r5210205 Electromagnetic Fields
r5210205 Electromagnetic Fields
r5210205 Electromagnetic Fields
II B.Tech I Semester(R05) Supplementary Examinations, December 2009 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) E is the electric eld due to a point charge Q C at the origin in free space. Find E.da where S is a spherical surface of radius R m and center at origin.
(b) Using Gausss law, show that the electric eld due to an innite straight line of uniform charge density C/m along the z-axis in free space is (/20 r) ar N /C . (c) An innitely long cylinder of radius 1m in free space is lled with a uniform charge density of 1nC/m3 . If the potential on the axis of the cylinder is 100 V, nd the potential variation inside the cylinder. [6+6+4] 2. (a) A conducting body is in the electric eld of static charges. Explain why the net electric eld at any point inside the conducting body will be zero. (b) Use the result of (a) to show that i. the net volume charge density at any point inside the conductor is zero, and ii. the conductor is an equipotential body. [8+4+4]
3. (a) Establish the electrostatic boundary conditions for the tangential components of electric eld and electric displacement at the boundary of two linear dielectrics. (b) z<0 is a region of a linear dielectric of relative permittivity 6.5; and z>0 is free space. Electric eld in the free space region is (-3ax + 4ay -2az ) V/m. Find i. D for z > 0; ii. tangential components of D & E for z < 0, on the boundary. [8+8]
4. (a) Starting from Biot - Savarts law, obtain the expression for the magnetic eld B due to a steady surface current in free space. (b) Find B due to a straight length of of the line current. m of steady current I A at a distance of y m from the center [6+10]
5. Obtain the expression for the magnetic eld intensity and sketch the same for a co-axial cable. [16] 6. Explain the nature and behavior of magnetic material. Dene and explain the term magnetization. [16] 7. (a) What do you understand by magnetic circuit? Explain the term MMF, Flux, reluctance. Give their units. (b) A magnetic circuit consists of a toroid with 500 turns and cross sectional area of 6 cm2 and mean radius of 15 cm, carries a current of 4 A. Find the total ampere turn, the reluctance, the ux enclosed, the ux density and the energy enclosed in the toroid. Take r = 1800. [8+8] 8. (a) The square loop of wire has corners at (0, 0, 0), (0.2, 0, 0), (0.2, 0.2, 0) and (0, 0, 0.2) at t= 0. The loop is perfectly conducting expect for a small 100 Ohm resistance at one of the side. It is moving through the eld B = 5 [cos (6 * 108 t - 2x)] az T with a constant velocity of 40 ay m/s. Calculate the power being delivered to the resistor as a function of time. (b) Show that the ratio of amplitudes of the conduction current density and displacement current density is / for the applied eld of E= Em cos t. V/m Assume = o . [8+8]