Regional Office: Bihar Employees'State Insurance Corporation

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Applications in the prescribed format are invited for filling up 09 vacancies of

Lower Division Clerks in Bihar Region of ESI Corporation in the initial pay of Rs. 5200+
Grade pay of Rs. 1900/- per month in the Pay Band of Rs. 5200- 20200 plus allowances as
admissible to Central govt. employees of similar rank . The breakup of the vacancies is as


NIL 04 NIL 05 09

* ( backlog vacancies )

The number of vacancies is provisional and may vary. The Corporation reserves the
right to fill up vacancies as per its actual requirement.

A. Examination Centre:- PATNA- CENTRE CODE -28

B. Age limit: Between 18-27 years - as on 27.04.2009.
Age relaxation :
a) 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates
b) 03 years for Other Backward Classes recognized by Govt. of India.
c) In case of Ex-Servicemen service rendered in the Armed forces plus 03
d) In case of Physically Handicapped 10 years.
e) Relaxable in the case of ESIC Employees and Govt. servants as per Rules.
C Qualifications:
i) Higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standard or equivalent from a
recognized Board of Education.
ii) Knowledge of typewriting with a speed of 30/25 words per minutes in
English/Hindi respectively
iii) Working knowledge of computer including use of office suites and
D. Fee & Mode of Payment;-

A Demand draft for Rs. 100/- ( Rupees One Hundred only ) should be drawn on State Bank
of India in favour of Regional Director, ESI corporation, Patna payable at Patna.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen category and employees of ESI
Corporation are exempted from payment of examination fee.

(i) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
(ii) Demand Draft should have been drawn on State Bank of India on or after
the publication of the Advertisement . Fee paid by any other mode will not
be accepted.
(iii) The demand draft should be drawn in favour of Regional Director,
ESI Corporation, Patna.
(iv) Candidates must write his/her name & address on back side of the
Demand draft.
E. Scheme of Examination : The examination will consist of two parts viz:-
Part-I: The written test will consist of one paper for 200 marks containing 4 parts: (i)
English Language (ii) General Intelligence & General Aptitude (iii) Numerical Aptitude
and (iv) General Awareness . Each question shall carry one mark . the questions in all the
four parts will be of objective type (multiple choice ) ones. The examination will be of
3(Three ) hours duration.
Part II: Skill Test:- The corporation reserves the right to admit only that number of
candidates as considered necessary by it,for skill test in typewriting/knowledge of computer
including use of office suites and database, based on the performance of candidates in the
Part-I written test. Intimation shall be sent to candidates after Part –I written test .
F. How to apply:- Application in the prescribed form may be submitted in an envelope
superscribed ‘ Application for the post of LDC 2008 to the following address:-
The Regional Director (Establishment )
Regional Office,ESI Corporation
Panchdeep Bhawan
JL Nehru Marg,Patna-800 001.
The following documents should be attached with the application form:-
a) Two copies of recent passport size photographs duly attested by a Group ‘A’
/Group’B’/Gazetted Officer with one photograph pasted on the application form.
b) Attested copies of certificates and testimonials in proof of age/date of birth/educational
qualification/caste/experience ,etc.
c) Attested copy of community/status certificate in the prescribed form in case of
candidates belonging to SC/ ST/OBC /PH/Ex-servicemen category issued by competent
authority . Candidates claiming reservation/ age relaxation on ground of belonging to OBC
should submit the community certificate in Annexure-A prescribed vide Govt. of
India,Deptt. of personnel and Training OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dt. 8.9.93 and
modified vide G.O.I. DOPTs OM No. 36033/3/2004-EST(Res) dt. 9.3.2004 ,failing which the
benefit of reservation or age relaxation will not be given.
d) Two self –addressed envelopes of the size 23 cms x 10 cms.
e) Demand Draft drawn in favour of Regional Director, ESI Corporation ,Patna.
Those candidates who are employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous bodies etc.
should send their application through ‘Proper Channel’. However, they may send
an advance copy of their application along with demand draft and other certificates
& testimonials so as to reach this office on or before the scheduled date.

NOTE:1:The application and the other documents should be arranged in the following
order one below the other, and tightly tagged or stapled on the left hand side top corner.
a) Additional photograph
b) Application form
c) Attested copies of certificates
d) self-addressed envelopes.
NOTE: II: The demand draft should not be tagged or stapled, but should be pinned or
clipped on the top of the application form.
NOTE:III: Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved for
age-relaxation , must submit the requisite certificate from the competent authority
along with their application for the examination otherwise,their claim for
reservation/age relaxation status will not be entertained and their applications will
be considered as if same are from General (UR) category candidates. The nature &
format of certificates to be submitted by SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman/Central
govt. civilian employees can be downloaded from the website www.esic.nic. in
G. The last date for receipt of Application Form is 5 PM on 27.04.2009.
The date and venue of the examination shall be informed later.
H. General conditions
1) A candidate should submit one application only. Submission of more than one
application may lead to rejection of all the applications submitted.
2) The recruitment is against the vacancies on a local /regional basis. Hence anyone selected
/appointed on local /regional basis shall be liable to be posted any where in the state/region.
3) Mere submission of the application does not confer any right to be called for written test.
4) Application should be submitted in the prescribed format only. Form should be filled up
in Block/Capital letters in candidate’s own handwriting . The Blank form can be
downloaded from our website
5) The duly filled in application should be sent in a cover super scribed ‘Application for the
post of LDC-2008’ by Registered post/speed post so as to reach the Regional office ,ESI
Corporation, Patna on or before 27-04.2009.
6)Incomplete /unsigned applications and applications received without fee,
photographs,certified copies of required certificates such as educational qualification ,
caste/community etc. and those received after the prescribed last date for receipt of
application will summarily be rejected without any communication to the candidates.
7) No TA/DA will be paid to any candidate including SC/ST candidates for appearing in the
Written test.
8) Wrong declarations /submission of false information or any other action contrary to law
shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
9) Submission of application does not vest in the candidate any right to be called for written
test/other related test.
10) No interim correspondence will be entertained.
CAUTION: Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification and shall lead to cancellation
of the candidature.

Paste your recent
passport size
photograph attested
1. Examination centre : Patna
by a Group A/B/
Gazetted officer
2. Name in full ( in block letters:

3. Father/Husband’s Name:

Date of Birth in Christian Era( in Figures and in words )

Age as on 27.4.2009 Years----------- Months--------- days

5. Male/Female M F

6. Martial status Married Unmarried

7. Are you a citizen of India by birth and /or domicile Yes No

8. Permanent Address ( in block letters ) with Pin Code Number:

9. Mailing Address ( in block letters ) with Pin code no.

10. (A) Amount of fee Rs.

(B) Name &

Place of the issuing Bank :
( C) Demand Draft No. & Date :
(D ) Whether Name & Address of
the Candidate is
Written on the back side of the Demand draft Yes No

11. Category you belong to &Code of Category

(Gen-01, SC-02,ST-03,OBC-04):

12. Whether you are PH or Ex- serviceman:


(i) if PH, indicate whether OH/HI:

(ii) if Ex-Servicemen , service
rendered in Armed Forces:
With dates (proof to be enclosed)

13. Languages Known Hindi English Other Language(Specify name)

1. Speak ---------- ----------- ------------------
2. Read ---------- ----------- -------------------
3. Write ---------- ----------- -------------------
14. Educational Qualification(from Matriculation /Xth std. onwards) including
Computer and typing knowledge):- Qualification University/Board Subjects Percentage Remarks
Studied of marks

15. Experience / particulars of previous and present employment: Name& full Designation/duties Scale of pay Period of employment
Address of of post
From To

16. Medium opted for Computer Skill Test(English/Hindi):

17. Details of other academic achievements , extra curricular activities:

Professional achievements etc. if any

18. List of enclosures (See note I,II & III under ‘How to Apply ’):
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

I hereby declare that the information furnished in the application are true, complete
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any
information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature /appointment is liable to
summary cancellation /termination without any notice or any compensation in lieu thereof.

Signature of Candidate

Date: Name:---------------------------------

Place: Phone no…………………………


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