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Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

Sewerage Project, Buxar

Acronyms & Abbreviations

Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme Activate Sludge Process

BOD BUDA BUIDCO : : : Biochemical Oxygen Demand Bihar Urban Development Authority Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation

CDP CPHEEO CWR CSP : : : : City Development Plan Central Public Health and Environment Engineering Organization Clear Water Reservoir City Sanitation Plan

DPR : Detail Project Report

GAP GIS GoI GoB : : : : Ganga Action Plan Geographical Information System Government of India Government of Bihar

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

kW kWH : : Kilo Watt Kilo Watt Hour

Lac Lit LPCD : : Lac Liters Liters Per Capita Per Day

MLD Ml M mm : : : : Million Liters per Day Million Liter Meter Millimeter

NGRBA NRCD NRCP : : : National Ganga River Basin Authority National River Conservation Directorate National River Conservation Programme

O&M OHSR : : Operation & Maintenance Overhead Service Reservoir

PHED PPP : : Public Health Engineering Department Public Private Partnership


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report


Quality assurance & quality control

State Level Nodal Agency Sewage Pumping Station Sewage Treatment Plant Sequential Batch Reactor

Urban Development & Housing Department

Urban Local Body/Bodies

Waste Stabilisation Ponds


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report





Chapter No C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 Particulars Project Background Project Town Design Criteria Existing Infrastructure Population projection Proposed Sewerage System Wastewater Treatment Process Treatment Plant Design Project Cost Funding & Implementation Operation & Maintenance IEC Activities & Capacity Building


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report




Annexure No A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A 11 A - 12 A 13 Particulars General Standards for discharge of environmental pollutants Population projections Hydraulic Design of Sewer network Design of Sewage Treatment Plant Design of Pumping Main Design of Wet well & Pumping Stations Structural Design of Sewers General Abstract of Cost Cost Estimates & Rate Analysis Income & Expenditure Statement of Buxar ULB Operation & Maintenance Cost Minutes of 1st meeting of ESC of NGRBA dated 05-022010 NRCD - Revised Guideline for preparation of DPRs for conservation of Rivers & Lakes

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report





SN 1 Drawing No BR/NGRBA/SWG/BUXAR/01 Particulars Map and State of Bihar showing BUXAR District Town Map of BUXAR Town map showing wards & ward wise population Comprehensive sewerage proposals Town map showing sewer network Typical sewer trench Details of pipe bedding Typical brick manhole Type A Typical brick manhole Type B Typical brick manhole Type C Typical brick manhole Type D Typical RCC manhole type E & F Typical drop manhole Typical Vent shaft arrangement Typical house sewer connection

2 3


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

SN 16 17


Particulars STP layout plan Pumping Station


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detail Project Report

Sewerage Project, Buxar

Table of Contents
i iii iv - vii viii xiii xiv xviii xix - xxii

Abbreviation Combined Contents Table of Contents Executive Summary Salient Features

CHAPTER 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.6.1. 1.6.2. 1.6.3. 1.7.


1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 9 12 12 12 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 24 24


CHAPTER 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.1. 2.2.


CHAPTER 3. 3.1.



Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detail Project Report


24 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 35 35 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 42 42 42 42 43 45 45 48 54 55




Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detail Project Report



58 60 60 60 61 63 64 64 66 66 66 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 72 73 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 77 78 79 81 85

CHAPTER 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.5.1. 6.5.2. 6.5.3. 6.5.4.



7.1. GENERAL 7.2. SEWAGE CHARACTERISTICS 7.2.1. IMPORTANT PARAMETERS pH value Solids Nutrients Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 7.2.2. EXISTING WATER/WASTEWATER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Drinking Water Characteristics Wastewater characteristics 7.2.3. ADOPTED INFLUENT QUALITY 7.2.4. EFFLUENT STANDARDS 7.3. TREATMENT PROCESSES 7.4. SELECTION OF TREATMENT PROCESS 7.4.1. STABILIZATION PONDS Aerobic ponds Anaerobic ponds Facultative Ponds Disadvantages 7.4.2. AERATED LAGOONS Aerobic Lagoons Facultative Aerated Lagoons 7.4.3. UPFLOW ANAEROBIC FILTER PROCESS (UASB) 7.4.4. ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS 7.4.5. CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS/SEQUENTIAL BATCH REACTOR (CASP/SBR) 7.4.6. CONCLUSION

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detail Project Report



88 88 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 92 93 94 94 96 97 98 98 98 99 99 100 101 103 103 103 104 105 106 107 107 107 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 109 109



Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detail Project Report

8.5.6. 8.5.7. 8.5.8.


109 110 110 111 111 112 112 113 113 113 113 114 115 115 115 116 117 117 117 117 120 120 121 121 121 122 123 124 124 124 127 127 128 128 130 130 131 132

CHAPTER 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 9.8.


CHAPTER 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 10.6. 10.7.


CHAPTER 11. 11.1. 11.1.1. 11.1.2. 11.1.3. 11.1.4. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.6.1. 11.6.2. 11.6.3. 11.7. 11.7.1. 11.7.2. 11.7.3.



Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detail Project Report


133 134 136 136 138 138 139 140 140 143



Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

Sewerage Project, Buxar

Executive Summary

With growing urbanization and emergence of urban areas as growth centers combined with improved living standards, piped water supply with improving service levels has become integral part of basic civic amenity. Safe disposal of human excreta & wastewater is also necessary for health reasons. The options available for disposal of excreta are either on-site or off-site sewerage system. On site sanitation system, prevailing till date, in most of the towns, are individualistic system with inherent problems for collection & disposal of sludge & risks of contamination of ground water. Water carriage sewerage system, more or less, has come to be universally adopted for disposal of excreta. Buxar Town is the district head quarter of Buxar District in State of Bihar. The town is situated in the Western most region of the Bihar State, and is bounded by Balia and Gazipur districts of Uttar Pradesh along its western and northern boundary through which river Ganga flows, the districts of Kaimur and Rohtas in south and Bhojpur district in the east. The topography of the town is that of a flat plain area. The mean annual rainfall is 792 mm mostly confined to monsoon season and with maximum temperature during summer between 42oC and minimum temperature between 7oC during winter season. As per 2001 census, the project town had a population of 83,168 souls. Project facilities are proposed to be designed for future requirements of year 2041. An elaborate exercise has been carried out for population projection at both macro & micro level using number of statistical methods & tools. The designed population for year 2041 comes out to be 218,514. The results of population projection for different year are as follows:
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Census Year 2001 2008 2011 2021 2026 2031 2041 Population 83168 99001 106759 136567 153995 173323 218514
250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 2001 2008 2011 2021 2026 2031 2041


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

Town Buxar has no comprehensive sewerage system. The human excreta is disposed of using on site sanitation methods. Open defection is also not uncommon. Spent water from kitchen & bath rooms is let into surface drains which lead to local depressions. Septic effluent from septic tanks is also let into the surface drains. The proposed project aims effective abatement of pollution of river Ganga by provide a comprehensive wastewater collection, treatment & disposal system using laterals, branches and trunk mains including sewage treatment plant. The project is proposed to be implemented under National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA), a programme launched by Government of India with the objectives of pollution abatement and to improve water quality of Ganga River. Under the project, Sewerage system is being proposed to ascertain that no wastewater will be discharged in Ganga river untreated. The provisions, as recommended by Manual of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, published by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), of Government of India and revised guidelines for preparation of DPRs by NRCD are largely adopted for design of sewerage system for this project. The most of the town is proposed to discharge at single location on its North Western side. The treated wastewater is proposed to carry from treatment plant site to River Ganga. Two pumping stations are proposed to restrict the depth of excavation to 8.0 mtr in general. It is proposed to use Reinforced Cement Concrete non pressure circular pipes for sewers suitably supported with bedding, depending on structural requirements. A minimum size of 150 mm is adopted as per recommendations of CPHEEO Manual. Manhole are proposed to be provided at 30 mtr or more spacing as per prevalent practice & specifications. The summary of sewer lengths for the town is as below:
Diameter (mm) Total Length (m)

150 160 200 250 300

9782 17425 55691 1664 2163


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

Diameter (mm)

Total Length (m)

350 400 450 500 600 800 900 1000 1100


2598 1035 558 180 1042 63 1498 1494 23


A number of available technologies including conventional system like Attached and Suspended growth aerobic systems, Anaerobic systems , oxidation ditch, UASB, Sequential Batch Reactor and unconventional systems like Reed beds or Constructed wetlands, Soil application methods and Waste Stabilization ponds are reviewed. The review of available technologies is made with the consideration to the local climate, Land availability, power requirements and treatment levels. A sewage treatment system, based on Sequential Batch Reactor Process finds favor owing to discharge standards requirement of 30 mg/l BOD and less land requirement. It is increasing difficult to find adequate land in urban towns. The proposed system includes Primary treatment in form of Coarse & Fine Screens, Grit Chamber, SBR Tanks, Centrifuge and Chlorination Contact Tank. The intended treatment levels are to conform to the effluent standards for application on land as per The Environment Protection Act, 1986. The effluent is proposed to be discharged in River Ganga. The effluent standards for inland surface water discharge includes 5 day BOD at 200C as 30 mg/l and suspended solids of 100 mg/l. A sewage treatment plant based on Sequential Batch Reactor technology is proposed to be constructed of capacity 16 mld. The costs for sewerage collection system with all ancillary works comes to be Rs 48.16 Crores and that of Rs 15.95 Crores for Sewage Treatment plant & SCADA. The total cost of the project will be Rs 64.11 Crore. Benefits for the implementation of this project could only be achieved with parallel improvements in other related fields. A number of other interventions will be required for reaping full benefits of this project and to


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

ensure its continual efficient functioning. The major identified interventions are provided below. Developing comprehensive management system for sewerage facilities Encouraging property owners to connect to sewers where they are available Introducing improved Quality Assurance procedures and checks Improving Solid Waste Management Sanitation awareness and domestic hygiene Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (BUIDCo) to act as Execution Agency for all Projects sanctioned under NGRBA., Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (BUIDCo) is a Govt. of Bihar Undertaking registered under the Companys Act 1956 (Act 1 of 1956) on 16th June, 2009. The project will be implemented by the BUIDCo. There shall be tripartite contract agreements between BUIDCo, ULB and Contractor for capital works and for O&M of assets created. After successful testing and commissioning of all components, the assets will be transferred to ULB for taking care of O&M responsibilities. Considering the financial, technical & human resource constraints of Municipal Council, it is proposed to club the operation & maintenance of the sewerage system with STP in first five years with Capital works contract. Later, with gradual capacity building of Municipal council, the O&M of the system may be taken over by Municipal council or outsourced to some private operator. To assist the executing agency for activities of Construction supervision, implementation of Quality assurance & quality control (QA&QC) procedures, it is proposed to engage Construction supervision Consultants for this project as a pre execution activity. Another important preexecution activity is to appoint some experienced Non Governmental Organisation or other suitable agency with the aim to ensure active participation of beneficiaries with the project implementation, carry out social awareness campaign for good sanitation and good hygiene practices and to encourage property owners to connect to sewers laid under this project and to encourage the beneficiaries to pay for sanitation services for efficient O&M operations and overall sustainability.


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

The project is proposed to be implemented in a single work package to expedite the implementation process. Excluding the first nine months of pre execution activities, project is proposed to be implemented in fifteen months. To ensure sustainability of the project, it is imperative that revenue be generated from the beneficiaries of the system to recover the Operation & maintenance costs and if possible, costs for extension & up-gradation of facilities. In due course of time, it is required to Levy reasonable user charges by ULB with the objective that full cost of operation and maintenance or recurring cost is collected. It is proposed that a suitable system in consultation with users and resident welfare associations is required to be developed for collecting charges for sewerage facilities. Two recommended options are; to levy sewerage charges as %age of water charges and second is to charge property owners based on categorized localities and plot size with preference to first option. Successful Implementation & commissioning of project will considerably improve the water quality of river Ganga with additional benefits in form of improvement in living environment, hygienic conditions of town people. The project will help in considerably reducing pollution load on Ganga river which will lead to restoration of aquatic ecology of this rivers and flourishing of aquatic flora & fauna.


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

Programme Project Project Town

National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) Sewerage Project, Buxar Buxar District Buxar

Area Av Annual Rainfall Max Temperature : : : 673 Ha 792 mm 42oC Population, 2001 Households Min Temperature : 83168 : 12004 : 7o C


Buxar is headquarter of Buxar District. It is famous for battle of Buxar. It is 90 kilometers from State capital Patna.

Historical Population
Year 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Population 13945 11309 10098 13449 14879 18087 23068 31691 42952 55753 83168
Arithmetica l Progression

Population Projections

Projected Population
Geometric Incremental Increase Graphical Projection Average of four methods

2001 2008 2011 2021 2026 2031 2041

83168 93689 98198 113228 120743 128258 143288

83168 103858 114233 156902 183885 215508 296006

83168 97413 104457 132010 148136 165827 205908

83168 101043 110148 144129 163215 183698 228855

83168 99001 106759 136567 153995 173323 218514


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

There is no sewerage system existing in the town. Open defecation is not uncommon in the town. Most of households having sufficient yard area and in newly developed housing societies the wastewater disposal is done through septic tanks and effluent from these septic tanks is discharged in open drains and get collected in local ponds.

Year Population Per Capita Water Supply 135 135 135 135 Wastewater Contribution Wastewater Volume per capita per day 108 108 108 108 Wastewater Volume (mld) 11.53 14.75 16.63 23.60 Infiltration (mld) Total Wastewater volume (mld) 12.18 15.40 17.28 24.25

2011 2021 2026 2041

106759 136567 153995 218514

80% 80% 80% 80%

0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65


Sewer Network
Diameter (mm) Total Length (m)

Pumping Station
Two pumping stations are proposed one neat Irrigation Canal DN Office and second at Sohni Patti Canal Road
PS No Flow (cum/hr) Head(m) kW Number

150 160 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 800 900 1000 1100

9781.8 17425 55691 1663.8 2162.9 2597.9 1034.7 557.7 180.4 1041.9 62.9 1498.1 1493.8 22.5

1 2

219.18 356.02

12 13

15 30

5 5

Railway & National Highway Crossings

There are three canal crossing including two of them for pumping mains from proposed pumping stations.

Treatment Plant
A treatment plant with capacity to treat 16 mld of wastewater is proposed. The treatment process proposed is Activated Sludge Process based on Sequential Batch


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

Reactor technology. The treatment plant shall be sited in North West of town near Ganga Bridge and the treated effluent shall be discharged in river Ganga.


Earthwork, Timbering and Barricading Providing and Laying of Sewer lines with bedding works Construction of Manholes, Vent-shafts and uPVC pipe laying Dismantling and Restoration of Roads, structure and NH & other crossings by Trenchless technology etc Miscellaneous Items like encasing, equipments for flushing of sewer lines etc Provision for 2 nos pumping station, rising main and pumping machineries and for dedicated HT & LT feeders. Provision for STP (Sequential Batch Reactor) 16 MLD in PHASE I including SCADA TOTAL "A" to "G" Provision for Land Acquisition Provision for IEC activities Centage charges @ 8.0% (excluding land acquisition cost) GRAND TOTAL SAY RS. Crores

55,266,522 84,882,269 165,085,291 47,744,486 8,864,162 39,492,882

159,500,000 560,835,613 30,000,000 5,000,000 45,266,849 641,102,462 64.11

O&M Expenditure
Particulars O&M Exp (Lac Rs) Year 2012 Salaries & Wages Power Charges Repair & Maint Chemical Charges Flushing Charges Total Cost Year 2042

Total O&M Expenditure for project period Discounted O&M Expenditure for Project period Unit user charges required to offset undiscounted O&M Cost Unit user charges required to offset discounted O&M Cost

Rs 4217.13 Rs 1324.80

48.0 40.78 21.44 0.6 6.65 117.47

48.0 82.68 21.44 0.6

Rs 2.10

Rs 2.30

6.65 159.37


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)

Detailed Project Report

The sharing of funds would be in the ratio of 70:30 between Central Government & State Government & local bodies. The quarterly funds requirement in pre construction & construction phase shall be as follows:
Funding Source Fund Required (Rs Crores) Quarterly Fund Requirements Pre Construction Phase I Central Government State Government & Local Bodies Total 44.88 0.09 II 0.36 III 5.21 IV 4.02 V 10.05 Construction Phase VI 14.08 VII 8.05 VIII 3.02

19.23 64.11

0.04 0.13

0.15 0.51

2.23 7.44

1.72 5.74

4.31 14.36

6.03 20.11

3.46 11.51

1.29 4.31

The initial nine months will be taken up by preliminary activities like appointment of construction supervision consultants, identification & allotment/transfer of lands for STP & Pumping Stations and Bidding process. Afterwards the project execution period is taken up as 15 months.


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

Chapter 1. Project Background

1.1. Project Background Bihar Urban Development Agency (BUDA), working under UD&HD, is engaged in systematic planning, infrastructure development, and creation of civic amenities in urban and semi-urban areas in the State of Bihar. BUDA has also been designated as the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for implementation of JNNURM & UIDSSMT programmes to work as a facilitator in effective implementation of the projects in the identified ULBs. These programmes are to be implemented through ULBs. Govt of Bihar has decided Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (BUIDCo) to act as Execution Agency for all Projects sanctioned under NGRBA., BUIDCo is a Govt. of Bihar Undertaking registered under the Companys Act 1956 (Act 1 of 1956) on 16th June, 2009; established with a view to accelerate infrastructure development activities across all ULBs and assist the ULBs in developing, augmenting, financing and maintaining municipal services. There shall be tripartite contract agreements between BUIDCo, ULB and Contractor for capital works and for O&M of assets created. After successful testing and commissioning of all components, the assets will be transferred to ULB for taking care of O&M responsibilities. Government of Bihar has posed Sewerage projects of three towns namely Hajipur, Buxar and Begusarai situated on the banks of river Ganges to

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) for financial support. The broad objectives for the proposed sewerage projects is for rejuvenation of river water quality by preventing passage of untreated municipal sewage into the river. The details of these towns is as below; SNo. 1 2 3 Project ULBs Buxer Nagar Parishad Hazipur Nagar Parishad Begusarai Nagar Parishad District Buxer Vaishali Begusarai Total Area (Sqkm) 5.16 19.64 8.98 33.78 Population Census 2001 83,168 1,19,412 93,741 2,96,321 No. of Wards 34 39 36 109

The National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) decided that no untreated municipal sewage and industrial effluents would be allowed to enter the river Ganga after 2020 under Mission Clean Ganga. An estimated investment of Rs 15,000 crore would be required over the next ten years to create the necessary treatment and sewerage infrastructure. An amount of Rs 250 crore has been allocated for the NGRBA in the Union Budget for 2009-10. An allocation of Rs 500 crore per year has been agreed to by the Planning Commission for the remaining two years of the XIth Plan. The World Bank, which has promised long-term support for the Authority's work programme, has indicated assistance of $ 1 billion for the first phase. A proposal of $3 million project preparation facility was forwarded to the Bank and it has been approved. 1.2. ESC Approval First meeting of Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) of the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) was held of February 5 2010. In the meeting following four projects of State of Bihar was taken into consideration: Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Begusarai for pollution abatement of River Ganga in Bihar Rs 65.40 crores Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Buxar for pollution abatement of River Ganga in Bihar Rs 74.95 crores

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Hajipur for pollution abatement of River Gandak in Bihar Rs 113.62 crores Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Munger for pollution abatement of River Ganga in Bihar Rs 187.89 crores Empowered Steering Committee has decided the following for these four towns as follows: Approval of the project of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Begusarai for pollution abatement of River Ganga in Bihar Rs 65.40 crores and release of first installment of Rs 7.0 crores Approval of the project of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Buxar for pollution abatement of River Ganga in Bihar Rs 74.95 crores and release of first installment of Rs 8.0 crores Approval of the project of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant at Hajipur for pollution abatement of River Gandak in Bihar Rs 113.62 crores and release of first installment of Rs 12.0 crores after approval of Project by Union Finance Minister. The minutes of meeting of ESC is available at Annex A-12. 1.3. Rivers Rivers have been used for navigation for thousands of years. The earliest evidence of navigation is found in the Indus Valley Civilization, which existed in northwestern Pakistan around 3300 BC. Riverine navigation provides a cheap means of transport, and is still used extensively on most major rivers of the world. Rivers have been a source of food since pre-history. They can provide a rich source of fish and other edible aquatic life, and are a major source of fresh water, which can be used for drinking and irrigation. It is therefore no surprise to find most of the major cities of the world situated on the banks of rivers. Rivers help to determine the urban form of cities and neighborhoods and their corridors often present opportunities for urban renewal through the development of foreshore ways such as River walks. Rivers have been important in determining political boundaries and defending countries. The coarse sediments, gravel and sand, generated and moved by rivers are extensively used in construction. in recent decades there has been a significant increase in the development of large scale power generation from water

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

Rivers also provide an easy means of disposing of waste-water and, in much of the less developed world, other wastes. 1.4. River Ganges The Ganges is one of the major rivers of the Indian subcontinent, flowing east through the Gangetic Plain of northern India into Bangladesh. The 2,510 km river rises in the western Himalayas in the Uttarakhand state of India, and drains into the Sunderbans delta in the Bay of Bengal. The Ganges Basin drains 1,000,000-square-kilometre and supports one of the world's highest density of humans. The river has been declared as India's National River. After flowing 200 km through its narrow Himalayan valley, the Ganges debouches on the Gangetic Plain at the pilgrimage town of Haridwar. Further, the river follows an 800 km curving course passing through the city of Kanpur before being joined from the southwest by the Yamuna at Allahabad. Joined by numerous rivers such as the Kosi, Son, Gandaki and Ghaghra, the Ganges forms a formidable current in the stretch between Allahabad and Malda in West Bengal. On its way it passes the towns of Kanpur, Soron, Kannauj, Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna, Ghazipur, Bhagalpur, Mirzapur, Ballia, Buxar, Saidpur, and Chunar. The Ganges Basin with its fertile soil is instrumental to the agricultural economies of India and Bangladesh. The Ganges and its tributaries provide a perennial source of irrigation to a large area. Chief crops cultivated in the area include rice, sugarcane, lentils, oil seeds, potatoes, and wheat. Along the banks of the river, the presence of swamps and lakes provide a rich growing area for crops such as legumes, chillies, mustard, sesame, sugarcane, and jute. There

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

are also many fishing opportunities to many along the river, though it remains highly polluted. Tourism is another related activity. Three towns holy to Hinduism Haridwar, Allahabad, and Varanasi attract thousands of pilgrims to its waters. Thousands of Hindu pilgrims arrive at these three towns to take a dip in the Ganges, which is believed to cleanse oneself of sins and help attain salvation. The rapids of the Ganges also are popular for river rafting, attracting hundreds of adventure seekers in the summer months. 1.5. River Pollution The major polluting industries on the Ganga are the leather industries, especially near Kanpur, which use large amounts of Chromium and other chemicals, and much of it finds its way into the meager flow of the Ganga. Also, inadequate cremation procedures contributes to a large number of partially burnt or unburnt corpses floating down the Ganga, not to mention livestock corpses. The Ganga Basin, the largest river basin of the country, houses about 40 percent of population of India. During the course of its journey, municipal sewages from 29 Class-I cities (cities with population over 1,00,000), 23 Class II cities (cities with population between 50,000 and 1,00,000) and about 48 towns, effluents from industries and polluting wastes from several other non-point sources are discharged into the river Ganga resulting in its pollution. The NRCD records put the estimates of total sewage generation in towns along river Ganga and its tributaries as 5044 MLD (Million Litres per Day). According to the Central Pollution Control Board Report of 2001, the total wastewater generation on the Ganga basin is about 6440 MLD.

Urban filth and industrial pollution are scientific causes, but environmentalists believe that apart from industrial pollution and sewage, the increase in number of slaughterhouse, dhobi ghats, crematoria and slums are the major sources of pollution in these rivers. Every year, religious

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

idols are immersed in rivers which lose a little more of their life as they are choked yet again. 1.6. NGRBA The Central Government, by a notification dated 20.2.2009, as set up National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA)as an empowered planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating authority for the Ganga river, in exercise of the powers conferred under the Environment (Protection) Act,1986. The Prime Minister is ex-officio Chairperson of the Authority, and it has as its members, the Union Ministers Concerned and the Chief Ministers of states through which Ganga flows, viz., Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal, among others. The objective of the Authority is to ensure effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga by adopting a holistic approach with the river basin as the unit of planning. The functions of the Authority include all measures necessary for planning and execution of programmes for abatement of pollution in the Ganga in keeping with sustainable development needs. 1.6.1. KEY FEATURES OF THE NEW APPROACH OF NGRBA River Basin will be the unit of planning and management. This is an internationally accepted strategy for integrated management of rivers. Accordingly, a new institutional mechanism in the form of National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) will spearhead river conservation efforts at the national level. Implementation will be by the State Agencies and Urban Local Bodies. The minimum ecological flows for the entire Ganga will be determined through modeling exercises. NGRBA will take appropriate measures in cooperation with the States to regulate water abstraction for marinating minimum ecological flows in the river. Attention would also be paid to the restoration of living parts of the river ecosystem for its holistic treatment to enable conservation of species like dolphin, turtles, fishes and other native and endangered species in their river. 1.6.2. KEY FUNCTIONS OF THE NGRBA The NGRBA would be responsible for addressing the problem of pollution in Ganga in a holistic and comprehensive manner. This will

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

include water quality minimum ecological flows, sustainable access and other issues relevant to river ecology and management. The NGRBA will not only be regulatory body but will also have developmental role in terms of planning & monitoring of the river conservation activities and ensuring that necessary resources are available. The NGRBA would work for maintaining the water quality of the river Ganga upto the acceptable standards. The pollution abetment activities will be taken up through the existing implementation mechanisms in the States and also through Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) at the pollution hotspots. The NGRBA will ensure minimum ecological flow in the Ganga by regulating water abstraction and by promoting water storage projects. The NGRBA will plan and monitoring programmes for clanging of Ganga and its tributaries. To begin with, it will concentrate on Ganga main stem. The NGRBA would draw upon professional expertise within and outside the Government for advise on techno-economic issues. The technical and administrative support to NGRBA shall be provided by the Ministry of Environment & Forests. 1.6.3. PREPARATORY STEPS AFTER SETTING UP NATIONAL GANGA RIVER BASIN AUTHORITY River Basin Management Plan: a notice inviting Expression of Interest to start the process of selecting an appropriate agency to prepare the Ganga River Basin Management Plan has been issued. This has been prepared taking into account inputs received from the Central pollution control Board and the Central Water Commission on the scope of work to be included in the Plan. 30 proposals have been received from leading consultants. The Consultant will be finalized shortly after two stage selection process. Status Paper: the Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, IIT, Roorkee has been asked to prepare a Status Paper on Ganga which includes the experience of the Ganga Action Plan and the present water quality. It is being finalized. The Status paper will be presented in the first meeting of meeting of the NGRBA.

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Priority Action plan for pollution hotspots: one of the priority functions of the Authority is to implementation river conservation works at pollution hotspots. These activities should commence even as the comprehensive basin management plan is under preparation. MoEF has requested the concerned State Governments to prepare action plans for comprehensively tackling the problem of pollution in the Ganga at the hotspots locations, such as Hardiwar, Varansani, Ahmadabad, Kanpur, Patna and Howrah. These plans are awaited. SPVs as mode of implementation: the process of consolations with State Government and Urban Local Bodies has been started to discuss he feasibility of having SPVs in the river clearing sector and to evolve the necessary modalities viz. Contractual arrangements, concessions agreements, etc. A meeting was organized on 16th June 2009 with the representatives of the State Governments and the Heads of the Urban Local Bodies as a brainstorming session to begin the process of identifying appropriate locations and the types of river conservation infrastructure where SPVs would be feasible. A presentation was made by IL&FS. State Governments & ULBs have been requested to formulate proposals for implementing this concept on a pilot basis. GIS Mapping: The National Information Centre (NIC has been entrusted with the work of GIS based mapping of the entire Ganga Basin. This work has already commenced. This will help the users to view and update maps and tabular data relating to pollution abetment works, water quality etc. and analyze the data for monitoring and effective decision making. Memoranda of Agreement with States: the National Institute of Urban Affairs has prepared a modal Memorandum of Agreement which would link flow of funds to achievement of milestones such as measurable improvements in water quality indicators, implementation of pre determined reform measures and provision s for O&M. Compendium of Technologies: A Compendium of the treatment technologies available in India and aboard is being prepared by IIT, Kanpur. This can serve as a store house for the NGRBA and would help the State Governments and the local authorities in choosing the appropriate technologies depending upon the totality of local

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circumstances. The compendium would be presented in the first meeting of NGRBA. The States have to be at the forefront of implementation of the river conservation programme. The Authority, therefore, provides for the State Governments to constitute State River Conservation Authorities under the chairmanship of their Chief Ministers. However, certain States may want the States Authorities to be constituted under the Environment (Protection) Act in which case the notification will have to be issued by the Central Government. A model notification in this regard has been circulated to the State Governments for their consideration. 1.7. Document Organization This Project report includes three volumes. This document is volume I and various annexure forms volume II and the Project drawings constitute volume III. Volume I include: Executive Summary: Executive summary of these proposals summarizes the existing sanitation methods, the wastewater infrastructure requirement, infrastructure proposed and the consequent cost estimates of these proposals. It also highlights the need of these proposals & the objectives it aims to achieve. Chapter I Project Background: The Chapter discusses the background of Project, NGRBA programme under which project will be implemented, the Scope of Work for this work and in brief describes the project town. It also details the document organisation. Chapter 2 The Project Town: This chapter provides a detailed view of the project town including its physical environment i.e. Topography, climate, geology, Water Table, Water bodies etc., demographics, location, industrial, institutional base and tourist locations. Chapter 3 Design Criteria: The various design criteria adopted for preparation of these proposals are listed in this chapter. The options available for different parameters and adopted values are described in detail. This chapter also provides prevailing discharge standards for different discharge locations.

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Chapter 4 Existing Infrastructure: The existing infrastructure related to civic amenities is detailed in this chapter. The existing water supply arrangement, drain & outfalls, solid waste management, and existing system of disposal of wastewater is described herein. Considering the existing infrastructure, justification/need of this project is described herein. Chapter 5 Population Projection: The projected population of town for the design period is provided in this chapter. The historical population of town is analyzed and projected by various projection methods available. Population projections of town at ward level is also available in this chapter. Chapter 6 Infrastructure Designs: This chapter includes design of various sewerage infrastructure components which includes network design, structural design of sewers, design of pumping stations and force mains. Chapter 7 Treatment Process: Various treatment options for treatment of wastewater are described in details. The relative merits & demerits of these options are evaluated for selection of preferred option considering the specific requirements for the wastewater quality, treated wastewater end use, disposal method in this chapter. Availability of land vis--vis land required for preferred treatment process is also provided in this chapter. Chapter 8 Design of Treatment Plant: This chapter provides various unit processes in the proposed treatment plant. The designs of various units of treatment plant are also included in this chapter. Chapter 9 Cost Estimates: The rate analysis and cost estimates of various designed components are provided in this chapter. Chapter 10 - Project funding & Implementation Plan: This chapter provides the quarterly requirement of funds for this project for different agencies. The packaging options & preferred option is also provided in this chapter. An implementation programme with suitable Gantt Chart is included in this chapter. Chapter 11 Operation & Maintenance: This chapter provides the specific requirements for sustainable operation & maintenance of proposed project in long term. The specific manpower, machinery & funds requirement for sustainable O&M of the proposed system is included here. The existing infrastructure of town ULB is described in

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this chapter. The matters like collection mechanism, revenue & expenditures of last few years of ULB, existing municipal bye-laws are included in this chapter. Chapter 12 Capacity building: The requirements for capacity building of ULB in view of additional responsibilities are provided herein. Recommendations for generic capacity building measures are also included. Volume II includes various annexure and Volume III contains various drawings of existing & proposed Infrastructural system in the town.


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Chapter 2. The Project Town

2.1. INTRODUCTION Buxar is a Major town in State of Bihar. It is the headquarters of Buxar district which is in Bihar. It is famous for battle of Buxar. 2.2. THE STATE Location The State of Bihar is Situated in the vast Gangetic plain, Bihar is a landlocked state between West Bengal on the east, Uttar Pradesh on the west, Jharkhand on the south and Nepal (international border) on the north, covering an area of 94,163 sq km. A part of Bihar was separated and formed into a new state Jharkhand on November 15, 2000. Demography According to Census 2001, total population of Bihar is 82,878,796 with 43,153,964 men and 39,724,832 women; the population density is 880 persons per sq. kilometer. The number of Children under 0-6 years is 16,234,539. Total rural population and urban population is 89.5% and 10.5% respectively. Sex ratio is 921. According to 1991 census, the share of population of the Scheduled Castes was 14.56% and Scheduled Tribes was 7.66% in Bihar. This ratio of the STs has changed drastically after separation of Jharkhand from Bihar.


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History Bihar's antiquity is evident from its name, which is derived from the ancient word "VIHARA" (monastery). It is indeed a land of monasteries. Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Muslim and Sikh shrines abound in this ancient land where India's first major empires rose and fell. Where the ruins of the worlds' earliest university slumbers in the void of time. The passage of Ganga, flowing wide and deep enrich the plains of Bihar before distributing in Bengal's deltoid zone. Among all Indian states, Bihar is the one most intimately linked to the Buddhas life, resulting in a trail of pilgrimages which have come to be known as the Buddhist circuit. The Buddhist trail begins at the capital city, Patna, where a noteworthy museum contains a collection of Hindu and Buddhist sculptures as well as a terracotta urn said to contain the ashes of Lord Buddha. The Khuda Baksh Oriental Library has rare Muslim manuscripts including some from the University of Cordoba in Spain. 40 km away, Vaishali, was the site for the second Buddhist Council is the presence of ruins testify. 90 km south of Patna is Nalanda which translates as the place that confers the lotus (of spiritual knowledge). A monastic university flourished here from the 5th to the 11th century. It is said to have contained nine million books, with 2,000 teachers to impart knowledge to 10,000 students who came from all over the Buddhist world. Lord Buddha himself taught here and Hieun Tsang, the 7th century Chinese traveler, was a student. Ongoing excavations have uncovered temples, monasteries and lecture halls. Rajgir, the royal palace, 12 km south, was the venue for the first Buddhist Council. The Buddha spent five years at Rajgir after having attained enlightenment, and many of the remains at Rajgir commemorate various incidents related to life of Buddha, the hill of Gridhrakuta being perhaps the most important, as this is where the Buddha delivered most of his sermons. Bodhgaya is the spot where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment, with the Mahabodhi Temple marking the precise location. Topography The topography of Bihar can be easily described as a fertile alluvial plain occupying the north, the Gangetic Valley. The northern plain extends from the foothills of the Himalayas in the north to a few miles south of the river Ganges as it flows through the State from the west to the east.

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The tract lying between 258' & 2731' North Latitude and 8320' & 8817' East Longitude is Bihar. It is bounded on the north by the Kingdom of Nepal, in the south by Jharkhand, in the east by West Bengal and on the west by Uttar Pradesh. Roughly rectangular in shape it comprises mainly the Gangetic Plains, the dissected highlands of Kaimur plateau and the Himalayan foothills occupying a very small tract of the state. The North Gangetic plain extends from the base of the Tarai in the north to the Ganga in the south, comprising an area of about 22,000 square miles. Except for the Someshwar and the Dun hills in the extreme northwest, it presents an almost flat appearance and has an elevation of less than 250 feet above sea level. The Someshwar and the Dun hills cover an area of about 364 square miles in Champaran. They are the lowest and the outermost of all the Himalayan ranges, immediately overlooking the plain, and form part of a long range which runs along the whole length of Nepal, at the southern base of which lies the swampy submontane tract called the Tarai. The Someshwar range runs along the northern frontier of the State for a distance of about 46 miles and varies in altitude from a few hundred feet to 2884 feet at Fort Someshwar, which commands a magnificent view of the Himalayas wrapped in the grandeur of eternal snow. The Dun hills lie to the south of the Someshwar range from which the Dun Valley separates them. They are a range of low hills land extends from about 20 miles from the northwest to the southeast. The Tarai that lies towards their southern margin forms a narrow belt of submontane forest, followed by a prairie land of long reedy grasses. It is mostly marshy and unhealthy. This area of hills is but sparsely populated by an aboriginal tribe called the Tharus. But for this small area of hills in the northwest, one looks in vain in any direction for la hill or mound, which may interrupt the continuity of the level surface. The North Gangetic plain is the playground of rivers- the Gogra, Gandak, Bagmati, Kosi, Mahananda and a host of minor streams, which descend from the Himalayas and make their way to the Ganga in frequently changing channels. The Kosi particularly has earned the bad name of being the most changeable stream in India, shifting its bed all the time. Because of the large quantities of silt they deposit the rivers at many points flow on ridges slightly elevated above the general level of the country and frequently inundate the low-lying lands on either side during the rains. The South Gangetic plain occupies the greater part of what is popularly known as South Bihar. It is wide towards the west and the middle, and extremely narrow towards the east. The outlying hills and undulations of

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the Chotanagpur plateau encroach upon the plain from the south, until near Munger they extend in the Kharagpur hills as far north as the Ganga itself, and after a brief recession run along the bank of the river for a considerable distance as the Rajmahal hills. The South Gangetic differs in many respects from the North Gangetic plain. It is higher in the south and slopes towards the Ganga, but the slope is not so gradual as in the North Gangetic plain. While the North is liable to flood and change, the South Gangetic plain is stable and not subject to floods except in limited areas. Moreover, it is much more diversified than the North, and a great many hills spring as islands of high rock from the level alluvium. Notable among the hills that lie scattered in the South Gangetic plain are the Barabar hills, the Rajgir-Jethian hills, and the Kharagpur hills. These hills lie in the districts of Jehanabad, Nalanda and Munger. Though not quite naked, they have been highly denuded, and most of the vegetation has either been cleared away with the axe or has disappeared with the erosion of the surface soil. They therefore present semi-bare rocky surfaces having a thin covering of grass and scrub. In the Kharagpur hills, areas of jungle still survive as but poor remnants of the dense forests which once clothed these hills. The Barabar and the Rajgir hills are generally less than 1,000 feet above sea level, but they exceed 1,000 feet at several places. The Kharagpur hills have several peaks rising above 1,600 feet. High banks on either side contain the trough occupied by the channel of the Ganga. After the close of the monsoon, there appear within the trough large expanses of sand and silt deposits called diaras which vary greatly in extent and position every year. The Rajmahal hills form the northeast angle of the Chotanagpur plateau and are the only considerable mass of hills that approach the Ganga in its course in that region. Although nowhere do they rise higher than 2,000 feet they present an extremely varied and picturesque topography. On its eastern margin, the plateau has a height of less than 1,000 feet but the general configuration is still that of an undulating upland. The Kaimur hills, separated from the rest of the plateau by the valley of the Son, are structurally very different from Chotanagpur. They are the easternmost termination of the Vindhyan range and form an undulating tableland rising abruptly from the plain in bold and lofty precipices, to eminences of about 1,200 feet above sea level. Forests & Wildlife Among the wildlife, notable are: deer, bears, numerous species of birds, including the peacock, pheasant, and wild fowl, and most notably, the


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tiger. The forest around Valmiki Nagar, West Champaran is one of the last remaining refuges of this highly endangered species. The forests of Bihar yield valuable commercial products besides the timber. Cane trees are used in the manufacture of an indigenous product for making furniture. A resinous material secreted by the lac insect is valuable commercially. It is the source of shellac. Also, bangles made of lac are very popular among women of Bihar. The silkworm is the source of magnificent silk - haracteristically, the tusser or tussah silk. The majestic banyan tree (Ficus bengalensis), and the related pipal (Ficus religiosa), dot the entire landscape of the State. Languages Hindi is by far the most common language of the state, understood by all. There is a significant number of Bengali speaking people also. They are descendants of the settlers from the old British Presidency of Bengal. English is the language of commerce and is spoken by the educated masses. In addition people speak many dialects in different regions. The major dialects are: Bhojpuri, Magahi and Maithili. Bhojpuri is spoken in the districts of Champaran (East and West), Saran, and Shahabad. Magahi is the dialect of Central Bihar, i.e., the districts of Patna, Gaya and Bihar. Maithili, and its variants, is the dialect of the people in the north-east, i.e., the districts of Muzaffarpur, Vaishali, Darbhanga, Samastipur, Saharsa, Purnia and Bhagalpur. Trade & Commerce Rich farmland and lush orchards extend throughout the north. Following are the major crops: paddy, wheat, lentils, sugarcane, jute (hemp, related to the marijuana plant, but a source of tough fibers and "gunny bags".) Also, cane grows wild in the marshes of West Champaran. The principal fruits are: mangoes, banana, jack fruit and litchis. This is one the very few areas outside China which produces litchi. There is very little industry in the plain region except for the sugar factories that are scattered all over the northern plains, particularly in the western region. Jute is transported to the jute factories located mostly in Calcutta. The principal commercial products of Bihar are: Crops - rice, wheat, lentils, maize (corn), sugar cane. Fruits - mangoes, bananas, jack-fruit, and litchis.

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Fibers - silk (particularly from the Bhagalpur region in the East, producers of a distinct quality of silk, namely, tussar or tussah); and jute, transported to factories located mostly near Calcutta for easy export of the finished material. Forest Products - hard wood timber, saal and sakhua from the north; also cane for weaving, particularly from the swamps in West Champaran district of North Bihar. North Bihar, a rich agricultural area, has many industries associated with agricultural products. There are numerous sugar factories scattered throughout the area. Many rice and edible oilmills also dot the landscape. It also has some sundry, but important, manufacturing plants, for example the Button Factory at Mehsi (East Champaran), and the old and renowned rail wagon manufacturing plant, the Arthur Butler & Co, at Muzaffarpur. Immediately after independence however, a major industrial complex grew around Barauni. The industrial plants located there are: the Fertilizer Factory, the Oil (petroleum) Refinery Plant, and the Thermal Power Station. Recently, a Thermal Power Plant has also begun operation at Kanti, in the Muzaffarpur district along its border with East Champaran. Regarding commerce and North Bihar, mention must be made of the gigantic annual cattle fair at Sonpur in the Saran district, close to the confluence of the Gandak and Ganges rivers. The fair is held around the religious festival of Kartik Purnima - full moon in the month of Kartik in the Hindu lunar calendar (corresponding to some time in Oct-Dec in the Gregorian calendar), which marks the end of the holy month of Kartik. Kartik Purnima in 1998 falls on Nov 4. This fair is reputed to be one of the world's largest such fair, where not just cattle but also exotic animals and horses and elephants are traded in large number. It attracts a large number of tourists from many countries. The Government of Bihar, through their Department of Tourism, provide many amenities for their boarding and lodging. 2.3. THE DISTRICT Buxar is an administrative district in the state of Bihar in India. The district headquarters are located at Buxar. The district occupies an area of 1624 km. As per 2001 census, the total population of District is 14,02,396 with rural population as 12,73,422 and urban population as 1,28,974. The total number of households in district is 1,92,426.

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The district buxar has two sub divisions namely Buxar & Dumraon and 11 blocks namely Buxar, Dumraon, Simari, Brahmpur, Rajpur, Itarhi, Nawanagar, Chaungain, Chausa, Chakki and Kesath. The District has 1638 revenue villages and 291 Gram panchayats. The major agriculture produce is Rich Paddy Fields, Wheat, Maize and Sugar Cane. There are number of rice & oil mills in the district. River Ganga and Karamsana flows through the district. Buxar district is bounded by Balia and Gazipur districts of Uttar Pradesh along its western and northern boundary through which river Ganga flows. To the south lie the districts of Kaimur and Rohtas whereas Bhojpur district lies in the east. 2.4. HISTORY Mir Kasim (reign:1760 to 1763), made an attempt to recover Bengal from the hands of British. In 1764, he enlisted the help of Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II and Nawab Shuja Ud Daulah of Oudh (Awadh). On October 23, 1764, Mir Kasim with his army was defeated by the British Major Hector Monro who led a contingent of 857 European soldiers and 6213 sepoys at Buxar. This victory paved the way for British Empire in India. It was a significant battle fought between the forces under the command of the British East India Company on the one side, and the combined armies of Mir Kasim, the Nawab of Bengal ; Nawab of Awadh; and Shah Alam II, the Mughal Emperor. The battle fought at Buxar, located on the bank of the Ganges river, was a decisive battle won by the forces of the East India Company. The battle resulted into securing of Diwani rights to administer the collection and management of revenues of large areas which currently form parts of Indian states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh , as well as of Bangladesh. The Battle of Buxar heralded the establishment of the rule of the East India Company in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent. 2.5. TOWN LOCATION The town Buxar is located on the bank of river Ganges (Ganga). The location of town is provided by 25.35 N - 83.59 E. A road bridge over Ganges connects Buxar with Ballia district of neighboring state Uttar Pradesh. The town is connected to the state capital Patna by rail and

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road routes. Substantial proportion of trade activities are with well connected towns and cities in Uttar Pradesh such as Varanasi, Ballia and Ghazipur. The town is 65.00 meters above Mean Sea Level. The location of Town of Buxar in State of Bihar is shown in map provided on next page. 2.6. DEMOGRAPHY As of 2001 India census, Buxar had a population of 83,168 with population of SC & ST as 6,558 and 1,023 respectively The number of household in the town is 12,004. The population density of tows is 16118 persons per km2. Slums There are number of slums situated in the town. A list of slums as obtained from ULB, Buxar. S.No. Ward No. 1 2 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 01 04 06 11 12 13 13 Slums Name Harijan Mathiya Ward No. 1 Slum Paket Nath Harijan Toli behind Krishna Cinema, Slum P. 2 Khalasi Muhalla Slum Pocket No. 3 Shanti Nagar Ward No. 11 Slum Pocket No. 7 Nai Bazar Rly. Crossing Gumty Slum Pocket No.4 Nai Bazar, Mehtar Toli Slum Pocket 5 Nai Bazar Mission ke Samne Harijan Mathiya Slum P.No. 6 No. of Families 335 387 710

691 322 409

The Buxar town map showing municipal wards is shown on next page. 2.7. CONNECTIVITY Buxar is 90 kilometres west of State capital, Patna. The nearest airport is at Patna.

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It is one of the important railway stations in Bihar. Buxar Railway Station is on the Mughal Sarai-Danapur rail route. The train connections include Lal Quila Express, Himgiri Express, Sealdah-Varanasi Express, Shramjeevi Express, Poorva Express and Farakka Express.

Ganga Bridge

The station is located about 23 km from Sasaram. It falls under the administrative control of the Danapur division of East Central Railways. The nearest main station to the east of Buxar is Ara Railway Station. Dildarnagar Junction Railway Station is the nearest railhead to the west. The nearest navigable river is The Ganges. Buses and auto-rickshaws connect the city with other towns of Bihar. 2.8. CLIMATE The maximum temperature in the town during summers is 42oC. The minimum temperature in town during winter is 7oC. The annual average rainfall of town is 792 mm. 2.1. COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES


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The most exported commodity from the town includes Rice, Wheat & vegetable. Fertilizers, Medicine & Petroleum products are mostly imported from outside. 2.2. TOURIST LOCATIONS There are number of famous tourist locations in this area. The important tourist locations are described below: Naulkha Mandir

Tarka Statue It is believed that Rishi Vishwamitra conducted his yagya here and brought lord Ram in his childhood from Ayodhya to protect his yagya from the evils of rakshasha, which he did by killing a lady evil named Tarkasur. Her deity is now installed and people usually go to see that.

Palasi In 1764, this place came into limelight when the historic battle between British forces and Nawab of Bengal, Mirquasim was fought at Kathikauli,

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which is 6-kms east of Buxar town. Buxar is now headquarters of the district of the same name. Chausa It is the famous site of battle fought between Humayun and Sher Shah in 1539 A.D. Humayun had to take a Bhistis help for crossing the Ganges as Shershah was pursuing him. In recognition of the Bhistis services Humayun made the Bhisti (the waterman) Emperor for one day and the latter issued leather coins to mark his daylong reign. Ahirauli Situated about 5-kms northeast of Buxar, this village has a temple of Devi Ahilya. According to local tradition it dates back to the pre-historic ages. Legend is that, Ahilya was transformed into stone as a result of curse of her husband, Rishi Gautama, and she could be redeemed only when Lord Ram Chandra visited her place. Kharika The village, which is situated about 6-kms southwest of Rajpur, is noted for the fierce battle between the forces of Babu Kunwar Singh and the British forces in 1857. Brahampur The village contains a famous ancient Brahmeshwar Temple that existed also in the times of invasion of Muhammad Ghajanwi, who destroyed it. Raja Man Singh built the temple during the reign of Mugal Emperor Akbar. Ram Rekha Ghat According to the legends, Lord Ramchandra and his younger brother Laxman with their teacher Rishi Vishwamitra had crossed the Ganges here on their way to Janakpur where he later took part in the Sita Swayamvara. So, this place has become an important pilgrimage to the Hindus.


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On the 18th day of solemn month of Paus, corresponding approximately to the 14th January of each year, an undoubtedly biggest fair is held here on Makar Sankranti. On this day the sun enters the sidereal of zodiac. This mela is also popularly known as Khichari mela. Roughly 40 to 50 thousand men, women and children, assemble in the town, camp there at several places and bathe in the Ganga at the famous Ramrekha Ghat. The bathing in the Ganges usually continues for three days.


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Chapter 3. Design Criteria

3.1. THE MANUAL OF SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE TREATMENT (SECOND EDITION) The Manual of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment (Second Edition), Ministry of Urban Development, 1993 is an excellent publication which comprehensively deals with all aspects of sewerage systems from initial planning through design and construction, including management and legal aspects, and then on to the subsequent operation and maintenance of the systems. The proposals and recommendations of the Sewerage Manual, and its previous version of 1986, are normally complied with by all engineering consultants and authorities throughout India for the design of sewerage systems. A number of design criteria have been adopted from the revised guidelines for preparation of DPRs for conservation of rivers & lakes as issued vide office memorandum G.11011/2/2001-NRCD.I dated 13-08-2002 of National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), Ministry of Environment & Forest, GoI. In general, these proposals comply recommendations of these documents. 3.2. DESIGN PERIOD For a sewerage system the main component of the project is to design a suitable system of sewers for collecting the waste water generated by the population as domestic effluent, industrial effluent and also likely ground





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water infiltration. Since sewers once laid are extremely difficult to change in size and slope with increasing flow due to expansion in population, it is necessary to adopt a certain rational figure for the likely projected population. It is a generalized practice to design sewers to match the flow of a projected population for thirty years. Too large period will involve very heavy financial burden on the present population, which will not be able to enjoy the benefits, and a small period will soon get overloaded creating insanitary conditions. Manual for Sewerage and Sewerage Treatment recommend to adopt a design period of thirty years for all types of sewers and its components. But for pumping machinery it has to match the life of pumping machinery which is generally limited to fifteen years and has to be replaced. For trunk and outfall the period can be reduced provided that there is technical feasibility of subsequent duplication. In case of this project town which will be still a town of moderate size much less than a metropolitan or city, a design year of 2041 with effective design period of 30 years is adopted for entire sewerage system. For different lift stations, design year for pumping machinery is adopted as 2026 with design period of 15 years. NRCD Guidelines Recommendations Base yearThe year of expected commissioning of the project shall be taken as the base year for design of various components of the projects. Design periods of various components may be adopted as under:
S.No. Component Design Period Clarification from base year 30 Land will be required to add STPs. Accordingly, land should be acquired Cost of civil works is economical for full design period.

Land acquisition Sewer system

2 3


30 Sewage Pumping Station civil works Pumps 15

Considering modular approach


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6 7

Rising mains Effluent disposal LCS Crematoria RFD MSW

30 30

8 9 10 11

Construction may be done with a modular approach in a phased manner as the population grows. In case of low velocities, dual rising mains to be examined Provision of design capacities in the initial stages itself is economical. Required as of base year Required as per assessment Required as per assessment Requirement as per assessment

3.3. GROUND WATER INFILTRATION The quantum of ground water infiltration in sewers depends largely on the Depth of sewers and ground water table. Material and type of jointing and Workmanship. As the project town is situated on the banks of River Ganga, the water table in the town is very much near the ground. Looking to possibility of infiltration of ground water, it is proposed to adopt strict quality control measures for material & workmanship. However, a provision of infiltration in sewers is adopted as 250 litre/manhole/day. 3.4. FLOW FORMULAE The mannings formula is used to calculate the hydraulic gradient in sewers, as given below:

V = 1/n A2/3 S1/2

Where, V : Velocity of flow in meters per second n : Mannings Constant S : Slope of channel R : Hydraulic radius of section, meter

For salt-glazed pipes value 'n' has been adopted as .012 and for Reinforced Cement Concrete pipes value 'n' is 0.011.


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3.5. VARIATION IN FLOW Since the flow in sewers varies considerably from hour to hour as such peak flows with the following peak function have been adopted for arriving at design flow as per guide lines provided in the Manual.
Contributory population Upto 20,000 20,000 to 50,000 50,000 to 7,50,000 Above 7.5 lacs Peak flow 3.00 2.5 2.25 2.0

3.6. PIPE MATERIAL Use of three types of wastewater pipes is more prevalent. These are precast concrete (PC), Vitrified Clay (VC) and plastic pipes). All pipes for wastewater drainage should be manufactured to the relevant Indian Standard. In practice, this does not always seem to be the case and so this needs to be checked before ordering and accepting delivery of pipes. The quality of pipes is also important when jointing. In considering the most appropriate pipe material for use in town, the following factors should be considered : Availability of sizes and fittings, when required, Cost of materials and installation, Durability - life expectancy, Durability - resistance to chemical and biological attack, Strength, Condition of installation, Size - for example, the maximum size for SWG is 600 mm diameter. 3.6.1. PRECAST CONCRETE (PC) PIPES:

Precast concrete pipes are manufactured as standard sewer pipes and as pressure pipes. For sewers, non-pressure, reinforced concrete pipes are normally used. In the past, collar joints have been used with plain-ended pipes, but these have now been superseded by rubber ring, spigot and socket joints. These pipes are governed by IS:458.


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PC Pipes are manufactured in diameters from 80 to 2600 mm in accordance with BIS Standards, and can be supplied with rubber ring gaskets. The jointing system with rubber rings offers the potential for a water-tight and flexible joint which is easy to make in a trench. The pipes are manufactured in 2.0 m lengths for diameters up to 250 mm, and 2.5 m lengths for diameters above 250 mm. Plain ended PC pipes with collar joints are also manufactured, but these are not recommended. Disadvantages of concrete pipes include: limited range of fittings, risk of corrosion following hydrogen sulphide formation in sewers, need for good quality control and supervision over manufacture and jointing. Nevertheless, they have generally proved to be durable and have been used extensively. They are also relatively cheap. They are therefore recommended with the precaution that the standards and specifications for manufacture and installation will be followed. 3.6.2. VITRIFIED CLAY PIPES:

Salt glazed stoneware pipes (SW pipes) are manufactured to BIS Standards in diameters from 100 mm to 600 mm internal diameter in 50 mm steps. Pipes are manufactured in 600, 750 & 900 mm lengths with spigot and socket, cement mortar type joints. A wide range of fittings, including bends and gully traps, is available. Nowadays, rubber ring joints are also being used for pipes of diameter more than 150 mm. Vitrified clay pipes are brittle rigid pipes which are susceptible to breakages during transport and handling. Nevertheless, they are cheap, durable, and suitable for use with corrosive liquids and aggressive ground conditions. They are not susceptible to sulphide corrosion. They have been used extensively for use in house drains, house connections and for main sewers up to about 300 mm diameter. The main disadvantage of stoneware pipes compared with concrete pipes is the greater number of joints that are required because of the short lengths that are manufactured. This increases the cost of laying and increases the potential for infiltration through badly made joints if strong supervision is lacking during the construction phase.


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SW pipes with flexible joints are not available. The standards for this pipe are governed by IS:651. 3.6.3. PLASTIC PIPES:

uPVC pressure pipes are manufactured in diameters from 75 mm up to 400 mm. The pipes are delivered in 5 or 6 m lengths and can be jointed by either rubber gaskets or by solvent welding. Normally, rubber gaskets are used for pipes larger than 100 mm. uPVC is an inert material, and is suitable for carrying many corrosive effluents and for laying in aggressive ground conditions. However, the pipes are susceptible to poor workmanship, when longitudinal warping, cross-sectional distortion and cracking have been experienced. Many of these factors are exacerbated by the thin walled sewer pipes, and it is recommended that, if uPVC pipes are to be used for sewers, then pressure pipes are used rather than sewer class pipework. It is also recommended that very careful attention is given during installation to pipe stacking, handling, trench bedding and backfilling procedures. The uPVC & HDPE pipe specifications are governed by IS Code 4685 and IS 4984. HDPE pipes of 160 mm are proposed to be used in narrow lanes and connected to main sewers using chambers. It is proposed to utilize uPVC pipe of diameter 100 mm for property connections in connecting individual property to public sewers. 3.6.4. DI PIPES

Ductile Iron pipe is also a possible solution for modern sewers. Ductiles long laying lengths and bottle-tight joints minimize potential infiltration and aid in construction. For most sizes, its larger inside diameters deliver up to several million gallons per day more flow than nominal pipe diameters. Its standard cement-mortar lining ensures an excellent friction coefficient and resistance to scour and cement deterioration from most domestic sewage. And its high material strength resists heavy impact, handles extreme external loadings, and in many cases, there is no need for special bedding or backfill. Ductile Iron pipe can be used in a wide variety of applications, including challenging conditions like deep trenches, shallow cover, seismic activity, subsequent adjacent excavations, beam loading, and ring crushing.

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Ductile Iron pipe is especially suited for pressure sewer applications because its standard pressure classes provide for high operating pressures with a allowance for surge pressures. Surges, or hydraulic transients, are a very serious problem for pressure sewers as pump stations are vulnerable to power outages and surge control devices for raw wastewater are not always dependable. In this project, pressure sewers are proposed of Ductile Iron Pipe. The specifications of DI pipe in india are governed by IS:8329. 3.7. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF SEWERS Sewers and other water pipelines need to be designed structurally so that when buried they can withstand all the external forces to which they are likely to be subjected. As sewers flow under gravity, there are no significant internal pressures to allow for. Providing bedding, haunching and surrounds, which may be of concrete or sand or gravel, are important ways of strengthening a pipeline to withstand higher loading. The basic data on which the need of additional support is determined are the actual strengths of the pipes used, the depths of the laid pipeline and its location (whether in a main road with fast moving traffic, or in a plot with pedestrian traffic only, etc.) The computation of loads on buried pipelines has been established by the work of Marston, Spangle and others, and is summarised in the CPHEEO manual. To allow for settlement and soil movement, it is recommended that all sewers are provided with flexible joints, which should also be selfcentering. Such joints are normally formed using rubber rings. The pipe spigots and the interiors of their sockets should be smooth and sound, and made to tolerances which allow this type of jointing. 3.8. MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM SEWER PIPE SIZES 3.8.1. MINIMUM SEWER SIZES

The Design Manual recommends that the minimum sewer pipe size should be 150 mm diameter except for very hilly areas where it may be reduced to 100 mm diameter.


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In many places, sewer blockages regularly occur in the smaller diameter sewers due to misuse by the public, and it is therefore usual to stipulate a minimum diameter of 200 mm for public sewers. It is proposed to adopt minimum size of proposed public sewers as 150 mm diameter. It should be noted that this minimum size does not apply to property connections. The suggested minimum size for these is 100 mm diameter. 3.8.2. MAXIMUM SIZES OF SEWERS

Theoretically, the maximum required size of a sewer pipe depends upon various factors including anticipated maximum flows, the available gradients and flow criteria. It also depends upon what large sizes of pipes are locally available. Economics are also important but are not the only factor to be considered. After a certain size, it becomes cheaper to construct duplicate sewers instead of a single large sewer, when every cost factor cost of pipes including handling and transport, costs of trench excavation and backfilling, costs of pipe laying and jointing, costs of pipe bedding and other support and protection, the anticipated annual increase in the flow with which the sewer must deal, etc. - is taken into account. 3.9. NORMAL MINIMUM DEPTHS FOR SEWERS It is not logical to specify a maximum depth for a sewer as this will be dictated by practical and economic considerations. The choice will normally be between having a deep sewer or having a sewerage pumping station. The suggested rule is that sewerage pumping stations should only be proposed with great reluctance, when absolutely necessary. Sewers should always if feasible be laid at depths which will accommodate not only all existing properties but also any future properties within the area which sewers are designed to serve. Minimum depths of cover over sewers are often given as 1200 mm in roads and 900 mm in all other areas. Normal current practice is to have at least 1 m cover above the top of the sewer. It should be noted that the depth of a sewer is not the distance between the sewer invert and the ground level.


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However, applying these criteria to initial lengths of sewer in flat areas will lead to unnecessarily deep sewers, and the cost of providing protection to the first length of a shallow sewer will be saved by the reduction in depth of all the subsequent sewer lengths. A shallow sewer at a depth of 0.6 m, with adequate protection against damage by proper concrete shrouding, will be considered acceptable when this is justified economically and is not technically detrimental It is recommended to adopt a minimum depth of sewer as 1.0 mtrs in general and 0.6 mtr for shallow sewers. 3.10. 3.10.1. MANHOLE DESIGN AND SPACING MANHOLE DESIGN

The Design Manual has a comprehensive section on recommended manhole design with sizes, depending upon both the depth and the size of the sewers, for circular manholes as shown in the following Table 3.1 which are in general adopted.
Table 3.1: Minimum Diameters for Circular Manholes (Sewerage Manual, 1993)

Manhole Depth (m) 0.90 - 1.65 m 1.65 - 2.30 m 2.30 - 9.0 m 9.0 - 14.0 m

Minimum Manhole Diameter (mm) 900 mm 1200 mm 1500 mm 1800 mm

It is recommended to adopt these recommendations with suitable modification as described below: For Brick manholes, following four configurations have been adopted Type A B C D Manhole Depth (m) 0.90 - 1.65 m 1.70 - 2.50 m 2.60 - 5.0 m 5.1 - 9.0 m Minimum Manhole Diameter (mm) 900 mm 1200 mm 1500 mm 1800 mm


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For RCC Manhole, two configurations type E (upto 3.5 mtr diameter) and F (beyond 3.5 mtr diameter) with different depth categories have been adopted: Type Outgoing Sewer Diameter 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 Minimum Manhole Diameter (mm) 1400 1500 1550 1750 2000 2200


General observations: Manholes less than 4.5 m deep are normally circular in shape and constructed with cement-mortared Brick masonry with internal plastering. Circular construction is preferred to rectangular from strength considerations.. Manholes equal to 4.5 m depth or greater are constructed from cast in situ reinforced concrete or Precast concrete rings. Recently, pre-constructed plastic manhole have also been introduced in the market and the manufacturers claim several advantages for them such as ease of installation and speedier construction of the system, corrosion free service etc. However, the plastics are thermo-labile and may yield under superimposed loads especially during summers. Further, their protection against UV and abrasion is not yet established and they have to be proven by way of long service in tropical countries before their large-scale adoption can be considered. Manholes covers: Ferro Cement Covers/Cast Iron covers and frames were commonly used in the past in other towns but, because of the widespread theft of these for the scrap value of the cast iron, manhole covers are now usually Precast Ferro Cement type housed/fit in to a cast iron frame which is embedded in a reinforced concrete manhole cover slab. The same is proposed to be adopted for this project. Step irons: It is proposed to use Cast iron steps in this project. 3.10.2. MANHOLE SPACING

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The Design Manual recommends that the maximum spacing of manholes on sewers which cannot be entered for cleaning or inspection should be 30 meters. For sewers of diameter above 900 mm, subject to operational and maintenance requirements / procedures the spacing may be in the range of 90 meters to 150 meters and for sewers exceeding 1500 mm diameter the spacing may be increased to 200 meters. It should be noted that the above criteria are qualified by the fact that manholes should be provided at every change of alignment, grade or diameter, at the head of every system and at every junction of two or more sewers. Additionally, it is a widely followed norm that all property connections should be connected to the sewerage system at a manhole. Therefore the actual spacing will generally be less than the standard spacing recommended by the Manual. 3.11. FLOW CAPACITY OF SEWERS

The Design Manual recommends that a sewerage system should be designed to flow 80% full at peak dry weather flow. The Design Manual says that storm water should not be expected to enter the sewerage system. 3.12. SEWAGE SEPTICITY & VENTILATION

Positive steps need to be made to minimise the chances of corrosion in the future. The recommended precautions are based mainly upon keeping the sewerage systems well ventilated. Sewer ventilation is necessary for several reasons including: to prevent undue concentrations of hydrogen sulphide and other gases potentially dangerous to concrete and other materials; to prevent undue concentrations of methane and other gases potentially dangerous to operatives; hydraulic requirements. The existing regulations and practices are the following: The Design Manual recommends that sewers are designed to flow at 80% of full capacity in order to allow for ventilation and indicates that ventilating columns should be considered on the sewerage system where there are older property connections with intercepting traps.

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The National Building Code of India realises the need for and encourages sewer ventilation through ventilating pipes on property connections. The National Code describes and supports various domestic plumbing systems for dealing with both sullage and human excreta. It is recommended to adopt following practices Where ventilation pipes are provided as part of the house drainage connections, ventilation columns are not required on area sewers. It is recommended, however, that they are used on main trunk sewers for sizes above 450 mm with a spacing of 300 mtr. It is proposed that every property drainage system should have a vertical ventilating pipe at the upper end of every drain, in addition to any down-pipes discharging into other parts of the drains and which have ventilators to prevent water seals from being broken. 3.13. 3.13.1. SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS AND PUMPING MAINS GENERAL

When a sewerage system is being designed the aim should be to avoid sewerage pumping stations wherever possible. This is because the pumps and associated equipment automatically form a weak point in the system. However they are necessary where gravity drainage is not feasible in low lying areas or where gravity drainage is not economical because of the cost of excavation. Sewage pumping is always a management problem. Sewage pumping results in the environmental impacts of noise and odor, and there are always environmental risks associated with failure of the pumping station. Also the station creates an environmental nuisance because of the need of vehicular access for repairs, maintenance and sludge removal. 3.13.2. RECOMMENDATIONS

All pumping station shall be preceded by a mechanical screen. A clear spacing between bars as 25 mm at lift station is adopted. For simplicity of maintenance, the sewerage pumping stations of the wet well type are proposed. The electrically driven submersible pumps should be unchokeable and wear-resisting types, capable of passing solids up to 100 mm spheres, and should operate close to their points of maximum


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efficiency. Standby pump units should be provided at all pumping stations. Manual of Sewerage and Sewage treatment by CPHEEO recommends following arrangement of Pumps The capacity of pumps shall be adequate to meet the peak flow rate of flow with 50% standby. The capacity of pump is usually stated in terms of Dry Weather Flow (DWF) estimated for pumping station. 5 pumps are usually provided comprising of 2 of 1/2 DWF, 2 of 1 DWF and 1 of 3 DWF capacity. The vulnerability to power failure, and the potential impact of consequent flooding, is considered for each pumping station. Looking to the doubt for the reliability of the electricity supply, standby power diesel generators are proposed to be provided. All pumping station wet wells need to be ventilated to avoid a build-up of hydrogen sulphide. NRCD Guidelines Recommendations Preference may be given to submersible pumps wherever, feasible, they being cheaper and operation friendly. Configuration of sewage pumps shall be as below;
Where rising main is long Peak flow/2 pumps Non peak flow pumps Where rising main is short Peak flow/4 pumps 2 nos. 2 nos. 5 nos. 1 standby

It is proposed to provide submersible pumps 4 working and 1 standby in numbers of capacity Peak flow/4 at all the lift stations as per NRCD recommendations 3.13.3. PUMPING MAINS

The recommendations are as following: Pumping mains should be designed with a minimum velocity of 0.9 m/s to avoid sedimentation. The maximum velocity should be determined from an economic comparison between pipeline and energy costs for different diameters of pipe. The minimum diameter for pumping mains should be 150 mm to minimise the chances of blockages. Anchor blocks are required at all changes in direction of the pumping main.


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Where high points in the pumping main are absolutely unavoidable, sewage type air relief valves, including an isolating valve to aid maintenance, should be provided. Washouts, leading to a ditch or preferably to a nallah, should be provided at all low points. Manholes and other chambers into which pumping mains discharge should be well-ventilated to avoid a build-up of hydrogen sulphide, the release of which is commonly caused by turbulence. 3.14. SEWER CROSSINGS

Gravity trunk sewers must obviously cross beneath roads and railway tracks. They can either cross above nallahs on a pipe bridge, or they can cross beneath the nallah: It could be, but this is unlikely, that the sewer is so deep that it can cross under the nallah without altering manhole depths and gradients. Provided that there is sufficient cover between the top of the sewer and the firm, true bed of the river, then there is no problem. However, the sewer must always be protected by concrete against possibilities of scour. It is more likely that it will be possible to cross the nallah via a pipe bridge that is, by supporting each length of sewer pipe, which should be ductile iron or protected mild steel, on concrete or other rigid, firm pillars. This is acceptable provided that the sewer is sufficiently high so that it is clear of the water during maximum flood flow levels.


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Chapter 4. Existing Infrastructure


The water supply of town is maintained by Public Health Engineering Department. Most of the areas are covered by water supply network only. There are no piped water supply arrangements maintained by any private body. The source of water for Municipal water supply of the town is ground water. There are number of tube-wells through which ground water is drawn. There are six number of high yield tubewells, the locations of which are as follows: Buxar Quila Near DM Residence Near Police Club Near Syndicate Canal Khalashi Mohalla Nai Bazaar All these tubewells are in working conditions and are used for pumping water to Service Reservoirs and for boosting directly in water supply networks. In all, there are two number of Service reservoirs for feeding water supply pipe networks, details of which are as follows:

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S.No 1 2

Location Kilapar Bangali Tola

Capacity 50,000 Gallons 1,20,000 Gallons

There is no water treatment plant in the town as the source of water supply in the town is ground water. In most of the houses, hand operated handpumps are used to draw water from shallow ground water aquifer. The piped network for water supply is around 35 kms. Disinfection using chlorination is being practiced in the town water supply. The daily water supply in the town is 3.0 lac gallons which comes to be 40 LPCD. In addition, almost all the households of the town have shallow hand pumps to meet their daily water requirement and the water table in town is quite shallow due to its proximity with Ganga river. Considering these private sources of water supply, the average daily water supply of the town is 135 LPCD. The average water table in the town is around 10 mtrs. 4.2. EXISTING STORM WATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES 4.2.1. RIVER GANGA

The town Buxar is situated on the banks of River Ganga. The river Ganga flows from West-South to East-North Direction. The danger level of river Ganga at Buxar is 60.32 meters. The flood level of River Ganga at Buxar town for different years are as follows: S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Maximum Water Level in meters at Buxar in Month of June 58.2 57.88 54.88 55.47 59.09 55.67 56.19 55.18


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S.No. 9 10 11

Year 1998 1999 2000

Maximum Water Level in meters at Buxar in Month of June 58.4 59.19 60.13

The max water levels in river Ganga in month of June for different years are depicted pictorially below:



As expected, all the canals & drains in the town discharges in the River Ganga. The major drains and canal passing through the town are as follows: Buxar Main Canal Tarka Nallah Abandoned Canal The Buxar main canal i.e. a natural river flows westwards to meet river Ganga at its eastern banks. This canal divided the whole town in two halves. The canal has gated outlets at River Ganga. There are three gates which are operated depending on maximum water level in River Ganga. This outlet was constructed in pre independence periods with wooden

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gates. This rivers bed depth is around 8.0 mtrs from The road formation level at its crossing with main road to central Jail.

River , Buxar Main Canal

Another view of River , Buxar Main Canal

The Tarka Nallah is a katcha drain which also flows eastwards to meet River Ganga. This katch nallah drains ward no. 30,29,27 and 13. This drain Bed depth from road is around 3.8 mtr at its crossing at main Road to Central Jail. There is an abandoned canal which runs from Bus Stand in northern direction to meet river Ganga. The rain water gets collected in these depressions in rainy


Gates at Canal

season. There are number of surface depression spread all across the town. In these depressions during monsoon, the rain water is collected causing a threat of public health & safety. These ponds are more conspicuous in


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ward No 8, 9, 10, 28, 30, 31, 32 and 33. These ponds are much bigger covering an area of 10,000 to 20,000 sq.m. 4.2.3. EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE

There is a sump near Ramrekha Ghat to collect storm water from surrounding areas and coming from Tarka Nallah. This collected storm water is pumped to another sump situated near abandoned canal. The pumping main is PSCC pipes. This water is again pumped to another sump from where it is discharged in Ganga River. 4.3. EXISTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM There is no sewerage system in the town. The sewage & wastewater is disposed of using different on-site sanitation methods. 4.3.1. SANITATION METHODS

The most common on-site wastewater treatment & disposal practice adopted in town is Septic Tank. In most of the households in newly developed areas and in areas within already developed city the houses with adequate space within its premises wastewater from water closets is connected to septic tanks. The supernatant from these septic tanks is discharged in road side gutters. This wastewater is drained to nearest depression creating pond there. Kutcha toilets are not uncommon in the town. Though under various programmes, a large number of kutcha toilets are converted in flushed toilets, still in the high density area where individual households have no open space around, one can find kutcha toilets. Open defecation is also not uncommon in the town. In areas near the bank of river Ganga and in areas lying at outskirts of town, open defecation is very common in the town. In general, the sullage water fixtures & fittings are connected with open storm water collection system. All the sullage from different household activities is discharged in roadside nalis & drains. The sullage after flowing in drains is collected in nearby local surface depressions. This collected sullage create unsightly conditions in the locality. These ponds of collected sullage are potential threat to public health as these are breeding grounds of mosquitoes etc. 4.3.2. COMMUNITY TOILETS


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In all, there are three community toilets in the town. The location of these community toilets is as follows: S.No. 1 2 3 Location Old Bus Stand Ramrakha Ghat Railway Station Facilities 15 Gents & 5 Ladies 4 Urinals Ladies & 1 Gents 5 Gents, 3 Ladies, 1 Urinal

These community toilets are operated & maintained by NGO Sulabh. 4.3.3. NEED OF THE PROJECT

The general drainage of the town is through open drains and these drains often find their way to nearby rivers Ganga increasing the pollution load on receiving waters and consequently deteriorating water quality of these rivers and damaging the aquatic ecology of these rivers. The absence of appropriate sanitation facilities has led to gross contamination of nallahs and surface water in and around the town, posing high risks through water borne diseases. The present system of disposal of WC effluents is through open drains or septic tank. These drains dispose in lower areas and ponds thereby creating crude pollution of environment and water bodies. Only few house holders have got septic tanks constructed in their houses. The effluent from septic tanks is discharged in open drains and are often overflow, causing bed smell, unhygienic condition & breeding of mosquitoes. Carrying sullage through open drainage system is entirely unsatisfactory and unhygienic. Generally, disposal through septic tanks are recommended only for isolated dwellings away from habitat. With the increasing population and rise in population density of residential area, the problem may become serious for disposal of effluent from septic tanks, because of poor soaking capacity of the soil. Besides due to increasing pressure on land for residential purposes, sufficient land may not be available for providing on site disposal system in the already developed residential areas (old areas). Location of large number of soak pit/septic tanks within the area of municipal council, must be causing pollution of groundwater in the vicinity.


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In the absence of safe disposal system of sewage as mentioned above, the people of Buxar are facing unhealthy and unhygienic environment therefore public representatives are also demanding facilities of sewerage system on priority basis. The town requires sound drainage and sewerage especially because the soil, owing to irrigated area/ canal /high level of water table, does not have soaking capacity. After execution of sewerage system by providing underground sewer pipe line network followed by sewerage treatment plant, there will be a marked improvement in water quality of river Ganga and the public of Buxar would find great relief from unhealthy and unhygienic environment.


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Chapter 5. Population Projection

5.1. HISTORICAL TREND The experience of Indian urbanization can be broadly classified into four periods: pre-1920, 1920-1947, post-1947 till 1991(liberalization) and post liberalization. In the pre-1920 period, urbanization largely was a result of commerce and trade rather than industry, with security playing a small but significant role in some cases. The initial growth, till 1931, was extremely slow, but began to pick up pace as the influence of transportation sector expansion was added to the influence of the manufacturing and service sectors. Bihar has the second highest density of population, despite being the least urbanized. In terms of distribution of age, it is also the youngest state in India. Bihar has just 130 in Class I, II and III categories. The state has ten Class I towns, 23 Class II towns and 97 Class III towns. Even more interestingly in Bihar we see a reversal of the trend of fast rising urbanization, seen not only in the rest of the country, but also the entire developing world. In terms of urbanization Bihar has the least number of people living in towns with just 15.2% residing in them as compared to 28.8% in the rest of India. There seems to be a reverse flow in the last decade with urban Bihar actually contracting from 11.4 million in 1991 to 8.7 million in 2001, a decrease of 23.6% though the states decennial population growth rate of 28.4% was among the highest in the country. One reason for this is the loss of Jharkhand with large towns like Ranchi, Dhanbad and


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Hazaribagh and with the urbanized population accounting for 6 million of its 26.9 million. Even after accounting for this significant event, the level of urbanization in 2001 was 13.19%, which is marginally less than what it was (13.38%) in 1991. The declining pace of urbanization in Bihar can be attributed to low industrialization around (and in) urban areas, which has possibly discouraged youths from rural areas in quest of employment to migrate to the cities of the state. The deteriorating physical conditions in the towns contribute just as much as the lack of economic opportunity to the reversal in urbanization in Bihar. The approach to the process of urbanization until recently has been largely "reactive" in the sense that problems have sought to the addressed in a knee-jerk manner. Urban planning needs to be anticipating and based upon an integrated approach to address the various dimensions of urban development. Nevertheless, the growth of population and marginal influx into urban areas has put the aging and creaking urban infrastructure and services under a severe stress. The increasing pressure on urban environment is taking its toll on the quality of life of the urban population. In addition to the low industrialization of truncated Bihar, until recently, there is little by way of urban construction or renewal in Bihar. The population figures of Buxar city are available from year 1901 and are produced below:
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Year 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Population 13945 11309 10098 13449 14879 18087 23068 31691 42952 55753 83168


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The city has shown a negative growth from 1901 to1921 but has grown speedily thereafter. Certain anomalies are clearly visible in population growth trend from these records. There is a high population growth after independence which is quite understandable, in the context of partition and its aftermath, followed up by rural to urban migration. There is considerable decline in population during the first three decades of the previous century due to the after effects of recurrent famines and the I World War. The decadal growth & incremental increase rate in the past decades as per census data is reproduced as below:
S.No. Year Population Decadal Growth (Increase in Population per Decade) % Increase in Population per Decade Incremental Increase

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Average per Decade

13945 11309 10098 13449 14879 18087 23068 31691 42952 55753 83168 -2636 -1211 3351 1430 3208 4981 8623 11261 12801 27415 6922 -18.90 -10.71 33.18 10.63 21.56 27.54 37.38 35.53 29.80 49.17 21.52 1425 4562 -1921 1778 1773 3642 2638 1540 14614 3339

The citys population growth rate has considerably increased in the last decade and can be considered on higher side.


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There were two distinct peaks in the growth rate curve. The first one was during decades 1961-81 when the decadal average growth rate was approximately 36 percent and the other one was in the last decade when it abruptly increases up to 49.2% from the past decade. These two peaks can be attributed to availability of work in the industry in the city and now the growth rate is increased to higher demand of physical work in the industry. The citys population growth rate is increasing continuously in the past two decades and has reached up to 49.17 percent in the last decade (19912001) The increasing trend of population is a sign of presence of economic opportunities in the city and improving infrastructure. 5.2. CENSUS 2001 As per Census 2001, the population of town Buxar is 83,168. The town has 34 number of wards. The ward wise population of town as per 2001 census is as follows:
S.No. 1 Ward No. 1 Population 2001 2658 Description of Ward Area North : - Ganga River South :- Jail pine, Central Jail Road, Charitra Van, Main Road, , Nolakha Mandir, M.P. College Road via Nath Baba Mandir Road East :- Nath Baba Road, from east side Malah Toli to Jail Pine West :- Sumeshwar Place, West end Sai Gali to Shivmuni Master via Jail Pine Gali North :- Central Jail, Charitravan Main Road, Nolakha



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Ward No.

Population 2001

Description of Ward Area Mandir M.B. College via Nath Baba Mandir Road South:- Jail Pine East :- Vir Kuwar Singh Colony (Vishwamitra Muni) Road and Nath Baba Road, West:- Ramjisingh to Sima Marriage Gali and Buxer Chousa Road North:- Charitravan Main Road, South Boundry of Electricity Deptt. (From Barakpal to Vir Kuwar Singh Path) South:- South Boundry of Barak Pal to Bazar Samiti to Gali of West Boundry, Jail Pine East:- West boundry of Bazar Samiti, Dhobi Pat P.C.C. Road, Nahar Colony Road West:- Barak Pal ki Boundry (Water Flow) Vir kuwar singh P.C.C. Path, Shri Ganesh Singh, Sh. Naresh Singh, Sh. Om Prakash Giri ka Makan to Barak Pal ki Boundry South Boundry of Electricity Deptt. North:- Barak Pal South Boundry Bazar Samiti West Boundry ki Gali Bazar Samiti ki North Boundry (Near House Dr. Ramayan Singh) South:- Nagarpalika Bazar to Block via Pandepatti Gumity Road East :- Bazar Samiti Road, West:- Nagarpalika Bazar, Nagarpalika Bzr to Pagdandi via Barak pal South Boundry North :- Jail pine mission North boundry South:- Mission South end, K.K. Mandal College Road, Nai Bazar Main Road, Adarsh Middle School Road, East:- Nai Bazar Main road to Adarsh Middle School ki Gali (Manorma Devi ki Gali) Nagarpalika Bazar Road, via Pagdandi Jail pine, Barak Pal ki Boundry West:- Mission School West Boundry Buxer Chousa Road North:- Nai Bazar Main road South:- Zila Parishad Road East :- Premchand gupta Vastralaya to Zila Parishad Road (Near Kali Sthan Mandir Road) West :- Nuwab Road North:- Adarsh Middle School Road, South:- Zila Parishad Road, Purnwasi Ram ke Ghar to Janai ram ke Ghar East:- Sumeshwar Sharma ke Ghar to Imtiyaz Khan to







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Ward No.

Population 2001

Description of Ward Area Chhoti Masjid via Janai Ram to Zila Parishad Road West:- Kali Sthan to (Zila Parishad Road) Adarsh Middle School Road ki gali (Manorma Devi ki Gali)















North:- Sai Toli Gali, Prakhand Office Road, South:- Purnwasi Ram ke ghar se Janai Ram ki Gali, Zila Parishad Road, Rly. Line East:- Pandeypatti Gumty West: Sumeshwar Sharma ki Ghar se Imtiyaz Khan, Chhoti Maszid via Purnwasi Ram ke Ghar ki Gali, Janai Ram to Zila Parishad Road ki Gali North: Jail Pine South:- Rly. Line East:- Indradev Dubey ke Makan se Mission ke West Boundry via Lalit Bhawan ke East via South West end of Mission Talab via Sahamat Ali ki Gali to Asgar Ali ke Makan via Rly. Line ki Gali West:- West Boundry of Bazar Samiti and North boundry via Bazar Samiti Road via Pandey Patti Gumty. North:- Indradev Dubes House to Station Road via Itadi Gumty South:- Rly. Line and Ismailpur Nala East:- Itadi Road West:- Indradev Dubes House to Mission West Boundry via from Lalit Bhawan to Mission Talabs South West Corner via Sahamat Ali ki Gali to Asgar Alis House to Rly. Line ki Gali North:- Jail Pine South:- Rly Line (Itadi Road) East:- Mall Godown Rd. West boundry of Civil Court, Water Flow Drainage (Brij Mohan Thakur ki Gali) West:- Station Road North : Ganga River South:- Jail Pine East:- Ramrekha Ghat Road, Station Road, West:- Nath Baba Road, Nahar Colony Road, Dhobi Ghat P.C.C. Road North:- Ganga River South: Piparpanti Road East:- Gola Ghat Road, West:- Ramrekha Ghat Road


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S.No. 14

Ward No. 14

Population 2001 2550

Description of Ward Area North: Ganga River South:- Piparpanti Road, Thana Road, Harijan Matiya Road East:- Shivdhari Rams House via Ganga River to Shiv Mandir West:- Gola Ghat Road North: Ganga River South:- Harijan Matiya Road, Khalil Miya, Vimlesh Pathak, Dharmdev Upa. And Ayodhya Prasads House to Kali Mandir ki Gali East:- Kali Mandir to Zila Parishad Road via Harijan Toli Gali via Ganga River Bridge West:- Shivdhari Rams House to Gali via Ganga River to Shiv Mandir North: Khalil Miya, Vimlesh Pathak, Dharmdev Upadhyay and Ayodhya Prasads House to Kali Mandir ki Gali South:- Ara Buxer Main Road East:- Zila Parishad Road West:- Khalil Miyas Shop to Dead Canal via Ara Buxer Main Road North:- Harijan Matiya Road South:- Ara Buxer Main Road East :- Dead Canal West:- Kabristan Road, Vipra Nagar (Ghanshyam Mishra) ki Gali, Lt. Dhanesh Lal to Rambabus House via North Road of Bazar (Ramashis House) Ramdayal Dube to Ara Buxer Main Road ki Gali (Vijay Seth) North:- Harijan Matiya Hospital Road South:- Radha Pharmacy Road via Bazar to North Road via Ramashish Mukhiyas House East:- Kabristan Road, Vipra Nagar (Ghanshyam Mistra) Ki Gali Lt. Dhanesh Lal to Rambabus House via Bazar to North Road (Ramashish Mukhiyas House) West:- Hospital Road North:- Radha Mohan Rais House Bari Bazars North Road via Ramashish Mukhiyas Hosue, Durga Talkies to North East Corner to Ram Dayal Dubes House South: Ara Buxer Main Road East:_ Ara Buxer Main Road (Vijay Seth) to Ram dayal Dubes House to Durga Talkies to North Corner to Ramashish Mukhiya

















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Detailed Project Report


Ward No.

Population 2001

Description of Ward Area West:- Opp. Mahavir Crossing Badi Bazar Road, South Badi Bazar via Makardhwaj Pandeys House via Radha Mohan Rais House North:- Ara Buxer Main Road South:- Durga Rai ki Gali, Sohnipatti Main Road, East:- East Boundry of Lt. Jhun Babus Garden, Dead Canal West:- Goverdhan Pan wala to Durga Rai, P.C.C. Path, Durga Rai ki Gali to Sohnipatti Main Road (Transformer) Water flow North:- Durga Rai ki Gali, Jitan Munib to Lt. Sarju Upa. Ki Gali, Lt .Aditya Upadhyay ki Gali South:- Sohnipatti Main Road East:- Durga Rai ki Gali to Sohni Patti Main Road (Transformer) (Water Flow) West:- Durga Rai ki Gali to Jitan Munib to P.C.C. Path Lt. Sarju Upa. To Lt. Aditya Upa. Ki Gali, Lt. Aditya Upa. Ke Gali to Sohnipatti Main Road (Zalal Miya) North:- Ara- Buxer Main Road South:- Sohnipatti Road, Aditya Upadhyay ki Gali, Lt. Sarju Upadhyay to Jitan Munib ki Gali East:- Goverdhan Pan to Jitan Munib P.C.C. Path Lt. Sarju Upadhyay ki Gali to Sohnipatti Main Road (Zalal Miya) West:- Ara Buxer Main Road to Arjun Verma ki Gali via Lt. Yamuna Prasads House to Maruti Nadans House via West Street of Gouri shankar Mandir via Sohnipatti Main Road North: Makardhwaj Pandeys House to East Street via South Road of Badi Bazar South:- Ara Buxer Main Road East:- Opp. Mahavir Sthan Crossing to Badi Bazar Road, South Corner of Gandhi Bazar to Shri Siddhnath Pradhans House West:- Ganesh Dutt Kesharis House to Makardhwaj Pandeys House (Hospital Road) North:- Thana Road South:- Ara Buxer Main Road East:- Hospital Road West:- Kotwali Crossing Road North:- Piparpanti Road South:- Saray Fatak Road




















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Ward No.

Population 2001

Description of Ward Area East:- Kotwali Crossing Road and Yamuna Chowk (Jai Mohalla) Road West:- Thatheri Bazar and Malah Toli Road North:- Piparpanti Road South:- Ara Buxer Main Road East:- Thatheri Bazar Road West:- Library Road North:- Piparpanti Road South:- Ara Buxer Main Road East:- Library Road West:- Ramrekha Ghat Road North:- Ara Buxer Main Road South:- Station Road to (Vijaynand Tiwari) Lt. Sambhu Nath Hari Narayan Singh, Maletry Parass House via Lt. Vishwa Nath Singhs House to Gali (Koirpura Rd.) East:- Malah Toli Gali, Mahavir Sthan Mandir, Brahm Sthan via Behind Shri Saradhar Rais House via Kapil Muni Sharma ki Gali, Koipurwa Khalasi Muhalla Rd. West:- Station Road North:- Sarayafatak Road South:- Kapilmuni Sharma ki Gali East:- Yamuna Chowk Road, (Jai Muhalla Rd.) Khalasi Muhalla Kaipurwa Rd. West:- Saraifatak Rd. to Malah Toli in Mahavir Sthan Brahm Sthan, behind Saradhar Rais House via Kapil Muni Sharma ke Gali North:- Ara- Buxer Main Road South:- Sohni Patti Main Road East:- (Opp. Bata) Ara Buxer Main Road, to Arjun Verma ki Gali, Lt. Yamuna Prasad ki Gali, Shri Maruti Nadans House via West Street of Gourishankar via Sohni Patti Main Road West:- Yamuna Chowk, Jai Muhalla Road North:- Vaidhnath Choudhry ke Katra to Kamla Lals House via Alok Prakash ke Bhawan and GauriShankar Mandir to Zulafjal Road South:- Nagarpalika Gadikhana to North Way via Bhensah Butcher House to East Road to Kali Sthan Road (Sh. Mahendra Rais House) East:- Sh. Prakash Alok Bhawan to Dr. Kailashpati Sinha, Dr. Kailash Pati Sinha to Rita Verma and Ravidas Kutiya (Mama Gaur) via Kali Sthan Road (Mahendra




















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Detailed Project Report


Ward No.

Population 2001

Description of Ward Area Rais House) West:- Zulafzal Madarsa, Jai Muhalla Road and Khalasi Muhalla North:- Station Road (Vijaynand Tiwari) to Lt. Sanjhu Singh Hari Narayan Singh, Paras Maletris House via Lt. Vishwanath Singh Masters House ki Gali (Koipurwa Road) Koipura Rd. North Road of Gadikhana via Nagarpalika, Butcher House in the behind of East Street via Sohnipatti to Kali Sthan ki Gali South:- Bye Pass Road East:- Sohni Patti Kalisthan Road, Bye Pass (Khalasi Muhalla to Kali Sthan Road) West:- Station Road North: Sohnipatti Main Road South:- Bye Pass Road, Vaidhnath Katra to Kamla Lals House via Prakash Alok Bhawan, Chorasiya ki Gali East:- Dead Canal West:- Alok Bhawan to Dr. Kailashpati Sinha and Ravidas Kutiyas Gama Gour via Kali Sthan Road North:- Jail pine South:- Railway Line, Itadi Road East:- Jail Pine, Main Canal West:- Mal Godam Road, West Boundry of Civil Court West flow Drainage (Brij Mohan Thakur ki Gali)











5.3. POPULATION PROJECTIONS METHODOLOGY A number of methods for population projection are recommended by Manual of Water Supply and Treatment by CPHEEO and are listed below: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Demographic Method of Population Projection Arithmetic Increase Method Incremental Increase method Geometric Increase Method Decreasing Rate of Growth Method Graphical Method Logistic Method

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Method of Density

The different mathematical formula used for population projections are as follows:

(i) Arithmetic increase Method

(ii) Incremental Increase Method

(iii) Geometric Increase Method

Manual on water supply says that i. Arithmetical Increase method is generally applicable to large and old cities. This method gives a low value and is suitable for well settled and established communities. Geometrical increase method gives much higher value and is mostly applicable for growing towns and cities having vast scope for expansion. Incremental increase method increases the figures obtained by the arithmetical increase method. Graphical Method In this method population curve of the city (i.e. population v/s past decades) is smoothly extended for getting future value. This extension has to be done carefully.


iii. iv.



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The Sewerage System is recommended to serve for a period of 30 years as per guidelines of the Manual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment published by C.P.H.E.E.O., Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, therefore, the design period of the proposed system has been adopted as Year 2041 with the assumption that the project execution will start in 2009 and project facilities will starts functioning by Year 2011. The population of Buxar town has been projected using Arithmetic increase, Incremental Increase, Geometric Increase and Graphical Projection methods. The growth rates for past decades from 1961 onwards have been considered as pre independence decades do not represent normal growth rates. The detailed population projection exercise is available at Annexure A-3. The projected population of town by different methods is summarized below:
S.No Year Arithmetical Progression Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2001 2008 2011 2021 2026 2031 2041 83168 93689 98198 113228 120743 128258 143288 Projected Population Geometric Incremental Graphical Method Increase Projection Method Method 83168 103858 114233 156902 183885 215508 296006 83168 97413 104457 132010 148136 165827 205908 83168 101043 110148 144129 163215 183698 228855

Average of four methods 83168 99001 106759 136567 153995 173323 218514

The results of population projections for the town are depicted graphically below:


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Detailed Project Report

It is recommended to use the projected population for municipal area of Buxar town for this project as arithmetic increase and increment increase method are providing too low results that do not represent present growth rates. The results provided by Geometric growth rate method and Graphical projections made in respect of growth potential provided comparative results. Perhaps, the reason seems to be proximity of the town to the State Capital, Patna which has a much higher population density and aging infrastructure incapable of sustaining the load of the ever increasing population, the future populations for various years is adopted as arrived by average of all the four methods and provided below:
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Census Year 2001 2008 2011 2021 2026 2031 2041 Population 83168 99001 106759 136567 153995 173323 218514

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Detailed Project Report

5.5. MICRO LEVEL POPULATION PROJECTION Considering the Growth potential and physical limitations, 34 Wards of Buxar town have been divided in three Categories; which are: I II III - Wards with high growth potential. - Wards with moderate growth potential. - Fully saturated wards

The Old city, which is at the heart of the city, is densely populated and has almost reached its saturation density with the caveat that multistory construction is strongly prohibited, as it should be. Quite a few people have migrated to outer colonies. However, vertical growth is taking place of late in these areas and should be prevented in view of the narrow streets. The wards in these areas will have very nominal growth in future. The areas especially around Old city also some of the other areas eg. Ward no 6,13,14,15,17,19,21 to 27, 29 and 30 have potential for low growth. The census year 2001 ward densities are projected for year 2041. One of the ward 23 has a population density of 927 and expected to reach saturation density of 1100. Ward numbers of 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 31, 32 and 34 are comparatively well developed and have moderate growth potential. These areas are considered to grow moderately. The areas in ward numbers 2, 4, 5, 11 and 28 on the outskirt of the city have considerable scope for development and have been considered high potential areas, as infrastructure is likely to be developed in these areas. The projected populations at micro level for individual wards as carried out are as follows:
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ward No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Population 2001 2658 2618 2470 2836 2390 2306 2394 2374 Area (Ha) 39.801 30.207 30.882 51.854 27.665 5.662 22.988 26.935 Density 2001 67 87 80 55 86 407 104 88 Growth category II I II

Density 2041 180 440 210 280 440 670 280 230

Population 2041 7164 13289 6485 14518 12171 3793 6436 6194



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S.No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Ward No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Population 2001 2040 2167 2750 2405 2736 2550 2332 2435 2862 2401 2108 2549 2315 2275 2335 2921 2280 2729 2310 2290 2231 2292 2315 2364 2400 2730 83168

Area (Ha) 28.042 42.011 33.479 40.027 9.997 7.064 21.685 28.615 21.264 12.354 5.474 13.991 5.284 7.894 2.518 9.876 4.360 6.691 9.491 22.571 4.408 8.243 9.358 24.789 31.713 26.483

Density 2001 73 52 82 60 274 361 108 85 135 194 385 182 438 288 927 296 523 408 243 101 506 278 247 95 76 103


Density 2041 190 140 400 160 450 550 180 230 220 510 600 480 700 480 1100 490 860 650 400 520 750 460 650 250 390 270

Population 2041 5327 5881 13390 6404 4498 3885 3903 6581 4677 6300 3284 6715 3699 3789 2770 4839 3749 4348 3796 11736 3305 3791 6082 6197 12368 7150 218514


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Chapter 6. Proposed Sewerage System

6.1. INTRODUCTION Sewer networks are designed to collect & convey the wastewater generated in properties across the town to its treatment/disposal site. Sewer networks are planned & designed to achieve its intended objective throughout its lifetime without any risk to public health, public safety & environment. The objective for properly designed sewer networks is to Achieve self cleansing velocity to avoid silt depositions. Effective ventilation Avoidance of back surcharging To minimize the infiltration Structurally safe While designing the sewer network for this project all the above objectives have been kept in consideration. 6.2. PROPOSED SEWERAGE ZONES The drainage zone boundaries are generally restricted by natural & manmade features such as Railways, National Highways, Rivers, Canal, Drains etc.


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Looking to the town topography and lateral expanse of town population, whole of town is proposed to discharge at a single location. The selected disposal point is selected at the banks of river Ganga near Ganga Bridge. The major geographical features that delimit the zonal boundaries in Buxar town are two canal passing through the town. Considering the ground relief, the major sewerage zones emerges are as follows: Sewer network for Zone-1 covers entire Southern part of the town. It is bounded by major canal on the northern side which separates it from rest of the town. In this drainage zone, wastewater is collected from Ward No 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11 and 34. It collects the entire sewerage of this Zone and brings it to the node N-17 near Irrigation Canal Div Office, from where it is pumped to node no. N-693 of Zone-2 across the canal through the rising main in the northward direction. Sewer network for Zone-2 covers entire Central part of the town and that of Zone No 1. This zone collects wastewater from ward No 12, 13, 14, 17 to 33 . This network collects the entire sewage of this Zone and brings it to the node N-704, from where it is pumped to manhole no. N-811 through the rising mains in the northern direction. The main trunk carrying the entire sewerage of the town discharges the waste under gravity to the STP near Ganga Bridge in north western side of town. 6.3. PROPOSED NETWORK LAYOUT Sewer networks layout is planned for the project area keeping in consideration following broad principles. Minimise the crossings of major barriers like National highways, Railways, Rivers, Drains, canals. Sewers are laid along natural drainage line to minimize the depth of excavation. The drainage path from different locations to disposal site is to kept minimum. Trunk & sub-trunk mains layout is kept along major roads.


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Detailed Project Report

It is proposed to provide two pumping stations in the proposed network to restrict the depth of excavation to 8.0 mtr in general, which are as below: Pumping Station No 1 : This pumping station is proposed to be located Near irrigation Canal Dn Office. It will receive wastewater from whole of the area south of canal. Pumping Station No 1 is proposed at node 17. The wastewater collected from this zone is pumped to Node No 693 through a pumping main of 400 mm diameter. The flow for various years at this pumping station are as follows;
Average Flow (lps) 2011 2026 2041 73.749 106.380 150.95 Peak Factor 2026 2041 2.25 2.25 Infiltration 4.1748 Peak Flow 2026 2041 243.53 343.81

The details of pumps proposed to be provided at this pumping station is as follows:

Flow Cum/hr 219.18 Head 12 Efficiency 50% Number 4 Standby 1 kW 14.3 Adopted 15.0

Pumping Station No 2 : This pumping station is proposed to be located on Sohni Patti Canal Road. It will receive wastewater from central area of town including that of southern area pumped by pumping station No 1. Pumping Station No 2 is proposed at node 704. The wastewater collected from this zone is pumped to Node No 811. The flow for various years at this pumping station are as follows;
Average Flow (lps) 2011 2026 2041 119.814 172.826 245.24 Peak Factor 2026 2041 2.25 2.25 Infiltration 6.7167 Peak Flow 2026 2041 395.58 558.50

The details of pumps proposed to be provided at this pumping station is as follows:

Flow Cum/hr 356.02 Head 13 Efficiency 50% Number 4 Standby 1 kW 25.2 Adopted 30.0

There are three number of canal crossings in town. Two of these crossings shall be provided for pumping mains from proposed pumping stations and the third crossing shall be provided in north western direction in ward no. 17.


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Detailed Project Report

The outfall will move northwards, collecting the wastewater from North & western area and terminate at proposed Sewage Treatment Plant Site near Ganga bridge. 6.4. DESIGN OF SEWERAGE NETWORK Proposed Sewerage network has been designed using the design principles described in Chapter 3: Design criteria. The major criteria used are provided below: A per capita water supply figure of 135 LPCD with 80% contributing to wastewater is adopted to arrive at expected wastewater flows in sewers. An infiltration value of 250 lit/manhole/day in pipe is adopted considering the high water table in the town. A minimum diameter of sewer pipe is adopted as 150 mm as currently in practice. A minimum earth cover of 1.0 m is kept for all the pipes. For sewer pipes in initial reaches, it is difficult to achieve the minimum velocity of 0.8 m/s. It is proposed to lay 150 mm diameter sewers at a gradient of 1 in 160 and to have provision of mobile flushing units for regular flushing all initial sewers at regular time interval. All subsequent pipes are designed to achieve a minimum flow velocity of 0.8 m/sec. Crown of outgoing sewer is matched to crown of lowest of incoming sewers in that particular manhole. The detailed result of hydraulic analysis of sewer network is available at Annexure A-3. The summary of sewer network is as below:
Diameter (mm) Total Length (m)

150 160 200 250 300 350 400

9782 17425 55691 1664 2163 2598 1035


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

Diameter (mm)

Total Length (m)

450 500 600 800 900 1000 1100


558 180 1042 63 1498 1494 23


The depth wise summary of different diameters is as follows:

Diameter 0-1m Length of Sewer for diferent depths (m) 1-2m 2-3m 3-4m 4-5m 5-6m 6-7m 7-8m 8-9m Total

150 160 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 800 900 1000 1100

9724 17425


34394 12763 6188 2236 110 573 890 201 271 1364 339 1031 1422 203 84 558 180 98 426 63 1139 355

189 145 679


518 253 23 957 288

9782 17425 55691 1664 2163 2598 1035 558 180 1042 63 1498 1494 23

17425 44118 13903 7089 5885 3674 1807 1026


6.5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF SEWER PIPES Generally sewers are laid in ditches or trenches by excavation in natural or undisturbed soil and then covered by refilling the trench to the original ground level. 6.5.1. LOAD PRODUCING FORCES

The vertical dead load to which a conduit is subjected under trench conditions is the result of two major forces. The first component is the prism of soil within the trench and above the top of the pipe and the second is due to the friction or shearing forces generated between the prism of soil in the trench and the sides of the trench produced by settlement of

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Detailed Project Report

backfill .the resultant load on the horizontal plane at the top of the pipe at the top of the pipe within the trench is equal to the weight of the backfill minus these upward shearing forces. Soil loads The loads on rigid conduits in trench condition is given by the marstons formula in the form Wc = Cd x w x B2 x d Wc = the load on the pipe in kg per linear meter W = the unit of backfill soil in kg/m3 Bd = the width of trench at the top of the pipe in m and Cd =the load coefficient which is a function of a ratio of height of fill to the friction coefficient between and the backfill and the sides of the trench.

Equation gives the total vertical load due to backfill in the horizontal Plane at the top of the conduits as shown in fig, if the pipe is rigid. For Flexible conduits ,the formula may be modified as Wc = Cd w Bc Bd Where Bc is the outside width of the conduit in m Concentrated load The formula load due to superimposed load such as a truck wheel is Is given in the following from by Holls integration of Boussinesq,s Formula Wsc = Cs (PF/L) Where Wsc = the load on the conduit in kg/m p = the concentrated load in kg acting on the surfaces F = the impact factor(1.0 for air field runways 1.5 for the highway Traffic and the air field taxi ways, 1.75 for the railways traffic Cs = the load coefficient which is a function of Bc/2H and L/2H H = the height of the top of the conduits to ground surface in m Bc = the outside width of conduit in m, and L = the effective length of the conduit to which the load is transmitted in m.

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The effective length of the conduit is defined as the length over which the average load due to surface traffic units produces the same stress in the conduit wall as does the actual load which varies in intensity from point to point. This is generally taken as 1M or the actual length of the conduit if ti is less than 1m.) 6.5.2. SUPPORTING STRENGTH OF RIGID CONDUIT

The ability of a conduit to resist safely the calculated earth load depends not only on its inherent strength but also on the distribution of the vertical load and bedding reaction and on the lateral pressure acting against the sides of the conduit. The inherent strength of a rigid conduit is usually expressed in terms of the three edge bearing test results, the conditions of which are, however different from the field load conditions. The magnitude of the supporting strength of a pipe as installed in the field is dependent upon the distribution of the vertical load and the reaction against the bottom of the pipe. It also depends on the magnitude and distribution of the lateral pressure acting on the sides of the pipe. 6.5.3. LOAD

The load factors for different class of beddings as recommended by CPHEEO manual are as follows:
Class Bedding A a A A A b c d of Condition Concrete cradle plain concrete and lightly tamped backfill Concrete cradle plain concrete with carefully tampled backfil Concrete cradle RCC with p-0.4% Arch type plain concrete RCC with p-0.4% RCC with p-0.1% (p is the ratio of the area of steel to the area of concrete at the crown) Shaped bottom or compacted granular bedding with carefully compacted backfill Shaped bottom or compacted granular bedding with lightlyted backfill Flat bottom trench Load factor 2.2 2.8 Upto 3.4

Upto 3.4 Upto 4.8 1.9 1.5 1.1


The granular material used must stabilize the trench bottom in addition to providing a firm and uniform support for the pipe. Well graded crushed rock or gravel with the maximum size not exceeding 25mm is recommended for the purpose 6.5.4. TECHNO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS


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Detailed Project Report

The combination of pipe class and pipe bedding is arrived at by carrying out a detailed techno-economic analysis. The unit rates of pipe laying and pipe beddings are analyzed using SoRs currently enforced in State of Bihar. For different pipe diameters and invert depths, the various combinations of pipe classes and pipe beddings are analyzed for their load carrying capacity with required factor of safety. The loads are computed as per recommendations of CPHEEO manual and as discussed above. The rates of all the combinations of pipe classes and bedding types is calculated. The final pipe class and bedding type combination is selected which can withstand the imposed loads and which is most cost-effective. The detailed analysis for different pipe diameters and representative invert depths for this project is available at Annex A-7. The summary of techno economic analysis is provided below:
Diameter (mm) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1000 NP2 - A NP3 - A NP2 - B NP2 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A 2000 NP3 - A NP3 - A NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP3 - A NP2 - C 3000 NP3 - A NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP2 - B NP3 - A NP3 - A NP3 - A NP3 - A NP3 - A NP3 - A NP4 - A 4000 NP4 - A NP2 - B NP2 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP2 - C NP2 - C NP2 - C NP4 - A NP4 - A NP3 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A 5000 NP4 - A NP3 - B NP3 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP3 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A Invert Depths (m) 6000 7000 NP4 - A NP4 - A NP3 - B NP3 - B NP3 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP3 - B NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B 8000 NP4 - A NP3 - B NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP3 - C NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B 9000 NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP3 - C NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - C 10000 NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - C NP4 - C 11000 NP4 - A NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - C NP4 - D 12000

NP4 - A NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - B NP4 - C NP4 - D

The four bedding types adopted in this project are as follows: Pipe Bedding Type A Pipe Bedding description Shaped bottom or compacted granular bedding with carefully compacted backfill Concrete cradle plain concrete with carefully tampled backfil Concrete cradle RCC with p-0.4% Arch type plain concrete RCC with p-0.1%



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Chapter 7. Wastewater Treatment Process

7.1. GENERAL Wastewater management is a costly business. Once wastewaters (i.e. any combination of domestic sewage and industrial effluents) are produced and collected in sewerage systems, then treatment becomes a necessity. Sewage has been seen as a problem requiring treatment and disposal. Most conventional sewage treatment options are based on approaches, which usually meant a reduction in biodegradable organic material and suspended solids, plus perhaps some nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous). Treatment has involved the removal of these pollutants, but removal is usually conversion to another product, usually sludge. The disposal of sewage sludge is a major consideration, and it is often seen as an offensive product which is either dumped (now required to be landfilled or used as compost) or burned. 7.2. SEWAGE CHARACTERISTICS While determining quantity of flow it is essential to decide the capacity of the treatment plant, equally important is to determine the characteristics of the inflowing sewage on which depends the choice of treatment methods/processes that may be adopted. Assessing the quality also helps in


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deciding the beneficial uses that the effluent after treatment may be put to. presence of industrial discharge, if any, can also be determined presence of surfactants toxicants or other interfering compounds like

quantity of nutrients present to support biological processes. Domestic sewage primarily consists of spent water from kitchens, bathrooms and toilets etc. The factors that influence the variation in sewage quality are per capita consumption of water and economic status as it affects water usage habits. 7.2.1. IMPORTANT PARAMETERS

Important parameters with relation to sewage quality reaching the proposed STP are discussed below

Normally due to various products used in households, pH of sewage is higher (alkaline) than that of water supply. Discharge of small quantities of trade effluent from textile processing units is not likely to affect the pH of sewage. However if sewage flows long distance and is in not properly ventilated sewers, it may turn septic i.e. pH may get reduced. In present case sewers are of adequate size and well ventilated, therefore development of septic conditions is not expected. SOLIDS

It is obvious that solids, suspended and dissolved in spent water is considerably higher than that in water supply. Though concentration of solids is usually less than 1 percent, it contains substantial quantity of putrescible (biodegradable) matter, which on decomposition yield foul odour. Amount of suspended solids in ambient air is high all through the year. This as well as the fact that in many households (especially in low income group) ash or soil is used for cleaning the utensils results in higher concentration of suspended solids (inorganic) in sewage. Cooking waste, disposal of leftover and toilet effluents contribute to suspended solids of organic nature. NUTRIENTS

Basic nutrients of importance in STP are Nitrogen and Phosphorus compounds. Leftover food materials containing proteins and other food

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residues contain both the N and P compounds. Nutrients concentration in relation to BOD in the approximate ratio of 100(BOD) : 5(N) : 1(P) is considered adequate to support biological processes in STP. The sewage analysis shows the presence of these in adequate quantity. BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD)

BOD is a measure of concentration of biodegradable matter present in water, measured under a standardized test procedure. Based on the long term studies of sewage from various towns in India, it has been inferred that on an average per person contribution of BOD is 45 gms/day. BOD is an important parameter based on which secondary/tertiary biological processes are designed and effluent discharge standards are set. Wastewater containing degradable organic matter (BOD) when discharged in a water body (river or lake) it consumes oxygen in the process of oxidation of degradable matter, which results in depletion of dissolved oxygen levels. Depletion of dissolved oxygen below the levels of 4 mg/l may result in mortality of fish and other aquatic life. This in a way also governs the BOD concentrations that may be permitted in treated effluent. If the effluent is discharged in a perennial river with substantial discharge, higher BOD may be permitted as the rivers have their own self purification capacity. CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD)

COD represents the total oxygen required to oxidize all the organic matter, degradable and non-degradable (refractory) present in sewage as well as the oxygen consumed in oxidizing some of the inorganic salts under the test conditions. As is clear from the definitions of BOD and COD, COD representing overall oxygen requirements is always higher than BOD. Further BOD to COD ratio is taken as biodegradability of the waste water. Sewage normally has ratios varying from 1:2 to 1:2.5 and is considered as degradable. 7.2.2. EXISTING WATER/WASTEWATER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS

To estimate the expected pollution load on proposed Sewage Treatment Plant & to decide on treatment process, it is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the strength of expected influent in terms on concentration of various pollutants. It is equally necessary to have the knowledge of concentration of various elements & compounds in drinking water supplied to town as the users only add pollution to this supplied water.


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The drinking water supplied to town is analysed for its composition. Samples are collected from following locations: 1. SP Kothi 2.MV College The physical-chemical analysis of these water samples is as follows: S.No. Parameters Unit S Kothi MV College 5 2 7.6 2300 680 720 56 20 150 10 0.6 40 0.7 1500 Nil Nil

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Turbidity Color pH Conductivity Hardness Alkalinity Calcium Magnesium Chloride Sulphate Iron Nitrate Fluoride TDS Bacteria Arsenic

JTU Units of Pt-Co Scale

5 2 6.9

Micromhos/cm Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l MPN/100ml Mg/l

920 360 240 56 20 40 10 0.8 15 0.8 800 Nil Nil


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An understanding of the nature of wastewater is fundamental to the design and operation of wastewater collection, treatment, and reuse facilities. Wastewater is characterized in terms of its physical, chemical, and biological composition. Greater emphasis is being It is not possible to assess the quality of sewage being generated as there is no sewerage system. Whatever wastewater is flowing in open drains is primarily sullage water discharged from kitchens and bathrooms mixed with effluent from septic tanks. Even the discharge in open drains is subjected to seepage and can not be representative. On the other hand CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, based on its vast experience, has recommended values to be adopted for towns in India. Alternatively, the Manual of Sewerage & Sewage Treatment published by CPHEEO recommends a per capita contribution of 90 gms of Suspended Solids and 45 gms of BOD5 Days, 20Deg C. The per Capita water supply for the town is 135 LPCD as recommended by Manual of Water Supply Published by CPHEEO. These figures exclude the Unaccounted for Water(UfW). Wastewater manual recommends following: Generally, a 80% of water supply is expected to reach public sewers unless the data available to the contrary. However, the sewers should be designed for a minimum wastewater flow of 100 liters per capita per day. Adopting these recommendations, a wastewater contribution per capita per day comes to be 80/100 * 135 i.e. 108 liters. The BOD concentration in wastewater comes to be 45*1000/108 i.e. 417 mg/l and Suspended solids concentration comes to be 90*1000/108 i.e. 834 mg/l. However, as indicated above, this does not include sundry UfW flows into the sewers (which may be as high as 40% of water supplied). Further, it has been established by research that the entire sewerage system acts as flow through reactor with significant load of SS & BOD being removed prior to entry into STP. 7.2.3. ADOPTED INFLUENT QUALITY

Based on the data from STPs from other similar towns, sewage characteristics for the design purpose have been taken as follows: S.No. Parameters Unit Values


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Detailed Project Report

S.No. 1 2 3 7.2.4.

Parameters BOD COD Suspended Soilds

Unit Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l

Values 300 700 600


The Environmental Protection Rules 1986, vide its Section Vi provides general standards for discharge of environmental pollutants for discharge of treated effluent to Public Sewers, Inland Surface Waters, Land for Irrigation and marine coastal areas. The important standards for effluent discharging to inland surface waters & land for irrigation are reproduced here. S.No. Parameters Unit Inland Surface Water 100 30 Land for Irrigation

1 2

Suspended Solids, max


200 100

Biochemical oxygen demand (5 Mg/l days at 20 0C), max Chemical max Ammonical max Oxygen demand, Mg/l




N), Mg/l


The complete standards for discharge of effluents as per Section VI of Environment(Protection) Rules, 1986 are available at Annexure A-1. NRCD Guideline recommendations
S. No. 1 2 3 Parameters BOD (mg/l) SS (mg/l) Faecal For discharge on land <100 <200 Desirable Max. For discharge into water <30 <50 Desirable Max.


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S. No.

Parameters coliform

For discharge on land permissible 1000 10000

For discharge into water permissible 1000 10000

7.3. TREATMENT PROCESSES Preliminary: this includes simple processes such as screening (usually by bar screens) and grit removal. (through constant velocity channels) to remove the gross solid pollution. Primary: usually plain sedimentation; simple settlement of the solid material in sewage can reduce the polluting load by significant amounts. Secondary: for further treatment and removal of common pollutants, usually by a biological process. Tertiary/Advanced: usually for removal of specific pollutants e.g. nitrogen or phosphorous, or specific industrial pollutants. When reuse is contemplated, the tertiary treatment may comprise of several other unit processes/operations such as disinfection, activated carbon filtration, membrane filtration or even RO, depending on the end use contemplated and also on the ease and cost of the fresh water availability and legal stipulations. Needless to say, this can be by far the costliest step of wastewater treatment. 7.4. SELECTION OF TREATMENT PROCESS As mentioned above the sewage after giving primary treatment is given secondary treatment to remove the organic purtrescible organic matters and bring down the BOD of the effluent given to the primary treated effluent is described below:Waste Stabilization Ponds Aerated Lagoons Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASBR) + FAL Conventional Activated Sludge Process Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR 7.4.1. STABILIZATION PONDS


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Stabilization ponds are open, flow through earthen basins specifically designed and constructed to treat sewage. Stabilization pond provides comparatively long detention periods extending from few to several days. During this period purtrescible organic matter in the waste is stabilized in the pond through a symbiotic relationship between bacteria and algae. There are three types of stabilization ponds, a) Aerobic Ponds b) Anaerobic ponds c) Facultative ponds AEROBIC PONDS

In this type of ponds complete aerobic conditions is maintained. These types of ponds are used for soluble wastes which allow penetration of light throughout the liquid depth. These types of ponds are shallow with depth less than 0.5 m. The pond contents are periodically mixed. The major disadvantage is that such ponds develop intense algal growth. ANAEROBIC PONDS

Anaerobic ponds are used as a pretreatment for high strength industrial wastes and sometimes of municipal wastewaters. BOD load of 400 3000 kg/ha./day and 5 50 days detention period would result in 50 855 BOD reduction. Such ponds are constructed for a depth of 2.5 5 m to conserve heat and minimize land area requirement. Major constraint with such ponds is odor problem and hence not widely used. FACULTATIVE PONDS

The facultative ponds functions aerobically at the surface while anaerobic conditions prevail at the bottom. The aerobic layer acts as a good check against odour evolution from the pond. The treatment effected by this type of pond is comparable to that of conventional secondary treatment processes. The functioning of facultative stabilization pond are based on the symbiotic relationship of bacteria and algae. In the tope aerobic layer, where oxygen is supplied through algal photosynthesis, the non settle able and dissolved organic matter in the incoming sewage is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. In addition some end products of partial anaerobic decomposition such as volatile acids and alcohol, which may permeate to upper layers are also oxidized aerobically. The settled sludge mass originating from raw waste and microbial synthesis in the aerobic layer and dissolved and suspended organics in bottom layers

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undergo stabilization through conversion to methane which escapes the pond in form of bubble. For each kg of BOD ultimate stabilized 0.25 kg or 0.35 m3 of methane is formed. DISADVANTAGES

The facultative ponds shall be located far away from habitations or any area likely to be built up within a reasonable future period. The pond shall be located such that the direction of prevailing wind is towards uninhabited areas. The pond location shall be away from ground water source to avoid chemical or bacterial pollution. It creates mosquito nuisance and hence adversely affects public health. The system is unable to take care of shock loads. If the normal working is upstate it creates sight and foul small nuisance. The effluent quality from stabilization pond is poor, it has high values of total suspended solids and total BOD5. It requires very high area i.e. around 12 to 13 Hectare for 12 MLD so in view to above disadvantages and limitation for availability of land this method of treatment is not suitable for such towns. 7.4.2. AERATED LAGOONS

Aerated lagoons are simple earthen basins with inlet at one end and outlet at the other end. The mechanical aerators are designed to stabilize the organic matter into CO2 and H2O. The biological process does not include algae, and organic stabilization depends on the mixed liquor that develops within the lagoon. There is no provision for setting and returning activated, sludge. BOD removal is a function of aeration period, temperature and nature of wastewater. Aerated lagoons are of two types, a) Aerobic Flow Through with partial mixing b) Facultative Aerated Lagoons.



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This are fully aerobic from top to bottom as the aeration power input is sufficiently high to keep all the solids in suspension and meeting the oxygen demand of the microbes. No solids settlement occurs in the lagoons and under equilibrium conditions the new microbial solids produced in the system equal the solids leaving the system. Thus, the solids concentration in the effluent is relatively high and some sedimentation facility has to be provided after lagoons. Disadvantages Problems of odors and low efficiency result when aerated lagoons are improperly designed or poorly operated. Deposition of solids and reduced oxygenation can result in anaerobic Decomposition which leads to foul odor. Temperature changes affect the overall performance of the lagoon.


In such types of lagoons some solids may leave the effluent stream and some settle down in the lagoon as the aeration power input is enough for oxygenation and not keeping all solids in suspension. Because the energy input will not maintain the solids in suspension, a portion of the incoming solids will settle along with a portion of the biological solids produced from conversion of the soluble organic substance. The settled solids will undergo anaerobic decomposition. In such types of lagoons lower part may be anoxic or anaerobic and upper layers are aerobic. Facultative lagoons must be dewatered and the accumulated solids must be removed. Where a discharge limit has to be met reliably facultative lagoons are not being used. Comparison of Various Types of Lagoons Parameters TSS, mg/L BOD Removal Sludge Facultative Aerobic Lagoons 40-150 150-350 80-90% 50-60% Accumulated internally in Accumulated in the lagoon external sedimentation facility Less More

Power Consumption


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Total area required for facultative aerated lagoons are very high i.e. 12 to 13 Hectare for 12 MLD and in view to above disadvantages and limitations of availability of required huge land it is not advisable to adopt this technology. 7.4.3. UPFLOW ANAEROBIC FILTER PROCESS (UASB)

This is based on anaerobic process. Raw effluent after screening and grit removal is directly fed into UASB reactors. The reactor maintains a high concentration of anaerobic biomass through formation of highly settle able microbial aggregates. Untreated sewage inside the reactor flows upward through a layer of sludge while getting treated for organics, converting them into methane gas. At top of the reactor, phase separation between gas solid liquid takes and treated water is taken out form the reactor. This process is very sensitive to operating conditions like temperature, pH, incoming load and recirculation rate hence treatment efficiency keeps fluctuating. At best operating conditions, the process offer 50 70% treatment efficiency, therefore requires second stage biological treatment down stream. Anaerobic process has very slow growth rates of micro organism and hence these systems have poor treatment efficiencies of only 50-70%. In order to achieve disposal outlet quality of treated sewage, second stage aerobic biological units are required. Typical outlet quality from anaerobic reactors is suspended solids 50 ppm, COD: 200 ppm, BOD 100 120 ppm for an inlet quality of TSS 300 ppm, COD 400 ppm and BOD 300 ppm. The system generates bad odor, as process releases gases like H2S and methane. Anaerobic process is very difficult to control. It requires consistent feed quality as well as flow rates. The process of degradation is a 3 step fermentation process comprising different sets of bacteria, to generate methane gas and CO2 Hydrolysis Acidogenisis Methanogenisis It requires constant monitoring of acidogenesis and methano genesis phases in the anaerobic reactor.


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The process is pH sensitive. Methanogenisi reaction occurs in a pH range of 6-7.5 only, while during acidogenisis phase the ph may drop to 2.0 also due to formation of complex acids. This disturbs the complete equilibrium and further reduces treatment efficiency. Temperature dependent: The process works in the range of 18 38 deg centigrade. During winter season when ambient temp Drops to 1 2 degree, provision has to be made to heat the entire contents of the reactor or else treatment efficiency drops drastically. There is No control on any process parameters. The plants run continuously at all times including low flow/ Nil flow conditions. Plant is manually controlled and difficult to monitor. It is susceptible to variation in inlet conditions BOD, COD, sulphide levels, pH and temp condition, which directly influences treatment efficiency as well as quantity of gas generation. Since It is a point load design cannot handle sudden peak flow variation, which is expected for any large scale city sewage system. Normally 0 250% flow variation is present for any sewage treatment plant. Gas can be generated, however process is not economical for low strength effluents like sewage where input BOD is less than 300 ppm. Further more for financial viability it is important to utilize the gas either directly in boilers or house holds. In case power is to be generated it again requires capital investment by putting duel fuel engines. Also provision has to be made for gas storage facility with flare system installed at site. Gas production is not consistent, and varies in case there is any disruption in the process. Due to Process chemistry acids are generated, pH in anaerobic reactors varies from 2-7, which essentially requires SS domes and FRP lining of complete tank internals. Problem of internal corrosion is very high and cost of maintenance is very high. More technical data have been compared with aerobic process in separate sheet.. 7.4.4. ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS

Activated Sludge Process (AEROBIC PROCESS) is the most used biological waste water treatment process in the developed and developing countries. Due to aerobic process in Activated Sludge Process, plant has less odor/vector nuisance in compare to anaerobic type process as mentioned above. The conventional activated sludge processes are of three types, a) Conventional System b) Complete Mixed c) Extended Aeration

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a) Conventional System This type of system consists of an aeration tank, a secondary settling tank, a sludge recirculation system and sludge withdrawal system. About 85-92% of BOD removal can be achieved. The sewage and mixed liquor are input at the head of the tank and withdrawn at the end. Air is supplied at uniform rate throughout the length of the tank. b) Completely Mixed In a complete mixing is achieved by distributing the sewage and return sludge uniformly along one side of the tank and withdrawing the aerated sewage uniformly along the opposite side. The complete mix system has a high capacity to hold a high MLSS level in the aeration tank enabling the aeration tank volume to be reduced. The plant has high operational stability at shock loadings and also increased capacity to treat toxic biodegradable wastes. Limitations BOD Removal is 85 92. In complete mix activated sludge process operation of anaerobic digestion requires a more skill labor here primary settling and anaerobic digestion of the sludge are omitted. The process is susceptible to filamentous sludge bulking. c) Extended Aeration The extended aeration process is little change of the activated sludge process which employs low organic loading, long aeration time, high MLSS concentration and low F/M. Other way which provides a biological treatment for the removal of biodegradable organic waste under aerobic condition. Air may be supplied by mechanical or diffused aeration to provide by aeration or mechanical means to maintain the microbial organisms in contact with the dissolved organics. In addition PH must be controlled to optimize the biological process and essential nutrients must be present to facilitate biological growth and the continuation of biological degradation. Sewage after primary treatment enters to the aeration chamber, where it is mixed and oxygen is provided to the micro organisms. The mixed liquor then flows to a clarifier of secondary settling tank where most micro organisms settle to the bottom of the clarifier. The sludge from clarifier is recycled back to aeration tank and remaining part is withdrawn from the system. Because of the long detention time in the aeration tank,organic solids undergo considerable endogenous respiration and get well stabilized. So the excess sludge from clarifier dose

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not require separate digestion and can directly dried on sand beds. The clarified waste water flows over a weir used for sewage farming purpose. The BOD removal efficiency is high i.e. (90 95) compare to Completely Mix Methodology. Limitations This treatment requires a slightly larger area than the complete mix activated sludge, Here waste water is brought directly to aeration basin after screening and grit removal. Aeration energy used is high and relatively required large aeration tanks, adaptable mostly to very small plants. However this is better in conventional range of process. Importance of Secondary Settling Tank in Activated Sludge Process Secondary settling assumes considerable importance in the activated sludge process. The secondary settling tank of activated sludge process is particularly sensitive to fluctuation in flow rate and on this account it is recommended that the units be designed not only for average flow rate but also for peak flow rate. The high concentration of suspended solids in the effluent requires that the solids loading rate shall also be considered. 7.4.5. CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS/SEQUENTIAL BATCH REACTOR (CASP/SBR)

This is the most improved and scientific version of activated sludge process which gives excellent treated water quality in sewage treatment plants, requires less area, less energy etc. Batch Operation of the activated sludge process is nothing new as already mentioned in CPHEEO. A Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is a fill and draw activated treatment system. As such, SBR are capable of handling all waste waters commonly treated by conventional activated sludge plants. Municipal and industrial waste waters have both been successfully treated in SBR systems. The unit process involved in the SBR and conventional activated sludge systems are identical. Aeration and sedimentation/clarification are carried out in both systems. However, there is one important difference. In conventional plants, processes are carried out simultaneously in separate tanks, whereas in SBR the processes are carried out sequentially in the same tank. The Process CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE TREATMENT process provides highest treatment efficiency possible in a single step biological process. The system is operated in a batch reactor mode this eliminates all the

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inefficiencies of the continuous processes. A batch reactor is a perfect reactor, which ensures 100% treatment. Four modules are provided to ensure continuous treatment. The complete process takes place in a single reactor, within which all biological treatment steps take place sequentially. The complete biological operation is divided into cycles. Each cycle is of 3 5 hrs duration, during which all treatment steps take place. Explanation of cyclic operation: A basic cycle comprises: 1) Fill- Aeration (F/A) 2) Settlement (S) 3) Decanting (D) These phases in a sequence constitute a cycle, which is then repeated. During the period of a cycle, the liquid is filled in the Basin up to a set operating water level. Aeration Blowers are started for aeration of the effluent. After the aeration cycle, the biomass settles, No extra settling unit is required after the aeration basin. The Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR comprises the following features, 1. Biological Selector zone: ENSURES NO FOAMING AND BULKING PROBLEMS 2. Oxygen Uptake rate control OUR: ENSURES 40 - 50% POWER SAVINGS 3. Co Current Nitrification and De nitrification, Phosphorous removal: THIS FEATURE ENSURES MORE THAN 80% NITROGEN AND PHOSPOROUS REMOVAL WITHIN THE SAME BASIN WITHOUT NEED OF ANY EXTERNAL UNITS, MIXERS, and RECYCLE PUMPS ETC. 4. Decanter assembly in Stainless steel: ENSURES NO CORROSION, LONG EQUIPMENT LIFE, NO MAINTENANCE 5. Diffusers, Blowers and Aeration grid: THE DIFFUSERS AND BLOWER ARRANGEMENT ENSURES MAXIMUM POSSIBLE AERATION EFFICIENCY AND MINIMUM POWER USAGE. 6. Submersible pumps for return sludge (RAS) recycle and Surplus sludge (SAS) pumps for sludge wasting: REDUCES SPACE REQUIREMENT, NO SECONDARY CLARIFIER IS USED WHICH DRASTICALLY REDUCES CIVIL COST


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7. PLC unit for complete automatic cycle control and operation: REDUCES MANPOWER COST COMPLETE OPERATION CAN BE HOOKED TO CENTRAL CONTROL DESK Schematic drawing of Cy.ASP/SBR basin

Biological SELECTOR zone The incorporation of a biological SELECTOR in the front end of the Cyclic Activated Sludge process/SBR distinguishes it from all other technologies. The raw effluent enters the SELECTOR zone, where ANOXIC MIX conditions are maintained. Part of the treated effluent along with return sludge from the aeration basin is recycled in here, using RAS pumps. As the micro organisms meet high BOD, low DO condition in the SELECTOR, natural selection of predominantly floc forming micro organisms takes place. This is very effective in containing all of the known low F/M bulking micro organisms, eliminates problems of bulking and sludge foaming. This process ensures excellent settling characteristics of the bio sludge. SVI of treated effluent of less than 120 is achieved in all seasons. Also due to the anoxic conditions in the SELECTOR zone, De nitrification and phosphorous removal occurs in case the Ammonical nitrogen and phosphorous levels are high in the effluent. The figure below shows the experience with SVI developments in parallel operations with a wastewater that traditionally favours sludge Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) Control The process uses measurement of dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the basin to provide a full scale control of the activity level in the aeration

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basin. The DO concentration profile is automatically ramped to operate at slightly higher DO concentrations at the end of the cycle. This feature prevents low dissolved oxygen type filaments from proliferating. Once DO level is measured in the basins, the rate of drop in DO level is calibrated to know the actual oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of the biomass. In this way, the metabolic activity of the biomass is measured within the actual process basin and is subsequently used as a control parameter to automatically regulate the duration of the aeration sequence and/ or the rate of aeration. Aeration Cycle time can be altered automatically, or else a variable frequency drive automatically alters the aeration blower rpm. This methodology provides a true in basin method for the efficient use of energy. Decanter Assembly in Stainless Steel The clean supernatant is removed from the basin using a Decanter assembly complete in stainless steel construction. During decanting there is no inflow to the basin. The moving weir DECANTER is motor driven and travels slowly from its park position to a designated bottom water level. Once the Decanting phase sets in, the decanter automatically lowers to the required bottom level. Variable frequency drives are provided to control the rate of movement of the Decanters. After the required level of supernatant is removed the Decanter is returned to its park position through reversal of the drive. The basin is now ready for the next cycle to begin.

Operational Simplicity - Fully PLC based intelligent control The complete plant operation is controlled automatically thro a PLC system, which is a major factor in reducing operating costs. This also

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prevents mal operation of the various set process parameters within the plant. All key functions like, RAS, sludge wasting, aeration intensity, cycle time control, decanting rate etc are automatically controlled as well as data logged. Complete historical records of plant operation are available on touch of a button. Using suitable modem, these plants can be monitored and controlled thro Internet from anywhere in the world. 7.4.6. CONCLUSION

A comparison of various treatment technologies is as below:

Item Conventional Activated Sludge Mostly Stable Extended Aeration UASB followed by Facultative Aerobic Lagoon Varying with Temperature Variations 85 90% No Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR Completely Stable >98% Yes

Performance (Typical) BOD removal,% In-built Nutrient removal for N & P Outlet Quality BOD COD Suspended Solids Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorous Coli form removal, % Re-use Options

Mostly Stable

85 92% No

90 95% No

<30ppm <250ppm <50ppm No Treatment No Treatment 60 90 Can only be used for low end usages like flushing and gardening. Tertiary Treatment Required for high end usages like Construction water, Industrial usages, cooling water etc. 0.1 0.18 12 15

<30ppm <250ppm <50ppm No Treatment No Treatment 60 90 Can only be used for low end usages like flushing and gardening. Tertiary Treatment Required for high end usages like Construction water, Industrial usages, cooling water etc. 0.08 0.15 16 19

<30ppm <250ppm <100ppm No Treatment No Treatment Can only be used for low end usages like flushing and gardening. Tertiary Treatment Required for high end usages like Construction water, Industrial usages, cooling water etc. 0.2 0.25 4-5

<10ppm <100ppm <10ppm < 10ppm < 2ppm 99.999% Can be used for low end usages as well as for high end usages without any tertiary treatment

Land requirement (m2/person) Process Power Requirement (kWhr/person/year) Sludge Handling

0.035-0.07 6-8

Sludge needs Digestion prior to drying on

Digested Sludge, Dry on beds or use

Digested Sludge, Dry on beds or use

Digested Sludge, Dry on beds or use 85

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report


Conventional Activated Sludge beds or use mech. Devices Aerators, Recycle Pumps, Scrapers, thickeners, Digesters, Dryers, Gas Equipment Skilled Operation required

Extended Aeration

Equipment Requirement (excluding screening and grit removal)

mech. Devices Aerators, Recycle Pumps, Sludge scrapers, (for large settlers)

UASB followed by Facultative Aerobic Lagoon mech. Devices Nil (gas collection optional)

Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR mech. Devices Diffused Aeration System, Recycle Sludge and Waste Sludge Pumps, Decanters Complete Automatic operation by Computer and PLC. Negligible manpower intervention required. Highest Treatment Efficiency with crystal clear water quality. Power requirement is 50% of conventional technologies. Land requirement is less than 50% of conventional technologies

Operational Characteristics

Simpler than Activated sludge

Simpler than Activated Sludge

Special Features

Considerable equipment and skilled operation required, especially if gas collection and usage involved. Method considered mainly for large sized plants.

BOD removal high, effluent nitrified, relatively high power requirement. Favoured for small and medium sized plants.

Minimal to negligible power requirement of the system makes it an economical alternative if gas revenue is neglected. Land requirement is also relatively small but depends on type of post treatment adopted.

Activated Sludge Process (AEROBIC PROCESS) is the most used biological waste water treatment process in the developed and developing countries. Due to aerobic process in Activated Sludge Process, plant has less odor/vector nuisance in compare to anaerobic type process as mentioned above. Since Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR is found most improved version of Activated Sludge Process through Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) mode controlled by PLC and its proven across the world including In India hence Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/ SBR technology has been selected.


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Basic key criteria for selection of SBR. Requires Minimum Space & Requires Minimum Energy for treatment of sewage. This technology offers in built co current nitrification, de nitrification and bio phosphorous removal mechanism that differentiates it from other technologies. Requires Minimum Man Power for treatment of sewage & Minimum Maintenance Cost. Excellent Treated water quality can be recycling. Controlled system provided high flexibility and simplified potential of expansion. A special ability to handle extremely high organic and hydraulic shock loads, No washout of biomass, More than 95 % BOD removal. In built Nitrogen/Phosphorous removal to prevent the natural resources from algae and other problems. Further SBR process is also recommendation for sewage treatment in CPHEEO Manual, but due to the advancement in technology in last decade, these plants are very favorable for medium to large scale sewage treatment applications. Many large scale plants working efficiently around the world including India based on cyclic activated sludge process/SBR.


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Chapter 8. Treatment Plant Design


Raw Sewage from gravity outfall sewer is proposed to be collected into a Receiving Chamber. The function of the Receiving Chamber is to reduce the incoming velocity. Receiving Chamber shall be of adequate size to meet the requirements of workability inside it & can handle the designed flow of main sewer. The Receiving Chamber shall be water tight to prevent seepage of the sewage out of the Receiving Chamber. It is proposed that provision of gates for future balance capacity can be diverted in the STP for future expansion of STP. 8.1.2. COARSE AND FINE SCREENING

Coarse screens are to be provided for removal of floating and oversized material coming with the sewage. The coarse screens should be capable to screen out most of the medium & large floating and oversized material such as plastic rags, debris, weeds, paper, cloth, rags etc which could clog the waste water pump impellers. The coarse screen shall be inclined bar screen. It should be of sturdy design to take care of all sorts of materials envisaged in the gravity sewer. The screenings shall be dropped on conveyor above the top of the screen channel. A conveyor system of suitable width shall be provided which shall be adjacent to the screens. The screening material as collected will drop automatically into a wheelbarrows for its disposal. There shall be 2 nos. of screen one

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Detailed Project Report

mechanical & one Manual operated. The floating material above 50 mm size can be arrested in the screen. 8.1.3. RAW SEWAGE PUMPING AREA

Screened sewage after coarse screening enters into wet well of the pumping station. The capacity of the wet well should be kept such that adequate detention time is available during average and peak flow conditions. The effective liquid volume shall be provided below the invert level of the incoming sewer after leaving provision for freeboard. The capacity of the sump is to be so kept that with any combination of inflow and pumping the operating cycle for any pump will not be less than 5 minutes. Suitable combination of submersible pumps has been provided in the sumps to cater the pumping requirements at average and peak flow conditions. Based on incoming flow conditions, adequate no. of pumps shall operate automatically to cater the pumping requirements. Pumping area should have adequate covered area for installing electrical panels along with suitable arrangement for lifting of pumps. The pumped flow from the pumps shall be taken to the elevated head works Inlet channel above the sump from where sewage will gravitate to fine screen channels. 8.1.4. FINE SCREENING CHANNELS

Fine screens Channels to be provided before Grit removal system to arrest the fine floating material. The fine screens should be capable to screen out most of the small floating material above 6mm size. The fine screen shall be of mat type. The screenings shall be dropped on conveyor above the top of the screen channel. A conveyor system of suitable width shall be provided which shall be adjacent to the screens. The screening material as collected will drop automatically into a wheelbarrows for its disposal. 8.1.5. DE-GRITTING

Screened Sewage will gravitate to Grit separator tank for removal of grit and small inorganic particulate matter of specific gravity above 2.65 and particle size above 100 microns. The Grit separator tank shall be of RCC construction complete with mechanical internals and square in size. The grit separated shall be properly collected and be transferred for disposal.


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The de-gritted sewage shall flow through open channels from the grit separators and confluence into a single channel of suitable width. 8.1.6. FLOW MEASUREMENT

Online Flow measurement shall be done by installing an ultrasonic level measurement device on the common Discharge header of Raw Sewage Pumps. 8.1.7. SBR / CYCLIC ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS

Screened, de-gritted sewage shall be fed into the Cyclic Activated Sludge Process / SBR Process Basins for biological treatment to remove BOD, COD, Suspended Solids, Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorous. SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process shall work on Cyclic / Batch mode in single step. It shall perform biological organic removal, Nitrification, Denitrification and Biological Phosphorous removal. It shall be capable of simultaneous sludge stabilization. The oxygen required shall be supplied through fixed type fine bubble diffused aeration system with auto control of oxygen level in tank. The system shall have a SVI < 120 for higher settling rates and should be designed in such a way that growth of filamentous bacteria is restricted. Complete operation of SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process including decanting rate, sludge recirculation and wasting of excess sludge shall be controlled by PLC. Treated Sewage from SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process units shall be collected in Chlorination tank for its disinfection. 8.1.8. CHLORINATION SYSTEM

Treated Sewage from SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process units will be collected in a chlorination tank where disinfectant will be added for disinfection at suitable dosing rate. Baffle walls shall be provided in the tank to facilitate hydraulic mixing of treated sewage. Adequate reaction time shall be considered for while selecting the chlorination tank volume to ensure proper disinfection of treated sewage. The treated sewage is to be disposed suitably into Perennial River/ can be utilized for agriculture preferably by gravity. 8.1.9. SLUDGE HANDLING SYSTEM

The sludge from the SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process basins is withdrawn through sludge withdrawal system and collected in the sludge sump. The sludge shall be then pumped to Solid Bowl Centrifuge for dewatering of sludge.

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Centrifuge feed pumps shall be of positive displacement type screw pumps. Dewatering Polymer shall be dosed online prior to centrifuge feed. The dosing system shall include one solution preparation and one solutiondosing tank equipped with slow speed mixers and metering type positive displacement pumps. The sludge in form of wet cake from centrifuges will be collected and disposed off. Interconnection of various units shall be made through piping or RCC channels. Piping will be preferred over RCC channel wherever possible but the Engineer-in- Charge reserves the right to select any option. 8.2. TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY The designed population of the town comes to be 218514 souls as described in chapter 5 of this report. As per recommendations of Manual of Water Supply published by CPHEEO, the per capita water supply for the town is adopted as 135 LPCD and the portion of this supply which contributes to wastewater generation has been adopted as 80%. The wastewater generated per capita comes to be 108 LPCD. The total wastewater generated in design year 2041 will be 23.60 mld. With infiltration equal to 0.65 mld, the total wastewater volume in design year comes to be 24.25 mld. The capacity of treatment plant for design year 2041comes to be 25 mld. It is proposed to develop the designed capacity of treatment plant in modular way with inlet chamber, screens, wet wells & pumping station proposed to be developed for designed capacity. The rest of the STP units are proposed to be developed for intermediate flow of year 2021. For corresponding population of year 2021 i.e. 136567, the wastewater flow comes to be 14.75 mld. With infiltration of 0.65 mld, total wastewater volume in year 2021 comes to be 15.40 mld. It is proposed to construct STP of capacity 16 mld under this project. 8.3. STP UNITS The different components/process units to be covered at each location are as follows:


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Receiving Chamber (Inlet Chamber for ultimate capacity i.e. 25 MLD). Mechanical and Manual Coarse Screens. Raw Sewage Sump, Pump. Inlet Channel over sump Mechanical Fine Screens. Mechanical Grit Chambers. Flow Measuring unit Cyclic Activated Sludge Process / SBR Process Units. Chlorine Contact Tank. Chlorine House. Sludge Sump, Pump and Pump House. Mechanical Sludge Dewatering System. Administration Building. Transformer Yard and MEP Room, Electrical Works for STP Interconnecting Piping & Appurtenances Plant Utilities.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.



The deep gravity outfall sewers will discharge the raw sewage into a Receiving chamber. The function of the Receiving chamber is to distribute the flow for process units. The Receiving Chamber is designed for peak flow. The Receiving chamber consists of sluice gates on upstream and downstream for flow regulation. In the sidewall of the Receiving chamber, sluice gates are installed such that it is possible to operate them manually, inspection as well as operation by standing on a platform constructed at a suitable elevation adjoining and circumventing the inlet chamber. The inlet chamber is of adequate size to meet the requirements of workability inside it. The receiving chamber is open to sky and shall be water tight to prevent seepage of the sewage out of the inlet chamber. The entire construction is in M30 grade concrete and as per IS 3370. RCC access platform minimum 1000 wide with railing as per specifications shall be provided on one side of the chamber:

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Detailed Project Report

Total Average flow Peak factor Design Flow Number of Units Detention period Min Free board Size

: : : : : : :

25 MLD 2.25 56.25 MLD 1 (one) 12 sec. 0.5m 4m x 1.5 m x 1.50 m SWD

Minimum volume of the Receiving chamber shall be 7.81 m3. There is a provision of one bye pass channel along with gates. Alternatively, plant bypass can be provided from existing / proposed manhole before pumping station. 8.3.2. COARSE SCREEN CHANNELS

One mechanical screens working and one manual screen standby of 50 mm clear spacing and of peak flow capacity shall be provided. The manual bar screens shall be made of 20 mm thick Stainless Steel (SS 304) flats respectively. The mechanical screens is of Inclined Rake Type of 50 mm opening. Conveyor Belt and chute arrangement is provided to take the screenings to the screenings dropped from chute will be collected in a wheel burrow. Manually operated CI gates are provided at the upstream and downstream ends to regulate the flow. Adequate RCC Platforms is provided at the upper level to enable operation. Railings is provided around the entire periphery of the platform. The entire structure is to be M30 concrete and as per IS 3370 including the platform. RCC staircase 900 mm wide is provided for access from the ground level to the top of the unit & to the operating platform. Total Average flow Peak factor Design Flow Number of Units : : : : 16 MLD 2.25 36 MLD 1 Mechanical


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(Working)+ stand bye) Approach Velocity Flow (m/sec.) at Average : 0.3


Velocity through Screen at Average : Flow Velocity through Screen at Peak : Flow (m/sec.) Min Free board Wheeled Trolley : :

0.6 maximum (M/sec.)

0.8 maximum

0.3 m 1 No.

Minimum size of each screen channel shall be 10m long x 0.75 m wide x 0.9 m SWD. 8.3.3. RAW SEWAGE PUMPING SUMP AND PUMPS

Sewage enters into sump after screening. The sump is kept as circular in shape and shall be designed for an average flow. The capacity of sump is such that the detention time in the sump shall be minimum 5 minutes of peak flow and the maximum detention time shall not exceed 20 minutes at average flow. Following criterias has been considered to size the sump: 1. That the pump of the minimum duty/ capacity would run for at least 5 minutes considering no inflow or 2. The capacity of the sump is to be so kept that with any combination of inflow and pumping the operating cycle for any pump will not be less than 5 minutes and 3. The arrangement of the submersible pumps as per pump manufacturers data i.e. spacing between pumps, minimum space between pump and wall etc. 4. The side water depth (live liquid depth) is minimum 2.5 meter. In addition to the above liquid depth an additional depression is provided to ensure adequate submergence of the pump as per the manufactures recommendations .A operating platform above sump duly covered is


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Detailed Project Report

proposed for installing electrical panels. Suitable arrangement is to be provided for lifting of pumps. 5. The effective liquid volume below the invert level of the screen chamber after leaving provision for a minimum of 0.3 m is 4.00 mtr. Pumping arrangement Total Average flow Minimum Retention Time : : 16 MLD 20 minutes minimum at Avg. flow. 666.7 m3/hr (1W + 1S) for Avg. flow 417.5 m3/hr (2 W + 1 S) (lean flow) For peak flow one pump of Av. flow + 2 pumps of lean flow (1501.7 m3/hr ) Head Type of pumps : : 13.00 mtr. Submersible type nonclog design 100 mm max. Class F IP-68

No. of pumps

Solid passage size through pumps Insulation Protection

: : :

Sump Specific Requirement, Material of Construction and Accessories: i. Number of Units (1) One designed for peak flow RCC

ii. Construction material

The size of the sump having diameter of 9 mtr is suitable to accommodate the number of pumps required for operation with easy maneuverability. Following accessories is proposed to have with sump: Hoist - comprising of I-Girder and a 1 ton or more chain pulley (the chain pulley block capacity to be 1 Ton or 1.5 times the maximum single unit/

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Detailed Project Report

weight that may be required to be removed for maintenance) with horizontal travel on the I-beam. A collecting channel above sump is proposed to collect the pumped waste water 8.3.4. MECHANICAL FINE SCREEN AND CONVEYOR

One mechanical working with one mechanical standby screens are proposed in the screen chamber. The screen channel is designed for peak flow. The clear opening for mechanical screen shall be 6 mm for mechanical fine screens. The mechanical bar screens shall be of 2 mm thick Stainless Steel (SS 304) flats. Conveyor Belt and chute arrangement is provided to take the screenings to the screenings dropped from chute will be collected in a wheel burrow. Manually operated CI gates are provided at the upstream and downstream ends to regulate the flow. Adequate RCC Platforms are provided at the upper level to enable operation. Railings are provided around the entire periphery of the platform. The entire structure is to be M30 concrete and as per IS 3370 including the platform. Total Average flow Peak factor Design Flow Number of Units : : : : 16 MLD 2.25 36 MLD 1 Mechanical (Working) + 1 Mechanical (standby) capacity 0.3

Approach Velocity Flow (m/sec.)


Average :

Velocity through Screen at Average : Flow Velocity through Screen at Peak : Flow (m/sec.) Min Free board :

0.6 maximum (m/sec.)

1.2 maximum



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Detailed Project Report

Wheeled Trolley

1 No.

Minimum size of each screen channel shall be 5.50 m long x 0.70 m wide x 0.90 m SWD. One mechanical working with one standby screens are proposed in the screen chamber. The screen channels shall be designed for peak flow. 8.3.5. GRIT REMOVAL UNIT

One mechanical grit chamber of peak flow capacity is proposed after fine screen units. The mechanical grit chambers is Square Mechanical Detritus Tank designed for average flow of 16 MLD with a peak factor of 2.25. Detritus tank chamber shall have the following: One tapered inlet channel running along one side with deflectors for entry sewage into the grit chamber. The minimum SWD of the units shall be 0.8m. One tapered outlet channel for collecting the de-gritted sewage, which overflow over a weir into the outlet channel. Outlet channel of adequate size and she to ensure that no settling takes place. One sloping grit classifying channel into which the collected grit will classified. The grit from classifier will be collected in a wheeled trolley. A grit scraping mechanism. Adjustable influent deflector. Reciprocating rake mechanism to remove the grit. Organic matter return pump CI gates are provided at the entrance and at the outlet of the chamber. To enable easy operation of the gates, RCC platforms with Gl railing are provided at the upper level. Also access is provided from this level to the mechanism support beam of the grit chamber. The entire construction shall be M30 grade concrete and as per IS 3370. Total Average flow Peak factor : : 16 MLD 2.25


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Design Flow Number of Units

: :

36 MLD 1 (One) Working peak flow capacity Mechanical 0.10 mm of

Type Size of grit particle

: :

Specific gravity of grit Maximum Surface Overflow Rate Free Board Side Water Depth Wheeled trolleys

: : : : :

2.65 960 m3/m2/day 0.3 m 0.8 m 1 No.

Minimum size of the mechanical grit chamber shall be 4.40 m x 4.40 m x 0.8 SWD. 8.3.6. FLOW MEASUREMENT

Flow measurement shall be done using a Parshall flume with throat width of 18 inches. The Parshall flume shall be installed before SBR system. An additional Ultrasonic flow meter mounted on concrete channel shall also be provided having digital type Indicator, Integrator and Recorder fixed in the control room. 8.3.7. DIVISION BOX

Division Box receive the flow from the grit chamber. The 36.0 MLD peak flow is then be equal parts with help of overflow weir channels and distributed to Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/ SBR Process units via pipe / channel. Motorized Sluice gates including all specials is provided on all weirs for isolation. RCC access platform, staircase, railing and covers over division boxes are provided as per requirement.




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The biological treatment section comprising SBR/ cyclic activated sludge process has to be installed and equipped for average flow of 16 MLD. The complete biological system has to be designed for handling peak flow capacity. 2 nos. tanks with minimum total volume of 12041 m3 shall be provided. In addition, 0.5 m free board shall be provided to each tank. Maximum liquid depth of tank shall be restricted to 4.0 m. - Cyclic Activated Sludge Process / SBR Process basins will be constructed in M30 grade concrete and as per IS 3370. RCC staircase 900 mm wide is provided to each basin for access from the ground level to the operating platforms. All platforms and walkways shall be provided hand railings as per tender specifications of 1.2 m width. Plinth protection along periphery shall be provided as per technical specifications. - The system should work on a continuous gravity influent condition. No influent / effluent equalization tanks or flash filling is accepted. The system should be designed for maximum F/M ratio between 0.1 - 0.25 kg BOD/kg MLSS day. MLSS maintained in the basin should range from 2500 to 5000 mg/l; SBR/ Cyclic activated sludge cycle times shall be selected adequately considering min. 12 hrs/day basin of aeration and not exceeding decanting of 2.2 m liquid depth at any time with preferred cycle times containing max. 50% not aerated portion. The excess sludge produced shall be fully digested. Sludge production (including percipients) rate shall be about 0.6 0.8 kg / kg of BOD removed. In the SBR / cyclic activated sludge basins the NO filling during settling or decanting will be acceptable.


The decanting device shall be rotating moving weir arm devices of Stainless Steel 304 with top mounted gear box, drive, scum guard, down comers, collection pipe, bearings. The following type of decanter assemblies are not acceptable, Rope driven decanters.

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Floating decanters. GRP products. Valve-arrangement. The maximum design travel rate shall be 60 mm/min. with proven hydraulic discharge capacity of the decanter proportional to the selected basin area. Bidders to provide sample graphs of executed projects with such decanting speeds with decanters of min. same size (length). There should be Maximum 1 decanter per basin. The hydraulic design based on design flow rates as given above shall not exceed flow speeds of 1.3 m/s. Flexible rubber hose kind of decanter sealing is not acceptable. Each Decanter mechanism shall be inclusive of local control boxes with manual operation selection and function buttons, communication to main PLC by DH485 or Ethernet.


The Aeration facility shall be installed for 16 MLD average flow. - Minimum installed aeration equipment design capacity per day per basin for 16 MLD average flow shall be 140757 Nm3 per day per basin on the basis of 12 hrs aeration per day per basin. - Only fine bubble EPDM / PU membrane diffusers shall be acceptable with minimum membrane diffuser to floor coverage area of 5%. Diffusers shall be submerged fine bubble / fine pore, high transfer efficiency, low tow maintenance, non-buoyant type. Diffusers shall be tubular (membrane) type. Material of construction for (entire under water system including accessories shall be of non corrosive Complete diffuser as a unit shall be assembled at the manufacturing factory level. The grid supports shall of adjustable type made of SS 304. The air blower arrangement shall be capable of handling Total Water Level and Bottom Water Level operation conditions, controlled by process sensors such as DO, temperature and level. Each set of blower shall have dedicated standby. Minimum One working air blower in each set shall operate via VFD into each tank while others may be operating at a fixed constant speed on soft starter configuration.


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- The blowers for air diffuser system shall be positive displacement (roots) type, and head for blowers shall be decided on the basis of S.O.R. of diffusers and maximum liquid depth in tank duly considering the losses governing point of delivery (diffusers) and the blowers. Blowers shall be complete with motor and accessories like base frame, anti vibratory pad, silencer, non return valve, air filter etc. as per requirements. Further, blowers shall have acoustic to ensure that the noise level at 1 m from blowers is below 80db. The blower room shall have sufficient ventilation, lighting and working space. The room will be equipped with sufficient capacity EOT (Min 2 T or 1.5 times the weight of blower, whichever is more) to facilitate removal of blower/motor etc. for repairs. The room will also have rolling shutter. - The operation of aeration system shall include PLC based control. The operation and speed of blowers shall be automatically adjusted using parameters like Oxygen Uptake Rate, Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature and liquid level in the basin such that the DO is supplied as per demand and power utilisation for operation of blowers is optimised. The main air header/ring main shall be in MS as per relevant IS painted outside with corrosion resistant paint as per manufacture's recommendations. The header / ring main shall be supported on saddles at suitable intervals or will be protected against external corrosion in case they are laid below ground. The header shall have auto valves to facilitate switch over aeration cycle from one basin to other by PLC operation. The header shall supply air to diffuser grids at various locations through air supply pipes. Air supply pipe above water level shall be in Gl and below water level it shall be in Imported PVC as per relevant standards. All under water lateral pipes shall be of Imported PVC. Junction between air header and air supply pipe shall be suitably protected against corrosion due to dissimilar materials. - All other accessories, whether specified or not, but required for completeness shall form part of contractors scope.


Dedicated Return sludge and excess sludge pumps shall be provided for each basin. The pump shall be of submersible / horizontal centrifugal type suitable for handling biological sludge of 1 2% solids consistency. Capacity and heads shall be decided based on SBR / Cyclic Activated

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Sludge Process requirements. Each SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process basin shall be provided with suitable lifting arrangements to facilitate lifting of pump, if required for maintenance. a. Return Sludge Pumps Pumps Capacity and Head : As per SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process requirements Submersible / Horizontal Centrifugal Bio-sludge of 1 2% solids consistency 1.05 100mm (Maximum) Min. 20 C more than 40% Fixed. 1 No. per Basin + 1 Store Standby



Specific gravity Solid size Temperature Efficiency Installation Quantity

: : : : : :

b. Excess Sludge Pumps Pumps Capacity and Head : As per SBR / Cyclic Activated Sludge Process requirements Submersible / Horizontal Centrifugal Bio-sludge of 1 2% solids consistency 1.05



Specific gravity


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Detailed Project Report

Solid size Temperature Efficiency Installation Quantity

: : : : :

100mm (Maximum) Min. 20 C more than 40% Fixed. 1 No. per Basin + 1 Store Standby


PLC based automation system with application software based on Rockwell hardware or equal to control Raw Sewage Transfer Pumping Station, Primary Treatment Units and SBR System including all pumps, valves, blowers, VFD, decanters, limit switches and probes as per bidders design including I/Os with 20 % spares, power supplies, UPS. HMI Panel to comprise up-to-date standard PC with monitor, printer, mouse, internet connection, RS-view, RS-links (gateway version), entire process and operator software with dynamic flow charts, pictures, screens, alarms, historical trends, reports etc. SACDA based Automation system to monitor continuously in each SBR tank the followings: a. Filling volume b. Filling quantity c. Discharge quantity d. DO-level e. Temperature f. Oxygen Uptake Rate g. Blower speeds h. Decanter speed 8.3.9. SLUDGE HANDLING SYSTEM SLUDGE SUMP AND PUMP HOUSE

Sludge sump shall be provided to collect the excess sludge from Cyclic Activated Sludge Process/SBR Process Basins. There shall be one common


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Detailed Project Report

sludge sump for all basins. There shall be auto gate valves on discharge sludge pipe of each Cyclic Activated Sludge Process / SBR Process basin. Sludge tank shall be constructed in M30 grade concrete and as per IS3370. The sump shall be equipped with coarse bubble air grid made from HDPE / PVC pipes and Air Blower Assembly to facilitate mixing of contents of sludge sump on continuous basis. Above sludge sump there shall be pump house. This shall be RCC frame brick masonry structure. Minimum height of the pump house shall be 4.5 m form the plinth level. It shall be provided with rolling shutter and doors and windows as per technical specifications. EOT of minimum 1.5 T capacity shall be provided in the pump house to lift the pump assembly. Flooring of the pump house shall be IPS flooring. Pump house shall be plastered from inside and from outside as per tender specifications. Entire pump from inside and from outside shall be painted with approved colour. Sludge sump shall be painted inside with bituminous paint. Number of Units Free Board Minimum SWD Detention time : : : : 1 (One) No. 0.5 m 3.0 m 4 hrs.

Minimum size of the sludge sump in shall be 5.4 m x 4.2 m x 3.0 m SWD. SLUDGE TRANSFER PUMPS AND MIXING BLOWERS

Sludge Transfer Pumps shall be provided in Sludge Pump House to feed secondary Sludge to Mechanical Dewatering Device. The pump shall be of screw type suitable for handling biological sludge of 1 4% solids consistency. Pumps Capacity and Head Type Liquid : : : 8.0 m3/hr @ 15 MWC Screw Type Bio-sludge of 1 4% solids consistency 1.05

Specific gravity

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Detailed Project Report

Temperature Efficiency Installation Quantity

: : : :

Min. 20 C more than 30% Fixed. 3 Nos. (2W + 1S)

The blowers shall be positive displacement (roots) type, and head for blowers shall be decided on the basis of maximum liquid depth in tank duly considering the losses governing point of delivery and the blowers. The number of standby blower shall be 100% of the number of working blowers. Blowers shall be complete with motor and accessories like base frame, anti vibratory pad, silencer, non return valve, air filter etc. as per requirements. Air Mixing Rate : 1.0 m3/hr/m3 of liquid volume 75.0 m3/hr @ 0.4 bar (minimum) Twin Lobe, Root Fixed. 2 Nos. (1W + 1S)

Blower Capacity and Head

Type Installation Quantity

: : :


The mechanical dewatering units shall be solid bowl centrifuge designed so as to give a 100% trouble free operation at all times and the sludge dewatering plant should operate for designed flow and capacity conditions and be sized as per the following guidelines. i. The de-watering system should be so located that the de-watered sludge can be loaded into trolleys / drums / bins directly - preferably the de-watering unit shall be so located that the de-watered sludge falls into the containers/ bins without requirement of another material handling unit. ii. The de-watered sludge should be truck-able & be suitable for disposal by open body truck and should have a minimum solid concentration of 20% or more (measured as dry solids w/w basis)

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Detailed Project Report

There shall be one Centrifuge building in framed structure construction, the first floor will house centrifuges. The configuration shall be such that the wet cake discharge will be discharged through single central chute to the parked trailer/lorry below. The centrifuge shall be solid bowl centrifuge of co-current/counter current design. The centrifuge shall have sufficient clarifying length so that separation of solids is effective. The centrifuge and its accessories shall be mounted on a common base frame so that entire assembly can be installed on an elevated structure. Suitable drive with V- belt arrangement and turbo-coupling shall be provided along with overload protection device. Centrifuge shall be with SS304 wetted parts. Differential speed and bowl speed should be adjusted by changing the pulleys; differential speed may be adjustable by use of epicyclical-gear. The bowl shall be protected with flexible connections so that vibrations are not transmitted to other equipment. The base frame shall be in epoxy painted steel construction and provided with anti-vibration pads. All steps necessary to prevent transmission of structure borne noise shall be taken. The drive motor shall be of 1450 rpm. The noise level shall be 85 dB (A) measured at 1m distance under dry run. The vibration level shall be below 50 micron measured at pillow blocks under dry run condition. Adequate sound proof shall be carried out for the housing the centrifuges to ensure that the noise level at 5 m distance from the enclosure is less than 75 dB (A). A hoist shall be provided above centrifuge for maintenance purpose. The hoist shall be such that it shall be possible to erect or de-erect the centrifuge while one centrifuge is in operation. Number of Centrifuges : 2 Nos. (1 Working+ 1 Standby) Horizontal 30 m3/hr 20 hrs per day maximum

Type Capacity of each unit Operating Hours

: : :

Mixing arrangement of Polyelectrolyte and sludge: online-mixing POLYELECTROLYTE DOSING:


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

The polyelectrolyte will be dosed online at the centrifuge inlet. Minimum dosage of polyelectrolyte shall be 1.2 kg/T of dry solids in sludge at 0.5% solution strength. There shall be two poly-dosing tanks each suitable for minimum 8 hrs. of operation. Each-tank shall be equipped with slow speed mixer (100 RPM) to prepare polyelectrolyte solution. The solution will be fed using positive displacement metering type dosing pumps. There shall be dedicated dosing pumps to each centrifuge with one common standby. The pumps shall be interlocked with centrifuge so that it can only be running in auto when centrifuge is on and should shut down when centrifuge stops. The dosing system shall be housed in centrifuge house itself. 8.3.10. DISINFECTION SYSTEM CHLORINATION TANK:

Treated sewage from STP shall be taken to chlorine contact tank by RCC channel/pipe. Chlorine Contact Tank is provided for dosing of chlorine. The tank is constructed in M30 grade concrete and as per IS 3370. Baffle walls are provided to achieve proper disinfection. The baffle walls shall be constructed in M30 grade concrete and 20 mm thick plaster in CM 1:3 on either side. Design Flow No. of Units Detention Time : : : 16 MLD 1 No. 30 minutes of average flow or 30 minutes of decant flow, whichever is higher 0.5 m


Minimum size of Chlorine Contact Tank shall be 12.0 m x 8 m x 3.5 SWD CHLORINATION SYSTEM: : : : 16 MLD 2 (1W + 1S) Vacuum Type

Average Flow Number of Units Type


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Detailed Project Report

Chlorine Dosing Capacity of Chlorinator

: :

3 ppm max. Minimum 5 kg/hr

Chlorination system covering chlorine tonners (2 Nos.), chlorinator, water feed pumps, piping, booster pumps, ejector, trunions, lifting device with weighing scale, leak detection and leak absorption system, safety equipments like canisters, gasmasks etc. and other ancillary shall be provided in the chlorine house. Chlorine house of minimum 60 sq. m. plinth area shall be provided. It is proposed to have sufficient ventilation as per the latest norms for safety purpose with necessary lifting arrangement and EOT of minimum 2 T capacity etc. complete. 8.3.11. DISPOSAL PIPE/CHANNEL

Treated sewage after chlorine contact tank shall be disposed into River Ganga through a suitable Pipe/channel. 8.3.12. SBR AIR BLOWER CUM ADMINISTRATIVE CUM MCC & CONTROL BUILDING

The SBR Air Blower cum Administrative cum Control Building shall be G+1 structure. Ground Floor shall be SBR Air Blower Room and first floor shall be Admin Block with 240 m2 area at each floor. SBR Air Blower Room shall comprise Air Blower Room, Tool Room and Work shop. The Admin Block shall comprise Office, Laboratory, Conference Room, MCC Room and Control Room. The proposed building shall meet the following minimum carpet requirements. SBR Air Blower Room MCC Room PLC & Control Room Office Block & Laboratory Conference Room Toilet Block : : : : : : 15 m x 12 m 10 m x 5 m 5 m x 5m 15 m x 5 m 5mx5m 5 m x 2.5 m at each Floor



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Detailed Project Report

The treated effluent is proposed to be carried through a pipe/channel from Treatment Plant near Ganga Bridge upto River Ganga. The treated effluent shall be religiously monitored for its polluting nature before discharging in drain. A part of the treated effluent shall be utilized for agriculture purposes in non-rainy periods. 8.5. ANCILLARY FACILITIES 8.5.1. SECURITY ROOM

The security room at entry to the STP shall be a ground floor construction with 3m X 5m carpet area and be of RCC roofing and shall be provided with glass panels on three sides and an air cooler. Necessary fans and lights shall be provided. 8.5.2. PMCC ROOM

There shall be 1 room strategically / appropriately sized to meet statutory and functional requirements. 8.5.3. CONTROL ROOM

There shall be 1 control room strategically / appropriately sized (6m X 4m) to meet the functional requirements. Two no. 1.5 TR air conditioners shall be provided. The wall on all sides shall be glass panelled above 1 m wall. Necessary lighting and fans shall be provided as directed by the employer's representative. 8.5.4. REST ROOM

There shall be 1 rest room of size 4m 5m with toilet facility. Necessary light fans furniture and air coolers shall be provided. An attached toilet with water facility shall be provided. 8.5.5. WORKSHOP CUM STORE

There shall be a room of size 12m X 4m divided into two equal portions. Necessary light fans furniture and air coolers are proposed to be provided. Necessary facilities for drilling welding machining etc shall be provided to shit the maintenance work involved in the pant, a wide rolling shutter shall be provided for shop and also for store with ramp. 8.5.6. OPEN STORE YARD

This shall be of a floor area of 100 sqm fenced with GI barbed wire of 4m tall and RCC posts. The security for stored materials shall be provided with

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

gates that produce audible alarms whenever opened and closed. Rollers moving on rails/flats shall be provided. 8.5.7. COVERED VEHICLE PARK

There shall be provision to park 2 numbers four wheelers, 6 numbers of two wheelers and 10 numbers of cycles for which an area of 60 sqm is adequate with concrete flooring, ramp and FRP roofing. 8.5.8. LANDSCAPING

The landscaping of the woks/STP site is also proposed to be taken up under this project. The open area within the campus after construction sewage treatment plant shall be developed through adequate greenery comprising flowering bushes, thickets and trees. Treated sewage shall used for the development. At least 33% of the open area shall be converted to a green belt/garden. Dense plantation shall be used for control of noise around the blower buildings. Plantation of large trees and green belt including creepers shall be used in the campus to ensure that odours, if at all emitted, get diluted and diffused and a visual barrier is created.


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Detailed Project Report

Chapter 9. Project Cost

9.1. SOURCES The rates for different unit works/Material/Supplies for building, Electrical, Electromechanical, Instrumentation & other components appearing in scope of work of this project have been adopted from number of sources as detailed below: The rates of items such as RCC Non Pressure pipes, uPVC Pipes, Manhole Covers, Ferro Cement Steps Bedding, Manhole, vent-shafts etc have been inquired from manufacturers and rate analysis has been carried out for arriving at on site rates. Schedule of Rates (SoR), Building Construction Department: The rates for almost all the civil works have been taken from Schedule of Rates effective from 01-07-2008 as published by Building Construction Department , Government of Bihar. Schedule of rates of WRD: The rates of some of the items have been adopted from Schedule of rates effective from 01-10-2007 as published by Water Resources Department, Government of Bihar. Schedule of Rates of Road Construction Department: The rates of items for cutting & restoration of roads and other related items have been adopted from Schedule of Rates effective from 24.03.2008 as published by Road Construction Department, Government of Bihar.

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Detailed Project Report

Vendors: Some rates have been enquired from vendors, manufacturers etc. 9.2. SEWERS With the objective of ease of record measurement, verification & other book keeping procedures, the cost estimates for sewers have been categorized depending upon main parameters of Diameter of sewer and Average Depth of invert of sewer. Rate analysis for these categories have been prepared and are used in cost estimates. The major cost items for sewer are as follows: Dismantling & restoration of Road Surface RCC NP Pipe with bitumastic anti corrosive painting Earthwork Timbering Laying & Jointing Bedding Barricading Well Point System & Dewatering Vent Shafts 9.3. MANHOLE Manholes are proposed to be constructed in Brick Masonry and RCC depending on invert depth as explained in Design Criteria Chapter. With the objective of ease of record measurement, verification & other book keeping procedures, the cost estimates for manholes have been also categorized depending upon main parameters of Diameter of sewer and average depth of Manhole. Rate analysis for these categories have been prepared and are used in cost estimates. Rate analysis for both Brick Masonry & RCC have been prepared separately. The major cost items for manhole construction are as follows: Dismantling & restoration of Road Surface Earthwork Timbering Shuttering Brick Masonry/Reinforced Cement Concrete

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Detailed Project Report

Plastering/Pointing Ferro Cement Manhole Covers Cast Iron Foot Steps Barricading 9.4. PUMPING STATIONS The major cost items for proposed pumping stations are as follows: Mechanical Screens Wet Well Pump sets with prime movers and control equipment Electric Panel Rooms Power Connections DG Sets 9.5. TREATMENT PLANT The major cost items for proposed Sewage Treatment Plant are as follows: Preliminary treatment units i.e. Screen Chamber & Grit Chamber Civil Works related to Different Units Electromechanical & instrumentation equipments for different units Pipes/Channel/Pumps to carry wastewater in between units Cost of land 9.6. PROPERTY CONNECTIONS & SEWERS IN NARROW LANES The major cost items for sewers in narrow lanes are as follows: uPVC pipe 100 mm with chambers for property connections HDPE pipes of size 160 mm Chambers 9.7. OTHER ITEMS The following items have been used for arriving at the total cost of the project: Jetting Machine & Tractor with trolley for sewer flushing Cost of preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR)


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

9.8. ABSTRACT OF COSTS The Abstract of Cost for the sewerage project of town of Buxar is as below: S.NO. 1 2 PARTICULARS PART--"A" Earthwork, Timbering and Baricadding PART--"B" Providing and Laying of Sewer lines with bedding works PART--"C" Construction of Manholes, Ventshafts and uPVC pipe laying PART--"D" Dismentalling and Restoration of Roads, structure and NH & other crossings by Trenchless technology etc PART--"E" E. Miscellaneous Items like encasing, equipments for flushing of sewer lines etc PART--"F" Provision for 2 nos pumping station, rising main and pumping machineries and for dedicated HT & LT feeders. PART--"G" Provision for STP (Sequential Batch Reactor) 16 MLD in PHASE I including SCADA TOTAL "A" to "G" PART--"H" Provision for Land Acquisition Provision for IEC activities PART--"I" Centage charges @ 8.0% (excluding land acquisition cost) GRAND TOTAL SAY RS. Crores AMOUNT (Rs.) 55,266,522 84,882,269





159,500,000 560,835,613 30,000,000 5,000,000 45,266,849 641,102,462 64.11

8 9


Detailed estimates & rate analysis based on prevalent Schedule of rates in State of Bihar are available at Annexure A-9.


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Detailed Project Report

Chapter 10.

Funding & Implementation



With a view to accelerate infrastructure development activities across all ULBs and assist the ULBs in developing, augmenting, financing and maintaining municipal services, Government of Bihar has established Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (BUIDCo), a Govt. of Bihar Undertaking registered under the Companys Act 1956 (Act 1 of 1956) on 16th June, 2009. Govt of Bihar has decided Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (BUIDCo) to act as Execution Agency for all Projects sanctioned under JNNURM / UIDSSMT /NGRBA., There shall be tripartite contract agreements between BUIDCo, ULB and Contractor for capital works and for O&M of assets created. 10.2. AGENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCES

After successful testing and commissioning of all components, the assets will be transferred to ULB for taking care of O&M responsibilities. Considering the financial, technical & human resource constraints of Municipal Council, it is proposed to club the operation & maintenance of the sewerage system with STP in first five years with Capital works contract.

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Detailed Project Report

Later, with gradual capacity building of Municipal council, the O&M of the system may be taken over by Municipal council or outsourced to some private operator. The operation & maintenance of the project will be responsibility of Urban Local Body (ULB) i.e. Municipal Council of Buxar Town. This is in line with the 74Th Constitutional Amendment Act and also confirms the requirement of NRCD guidelines. NRCD guidelines recommends following; Operation and Maintenance in all its facets is the responsibility of the local body aided and supported by State government. A firm commitment will be given by the local body that it agrees to bear the entire cost of O & M. The State Government shall give an undertaking that it will ensure that assets are properly operated and maintained and any short fall in resources will be met by them. The agency for O & M of the assets created will also be clearly mentioned in the DPR. 10.3. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

The major activities proposed for implementation of this project are identified as follows: i. Appointment of Construction Supervision Consultants : It is proposed to appoint Construction Supervision Consultants to assist the executing agency for smooth & timely implementation of Project. Construction Supervision Consultants will have primary responsibility for supervision of project construction activities & to ensure quality assurance & quality control etc. ii. Public awareness activities : A comprehensive programme will be framed and implemented with required assistance with local NGOs for taking up Information, Education & Communication (IEC) activities for the project. Active Public participation is of paramount importance for success of any projects iii. Preparation of Bid Document: Project management consultants will prepare the bid documents, technical specifications etc. iv. Bidding Process & Award of Contract: It is proposed to invite competitive bids at national level. The bid will be evaluated for technical competence and work will be awarded to lowest bidder among already qualified bidders in technical evaluation stage.


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Detailed Project Report

v. Project Execution: The project will be executed by the contractor to whom the work is awarded. The supervision of construction work will be done by Construction Supervision Consultants. 10.4. IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD

The initial nine months will be taken up by preliminary activities like identification & allotment/transfer of land for STP & Pumping Stations, appointment of Construction Supervision consultants, Preparation of bid documents, Bidding process & award of Contract. Afterwards the project execution period is taken up as 15 months. 10.5. PACKAGING

The whole project is proposed to be executed in a single package including sewerage network, pumping stations, sewage treatment plant etc. 10.6. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE

The detailed implementation schedule of various packages is available on the next pages in the form of Gantt Chart. 10.7. FUNDING PATTERN

The funding pattern for the project will be in accordance with NRCD guidelines as determined by Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India. The guideline of NRCP programme recommends following: The National River Conservation Authority (NRCA) has decided that the Financing pattern of schemes of the NRCD for the conservation of rivers and lakes will be as follows:Government of India (NRCD) to bear 70% of the project cost, States and the local bodies to bear 30% of project cost of which Share of the public shall be a minimum of 10%. O & M shall be a part of the project and the costs thereon shall be borne entirely by the state and the local bodies for which additional resources have to be demonstrably raised and committed to O & M. The Local Bodies may raise loans from Financial Institutions such as HUDCO to contribute their share,


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Detailed Project Report

If for any reason such as delay, wrong design or estimation, omission of items, inflation etc., there is cost overrun in any project, the central share in the total cost will be limited to the ceiling amount approved by the CCEA. Balance, if any, is to be borne by the respective state Government. It is, therefore, necessary to prepare the DPR accurately after investigation and survey and taking all factors into account that can influence the cost of the project. The State Governments should make all efforts to obtain larger plan allocations for such programmes. The contribution of 10 % from the beneficiaries and stakeholders can be raised in one or more of the following forms. additional development charges, water and sewage cess fair assessment, levy and recovery of property tax house connection charges contribution from Development Funds of local MPs and MLAs Fines on polluters Taxes from pilgrim/tourist/floating population visiting the town Donation from industry, business associations, voluntary agencies such as Rotary and Lions clubs and philanthropists. Any other mode. The funds required from different sources for the project are as follows: S.No. Funding Source Share(%) Fund Required (Rs Crores) 44.88 19.23

1 2

Central Government State Government & Local Bodies

70 30

Out of State Government & Local bodies share of Rs 19.23 crores, as per the guidelines of NRCD, the minimum share of public shall be 10% i.e. Rs 1.923 crores. This contribution is proposed to be generated through House connection charges, fine imposed on polluters and water & sewage cess. As required by NRCD guidelines, the quarterly requirement of funds from different agencies as project shall be as follows:


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

Funding Source

Fund Required (Rs Crores)

Quarterly Fund Requirements Pre Construction Phase I II 0.36 III 5.21 IV 4.02 V 10.05 Construction Phase VI 14.08 VII 8.05 VIII 3.02

Central Government State Government & Local Bodies Total



19.23 64.11

0.04 0.13

0.15 0.51

2.23 7.44

1.72 5.74

4.31 14.36

6.03 20.11

3.46 11.51

1.29 4.31

Quarterly Funds requirement (Rs Crore)

25.00 20.11 20.00 14.36 Rs in Crores 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.13 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 Quarters 6 7 8
Total Funds

11.51 7.44 5.74 0.51 4.31

Central Government

State Government & Local Bodies


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

Chapter 11.

Operation & Maintenance



The lack of proper maintenance has resulted in deteriorated sewers with subsequent backups, overflows, cave-ins, hydraulic overloads at treatment plants, and other safety, health, and environmental problems in several cities across the world. As one of the most serious and environmentally threatening problems, sanitary sewer overflowsor SSOsare a frequent cause of water quality degradations and are a threat to public health as well as the environment. Flooded surroundings and overloaded treatment plants are some symptoms of collection systems with inadequate design capacity and improper management, operation, and maintenance. The poor performance of many sanitary sewer systems and resulting potential health and environmental risks experienced frequently in developing countries highlight the need to optimize operation and maintenance of these systems. Commonly accepted types of maintenance include three classifications: corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, and predictive maintenance. Thus in case like this project town of Buxar, where entirely new system are to be put in place, predictive maintenance assumes the


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

greatest importance. Schedules for regular preventive maintenance also needs to be developed. It is of note that comprehensive specifications & construction practices go a long way in ensuring an easy & trouble free operation & maintenance for example, ise of SFRC in manholes and sewers where appropriate, laying of adequately designed sewers at recommended grades and selection of robust plant & equipment such as pumps, blowers, aerators etc. 11.1.1. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE

Maintenance classified as corrective, including emergency maintenance, is reactive. Only when the equipment or system fails is maintenance performed. Reliance on reactive maintenance will always result in poor system performance, especially as the system ages. 11.1.2. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE

Maintenance classified as preventive is proactive and is defined by a programmed, systematic approach to maintenance activities. This type of maintenance always results in improved system performance except in the case where major chronic problems are the result of design and/or construction flaws that cannot be completely corrected by O&M activities. Proactive maintenance is performed on a periodic (preventive) basis or as needed (predictive) basis. Preventive maintenance can be scheduled on the basis of specific criteria such as known problem areas (for examplea siphon that often gets clogged, a low point that is often first to overflow in a storm event, or even an area prone to blockages), equipment operating time since the last maintenance was performed, or passage of a certain amount of time (calendar period). 11.1.3. PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE

The third type of maintenance is predictive. Predictive maintenance, which is also proactive, is a method of establishing baseline performance data, monitoring performance criteria over a period of time, and observing changes in performance so that failure can be predicted and maintenance can be performed on a planned, scheduled basis. It is often said that predictive maintenance begins at the conceptual stage and is half done by the time detailed designs are finalized. Such conceptual and design interventions aim at framing rigorous specifications for each and every component so that it functions with the desired efficiency at-least till the end of design life.

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Detailed Project Report

Some pointers to predictive maintenance for sewerage system are: Use of proper design years and flows based on scientific town planning principles & regulations. Building necessary redundancies, back-ups into the system including use of appropriate factor of safety, especially in regard to mechanical equipment. Creating/planning bye-pass/overflows arrangements at Sewage Treatment Plant and for various units of STP Specifying adequate spares and maintaining proper inventory of chemicals/fuel and other perishables considering delivery time, shelf life and criticality of the spares/chemicals etc for units/STP. Adopting detailed design of units so that O&M is simplified and facilitated (eg elevated disposal conveyers, chutes capable of discharging to containers/trolleys etc. for grits, screenings etc) Specifying chemical resistant paint for metal parts/components/ structures subject to corrosion Specifying adequate instrumentation to inform on health of the system, units, equipment. System performance is frequently a reliable indicator of how the system is operated and maintained. Agencies that historically rely primarily on corrective maintenance as their method of operating and maintaining the system are seldom able to focus on preventive and predictive maintenance since most of their resources are consumed by corrective maintenance. 11.1.4. FLUSHING PLAN

As there are in all 1249 links in the sewerage network and out of which approximately 190 pipes in the initial stretches of network are having velocities less than 0.3 m/s for peak flow in first year of operation. These pipes will require regular flushing as a preventive measure, as these shall have a higher probability of tendency to choke. A provision of one jetting machines and two tractor with trolley have been taken in the estimates for both corrective and preventive maintenance. It is proposed to employ one tractor with trolley for corrective maintenance for attending complaints as & when received and balance one jetting


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Detailed Project Report

machines & one tractor with trolley shall be employed for flushing all these identified sewers with higher tendency to choke. The whole of the town may be divided in two zones with a view that each jetting machines/tractor with trolley is equally work allotted. Assuming six working days in a week and one day assigned for workload of corrective maintenance and repairs, it is assumed that each jetting machine/tractor with trolley shall effectively take up work of flushing for five days in a week. Assuming a one week cycle and five working days in a week, each flushing unit will flush 19 pipes each working day. So, a one week program will be chalked out for each flushing unit to flush these sewers at least ones in a three week time. 11.2. BENEFITS

The benefits of an effective operation and maintenance program are as follows: Ensuring the availability of facilities and equipment as intended. Maintaining the reliability of the equipment and facilities as designed. Utility systems are required to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. Reliability is a critical component of the operation and maintenance program. If equipment and facilities are not reliable, then the ability of the system to perform as designed is impaired. Maintaining the value of the investment. Wastewater systems represent major capital investments for communities and are major capital assets of the community. If maintenance of the system is not managed, equipment and facilities will deteriorate through normal use and age. Maintaining the value of the capital asset is one of the major responsibilities. Accomplishing this goal requires ongoing investment to maintain existing facilities and equipment and extend the life of the system, and establishing a comprehensive O&M program. Ensuring full functionality of the system throughout its useful life. Collecting accurate information and data on which to base the operation and maintenance of the system and justify requests for the financial resources necessary to support it.


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Detailed Project Report

Planned maintenance and repairs are much more cost effective both in the long and short term because the work can be done with the proper materials during normal working hours and under preferred working conditions. Besides this, they have potential for significant savings in fuel & power by maintaining requisite efficiencies. 11.3. TECHNICAL & MANAGERIAL CAPACITY

Certainly, the operation & maintenance responsibilities are to be shouldered by one or a combination of stakeholders especially the user group or nodal agency. Municipal Council is expected to be responsible for operation & maintenance of the proposed sewerage system or at-least overseeing the O&M if some PPP model is adopted for O&M of the proposed system. . As the town does not have sewerage facilities till now, Municipal council does not possess the tools & plant, equipment and manpower required for operation & maintenance of sewerage system. Municipal council is having regular Engineering staff primarily responsible for civil works e.g. buildings, roads, street drains etc. but the capacities & human resources required for efficiently carrying out the O&M are lacking to a large extent. 11.4. OUTSOURCING :

Looking to constrained capacities of Municipal Council in regard to financial, human & equipment resources, it may not be prudent for Municipal Council to shoulder this additional responsibility atleast in the near future. The recommended approach is to Club the operation & maintenance for certain period with the capital works. This will enable the municipal council to get fully acquainted with the sewerage system for taking up the work in future, if required. In future the operations could be outsourced to private sector. Alternatively, if the Municipal Council decides, intensive training in O&M of the system can be imparted to identified personnel. However, such experiments in other cities have been less successful over a period of time. SEWERAGE O&M MANAGEMENT PLAN


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Detailed Project Report

A comprehensive Sewerage System Management plan is required to be put in place for safe & reliable performance of the proposed system & to enable the sewerage system to deliver its intended objectives. The major components of such management plan are as follows: Provide adequate operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment. Maintain an up-to-date map of the collection system showing all gravity line segments and manholes, pumping facilities, pressure pipes and valves. This could be preferably GIS based. Maintain relevant information to establish and prioritize appropriate Wastewater Collection System Management Plan activities (such as the immediate elimination of dry weather overflows or overflows into sensitive waters, such as public drinking water supplies and their source waters), and identify and correct/rectify after assessing the causes & selecting appropriate corrective action. Routine preventive operation and maintenance activities by staff and contractors, including a system for scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning of the collection system with more frequent cleaning and maintenance targeted at known problem areas as well as a tracking system for work orders. Special mention need to be made for flushing of starting sewers in developing areas. A regular schedule of flushing needs to be developed & enforced for say first 5 years after commissioning. Identify and prioritize structural deficiencies and implement shortterm and long-term rehabilitation actions to address each deficiency. This shall include a rehabilitation plan including schedules for the entire system. As with the preventative maintenance program, sewer rehabilitation and replacement is crucial for the prevention of spills. Provide supervision training on a regular basis for staff in collection system operations, maintenance, and monitoring, and determine if contractors staffs are equipped with adequate skill sets. Provide equipment and replacement parts inventories, including identification of critical replacement parts.


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Detailed Project Report

Establish an implementation plan and schedule for a comprehensive IEC aimed at educating public that promotes proper disposal of wastewater and inculcate civic sense. Describe financial resources necessary to ensure system operation, including fee structure, actual and projected five-year budget expenses for staffing, operation, system extension projects, and reserves. Describe staffing available to ensure effective supervision/overseeing system operation (identifying individuals and titles) including developing, implementing, and revising the Wastewater Collection System Management Plan. Include an organizational chart, duties, and training frequency. There shall be an Overflow Emergency Response Plan that identifies measures to protect public health and the environment. At a minimum, this plan should provide for the following actions. Ensure proper notification procedures so that the primary responders are informed of all overflows in a timely manner (to the greatest extent possible). Ensure that all overflows are appropriately responded to, including ensuring that reports of overflows are immediately dispatched to appropriate personnel for investigation and appropriate response. Ensure immediate notification of health agencies and other impacted entities (e.g., agencies responsible for water suppliers etc) of all overflows. Ensure that appropriate staff and contractor personnel are aware of the plan, follow the plan, and are appropriately trained. Provide emergency operations, such as traffic and crowd control, and other necessary emergency response as necessary in case of corrective maintenance. Take all reasonable steps to contain untreated sewage, prevent sewage discharges to surface waters, and minimize or correct any adverse impact on the environment resulting from the overflows, including additional monitoring as may be necessary to determine the nature and impact of the discharge. Develop and implement a plan to respond in a timely manner to spills and other emergencies. Collection system staff should be able

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Detailed Project Report

to respond to a sewage spill in less than an hour from the first call. The Authorities must own or have ready access to spill and emergency response equipment such as vacuum trucks, hydroflushers, pumps, temporary bypass hoses, and portable generators of adequate number and capacity to operate pump stations. 11.6. O&M COSTS

Looking to the financial resources available with municipal Council, It is not sustainable for the project to have municipal Council to bear the operation & maintenance of the proposed system. 11.6.1. PROVISION FOR SEWERAGE CHARGES IN BIHAR MUNICIPAL ACT, 2007

Section 216 of Bihar Municipal Act,2007 stipulates the sewer charges to be collected from property owner connected to public sewers and is reproduced below: 216. Sewerage charge and sewerage cess.- (1) The Municipality shall levy sewerage charge on the owners of premises for connection of such premises to sewerage mains, such amount being not less than one-half of the amount chargeable for water-supply under sub-section (2) of section 171 or subsection (2) of section 172, as the case may be, as may be determined by regulations from time to time. The provision for water charge in the Bihar Municipal Act,2007 is as follows: 171. Supply of water to connected premises.- (1) The Chief Municipal Officer may, on an application by the owner, lessee or occupier of any building, either on his own or through any other agency, arrange for supply of water from the nearest main to such building for domestic purposes in such quantity as may be deemed to be reasonable and may, at any time, limit the quantity of water to be supplied whenever considered necessary: Provided that the Chief Municipal Officer may, by order in writing, delegate the responsibility of receiving the application to any other agency. (2) For the water supplied under sub-section (1), payment shall be made at such rate as may be fixed by the Municipality from time to time: Provided that such rate shall, as far as practicable, cover the costs on account of management, operation, maintenance, depreciation, debt servicing, and other charges related to waterworks and distribution costs, including distribution-losses, if any.


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Detailed Project Report

Section 172 of Bihar Municipal Act, 2007 contains similar provision for water supply for Non Domestic purposes. At present, a holding tax of 9% of total rental value of property is being levied from property owners in municipal area. Out of this holding tax, water charges in lieu of supply of drinking water constitute 2%. 11.6.2. MODALITIES FOR SELF SUSTAINING SYSTEM

Some arrangement of sharing of cost between Municipal Council and user in initial phases and gradually shifting the full O&M cost to the user is the preferred choice. The sewerage charges from the consumers could be collected by one of the following methods: Sewerage charges may be charged as a %age of water charges and will be collected with water bill. This method is adopted in other towns also. Sewerage charges may be charged on basis of Plot size & locality and could be collected with land & property taxes. 11.6.3. SUSTAINABILITY

For successful implementation and operation of project, it is imperative that project should be financially and economically sustainable. The benefits accrued from the project should be able to offset the capital and O&M expenses incurred on the project and possible will also provide finances for creating new assets required for future. Sewerage projects are capital intensive. The prevailing mindset among community is that the state is responsible for providing the basic civic amenities and shall bear the costs involved in implementation & operation of such projects. Presently there is increasing stress that a gradual shift is being made to made the beneficiaries bearing the financial burden for development projects. As a first move, it is expected the beneficiaries shall bear the cost to the extent that O&M costs are recovered with gradual realization of capital costs from the beneficiaries. It has sometimes been suggested that financial viability not be made a concern because as long as a project is economically sound, it can be supported through government subsidies. However, in most cases, governments face severe budgetary constraints and consequently, the affected project entity may run into severe liquidity problems, thereby jeopardizing even its economic viability.

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report


Cost involved in Operation & maintenance of this project have been categorized in four major divisions; namely Power Charges: For operation of twelve pumping stations at different locations and thirteenth at STP. Repair & maintenance Charges: For Sewerage system & Sewage treatment Plant and are adopted as %age of total capital costs. Salary Charges: For salaries & wages for the operating & maintenance staff. The staff at STP & Sewer network adopted looking to the requirement of respective zone. Chemical Charges : For STP, lump sum cost of the chemicals is adopted. Flushing Charges : Flushing charges for initial sewers having velocities less than 0.3 m/s

A detailed analysis of projected operation & maintenance costs for this project has been carried out for the entire project period i.e. from 2012 to 2042. Base Data & Assumptions: The various parameters adopted are as follows:
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Particulars Start Year Project Period Efficiency of P/Sets Power Charges LPCD Wastewater Contribution Maintenance Cost Civil Maintenance Cost Mechanical Annual increase Discount Rate Adopted Values 2012 30 50% 4.5 135 80% 0.20% 1.00% 0.00% 10%

The details of various staff for purpose of arriving at cost for salary & wages at Sewage treatment Plant & Sewer Network is as follows: Sewer Network
S.No. Particular Numbers Monthly Salary

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

1 2 3

Supervisors Labour, Sweepers Drivers

2 9 3

20000 8000 10000

Pumping Stations
S.No. 1 2 Particular Pump Driver Labour Numbers 6 6 Monthly Salary 8000 5000

Sewage Treatment Plant

S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particular Plant Supervisor Cum Chemist and SCADA Operator Pump Driver/Mechanic Lab Assistant Labour Security Guard Numbers 2 9 1 9 3 Monthly Salary 20000 8000 8000 5000 5000

The analysis results are available at Annexure A-11. The results of this analysis are as follows: In the analysis the price escalation and annual increase in sewer charges has not been considered to keep the parity between O&M costs and revenues. Annual O&M Cost for this project comes to be Rs 117.47 lacs in year 2012 and increased to Rs 159.37 lacs in year 2042. Price escalation has not been considered while arriving at future O&M costs. The total O&M cost for the entire project period comes to be Rs 4217.13 lacs. Discounted value of these O&M cost for entire project period is Rs 1324.80 lacs at year 2012 prices with a discount rate of 10%. Sewer charges required to be levied from the user to offset the undiscounted operation & maintenance cost comes to be Rs 2.10 per cu.m. Sewer charges required to be levied from the user to offset the discounted cost of O&M comes to be Rs 2.30 per cum. It is proposed to charge Rs 2.30 per cum for ensuring long term sustainability of the project. 11.7. 11.7.1. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL BUXAR BACKGROUND

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The Urban Local Bodies of State of Bihar are governed by The Bihar Municipalities Act, 2007. 11.7.2. ADMINISTRATIVE SETUP

Municipality is governed by an elected board with Chairman as its head. Administrative function for the council are carried out by Executive Office assisted by support staff. The various sections in Buxar ULB for discharging its duties are as follows: General Administration Section Revenue Section Public Health Section Epidemic Section Public Works Section Drain cleaning section Street Cleaning Section Market & slaughterhouses Section ULB, Buxar has staff strength of 187 numbers. The list of various sanctioned, working & vacant positions are as follows: S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of Position Caretaker Officer Chief Assistant Accountant Cashier Junior Engineer House Keeper LDC Tax Inspector Asstt. Tax Inspector Office Assistant (Worker) Bartender Peon Sanctioned Posts 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 3 13 1 3

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Detailed Project Report

S.No. 13 14 15 16 17 18

Name of Position Guard A.W. Worker Notary Tractor Driver Ward Sweeper Sweeper Total

Sanctioned Posts 2 8 1 1 8 141 187

The ULB carries out the following core functions either directly & independently or with support of other support agencies/contractors: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Water-supply for domestic, industrial, and commercial purposes, Drainage and Sewerage, Solid Waste Management, Preparation of plans for development and social justice, Communication systems, construction and maintenance of roads, footpaths, pedestrian pathways, transportation terminals, both for passengers and goods, bridges, over-bridges, subways, ferries, and inland water transport system Transport system accessories including traffic engineering schemes, street furniture, street lighting, parking areas, and bus stops, Community health and protection of environment including planting and caring of trees on road sides and elsewhere, Markets and slaughterhouses, Promotion of educational, sports and cultural activities, and Aesthetic environment. TOOLS & PLANTS

vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 11.7.3.

ULB, Buxar has following vehicles, equipment to carry out its responsibilities: S.No. 1. 2. Particulars Iron base, wheel bearing Hand Trolley PVC hand trolly Total 40 30

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

S.No. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11.7.4.

Particulars PVC & Iron dust beams container Sward Tractor 735 FE Model DT 14 Model Tractor Suction Machine (3500 Lit Capacity) Water Tanker Hydraulic Trailer Wooden Trailer

Total 60 4 1 1 1 2 2


The incomes & expenditures of Municipal Council, Buxar as obtained from its office is available at Annexure A-11. The incomes and expenditures for item related to Water Supply & Sanitation are as below: Incomes
Income Estimate for the Next Year 2008-09 Actual Income for Last year 2006-07 3 Actual Income Current Year 2007-08 for 9 Month 4 Budget Sanctioned for Current Year 2007-08 5

1 Revenue from Transportation of Sewage a) Fertilizer Sale b) Wastage Sales c) Workshop Rent Water a) Water Connection Fee b) Fee for Inspection of Water Connection Municipal Tax a) Toilet Tax - Due - Current b) Water Charges - Dues - Current Subsidy from 12th Finance Commission by the Govt. a) Public Toilet Implement Realisation of Payment for Toilet Water Consumption Scheme

2,100.00 1,000.00 100,000.00

3,373.00 162,173.59 34,712.54 218,135.86 42,061.33 -

4,050.00 145,123.79 12,237.92 179,492.41 15,287.84 -

2,100.00 1,000.00 40,000.00 105,000.00 269,000.00 1,355,000.00 350,000.00 50,000.00 26,000.00 200,000.00

40,000.00 -

105,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,355,000.00 2,800,000.00

50,000.00 26,000.00 200,000.00


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Detailed Project Report


Estimate for the Next Year 2008-09

Actual Income for Last year 2006-07 3 460,456.32 17,683,889.00

Actual Income Current Year 2007-08 for 9 Month 4 356,191.96 4,866,895.00

Budget Sanctioned for Current Year 2007-08 5 56,000.00 1,000,000.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 3,509,100.00 41,861,580.00

1 Sanitation of Dig Water Supply Scheme Construction of Dig Land Acquired TOTAL INCOME Grand Total

2 56,000.00 1,000,000.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 8,290,100.00 55,113,580.00

Expenditure Estimate for the Next Year 2008-09 Actual Income for Last year 2006-07 8 Actual Income Current Year 2007-08 for 9 Month 9 Budget Sanctioned for Current Year 2007-08 10

6 Water Recharging and Leach Pit Work a) Basic Work b) Maintenance c)Construction Charge Water Supply and Water Works a) Basic Work b) Maintenance c)Construction Charge Transporation for Sewage a) Public Toilet Construction b) Community/Pvt. Toilet Construction c) Tractor and Trailor d) Watering on the Road e) Land Acquired Sulabh Complex TOTAL EXPENDITURE Grand Total

389,500.00 255,000.00 800,000.00



389,500.00 255,000.00 490,000.00 2,800,000.00 4,500.00 650,000.00 304,135.00 528,028.00 210,000.00 326,000.00 40,000.00 850,000.00 6,847,163.00 44,142,550.00

2,800,000.00 4,500.00 650,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 10,000.00 326,000.00 40,000.00 850,000.00 8,525,000.00 55,113,580.00

59,513.00 192,794.00 245,026.00 253,536.00 989,929.00 9,416,843.00

16,354.00 507,536.00 605,233.00 280,721.00 2,042,082.00 11,071,217.00



The various provisions in Bihar Municipal Act, 2007 are adequate enough to motivate the household to take house sewer connection and to discharge the property generated wastewater in public sewers in safe & environmentally friendly manner. The Act also includes provisions to deal with defaulters. The various related provisions are reproduced below: Article 201


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Detailed Project Report

201. Premises not to be erected without drains.- (1) It shall not be lawful to erect or re-erect any premises in the municipal area or to occupy any such premises unless (a) a drain is constructed of such size, materials and description, at such level, and with such fall, as may appear to the Chief Municipal Officer to be necessary for the effectual drainage of such premises, (b) there have been provided and set up on such premises such appliances and fittings as may appear to the Chief Municipal Officer to be necessary for the purposes of gathering or receiving the filth and other polluted and obnoxious matters, and conveying the same, from such premises and of effectually flushing the drain of such premises and every fixture connected therewith. (2) The drain so constructed shall empty into a municipal drain situated at a distance of not exceeding thirty metres from the premises, but if no municipal drain is situated within such distance, then, such drain shall empty into a cesspool situated within the distance to be specified by the Chief Municipal Officer for the purpose. Article 216 216. Sewerage charge and sewerage cess.- (1) The Municipality shall levy sewerage charge on the owners of premises for connection of such premises to sewerage mains, such amount being not less than one-half of the amount chargeable for water-supply under sub-section (2) of section 171 or subsection (2) of section 172, as the case may be, as may be determined by regulations from time to time. (2) Where the owner of any premises in a locality where sewer is laid by the Municipality has not taken connection from the sewerage mains, he shall be liable to pay a sewerage cess of such amount, not being more than one-half of the amount chargeable as sewerage charge under sub-section (1), as may be determined by regulations from time to time. (3) Where the owner fails to pay the sewerage charge or sewerage cess, such sewerage charge or sewerage cess, as the case may be, shall be realized from the occupier, and the occupier shall be entitled to recover the amount from the owner. (4) The connection of premises to sewerage mains shall be provided within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of an application in this behalf from the owner of the premises. (5) The charges received by the Municipality from the owner or the occupier for connecting the premises to sewerage mains shall be spent only for the works relating to the sewerage system.


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Detailed Project Report



The specific O&M requirements for the proposed infrastructure for sewerage & Sewage Treatment Plant are listed below: Regular Basis Remove weeds from facility areas & keep the area tidy & clean. Check/service/repair/rebuild electrical as necessary including wiring, circuit breakers, starters, capacitors, circuit boards, switches, motors, DG Sets, diesel inventories etc. Inspect Manholes for deposition of silt, flow, damaged manhole cover & steps specifically during making new connections & Clean out if debris found Inspect the sewers between successive manholes for deposition of silt & flow and if required, clean manually or flush hydraulically the sewer line, if required. Check air release valves in force mains, sluice gates or stoppages in the sewers. Check for any harmful or extraneous matter entering the sewer lines. Shutdown, Start and test lift stations and cycle pumps by lifting floats on regular basis Report any adverse conditions, such as spills, illegal dumping, out of compliance conditions to the authorities. Emergency Repairs Repair sewer line breaks, blockages. Pump out & safe disposal of wastewater in case of overflows. Repair/replace lift station pumps/ pump house/other equipment Pull & remove debris plugging lift station pumps when plugged Respond to emergency/trouble calls 11.9. O&M EQUIPMENT

The equipment normally required for operation & maintenance of sewerage system are as follows: Portable Pump Sets & hose pipes for effective & quick pumping out the impounded overflows

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Detailed Project Report

Bamboo Sticks, Manila rope & cloth balls for manual cleaning of small sewers up to 300 mm dia sewers Sewer cleaning bucket machine for cleaning a section of sewer. Dredger (Clam Shell) for removing debris from manholes Roding machine with flexible sewer rods for mechanical removal of blockages Scraper for removal of silts usually in large diameter sewers Jetting machines for removal of obstructions using high velocity water jets Suction units for siphoning of slurry material from manholes, catch pits etc Pneumatic plugs for sectionalizing the sewer lengths Safety equipment for O&M requirement such as half & full face masks, gum boots, safety lamps, harnesses, hard hats and communication systems.


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Detailed Project Report

Chapter 12.

IEC Activities & Capacity Building



Information sharing & Communication Planning is an integral part of planning for sustained development. The development of human society has largely been due to its ability to communicate information and ideas with each other and to use such information and ideas for progress. This project being implemented by the Municipality aims at sustainable holistic development in Sanitation Sector. The success of this project is heavily dependent on the participation of the people, in the implementation process. To enable people to participate in the development process, it is necessary that people have adequate knowledge about the nature and content of these projects. Information Education and Communication, therefore, assumes added significance in the context of the this project. The feedback received on the implementation of such projects in the field indicate that these projects are critically dependent on the awareness level about them, transparency in the implementation process at the field level, participation of the people in the development process and accountability of different groups of stakeholders with different stakes e.g. Municipality, beneficiaries, contractors etc. In this context it is proposed to adopt a 4- pronged strategy of creating Awareness about the project, ensuring Transparency in the


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Detailed Project Report

implementation, encouraging Peoples Participation in the development process and promoting the concept of Social Audit for ensuring Accountability. All the four elements of the above strategy are complementary to each other and appropriate IEC activities are an essential part of actualizing this strategy. Information, Education and Communication plays a pivotal role in creating awareness, mobilizing people and making development participatory through advocacy and by transferring knowledge, skills and techniques to the people. It is also critical for bringing about transparency in implementation of the project at the field level and for promoting the concept of accountability and social audit. It is proposed to formulate appropriate IEC strategy in tune with the communication needs of the this project. The IEC activities are to be undertaken through the available & effective modes of communication in order to inform the people with messages and details on Sewerage Project. Dissemination of information has to be sustained over a period of time and also that in order to make communication effective, it has to be in the language and idiom of the target groups. Accordingly, efforts are required to be made through Electronic Media and Print Media to disseminate information in regional languages and dialects, besides Hindi and English. In addition, the Action Plan also envisages IEC activities through other modes of communication, outdoor publicity and other conventional and non-conventional modes of communication for reaching out to the people in project areas. 12.2. PRINT MEDIA

The power of the press arises from its ability of appealing to the minds of the people and being capable of moving their hearts. Despite the fast growth of the electronic media, the printed word continues to play a crucial role in disseminating information and mobilizing people. It is required to ensure that the Project is portrayed in proper perspective, several steps need to be taken to sensitize the media about health & sanitation issues. During the implementation period, it is proposed to organize press conferences, press tours and workshops, so as to sensitize press persons about these issues. It is also proposed to issue advertisements at regular intervals in State and Regional Press. It is also proposed to publish booklets, leaflets providing information about the project & need for proper health & sanitation simple language in Hindi and Regional

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

languages. The other possible means for publicity could be printing & distribution of wall calendars, desk calendars. 12.3. ELECTRONIC MEDIA

An intensive IEC campaign over the Electronic Media (Radio and TV) is also required for optimum dissemination of information on these issues. In order to meet the area and region specific communication needs of this project, audio and video programmes of suitable time period shall be produced and broadcast/telecast over local and primary stations of All India Radio and Regional Kendras of Doordarshan. In addition short duration spots on different themes relating to health & sanitation shall need to produced in different languages and broadcast over AIR and Doordarshan. Synergies between different media can be exploited to great advantage. For meeting expenditure on IEC activities, a suitable provision in cost estimates has been taken. 12.4. CAPACITY BUILDING

Capacity building often refers to assistance which is provided to entities, usually lacking in resources to achieve required objectives, which have a need to develop a certain skill or competence, or for general upgrading of performance ability. UNDP defined 'capacity building' as the creation of an enabling environment with appropriate policy and legal frameworks, institutional development, including community participation (of women in particular), human resources development and strengthening of managerial systems, adding that, UNDP recognizes that capacity building is a long-term, continuing process, in which all stakeholders participate (ministries, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and user groups, professional associations, academics and others). Capacity Building is much more than training and includes the following: Human resource development, the process of equipping individuals with the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform effectively. Organizational development, the elaboration of management structures, processes and procedures, not only within organizations

Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

but also the management of relationships between the different organizations and sectors (public, private and community). Institutional and legal framework development, making legal and regulatory changes to enable organizations, institutions and agencies at all levels and in all sectors to enhance their capacities The capacity building measures proposed under this project are summarized below: Human Resource Development Human resources development is very essential for internal capacity building for any organization. Training, motivation, incentives for outstanding service and disincentives for those who fail to perform are essential for human resources development. This includes: Training Management of sewerage system is a new responsibility with Municipal Council. Integrated & comprehensive systems have to be developed to operate & maintain the sewerage system effectively. Knowledge of new technology and methods coupled with training at all levels is necessary. Short and medium term courses should, therefore, be designed for the sanitation workers and supervisory staff. Special training and refresher courses may also be conducted as under: Special Training To Unqualified Staff Refresher Courses For All Levels of Staff o Roles & Responsibilities o Jurisdiction o Training on use of new equipment o Safe way to work Exposure to Municipal Commissioner/ Chief Executives Exposure to Elected Members

In this connection, CPHEEO sponsored training programmes in different institutions can impart much needed knowledge. Data acquisition & retrieval


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Detailed Project Report

It is proposed to equip the Municipal Council with tools that will ease the collection, analysis and retrieval of all system data in timely & economical manner. The tools proposed to be provided under this project are: Computers Printers Plotter Operating System Software Office Software CAD Software Geographical Information System (GIS) : (may be implemented to begin with and should be hosted centrally for use of different agencies, proper authorization levels for access & modifications to database need to be decided at al services. A toll free and automated response phone number goes a long way in facilitating transmittal of advance warnings on system health, emergencies, failures (e.g. pipe bursts or overflows) which may be useful in reducing response time.

Involvement of Voluntary organization/ NGO/ Private Sector Participation Management of Sewerage system services is highly labour intensive on account of increased wage structure of the Government and municipal employees this service is becoming more and more expensive. Besides, the efficiency of the labour force employed in the urban local bodies is far from satisfactory. High wage structure and inefficiency of the work force results into steep rise in the cost of service and yet the people at large are not satisfied with the level of service being provided by the urban local bodies. Efforts to increase the efficiency by Human Resource Development and institutional strengthening will, to some extent improve the performance but that may not be enough. It is proposed to involve Voluntary Organisations/NGO/Private sector participation in Sewerage System management. Private sector participation or public private partnerships are proposed to be considered for this project by clubbing O&M of system for five years with civil contract.


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Detailed Project Report



For successful implementation of project and its consequent efficient & uninterrupted operations, the active participation of all the stakeholders is of utmost importance which includes the actual users. The primary task is to educate, inform and enlighten the public for dos and donts for effective utilization of sewerage system. The required dos and donts are as below: For connecting the property to Public Sewer as soon as the system is commissioned. To Connect all the sullage disposal units to Sewers Not to dump any solid waste in property connection to manholes Not to discharge any objectionable liquid in public sewers Not to connect rain spouts to sewers To achieve these objectives, it is proposed to setup a community participation unit which will perform following activities: Devise & implement a Communication Plan Implement a Media Plan for dissemination of information Catalyze formation of user groups, resident welfare association for effective involvement of users The various components for these activities shall be as follows: S. No. 1 Activity Remark

Engagement of Public relation To be done with Consultants specific objectives Social Surveys For ascertaining level of awareness and willingness to pay for improved services

Advertisement in TV, Radio, For enhancing Newspapers in vernacular awareness & sensitization of all stakeholders


Sewerage Project, Buxar (Bihar)


Detailed Project Report

S. No. 4

Activity Publication & Distribution Booklets, Pamphlets etc vernacular of in

Remark - do -

Engagement of NGOs for Street Plays, Kathputli shows, Local cultural communication techniques

- do -


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