BM 3 D

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BM3D Image Denoising with Shape-Adaptive Principal Component Analysis

Kostadin Dabov, Alessandro Foi, Vladimir Katkovnik, and Karen Egiazarian Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology P.O. Box 553, 33101 Tampere, Finland. E-mail: rstname.lastname@tut.

Abstract We propose an image denoising method that exploits nonlocal image modeling, principal component analysis (PCA), and local shape-adaptive anisotropic estimation. The nonlocal modeling is exploited by grouping similar image patches in 3-D groups. The denoising is performed by shrinkage of the spectrum of a 3-D transform applied on such groups. The effectiveness of the shrinkage depends on the ability of the transform to sparsely represent the true-image data, thus separating it from the noise. We propose to improve the sparsity in two aspects. First, we employ image patches (neighborhoods) which can have data-adaptive shape. Second, we propose PCA on these adaptive-shape neighborhoods as part of the employed 3-D transform. The PCA bases are obtained by eigenvalue decomposition of empirical second-moment matrices that are estimated from groups of similar adaptive-shape neighborhoods. We show that the proposed method is competitive and outperforms some of the current best denoising methods, especially in preserving image details and introducing very few artifacts.

the sparsity of the true signal; i.e. the true signal can be better separated from the noise when its energy is compactly represented in the 3-D transform domain. We have shown [3] that even if square image patches and a xed 3-D transform are used, the denoising performance is very high and the obtained MSE results are still beyond the capabilities of most of the more recent and advanced algorithms. However, square image blocks containing ne image details, singularities, or sharp and curved edges are examples where a non-adaptive transform is not able to deliver a sparse representation. Thus, for these blocks, the BM3D lter may introduce certain artifacts and the denoising is not very effective. Unfortunately, these are often the very parts of the image where the visual attention is mainly focused. In order to further increase the sparsity of the true signal in the 3-D spectra, in [4] we proposed a generalization of the BM3D lter, which uses grouping of mutually similar adaptive-shape neighborhoods. The employed 3-D transform there is a separable composition of the (2-D) SA-DCT and a 1-D orthonormal transform. This transform is applied on 3-D groups that are generalized cylinders with adaptiveshape cross sections (as opposed to square prisms in BM3D). The adaptive-shape neighborhoods enable local adaptivity to image features so that the true signal in such a neighborhood is mostly homogeneous. Thus, the spatial correlation improves the sparsity as compared with the BM3D. However, even though the neighborhoods have adaptive shapes, the SA-DCT basis are xed for any given shape; i.e. the basis elements do not adapt to the signal within the grouped neighborhoods. In this paper, to enable adaptivity of the applied shapeadaptive transform basis to the input data, we propose principal component analysis (PCA) as part of the 3-D transform used for collaborative ltering. For a 3-D group of adaptiveshape image patches, we obtain a PCA basis by eigenvalue decomposition of an empirical second-moment matrix computed from these patches. As principal components (PC), we select only the eigenvectors whose corresponding eigenvalues are greater than a threshold that is proportional to noise variance. Hence, the overall 3-D transform is a separable composition of the PCA (applied on each image patch) and a xed orthogonal 1-D transform in the third dimension. In the sequel we present the developed denoising method and show that it is competitive and outperforms some of the current best denoising methods, particularly in preserving image details and producing very few artifacts.

I. INTRODUCTION Image denoising is a vivid research subject in signal processing because of its fundamental role in many applications. Some of the most recent and successful advances are based on: Gaussian scale mixtures (GSM) modeling in overcomplete multiscale transform domain [9], [15], [8]; learned dictionaries of atoms to lter small square neighborhoods [6]; steering kernel regression [16] (also combined with learned dictionaries [2]); shape-adaptive DCT (SA-DCT) on neighborhoods whose shapes are adaptive to the image structures [7]; nonlocal ltering based on the assumption that there exist mutually similar blocks in natural images [1], [12], [3], [4]. Among these different strategies, the nonlocal ltering, which originates from the work of Buades et al. [1], is the one that demonstrates the biggest potential. In particular, the transform-based BM3D lter [3] can be considered stateof-the-art in image denoising [13]. The BM3D lter exploits a specic nonlocal image modeling [5] through a procedure termed grouping and collaborative ltering. Grouping nds mutually similar 2-D image blocks and stacks them together in 3-D arrays. Collaborative ltering produces individual estimates of all grouped blocks by ltering them jointly, through transform-domain shrinkage of the 3-D arrays (groups). In doing so, BM3D relies both on nonlocal and local characteristics of natural images, namely the abundance of mutually similar patches and that the image data is locally highly correlated. If these characteristics are veried, the group enjoys correlation in all three dimensions and a sparse representation of the true signal is obtained by applying a decorrelating 3-D transform on the group. The effectiveness of the subsequent shrinkage depends on

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed BM3D-SAPCA image denoising method. Operations surrounded by dashed lines are repeated for each processed coordinate of the input image.

II. BM3D-SAPCA ALGORITHM A. Algorithm outline Following is an outline of the proposed algorithm, which we denominate BM3D-SAPCA, and which is illustrated in Figure 1. The input noisy image is assumed to be corrupted by an additive white Gaussian noise with variance 2 and zero mean. The input image is processed in raster scan where at each processed pixel the following operations are performed: 1) Obtain adaptive-shape neighborhood centered at the current pixel using the 8-directional LPA-ICI exactly as in [7], [4]. The neighborhood is enclosed within a xed-size and non-adaptive square block, which we term reference block. We denote the number of pixels in the neighborhood by Nel . 2) Find blocks that are similar to the reference one using block-matching and extract an adaptive-shape neighborhood from each of these matched blocks using the shape obtained in Step 1. The number of matched blocks is denoted by Ngr . 3) Determine the transform to be applied on the adaptiveshape neighborhoods. We have two cases, depending on N whether Ngr is larger or smaller than a xed threshold el . N a) If Ngr , we consider that we have found a sufel cient number of mutually similar neighborhoods to reliably estimate a second-moment matrix. The eigenvectors of this matrix constitute the shapeadaptive PCA basis. Subsequently, we retain only those eigenvectors whose corresponding eigenvalues are greater than a predened threshold, thus obtaining a trimmed shape-adaptive PCA transform. N b) If Ngr < , we deem there are not enough similar el neighborhoods to use as training data and we resort to the xed (i.e. non data-adaptive) SADCT, exactly as in [4]. 4) Form a 3-D array (called group) by stacking together the min (Ngr , N2 ) adaptive-shape neighborhoods with highest similarity to the reference one, where N2 is a xed parameter that restricts the number of ltered neighborhoods.

5) Apply the transform obtained in Step 3 on each of the grouped adaptive-shape neighborhoods. Subsequently, apply a 1-D orthogonal transform (e.g., Haar wavelet decomposition) along the third dimension of the 3-D group. 6) Perform shrinkage (hard-thresholding or empirical Wiener ltering) on the 3-D spectrum. 7) Invert the 3-D transform from Step 5 to obtain estimates for all of the grouped adaptive-shape neighborhoods. 8) Return the obtained estimates to their original locations using weighted averaging in case of overlapping. B. Trimmed PCA Since the main contribution of the proposed method is the application of the shape- and data-adaptive PCA transform on groups of adaptive-shape neighborhoods, we explain in detail what is done in Step 3a, while we refer the reader to our previous works [3], [7], [4] for details on the other steps of the algorithm. The input for Step 3a is a group of Ngr adaptive-shape neighborhoods that are found to be mutually similar. We represent each of these 2-D neighborhoods as a 1-D column vector v i of length Nel , i = 1, . . . , Ngr . An Nel Nel sample second-moment matrix is then computed by matrix multiplication, T v 2 ... v 2 ... v1 v1 v Ngr v Ngr C= , (1) and subsequently its eigenvalue decomposition yields U T CU = S = diag s1 , s2 , . . . , sNel ,

where U is orthonormal matrix and S is a diagonal matrix containing eigenvalues ordered by magnitude, s1 > s2 > > sNel . Finally, the PCs used for the decomposition of the adaptiveshape neighborhoods are the rst Ntrim columns of U , where Ntrim is the number of eigenvalues greater than 2 , being a xed threshold. An illustration of trimmed PCs is given in Figure 2. C. Iterative renement Similarly to [3], [7], [4], the above algorithm can be applied in more than one iteration. In this work, we propose a threeiteration approach. In the rst iteration, the shrinkage is performed by hard-thresholding and the search for similar blocks is performed in the noisy image, since this is the only

Fig. 2. Illustration of the PCs (shown on the right side) after trimming for four particular adaptive-shape neighborhoods. The green overlay is used to show the found similar neighborhoods used to form a 3-D group. The PCs are listed in decreasing magnitude of their corresponding eigenvalues. One can observe that the rst few PCs have the strongest similarity with the noise-free signal in the neighborhood.

TABLE I PSNR ( D B) AND MSSIM RESULTS OF THE PROPOSED BM3D-SAPCA IMAGE DENOISING ALGORITHM . (T HE MSSIM RESULTS ARE IN THE LOWER ROW OF EACH TABLE CELL .) 2562 38.53 0.9622 32.36 0.9089 29.81 0.8635 28.17 0.8269 House 2562 39.99 0.9589 35.15 0.8987 32.95 0.8602 31.37 0.8374 Peppers 2562 38.30 0.9563 32.94 0.9063 30.43 0.8685 28.74 0.8357 Montage 2562 41.40 0.9818 35.72 0.9555 32.96 0.9291 30.88 0.9030 Lena 5122 38.82 0.9454 34.42 0.8976 32.22 0.8643 30.72 0.8367 Barbara 5122 38.34 0.9655 33.30 0.9253 30.99 0.8938 29.35 0.8605 Boats 5122 37.47 0.9434 32.29 0.8568 30.03 0.8037 28.51 0.7613 Man 5122 38.03 0.9565 32.20 0.8740 29.81 0.8111 28.29 0.7633 Couple 5122 37.63 0.9529 32.24 0.8784 29.82 0.8214 28.23 0.7730 Hill 5122 37.30 0.9455 32.05 0.8455 29.96 0.7788 28.62 0.7299

/ PSNR 5/ 34.16 15/ 24.61 25/ 20.18 35/ 17.25

available input. In the following two iterations, we utilize the estimate image from each previous iteration in the following manner:

IV. D ISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Regardless of the shape of the adaptive-shape neighborhood obtained in Step 2 of our algorithm, we use block-matching of square blocks to nd similar neighborhoods, just as it is done in the original BM3D algorithm [3]. There arises the question why the matching is not done between adaptiveshape neighborhoods. In the presence of noise, the employed distance measure (/2 -norm of the difference between two neighborhoods) used for the matching can be reliably computed only if the number of elements in the neighborhood is greater than a number that depends on the signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) in these blocks (an illustration of such breakdown point can be seen in [3]). Thus, considering that a shape-adaptive neighborhood may consist only of a single pixel and that the SNR can be relatively low, we conclude that the matching cannot be done among the adaptive-shape neighborhoods with sufcient reliability. It is worth discussing the condition for using the PCA N instead of the xed SA-DCT, i.e. Ngr . Let us remark that el the effectiveness of the PCA crucially depends on the sample second-moment matrix S (1). The ideal case would be to compute the second moments from the noise-free image (i.e., from an oracle), but in reality we can only estimate them either from the noisy data (as in the rst iteration of the algorithm) or from otherwise distorted data (for the second and third iterations, the matrix is computed from the image estimate produced by the rst and second iteration, respectively). A reasonable assumption is that greater Ngr results in better estimation of the second-moment matrix. When Ngr is small (say Ngr < Nel ), the second moments cannot be reliably estimated due to limited training data and we resort to the xed SA-DCT transform. We recall that in the three iterations we use = 1.3, 1, 0.7, respectively. Note that already in the case Ngr < Nel (when < 1), we have Nel Ngr null eigenvalues whose corresponding eigenvectors do not convey meaningful information. However, these eigenvectors will be trimmed since we basically keep only those eigenvectors corresponding to the larger eigenvalues. In fact, this trimming can be considered as part of the shrinkage as it is equivalent to unconditional truncation to zero of the transform coefcients that would have corresponded to the discarded eigenvectors. We note that the PC trimming approach, though a standard procedure in the practical application of the PCA (e.g., Section 2.8.5. of [10], Chapter 6 of [11]), is quite coarse and better ways could be devised to incorporate the eigenvalue

the search for similar blocks is done in the estimate image, the sample second-moment matrix (1) is computed from neighborhoods extracted from the estimate image, for the third iteration, the shrinkage is performed by empirical Wiener ltering.

The improvement contributed by the second and by the third iteration can be justied as follows. Because noise has already been attenuated in the estimate images, both the blockmatching and the estimation of the second moments are more accurate when these operations are carried out on an estimate image. It results in sparser 3-D group spectra, as both the mutual similarity within each group and decorrelation due to PCA are enhanced. In addition, the empirical Wiener ltering is more effective than hard-thresholding when the estimate image from the second iteration is used for providing a reliable estimate of the power spectrum of the 3-D groups. III. R ESULTS We present results obtained with the proposed threeiteration BM3D-SAPCA. We use different values for and in each iteration: = 1.3, = 49 in the rst iteration, = 1, = 13 in the second iteration, and = 0.7, = 13 in the third iteration. The complexity of the algorithm is linear with respect to the number of pixels in the input image and the computation time of our Matlab-only implementation (Mle) takes approximately 4 minutes on a 2.0-GHz Pentium machine for a 256256 image. The PSNR and the mean structural similarity index map (MSSIM) [17] results of the proposed method are provided in Table I. In Figure 3 we compare denoised images of the proposed method and the methods that it extends: BM3D [3], P.SA-DCT [7], and SA-BM3D [4]. Relatively high noise standard deviations ( = 35 and = 25) were used in order to emphasize the differences in the results by each method. From the gure, we observe that the proposed method effectively reconstructs ne details and at the same time introduces less artifacts than the other methods. This observation is also supported by the improvement in terms of MSSIM and PSNR over the other methods.

magnitudes in the shrinkage itself. Let us briey compare our method with the K-SVD [6] and the local PCA denoising [14], both of which employ data-adaptive transform bases. The K-SVD performs training of a global (overcomplete, in general) dictionary of basis elements on small square patches; the training can be done on a set of noise-free images or directly on the noisy image. The efcacy of the subsequent denoising (performed on noisy image patches) depends on the ability of the dictionary elements to sparsely represent true-image data and thus separate it from the noise. The local PCA denoising [14] exploits PCA on square image blocks, where the covariance matrix used by the PCA is estimated from all blocks in a given neighborhood. The proposed approach exploits adaptive-shape neighborhoods, which allows for further adaptation to image details and it estimates the second-moment matrix for the PCA using similar adaptive-shape neighborhoods as training data and not just any local neighborhoods. Furthermore, the sparsity of the true data is further increased by applying a transform along the third dimension of the grouped adaptiveshape neighborhoods. The experimental results shown in Section III are very promising and demonstrate that by employing shape-adaptive PCA we can further improve the state-of-the-art denoising performance of the BM3D algorithm. Future work shall address novel shrinkage criteria, which are adaptive with respect to the utilized transforms, and the use of adaptive transforms for the third-dimension of the group. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the Academy of Finland (project no. 213462, Finnish Programme for Centres of Excellence in Research 2006-2011, project no. 118312, Finland Distinguished Professor Programme 2007-2010, and project no. 129118, Postdoctoral Researchers Project 2009-2011) and by Tampere Graduate School in Information Science and Engineering (TISE). R EFERENCES
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Noisy, = 35

BM3D (27.82, 0.8207)

P.SADCT (27.51, 0.8143)

SA-BM3D (28.02, 0.8228)

BM3D-SAPCA (28.16, 0.8269)


Noisy, = 25

BM3D (29.90, 0.8010)

P.SADCT (29.47, 0.7882)

SA-BM3D (29.83, 0.7994)

BM3D-SAPCA (30.02, 0.8037)

Fig. 3. Zoomed fragments of Cameraman and Boats images ltered with the methods that we compare with. The numbers listed in brackets are PSNR [dB] and MSSIM results, respectively.

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