This document provides a checklist for properly performing salaah (formal Muslim prayer). It outlines the correct procedures and postures for each part of the prayer, from preparing beforehand to the final salutations, with over 50 individual points to check for proper form and intention at each stage. The goal is to help Muslims analyze and improve their salaah so it more closely follows the sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad, with the hope that doing so will increase the chances of having one's prayers accepted by God.
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ρ ρ ρ is the faithful servant and the Last Rasul of Allaah. τ τ τ
This document provides a checklist for properly performing salaah (formal Muslim prayer). It outlines the correct procedures and postures for each part of the prayer, from preparing beforehand to the final salutations, with over 50 individual points to check for proper form and intention at each stage. The goal is to help Muslims analyze and improve their salaah so it more closely follows the sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad, with the hope that doing so will increase the chances of having one's prayers accepted by God.
This document provides a checklist for properly performing salaah (formal Muslim prayer). It outlines the correct procedures and postures for each part of the prayer, from preparing beforehand to the final salutations, with over 50 individual points to check for proper form and intention at each stage. The goal is to help Muslims analyze and improve their salaah so it more closely follows the sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad, with the hope that doing so will increase the chances of having one's prayers accepted by God.
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ρ ρ ρ is the faithful servant and the Last Rasul of Allaah. τ τ τ
This document provides a checklist for properly performing salaah (formal Muslim prayer). It outlines the correct procedures and postures for each part of the prayer, from preparing beforehand to the final salutations, with over 50 individual points to check for proper form and intention at each stage. The goal is to help Muslims analyze and improve their salaah so it more closely follows the sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad, with the hope that doing so will increase the chances of having one's prayers accepted by God.
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Compiled by Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias.
All praise is due only to Allaah. We laud Him and beseech His aid and beg forgiveness only from Him and believe in Him and rely solely on Him. We seek salvation in Him from the evils of our inner selves and the vices of our actions. There is none to misguide one whom Allaah intends to guide. I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship but Allaah, the One who has no partner. I also testify that Hadhrat Muhammad is the faithful servant and the Last Rasul of Allaah. May Allaah Taalas mercy be on him, his family and his Sahabaah and may He bless them and raise their status.
It is necessary for all of us to perfect our Salaah. The underlying check list will aid in analyzing our current Salaat condition and help one to correct and rectify the future one. When our Salaat becomes closer to the Blessed Sunnat then the possibility of our duaas being accepted improves.
Take one posture at a time. Read it, study it, learn it, memorise it and when you are performing Salaat, be conscious of what has to be done.
Make a photocopy of the article and on a weekly basis assess yourself. A. H. Elias (Mufti) 1425 / 2004 2
Before Salaah 1. Did I attain purity from major and minor impurities? 2. Is my clothing Paak (Pure)? 3. Is the place of Salaah Paak? 4. Is my Satr (from navel to knee for men and complete body for women) covered? 5. Do I have the appropriate attire on before commencing Salaah? 6. Do I have a Topi (headgear) on? 7. Do I have a long sleeve garment on and is my trousers above my ankles (men only)? 2 8. Am I facing the Qiblah? While standing 1. Did I make proper intention? 2. If behind the Imam did I make intention of following the Imam? 3. Did I say the Takbeer Tahrima (Allaahu Akbar) at the start of the Salaah in such a way that I could at least hear it myself? 4. Did I lift both hands up to the ears (with the thumbs in line with the ears) in a manner that the palms were facing Qiblah, with the fingers in the normal position? 5. Did I fasten both hands beneath the navel without first dropping them, by placing the inside of the right palm on the left palm and grasping the waist with the thumb and the small finger, spreading the remainding three fingers on the back of the left arm? 6. Did I read Thana? 7. If not performing Salaah behind the Imam did I read Tawwuz, Tasmiyah, Surah Fatiha and a Surah or at least one long Ayaah or three short Ayaahs? 8. Was my reading in a manner that my lips were moving and I could at least hear myself? 9. Did I read with rules of Tajweed? 10. Did I say Ameen after Surah Fatihah? 11. If behind the Imam after Thana did I remain completely silent and listen to the Imam reading (in a loud Salaah)? 12. Did I focus my gaze at the place of Sajdah? 13. Was I standing motionless with my two feet parallel to each other with the toes facing the Qiblah? 14. Did I place my feet with a gap of approximately four fingers between them? 15. Did I avoid swaying and moving the body? Also did I avoid unnecessary hand movement, scratching, etc.
Ruku 1. In ruku, did I grasp both the knees, with the fingers spread apart? 2. Was my head, back and posterior straight at one level? 3. Was my arms separated from my sides and were they kept straight? 4. Were my feet and knees straight? 5. Did I read Subhana Rabiyal Atheem at least thrice with ease? 3 6. Did I focus my gaze towards my feet in Ruku? Qaumah 1. Did I perform the Qaumah posture properly and calmly (in the standing posture after Ruku before going into Sajdah)? 2. Did I remain in the position with ease for the duration of at least one SubhanAllaah? 3. Did I recite the Masnoon Dua of Qaumah i.e. Al ibn Ab Tlib narrates: When Raslullaah used to lift his head from ruk', he used to say: ,--' `- --=' =' '-- ---= -' - _-- ` '- `- -- - - --- '- `- '-+-,- Trans: Allah hears the one who has praised him. O Our Sustainer! All praise equivalent to the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them and whatever pleases you beyond that be for You. (Tirmizi Vol.1 Pg.61)
Sajdah 1. Whilst going into Sajdah from Qaumah did I keep my chest straight and not bend it forward and only bent the knees? 2. Did I first place my hands on the knees, then the knees on the ground and lastly the forehead whilst going into Sajdah? 3. Is my nose also touching the ground with my forehead in Sajdah? 4. In Sajdah, did I keep the fingers of both the hands close together? 5. Were the tips of the fingers facing Qiblah? 6. Did I perform Sajdah brazenly with the arms separated from the sides and the thighs away from the belly? 7. Did I lift my forearms away from the ground? 8. Did I place the hands in such a way that the tips of the thumbs are in line with the earlobe? 9. Did I bend my toes facing Qiblah with my feet firmly on the ground? 10. Did I keep my heels together in Sajdah? 11. Did I read SubhanaRabyal Ala at least thrice? 12. Did I focus my gaze towards my nose?
Jalsah 1. After Sajdah did I complete the Jalsah posture (sitting between two Sajdahs) with ease? 4 2. Did I read the Masnoon Dua i.e. Ibn Abbs reports that Raslullaah would read the following du between the two sajdhs +'' ' -= --= -= - - -- (O Allh forgive me, have mercy on me, enrich me, guide me and grant me sustenance). (Timidh Vol.1 Pg. 63)
Qaaidah Ula 1. Did I sit in the Qaidah posture correctly by placing the left foot down and sitting on it, whilst keeping the right foot upright with the toes facing the Qiblah? 2. Did I place my hands on the thigh with the fingers in the normal position facing the Qiblah? 3. When reaching Atahiyyaat did I form a ring with the thumb and middle finger when reaching the words Ashadu. Then did I lift the index towards the Qiblah when reading Ashadu Allaah and drop it when reading Ilallaahu?
Qaaidah Aakhirah 1. Did I read Atahhiyaat correctly, then Durood Ibrahim and finally the Duaa (in the last posture). 2. When making Salaam did I turn to the right then to the left in a such a way that the person at the rear can see ones cheeks? 3. After making the right Salaam did I commence the left Salaam after turning the face to the Qiblah? 4. When making Salaam did I make intention of greeting the humans and angels? 5. Did I say the words of Salaam correctly and audibly enough that at least I could hear myself? 6. After Salaam did I read the Masnoon Duaas?
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