What Is Organized Crime-Introduction

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What is organized crime?
Federico Varese 1

What are we to understand by organized crime (henceforth OC)? This is the question that an introduction to a four-volume collection of papers and book chapters on the subject must attempt to answer. The concept has a chequered history: over the past hundred years, it has been used to refer to diverse phenomena often with overtly political and partisan intentions, leaving readers unsure as to what it means. New constructs have emerged vying for attention, stealing some of its attributes and indirectly suggesting that the old one is obsolete. Thus, OC has fallen into disrepute among a number of scholars. American criminologist Dwight C. Smith as early as 1971 suggested that it is a concept so overburdened with stereotyped imagery that it cannot meet the basic requirements of a denition it does not include all the phenomena that are relevant; it does not exclude all the phenomena that are not relevant.2 The aspiration of these remarks is to outline the evolution of the concept over the past century and sketch a viable denition of OC that does not overlap with other constructs such as illegal (or illicit) enterprise and criminal network, and that is capable of generating hypotheses and empirical predictions. The Introduction is organized as follows. Section 1 charts the evolution of the denition of OC over the past 100 hundred years drawing upon the content analysis of 115 denitions used in the period 19152009 in a variety of academic and ofcial documents. It focuses on two aspects of OC denitions, namely structure and activities. Section 2 offers some critical remarks on selected aspects of the evolution of the concept. Section 3 suggests a tentative denition of OC. Section 4 concludes by presenting the papers collected in this anthology.

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1. Content analysis of 115 denitions of organized crime

How has OC been dened in the past hundred years? The rst systematic content analysis of denitions was conducted by Hagan in a paper published 1


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in 1983. The 13 denitions under analysis originated from American sources in the period 19691981, all but one from academic writers. The picture that emerges from Hagans review is one of consensus and convergence on a coherent designation, namely that OC involves the pursuit of prot through illegal activities by an organized hierarchy that shows continuity over time (11 out of 13 denitions). Among the means discussed, the use of violence (n = 10) and corruption (n = 10) are the most recurrent. The study is based on a very small sample of denitions and is now in need of an update. Also, the categories chosen by Hagan collapse diverse dimensions and give the misleading impression that scholars agree on a basic set of elements. For instance, one item coded by Hagan is organized continuing hierarchy which covers most authors in the sample. However, such a construct is too wide, combining authors who thought that OC should be understood as a monolithic and highly regulated rational bureaucracy with those who referred to OC as an entity that displays only some signs of continuity. In order to update and extend Hagans review, I have conducted a content analysis of 115 denitions of OC used from 1915 to 2009. The main source is the list compiled by Klaus von Lampe and freely available on the web (http://www.organized-crime.de/OCDEF1.htm). I have supplemented it with denitions contained in Maltz (1976) and Hagan (1983). The data set includes authors from 23 different countries, although the overwhelming majority are American. Forty-one per cent of denitions originate from ofcial documents, such as statutes, laws and government reports, while 4.3 per cent are contained in legal or social science dictionaries. Popular sources are excluded. The data are biased towards criminology and criminal justice sources, while other disciplines such as history, politics, sociology and economics are hardly present, thus the analysis below should be considered as charting the evolution of the concept mainly among criminologists, criminal justice practitioners and in ofcial documents, including some statutes (see Tables A1 and A2 in the Appendix for some descriptive statistics of the data set).3 For the purpose of this preliminary analysis, I have used a bottom-up coding strategy. Namely, I rst read all the denitions and listed the key words and concepts that appeared. I then re-read and coded all denitions using the list I had devised. A few of the dimensions I use were present in the original Hagan review, such as violence, corruption and monopoly, but most of my coding categories are new and derived from the texts (see Appendix for the complete list). Since the data set contains publication dates, I grouped the denitions by decades, in order to obtain a chronological picture of the evolution of the concept. The reader should note that the number of denitions produced in the rst two time-periods (before 1950, and 19501959) is limited (three and four, respectively). Drawing on these results, I discuss below issues related to the structure, and then to the activities of OC.


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1.1. Structure In this section, I review how authors have characterized the structure of OC over the years. I will focus upon a selected number of features, namely specialization, hierarchy, illegal enterprise and La Cosa Nostra. Figure 1 summarizes the trend over time. In order to interpret Figure 1 accurately, the reader should note that the lines have been smoothed by the software I have used (Microsoft Excel). The underlining data matrix includes only one data point for each decade. Specialization Starting in the mid-1850s, the expression organized crime is used in the USA to refer to phenomena ranging from plumbers conspiring to raise prices in New York City,4 through a lynching mob in Barnwell, Southern Carolina, operating with the tacit support of the local authorities,5 revolutionary fervour in 1840s Europe6 and the Camorra in Naples,7 to the collusion between city ofcials and brothel owners in Manhattan.8 It is not until the twentieth century that references to the internal structure of a criminal group begin to emerge.9 For instance, a Report of the Chicago City Council Committee on Crime dating from 1915 maintains that an organized crime group has its own language; it has its own laws; its own history; its tradition and customs; its own method and techniques; its highly specialized machinery for attacks upon persons and property; its own highly specialized modes of defence.10 In the decade up to 1949, one out of three denitions in the data set mentions specialization, as does one out of four in the subsequent decade.


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Figure 1 Structure-related keywords in denitions of organized crime, 19152010.

Sources: Maltz 1976, Hagan 1983 and Von Lampe, http://www.organized-crime.de/OCDEF1.htm, accessed 29 September 2009.


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Hierarchy From the 1920s to the 1940s, the concept of OC virtually disappeared from public debate,11 and the term racketeering was used more widely.12 The 1950s saw a return of favour for the expression organized crime thanks to the 1950 Senate Committee chaired by Estes Kefauver, whose televised hearings of criminal gures being questioned on gambling, narcotics and corruption made Taking the Fifth part of the American vernacular.13 By this time, hierarchy had entered academic and ofcial denitions of the phenomena: in the 1950s, one out of four denitions mention hierarchy explicitly. This value grows in the 1960s to ve out of eleven denitions (45.5 per cent). Donald Cressey, a consultant on the 1967 US Presidents Commission on Organized Crime,14 was the academic champion of the view that OC was hierarchically structured. For this American criminologist, OC was an organization rationally designed to maximize prots by performing illegal services and providing goods that were demanded by society. In a 1967 paper included in this collection, he writes: The organized criminal, by denition, occupies a position in a social system, an organization, which has been rationally designed to maximize prots by performing illegal services and providing legally forbidden products demanded by members of the broader society in which he lives.15 Cressey maintained that, as legitimate rms grow in size and complexity, so do criminal groups: in order to cut costs, pool capital, coordinate corruption of law enforcement and ultimately gain territorial or product monopolies, roles in illegal organizations grow in number and complexity.16 Cosa Nostra stands at the pinnacle of such a continuum of rational development towards a complex hierarchy: it has codied internal roles such as Enforcer, Corrupter, Corruptee and, above each family, stands a Commission that oversees, plans and coordinates the activities of all subgroups across different cities and possibly abroad.17 La Cosa Nostra/Italian American Maa Cresseys depiction of OC was intimately linked to the efforts of some American investigative agencies and the Johnson Administration (19631969) to prove the existence of an organization variously called the Maa, La Cosa Nostra or the syndicate .18 Indeed, Cressey makes it clear that his work is in great part aimed at generating social alarm.19 American congressional authorities started to focus on Italian gangsters in the 1950s at the time of the Kefauver Committee (195051), which stated that a sinister criminal organization known as the Maa operates in the US.20 The


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November 1957 conclave of Italian mobsters at Joseph Barbaras house in Apalachin, New York gave further support to the view that a foreign (Italian) nationwide conspiracy was controlling illegal activities in most American cities.21 When Joe Valachi, a soldier in the Genovese crime family, gave his televised testimony to the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the US Senate Committee on Government Operations (best known as the McClellan Committee) in 1963, many were convinced of the existence of a national organization able to take decisions, to supervise and ensure a high degree of compliancy among its members, and to survive changes in leadership. The Maa was a far cry from a transient and unstructured urban gang.22 By 1963, the FBI had reversed its earlier position of scepticism on the existence of La Cosa Nostra and had started to collect (between 1961 and 1967) material comprising more than 300 volumes of electronic intercepts, only a small portion of which has ever been made public.23 This material supposedly conrmed Valachis testimony.24 In this period, academics such as Cressey and ofcial reports alike used the expression OC as synonymous with the Italian American Maa. For instance, W. J. Duffy writes: organized crime is a combination of two factors: (1) lucrative income producing criminal activities [. . .] (2) a criminal organization variously known as the Maa, the Outt, Cosa Nostra or Crime Syndicate.25 This trend is reected in the data set, as shown in Figure 1. In the 1960s, 27.3 per cent of the entries dene OC as the Italian American Maa or La Cosa Nostra (20 per cent in the 1970s).


Cressey converted to the the view of OC as a nationwide conspiracy formed by Italians when faced with the evidence presented to him while serving on the 1967 Presidents Committee.26 Yet his book, Theft of a Nation (1969), failed to convince his colleagues. Starting with Hawkins in 1969, the view of OC as a monolithic entity, perfectly rational and organized along military lines by Italians, came under sustained and relentless academic criticism.27 Possibly the most inuential of such critics is Dwight C. Smith, author of The Maa Mystique (1975) and the paper Paragons, Pariahs and Pirates included in this collection (1980). Smith tries to direct the debate on OC away from an emphasis on conspiracy and ethnicity, and argues for a view of OC as a business activity. Criminals are not a class apart, but rather entrepreneurs who operate under conditions of illegality.28 Smith, like Cressey, acknowledges the importance of ethnic ties in reducing uncertainty and increasing trust in the underworld.29 He also accepts that a connection between production of goods and services and the establishment of territorial monopolies might exist.30 Yet, Smith departs from Cressey in highlighting that illegal entrepreneurs operate in an environment characterized by uncertainty, where regulation to ensure order and protect property rights is absent.31 Rational organization and predictable rules in the underworld were a gment of the ofcial imagination. 5

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From the mid-1980s, in a series of ground-breaking and highly inuential papers and books, Peter Reuter further undermined the view that criminal groups are large enterprises that exercise control over illegal markets.32 Rather, markets such as numbers (a form of illegal lottery), loan-sharking and bookmaking in New York City are populated by numerous, relatively small and often ephemeral enterprises that are in competition with each other.33 Illegality is the main variable that prevents an OC group from growing. In order to reduce the threat of being arrested, individuals who run illegal businesses tend to reduce the amount of information available to employees and customers. As information does not spread, it is harder to reap the benets of division of labour and economies of scale in areas such as reputationbuilding. Reuter adds that opportunities for vertical integration are limited in the underworld. Internalizing a function implies higher risks of arrest and seizure of assets and higher costs of managing an expanding and more diverse workforce. The latter costs, in particular, are likely to escalate rapidly. In fact, it is very difcult to monitor the performance of employees who, given the illegal nature of the business, also need to work in covert settings and minimize the production of written documents that can become proof of their illegal activity. Thus, illegal enterprises are likely to have lower capitalization, fewer personnel and less formal management than comparable legal enterprises.34 Illegality also (by denition) means that contracts are not enforceable in courts, thus making transactions less predictable.35 It follows that such small enterprises cannot hope to control sizeable sectors of illegal markets: if they tried, they would have to collect a signicant amount of information on their competitor, enhance their reputation and use violence to prevent market entrants. Any such actions could attract the attention of law enforcement and lead to arrest.36 The historian of organized crime in Chicago, Mark Haller, endorses Reuters analysis and extends it back in time and beyond New York City. Hallers point of departure in a paper titled Illegal Enterprise (1990) included in this collection is that Italian American groups were far from able to control most illegal markets, and in any case they emerged after illegal enterprises had already shaped American cities.37 When it comes to discussing internal structure, Haller outlines the existence of business partnerships and cooperation among illegal entrepreneurs (often aided by corrupt police ofcers) who remained independent illegal operators, rather than joining a single (or few) structured, hierarchical organizations. Partnerships allowed several entrepreneurs to pool resources, provide local management and share risks in a single enterprise.38 While these scholarly efforts were underway, a major piece of legislation, the Racketeer Inuenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (1970), introduced the concept of enterprise. According to this Act widely known as RICO an individual who belongs to an enterprise that has committed any two of 35 crimes within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering.39


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The combined efforts of scholars like Smith, Reuter, Haller and RICO paid off: references to enterprise start to appear in the denitions in the 1970s and continue to grow decade after decade (Figure 1). We should also note that references to Cosa Nostra decline in the 1970s and disappear in the subsequent decades (Figure 1).40 Indeed, during the 1970s and 1980s, hierarchy also declines signicantly (it is present in, respectively, 6.7 per cent and 7.7 per cent of the denitions), but it returns in the 1990s and 2000s, these latter results being driven to an extent by characteristics of European denitions. Networks and harm Recent developments include the emergence of concepts such as networks and harm. Although they belong to different analytical levels (the former refers to structure, while the latter to the consequences of OC), we shall briey review them together. Since the 1970s, there has been an exponential growth of sociology publications that contain social network in the abstract or title, as documented quantitatively by Borgatti and Foster.41 Such a growth has also been felt in the eld of OC research since at least the 1990s.42 Network has even entered a (still limited) number of denitions of OC, namely 3.4 per cent in the 1990s, and 5.2 per cent in the 2000s (Figure 2). For instance, McIllwain reframes some classical denitional issues such as the provision of illicit goods and services with references to network structures: Human relationships form the least common denominator of organized crime. The actors composing these relationships engage in the process of social networking for the provision of illicit goods and services. They also protect, regulate and extort those engaged in the provision or consumption of these goods and services.43


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Figure 2 Networks and harm in denitions of organized crime, 19802010.

Source: Von Lampe, http://www.organized-crime.de/OCDEF1.htm, accessed 29 September 2009.


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Some criminologists have gone beyond advocating the use of network data for the study of OC organizations and proposed a more general criminal network perspective for the understanding of organized crime. A proponent of such a perspective, Carlo Morselli, writes that a network is a selforganizing structure that is driven by the emergent behaviour of its parts.44 The network perspective is able to capture a exible order, structural arrangements that are lighter on their feet than slow moving hierarchies and quick to adjust to changing situations and opportunities.45 Such a framework can account for organizational systems ranging from simple co-offending to attempts at monopolizing markets or territories, from one-time partnerships to membership in quasi-structured organizations, from ties based on family, to those based on friendship, background afnities, resource-sharing and so on. Criminal opportunities are generated and collaboration to seize such opportunities occurs within networks. Although analytically distinct, we also observe a rise in references to the harmful consequences of OC (Figure 2, 13.8 per cent and 10.5 per cent respectively). Rather than trying to specify what OC is, several authors dene OC by the harm that it causes. The rise of references to harm is likely to be related to the emphasis on harm reduction in other realms of the criminal justice system, such as drug use, prostitution and the publics protection against violent and sexual offenders.46 In conclusion, Figures 1 and 2 suggest a trend towards a higher level of generality within denitions of OC. From the 1950s, OC was depicted narrowly as a highly structured entity, often a synonym for a single crime group, the Italian American Maa. As this perspective came under sustained criticism in the 1970s, a more general term, enterprise, came to be preferred by many scholars of the phenomenon. From the 1990s, an even more general term appears in the von Lampe data set, namely network. As OC is being dened more broadly, it loses specicity, paradoxically leaving it more open to political interpretations, or with analysis of specics being subsumed by practical concerns such as its harmful effects. The OC label can now be applied to any criminal activity deemed harmful or serious.


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1.2. Activities We now turn to a review of what OC does, as it emerges in the denitions analysed. Figure 3 summarizes some key words monopoly, the provision of illegal goods and services, illegal activities and predation used by authors describing the activities of OC. Monopoly Monopoly has the highest percentage of entries in the 1950s (2 out of 4). References to monopoly continue in the subsequent decade (3 out of 8; 8


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Figure 3 Activity-related keywords in denitions of organized crime, 19152010.

Sources: Maltz 1976, Hagan 1983 and Von Lampe, http://www.organized-crime.de/OCDEF1.htm, accessed 29 September 2009.

27.3 per cent). An advocate of such a view is Thomas C. Schelling, who served together with Cressey on the 1967 US Presidents Commission on Organized Crime and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2005. In his two papers on OC (1967 and 1971, both included in this collection), the American economist introduces a crucial distinction between producers of illicit goods and services, and organized crime. The former category includes the bookmaker, the loan-shark and the brothel keeper. As for the latter, he writes: Evidently [by OC] we do not merely mean crime that is organized . . . The characteristic [of OC] is exclusivity or, to use a more focused term, monopoly. From all accounts, organized crime does not just extend itself broadly, but brooks no competition. It seeks not only inuence, but exclusive inuence. In the overworld its counterpart would be not just organized business, but monopoly.47 Some businesses, continues Schelling, lend themselves more to monopolization than others. For instance, bars provide a focus for would-be monopolists, since they are xed establishments, while marijuana distribution may be moved around more easily.48 Certain structural features, such as technology, the market, consumer demand and personnel requirements, may well help predict which markets are more likely to become monopolized than others. Once a monopoly is in place, it breeds violence: large-scale monopolistic entities cannot allow competition any more than a tax authority can. Schelling differs from Cressey in one crucial respect. For Cressey, ordinary criminals are wholly predatory, while organized criminals offer a service to society. Schelling reverses this perspective, arguing that it is OC that is wholly predatory. Monopolization does not bring any benet to the criminal entrepreneur: The interpretation that I want to suggest is that 9

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organized crime does indeed have a victim. The victim is the bookmaker the man who sells illicit services to the public. And the crime of which he is the victim is the crime of extortion. He pays to stay in business. For the future Nobel Prize winner, OC operated like a taxing authority but provided no benet to its victims.49 The provision of illegal goods and services The view that OC is involved in attempts to monopolize markets or territories coexists in the 1960s with another characterization, namely that the essence of OC is to provide illegal goods and services (Figure 3). For instance, the Task Force on Organized Crime of the 1967 Presidents Commission asserted in its rst page, the core of organized crime activity is the supplying of illegal goods and services gambling, loan sharking, narcotics, and other forms of vice to countless numbers of citizen customers.50 Cressey follows suit by arguing that organized criminals offer a service to a segment of society. If La Cosa Nostra were suddenly abolished, it would be sorely missed because it performs services for which there is a great public demand.51 A link between the ofcial consensus that the Italian American Maa dominates OC in the US and is involved in supplying the public with goods and services is conrmed empirically by a correlation analysis among the seven items, which shows that Cosa Nostra and the provision of illegal activities are strongly related, with a 0.910 coefcient (signicant at 0.004).


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Illegal activities

In parallel with the rise in enterprise discussed above, the 1970s see a growth in authors who favour references to illegal activities as the core activities of OC and a decline of the monopoly view (enterprise and illegal activities have a 0.720 correlation coefcient).52 An example is the following denition by the British Home Ofce from the early 1990s, which combines references to enterprise and illegal activities (note also the mention of transnational activities): Organised crime constitutes any enterprise, or group of persons, engaged in continuing illegal activities which has as its primary purpose the generation of prots, irrespective of national boundaries.53 Schellings contention that monopolization amounts to extortion almost failed to be picked up,54 as illustrated by the predation variable in Figure 3. The results of the analysis above mirror those referring to structure. Over the century, authors have moved away from mentioning specic behaviour patterns, such as attempts to monopolize markets and supply illicit goods and services, in favour of the more general term illegal activities. Notably, hardly any author mentions predation logically, predation is a subset of illegal activities as a feature of OC. 10


g e n e ra l i n t ro d u c t i o n 2. A critical and selective view of OC perspectives

How are we to evaluate the trajectory of the denitions of OC in the past century? Below I touch upon only a few selected issues, namely Cresseys model and the rise of the concepts of enterprise and networks. In many academic reviews, Cressey comes across as the main foe of OC studies. He is criticized for his over-reliance on the Valachi testimony, his emphasis on ethnicity, and more generally for his description of the structure of OC.55 As for the rst charge, he should be given a suspended sentence. The American criminologist acknowledged that Valachis testimony was at times contradictory.56 Moreover, he noted that the statements contained in the testimony were often the product of interactions whereby senators interrupted the witness, typically failing to return to issues that the mobster had raised.57 Recent evaluation of Valachis testimony suggests that in many parts it is consistent with other sources. Historian David Critchley has concluded that Valachi gave valuable intelligence to US law enforcement. Critics were incorrect to assert that Valachis public evidence was not corroborated on any essential point. Nor was Valachis testimony noticeably marred by any coaching he allegedly received from his FBI handlers.58 Surely, Valachis recollections were partial and, as Maa boss Joseph Bonanno claimed, he did not see the entire picture. Yet, his evidence was substantiated by the later memoirs of Nick Gentile and Bonanno himself.59 Overall, the description of Cosa Nostra as a set of hierarchically structured crime groups of Italian-American extraction coordinated by a Commission has been conrmed.60 Yet, Cresseys work fails to stand the test of time for at least two reasons. His prediction that criminal groups will continue to grow in size and complexity into a Weberian ideal-type rational bureaucracy failed to acknowledge that, as with any other organization, an OC group is based on a set of agency relationships. Any organization faces problems of asymmetric information, imperfect monitoring and opportunistic behaviour, although such problems are pervasive in the underworld. Political and economic institutions in the overworld arise to alleviate agency problems: committees monitoring the behaviour of members of parliament, legal machinery to enforce civil and property rights, and so on. In the overworld, long, multi-stage chains of agency relationships have developed to mitigate agency problems. But the longer the chain, the harder it is to monitor agents. On the contrary, the shorter the agency chain, the easier to solve the governance problem.61 Agency problems are the most acute in the underworld. Thus one would expect that OC groups are localized, relatively small and unable to control members perfectly. Subsequent historical research has in fact ascertained that, contrary to Cresseys assertion, Italian American Maa families are localized, the boss of bosses has not absolute control over Maa members and the Italian hegemony over OC in the US has always been limited.62


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Secondly, Cressey failed to distinguish the loan shark, the brothel keeper, the prostitute and the abortionist from those who aspire to govern transactions in the underworld by providing services of dispute settlement, cartel enforcement and more generally governance of illegal transactions. Ultimately, Cressey assumed that vertical integration of functions was an inexorable trend of rms, legal and criminal alike. Indeed, he even predicted that Cosa Nostra would gradually shift from a rank-oriented to a taskoriented enterprise. Such a prediction also was predicated on the assumption that the organization was able to integrate more and more tasks and to ensure signicant coordination among its different branches. He failed to see that gaining and maintaining control over such a large entity was far from likely.63 The enterprise perspective championed by authors such as Smith, Reuter and Haller crucially highlighted the agency problems that obtain in criminal organizations, drawing upon advances in industrial economics, and in particular the work of Oliver E. Williamson on transaction-cost economics. Yet these authors are not unanimous on the extent to which an economy exists beyond the individual rms. For instance, Reuters dissection of the organization of illegal markets suggests that external capital markets are virtually impossible to develop: growth he writes must be internally nanced out of prot.64 Hallers example of the Colonial Inn criminal partnership suggests instead that in certain cases external capital was available as well as mechanisms to reduce risk. The Colonial Inn was an illegal casino that opened in 1945 in Florida. A variety of entrepreneurs joined forces to establish such an enterprise: Mayer Lansky arranged for political protection; Frank Ericson, Frank Costello, Vincent Alo and Joe Adonis provided starting capital; while Mert Werthmeimer was appointed as the manager.65 The appointed manager of the Colonial Inn, Mr Werthmeimer, had agreed to cover 50 per cent of any losses that might occur. In order to ensure himself against such risk, Werthmeimer approached Jack Guzik (a partner of Tony Accardo, the boss of the Chicago Outt) for insurance against nancial losses, offering him 50 per cent of his prots in exchange for covering 50 per cent of his potential losses. Guzick agreed and both beneted from the high earnings of the Casino.66 Thus, it transpires that a rudimentary capital market and ways to insure against risk did exist, and Italian organized crime was able to make criminal markets operate smoothly. Most crucially, the enterprise perspective in the 1970s and 1980s did not emphasize the distinction between producers of goods and services, and providers of services of dispute settlement and protection in criminal markets. Such a distinction would prove to be crucial in distinguishing groups that are likely to engage in violence to control territories and markets, and groups that are happy to compete on the open market. The network perspective draws attention to a fundamental tool for the study of human societies, social network analysis (SNA). Three papers included in this collection use this technique Sparrow (1991), Morselli (2003)


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and Morselli and Petit (2007).67 SNA is a methodology for coding and analysing a special type of data. Such data have a peculiar structure: actors are located both on the rows and the columns of a data matrix, while standard representations of data in a matrix list cases on the rows and variables on columns. Network data thus capture an essential feature of social interaction, namely the interdependence of actors in the social world.68 SNA is particularly apt at representing the informality of relations within OC groups. To the extent that a particular group has some formal roles such as boss, underboss and soldier SNA is able to describe and model the informal patterns among members and how they evolve over time. The position of a soldier strategically placed near the Boss in the informal pattern of ties can help predict future interactions and conict above and beyond formal titles. Ultimately SNA is a technique of data analysis and any organization can be thought of as a network-based social system. For SNA, hierarchies too are networks. Whether an organization is slow-moving or quick on its feet is an empirical question rather than a theoretical premise or assumption. The network perspective of OC remains at a high level of of generality, subsuming almost any form of co-offending, ranging from car thieves to structured groups that aspire to control territories and markets. In order to generate hypotheses, the perspective is in need of identifying a more specic object of study. One route it could take is to focus on the problem of enforcing deals and promises among criminals (a central theme in the study of OC) in the absence of third-party enforcers. Many contributions in applied game theory, experimental economics, anthropology and economic history since at least the 1970s have shown that appropriate punishments can be inicted so as to reduce future payoffs of any defector (and transmitting information on such defectors) in bilateral continuing relationships and within the context of small groups.69 Punishment takes the form of refusing future interaction. A minimum of collective action is then required to ensure that information on cheats ows to others in the group. Throughout the economic history of several countries some clever informal systems of governance have emerged before the rise of national states and have extended quite beyond extremely small groups to people who did not know each other. Greifs (1993) fascinating study of Maghribi traders system of communication and collective punishment is such an example, as is Greif, Milgrom and Weingasts (1994) exploration of how groups of traders (guilds) in late medieval Europe created a system of informal judges able to record accurately and reliably traders past history so that they could punish cheaters by refusing to trade with them in the future. If the network perspective were to focus on the conditions under which we could expect such informal systems of punishment to emerge and collapse, it would make a signicant addition to the study of OC.70 SNA (the data technique) would not be mandatory to study these arrangements. Ultimately, the enterprise and the network perspectives conceptualize OC too broadly. In section 3 below I will argue for a narrower denition. I will


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also introduce a distinction between OC and Maa, and will dene the latter analytically, rather than just in reference to a specic criminal organization such as Cosa Nostra, and argue that OC and Maa belong to the same genus of states and insurgencies.


3. OC and Maa as forms of governance

I propose to consider the phenomenon of OC as part of a broader category, namely that of governance. The concept of governance has been used widely in business studies, economics, politics and sociology since the 1980s.71 As any other concept, it has been deployed to refer to a variety of objects. Two applications, however, have been given an analytical denition, namely corporate governance and economic governance. The former refers to the way a corporation is managed internally and the way it deals with its shareholders and the outside world. In the formulation of Oliver E. Williamson, the latter refers to the study of good order and workable arrangements.72 Broadly speaking, economic governance is the set of rules and norms that regulate exchange.73 Although corporate governance and economic governance are connected,74 I will concentrate on economic governance (henceforth, governance). Ordering of exchange may emerge spontaneously, through repeated interaction, or be supplied by an institution. As for other social arrangements, there is also a dark side to governance. Property rights can be protected for some at the expense of others, resources can be mobilized in order to secure benets for a select few, even at the expense of overall long-term economic efciency.75 Thus, the study of governance should include also less-than-good arrangements.76 A focus on governance should also help us dispense with the articial dichotomy between the economic and political nature of OC,77 while retaining the crucial distinction between producers of goods and services, and suppliers of forms of regulation, protection and governance. Below, I will discuss OC and the Maa as forms of governance while making some reference to the state and insurgent groups. Each section below starts with what I consider a viable denition of OC and Maa respectively.

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Organized crime Denition: an organized crime group (OCG) attempts to regulate and control the production and distribution of a given commodity or service unlawfully. As stated by Schelling, burglars may be in the underworld but do not seek to govern it.78 Such an aspiration requires investments in a special set of resources, which are not necessarily available to illegal entrepreneurs. The most crucial such resource is violence. The group is bound to clash with others who also wish to engage in the sale and distribution of the commodity the group wants to regulate. Thus an OCG must be stronger than the individuals who operate in its area of inuence. Only those who possess force 14


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can guarantee that their decisions will be respected and their punishments executed.79 Information is also a crucial resource, as the group needs to know who deals in what in a given market, in order to prevent them from doing so.80 The above characterization does not imply any particular organizational structure. However, for OC to be effective, one would expect the presence of a rudimentary structure, a system for issuing orders, and someone who benets from such governance and some continuity over time all features that have been mentioned over the past century as being part of OC.81 Empirically, we could take gang wars and truces, and market sharing arrangements, as suggesting the presence of OC. The humorous Exemplary Story by Miguel de Cervantes Rinconete and Cortadillo ([1613]1998), included in this collection, points to the existence of what we mean by OC. When two delinquents, a cardsharper and a pickpocket, start to practise their trade in the city of Seville, they soon discover that an underworld syndicate controls crime in the city. Rather than being a free trade, as Cortado expected, stealing is regulated by a society headed by crime boss Monipodio, who acts like a father and a leader and along the way ensures protection against the ofcers who deal with vagrants, confers upon the two men a new name, and tells them when and where they can carry out their trade.82 Severe penalties are in place for those who break the rules of the syndicate. In a light-hearted manner, this short story suggests that attempts at controlling crime are not new. For an in-depth and analytical exploration of an instance of an OCG one can turn to the case explored in the paper by Levitt and Venkatesh (2000) included in this collection. The group, defunct at the time of their writing, had been located in an inner-city neighbourhood of a large, industrial American city.83 The structure of drug selling in the city was rather elaborate. The top level included four to six individuals responsible for the long-term strategy of the organization and for maintaining ties to suppliers and afliates in other regions. Other individuals at the top were responsible for collecting dues, overseeing recruitment and serving as a liaison to the community. The next level down included local gang leaders with a specic territorial responsibility for one gang, and this is the level for which the authors have data. Gang leaders paid a fee to the superior level and were the residual claimant on the prots. At this level, the gang had some formal roles, such as enforcer, responsible for ensuring the safety of the members, treasurer and runner, who transported drugs to and from the supplier. At the street level, foot soldiers sold the goods and reported to the enforcer. At the periphery of the groups were individuals (rank-and-le) who were not full members, paid duties to the gang to receive protection and status and supplied drugs to sell in other parts of the city. The group was in charge of a territory, controlling access to the drug market in that area, and was involved in wars with a competing gang to increase its market share. Drugs were sold either by gang members, or by independent


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sellers who paid the gang leader [. . .] in return for the right to sell heroin on the gangs turf.84 During the period for which Levitt and Venkatesh have data, the gang fought prolonged and costly wars for control of territory from which to sell. In particular, it was involved in a series of violent conicts with a rival gang that controlled an area immediately to the north, culminating in the conquest of the rival gangs twelve-square territory.85 The participants themselves made it clear that they used violence on their competitors turf as a strategy for shifting demand to their own territory.86 The income recorded by the leader increased signicantly after the war, although the conict was costly: Gang surplus and drug revenues are [. . .] almost double the mean values for these variables observed over the sample.87 Since many of the customers came on foot, increasing the gangs turf from 12 to 24 square blocks substantially reduced competition.88 Schelling (1971) maintains that OC is purely predatory. In this case, it is clear that the overall organization was supplying a service. The gang leaders who paid a fee to the central leadership received in return protection (both on their turf and in prison), stable alliances with other gang sets such that gang members can travel to other areas of the city with relative safety, access to reliable sources of wholesale drugs, and the possibility for members to rise up the hierarchy into the upper echelon.89 Gang members (ofcers and foot soldiers) were paid a wage, while the nancial data also record expenses for funerals and disbursements to families of deceased members. Rank and le, who had to pay the gang, received in return write the two authors protection, status, and a reliable supply of drugs for those who deal independently.90 Overall, the gang was selling a product to its customers, offered protection and other services to its members and clients, and received in turn protection from the higher level of the organization. It would not be enough to describe this gang as just a network or an illicit enterprise. Although it would be correct to depict the group as a network, such a description would only be the obvious starting point of analysis. Two co-offenders stealing a car are also a network, but for all other respects this network would differ from this gang. It would also be correct to suggest that the gang was an enterprise. Indeed, its main aim was to sell drugs and make a prot. However, it also bore greater ambitions, namely being the only seller of drugs. In order to do so, it developed special skills, such as violence, and engaged in wars with other rms. Clearly, the gang was a special type of enterprise, aspiring to conquer a market. On the other hand, to regard all illicit enterprises as organizations that aspire to govern territories or markets would be misleading. Under certain conditions, an OCG can evolve into something else. Certain variables, such as technological innovation, might increase or reduce the


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ability of an OCG to full its aspiration to control a given market. For instance, the impact of pagers and mobile phones and the newer one-shot mobiles that cannot be easily traced, deserves further study. Rather than pointing to a weakness of the denition, this would qualify as a dynamic specic to a situation and would require conceptualizing the resulting entity as something different from OC. Even if the scope for controlling certain markets shrinks and an OCG turns into an illicit enterprise in competition with others, it does not follow that the denition is not viable. The Maa Denition: a Maa group is a type of OCG that attempts to control the supply of protection. A drug syndicate may aspire to be the sole supplier of drugs in a given domain, while a Maa strives to be the sole supplier of protection. Thus, the scope of a Maa group is much wider than that of an OCG, since it aspires to protect any transaction, not just those related to, say, drugs, in a given domain. As in the case of OC, violence and the ability to collect reliable information are two key resources for a Maa group, and one would expect some rudimentary hierarchical structure to develop. Since the 1990s, a series of ethnographies have claimed that the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, the Hong Kong Triads, the Russian Maa and the Japanese Yakuza are essentially forms of governance specializing in the supply of protection.91 Extracts from these works are included in this collection (Gambetta 1993, Chu 2000, Varese 2001, Hill 2003). This body of research suggests that such groups can be collectively referred to as Maas. The Maa is a set of Maa groups that share the same rituals and rules. For instance, a number of Maa families operate in Sicily and the Sicilian Maa is the collective entity of which they are a part. At different points in the history of each Maa, different arrangements regulate (or fail to regulate) the relations between Maa groups. The relations between groups are often dependent on clever institution builders and historical circumstances. Contrary to Schellings claim (1971), extensive evidence exists that the services offered by Maas are ultimately genuine. For instance, scholars have established that Maas are able to supply genuine services like protection against extortion; protection against theft and police harassment; protection in relation to credit obtained informally and the retrieval of loans; and the settlement of a variety of social disputes. The Maa offers protection services to entrepreneurs of illegal commodities, such as protection for thieves, prostitutes, loan sharks and drug dealers. Maosi also protect their clients against law enforcement.92 The following extract from the memoirs of Antonio Calderone, the vice-rappresentante of the Catania Maa family, appears to be an instance where the Maa intimidated a rm.


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[In the mid-fties] We Maosi were in dire economic straits. But the idea of wholesale extortion never entered our heads. The only instance I remember was an extortion that took place in the late fties or early sixties against the Rendos, who had the largest construction rm in Catania. The goal was to do the Costanzo brothers [the main competitors of the Rendo] a favour. A bomb was placed in the chimney of the Rendo ofces; after that, the usual phone call asking for money was made.93 In this case, extortion and protection are a matter of perspective. As Maa boss Joe Bonanno put it in his autobiography, what is seen as extortion from the outsider is viewed as self-protection by the insider.94 From the point of view of the Rendos, the Calderone family was engaged in predatory behaviour. From the point of view of the Costanzo brothers, Tonino Calderone was protecting them vis--vis competitors. In a protected market, a rm faces a cost of entry higher than it would face were the market not protected. The rm trying to enter might well consider this a form of extortion, while those who operate in the market would consider it a genuine service of protection, that is, protection against competition.95 An even more sophisticated form of market protection undertaken by Maas is the enforcement of cartel agreements, as explored by Reuter (1984), a paper included in this collection. Producers have an incentive to enter into cartel agreements but also to undercut fellow conspirators, placing themselves in a classic Prisoners Dilemma. The Maa offers to enforce the cartel agreement among producers, thereby deterring conspirators from cheating on the deal. It not only punishes defection with violence, but is also able to monitor compliance in cartel conspiracy that includes a large number of conspirators.96 It does not follow that Maas provide protection on the basis of universal criteria, such as fairness or merit. Indeed, the Maa operates without consideration for justice, fairness or the well-being of society at large. In the world run by the Maa, there is no such thing as a right even to the protection for which one has paid. Maosi can ask for more favours or more money, or collude with other Maas against dutifully paying clients, and there is no higher authority to which a victim can appeal.97 Under certain conditions, criminals associated with the Maas described above have engaged in extortion, the forced extraction of resources for services that are promised and not provided.98 For instance, the shorter the time-horizon of the Maa group, the more likely it will engage in extortion. However, several confusions and selection biases conspire to overplay such a phenomenon. For instance, many confuse the imposition of protection with extortion. Surely, Maas force victims to pay, but it does not follow that what it is paid for is inevitably bogus. Also, if individuals living in a Maa territory believe that the maoso life expectancy is short, they will be more reluctant to pay protection, and a greater degree of coercion will be


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required.99 As the level of coercion increases, it is more likely that evidence will lter out of the underworld, while voluntary transactions are less likely to be reported and exposed.100 As for the case of an OCG, it would be misleading to refer to Maa groups as just social networks or enterprises. Maas deal in protection as a commodity rather than as a right, but the logic of protection leads them to acquire features of the state. A key reason for this is that protection is a natural monopoly, as both Lane (1958) and Nozick (1974) have stated in texts included in this collection. Once a group has the ability to govern a given market, say drugs, it should have what it takes to govern neighbouring markets. If this logic is taken to its extreme consequences, OCGs would evolve into fully edged Maa groups. Indeed, such a dynamics is at work in the the case studied by Levitt and Venkatesh (2000). One type of income recorded by the gang leader was street taxes, namely money extracted from individuals and some companies that were conducting business on the gangs turf. Grocery store owners, unlicensed taxi drivers, people dealing in stolen goods (fences), and those providing services such as auto or plumbing repair are among those required to pay street taxes.101 Interestingly, this income stream is rather small in the rst year for which the authors have data $1,200 but it increases to $5,800 by the last year of the gangs existence. This is not an isolated case. For instance, journalist Mark Stevenson has recently documented a similar transition from OCG to full-edged Maa in Ciudad Hidalgo, in Mexico, in a reportage titled, Mexico cartels go from drugs to full-scale Maas.102 Thus, the arguments advanced by Reuter discussed above suggesting that criminal rms are bound to be small seem to apply only to situations where state policing is generally effective, such as in parts of the United States. OCGs and Maas can grow in size, scope and complexity when States fail to control territories within their borders. Yet, it would be rash to expect that under all circumstances OCGs do evolve into Maa groups, as suggested by Hill (2003). Such a transition is likely only in conditions of ineffective state policing or when the state representatives have decided to withdraw from certain areas and markets, as was arguably the case in much of Japan in the twentieth century. Not surprisingly, the Yakuza has grown in size and complexity. Both OCGs and Maa groups have been dened here against the backdrop of existing states, with which they compete for offering services of governance. Logically, all share a crucial aspiration, that of governing exchanges. The state is indeed the most common and most well developed institutional structure, which provides governance for those having assets and wanting to exchange them. At its core, the state is a third party that uses violence to protect assets and enforce agreements (contracts) among individuals, and a territory where these individuals reside demarcated by the reach of the enforcers enforcement power.103 In the process of enforcing contracts, it delineates rights. The rights that the state delineates are designated as legal.


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Economic or natural rights not backed by legal rights are not part of the scope of the state.104 One implication of the perspective presented here, namely that OC, Maas and states belong to the same category, points to the existence of some hybrids, such as insurgencies and paramilitary groups. Paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland are reported to be the main players in the protection market (some police estimates suggest that they control as much as 80 per cent of it).105 Other insurgent groups such as Indonesian Free Aceh Movement and the National Liberation Army in Columbia behave in the same way as their Northern Ireland counterparts and impose their system of taxation on the population living in their territories.106 The FARC is the major insurgent group in Columbia, controlling an area of some 42,000 km2. In this territory, it carries out regular censuses and establishes a specic tax rate for each member of the community under its control and it also protects coca plantations and laboratories.107 After the Cali and Medellin cartels were dismantled in the early 1990s, the FARC began to provide protection to the smaller trafcking groups that replaced them.108 There is evidence that the protection offered by the FARC is genuine and that a rudimentary judicial system is in place. The system is made up of a network of complaint ofces staffed by members of the guerrilla that hear all types of cases.109 Reportedly, residents are pleased with the efciency and fairness of these tribunals.110 Setting aside political and moral considerations, insurgent groups can be conceptualized as lying on a continuum from the Maa to the state. Table 1 summarizes some key distinctions. An OCG aspires to govern a given market, while a Maa attempts to govern several markets in a given domain. Thus, both criminal organizations share crucial features with states and insurgent groups. What distinguishes each of them is the set of collective action mechanisms that constrains institutions of governance and makes them accountable to the people, who in turn could be dened as victims, customers,


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Single market controlled *

Table 1 Key features and differences between OC, Maa and state. Collective action mechanisms constraining the institution of governance: Present Several markets controlled/ market for protection State Insurgencies Absent OCG Maa group/Maa

* In this cell, one could place institutions that control markets with the sanction of the state, such as guilds and trade unions. It should be noted however that states ultimately enforce such a control.



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or citizens. A possible evolutionary trajectory would go from OC to Maa to state. To chart this trajectory is a complex task, which goes beyond the connes of this introduction.111 It should be noted that such entities lie on a continuum.


4. Conclusions
This Introduction has analysed the evolution of the concept of OC as present in 115 denitions collected mainly in the von Lampe data set. The analysis presented in Section 1 has uncovered a clear trend over the past century. OC started by being dened in rather narrow terms, with reference to the Cosa Nostra, hierarchical structure, monopolization and the provision of illegal goods and services. By the 1970s, this perspective mainly associated with the work of Donald Cressey and US ofcial Commissions on OC came under severe academic criticism. References to more general concepts such as illicit enterprise and illegal activities have become popular since the 1970s. In more recent times, we observe a rise in allusions to networks and an emphasis on the harmful consequences of OC. The overall trajectory is towards denitions that are less and less specic in characterizing OC. In Section 2, I discuss selected issues related to the evolution of this literature, in particular the contribution of Cressey and the rise of both the enterprise and the network perspectives. Ultimately, I argue that these perspectives have contributed to making the object of study, OC, a rather elusive entity. In Section 3, I advance what I believe is a narrower yet viable denition of OC, capable of identifying a specic type of criminal entity and generating testable hypotheses. I compare and contrast OC with Maa, arguing that they all belong to the same set of phenomena, which can be referred to as governance. The collection is organized as follows. Three papers of Volume 1 discuss the denition of OC (Maltz, Hagan, Paoli). Several theories are then addressed in the following papers: OC as queer ladder for social mobility (Bell, Lupsha); the enterprise perspective (Smith, Haller, Hobbs); the theory of OC as a monopoly (Schelling, Buchanan, Rubin); and the view that the core business of OC and the Maa is the supply of private protection (Lane, Nozick, Tilly, Gambetta, Skaperdas). The last two papers address two different types of data used for the study of OC, namely ofcial records and network data (Cressey, Sparrow). Volume 2 is devoted to the origins of the Sicilian Maa (Bandiera), the Russian Maa (Varese), the Yakuza (Milhaupt and West), OC in America (Rockaway, Haller) and the Triads in Hong Kong (Chu). The remainder of Volume 2 reproduces studies that discuss Maas organizational structure (Gambetta for Sicily, Anderson and Morselli for the US, Chu for the Triads, Varese for the Russian Maa, and Hill for the Yakuza) and the role of women (Pizzini). The extract from Wiseguys by Nick Pileggi highlights that a reputation for violence is a key resource for a maoso.

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Volume 3 addresses the role of OC in both legitimate and illegitimate markets. Several papers touch upon the ability of OC groups to operate as cartel enforcers (Gambetta, Reuter, Alexander, Chu) and to supply protection (Frye). Among the markets that OC managed (or failed) to penetrate, the volume presents papers on street vending (Chu), the movie industry (Chu), labour (Jacobs and Peters), construction (Gambetta, Chu), loan-sharking (Anderson), bus services (Chu), fruit and vegetable markets (Gambetta, Chu), prostitution (Landesco, Light, Chu), drugs (Levitt and Venkhatesh, Chu), gambling (Anderson, Steffensmeir and Ulmer, Chu, Hing) and human trafcking (Coluccello and Massey), in settings such as Libya, Italy, Poland, Russia, the USA, Hong Kong and Macau. Although criminal groups cannot advertise their services openly, in certain conditions popular culture and the lm industry have performed this function, hence the two studies of representations of OC in popular culture that open Volume 4 (Varese, Matich). The volume then focuses on the relationship between OC, the state and politicians. Some papers suggest that, in the presence of (perceived) higher threats against a state, such as during a world war, relationships can be cooperative (Lupo, Block). Others explore the extent to which politicians benet from the support of OC (Landesco, Chin and Godson). At times, however, states have confronted OC, by the passing of new legislation against OC (Morselli and Kazemian, Hill) or ghting against specic activities (e.g., drug distribution, Morselli and Petit; the cartelization of a legitimate industry such as waste disposal, Jacobs and Hortis). The nal section explores the relationship between OC and terrorism (Schneider and Schneider, Makarenko) and the ability (or lack thereof ) of OC groups to expand beyond their territory of origin to Northern Italy (Varese), the Netherlands (Weenink and van der Laan) and China (Chu). The last two papers (Reuter, Zhang and Chin) address the conditions under which OC might decline. Any selection reects the biases and the knowledge of the editor, and is also shaped by practical considerations, not least occasional failures to obtain copyright permission to reproduce certain texts. The editor and the publisher hope the reader will nd this selection a rich base for teaching and research.


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1 I am most grateful to Paolo Campana, who read several drafts of this paper and gave me most valuable advice on conceptual issues as well the data analysis. Liz David-Barrett offered substantial and stylistical comments. David Critchley, James Ogg, Alex Sutherland, Gavin Slade and Klaus von Lampe were generous with their suggestions. Craig Webber, an Oxford graduate in Criminology, has masterfully managed the copyright clearance process and worked beyond the call of duty to ensure the completion of this project. Simon Alexander, Senior Development Editor at Routledge, has put on a brave face while waiting for



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this delayed Introduction and has steered the production of the collection with great competence. Smith (1971: 10). Scholars who have rejected the possibility to produce a viable denition include von Lampe (2001: 113), Levi (1998: 335) and van Duyne (1996: 53). See also Finckenauer (2005), von Lampe (2006: 80) and von Lampe (2009). I have excluded from the von Lampe sample non-academic dictionaries. New York Times (18 September 1883: 4). Brooklyn Eagle (30 December 1889: 2). See also Brooklyn Eagle (22 March 1888: 2). New York Times (27 October 1857: 4). See also the use of organized crime in reference to the Camorra in Appleton (1868: 641). See the 1896 Report by the New York Society for the Prevention of Crime, headed at the time by the reformist Reverend Charles Parkhurst, cited in Gilfoyle (1994: 406 fn23 and 418 fn2). Parkhurst had gone undercover to expose the collusion between the police and brothel owners in Manhattan in 1892. His efforts marked the beginning of the progressive reform movement that years later succeeded in passing the alcohol prohibition laws (Gilfoyle 1994: 299; see also Dash 2007: 48, 68n, 107). But see the rather ctionalized account of a gentleman undergoing an initiation ritual in a New York gang published in 1835 (HHR 1835: 155). In an interview with the Brooklyn Eagle, police ofcer Timothy Phelan stated, crime is bad, but organized crime is worse, in reference to gangs that, under the inuence of alcohol, rob and kill. Brooklyn Eagle (9 March 1890: 12). Quoted in Tyler (1962: 5), emphasis added. The denition appears to be compatible with the overall approach of the so-called Chicago school of sociology. See Haller (1968: x xi). von Lampe (2001: 105). In the 1920s, the term organized crime was replaced by racketeering, a somewhat narrower concept. Historian Andrew Cohen has traced its origin to 1927 Chicago, where Gordon Hostetter, an antiunion activist, used the term to describe and smear workers unions and trade associations (Cohen 2003). Wade (1996: 405) and Sifakis (1999: 193195). The original reports are available online at http://www.onewal.com /maf-kef.html. These hearings were the rst to be televised live (Wade (1996: 403) ). The full name was Presidents Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. See Cressey (1967) and Albanese (1988). Cressey (1967: 107). Cressey (1967: 108) and Cressey (1969: 74). See also Albini (1988: 342). Cressey (1969: 210, 228 and 316), and Cressey (1972). Cressey (1967: 103). An early critic of the practice of equating Cosa Nostra to OC is Schelling (1971: 73). See, especially, Cressey (1969: 5471). US Senate Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce (1951: 2). See also von Lampe (2001: 105). The Kefauver Committee had relatively little to say about OC internal structure (Smith 1980: 366). The 1961 appointment of Robert Kennedy as Attorney General gave further impetus to the ght against organized crime. Until the early 1960s the bulk of OC convictions originated from IRS tax investigations (Albanese 1988: 60). Smith (1980: 367). Smith (1980: 367). Notoriously, J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI from 1935 to 1972, refused to devote many resources to the ght against syndicates. For speculation as to Hoovers motives, see Messick (1967: 287) and Cressey (1969: 2124).


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24 E.g. Cressey (1967: 104). To top this sustained ofcial attention to the Maa, in 1969 Mario Puzo published The Godfather. 25 Cressey (1967: 29). See also the Task Force Report: Today the core of organized crime in the United States consists of 24 groups operating as criminal cartels in large cities across the Nation. Their membership is exclusively men of Italian descent, they are in frequent communication with each other, and their smooth functioning is insured by a national body of overseers (1967: 1). 26 Cressey (1967). Contrary to claims by Smith (1980: 375), there is no evidence that Cressey disagreed with Daniel Bells theory that blocked social mobility for ethnic minorities explained the presence of so many Italian-Americans in OC at this particular historical juncture in US history. Indeed, Cressey refers approvingly to Bell (1953). See Cressey (1967: 102). 27 Hawkins (1969), Albini (1971) and Ianni (1972). See also Paoli (2002: 54). 28 Smith (1980: 375). See also Smith (1980: 370). 29 Ethnic ties provide the strongest possibility of ensuring trust among persons who cannot rely on the law to protect their rights and obligations within cooperative but outlawed economic activity (Smith 1980: 375). 30 The results of efforts to protect an entrepreneurs core technology is the creation of a territory, or domain: a set of claims staked out in terms of a range of products, population served, or services rendered (Smith 1980: 376). 31 Smith (1980: 373 and 375). Yet he acknowledged that regulators do also exist in the underworld (see Smith 1980: 376). 32 Thanks to his clear and engaging exposition style and infrequent use of mathematical formulas, Peter Reuter has arguably been the most inuential economist among scholars of organized crime. Susan Rose-Ackermans work on corruption has had a similar impact among non-economists. 33 Reuter (1985: ix). 34 Reuter (1985). See also discussion in Paoli (2002: 66). 35 The difculty of monitoring distant agents due to product illegality also drastically reduces the geographical expansion potential of criminal rms (Reuter 1985: 2122). 36 Reuter (1985); see also Reuter (1983) and (1987). 37 Haller (1990: 208). 38 Haller (1990: 215 and 222). 39 See Morselli and Kazemian, 2004. 40 Some denitions continue to have references to specic groups. E.g., the Presidents Commission on OC, created by Reagan in 1983, listed, in addition to Cosa Nostra, other organized crime entities, such as outlaw motorcycle gangs, Colombian cartels, the Japanese Yakuza and Russian gangs. See Albanese (1988: 59 and 62) and Paoli (2002: 56). 41 Borgatti and Foster (2003: 992). 42 See, e.g., Potter (1994), Finckenauer and Waring (1998), Coles (2001), von Lampe (2003) and Chattoe and Hamill (2005). 43 McIllwain (1999: 319). 44 Morselli (2009: 11). 45 Morselli (2009: 11). 46 Harm reduction is a movement within the criminal justice system that advocates the adoption of pragmatic and evidence-based public health policies designed to reduce the harmful consequences of various high risk activities (Marlatt 2002). 47 Schelling (1971: 72 and 73). Emphasis in the original. 48 Reuter (1985: 31). For an example taken from illegal abortions, see Schelling (1967: 75). 49 Schelling (1971: 76); Schelling (1967: 67).


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50 51 52 53 54 Task Force Report (1967: 1). Cressey (1967: 107). For a recent critique of the monopoly view, see, e.g., Allum and Sands (2004). Huber (2001: 216), available at: http://organized-crime.de/OCDEF1.htm. Emphasis added. For a partial exception see the following denition by Block and Chambliss (1981: 12): Thus we suggest that organized crime is a term that refers to those illegal activities connected with the management and coordination of racketeering (organized extortion) and the vices particularly illegal drugs, illegal gambling, usury, and prostitution. Emphasis added. See Hawkins (1969), Albini (1971), Ianni (1972) and Smith (1980). Cressey (1969: 37). Cressey (1969: 37). Critchley (2009: 167). Critchley (2009: 167). See Gentile ( [1963]1993) and Bonanno (1983). See, e.g., Graebner Anderson (1979), Pileggi (1985), Maas (1997), Pistone ( [1989] 1997) and (2007). Stiglitz (1999). Critchley (2009: 189). Cf. Cressey (1969: 38). Cressey (1969: 242244). An additional reason that makes Cresseys work dated is the ultimate aim of his book, namely that of raising awareness of the danger of organized crime in the US, rather than analysing the phenomenon. Reuter (1985: 14). Some partnerships were particularly successful and far reaching, such as the one involving Al Capone in the city of Cicero, outside Chicago (Haller 1990: 218 and 221). Haller (1990: 217). See also Varese (2006a). When it comes to data analysis, standard methods such as general linear model analysis cannot be used because they assume independence of observations (Robins and Kashima 2008). Several continuous-time Markov chain models of social networks have been formulated in order to test hypotheses of tie formation over time. See Snijders (2001). See Dixit (2008), on whose paper this section draws. For such an exploration see the study of the drug market in the paper by Varese (2006b) included in the collection. Williamson (2005: 1). Williamson (2005: 1). See Dixit (2008). Dixit (2008). The fundamental contributions of Coase (1937) and Williamson (1975) have highlighted how the boundaries of a corporation are themselves endogenous and that a rm might consider it more efcient to solve problems of governance by vertically integrating a trading party. See also Williamson (1995). For insightful examples referring to the modern state, see Lane ([1941]1966) and ( [1942]1966). Cf. Williamson (2005: 1). Paoli has pointed out that such a dichotomy is misplaced for Maa groups (Paoli 2002: 74 and Paoli 2003: 172). See also Cressey (1969: 110). Schelling (1971). Gambetta (1993). Gambetta (2009). See, e.g., Smith (1994: 135) who derives the emergence of organizational structure from the conditions of illegality, uncertainty, self-interest and investment.


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82 Cervantes ( [1613]1998: 80). For a discussion of this story from a different angle, see Ruggiero (2003). 83 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 759). The data available to the authors include detailed records of earnings and expenses that had been kept by the gang leader. 84 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 765). 85 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 764). 86 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 782). 87 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 781). 88 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 782). Expansion was a bonus but also a cost, both nancially and militarily. Levitt and Venkatesh speculate on why it was harder in the instance of these two gangs to agree on a collusive equilibrium rather than ght costly wars and suggest that part of the explanation is due to the inability of the leadership to control foot soldiers. 89 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 762). 90 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 762). 91 Sabetti (1984), Gambetta (1993), Chu (2000), Varese (2001) and Hill (2003). 92 For detailed references to the relevant authors, see the review in Varese (2006b: 412 413), included in this collection. 93 Arlacchi (1993: 53). 94 Bonanno (1983: 79). 95 Gambetta (1993: 3132). 96 See also Landesco ( [1929]1968), Reuter (1987), Gambetta (1993: 195225), Gambetta and Reuter (1995). 97 Gambetta (1993: 33), Varese (2001: 6 and 190). 98 For detailed references to the relevant authors, see the review in Varese (2006b: 412 413), included in this collection. 99 Gambetta (1993: 33). 100 Gambetta (1993: 33). 101 Levitt and Venkatesh (2000: 766). 102 AP (16 August 2009). This development is explored in greater depth by Brophy (2008). 103 Barzel (2001: 22). 104 Barzel (2001). 105 Irish News (21 February 2003). 106 See, respectively, Jakarta Post (23 January 2003) and The Houston Chronicle (28 October 2001). 107 Perez Garcia (2001: 16 17). 108 New York Times (21 April 2000). 109 Perez Garcia (2001: 11). 110 San Francisco Chronicle (18 December 2000), cited in Perez Garcia (2001: 1112). Some observers maintain that the FARC remains involved in predation, such as cattle theft (Rangel 2000). Others have suggested that cattle theft is a form of punishment for those who fail to pay FARC taxes. Kidnapping is a cottage industry protected by FARC. Although most observers suggest that the FARC is directly involved in kidnapping, it appears that independent gangs carry out the kidnapping and hide their victims in the territory controlled by the FARC. In effect, the FARC protects gangs of kidnappers, in much the same way as states once protected pirates and Maas protect thieves (Perez Garcia 2001). 111 This theme has been addressed by, e.g., North and Thomas (1973), Kiser and Barzel (1991) and Olson (2000).


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g e n e ra l i n t ro d u c t i o n Appendix: Descriptive statistics of OC denitions data set

The denitions contained in the data set come mainly from the von Lampe collection (N = 105). Three sources are present in both von Lampe and Hagan (1983). The total cases recorded are 115. For these data, I have coded 44 variables, such as the author(s), year of publication, type of source (academic, ofcial or dictionary), discipline of origin, country of origin, and key words or concepts. Table A1 presents the descriptive frequencies of the countries in the data set.
Table A1 Frequency and percentage of denitions by country of origin. Country USA Europe (excluding UK) UK Canada Africa Asia Oceania International Americas (excluding USA) Total Frequency 69 17 10 5 4 3 3 2 2 115 Percent 60.0 14.8 8.7 4.3 3.5 2.6 2.6 1.7 2.6 100.0


Table A2 presents the frequencies of denitions by decades.

Table A2 Frequency and percentage of denitions by decades. Decade <1950 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Total Missing Total Frequency 3 4 11 15 13 29 38 113 2 115

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Percent 2.6 3.5 9.6 13.0 11.3 25.2 33.0 98.3 1.7 100.0

Table A3 presents the frequencies of the type of source of the denitions in the data set. 27


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Table A3 Frequency and percentage of OC denitions by type of source. Type of source Academic Ofcial Dictionaries Total Frequency 63 47 5 115 Percent 54.8 40.9 4.3 100.0


For the type of source, I have included in the ofcial category all reports and statutes. Among the academic sources, I have included books and journal papers, as well as some academic reports. In reference to the discipline of origin of the authors, I have coded nine disciplines: Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law, Sociology, Politics, Economics, History, Security Studies, and Social Science. I dened the discipline of a paper as follows: for academic authors, either they have published their paper in a journal with a clear disciplinary title (e.g. criminology) or have written a book in that eld (e.g. a criminology textbook). If the interpretation was not clear, I have ascertained the department in which they hold/held their position at time of writing. Criminal Justice includes reports originating from criminal justice agencies, such as the British Home Ofce and the various American Task Force Reports. Law includes actual statutes and law dictionaries. The key words and concepts that I have identied can be grouped broadly in six groups: Structure, Activities, Means, Goals, Effects, and Others. Typically, one denition makes reference to more than one dimension (e.g. continuity, organization, violence and corruption). The full list is as follows: (Structure): Organized, Continuity, Hierarchy, Restrictive Membership, Specialization, Internal Codes and Rules, Planning, Coordination, Network, Enterprise, Flexibility, Patronclient Relations, Cosa Nostra, Triad, Social System, System of Power; (Activities): Provision of Illegal Goods and Services, Public Demand, Illegal Activities, Extortion, Theft, Fraud, Monopoly; (Means): Violence, Corruption, Graft; (Goals): Power, Prot; (Effects): Harm; (Others): Organized Crime Concept Cannot Be Dened, Number of People, Conspiracy, Non-ideological, National/International Dimension Mentioned. I have created a summary variable dened as predation from extortion, theft and fraud.

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