High Frequency
High Frequency
High Frequency
In the next several pages I’m going to unveil to you a training program
that couldn’t be any more simplistic, yet at the same time it will prove to
yield greater gains in muscle mass than more complicated programs
could ever dream of.
In the last seven years, through both my own training and working with
hundreds of clients all over the world, I’ve learned quite a bit about
building muscle. And instead of throwing something complex your way, I
want to give you a program based on what I consider to be the three
most fundamental principles of hypertrophy:
3. Volume is king.
That’s it.
And if you are someone who thinks that high frequency coupled with
high volume is a recipe for overtraining, let me share something with
you. Overtraining and recovery have to be two of the most
misunderstood concepts in bodybuilding, so to better understand each, I
want to take a moment to delve a little bit into the various types of
Central fatigue is within the brain and spinal cord (the Central Nervous
System [CNS]). It is this type of fatigue that is of prime importance to our
discussion of overtraining, recovery, and training frequency. Now, this is
not to say that peripheral fatigue isn't important, but provided that your
nutritional and supplemental regimens are up to par, it's not a major
factor, especially when compared to fatigue of the central nervous
For instance, it was originally thought that training a muscle while it was
still sore from a previous workout would be detrimental to the recovery
process and consequently gains in muscle mass; however, recent
research and plenty of empirical evidence has proven this to be untrue.
Training a sore muscle does NOT adversely affect metabolic recovery. In
fact, doing so can actually speed up the recovery process by increasing
the flow of nutrient rich blood to recuperating muscle tissue.
I'm sure you can all remember a point in time (maybe you're dealing with
it now) in which you loathed the thought of going to the gym and no
longer looked forward to your training sessions. When this happens
(when you lose your motivation to train), you can be sure that fatigue of
the CNS is present and overtraining has begun to set in.
If you find yourself in this situation, it is my recommendation that you cut
back on your training frequency and/or volume to allow for the CNS to
recover. On a similar note, since we know that fatigue of the CNS kills
motivation, you can assess whether or not your CNS has recovered by
your degree of motivation. If you are highly motivated to train, your CNS
has recovered and you can train again, even if you are sore and/or have
trained that body part recently.
If there is only one thing that you remember from these pages, please let
it be that sentence. This is a simple concept, but one that is often
dismissed or overlooked: the more frequently you can train with a fresh
CNS, the more gains you will make.
In fact, the program calls for just one 40-minute full-body workout that
you will perform 5 times weekly (yes, the same workout). The goal is
maximal stimulation without the burnout, and is exactly what the setup
of this program achieves.
The High Frequency Solution Workout
Exercise Selection
For each workout, you'll be choosing one exercise from each of the
following lists. Whatever exercises you choose, you will continue to use
those same exercises for three weeks.
Upper Body Push (Vertical) - Standing Military Press, Push Press, Push
Jerk, Dips, Wide-grip Dips, Close-grip Triceps Push Press
Lower Body Quad Dominant* - Back Squat, Front Squat, Lunges, Leg
Press, Hack Squats, Duck Deadlifts
Group 1
A1) Upper Body Push (Horizontal)
A2) Upper Body Pull (Horizontal)
B) Quad Dominant Legs
Group 2
A1) Upper Body Push (Vertical)
A2) Upper Pull Push (Vertical)
B) Hip Dominant Legs
Example Workout
Group 1
A1) Dumbbell Bench Press
A2) Seated Rows
B) Back Squats
Group 2
A1) Dips
A2) Pull-ups
B) One-arm Dumbbell Snatches
For each workout, you will train one grouping via a 4x10 set/rep scheme
and the other via a 5x5 set/rep scheme, switching the two schemes each
workout. For instance, if you train Group 1 via 4x10 and Group 2 via 5x5
one day, the next time you hit the gym you will train each group via the
opposite set/rep scheme.
Workout 1
Group 1 (5x5)
Group 2 (4x10)
Workout 2
Group 1 (4x10)
Group 2 (5x5)
Workout 3
Group 1 (5x5)
Group 2 (4x10)
Workout 4
Group 1 (4x10)
Group 2 (5x5)
and so on.
Perform five workouts per week. I don’t care how you set that up,
although something like Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat is be preferable to
working out five days in a row. Also, the setup need not be uniform from
week to week; just be sure to get in five sessions.
from the above lists every three weeks. If you choose to continue with
the program beyond six weeks, switch the set/rep schemes to 6x3 and
This really goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. You will not
achieve anywhere close to the gains that are possible with this program
without adequate nutrition for growth and recovery. Plenty of food is a
must. A quickly digesting protein/carbohydrate beverage during and
after every workout is a must.
Wrap Up
There you have it, a simple, highly effective program based on the most
fundamental principles of hypertrophy. If you do this program as outline,
along with adequate nutrition, I can promise you that you will be
absolutely blown away by the results. Enjoy your new muscle.
Are you ready to take the next step and really change your body? If so,
my Premium Web-based Coaching program offers you the opportunity to
work with me directly, one-on-one, to skyrocket your success and ensure
your results.
And right now, it’s available for less than the cost of working with an
average, local personal trainer.
To learn more, visit the coaching page here. Spots are always limited and
acceptance is by application only (#1 criteria for acceptance: you are
highly motivated and have a burning desire to see your body changed,
quickly and efficiently, by putting everything you have into following the
plan I give you).
His other accomplishments include winning the world’s largest Body
Transformation contest for “regular” people, the Body-for-Life
Transformation Challenge, as well as graduating Magna Cum Laude from
a top-20 Exercise Science program and being certified as both a sports
nutritionist and personal trainer through the nation’s premier certification
Learn how you can work one-on-one with Joel for less than the cost of a
local personal trainer by visiting the Premium Web-based Coaching page