotd Otllv in ll\t!
j'!CfCftf\ but i.n ;n'l instant C.<IR C:l t.\!Jtllt tlitl') UICMOry Of into antiu
p1t.cHl. tod thus: mt.o usu;llv uoNifWI ptX;ocx:cupmQn with the:
pJJJ. dld or dnhH :md lmw tTm .ell
. 'm.c:" now; (u l)b-
ti:.lun with tht: lutiln: ;tOri aU 1"' and pbnnlog fut
heth::r now
lw:r, when we migfu Jet dpwn an1-l be who w..._ ruUy
rt bur Jon't h:wc time.
robe n.w..
In the tlk'nt .nument. the vnly lllOtnqQt \'fe have, can
';l'tl:u:ly Itt point Of hardly e\li'r btin.g s:cWl
felt I); koow
01 t<!r fhM b.."td. l t 1s-Ottly thnc:m rcconnn:vu: It ll.lltj
;mm uJ: t<l it :tnd it to us, (or iQdtcd. (hefe i5 no rliffen:ns:c. bunn:crtrhell,
\\fc utd fJi)\\'SCJpc: JJ't: :1lways and ne'IC!r Mo. 61
t acW:AiiJYc:
Ml)'bc fdt. It c:mnot ht: fathqmt.:d by thoughr.
ettrial dimlmS:tQM"l'lf it get m the ''cty proc".:sil <lf thiuling.. J1
r:mnnt be ro oh6\11;ht u he reduced at :tJI. i!>
Tfnr :\nd so ;tit' }'(J\1,
Tbis not to we C:li\Rllt or :shot<! no t.he furutt:
liard tbr nc:ce:,>$:\1')' justtce.and .:oonomn;
for eeologic.1l balanc::e for< j more: pe;t.:d,ll wqrld t'.,)r
all Jt:llliettt be'ings. Nor.c:!()e& it that w(t 1houtd bUQt:
nur woril; 10 accompli11h Olir and Qlu vUions
mtt:e de-
. I ' Ill wmc: lulwc tunc; e' M llu6eQI). fh, 1 lt..
,,r.t nt . I
a bud tQ pt:lcucc- 'l:lnt; hete fm tt. 1'1 whnt t'orm.ll
pr.u.'tlo:e, whu.J\ we WIU now \ 'lSlt i n rhe Otlfl t,e.;-tia!rt,
Timing Mirulfulnn,
Jwd tl.Jr txhl.'in:l? (Jj'<tJ'pt'ntJII t<Jmp!;y,
ir1 Jl!iur J(J
tf hm"g in compfetd)'
tl.vt7.1.1/til( jv;ul:lttwdtld<T:,IJ.u..t J'dfl dilltt'J RmJ.W.
.'l;-Jl tJ.o/f,t htt.'/ lio.m rmd 'O.l!Mt wa.< If! com(,
lfl tl;, lhmgutre right-now
no.brtgN lxM tllgiJt,"tl hht
!r 'W7Nid "' /Nflmnu of lv-J'"u! JJTivi;r.g. k)Ynfli l!ttu
f'I'J''Jiftlt!u d::tirt m NMpt or fix ;n;ythiil.f ,,;;.,"ful.
i"' fiiVI!ItHNj'ftttrr b,mg, tu1/.()11gu it:
II IJj Jor('i-111,
'i *'IIPo'rtt in w))ic6/ifr tS,
>'lr.;/JJwt"" I l
' }{1\;(lf)I.:JU rry li/1 )YJIIr f(IJJ#,
.. f.pu
1111111 !?tv:,, <flld
IW , )Ytll })..11111',
LHNG DU\\ N ,\H I)ITAl l nN,,
n.e mon imp<lrtllnt thing ro in mind when ptctic:mg
fill(llymg dl)wn iJ t htt lt i$ about f;illi ug- nw11ke,
8\1{ lxx'llut" with lylng down i, the h.AZ
..ud'' <II il1lling we howe t!l work 2t rt.tQtmfxtlng to ;i.t/1
the. fact of ,a possibility thnt we m1ght diiil
mitt ilnd UOIOw .. With pl"'lc.rlt;:t:, it i$ actually possible>
!Ctin tnliill .iw!llk. both iu chc c<mVenrionolJ o:f nl,)t fillling 111
.md !llso in deeper kllli< of hci og utterly pJcsC:It ln
rue liJlU\)' vir t\it:(tO mcditilfU.lg lying &own. for onl!, i11 rhe-.tnr1t
pr;tcoce, ir may be mott .:.otnfollnblc if \'6\t .ar<:
&w.n nthu thun :.ln,(l you t3R- pt.oba:bty be ll>:iil lot period'!
tr, :1 "''ru..: ot the lir 111nund rhe hotl)', bmfll1lg boll).
diffi..;uh th:.r o:;lfl Ulke ..t long tilnc., -sOl]! llt-
C,I\.T &unto .md l\ 1 Rl , whi.:h t-..,)ut('(' you t<) lie- down and be 'f'n}' mll
'W rwn .1lmoot ;u'l)' sit-uatwn in whwJtwc an: l)ing rJown ulto
rppottlllliry to pr:.t..ti<:t' . md in IOiqg so, t)i!Cn\'-t'l di.t'rtch,innt flf
our )wn hfe l:trKinc:w pt.MibiJirie!i fr,r lcarmng c:ro:ml1g
.tud tOr tr .JihiQrm:i.tioU, llCHcil ins-ide the po:-;:ibifi
tll."> ll!ld 1 -nre um<:b mor(: iikdv 10 t 1herJ:,"C whc:n ...,t' 111c wiJlinft
1r1 up 11n(l be wt h whatev.e" i"'
And thc11 the: bod) <oem.
Tht' llC:w has. pttwrn tP bE: 1111 'C'Xtrtmel)' ptWt!rful md
f._"'nll 1l h fOrm. rh tQrt af lymg do\vn fhar
pt'fi.,le u .. ,,, in n I\ I BSR... I 1 "'}''itc:matic..illy
WII h. "tht l'nind, briltging 11 aH:donJic, llj)i;llht:nnc;rl, ;al-
tO II\ \'atuJt.l., rt'giOth, from rht! of the
ld.t fo-ot 11nd moving through the uf rlt.c: faot-ht lh'a
heel, I he top uf dw: ft-.ot-rbc:u up rhe lef( leg,lndullit\l{ in llltn dle uD
kit, the ,}itl and tht: c+llf. tl1c I"Mt and 1hc rhe in it" co
llr<ry, on the:. !>Urht't and dt;.<>p; t>he orml the left h.if' thtn M'C't t\.1 t,l<'
Or rM rig.ll foot, d)C other regions- the root.l hen up the ri,ght h:g _u
tot'i . _.e t i\Oitnlet che left. F'totn t h<orc-, into,
1hl'\,lu< _ w , , , , _ '
' I
,-Av the entJtCty ot tnt pclvk: tndudrng htpS: li&llin. 1he
l !l .:v
butt(!.; the gcnnal\, the dh:. abdnrnen, :lnd then ch(' upw
per corsn-dtc upp!!.r h1ltk, the. d:teb.t ll.nd rib!l, the btl!ll,rtJ, th.: ht;art
lung_s :.nd_grtM huusetl Wlth.m rib eage, rhc 11hooldc:r hl<i:
0 11 the rib e:Igc ul bndk, .cl,v up tl'> th,e "'Uihubo-nc11 ;and
i]l(tuldcn. F'rom I he. often ch.!tn fG"
(f<?rn tl1e tip$ o( the fmgers and JtHl movi1ig:
through t)\v fingtj11, tht! palu)l' aod of the hilnd;, the wci'itS;.
db'o\11:1, onns-, arml)it$, and Then wor: move
11\lo !he nd!k -:md throat:, and, fiu;Ufy, tht:. filot head.
rhr: wny. t\'1.'" migt-u rune in <om(: (,f the rum;u:k.:tbkan.amm-
ita! ;.nucture:c. biolc)g_i(:al {Unctioni:, and Hlrc: meuphq,ocal, .and
t:!'l'lotioml dimensiom of 1he various '<:J:tion.'l" nf thc:.bQdy and t:tf'h r;-
gion$ particular history :ttH.I whether it l.i tht: -d,iiity
.of rite fccr ro hold up; tht $e-cual and tncrgits uf the. 'g:ct\i-
uk m the -up:'lcityto g-i\'1.': hiHh. and rht memcnk'{ t'if pn:gn4n-
1md births (or those who had the till'
putilying- with the' bladder, :t1\\l hchvcls; the \riY'C' lin:&(){ the itbdomcn ;UJd iN r.o!t!" in bn:athi1tp; 11nd iu groundlclg
tij. in ph)'t ie':cl CC"n+c: tJf grnvity ()I' the body; d11! :tnd :ti\11l'rph5
of tftc.lnwer back itl otrr)'ill,g Qs upright m grav:tatio!\.11 Held>
di;tm pOtc:mi.aJ iuherc1\1 in the stJhtr plt!-.xu:.; rhe. l!hett .111 th.: !ouooo ll!
tlk :1.$ well physk:tl hc:art (we -$.pNk, iQr lnM:)tlt'C. Ot
bting-Jip,hrhearred. htJ,yhcat:tt-d. wann
htull.:d. .. and uf 'g-t'trlhg otY dtem'l rhe huge
m)bibry of rhe tbe gf the ft:1nd;. llllfL-.; 1 nmJuk-
fl't\IC.Iures illld of rbc JJu,:rn.,.. wtti('h llthy in
lon '- t. .
Wth1 t tt 1 he :mJ rJ1o hps, tl> e'<prcss wh.u h h HJH
ht . n, ilfld m rnind:s. -in $J)ccch 1u1d io f!Qft,g; huw lu1'tllhc t ..... c: wnrb-
10 cun,cr wb:1r we ;ue f(!djng \lr hklr whut \'tt.' 11Jt"< ft:diog. md W quiet
l!grhtruf 'he hum1n m t'(potc; anJ d1e +lSin.:itiet 61 the
!'1111n b
'J1fl .&Uti f'll'tVOut-.systt'm .-\ m (n all (I lhtsc 111lght
"lhl.l'l Q.l rf"""' utwn of hr ilWl:t.l WC' hl'fXI,.l ,, 'Wit t! lilt
n- :t1Jm
I 1"1' IJJ and nllnafnJI IIWiiPIC
n I h lll n ltc dt>l1f' '"'h ;11'011 ru-n ''m.nJ d-11Ud, ncudi,Jr
rt. .. , f'T: <niJJI"ll.ti1NJ C"l
1111/ltrl'i:;;. an I 1n;t(' wtl J, rJ..-,,, tiiiJbi,Jl' b( 111rtr Tl . u OIJght
''K he btr I II 1 m<Nirtq iu 41 wt Cttr.h rt:(t m tJ! :0"!\ltJt:
H l br IUUI! fill" bre;llh cocrgr H'Jidid '""J barhre 11_.W, .tnJ tVcn f (
,,..,, .ltl ttc "'"hi lc "' lllr hlxJ.! H ;hr oo,llK
1 "Jt 'twft. Wdh.nut lhr: guufl.u, :e 11i .a ''' <.. U .. nul yutJ h.r.'C r!Y,: hrnt
lf.l\.lJ th tn1 hn:tiU:oH, JT>" can ptoo.rcd 11t f!Wn f'll:r, t..lilill'
11 ro r:l l1 lrpu nd ru hllt,atr- .a tl'llttn;ary wnh 11 al :
rhunll'flt rhrou;.:.h mi rfH.,.;$h tM: drcq, 1Jl(ln;
n)IHllnlt dth:-N l1u;; 1 tltt nw ff'lllllltlJfl' nt:11 !II"B f1 Jtli , 1 \'\' hr-n I'Q/Jy,
"IIJ' ld it hr. Jtid It! .. _,_.,j tld \>IJ dtll"llr frlj ,,. rht: I:QI
lt':l)l fl
nw rnr Ill 11\(o Stu: HL-JKtm C(uw pratttu:o I hi: htllh sa:.
f.r .rrr 11\f nmu'" u .,, IX pn \\'\'Ck J,,, 1 hr. fnwr rwiJ lHi!!L
It :IIPt til ( J)' fur the' ti:2J fu:h.w
1:,t k.-p IL l!( rht l.t,.lv 101111 bur uuw 1n ptcilu
!)r 1 Wllh llll!llflul anri 1 hrn 1,110, Wtlh lll('ditlltlnll, l.lltl!
r .. pt of I JJ !lu1 h 11n w.c: ol the boody 'un en
n . H 'l-">11 arr br('d lu:uhh ('anJal im' ;mJl.q.r
' dill 'I olll\' .... ,,,, nw t.rnh i" nnt II f C'I'U ybn(t)i II lid u I ' WJt ul'>\ol)'J
lr ntc,fii.IIJHII HI t\ll'lt r .. , tlvtu: wh'l kwt ll . .Bur
'' lt.d .,tJ ''' "'''fW .1l1 lilt .miJu;u:Jit"l' ftv1tn tuflr lu tuw:, whatevrr
yt>\11 '11, un. ,J, 1 ,,.,ditjou II }'"'' rl
1nl. (
1 your ,, luulii,-.J in
IIIJIIIIU! tltr h.,d)' ol,ll J w.ty ttl' ttmm;; ft.lf ahink oF it:tS ufW
V\Uc. t lu: Jtl.\' .tu 11 u wv In O"Jrtl-t to l!rt<)W It - IJ }'!MI tlunk. Clf \
.tl lt)Uio'! 1 It( II ,, tt th1 lw, 'fhl n aU the 1111d (IOOff<
lflll ire tlu trcJ.h 111 .-,f It :lt:.lfl_
\'>U 1 :loll 1l :'""' ytJUI hr>dy lli'Jt(" ' ly, dprncliog ()1'1 }'OCJI
nnr> ,.lJ d1t: lltil.diQII 'f'\liJ liud yound( iu Yoll t\1'1\ do' qtlt
111 I r "''; ont 11ut I'' r .11l1 I ofJ\1 y '' r ,o tnr.
twto , I i\!l' . 1<'11 Qr 1Wtllf1'
. .... J 'I .II f t"'"c: w!J m!!lll Il l<. )I l!r .tll, I 1 I'VC rt ll f t;'CUifl!l ul;'ll(l WI r1
Qtl h<:-<.o.' iplickly ynu nlDY't tbroogJ. but etch rpocd b.
u .,,rcun. ..,d. ulflm..atth'. 1t 1t dlofJtlt bcuU!! 10 1 rmth *''h rbe wnolc r.f
:..ud vou.r body In any .:u.uJ C""Cty wno \'W an, c.m1ek d
a. tr-,gct"bcr
Yftt.l ew prunct tam, II'JDg oc thor;. lying in hd c #Jr in
di!C: motllll)g. You can abo put:tke them mtlog- <:ff evrn "tanding. There
to hrmg fbc. boxf; Kll11 tiC iQyothu-l}'lllg
mtJj1.;.wm imo }''JUl Ufe. lf you fltllkt- w..: tt( eof them. 1t li.laly
llut 'uu will 6.nrl rh.u they will bring new luC: tQ and hriog you fH a
1ppn:ciarion j'OIIt bt;Jdy and how it n n !oen'C ilt a "ftb.idc (hr
tmfiMhi ng bt:c- ILfld now whit ;s 11r.d bc:at .in 1nduJing
JOU' ditni 1)' , .ro.ur beauty; }'aunlal.i ty, and )-"'{IU r mind when n is open .and
.,_I II JNto
t il.c- h lll'c m;ny dffc'l'\'fll to C11lri
.. d.' mludreJII t'' wh-ile ,ircm,t:t, UJtin\:ttd), the}' ull hml down tl- !killful
, . ,1\'11 l(u wh111 i'f in lhr lutdscJJ'II! ul fht nm.,,1111d king w;tb
ud 1 lam _it t bey J.tllllllv .att. $,impl1:. ,\nd 1t 1\t the tmc, lhetr i r a w.l
nothmg t n uul :abuut llm i'ntnJ of ptnct il.c. We cuu .md nc:td (a bl
kind nrl J..<r:nt k wid1 (.1\UMII.l , ,end ,It the.,.lltftt tiu\C 11it ali if uur ilr
pw:lt-d Qfl ll w! rvmef righr to i.l, :he.}' du.
{J,Jt 111 \mderwr .. ud thj;:, t,o,T to-untltt.\1\nld it nlem
r..-. II lr _III S-t 111 ltc x::led. T 1 cnet111s ukiJJg l'CIUr &eat in .md m
with 1 hr pn:-:cut mometu, It -:1. )'())If lilo.
I h:n I wlw 111lrlpung .Ill I nlmnt:unillt 11 J)OtitHrt' 111\ll
wh.ct.:\'t'r 1h.1r mt::uu. IQ ro1.4-l. <:St>cnoc: nf $itnng: mMiu1ion.
'l'ltc uuhndiuu nr uf rligmtY tnw.Hlly .md 'lU""'.:llllt.V :.mncduuch rdlrtlf
owd ratlwrcv Hl\\"ll:ignty nl ynrJ r l.J'c, you att: wll() :1nd what J'Cii
uC'-bc\ul"l.d .til wm,i!i, ... m\.;<pH
:ult.l and beyond wh:1t \1-llf'"
b:,,h du: 1lai1ll .tb(,tJI
nrC:\ I" II whM JlUuk J.bWIJ )'ml II i& .1
with Ill '-<:'h ilS!iclll nn-not "") 1101 '{X)cl
w..: f,n,, iUWillin,t;- W!un.1iu:.:- ir bo:l'J 1m<tm:e
!!:"en if you <.lon'r f(!el fti hdpr.ul fO rome tQ Pt:l.'-ti1'
:t$ iJ h wete '' rn\lkal act of lo\'C j_ullt to '>it In t hl. W:\}-lnVc (o
otht"t-5-, lovl:. (Qt the: W()J)rl, loo;efor Silence f'tlr
;dmp.1sf;i(u'l, (()\<: for what J&- 1\l0\1 Impotll!nt. (ihcr t;1he, y-o'i.l Villi <:ome Ill
# i th 110 In Wii}'S that f10 far t ht.u1 rht$(:wol"dt: w anl' ..:on(Cp;:,
'(OU rtna}.' h;I\'C ai;*t pmttie.
. f'corfl tl tb;m Oy .. Qn be. iu
,Lll)' pD.\tllre, i11<:h.tdlng lyin.g st.tndi:ng. BcrnJ.'le it & the mncr ott
tbnt i.i" being of. not y<>u. nr no(.
If iJ 1.he mi,;.J rh:n is ..
H11t tbf\t bclflg on ;t furmal 11ittibg pr:u;:ti-rr hns
nu'Y thi11gs hl t<: ... 'flflllnt:tnl n, not rht: Jeast <If whitb iW rntentbd
%)blliry, *he rt'(h,lced likelihOod, ro- fyin!fdown, rhat )'i>ll wiU &JJ
;ulc", :uW dw Jikdlho(ld, CQml)iltccJ to t hlll )'Oto will b.:
by from the itself. For sUtmg, e;;-
ptciiill}' when l'OU lea.c1\ tt)($tablish i n 'l pO!Oture
x:dlr as possible ffmn the ppint of view Q.r cnm\'11Lu cft'Qtt,
t t) pt.'l(ti(e gtut and 1t;ble,
unwa,vcring (ll.tal ities of and bC<l)'.
Jn t t;Tin& -of bod}' posrute., rh c-omeli Ctnm -;('jtting on
rht ln OiC.: of a mu))l>et of suppOrted b) ..
mtdif.a.tion (.:u:;hion 1): bench ch.a.t l';tiijes youc off r.he floor roan
uppn'lpn:a!t Sin<re t>iuing on rile. Aoor W not alwap congeniJ.l foe
f:'t":lflk1 at t he; ultlm:ttdy (h(: pr3Ctice Is not
chr. ">ltuJicy ()t tile body bu:t -;ebout rh,z st.1biiity .;nd opcnne.'is rukl
11F ,md rh,t: &'lncerln <I' your mQti\tttion to pcth. ', wh:\1
S1ttins <m U c'<!,I;Jtivcly ur'Jitnpt?rtnl)i:. Eveo your ph}'M<::I J'Vlitlr;s; u
flllcnJX'IrC2tU, Sitting Qn :1 ch..eit lo. ,1n ellu:dlr valid :md pvwerfnl t r rrJ;o;:tK'c: Mlllnj;! mt'\Jjt>Jri<Jn, if rhc. <hair -'" ._
- . n..., . ,.l(ht
brl 11nd )rmr zprght p<Wltil>n th.
J1cd d!J,.'Illn. Bur lrh kccpm mmd riHt ttl !l.'! to
. - . ,.. u
n ''"lt m I Itt: .. -onpC Ill dti!;tut)> J.llsJ nt lfllnl) n ttri'JIB h j
rr.!UI) lu:
mncr lrlltudc 11 moll rmptlrn:nl here-notthl' \lllrw:vd pn$t\lh',
m I Htnng \'1'<: L-i.Vl rwc:r
procnt nmmrut. TJ,, \!/'11nnt IU!' rht nmr ce ((IJ lvmv, down
- ..1
oli o,\ith thrm, 1\'t- or"a wotk wit/J the dm.:d at open in olll\ of
thcc .. ,11 well
he-.uing ,, mo.: U>dr ir.w tltiOft mcdit;uinn., i.incr
Itt! lu:l-Ouncc tU-t! othrr th.J.n to bt :1wJJ'Il of rbe 'IJUull. nlrt"ad)llrfi.t-
ulij ,If uur Sfnu I htng 111 iilrMJ1 hBpjw:nlng, 'IU(C well' .ilrc:
rhac it 3l:tl111U}" n9thmg-1Q do btber rlun (I) know The: cn:tl.
t l/ft ".., :.Ot\M' if) Lim we .n hue !mm momc:m 1r, momc:tu UII('lv
whar i1. 1tctc n be hru.d, \\ithout he daborariQrl8 wd di\cnrio3:;,
.. f r!J., run\inJ.rive. m.tnJ>'rbe .;.11nvcr u., lm )f u,;, tr.o;t 0:.! Nmt, '''J\o. \\C: tan't." But we e.ui thio We a G:
c:lpc.nmetu wuh c.ulri,atlng h'-'W oar ut tuudt wt 011 be- widt
1w:h 10 olninus ,; pen 01 :he pte9cnt mOnll::nt, So irr thri f''ilrlkiilir foan
t11 pr.tcriu:, Wt" our t(> rhe md :u.t,tln il wirhi11
tbt<- hc.H he: can, by momcut. Jn rhc of tJu.:
in d1c Jli Pn.I,Y the Wl .,n rhc roiml
J, it JUC"vifabh \\iU, we nJ\1: wllat i,; ,n um mmd tha,t moment (wlir.ll n
AiW'ol\ 1 thi1 momcnrwlnll tr Jll\\TlSUI..un 1t tn thcmomeru
wl,en wt" uc no loagu ;1t:ndi1l_k tQ W!Jnd. \Ve r;ore what
C\'CT ' ' on mr mmd in nlomen.t, ;sorJ we dti ,.,, .beu we .... u wi1ho11'1'
JhfK"'!(:fU ur criw:im, or ,i:ichoU:r JUdging the judg,_ln9 .111d the ct ith.Ui:ng jf.
rh0 d!l TI:ntn ..and rh; rc, js allc::.uly .now and he1e, we simpl\'
.tU?W ur m 1clude once 1.1nd. thu4- allow 11ei>Rng
ro f :titutl t: it> Jllilcx: .w' t he: pnmaJy locus ot -'cntion, \Vc: tht nund
bll.Ck '" he>l riug. uva ,md (lfl'otr wht.u '" earned ar
dlvcn< .J\1.1)' from ,
1implr -a:nd for pcqp!, ;I I rht- beg.fl-
lllr!!!; oStag c!j: oi mediuU<&n pta.qlcc, II\ I we hrr It '-' rhoe ptirn'
!fl! .. , HIIIT411tl!lll 1S]
. ., .of f"tl1u rhan the sound."<:llpe', t.itt<e the !Wbd.
l"'J\IJ prcKut. and literally .11nd lllefllphlltic.l}), \au cm't
' II . L ,
1t.. A with ndatnp:. iovlutwn to ntC'nd to rhoe apen
ql nut own rmrn moman hlltlotncnt m,.,f be: tunpte u
tM:r ith frotn NF)' ao;. :t in the \Ut:titll!l$. PI
l'fll um:nr:iop on the brenrb. And ai' w1tb he:.t.ring
U ponti:illy u rrofnund u MY e>thr:t form of lUlu
he tlut: l cu.Ltiv:ned n the nmr -;tnd tb,c lm;ghn
II hiU the ponmt1:.1 m 7-:ttc 01ho tbe .1me
The basi intttu<:tll)rn for mi:odfulnes, o:1f btuthlng :trt whllc
fhc digni6.ed po;:ture v.-c t 1Avt wr f1xw oO-thc-
b(tl-t h tt(l.nttoM cc a pbce _u, rhtt bodf the}'
111 .oo.-trils or at the: ilhdome11. Then, .r: bbt we can, we 001
41'lldloe.;:t of t he fccUng of the: lm::ah .!l !he noun1s 1t Ut OIJI<d om
1{ tbc: body; or, 11l !UniUl\'C1y. tcrtding to the 5efl$lltioru as)Oti-
Jttd wi th the ri!ling llD.d the blling ..,f tbl!bcl1y wirh rbc m-l'!rt:iitb; md the
Wht:n W\! lind that the mi nd has"\\,nuJered from the: r rumrv Ill-
,.:q;.Qf ou: 'lS is. b<und to haJ)pe:o o-rr .and 0\'CT 11nd o:'!(n
with :and tunnoil, without Judgtl)l.'n1 or coadetnnacion we
tim ply Utth! whar l.i on our mn .. d mom-em we rcnl(Jnbu tht breath
.1t1d we h;>,\c not bt:en in \\'ithJt [of, : Ofm' tim.\\'( OOt(
tht.l tbc rWjzatiOI'I t \'t'C Jongt:.r Wlf-b the: brc111h rl'>df -;t\nte
sn lll.t:dd} ln the )tl'eS(nt wcJo
no: ltvt c(l djspel or pu'h :m"':ly. or et.c:n roocmbec wlwcvu it it Wr wu
the mi1ldtbe before. \Vc J11nw the bmuh ro
11gain rt.$Umt il \ plaei! !lt tilt prinlll)' ..>bje.:r df OJUT aheQbvn. UDl:<' 1t
hJ1 ttl"''tr nor lx cn l)erc:, :l1ld is as lw.til.tbfc 1u ' ' '! in tfl.i moment .u 1t1
_ Ancsrhcr ,ltnng tnC>Iir.rOon. 1n"'h(: f':(p;uldiflll ch,.;.
lldd 1.11 to mc;lu,de <:.;fUanOn\ wttlun rbe once la!l
Me ju either t bc brt:;i th o.w:n('n.:ss or in .J\Vli.J'eOtn of he:J.Ong, v. lndw.wr
lit: Th-i , cuu 1xw:tt.cneu tU. tn Hlu}Ut ,,...n, 9(
the h.'><J_l' h dl('\ a rile, ,; r :11 thtn d1un!.'l: IWrt
chr (,..1,...1, "' j murmm nr l+\fcr che CYKi r" <I ;m enti re \ IHing,
"- I> .&- 111' kw:ce. <tl "'all(: lower b.\de. J bt-'(locht
,= if
' ( '
11, l>t rJu1 uub!.k "' .,.,..,,cf 0 tl\1.e, Coe>mfQtl'. rutd pkMrcc
wrhn thr ltfltl)' St:nMiilllb mlt;ltr ml'htdc kc.hngr; ol 'lnd IClh
,rrJtwt' , ahr. (Ofllut
tlf tf..".boi.J)' wirh ;lu: f!O(rr, t)r tingling,
ih puh.llltms, adung, I
wr ILil: mcrht.atmg -o:- Oo.Jt, wll(!th.c.t w.;: IU'(: <>bllc:Mrtft u or nt)t q
un l:w hdrfuL at rime .. tlunk t)i t h pr,o,c,ru:e-:'13 .;an -invitation 10 sit
h ant. lmillt 1n1 ,,... act l111hhlo:J. gurgle,;_. .,.,,1 c<kht!>, th \'tl!<<:t:, im
IU'ul \tPrir:lo. utht'r 1 hom 1,-!c c.tuglu np n th\m and <:::lmcrl 00'.\1!*
,I n:.,m ln1ht- fl\'1 1, \Vc :.n r.rt on rlu: blwk nl n1r (lwn nnd b:
. .CI.;. o.I.Jtnc IPI..nmv th .. u 11t1c.un .unl \\I Ut uf m \Vll.)'l we
.. l"MII, I i{ wr: m pctpctUJ.II\ -l;.l ltf:thr \tp an il. Thi i. tl diJUt .1nd tlTcc-
w:n m in\er.npw n.lttre of the mi.a\d )'tmr own mmrt
both tlic tool uuJ th(' ulicxt 0 f cbe
:\u,lhrJr th:u: iind tint of the u;t:;(<.liog
mmJ, ,n if tfN: g1're;Hn d O)Jr (h!)l* lsto: and emotions WI!Je .flO'iVln_:;t ;a
pro0dul mg 1\ \Ve can .imag:ne rh:1t th:e:o: ill U.\>c
Ld1md t of wa,ra .and spr-ay, wl{hu) whiJ' we can sir ;md ' ''1tch
.mS lu.rcn ro the: qt rhoughh t:nmrcm%, pt:riUpj pt(('eivu'lg l
bo.r rue <->i duu Tnrl,vidnul WU:tCT :. <, Withil'l
1 he Gunlplr:\11 ,n>f fulling wa.ter, md'wlduul I h.u.c:an be o!t.n
.md ldt kwAn w.rhJlll faJJwg 11111) the guahlnet itiCif J.!ld l'<-
ing OJJTst:4 lw H, wichuut I!Vt'n gctung toJktd br rhc ipr{ly, \Vc !f:'
. , ' 1 . k \. ' 1 1' ld C\'Cll1 e-Jth
llt.llliJo)'f,\' .1nd .lr\,,tu h1m;.: ,o,1t i\11\111)! eJo.:l n u '
bulhk. '' ,,n(l dhw!V(M,
. 1
1 1
,, '111' nn 0
AntJothtJ muge i:. that uf m 1:.;. Jlfol!r-w(lll '-
. . Is ".
,.'tfcct bdr"' ;U 11 ;;c;:tu ifum bdm d 11 Wlf111tl\'>'- Ow .IUignmcnt
J rM <::1r th,llU i1l frunt ot wlndnwin thu; mouu:nl,
(101C uJ>P ,
,,1,. rrmv i:k aid dr new. fnncy or pl1u n, tMe nr CO!Ur'ntll'l
;hi# m111d
Sin,;.:. ur> . . . .
pS wind up tha,king :,hour OJ'..t "C;Jt lnn:l( I hAJ pa.,<led
or or wnndcnog abom lt in o(hcFdln ocen or
..1. r cAr i'n bu, .. 'Q't l<ml( If ()ni! t.;1r
uf (I'"'
"""""fl'lcntal wh.atevet cht. mind mJghl /i,.d 'raY.
' .
. 0 ( p1t:$aot or unplcas-.uu l11mly h:ul ;m dtlfd,
(\ 10 r!rearoingoaboot next ..:nt one hn-pes t6 hu)'. In llll)
(II' r.".Lr
dllrof {'Ill'S milj' ha\lc g<>ne by unnoticed bcx::1UoSC we wrrc c:utlcd ilWllY
nfxt4li1ion with oo-:. that Wtt no1e at we
..-.bJ:I chal n of th:u carrjod U\ tA.way. note w.:
j'*W' and 'lo'C pi<!k U.p with i he C'at that i"\ rton{ and \0 Out fr.1mc: <)f
cighl 00\'o.
imagr or prbcess. you lti anplo}'. (lur
;md tt:elings j_. dtrl':l'ltcly aifficulc btc;ua$c they prulifi!.rutc oo
wildl)', and evt<n th(>l;gh inwbsunti:\J evanescent, tht:y dl) i;h-
(iOt \le:')l :-ca1icy .our story of who .......hat we ue, ""d nr we
c:Jf(' .ll.:( -;t1\d Vlhil.l has tnt:Jning iQr us; and becau..;e rhey ,ome b.den with
rm1JtiolJl.l tie-in$ rbat an- tJOne othtnhan our mo$tly un.t-:Xamincd fr.:lb1t11
rw mtunng .our Sll.f\ival and mnldng St:n'Ce oJ world and. our pJ:t...--c. in it.
oonseque.)C> ;,tre usually .:cry-an-a.ched 10 many il nGt mon Ol
U!lr thought$ and whatew;r .11"', :and simply 111 th.tu
;1s. if it were tht' truth, hardl) "oo.gmW'I,g
1hl1 (edings arc ncUJaiJ}' evenrs Within t he 6cld of
tin)' a.nd flcc(jl'lg dtilt art: ;It
d' not hig:hl)' in-accunue-and unrdi:tblc.. Our thoughh' may hMVe" tJwec. uf
and .trt; :u times, but ofn:n rlle:y .Jri at l.e:ljr thll
'?n< b) 6\l.rtel[ "'i'crvi11g and lndil'ltAtioth, IU Our .am-
:1\'I:Tllior.$, and OUt fWt'niding"tc!tltlent:<y ro ignore 111 be
hy ltorh our 11mbition :.11td ow aversions.
And fhcn 1 htJt ls
Given dw. fic.!.i of ht(lugh the
/llu dc5.;:nbcd Jb<.ow it luu<' lunidL'111 b}' nMurc, \tt
(Jtn l'll'' hd ttur 11\\ ""' 1111 tun hrr, fv.,...,...,,-j .u fC:Il(fl ng tfl
1lw .J'JJ )Wl 1h m;lt, Arid :.'IWIIV i
f' '' wmc-ru \Vr - ;m, .UJ1W I he Ji<W ,,r '' \''<ltt'IIM' t
hl' <'''''
' ' . ' '*'..,
Jllfitl!t(\ ,., U'lrllt'flO, M . .c p-Ko; Ill.,( h. (lr lih the dnu '' \'0111
lllf ,,. j\1\ ,, olll;ll.u I!Xj1t'hf'lnl .:, mi t'IHC'JlUf, Pllh'tJI
1 u .. l, uut rh , c-u 11 tt:lutuJ, f II\',. 1111nMry. < f ,,, tm il1u, :wd llmt
\1 I' U1 fC I ill hill l!;t. .. t, hJil:t< lidd of ,1\\'iUrlu'll" l;iJOOUflg .11-ll<lf!l;.
th .tll,\ lr ;t:unrtJt uhV <( Jtlllc:lld
Z11w thnr . .aU M <lJmt: Jntl gn, appe...r n wdJ, .ull'l ht
l.:.. ut"\"rl en rhnr 111llnr rfllll nu t nmrtR'/11, iWtK'C the1e ennir-.s:!)
i4!o!.otcJ ,-,-em "'JrrC, lil1e nnr npcnt'nc-('o,, pllt<:nti.1lh ,,.m.,rhr,ric,
'J'Ion .11(.'.-.11 ,u:tu.ali_'Jc:oerh't Hl'f ;lllrl r.lfltilhmwoll m dwnnwtt;ttt'.
Tlu , 1 th.; l' uf h .1lh:J -lwl'r(,,.
d:.tiJ tu 1 hoi prJllk (ol dJiku,/;1.';1, vr 'hlil '""It: rn lerr,
.mJ 1" n.-.or.dvw in tllr. 'lrb..::r.m HudJlu1, .allr,l it the
l(u \:<lllorntr,l!ir)ll oil ,1\\'Ji'f:'IIC!lo' flit' 1\uml idf. '"''"' 1.' <ll lbi
rhc lrl: tlltorl) lo klllW>" and wlut 1!1 Miing. whur
rHlt , .. ,, h II< ;mtl di.c nllt-1 IT II(' _' .tutc. \Virlo t1c Jfi1
111g, i1 I khttWTt Mn wno:pJiuUiy h)' tht' nund ttdf, ;o lf 1 h 1 O,llCW thr
lou,-fll .utJ tilt' Juud Jhrf rhc- mnu"b.oohr wsthm rf_ 1\1ul iu clbt
with II" .ltl;tdunuu. nn IIW'I'I<m, '" rhlll k11nwlng II) rlu. "'"'1' mQmcm of
1\I.W, rhr ('\'t'hl, the 1h-..- lllt'tnnry, rl1c rhu11.gf11 bubbJc 111
t rt-;t m .,1 httn .1, . (It' cW!(Ct, n jor ,.
rl1 fi.lxuu lilu r'tl 'l' hke 1vu' Ill ng a hu'bhlt, hut wlrh cht, 1\t,
""' nr:tll\' -in dw: kllmving, llko "wti1mg ''" Wlll!t.'
/tr111 n :
f 'Tl rnr.rrti"$. ,, m:rPt,tl
II lltptruillfl, ,.,
!g/.',-' tf.()lr 'ltfilr1'Uli.!VJ/l'tl1'11 lt/1/lo''>
.'Ill .m ,m, <:Jlt!tor.
;Yt.'tr-llfl' Ol)ll wkr /ttift d!fm u/1!
t.'t.l'" if u tiV.WJI uf '-'irrlnw,
(tJ.Ir.tf1 JVIItrht>uu
tlltf'.1 if ill /tPili/.tl'u.
m'/1, IIWTlf.'ltt/J ;:tll'/1 /f()flflf#/Jiy.
11.-tllllJ fl.' J\...,,
bill jftt !ffM.!.' JUW d.dJg_iJl.
7'h\ .litd: li'XJil){bl, t/xo 1/xJIIJ(, (/Jr
1/H/tl ut IQf tlr.-vr luughitJg.
utu/tnt>IU rlr,.t/1 m
/k }Qr
/Mrffloff' jttfl
ill a
RuM. "The Gur.s:t
r,,..,,filltJ JJ1 R.uA wlfiJ /1/J'l lft,pr
It b to m hUte st:;lnding up. Altmg WJtb l<tlttng, l)in"
down.ltnJ narubng li one. of the four ponure1 1'111 rr.ed-
ln !itanding au:d.i.tJ,tion, 1f ii- lidJ'fttl to tfu our cues fmm ln:cl. l)enu.m:
rea!Jv k.oww h6w to it) one place a l't'fy lung 111' ldil
rclao\'C co oo.r brit.f livtl>. Yet thcv maruagc to be i t\ t he litneleil\ J.!Ulehtlht
,o; bole titnc., hn-we,vr,r cyvung or okl thC.j be. St' .llt.lmt'ti mt!l; it cau bt
hclpr uf tn j\1111 :ft"a:Od 3 t:l.\l()tlft:. trt:t fOr II period of time ;md JrtaCtig.
Hn.ding oo;n;u!,c of wnc, huri-ng what tbe me h,c-Ms, expc:fie1cing tb;o
tight the !TCC 1; CAfl'C{tt.!n:mg, t':hng [l:tt .a1r the uec Lie, m mhng on
th: soU. the: ucc on. anh.-tbJtmg m<mtcnt rhc rrtt mlulttt
ang, .tn\l inh.thlfing, and inhahi.ting. .
A wlfh a!l p1111:tl0c), ir to do t'OJ lo1\ger thln
\'o" r- fint impulu to .. l<eit, t<' your standing OUf t he presenl
Umit of ,lOur patlc: ht,.-, if jU!it a.lhde bit. ft"llso helps, of rourse. if )'
fulll' in bOOr, anti pt:rh;;:p.; if 1\0t l'ediog, )VUf \Ill:
. I J LI<Q;<QI""''
rooteJ t> t he: grouodAJtd Ll)l>L )'UUJ hr-.itl i11 (: c:\"ulc wHn c ..----
' l'crlu" '' ll tomrd the lw::tvcm (111e (.hiuew; thJ .acttf l.or ruan
1 .. tj,(o\
httm:cn f h:.-wn u.nd b- les the iiUO"laira iu
I!WJif .
the hmmu_ - , . ,
oJ II emlm1luncnt nt t,t;.ndiUg II\ the
,, f nwu Ufe.1tnd of lllkin,l( m ,,.,,t bfe. YomllrMi.nt;.t-ht"
'' ,1f )'l)taf bQ(I)', ynut un W)'IH' fee-t,
1\1 til, I
lw-w ,1)'11 hqkl y1ut ;md how_xuu hold }'uur .ar.m" and polh'lll, ., ... t',.
hi!IV yolt "'' Y.4Uing 19 1111 pan of lmge of ,, j),,J_
fu!flo> mtht::lit'Jndi'ttg fl6!.tu!e, !if) of t ht:te clc:menr.:
Qf .;ciiJ!l'C!, )'IJIJ ,,f'Uild h6WCI1Ci 'IUU but it ifi helpful to hold rlw 11\ICntiOO
n witb the ot )'QUr Vl:ry bbng. In nrhu
uu:d;, fll WJth dignicy1 :1 bc:uing te:t.tlu to .Je.u- and the
miod .t;td ullowt. ir 10 be sp-cious and lt$;,.contnctod .. ncl
And t l) 1h1s- postUif!, )'OU. 1ht;n bnng () -.Jifl\\ to ;l
the he .lud
ntindt.:lll! of the pttS:ent. Then, rou _g;'Jeo youNdr m:er ll>-llimply
b:ingv"l'll is, pi'2c-ticing- w'l t h ling ol.f lying wtth whllf(W;.c
M 1 he.: k :l'lrnldiog feels allPI'QpriaJe. t<> }'riU in momenT,
in.; lit> whacs-ceve,, just this- 1Unmem M.11t4ing lltrc:, ctuthing
1t'Wft,lu:in_g rhe.knowing isdtpiCcfds in the
a .::hoittless aW:.u:.nt"::>S tha.1 iMltedes and ,ubo\clmt:!l the:
Qr the b\1dy $tandlng. brttathing, he3ting, s<"cing,
'l-'ntlng,-J<IT!dJJng, tu,:>tin,g_. a,n,l knowitsg -it:sd1 You :uc noc !:l>i.og anvv1btte.
Y..,.. Att here'-' $ soU; l11 Kab118- u that
llhidt M:,
Qi' COI.ii'$C:, S:brtding_ '"e:ditlll\Ou l,e 11l Jll, !nr
time ll) rite dock, 11nd not jl.lsc In the YtC.Ulitr ot Yttu
prttitt medi:.uion w:tir:i\g fnr t'lti\';iku'l; tln,l whiJ.: ncLno
tltttn. while W'Airin_g fot b1i$es ;\nd lr-.\iRs or tOr )'I'U hJvw: lt.rt.utg!:J t.1
!!lh:t Q.1 &bm.c apllOjnrcrl hou. i n :,:ome public rl3.ce wb,eh! It iJ nGt Cl,hh:
llli!r: tb.sit dlw"n c-:u" prac-oe:c au.vtisnc, Yl>u .hmt uc.:d "'
h Wliting fc1r ;mybo;ly Qf 11nychiug. cun pi!' ' ti-<T nlaudi ut; !'tu It
u,u, htkt" o: 1... 1 J' I I'
,IJOt II Ut much
,a huUIOlll IIIL; 11 II
J , ' 1
r. J mll llt'inJ). Jun !liM:. f\ roat t::t
A. n \.I \t A llllU
Walking mechr.uinh t!. Jni'JI hrr dql}f intt", lllimt: room ;,irong, lr-
ru:; down1 Or un.:litlg 'J1t.( _!:pit'i t and urit"t\Uoo.n .;tlt' tbt an't,
e ,fitft"tenr bc<:lltbC \\'c m""ing. But ulririjat.:l). it
11 rbc ume lll:lt:ti"'c, c>nlr ''<Ill arc w.!Ucing. Bur, liJld lhill ;t J,ig differcb.e
'V1Ib regulut w.tllcin}(1 you iltt: mtL M\''wherc. \vollldng mcdi1.1
nan ill not llhottt getting On'1e'f/hc.t:t on foot, J.rt being with
JuiJ) hate. whm }'f,)U :teruall}' You m nbt trying ro gtt"M.f"
to rite. lle?!t Step Tlu:re no n:lttt tkm oontinwUy
m rht.: moment,
With w11lking, we: ba\'t tht op_p.onumty r(t bt m o}lr both(!lm :l
wb..u "'hen dttibg dr I}'Jng We can brit1g oJur 111
lC.111i rm to our (L-et .mrl -r Qf the foor with. tfu: Aoor rlt'_gronn.d
with l"'.'etY .n if Wtre t issing fhe eat th ,md tlw drih wrli!
rtj.fhl b:ttk V!/c have ulre:uJy t'Jl:thed ul1 t>f' I hi!>, .unJ the ((ltlt"
pkrc ".:iprodw t)ll)w roothi.n&. T11r te ;.u'e, m)'rild of r.-:n;;, propri-
.and orl!<!rwtst:, One rnight i in the tidd of
' ; >l<.10ll.U'.illed lUlling: fonY:Ud, :1. proces.;- i,r touk'\h a II.""
tu mmcr, a11d OJJC rb:u often take COtJ)J)Ic.:td)' hu gr-.mlcd,
ht)\\ wQnder(ut r St1 the rmnrl o11l,
w)J}Itcl io walking r(ledir.a,tton b wnh nny t.lthet we take. nqlc-
,l it of wh11t p11.''Jcntlj oa. ourmit'ld. tmd thtr
!,f'tfltly e;.-
11 bJd'- tP fhl!i 11'1r'IIIU!hl, t:Jus nnJ I ha $IC:p in ehe IIAIDC W:t"'\ \'rf!
.:e11f .,
touched upon.
:tA: - h
Sinro: ;lr=:: el61 etc:, it-it mlniri'.illl<!
dr by walking $lOwly .urd ioJtth hl o1 bne-, 9'IU a
do"'ff l' he.Jpne co he IOtlg, Ttlrt pn.:a OllC, tl':n
<l't nrbcr l'<"JY would be fine.. In any t! ... ClU, Jt nrtt !i sightse-eing row- of
You eye.' sofl11Qd fht' g-..u,c wt i.o furt oi
)11u. 'ftm do nOf bl.\'C to Jt16k !!.I )'OUt f(!et, 1.'h.:y my:s,1:criOOJ.I}' whck
:bl-:< ..ut, and 1W:irCn'S t;htlm :t.ll(l he Ut tDUCh Wlth C"<,cry r:ut
11t a.he motne.nt by moment by m0111mt;u. wt.U ;h with I he whQlc
1 tlt<! bodyw:.lking;.'l.nd bceathiog.
\"1'111Juog be prae,tjccd at any .of
th:1t it lots of in living;ln fout, \l't' un
(',!lily go from mindful Nlllking. to mlnd{uJ running, t1 \vonderful pratticc
ill tU:<' Bght.11lce'e, <tf we :ll>andou the hne, II!! we can ce:nainlv
tb (or loogdistanett md &s.ter it)rmal f&;. mind( tal walking in "MnSR, it is done EloYt1y, tl} damp rl(>'.m
en <Jut in1J)e11k to mO\'t! qjekJ); w.cU as m n:6ne our innm:tcy \vith t.hc
it:M(tt)l of ClrllCrienco Qf wa)Jong -'11d how thty (.'OQ
mtcd witb th(.: whole of the botl) walking ;ltld -,vith t he to say
h.avi ug a bc.n.::r of i-; gdng ou in lf-,c_ mlnd.
We by :;.r:andjng omd btini;ing rt\ the bo;dy :tS
\atutihg at -ont ted of the you h'l\'c dtQS<:Il. for )'Out:iall. Tht field of
1\l'al'(:nc:;f t:m mch4dc the !!'mjre tt(lw&eapc. At !1. cce po'iat, ag1in, quite
we betom(MJ.warc ofun ml)U!l(: in roir.d to initi.ue tlu: fl'V-
lof walkiflg by lifrmg t,;nc fot, So w-e. bt'Come of die b'ut
lcf {h,e ll'l)puJse th !i:lot t'\'t:ll JS. we: s!lw ltl
tltt wht:.n cbc bdog:
4 ti-..::Jm .. h I .
PilUle tO-liWJl ow catnn'llCilng -t\lJUvwmg.
a, . .
:Smnu,.g-with just 0 110: we ch"'n bung tll\'l\'
'I 1 .,. h
llnu c:g f'(lrwllfC, and rhen ro tht;- rb.clop: \lt luc.: IC19t <.Ill I t
U .: , . . . .
' uu _v w1th FM:d, \;! rhe: whfllt * rJu._ llw lnrward toot
(\'lrn.- J,,,\ 11 1111 rhr tl(1(.'>; or uure the: ,f,iftilg or
1,,11 foot ro 1 hr -foat, .tnd 1 hro we. ''Ole
,,f J.rd hllt and !:Her the Lt 11111- weighr of the
bcLh iully rmh thr. ,.,,\\'M\1 foN, md n)ovcnt;.
ing, ,,10\ 101:', rlaang-, l'nnving. pliJc-
- I fir C"I!Ch -.:pco;f the: \\,l.!k,og, we.c.:m be .lr roueh \vfrh I he full \jlcc--
tr'IIIT> nl tOH.t.tmns It' t.h.= II.S:SOOCbud with Wl,,ing; I Itt: ot' t.h;
t:-ltl rll.l:! lur, fWlDg_ nf rh leg. as. it lfiOVC$ f(trwntd, t he phr
i11g uf rhr- 1.1-d '" gft'tlllt\! the: 1hifnng (1r I h9' wci),-ht-fiqll:uel}
utw tl1e JOnv.1tJ
iJOJt, .tnd with the uf ;til tbr.lioe
hr ol walking, II C\>er dow!}'. \Vc <:an
rht-oc .. 1 pe.:u of rh<- w-1lking t:y..:Jt with bre:uh, o: qimply QQ,
enre how l.enth motreso the: body movt:t>, Of tlur \\'ill dc-
pnd ir l.a"'t on how :>IOwly Or quickly ''UU W1Liki11g, Jn the
"'0\"' uko <'illi.1U 'lttps. ]rill Jlht walking, clnly slii\v, t\\l
net'd (() or ,r\' lt:tc chr movemenh of w.Jki ng-, e\en 11 (m
p\lh:e ariac-<_ \11/c ilr.:: iust tilking .thc)ur ordinary, (Jill}'
001: Wily tO play wirit tht: br..:ath if you w<nald like to expenmtmwith
1 he breath and r he tctp cylt is tll in heel
come;. coff, chc11 bl't:'.trhe out Widwlit moving "tl.ythlng dsc, we
dunng 1'ben, em ch.c 11e..'Ct in-breath. the back tl)6t iift\1
:\1ld fMwiird. On the om-br't((th, we bring b(.(ll ol
biJt to('j'' now rt.r foot, dqwn to make conuct. On thi! m
hrc01th, ll 1hc back ht;el up, rlw J"orward foot Wil)' down
ILt and rlw ?hlf(1 unto Ll,;iar fot)t. On tht wv
ilg.tin. On the mbrca,th, we \,ring th&: fo.;'d, 1111d sn
t-ont.it1Ut, b) bt(.j_lh b) broatl1, i1nd 1( thllt
. ' I J ,.
Ifill oonrr Vu, tU)(mg: Or )'OUr )'OU t.ln Jllb'
mtl'- u wtlL b
Tbeucht-r"C :lrt:: \.Vh.-r ro do W1th rhc:mi ll,;vr'iliJGUt c
. ..I . t . own OJ you l!.ill'l
of rhr111? You cart let Vt1Ut ;111H\I dml).'c utr.ugnr u
. f . I r f,)w llf
tld . b..:bu1d )'llf.ll lltJ.k. or in front o- )11\l,t:l't u:
up !lCAI't'( du: du:st. Lee-them lind II .WilY 11.,1 he ;If .u re.tcc, -.nd 01
d .. f rhe-\Ybolc of chc body, :tn.d c)J the. t.Xpcrirnc.c ttf' rbc: bo1)v
Jla,.v , _
!(coup n mutd that :lll lh;.c ;uc.
!1 number gf nc::thud; y..>u (Vith
ml:dtration. {J[cim1ucly, :v; with till 1hc (!her ( 1'1".t.(tiet:
t!x-rt:l nO fight wl)". ,md }'llU with wh.lf C(:c:l mun
fo1 troU ii"' f<:l'm,; htmg wnh w:tlkl;og. Th<.: pr:u:ci\e J:t
kntwlirtg th1ll }'011 w:d!Ung, knl'lwmg, dis.:ocrning. the
fufJ specrnhn withi u body of wh1" w;llklng ,\-;t\lillly In oehc:r
1:oe1n; here- foJ the walking, in the. walking, ll>cin,g vmh every
nd nnt
_gc1bng out 11head of JOursclf.
k (),\c:::y lil<e in the tt:tdition, wht:rl w.:alking, vl".allc.
s.:l said th.::t done,,iusr :t..:. it is Sltting. For :Jg<!m, you-w:llliod,
that Me mind will do wh.atit .vill .tnd tlf\l,s, the:- body cwld bt:
w2tklng wirh 'he- mind rohilly pr.coccupied with cbe. Th(; .rhal-
in mindful wallong to keep mind and body t<>p;cth-.-r in rite
mDmsnt with ,iusr wh>tt i's happening. Whnt lln.ppeniJlg, as in
11 mo-
lllt(LIF. i$. exrte.mdy Wmplex, But ifl w:llkingr we attet'npr to !.t:cp the: :-en
walking center in rhc 6.dd t>f
it (htre) when ir di vcncd off o;omepUce c:tse.. In
W'J)\ ir i( nQ frouJ any other pr.roicc., lml the
vf he or e:>:p:uldtd. to \'H:-atc\'t!t de.btTee \h!c:
:ttcs-to, ftt)m !'coring the. s_ens:uions. in 1 he fee<t f H)J'n ru
of the Y:tn of the <.'Wt\ Jlt
l':U are "'-'llclug.
We: come tl,) tilo iQrm,:.tJ inttruq:ion::s fO"r ir yet, b11t in qui,:k ptt"'-
'I.;JI. "'> ..-..' . . I I 'ki ' '' h
-uu " .... en lOVtJlgRJn( o.esnvn1 e \'liJ ng, uwo.,.mg stel)
lhe pl!ople y<ru wisq lp mcludc iu the field of lovinc;kindncs"s. \oVith
f:ltlllt.,p. "" . ' 1.. d 0 . .
'""can IUY0KC (lf!C p1'$0nQVCi' :II} O'l'(!tug;U(\. r yt'lll I01,ht m
CC{utiet: o tme fo1 each 1>tcft 1111d rhcn c.j\:!Je rhroogh du:o
)(\(]UtllCt "'' ...s... L. t ) l\ .
.... 1)' rc-Ri()l1 h.tppy; rltil)' tluu pct'S4'fl t<" wppy. hl\" thlg
lltnnll ht 1 t. tr
1 .- rcc rrum n.trm; mil\' th>lt pc,....,,, I tom ha 111 J.W w,ll ,t;d
- T'
C;a..utt:r gulng thM
wn1'h be11t it I.'QU :&l'c
IIWJ\1 I J . -
muulfuU\, f\111\' 1
,WJ:Ur b!)
F. 1 1 '<r (It< uwtlt !INtll'ile ytus'+r((,
IJ '
It i(I.',/'"J},r (11Ft!xt ,Jl:IW)'.
10411),#,.1:' J!Mt.
1 rwtJ l,tott I .,up.
/It it //.v J;J.I/1( oil 'Ill
l'it l'Nr" rl#
11m/tr:rfllltd titir
(I..!Ji tA: IJt(.
Thilflll tltlt the plac;_e (()go inhl lhe del ails qf' yogll pr:J.cticc.l:iurhre it t)
ul: th.11 P6"- is ont. I)[ !h'l: gtcat glfut on ami }'JUI'Iclt
ttl it :tncl mindf\llnes$' ftl your l:,..::tdy 2nd 1n1nd thmligb rh
Yl'llfd. o.nd rite Rmving SC'<:jUt:nce!l he
1r.l(lrdinarily n:juvtnatit\J;-, in vi 1,.1()r:ting, tllli)Jiporung, und jw.t:
pJaln rdaxing. You can think ..,f yoga;
m.usculo-skeldlal 1har (l<11.ds co gtc.ft'r
ba.larece, and flexihilicy ;t' i"Uu pr.t,lice. h 111 ;p, prof(lo.m(,J .mcdip.-
tie;m when pracrked mindfully. ilDd !lfr\ogth,
o.ncl HcxiMiir)' of mind even a. it rbow op."':-
ar levd Qf Jc also .t dobrwa.' iom .ciUt1CJ , lnro
rie.:h tomplnaQ'i>f rhc bm.h' Jntl itt fOr healing. ilf'ld. ll
an, her mtd\r:.ulve plat:form {<Jt .t\\11ftnru.
titm, ir1 rhc. Stre,s11 Reduction Clini.., h.ilvt" r.,unJ ru
bt1l ''n)' utetltt arul pm.\c.n-uJ form of nund iuluf! pncti.:c=,
Wh(J,. thl, 1:,, not the pl:t(' ro gt) iruo it in Jto.ul, li1r rhc putpo.wti '''
lunhrr whtJhing mir rmd our If mrp;ht be u:.dul
"' Qtr lllril'tg "'<>!!'It povtutt 1 inJeul, chvn:- m,,n\r lnm:4
f:oto\lft 1 \ f' . ... b . J d
'' H>({"r II .tnt tog 111 ,1 voga pvducc (t.:w.lrt.l t c tnt)unr.-m . :an as
I 1frcJ.J\ tc(ln. hini! tldll'n it'' )"'!>,ga lt<tw.'t' {du: ('(lt'pliot') Art;.l
.\,._ 1.1\ . . . - ' ' ' l<l :,
,-,ma.lh 1:\'Clt'V orPtcl" 1 he bo<ln:an CJ!>nlwt up, if it :, tw
nm-.1 j,11,> witfl ;j\\uft!1)(.ss. ltl J'hJ,ta-. rhcn: art :"i.d-co Q\'l:r 84,C<l(l pn..
.. uh1 wuh ;U kt\1} ten pl'l$.Sible tor- one, tl i,'!l
r Q\'t1' 1'11),010 wh;rh n111n& a''Jrtuu.Uy uififlltc rHern.
t af cnmhlning .md liequcnong f h1:m. Sn ther-: is plcnym
Tf'lfltrt CX}ll.rorwn .md iJJh<l\'lLtion, \rVhat i:. ll4rc:, breathing is a lit_'( JXln
. J Oc"v Utt-.ulu_ whtle movmg uno and
l)ttll P'' 11tr- .m I dcpdt nf the "' di.tro:rcm Cl.:lnfttuta-
tll:l4t ru_ tbt boJ\, Jt)ll rhe qu.thr.v ot awan:nts'i' of th
hft::1rh, .u11l o1 wh..u dm (tl!di .wd the ;l.fe up w
mcm.ll'r uf o:ritlcaltrQpc' il1 yog:1 mir.dfldh.
Ill '-''>8U rhc U"C of ic;Ct.mdury mporl'3ncc ..,
pucd '" rhc anirudr we brmg to tht prolctice tO of both (I(
mmd lltni ... uf bt:.UI. OJ -i!OUt'lt:., out of thG 84,L'()U pNmilry
dtt't'C l l"c:Jatll't.Jy (If r;c:qucm:n lOQ
ricxtr, and can ht! lt.:uned fio-m ,, bJVrkl mnge ol wrah ft:ilcht:r-'
..':111 be fotmd in the: 0)" diffetll:nl yog:1. J!ld i'CUt.lo:l
ccns.:r: wirhin tlzc: l'Of:t trAditions
Wl urc you tan nr1r on.l)i lqm the
practi(.e$ but regulad\' \Vith QthC:OI". T ht: ing- of J O rlte
\Vc-n u, one: of m;ark,., or the for ud tht: rnnwnu:nr rqwa.rd
b'TC:iltcr of miud and bndy, :md ttl u greatt.l .llllllnitn\cn.:- ro
ITut. wdl-hei.nJ.! l!tald1 -du: liJCi span on the: part Qf \It
p(ttp)c, young .tnd o1tl odikc. The js true lor Cti chi a..!ld chi gung-
hlll:n .JJl intimare p.11 t
mo:f rtducnon tht Jr 111 abo an impc,u1un1 ll)mpotltllt
Dr, Utan Omls:b l lt>an I f{!llthy Pmg1.u11,
co rc,weJTit bean l.ii!le:t.s.e, 1n\e.l of Commopw.:b.l
Pr9gram drvclopcd h}' Ru,hd Retoen and Mnh.iel Lerner. Mindful
CliO ht.: p.ras-ttU:d cxtremelyl!,e;.mlv .. md c:om be.' inl<> by
. . - ltolll ;t
vtnu!ll!y Jn S<.me ftmn o,- othtl', e\'en 1f you , ottcrulg
. d I ld d' . I - b"tu
-nrtmc.: COl\ ltlon, u"e -uan mg UlJULT; ur l.lvo. _
liUv tor Y(Ju C':l u c.:'lt:o prru.cic:f!t iu bL 1 u '1 1v!lt1
nr :;c.h,ulli
h.cJr. You C1111 J) r .\Cllct: ic l'hc:re--ttc: m.tny r rer<
tli. voJ, <n that it in rhlft;reau ckpending qn dte pattirubr Jl"-
t :Jgt:' of dl(: s<huol. But :tgain, in lo; uuive:r::.:at ;AOd lhc
the.e:xtm<:>rdutl.ry mnge Qf the hod).'
{or lllO\'(:rrtCqt b;Jance .uul Ktill m:.<;!l .
Our pa:tieht'lS o110metimcs 'lisu:ali?.c dcnng: j )V$tun:_ .. they ;n'(l
Mable (I' do bee au."< uf -an iljury o: paitl, and th!\1 it!.
p(!rbaps b} pnmi11g fhe ntt:\'OuJt S)'Ston for f\ttun:
Jt\ (I) ptactice once the inl);unmaciou of t:ettJin rc: ..
dad, aF well as by lncC'Casiog confideut:e. -Mid imcotioi'Ull-
''>' juscr by imagining )'Olll\{l;!lf doirtg'i:t:. gcmly in a few pos.;aa rC1i
co wh;trcver dcgtet }'Ot: can mapage ar fit'$t, wida wh:llcver parts
tuxiy Ciln bt ftlt pUI'p_ose, beg;ius tfl<.: ptlKJ:tss uf rcd"cing
ntrophy, sptcdi1lg ilfH.J mobJ!h.:ng difcl\':nt regions. ut the
DoJt for _gn!'.lkr :,tc:fivil}' time:, in :lfl
note of morion t(lr man}' joinrs 11nd i.ncl,'t!ascd nutl:lbcr I) I' of
in mtwlng rllt:. itS $trength an,J b:llantt itt dn-
Jusr as it is impmt:trn to )Sjtti ng<>r lymg dO\vn medication for-
mnUr o-n a eguJar it is vaiulblt ro '"'Ork with your body br pta<"-
:;cing_ycga .. m this on ::r C:VCJ\ daily Thl(.re JS nothing<qui:
so g.ctting ym1t body down on the f1opr an,j w.:>ttingwirh lt
gt!\fly .and and above illl, mi ndfUlly, Ul!iog rhe.wtfl(l\1; ttS:Cn."'!l"
nc.b.'i\-'<jUe_r,cl.1$ of to yotu bod;nvith futr -.\w..trentis -and
irs 6vcr-t: h3l1ging l)(lunda. lim11s
and C:lJl,ltbilit:C'4 iCJ
rbc- jlltsmr momcm. OV<:r weeks, mOnJh'(, .111d ye:lr,:, you ate llktly ro>
lind }'I.IQr bcdr 4n,d }'our nind i.n r<:(l\;11knbJc no ffl illrttr
what llgc. n:ld no whcu the OOndidon tJf your h<.>l'ly when )'<>u i:f to be: -g'C:utfc: !lnd work t hj'f side nf your !I mit in
.l:lten mo111ent. w:ty, the ti of 0\'li'rscrcchl ug or
*lr.inialg ligi\mCntg., lAnd j 6int:,;, and body the
to gt'(.lw imo ,1f!d well beyond it.\ 'J'r.ut'llt limitJrioni..
Ag:lm, therclll ll O -end 10 iR :md tiny eiTQr(1111tl;: suffi..:u,; ll! md tflljllU-
'rn.,As llhn>"l '' " 1 ' 11 ' I I h J
, Jo r us I!So 11, $\) t 1e 11'1 tautttng 111 .1 W:i)'ll uppenaug ert' oU\
111)-,r, M I . .
,-urt,c:t ll'le I tontintt'-'3" ro be the de;ti.n.ltJon, Ll 'A.>u
W:. E,_"T n fn-r'"'OIndf to f11Qti\'UC 1-'(JU a.nd )"o
. -- '
\t 1fu: tltl!(!, thert' .:llio nn lt:rOmc.,- tnd rm desorin::rrJ ..... 0
.,,_ "'' tf
Jbe bl
h, 11 illlcnJ.:d tn In rhtt ,,,t,, w11J lip rca:chH'If;t v,flllt
r.::-<i tu ;,pow o bn 1 mute rt moment In m()mcnt. fti
fi J1 ll:MJWJhk nt,rf.r m mnment II' we kt :!h lr1ro rbc evn..,
v -,-
m3 PJ'"' 'tO&torc If rhe ho,h tmnp:t:r .md hc!:afthjcr .wc:r hmt, ,.,
mu.r:n r.bc brner. dunct'!) R', h:;t.t will ""'' onh
mrnt huruho hdp rdjnc :a.nJ dt't:J"I:'n Hrring pmcric;.,-
ThrYAt_e:l, rh:: pr.rou mmJfur
'o'tt! \"ilfl .md. llUJ
ten'<' of dut '' rm tn Jn)J,z/1,, the boJ> a:na Jt.vdop J rio.:hc.r :.tndrr,,.,tt
of d1c liYro m rh1: lwt:d mnmcnt_ Jr, fc.t. thr J.cql
ruc.amng f rfw w.,;rJ actw.lly tnet,arn tn le11.rn tO
fftmn the F'rrn.:h mean ... I<> h'i'CII, ru mh,tbit\. Th
1 ntio f Umpc::in fl 1)1 i, rnuni:n...g f;tnny: and n::fl,'lVUlg.
r\. W, wh.u 4:tn dm:s. gi\tng and fl:o.WI\':iug to d!l- \\itb, ual.ilh
1llll;.t ''hen taJung 'tp realckun: m " no.'W ;apanroent '"
lunt -e, Jnn'r \Ill, m It m<er to ru:w IU tt"li!J111t
,md \\herr the hUHTt arc rhe lluw pam:.rm .-,,
tht01.1<(11 ll, how lf1e unJJghr ti!.U in dHftnnt .room11 .ar didcrc:nt umes
the dxv. n: the: dtYJn, .tnd I hi' wi..nd.ov,15 :trt, and rh,: t:nugJ IL"v 111
til.( like-:; And doem'r rhe r11.:c, 0\'1:1' ttm'!, lf we: to it
gwr t.u:t. to u . :ens.c I wliar ld b'O .whc:rc:, how ff,l intu.blt ct,
wh.u IOnd' (Jf tt'lloJ!Jatioru: llligh:t 111 tll"ne lmpt'(J\'1! lH Ulltft1ln(" lOr VVt
ont khow .dl of 1 hi .. by ju111ping co coni'httiom; too arlr on the d:wwc
!me -.c:c 11, m ('\'en c111 the-d.:.I)'V.C' mO\'C tn-, \'Vt: tuwc: m let die ,pace
lnt11llMif IQ Ut, .tllt.i L"JJ\ ha ppe11 if Wd .m:< r6 n:tt'l\'1' Jr.
J'h, kind t.'f i11u furtn ul wi!dtlm.Ju Chin3.1t caiLt:Aftng
l:ru. tbtn:. i11 .ut and 1u it.
Sm1il.arly, 1 ht" bod) in ncc.d tJi rehll.hi l1t;thlHI, w rhe
- ill 1 a hronie dillea$e
attum.un "' JU ne: fJf ll'llurr, or 1 'Uutrmg r::
. . ' .. t
r>l:fl .,;<mdJnOil, Of <lfZU' ilflt))_\' ntgJco;_rjng 1hl:! fl)l ,1 S!I;JllnC,IIl
. . fd t I bod}' co lllr
'' unt:, \.,.c bver tt1 rht etlhi'C he o I U!
t J" I ffiCIIJit'llt
1h ...:.lf"t' .. ,. we: firul it \\'t do dli t ll) lar,l(e- mc;uun: hy ec:' tog '
' H; l l77
by nwmclt, by tt, by il thu rnicul mnd thrQugh
nulld(11J, g.:.ndc: movmg_. In rh" wny. 1f il,ttend urclully, the 1>00,- gt"t'fo
_b.ttlc ul mfurnh us knnw hc1Vf '' u :tnd wh11 it1- rtt
.... d, art in this relctJoflulit\1 bet\.vC'!!rJ the fi:h
- .
b<Jdt ,1nd otu Lh'< expe..'ion-:e l)f it. f;'lCilia.rc, the a..:tual d-"-tO--da\.
li"e ln,-ide 'r;atn \Vh00;c-body ;1;,d
lik d6ei nQt RqWJe-aod t.\-'t>n for -ur 1ime nr otha such rtotafll-
fiUCb rth.:cbtbt3uon?-And dtl we have n; W.t;i[ until we .lit::
njuttJ. or
fU!f<:11n,g an before wt'
The d(:gm: to rhc hody will rhpond tt. uoknt)w,o,.alwaVi uncu-
uln. ncP.'er ro be- or mkt.;,, for granr..:d. Dut ir 10\es the 1
hl'o-"'eY. the And. + il in hi;[d ro imagine,
l411tetin'le. ... ho1rd r.o
L"l the fOllowing se.ction, we- will CDCOI4ntCI', in. the \'3k of rhr 'lttOt-
UJ d(trc:mc- :and C"Xtrt:m.elv Jl:.m:u-hble .lC;ul'IJ)Ie of detp
in Bu, the undedic 1he ptll<rict for
who is- dojngyoga mindfully or bringing mu.dfuJr.;$s ro rbc:.
om''tsil)g, illld pl\fficubrJy, for aU uf' tho MBS R
10. mi l'ldful. yog:t as.- p!ls-t 6f their own nd healing, worL:--
Ulg at hi$ r,r he-r 0\vn Jt,elln 31\rand cvay
Tht of I he bod\-in the sense. c1f lrth.Umin .... ic :u:td
. . .
<uir.ivu.nng_ inumacy ,v]tb ir it is, It is-h .1 tmivrrsal
mindfuines il\ general as wf-U 'li.S of mindful in p.uticulu__
And tr tt of lirnitt:d nlul;' to'spe:tk ()( Jbe aucp:u:att-
itonl tbe mind, qr of mind SC'ptltll(ed from r.uJUog
th..t.Rhahilitaaon of our-whok being. 111lcl the recmoeo of
fn1Jment1 StoJ:p by ucp, and lnl:ath bv b-tcnh -t
t\'M we ,_re 1\(IW.
ft I
1\J, we: huvt" be('n Kdng, In omr frtrm of mcdunti.on, lywg Jqwn. ti.t+
ltfl !t
tlr rttll whilr Or Juing ybg:t, .:;tt\ u yt\'U l<t,
mt oho11t,itl) :mol j1C'tfiw.lly k.lttltt the: thinking Jl"nKC!>!i tt\'d.t in rlu: ficl!
nl w.-tdung lltQughr .-.,s dJ!iLl'cte .lltiMng
mr takt in tht' ,k). . ..
.-,,u lu: :. gn;.1t .n lt:ali\ until 3SJ>CI:I
tlutl inwihlhleo i1. dw &Us ,,wJy.
Ur hrnanp.thc: .. cl tlmug;lu it.dl, gt:l I t) how ru<-h
tUJ' ;u,J ".,ecrcli\11"" lu '''': rnitH.l
h h;s\'1; no o:'h(C u11t whkl; Af'..' v illul.ftf,Y Qt hig,llly i.t-
I ... 1 1 ,., oh""
t(W\'!IItl. can lM'\'CJt oe !i(l Ill, '".' o;, u.a- :
.,,.._,!:' of utitJllltuJ bcxhdnfi.u.c:m"l' tl\11' \-l<!c.'"''orni..,Yith pllte:nulll.y
fCif outsdvc-:. .md ttl\en-, mt!n}'
r' rnt, ph:\'l'nJ u, lmrn.lxing prt-.o;n! wit thing1 as they 0\cru:,lly- 11e Ill any
. . I u n'l'O!!ll:.llt IO
.Itt\-, t IH.t cru;;-e- o( \'f'\ll .. thuuo rot
Ill 1111!111 m btt iUUw.i.t\lUtflg libe' l,.tting.
In or or t.tndin.g p<hLurt:, ju!lt ghin)-:. y(u,u;:ell u
d I . 'd ... h 1 ,,. 11 th<'\ \V(SC
It unr t'nHng l It; ,lJUI!l$! tJI tnWJ.'J u..u t OOj; H!i, ,_ '.
. 1 hml utg. M
I 1 '.l'l ' rl tl\t Jx.ttotn >f 11 p .. 11 uf watc1 u 11 ro
the of 1 in 1113t&m p01uing .;nd acoun.J in :.
.An(l,hcl' imilgt tl,,lf 1111,1.)" be helphl ln -.-r-llning thi" pra.:ti"e is;
f \l .. w:hi"g-your d\tliJghtii lf you wt:r..: tutui Dg off ttY.- wuntl rm yoo.n
c<!rt4 then what i'S u.ttu:.llly gding 011 on lht SJ;Jtc:n,
wirbOill' of <OUftiO. Tha,; con:m lOll($ a lot of i:-<: .. ln,d ynu
e...-e-rythint;. diti'Ctt1Uiy btCi'USe }'11\t ace not- !JO rue.kcd u'l, ..o up
un& ;tl))orbl!d i:n c(mtenti chc tommcntary, the drama, There:
rnorc: oJ'
;. chnn(x: for lhtre.Soc:ing, I)Utl! knowing.
As n;c have noted many tinYe:. .altc.Wy, 011ro iretm te <.'(ltne in
on:t1-li1u ot tlown ll \I,Tcct.l'hey one:: out o( ..
obviou'sly c<mnecttil, in other random
ac. (lisoonnecred. Som.c.tltncs rh :;,tream or i u met: tridclc. At
tJtber ti rn.:-::, If is a rt):tt)ng 1'1-t.e ch:,-Uengc. ill
the s;une .. tfl !lee- the individual 1 ;1.5 .u'ld not
l{tt by the comcm ol' them, u.ltho'ugh we ptl"':eive tbr oomcnt :UI
w.;ll, The ch:tlltnge inou:(' witlun the m rhe Geld of llvllUenc. ... :"', knowing them
rN thought$ as rh"C-jarise, :10. 1 lin_gct, and Htde :tW;t}'}' l1to
the- rttCXI one-. An<l rbt!r ch:tllengc is to or dt\' sp:u:61:x::w-xn the
th.a11ghts, :md fer {he a\v:ate:rlc:;,s rest hf!."-, jn_ the !i(t.Wt-i
:ts wdl ILF in the:
mbrutt of rh-e thl)ught C\'C!lt$
Wt res-r in hclng the ;tW.l.rt:iil!$$, the tieJd II till imrnc.diltd-_\'
... 'Ut\y wit hi11 itself. :my liiiP/:anmce of :t t'tiC'1:{)\ .1
droplet, a :t nudC!ltiOn of .an iclr;:t, Ml .t judgtutnt, ;a bub--
: Jongmg ;v,ithan the
within che lt.,.tt1:nr. 11w tht)\fgbt i.-
bid k(l(Hyn, Its contcl\t s Jnd known. In; trUiltidh.1J i<- seen
And that tf<all, \o\fe tlon'r t'l'HWc co jt or supprtoss 1r. hoJ,J t\n tO lt
h :twa.y. h is mtl'dv sec.u :-.ud ku6wn, if "m wiiJ. .uuJ
llltf.,b,. I l"b . . - ('
' f(_>tlt''lC( t)' -;IW:tf'-tnCSS ir::eff, bv II II (II II
;, rltifughc, Ancl in rb:tt muching in tbnt kn.,wi11g, in lh:tt the
C;l nnl".nl I Uttl'l" , f('l\\'11 \111W I)M!' o,.iti i:II.!C l:ll il pou , llllc I 'lt'J1 fl'llt
t'iL I .
''f. t W W;li-(.'11 of Lbe h \Uf
c 1'1'U.i\'l., the- budv :uhl t i.'liltfl
1ild,,IIJ\. h . I . ' 1.. ' ' - I
roiOJ( wult 1 1r luU Junulon '-'f e-.nh btcMn l.'t"IUUn!f IH,uo t<,.s.. I
rl he f11ll Jur.a:Nan nf e:.11 :!Umtr Wtth r-he I
,._, r"
riJP he bt'tlum. the upe:a ;U)IIIl', the ;jJlJ no.:n...,. ot
T' .. t'J,;fJ
fu.U m,g<Q( onc lm-tth ):0.., .uc thmkmg .a.hout the bn:JJ:h onhc 1. I
'[l!lfl kl u l'\'JU :.ue ftdiiU! the .-m rhc: w.\\1:) e.l Itt
!nbf)fl ' dhdt' 'r
. O<\IJ hl.'"..ard Ill secon an. , W;11v:;. o )'0\lr fhr iJunu'- An
. critCUin!{ hjm, het. or rl\Cm 111 yqur hean, 1\{;hfnst tbem-wdi:
sgam. ..
Mit) 1}te, he, tht:}' be safe u.d and ftrnn mner :md b:dm
Mllfll"he, be. tf'.t:y be h:rp;>y and OOntenrc:. l
J\Jnr11ltc. he, they be heu.lth} ami whole lt>-wh\'ltevtt posstbJt:
t-.1-iy-sh<!", he, they ,.e;<_p.e{iencc ease of wdl bl"lng_. ,
Frtun yov <an expand the fichJ oF to or
rnorc: who -rue J)rob!emarl (or you in ottc w,'Y or with
\tlwr: )'OU . .ffiotle who may hav,e harmed you 1ft one W'a)' 4'r
,>:ho. who, for re;t-son1 you OO!t$ider to be mort of :m-aJvr..n;at}
nr 111\ l:!lhiCie: than .t fOencL Tbis_.tfpe;; nut tniUl thlO{ }'QU a(c
mfurgive them fotwhat rhey hli.v <lone tp hurt..):'OU (lt to cauf;e you or
-otbett harrn, You ar:t' 'iiniply -'Otnizing {hat rho.y 100 h1noan bcing:s,
1h111 llu.']-'1oo have a$pir.J,tions__. thepf)o \"OitUh from :at\d pe'a-
hlpl that they roo 10 be hlJppy ;.lftd So, }'Ou t'".lu,
Jnti onh ro tflt th!lt feel fC:ld} (or it or ;at lc.ll&i open tr) c.xpc-n
tnmtingwith it, you trwirtgkindncs:- to them l:l tor all the dif
brultitll'and problems lying bctwn you;
he. rhc) be and J)totectcd :1nd free fn'lm inner :1nd
outtr harm
-Sh(!, h'c-, thoy be happy .md
May-she, he,.thl'}'be health) and \-'lhok fXlS.sihlc
M1.y he. rhc=y expel'.ience of ..
u th Juvm.t;:kindnr.P ll't Oth linger tOt d:l,}"i. wrth, momh!o,or
,...m IP 1('11do& 4"1t rht pn .. IJ..."1:.. .Uf nt wh'ldl.,.rc ''.lliJ. and !ll oi
"lu.;Jt, Jncltldc t';J<h --dW:r:. Su if )tN wnh ru wl.rwnt lm-inglt,:.i
bOt . ,J,rrc:t it omlv' c .. ""' JJ.I \nur-,d{ Jd J tnrw 'lr fer rcuny rn
tiugl. ,, Or if "'=''l .. ro t!irca onl;
know ;md m t\en onto ow:':- UliJ ovr-r
tlwr '' Jttnf htiC' {111,':
U'.d t..,-a- run<!, '' i, ttkl: own u;po;;Cll) ltlr whethq
, ,
k.nrTW ir {)"1)9t. u lfllU!ite (rlut wmjliV .the of tt ii lfmit-
lo:" 11ud in mlinltt: 'llP'P:''l lltn you v.dl tind j'
dr;!Wtl ., 1tn 1tr nwft' aod mJl"C' bemh., mro tbc-riclll .,f t-vvi-ngJOndOt...,_ r.t-
di.aong :mm-,JU 111 all thMc-no-m.IJI\\Atdlv .tn.:i 0\Uw.ndfy.
Or '"urmy rind th.u ;atnfllej :bty _iu:rr ifl unbiddc11 'rb.u.
fttiliJ tn nott If 1ou nor ly rnvmng tlu:m m.. ht1w .:-:1rr.e tl;cf
.trt' h11wing up And w otte rbty g.::tfng m?- I lmntm. ,\'l.nbe
t'Uhr i! ltggrr .tnd 1 h.1 n )'OU think..
ln rk tpiut of the nc:s& <of Lhr hr.1n 1md of lm'C', W'l:: un n-
p.tnd tht lirld oi JJ\ m JJ\If nclghlmn .rod
l\l)(lod, ltUr .;vmnuurltl', our 6att
oo( the tniHT wnJd "rUu o-n
aru: l\,Jc vnur Jlth, 11.1l.utinul llt'r, ,,u pUm life hft. tf-c e-narc:
.tU You d'l{) grner\ apcciti.:. and Include
1:Je:, nTft m the .field .._,f clitlir..,tlt nt
rhJt be 1i you thffe-r .:trougly .,.,;th them uml fmd \'OUn<h judging
tl-oc.m t.t.d thc:ir :\11 the mmc: rea:wn fof in
:hulit1g 1 hr.m Bemg !turn-an, tbc}' .ut.: wonh; of lovlllglundnessj per-
trt rr by in way! ym.u 1l'lind c:tnn.:.r pw.:>ibly
mu01ne ptrlbtps 1hc :rrmc: lT.'S' r'Or )'llll IlL wrU
\'au ln .tb> includ_,. lit! he Udd of lovingkintlne:s ,-.11 rhtu
len frorrui:Lllt 1 h.rn vuursclf, v, hb
trl'! at WDik qr hrfnlt. 1111
I h IIC: who -impriUJtV:J, uttju th fstl)i ,ttltb!hO WhO J.l dtr. .ntn."y
. I .. 1 , .:hintt tll1ht11t
t>f tbcir ruc:mte!: . 1 hu;r wbu lllC tf ... <.)r ,
< I. ' I _, sutic:rin" in "iii I 'J.l' iu chnoa, \\'no .tie lfll<':tr, w 1<1 rc: c-
. 1 -ru
''A' tb.opc: or lorm \"'biiU.''' I bJllllght I he-m(\) I !If ptu
. ' . II b :uhr:t dun rliD
f'J r u W\' dH, th(') wotm <'lfJlCOCSCC c:uc oJ we ctng r
;:., ........... ,, .,
M.:IY ill bt!Jtlg= nc:llt o.nd fru be md .a.nd imTtJ
1nou :tnd OUTer hMm
beings F.u- b<"- happy
_ill nctlr ilnd he4hht ;lnd wbo!t > wh:tt-c..-u
:ill beinp- ne:e.r-:;nd far b:prrienO:: c:.ue ._..f \\eR-blting ..
\ted a not stop- W'hy nor mdude rbc: ctttire .Emh in rhe
rl:td uf lcrdngidndn(';;;c? Why not the \'t'rl' f..Mth rhat i.,. uur
hl)fflC, thar h :w i'n its 9wn righ1. th1u io< tn one bttlty.
!\.J, be d11nwn b:..lmcc: bv QUr ov.n-a.c.oons, conscious IU1
. .
I ..:low!, Tn wa, .. -:. th3t hugt threats. tQ tht IJ(e it Jnd to the
nubcdded within J.lla.spc:o.;r\1 of th:.u: WC .anunnl arid plant lml
.ll'lintul !hat intcrltl In U:l.L\ir.d \YQ:rM::.
:\mJ we <::m exp.tnd eM lldd of th'l! 1<1"lng hclur, of ou-r IO'I'lflgk;iod-
ru>n., 1' JOdude ihc fl .md OU( rhat, tO tht: t:lltin:t)'
fl.: tllC' UOIVCJ$e i u w!).ich it is mct-elvan ill Om .and nO[ even oH}U1!.!...
Ma,v our pl.ol(:;(!tAOd whok univtrt.e b<: !i&fe :t.n(f promctcd ;,wd
lite fr().(lllwcn
(till' phoer md 1 he uni\eff;c be :uul '\W;'intcntcd
M.1.y tn.u pbliu arid the: whole"nit-euc-be bt!ilrhr and whole:
\f:n otlr and the wbple l)f wtU
bcin$ . ,.
ln.-lu,km t.uhct "I\\' t.trnutmn J,, thr end, '''hiiH'\'cr
J.!UMa.'ei lor (l'f ilu thr r!.Jti,QI (.\I t/lt: ('Or lll\' fe\'tlf in, ht-.
rwo:cu. willhlfil'IC t<.l O'otn-,ch>e;.. ill fill$ lit.:rnlly
lhflilrltNU. dh. II> o::nd the n;tdt 'I "''' ,:rwl\ hc.1rr, has C('llh;-
lJIII"lr!Ci I; O',lf C>l\11 Jl!t't JllJ t"r (l-Ul !t\1'11 .;,lf'".u:ity fo.)JI\'C in ftW Wt)r)d it'l
, rllll'(Jo.l,t ,,,.Jnm aud :U\tl C<{ililnin'l
d ulnmw.c\)
tho11 txi'ITl.\1 dtC' jo> lnht:r("flt tn bC"1n,, ulo\-t, .lQq ltlt;
J.,llt:lJirU JI!Jli:IU ill bCCIQil' (n1m t!l 0'1.11..-roJ\<ii li,1\iqg Of
mtnJ IWl n11.J 1hc .:.utr.:ring-d.w.t 1 nu nl'u.itttamog
y.) do '"the mtdi111tiuo Is rn pr,lctke hC""ar1 ;.;Jib-
rr.1tt;m, hOT .11ld lllw,and nnw .md .. dwa,\>s. Nn 1l1t \\''rid
lhl-l u P'-'!'tiad trmn 1:\'rl'l cmt<'t tft"rfug '1-Wh lnrc.ntic,nt., thl'
rtlmumhiJh 11 tthill tht' l.lttu:c U'Iit.:twt' ui 1rnlin :.ud I hr. PI .llllifz
lut WJ;l mmnr.tqucnrj,dh fihihetl uut o;.lpcnnct, :mrl
Ubi IP kt go 0( 11,0)' l'llllCot ,uUI ill will Wr might hil\'C
l'n lwhtorJn;t. hO\n::vtr jtH.iried w.: rruy tlw)k tt r!i
\t tflt 8Ml"e tim, h_r ('oJU i.uth fuh)C!SII.I('t rudt .and It> du:
Cl! <'Ill own j,C;JI 1 w<!, whn h$c ariw::n of tbe ur1l.,\)1,11
I the: hrctn'llm, out of thl tll1i\v.N.,:, a.1-c puritin:l,
ulltd.c whole grnr.rus-ity <'I tht.-! gt:,l\HC: 111 pr.u;
In ,,nd uf i-odi ltlld ttl dfl:..:t!i em rbe hc-..trt th.u h1r :1
uulothJ-1.'1 wdlil"rg to b,lfbo."!t toJKo).l" J.t.nd ill will We chtMC" 111 pui:-
!ll.e hr.tlo._!!kindr,!;l,--,;, limuuJh or irt ll tllll.tll), tf C\lCU jll!lt 11 linle bit, 11n: il'<
rl1o1 btncfi.-i.n1r
Hijr.u II:!# .tn.n: r.-J;.u iJ#It1ts1 rMily 11
It,. rnu1r /G,"'>t rA:t.j!.\
l;,..r r!,tjuthll diP41r""' m 1 ,,,wrm r
h'f. !4/t m ,/ 'WM*l'ftt:d HIYJih
IJ 'JJ.u lto;.t hdd in )!'Jtu /1,,,(.
r.l).'lJ ((;.IJJ!hd autjul('t' W'&Nol,
<11/ thi1 mmttp c11 \11!1 l:ttttL
iltJIII.rk tl.v- : '"' b<
Jlv '<'iivm i:JmbtlfJJ_
}ON tMr tmd mlr
t!,r /{1/ wt!f llt!lJtJ"
II\''' t;J/1118 '"id:(ll
1lu'l/ ,,,.. fiJ( tiW
)'(}" tlot Q/
_'!V'Ii pu/11/ri:t.'flt.:ihtrt: JIJt fmlitm itt II v.Wtitt f<!ilr6fl
/(ti Ji<lo//1-'IIIJ.r 1i.f (1./ f/lt
l:'!UIJtfJJ,/ Jrt fNrw thi oWtt//1, )1!J/J,
/,>. {(X)'U'\'11 ;WJ{fi<'OfU'
.. thJYlllgh tih, ,;g),J wiiiJ p/.tm
,,..,., mr;pk lm-trllJ t/ t"<t' bim1diw
llf t/K ,,.itA,
.-..w nUI!I Inti irlnvrw I) (/h.a'll)(r ,Jnp<1ilfiJing.
1411 ff/.lfll Wbh ll} 'lfljJA Jcr.fflw,
mot 'fefll/14 iiJi/1
itJtiiJtJ tk aj'all.ce.rrotru.
ut t!J.r QfJ/J;. dOth .
It i;. unJy n.acuuJ "' ruth a quc:.tion whcncv\"1 nn tD
Je:l\'oH tlut ltli;'OJ\Ie. ;al.m1p, I le.unlrog ,urw Of W(:
v. .nu I chctk .:lfltl lf we art it cnn', th.: "it M n.
. .
wJmt tbe Hg:npt>h nnd bendun.u.J: tn: ulong the "-"'r tQ It I l.nnw d1:1r, we :ate: not 'lttwing: Itt ... bad;\qttt, ur cttdm;
111 ... uf;.u \\'t .m: milki-1\g progn:u.
thur olrt' gcttUlg de iru.hfc: .at .11 rbt
\o!n, that '"1! 11rc r!lorc: l(wmg, more kinJ, mote: <:ahn.mor<:
rundfut A ol w.; .abo w;mt asj;'tLCoJ.n,:C" oa:nti cllr
"""\ 1 hat wlut we :lU 15 what"\Vc .uc luppt;rr.J h> he ICI!Img, whdt i'
hAppe-umg b whJI 11. lfl/'/'011'11 to be .har)JM:.I1ing, t lut it i1: "n.,," Qnrl lt!lt
1 of mrlimpttenr Qt o,;- hen-Jing m the wroog: f'tt'
l111pl pjdti11g. up ,1 trin[;" of habits .'tlong l,y'lly_
l .. >oking J.l . .ttl .1 skill rhar ,\ }'(IU
J t ruki!$ lQt ot
tt, W11.n1ing- lu koow wh!!thcr \0\l au; bwg 1t ilgn I
sens.c... uud du:r.c: .ur 8i '
- ....
o 1ir
of ..ubiLn .uW 1;.1lnuwAA 111 yuur JIICniiOu, .111 ;luw.J ,
b " d - l. . 1.s crqoJlninutV 111
md be m1lte .:o-rntan.dtl{" sn }'OUr uuy, i:t'pCr tll&1At11 ;u
. -
:he ur ,, .... ill >U'l!ICJ
the tu mccr w illC\'\"r an ' r'!'
"'''11-.:olr ''" -'97
. af the ot q)IIUCl, &c:ern,c; a-he hmur sn Js.ow we
ut 'l'('r\"lhil'lg SQ Cllpea..,nU) OUM)'I.'f'n pa.nicul;u idrGtifi-
c.tkcC - v , , c d .
ltl 1011 mil) ntl \'CIU.n;clr )f!POllll\C'00$1)' exrw-n-
_ r
' -''n"" or lov;nl,..-k,wdn<;Ss., Ot\fOD<.I\tlon., and iJ\" '"the 11<)(1d li:lr .. oc
cnon;,pD !>" ,.-- o ...
ni l)thl
!UJO, fOO 111ay )'llWM:if 0. lind -:nthuMai.ln m
il wilJirghtSS llllOt)k 'iJcady in pbC(S yoo w;uu
!\'look, and mute of how yn\lr .-.t.ates nf nund, atfC'C!t othtt pcop!e.
JI!J ,\,IJ(t(:.Jf. You moty 6ud !Jpprt! the and n:rure {If
lht- WQrJd II) it greme:r grt'attr y,"'-1 tllOlY fin.J )'OutieJI
more. embodied, more :in routh with rbc camnge
of the- bod)> ..c:n:;eof flti: hodv );S ;a brC;1tb
AU :.\tid 1.Mrc:. bcnchm:.u-ks ::ve-.a\';.iJablt: to vou, md will be
1erognimd iJ )'01.1 jus.t, Jc ot not
fetllik.c it or nor, if makt -it .n clbtllenge
omunitmtllt.l( )'Ou b!W(o the gond forumc tt) work :1. be 'dry ledpful in tenhs of 101king -.ure ) '>1.' m "domg it right
lnd fN \'.ilitb,ljJg ')'OUT e)r m:.king for co
-...w.l< wtl the m}rri.;ld r-har lntvilnbl,l' nri;e in rbc: .<UI"!!C af
bltl Jinug nd pr:.lcliCing mendtu1nes!>,
But there i'i :lilothcr !\OJMtr to I he qut$tion lnd the thought, "At11 I
II rtghr.J" when 11 in }'OUr mind ilnd genullt.:f worrv or-
qr And th11t l\nr;wc.'1 come; ll'(lOJ the tU)It-int.trumentu.l
of dw meilianoh ,rhe w.l)' 1n whkh is oot
tttywher'O cls' Inn !ilmply bcmg }'Ou
ic. Fmn1 (bi.'J pclipe<tivc, if you -rue 1l!$ting- m \'Ollllfc:
'!outs't no mam::-1' )'OO .ue
wlwch'r it lS
Or )'<.lu .1re. bwcd
and :lc.; lWitn: of lt, )Uu af'\: rlou1g
rJjbt. JJ )\lu ,lJ'e f,lnd a ;t\l,rc: nf it
''UU nrc jt rl:ght. lf
"!tl.UV .:nnfU!>t:d, knbw -it, \'6u llre doing h 1 ght,
If )\1u ar.: dt>p(4:l>s&l :and know i1, yrm .. rigbt. ft' 11111r
01'\'C( ciO\vn, 111J chCtt' i !<alt'3.W;tn::ncit. of th,H iJt
"''nc,u, arrJ )'<'If.! qn he the kn(lwing nuhtt 1 ltuu .JW-'Y in the
. b '
}'l)u rc: H ti,L. efsr. \ud if wu our indeed .:Arncu ltWW v
fh, "'"''''lJ\ .u,l ,., .. wc,,,Jiun,, ,t!ul fllhonuicm!l 111mlt::up loo f
rluulromg nw,,l, .ud JK!r" 1111 oJ l11u1, .1111,! )""I .
, 1
L.n Wrft/ol,' -tth.t tUt nwnr, lhtt }'r!U d+)ill); it
' ' tc lt,w
J,, 1 rlutr 1 nnt'lll(l h,,, wt:rl do,o,tl l hrtl CO!Id Jt!lpp:l ,.., )1),!,
tlut I Wl .. titt ''' thC" I'' ILlict: 1l :u i' <fit "'1
' t :tn
,, ,,_,.,,..,.tll '*' ''' ''''''u'b ;tnll t...-orlny. in rhc w;ln:ttt:$!>
I:J!J ht .. ,. I 't:l l'f I I tlh Ul rl.e I I ltc xnlo,,, hr ... tilt{;lllA,t. rht
lll;";.lltul 'h(" wlwt-\IC'r j,..
( 11 c:"IU r,fnlkl1.1 Jttlil'ltJnn l'u;u in
... ,. rn"J"rnr II,.., ""''" K 'a,m auphr IJP m
llll '''''' loolr:Mru; 1o th,n mnv tl )l\' nur 1l JIIUr dio\'mniOn, \'Our lila.
11 !lq-r i1111t i1r mimi liroltl't ri p11 uHu Jdrnuf)u'F: ltltUtj.::l)-witb
nrm wl lm .. I IUI\ ,If I' Ill', (If it \VIwll .lWJitrhr '' f,t
UYfr, u 1 1h n.' lll<liUI"II' thut WI' It l "'llr h ,r\ , , mu
lortt; 1 wh,o ltr .uo 111 UIJJ I ,ill a! t:lrdk '' uut 1wn wdl
l>ellt!l,, 111 uvt lunJ: ,1( po ,il,h lu1m:iur( nlhfl!.>, lfl l l1c: lttm
t: ;ttfi n1 o
w..\ E\'('"u lu ulb ,
"W.ll\11111 .il
Woll .UJiJ tlt Jr J'flt fl .1l"fH;C I.C\'..:.r lf, lloH lim i!tll ln(l(l.'
hlll1ri I we Ul ll w-:rJu.lll} J,. tu r .. rno.v.uiz.- ltliN' ''*" itt lh' mind
nol 111 !lfhoH' f l1 n MT jl(I!("'I\IUIII) d .. :rrul h.lor mlul 1ml
thlm ill1 Ill tWIIIlj lit , Ill I he 11\\lllll'nt, 1Poqi\-IJIA tl'l !1'1 1 b,1t mu-
mr nt 11 ne-w , tww 1r1 rn
111111 h.mnlul ;lnrl oittnl'(l\ c l,(tlnn!i, to lund ll ml 10 111111 whu:h W\ :trc.
\"11111 m,n'C'IIt I 11 ver}
hlv, 'fli t\: wirhm tn 1-.;tdt.. h ;,
"''' an lk, A ltu hlt, .t t.ilnH u.u y, "' An\! h h nc!l'rf nnt h"ll',
ooo.>UidJII l \'nlnl. Hu II ,,. The: rt!AIII! (}j ,1\\'lln'UCIII It
tlllf'C'II \'l>.:imtt m.1.u' 11 .. briHh Ai!llllf!,
u t;unu1..;, .unllll'.:. teN flill)l. If Hlt uppe..J. lt) ifl \'our Joulllt
r J 'lill
\vur .au '-'l'lntiC 1 111 1o :1 , lul u llll 1, 111 \'IIlii m "'"' I
nunrl Llt.t .tl( hJ "\'tiU"1." J'l.t'\' Jlt ju l wc;nhe
llllth) ll.lld bo.h Tiur riiiiWihllll uf "'\qu" t..lut ;ilir.tlly clur
. - t
ul\' rol
d.11htm1!1 uuh.atll\'1 ("0111\1 \rl1 tl ll ll:lll\1\o 111 J'"" lt'o.('"IIU ' .
. . l I L. I I I I I ll ''('I
thu)(" thmg;. ill1d II .al l'li:ll\ )' t)r;,a,, II f ("!I t)' W IV ,. f Wl m \
d J I
' St> II \\Ill AIC
uJ Wh01 ,W!Uolll)' ,nr \I I The n O$l tHl ;llltC!flU 1:'\'t" '
The tr1U'1t In ll'lt:dlrnrion rr.1ctke h nlll wnting to
S!Knc parrttf )"111 it j :,. .1. gooJ 1dea, bu.t wltctt the impuhc. ro.11i1
t:(l!nl.'..> ro <IS' a passing dlOU!;ht Or feding, Mhc!r md
unwd: 1t1, '5;1.\'ing; rhings !ike "N1.1t or "Who htl$ rime:?"' 01
"It! radttr or gt'{ in much wi th -1:0 .lnd -so'" Ol' "ks- t ime to c:J.t t:ltQlt
1\0W," o1 "[ ha\'c tGcmuch work eight nl)w, " or
l'll dn it or "l'
fOMOJI'mi'" 111 .. , n be min.dful domg lin doing, l'h nuld ts'al--
w:}'!i -:ctrtmg tho;:ght\ tlmt c:).n deticct ,be in.ttial mw1l<tc.
Th!.; li; where Jntcnopnu.lny :mel mqtiv.;\tloq iu. tl
diwrJirc we Lcndit tm it :.t-." dl5ciphne wlttnwe fuactkc
\\T f(,.,11ik:t.- ir Ol' nor, no mancr what rhc mind i in do.<: \' o)!
liJ W:.Bur u.. {(om; So if yq\1 dt:sire- l j)
"iull't'!luc mindfulne> m your l;fc rh""ugh f.,trn . J pf.u:ti<'f, Jt tt
nt!W tt}-you J"OU lu\'t not tle\-clopod tbc discipline of ' n:gu:Jar
. I ,. 1 1 ' h d' ' _j r '-"" ov<t _t._ .. Wa.t"> or
UI:C, or l1 tIt: qJ"jl IIIC! 1} pt.U:C!U" tb i vU u.-o,
ht'\lllttlr \tllle or, you ttU\' be -knOt&J th.<'l 1t Jf> 11J.$J
it or to I'Ccmblu;h 11 by .:ommittmp; yomsdf ro waking \lfl .;J.dy
md m11kiuc. u imt" tor )'(umn.olf be il)fc twf vf 1ltec Olbtf d"llrlJ;i ;\ml
'"' . I . i\e .- 11rtlll
of da}' cak.: d\er and ;w;unp \'Tlur unrnncm ffi
i-s t:nrlttly Jl-f yuu, not t (J fill up, or((') du lltlfo'thuw With w ... nnpl
rhal . , . R J
grn:>d company, art1lto m;t ' "' bt('Qinil'lg
of Lf{ t,f ll(c cxpre:,,ing itklr nuJmenriJ) momc.m Jn
in your ow-n nnnd anJ bean.
' Of ,,.hsmcJc,; I ll mcdu3.tu)n pr:lc.tJte do11't bJ
f<\':nnng )"V)ol' from Once 11n th.t: ttJ m
,.11 pr11ctke if1 iH bt'g'oSt Scruc:), HI be dcfkl:itt'd fir'lm }'Qur in-
JCndr,n 10 W pn:::tti'lt with the Mfi,lding \)r 6.
Pir11t 0 f, alJ, I be. bo<lyi:an be,gq,,\rmJah
"!li.'OIJ'Iforlo'lblc. lltagued by Ung1i'g or jtthc,.,
IP mcm! and wiggle. Thjt.;. /8 nl) ptobl em at aiL Tltt:se- :lfC. fU.\t
p'-<-$1ng.imge.Scxhe body irUa. \Vith wmc when !c:c
they q.n be hdcl bghtty and fr
!eJ) any o.thtr itt the lx)dy, whe
not ftd
b} infi:tmed rhinlcing jn 'he mhHI that is fight
iflg Witlt them, vfanting lb change \}t iO fhc:m, or wlng
tltinft$ to yotttJt:lf such as: You kuew you weren'; ou1 to," -or
"Tius con6fms that;mcdilati6h is- osht:er co, turc. :t l'l'lllwcllistk <:n"rpzi\41
f'tbo!C>l''h.o donr c:-nougl A\df<:til$ in lh:eo;. "Thit. is,
,f rtoruen$e, .;UJ slmpl_y nc:utalMi)c on to
6f lt'lC:"
lilt ho4y "ttOIS<:,"
AJ WJn,a.s )'QU $::Ott! into the stillne:..;. w,;11t1
mind )' become witb tht to,}>utogy of rhL:. inner ;aqd
tWt1 land,capttl' or your whole being, wirh rho Pod.Yllc:a?:,.the mindte ..
thr iJ:scaJ'c, the ubsctc-leo t<> pr.l.t!citc
to!rul to l:lelllr dimrn :llld rot the mos.t jM.l't) {0 ;ab:tte. i\fwr II. while:. when
. . .
e an hum omc ro,l -rhey are Jlt:en 11nd
d d' 1
riG'!H m.n stmc.s an pocy There,:{,(\Vit}':l miUiQ-M oi
to . b
.t pr.h .. "tl<:e c.og pn:scm I'Jglit now. But .tCiitUlg In aw.ltt:!l(:S>
"t1Lbi!Jt1g kl' .... . .. .
10wmg)jll$t as- wJth all o:hc1 111 the pf
n;;; we soo l ' h ) d 1l . h I
. . s;;:e .,..ul 1 t')' ( o not_cn UJl.\, u,r 10 r c catl)'<l>tilge. o
d t1 oi'le ik t h-'t wO.:n ir u; Ct'allr
mght j \JJit dd- \og,c fi m, !ntl gr.tdu.t.Ul' \dUCjdj ' i.uro .tilhwh,
u '><I on
&.Qr )'mg do\"ll Clr Rwndi ug.
,l., o 1'\1</oi:'T"Of t
I "f ll', ptll unphr.-.:1, the lllllld jlul thll b9J)'. ViJ!e
1uw!11 mn mpatiencc, agit11ion
.. '
twlli. You gr.r rhe pichi. c. llecot: :m> 0\IX' 1)01 11 probltln. 'I'Juw
"'" tnr.ll'h' lwlel ul 1nir.ll, IIlii il' we rhcm, ;ltlng with th.:
1m.! \\"II ,lf't\'0: r d,c We J\ll,l'e I lf1 i11du.dc fht: '<Opt o( OUr
hln rcnJ H,.. c "<'<!'tl Mhl wb:.t mcndy i-mJ1t.I:Jl)n!li
unn.l 1.11r . tlno! WTrh them
thrm ro Th<"Y 'llJl s;c::.rve IIYIJ)(lrr,tnr, ill f3t:t,
of nr<li r;l nor en thr-1r own r1ght. You might m>cu
nub tnr11d11 \\>ith rnnr rnm -ugitutions... T it4: fumil!,
rhtt h tint ,IMtlrlp from rloin){ .,,. ir 11;<
J.d.. tt eqwrmmltr w1th,..11 having m dit.pd :a:nvrlung. I Ui lr..d
in,Jqtnd'rltr-of condnio)IU :Uld rhetdon-, fTce,
Slct'"))lt\eift o.;_,ln fed like .tn lrllj)CdiUiC: II t hl flrJt ti.::t, .u We f('(rj
v.irb th" Out il lierii'!Uf nboul miilatlmt,
l,irw>:. pmc-nr mvcb nf '' pmbieen. tf 11.:1 : li)t.ill!t
\Oil uy gcning mQW:6Icep t>rfurc yt,.t In bl)ild or
lictt"t"Jgtho11 .1 <lut rncdil'.l.tinn l)f;t-1:\o;.. rrund ll> J:(t
. linlc n.ezy los(' ptlrspectiv:e. Thti Js bcttt remedtcd br !JCtl), llu1 l( itr.
, mJTttr o)r jur.t til.llirg wloc.IIL'VC' \<II '' u) prJ<
h..c,. 1hcli .. lpg ,..--,u d('l '" !ill_pjXlrr )"OUT prlCO!X M'1H<", lr'Olfl
lhrowml{ C*:!W \'dtU fate. ;l.nd flt"Ck hd< rht
hlfl, rn a ould or \inmg wirh \'OUr eyes IJf1t:tl,111- ,utldinf. "f
.-11 I rht:! .d,;::rvt". Jf \'OU :ealh w.anr 1< in hfe :tnd )uurfift"'
\'UIJ will iiod gu<\J , thill int("nQ'o-n .md m.1le it happefl. lf .'
oUII eJ1o IW'\' when J \1.lll Wi\'in_g )II.U:! .1.ll1jgl1(, .&IIJ tlCJthit\g cJ.w,likt: (OOJ f(l(ll>
tt!d mll dll tu.lm nt _tre..h jir i' Jt1ing the trkk, .u\ll ;CQppUlg
U.Cm ft be d1e thing I> \il) ;II rh-'1 p.mie:ub.r moment. I will sbep
t )'11' fbil aG'I"
rm h.llrd .:uu lht I -.w\IHo; \ ian onct 1 1\r.:tt<.ia
. d - Wth me:d11:1
tea, 11 "'"'' TWllh be JIP Kt OJ '1.\'io.dl)m .al ,
. I I . '"U \YilllllS: tr'
ucm, a; ,-.,c t4W fxlnrc, i11 <>nttliIOWn II) w V:t l(r 1)1 not ).,. .
rl )'CIltliit .:sc-pcoded ;n rr . .
' I . - ' '' VIP \:-rJthct e:-..:.nlmt,-n tn.l.tdo: c (1 ,an eltl( 1
pn . : ... u"I'IM11blt' for .l.tullll('r: "
:ruo 11n at'l of \\ill, an Kt qf wlth litl]c UT nu
r (-<QIIlJ'!Il(SiQn, .mJ J:l(l li'elne of humor R-::ml!lllbc:r rlin.dful-
a or tb:'at and
lie ;;sr ro_ot If i:llnnot _be wuh :U1d
.;t.laeJvcs :11nd the we havmR n)W, whakvtf if we
<1"T( ,J(W':I)'S w;li,Uiog .'t<.>eYic olhtr, bet-ter;t t<.> coewinco.: N
hat we liN lll(lt 'e 2rt bt(;omeng ;l herrer pef'll(lflo thl:n we
,ho1,1ld .up mcdit:tting. \.Ve wiiJ ce:rNml} be c:rtaring grtJr
Jo:a.l nf \!lcso, tlltd. paul for oun.d''C.:SO, .ma tbeu wtll 1dtitn;ucly blame- thl:'
mctiinuiott f(lr Mnot Working-' when it migl)t b\'>mon: :t.\x:urate f0-;6ay that
w:-a<Jert: unwilling I(> WOI'k '-Yitll things 3..1ot.he.y are, 015-Wt f?luld them-, und
onr:-:l!.i\I'C$'.<1$ !Itt. Forc.ltlg- or striving can wmtetlme-.. givt d,c. u:n.
of and ''mvt:mt nt" llnd M :getting sqmcwhtu: in one ''i
but ,rihQut .self '3.lldd --<.:omll:lssiou, tbr
;end an ll 1ld urukiUful morl\l:ltion lnr-otl'lk
;lntl cl!en with 1he d,c\.;Jopment of $ihonil"l"cant
ltil11}' nf mmd, wis"d()m will be I!Jusivc 1>-;:cause itrls not;S<m)tthing t hat Wt
ttquilt. lrul .1. W.ol)" nf seeing ilnd grows wJtltiee wlc.n the m-
&llOIOi righr. The :,oil of dc:c:p ll;(jUJrcs the fwilizc( of deep
.md F'or chi&!liOI\ gamdcoQl! _m nm
lu.w-ry. bu.! l rltidU for comillg tp nbr :a:ru-cs. t\rtd
.md ultirnard}' only'$S insensltwity, fur whl;:u we.Jl:&\'1! :tn opfl()rtunity t(t rt..:,ogmu. rhat
u: ilftalfcady OK, wbolu..
ln the <::ld, obht:iclts to-pmC'ti.c:e'4l.n: infiui1._, itll of r.hem, ...<l
tnd 1111 ' - d
, rurn imo whc!-n rhcY embraced il ;1\y;ucnc,s.;;..
n,, . ,. , ., h d. f , 1
'-"1 111"1:: t an 1111pe c n 1 Wt! tt:<':),S:nlltt t u:tn lr.r
'N!ut thq tre und nJlctw them ro :Umpl)' btl pnrt (if rhe 11Q'I\'\ rc-not
h''Cd. nne ba::J-heo::llulie, w(mder of wondJ:rs, tftey ,Jf"('.
(C>, j r \! 11 1114'1 r o l< .Il l, I IIAC I t
WA' 'lo\UIIf WI lrl (irtd
,,. .. t:.-:>t/./ ,., flm/llbt>.
1 Gn )Qit. 1./ 11'tm l>m f>"''"
11 .ft111M' I h. 'I.Lo'1'/.1 tmr fu:,l )\1il.
't/"1.l' into
1; c.-r, th. mghr ;..u
ff, rr. /1 Oll''t' .. J.t b/ Nl'l
l'ot.D .rrr '"''
1 :t... rJ: ti.,,/J /If
n ... mgft 'Wrf/ \Cr.' 11 /prl':tll'l
. .
)'l)u ITUtrf ft,u-tl 1U IIJJ'ttg.
1'iJt u:crM 14uf mlltlt tq /lr- lm i11.
r:p p/1 '-f}}('r v.<crfth
rh, !)flo' fl) -aJpib )1?116(/QtJg
1t MW ,/'"1/.rrt,r flul riM J WJ.'t!/
lr.'ljilfrmwt '1,} '0117' nltmnm5
t&IJ ,/tN'f nul hmi,ID'()U afi.:;t
If jm,,/1 (<II JVm,
DAvin \".' H'tn ,, "Swcc:t
W:hc\n aU i:; \\'!tid und done, the impnrt2nt Sl1ppon ff)r mnMul
ur>:-t pm6ce i-s rhe qu1llty of' your nnd the de.g:n:e Af you.
bring r() it. 'No ;ct'nQunt of outside c::JO feu that inw;.,d
dl.ll quiet p3J:!:il)n ljfe_ if it'I'Cil'l)y m:nrcn:ll, fOr kno;>wing_
caS}'U ill h) miss,_larg swaths 1'1f it to Jn,l u.umm,.ru;
ny utd t<> ou!' .Jeev conditioning. Tlat is why j rh.osc wh1.> prutri(!t
With '1\C ro prac:dcc if their lives rlt'lptnded 011 ii. 001) if }'00- or
r.'Ul 'Mfit 11)111 It atuaH)' does will )Vu ll'\llilcitnt cni!Tgr m i:it
lllll!thuryo- .1 fCd Ukeou ()l' 'flOfo aotl inbabit and 'nuke ma:cinul of
tl1111 mfinltuclt: of timdc:$S monvmtli lu )'OU i.n $it.ting,
lung- it bJ' the dock, wtrbom doing <Ul}'thing. OMv if you ktHWt or
thar you life- doe:; intletd dcf)t'nd on yolll pf:u;tke will }'UU li.i\.ft
!tJi!idenl lOd to w;tke up rhau vuu nomull)
0 you t'.lll ha,vc: SOI'I)e uninterrupt<. uudt::si}.'fllitetl fime, 11\:u would
hr&!l f"or -a rime ror iu!<l bcm1t ;l rime; oun:idt: of riw.:, 01
lllfniJ:t . .
1une tor pucJke 11r tome <>the h6!tc t.1f rile d.1V th.1t
'M>obb .
tC f!'tf you; 1;'0 practi-'C of) du.;r:t whl!ll you h::we 11 lot K<l.ln,( 0 11,
1111(1!,1 II . .
C l h i 111.,1Ju. y.&ur lift 111tO the (<::lllll',l(:hCC $(> tl\.tt It IS 1101 IIIC::!X'b
111ntto:,Qf 1 u
,, time lor IOrmn.l >ur ll w1 an;r;nes.i. 10
l'lnn.o: ::as .. .r.:. m.uc- wlnr ]VU...&n:dDiogor-.._
- 1 :.t (C'Cb .Uitr..) thou ;.he pr.u:n.;c IJ Jn..n,.-
" :r.; "' """'
th.t!t 1'01.1 lU2 doing rbt \U lhia ,-mnct Otq tltnc >lDd be.
Jr,::; aaJ: _b q.( m tifocr. fllO .ll'ld rru--tt ju: ll<irunJh r,
,. 1ClU
tn frrr JJut the .udar, tl. J'IIMOn M '-"llfTJ&C ln du! ratliaJ lie
vm.uf {
)1' <ll&rru:IX pt cuw:N_ dtJ,.tn Woll" of fife ilJld ff:;z of Ju;r!ll ,
we. m.:1 demaad. arr 10 1JilXh f'l'Crtll, tt. ,.;w if m J:t: to nui
.d nm c1pcn and commirmatt ro :rom U:t-
ltll'l:t'CQCSf end tfar &DC:WII:IIN,Y brings; tn ib "'-.l;c
Tlroroaid.d!cn:..,..,.,finll) o(.,.1" "'""'"Phcn anJ uppo, ;II,
...... ,..... &.r ...,J;r&Laa. aad me dcKt'mlnatioc fQ liv.; ft"' f
.....,, .... We mipc l>ogin by peomnsJuotl>ow mllh w. m oroia
_....Jilenlfr 6am moment to molij:e:nr .a.od by taking ttcps, tbfOIJKJl t}.n
""1 dia ur lmuwing. to diocntnngle u.....m,. t,.,., it. \l'r
an IOOiijiiU.e momt:nt a.. point,. and bon, cur JenSct, au:
tcnPbl'fd)'. 01&1' abiJitt M ttet'f .Uound the aNf
pdfaJl dtlr cam momenr pt.widn, .and dma. cxpc::ricaczo
ptang. rnol-"mg, Bowing uutinctus!f\' c:almnat. snd OOCl-
many bumpi .1nd obuJ;ci('S ptc*:nl thcinlelm
Mr.otr imP9JUllt ''to) n:membcrrhattben: j, n.o one puc-
tu And rhar ultinutc:l)\o)'OIU ro m3.kto the whcr.
k-! tJ home ,lT,JQCt by }'<UT to gn'C }uundf ov'tr rn i:
lll-<i Jd r hc..>:lC7at your ta.cher. Aau ... n.r. it u liti: itll;lf tim bccornrw- thi
the rutri.:u.lum.Jf )',IU po.) .ntenuon and .keep .voor
uu tnll re Qlltt "ntl 0\'l:f that tt .iUl ln.:hu. a-ero 11
the tnt>.'"t wdtnarv 4JI mel m Jh<: tmplts\ of IK(IJm:CJt00 .o\u.l ci.J.knxm." .._.. ta the mtm: b.ndsupc 01 the noer ;.itki rlle
dtt world. the 1l1e- the nfiW'OClJ'f',-.'TIJ
lfut L;ljltn;;-r\""Cn'lJuog ..... irla.ut the .emrtln!!i"&, the ,,.
the (uUr.a: :hu1 hobh 11 ,tll In rlus thnc 11rt. nu blowlef It'
t ht Jn4,.-t: of obi b.!.": b. .
Tntn: i oo fc)t the trdo.r anJ \'Liu brig tJ \lOot IIIO:.
arid I[ ami P'aldulh. Jf \'Cl<.l tl.c- onJ\ I'C'fW/1 01l rlu: rlJtarl
t.betc v.nulrl bc-_no rTUD-r: :.> gm;_ ,
rlfbrl tbuught In, Jt ..-wld- k &Jlthc: reuc:n
l).!t ooe uf du: P'"""trful.-upp<ru Ill .u k-bt 1
.. iltJ bc--10. millloruc-; f'I."'plc who to
.mJ ro il tife uf ;zw l1u:. ,u my one mbll'\('Ot
an- h: pb:nd. rrri!liom ,jf them -Ill.: So th.Jr "'hen :'Xi- sa.
-rit. ron know 1hr you ln: nGi .do'le. \'0>.1. OIT; t to
Wt-.t:: rh.u kn<1\''l no bounJs.lll'ld h.t oo palpbt:-y
.1 of.likc-tttindl!d btfing>.,..ho
tO: o,nkciulncs:. iU'!d llher.ation. Ar.J wttb eq:rv d;q;
tllf"tt -anJ more: pcop!e .m: corning to tbt the th.:w.;mds
ilt't71uti tha: ace .oow.u:lan :tnil.ahle to dut m time;. fiLc-t 'Wcrt jwt
1'(! tbctl' .
-11 WI:! 01c-ntioncd l.n e.uber, the Buddhist rtrm dw com-
muni!. of pooplc: cotHtniucd Et> the dh.mn2 D tbe S.tngh:t.,.. with a
S,jw; -a.. f>b.arm.a. l!l often Cl{pit::tl,,,cd ,,t.en_ Jtfcn tl:l the.
.. i 1bt: UudJha in ll OriginaU: "'Sl.Dgh:i"' to d;e-
e-ommurutY oi n'l('lnks .znd num who tbloun.:e.d the wm.ldl,life to tQ!kM
of rh.:. dur i;;.till meiltUQi!;
1+ tbc.u:nn But the word tllkro on a meaning; w incluil.e
11.1_; who i, -committed t> a.hte o( mi1ldt'ulae!o-. md twn-h.uruing.'\Vr #c
.t!lpm f thc:ot;:m_gha, \\ith lllm111l r, whtther we l..nuw iror nat, tt" lmn:
t'lttt lh:: impul;se to prn< ;, nor .. n urgmiz..tt1.m dtu )VU
,i.li11, '' & ;t community tbar you ..are J)Mt of b_v ''irtue of \Uur c.;,mmltmem
mJ PJ.>>lon .anJ c:uing. And h;Wing thd.t <:onnecci.:.n cw br: .1 h\.{.'tl
'!d?JIW'f Ill Oflt.')
rh.t.t to me is dut ill!c'ito on rhe$11ml" lrtt.
hn<r. our own :mcf I rom w(' find ,>ur
Wt ilrt w.hQf.;-, lltllf tbc- me (.'11 c-Jcb "''t .1t' t:1
fu, !rtlu r..
tn :tud We on lt. .-\t the tb:u W-
(' p:.rt <II th1, H1ilch fu.rgu wl1flh.. m t:act, or nnh:,J Tt,cli ot
.. l 11!1'1{1 h ' -
)' Jl 1\.Hlt\\: 1\Q J-.,:emd..
ITlarre, l1\W we tam<" C<l rhe
or will .;onw 1u the- et
c !uln'r make lt b.lf; buu b.1nded down l<l ut
d rhc .:.coc: tn:n 1 .-
h I
.,..: .. rc ant! R.'c 1or ro dO> to "<it1t
u "r'-
- . d Ji-lr "h.u h.1r"ba-a gi'Vf'r; and fur rhe !\ltfer.
tlt "
, h d .. J rht w-nlu lodua.i ,,_ U t lung of
cr . _ .
_, , _ r-lnn
c Ndc f.t util1t"t:."lll who tn
Wlfmcti 1,..,. -
lbt JJJJd ro "i;d(lm cNlJrollo.tJ in the: a.unc rhll tcbrose uf
' ct" "'-:'1\Y ne c,c cn brr JJ we 10 t:hooR', Yta:s's-.. .un
!1 "' IV U;C U\
1 _ ;u '" 1tb ,Jn'J' wntthr ;at tlmc or .t.notlltf
IU111Wn '" -
pnXl;ll'oly bl- tiJkd with to
MJUW ; dsmt k-it o)[ t&M-r l:lpCriCnot!S m m:rm dU!at-J.ot Un
UJd culturo...JI'JJ IWt aum t<tt<IJ t! tht-
"'if1 (iUTvrrorrunin ro ol the. "pu:.t. tbem.C'thod;..,
tb(' .t \\"'r.i, ,h., dhorm!J, rhnr thc,t bcqJeatho:t
Ul 1'1lT\.I(' ot' h11nug (Qalt w .tad .hwin; Ullo.i Tha 1.1
(JQNthrng nf tb.: fC.:lt:i. tu vp"it ... W hi.: r.oer been toorc 11-
b.ia:r.. *" :he tlttJ fin J.t
We .uc- to lnt' ar "" c:s-tr.c.tdi-llllt'V momct>r 1n whirl; ml\'a'W
&h.mrr.t in til 10 r.r\-ct bcc.n hiQ(C Book< bv
mcd'Jtltl.J.!l i-lnd arii:'Tl0\1',le u
. , .
n<:'m' bc:ivtt Jr- a :a \"t'J'ltahlc ct>mUtpl:t oJ opporrunny [i) :c-.un tram gn. ... r
rr s.:hrn m diffcrw: lmei.l!e-:. iUl.O:tr.illr&n.u) dut t1
m:t r!) birilcl J pM'lile a cdm"dy Uu.:oJl La,)( tome of thoee thu h.:m: Joid
thr Jm.pla tt rnr bk '1f the of mv mldents .ilnd .:9Uc;.gu
tty. hrl o-f rlw book.<..: J,h, tlut gutck .ntd fici1-
i:wr .upo:u , _ _.t pu.ctJCC' an ilio SCfTe as JUPf!Qr..l
tTn \0 ... 1 fr.t . 'fbm.t 1 u,c en my mv
lined J.t the
But wbi-u llli ,J 12i.! md dorte:. 11 11111 etJrtr.. down r.o \ '(Wll' I'Qi
end ( n the .. ulht<1n be ins-pintt>hll. meeting t::a.c:hen.
.:-m be ruptnt!onaL wn vtbcn .:..n be t
d.. helowl bo.l!-}'011 still ttl ure tvundf, with \'OUr hody and wirh
JOCt m.inJ. .,.,uh \001' . H\fltX'n. Yoo c.m ovrrJOoH: on botJks, ;md dw
' . J
em oal ,._!jlo JUI '
"' ytuJ might be: _gatbcring hom r.h.: ibout Soen Sa :-.;;m Uld
lbcu tht Stm' Clinic, il r \-:alu:.ob!e [J) JkJ
.,tiL whom pranke .and with whom yuu an t.alk shoot Jour
O::c-Ivrrt one dh!unu friend an be tttmendotu suppc:tt co )''QUr pn..-tio:,
bci:n; .J n:larionsbip, ru .lit' llit.U.lly m o:ber
-.mJ, >VU wi.nd up md bclping yot;r<c:f-.l:S' illumi--
d!fkrtut olspc-.::.s Of jW>l 1t:u:ing CO'O\'CtUtioru lbOUt ic, )i.:Ju
a loro: rth: time dw it is (etdiu:p"GUt
-fi,-c or ;a:;o,, r-ou waul.d .0:1.\'e htJ m
fuJ medirarion group in even tbc- b-ig the! uc .m'l'!-
Thl! ncnt'Qfk, 11r0und lhl' rotm.trT .ltll ;;round W
rr.h!,ar.d tti>Outccs. that ljst thtl'n. Tbt!t are g_rour- .and Tj-
brtru.rra .. groupt uound the and uc.unJ thc:' wodd.. AnJ :bt:rc
- meJ.n;ui?n th.u ofier mitt..:ifu.lANt Ntn-.ltJ of .. -uw
len&ti:J.Irom ""'eC'kmd; wo"tk: w momh,, \W
if you <an: to. where the .maupcrb. uff.ucd tn Er1
.. "' lucilcn wbo h.n't' d.xtintcd the-it In l<t the- dlurm:s. md t.
h lleup!r oomt trom :aU O\"tr rhc- \\'t'!ld. \rt>,l "ith the \\otW WtJe
tl h llfrw .ttl ar )'tlur Jmgerripl'
Tht:rr' lill '0 \JRSR !'rogt".am, and dinjo In pl.ltts.ltourd 1h..-:
o.>l>n:n ;w11 rll'l\l"'l d.r V.m'/d, wheno ol ru
rt OOil>
i\' 1fl tht" tu:IJ:tllj 111 veh I .
r- l111)
c:rp""u 1011 o\1 11'\\!hll )\'lnds '1p bcrng n\"IT'.ttldm.lli .uppart tO eho
c wh.:,
,111 hll ..:n-nnr miD rt pot,:l"'cc .,.r ntc ..... I
...... ft\Jtl t
r>ng to:J Jtl,.u r n-clrlp; ir 1'o:ouiJ 1Cd <Wet J.u of tillll'
,.- llr1J .1 '''' l}ii).;l: l'iht. .It\'! t\.:lllfllil"lg (or- "tune up" -l! llf tO
r1wt \\'Ill 'A"'' In Hkh rtJI0\.1!\.'C:II ii:u C>08<lirtg (If
'f!O:lU it..: 'u-u ,lh. ,,IMl Luro.:d .tr t.h" I (k .:.f book
,\nd 1T11:n tht.rt 1 hr- te:.l.l:h( n. h ht and il"'-
tmto:mc roo .J1rtl.. (mrdutrnlt muulrulflc-.; tr:1 :ho:t'i'. tnd lhtrtl r.llh.'luOy I<
!hrir .flmrrnu \Vtth fbi bc-'1 nt rn\ lH>J ._"afll"!ndi,
11 "}! it fc(ofll 1\J,Jr hUl I rom ..:.bNJrVIIlf( how tller nl'l', .
!uJm 'mw d)oe, -lh il.l Jc, ltl'hc- lrv;n:c: t rho:-.- '"lm, !lumklh: lo&o;
ten .a lh<-y 3CUJ.;IJI) :'\'<,b,,,J). I pukn, !Ill hm\ t h( dcl-r JQr
thc:u ?WI\ l1:lllil eof .. llld grctll.uiiLI\'t::;ltm, wl ecnflr.l!
ilriiOC, u.u he \'t:r)' IT"'t'f Ul to> Fot 1 nut .altliOJ! Jl.lrtlng "ll :nf\ CIT
f1rt'lt.udhg ltnV f1ag ISOit<,n .er hl:cmck. <'r J.mllltb.,l
h\"\ !Jtt.l .. ,.. fi OJ.r.v ling-; tnr 1 l1+11 bq r1u 1 11111 .. ,i,
ft b u.IJ4li1 bc;mg It:" bemg :uuhctui<'. 1101 cL.ngutg tQ Jnd .tlm't
lu:rUlJfll-!, wilh iniCjolti:ty ;a:nd 1\ um-h('Mtt>\illb
\',\11 c1n k.11 11 11 lot l.'r lll.lw rlaJT.:nnl h: i'''"'rr rht.on:-
,I)Liuul,l, di'J('I> it nn.d, rhoc i\ nu ,,Ill! btllt 'If o:wn rigl'l"
. .
IL n_,, !;:;tdli!I'S, .\'Ull to> \CC
oumm pl)>,sbl)' be LruC to :md \'\lur path lt\'
1r rnntl;.. dwm, .tl.fh,.ugflliOnlc: ll t hou ft\.1)' in d1'c
111 ttl 1hl'lf 1 1 11f thll'lg. Rur 11 t i\C'.'< In ti:lkbt'rt, cl,c::o
i\.;11 nnt :111 nn them, bur Ull(C tolu to nnd (1\Hl
. .:umc 1t1 \'t)UI nw ttl.k ,t,mdmr, tlnnugh q('gong pra,eti(c, ltuing.litC
bt' the htJ. ', a,; \uu , woric With thc:m 11t vnrh
tt- Til<' 1\irmdJ 1h;11 in .lviug: w11rdr.
whi.:h un: pur
IQ bt; In Iii\ ':i.iriJ\jot; 'ltr: l.i111f1 III II',)
\nJ.uhimatdl', V()u will ti ,ld 1 hill iJ hfe , the htn cv(y
lu._l\- bft'llfllCO l-c>w INdict, .1nd ben mlnltlt .1111J ocmnc"'c
o-"ir. foll ;ud far be1\crth 1hc IP*'tJ.J-
....... f"
IS- qr ;md behmd 0\m to teiiC:I ;.uul. corarac:t'2nd
: Cfflbthlni\1\y, (.'.)pt\'i;dl_,. whc'' tb.-.g, dbn{ go )'uur \''Oly, 3nd
1, when tlicy to: ;lit m ll)rtdcm.'}' nmo th .. r
$(1n ltb"rJ)', (!of en tp m $1)tnc ml'l"nlC"nt'o lo be-
1!)nR :1
ecor i ll,at.)V'It l!lCl..fJ( i11 t h o&<: Ul<lll"LOb when )'OU lul<l'W"yeou
-'d,._, !'e-JtS wtsc Lbat )'DI& 11tc. one,
1 "'\XU; It amb;-
)1;11;:.! ,_. ... 'J ' ' ....
-a':es rhat ill; own object nf q>iritu.U and
... "
)n ll1l th05e nntl many more W:(ys, you1 mmt
':t"Jd'ICT$- fti'Jt turo.oo.t tv be: ).VUr .spobfle or,y<.:w your ptu-
firmly rucmbtr">, )'<>ur )'O'Ilt.coU.::..l;1.U:&, tot;\1.
rhl! Jllcfer m.tid giving patkint, rifk-et. tJw J;(ln booth oper:ucr,
11tu> J.:nvdv And of $Jme- ti 1n1r fot<:)<et'-
rhing:lhat h'l .vuu- RemU rhat we ,.'l\id inlhc pr<:Yio'.l.s
nwu Me apllrO[IIbtc lnQti\'.ti(m, rhere rue- 1m to pr"crl'ot, nnll
Clf obmclti. if 11re
t\ill"ing t\t let }'OIU"Iidflx: :wn.kcno,:.rl b;.: re:ill) to ''Our"'t:nses. E\re-ry.-
l.hing But u n:q"lires.,a bt:J.VC' h..::.arr. and a multi that.J(C'S tOUyin
T!C. ll,
\VI\cn ull i' :Uld dtnu:. j1l,t; ;,tlw.1yo lilt! dtU Is the: tO:Jt:her
md :1nd the p.,.actic<!. C'\"CII tht'lugh we. Clu btr\c;lit coor-
from those f}C<lpk, .tnd fi.!ruro:, us their
ktn: Jnd rhc!r ;md the-ir fmightll in .ill rbc fonn"' ifl which
th,ey to \1.\, irul}' .1s htesslng; :uld
Aurl so, tin.1lly, i1 come;: full irde to \'(!lit OW.fl t'C"I'!}mul imo:r<st m
..... ;u1d hbcnuum, ro )'<)Uf lllOti.\,ation. :1$pir.t"ibli, .\ '(lut willlnS"
m \I"C whatcnr lh oppQmiJl,rnl- tOr
!t.::lll to l>tlt* fully ;m(, t'ullr II() 111\llf<'t whi1( w
1'1\II)C)t mC'h!l}' for }'OU$t;llf ILJ1)'1llot"t'
1 it a v.aJi,l
tn ,htgi1\, bur (0 be "' node in the- tuger net nf life lt..dl
thr(lugb tand <'>pnt..: :lt'tion
Wlwnyou COu\mit in lill.:h .1 \l'llY. nor .. ml\' ca111liJ the J.lto\'e rt'oomn:c
.... , 'od ' I . -" T"- ' h h
.. tn \l,)l.lf pt.t tlf'll't". '" J" w lOw :.:: ,
wr \\11 \rl' in 1 he se<ti.m, tit< CCII ire l!ni\'l'N' ... tnto
P,\f(l ;
T-IP.ALlNC POS' Si81LI'l1F.(\
{&:pk:/cugttte J:mw !Mifrqm th. t-lnaJn, and fi:dm bmin cnly. arirNJN
tlmllm.Jfl)'f.ln:!gh(" .mdJ<tlt, l.J.'(I/ mqur 0rrW1. pain4xrieft (Jm! lr.:tn.
TlomtgA it, ;, 'Wt !M )/hlr, ar.d tlhtlttg:hrh * 1;gJy }I'G"' tiJt
Jv..INI!{I/1, IJN /llll.(jhmt ll.oc-,Y,c.-r..d, tl;f f/illihiJl ftrtm t},, 7r ir r/Jr
"""u rl;lng !IM,fl$ Ul mad a t/,/irJ"quJ, unp..:u.o u:; wit.b drMtltmJ _folr,
1:..,'-fi/W .Sy rJigltt Or /ly 1111)', lm1:gs mi1.MN.e1, aimlt.n
q/mnt-rm'niltdnfll, o.nd mtr t}xu Rrt- .n!NUJ '' lhilfgs
lhlfY>.Y Jl(/(1 all wmr jrcm whm If IS IJOf l,ra/Ji.Jy, lmtlummu
'-.1rn.M(Ij '!'cld, ":"itt, ?t
ur nt/firx tmy rdiHr N,IJnilfl.u:,tl <!(Jutt;un fo
uolt;h it t,-a.ti mJJ du&Jtl)m-,,f }.1tJd.uur tqi/UJ from i1'> fll!listuu. W/;fn t!Jt hm111
tljrt(I'('.Jilly h nJt/':Jt/, und w/),n il Wlt'lfl, tt4Jt!i.>r ugJ,J
Mtt)lliJ 11:/f. /)ttl 'Wt' ,(/'1 l)r ik.'f)J 116W 611t thill\'f nnt/ 'lti'W it'lti//Nr, olliJ /Jx
l1oJr be fr t rlw :1ctinlnp; c)f ,,,H. spt.'t':ct.. Gtonttdcd
lhAt>S\ II bel''I'I)J m<'IT'IJ hil"lu.;!..J.L rt l!> wh,u nurl
l't" t't' \Cr. d !161 t.ltiv.dtl nnd f{'tinc!d, ,,nJ Jn iUltlc
I' h)('!( .cnl, <)til fcad;. IIJ jtel ""'"' b1 t.uu!, 1
nne: anJ rt'tn1.U .md 1111\k\x:top,d, ill WJ,;o
I \r\t'.; !001\'
,pln:-r th.u1 .m:.o.kc 1\ln-r. .r I'-' .Juwmg n nrr 11hllitr ro knaw-bt-
wn.:lrhe J,m,un_ln;of ,....u_,.,T\'II'l:" rl-.;;ngtrr-anJ wfii,h would il'!dt:d,t
1!1c tuowu:guf fl ,nughro rbar sel-i\;J\'il"!).'! ilnrl therd'ote knl'o\ting that
rhn he iu11J!CJ .md pofcntl.tU}' mwmr. iu rhe \'cry j
, whicl\
hn ;m'< .. (ntC"n'c ltf;':hh Uf' uur HHI if
hr 11 rill, illld t_tr:iUlli uer Jtg:a ol hn:dnm nc CPuld
c\-cn Ollf irsclt ho11
I ,u.,_. jl;'.lllb .1. thilt. de\'t'lopcJ, Cllll11t'tr tk.JJ mr
tcmknoet= to t:all!e hJtnl, wi1ringt_,.. l''lr unwirnni{IV 1nd r:1n
tt wnuml ,,nJ honC'Ir t he 1<>'t'origmy und the t;tllCb(Y o: lclJuw ll-ic)'l
N\JTHINt. Ben, Fxcu_o:;'J: .\\1;
. '\IH \\Jr WHO \\'L IJII'\,: K Wt; .<\Rf?
1'hr lrtJf f}ll/ut 4/1 humfm ix1hg i1 prr'ma,iA by tht
,ilfd tJ, mil( ht whidi br./xll !ibmlfio'.njrom tk'it!f.
' '1-liE,!lT
bioi<JSY ,tud<:nt<, it ''lti hammered 'tnto U"' i-. Oflle ot
"( mtnphoi:s. r.har 11Dt uhoommon '\ithi:o cdlle.'ltior.) that life
()btl'S the l:i.wt of :l!'tc! chcnusb'\' and t hilt
trt mereiy11n Qf tJ\ofe same nllrulll 11Y.It while cllm
p!b , lln(lth-t ml)\t\Ji t:ll ()! li te [ar mote tkl:IR the I 1)IOMi.;
10d :}t ruCt\lft$ ot mlotmlite 1md ' " more dyn:.uuK rd:t-
to uue :.l.lWthi!T, theN: ul) to 'll"f>ti:t th:nt spmc <:.'C-
tm '11'-lnl :inimating ()r "vir:ll" ftli.:C: t hat is-"e;u ... ::ing., the '>)"item to
be th;u bc}'t)nd P,t o1fx of f.Urly condl-
tlllfll th...l pemm rlu: col'l'lp<)ttdi iN .uld s:tructur6 ()( I ')_!'ttcrus to-<"!l.':t in
.lllow tlw. :Of t ht: whOle b) :.l.St\!1_\',1.1
dhidiug c:eU. o.iCRS:lon, dloC Prlt
aU the '"'A'! up 1hc lret M .:omp!1::\ life brnnchlng. t:mt
i111< d1c t'l.tnt and1lnm'Ull ii\_Jo:ludmg,dn OUl' rnAti\Jn:dLm Llnellf.e,
d)C: pf \nt:l'l:il.t.Uigly t"Qfuple.x 0('1\'I!UI'- oU)tl, 11'1 ciml'!, fl!l'
M' U\l f!lOI Ve'
r.i.IJ !lf ,!ll lo l o H ot IU 1ft
,, ... , . thl!ii ... in\' olllim l u lihUe \'(c_ dn n II r II
Y <tttdcr.
tlUtlll'hllt 1.\'t' c.oll"l:rt nr lilt !ho: lnCIIJI tll)t\ .:ell '' , I
_ , . " ' "t-tl,U flldtwJ
I ,, vrn r/1 Ol);utulm u-h u htcrMiu
lllln \'l'l!n
1/1 '"}'.h II'C In!\ lUll Jo. I'd , lhl ok dl l"rnm 1tf efl
l ll)gt'c,f,_
(lhl nr t'Vr!L Ulj.,Tfinll I rom o.dJI! Ute.' 'U'"';:t: ,. II
..., li II \'
hi": nr n:U lhnr- 111 inherc<nr M:".a\n
1 I
r I If I dt
'"t-11,1 '''I b( Juuc- l mnt lf!hr"t: 1J1ot I
J'o Y ' " l<ntte Jll tl fl! 11
111;t ""' 1,,. ...,, l"fl'f rn-ntly lnr 1nho '' ''" ' .. A,
' wnott: n
111 hn h u1t 11 llnm 1.11dt .u th hhlr Jh.orr ltum imple
-lllrm tH-.H d11: nn" I(OJ.o'tll' ff tbt In
Om fll,tL; If.., '-"''ll N lw lnh'thtl\1 ll(l .llIC' If R.'plilJie lllll l
r.,Jt-c uw. hJ ,f li\'II'IC ('<'II, tluuhr
mrmtrft Jnn,.: tll,u no
it>.LI (i.f\-.:
IV.oO 'ol'LO: Ml'
J'ltll prnpt< Ill llf.uui Ui .)itllCIJ.,'\ ll Wll'lto! httfiJt(MI :tHHi:tr wlui
11'lf"rl '" iw, \'It brlio( thttt me ; ... Lhtl.tllol.{'f r,lher thm
tluj..c .-fwulttllt), biJl,.:\', tutur..ltrlrr;l
ue1,J J mu 1111 I rlmr, 111 10 filii( !ile '" wlirp.r
.rmc.f tku Wl'tJJ i!Rfn-:1\- il"tUU'fh,'t Wll ''I'll ' .,,}, UT,Uiun.d,
.11<11 tt lt lifi,. ,mel Wf11IIJ!. \nd li tlw humn.l t<Cncl, uf
il '""' owd i pl11111 wrtollt;. But !11.11 duon't llH:tut th.lf u udu
flnmr <molfmdr uuh11h111 I rtl;ht 'Or..rc .ur
muiiiJll,.. ".1 ul .uuf ml<krH;IIulitJp; uw h tl', ,( lllc throuxh
"tnttiti, rllu :ll\:c lllln ;tco:\t\111 111111 hpcrl hi}:hcr ton;lct nf
lthl'nlllr-fl,l, Mh ltlt"lr jTIUJll'triC'j..
I m tltt rhrn: hut lltiJ'<'UM&l
nr. " '"'i"ru ,,, tiw n b .(C! I llvin" "rtCIU, lhdtUhf!R u h thr
luw' '"ll 111'(- I lilt i( ,dt u Ju c t<lttlfll\ nl ,, l.uw( nwrg.-u 't', rill' r.,.IJ.Iu
11"11111 Ill!' rlllif(' lll ll'f('r'<' 1111J Ill hi iFPtJl'!l\:lJ
nrslilt wil/)111 11 1\t ''"' p01111. an,t mJ (!Ju:o: b,JIIt111
11.:-11 hr: <IH thllrlU Wn' rtj.iht uti u,r )\)IIIli( Cutb whn!h hnJ
''" ntc fh, tnlr,- rrll,., (I liM lc. ml rmtt lllhnl\ tl r tt!lfWC
c.J1,'1il ttll , t h,ll l1h1 If It <llJ\ ih 11 uh Qt the:
V11t lfl .u lllt whkh h wrr thr
.. r 111 110d LII<JIIIj\ dr. lltf.ll t 1'\lo. JH t ,\ l1 p l11j.ll:l1t :llff,fi!Uif 1'-\1 !Jlll l
cbc t)n tltit pl01nt.t were tauldn( l)dp btll
\l>t"l'l 1 II,>!
, hr n11.tnr:1Uy 111111rp;aruc 1m'CCMC. 111 Wllfm
t.e svr\1 1eJ
r v-:r uulllo1111 :.\1\d uf yc,!l"''l, by lh;ht
u!IJ t!(l.!o'lfi N ' . -
', d!l)'rt uiKI totlu:.t innnlm$1tc 11'hrroenvit<llli1"\CtU); llloll wuld 1 rm
1)1111'. 1 I G . I
. , v:.l<.oufWI.lVII to w,c 1 pt"lX't>:it:'l. JI\'.Cil <:nnngh tunc,! lt:MI' \'i\fii !Wt
rttltn!('ll ""' ,
,,,,.., _fu,.mfl \W.)'l$ tU i ntCI.tct tr, the h\\._. ('J' tilemiitf}' t(l
llljl.l'!:'- "'
"' 1ut1imenury pt'llyuu:r cht1m' t'.li ''uff IJN
1\'C r
.. no;l RNA) lift(! thotl bad pnrtkul .-r pr!lfet1iu.
' By ''try nnt ure, d1t1 hu hnw rhe !(, tOft;
}nut , ntountll'()f lnfonnltiOn m the lit(l\lt-llCC uf thet.t 1'111u ((lll>ll t t ltnt
u Witt! precisim1 tn qr,nM:111.;. th;n nt'>lrm.uion,
I<! l!Jit.let VIU u)uft.CondtUOn olnd fll\lll}lrf'lllllt.'C \'ananl"1;,
mut:uioos-. th;lt mn)', rn.rd)'. htll'i: 111 t llll
pill in;;- ' J'h11: iufnrm-nriof'l in dw pl)lynudc:ttide .:h11in11
lmo the ltnear of lllntGO t)\nl (QMtltUtc pQiy
1miM !O!hl1i na wllc.n rhcy fold "I' un: kn(lwn .:u; the
<I' tlul o;:.c:!lth:tt p..-rfrirm tll.Jlll ttf
In whith uic rhq u.f'-' balled t ntJmt:\, 1h:1l :l mrm1! 11t lw)
buikJinp: IJ\1! (II w11i<'ll <dl!., 4fC Jlblde,l n WIUi:h ..:!\I.e they
wlmmJu 1111 ttlfllt:furill
I low h i!l l ..:nnt\; :ahoutn,> give to ;fr\ urg:,a' i1.etl 111 rbt fu-.n pl.a.:e,
,.,.r!l Jn JmmitJ"'C one, tiT n(lt l'rqm rhc per
p..-ttlh:: uf' bif.I0$.)'
in J1rindr lt lr UBll wlU he 1&11{1 ;cll th.1t
\'fiil lt (t' uud.ct\htr'lll lt ,yitl be dccptt ingigl-.r irltu n1111pl cx. 11_:,-..
nf 1"1lt1h n'toJecWci l h;1t ' b.ti'C! un vi t:al iOI\.'<': llhc:r t t lw
''!flt.tdzy, 'nnck1 t-he rlglu tutd Jn wid\ rU.UI)" <t ber )u.:h
mVII;I'I!)I:I;, for I j,,, uf I'IO'.'CI phtu(JitiCnA,
ltJ!, lmp1n 'tandf, th" $l1lb il i1.111lt,$tOI'i n;tt
retnt'\'tlll( tnfnrnhtllll'll.lf\l
rh- nu1luLilil>rl ttl' i'" How. 111 d-. 111 15-<Jnt.U\tntl t he
*'1\IJI.IIJIJfl (II lllllV'Cfh;, OJICC.IIho\N jiJlll rlanChlfn: , l"l;:fh,'IJ IIUII'IIIIW t hr
f,, , cnwlt\'
run., wh!.:lt <:IIIC:I'gt'11 ln lutlt1witlp. t hl-l'!t tUu1r
!..-. nl phr, ll!lf uml c:h,'lni8! 1 v
to vmy hmly. Vhu vn.o ex:11 .. l v n<<
.1 h t1tcrl'.fi)rc tTom tl:'f It I$
l:mgv.tgt tt4eiJ tS lr rh,n m.y bodr
numbca of 011 1hf.c t\t lo thi!ii 1c-ntenu:, th>n
a hill'( } 11.1 U' p rtlrtn'S h) ljll\' o\11\TI-ting .&hC!Uf WC
ho ut ,hinlung i' whu wt" l)r 1\t k.m
,.hv we a;. h IITI pt111 '>lf lllr (>0-ll\'tfttim'l.ll rea1
0: ru lht
:\Jzy..-1 nl time, W<- \'l"tmldn'l Bay 01 "tho: ttr "1hc
ftemi, WI' w.:.ulrJ mv." rclathe.l}' "'f!C'aking. hody nf '""'n'
fthi'IC 1 gO ag.tin) is in some t>cl.;lti(mshlp to 1 be -1pellk<or, rhtt 1-..
Jt)c! "rhc" hilfld ,w<:mld 'Scen-t cli:;tanto::d, .tticwreJ. _,
diti)C.I<I .md (lisctnbodtcd. th<:t-t: a ' "J>"ltdrioo!. rd.ttirrmhip
rtt<= tn)' bod), bur one that got$ tOtti.ll}
iJ it i$ to fall that it i.;. botl)
WltttOUJ l.n(m it\j! th1u Vlt' don'r t:x:wtty whu 1s d"' ''''"R thut
crwnct.orup.. unrlt it it,only :t, -w,-,y <>I peaking r-.tthar rh-:tn.a bq, It
.ni\'Cir So (after all. it i3 not som..:hod) bQd)-th:u ldut.l ol' thinking.
or t'ccboR C\ln be Severely wr,\J)d put )O.I nn ,
r,uune JOt
bo-;pitllhdrion) hut it l$ nor. so iu .nt way.lf wh.n (he HC"3rt StJtr.l
lJ.'(S i,i: :t.CCUt.lW, otppcaranc,c i1self js c:mpt''
The ls true tO!' 1 mmd. \ mind is: ir? And whu aou
b3e llll1k;ag 1t up? A!ld who t()
Jn,,tgint to1 o1 mom,cm th:t wh:u the 11nd tl-.e-Bu'ddhish sotv i
INC (1l}rhough forth\( Kuddh1Hl>, 1Y1i:nd is thJ1 ;\11-
, -
l(J}\'i own can be rdiltcd tO'nurLnnl phtn(l\lltnt, 1 e.,.,-
brjm, but i1o nut rcdut:il$1e to marrer), /\;. 11 lhing b<:mg. we woo.ld. be rh;:-
Jltbdut .qf chcmiatry and and baqlogy, and of whoUy
Pf\lCI$f&cs rhllt give rille hl mturtiw.: with 1 h..- w(Wrtd bev
-:<nod O!.tr !tod .with the of tht bod-, amJ mimi. Thto. tll
\tllm " ,. '
' , a rut ttl whom all 1hc:6e cxtxciett..:c ... .llC! h.lppt'lliug, .1ml v. h
*rnld.lg rh<>:I,L,rht:<, t"eding tl\t\'lt< illcllmgl:l, tlW11t' .tttd.
JeJU)! fhi!i '\' m f
C{ Q
1Y or .It 1 auvllung. an lliWptt)t!tt.:t
l:t-trly m\iqut identity uf an its conscituem suucrurcs, ch.rough
mabtdnr rom;hing. Ar rhc cmph:hi'icd th-at this
cl[q:u:Llhy 1l':1t w.e cu.ll"m( bodih ldc:ntilY do'"'r'l'! h!WC: lUI
cxhrctl4't more r h1\11 we dp, bat emt-rges dyu-;&lfl\-t'ully
itlreracti,oJl$ nmu
g lts pam.
the lnl nl\JUf: wstc-m is refc.rrt:d w \\' bod\''s .sr.:ond' bcc';l ii1C it is ot'" !l tld c:bangmg_pntl u'l
to cltanging: tr , . parti.allr lnc.ali..:tl if1
rc.:Jric fi'11JI4"l:u1Jt
f,,.., ut tltr .. b>:<:ncc. (H fou.:.Jgt' nw.:11kn or diit:a:;.e pfQ(c:olk!
' I l'IC
111 l>r a rorrrlnuul cnmr n u Lon a lilt the:. tnt'll\b..:nt of 1 tu,: -Su.:lt:tr
,..j 1dJ, wuilriOJit'1 rhr: uuu!d un through tht IMgu11ge of im-
I!'I\UII! n:oowlirio'lh. 'fh,. mrwer&ntiuu .:cordiAilll". uU lhr V:lll
'1)1',1 fur,,tW,:.$ uf rht hoclv <JII J. llwd. \o\'hbuu1 lt, even 1
nHectltm, 1 h+- hudy WQP.eld Jh Vitn:l3 puJ it:
lbc "ti[J(' 1 hat Jtl:uc 1t1e hrJ.ln teo 1hc t.1Wwnmcnr. u<:.h
thr. C')"' e;uT1 hlll-1' m numhcr df l}'mph a'P'"
l'he.c .lf'C ,fhtlnn re.!;tCift& thn.t ltd .alld lmtr.Jq
wifil ,.tlrnuli.: Ji:tr patcbca i11 rht inre.tiur rlut .:oe IJ.MI)
erlttc '" you 1'41
\'\'lenu I:.!Jmc-rhir.g cines. gf) if .:al,lin o.dl1 nhu;etc ;md e;U.Jt r.111 uf cemtrnl, or 'ua.ngc \'il'lll ... ur qthn appc-u 111
tht lld), an: dttt,rc:d, '
fdt" hy ttl! 111111
u( the unnvmt !}'litem Thtu, \'ltrftltl, ('dH1'4t-l!d .mrl
mrduoinru ut mubiliuJ t< 'l'ttd fll!li:IIT:llir.c th-:rn \vilh :m ..tnl!lt'
in;t: df.ll(t<:C tlr otl d('ln.tJ llDd tmplitic.ltion or
1 btJ<t lvmphncvte 1 hilt deploy tht npcC'1Jlc ttoognit1un molec;ule" il) ql#-
fmra f:<t tio,l' 1he .thMrm;a.l ccllt. Qr clu:ti\IC'llis..;U""c while ntnnul
, rll\ '1i not ;ttOJ.4:};td or lurttt(:d.
l"'ht: lf1\mlu1(" '"a to! lo\u.'hi,,g .1ft4.i n:cogticioat,
1- ,.!J.I"YciiJauu:. }'ltf:ll tt: twvu rlutr hurrmmy b rn:tneJaiMd_ In
tl r dyu:unir litr hdd ol thr body 1' lr 1" to puteutmll) tl:\lhllgm;l
. I . J 1 I r . ' "' der.lnt'C<!CT
,.gnh lmm wh un ;U1 wit lbul. t .n "11-,. "' t>
1 1
I },
tcspun1 fl
huth 1hr .u ,uu1 tll!llul1u IU al UW I lC lll'U) '
' ; enu ot f(l)!ll
tlut.oOI ll bcfmc M'lfll, Whrt ' JJPII1 ifll(Cillll.lll I(
.3 thtu; ,lidn't thou plantt when huuun bciw'
"'IV!U"' dfl.d yer: (:).1' ho. J"r(OJi.tlYJ.ed <l.ll rottuii11Jy J..unagmg, !11!-
0WCI(' .11\' ,..
. ... tmd ill lc:;ctl'ltd Jnrlthen
........ e !W''ir<:tn.
bt'ltttln""'' ' .
\VllC.It 4}'btelfl hn;u.k' Ji.Wm. tl tloe'-, !/(lu
\...Y,C: t i)C' J)r\lCetrivc of bodil.Y sdi. Thttot sivo tn dt,e.
;\t n(! dJ'?.'easct. rJ'nY aJ,Iotdi:t
of t he bod)'
IIIJ'f nul:.:- lip l't<.>dy tn.t.' :to ltmgef Jn with ont: IIROther iu Wll}''-
rltlr optimue ltuni'IMY and lhe. th<!m clthtt
fO.\:Jc. Thh not th:u t h11n '"hi!A JIO'i.U g:<mrtogs
H-<:dh I .il! a 110rien,
[! "lh neu.. .. , .
utvBI utrcra.<=W'"
luu..:Oi"'l'llll ncnv.),k
I II I '""''(_ ' I
'"'' 11, " 'o( wty, pr<IJIt: ltr ,tfrt .1 wuhrr .1t1J
, hi.ldrrn ;.rc oolbUIIIth' lun!J' lint II Soril'f\' nl nrnr w:n
ll ua tl"ll\ P'"'' l+f d.IMn:;t tu hll JUTt'tt'll' rokn. Tt.i11 i11 h.ow d!,i:
'"''1m itt u.,mphtltr'lll . 1.1!111 r1inr, or n11'ml)t).
all rln'l Me II the II
ff' m1t ih nhulro he old lute. hullht:y hllrh" ill Ill( ro\.; I'M thr
.Y."l'Ul) ('tupoM )I tj!C tlllrll(lld )l,lnb:i !1t+'t!IIC
\\'r tf\' mt u:+nl (> .,j ,n,._. h(jd)' "" ,, ulf h a
"onriJiun rrUH) OIM om OI)J!;IIIfl\'1' d1(:.,, but rh Ltcr thttl w: Jo
fm.-t"l"l Tlur f oin,g k ro thr !>llr Ld l m)'
hri:'AJ e-\"tn ;hr ltml .I hotkct l11 whhf funuhlt.a h.:c:u then'
lrr 201) \TJII . 1ln U'!ll:l .atnlltr J,nt)\\ hnw Cn bii.J:
h.i lu.a:
d. If <fay r tint! n rli1Tct'(t1l p:O!On
,.,)w nl"'Y be domg dtc- !lame- telling lt.\lht:
It ..,,;u w-on'r be rhc:: The baker t hm:-bccJ.trtc
of !he "' long The: t"ict that kMwn
fnr .1 loti$ time, nnd I he)' lt.t\'o;. n )'ou c-n
imitale tllia Frt:leh b..ut if ;'O!.r d\1n't haVll" tht_ hi'Stdry
J bl\!(ll"'bc 111nd: the Cllp11C1f)' IQ tbe will rj\"X(I
J9l t,,0. What my in tlwi-r .al!nw; my
ll ':)j nr m
s thy-
nru' .mJ &o t"he filet that they 'lhoH.; t hil. Inn
thc,y opef:t'tl:: ir\ OC)nttxt ..Vit h each t
tht-- b-1okc:r- bdongt ' rbc c-or'orrrunitr> C\'Cll hm.tgh
a he IIi .dcuq,s; f'Qm\'!rhmg diffrent We- ate it, tu our
iJotly wutklng- W<: rl('n't the c)mplcxity (If tiU;.
el!lcrging procl!'llo 111"1 "lintJ.-intr W11rklng. 1\.hwl\ as tn 1 he hu
11!!11'1 luxin, wJwrc tap.tcitit!ll 4\!o a IIC-ll$C or $C:}f !lTC
dl' .all the Mlitont, in the itnmnnc 'S)'it(;m
altert .t tl C;o\fu..,ity to m.lint,)i!'l the bod)' . mrl m hil\'C ,
hormy \\ill i(. f() -elf A,.; anC:thf>rgcnt i t \OMc
th:11 ;u tlfl:ll btn <:xlu i\O)'Wh(:re , My identity
fl?l luuln(!,l in mr gene-s, or;,, ntyxdb. in tltc
fit J trit;IJ, \lytr.tmit. will be wurrh k(:t:pjtlgjn when we
the llwt.tphor til t he wor}d ;l;J: out bocfy
:\ l\lu c,.,perienetd hy now to llllfilc- dcg.ce lut.l Jl1 p!l)'ing
*"r lll<)f't urful.ancmion ro tbc M \QUJ own mimi ;Ultl l'slldl' ff'I;Jf'll
1nnmeru I mumcnt, tend i<::HI ruther Jive, both i"
w.udh ;1nd Ol.ltwMdly. And we CCJnlriburc to .nul in till!
mcnN.non jMgeninj!; ()f who we .lll\1,\ll\' .ue in tiUI
,Jcrpett narure, au, I by our 1mpulr.f robe, not .u W'C' n:. bot as orbe'ti. o1
C\'t.ll Ill nWn limTrulll..iug }u.V( Ui he. ThtH>, we -;pJjt oarsdvt:s Qff
frutn Ut!lth't"' \Vr: fr;gmenr O\l l:,dvtrll ,,, pulllu.c cbi.mtu., ohtro {or
.w1l deca&l.-. ilt1l the totu.l, with <.>r ncn bcr:'lr
tne!l "''' tluc\lrt', OUl' smetclgnlji. rln: of' who acllMll}'
.u:,l Jllr unt'n_gmcorll,hlt wholenc;< This l.t om: '}''"l"om
ui .lnd ,. .. hulivirlunJ, .nld 11-. .1 rocicl). Per-
hatH this -.plirtJIJj'! 6\lf d'"'c .,tf' fmrn u rhe TOt1l
ir til', .11 (tJri: uf J1l confLict.
.L !jf oorwh<>lcne>s,
I ir. .o1 pro>; t)fk 1 1.11 lhWI
;mr.l ;1 u.:&d(aqt m llllt..ow mdve11 '''he c.vcn when
, I) . I I I' - a \''mit!"' tt
,1.11:. trsti.6eti, M luqkl;n b\-' life:, 1 .. turMW _\', 11\g t "
- f rc.c rhcm m be
wn:h tbingJt as .lfC., IJ.I het' tbart to o
' I'' I I I I ,;.euuc rlt II lt:IVt'
I he'\' t)(h.; (If &1: Wt:: W l"-f! I I\. I U 10 lC [<) I
l'iO J4.ol<l .. I 1.1-1 I'UI J .\.11
,, _..o1ntcimes I hink f)( ;u; Oul awn A" S.l\U S:mtf,trell pul tt
hi! b\)llk //.11/ 74)' S!fj- LdU<mF J\;}Jnt!}lll'nf''H ;, lr.!tdlrull, hc-.tllng
1 01
lflLt(cr of t h:u WI.' <';.111 be llUt! yet we J lo; Mill whole.
Didcinso.n C<\phn;c. so 11\Ccrl)' pOlgtl"llnJ.Iy tl)t'- t'oJ.c:
co "]llir ot}' j)Mft d outsdvcs, to d .ll: r,u: of our awu k;
;w-nr 111J.\(!/-!O Jmnisii-
ttiy Am'iJJ
(jtm All rltart-
b'Ut sir.u Mt-
EJ.Wf'l bJ <u/J)liJJIIIing
.d11d 1i11u St{.fl' mmunl /ltJ(IunrdJ
tl!iJ 1.1(
E$/dpt l11' d/;Jilmitm-
Hrr.v d;n do \\e but unwitt ingly banish
'bll r wholcnes,:, :md our ton,.Qj)uliOC31; t1ur
nmtitttct and <>ur eommon ''l;rv 50Vel.-cignn .md rhe
uf ff11c hra.ling, ir) tbc hope of achlc\(,13, 111 prnn:<t UUf
-.:l'ltl: fl'llm -hl1rt-. tO Ol)t painT'
Whut Li 1he p'it<: p:l)' for Such abdu!llfi(l n? {$ 'i.t wonh
'VI "
1 Itt we: '''cro. to choose, brl'lvely. not ott
") '0 ' '
r.n' cr. r C:'I.'C'IIm
Who wouJd Y.'t be'J
If h
m.v mg r \tC: ((d, lnwardJr?
f-low ..1.
nllgul Wt ltCI, OOt'oY;ITdf)'?
.EwJttta, Wbnln h1 tiJJ!t: fol\'1' mnn- deeply lu <I mto fl'lr rtatmt
uf ,wJ liU: I. ter om, j rOI:''lQ', Lit( hi ;UUl ,t;rJ1'it.Hfl1l. ,tJ;u ";IW, ftt-
dtcply, ihl' tht' bli nthn}!; c::R'n ill nnJ
huw 1 to what be u.lkJ ilil:unn l
(O ;t uhbi wlw wnneu l\uu Ji;.r IWW !(,ex-
pi fn rlu: lm dau,u;hter, a '\inlcll'l, ht:.mliful '"ixit \Cilf-ol!d l!:il'l.
1> her oWt ,ll,ln, E1m1c.m n:pl. r:&
A hcmg , .1 pur Qf t he wht;tk, .;.;!UOO h_v "' 11
p.111 lmltctJ Ul I Iiili ;mrl f'.l>.."'c. J It t:;'(pcri f.;n lu>
an.d ;t' '1('!1\j:ntc:d from Tht R"<l-:e
kio1l hf dt'lihitrTI 1,1! 'I'III'Cimtlius:.Sfi. Tiui' Jd.1wm i .. "
kind uf pilfturt lm c.! r 1 l i11{ u lt t.JUt -.nd tto
f(tr 11 few pttm e.aret.t tu u11. Ol,i.r , .. ,.s. tuun frtt
fr'ifD 1hi pri .m b\ 'loJc11i u:.: utu tirdt uf to
ctnbrur tlw whtJie i1\ h(:3Uty".
t D .1blt ru .dlk\'C rhn nnpletcl)\ btu 1h1: -lriv1ng f.,r
ilduevt:mcnr tr1 llkif' p.lft rtf t he lib ,,lic>ll, no.J :t.
frn iiUICI' Ho,.1Jrll).
' ) julf ll gt'C.II Jlh)'!lic:i. .. !, Ill Of 1\httaWm ifi)J inner .e
""''Y li iJ l l hraw-much be ldt we lit!;: -all
by 1l1t Jel u\!Qn ol 11i!f'antJOI1, the epa.rurio1l rut fft)rn mysdf,
frqm :md I rflllfl Thou, hQ'W he \lqdC:rt>ti)OJ. tlle iUitf'7
,n,, (rom Jt, .1nd the m gOJ.trd llg:J'Ilt ir by cl)m
, . ,
lie sa'" m tc:N'I't9 of wholm,, wnh ._..f ht1lt:na:sb. And m lC1111S of
,N/lltt)l'l fnan dclu&IQn .l\od \VJ!I __
C3n we oun;dvol! t<I'- IICC W1th ej1:i of who)c.ntK!I i' well. and be
J\'llir.t.of the we fl)f ouq.c:lvc-s -<md for to! heM; 0!.1;
-uf W:P'llfltlUn when lh(:re l('ll.ll)' I!> 'flont? Clm '.Nt,
b pur it, witfc:J'I (1\lr 6f ttl: !AU livini't
uuttlrd aoJ rU.tur.e in 10 bc"''ty"":. ,-\nd 1;2n \Y(_ mduJe (X,IT-
.dvt\ iri rim cirdc of <ompi!S!!i.un?
h is -a airct Ill\, !lOt a- .And that pt01.1;tke 111 nUtd
waki11g up Jrom lhl! the fragtm.:ntllti(ut$.. the 4bdi,ciltiOII\,
of rJ'r mvn it L"> C;cJied frttiug--ound.\c:o from
wl:l .rpp.;;uJI to be "apatne:;( in flKr, A.t th,c (ll:)l:pen oi11:!Vt1s, \W
:wh hcl(lng, have o&lway!t hee.o YlOlto into the whtolc, ate J1-
trJdptt hrml e, herc,ln tbl11 rht bwa1h, ln rhi11 pJatt.
Al\ nH ltl bt wt i>jf
A'W tiM sli.gltat partitVm
1h11r l6r IJW"'J/'tlfl 111m.
1'!: 1111/<'r-wt-Qt;., it?
if 1111( 111/fli jifi(l(/
tbroug;, 'Wttk f,,tdi mul
tAJ!mls of
u. h.t:
.'\ J'l'< rnr TE' roM)
\VIhl Mn I 01111 'v\
h;u rime 111 ar'" \ Vhere w;n ll VVbat v.'l' t
kl:og? W11t':te .uu I going?
Nn, fhi ,, nOt chc of :t G.lllJ:,"'Uil' .dthm1gh '' mighr be
6tn IUt' fund;tmt!rn-:11 '\'\'c- U{Uill tJII!lieh.l"- lucky 11 we
c:.n a:mr.mber ru 1 ht' itOV'e :lfh;r uung 11, and theft tin11:
n:..:ull tb:n .aMnnll) JitJ ;shut if qff', whJch iii hu.rdet. Bur \\'\! ha.ull) '1!\'!f
le llud.:) 1r1 knmv \\'hnt WI: or whf.' we ate., llr w!,tn: we, <II
.\ lur tlmt' it li. We. houJd, We: -t.ah 2n uwfuJ lor f<> w.1m'Cd dut ia quite
mir .. ;:ult-}tlJ, '"1rvtning1 and :ba.t gWCIS me;\Jiin-g ro tWer:v
mctu cH .111r Jwc.
A m\ J:1du:r Wll'i t&JJduall) lo!tinp; l1ug_c . fin nlind IO
\1:-heiiUer '1 diu:uc, f he-.r.'ltl'lll: .IH' <.>f how mtlth I took (1;\f
J v.hcrl!' 1 hnw t got chen:. wlw- h.ul come bc:lm,, whui
bt COIUIIIS no:r. h WI nr.r rl. . , l lud ro t hiuk Jbout It . I !Ill r juS:f
knew. AU Q( that tii-r him. f1 "" if huge holes
op nirnr up tn hl b!'3in. T;m, ilnil pLc..t Wt.l.: ctu:
(.' Jumbiu Urw
r.athe:r. lvi11 Kab3[, b.1J ht!i: clll1tc career ln ,t,
. . 1
Y( wnl )(rJ,(';II, t:x<t:pl fo-r u tow1u
11 he fof' ;r of "J.""c., c:omnl-nn:d badcultl fo:rh
lrwt,: h' lb. N v k d
h w.:ek benvtcn " a an 1 c:w .,,g an ;t projc:x:r o)ver\r."'' :u the
' 1 l.n;titlllC' of Health ln M:.lryJand whir.h h1VQ)vcd
'\\j!!l)llll . '
:Q(IIpii itlf:' IH'ttjr.g cQ.lino, :t."\iJ rhc !l'<tUtneet; of
., nnclbr)d}' molt'lculc:t later Q( at<::1r gmet;,
$ne: elf!)';; ooUeaguc of irom Cohsmbia. callecJ tru: to kcoom tho
lt.Jitl"'Jn,g .st'.JI nf haV"rng lunclr in rllc dmon.'
_ ,,. 1,_,m mr l'!ttheJ rnttt'lttoncd 1 hat htt W:l1:1 be:u,lin"' off t4l che':li....,orl
Glllla ' b r
to NI:\Y YMk. f hc prob!tm he: \\
ilfi i:n Kew York.lh
wne-of tlt:lc phone t:all, 1nr and I alt..::: d) kneW.
'The fust thar l ;tl}(wred JO, or I IIOtc which J cm,ddn1t
it\tlll pcrt<:tl",ui ng my oon$<.:iousne\$; otC41rrcd whe11 he dt:cb:fcd Wlth
glet that; In doing rh:u whJch he h:'ld hiJn-
l'c:\r.l$ setdng the J R$ to ,relmbcll'$(: hiln for :ill t:ra\'<:1 ht;twecln New
Yack.lntdrlle Nn J. (1 ha,ve1hought it was alrc;tdy paid for out of bjli
grm".J B11.J he W.\1> ;; eduction with '8.
I 1\'.t( I ru thiad:ly rbc 1Ccllng th.arllto-3t
detp in my and , 1cS\:en1fCoi sido:niog2y intO; myUon)a<:h 016
(l:f IMk el'fcH. This Qf a ditfQ-.:m <.tn-
lrom not able l(l come up-wirh l\ wo(d, or fogotting he
ftll hi1 keys.
CCJuld this be- Mat did portent! fOrm}' (nthe;:r, whQte
oJ.v/1 .. u mtmunoloslst Michael ha(lli,.cd ca be
LU3 nod who l);W shm\;n tlp in_ hi; every d;y to I with'stu<knt' and
lo write .rcienti.6' papetll unti.l was 102, My f:uJ)er's one deiicc:, -wruJ, he
tn JnO(e and 111ore felt J1imsclf '1/:tS 1h:11 he rcm1iu
Ill\.'( llld dl) bt: "p!oducrhe w:ork'' m
R1r entire nrc he h . Jived :dnltlst in by hi\
tn..nd., with ;tn i(on will and I rtn:Ue(:t..l held 1111 t'R-
in n\ icro:biologJ; W:.l:. a prot(:s);()r IQ rbr<:c orh.r tlcpJ.rtmclm:,
:m.l L'.resid(.JlriuJ Mcdttl of Sci(\m:c i'(lr ht:o: Jion<:qlog work ul
anrl mnleculu im:Mitm;/ouy He \V:Ui ''
llnnl . . o.
.tr nt die: N.u1onaf <f :a m111 who h1td
-:1\c] (I>JIIudtC<f who u
; ,.;ngJchandcdl_r .1nd "'
por..cminl co.t lo) wn:t r luplry wtlu tlMt haJ 'beo:nrll'J
lllltm li1l ,.;nm b\' lht Pltbbc: HealLh .. tbe
M;l:lltr1.) tr. He I UJ bQ:);.ucd t he. NJ r f. tu '!l.(;j.
r,tim fmdt'd rht 1.ohhr J roolth uno hie lulxmuQI'), con:f!l
uctl m J< "- .u11il, Ito hTs ovl cytilh .It lr.t;:,t, bac.kfll
1Jnw,. w1d l't"t;l lldcJ fhc I'CqlliJ.:Jromt M:.W' J:rrer,}h n lu'Y. J r'nerr.-
hrr 111c .Loy he 1:alllr l1brnc 1111d Ci'ptmCd 11 bmtiC' uf .;h3J')1p11gt!C for \IIi tQ
<:'brofl:' rhr l'ICton HI :wl:ft rnn .. ipled bclll!\'lOt oinrJ h.q
r;lltic Llll ;t .dcu.tht . - f(t )(f th e ililnl 1ip,:ak r(lr ilt<IC.AI. ht'b
1 hw"''', !l. iln-ct W:''lll!('<l trom I'' mr-iplt:" ln hi.i.11eitntitic
, rr ll.;d to fii'C bunJtcJ ,dentliic Prcn (rom hit; Lb-
[trJf<lf}', an wirh f...;m all <n-er the wurld, lnd
c-dltJr.;.ns ol <1 W(!ighty te)(tbook,
th.c bihlc' 11!" iu tJm.c n du iidd, as wdl as l)lh('l t<xhnietl
hf"':U thar 1 .::uuJJ il wncrl of, cv.;-n grvt Ill)' trainult in
flltJ!t\'llfJii ,\nri here: he- Y;a.. p'TOfUr,lng Wtth n:{m.
. .tl.ddJ)Jfm!' who.;e it Wll\ ll'llrn bt d1TH tO \'iJil n>t! l$
mt' with that he h.t\1 .t 'f'C! nl+rtonih-lr with
the tdtphonr. cvmp;,my th-at !LI!o.,..,.c:tl hi m t:) wr:it<! out ' " tlmn
r.1tbrr than chu 4,. wbl:n pavil1& phon(' 11uJ bt:irg m
11nd endclU i,,g rhl\1 :a n)n,icl\1' he alm0$t h<lli ''": hdl,virtJ; i"n I'C(OUIIt-
rng no how be ha,rl lw,d with the: Pj'l,!:mil':fl in /\frira fot;;.._. nme
11nd bow, whtn be m their ,Wage, he. found 1 ha,t wt.r<' "vn:t
lu1,ppy'' r .. h.ltu .md lh;tt rbey lu,d ulu:-.;uly re;d hi- !O:ttmlfir. JM}IJ:I}
mJ hnnl.....- TI-.e "''"K'!' of null j)wplt IIJQkittg Up to lnm hn1wnr.g
l1l rn did Mt<:l<{;.ll ' .. nntitc. WtW!n I ;-.-ked him whcte in
lid. "Sr..url . '\n1t:r.i:c:L" 1\nd .o i1 went. I [e w;tnde.tcd. rle became
DCllL IJr didn't tlndt tr.inlii my mort' Ill,; 6WC\ wMk. b'.t.ffiO
lOCI!'< nbuunVbo h\11 (ticllll' weri.
M I'd' l\$rl:c
I treMlU!d 011r time l1.'1f1:<:Cilt:l' , r::) ITI'iltl'-'r w )llt w;h ppem .. o " .
on hi, noU his l1f wlu::e ltc
what hupperung ro lum. We .. ,.,1ould sit t.:.gethcr
111c mtxllP.r-
tilletO tnr 11..: !C9UJd li!t tor .t l()og run.;-. 1 W:l:t tl w..: w
lhct. HC won; Ul h111 I tl\ mlrJe, impurtilmly,
wde wgcfht.t. Our 1ime t<>gt:thes Wl'l:; pAinful, e-!t'.i!ipcn:ring.
- He did b:w.: hi1; One <by, in rh.e ga.rden. killg a ti111
fenct behind which roM: a trlcph(lnc t'nk ag;.tnn a of
.,,,tt :1 tot\o- wi;t:. oomin_g ;ttw.l nQGhlhg uu{ (it
h)'e dcs,elld<ld Uo the along the the pt11e), at ollr
;: lte out of (lowhtrc, i!. cb>.! l!nd o( , he llno.:."
lt wu JU trvc:. I !tt..!lhi:(itl) wbat the photf>gt.lph would look of rh ...
ml'l uf ,15 6,itting on -d.-e-be'ne:h, .rn1m behind, with Lhc puJc aod
lit h;nt wire in front of tn;, agamst the r <:uuld hwc bee-n qillcd "th.c
end of the. l.uze. J;cu htm, it wAt:
.Anotl!o-r 1i1ne; eommc1\t1ug on <onli n,;t aud going of the .ambu
M s:oe from hi' window :'11 th.e an.isced !)via& tc::ntt-r, he nb-o
'When )'911 dfc) you 0...1t,"'
1 CQ. fed morer and m1)rc:: che ebbing ll( h1s r"ielllr:cs of m1.nd .tl'l\1
lmd}. aod :So ,me time, he roo. ta'ili:J ir., until t'\'en du1
di,;o(,'ed. But ht never did nl)t koow who his 'wife W.l!! m -duld!cn were. Ht: idcMifl-' ua tel the end by ..-oiOt: i11Q:te 0!1
lle td<:fJhqnt;. l wottld cuU up arid $11)', "I li, he--would insr.tndJ
tnuw it th:rt it: WM me and nor of my two wbou-
a, Jot Uk<:, nul)e.llh grccrint- jOnrly ditili.ng_,"
ld1til me \ \'ith poigmncy, gratitudt;, s!ldltC:$11',
On 1hl! i:lar rh:t he-<lit:d, J fmd hokll1\g>him m: my 1rms tOr
-boors:. :flngtn_g- l'mm Gilbert and Sull,\;an -tc b.Jm.
thu-hto h:1d sung to me ;ts
belt ml
ki qg up new OI)W :.nd l_gum
m h.d1e l1im in mcs;':\ges 4hm,it how-muc-h h!:.w-- as.lov'!, hqw much be l'''<d
in 1he tov.:- ot' his f:..mi!y, ;lnd how it-was now fo1' him tO ,g-.1. I nrc,...
With thc:se, l reutbeen fMting-:lJI the .:Jtann J lt.U:Ill:d I)YU the
th.: vauous. tradnit)nsJ Md i.n, includi g I hr Ht-.Mr-Su-
bal.h E:ngli$b and che-n Cillingimo long lt
ftl: l ip;lu. to be. int011i ng-"{omt J(Jtll !)lit ditie-r !Tom
ru;n difttr from J(ll;m," :\Vir !I ICW.'* dMvn mv f.tco.
Jtla it .all, In chc- {o;lg let,lw;, I Willi arnle-lr lwun: of 1m
llft"Jthln,!t, IOlf.!tl\1! lll'ld irrql;\1br; wtU Oll' VWl) '1'!1...-n:- ,.. ,
L h . Cll.l.,t:, .u
r:lumt-ut, uer mliiiY nun, ;;n thllf hun 1
,.. ut 1 1\) IJ l'octj
lu0!'1;vcd b\ .ln rnbmth I hdd hun (nr u long limt",
MxJ was t.;. me .1ht1(11 wlnt J hkin,... ,
o r
through the c.tghr J(mg )'l'.rl"' 111 wb.k.h ml' h
-- _.
1 0 1111110, n
...,.;\, <>UI ol w,ath Jtad lust tr:\nsriR J ........ ,
- . ,. ... _.
ffi('tw: bc-furt.. He lVII\ rre:M"m, bur il bdud.IJtd l'lt"
,. .... nee
Ur n'tilv..uottlth-= .. rhml" Hew.,
thn hcld :1 ff<T the pa.)_l md the :fit,ure. He \I'U nl!t-n
m trrmg e. .::()nlroy \..01401"f'lr!" ftc h)o:l bu1 jtlst
>I n:.u:h Qfhj enmd .and hi1 fltngllt.l Jc wuu1J he Ulktng
t1lltlg1, hut wmtkl t. rst>n o.;.t of fl\1\tnrior. LU du: wnrd "illb
t.u1>:.e .. 01 .. tllllfl'.naL" ,vtudt ' tlt\'J J. in I no t ir-ttti6c- vc.l.'abula('y, to
in4k.e wtu, hr 1\'h !king 11htlur, '''" CotddJ,'t undtttlnJ,
1 1v.a. oU
eo ht immedlllc 1-ecamc- mofo.: aj}jl &hu1 y qver LJntf But !J, eu;o.tllm . <"nU AI f<t
.md hop-ii pcind of frtHfr'i!Don .and angc1 bi'Oll.ghr 0.1 by ),j..
.and lue lru.bilin > cJ,, ut)thing -about i:, rh:'pi!r. Jll bJ tu
hn.W on ''' hi'i :.a!ld h.i1.o lnb und world,lu:- hrtJUUr mO!I!" gtn
tic rnorc- O\'t!nlr lovmg: Uc .U!II) becJmc ir.creniugiJ knr.h, more .1nd
rnc.-n:- i'IO.Un.:J tn hu wn world. He Wl$ f61 He llr,cd
Alfc' Th.u h:td 11lwars a put: Qf a. no llt'l1:ttt
lmw murh the M.-rld :r.d:.nnwledged h1 c numctnu oiC<ampllibmc:n!,. .6111
e\'Cfl 1111' cnd,er t :ill had ro> be: 1espo:d'uJ .3nd
he intetea.hl. He rouU ttlf the dif(t'"rt' if m:rone''l$$ ,'lt, cluough
the rnotioeue, hutu()ring:hirr, ttt hclng ..nr1Jc:fruhng.
J\ly fnthet' .:h.Med me htw. impon:tnt 1t 1 111 m .. k.:: we (If dsc.
11(11 pccrrum 1f IIH'nt>ll apuitK, while" c lw\t 1 hr:-rr, 1n i"6
' tnon [(i ltop uk.lntt 1 hem fc>r 1 lc-J.J""J'eJ hnw ir"i! to dr-
th'.lk IJI oi Ji,.,'trnins- tbt tctu ... !itiJ oi (hing-11
uQf bJ flkHt" :app<:ar.uu.; mi11r.alcing i( fQr JcaJtro TII.3t
I '""fi}lencd w rm tuthcr"&J .. te:it:tltlM, bur IJ-..c ..uJ uf Ui. ht< Wolf nat UTI'
umne to its tn o-thlt Ot rnl tic-event IJL>
II ! 1\fl fl" h O'l'lltl
11 .If
we :oU u..:cd 10 kutNt, .md nnlt'l!! wr :1ft. afill< with
, or cof.,m.truia, wt ull dl:l luww 1.-...::ttiron n time
o.:e m .ev<:ry mnment (ti'Vtn ef 1t i 1 to kn(f\V tlut \lOt' tUC ltJnj,
trl ,
' ' r I
l!l 10 fwuw ant be m wuh thr (I( lcnuwin;;, wlvJ
clCh ,J( til iii, Ill- wdl M whcrc (hr..rc) ;tnd (ocwJ, ;fld ttJ be ililr tc.
1111;.Ut0ltr1dll'el witJtin 11 t ln;:. m ()f 11rul .ahc:r., lind of "-r
ol"l!IC.' W'!wfl,
In wuyr; we d1.t 1\<:tt yet undtrst:snd, 0\tr rtervt)Un J ll!:m ttan: at"
rJncnting funr'li-nn'" for Ull, .otltl rrcrurbblc: J(lb n ;u:m"l tlee
hfc >Jl:l"- Burwe would dn well to kccp ln mlnd th..c1 It i.1 11 q
11Jny Clf mind
tli!!t ifllclf i\ impermanent, n(lt 1nd eully f.tkm ((l:r grruncd. [n
.:u!(i,4 ting .mindfulness, making fn!Lximal OJ!e. nf h whlc. wr h
Tbc nl 1h"is lr.iSlc. oril!ntJng function 18 clrillinl;ly In the
of l\l"llq L.ighun;m$ 01)\'c:l 7'J,.: Diugno$U, in wtlich, lt>fm"
'ut., Alewife and h 10 dtl!\.trutit)O itt d(wntw11
A tomtYmtlj::r ;,imply .uu.l incxphcahly forg ......... wbl,)
il it!d wbcte he ii going. The C.urtt"";tl of looing
(""VVhere .am T goin.g r.his mot ling, all dreutd 11p lOr wor.kt Oh
lo cbt oout:.e, like :illthelfe osher people on the rum Bt1r wl>.cn:
00 f wqrk, ;1nd wh-at ,, it thar actually ! do?"} lacLs JJJ nf ;s. li\JdJc:o to im
ftlrhiqp in a in. which c-verytbjng !s 11nd
l'tlJtCet. f;: t".tJ1id.l)' Into .a Lvsng mght!IUll"e:
\\'C li\>e <m t ho cwp of :.r !lltl timeJ. Yr.1 our
mil!luing is so robufjt tha.r. \'l."e uc -saved from r.lw par.ho!1>1Q' ')j be
rng!nmarc, -at leau o:m f he kveJ "\\'ho .arl'a H" .mJ
'3m I gQingt- dttp
r&Uy, .&nd the oog-
il that we woulel fit del:! ply fmi'll of owo:.d\"t:j bn a
u IJ.ui, ruet.lit;lhun pt':l(Tju:, mtltr rhan tqklng
;.IJl.J whu.t we 1jo) IUnrr.mted. 'l!!:pCU.IIIIy-if we rhi nk \Ye klliJ\Y 'd
J llil
,.., tn;; tt'lecl to .uhf , tlu: .h1m o.>f ''l'P'" .
,.. ' ..... lii)(J
rh, 'T net ,,.t tell f.:.ll.tlci\'CA tb11t m11v be W\'rrin.,. the fl ,,
- to mcturt ltfld
plr and trxtwc' nf nur <1Ctu.1t li''eli. F.,r liaf\e: of
lmw lut1g we cau n-,.,mr on h.a\'ln,; ;Lt nur difpoi);IJ, Of:
hrtw \\-r hJ\e t11 l"nnnnuc: fi,mg !!lld ll.'!atrnng and
HR'll 11M! (ullul:'6$ of uur'\d'1:",
hn rrry 1..11hcr, ovh.1t wtl(!f\_ hl mcmvrv and
wrrc C:1\111dy J)'>IHc wa& tL-.: lo''t ol f:unil;,. tht with
l1it wrnoicrtnl <!!tlugue;., and tnd<'nU Jhe glube,
.t!d 1,,. h.od Jonc 11.o.d touu(r lmcd i11 the worltJ Th,..:;e ore &.!r thlc..U.If .-.f But I i).l'y J.n.' i\l)d trJ:n
i('/11, betr .u1rl whlit w..: lu.v.: rh1' chanoe
Fe-r ;UI\' .of U>. pnflupi our pntctatill mJ.>' Lu rbat oi nno:
f<ling; the moment :snd h"no' ir fOt ll h-11 h ifi II'IW11 ir 111 h<"-rt.
nttl_\ m ro lVr tdation\l!ipr with pt!OJtl" .tnJ W1th Pcr-hl!p>
that h I h: ai.Jnmutt:. <lnCI;lt3001'1, bNh With;n IJ.llll;'( ,,mJ timt!, i.IJlJ ,md ume: <1 n)tmnunv Dl knowing: whar U,
Juc.rlf. a:xperic:raWiy. And fovi.llt(lL
.. -
OK l f.'I(';)(.;ON \l Rt:ALtl'!'-
!\ I'TN(i IN C ONSC l \
A$ ;a :lll l!, w..: have bt!('ll..adO'Iirabtt exp.!o-rtr"'' ,\nd i'nhabJCUlh
nf ('lnnVnlional the wotld ''QUt deill'ltd by uur
6v. a!lw.icJl -w-. ha-ve: a1 home within WOt'ld.
Md: have lt-.trua:(l In i1 tn our .an.d brief coUNt
oihuman hi'WEJ' We d-l fo-t in tlw ph)'S'lcal W"Or1d .. It
ka11 1hr Nt\H()nian phyfical w<whl, " due tQ
llclcntt, that ''"dei'Stan(li ntris-cominu1ng.(o dl'tpCTI'W'lth
\r,-d withi.n s('io:uce, 1 he <!dgcs, h iQ tku that
IW ernptl:htnd 11Qdeflyjng fc:. llty, \-Miich :$t!ems div.uthingl}
uuprtditr.b!e,. .i nd as pcf :lw cat,ses -a11d til'lillJ:" .t f\U!ticul.r
decl\y cv\lnc in the nuclem of a.l1dia:t t.:tive \UQro; ot
Uililll!ue is qt IIQt; ot whether tlnle. or h.lppc-nr,.
the hctwt u( a btu;k hole; or whv v;ct:U\Irn hiiJ m!,!eh or the
of \he1he: 'fP!U:e js nothing or somc:Th.ln!J.
-ln the c()nvetelipnnJ e\>c,:.-d:l}' l"ot;liiy fivcd
nru'ltttl C!Jtlier, we a borly. \Yo olfl! hl'l1'1\ our uu.r ll\'e :LuJ In
Ft'lt lllfJIIt- we dwc:ll tht. ,It r hlllg'l 4>Unh:k-es nbout huw dung<
H-' t'ltU !fG l'('UIJio , ITIU
f J.t_l tf) !l.fyU J )'OOIIJr I'C'(lO:'l try 1n 'iUttf
u nu.: b&.c. I'J \.\'lllo::h l>tw "Yes; i( you dun't !-.t..: che
lflrl; nf ;tlf(oo:f In It"
hi ..111 tu.Jtti'T oJ .o.h;u ..... to ,\ t t:: willmg m st.: 11r Jtlitxi\.:iy
wiWn;r tO l.,c,:nh W UJUmt:rttal')" pc-n-'1lnl.ln.t ilt cbc
I I he lhllllenri\'c, b) lillr" of
ltu[-plo:trrultJgfll -dut-}' ropr
lit d1r. Wnrlrl nf rhm do thr. beit we: .:11'!, We:
r-.llr111t Hvmg, we puc f(U)d <1fl the ubi..-, W\' I')VJ" nur .. nd .;.a
e fv
,')U"r ran:ttl-J., nur worl.tntf whQU::ffi t"'.hc Wt' nt'<'i ro Jo rq ma.,.mJtln u
u uu .. tm-ntum duvug l1fr .trid pcrltJ.p! t,; .J;u)'( 3.'-/Atbl-
dttl, ncn itt llu: of rite Jiit!eutiul jl t ht' luhnAll
crndilJon: p:tino ill1)tllh otd lmd Jc.alll. Zor.b!L; "(uU o.:.tll1H1'0
phL." :\U th1 wluJr:, we- 111r 111rnc:r$ed in nf wtrMean-
io:H;I olllll (IntenT .JJC IU \1 ;;nc) wilicfo CUll be ume:sivc,
rtr-tiiJ\'t'. .naco.u .. lc. unrden11ng Mh.t tOXJC, .tU of whkb
h1>1h .nlor tht- m<>mc:-ru and !ottt:l."u it ltnm w Morrovc:r, we. un
J'R-qtJ('nth l1r mQclom we:. l:llntw;.l nmml .-.nd IO';t/1
l.."n:Jl lww Lo QIU .tnd to>. nthtt.,, m the .. um ""
ptr.;cw-cJ fo,uftl . r aJ!io ptcvcnr Uo fmm 11ecing-w1th llll)' t:\'Cll
though (Jittr 1'\llt nl! oJ_ltn.
npk" anr JOOffl.CIH' .an; lnwiJdc-ring \lr.d S'o t'hcr
t\) be \\nllcn off or ro the- \:VC"t"bOJ)c:d-f.ctr
we arc. !.{'d:s:mg and the lltory we build :tround it. momc:nu
J;t'l rapt"R:d hr IUttc.nuo.n, .'lnd .Itt ;\)On rOrgow:n. Alterr.a.
might bUild ;m oqoully \mpb\:tnt ;Ill v 11n:roJtd
1111r .. , :m..t n1liid.t:.;J til o-plii11 \,hr WCI c:mllllt
crld d\1r (1\lr k:ll'm11, ... ud tba), ul tlunJdnu
t it u -.n
_ 0 cllllt 1U& JUSl qne td lmjit ... urt.d cling
it liS Jf llllr 'l<{ry ic!entity, our Vl\.f)' !rurviv;d, nod -all hope \vt:rt"
bound to 1t.
Whlll \'<'e" nl>0 forgtt' 1$, Cl)n&t:Tl1\l'> uwjity"\\o'C ull
h\lnliln condition 1
JV.df ii'ICJo:()r.>.bly lltronJr,l) t{)llr/itinnNI
tht of this- likluug:C"-cmdili(min.,g, 'A'i: 11n: noc
Uy :u- rrr..c( 'Iii
,n rhink, ,,-heo. we thil'lk we ire: f,..:e to du wht.ta-cr \v.: "'.\\Ol, ...... uch nu.y
,J'I(":J" we otre IOf'.lU)' ttteroy of otu tmnd's hnbitllill gti1
1 ;1nd
fuAAlng \Vc: do not C.\'Cn 0...1 own f(}t<mti;tl tor l'tet:llom
lhr tNt Ut of 1t. BcauK' 'A'i: fu
qt dO n(ll knO\\'ihM" we do nQl h;uc Ill Qe Plll'Jl_tualty faught up in ::e
to event:-, in our oftep tO tlt1s or hnt,
tchuc in t-hifcor thi t w.\y, things way or tb:n wuy .avoid Clf
fo!Jl;t"l t his Of :lur. in-cluding th-at aU up to due ap
.p::'lll:illtt of a life, but.often one th:l! tcm;1ins- diMmbioglv 11npdicial J,n(l
w\th a th:U d1ae ffill$1 be som .. "t:hing mote!,
fo,!Qmbl<: ul \)nl)\ own
iliu, lndcp.,:ndtl'll of oonditiun .. , wliclher nmmcnmrlly "gQ.od
Qr "
\\'0 (c:<\1 rue)) disc:omfon, !lOCh d.is1tpj)O\ntmt:OC, t ln\1:$ th-ac i1 be: :i' Kind <it' ilent b-.!tk
grl"'IOd r4duttJOu vf dis!!nti;f.action jJ\ w ;ill tb-ar
as 11 1ult, WC' don't wJk
.. hL,ll OM,,\Ih 1t i11 u.nWuminatmg. >ypromve. I hlMih1. _ 1 WUnds a
lnr d\1kkh::t,1md mon:-Jnld.:hn
But, we look i1ttQ wbllt t hat thaf bKkgrl>und un-
;tc;tually ,wftcn we nrc- dC'J.Wn to actua.iiy ;md
l.,oo_ 1mo "Who iS in thi'i mpment. we !Lft uhJCrlllkirg .tn X
flnmuoJr o( anOther .tJimcruiun Qf rtaltty 3Jrogcther--utt.:: dut uu-
'C'o.:OSni?.t:d llot l'recdom ft'6m rhl.' el!latin,)g pti>Url 1..1! th
world, t:"Ven we p:w ! 1 i r. due :md 111 11!\:-
wm:e tb nmv IHOI:<: limited !tnd h!'Js ox"illl(l)(C'- Our
I ' d /!1 ' .I
II tfOI: um rom 1111u II\ ne>t cattung
o.tiHI"'ft-Urih nd .1 1mu ffllhl
og_.. dj.
lnfl'\11 u m Nol:g .nl'loi 11.11 \\'.:1)' Ol U\'1ng; b.1H:d un thr"nr
,, !.1r 11:"1 .md
J 1 ,. pro" tf-ro/1 ,.udung ltla.: han ;n aw.tknJil<> rr
"" '" >I
.ttutJ lf>IIIIU', .1 <1fl am IY(rl,l. tfnn .all nf :a ttUI{kh M'<lUII'lnl> " I .
. - -'> Ill (!Jilt
dttnM of tr<C"etllUI, IDrm: n;rt'l<)l'l lor nntJ .ltld t;
wtKolc-hrnedh AM whh whaU'\'tc ...-ituntioru. Wt 1: (It_
r - rd
.sr-. 1r1. I h I fW'IOO't \\ mighl h,t'l't' rertd W fiUt 9 1 dt,...l
,.. tltl
!x(hk<l ,u i wl)dctjllllt"J bah-in. r Ill akin <n lht h"1ilri01l ,,_
, ...... ro.,-v.
jmuuunn.d li.atl.m,f' if,l<l thl,td t.timen;io,,, tr rigJu
fluth .. Jl ;o rhr Mlwr rn-o I-,\,''1Thi:g O[l(llto tip. !lltl)out(l;l the
,,&,j dim lmr 1 wae,j,...-leu ((tnlining-.
h.1 1 h\ 1..,. l(yl .. l i thC"rtoJe"\.Vho
WfiAf G lu:p-prnirr. f,, lie: k'f'lk'lliHI;, \o\Jh,t it. "\\'! b
.. \\'ho 1 fc:dit.t: ;nlC'(\1/t. tr e.mnmrd. 1 . 1: ' r"\Vh.l!
I 1\T nc: lllill .. nothing- dUll ll!f'lltioll Ill \ Ifill
lliUnlhn "1nlll:lt ''"11, v.
II rhe illflr time .U. du: moll' cnnV<:fUIUIIJf Uflot brou ,. :<'CIU hit'e.
"l'h .ulileJ II Nt) rn o.:.hwn;;c. It': JUri t-biir )tmr
l\'url.t !mentdUrch beo:-me, .1 lut hi.Ji),'t'f. ,u;d
oltll,wk, 1 hc:::m,.r r j ww ua .&.arw aWll(-
f'lnl tft..zt t no IIJU:.! nmfincJ b .. til cuu"ent!O...I din .wd
mtnl t<'t
\ lor ch.mge. t , lmppt:mnlf illlY\W-\', Oftcu w au: impc:dinl(
omd J,'TQWth dunugh nurmm dhtrtuo lnr-c:e I 10 be I
ui.n W;u, \i:hlr.h rbc ruLu, u& l0;ktd tr. tlw
,r-.nditlflllttln!md JnJ .-.ut >udi-rioncd 1n\ , b.v ,lllJ.,.p .. nK Qtht:r dl-
and opnn\ 1 hit I new ,)j !'t-ccdoulul l tth \lUdn.-
41 I Ja.niliCJ.Jt.t
\\'hcu e t?:pt-:tcJ\(e o.J HJUtjny, jn ":>thAt
world>e11 411 .,j :.a nuldtu itcl Jnd mtt1r teal, t'tlU ordtillg
ghmp$tni what refer ld -.. :tllwolul .,, ulrimll.TC rr_Jiiry, JimcCI
111 dur 11 bco,..:,nd c.:ouditi(lllllll.', rlut i1 1 .tlablc ll
!-i>\J)" :li n h mclf, 't.he luww,;ng tJp>lelt\1 nl
.;llll b ...... -"' .
.1 tudt', bC)Vl'lrl \1 klliW!-e( .uul whar Li kMwn,11.m )t,..>Wing;
r'llr...., u . .
"''hco we mwc ul wr.: ure nnfng m we mtgh.t .:311
1f1.'t$,PI+1Jr.llilf tiut th-.111 ..and
,t.jr11,.re;ll. J.loth pcruun monu:nt by ,\nd both dcm11r..d tbiiir
tb: if \\'C 3,ft! to m'babit .1.nd l!:lnbr;df :h!! full of Qnr our
!lil.nut :ts.sentitonr bc:inf_<t..
m:te\<Vben we inh\lhit thi:. onhQg:Omll dlmcmTQrl, the .ol rhc
(cJ.Ii.ty ar<: "'" from J, dHftten{ ptQpO::Ii\te.
ot The. ;itvation we: t34le Citn rhm-
,Jmit nf rm:,\om, ruol.ut:i.,n, '.ll'Ce'f'1J.ntlut: crc-ttivlt)', wn"'pas4
mlf1:. Jru1 \viMrn t h:n we-re littmUy iru::Qnc-eh'lib\e-,uuble {(I p,ad
me 00(1\' 'I'C't.
Thi oxpandt:d v.niversl' of ftc:c:<i!lfn ia ;he promlM! <tf
bc,ch in l'JI" uodivid\la.lllve; .. md in t-b.c wodd, Jn th.; world, it can invol\'C
the J)ll" of munypc:opk m 3,rd.:ulvely hort
rimt. Such - c:ln revenl nature- o! "difficult silu.a--
tioo '" .1. new ligbt, itl all itn;(lmplcxity liS simplicity, with di
dtgtcls Oi. f.n.:cdom and .. tlf\\lnSiglu, for
J;:.,a'l)tt, and for h:e-:\Jing-.1nn I& wha! iv'l onh.ogOrLll oflcn
&lw . in!llght jntQ.'wh:u ia MGH fundamcn
tud 11wHt important, most.etS.tJ) forgotten or ](J!.I, t:onvtl\4
tlmu.l nor 'wroug."lt 1s me-rely mctJmrlett. And thett>in lit:l>' tlt<'
)U!{JC" nf J\Ir mffcri,,g. ..llld uw libcr .. ui1)n hom suffChniJ.
We are t\OC *'' An :tpology.tnr
A3mn Lazare dcfd\t den!a(!{.tNit.-c wi.-rb in
b.aqk r!nl/p<JlqSJ1 cun innand) longt.BndinJt r.moor,
mrnr; humiliation, guh, :aod $b:unt in hoth p.1nt.t:;, ild h;tcl to
heiling. 11( 11nd
h indivltlll'll J'roplt\ and c\'(;.u hcmV"CJ:n Wl1111 htghly
llnprulmlilc, ir tot.alh imr.ojsiblt {he momrn1 t';m .a11J :t.4
. . . '
lurpptn, \Vhnt t.ll1C chought .a "furt;idd4ln in u1w..cll
Jj mdi.,.,dU2b-(a.o rotatt,: m tmsd<m>n.;:;s, &o c<tu nnd c'V\m
ntriollf, Af'tct .:ltl, We now very vi1."\"'J of ibvtry
lfilkb' kdd In Jbis COiillltJ y 1WI" hundtcd ago: we have \'C")'
view\ 3boul gendet and womcn'5 and what
ll'e oo t.onger rooti.ncly k.c:1.'P ;; c:mtt di!lgno.-s}s &om .l so "'not ro
him. These a11 irwol\'ed rouri nn"' in 1n buw wt
.od whar we urtdcr.;tancl lu lx of purtlllry .1nd thco
\\'1;' embodJ th;u in the wadJ-buw we .u:tu,,lty liQ.
$t.xh clu;ogCfl i' 1 he: rocial tudt-r tl!fl-t strong (m rome-
one1 p:trt, ofl.;o Qn the pan of Luge numbers of poopl!!
lmm either Ul:f.idc l)r the cxMbi1ing mor.l 9li.U:tge.
chu mAr be unpleasant '0 hc:al', sometiMt:l: c:t(Ji \lymg for
The: Jfu:rcia. ;l.hcl vested I ll lllllint.-intns the: !<tilrl.l5 quo
man_,. or inatituriqn :It c. like I)' either mititte ar twttun 1M
l l'!rcl!' orthoJtti)ruc.l. rotation 'in pasptcti\'1:".
It,. \vhen uut viijon ..:hang.(l>, .1nd proplc tASn: new po!iol
l1.1r he.aling pasc wrong$ ot !U0'\:0.:.1iug fumlJmcnuU}' problematic
... for m..tkirl,e; <1emoufi.C\ 1l1r iuomili$ 4p
r;(tuuirv lind hUi llll.ll
1W I f'fll"" f""' ,., ....
Wftr fl" t .&<Jr M No Ull_!'%';'ible, UT W;,z,; th:)l],ltllf t\( I' til
\_ ru.l, 1tt\ .uJ lite tht' 1ur
m tt_ n\o'vc w: 111 the ...lbco.tiun ,,r
ttr. J nut... ..ftt'ICUI .wd F PI hWIIalll' <.!J ktr
l\ tul r1 f't"l-r.lll h 1-no M hn \'lrhr.alh- inl'iunc
nJ .......
T ;t\ \ "''
'-1alr" 1'1<:-:-<rri.d. It lno: lu wdl bch,g: fre\' ro-.
' '"tt,,fl, ft 11 !;l\llCT il<I!LJ CJ<.!!tt fUiml
f. ntJ rrund. om l'rtitogunat Hi.<:!turion W\"Tld th;lf
'IJhh" fn llltlt;_1: ''"" FulJ th\1\ di;.t, .F UU!t>d ir the jll'R
1. tht- JILIU.t: r:t.c.__ bot witl. J I.U);\"f Jt u, ..
::.n:uo ." t:<!l\1 .:httnn;tl dr'liCU!- the m.r/tutitm. ur c:m in
11t dnn 1.:.tlit>. fn thnr iUl
r>pc:ulc-.anl"'d .m U.: \'I)! I! ""-otl. '11( yaur- fJmlh , llll tl'tJJi't" )nu
.._.,L J.Jlrmh fuHdiuru!lv H rbc .;;om,.ntiontl tlltpd (t
JtJ u. -tdl!la1C"" within o"'ulh h:n;l m ''FCtoJI.t' t
bnnf;tlftc !UlJ outr-r ihtt "TTr 11r.J
14'hdt:, tl'lit tb:u allo11 fi1t -illJ uW n\ he
""-" h', .at!J IDt u rn thlJ let u.T"Join!l" wb"'h"l"r rr 1 , '" uur
hnng-, nd rbuio mtl of 001 umh\h; wndncn aml pHcnriil! for wi1c and
pM ' r:'!.Jtc Ittll>t. tovt m rhc "'' mw;;rd rr .-nntll!(t. wgmupt
hnt,lirr.:;, ,., ... Jk.CT!!'e'IH md ''11!\\':>
llu Sm:-s Rt:ilu.chun Umi.: .tJW\1.\'' fun.ctinnrxl by .:mJ in
ll;:.ur' n at an inFritution. alnlnl 11 thr mrdtod ;md
rc .,f ttiindtdtle-"t of eniu,,r:d ;1p
pt'OlU: h'l bc.t.hh .. uJ lJNhhr mto the: m..1in TI'I':".nn ,f encJicint
l>un)?ITI_g' the W'ri'h meditation l.tul m\-'tlial'l(' toe;eHlr!l' "' 1979, 1ay
"' uul!.t'Jiu., '\'it, YQI.I II a)' 'ft,n\ffhmg-.1)r a. HWF!\,
!" ,. ' .,._
'''*7fC!It'tr:U.I ,1, {'' rn,n:rrvec thllt l,)rJ,,,unlr lw(f v
n.ully nothing l'.' ,lrJ
wntT e.tdJ l.d-c:r. Ftnm the puint I :mw ol th mc:Jian.r nf tl)ar '*.":.(
me-tlitl:tvJU c::.ud, h.:cr 4't:l1 ... ,.. uutcitt1ntk, .and til no
p.r>ll'"fj._.J.l ,,tl l4;! or pottuu.ill), _,( , .Jw. Yc:t rht
fl('f':;t&t m .:\tBSR >ltld iu ruunllulur.\ ... IJM'-1'(1 t htm so
I I I ltd ht.'lw cm.JI
111 the C-Olli)' \'C;I.t'1 ill .1. W.\' lUI I (II\' CCWli
fiiOII(I)IIo l ,. ,, I 11'\I)Oj I )j.)
.;oum:o) Mid how o:auld luYI! c:t:h <>thcr IUlod .a.\\P.
dto.') 1-l> '- ' lb .
Ill f*rofl,und wnaf C.PuU13 C<) :J. l\1dC uf p:bemo: lu
( II\ \''nl in tbti.t own h\'.tltl
l\(:litb aod w\!11-beill)l.
111,1! . , _ he: s R d . "'I.
Fftllll the' OUtsllw, I ltC't:l (; U<:lt ()'n \..1.1fb; !.Ooke<-1 like qny other
d;tti i_n the II had ll numc:,_.!: tmd (lfii<.iJ.J_ ,.,!gm; i.e'
tQ-g<:t )'911 lr {\Uld t'l) flotrt ol the
( lvlcd
idtJe 1r lad..._ pittibl.t and tt'l;rt\v,
r Ci'IU\r:
h'tt: dire.;; for .md Oll!&><:!.tW duco::tat, a.undminlw:t9r. a. H.afr ot
\Vb"n vut,
thrn and \'.&r:J()Uj ... x:S- lOng_ time, we.
rhn Eu,ul:y Room :uil then lb-.: Rare Rook R'(lom jntht 01cd-
t:M ,p.u:e; Our IJtdt-<lr des:gn:e-td (Qt
d1ni.: didn't l'cllllv nuUt<:l'. 0 \cr ome tq luve tc)vdy
tp:...-e .Uid 11 wdco.}min[ rcccptiou .area.. 11 trtat d2llrl!l)ffi, .ond
tm.tlk-l 1n whi41 to hold llltCniews..vith the p:4titot!. Wh(l
tA'tf'f ro tl.S. Btt lhrou_g_b these .:h;mgcs. i\ fmtt'lionc.Jlikc a.u;.o
dltt d!ni,. lt hii!M hkc: 11 clinic,
thr c.;:nWr(ulll"d tt :t .:Jlnic, do.:: lui'$ referred pntie1'1ts to
t, nut .,u. dtty tbtl to clin1o;.
\{-t, 'Whcthe1 Y''' " 'Uiked 1 hr Qffi.C:: tq, . ., Kbtdu.led ;oPJX'
or m ullctview room for :1 pri ... indi,idu:d 11r itt<r> l'hc
tOr o d tr.i., n a very J(:ld war \'Ou wU$;!ng iLUO no-
ltty. c\'1!1) liS \'QU wcrestiU very mud! i,, th" ronVentiunal <'rlt<: ..\lrht111gb
might nm known iull_v :rr 1 he yuur wodd bclreg--in
\!tl.l n'i ror.ur in 10 o.! co unslh.!-'Ccced .Jim-tn
t)f p:1l&hility. For ll.l>ideirl)111 il m the hrup!t'.ll,
k-:titldJe-n CJi11ir Wa.'l 1md another pl:tf1Ct
m ;lfl W<l 8
\'l:llhl:, Tbt. unn.t!ac 1if mindfulness.
!WJll the rtan, tc1ldc..l tf'l fc.:d thai MJhcthl11g lliltCI-
:ut th.. r.rJff, .vtls t'loth:il.l_g :m ;tftd
OOminitme-m '"be 3S po-ssibh, tn ht pktc111
tw P.."t!plc, to t() be kind. be cxp1icir -.1b(lut wbnt .:uuld bl J-t-
un,l .thwr whar .:ouldn'r u1 whnl :m.\ hosrttW
J_t"I ''''<'J
\\'l'urd it'< cmplo cmhoth, OJX'I\heJ"ned prt:M"w;e-- '""I
...... llll',c.
hiT, b-u1 ru J.:tuul uild momnl!t-rn.mnmcm J,lr.rttire, Afl<l
ht<ii'I.S t)llrhinx, "'-" '"
1-'mm {be oror.y bcsm bur prniU.l'\ imrn,riOn _,_
oou!.-1 fQ Hlrpncrnt1c to t't't.'C)'OUe '\1ho w.u
cfr-- d
hoe hr:mg} dttii; '"" f'..l.tJI.'Jll$-, nll'i'l,l.)c.tlly of liln
,!!I'Owinj! ,mJ 1\1i' rhat W( briqn mi11d<'
o ro
'h.,.l.., p.11 to aU <lllj1t't'l1>. oJJ it ' '' ,,
emput!uc w,,.,.,; 1Ju1r we l'tCtJk 111< l>dtt we were .1bJt in .In)
I l" til lh ud t-h'ak migbt II'U;t.r(
wjth t .11hrT rhJJJ cnhilnt..: "' ' wuh the. pa1i cntJt. and Ql!r cf ..
I Orb 1<1 them tn reg:-.. niing the
po1cnh-nJ pow't co hties.
.\.nd 1r tflal we. 11nt try t.:>'klll \lnvtlli:\g to Jl1)-hndr kJ.Vl(lg
!he- th-: r-lltlcnb :1 II) rnro11 in Om
whtu tlw1 amt ln tt) he IJU::t'liM"td. we did meet thllm at; iS
wr oo.thf. :rnd nude .a pmnt of ro t hcir n:cllunnng of ,-..htt
bmuglu thL'1Jl ro che cli nic Thtou, whton it right, we for
rh.:: n wh;lr t.IJI!j' C(luld b<poct if thev ll)nk the ptogtam :tntl l';hy rd:cd\'cly m-
rnmlog rn mc&Lit.t.:n mlEtht ha\..: wmt relevanc.: w fhcir
tr '''(! thQght 1t
Fror'' tbc very begiRI', we- MB$R a
aod nl3rlt< lt l'l!l1' cltar ch:tt it 't'il.i- a bug.: lifti(}'lc dungc juSt co 1lu;
prog1.1m, liS u im'l'ltw:d OOITlmimng to c-aml ng fo onoc a wttk.{Cf
r.tgtu 1\'i'dts. plu in ;In sUctu. on ihe '"'':ko:DCI
to rl1c nx-lb plur. Juily practice uailg fyrguidaDo:t
tilt ,u 1r:nr fvrl.y-Ji,e a day. six pes \\tCt"k.l <Jt'tetl (Pullil
tbax )Ym didnt hn'<'" ro likt: rhe rttcdit!ltit'l!l fm homtwMk
tn tlli c:L.soplincd WJ)!; you ;uac h.sld tO do n, whctltcr Yll.l lifu- tt Or 110'1,
'rhcthtr " or TIM, ilrtr('ndtng judgmc:1)1 ol$ best )W 'Ol.'ld;
tlwn, rhr r.nd of eighf you ,ould lt.t 1.111 know wh.:.tlwr ir 1n'
bt'f\dicial or not. But 111 bcMccn, the contT.ll:,t W.Jil rhar yau wnulJ imt .l;rtp
ptacrkmg-ll.lld ..:omng Lln
I d . I - . h mttime> l..t.t\' m
.1lw fuilu m"'lelf tlw, UAt a\ tu"'hv, tero- '" ..
!ire ll("lt a. largo llrc,sl:ltlll.t.)- tmgJ1t flrr\llt Ju't In l'llkc
111 11
d I
. ......_11erluttic,ln :an t """' hiJ\Y m\lc:h we ,!e.;;r!l:,..j
lllt ,lt... ' h
he t!lo:dirJaol' pt>.&CttC:' "' I Il l ,hey wull'l flttr h.we WI)'
wlllll d1ey gr.mng blh'l UM\Ille)'
' I .t.o t<euclcd {1'1 u:ll rc.,pk tlnn tf011l QUI' fhi!IC w:l" 1t!Ull!
UJ,'!iltn '4>' , ' -
I hem, hl:l wh,lt Wilt nn
trwlmt Jil1,gnos1; 111 $ttgoose! !he,- haJ !'eeu <K' d)C .::ind
; .. of 1ht IUII<;Ltl.StiUL),hc tn th6r ll"\'cr. Tite b.WC \VII,. tbou
llt."rkl;g t(.lgcthc-r, Wi: '''Cit: g-umg to j)$1\1.1 t::ltt:lf,Y I'll!) '''hut ngb1 wnh
il C!ighr W'lflek:-,lct rhc of tf!e- rnedi<aJ ((;
m, if l\et'CI
u$)'. I)( 1"bru: .vas wrmlg:-21ld jubl Ar1h1:
doof thtEC intetvit'W$, the pnientt; fQf ir
w3nted {O m nr not.
N'P-ooe ' 'Ill$ m uo.dcr duro::;,.-, Yoo h:1d tu \l"41lthl 1\e
tQbalh.Yim! .. A.op!e. wece conrinunU)' \'(ing w1th kct. They b.tdn't
{l).r ;hi: mor<: pan been net in quire hcll:.11: by-the "lwalth c:are
tcl!l, with rh11t JMrd Of maen:rr-of<:.fau hut Op.:nhcar1cd pn:s:tnoe-, :U')<I l'ffth
m.unwA\oeri.IJ_!f n:g1W fol' the it potl:nti'llltl lo11u rtbirQt; of rnind
Jtld body 10 deal with whate'ver'oupScc (!( the full W11
""d' of thnn to t he eli-ox;.
:\1..& (.,r the- most f"itl't, p<:upk- feft fbto. J.nd .do (0 thiTchf. '!'her
not know whac- it is ilt bur ffit)Sol of Ufl be-net' whm we .. 11t
itCIO untl milt with J)N;J<:(ICe l'l)j}lfd, without oouJ01.:.;cs.-oo
II{ <ont:ivtd intiw.t.:y. \.Ye feel good .,ihert we a:rc ttll!lt.;.d IIJ'C:tp:tb!r., when
Y?r-al"'i (t!']itttd .t<) a-s-if we ha1c c::lp:tUt}' IQ acnullf tlw. h:ml-
1.)( the WO!kl, wht.ll ;I t(tt i"s- bl!ift :uJted ol U!l, htl't in th01t
lruililnn our O\\'n imriu.Hc :lrld
A1n0ng wo jokl.ld:abour hv.y-i:t-timcs .if fch if wr coulJ. h.1\c
j1m gQM py the Pnn!n.,:rion CLnX1
tiW;o the p.l't,mtenll,ity, :ttnl
'"" pllrl uf u mnttullc:d :.l\11ly to u!c:- 1,..hrth1::r we u,
fr1 d
f,r the miod .its-dfon lhe rate of dQTtrlgf wf' c:uutd r mrlom..:r.c
1nro two grouP' ln the pat-iem wwld
..... lh!.!Y wett tn&udtog ln lht Lghd)()lt by 11udiOnpc: dc:NRttcd
lt(tfi,n!l)' (or theinitu)lthm. In tht: qthtr gwp, the: pltiMu wt>Wd
,; .. l.tgbt Ul!jiUYientl irl tht:. IUuaJ wty, without medihtiOO
d, tnui.mi:r.t the th! of 1 rcJp<nc:d tba.l
wc: iuclude tlllisoil li:touion a boor he:Jiling rl."ipor
Ye m-tl
ft nl tbc m<itollilln in rhe tatd st;age!J oi-' lrtittment, when tbe
"'10 lon;:t.;tt, ar.d thuc would be mort. time to, l1ear fnsaurriQJb.
W(Ot 4nd M:f Ul) il ptiOt ;l.u.d) .dong.tht4t Jint:1, ju_n t0 "iCC.
wM1 wouJd h.ippt:n, fi>und w:t11 tim the dbtrl"d
un much m('rr. "'pidJy than i.u fitt: (t\se tbe Mu-rnc:hnro
Wi;h ahil rocouragiug undtt qur belt, 1-\'t: hen Qur t< cepcu tk
tutl\ tv C.OftVJftCC if OCit .a ilUd to it with mtnt!
1utit11n .md wi th ..a u\Oh: rir;orous study pl'ntorol. in whU:h we U!d:J :.c\o:l:::r--!1
dlllc!Ctlt mc:thucl; to the: patient!.' Skin natw oV\"tf lfme. l!t-
1iWI'I pbotO!ttiphingthc:tr promir.e-m lditm ... und ha\lng lw'u J..!rm.r-
rate the J)h(JtQJ:_'l'i!phs rndc:pertdectdr. without wh)d,
grt1.1p the pui.(:tUlo 1n, nut who-tho:.)' wuc:. -
Ag.rin, , .. foun-d that the Wttr- than tht non
uaUitOJtois thi time: we: w.;C<i 3,b1c. to :tboot b...l',o; IM.:h
lo..ltt, It hmed 'lUI rha1 t"e smt;d_c, 11h<)Wu1g rh11c the
'Ut dl'!ring .1lmru1 rQur JIS --taptdly as the non--mcdmuor'
WhiJe rJ.1i_" t,, Hill Wll $ (Omiug lh rheStrell!
Htductl'l!l l hn1c for a PBS \'lt>'ltld be r..-llex-J f1, d
\F . . (}<fJ"K"mt tA
' md, It ""' tl1 hllvc .a -111\ld)' ul rhilt rh"
\'o:l \.' hr. UOJbk II) CJ'(:ak olf it, uqtiJ tll<lldg"- - u,
tt pntll!t'lla
wr.rc a-mi \-'l:mplcd 1r, dil;ln't WMtt !Ill_ \' }kii\Jit-
lf\ 11. wlmh howte inrlue.t"l!ll rht outc\'Jrr.t: ur,J -:a', 1
- ' " tll'll e il
n'<rn: d11fit:uh tel h't'l uur \.Vhar's \\''' W.tlti-qg_
111 klo!,l.l .1! the: d:n:11. 1111d ,m,\IV'Cc the let.uh.- unnl we had .1 C:JIQngh
PI rullllj)jlOt'o In 1111ko;:- lt$L'n;ib Je 10 ij\) .ili!ld, $(1 Wr llll,i
what kmd Qf ":"ria we Wo.;fl'- 11 By du: tinu: we h.,d reache.l
the! Jminr Yrhcf'( we hnd cnnugh In t ll,e JtUdy llg_1n
11 \\'11" 'ong ,lft.;-r the tilmb1g the I'IYW"'Iln,
f",....., thl the o.nul.v t' Jluhll.!lhcd, we .1111 1<'11; 11bnt a >Lilrl wbr it'*'&
... II( lid tfv: pt."'WWt: dfCtl .,, th IUittl-1 (.>II the lit
lea I, nnt- hoalwt, 1Ht1COnl.
1 ht hc.1it1d much ntpidh tlun he ClOdttflll
IJdit:D<Cf fmquwdy :11Jl1. "\.Vbut *on thut u if
1 mthl h tomrthing m.-aglcuJ rlt:ot Wvllld puKiucc a til
aulr. Bur wi'Wt "' 0.11 rhe t>Lt)e I vc.ry cwdn;u:y, JUlt nun..lfuttt.c .
1 \'1 unh:.o:ull(lll um!Khflfl nl' r- 111 ll(ltwc.:.t1
1nlr rh:Jt nothing i nn cape, ju t . mrl 9n h91V to b.t
lu Utnct md Ut.:: uf it. "Out true. iu qpn:ii, lr:v. 1t)
111 IIIII,!Whnt 11111:1' t hOle tvndl
I Will> ( '''' dll!if!, nn nt;'l hornt>wnr'k), gooJ det1l of .spu
leu in to c.v,er Uw of the pmctiet:.
th,. 1-:uicfilnrr Uu rlw up-. '''ll ' tc:.ll\! ull :tbout cultiv111i llg tl deep Jn
rttf 111lC'11t'f: .mt:l opC'nnt'sii bthl!'.ltl even the il'l'flrulti u\U, 1nwhith. one CQ'ot!d
ouet.::-If I)Vt'f wi1 h full wiLb full fj.fflS(nce af mind 1.1nd buJy
w 1hc: rnr.rmtnn ln die' lip,hlbm: u.n'l tu the light wtth tlJC lntermdn
rh:u J11 h w ... dr, (JI 1 !<;;lUI'S rhc alon.
-.1 1 Itt. uki11 II \ t:ll
h >t h 1 ht .111d 1 lr H'Cilmtcnt ('Otl'-'' ' ' o...,, . ,
. ' Jt' , thW .J tll/'.nt
n.uutlll that the: mednllwm nvnut("''' hJ(:UJ,C'{I nTI C11 1\" n
1 h dv t1u11 i5 (b::
1ned 1111d ul or1 nl I Ll! U
atc!d ,,,tb c:ICf"'
t:Ung_ ;r "hre.1thing," ;mrt f,:chrg ;lllth aliltiJU
'UIH ' "' " ,.., ii<IU ,, 1:, ''" U(fl!) I
oll'l.' tu !riiCh III!IIWC :tnd fh t of ,
r, hl ll\'11') hy
" . moving_ .ttt<>\.' t he !lkSn 11n(i -:tuJund t.fu: ..
tl\1.' ,, .... , ' ' .
i)llly prcl,mtnnry. th1s pomt t-o ;, pn!Cilll,
1i!)l inh: Aiianal:
hWiillRIMtcoUI(I he il!lflC'll:l,nt. W" hope will -r-
!tlnf)l.., n>.pli.c:tt-01r :If\(! cxtt:nd tt :tbl J
!ikl: tl> 1h1t1k ul fhe result .tK 11 pohn1i.1l inhocm in
11 of
us.Cf)(' \''t h.VC. ;mtl OV'Cl' :Sg.un en difkrtnt 'Vil'r'' lO t1
R..-Juclion (.jlii\ic when 011; are ;
)1-d m
:lt:ti\'C (l:n1 ir.Jpa.rtt9 in OWJl rnedU::jl.l tJC:Itman :tncl hcraJrb C<UC
Wherhcr :dbndn cbt.hghti:>oll, or maJitnlf i'IJ; ;;u pm 11r the Strr.$ lt:-
lb;tiOJI Clin.i( ptogram, r '$(.'C the L'l:rtic.nn .' :'ICtil.'l! fmul\cmenr in liwi'r ffl\'11
of wh;t,t ht pnmtlpuh1?
rhc tl(tctor .h;v; hil or }tcr toJe b11t patient $l!ll'> ha& or b.:t mvn
uu.gnment and r.esponstbilicit:$ .11 wcU. Somctmtcs. thi$ of
cltOm u:d Jmc:ntions feacij..1u OUf(,omes obr ll:t\'t
,...ehuwise. J1i both tbc=!e inst.ttt(J:'>. out-comt'l-emfi_fl,"td -out t
we might r:t!l pu':i.(ncing. out uf
'I' I:. is an exMnpk of wlM is JttlW bcsng. Qllcd mr.:v,...-
r,w w#idnr,$C it ml,,ct/hody .,uch :ltll 1tttd1 rbt:.delivtry of rnoa treacml!nh, In
tl.i, ,.,1t', th,qnl nd/lrody ffC:l flttcmt (the (!lcdiurion und vi!-U.tli:r:uiut)\
t!llnJtlctcly in time: :U)d t putl!' wi1h :he !41lop:nhJc
itlu tJV light), You Cll\tld sarI hilt they are eu:h (tdn:r, o.;tu
the .!ip:tt t: .3t ttw same wtu;
II<ttitlg to note rhar rhc: :subj:P.i tn t he did fl()l
... Uk(' Ftome the: !truidt::{l medir1,1tim t;1pq; , our d1d tbC-J in -'"J'
fnrnu1l wa:v ll n t hdr (wn, t.nh$).e in the Srrc&i l;;'lull
ilt b.omd u' siu.!'. m1:dit tion prn:toct: mpt"i <'r t'D.i
'1:'t\1Ulld ilnd p:ott of 'bt progClm Thi.< nu:J.nllrh:tt cnu ht1t
Ill time: prnl!liting methr:ttiu11, llllfl\"r 1 hi" right migh1
!,, .. 't'm
1U1e IC(;ts un thtl uud the uund . wt<ll
(),,r uuJ_\ <1:1 heJJlng_an.ltlie ,, nwuha 11 mpiU:.1hOto
fti 11\'ltl\15 1 th.!.t tJ unnJ c-.m ro .ntlucu.;;c unJtr .d
' .Iii .tutm: a;:um.tlttii.CL 'mcthi.ttK tlut the l'"ruUJli tl\ tht
t" .,, gwtljl "'nl" J, ''Ill! t hnpt!tJ: nr
lol(llib J1.1r du: JM>.C i Lhc kiu dcnlllj;. h llt1g,bt
h.ut huu the m('JitJtiiJn pr;lllt<- 1udl. m 1hc
pe,-Lifll IT'". tf bdlct- or rrHt'IIOOilh "' _, uf .;.,f tile tllP\-e: \W
"'"" t l.u ,,, fqr .,-cn.un unnl fmhc Me (uOlu.dcJ. Rue whiU('\l:C
w;u- rhc U(n:ltmtC1.1 sktn dtu:rtn)! W<' d, "' : WI' J} tlut
1t "' m-.. me w,t\' M' (lthd J\'lllrt"d f\') rht tcrnr ''' tlw iuJ
Antlln 11 rlur mcJ1dnr ntlghr be il hiK
IIIII IIt')' f<IVCt i.n wrno: 0\tf W.Ud)' hJd the l uthitt re.ltll(l(' ul be
m:: J ,]1- t:u r*' o;.Qu cfft:.ctnytu ,mdy. h '"c, rH lr\VCI' ucn-
mcoru o<: ... c-.. tt} 11; J..:.h dt:flriug, .uhl lu\\\'J meJi\.tl
for tlw ... mccht 1nr .tnd hc;lh h c;al'e illl:' ftun
(aLmng m-ts rh.11 cvrr1 1 he of H\-JO.:, Wll' tu\lv :thlc:
(ur' tnhr., the: putt!JfiJI .o llt.&ke tt t<Jr \v\t(!l't\'d
.. ,- r h il'l tlwr 0\lll
1 ar.J wht:llC\'Cf llPPt'"P'"'''r, ru '" tm. c
mr>t'lt\CIU mwarJ ol lu"oihh and J.
mct:t to wh.11 the h(l'uhh c-art (rea!Jy dt.;c,;t.;e (::,l.i'C} nnght bt: Jl'lst!l:
d ' I t' ( 111 ttc.t!rlt
fit rh-:om . ..:o .. ld iu '!{nih 1:1n1 .111 W' uc I
- ,r
it hc.llth '-'"
'JfC'CIVi(l. ;l WI' )I riLl Jlitflt:nt WI ll
mJ ij.t'l\tl"itlm 1 J CIYti.tll mcnt.L) ;ill.J .!1\tl WI! ..
bcutg in (!IJI 'k)<:iety 1. r'l
, t k lii.CI(JI till il'll\
111 mort, toinu,: ctkr.unn1cr ;g 11 I'- J I
\ '
t (t\WC1 \YttUJJ Ull'-1111 IJV w\1io;:l \VX.'IIil!l lllflll
11f o;MI(Ct oiK J !lidt ()j' the Jlh111.-.tJ
(, .tp} HC!ilt'Mtitli,
\tld I ll !ln ,,r .lu llflt\)JUttilltltl
,,hll in -illutl(.'. w.w fll l'oli"t, o!Mt".llll th.u !Jh' imtli,-uttd Ill
.dllo !enll 111 pll,\ li l'\11e lu l-uf-'1 "Cell c;\1\it\oUI'tli I he ,lt.\lotntt;t
the nlirlrl r,;,.,iti\'C1) !>km .;lc.u r'IR
rltt! che m1tdc ruu'c ,1,, 111\flll\t uftt'Cllllrol!lltll.fll)JI\l
irrcl.:iu fli\'fl\.\blyl .It lh 6(1111\'" dc;gtot:,
,,-fil'llilurntt'>iimuC'>n nllltW3cioia.
\ntl nuwe. the were ,11 tlw hfhlht\:'1 tl\lriny,
thr1l 11nJ wct4'- \Jill)' 10 u r.pc: 11( g\lidtd ;
,J nrer 1.:1'1.'11 dte whn m:.biC thr 1upe. t he of O'IU
nor Jlk.!lr lo.l be w """PPo>tt,
11111 \'C:I) f'-'wc:rfJJI inflmncc uu htilhh :m\1 thut corut-
'I' o)l lU !I ltu;r:ct K_HXlp of IVhclllcr If It!y, "
,I'IJI.:h :n C,rhnic Ol' cull urnl gmup, oJt cvc11
ul\' C'IJI n'wni ry liuc:h liS u cf p: t icntl> tnkin g rhe :1tfi!li$- J1ll1-
gtm lk.:it\lilf: t)t' the.: photothct:.\I)Y ti'CllUYtc;t\1 '' 'lliLhc
the pmcnt!- lwn) each <lt hi!!' ,lud P'\'.n t he 1\\l.t$-C:. .tfl-1 1lc'1Cton
tht') .nc in rhc the fC5u1Q! !Ire most due tn t he cmcrit)l m(!n-
tcl d!tttll :lud .uti tude of indt,tdual fX't'.SOr't.
FI)J huw mud1 lltlo;it'tl !\:llpp()rt Lhue whtm )'C)U arc
ntkt\1 .uul :ttl ,,Jtmt: in .. 1mdt:r ();)1'1
lvttJt<ttrk on ,, -pillo\\tca,.e IJV\:r )1)Ur hea4r
\ ' ' n\ IN II
.'..llllii\IION Ill BIC\ IN
\ND lllf l.\1.\1 1 1
\o\ ,. ''''h, Ill 1..\lllaboptll)tl ith Dr. Rldt.111\l U;i\id
H'l ,..,, tl.t L'lli\'I'I'Ut:\' 1tf iu to look .tt tlw clfb;n nl
tmn.!hilut" ., . ntitl llli i'l'l8SR in
'1\'hKh, .. \''(: et'll, k.tru !he meditation in flirl\'
(1:11 one, With .U\ i:nst1tl\1Hr, In i,l. hgt1th(1X mltiW!I
lllift tl!r iluttU\(i,.uh <mh imm :1 l.lpt, iu the
JJ1..:1ure rlu11:'np:1. '' .t \"Cmpcmr II'
oOII .IU' n:-.. I <J.I(fJ CO piU'tir Jp,lt,t In )I 111 in\'1::-1.1,\;!ltC! th1 dfcto ((
tl!t'hliilf1Cin 1111 huw 1hc lmun .-n.d t f\ll'llUI,lC 'i}"'t(lll" W\pom.:l ro Br-
d.K h.tppt'Jb, 11U who voltmtcoer t'Qr du:. stlldJ
j,u;, .tutn ol h.;tH:lirw te;scing ln the lithl)t:llnr). ,nwhitb
I 1 'd I' hru'
dfl lt' O'IV oltlp(m tli brnw ftlOCt!on ,lft lU> eit( \ 1n1 I\') lW IH r
lruy.ell hr tmnllll onnnn11,1l ;timu11 h)' 1-lrmlt pr,::..cnteJ IIUil!lm.:o!
J,ll' wt lh.! rtll fuJ 1 .1 k , t<, Jn !\l'lll' ini.ti:.l I tllg, t!:ty US(. tf'(P
. 'rl ., p ti.kcJ- th:
lant1oml\ l):liWol l\' ,,,.. 111 tile' 'Jt rwu grnuplo. IIC 111"'1 r;. ou
oetglt-1\'l'd . MBSit pr-..)gr;ur 111 1 ht- fall M that 'f"l:lf
11;1\111' h ....",.''t, tO lltl. t lu l'f<ljet:un ft'lli\YI.,'Ulg
" I I \ ho
vur, tht cull ol 1lw t'vt:n:IJ.:,,J\' 111 '"'t 1 gl.ill)l'"' 10.,c \
,J,r pnram t b.t>'< wlln hl\vell'l ,ret 41kc.n il. >ITt' lcfo,ltol m rbr hb
,,.,;e Then ' i reoR' L '
,tO ''"' <:1\t u t !Jrw: l fmt. r
,rrt;t she t;ccxmJ lbtwg.
lf',o.)lll ,, -
,11,. rJ":n dtt t he pl'Qplc (n t he-o;pnny. reccwc: ihe MBSR
In tll111 Lblll g.pup It$ wha1
to1llt:d .. . 1 I
1fll. " t'it tlli:JUO
"w 1h:n we eQUid cqmpare the af 1.1 ........
p .r L _ , .
. "'....., f'C9p...- '""' ' nt
dl!' '(\'JnSR \\'tth :t _bttqnp ttf haJ nr ttkeu If )"(t Al-
t1!11-181. 11; 1hror Y. It would bee,, 11 P;Qod tde:t to rt tht: cifeq Ol thc
,\f8SR on UK- group a.or we dtd 0111 that
w4) n lirst at SUC!'h ot Md it blfen l()u 1.. '0'\dv in
ocb ti!IW J.llll nl(:nleJ..
'lbt oompaf\Y JS.a progtdl!we one, and ;:he: pr<"< who
V.11 l l\'lll'U
mt!tal. in the s'rody tQ take placl!;, has-;t!P'-e-td [I) lcrthe
cd'._rc(l (l!l (lutulg '\VJk howS,J::IQWI!ve-r, 1h,e ;lnd a ho1lf )wfud lhu
ate Jn week will tuwc tQ he up !lome how.
1'"!\ tht:" t:1ll 1\JBSR group 110nmtl:Jiy undur in the
cunuol bCC'..lltse they to juggle
,lucthr flew <:1,lnunitmef)t they h:wc. up for
On top o: that, fijr in both grot&Jlli then! is tht- streS8 of go
JlljrfRto Dr. Lahorutory e>f tm thp,4!
thr(<' ttiffcJc1ll occ-";ions for filln hours .each ti n'lc. lfyou 'i'll:CC' :1 ,ubjccr
would hav<: to. !dt iu n &tl?tnvm wlth .1 of
fEC (d<-mol!qcephiltugrallll)l) d ecuodcs your without .:Ming
W'cltinklng Of going ta tho b-.uhroom, while u:chl)ili;uu-pllt )'Ott through
bt..ndt of Wl,.at ooly be detcribcd ,&' lltrt;Ssful ltlld
to,;c;:t> hqw your wiU dc;1l with aU of a:. P,ut); Ul it,
H:c l.'tlqming bttcl ... 'll:trd by frtlm Gm.1 hundr<d under pte!SUte
'll'bije pco;,)le 1u-e W"JtchJng your br:tifl .:an be do'.mright
. Hr of bal!kgn>icnd, dv: .ccrebr.U cortex. tlu: largrst pn.u ttf ,)llr
tr,nn. J.nd d l . .
. lt p3rr 1 lac <;\'ohct{ tllOllt receody . nd r11 ' "''OI\'C..J 111 ,tJI <)QI
.. u.nJ ctnot.ioru.l pJQCemog, h-a"> nm
J .
d t <>nc :tnd 01 rlght (lJ\1.' othtl 1 illllMilt.
IJK" !t-it o."-'ll.tmH tht fnl)t'Or .md fnn,
. ' ' (ltl' '''I
tf>t n.t.ofst
tn hink.Jb(lm, omd .even more>'Jif'lg t() .;:-cplm't' < It'$ JS.if
da: 11111r tJ( toWJ) }'QU Ji\'C' in has rotlhtctionfi I rom c-a:ry loc:1uon
11111be m.lp <!\'Cly .:.ingle (c;:'ftturc in. che tQ'.\'lll ifli\!-1( Q!litc :m tUhJ)\1;11
Wlu.t -i'l moa, tf you have map, yw wotlldo'r h:m: rhe town.
ropoJogkru m.Jp lo the Co!:tebral the 'ol:n:J; 1lt' toach,
Al'lliher a,ll atetl$of rhe bod) thM tiJI! ir,vQh.ocd lu lll{l''t'-
mcftt. xt:nst of touCh i!l Jvtared in an llf (he br.3in l111'1wt1 us thr
Cl)ttex., sp:mnic1gn. brutd that goes .1l:ll''l\f:;; the lllTt\1'\
'Nm rbe l>n.i,) to the orhet. V6lutl.t.lrl' nwvcrncm lictrln wh.u lb
tftt m(tor rite b.tck bf 1 hi frontal rtgi.>.l'l, Clr l>Jhj:, ih u b!mJ
of r.J-.,. corrcx u)d.;o;c!p.mttt!U (rom Jt b.v lll'lc d
1 bt-Jin af:d.s "" p.ain, th<:re :uc no >ICil!il.'lr) norw nn
r-'li()ICI ,
rf te uf t he hr11tn), ln pAI'I co tnsun: 1h;1r the 1\lrgt:ry he he
. , , ..
. L ''"
I not ,(
mpromts<; J')J.(ICI1!1 In t u; W;\v. u.wcu ..
9, ' - .
l fl r<:,B:Om. produ.ctd 6CI\11il t t On r. lith tiO
in lJ.U,b;Of 1 he bOdf. Bycarefutlv the t lc\!ctoclt: around
vcrt-m r'(lp<.liU fro-m t:t:m,;;o:tQ<J!I ptAtietH, I:Joolitld was :able tQ
u:ap cht.- cn!lR: body mU'o-tf,c ot tht; corccx,
c w tile pk t1.U\" llf Ghc,s,en&C.Jr)' lwnmm,,lhu;.
l n ntber o:gioas. JUst fflr.i::lrd ,,f rhtH lhcsc ,Sotn\.llrionJ,.
foonrl e-lcnriclal -:rimulation of the brain led
ro*her of in ""' p:u ts of the Jn "1.\'lll',
;p"tdu.aUy rnapplng thc-bl)l y 61\!b the of rt-.e .no tor tort<:' :<, tht lll<t-
tM b(lmuf:<ufus was n:ve.l,ed.
Y(lo can sec. rlg. 'lt ftol'l'l the dr;;\-6ngs on 377 that of'
thr bOO}' in the bMn J( nO! <,'(>IY1J)ktd)' C'->l\ll8!JIXtB"but i:i.btoktn t.-p In II IWtl-
:UUOOQ)kJ,I wj\r , F>r tN: Jtptc!!Cnt:l.tian.O:f dw hand be-w'"
rh:: il1.;e and the ThtW:nir:ll s &elow fht Nqr
he 'tCidt"d t he bod'.). E'\(h loqh mo(C Jik( ,, mrkurul\'.
'll!t wuuth, ttrngY.t:, a11d tingc:.s .llt' 1+Jh.ik the avn,c-, UJ\d
m til))'. 'fhB il chc llllp in the bfain $ 1'Ciat(d to th<: numl:w:r of Wn-
4oty or mttM nwroM t hat -.llle wittd in to r<:gkm of the Ft')J in-
we ha\'t: much mote u,nd d1wrimmotling
hct',\'ei;n diO'e{eot ,of ''' nut h ... ,t!i tm<l lingi.:N1 1md in our
llwl i'n cmr .IS ll:Jbits, .,utrint t hittgJt it' fair
wou Jn,cet' t ht hr.t gut I.-now the \\'Orjd.and 1\Ul' with
it, titc hO\v-a.-'td wh:ttof wJJut dw.n wt do in ou1 ant"'ll or lep.
AnJ oi from ; hi!- r oi11t of view l'lf mb\'tm\t'nt, i h t' ami hi.Uldls
uncl lip!i ;mJ tongue lta\1( fill' .!;l'!':ltct dcgr.:e!S 1 tn ..,..oo
of thau du $UCh il!i hack, or !.he
t)f tltc me trxtgoc and th.i: ((ll)uth, i\'trmstlluw, we ntlght nn.-
ut huw rt-..t.dilr it mn of ' he fill c .. twm ch.c '
''ll'a/:1, .tt ; ,, Cml. Sligh;ly dul't':t1:Ut. n \e Wili:,"iir du.,, it
Wit b. "'t 1 Speech urtd vocll11Y..Iti<'ln l.llr.l.: ,, lt.Jot ot'
l'lcc ol flu: nrlw,,, (ll t he:- !ll)ntat.:h:l"l \ijOJ\J l!i .!ISO
JIIO I .. f 'I_ IIHI 1'0.11 !If !.IT!,.
n-t.atl"d C( ttU.ti\''' m("(rnmcc l'lf t he oput ft:om that' 't f
. . P!\ '() Ju. h I
n I<" ltoc"n 11 .; 'un\vA llr-..ndpqil}t., obta' 1. t,lo;),
' m111g uf\\io
fll 11 I fOil! i11 m i(IR WlWt.:\ec Ill !fl.
nughr I'CCI:J\t' fr.Dnt, ..1y, yow dbow. the' rolu:n ,.,,,, " '
, - ' ' Ill'
thl.' tnlluth, u1'no, ;1nd ''".igue :U'e hup;ely. n)lpO!Wlt m i btt prod.!U;fiOu
t .Is \vc JUl;E nol:(ll, .md !>(I necupy more q( the- m:t
tl10111 the h:u.J. nl rbt hc:.:.d, for OQuue
11rt .uuJ rnH:" of 1n k;sung.
1JJt ..-.mJI!t,.tii ..,TI)' m;1p11- ,,f U1e bo;,ly m rhc btaiu and lTilips b--
ill'cd '" anoth!'c u{ o:c:n:bral curtl!'<,allcd tfv.: ,",
1(/iJ, u
f..<at dun whent"l.'t'r 'vt fed .,c:ru.wor.---.;t), ;1n ttc.h, (lt J J1{oprid:, or
fu rhe bod}, lhl'fl' n,crimy gaing ull
-n the: t('gi-cwi ol the .._.,,n:c .u1d lbt' ln!iul11r oonr;x thf':tsub,
tr.nd 'pex:ilic part of che bod,'(, 'We "fet""l " :orul "!(now., whcl'(! I bPJ-1) ;,
l\t'inl! touched, even looking, ! it ;, liglum; 11p il-n oor
of dM:" in the br.1i11 \\fithoot tbr lu chtsc.n:prt--
liCili,UlomJ.I mlip< in the C'Of 11-.x, w'dl UJ; with od10 uf rht (>rain dw
im..:l'prt'l ;llld round OOt Jhc- e)(p<lt'i:!UC'e for Ub :uui.lCt'orJ 11 h nne qr
anqr.lwr n tmotionill tone, rht: f.t"llSc.>r)' input from [h:.u-t'l!git>n hyitidf
will Ml lull to Anr':'hin:s( wlur w. 0tpCrience tu fcdlng,
or L.uuwi'K l1 o,s. if !hese s.ystet'IH wi:hin b11d'r .and brain (-OJlt.ribotl'
b,\o w.hkh we know whar and how we {eP.I .mJ \\-'C: icd It in
h'' j;{ivcn nwment.
FNl'"U iC llrc missing a JUI't of )'Our bod)', }'OU Cln StilJ f'o!d i1-:1S ai i1
W(': rc there bec.:aw:e it iii \'\rill there 1n rhc: map in the br.tin. li
.u.:ti-o,Scy it1 the ner\'e iu rhe !ihlmp of an m u ot: kg
reg tall of rhe lllap t.l which thosco ar:e, Q1W
nee red, i-c will g.;: nc:r:uc iitl expt>(icmeeof the limb-being ' he: ph'lo!Orr
llrd) plletH,uu 111)11
fl!l'"lrsg lirllb or fi nger, rhc b.rnm w11h t h llt bod)' p.ltr can
Cl't:lltullll)' '* _wJep1o)'< to oonntt wnh allothu .a\ljll.:cnt region O! rhc
l..,ttl. TJe <ltttC;t ibdf to -:u:wmrnrxlJte
rhe d!,1nged t;QI\Iiili\)f. Q.f tho bod>: Aftet' while, '>l imulatm; the
(It il!C;.\ ucru 111m;-smg ll'\lght ;aho 'ltlffi\tht.: I be tcgion of tbi:
Subrended t ha :u-tTI lllld tnggt:r 1h,c: qpcoen(la oi tllt
mom" li mb hy other
OM 1c.::eal teXtbook. of nturo!ICiencc voiurc:d 011
t, wMc: h:l\'iug
y"tQI'tex 1:0 ;, bo(!yplrt might be lqr
1ornt:OJlt-who IS "Ji$$in.g- 11limb, it may be c)f benc:fir
Jr 1urn,$ out th-:.t ;n funcd.onal of the brnm, regtCnt of
tJ\t $011\ltosenm) Jy OQttC)( hut tho: of the !c:ft hand,
the i:;- l)ft':tdy e.11lluged iu liP'lng musi<.:i".tnso ool'np:u-od to tbc
uf'C'-J flf rhlilr brJlb rhn l"tlate to right hand, that dot'i. tho.
whtch, w.hi1e. \'try importllnr in pln.yitJ;g, does 11.vt o:rmenc,c t-ame de
!i't-e-o( 1timula:tion to r.hc: llng_t:f'l) docs I left hi'lnd.
The genr.ral coJU:.Iu!!i(ui from ,, hon of Xt'rtmcly mtttt:$6ng c:<ptli
mean ulong these that .in humiuls and \fl.Um
!half! :ttt dynari'Ue, ao,d have the:.cap!lcil) to V\' CT to changes 1n
when chc)' imoJ.i-e repeated :md 1e.uning. This. i.s
11\!e not Onl )' fot' the somatoscmon cort.:."t but .fOr d1e u\Qtnr conex l1HI
lDI the VJsua.l ;md mtrlit<>ry -c:ortic;:d m.li_ps:as well,
I !'I fact, c:vi.dence Is- (t\11 of 1he bo(ly in
the bujn arc- extraordinJrily P.uid in ways: of ..,"'u.tlnu:tU}'
(hutglng Ovt:t rh.e Courile of our lives, parti-culacly in rdpon!l h) t ht ..
W eng;tge iu <>n a regula!'
fJritl :t mort 1t c:veo mtnt' .... ,. w .thov.t
mtl\-tng 11 muscle. we on put our mind Ul the we
ic:el.nd be !\\\'lire of wha_tt\'C!r fC:06-ati4l'1s "" preic:nt ulth:n m'l.Olcrn.
might. describe WhJl' we are durintt a hod't
cLn .U Jurun_g ir.r Ot (Jp(r.tng t(') S'ttlSlltt00$
OI.U'!;d-.e-s tO'I:-c
rnmt' 3\w: Df iS" :llrc:a.dy unfo1dmg, mu.h of which we usu.ill}' rune:
'''' It 11> .so ob\'lOII'>; ,o "' bmiliu that. we b.uifly
,, 1tbt'n:, And of CQUNiC, by the wec:O<Jltl s-ay
"""' of the rime In our we knqw w-e llt' mcm hm,
Qr:riOlciog the-- t'Otl}'. 11'1 the- bod)\ of the bod) _ . lht: '"orfu -:1cru.ill> fui]
ria- r.uente .--l rhc: cxpcrienn: \hen wo: about it we'tJc
uhttntrd. hsdf ur. cu , of 11 :itp:mrc: I wOO "h.t' a
We wiml up
1\n.d yelj in a W:ty there cetmi.nly b a -scpat'"Atc [ who"has" a bod). m .lt
!t.ur, :;trong appesr:nn<ie Qf 1 hll;l;cmg tl-..c. we
poken of l hlc being the level Hf (:M\'Crttional rt:1lln. the rebti-..c. t-he
of In Jotiliin of rci.u:lw !C:tliry-. th<tc 1i d.: bndy
lnd !.l.tld thae the pcCi\'o:T the tl<ltiJ.POM
ubjett}. Their. uppcar sep.ltllr.:! and
l"h::n then- .111;1 moments of pure rbat' wmo:umei m
lruxLtnion JlT;(<:tke, tutd .1t orhct wrr .. i;J mool:t
1H lU !lie
\'n II. h momant pol<'l'\lntU, .wa,Ltble 10 us lf Jll nrM;-, mn the\ :rrr
t'11 ol ltf>e lt: utu6c:: tbe :1rr:ttent
rht' .pr.unn 111 rlu: t\p<;.t Suh-ioe:r ilu.rl ob'
1 1
- li\I<)J'.'t.
1111 1 JW,Jn-nc h\ .. l111gcr rl111n 3t:tllULti (ln. lr .. II{; t'
<J l'tw
C!'lr4 I"''. 11Jc 1rtc ,.,f rhe ho .. ret lllllmlJt<!f, drpnd(!m 1'1n h '
\\, ,trrur' I hcrc(t, hhWt'\'t.r, when ll dOes; Q(lt bU\'t cL b
,.hi a . I ' ody
h_o I 1/o' to:) I nr In JUt)', p1111kular Y IOJUI)' tO the ft<:rt.rOU\ ')y
lnlltf>dl nu t<Wtcm fiT'\-ide!u With lJlOf Ol.ll'"t.'Mf:l,)ltij
"'I) ,ucw.s\ '''''' rhc . .:n.ieiJl. W<lrJJ.. '\',t. fl'lnncvaything
l'hc \\-'( llw e OJ'':SUeJ 6 mud1 fbr .rn:n11-<'J we. h:1rdr..
r- - - v not11:e
rh:H nn r cpu rc momt'lll or nu 1ifc in rdnionhlp.. hotll ut\vardly IID;i
"rnn.rdh dcraJ)4 ''" rhcm Nn1 mly nughr we come r'ncm: ro nut
\\' tnlt7:h1 rh.u we onl_r k w through orer lf i11ch.dt tile
ffilhllt I If' oiW ol l"(,)ll!d SIS.)', I ht: $1!(1!1-t,
'v\'trn ,._,. ..1tr "nnmg the f' hould hy now be obN1lii J&Liu.
U't' d, .nul "" imatdy the m.1p ()I the b<;.:fy rn
lhr mato.I'S..-:DOfl l'JJt1t'X !Hld in tttf t' l oiNil,, thC' map;
.1nJ rht! h,;,h i"C' nor ;ep.u;Hc frtnr> e-.1ch /.r 'I ht'v llfr tm4 -acruJl)y dlf
lnt'lll hu1 p;ur uf O/JC J>C'Jmlc- wr (wwds
fJJJ tun on;:co ou tl1c hiM I\ 1vhell \\'t' J.n: in f(1Uth wuh il \\'t
ln!J.!br h.YC' 11b t'Xpcrience of "'tOIIn li.,.n, JJ.ficll'nt expel rente, of 1tn
1111wn, if enhcr the 111.1p) orrh<: bod)' in1di ""'' It: J..unaxcJ. or thf'
l1t11\1 t>r t\\11:Cfl them 1'\'.V:d,
\'c:r rh introductlOfl ,,( imo the nm.
't'll ooun, .1nd rhc mi-cgntJbn ff lice hr-,t ih and hod)' :anJ \\ lal'g(rper
ou o:pc 1ttr usdf A1 lc::t"'l ii t"hl tluu w.l\ F't-tJI;Ip> 1he 1<tr
cnrc(:X r:illly i.tsc,lf in to rcgUI11t
m1"lltl :1lmn pr.u;ncc: t)f 1hi.s I':1ft . We c:crtainly 'Xj>t'rin:.-r t)llt awurtrn::IJ ot
I '' 1 1 1\-ti.Ullnctd t 1<,' hltly f.,'"1n\\'ing ffiflrc:: fd1Dt"U, 11\()lt- I \1 ll c, t!llln;i"c;UklfWt'-1 mo '
C'IY< ,,,.,mall) J we. Wfl(' r(, the v.u <lll'llCU81(11l .. -of me ArJd
dur !cdmg I urp<ancd JOC'Cdt>Wl) by I he largr: of medic:;cl P"'
' 1 1 n rht'Jt
tr,11run;4 n uundlulne1111 whn tt:J\Uf[ pmruun( ... ' .
I. I JiC<"l \C" CO tht'l !
IKJft</Jtp rl) \'hflllllt l'tlil) 0,:1111, ll!f,U11
(/I r<l I ,mm Of IICP,r ' 1
. n}!, [hi!
nf fr-:u, nrl H vtcw I'll r lt/r ,,.>t lt'l I
'K";!O C\'C:I'\' dJ\ <IVCf ;1 JlC:OI)d nt WL't'k.s,
. . I l f t -S{I)!W\Uo)f"l'
h 1 n111 .lnt:!Qmmetn whdc pril 1lw m )'Ill no n
110\IL'o' t,I.Ut }tlj
till: IJud)' to re.h n\Qf CVCII"\ Chc.(C tO be m.cne-"{lain, II
rll , \ ,
,yof lO rclP"nl!.. 1 t tnrne time iu the tontcu
. .
f ltnodfulnt:II.J prac:nce, ti ll'. whutlt','cr UJC. IT( n-
,wu being M:utely Atld llt)n, w
t,;\'t-flllf 1,f ilterpi'Cr:aDon, ilnd rt:uctinn, ntlod-ing: a...Cnion ao
-'nuh;e tu run, tn CM:ape.
I' tf).e bQdy we :l1c: gr-eater intun:rcy wirh b-.L
open1t1g to rht: givc.-:.uul-t:&kc <:ulhedc;ted iu the between
tti)&;Jnf:m-s- .. cl\es--urul ;liU"r
'111r<:ne;.SoQ[ tht:JTL A:t a re,,,!lt, i.t i-;
'o be by Uttm, or disrurhcd bY them in t dtft'er-
''"-' ''' ' .
Cf!l, 1 w:ry, wh(n they arc-a\''-ttC. lc:m\J to Itt 1hcm b.:
t thty lite aJ1tlto hold them wnh,,ut tri.&gr:rlng so much crno\iorut! rc-a.:-
jh'n)' attd also- W much inftnmed thir,kiog 4hQ\It them_ \t
,ct,k of. di&(trnmem di.ffc:l\'!"'nd pcriups
fhc sensocy d1memion of t ho expnience ()( pam l'rom 1k
cmoci<mat-and <:CJgni tivt d lmt:r.silll'\1> Of j)Q!II, ln the l}J(X;tSS, the inte&it)
.,: rile scr)S:l tloor. .;:an In evenr, thcj
CQmc: to be seen a!i less oocr<)uS\" dcbilit:Uing.
1\vtot,teqess irsdf, h(Jlding t:he sent;ations wirhout 1udging
rhtm or rc:lcting ro them, h healing our o-f the bolr11nd it
lvcmru;_ tQ rerms, {lt to SO u: dc:grec, wioh (Ondltlons \U in the
J'lettnt ml'ltt'l"Cilt in WB}'S u() err,)dc our qu:1liry
J. llfc,,\:vtn i.n rhc f:tct pain 0 1 The aw.1renco:s of tMin rt<d:Ly is a
d;ff,:rem f!o!l'l being_ c:mght UJl in p-um :and sougglmg wnh h .and
fooc in that-rc-..tlm. di-\CoVc1 ;.Q1rc y iitld This in it-
1111 ex-prric:ncc pf libe.radcm, a pro{01.1nd in:<:clo,n m dut mo1nenr, ilf
l:ast, fmm 01 of rhe; rlf pll.ln when it i.r. nor
bnre tc-nsaridQ. Jc is tiPU cure: by any mc:an5, but it ill :&U1l
;\ld .m oicccptilg, and a n:wig:uing che :uld down!l\lr wb:u
was :u\t.l \lnworkablo::.
Wb:n Wt' tQ. pcopJt >1ui11g in 1 he Sn-r;ll Redu..-:tiun wb:w
t,oc, l1tetr wh:m:ver the: th:tt rhel' tlll\1 lhc!rmeh'e' in,
the p:Ain liltd 1 hi.:}' l1,t'IC btc11 \iu mS, hm\>t.,.l:t "'"'"''
th._.y m.l)' bo:o in, i'l 1 h.Jl, in gi\'ing U\<c:r whoJd'u;-it ICdl\ w
I h, ,..-,f,t.trtml pnu-ncei-, rhry wilt \OCt) c-ome h"t t l
' "' )tlrkltUBttQti
a.u .ont'1'oltt11 wrrk.1"lc . .'\ml 1
ll<t \ug,. IU"'I
ltu ch "'
J.ift: N J'l'fll l Ito Wio.c tJW.:ut ion In rtlll;td:..tbJt W!l,-';"( >crha
_ t! t>< tn
uat: tho. dctp pl .. ol the rwnTllll' "l'Ff<.m But t- ,
_ - ., .,-rhiC!n rt:-
pn' th;u. whcu hto:CII with W('lilt til e tb"'
hn11,c; nuh them cnQrml"lu , ,,lfenng11nd gnd, w\lllng-,ln rhc (:w._
JIIHr p;un 1tnd tutoruul Jttd icchnY- of to <:l!ttttin kintl
d ...,,.,,,._ 1h .,..,tt, llrW;Ol\"1!" " Wt'rk that no one Otl pllnt::tOAitdtJ {.,,
U!!. ttn rttilllct lll)w fl11!r l. would w::m1 tO.. no lnlltll:-r hm\ fl\U.('h kwt
dte\ h.ttc: lm u, n nurrt't how f.aJh rhcr k cl au., 1"\(1 tmtncr h(Jw
m r h dtt\ Me hclpmg lb ltS the wa-,..., tlur they O:.Ul ht-1}1,
TI1illi:t 111 t he d01111Ufl Of i1ti>CI l1Utcf .lte WtotJu.blt:: .a.n
.a lnfli\hlrog- olhtn.'(', hut nlm:h 11\1,11' ""ll"d ll(;lmctim1 tmh jf Vtiu 'ltt p Q'P
autf dJ the wod1..ll m.l\' bet {ht: mosrdiffiult\"ffll'k in the W<H'Id, .and I (()t
11nc tl ur, wht11 ir n'\fi)Cs t ct culti\'ilnng mtDtltUinC$s .and
rrttdnm troln'l rb-e .:::ondiriru:tl m1tnl, ir .wwly dillirult "'04
tn tl+t W()JIJ_
Rut 10 the e.od, wh,lt d11c i tlt\!llC Tn do:- h '' }'OUI"Cty Ute thnt hal)g_
'" t !,t hitl.alll"(". :md f, tt 1 har rc:o.r.on nlonc, Wl'rfk i pro1lmmdl)'
111 .ldJ1J10R to being o \Nt: J iii.'MO' th.:ltit h mdt<td intrimirall)
lul.fiUing t.-. hall) pn::'l(ut, h l :aMend ttr.rn-Judgm<'t'lt.Uiy,
, , , n wlwn
: 11t...1!llh-, wbat we might bt .ar(c:ndmg tl it> fctll, tor ton.etinen.
Lfll1fl1Mi'm . .and tht: p>rin :ct:comp<mit"' liW.:.h m:i.nJ \ll.'t.J
rh..l t \UCh l011\1J -:1nd bud}' llt.\W.<;. ;ltt" Uldtl'd WOI'k.1hic, UIIO
dut ldl 111\llld;r, r!omf't)l,mdly
yt:lf !JVU ttJ olt my !i<:ltSC&. hO'\YC\"t:l' (H Mil11111vhiJt, !.h\!
bcr \\',lf -llJQund in cht.: and_ hy chc rolo:$111, My 11ighw-a.)'1> .1r1.1l b}l ,
-..II 'I; :lte t be p:trhwlt-)''i qf l{ld illt:CTO(I.'}>I\<In, th.: Mr sen'!e
uf)thc ba<ll' pr ... -scntc .md u\ tmd imbn:
1 oonJihOfl,
ul-' f;l)lll'iC.. ,vhal the ' ' ' ' P to m a.ny mQmcm, 1 e:au ri:jQit:o 'm
jlllrtlng :nt m my te<t,, Jn my my leg;. my
rdYl\t the wlwkof I he. bod)' \l.s- llcll ht:re. Jt feeds l'nc. and, lib d(lubt, It
hu\ri thi:. \O:Jilo\Co.sensocy c:ven u, or GChVat<: .. ;
1hi'gbt !\ll;l.,ybt t.'Cvt:1in o
tof}' ;111-d o:-IJ&ted are:if .m: evtn gtowns- froitl the\it regu.1
future studics$ot,1hat 10 bt: the cast <>r nor, J wt.uitl
tt'ung ro devdop rholie con1'.C4ti ons., to l)i:friend the lltile. bo
t!-'1 rnll:Mage t he l>ellSO 'I :tO{I ootwx, and feed nervou&
I "A'Duld ,btOOd thing to (.lan th.c. mind to inh:1bit the body,
lcraur ,,f beng :.Ji\<e h<: ..V:x-r<lnsiw: ,tJhh :he body. <ln
:(lldcd uno bodx. not> u a fix..-d .pouc but :ts :l.V)t:ll nmmcnt-to-rnomcnt,
In w:ty. th!: .experience of being em bod 1ea h:t,.a._ tn
!Oil .. robu'' rdiabl.t ft.eliog., nt) l<)t\gt!r J)\\rP'lt"u:iJly at risk of being
1 he of our- hllbnual ignoring or d;AI!OI,uning of whar is
hrniii:nod do, en to h,omc:. which canJn t*'.e end Qnly oot '*\i t)if frum
-t>wn lift f1()!)Sibilitiei!, impflitlll In ;:a p-rofottnd -tilienarion from
lllftll t :tnd from our own lnh":(iatlty.
jn one of hi's sbo:r.- ltfmiH in DJ,!J/i,,m. MMT .
o.,[J livd a from fiij; bndy." Th'lt be An addN:ss too
. .
ffl.lll)' >f the nUr<\dC> of emhodimolt lOt gr'J.nted ,l hor
lmt lt):$S:.. (t Wllid be ;l profound he!l1in.g of to _g;et ln..taurh
-.rith If
Al1,, is- in coming to oor 11CI'lst:JS, uU ot thrm.
And ,, !lf)mr of
PR 11'1< i"' I I' ' I
I HI I I I '-1 ' I IHf llPO'\
\ \'c lluM 111:11 I r'"lhl .. . 11': rl tr trlt .. t h nl thr " r rant
Qj 1r tr-.umutk 1njhn. In 'JHU:II nl in_iurito, rl lilT \\ (()lllfuu-
11.,. ht'h\'l:'c:-1, 1 hr hr .ly .trul 1 he l'lf:lJJ\ \311 -.r,-c-r,.l.r nlur.cJ , t
mtdctt'h I tlU: h 1ituut irm11 . 1 .1 rule, tht pl'rkm 111 11.11.11wrd a, wtlltu
bctUtt. UI Ublr- I ft'd hi lit hrr Ill t.:o.lll!d ll ttl 11.1' tlv: 1l!ii!J.
uc;n hrl \\ tbr htot.IL Rc1t 1 1 he- K' f l\{ifl' .1nd 1 hC' nl iJtl)t Nt.w:n
h111rr -ltnl hn, ly h l .\111 ' 11u- Jt'Wr
f(a\t' r.1.1m:J lK . ,w 11 h ;\ whru hr w:t t hJ..-\q J l'tnm :1
I t (_ \Vr- 1\JII ukc ur ln, H"l11,ut..thlc In thr IV:-' I chll J'Irl
\ tiUtnbc! d ,.c:w .. '6" rhe uc!lltl!lvgu'>l Oll\..:'r tlc",.ihcJ n';'t-
, 11 whu h.1, l ll'U rllt h 'ICtl'irrtV .tinlcnfl\11 nf bOdihC.\'"
,Jue" ,,. 1111 1111ti poh-nh 1r itilo
11, "\ fo"JO(tl 111 hr-r .. and l'l .ltt i;J) nc-1'n, T hlll inlh.mnlllri(t)l,uu-
futlru!th, l:-.rtudeJ 1ht: ncnmu :o.""6l Ct\\, h \\:A{
. . I I t l
n A111ih
, in ,ill md puce II r \', \y m:11t ment \\'1 ' ,
J . c ot
tlllltUI>lCtt"tl Ill th Jt,o pttw m J ',U)\
h;-.r . hl
\IJ rh
wnmm, whn111 s,., ),, \.,,,, kft
:a. r w
k fl 111 All
f e' 'fE" lt(hr wodt 8h1.! (lluld lit btnh \ JII t\"t
1 1
,.,,"' '"
- ''' ' ' '"' o)t ''' h
1 1
ttn .&ml ..:tt.tld S.Cni.C tc,tpc'Tllhllt ,111rJ pitm, hut 1:.'\'f'tl
dtrve.d ltQII) hc1 tO ha
!Ccl m_y bQ,I}' 1/o! .blimt "ml "' iv>df , 1t nn o.rrue Llf it !>ell
In Sulw"s lut whp:u on, she lovci: up;:n c:-.n, willt'fle 'lite
\.'J.II (ce\ thr W\ll cl (JQ bod)' f,lCC hlUI' h , j
r It' .. s.ii}'Jo "ll(d the: Wllh1
tii(S unJ f11tt.uf1\i rhc:n I fuitltl}'. I Cat.'d'.mm :tnd ,1
nor dte
nA !ltet it's bflll'n.\thinrtl It I a thi11 bnnihlc dc.\d veil ,1 wh-ile/'
wi:dt the l1> 1-'lf he1 !ICrl\,f ur pi'<ljltio.:c-ptiQn Q.m( rhe. lot-i 01 Sll,l.'hs 1:111111 1 he. mnmi11g OJ.f idontiry-dtat cmbodlt:d
"'"' ,,f t:u;111g, tf h:l'fil'lg 1 lilcfitity "for Clui.-rina t hl'J
\ lr.titicut.Y in the tgllillfn:. sc.numcut (II individun.l-
ly' -whkh hn lk..:Qthe with ,tcromlho-dillit'ln wich {he ot
t<1md her t-e!nllc:s of mh.t1ng her
'foith tlegre(' u( att'-m:tl (.;Ohll\li i/\'Ct I he of
bc.oJy 1mtl .thiJirv to \'U'-ll i'te,l:lUI all h!!r h1.\v-e .... ,r-
ltHwith dtlibt:r;uent.$"i :uul con!ldS"Il.UCnti,m Allttw! lt.'lmc,
lhihpecilll\ urg:mi,Jlly lt.llie!d
feeling (If whil.!.h
anuith u nnd uncann)', 11'> rhe .da)' lll'!c first felf it" Unltli;C thou:
wlu, ;;n: 1).\t.Uyud h) UJI iu 1hc spin.1J (OJrl !lll\1 wh" 1llj;o
!6$c: l,l,lphzlcepti(JII, th.Jugh up :mtl.tbuut.
no mht,tkc :.b1ktf it. lu.)t "'" the IN--"' lolf knflwiu,. \M roo :m: ill
. 0
J Jl!:efb nl 1leen.::: 1lw1 .1 rc itnporra111 tht ,IJ'C hidden C' nr rhrrr mJIIUI} .erul l.1111ihancy. (Oeet ;,, ""'hJc o.'tJ\flf11.!4!
nmelhmc tl l'l lxtoJc mr' rcll (uwt\h
111 n '' lu l'lhJiflf!' 41t111Pf 11t11k(: I ll a.ll
Jll' wunk with whu:h Dp(:ll lm
f4llkel llu1 l'h-K' .. \W " '.don't lopw w<r h.evr, s;o nmn, u If ;,, <:\'i
ili .. "' u.unr:lr I ht< IHI fll hodr in 11 () a.lhtJ with CUI
pl11 '' ,11111', tur I'll\ iGll .. '"'r 11(:0'{ nl the boJ;, '? JliVJX'rfll ll!J
U!J clll!dr.11 ol'o tliit UWII, th,u 'r't(; f.lil h) 111)11\"'( it er JppJ\:Clllfl:
t\ 111 flU! UJI1M111t'IIPn uf tht: W>_ ')rkl :tnd wbr. WC" {Thmk -vtd ;art.
\\' .r 11 wr pa '' tu ,. 11 tntowh ;.can, uur lntludtl. that
. . 1f pn '1'''4terru"'r rh.u S;e,he, I' .,ft:o.,fnbiJig Jlhllllllf ungi
rho !d.t ul'.: nf h.I\Jin ;l ;m1l, w11lan vlrht'
l .. ,,h a' ''Ill' wlueh::
ftolt o( all in rt:,giom-. which-
.. 1-1.. "\Nhenw<
\\ c! ! 111 uur w .1 Jcg!'t'C' ,tero In ttrr. 1111 In lu1tt.
1 1 h,.lv em, \\'l' 1o:Jmmtng' lilt' \'ihr .un '' uf chc tsod}'
l!rl\ chu !IU.IWal'\'111'-'- )Wtnt. 6oi'IL i.tll hdng 1W.e
v 1 L... c mvrhin'-'. wt .lt<-
p.NHic. , I.U 1ih1lr 1 11 In u , ., II 11llJI t l )'lllJ! to t'ffilllJ!e ""
. I I "cl .... iation our
lm teet 11 ;1m c \.t'/clOrt', w1 J 1M1r llpp< .. .:.
.., h ''n btJd}'"'UII\vl!C.:
L>t. \Vc IU'l qplmd or th111 ltly.'HC:f!IJ'Wj, V('f.:. .!I II .
th t 1. J iu .._ prohu111d "'a\' anJ i;o'l us in :m
J'l' J1UUr'Jli V.<W. 'lll.if\'
.I I. I ' I> . tl ,
\ud yon ul mg ;, <Oh't!u 1 r
,tml'JC. n t.night a. n d.!llm u.e hc.J
f""- .L
ltf\\'(:\'t!r - , uo u...
,Hilidn of Ill hom
\Vl1rlung U IT ('\'C_t:o' dn.\'. Wt Wllb the VC:t\ Cl
I r 1\uJII:nlity. with <.mr corl!..
.!1 Whel1 embraces I h(:<Rn!le$ ir tbr:m \Vc tuo,.e J!l
d"JI ,et exua,ouJmary 111 of plupn-o
wftcr 0\'.;T tO to dtc OOd) In ,.di?-
Up.lincd and Jonng w.t)' ar u for 1.hy;c;. mul'!tbs, .mal
,vr;.,e\'lfl'llf we d9t(t hear mud\ llt fit!lt, 1;. no tdllns ,.,.hat nnght uo;-
.:ut.Bill one- thlng ili'\UN!. fu htH ir!:lu, the body
1htc:niJg t.Jck; and r ... ..__
:'\:ltHotOVLA.\'f11 II\ AI\P TfU
l I. I MIT S lH l HI 1:
Tht .fijjiru/1 1: ,[iJ fQ<hl_l' 7'/x /tJfrM .:1 lill/t !QI(i;."
l\lonu ol'" 'l'uG CO:RJ>1i I'Jr: El'ic:Nt.f:RS
llikc ,., think th.l!. 111111\ .arrt:tgant, nud14 .1uiwtk:
fnl1 \)t rlu m>rhl of rh.c cnglf)een reB.c\11> 1h-e potential
"' 111 1t11l}' oJ>en m1nd :lnd a can. -do :ttt iludt, .1 WIIIU)j:;,l)eiJI W u.dde
rhlll nur ,,ld .::CtOditiont'd h.abitlll)l mmd nl.ll)' bbd
IQO pr(!ffl.Uuttly. Mo.ny limes, evt:n "' ()ur pef'>onal
nut 111111d!i !iofel)' thought Sc,>mcr:hmg o.ll" other to be tiw.t
..... ,. !11[),!1 Jwwn to be po!>sible.
And let's nat tOl!,tet 1har (:fX'Sing rite Wol11" once thuugh t<Jo !\(
Flytng" \\,..., <n<,;c thC>Ilgln ro bt: unvossible. .tpartMW.
olnrlrn;uruung dcmOC[il.( y II\ Soul h Atri (;a wil hout tcrrr"lblc race wAr
uu .. c rh.n.tgbr to be
'bl . l 'd
\\'c n,oer rt:J!Jy )lOI)V." btt J',1 C: ln I \t" m1n _ rv.
even m tht: r of a m,t!Or IOJVI)' or .at1d the
. rt . . tt-ail\' t(\IC
,,nd rh.IT can foJtc.w 111 rhorw-.-kc.. m. '" C'>pe -L
La! I .. , pes.:::nttal Wil l '
""hen rb.osr: -sc:ctmngly nsurmountol c en 1nga. \\C .1rc .
d h
l( Jnlcnn'i>n;hty
'Ah.ataa the\' cmbrac,c: w1r utter ru:nnun ;an
. _I Jj h ir wc)'WIJ
T.tkt <aM or Lhnstophttt Rte1c, 1 Ju:- :4=to?t .1!11-1 rc:c
l!lf 1.1: I 1?1"
, Supc:mr;an, Hh ...
, d .
!'lo>tci-!1 , . ... .... , h eh:numa4
,.W hi& gcrwro,.try uf tlf"n t U'l hgli of hdi:JI 1
n u
1 11 ll(IQ .,.
u,l) to dv.u wltth b
llfl ll'' r . ,, . cc1:t1ono1 creape.
frofl'l th1: occ.k..down-aftcr .1 hort:cb:A:t'k idltlg ;tl'l.:i..dCTlr m l9()S,
/l.(r, tl."ft:vo h.1d bl!<::l. u, Jd' l}y hii..d<>ct6r:t 1 hallie Wt..)llld OO\'t.T b(
ttt dti.-
nerve cells: caonot grow or rt:onnt.ct to reeaoblhh
:(111ducrio'' p.;.thways. tor impllbes "aq.d the hrain
1Tum.: .pnthwa.)i-. tQ intact fbr 1 mQtot oorta aail 4Jthn
l!'lt;'lt cen1n& in the hta,nl f{) OOntrol-rhc -of I he bodv. ami fr;r the
rod) to gwc proprif>.:eptive- about what Js
in mo\'t:-
!!l'!II,C, and to_ronvey .... of uny kind r.o the som.;u:Q:lo:n-
wtr rorlt;< ;,md other br .un c:ernt?rs respons1blc for mll;.ing -sea,:c of Ehc
r.hysical Chrisrophc.r Rttwc aud ochers with s.pi,u.l {onl injurit:;.
.t'"J d:1m11ge.;m now, rh1'()11gh. the changes. tbc.y are ,expcricnciog;A$
tlulr ttf Corms of thCt'>l.J'}'. bi.iyiug this dogml .md (bmcnting Jl
quirt mnh1ti9n in u:hsbilit.ttlou 11lt}l are a.lli.O chc
llizt.o:al implicat.i.on:; and rc.fev:u1ce of' lor bOOr and It\
v.Tmlrr md ''wtor
trJI d to nwi1U.1in musdc Jnil c . I .
' lll!tlt\
l h: ;Lh( l mlC kang on 11 rnblct- t h.Jt tihc{l him h> '
' lll( l't!ll(:
hone II,' ,u\d iurclwr cu:cuLttu)f\, And he rtitd hnni
ptndcJ ua A ovuo, mml ng ucaJmlll All these to
111 h..,. wn-c ul I hi :lv.ul L lc ..tW fll) But
rn gi\1; "'I'
\fter '' f.ool Hv ilt narus <lntl il ... ,, . ,
.b " many
dJ.11:.nmmg meJi:al nrmpl;ft;trlrrhfl, Reeve um;lwnf.1k. with the
hc'1, uf h1 .md wh!lt '-l11 C'111lr Jc-licrib(d us q:
IIPJp<'f human knr)"" u ac6\ity.,ba!led ilf
:\ HR In 1lm1 JHogrn.m, hi; bod}' wa'- lllm.'Cd 011 .t fttumht:nt
llmun bin-cle lty ,QmJ'II<:tJ$1).1$tcd of
1r1 :CJ,.I1<. T lc undcrwtrnt rhtii rra-ming fQr l10ur pet dlv,
cil)'ll f'CI ar_ II tixt:d Ollfl lUI \(hrt-<.: thO\.I.Sil.lld (('\'(ole.iti41't!o ptr
h:.oor). In uddtric}u, ht Ultd(WI!.IH atltlluluivn of mttj()r
dr l{J'f'"" 1 he. .lllllt.-!lnd trunk on !l rmaong t:Ched\llc...Ata _pcim,
t htr,lpy 1ntroducc-d once .1 we-ek. m wbid1 hr. c:ould r.;twe ::u\d be
rnoved by :1 phy&Jcal thc:r.npu;t 111 ., p<XJ1, 40d wocl t;m\C wr.h.
nm hav111g to nrugglc 6Jiwlry. alflo begau rraining in brcr1rhi*'g
ftc<vc kxpt :11 1 h1')- tflfOttSC: cxerci.!< ..
11 l11"- llm:;, l<:li n rong his
One mornmg, Mtt!r no 111 hh body :.AI'Id ng.
nt and .Umol>( p::.\t :lfrt:r in
trfL' I\'l" _.\ijR rrugt;tul, he fq.;tnd tbar ht cnuhl VQluntariJ, N I\ Cr\11 II
uhmg lllllvt' lllt: 1C: hi' left
Th, '''')" bcou-hhe1d toto tht of mowm1cnt \'l.lS 1M of
rd1111h yf anti dunor oonlfl)l rhe rhl\'c
}\"lll' un rlur rllly, ltt: . ri,t. " ilr!il \1ctitl11 W'!l' IO cut\lmy
, I> I ' h T m" finoe ctltrld
enll\11-)il' "' Rur my hQr: .ulu t.Jer r at ' 1
, ' I
d 1 . .
her 111' m}'
mm - l.l rn .cxp t'rt cvtl)
. h I ! I t C\'Cl\ 1\lt:'L(t
to- wl1111 \\fl \;It,; W t'U \ ec:u:: t:l tO
. I lili\gin
1\l'.:t' ul mind tlur ir1 r.l\n\g 1\1. even "" _ .J. ,
. ". I I I h tl iu ll\c
I'" J'tltll-!!pU\l: ne uw I IWC t I .m UJ
IIWI(fi(IW'I I l l,!l'f'o qr
(.}lap:cr. $1) whcr. he of "mv bQdy" it :u the t lmt ITIOJ1: ,. t bQ<
n\r.won.' rh$1n u 1\':lallnn.Util' lh 'J h
U'l 1. . , If 16
unt1 r e
,. ,1 new of. aro-(e. Tr bttllme "ht'i" li.ngc-r
d: ..
1 J
:tnt ti'lllt 1 be me , .. a
hln ,t 1 he dme .!.if d1t: i41ervtew. t
rf . . Jl
, .. . d n p"
"1 cfltd ,n,ur)
!i\'Sii'l'l llti()W. tb:lt Can fi'W.r\i:' I
l ).: I )' lt:JS and n<lt tJ;:C n
;aJ-.11 111 of mv to 00 c,wn .It r,, ,
o-;t tht
- I ' b' l' Jt:.n;non'l :t Ill
dlc:' IDj' :mu ( m
' 1-1.: nte-ric\g wJth pcoplt: wh(> are
ho' ptn.Jl cut.! injllrtC11o :Jnd ruf,lic l;llb.
\ wot h .1ll nl dCit" nor knnwwh11.l the lilnltJ.ut'
thr pJ hl4- .1rt, lm now, He U in tlt::tcrmin:.tiou ro l>laf
the nllln;o 1ml wruka1 the p,-..,,ndam:t. of the Cot' flK hi$
nund trum n!wnwr 'fu mnrrumt ua.J. from da.\' to d'!l)l, hili IQit-
to 111 In mm<l, but ol Wd.ty u:l the of rim rrur
(,,,cu rhc le.TI ui ttJ!;<:h u'l lm lif..,, ...1!ld cbc and
hoe luto he COtll.tJ b.wr: c. ily iillli;:n tnt<> hopc-
lcllnt'llii, and trolation nlal be took: f)ll The chillltngt ""'011:
wi1h h' Uruatitln 11nJ -ta m1nnu.1n b'f(>undcd in h1"
. .111d 10 h1 work I\ m(V;ng tt'llfin'luny 111 1ln powcn ol ll\lnd
nJ botl} lf) heill when rht:y work in oon.cerr-wJth the
un: a.nd und w1th JtT!ll.titmi.* ,tus:mpt>. IQ rnubihtt .tud In
antt ,unplii)' tht: I -c>dy'11 ""'' ut:ll c:Jp.,ci tit$ for w.lf l'C'gu.latihu ;rtd repair,
.,.-n p,.>lltivt' mltoomc: uncemill or ill b\tt tlcn!ed as a posslbilif).
And Mr. ltrCYC lll not Ptl).plc who luVC" cord if'.-
moln ., ru urhc:r ncurQ!I)gi..:al 0\rc nukloF-
.11 tr(!:Umrul centerc; :tf6und the world, uomg:ou\'1;'1 rc.hth tl'lt:tlt
_,j.,, a).otmpli.\ immobiJi,.if'tg a fUI(Ctitmlll I tin Ill) I hllt the r1
t1tnt til .. , u;e Un: .arm for cveryd:\\ ,.,r
1 hr p!ltitnl In .l h:u nes.1 whih: or her fcc:t arc put thro.)ngh!!nr-;
a lteldmill Rehabilit.ltion modlctnt' if. .n:dtiuam..: of
mhCih w hdp fl!lr.aly.t-00 patic:no pr:J.ctt<:e vr.&lktng. Ustng
It) 1hte Ju li ve hund1-ed par.4plt:g1cs wlw h,,(l lif'uittd; M:nli;rt::<ICU
111 1 hl'il klwtl bodit'lo .and no mmoJ ftu\e:uon ;ltt now _Jblt h'> w.tlk for'sb;m
. " 'I 'l ' "",n t.c pB!b
UnJDI.iled, or U\UIJ! vt.dl<e-A, a Jl:lfl.n".w c. mt o
I' 'd ' L. . ..... cehabillurlon
fli "Jtll.rOJnt:; tl) IVC' IR'SI t: Jl!.lUI, I nt u.....,. I ......,.,a,.D" , , ,
. ' I l!O !I((
h ..t t!\ke-ht>u\lt: I tee lOf I IOU: nf U\ \'1. '
. A _.
d u]i'w\tdetal ew
by T dunk. fla. nuu c tiiUK '
d ut:
tl .-r keep tht bodf flr tlb\tllli. Y h:tne ltt , his-
'l l . o dauot cfwr
mn ul; !i\.1otc:tra al much as: th)' do ll'h-c lt:tG.l'> n 81it
tfuc Jt .u1y Jnd )mpof1,m1 ro remefT\bct ill! w.: jJIIt
[ t!l' ICI Mll'Ul.IIQII,
bC"'\m.l (3(CC<.it;t
I he brtngtng ll olttcnnOil,
"-I ll'-' IV
"'"'' ,. -
. life 19 \V<>I'k at (fa c \'t:l')' tllgc.\ nf 0\ar nhwkal T"<l e-
( _,
o . , , . ,. r - . , d I m,,_, CfiJ);t('-
idtS rn.t}' the t mgtedtcnt m -s.cemg our .;iruati,on J" worlublc;, wh:u ..
i 111, in J1Utd_ng i1l t he .lnd \he I()Vc R:> co lll'C. the:
llveftbat m otnS to mm::.r up on and might be:
the C(IUJSC. 'if.A)' in tOUCh ththugb thick il.nd thin,
wi!lt wh1t IS Ultun;uc;ly, whetber dalib::rately
;!il"ed -at, {13 111 Rtt:YC:O. 1:3!11:, h) lib-tar
d willpower. t he
to work .at fiW b<nmdary Of wh.1t positiblc 1n ilny ;md
ml)!r.Of prCsent, to jt ...nth p:nicncc, bl)roJlit};.
w:ru Atltntion,; corHhtutes tht' cnte nP muul(ulnc;;11 nr
q ic
: ill"id the fn\lt1-
tO Stu}' t he co n.-e fot its- t\wn andgf'Ow
Reeve's h:l.s b-c:en in \\nd hill
&od:t, w!th his fumily 111d friends, wirh his proft:ssioc:ll
wl1ro he could not feel rhc physic,ll touch of others when hi., bod.
dkl cot tAlk b'ack co hi n;t. Now, toi'in tl tlgree, it .l<>t:"" What wi.rl
unliJIJ f(otn here is. l t -alway!l' is. \.Ve all k Mh But
n t<.tk-
illg rt:$}>Qfl!libilicy (or Md acccp;.ir\g fuUy hls ooudition af:r tht. :tc:c:idcnt
lt.thvorku;g with it ic was, ut perse.\ell:lnc<: ll;nd resoh:e :tud :t
I -of 1\e'Jp.o- wbat was the pr.cs-ttit chen and as" no\Y h:.u
tq rht.s ,, ,x:scm, tht!"mor.e pr-cgnat'll witch the mystery of wh-at
bt: pos!iible. J Rt!eve -s-a}' in 3 public i11 Avril 2004,
Wl!rn aren't going, ;til that .velJ,J.stiU -stick to t he dl:ociplinc.uo
nuqtt what. Thcri!.JiS, a abilitv w1th ill our mmdNo affect the
. }
ln ,
lrY>Y'I.\ of .ttl nlyscctiow. nnil f!mlt\'
t>irl.iho,('fl ,11,\,ki:J the wholdielt'rcd ilfjjp,-u{'!Urr. 1 dwell in I)OAAi'&ihty,:'
J fer \Tl \ ntt line I! A_ .L:lin:r 1h,1n r to,>o:C"-whic:h ) f'.ikt:
tb.f dmmrik cof 1{" J.lo>nabk, and !>Q nfcen liunoog tbo!lg.i'iJS
L an the C.1n we lill!. lruly dwell in _PO'SSil)iht)i' In nQ:
.. wlng, hur AnJ tJ'1 1 hi "" y moml!m;>
fJoo.v It
r-\R'I h
AT YouR Ow,. Doo"
Dr.1u:t> \VIItMl" t, ftvm "'Lcwe After 1 . wr"
Did you C\'CI hC;.ll' )'Olltsdf bJutt <1ut like-t.hfif? That Jtti1\g
UJill:IJl)' fonh In wh.en is 3 iot uf ooi;t. in
:!rroom md tqing .m like "l &.lt1'1
thin"km:raigfn, [ c:_ln't f()cu;J, Will you till ple.1se l'ipe do\l;n;J
But whto w.e ,gn dc.:ply lntq umnzing--.lll!htre ls is he:i;-
!111{ 1 hi nit. and it <;M bc. IOildct .md dioh'RC1-
itn.<tnan Jll}' oxtcm1llucJik. The l'Ol\1 of our thi1lkit1g can be .dc'.lt'bning_
endlc:i!L lt can pl'i:vc:n; an)' kmd .ot focui"t'll'
It llsoCIJmplCtel)"Obs.::lttr4 the Ul)tkr1}iog pc3cc and iilt:nct 1 hat IU'I: ('a b_e
IOund tight thiJ; nltnuh in che mint.l orn;ll- minil tta .. t:arncd ur
littioetl tallttt,le down and be :-tiU, or stiller.
If Wt btgtn toii;teo to th(; of rhoughr ::s lht)u.'ghl, to ;lelc:NI tu
tbtmghtll as thee field of tntl if Wf: ,1 <trtain
:uul quicr come- tO src our mtu:h more
ckJJJ:r .\l'i:: Rblc t<,>. ton and X<tttly \':IJll i:s on ()ut mmd.\\i
hew tnl!.i'h lf lt i-s juu mem:;.i noise, Once we k11ow lh:t. IIUitn,ncl}', up-
rh!tr ;,fld ptnonjll , we c:u hcgin m ci<;\'('IQp w;,)'i of rt!atmg ro 11,
We ln:.f) be !!hutiJ -1t wlut dili..,"t:l1f., .1r how 1\UJ<-h oi our thmklng
j 'lucohc and Vd .If ti roc li,C\nch narrow and
,. 1 \1 !\''*"''
.. , 11 ,,hy.
' -,.11, ,, th.111 1v1 t kww.. If Wh, ou
1\Y f,IIO! I
' _ "tf(/j
tIll\ IIW fj ., WJIIoll/1 1111 I it . .l\tt.f'llrkll Will\ mindf
111 w.r 1,,,,., ,, l,uw. 1!91 llll)' In l:nuw M.'C i
,n . ,1 1111u lo 111 Jlu 1 ,.,,fd I )'Ill d!lit:rc:tltly, 111 1M) 11<11ll1lgrr
,.,1 , 11 111 , r,, tlu IM} wr. m wry r(';J ,ff, n ,1 dlpr.ud rnt ur lv (ln mnrt rir lkllt.1 of t1i.lrn
1) liuuu-1J ll't: tdt tr wluc-h may be lntc :t'i tar II'Cl
;zu,ltl nti1!n tu\t ,run"t 1:" 't1 V <-'fmpll'<'(l Ill Whlll rni!(ht bt.: if '.\'C \o'.'<'ft
In t(lt 1 It rhc I,UL.'''-'' >I h!'in!{:tnd <f the nti ud ._\',til.tblc t q ut,
I )ION'T I L\Vl \ \10.\\ENT
IQ CATnl MY llR \111
At'( :J3tt )V'Itr gettlnst() riM [rdmtr t/xlt the prmrtt il-
f/:IUr/le a mfans if $(fling Jlkrrf iJ (IJ!ffft/ hy lt<mJ: "/rrtr'/Jur U11rr1;
JJJf. to.k tkpl't:fi'IJihm UJ.'I!fli,gtq/Jt ;,, tin ftduu, fi< tt
!f6't tJw lf>lrl )VJltlf/lllrl :P, en imd /i6fThitbsudnm im1q 1plit U
mwu, TlxfiuttiJ(I/ t'lxr]'btx/y 'r.JIIJfiJg ;Ltloem't ."WWh il aN)
E,x.J.MR:Q 'Jbt.u:, 11M
T.:aiJe'li ioo . ue a Qf ps)-.:hologil.illttr(S as
rfl\' I hive the unfortun;nc endemic prttC.!uc.lOf nm things
n tht:) :ue in die- onl) My of US-ever h-.wc in which oo Lvc
plc:tW De careful hcrt!. d<t>Q;n'r. b) :lll)' $tr"Ct<'h the
n:ean Qlthc rht It il hugC'
nf fOrtiruc!t ar.rl moclv:tr!" t(l ,:t..c.:o:pt whar wl!cu
\llu dqn!t like it---and t 11cn wisely-and effcctit1cJ)' :U. }'nU
ln thC' ireummoc<!s )'OU 6ntl in .. nrl wj,th th< rdource'$ at
hMh i!lller-:md OQter. ro bc-..d, t'Mirect, .1nd
wiiU.cun be. ch;mgcd.
Such :tcc,:pmucc i:o "radic-.:al .lcceptlnt:(-:. bt<"luse i1 _goes td th-e
11ro!' 1..- 1 II '
t tllkc!l 111 nnd tt>sponds. rtl how '"'
;uc. unU<;f
""lhl c 1 ._,
t l c;y- rua,y lli)PCiu be :.nJ :til\' orar.-trnon \l't' mtL;Jlf
, ..
' 111\'<M<, A \I>VII llOIHI
hr l1 .uhurrn):; f1n '"'"' rtnnp, ... r lw nr .. l\i'Qr-k Oht ,
\tlJ .JI (hi: -MOI'it:\ wr rdl hrlw
nrf who r " lu1 ' to rl1,\f t rwt that \\'ill' is dittitl.llt
Hul ")' ;ui'lpuog -4Klt n.m.:..-, W(' grv-e the: (lf.,
1 hiT ,, , ft<' i""r tm!ll rn 1 fl .. Mw th.1f ol tc n Mw we mit;bt hold
.. u.l I in 11 '''\ th.11 .nT' :wJ n\rm romp:!htnorut<'. J\dopang
wi Cl llJLJ IUOn: W"\ oil lli IM.I kruJWi,tg aruJ iiH'X:jllillg:Of \'llilt_
i 1 J\ mtmk:t \\
1 ill lllc atnl lntcll::<rdng hilt,. of.
r;llrw iu rht w.tkc of ,u.,.!l in thata.c:
e>nlr po<o<;iblcr st-e '' dreJlCI ntth tbJ.r befort )'<>1.1 oo
rhr !IUIT)' )'Q'J '"'1:1"(' rour11t If, whteh ti.W;tlly ('ntircl) nut,
If It 1<l rrue: ilf :.ill, tOO powcttuU}' nq:l11dlng your ;.tmcs ro !<:(. itl liD)
Ytt. J' I IM!rl In rrinciplc WI' m.ty. bdte:r.'' WI! lll'\1'
all t he- II!Ul'lt' hl t he ifk(C'..,IUI , tlftt'll fi.:.IUUC., ,ln(l
lm.n1ro:o; oi thi.nkingwe hJ\'1! h') get d!.tr JiHI h1fnrt we t:m r.t>.t,
rhinking we titttl 111 ,.,.r11t.iJJ d.uru: w (ed we .;t:r.'.QulpiiihcJ.
k(t;" wr >Ill be: hn.p..,y _ . . even .ut we .are blwuirtg Nr bc1ng
l1u unb.;,ppv co ;,t fl1tj;t.e exu:nt ooui.tle ;.m;h ,c;;;h::d
ul\':li>t ucl rrnployt"rtr' thll u(Wt..'f-fnding: v<lhnneti of work thr.:>ugh .u)d-(fr.Hl<h let or. on bem'Y tr.affic. which su
1hwm oor des-.rc-tn get wcw.w1 rq when we
Hal'!;: yoo. rver your$(11" :q "f didn't 11 mnm1' 1\l ,., catch my
blrolllt!' wht"n de!lcnbing an episode dunng l"he 4)' when roo gofr.g
tl..uout ta yt>ll q)U!d Jn to.wmethiJtg clic:, m
gt t In the ll.i:rporc, or final ly &IJ lmo bed/
We "}' h -..-.1.1riJd) "1 didn'th1,1vt,. mrhiearh.
Lulgc.r Wltb rh:n III.C lr 1Uil.luCtll, Is t t reilly, tl'\u:i'
Or iii n thJt we didn't dun}.;, .. ,. kv>w ht 1lunk th3t" we actuLlUyoo1,1ld
. I I
'- .J .
fed f ht: htcnub
l:.aJu: ;a lut)flll'lll M (ttu':'IU, IC1 gti'IUIIt f\11"111: Vt!JI: In f 1t' I)
. I I . l I b I tl mindt Tf
and wh-atc\'Cr ttmlon .md H )r. 111 Kt l O v au
.J _ . _, .... fcdin'
tatt IC<.,>I!;nit.c; wlloll Wt: .uc aothl) w1u wr.:t l we "''t! ,
. . l l fl I 0\\' m ,r/ull1
m\' p.wen we m1ghr bl' tl' cu. 111 uenc<' c
. , ,. mumtttls>
b'J' loe uglu 111 the 'ICTY 11Uln\t:rll 11t t.ttsn,..
In \\+JJich thlfl!f' 'lite: 1111fn1tling. We C()uld th<:h c ki2ep r'nPvlng ;n-
tbt Jllfl)t.' ret we might ftntl that ot"OU.I.d bac:k off t .._ , ad-
:ct'ld be rmm.: pre11;:t\l ;end llct(h ...... j,,m--y .
\'Jil..,. , :- .. " '"-J more
.:.., eve miflh.t e\'CD n:alJ;ee the Wl\1 in wi..,,L j .. '
1.,,_, I' . . 1 U Ul t Cl>liC tl)
JII dl>'te-gtntrAm !ecl:iug d tr(ln1C3lly nshed which
ir rnorc likely doing wc,a:re tn.,t.."llge:d i.n IIJu:ly
ttr :Ciii<L wnlewhst,lf at f!ttt wind bp bting iaiMiiY oompromi.J;cd,
-.gain, we Jflit}' not teel wt: t'.1n stqp iu rh:..
mt'lmenr, <WC'rl if we
,-untidtrs: it. we ma.y fed that is slnrply tO<liT1uch at Sl-:lkc. ButwC.<':.n
Alw:I,\'J ro\h at 1t:a.,, :, I) it more mittdfully. d!<!f\Cby t11kiog dee otf the
cr.ont('!U of insanity we are up in and the '+oerio,t'tl\a;t" of the situ-
ttlon, tht:(eby 6hcddiog some Q( the ()f it aU .ri.ght j" rhat tnPme-nr.
l1j :u r,dJ .our.oSf!hts so ftx:t1uencl}; J<:al!y io tOO mu"h :tt 'itilkc tq
JWIJ...then diet'e U...cerr:tillly too miJCh ar &takc-- l o ri.Sf( bei
\g rxundkss . .and
.By dropping in oo ourteh'tf.> we (;ll.ll f..."'CI and inhabit the i*'niC) of
tho: lf\ttn;ictrions. we <.:aught p i'n. of mindfulness ;1
lrwingkiullttt.<:s <:!ttl hdp us <! boicc;S; tQ cbal\ge whc.n
ible "11)' we ser thing$ up so that \\'.e. ean bt. Wt-l' p.rts.sun:d wh<:n our
l(lp priqrity is-otO inhabit th"l:" pn:schl rnome-n1. of the ("il"(;um
tr1oo:s bee:,.use we t'n;icmb that it is :Ill we ha'i'<:, beuu!le we know
lh&t is !he moo valuable fme ro dt;t\'1' upolt, dt.:r\
'wt M.vt: "fl d1anc.c to oursd\e-t \Yitb -sanity in world rlt:t( uh"n
ltclf4 n wwtdth:11 wotdd h;t\'C it th:u nit)' in Tolle's is Stine Slliity 11'\&ane, and al<.t) bQring;
Sudl11 ro:dignm(:;Jt' can happen i n :u. inftlnt, ln &ct. rhllt i:i: reallv th
it <:au happen. AU we need is 10 ltlCOgtliZc opponu
nt(y ;mt) r'eme.1t1bc:t rh "'IPtld i$ not wbat .... -e thlnk 'iO we cK.
llllt htl'e: IO i<m:<:. .some future Qutcome: by b<:tmyl;lg_O\ttse:!ve<J""in t!M.:
Wt o.n "'i'lrk\v)th IJ9}"'1 c.hltlgs are-oow, ho,vcver rh<:f use, \l.ll
lllut we mjg,ht jusr l\'ilm ho.w to c.1r,ch our bn:-.ub. ,md chnl'"lon:
: ttnd l'lch o1 Ooyou think we cu.n
hrin..- .,
"-'l.Y euough rn b<-
'Jb ltll>rlf l4o mutry rq toal'1t .(.r. ttt l"'>>l_y
lhmJ.' t.\ I m.-(mrrh o/ mMnn ltlflf'
"l'u1 keeping my\.Clf hu8)'." Lo" ot retiroJ people '!13:'t' cli' lbnd of
to l'e:l!iSUr<: rhcnud :ami l".ol heM they not
anJ dti(tint inw obli vion iun- be< a use' t h<:'.' lrer.'t 4n ll loCC'ldy llililtY
One (/:ly 1 beard tbc;e words conung up fr.:.m 6orne dp crevitt in fn)'
qwn mul(i >ll)d hc:tore r '(l()Uid s.rop th<::m. rig_ht II If(') the
''\\';ltt, a mltUlt<:t c(l c r<y our. "\i\lh:J.c :tm l i>ll.}'lngt und wbo 1hc
hell 11 thW." 1 am not k<:cp.ihg myself bwi)' If ;u\ychmg, I im
rct'npttJgJl 0\)'!it:lr unbwsy. cl'ulrsomething
IQ'I;I, J fmm 1t'VC'li of dqiog, rll> to)
dttn.TWtf dut lt u nor so caw to dcnwr to d 1ltc the QUh' i ntteri)O:dl
. d
'JOn It thlll a,macttu:, to<. !!O 10}porr.1nt, liO tt::ISonubJe,
' t p "' to .:OOtli.IIUbk-t:<tCh -.uu:I,Ytt, i!IW:ty5 WW
. d .. ' ' ..
50lbiog mote energy antktp:tl cil, m:dungJt n li:WI 1 no r--
. I I . I ."' th "' uctdl,
rn hogn m the Q 11!111g Ill mu: p .u:a t,..J mon u "
. b ,,, d nd 1 tl1t uutwiltl
with, b:lbnL+c bcrwce.n ng I l' l..,..U J. ,.
"rno" rn 1nOIC' tiUhiJI!Ihun WC: Cll" QChlO.U)' mtnllgl;-
bt f'l'etc:nt
tiJt wifh il1tegrit)' ,m, l C11i1e nf !1 in t'IT;.;t "nrl" to ,
d pcuple ;and pla<!"'v< howt Jlrl!:ldr iaiJ "yeo'' ;
\\'hy 1r Pe<a:lttt:ly If we nrc
r- u li6:ly rhu
.,,-.: wiJI " ag1t;1tcd, ,$0 J 1U1".tughr, "' ' \lt'l( -pn:oo:upied. t h:.t
llbk fO 111tC:t \J.Il}'bod}' any \ iUioltit)l\ (J'I')fll eate :md the: ut
(IIVO b,in.g1 and due most irnpqri1WIIy
ul' .ve molit abou1. we would ck. wdl M
t:Xilmine th.t. impulst:J thtl.t drive ,uclt unfqnunatt
Rut C'\'tl'l tf we leU ('.tnel'lt'll Wt. ;u-c pratli.cing .&nd
, 1ul:otf) ing u bc:Jt wet::.ardcf)m momc:IH ro momc:.111, Wn.o h1.1ge lh:n
lu.lfonJ 11.0d to out dl:srcg"r<ling or dismis\m.g the ttf
baluo;;r. In the:. r1l things 10 (1\lr liVea. we lltf up t.)
fi)Jkc! real m virru11l wt art t"t'i.nong
o!it!(ty:UQ" fl) what we v:tlue ls.l1h:rally \Yilit pritmue
JIU. all
.1hol'l11-and thm; a." pqet :1 nd co,potate
so graph.icall}2nd artil>'tlwe!, .. kind Ql' ildultcn,
iJeLh. Vh: uf' betruying Ourselves llnd we 1nl\}' be betraying ou1
thip6:to people and evc.n t<l places. Anti Wt' .art.IQ;lng touch, unknOMngl);
''ith O"Jr teiJrionShip to and rhe impo;.,ihiliti:c o[ IliiL
view of ln mint! arkc) tnrmt:N', h
ti'IA}'bt' J lnt u.sier to :say "m)." \>Vhyrc if:ll'l'ld this dikmmJl dt:J:,r.rndr fot us:
N(l New Age may say; we do 11u1 nuil.e (I!Jf own
f(illify, We have a i' it, <Upending on how-alin we: .are
to the way du: i!Urrcnr$ and edcfic-;.oi)( tit'tlc running. RWin ,
('(JmcnUIOII bccwce .and rbe ncvcrcndlnic produc
li 'n.' of nmc, closer \v.t. are to the oi the
oi ti
1 i;r ro the eternal nuorc \\<t unckotllnJ
. e Patncular we must t'laviglte on m1 gw.:n JJy 'fll.t_
f . h
tlRlt turn, (Qr insunet, lt\'ml ;a . J.Pf?'
Buw to t'UrmrJiJ wtwn, 10 rhe mid5l-<>t t:ver)thmg, the b.:-t Hlca u
'I \\'C \fiJI h1kc rm a pu.rucul,t
p!QJ\."C.'I rlu.r know m; d.MQt
'ft'lh II
.mny 1IJ our prc11cnt .. oaar nl tpl
.. :. _: p ii
ll'f.o;;Nf. ""{ '>'Ot I' llW')I tOOII
,., \tc '"'}'1'1, lf\ing ro Oli11 identity lht;)\1t;h liD--
Inl'. of tbc: dur mght (lpu.n m th.; pt'Clcoo: of thi,
li!);urt 01 Jt.thnory, Houndtd 1i:mr, n co (ocl ho11r1ded b)' i>thc,
hur pro""' Lltt' Jr..u:,uusne ;mJ iiltn .. c, we: tau -1Ctutl1ybttulne
fty;;ltMttd l'l the r,ilrucr t h:n flnn1 II. IIUt Jlrm
(tu.J. rro;n oUt$idc., nur-1\'hlwl l!.)()ks: like but Qr; tfiC'
CV<'t whar-srtch Jtc ClltJtdy .md
olll.t I ' \ 1 N. "r .,.-., 1 C>WW I)QQo
rlltllo.:U lllgh fnr lhfnkuw .. wc a.r.; rnon:l\' ''' ih 1
.. -e tTl I' COL!C,tl't
rt't:D 11 hale murc mindful ui h<.JW nr.u o;<l1Wt:s.,,u
. -
(>fnmumCii:Cimtt untold. nrl wh,u lund nf ;kill" mighr be tnvot--.1
through rhtno w:ith of\vh:\1 j1; 1't.11ly tro,
mw,ndl} llnll mm.>.:u.lly1 m inti with nchen. <::u be cxU\':m<llr It
vc.thng humbling. 1 o take nr.c mnnntm example, it pm 'lli In
tolll.'h w1th h11w lrt"tl{rc:nrly we ;u"C m11 by Nhc:r;. iu 'he
'ur '' uur be tfl hdp
111 h:lndlttJg rt wheh wr- l1rh,.r.,.ru;e
.tnd lt es not :q;ood
11 11 h('<'I'JTJ}(<! .., we..c:t.n wutd up l..ikt: wbllt'Wc
h.tvt' to u\ tJoesn't s,ul.u\t l'lf th, Jl her' llchtlll Or in W''1UP 'Of We
might Wuu:lup cl:dmg lmdr.n._Juclt, t1Vt'mm
lntinli!:lh:.<l by
lrrr;am people tJthc.rn.t work ur a: home. :tnd never etf-c..:tl\'t'.l}
r, Jhrllvn\' wr '::'(' 11nd (td .I hOur I wi rlt c1:ulty,oorwk4
ci"'' . .md Jurhcnru:if). And rhuli, che peNOn. or; or worki.o_g.gmup :ir
potl:m.i:J.lJv d.epri:vtd of f(l( M out cnntuhurion, OU ''"-'tlvit.')', -ot11
,.,J \':IIU!lblc '\':l.nogc: po;nt. Meanwhile, we fe-el ba,d,
.. ,ud .iia.tflllt\Wel'(d. Aod disrt:g\l:r.d....J. Atld l)fttl ;J.ngry :lr\lUr;dvC$J,
Irooic:illv, 1 l;lo: F('"'fM "'ho Ill' d<mlg the- uucmtpting ill't' u m,,ll}' ('(lfl)-
uu.twIC lh:tl they .:tte not lc{ci ng you hniJ4', YQU W'C'J't litiYIO,!:.
nd thul 1 bey ;arcn.t really e\'cn ti-'>lt unlJ:;. tO )'(IU. They ITuglu s.u.rpru;<.
rvt'n if' \'l)U 'lhllr rhe)' tend tt, d,:uiJn:lte ln
Jnd 'o\'tY J)Uor ltue.ners.
I tr<Jght fi->r,gcf it Ul\1:, "tfn after )'f.IU h1ltte poiou:d i1 out, they were !>Utpri"(d 1,,. ar nof. j, tke
- 1 ghly .oncli-
h .tur :.f mtt:rNf)l111J;_ ' ' 11(,1 uf!consdou,.. w mg1:11nLXJ m \'" $0 II .
To'""' d.cgn:e. or [M:rhaJ)ol .1: hll\'t. hcco
" ur
,.oCh n1hcr while talking4 In r.wm full ,,f
, (>mctimei :thd it.d Wtc nqthing leu rhsm 6f \'lrtlttY mul
p(lwef. o.-. -ourl\'r Wh;ll rh.c: Ulpit IIJI ror lllil.)' be,
r 1 ' th howmiKh)lt
hlf tlu 11LitiQII whi h) l>c: :ur 'ttJtll u, rou 1 '''
. I . I , ndi,Jl! Ol<IP
pr lu u)t-c:ftujltl other: wl1itc tlts:y lilt' 1 m.a)' J
, J 1d l'fOll':ll'l" O
,., Ill ,u uu., m ,1110thc:r, h TllkC 1 lui l\lrrtl\1 C: '
_. .anll CQ l!'ikt ' n and nh:io1b :
""mtinn- OUI f
, , r - Q
nt'j<; :uJtumlltu:. p:ttttrns of (!nee, whl!thrr
know il or not. tbc ;Jnlenuptmg Jr.brallclllly dJapl;t)' of 3clftC'ntcttdness-
1.W "'elf Mnb!ll'lrpdou thl\t conver> rha1 what(:ver 1 :am
m pelted to !in>
arrtlnrt:un\ i11 t his momC'"ntllt .trh) tlu!:cefOrt cn.n'r w;ut, tban11,ny
\'{e\Y" ot fcdinp; 1hat .aoybd)' dst m1ght h1 M mattt- who
and how muclt 1.<.1\rw; aboo1 tl\em A mmncm\. win
l'trll rhllr' S1)i!h Pt;hlVJ.Ot can .:actuall)' bl' il ((ltm qf
:!1.wc.:.l.n 1h'at it can be hru-mful but h. to the indiv1du:1) you Jtc intarupt-
ing .u;Q diucgsnHn:g. a$ well I() integrity M
cot.Jecu..e pti)cess. )!0\1 eng:.ged ln. fr i11 a of;r, once :.uch :.
rtw.:m has- b''rome.conscious, to be.opc.fl to (,.;eiog )''J!df of it. lt
;tktJ a S!' ..,f mindfu)ncsl> to 4\c<:umdy monitor )'(l'IJ: own boChW,J<r
tfu: dmn:ain Buddhists rdi:.r to -as rigl1: 6pe:h,
Oei.lg interrupted b)' and mul!h \vc- dl'tl1\g il 00 Otht.;'$, perhaps WC do wi!IJ tQ tc::tbzc ;'\ whalJ:.
uti!(( dimension of interrupting tha.t arc even nnn: unamr.:
\lf4l)#I.1S, how ul-uch '"'e jnterrupE onl't<hu,
WI!- can more rc2dily in our medtbtir,n practice..
we Sl:e 1t there-, 'NC.-:li'C ffiOJe likt:t,. to &c:c it in our d4ily Ji,es afwd.l.
we hcgiJ) \vatclung rh unt:"olding of thoughts- in the tttirill ..lnd
ttB!-l:ltioth m tilt body in f'ormal 'VIC rapidly chsco,cr
dl!lt and our anenrion from wlut we 1hink-
iiV6 l)r f<:eting JU$! a .moment brfore1 Our -cxpc:t'ience o( the mommt
lbtf\'by interJuprcd, in tile lhgbt to til<: l)l:}l:t thing
RO\'dty (I( our i'lli)UQII"ill In
thlt \vay, we can e-..tsily unwitti.llgty bC1!'1}' tht (IOe
rtc lm!J1ng, fo; anQthcr, h.opc:fu.Uy.a "bertcr" one, wilh(lut n.ll(lwlftg the tint
lltlt:lJiy to he ht:ld ur and This .::t
Jl!t'ltt for .......
1 ,...,._.,,rumg attc.nqoo Nme1 m.
indfi!llltll); kads. nQt ()u)) tO QQr "'IC'II'C' .tWill C. nf
I ! I
!! :trorig tenllt:-ncy 111 interrup1 lt dtsttil.("l 1)\ll'>t'. \'tillln , ...
"ted iro 1 ' 1 1 I 11
1 w r-.-t W.: arC". ;lthmd1ng ,\ 111 1 tl.!i r'Oill w lilt we
+IOU !I I'"'' -'l Pit <1\V ... .(Jt) Jl
bu.;ht , ;IJI 1,. 11 J'mu..u\ ,lbjerl Ul nt ult('llht>ll! ;ll \\'t' h.we
, it
Jt .l+b. I , tJ;IUUI* \"'lr .II 11) IH<"I'C' llt.-hk, 11111, 1:. IUIWII\'t:ritlg, !I:.,'( til!
mr > rl., hll'ltltpm-e !11+\t lttp; ,-.ncrg+\!11 ol IJc
'"' 1\'IIIIY
,,,J ut 1 1 111,i,11, ,. _uwt I II !.' In Wl}'. 1 h'V t imo:, we :tn:
rile' ut nut .lftCt: ttm + th:t h IJo o\:ud
1111, hLt'. ti)tu-, 11t1d wlh+! iii uru(ldlnp,
j,u_t 1\j o1f'J1Coll';lna- nl)d PI (1',11 (JWIIIIII 1\'o.U<Ur ,j( .. IIIII (}\
IT 11/Uti()O lllhi 11\nlr;lt-_r ''ViibnUI llliiii.:Jil,i tll itl OUI \'\'
lnll1untinUt' tn to lllh'rrnpung kn.uw tl.
\u,llnt<'rrl!ptitll( ,.,.,,,,eh-, i rh,u "ubvr-.n.itr;.uu
k'htl lt:t'l <lllugt .utullf lf di1lpntfvt: f'Or.('g'l"' t, we
111 uU1 .. ;,rd',tl, l"mm mohitu.lng tht:' fuiJ uf <:ut
-.rnJU,"thr. UJd mtl "''lllihih!ir, \Nt- uu hluNicr J:rmi\ lOr Je.
t,dt ut \u.:h 1'-'tl.-ru,, w la.11 111 righr b-t'littt m witlun 111. be
., .. ,..,. wt ali'C' .tlluwiflf_ the tltttJU."jh wlud-. wr 1rmkl
,11 t1>
UJI. 1\ ( ;1 \ nl11tquct'l-.:e, btlt OW II ;Jt_ll broticit)', <.Ill! o\\YJl oi\JI hrnlla; II II! d1
re.;:tit\11 cun be tnililCe'cl, .111d we nt:ll/ wi11cl up ft..din.l\ auly Ju,t .icpleto.l
'Mthnut ml.Jlng of wtw. So, it t:an br proff>mulh w.dul .tw.! tc\>c:ahng.
to J\Ut t h<"' <' Vl'r)' ill whkh Wt \.1\\trtt'd from trUI ll'A't\
nut(!\\ u itl;ltl'rtl('ll wht1't we h:.tve nobud1
d1or wr:- nm accuse of Jmng it t>ut p!lf t hCIII tc ulc<r m
f cld 01 (}ur 1,1w.:m:.neu when tbcy 11ri-.<:, lt:#l d1on bccomc the ohiccc
our medn.\tion pmctwe in 1hosc veQ u' omcuh,
Llu1 rue no j1NJ(\''>I' <>( 5ortrruptmg OUI"\l:Jvcs. can be st<;n 011 Utn.(f'
'''our behn.VIQr pntrc-mlt, iHIJ lhou too. can beN v<;r)Villtlllble
Pc.rh1p.1. h.l\'(" noltk(d 1hc 9C(':l.)t0n when,"' talking
'\\-.tb ltthtl bmiJ_,, nn:mbc:A. you d(n't let yqun;clf lt t.b:oughtnr J
b h I 'uri ''"'I 'lent!!'lltt w.rh11u, unuflg nm wth t c next t mg t ut ott' tr) nu
. . I I f lll1iJW
tl n htigc nrm !Ill' ;111111 IL'r mllt.mcc t"' nru .,
,nmrlttt .o rlwughr
1 . . I I . d eM r..mily. ( ur
\V<' d\} the lillmc in .;:onv(ttlltlon wtt l {l(ttr t" (1111'1 a
I )rt!C!IIIIIn1 o4
m1rid !(t': w-+if'!_g .li'rl WC: -<1(111 I h:t UlolnlUf l ltll _ .
. I . I . . I I IIi :.J}
uwn w .u:.u.J.IJ't hc::u wle_J_f I ll:t)'lR8 Ot') c:JOii '' 11 .an,
1. .. ... 11
, .,
llHu ,, w lCJl t.Cit'l uw:rrupung_ ""nr1 .... -
I WI ftll+ ll l' rll I, Utllh, t .l' l 'll
I I 'I
\ ltrdc 01w:lrclll.'!l!l.goM 11 ltinfl. Wltf in tl111 b\lllltill.thc.e t il\
jU.;t.n' C:lf\'C \'CI y l.k<:p h.-bitU\1,\ fllt."'l u chc pl)..;l
,, arw) it fCtjlllfl:
' , lutcntiqn.sli tf tO to q:,,e oHul I low will .. -
tn:JJ(I' ... ,.
t...t'1 ktlv\'' oorffd\'C!I, be uhl.; rn ll$t4n U' 1
, em CI/I;Q knqwj
,. iti'
'I -"'"' "
.-\l)rl lww will wt.: be t'or &QJnecttle elue iT we
-rl"'tue liiltc- r.
me! \v"C kc.;p 6nic.hing other (bcC':Illll"C WI! raut}y :m\Jnu:
,,\fh -:Q11Jiic!t'ntble :.rrqgancc, i( ,YQII 11nd tlouut it:, I hat
c Jm, .. w
bccrt.r tfl;1n rhc:y do what chc)' til<! trying to)
or if we wmJ \11' un;:On-
. "'U(!V Il\Urtinj; out wbtc'l'l:r i,; doMinating in<mr own Mind a! the triO-
1ntt1t, e'ltln 1 it have no diro::ct wb:1t w;u..J\I St sahP
Tht' (jU.IIity of our rc:lationships. '-''it h othel'r!, 1(') lolL)' nothmg nf
<lllllllt,\' of cn1t rcb.tionship W1th OU.t1df. C:lll 11uft'U- grc.ttl)' if We dtJ
rn.<Xhcmn o( 10 t hil.l
I lli'-JC I :p Al.l th ll MO\I EI'\TS
In to the $amc: a.h.lottc. 111 rile mincl, stem
ming from t:r.tnaient unrrtlllll0tl 'f1 that lead US f<'l lllll.."rlllf>t OltU(:h'd
nt rbt' tim.c in additlo nur 1unpc.r ''Y lur
t ILI\o tc:ttdt,..., kwr tilling up .ttl oor moments iO '\:: wo:lt tdlc ar
r.-r have ro deal wuh
Wr: gn f'rom one thing to tlle ill long, I"Yt:" trc
1101 It tllig.hl J1kkig JJP
.t . v.l! w-atth TV. putting on :l movie:. calling fi!uple,gr.tttlg
rhe rd'rigtramr; turning on the :UI in the e.u, nm
ning wmpttl)i\t'l'r' ()rttutttlg 11p uht h'jng spact, in
IVjug tVuntUc.ito 1hings rh:Lt .ue irrdc.,.,am-in the mttmC!'!I but 'fintply rt:hJ;l
lhe qu.Wundo.m thooght5 thtu rontinttfiUy us. iUid tl'IQrc
roWlr nl:ln.n:ll waV\1 of pctlclu1g our lime, atlelllit lK!lYIC nf rltem MC.(of'Jf}'
, . . _ _. ki l of Cll\ abo
tl our md take care of whal ta ' g 1
loc:- wo.v<s Ut kfl.ep ourehe di$tJl!, lt:tl frMn b'Cing fu11) d
. I . b , 1-riJc ,w- may fin
1f we :.:tart to pa.\1' ;'t!.tctuinu tot eac t t')
. 1 , hilbr,un.llv do wt
th>tt we :we viuUO!JhroaddiCtcd w 1 niJ:ttttng \d, W . :h
h 'h ;U)ll lltt.lf! WI{
llt\;IJ lhrQUgh our momt!.nt' .tnd hll rhtm np vllt
1 )llf hmding ln tbc:n
We tin np m,u timc(l..nd rhcn t\"-tnl,!rr 1,.htn: ttull 'Vc
il' lhC-"1!" like- 01 tiver <:un be dl:vmrhl, tb#n wrmrle:r rn t hO'Ic
u when C'\'t:t')'tfung-i:Qml"ll ow, wme kind r,f (.,o:t,nl (m
11 11
n'leflt"n tw9.. whll.tC, W1: iltC m OU. '':t;. !tn.d why we feel !l!l f.
r lt\?m lhc
tJt;lrk, ,() f;tf (rum our rlcC!'pctt .,spJt:..ltoru. from (J)tltcntment.
frrnn n:ally being tU V1ithin lhlrw:lvb and tn docp c:onnectiqn With
cr,.ht!T. We nmy wondet m .;llch mom(:nn "rlwr<: wr ntki.ft_g II$ Qt
whr thingt Men'! ttnd more: i'll\6Ui:ttg th:&TI lbey ;t.rt=,
r).ikht or twD, <lnd dJtn fall h:ek tmu our di\tni(l
tM=;u;ul't' beCil\I!IC they U!l bettr in the tun, anJ 1 hey pa ....
lht rime rhat l}thci'WI$.c mighr internunahlc, empty,
Maybe, il rig)lt dow:n t(l lC, we '8.o.'1\13-U)' ilfraid of bav-
mg time. even wo <:01'1'1pl"in t hat w<: oevet h,ave eoough of
arcafnid of what might happertif ''>"<: didnt fill it up, if weBtoppec,l intc
tupfing tlursclves imd jl.)st seuicd tnl(l nO\\, f.of a few lTKiment'\.
've h;W: e.-::"ttt ly right 1lil\rJ\tnt c>f :lnd \\;.C have
to be )n wi!Se relacionshlp to it,
V!th:uwou}d irbe Jik<.: to-settie iMl(l. )'OUt Own.bod)', it tltl i1 'it'llSt! nf j\t.;t
lttil'lg alive:, for .a fe.w ot five- n)il'tUIC!M at the t:Tid of tht
d11y, lyh;g m bed or sictin(f around in be c:\'tl\ins. or M the hcginntng
uf tlte yoU even get QUt of bed?. \.Vhar would 1 hnt be L.kt:? V..tu
un find 011t of dl\'lpping in on 11nd purp.,t.ely oot
fitllirg tl1e momoru up with especiAlly tlllXi..,ties about
futtue cvcrrthlng yQU "should" be Jour, or rtsemrocnr
lM11 wbt1{ ha.., alrt24y a-.nupi(<::d <lnd .h;\snt gone exactly <1 )'01; dt-Jire,l
lllu r111 tr}' being of it if such .md m.rt 10 cbtun
W.\lf insidt' of fOO,,I.:spcdnlly l..,;ru-, worrr. r<;SCJ'tmH:m, or You
pht "irl what ic is Bkc to [ Wltb !iUCh lftd J"''
by-,une. Wlrh JOr n t;\d Jonger you ro thtnk
t'UM i1. in I!Ych momcms, yoo cnn ;1hU)''Quf a.W:ttc:ocs.s M' dlsc.omfott .u llgihlfi(lli iii 1tsdf Ulli.."'mfllfi;M '
And, ('\'t:u whc11 yr;u :m:
ar ...1&i1:HC'J, 'l'"
lw, wh-11 }'I)\ I :h-e 1.t!:.iug a. &h(>wt:r. r() IIIII ":e i.f rou .u't' ll'ht.tfl)- '"
'I _,,
\r, t1t vntJr ul'f l, cIM" ttl 111g 1Ue.u: up
"fUv1n1p 111CiiT umr \Vi hI wnr hl"rr."
Sno ""nr' IJJ\6 t' utlrlt.lf j,,
wwd.a_, \.JUS 1 ITt!""(;!!, 1t hug.: la\tgh
voHt' ,,)l, .. .aw.ue ._,[ ltH\Y mu..:b llte tniud .. UUI h)' lft<llup.
h ill hu.wblrf.l-: tn w;tlt h II ow much thlU happen11, Cnu whnl
mt'l.iir tim }\, 1 tllllly, wheu prll .. tidtt li twJi.taln\ll, ctf
, '"" .t. we nee u 111\lt:h more d1!;1rlv when WC' .tte \\o .. 1he mind.
o.:.111:fulk H.oe:mctnbl'r .H.;1;lto:
l;."tJm iu k.:'f'l{tl
i).krOifJ', 1/:v rmhr-.i .ry---
' ... ... ........ .
l)l!ll ""M"" ' I lUi
A llllltter V..Jt l<'ad)an.;; ht!r d1ifel to tdltiruc.- 1 he\'
. , rc..,l:'\'te,j
Ji.[' wll'fllhr- h.uul nl lhr I I ... It :Jt<: hlgc;OO ),ko: tv. h '
> ""I J'ilfll,
I li lt rr"J It! llll !I rt; lwl'l"e ndt:l<. 1m-w ftfr ltmr-h \VIu:n tilt)' nulsc"
l111r hto; till,'' h fl o'dnd-, tunc ti-11 J.innu \Vhc.n
1:)" Jf\'
J.b- rh111,11 I tltuc u'dw.k. luttr In gu tu VOIR thcOJ Iff!
l,l..c tfu '' 111 n"clod:,. ri-me fi.1r \'Otn- h.u l1 "
1"1 tr. , hW tr , .. ,,,,JcJ: ", \11d ..1\ f(mtm}' w!ttrc b ple\y I
(n C,liTqmiil wu\ter, the,fe war;. ;tlUOOlel'lt durir\g w.Uking m.editu-
li!Jil on .a deck off the meditation lorJks out fn,m c,a !,igh
ih .l qvine.berwt\lt:n i\\'O 1ignillC' hill-t whe.rc.
un m) I filced sum heast, a 4mall jungk in "'C1::ast the
hi!bo f.quci$hC':I:tnd irnmedLucly conrig'IIC)Utl wirh 1ha.t, in f"ml of me. b;\rt-
Mitlin hi.ll-edgc down kft to righr a.t loltf'""fivt Jt
m tlllfnt'erruplell vista rhe v;IIJty m hills-wl'l!:n I cxpw-
tr.:Dd II kirttJ Of Vi\l<;e.tal SC\<i;tlrl:' chrough afl rhc ;cll Ht ,g'<IWS.1t-OnCe tJl,U (
wat tn Califnm.i.t.
Of I!OUt'$Co, I knew I was in C:diiOmia bc0-rc thin, h;tving fknl--n m to
ltd3:n FrJncisoo :l f'e.v, t:ildic:L .BUT in r::h:lt mtmu:ttt tht<
J "atr11int:c!" Califqmia Wi\' rcali?.cd, ..:.onlttmed, md .n:-
'"'.l!#ll Jt lnml.Cllintdy brought to Ufe boyhood rt\tnuil'it., ,md
md:., n11d (fell in thl: way one. a place when IS. .ilx .H
ir 111; oot-or.e'!l 11; 1tive pl:l\"t' ;1nd it i$ t'tom wh'll one
hew bd(ne},Jn th:tt m()fl\t:nt, C,llifOtuia, tit Jt k.1st tlu.l pl.l(e, ilMt
c-.tlled Spirir- RaLk Cr:ll(\' Ill
t '-1111. Wi1h
tMst fr()llt
rmr t)fp/qr,'rlg
1.0 (lrrltoe wJ.v.:H wr Jlmf(d
,Jim/ $nfJfJJ tbe f/(Ut fin (/1( jim timtr
{/;r.JUS./; t/;i lln"(IWiljH, Yo9itlt.llf!NY4J gRU
WkH rhrlatl r;f far(./) k/1 to dJ'w;wr
tMr-whkh'W<It- tlx lxglmJing;
AI rlx )tJwu ?[ tlk l<mgm tiWJ
'ftt t1ufi bidtkn
1/ dv:!}iMrm rrl
l'Vpt ,ttumm, lu.wu< n()t IQ:Okt:d .fur
B:st -bf,trrl iit
Bdu.>u fU'(J tt/Ot'CJ "'.f'tlx 11a.
T. S. Et.J01', fmn-, Gi dding, Four Qu
But wh:u W(1u.ld ir mc:u' to arrw;! where-.. vu .:md knaw ihe
pbQ: ft1r tht time( And wh;lf wouJd ir Ukc:? \.Vlt..:i'l sha.ll we r;>:tliz.<- if?
\ru'J ;!('t Wt' that we ha\'e whatlr r.1kes, and are it? know
tht.! we: .trt there .. .,. T me.s:n hct?
1Jo(l. final (If' R;uy Qunr/ds C.OOtJnll .. 't\ '\ith(!Ut ;&n\' btt:tk in 1be
mtru.line, 111 rh)'thm:
"\ ( 1,11 fm ,, IIII IJ)IIdry." \VhO'-rt dto ynu t:c.tll
-l , not rhllu 1llli h rhl! (If
\milt! ko ,!
- \uJ 111J,ImiJ he wr.ll." J'nfiJps. "" i aln:-Miy well . whm il
IlL f'..ttr:aJy .u 11 i Hl'lr. ;-.J,,...., :\rn\ltng.
\H.untog flf.'rc. J\nunuu!;, nnw ,.\n-1 \:rl\)W&nlt hc't: :thl nQw fur lftt
hrlt lltll<", 11 IIIIC'tl I h .... In lUll Ull j,r 1111 TOIC'fll
Th\:re i1- mQ(e-ro aniving where w;) st:ut-ed a..,d ki)Qwil\g rl>.c pl.i.ce tot
r.litst time than meers -d\l eye. \VC lire at ri-;k (QT h nl:'-ct hup-
Pfl'l:tlg. So m:my rhingt; can g..:tin the way, Wl.)' we thir
1<., oc
I .1 Jl' "-11f1J imtl ,jt(, thrir lhll'f'lf flU! w.AJl
kt' t_ r,
. ' . ...... ,,
rl ml; h .,-ludl t IIIIJ\'r thcr.lf'v W".t huvrnto 11 tlrrnrm..-rrlttd I'-
. Q Ut"!iiptr,t
nil kptr: II C 1..!.1pte ill I! ( 111<ir Jwl ltc"Atml!l\t f'lti.cntr. 1J
rr rn rr.rl lllt'ft the m1nrtful "Pl-'nu.11. ,.,Juo.h ft:oa111T J murlt
Ill''' T I .111J tJ I mc-oJ Jt:\'cl(rj111Jtf11 1oj llth flt! On .lllJ_ ,r UI4U! di'IO
pJ DC ftorm,J) p-UctU..f ul i!Ut '" I ll lilf< tos
nul tltrraJ''). mi ht he rll.-tllllhuly !It .Jcrlinp: "'ith recurrent
11 rn"': nunmlfJO'O OtUJ, rhc::ar uutul unrnutm if !f lk'll
hr 1u 1hlr ftr 'llfllhUlc mmrltu!ne;,. wt1111 .:ng111t1tt rht:urr. 111c1 ,
thilf the I nndfult1<::r. JIAI."t>!.C m1_Khr Jddfeit Ill J lUQfC ..iin:tt Jnlf
dTr-t1tft w.av tl1c k,.,. tlllillt'. mCTItud
11 uiv1n cut,\ j;:;u' 1f IWKXI lufr,
.Ur aUentVHl hi "-"1} lhJI WIHd1J 1.ak.c Uj1 l;l'ruttl
mlrrnutJunpm'(' In th': mmd th.u W'fJldtlurhctv,;._ p ..
Jll:r.ilk fJ deprc 1w flllllln.;ith!ll
( PI!!HI(oiiU!!II!o J. ,1.u ;I[ICOhOfl Jf."CU Jng J.n.d tll:ttlltCtlfti:
-fl diCj:,'}' \\ith J nun: pmblt:m "'-"L..rnlrlvl IIJ).
1 ,,,, tt h liJo ,J rhcQrt t1L.ill)' but fr,..,, tl1r vtt y hC"I!-i f unst, IW
.,, tloub1- lxNt ltnn dh. tiw. ulu .. lfulnen wluld be iu
with r 1 lJIJH, nr wlrh -111V 1\r . .:rnotii.JRS or cri. <:x if !l.nd whr.1 I hey
I f 1 ti r--' l1\>e!: Thc11
"''Mo.\Ut ,,j the prJtlll"l: :1 !' <(Jt 11'1 t ICCOUI!u;:Q t !"It p:t til
:11 !lt.:.t li .1 mlttdlj.t WJI tb.1t tht:r c 1r:raptut1t <:Aptr"
.Ju: ca.H u f tht1'-'t: .o.u: . ir rhc y
tlf intr f 'lflltll.lO dtmtnllf 111 111 ill.'"rtlp'tUUt r)'C)(t!i' I.
1 ' 1 I d 11 , ... J ;ill
.1 IJJth rullullllll u) 11\IC'..u )n<,l{'r', .Ill .
h d
i "c l'l1r lttlltl''
you 11, dtirw i (:014: mtm mc.t {I <n l o.c.u n 4 Jd
!r un mtf!!hl 111111 '
u:cuiJitt:.St, or'" (l)htlf\Cll' tc- .tfC:.ltlt.n, )f fJf cu v::. 'f'l! q , .
1 1 h tr\'1\"t 'M'
.u ,
11. An:! we.,
1111111 our j"'(lint, wvr; lh.u W1dsw.r
ttmin&. ,nd in 11mong ill uf the.m
tht} wtnlld 11nd
,!;ilh .a;highlv rnUned therapists, .Jnd thu.l unnble .to l"e.uun: the ltdl"!pt:.:.
IJ"\tm J.nd dcpdtof the mcdnariou pr?acrlce ln ib QWfl ngJu, We. \\ere con-
tcmeri rb.t thlll migh r ruult in I he medtt atit.m practice winding up de f.
funtli.mir.g ou best l!l :1 "modular" Wily. as. one coMhiruU.hln
.,.,tb 11 whole or her of -app(O:tOht;S, irn 'P': of mcir hc:t-t inumrioru.
\') \\'e .emph.a!ih:eo.i .as soon 1l -c we "SJ.t down I C) talk logt:ther unJ
they fQ il an otth6gon11.l It
Jccs-nQt lend i1 .. clf wtU m luV1lh:d mochdac appt\lliorta", lf "' hln:g
maintaim. l oonve111i(mal Cr.atnt.\\"Qrk of 'IC:etng lt.Jtt ,, 'techruqur" thlr
pcopk e-111 lllo'c ;uulgtt goOf) .11 "" d will (oc cam in thiqp but
1nighs I)Ot for orh<:r lhinbrti After'
1U. aso"t
11 clini.:at Sll:l.l eg)', th4>ugh it em;dJy
dot'pen h<>tl\ sr.ahilit,Y of artentiQn and it is :l n:h:qtion tt..:b
nsqtu:., tl'CI\ rhough it (:;ltl jnduce deep !ta}CS of rclitx"!ltidn llnd fcel.!np uf
f'C:It.t anJ NM i.S lt .:. l!ttgnitlve- therapf r.:.
fco1J!t:111 by }ll")llr tbbught p;tt"Rtt111 1:)1 )"<1\Jr rt"Jat!Om.bip "W
\prcit1..: etnt;ttion ... or nood though it em hl\'t
on a Jltoon'&.rdarionahip ro h1hiuml 1huugtu .1111! k) eomn-
ti1'1uel k11"1h "lry ,lJld ab.;Qibing. moods. Morrovtr. ic ill' not ('Xd\lsl\"c!\" on
ctnN ru the thinking ol cmut'iotl. , \ u'lu(i(IIIJI
l'rlctll, lllld N()1 j , il independent <.J[ J5
in tle. hntly .:1nd in 1 he gn:.ltenvor1d, l n rnindfuJmss-pf:ldu:c, d1CSe tlld
d.c: rh;H .hll.!' ll.:m wi1hin t l. t" r-<p<:ricnong of
t ' <'if tuiud !,Ito' ,dl 1mbt;lfl:al a
CUIC.1e:lmJe;,; whQk, dili(-nuc
Ill fii"IC'i I'. ' I I '
muu l .'ll l\ anc h'r-cd OI.Jll!fl('m,""t
If I I<Hl olll! OW"! (HHUt
., co,Jph; th;tl i fC'.1ll\ ,, 'I
J Al1u ,h,
pr1 .1r\ ;un Jo-t 10 h.'< .1 J"nle<h dr mrrrxt llrlillle
, 1
. r.,rn <)ur
ptno(tt-.:h\'f, \vt'Hd :t- tt tlfll)' lnn'C to whu h.uJ
.,.. o. .
. "'"" "'
n ,,...,m hot nMdc-, .admirred ch:u i1 n
,,. ,
t<o''t 11Wt
fl,, ,,., lt:'d \ ' l:"n rht' pOiruJcmalc., ,ltextt)f
1 ngr'l\
wht<re cvtl)1hu!g ' '' d
"' h'l
"" r.l genmg gIOI.It llltUIiiC'\, C.\llmcd rh:n- 11'1\'ohtfo. llhlt-
Joug tl'"'' It Jnt ltc \it111g .nwtbLng. 1 it i< rhu ttxpll)r:!titm ..tqJ
Mkm of wbJ.I we rull thr. llt!Jn.&ln of hi; I 1\ 1ly chJngc rhar may ot--
cur out of rh'" mr.ninn. in tl ur noms f1;0m
rllii hilt from t he dc1ing 111 )<1<: " ' rhr mode, tl, ... , b)!
mg lrJ fi.'t ;J r rohkm nr bri-ng o1boUf 11. o)lil .-um e, '4'o s0 IUUclJ diC
ua"c in tOf{ll iu'lc thcrap,, Ntv<:trhclc.:l>'>, i1 w:111 d c.:u, Wtc .1iJ, fHrnt
Jcrit n( c i11 rh(' Reducti.l;:l n U im' w:. th wif11 "wide: r.arlgc <rl'
mC'tli...U Jj,.,rJtr , a "'' II o11> 1 ho11c o;uJfcring from Jl.Urlc ;u'l tl aruicl.l' du,cli
ku rh;tt 11 ,,tr 01 tJ{ /:tmJ:. cun
and dl)l h l tl to health outcom(:'ll G>t rmge-cf pc(lp)r and
ttducuon, nl0111: c.tfcclwc dcJ.Iiug: wi1 n emu
t1iln,1.l :e.tJ:CJ\' lt)' under aml lmugh.t mto dccpcr dlmttt
1on ol 10to old ;md .;()nfinit)g h-.hito. fl tlunk1ug f.:.ehng.
lJ .really 11> a of bemg, 11. W;'!)' of ' cu ng. sc:n.ung)
r.-ch.n rh.m rnC"rdy J technique, eben we it lht:,v W
"" orpntJh' 1f nr :t tor f/Ftvt'ntaoll .-lc:p rCS-'ilOD ,1nd.1tt-
.ill)' Jlt(:n p:IIWJ\lll t'nj;ng.: m 1lw fQJ m.d mcdi rutlon pr..u;ti't'
11111! "'"l unm dcgru of ditdplmc: <-'IUUtanq, thett
v.l'lJ-Ild he: n mund h., ... mg tn r;er up an r.ppnMcb t bul wuuld ulW\v
Jnd ci.Uq!-Jril&..: mmdfulne,.-;, ro be wit h nan .ul\mp, o.rlenu-
non, rOr 1t (1\\ Tl m tl\ w..,. Ill hA\'c n> be t'.\\ag ht withiu a Wtt.'"
,. 1 1 ' 1 ,,.,m fa.omjult(', :I
n:::u: ... t nogwng p:r.l.Cticc, mqlllry, Jflt . ua op.ue, 111 rs '1 :
ll , t)' rlifftWCJl! tmm
l.3nf,'Uii&c dut, everybody- m t '' "''""''wall we ;t.n.atc,
' I . I I I o be on iu
rhat nf c:.gninve tht"r<li'Y I H' W'tllf 1 ,,,ve
. . lhl ttiti,vc 1nwa
1'i'in 1 r11tlit:;a,l 111m-domg. l(t'o'/flfiK ,, MUllr
' I
1mblen Qoh'''"''
1! .;o:ptorru:r Jud upcnlng Mtl1:t 1 1.111 Lung H I \\'
. . cJ bl' lliU!>fWlO
.tt1J jJ) !lOth ;1 W;ty rl+:U, If .!o(: exrLu t'm
rJflirip:.tlt1 A nc:v:- pc, 11nd mnfC_ .rlf (
Of be111g In ,jf)(:ll body 11nrl cmbr;cnng-all tot t>l'lc\ tht.u_g_hf' ;.u\d fcd-
1'(irh ,,u;c.elll;moc: w)thtlU1 t il he-r JUdj!iiug ttu:m or lryinK tt
rh,lU;vht ut putt<=rn of f(,, rn-.nJh!;r
,,ne Q
111 wlter t:.'O.ultl I pon1hly be '''lth cug-
.... thCl'\1:I'J' wnhQut demttunng 11-ll v'C.I,V uukto o.ll thck cnruJd-
i!fllljl)fJ)( ..vt"n: tak<:n IIllo :u'C{Jill'lt:. 11' lhey hOfk:d fi,1 h he flf IO\' nil
- . uc.
(rum (!ur tJf ''lrw, thuy wouM h.I'I't: tQ farutc m
<Jf'ulnrs uuinln
. ' . . K
111(1 pn..::ti<:e- as t 10 oorc pnt1.t1pte for 1he entire t<uh:rpri aocl
,h-u"' "';'ould h!LVe ronstl l \Uc rht" of wha
when w11h t hffieolt ;,and cha]c-.nt-ing cn-cunntun,e
. An}
th{ng k1>\ ''"ts. likdy to rc11uJt iu d\t <:tlatt \1. wh:u
r-eaUy puni!lg i1 !It rl11k uf bc:c.'()mihg ;lco"'t\ue-d nnd thtttb\
its power aqd the ricbnc!l
of i1;; and
iRCC'd <finltnSiMs.O
Tlrat W.AS'q_Oitc. a message tfn. us to- he ddi...,l!r'irtg ;1r1d for rht;m m be.
mking i11 at :t. lirst <!TIC<>ul'lkr. ir rl()t at :til dear U) ,, .. had, :u
group, me full downfueam itnJ'Ilication. nf that
li!)U fut .<l$- individtJ,I] is 3nd 'lis il t::am, .aud (or tbt1r JHtltnt!l.
thay wert: ..,o open and <:>ngenial, we (dt comfun.ab\.c betng fuo}.
u1d dlt!XI with them .how \Y<: thirw.s.
But d'tete Wi'b another iiisue :a:s wdl. They h:ld otig,itmUr, wuJ \'t'r'o' un
rhovght It wouJd be poM"ibft (O t.;we thtir plhcnr leun tJ;Jre :l.l;ld mel'<;fy h}' baving tht!H U1( OO.r guid<::d mcdimtion
l!tlliotJpes. rm 'll,, induding Wring rht l3ti.roQm
ouc\ pJtitut Yet lufto wr w, tc UAAcsunw that '" h.tJcr "' rr:t.!Jy
J 1
. I dl. I I I 11 - 1 l1 ... t..t hll\"' Wl'1<1tc.
'!titll' 1 ptlh 1u, 1 1nt1t u otn t ,. ct: ... 1 'IY"
I . II ec.o.clf
p111t:fll , wJultl lt:avc IQ 111 tl whl <:pr.Jfft:'f ) qr '
L fwhid,t(IJ
.&.mount to) '" v,n uu .an tuc n>tlllll: "
1 . bl I .triccl' rrntr'
1.lcrF. IIIIJITI'du:l\lblc, ,cnU I C;UlllJt I!( I :Y K'
. r-
.. ioual, in l11c t1.1.nmv .c_rto;<, 11mtt ,,ne ' prc'tUin.lhly l(lll\.,.tt).\t .n '
dt the J'lfOCba. TbA.t lt Mt to1)' the Mmd.:uds nf
f.l. olflpr1Ppl"tlfe wou\i ")f)! be
10 ..mJ hrmnl't'.d, tMfl'ly rh;.1 ..;..o..:':IO'VltVf (t :;n ..-rbn,ptu
wOIJld h"'t. tos tR:tc:h tO aecotnmCKhte tl mlc of
,ull c:ttiboditncnt, qwtc: I nll rndet.
Bm o,vtn in rhc pt;j.-cictltl'rt'Dl., hoow 11' be
roJblf 18 8hiU'C Jluf, nplo1c w\:d
'1\Ttc 11Qr n QnddJ The momcnt:o--mornent f.un!limt",
wid. the th.u.cmrus. with pth'!in!.tbt: cultW .. ucd
n.r;tbmd 1nnmu:y with one', uwu rnlnd. mdudmz ..lU
nno= !isa:J.::tiollf. ilnJ ofte\ owu :mil rvtrything n g>)CS
ln ruponu:. to fl\vl'l thalJ&hh 3.Dtl mooch w<Nid
be- pm
i the dilih- repcif' of f\'f'Q of thl: trutr:t.ltl'OJ'l, 1'\'tn :u 1hO'"wtruL:l uk
if.: jllit thit inomaq and c:fforr of thc:lt parillnn, ot 11hoolri be- :f
hoptd tl) m..b: full use of che {l<> tbt htaltng_ JtKJ tnr1,;.
\Vc.rc. rhc C'<..r, du:r.e wo:wld be na reliuhlc pl:uli1nn U?C)fl
lriu.:\1 thl!') (ould '5tand in n:btt.ttll h1p the p.atl(nt=' .. c dpet
nn ;uti lu:.rotic: of apcricru.t: trqm \vlucb nns-tft'r the FU-
ncoo' '')' tt'al que<>dons. -about thotir praron:: .md r.:spond dulltuUy '<1
fcd,ng. '' tn heir. diffiruhla 011\ll nrir uuightio m lirl\gj.ng_ u
inw lheir ti:Kilv li'\'eli.
:\J) and J wete happ) > be h11vmg this Wlth
thar othc:s JmACIISionuh- wtn: being i.l.uwn ttl our
l'.t:t for l way to ac:l:AfH it tq tht:"lrnwn firl,f md rhc:tr vwn diriir, l
!II"Ch!lt&; nli'i <':X;!('cly whal WC ht>pc:d \\OulJ b.nppto, fin mtndf.ilitess
fl> l growing pO">,iti\'e torcc in medi.:ine u.nr1 heJlth ;:no:
tY.Ttd, lhtt, .at l ur rlut :U!.,..rr.umt.l .1
J.,'Ulf our ftamcs oi ;t,; 1f our,'tlc ,lbuiJ.tic .UJd wy;.
"" 'l'f' .-bout mindfulness \\'ere ;:omehow mhfotrtg lt'
rhoagb I Lht:t(' rrtiJ.,rht llc , '''t:. \.t rhc tm1c, t.hctr <>pen-
;md Jnd e;1ril'Yg w,rc: pJllr.Jhle J t(luod mvsdt l"''tJtnng
'' P' llllbl}' qmmutti<:atc our nd
-.:.tlh iliff.crtm t 3-eew;- the
ttt!lt11 I --' ". 1 1 fu1
K'= t lq Wete 1\()\lOg 1hrlO!t;\'hc 111 1l w.t)' Wvu.w UC' U.: f
Jt 1 J
t't1mng :h111 r hi ;a tl..lnTJ\lo ""
f"CC'"Cl:u new we \Hdt ' t
_ or "'err t'
Uggt:"tl un t}f I felt Jm t.l'-d " 1
L h J - l. p K' U s.,,l'llt
h "'ll\ .u q'' h
w .ttt t(1'1
rroro-m_. U! the iillJH:_ hmC:, hrhoting 1 he- (yj(!., I r ' vtre
.. n uu lbaT b l
tltdr inrl.liticm :Ito..! Ill IM"U.ti-ou right on taJ rtt.
\\'c iull m our ha f U
- a cu mw
hI a rn r.-v.JD1t"nt>, <1\'f:r.:'Omc, r g"ltr 11'. b\ thu t"llOrmlt 'of '.
. _ - ,\ Wnur \tit '1\'tft
f11Uill.ifi fQJ;tthu 11 tht! ,1..-ull b('n,ccn u!> F ...
1 ' m..u }' r lrtlll
tht s&ru:c. '"lou knO'I,," I he.'!'ln, "thc.t't" L" _. c0Ummt
1 o.r- ' '
, - .... ,.,IOf\ tlstd on
f)("U!U111 b, pc.-oplc rmn, nrlg the .. inc Whcu isfie..J
I'' tflf'C'c-nr>nt 111unso. who rlo;:k r .. hm "' rJte. !olniwl"!r tl , ,
. le'l If(; l!lTOQrJ;
(,rr rqtl\ utg, t )h, \' l"Un t g4't t he!o I rom hr.--rr=.' I JlnJ rm-,.clf feeling more
Jnl non: rtur :aOOu1 wluu YQI.:IIlfc
. It ll<tt t l) rheir JJc11 <>rm,ori,.umn. I m ct-u
11111 1t1 but whtt: h .\'"' c:l.h rt:ad for Hmrllch in rheir own vivid at-
' lent ,,( omJ Hllh<!quem Vi\I..U with l.t>. Or mll)'bl! 1t wa_, :1 rin)' hlt,
Ill to ct lit.w ,.,nuJd r. -pond, tn t c;;t rhe:u re100hr t<tliru.J a w:lrto
"omhillt" luendfulncl!s .md ce.g'lirhc rhnopr th111 we tt'IU!d
;a_.,'1'Ce upon \\.Ill Wlfh 1b.c: htc;ltlth ;md dcpr1 ot
Wh.u J nvir;;- ro l<l)' 1-\',llf bar iu 11n!C"r to untkr t.;md mt.r,.P.
. tlc:\'1"1 111inJ t-b.c ml riodc.:. ui hu>.v1o tmq .. o-rm: ir rnto fhcir d .nu:tl
wmk it \\'ouldn'l work C,,r nul r one ,_,( them In be p!"Jl'fid tlgll they wt te.
.iill I) br Ji lt' uirervcntion Tht:}' wuuW aU tD pr:1ctlce
,, Jnd ti>f 111 -l ,J tnd fuJ tlu: .elc: lJf 1t or fo1 "'
eppctM;HlCCf., fli
C\'t'll I(> .ex111'rienu: what t ber were Jilki1g of their fti-tit-ntst
hu1 \\' fc,,
ft11luwlug the:
pic Wt Jdl1t1c t6 HI l\IBSf<, 1 h,u WI! de. mJt ;l>,k utphing<>f pa
htur 1 hJl ,o,.e do flf.t f!l;cr\d.ty u :lt mw.:h of
Bw l1ow, 1 ..VCndt'reJ, wa' rf.llit trio emir!f!HI
drrl'h tmunJW 1t1 dtelr ..:l)?,tlitiv(" 1 bet:lp) .1nd \6::aln,J;,tr.)', only
' I' ' ' nro m fit!d
(Htt' wnh Jih.tha.n.d of !>ltt Ldtnn pr-actt.:l. r.<>l ,...
. I . I II A d M mc:ruher. nl
tu :1.)-:l..::t' tn u nl .attuu 111 r tctr '1101 ( WAr u:.
. . J' . J II f'vU
,c.r.ttl, how W":lt l(h uf l lttt u " ' )' f.>,11ntt In P"
1 . . L- r.diuw nil 111'1 <JI \
t >1 ion-<1.1 r 1\';ll ullol! he uughc he b:U')/:)1111,1( ;JIKJUI ,.,
1' I IU<I l! UOI!I , ......
du. fi''dit. at meJil\1-ti(m, u11o(i Lite lto1f/.o;l"l}{ uf lllcthrmv,mr llmv Wetll
dw rvm with 1'10 llr t'Xj)t:rian(( in mcdlt.\llf),, cal!h lnJi4
vldu;Jll)' hJ !<ICP ,_UffiClC'i1tl}' N.htdt Of i1 t hut haJ
((Off\ yea,._ qf .l cc:rhti u lcin<l uf IYfll.nlng :e;.rl t'\'Cil
the pl':'lctkeofor and tl:o 1o0 rerJ
a?'J I1rn Qut of
,cy !'>klt bter, pedtap, oot of .tome decpo;:r rutht:r th.m Ju
htGau ::
t\'l': ,'ft1e.sfl.}'il$: iH'"'Idn
t ...:ully be: Waul(l lhc:U
,tte}(iwtion ns 1\nd :IS .;1 t> W(ltk n.d tltl'lr
dtcjte.\l mt.uJtionto ,;;;nty them t hat far from thcit
.111d Jiuec it woule.l prttb3.bly
gavJn_g_ l!P their "ptxiilliz-ed fbentpy whru tea>.lt-
ttlj; rbcil patlcns-, ,;hlftfug fronl :. t mode: tG :
imtqn.tor mvilt:, well 2s 11utting tor u. tim:! the.t!' .:tlmt.:.lll
id(l;k.$, and tonoeptual models of how miutl WQrb
\\'('.were S'ugg_emng that thq < perSorull}' nro 1hc i:n-"
&scipliu,ed \\;;ty, and WO:tch unfollling ar.ri\';t}' nf ulcir
awn rni nds and bcdiel\, raking whatt-\'Ct <:nlc-rged <m ih Owu tefil,"\11 fto( ,
ril]u: rh:ll'l being conce-rned with immcdi:ltL}' relating it o:o tbel)tie" it
autnuorul oonuol, or lO rheh p:lticnJ$.' niind!; -and thl! problellll-(lf dt:pre..t-
iYt: tlb.pre. <)f Ol,.lUwc-) some. of rh11t woutd bt dw iri<vimbll"
oon:ent Q{ t.hc 1hw.ght-cri{'eam. And nf <:ourse, m the long .(Un. oomc: kim!
'WOUld be inc-vimQI(', :lfld \':!f)' 4esfr:tblc.
nl)( rh .It, .But ..could they i.menriQna.llr rheir tual tl3JOI: of
th:di eog:nhive fQi a whde, srnply
-ritt \r.l.tchm,Q their '>wn minds -and boda."lf
1 hlrdJy t:xpcuc:8 l'h:u they would be in.c:hrr.:d to underuke --ouch :an .-u.i
l'tohm: t.v)Jecth'Ciy. Yc:.r rh:t,r, to our war ot watr th,
'b .. R m1uim\1m of wh:..t ir would take to wh;lt th.,:y w:t.ntcd to J:, 1tnd
ht:ve it lte Withuu h. w-a
rw w:ty U) gt:t 'rtwtr.'
ll\1-nically, 1f lh.ey v, e:tc: f() tild :t ro Itt (tf 1bc partiu\l.n
v:erc us in&, not rluu rh:t.r would br they W\1\thl tl wt1vt'1
tbe "thee" rhi:-y w:.m
eU to 1n
.as. ,1\1.1
uld be tt:qulrcd \\'l.J(.lld be: IH!iht-d (lni:" '>til ttf fUt J wlult uul brintt
' ftt. c:. Qt \\'lt,, t t\'c <':till h
"111 ut' r.nsr11" .Jf Ori!titl '' m md. to
w 1 "1-,J! urlli1ldil)': hll)hlt'nrb\1 mlfmeut wlrhi u
....,, .
..... "-
th.11 .-. 'lqn-illdg:l'nemal, ln
"' Ct:IJtreptu J
ronw,n !ll>llc \X dwm h;ul tc:u:liinu _
'1" ln..ututt.u
P" "'I' rong, tJuT ;lf t, 11 f'V.lQtl\'.lll' 10 it< l)wn ri"ht in 'I"'
1 1 - <":< ' ''' r.I>II! Unn
thr1r f'C'run.l uru u.-rum pc.u hq, 1\'rluld !'.Ike 11n,1.e n lot
f J , .
\I I J I J I
ltn al . I tt:'\' won r ,.- lnOt.ruti&; 111 hdl nf lll\'l'\tln .. -
th .
C.:nf I <:y
ttlf'IJfUII! II, With r,n ,l,'\I:JJ";tntu: rJMt If bt. llliC<<f
. . _ "'' u ncr .:nultl 1
w ,,Kh :s tnd;VJ.Jullll\ w:11J ;a .. a, . 1 f o y
o -eam, :Lh( ,, hu.f'l
unl_v '''" rht:u' mu1 n::.Bm.i<. Bur whnr rhe't' lutkiii , . r c.,
. gar \\:v;, 1rom
pn t, .m tnorn\1\lu lt:.&p ltn;.;) the: \lll lnown.
rJ,,.,, onw 1.1 do juH 1Jn11 uul nqt ht1ili\l'iq 'YC.:>:\id liC',
.. e tlu' "N'rre mtrgued hr we wtrc: .l\ing md 1 1 ...,
. . t
11\lll{ II JII.>I;Q
thr.- mwh;ti.,, .md lll()tiv;monuh''' b,.d them to vlsi t in ihe
nr r 11nil rt(rl w, wlrh thelf oe:lfpcricuo::c-s- \vith p:Ulcm>.:
IJprrn 11.' tu11ung l'hcy l' ilntc.d 1 htu 1dt'.l!1 mt.<> .1 ti-l'it .1rnmm
lmipJ ll'l 111 thtlf hook, .JmJ, mmr
ttnhcd ditf fi11tf f'iilllng ()n 1 har 1 xltilb
wl1t"1l rrung t' :uhl otht!r pmhlem!! nather thnn .tddn:ssing
rlkm . rr.n nf rhe tsdr Tlu
mt11muy <::<p:.w:l.l"
mlntlf ulnt:s.s hrooglu them b;n:lo: I< lhe Clinic tu
it 'I n mprr d t{} .1 bt!rtctr .s.enroc. ol Ill"' wb.;u Yt'.i.'> ging 1)1) in
1\ I flRn. ,rnd 111 ,.!Jffth'fll 1\lliS,R rcaclu:r lll!ll 11111dy whAt in-
lntcrort .lt.:flhlll v doing ;!nd hr1w they weTC do,ing 1r .lt
t)f r h\" f'Net ., dUI ri;H .'Vlrk .mrl Zit1dd
.i,Jt:\i thtu, lilw Juhn, thcT woul-.1 t:lk.l; 1111 he n.:g\thar ,t.Uy ;:.(
1niudfilu1 me.lilation
lr bt:, frqm rhll\
h,. mtc tl u: pr;tt 111.-.: whuldw.n l t<tli}'. 1\11( as professio111l$. but
,, pt:nplt', urul 11 I'll .X !'lid ;Je .. "'" h rhcil \':Sriou& pmieW'onut
n 1 nuJ , wdifih,
iO:Itl'l .tml ll''l\!n'.thttl1\, )' I 11:11 ltW11 JJ.:CQUOL ltWll' 11.1.1
11 brc ... sgil Il l'"' g()od dt!al uf Juuht unl , ,,,..p_glc JJ: umt" Buo o;.:.tch
- :l J . d 'l>'ith l"l;gui!IF
in hi- f!WII Ctthcr dtept'llt'll 1.)1 uu lLu.:cu m tc
. . I . ':tl uu mtlmf) nt
Jll,ttiiC>: .111d wnrk.:d ,1t IJnngm!! t .. , ll J tn0fl\'ahtll1 >dlll.. J.-
' 1
I h uf''triug rht
, II c.,mp.sS.-s!Qn, iu .tdd1tmn l'-' the vl':' tl< to I.e ep
ll\.;lcQI1\. uf Jcprl.'llllivt' illfeeu. 11\l.'\' g<it ,. h'Obrl deal 01 Cll-{O.SUI".Aittfl ll'.r;t
.. J ,,pp1ut frmu r.vrr.yhody l\1 t he C:FiM l\ ,.._
'-.. , _,
lflfll'" "' 0;0" ' I) t<IV\' lioN
tl'tpter rhcrn, .1nd C.lm_e 1 he And depth ot he ,
nd tl"'r ,LII
r. . ...., hJ . '' scwn-
tiSU :,and d inici:1n11. f() -Ml)' <,f what .1 fllca,,
1't' it"""" Itt be with
ti\Cil'l t\ ncl those rtiendli'Qtp, h.we only gn:twn mer the
Ali ol of t ln::il' ('.)(111t-11;1litlnro And itWoltli"'tl '
.. ..,. )!Ji'l .
1r.g tl1.ll'l \aiug rhcm.;tlvts tf.t: l\'JJ uotlt:l'\italldiug.1n 11.
dla'ttcnt ti'J(oJr oWn nt i11(1u, welt che. mmC\ the
rhat Ul'ltktTONk to dO cl1ill :l ll;;1neL 111:jt they pcoe--
\'(lrt:d llVCI' da.)'\;1 weeks. mootl1-t, and thr(l\tgh duck and th
ntora:: Qf 1\e. To nte., atritude ;:en.acity weft' emh9dled !'""''',
11l.1t W(l nn:dc::d atty, that Sf'3tU\ .::lf\d egoM ltltlunc'!l.l wo.)n: nor fundnmtl'lttl
n--."lwr.uo.::s- i.n dteit T b,C!) d1d not appc:u t\) l>c: eidltt (lt
ptblisionl\lt) defensweoaOOut I' he path t \l:t;:t't' cmb.\eking on, .althc..lugh
IO!hC Wllct!rnS" WCt-t: C)Cpresscd, Wiff\ lreqitt:tl.t'Smilcs., .\buut' Wh'lt llttil' vrn-
lt.monol \;n!lt.r4;!,'Uts might think OJ)CC ir beta me know1l t b;tt :ht\'
and mcdlt2;Jo-a. Th:)' dttuly 9pcn W
;uld cxp:mliing loc approac.h1ng {he miuJ
ill11ttth\ng tl)11t rhc:.co8:niti\'c therapy lrtlditiou uot t:mph:cllr4A;, tlH
lxdy OIS wt>U . .,ArhJ thc:ir bvl)k: does a radic:o11ly OOIINSt"OO.Jaod
lhing: h c.&e of rhc:. Ql o:qgrtl
ll\'c fix;rn rht f'ltlint Qf vic::w of rhelr p<
t:.ming that is a.lmo-n: in tt'\ t-
bnok 13kiqg thi11 gwC-.o ;1 .c.nse tf whtlf ;, '"
'lllt\cd irt .11Hh1ntic:::lly ,
');ltll rhat htmg1 IWoJ 't('l'
iliOct('IU hut !1lllndr-r11tlll!llin11, tilt mi11J 11nd
11"16 flctru ttfh111g, A., ,1 l t'C:t allll1t (..C)Ut'>JC:, .U o ht>LIU
1 '.ll Ill I o!
llllln11 nwd_\' u l the _,f tll(tt \I k w. UJ w( 'utK' Alt ..
4+' I .... , t u
u./l u;, trupK <Jt!, m;my rJI t}IC'U uJIIIt':tgoc;t p
.noc luund !h
J, k ltnd rJw W"ff,; If tf.t11nrht"' !l<.)t Onh' cnrnn.-U "'
,-- ''18 but .
"- _
mr"rm 1r pu"- non, .1 ung Willi an of . .. '"'l
-. t.:urrtlic l
1 ln .- fh ;r .rl k. lm lrd I .iltrbe uf iflJ ,
1 1
..-,. ' a m rund( 1
11 ' d lh IIJ-'lh .. ITinlt 111 tht- llriJ ll
J dt.t! h f t! tn' WI 1 knnw)c:Jg
{ P"'"W h..
v '"" ''' t1>111.: Jnd the hud\ mJ 1nigJu he 'rli""Mbl ' '
- 1 e ,or t!M!L P""
tJt!lr h:n'f' );.'ltiwu nwrr !JU21kd, wte 1<-tt Jtite
' ''" Ng 'I, lltld f!(1
h"i' n J(t OJ''''"' lt .pr-rh.lf)t with t'\'tJ1 a .:IT'..J.Iq fllui
In ,L _ ,
\\rut PC<.Ipl-<
t,IIC' u m .. .,.,,eniPmmt'nt wi1h rho: n-r;s. , . d
, Itt .. n
m,; mr.-dtolTtnn,lu d ur 1Ju t.&JIO'O ul rlfet-1 thy 1 o
, ,._ D\'C! '..>ll<avc:!
lUll II 1111 rt"-'(llrt "hro h.noc- I hen ptt..--.m lJ ... _ I c
- ........
WJ"rflllltg lh.u rhet guc I rom tu, hm rhtu <, ...... dt
..... :rpelufi. n-
tmt I l' OHr lht many )'..-:<itll ut ,,,.r
le<J.I1l..J fnm tltrmrJI .tllluluh '--' rhcr lt.n't lurf\c-ol tf(lll!
ill rile
pt111x Y.'t' 1.11 t 'ilfllutc '" ('njo_yrhc 1 wurk tugcd
,.r ur
loM hoi the rd.IUn!l'hiJh .111.J aah'fllfUit: 11 lu
l'h1 ir wurk t-'<lUUIOutct.l Ill nujur to the huildutg ct! .l Lt1dgc
I twt.:n "'"'" worltl rlur, tmtil Jln11on IW'''"'r 1,llk.:d 111 t:.acl
!he Wt,tiJ Ill" 1 p11)'Lhl,lut-,'1md o,.,,;d I ut rru:dJUhnfl pncba',and
11111ltrne.arh 1 of dhlltm.t. 'rp,11ll1 in borh <lllr, rl, brlJ6c j,
urw II> Jnd ho.tth \\fltld:..
V, h,n It TniJIC Ill(' II and \Otllllfil jl1 inllt I hr Jr.lflln' t<l (:11l<t'
11, n ,uul 11 nm be t r'g:ul.aed 1 lu 1cdw.:c uff<.'riot''''l
l,l!rt,ltl ptvplt: f1nm 1he lh:hlll''' til Ill i1l
trtl.t lilt' lu tilt' dr.vdr.pmcur 1tllll "I)JCJd oi mimllulnrS>-
l<:t HI 10 heJiinv; in the Wl)lld.11pprrlilchet> l )lc ritm
uruh:.n tantfttl)( rhn 1 11ccl lo(' be: gNJJtn!.c:d j,, 1 he pt:tob"' urbtl
l h11n m m<::tt:h u .:-()ll t:ept o f mm.clfulncsf
< )Vr R\\ 1-JL\ll CJ
J had a phont COI'\VCf5aliOn: with 11. profeuor of cthgi<)n rnor
ti) 11 to hi' c:>tmpus ro meet with a faculty grQup aboo<. a
in fot ln
oount: of tl<! conVtrs:trion, he tc)ld me th11.1 he wa$
wh.u with all committee; responolhilitie on ti>_p or h.ts n:adung and
tto\'el, .Lnd r-.. illing )'QUog ch.ild.Jct. :.u hrnnc--
For ()me my lil!il 1\!;l,Cti(m '\''"iS to lau$b and tc:J..c- 11 l'!it
Jb-mt it. Then J that ir w:unl- 51) r\lnn.y. ('l,lminiy not fDr him. lt
d!ilgn()f;tk, a telh:llc i.igra of OlU' <'tnd l fbund m}'ldf fttfing_
1nd o li!dc Sorm:h1M, tleep in the ol U> f>"\\!hc:.l
hW harboring au archecype of the Jry ""
IM.j,' .mcdltarion pmctitioner, le':lding j quiet And
p:actt'tJIIif(! on ;\n idylllc $har00 wirh him tharit li1 wc-re Wli.
lt!oo,tr the rocdic:al school. m the J.1w %chool. the ;;ch(l()1. o
t!.th d'C biq_bYlO' depoulml!'nt, I wouldnt hifv(' bc.en at all $Urptiscd. Bur d1'"
tltg)ttn 1lepanmenrJ The
10 \.Jylng it, f 1\l)W my OWl\ m10d W:lll,
l'ltrtl' W;l'$' stiU ,, toml'ltnic-mcm()f\' tTact ol 1 lltffl'IC:( nt"c, .vhen I
M:.u; in t.OIItgc ua lht: <';ld\ wfw_,.
thtng\ I'C'llly and
, ll h, "''rh unl<1hhng 11\ 11. lwnun f.Ca..lo :tfld
u thlit
, 111 m U! Or CQ\If
. t
,, J\ !llg QUI r lt !lf.C Of '" lhr the Culuu, .
"1 11
1 t 1 ,an; l IC :.u.o.c. lUI CVCII r l(' !I )I.- I I' tn unfol.r. 'h I
ur .StJ'\'m
'' n, frolpr.:.llll W\' Vi'CI?' I(UQ hdJ)l(' l( wh II w' o-
. ' l\1 h;s,_
ttJJtn;-,/l.t lu 'tf.;e cbJ I thr WuJd
t\\' QJt lllll t"r, hr-1 f 0.: {)f dlln<> hn
, ''0,. Ppentug h
"" l'('f'tll IIJ' rh r we ll.;udJ,. wl1.u. ru 1.15
.r> . vr J.round u,
r rttr:l 1111l'n oc I lkt tlu- pr .. fro:r P" '
. c- ... t llt(Q.
fkl rhrn .... u,. hcntrJ, oft&n n;.dLte how f;u, "d I'
' " UhOU\1lrtd
rluu hcn;,mc (,,r.'n unt ilwc t:xpc:ric;h-: rh.u wo J.[C
hilS ''' m rltc trog10 1.:.01 deaJ witbeour iitlqnpted If! lt:tr
ur," hr w>..uW thn '"J' :r uuu brt wonet tu begin \l";lb.
illieb-l" mh k up m J t .a Wli)' of liit: wr.
.ue unw .tddKleJ tol Al"'d nrJ,, em with Wllhu!ll e\'et kJII)I.ViJUt i1. \Vc
I ,ho: hecm m 1" whar flolW .l(ct:lt-runan, \\i,th .;'1.-er-
C'.\.'-pC\ 1,u>rm11 tl':' )!CI mote tfuflr ..,)HIIt'r, t'1"1 rro\-..'' tn(I!C!:
.11111 lt"
(ulnr , IIUI'I,J vt tunc., wHI rhc nunn .11'1 .upc1 .
Ut"clhtc:un<:nitrg 'l11l <hmrllc rli>eak:l, huw un lt
M' fot Ull 111 the force uf the nf fccl.n;;
Dully :mel
tWcrwhduletl mxl bc.rl;.ft, U1,1r ll'I'Ct tro: Y.ltnelvw .. unfnldi.og
th3n rhc: nenoll'-;yst:Cm .Able to wdl.
{ ont.>C kd ll 1\'0tl,ft-up n a bu.-
ncs,. <rr:mfcrtmt in
(hie'S" Abouf tifty in suih up. 1 ntJT hmt:.
l1)' wggr.ning rhttt fQr _.. ftw rntnWe- witlr nn lfl
-;trr.KOOII$ wil h np agtnlb. I "''e lergQ "f
f<<:t11f10CI'! and ,.,'C Wttt: rn;o tbt room about ht "'<>rkrull)p
ilfld wh}' nc \\'Cte clte're (after ;ill, s.ornething
huc. no one
ln t he mom l:iy accidenr}, put ctlp<l nOO
ud 11rnt hr}:t! .1. fen mmmdto -allow to fwn\ weo: ior
111 ll\ tltlt nwmcn4 thty w.:rc:. A Ci."'"' people "')
In the afcctv.."'.ltd,laSkcd what thtt !tats. wuc .-bour. Ont
()1!\-"\lli\'e "1 nc\'e;r cvct do :\fl)'tbmg without .tl'l88tnda.'' nod-
in )uH th4! "let's wtthout ;rvageodl." were l!bet
aoo&, 1dea,sing: dammcdup-fedrngs ,b"t'tef rhey didn't knMv rhcy had.
It ill poss.iblt th.:u c:adt :hid 1:\'t)ty one of m our own W\1)' IUA). be
mning. for ft()llgOrd:) rime., lbr non .. doing, forstillne$.!., b!:jlltti even the
lT.m<eept and the OOncr:pt Qf tt1t. either Kmlttiri:rrg nr
nnt.h.itrg -:.U the thtl\lght "1 am tm,'} I am ootulkin;
.thout disailcring oorsclve; wirh the rw:.wll('-tp.,-, tiT m<1Pcing, nr ronvtrnn;-
o!he..rfl or with ourielvc{!, or enhc.r.l um talkiooof bcmg
JWAfC, utiiti:ng in b<ei:n,s
in cogni:t.'!tocc itii:cJf, bc}'OI)d thuu:ght, 111 dle>
.L!!Owitlg.:md rhe notknowing; In what Sorn $;; 'im lern\t:J. it\
<l'lim.itnblt .. d,mr know mind."
IHl\\ r.-. ,lfJrl Vllihlt' tllf' r<!npt:t:ll\'::" oi HrhM.-\:.'IJItlllt)'
t ;u< ,,vr,...j.,.,. 1n tbearvi:w :U'ld pu-titlton .. ..rd . on lmpa
Jart uf ,, Ji.;i .. ioo tl ut-c-;ul fe1lt'T ,m I rnm rm .. tL, '' wt" ttt
rc-f'llnv U1 the \htld.
lu l'(:tt,,;-,, drdr.t within the \vc;.riJ o( ill'\J {be wotld 1f dh:crrn:,
.c1 witluu \fBSR, \'w'C 'pe.k' pf B I h1 (11111 r t'rntnt rqlllrttO"tb:
tn.,..;;rd of luotnt't\1-tb tn(')n\d'll 0:
_lu11r in thC pruccict of mi:ndfulntn. we whnU.'\-c
dr\' 1ri"{jng 111 lhc .md !he Je"tling;
I hl..clnA-,I(nowl!'g tht: (uR-\Ipe:utuln ('!Jt:h li n.gcrJrv;.in
f!.l In!! IUit l whutt-V<'t tlnJllt nt nr it k:t"'' in fhe ll't
nil;' liT, (If ICact:ltlll t'lf j 11dging a11d lnhO!Jil
thcf dt1 :rrifleJ, lif we our-;clW'i illlht t'> too
\'tn .. nian with at w(: . .imd &nf.: .JnCt:
. . - ' d faij:t\'
own ml!'l:hu tion pro:1:Ut', sn wr lllttd to t.t-e.ue eg.ough ,'
I f f,.f, ... .,.,.," '""' a.nd o hcu.rt 111 .t mtctmg: u, : o
trumh from tht'ir wirbbtft havmg-tu wnrcy :1hnut b)'
--' d .,
1.1ti.JcK fW I")" I -'
'( ltelnJltl'J t t:)(dtl11 ......
b J ell OOgur ;1.1 (h:u 1 O:le. IICI""IIt)ll gwup
l(... wun:.h tl u: .orl!ilnR ut 11nd lttcn w 1ht. \'1:11"'"" r -_, . _
11 n _ .. , <r> '' u>::ai, qptfllni!U...
,... ..... ", ,111d aud duolc rltl:b, ull inltf ,
1 1
, 1 -'- .
:':"'" ' I"" ' I.ICI:P 111'1'-hty luu
.... tJantllhy. m111:.h u we do ltl n:dmg 111 aw<.ch:m':u
,_ I -'
_ u .. nu "I'OUit:ln<rn
utlowii'lg 1t Ill!(! Cl1::l,l.tcl "'"'"!.tilly vLll nl w 1 '-
, . . -.. t.l'<t f-..::tne: keto,
. ..J knol\1t\\'ttlwor cthbf!g:, tt:!l.Qilll/1, -: .. _
,,.IIIlo .,.. "> .,.,..,.fll'I!V t !;ttillt:t
etll,clfif::tllCC t tt rtsidt< in t hr- (;twp 11111 b In ""YO' Cif
fl:ll iluil It'll df:elpet Ol)les:-mt;. gg: l
of touc-h lipat:iou"ottl\ 11ild
n11, mofl.e:nlfadly the ca,c.wheh u-e.xre tn mcctln!(f>.,.,vh
Jf wQrk., or-iel the' dmn:un q( m Oltt Q\'ln wht'ftl e;nn ..
tdiJing 38ce1-an rrtlJ tlomhutc T11e j
w ltll\oe
Jnru,UQn r.U-1\tTtAAn We t.hin&!" t.'J)dlt ty m mr;cMga..
Wt we plun t hi ng. to l101ppcm, we rJa;ick.t,.n B- p.uh .11nd
b:ccut:.c: our .strategit:'S":lf'ld li.Ction Bttr a6e:n, tbt.rJ: .ice hidd(n
-ami enjol' pot\ 'U differ.enfuds pcO!)l; in
tf1:it ;.;:nain Ut'l\PI);c(!no-.(lfoen C''l-en1ifll.:nQwn h)( the J>artictp:lnh,ltlld w/:
JD :a-cetmin kind of vmh:nce \"\ 1t.hin tM ptQCd."' iuelf\vbeu tlu nnhu__gu-
tS. nor jlfi:Wnt Qf valued.
:10 it m-...y bo-nl' -wlue (0 \'(') wt.a1e; dtmeruii:lte 01
how we, colldllq oum:lv-es in mcttings with orhert.. whr.o
;1tw, 1 hinJ,'V need dtmc, and the grwp oeed!Pto ium:tirm
<t)!tt;rlltltlr \.Og!!ther, C\'cn wilhin -a dj\'e. 'iit} ol JOmcumH
1 .... w;'ll.nd opl11irrn11 aod pcnitioh Whcdu::r ir ii GeoWl J.-vtlop
ing'lls plaH the futu..rn, pr diJIIOm;ltlc- ,fdibctl1don'", OJt pqcc
t,o,!h, r1:Undfulne1s h .mbJef'lloog wlcll wb.u--io-me people c:-ill
(jz eJcmencl" nf ''<m-\ioJehr oom
, ,u
iC'ltin, o.."ri-ti!nf .if tl1ttt U a
a ruew le:\'d n( upderstahding might be rhJ!
fhrtbc-r T.tatning. gr--o .... rrruln.1l uudeim.n-ding. itrtd the.
p<lltQcial and, p()3Sih11ity lntOll.::tu:illtr
l.emung to lintn :and parltcipatt i.n roih'l!'a"!:llion 11'ilh u rht>
nl uch hc'J.l m(;, -and {)f true 11nd h 1 .10
\'mh)(lime-nr Qf tt}:trioo<Uity ilhd mtJuwJ re_gaxtl, Nn one', \'IC\\S, OJ)inio1,..
i11 11 ge-Qup iw.alid, no maue-r wh.n ptwcr diO'o:trnti:!h
n!r.'ll;ln!) COXJ{I (l r porenuJ.I tN .. progn;11' .-:omlng uute.!
I Ill< I
.,, .. ",.,
11 I Ill 1< oo
' ''"", .. h '!til!' ,, ,
I r I, 1 j,, u .. 1 Ju lo...'
.... '"'111
'" 111!111111 >lulour ''"''!lHI
," tr "'' '"'JI.' 111 111 tl!11 u 1 tillllfl
ln1ll! ' "'' I"" I"'' f' 11 ''' til ''
I. '' I I ,,, 01111 II I I I IIIII II
, 1 u"u " ... ,., , "" ,,, ,.,1 ,.
rt 111 loll' t 1111f 1111 11n1" (nJ pH! nLu Jtdo IH!j.. 'J I
1111 111
lt,l ttl 1o1t uJ 1, ''' '' ' ' I ' I 1
I "'llllfllf Ill! hi '"'J'Ihlljlljlj
W"ul r''"J" r 11! It '' II llt I I J I \o\' !Itt ' IIIII lult,hflt. itii\IU.
r-111Jml I lilltllt" t11r ..... llllltmoHfl>nt:
11) lj'lft 111111 '''I' !111 J l.lllttJ fi'tl
,du Jl tt,J 11't'r .wJIJJI'> ttl,,t r 1!,
1'1"/IIUI,., If' II(IJ\. !(fUll \l!!lollr I lllt'rl/1 '' r '"l.uull 't. .. ,,
N, ''"" ,/ 11111 lrJm I .11 n ft.,JIIhl, I' I 1 ,UI)III'b ol l<t.:.ltto,.
I IC: lk "I 'lull,, n u ..... 1 1, ''' 1lu <It "1'
!loti I' 'I"" I 'I 1,,. lwl I 11t111H otu ""'II /._ "'''' I Jmk 'I I IIJI(t II Jl , tl r
,,, '''" ., '''"I '"" l,.u, '"''' 111 ''''''"' \ u v t th, J''
''" til tlln l..tud lm lrtmt.fh( >l,t"u
,., ,Jii!ill, II+!Tt ft,t/dl !11 jl\' d\ IJ:.; lllli!Jihll !ri\011TI1,' tloti th1 lm!!J.
htll 1- Ill rttJI I' .. j /rilo>.t, "' lj'f"\lk, u ... ,IJ.,j,,lt\1' fiJI'
!Ill Ulllt +I f'I"UI iJt"CWt H I In 1 111111fl ;.,:,1\lfl, ,.uti
llu tlhlllol.hl' 111 ''J'Idl 1'1
t , ""'"'\ rh,. Ju.,lnr ,., tltr th .. 1 '" '" , .. wr,wn '
..... , .. ,,
1'\11 thJIw,,.c.'w IL uU IIIII ,,',I, .. I nu II
,,,, II Willi I "' 1'1+'")11!' ,Ill IHII"IIfJII/1,111} !lli!Jif , .. , t ilp
!'''"' j, I !I wit , '''''"' II Wu1l ''"'''" dltiiK '' 1111 Wtk utm,t
111111 .1, !If!, I Hlllr, 111 1111111 11 .11!\lt 11111 f'''"IIH'thl'
.l,.lltld I ""1 r
1 \l(,1it k1u,w m 'lllf Tim the tJ>t'r wrh
ifltilm "to" lmt qJit bt" 1he1n i jijJg1:1. m" ontltC" bend!,
ill UJ) 1hctt, lm h jK 11n dtt.i!t(tii\UI ill rnM ,,.,.,the\
Lur wi1uNn rt;o :a leady <if I lull.!!, huruun d11 \\
1or .tn;lhcrnud I\') A11d I hi!}' hr,lf Wtflll:tio .fl,.
J!IIUm.atdy, WJSdy, whdr: tt\'n l!dttg mntl r<;l,'UIIl.tinJ:t And rl!Jlug '"' rhr. m
IUkltnv, Ql lll ,l nd tlJrru.tive;, fur 111..d JKU-itwt the
cbuti{Cio )!o:\'tcJ Jtgaulll 1 h.; drlcHlllnt ot dcf(ndantv. The fudK.:
I olnd 111111nt:1i1111 !lu,l C()flt:liTICt 1h111 tdi!!lll)' IIIJUWII ,iJry, If it,, II
!tJt)' 1inl. tel clunt( ill tlr. fact:s:n.n,d 11rgumttl n'l a mr.:wur,d, olu.
'1!1inl'i ( },,Jy 1h1.1n '" thr iJY lu cmne to u lb14ltgh CllftoaJ
n,j 1111 (H:trtt nr fl1t' ticfc:ndauc;J Hn (
"'' ill' it ol tl\t dct' {ill c::uol!\/. n other
1b f..)l,;. dr.u die)' .It c., hau,JtJ ut .11 1 4ndmn lo1r !'*''" hU),
1lr'flug ,.,.j, hn1 tl1cr
unu!iU!tl {tor tbc-rn) ll t' t; unw
d wJ,tl(llll!l!ld I I \lllllliUJe'ill II! Ur bc::llfll
till till'" luw 11111111 11.'-t{<l l
111 tht il
' 1
(Jt;hl' "'cd .. l11 Jtumh
l,i'lo,:l uc-n rcJueti,m tqr r1 KTJlr \1( dinlln wurt 1 d
.u I
11tl h:...uucJ thJt tn'!i< J 1ugr. j"d"c'l 0
. . . . .
,!,n, Ai Lcr \\Ctk. lhq pr.tlllde <l'\t't' .uuJ dt'wk m th(' ltom')r"' ,
1 _ _ .tn, C'lti\-\, 1bc RJunn"' 11 \)-"lOTI ttll ''m ll 1-,."NphK:
9 1
torHIU:IfC L'CltK''ll1Clh:C'4 ,,f h.Lilun gn:C\.1, fll!:R'll, Jf:U0r:mt;f
tJ IO .
' ' II ,,.1!(1(111
wnr mnll or llll}."t', n rhc: 'UJt!, .On fut) Ql Lholt, t ht,ir t'\'tt v ,
. -- "f1..: -"tutwomn Ltkc d11wu .uHI bt01t11t<: rcwr.;l. Eler
, . , . Vt\tn,g
I !Jt-\ _, .t\ .1! nd, nl ht'Jilg pli k<:J Uj' 1f11-' mt:di,, Ufld quoted 0.1t of Ct>n-
h"Xl If '-U}i l.lf' t(r tuu 1 ht_, ,;an be:- \1)1t'l'1; ru huf:< P>tentill1 c:rir-
IMnl lhr IU1,1 I thcrt: j., .t (() 3> lddt'
[l':mtbJe fh, I"'C: IJ the n.lJur.ll J,tuh'1:r that .1' lln\ rim.:, &:Oull]l\e
. lU(lhr u ppLQS rhc bco:outr bQnlt?: vtq .m nrc,un nne\) ....
'\JJ rh1, t-.clnr;: lht to tld Klt"f)c;whnr.;.
t1qtJ11. m pan b(c:nl.6(" of :.tandun,b. of iutlici.l!
af!lll lc)r dw\' 11inJ tlr Jooki.nx loolah. l'lu,- lt ... ve hJ com(; -up with
upitthJO .1.nd nrdi..-n m nnn-rtrry Clllit-", otnd c.Ul be :molllt:f W'JtO!':ot
ljlle!-1 U ther s.arli!h QtW rw.\ md llOf I hr Olhct; <i-r 13ti!>.fynt;
ow: .1\u,i .11 times. 1 h\ir ded'a.iolt c:re:.r.r nu_ror dnt
cumpuurJ.J,. thcit whedu:r th(\' .il!t' d(:'ctcd to o8h:c oz Jp
p01r.1cd lor \Vh.u is mor(' .. I hey CJnnor Jnd wuuM nm WU!t
..,. ilb thear c-.ach night how dtdr da,,v \'<"Cnr m lltl.'f .kuil
But th-e\' haw: highly driX1i\'C wuy to Be and.
111 ...lml h,;\'t:
,r m{'ldi.:Unt of po-ison rhac ju-:.:t byo;htl\\'ln.g 11p f "mk h:"JJ
ing niUem.:e and The argumcnh.
Ta MJl i1 ill.)tf, u 1 1'lt, ther bavc na1 been u uglu lo SJt, cvt u -though
tl1 . : i" the pel.&ti\'e \'Crb 111 !ltl.'ir jdb dt'I<:ription. Set, ltow to
l'Wiuu rhc <.outeXt Cll s;rcmc:d k:iJml
cally for , 0ut:t ;udg('!i. nnd we had ;l J,'fdt 1>rM
. . t I li' the iirsr uoK fnt
ncmg rug,crhcr ovtr the CJ:!ht \VI'd, 0 1 proj,"r.llll ,or .
clin.,._ i.url\ ot rh<"nl, thn b:td :a I'Oc:um (,.r lll.lkin):' 3bMtr 1 \ctr c ..,.
d "e Jt OO!IL 1\llt'l
l'j't O!)' \Hth tbtu pt:t'A in C:<lll(I':'Xt thJf p1CCU , ,
. . . d thdr
.,, rlc a..wy lhm .dl 11 "-'PfHilg4, m
wirhin tlt <! l"'l;.CI' ol
pnt:rKe and t.hc
. ..,10.,0 ft >I tvill>
r Ul".ttivetv
J' ,1\'l:Q rnar
mi C fiJCI IIl'lflt',lll(>..
mout h' u[ccr llpd \\'<rktd wlth
1 v .
H I' ' I' f'>" 1\1. 41 ip.!\'t).'ll;t
.l'g: m Mu\lach\tllttlu, wbcrr 1 'l""'
fncl'lv r-ung UVI)'tr, I Q:m
fPitt: IO.C\Ic::lpt: the hw drug J.111 l bad had
1\!.lg-err tQ hili face. For " n.unl>er of ytaN:, he hnd m:tm:agc-d to
J re>p..."Clil<:, even lilt und.t:r an :1 In
Yart.: Stine ali l n In fa,,,
mildmllnrt(!n:d cirj2co a<:dv:ist B;tftT Freed, he h11d appllerJ tQ
frdt:rtl environment'J.I. b)' Cnrb:r, tenUill .. l befruc:. :1
S:n:ue ('()mmirr'ce, and I'C<'-<-1\:od a ci-.. lion New liovwwr
Hugh Cu:e.)' foJ his en\>"iro,tmCnl;ll wtl{k .md communit)' n11
dtc St Ri\o"U
In :ltl}' event. Anty C:w er und Ahl:t1e J-t,lffman, uu CU'Irlet
Ql1lrtd, bad tc:uned UJ) with .1 flu mba of othet fl''f'!l! '" No\emfier llf
1'186 to C11\ rccruitrncrfr on rlu: of the Ulli\'el'liO
uf m Amhtt8t. AboiJr one huud!L"(I t,( 1 hem n11!rt Jn.......,tltll
lilt :}rld di.flturbi rrg- the peace. and fifteen wert ulrim;udv
l:wughr t iJ I rial, as 1 hc:y had wi-shc(i m front 1lw \et\' for thcu
of <:wi) dUobcdlcncc:. The cue b!Xalnc known i11 tlw .u 1'b,
l.'IA On Ttilll, nle l)UI witud!lct on 'be lit'.lnd.. frOn'l ,, .....
llltr fl.S. attorm.:.- gcncrallo:.. former C J,\ uucJ ,I J\lrr ()I
llt,ulj\t':, . 1. d j' ' 11 I u hiiiiTll
t> .I ill"a:\cgy k.II OW!l ;\II tJtt ,.nttt$5-h)' t' (lr ffllllJ'<' Ill:.
' ne th . .tl rhr chi-' h;eJ wc1e m1n1'r 1'
' 11
J4lt>t.J IH rJ1c uomltul rl'll bo:lrrg rnmm,trt<f h, t he. L'lA, to fun\i
, 11 '"''" In Nil-.r.l.J,u,a t Ill<' lr.w otuJr-, l'oomin<"o",
. ..
! rh1 CIJ\'! :snil"ll\t. Wfl'<' it! vif>!.tl'!lltl of ln,l io-
" 1 1,.,n,mal hw, .v1d 1! rl,t" l1tt('llo.htll'i lu.luo .llt-.:rn:uhr hu, 1\J
.orr m 1bc 11 } rh11r d,,j >II mrlc1 co JJPr W 1hr Ongirtp, t7i
nf-hr C. J.\ 11'1 \'nl .. lilnu nf lhc: r\pttsl< C01'i'gre"' IHhe
r11J, Catrc 11frll htiTm,.., rh<:lf 'vJ.t:knJJmtT1.1'tff ;tfqU.ilh::d. Tht>
111 ,.!'..OJ Q! Jntbb:trr
oh 11rtt' !ht' dC'tt'IUC UI"''!-C.H, liml \\'.!!:'"the ..:lmttrouru wbcu th"
iurlgc .,,.}u, n! t< nnwrt ';lu.rg:c:'' Ill flU( !UD' ;tfrcr it
IO:.:tt:ti, rAUt:lhll.g tlut \Y.Rf. lUff- nt the uHimury '" l\Od of it tl!,
_,umr.:; Jt!" 11ill h\ld 11 lutL 11! 1111iil it is 1l,)idtd, u(!.fr
II rhr lu bca prueureJ.. S. lmJ;rinr ,1\tqmr,hfru!m
hNn thr .w . em:, the jut\ .rul I llltt HU\\' \{IIQiini;P'C.Irb
lim fm> he offio.d -Urt 1nnso ipt. .. ldwugh when Tum tokl 1t rome, h<:<
'' 111 ir rn me: m h; owli,): iiUJimQnr th;u _YtloU thl
rlnnrnr:;. l the <;w:. It u. .id&Q 1/t)IJ P"Y with thJ;
du.t 1 .uw.ue of nme .tgo )I nll!)llfitl hi..;J mc<l
il>lti('>n f\.lir..df.ulll1.4:..litati()n i:; pn.l('t'_tS by whu:h y .. ,, tar am:ntt(l;, from
muml."n" IUUIII-'!111 to Jc Jlf also rlnt :O"Ql.l
l)pefl ml.ud, llnu rnnke ou ort thilll:ll.".' l'tnld :1.1J rlt.,. o;ri
dctlc-c lm "'bmnred f<.!lt cun i<irnttion:
Bci"g" u[ mindfui.IU$5, Tum jll.i.J he 1:1uctibll'(
1cll oil hi"t cha\1 when ltl' he:m:l tholic The gl\ it<l', mlod
lu:m:u.ulsttui.;Eillll (() chc iu.rrl
Sflmt: ri1at; ,tlet:r 1bc rri,ll 'l(tm WC!flt tl> \'1Sit lhe iudgc in clu:m
To !:nd rn wbttt:: ht h.d lca.rnl!d miudtuhltsS and mt'<liuunn
1hen' rcc;,.ll(:(;tum. 1 hi." jndgt', Rklt.crJ Cvnoou, !1:1id f;Onl tthing tht
(I( I t(lok 1 hlu lrt:t>!i redw:tioll. progQLm fm ,1ud,bret :t! 1hr:
mtdk.ll Ill hilt? I ol.C I >vring the COil1:.c.,Jou abllUI
npvrr.anl ll 1u loul ;u rhit\g, 111c-omm1 by hf momel'it.
\.Y<'tl, thil.L wa, d t<nuunug tn rnc 1hnugbt ;ltuur l1.1oking
i.LlUiy d!t
II! tbmg ttt<Hnt--m by m1-1mt: 111, hur 1 hrn: wa JUn ,.,mrt r.t
nl about \'Qh t:\t:nt'!l ltfuold u)l! uctH l
t tnuutcnc uv tmJ
"'" .,.,
M:i.)'bc routiMI.ybc mind(ulnresll bclt1n;.
ch!f}' 1t<i!l!. H!;!re I!J'C rome word1. ;lui tttl}' iutJge \'OulJ fiJ cw11r
!t;J>t'." bsidly an.d wirhwt C\IC:t \llling ;he \\'\>rd "mt:Ji
lmi)il'; 'I \r-Ailt )'()" co hllf(;U to wh:11 lvill be cOurttll
nblt 1rttnl :trH:otion.. Yov mar lind it .htfpful (0 ,;it il)--;l p01>11Jrt that cmb<ttl
:C\ tiJ,!,'tlil)' ,md J)r<t!i-tllt<:, :md to in w.ceh -...itrh the of
brt:.:h <in .and out of body )'()}I ltKttn to:+ tft.c:
.,j' ;he tCnjletl<j' }'our m1nd t<) jump btrorc: :UI thr
:llld t lin:tl ,\1; r;Jrl
o;IEJti,:,,aHy to j1cdgruc.u lind wirh fnP k
'ng M'l:l)'tl\ing that bdng- m. rhc .;:uul truum mume111 br
lltm b)' monwnt. lf }'Qll Jind }'1\11 milltl 1\';lfltll:rmg. J l1\11 \'Otl I!Jrl .11\
lmrv,- h bud<: i:O you, btcarhing .and 11,1 wh:tt .1t'e h, .. ;crinv,, !lnJ ,..,.el
l.!#lilllf the
n't:>irnnuion l!ri,}t!n .. .iJ comp11t.:' chen zt
""Yillll CUm lfl
!Ut'r ,m,J 0:1.1111<" ho UlleCI,I(IQ.
nc 111\.<ht, r gll\'t" ttJ' llllhiio v;_
Ct.IJu..".J:cy f.Hnlng Ullc ilf t ht (Aitl
hn.Jw (. rrl!t-1 .md !htu Sut:M s., Nhu, In 11\t,
'li.IC nnu h w. ( lr tnnmnr: lua ru
l'lw \ .:"f\ fu.! 7Ut!IIIIOI! fmlll J )'9IJIJA m;Hi ia.11! 1\',Jf in fbt
.. u the dl" nl rhc: rnai1J, who. 0111 he tltt" (!
lurv. r 11tmh whu1 tl1e Jmpm ..,r it Will) ;t (olllfu-
""' th:u.;tu,Jd npj1lc ,,f' nmu:-rn fIOtlfiJty 11:. pr.r.\ lhrougtl tho: all
,1,. h<t Nt k cr.ulc._J, "'' n p....,..ublc, to 01 look who w'"
Sucu S11 Nim jtQI1ctl llnlulg 1111111 ;1 tong time, pring: q)'(C
the I IJTik nl llj "'Jlt', ,.,. Ji tter in I ht" -.ntlm, J1(' the tliJH>f
lu h.w<!n h1;;;d liN ht: at him. 'then, wirJ1 still
111 h<"lld. tIJ pn nug ov1"r .. , wi l h hl1 bbclvtiheJ_Jightly
l>tw:.rJ 1o',.Aftllh 1 pc;tkCl' fl'4\tll lu
po\iliun !ilfinl( n I he: floo1, Soc:n 5I.
"UII 111f. Ill !h.. .,Ail li HILI! "Yi'KI UJ'I}'!"
StlllllS nu1 .,, lum, l Jo',a.pc.J, ,11 tlid d1r t'&f uf rb<: mtn1t. ln an lnKunt,
. I J It-Ill' cl\'1!1 .a.O,I
rbc to;11> 1011 ,.,., hy .. J u\h nf nagn11nili- w;u;w lH
, , ..
1 1 a.v.w,
whi 11tr 1r hu. t'lu .tlltn, "'Qn .,,, -"1111 w n :cuu1c )nr _ , - -
, \llt 11 wtOCJ f t;J lilY 11 Ill pttblk-Jikc tltur Go
11" ' , ,, _ - llllliY rm tlK f"Jnr
(Qr.jl,od 'i n.b. I nrnllicd
,\JI m my ttllnd .tnd I he. rntD!h nr t:'("tllhoU\'
If' t"he room in otu: lll(lmt:Uf. The or \'o'h,u he
were lr.tflgmg u the -.ur.
Afta .1 tlut hut Wllll
o aon
u\itv {lf\ly a JCw --
Sm:rl Nitn " bu1 1Qng
, oot
1::\erybody brc::;trhetJ iii $tgh of relief -:l.r;d 11 feding l'lf lighu:c'$
tht:. room.
Jt mJ.)' benttici11l fo1 m1m !u ,
st 1 h:i.t potrtio,tlnc rnoment ;md in thai Jnl'lu:ubn'lllo)' from the likd ot
of !)(..'Ct) S:t and imposing o;.t:.,ure.. t\r thi: time, i
f1'11 ltorh compassiOIIIIt'e and OOUiul, tiven the ciu:urnst,m(C'j, 1
r.1'f11 Cl9 itiL';l whc-1h.;r ir was for him Or- nm. I hol'e tr IV.Lt 1 can't
Cl!U if Soeu Nlm (ollonf!d wirll this mali or-not
but Ollt' 1hing w;u.
wy do:r I lim-b( ne,,ur g;wc-up on anybd)_.
I tike 10 thii1k due Scl<;)n Sa Nim 'r<lS S"Aying ntcd ro ilal'i to:. be.
to ukc. nn our 1-1nd ' ' with tv
fxc 11, turnc it, and i1' doing s<l
be biggt!f than it, l'ln Ianger ,caught by n,
inr1n;-;u:dy f<nJch with not (IUiy hur
unrr than sS:ftoC. l;:$pi:.:iJlty when pass'i:s.fot xane thrle da}'\
1111rld ft:lg_e flJtc:n inielf, dres;cd up Or tlnwn for bUtnilll c-on
unpil111 by ,, 1 hat m:trket$ the u ut h in bits b}.'re>.ot
U1)Fl pagll?, whkh keeps I() r*: rbt noww
thti to r ri.nt (If btu when: "6 t" u; Ill tht -eytQf lhc t".AL!or.
:.: having rt) wcu rh\! suit,
II ll\t!' llMUnl1 udt"t"rl, Whulnl:'), whydt>we h::cl
uf llw fJUlt'; I lm'' Ill 1 hd hr tlll"nnond:
.m .arulng, tln.n migh! hr. h.drhtl \Vt krlln\' wattr tM
11111111f I ill ,, 1'1umh(!1 f dr'fJ"'Uthng on the Ccmpcr:tll,l:ft
.1111! pr(' un i\r it I ,1 .11 , .. '""' lt::mj'lolllun:. h' ''
... ,, 1111d <ofT tO. J()O C 1212"(.'), 1\ml 1t f11:U11!1tlnm;
hol lt ,,-,led (0'1 !JcJnw I} (J2'PJ. lltJ1 wlt.IC'OJCr flHIII d tltltn, 11
ti ll \\'Iller.
Thr r "'" Hnna hrtW('(' II Y.>li d.liquid, omJ Me lamWil ic\
.111rl do- nw.q ,, flm, h;;<' :l \lSt' I h.c W!ltCI <.hiiOgo I rum On<' lo.rm,
11' J1h.t t 1 ,m I In thr oli lt('rChl p.M. <.eli, t-he: \\'ilf(f nmlt.:.1!IC'1, 1he fJ ,0
mtll\'r tt lr.'. wc olil);.n: nr h) UIW ;mutl rr , th!lf ;, tvhy
kc 111 l.trd utu.J wiH it 1111 t lw '"Jl m HtJw iUtd. Clln Af
VC't r t.tittet '' ltt,lud why ur'J \\lj)Or fill, t h< entit1!
Utllo.: tt I, plw.:t._t ill. \'d
whrlht'l if 1!. Ut the f(Jrlll ur
11 , '''' ,,\,, I I,( ), ju,t ,IM1UJJJit1g ..tilkt''ll! tlq<ttdit)j;" on tbt'
a-... 1 . .l\'1 unl Ewrt:r.
lAili'\':'- (til ll' lllr!'fllhlll' ,!ltd ll_'lntIUt.K'r t IJ I c.lll t.l
I OO I .t:o[ .-tht"1llt pro:ifUi r
\\:J(('C h.llli ;,( ,j lt111pC1JIIU1.: lCitJ\\' I .. l('tJ .. -
The clunK
condizions c;e:n l)l.l Gm: kind or anQthtl'!
rltcm. (;lungmg oonditiO(IJS can thi'f\t\3 up llr to1 mtll
1:(Jnally. ooglitively, d.11 these thJngmg
r.hat n:qutn:_ llli tu :adapt Qnt waycr "l'lother "sne:stm,," ilild
:-t!l:t II)' our of Lh(l$e t.h:rngt!s, if \'fe do not rSpowl
;l(b.pti,'Olr tl) t ha::m.
Rc-acting ti'' xtressfulsl:u:ui.!'l,,%, wh!!ther in the outer or in d:.c
uutt: QUr mmds and OOdles i l'lmn!Jy u<hc i'llpo.<:r
milis lt.sclf (t!lt, Wt. mi.ght beCome parai\"UXI ()r "f":Gen" with fur, ldr ln
IJ'JMC, e>.pcrict:ced th:11 .\tone l)f .tni'lthef. mind
lltohc tJQ:.o;t:n, Sllf in .J p:1rtkular !Clt!l Ol,' pp;11i.on odn l't$t:ntme1lt od hurt.
hun (Jitilikly becqn'u!. rigid. unyi(:ldingi oold, am:! this tll;m:i!O:d
in of thought. -cmolion. mai bttlavi(Jr. 0c It C:tl\ lv.:11 up
wi1h M1tfusJon..._ m,xiety, bc::wild;rment, .kitltl f:l( bk<:. steam. We
1'1'(11 Sfl\" of bf1W/ing oiT Ntt <(oubt all Jt..d wme
111bo1h K.'{tn:nes. Or the mi nd tr.1in .fecl.soutewben: irt bt:l''ttn, mot1! tile.:
AJtl!, Ol't quite lCC, not quite wJter, ;Anti vndcar.
A1 9-:hn ones. when conditirmt diff!:rent, if WI!' m free of pi't
flllt:Jitd don
1 feel like. llre hr;J.timr, us up ro the point of boil
U$ 10 the..pni11t' of contt:l.ctionl!ld tbt mind ('UI be:
1llik' like a_,g;l::-, t:;xpandlng-infinilt:-1)' .tnd o...-
within it. or like wutct, flow (reefy, ununpeti.:J twer .md ;ttound
:tJ\ :lnd ttht'r obli!J.rlcs iu our path.
51lft'lt:tinu,1 rh.lU! _..-.
. ......-:LIJ'IIh I
\h,Jt;tgil11\ l.'.-JI1<flti91,1, lltid ih lfle Hlfh.'f .
.. apt I
NJf lh''"'lh whrthn i: V.'IJtk.. l.umh, the hrc;.ce l(J.1th .:mdlot
- ' 'tl:oij(omJ
n.r UJlhc.v-1 Out tbe umt.,- i'l"(im \
wh .:uW u:a...:htlfiJ. ,,ifhin tht ;;: lrnm tu h,,lutt l'l 1-h"wJ!h whtth Wt-.t'itn t;nh,t _
PJOICtrl) Ju<k in Iii rJuicuf;sr 1nnp;,o:mhnto h".>tll'tmo of rbin''fi'l o'l.z, I
:o ,-- IU
uJ !nt DH' h.1t rljpd .Uld (tt\7.(.1l, In uuh ltir
,.._ r'
. ' *""' '
\\'lr.fho;-.r tngg-eu:d hv o.llllp .._.._.t1clina11- vr lllner e_\o:nl.ll, we urc ofte
rl'n,.tl!bt1' 11
11 1r1.1r. n,illlt- wluch if OIH lhniu::d.rr
h,.- tht Ji:t.'"l!0 Lllt' (If llhu "'t'-I(C", bur I'J urllk>rlvnlr.l.
lh!LI II IU tiJllC illtit,l(Jnr !htln <B
1Url hud), .uuJ rbatiOrt -ponJ Witt. -lplnJUI.d fi':h'f(!11r)J-tl"
1hc I ou:c . I 1 IC 1 .ll '''ID 9UIU 1nw:r riucuJatnliV. ot mind w
tl1111'"' 11 ,,,,be: IMl'd wit II ih Jl'l\' n'lt>llltllt, ar:d inJu.:tl. 1h11t
lAce I with In nn m "''f'T\' morutl\t.
h a. mm.lfulnt$ rhut<Dn he tv u- th 1w ff't:"m the troan inlli
1 ht ltt'cr wnJ.inon oi i-p3.c.u:WStle$S,U.nd h'l n:ulttt 'h:u e'K'II
nut , .<It tm, bur I\1!Ltd' JU;.T ane more sr
\'v'c m1gln 1h111 un:r lruc u)ltutt: u. clUJ al,!LIV n kllf7W,
r.h,u bp!J aD}' ;mel II .w.J phaK
I hn .,C , tllh tiULrllJ'bt;tti;1tu 11f tilltll'l WhtiiCIIIOSS dui IUJ;-
l;tlm of J1\y :tmd, ;r it be ILC1 lit1111d. vr 'il.c:.Ull, Ill
tlw Zl:n u:arhcr . , ll<lt.' whirlpitoJJ.. 11 i; not ihr.
t thow ullC: W2}' or ;n1td llotl',llth1!.,'h it ft. to blrunl!-\111"-l
uiJuliti.m '" u i1mt'l .. f:lte of lot our rli:.t-N .:.t forvut dopA It <fr
- u . J
or ,
chtm ( in}pilltf
dlillllf<.'tl.ln:tl hrh.Miof ,..,_lhet, II Ill 0\U ltttt.(; II lt '
. I fi I ' r(\."fj.VIilfllljf!ht
tu Jmn}l '"'" dmJ:" rothl:'nlliu.t ud:.iiUSlll, JJ J)Or e
. I 1 1 , ,_ , tert t.
tfllc UltlHr ut lht ;!IIUIIA .-v.;-nH, W 1n- l ll.-. wt l ,ll ..... ' ,
. . tin blo1t1lll't:g,
rm;ot\\ \lfl<l to.;rmd
hv 1 '"it WU5:;.i,',ltttg. .\!flU .... . . ,
.i ,_ 1-t.. in J tl10'0:011'1 v.x
trvmg i-lln' . rcal11l' rh.,, wr onth 1M' r._. c o . '1.
'. f(\( llt .,..t(l(lll
wuuld ;:om!dt:r mnrc Iff ple.IJ.llf mmc
. I
, afl(l I U'
iih1 tr.:Yj.\, tbc 1\cc:p IU'UtiUII' nl W 141
-. ,_j . +ut Jnhtn '"It
t-..ngc "{ ill .,rtinn11 t'-'' m WIU
" '
, .. ..,,., 1-i 101 I
Although 've...knOw that a. pon-1'1 u--ltln{\y w;uer, the um
l'ttat is to uu:h It: .t\lth\lugtl we: til the. thllt
an pet!'-9n Buddh1, d)e-po.wet of dhMmil 15 rn
itP<n-:u!:ltt 4l>Uf culti\'lWOB!l.Yht:n the hill the
!10' frly iiP(i can bl! f()t lluption '1nd de11ajng.
Th:u tncltitlg. !hllt ij-ecr-fi.O\I'Uf_gl Cltp3m:we ;aw.ul!(f(!i;i itl11:t
bedded urli"-"t:i'$0: ils ;1 lut lika: heat: relcastng w:awrs of
h.!>th uli.!\J ;;nd
'::iol"Wm Sil m rhl" bor-age 01 Chinul, ooly t'cnturi('f l..t\'r,
w..u. (un.:l of yoo m...ake pcublum, pr,hkm. Whnt tf
tnC"ant wu umplC'. m.l Thc:rc rt-iiU\" nv "'(h
tb.t.n.p lb Thr prHhll"n;'"' 15 jun tlwt, ,-.-m-pt, :m
0\-r.ri.J, .rn tnterprcnttoll o! J t.ihi.Hirm. Thinliog tutsu um>
p,,,blrm "'rc llnr ti:>r m.ttb- ur home:\lo-orl, but In hfc An:
no pmblrnu, ooh ;mutioos llut acquire a hope(tilly Jcl-
aqu.!.tc hJ the. c,n h <'<fit
don uw . .\11." m\ol\c """'t' lind nl 11-Co."Ut:llt .uld .even nhnCOl.T
o-1 akuL.oons <tf me.aJI.IIII ci1
rh111 Jllefll:u!'i 1llodt .Jt. ar rt. m the wlut it j;_ o:<f
thil'l_ " rhn 01 n:, ''' tx. <lfrt 11, ..... we rum .lntnlh" mlu prn"lttnl.
rhw we oot wlm!r 1'"\ ... bfllo.::h al 0\'I'J tO jp,ihg
- '"'' \\hen we mot(
iUtd th .. ,Ul p.tmll\'01"11 Wlli'l ..u :.etJI.I1),t J...,
I I b
. 1)1 .... ,
netd t;;:. mv opt'll ;a:ml rn' ur1J 11 ;n t \1.' .
I . h .. t. - ud'
'"- w jorublcm. w )to; JW:<I
.a rtibrJ .. tt .. t it
l..t1 rlauglltQ
l'utf ot' flAUk nr th\'. <r.-.;:0 1th1 a'
wa kg;uiling ff) h& ddidtmf l'llmond-Anut b:m;n;
whic:h U\o::n wo:nt (Iff .an..l '''O'ultht't.L.'V lrk ou.l.-.hcdt tbc:.
bnn,tn Qn tip o)j the !<lnvc th:U do nl)f light rwhen J
tile knub .tt\J. the ign11er duun'rdu
(Or , he ovrm. SitK'C: \\'1.' h!td problem wjth 1he not mo luug
Lhnt rtl(}Uirtd :I pCr::qtl W I t.a\' we will w
rhe rcparr pt!npte-. Too the bu:ild ... ill h:l\' \\'.lit.
wife. M)l.a.. "Wh.:u llb-oo,Jt 1M cirCI!H
b(tuk.ctf"'fn the t'lluri'let'n Jtht" lt, J """''( lh:.l '"ha.t H;g
thk Why didn't! of tlut? tm th\'. nne whn j, iup-
p<l!>td m tl\ittk. OJ, tQ know tlutr. 1
rbc circuit breake1 for the $to:IV\: is T it .1od
l'tli.l:\, fht again.
Itt ooc jtt<rnm:, mY mind h:x:d tumJ wb:u w1-;. going tmo a pu.:tbU.m
1\'itb thr 'lttwe ir.x:lr ..,l\J w didn't allow for the tlt..t.l In
trund.ln_stc.hl ot t:tring<rpe.o-ro the: mlnd hul.l\lrmal
llMO the problem \1<:: h::ui befor.c r.uher 1 tun the..$Jtu.uinnib3t we :1ft
h-nmg_ The ha&.tY uWid.i-..1-.rrll")<l$ lillY moc dt;tt thi:nkm;;, rn
thu monll:nt
So the of each J.l\d el'rrymomenr \\c IIPfTrtll...:.b.rhwg,
iu ll>{h J< W3.\ th ..u we -act ;lPPI'OJ)ri:ur.h in euh 'iiwatiu-t, tMment bnllo-
rr.cot h.vflWment. whether it Ill pb:;ll,t:mr, or neuu.l!. c\Cn a.1 the
tlrinklng rnmd \V!lnl$. 10 and dotf. autQmltric-.illy rurn it low ;1 pt(lbk01,
nwJIlFCCJ'rlug It 11nd 1be -'Tmill'" l" gets rrtt(l tM- .let tutn!; 11 Into .tt 'lilcmma 01 au t:Ubontr I he tQf)' t)t rrw
lllli hnw I.. g.o.ilng, ,,r nor gcittg.
ll while;-Yw mah b J\ .: probkm" gol ..:o1Wemc:d
;Jr<piy t(l )o ... nuke, you have, .. il.nJ. thm. c.%tu00cd to mduJt Jn\' "oon-
.,llv.rn roo,ii!(T ut I hll' mind. big ct imaU. It .v.u. OlK' of Sn Sot Nim\
tnAu' ""'' ol tf'a.::hi.(u: us tbJ.r thinking 1s . (ltolll 1bc
m ..
_, , . .
1 1
n .uter ill 111 1111.-ntm \'01;1 ITIA.y' t.:'t . 1 hitrc l<tiiinoply
brr,tr:1 ":.::;n;i(ltl t<), rto <Jihe;, bo:ttct u")OOtnt., tve1, ;
whJrh tl>
-\nJ r t\ hteulh, tht' l(IOij :>arl, nmv ur
ln" '?Y."n tll '' Ani l'f'tt in :tWIK"IlC!ifo iiM:if Nrr.v W1: c:111
ht d1e nol'A'..::up.: . ou( of th"' liimellfliv11 of hciug .md knnwin" "-
,., U'l lu::
.imrkl . Jmrnr .-.f W:t}'fl, ''-'holene&$ anil rw
(It hlhnr:;ctun. but 1\'h<'llol\ec.o; ;'lt1tl :n;
'o'hQ .ur-o.ltr H;O, O'IJI mc lilture-but. !ll.(H).m
, ,j tN;--n p11t,.nru1l. kctp 1>
Th. C"itral II 1/0f tfJ)}:uiJ
f'P{' /bog f ,!lujimca.
.md IJatr-11rr n/m'nf
w,rlhtfJ)t, hwnm rlf'llr;mrl U1111itgmr<tl.
Jj l>.!i..h tt} m:.tM m tk-t- Onr IV.n
.Ia tiN 'fJJ4ri.i UJI il'lll ir/.,,1,,
JmitcJ, 1!-l.!.tj!l IAtmJu./{.,_
/1 iJmti.-.n' 1viJh EtdigNmmml
Sl'"-.:c 1hird Zcr P;crti,afch il(lt) CE)
V".;ne$ nu the: Eiouth Mind" (Hun-11M" Mi'!TG)
When 1 't'isS growing up in YQtk City, were ftghling Word.os,
"J'h.eyj.ot -p ic! ;; lot, Someone wo1.lld make :tn
... nnw:
ol'.e t h e ills-u1tce :would ''You of i1?
tMtW.tJLy QUt soundtng ljke !llamt;J . , . ). And if the ol'ig-
tllal !Wf "Yeah, 1 do w:mn:1 some1bing of 1t.'' : he. 1hq wwld
nm put!-liinj; marbo ef.C:llatc fq 0\0n;.
Y(l" w;mt t rno1ke :iQmtrhing of Jf? .An- ehtlltngo.:, etoprtiAilv
r, 100"( i,, the 1?50$.
In Ught of wh-at we h,1t'tt I.H.:e n sa}lng :aboun he mu1d 0111d ih
ttl fabrin1e-, i.utete<> for me uow tu tcActt on wh), Jdul.t, +
Tu 1h1 ..,treet A'W-lt nl rhe d.a\, tb tnukc
uf it me:.nt ro purtue it furthef. take it to ; he nt::<t tv b.&ek
up what )'OU \\'L"rc If you 10 nukt ttf it,
Jt htd bcoomt.rwl rovou, 1hat wu r.:.1lh m thia
tb!lt it \\as. mpon:lnt mgo on \vj;h il. i( lrcckun Ol'
f b"
:a tl I rPiaJI> ., \'>'.111 olR JiJecttd !If
""be mcmb ..... of {he: orbct t':ltndy. his lll()r.her, tn,llt
' II 'I I et Wil)' ,ide couJd w;mi tv 1 ng w'll t.n
rlt:rt lu the 11i clr: Mr<:r ,
r dldn'r cn:n nuuet the
Jl.;! 1h1:1o: wll J II w.1y of If i{l llhi.J If 'ttl
111.11 utr, 1"u didu't lt11o; 6 1 hr1 111 lh"ull c:t <l ll
1c mu1hrc. If
wnr "'' h"l'l((,'\1. O(ol\llul.un lu.unnt- lull, ln utlu:l, d . }'qn
.wd IJ'"''ItpAI"r.o' rn tb.,> II!IU/r, tf 1,>(111 W(l:l '( Ol\ ,. , -
. t,._l'r,',.IIVll\gt'fl(l
,, ,..,,,,. ui.J 11.111f ht 1l 1. c If w.u lnnll) 11tup; f 1
I ollll i'lrtd
jl olll\'1\'.tl IU WJ. tl w \l'tu ' '" und it W'3.1 OJ<
Bu hJol, lh: uw,.niug<.criQu4. dl
} Ct )'<ktl":id/ ):n
Ill' ihrtf, Ct'l II t)tt !(t,l(h I'UU k1\l'W jj ,ill I n I"\ lf/v t h .
. ' tl<_flttta!ly :1
\PU 111 du rY'l."t' I\11\J{ 1md, 'A>ll Wt)\IIJ_ j.,'t'f uwr
Ill 1
_. -_.
'''"'h'" lo 1lnu1 lhr:Qthn JJotn.fl lu1 hn"JL:IIthiwl > 1
,.. "" " 1 lfh'lt
1' 1n11r wlurh ;w .. t)(uulv whoot rhcotl1c<r
.....,, ,,, 1 ,
r" "' !)\I' lin n:m
mtu '' "'llll.t \olru lr
J"< l>w h 1
Jl .. w
'h tt li t olto hUt1gin!; nm n1 rwt nwnn" II\ rbc [:If"' 611 cl> t b
.,. J( '
bttnJ 111 lu:twrCIIIItli..l{ho/1 !j<!UW hr ptlr' <mh Ito
tl tr t'lll i I lUI." I h .d IU 1 h <,\lit ic, .1tH I ri Ill ,, lr. K'' tv r hi' va 'I di),
11""' H'll Ill" I"JPJ'IfiiJ.!:o'
\\l!i,lo i n'lu..:h <.'n'.JflW, tnt.llha:d, ,mol th!ln. ii.U)-
1 hu\h W: t,ct ..:.amr np wirb. J
Hue w.tir joM ,, uluhud '.Yh,. u 'I(>U l'ol:nt' nt;ht tlowurv it, wh:tt
u1.1l.t \Vc m;h lic)mt thinu. Hut ut ''rrtuulh .mrtlt iiiS ml
r:vc1 \ t11U)J.'- o'\rul i11 tlnmg gel .;u.uP,ht. Om rituul
w .. 1c1JI\ ,,IJ .l><nl l Jll.winK .uou11d Wtth littilchnlr:tll .m.d
II \'n ;;.11 tJu!dlt the ;JIII;lthr lho)agl)lfl, which
JUil) h;u rCJ.lh lt)li}o )'lU, rh1:.11 !t'i\1 ho1J t\1 6J.,.JU t\) Jll't';:e-rw Jmll'
fttflr: llut 11 }'f.ollthclu 'r .skr 11 " ' 1, it' )'UII duln
f 'HII' AI rho:- b:ud:t\ll thn\"' W.l 1111 l'rn/1lem hwhn
111 th\' 1lr 1 pLc.:o:.
So dw numl wr " o:d ru P lh:o;r t"M:Ic t1l111't .. lv :tdual!y ft\t:d
. ' ' I I' I I nc tr.,.;hinf!-
rl oiO i.,llrt: .ifl 11111111J.l.; lllflllh'(t Ul&.u!'l lllll In,!!, Cl IC 'II
$1.1 S11n \Vl!O
IJ!IIIIt'h', \'ou loAV'Co
1 II\ fHI mil'
I linJ th.n pfH' intrle,l!hjt 111 .:cmh'llljl Jltc, npel J.
mught 11 IQ Y.' 11.t.., L,n(ldr;.1JI' inq\1iry or f<lfm1dl',t.;t:mdil'l(<. h \'ll'l'i lmntt
#<'Wfllll Wn!llungmn lletghtfo, l lm11y flot h11\-c \'tit)' fu.but n W'AI'I
or. w wi)' l>cyn1Kll)o;r nnd :t\'ll OO\lld
\l)' ilt It$ own w;.t.}\ wl><-
)'nu m11ke pmbll"m, :ru-
h<wc probL:m. YCJ\T 11t:1kt you \n.-
,1111 YM<1nlllte an )'Oit h.tve .11.\ 'it"'
lin\tt uppO'I'h!hiritll fot Ute- 1ft Huel:. ut tl) on rn
(1te or other and Cl'l$.ke t i('tmttJ!i.nto;. ttlmetlung mucll ln(lre
11 n::tlly 111. l 'hl!t Otigi n af il (If g(i'-lf :md ttU!,i..ll. If
we-r.lllilr utn'lethin_g ol 001 l>ero:p;iCJ:u. -';OI'Ill: hig 'ihlry.
u .. h :t$ "chef doni
lml: me., or dCin'r trte, or .tre
luppi:nt'tl Uko t his,'" !lf b()(ly JMl<>.gOOd," m"my lif'e i
rm 1ho: '-in& of rhe WQ,id," t.hc -vefy"TJlodt! of 3. modn malor general. ur
nu,YJe it (or W' M!elng ti>.o:: cm
t)f evcnt!l and en our lu:ilftlt In 'Ulld
oimlty, !n iJ'Uegrity of upenlteane:!, <bolcelp" aw;aft1lt'ilJ,
l!llf;br b<! !iglh:, or we might be bt Wi!
cct ttvl!f be, but we will tw:o:t'f know pl!ito!'C, -:md we will w."ef the big
tb big bttle, \'I C. nr t<-ll'ing oursdve: 'fll'ld th,tn
ftlfgt:n1ng thal we 11p
&bticated.c,all b;
Ou( "f' "'ill :dw:t)'l' get in the Wl'f ot ow 9:e:, C"-'nl, t111f ow
our skin, our ;md mm.Js, And
In 11eting our owo Ubikltioru;, maybe w<; _ou!et r6cm withuurbr-
lnc, caught b)' !hem so much of thi: ti.ll\C. Af\d ma)'bC' we lt m(lfe'
nptQI\' whe!\ \\'t: nn.: i1w:iilll)!v \'l,\1.\g.hl bv t It's to wonhy
11nd J wo1 fl\_ y
So let me Mk w,Kt: "Do }'Ou want tl)-mltb: somethil)g of it?"
W:1t('h oo.t!
0Jet: \ l'1IT; l \.,..1., On .a l"'.rc\'l"('d thu began tilt
"'ttkn.J c:tf dt.e! 201)2 su,,r 8Qwl Jr Wa( nnf)- IN: rhlrd thatfhe-N\:,i"
f.n.;hnd had m.trlt If d1.:rc; and rbrv h;u) won Th<: dr.cma
1\'J i t(Jr \\' .u,. 01 1li'111U1J tccr1rd of the
U,l11tn Red SI.)X u'\ the \<\'uriJ Srrir-;. QC\ 'et wnr "IO"Ct' 191R, ut'tcr
IT.llilmg B;lhl: Hu(h ro the: Ntw York \\lnkc:es i1. J919 .
. \,!dmg m rhe d1.1m11, the regul-.u J:;ngbnd qumerb-.u:k. l>rtf\v
(i.!c:dfr>t; tbC.U 'I >lor b;Jd bcC11 in tht ::CCOild ,KJ.III( tlf
rhc and hAd bc:cu tw utull-then unk:oown
Tam Brul)-. wound Uf' u$>u;g rhe lc..lll the to tbt
J'J.l\'<lll , thm gtmng 111 flu: J{!llU(: thM !he diliMn
.:hmtplmhiUJ, and wh<thtT rher woold ga ro tbt lbwL
whq h,u.fn'r rl.a,eJ Jlim:c hilt llljUrJ C!lrher, :H(Ippcd in ,lfld
rngwrerttl \\'lth gt,are 1111d lfinm; <wt-r 1 he hc;n.Jiy faorortd Pim
.. .I
l'hC' ''ith l-ol1 1\+'-C mw. who were rndle;"ly {aWnt:
0\'C.r 111 t1u:: k..:..:tl tnttltll .Uld atu.IJed tOr how lUnd. a.n,l
tiu:\' abou:r thdt pnodu :.uncn! l.nd rhe mulnpJc tromcs lr.
'l'h nnt'lt11l'n
tu the Supc-r&wl h.un\t' .;.new. (' ,-
IW'woutd willi.l11p ... 1\n 1 ... ,
. . .. ' " \""''t'l.'tr tr wn', utu.ld rfu:
oub1y WI!) .lgatlSt rhe hc'J.Yd\FLwureU Q , L
' ""'" lliJu
l'ha ,., h,w lleti- it untlthe modu,crc
n .... wh L
Ul l'etcellt Fri
d fHI!bl \\e {() bo !Oient rur ft(iffi (,Ui te(.'l\ d
Y j;>
Y'- O two &,.
I'Jfl h.:.w w.; ugut:d up lbr :a. Sul'ldJy e-..trJ.d
_,, u( th.; rncbens :1CiuuUy bf'Q'I.litht up t.hc S.u-. B ,,
,... . . . ' l\.11 ..r,l\ ec.umplc .of
.. ( we were .tcJ1nuncmg hy 1rcndlng Thll rtttt:U., 1
ww- I' WaJ 11!11\ ttlg 1 I
r]( Ill ;a gf'o"Ur'l.ltvrot! wty, but he diJ diY.!p 1l1c. C!)lllmr.t.t I hut he W(l!,tli.l h
willing to tclJ us the: outoomc of the- grl.IIH: I
"1\'t' stall)' w:um:d t Q know. 1 nude-:. m(:ttn! nl'ltc rn n.. ....... ,_. k h
... , .. ,!lllrto">n 1m
But by dv! time my fim mln\iic:w \'lith hnu
"' on; .11,_uu rnc
mv '1\::lltiQII ''' I.Q r,tkt:n up wnh the. otbne- <>f .
,.. .., ._ ""
lht sitring th.e v.':l.lkin$ ptu\1dC.t\ haL <xlMJittscJ ftte. ti.Qle (Of1l-
l.'l\ih'l1ertf Of t he rt\Tl:'.lt, it didn't .n:r mi.nd to the
]Xr.vl \lhen [ hRd tl11: d;;mce. 10 af b:wh
6ugbt up m all tJs.e- hnopb arol4fld it b'i!tk ln .ir..t .fikr rothc.r
pe.ap! .. , whether rhey wl!(e rattiQl fan,. <r." bot. It mt:,
"'h1.'11 1 rcmembncd it later. thllt !Omdblng 1 Ju.d too
fur by I he l>t'l fist. Tbt thQllgb,t II>
,, flim nex. l ;;ow hiu1, and thtn, on tbinlqng
r. 1 Je..
dded not h:l . i\ly oT Jt"Wcnl 1'hi;
Wbilt di.tft:rtnce- d()tS ic milk<: to me now?' Whoei'CI v.'fln blll:. 'tltud)
V.'Qil, and J wi:U find CiUl won enough. nit! ii UVtt Wh}' ao r neW Cit
"71'it to kn.o.w wh() won ut this p1.lilll'? II New EnglAnd ,o.Qn, m, mind wdl
jm\ be- full at ir. if New Ehglil.llJ ]I)U, m."' mind will be
filltd !Nirh " whole r.1.nge of ihoughw ab<mrit. Either wuy, my elatl(l'fl
,1 dtc:,wnncr my 'ftfferi.og lf 1 hey will 1>1.! ilhthvtJ,
Jnd )'VU d9vro 1Q if, ki1'Q\'''r'lg the 'IIJt
omtc nothing h"f do with me clt life, though.J ill New Eu
IIIJ.nd, e\'Cfl 1 w'il.r.;;hud rhe gmllf in which BJniiot l<tht IUJII t".)
Qry'. (\en thuugh I knew my ..,h, woold I.e ;::;ltut tnJ
u.'ld h:n'(' en in 1t, wuuld h:n.'C' : -ccu pleued it the Pu
trttl( ' .. ..l . u b
> D10,1.1 \\'Otl. J C:l.f/111l IU Sec r.hnrW.ttlfJtlg lo.i LOIJ\\' 1-rt JI\ .lUJt:
'':l ec:t inl>indoflil'tim1, , WJ)' toJ.lill 1nind with :onotb<'r ''"1\' I
4 4 IIO.C. 1' . ..... .. .
,r .o wrrotli da:orO\f'..;Wlth
1 u k>..-..YtJoj ttl tm" fi&. and tnully J( :..
..,--k.. l t""'mx.u '(l X t!X" rnacu, "-flek r:.on I '-'lt
J: wt- - :::-.-..
- & 11' '!d lt... ..._ 0 ..i..; .II. .L. -
=-- ' - .:;:::p, - u:o:- I!Owt,
-u r: zt Jli' "'k u rc- ro- .b. a
..b..:h .t:rr. umJ '!Ur. tbr !(),:- Wl1.: .liJ:.
t90t ba'"m&bl'Cmal p- ,
. r:;
i&- ibdf u:ro rfw mt'.utl of 'Rti: nrc tit:t-.q _a,. .,. ft:l!h.
.b. .00 WPis C lttl.CODscio :o.u.
I .a t1ut th.r: $ttr."-< :iike: C'?
- --=rWrmtkd .m tht up.-.i
I fifad oatwhawon or aor. Ia f.actowha- J .am Cl a.
kw .,_., tift, P thDJ- MJOE M f'!il-"'1! _ h _._,.
mitum:l; There-:-.,; .. _
"'J ICCi"IOpet! taka a lot u/ wwdf aad t\lct;'--:-ni.
I d>< ;.,pa Jl;...n "'.., ,_ 19< fan>< 1'0< d.<=-
'f'"""" l'eiJ ..atblriK ... &rd. t'lft:: n-
hll:a auni:fnotl., aru! thr thcorremnur;- fra.=tb
c-.I P'l'l' U. h er bchird tadlu cnr.t .:
mili= <>I a.,n.,. pttln-!'bcbp ...!In- rbc:""""- !he mll:..a!""'
an t dus 1luiJdi qvu rllr ita.-,U 9.1 :Z..!r.l-.-
dw ..C tha:- camed -.upcr ro.r'" m4 Jlm:a_ de:
tm.'IC I2'Tn' rlx ,.. rl:c hc.n,m.. itr kn- &od. r.1 dE
r xpc:e the;.: rhi:J!. =c1 <;, me: t .ur ciJ%cd
tE:am 1! :ll':l'e' tuc r .;r. b.:r h!-
""'""' .. ill- ruofu. fun til_ \ttnna' t\"H'\"U'J! l:. :w."m" !ole
I c: :m-.: ,..;: c: ur U::r: l f" .J!"i i1 il :asinc
,,..., t.:c _ pro C1
-..:....... m.l.JW-.!. cztnc" anJ. tbr o:rl .it:.lpd
.,., ..,.
l 1iii"J:t ..l!l J t ,;o.rral tm<s;:JJ ltl:p'Ptnl en\
.. 1110.. , ..... ,.
-o\11 .aJe:: .:\ JUl and lu!J- a:rhu., I lll.t'rniJea ' 1!-. ab111..
......-d. Jutln;> rhc. J\)1)) ll.e. r:ICrmP.: U!e: lmia
\('!'( .:-:,ll!a th.rorOOadtiftitr :lf' btd ra-
rhlo bl.lll.eb:llkwd Jhifr tht rtc'41: :1"01'll.cacht tlw
t!JOrC lo'71o really .nn;nl to knrrw be ;bk .co '" who b.Jd 1:<-e:n
1"be re,:. <UlJ f.r.d wha! ;nt ""-eMf. Tha
Wdlt utltil mid-De...-..:mhtt Vnria 1hc .,, .1q atrtt d.n,
ahVAJ-'1. the "lrnt: 00.:: J.:m'tlcn<Jwy.t._
fhe r:ncditr.oo wflo Wllru_cQ :a acd
la:IC" c:Wvth.u lh:-aon- "t ... :x
=r:.: cot. trh
t Ji.d. till:unardy nod out who wvn the ikMt llwu tn-
w s. win. 1cJ tbt tt1.m. iA tbt ncl-A"
one .;.e.....-mJ:- d ;uuc- with Oca nl:---t; ,the Psmo;l icd ...
,)(lt!U' 1 i-3!. rnro G<:l-d pos;tion. :he- 'lckktt. _\&m
awl<- 11 2(1--1 - the Sooo ... .u
M<ltd &tiJ.l .tnd W.lil J10 loog_ct a P.ol!l'lut.:t)a.:.: llg;tm, .sn eampl,c: af
ot 'Jw cf lmpemunc:n.:c ;,r vmrk. bJJ oo.m3cluocnn
:'\cw Enij,lrod. BU1 f ..-qun.e tk d:J 'b:- with them.
b\-; Btxo:>;m (;Ut Jdlt lo''ith tbci.t him. \\'\
But: during !he n:tn::n .. l tad ho:C'Il ur-..1hk ro t1x- pnte -.t-
se:.l, cxarrurung whether] C'\""C!I wmtcd" tet lull'<\\ ..:.00ttt or lirn t"ill, .t!- rm qf Dl(" ..;:m;u.n!r Qi.j, when Ul}' c5arn tud ttrrr-C"J in
c.-;htt rmcm.:d iu- own ;tt ot' ..w..l J.O-
thnkft-l'fl(' tu.i the Sm .... l)m..!. the
" -,-
111':' \liu-t" ph.)ing 'ln the: the. e<f pm-.r:t: foe .ie iwh.
tht pApc!n our-kid'f. .a.\-i'd f4.r u a mooth felt tha:J )t
!h.: ,( Mw Enclmd !!,ClOd lllrtuiK ILrul .Wor tc>t h""" c:alfl.,, md
f,,. c."'" f uU llun t l't'lll,\ tl11 only JtMM ill
!tlo\'1'11 tltr. ot1!-. gmu fh.u W.; rmltn..ry j,,u._,. get ru pi:\ m 11 we ,, .....Ill teo,
,\ I ' I' -f ...-c: W.1h h su,l.l Br IW{ r Ill I >;,-lwl her "'f: .:m: "J10ru c:fltllu "J.$tlo
ur 1111 wbrtbc.t II( .m lllhltl t't nr &nt \Vuh fhiuJtulnn,.,
" "' u.- di1oe h\n JJ1J . )UJ
8..-wuse u n t.Ot!Utll t hing'l; fo1 ,\ n'lqmttu M :wo, tht:JC
in whit!!. 1oJc :a hoot wytbing .. MlppoK\lu.
M'Qfk o11. t . a:c to "'rrlve '"' and mv iliitht ;
n!J! h)'.elcd J h;.vc. te> t!. when:_ I.
po-!'(.d <.:t be by a r mlcu.l2r tlmc J(,r. !>uch wch a IP"''.Jn {C:m )'OU ted
tl:1t bll.fl}' .nnd ln .it?1 Pcup1tare mppo>cd to Lo:. u:li.ahle
.1r.d 1lu wlut tht)' Mlic1 th<.:y would, .CoJpC'cia.Jiy whl!n wifb b!
'o'bl.l)\ t:.lft: \lre s;uppokJ lo in ''lhl.c, Chi.ldtct\ Jn: W be
Ow: bodies ate !!fay if went rig,hnnd c:<erchc
l 'lt: more. thi.og:: gq w.,{ for J \o,1tile,rhl.' .fi\OU!.wc t:l.ft bcLc:\c. dut
i,; r..h. Wll,)' lt lso.suppcncd to be.. ,\.nJ when. r.h.ings don't ga "Gill vny;
11 or t.hc.y will !Wlt. we. .:..111 1l'lgty. dbilrJIOinhJ., .k-
ntnc:d, ... n'OI&fa.tcd. forgetting rhlll ,, w;lll to be. un tlf'
Mil' .u aU. How OW' li\'ei unfo!J virtu.ill)' lle'Vtrc:uct$\ the \0\' we think
:l""' will. or plan fot them 10..{1! tle>tin: tlutthcvdo. e.mudyr.n
Je: <Onuf'll Ytt wt. ln thinXU'tg duE fhmg'> ihould be
'-' dut I fu)uld Ml l1.m: CQ ""Iter thiJ indigmr,-, .or dur ... lboo.ld
k ' 'll.) .11\d t;.err.unJ} Ml thM iUlLi tlm thl
;-'< I \OI!tl'lliO '""'"' }wfi lo:O(Ih
he .1 W".' rh.ll waH< ,h9uldtl'r lupflCil 6r " II
:;: l.:arr 'lllal.ct.. " _
m.-rrr fl'">\i'crl+l we .u'e en r>l' nhr
11 01
. - '\lid ht
. I . I - . - r. . ,
rvvn wlf im t \, of c:tur f)Wt h .1 ..__ rw!hm
bc:llllr II llllllnutims of )lit own inf .. llibilit}
I' :l,n arn>.!tn0e
gt'!l rh,., m w.ln Utl ,,,,. . I fltltf"!'l,+
- . .nn, t 1..\1 nuthin -
ftw .jml ,,;11 we urr ,,u hubjcct to th" i
r g-
" '" lrllpCI1n:lne1 L
11 &.-nuld JVAJi.h 'f k - . I.Ct:, luth J.
_ t'Pl In mend, rOuntL'1l'lJ
!('I I'IWotrJ
at t1 . _,
I -M;.i mp(lrun.:c. and h I
ro 11'111-n I10W 4:<, ftu rour 111 I me:. with ll\1' dh h P
' . MtiU, I C t;'lfl, Wlllt
M g,lJ ,
rht Cat,
L' 1 ""' lll\v
. _ - _. no ln,;IUps, of duk.kbil !
,j o)f\h V.f)\.1' I t.tkc .r hc.ln, tC. 31'1
ll.lrrtL'ULt, and Llv . , I h
,._ l
oll1b.:U !111( I llf ;.\fl: :iJo,yl! h
II. t,lt: ! f) inutmeraJ w. I ' h I Y\ t
' ::. ' r ,_, Juww r .n t llJ'-g unfn!d io
tlut (lflh h.wc \J....,'tlc
_ . h'l Ol.l.l .l.r.f:l.\11!$ ;u;d fear-
"''''" IIC;!IItlOY. tl ,th"ll't' turrn II!JI thot , ,,, _ ;
. ' il onL'l'tl \' .J. \\\'
Wlllllfr "I' pt.elm.p'; lut ...
.. tltu >!Oq;
tnd 8ln:unl o f fctlinJ:.,.-jl wuund ur "'!dtu:lng i.tlfl) II
un:m ;an:nch ,It''' wht::n mo!lt uecdt,,l r.;) k.c:c
, '"
, abuut
" \\'.- IUC In IIJ'IJIL <erunc:e 1 It b! the trdluf wmuuh, by
l?loll '' nunc: h'l' I he illu.;,oty pby >f the- <ensmv wd'rld nm drul)
pcn:en'l'1 o1mi >in<l by whkh we: iltr o inro:ll,, nt tuul i.Uwu:on, ll'oUnl<tbi'IBc; ot .fmmorulilr(lr
t1111llpn1t:O.:C on tJ\1.:. ;t:- sdf.
N .. d,)Hht 1ho<rr it. L111:.k 1nd luu l wmk non nu-nc- m.i;_t:th<:r, 1nuf rrr1.:n
dot. 111 .1 ,,,,h!t wd.:11 of multiple and m(l"itly
hf!Ot''o'j Jem I.JWJ th;U hjintlT rht hh <tlld fr\'l:d('lm o)f fbt jn,'JwilJunJ, o..ft.-
< ;t --'.'llt;t nf l.da.n.:c, liL.:thflft). in <11r j)i:t5Qnt11 life:
cor u\ti pruf, ... l'}r, il w the.
m<:omwh IIJol): wluu 1'n1ght h.:we happc:m.J hut dl.dn't, touJd
been bm waspl_
\'er .Wt 1 h{' li vmg, pu1s:ni:ng web h) whkh ull.(l;'
bdQ,lg, on. l n :1 vtr)' bBCbel> 11m just a \\';)'fM tbtt to p..t>S rllmlKd\'C!o i11 v:1rihU oombit1.1tions th:t enNI'tl
.orvl\uluntJcr VVt: tkinN we--ate in cb.rge. hut au.r
h:LV<:. If rheir 11\\'tl. And wo: _. rdativdy btief life,
than a, imme;amrably ltmgtr. W;,; o..'Ould 11c "" 11)et-ely l b}'"
rMiuct ul 'lwir f(IJtiJlil\g_ il!hOut Il l the RkhuRI poguunf
tt ITU rhi J-lt'l'l51<to..II\'C iA- 1 h.e gr-ne. T:lllot .abon! .!Jnptine'i,;J
0 ,/PfA ,(ar}:. TINy !rttl)
'f}Jr tlltnsttllnr f_}m:S.tJ;.t twwm '"IO tltr w.,mf,
'lttr.ha!ll.f, !JatJhn, f/'''"rnl...,n (;/ l.tiNrJ,
fA_ gtntO'"fJHI r/ .trl, tiJr Jt.ltf;mm JJts.ltk rul.:n,
Dlltlll$''is/uol civil .'f"l ;mtt, c_t mttn.Y (JJt.'!l'l'fl/ltCI,
f"Jmllilfl krds und fHI) '(J'IIlroU11fl\0 olll $JJ mi.? tl;t";/,
fitt;/1,11-t: orllpwltb iArm ...
T S, F..LtOT, .. Eo1St Cokt:1, Qmtuu
\U the promlQ(nt 1cicntistll of:o.m CMI.W:r J,lltntntibon who 1u
tllJ.!ling ,noJ.eC!Jlat-bic:ol<>g) when 1 was a 'J(>n tOOilgh tht1
l,utttho work long i.nto th\Oir'si:\'Cntlcs lh4}'Khot loon tQ
.:, tung ot dead, Their often lntm.iln_gl) .aoop_y-
nro':I!Jr 11t(;,lr hacd-wvn knowledge gaintd over., li{etim.t"S fol
lowmg pf scienri$N ;:uKI"$C1t:nce I !}elf Md er.Mdtd t1ic: pbtFnrm
for wiM uniQ](Iing m Libol'm,ric.1 oow. Mr ttildll!t, \VOuld he-
'f!Ced .tl which nc:w undel'fW'Idings .ue emerging, tht lt\tl of :unom.1
1.100 in tT. lJMnitllllatil.'ln of and Mttindv on G'"r:i.'
&ay 1 Ub; around the. wnr\d. And they aright <.:t1t,g(' nnd hud, l
WlltJid .1t 1 er)litll dilcmmas i.o.hett!lt m wbeln.g abk
:> sbupc: life in ways that wert J')t\' 1!1" pOs-sible Wfott:, by tha:
11\' unh..olli! .,thl)
llPiiC.d p.rgCt:t'encewrntl c:spenul:ly t host: t h3l f'llm:liu
t he -.eru.t:
:!bl!: but nlorc ul rhc uf drocclyfitlul& oni/ 'fpmg Jn mmd the flcel
n:uwe o( life :l.lld of all our 'And ln uhuna.tcly
Witlurt sw:b l..C()Mdin1t.: S)";t<:m, on:: l:l>llld ;he11
fu!Jy; co o:tnl!d It, tO ihe (he rorntlo.izcfd
t'rt!tll.ltncly u11 tbro'Ugh $mall"'lllindcd ambi.timli
md ti:.ltl!l 11nd thc:re:by numbs. us tu the bcamr {U\t! tb.e mf$tt:rr.of life (eve11
n l>iulvgi;;cs> .Lnd prC\'C:.Qts-1.1!> rrom lqolclng most into the: doep
ut things, qursdx(;l; (<C:\'i!n 'o1S.-scie.ml1!t!i). .ill ibc
-and the srocitiwc lt;.ll ourselves.
Of [can'; remc11\hrr Y<rbatim what l ltur 1he SJM went
like lh!l.
N fi>1 11<Yt dring wht<:n vou die. l to me it-meant dut 1f vou
lt"Jd :'1 )'OU at'<: o\JiVC:,':l.l\d ObiC.h'C l.i\<': .e6rt'ri!)U3!LV ielf
"lflUnl\'tJng witbo11 getting vp it\ it, then.: .. u It
I' 1
1l!IIF<In 1h-.u thtll <>"".rwltelml(l_g)y dominant "Self W' i l.!pl:tU"IItc
ltd fun.d,lm<:tltaUy empty <:01\litruct, aruL spellkmg, {hc::-c IK" no
lUll II) d1c. Whar Bts when nlu o;i>mcpt of'! 'f'<'"'
o;ul, yl, you Kl111r.e 1 huf, there h 11(1 at -llll}'
hlriC:-{!);c.cptlls- n !huught 10 rh1, nund. It\) nne to cidu:r. 'Thill j, 111Jr
lite Btt.d.Jh.l of liDt'-mnon :M. "th..:
_hlhl h.c\in+! :1 philuS.Ophii:ti.l o,_Of'l\'CN3Don <)f rhis kiAII i11 thc-o:mtomt t>f u
1 httitJ drfctht lh Ot:putumllf lit MIT wo.11 l ughly unml'ill Ti ll!
"' f'Ol!IIWI.r, w}lu ,Ji,f mo11t uf !lito tnl.IUnp:. inrdtSttd AI uiJ 4r .... 1
1alk abouru w" 1n tlur thc:r Wt"l'\'.. ;lt. m.r il' I krr..,'.
.anJ I knn., ,,IJ,,; rhtm l.i,,r mll. ll r--1 r(ln; ..
.i"llr ' uw I
nmh111e.d u to clle tit;:r dur -tiler vwre ;1g<! whc:n 1hcy h.ul pffllubl)' :d-
n-..01 dunr 1lw lioJl'\ ,,luu .,j .wh:itr going. tt) to d;e
'l'"l'i thruutoh their ,.oc:nn:li.: \\:1r}:, ;u .1 th.&l lht:>' wttc: bl!l..:lfllinc; ramt
< l c , ., . tcrim
i1W.Itc: ,,, rhc:1r '1\\'n and ltltt1lll!IJ
qo11tn' mv .. , In ! t,l\ "
m f97LMorethM ):W.l'l> llltet.Stl\'a
1-,m now t11:1n..:An}' of II.T tt;,.c tilT.. tr..ere was. dkJ! '1f-
Pt>tween S;tl\':t Md me, bu1 (Jlsr- reb.ric1"1ihlp bad .;, $t >pc itth'!t/
to it,dl)sed lu::wily
tbc life I t'akil'!g. 'rhe aut,. \'lllll,l dr!lw hin
J of rh-: :an<J f(lt perfoctiy undcrsandlbJe r.:11son;.,
llb<:l ami who 1 wn.$_. Bo,tt ft3d idH,tft
(I uktd hhn ''" tt4l'ldgi-R n'll.'
hi1 udvia.ooe fin hc\W tu if!lJ)r<)vc it, il of rtlJChing (t\lt to h1m) and uln
mn:t>, .,iter he c.m.;cr, he: me-.if 1 \\'OOIJJt' "'tunc by
iMrh him l1 1cit lt(l'l,v to mMitare. Wr- had a fews:es!>illru tQgc.tbc:t!..h6mt
(b:. tim'!:!, "'e- Ur.:Wal.l}li\ed a. few bloclc: aWU)' tfom t' other) m tbt:
iWrlx>IOn,t he died, f.1.r 'aS I ktl.Ow, Ji wnt. aomthingthat he reAih
,v-un\1..'11 mfl1ir.ivcly gragptd. T wou.ld uop b)' :>. Uln(: (m 11l)
W) hQmv flom W1'"k to ull( with hitu ;and 1illt! he WWi do\ng. Uy
ti111t. riK'n:. \'l':lfo nnly $\\'t-e.tllt:$$ betwe-en Uli
h f-luny ).: t:M\1 lOr me m that I w;,,
t:lll'l,)using "-'tmc<:pts
[he nmc: ol the. dicsh d.dcnsc, thOIJ,!-th
wbtn I Will;' \V'<Jii' grounded iu pco:tc.tice +u1.J in nw tUJ..Ciat
wu! llndet,t,11lJ,
g, "rht.y nitc o.:ono.:c:
ju, hc,pl u.l c:\'ln