Manual For Project Report and Guidance
Manual For Project Report and Guidance
Manual For Project Report and Guidance
Appendices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Registration Proforma for Dissertation Format of synopsis Cover & Title Page Certificate of Originality Table of content List of Tables List of Figures List of References
The MBA course of Bangalore University requires every student to prepare a dissertation on a live/latest business/ management problem/issues as a partial fulfillment of the course. As this dissertation exposes students to real life management issues and it is equivalent to 12 credits or two elective courses, it must be carried out with all seriousness and exemplary commitment with a mark of distinct quality. 1. OBJECTIVES The objective of the project is to help the student develop research ability to apply multi- disciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve the organizational problems. 2. TYPES OF PROJECT The project may be from any one of the following types and preferably from area of specialization 1) Comprehensive case study (covering single organization/multifunctional area problem, formulation, analysis and recommendation) 2) Inter-organizational study aimed at inter-organizational comparison/validation of theory/ survey of management practices. 3) Field study (empirical study) 4) Free lance study 3. REGULATIONS 3.1 Dissertation: The dissertation will start at the commencement of IV semester and be submitted well before the end of IV semester. Dissertation is of 12 Credits, which is equivalent to 2 elective courses. Thus the choice of topic and dept of the subject are significant, keeping in view the weightage, work load and learning experience. During the III semester itself, the topic for dissertation needs to be finalized. The student shall be encouraged to choose a topic for dissertation in the areas of specialization. 3.2 The topic selected for dissertation shall be an issue oriented or a problem specific in a market/industry/business. 3.3 As and when the topic is chosen, the student shall submit a duly filled in registration Proforma (Appendix 1) for dissertation work to the guide for comments and finally be approved by the guide and research supervisor.
3.4 It will be prepared under the supervision of a recognized faculty guide. 3.5 The dissertation must be submitted well before the end of IV semester. 3.6 Dissertation carries a maximum of 200 marks and viva-voce carries a maximum of 50 marks. 3.7 The topic for dissertation and finalization of the proposals is not only the starting point, but also the crucial phase of dissertation; students are expected to first get in touch with respective guides and discuss their draft proposal. The final synopsis must be approved by their faculty guide. The submission of synopsis must be as per the time schedule and format as it has to be submitted to the University well in advance (format of Synopsis: Appendix 2). 3.8 Maximum of two students shall be permissible to do the dissertation in the same topic of similar market/industry/business. In this circumstance, these students should ensure that the research site/region/samples are entirely different. Topic shall be allotted on first come first serve basis. Dissertation on issues or problems in industry is preferred. Associates or representative companies, branches, partnership and proprietary concerns. 3.9 Students shall have regular interaction with the faculty guides in order to have understanding fo nature, scope, relevance, suitability, research objective and design, schedule and important components which normally decide the quality of dissertation. 3.10 The students shall submit the proforma for registration, synopsis and manuscripts of different chapters within the time schedule as instructed by the respective faculty guide/coordinator/director. The faculty guide shall monitor the progress of his/her student in all respects like finalization proposal, typology, methodology, data analysis, inferences, discussions and report writing. The faculty guide shall necessarily approve the questionnaire/interview schedule. The faculty guides are authorized to reject the dissertation if it does not meet his/her expected standard quality or the guidelines. 1. NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED Three hardbound copies of dissertation along with soft copy (CD) have to be submitted. Spiral binding, plastic comb binding will not be accepted. The office shall send (i) One copy to the library; (ii) one hard copy and the soft copy to the University for evaluation; (iii) other copy to the student concerned; (iv) one soft copy of the project have to be uploaded to the website.
2. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS Dissertation should be as per the following format and size. The sequence given below should be strictly followed: Cover Page & Title Page Certificate of originality from the guide and student Declaration Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of figures Chapters* References Appendices
4.1 Cover Page & Title Page: A specimen copy of the cover page & Title Page of The dissertation are given in the specimen of prefatory items (See Appendix-3) 4.2 Certificate of originality: The certificate shall be in one and a half line Spacing using font style of Arial Narrow and Font size of 14 as per the Format in Appendix4 4.3 Declaration: Declaration to be given by the student in one and a half line Spacing using font style of Arial Narrow and font size of 14 4.4 Acknowledgement: It should brief and should not exceed one page in one and a half spacing using font style of Arial Narrow. Acknowledge the contribution of the guide, Principal, company executives, other faculty members, librarian, parents and job tying personnel and so on as you like. 4.5 Table of Contents: The title page, Certificate and Declaration will not find a Place among the items listed in the table of contents. The page number for the List of tables, list of figures, list of abbreviations and acronyms and abstract, Should be in lower case roman letters. A specimen copy of the Table of contents of the dissertation is given in Appendix 5. 4.6 List of Tables: The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear Above the table in the text (See Appendix 6). 4.7 List of figures: The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear Above the tables in the text (See Appendix 7).
4.8 Abbreviations and Acronyms: Expansion/explanation for abbreviation/ Acronyms should be written under this head. 4.9 Abstract: Abstract should be one page synopsis of the dissertation typed one and A half line spacing, font style Arial Narrow and Font size 12. Key words, a Minimum of 5 should be given at the bottom of the abstract. The Abstract carries In sequence: Objectives (2 lines); methodology (three lines); major findings (10 lines) and conclusions with suggestions (5 lines). Nonetheless, abstract Should not exceed two paragraphs. 4.10 Chapters: The chapters may broadly be divided into five as follows:
CHAPTER NO. 1 2 3 4 5
PAGE NO. Introduction 01-15 Review of Literature & Research Design 16-25 Profile of the Industry/Business/Selected Organizations 26-35 Results, Analysis & Discussions 36-75 Summary of Findings. Conclusions and Recommendations 76-90 CONTENTS
The each and every chapter aforementioned should have the following subdivisions: 4.10.1 Introduction: Introduction includes About the broad area of the topic chosen About the specific area of the topic chosen About the topic
4.10.2 Review of Literature & Research Design Introduction Review of Literature Statement of the Problem Scope of the Problem Hypothesis Operational Definitions of concept Methodology Limitations of the study
Chapter Scheme
4.10.3 Profile of the Industry/Business/Selected companies 4.10.4 Results, Analysis & Discussion 4.10.5 Summary of Findings, conclusions and Suggestions Summary of findings Conclusions Suggestions, and Policy Implications & Scope for Further study
3. MAJOR TYPOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS WITH REGARD TO MAIN TEXT 1. 2. 3. 4. The students are required to adhere to the following instructions. Type should be done on one side of the a-4 size executive bond paper. The left side margin should not be less than 1.5 inches, the right, top and bottom margin should be 1 inch The text of the project should be double spaced; quotations and foot notes should be in single space. Chapter heading should be capitalized and should be kept at center. Section heading & subdivision heading should be typed on the left hand margin in title case, say for example, foreign direct Investment. Table, graphs and diagrams should have respective number, captions and source. All pages in main text expect prefatory items should carry the Arabic numerals placed on the bottom at the centre. As already mentioned, Title page, Acknowledgement, Table of contents ect. Should be numbered in lower case Roman numerals. Numbering of chapters, divisions and sub-divisions should be done, using Arabic numerals only. For example, sub-division 3 under division 5 of chapter 1 should be numbered as 1.5.3. Table and figures appearing in the main text should have appropriate numbers and captions. If there is a First table in chapter Three, the number of table should be assigned as 3.1. Table and figures should appear at the centre. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively within each chapter or throughout the entire report. Citations on the main text should carry the author(s) name with year, say for example, Ramesh (2009) or (Ramesh, 2009) as the case requires. The full reference for the citation should contain full information for identifications, viz., authors name, the title of the publications, year of
5. 6.
publication, publishers name and the place of publication and page number. Follow the Harvard system of reference (Appendix 10). 10. Students are required to preserve the valued manuscripts (intial drafts) as the same has to be produced during the Viva-Voce Examination if it is asked so. 4. PLAGLARISM Any attempt to copy from another (Present or Previous) student or to copy large chunks from academic or other sources without approximately referencing those sources will trigger the full weigh of plagiarism procedures. University will initiate stem action. All the material that relates to the dissertation, including completed questionnaires or tapes from interviews, should be shown to the guide and be kept by the students until the University has declared the results. Students are advised not to throw the material away once their dissertation is submitted, as they might be asked to present it as part of the viva-voce before their dissertation results are declared.
Appendix 1
Registration Pro-forma for Disseration Work
1. Name of the Students 2. Name of the Guide 3. Proposed research area appropriate) 4. Proposed research topic : 5. Write a brief note on your topic: (Minimum 150 to 200 words) : : :HR/ Marketing/Finance/System(Tick the
Studentss Signature
Approved or Disapproved if it is disapproved, the reasons for revision .. Guides Signature with date Research Co-ordinators Signature with Date
Appendix 2
Format of Synopsis
The synopsis should have minimum pages of 5 and should not exceed 9. The first page carries the Name os the students, Registration Number, and Title of the dissertation The subsequent pages should contain Statement of the problem Objectives Methodology Sampling Plan of Analysis, and Chapter Scheme
The Synopsis should be neatly typewritten in A4 Size paper with 1 inch margin om all the sides
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
<Font Size Arial Narrow 14>
Vani N <Font Size Arial Narrow 14-Title case> Reg No. 11DVCMA113 Under the guidance of Prof. Mohd. Arif Pasha <Font Size Arial Narrow 14-Title case> HOD Department of MBA BRINDAVAN COLLEGE
<Font Size Arial Narrow 18-All caps & Bold>
This is to certify that the project titled _________________________________________ is an original work of the student and is being submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Masters Degree in Business Administration of Bangalore University. The report has not been submitted earlier either to this University/ Institution for the fulfillment of a course of study.
Appendix 5
Table of Contents CHAPTER NO. PARTICULARS List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations 1 Introduction 1.1 Management Information system: An Overview 1.2 Human Resource Information System in general and with ref. to software Industry across the world 1.3Human Resource Information System in Indian Software Industries. Review of Literature & Design of the study 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Review of Literature 2.2.1 Literature with reference to HRIS outside India 2.2.2 Literature with reference to HRIS In India 2.3 Statement of the Problem 2.4 Scope of the Study 2.5 Objectives of the Problem 2.6 Hypothesis 2.7 Operational Definitions of Concept 2.8 Methodology 2.9 Limitations of the study 2.10 hapter Scheme Profile of the Software Industry 3.1 An Indian Overview 3.2 Profile of the Selected Organizations Results, Analysis & Discussions Summary of Finding, Conclusions & Suggestions 5.1 Summary of Findings 5.2 Conclusions 5.3 Suggestions 5.4 Policy Implications & Scope for further PAGE NO.
3 4
Appendices References
Appendix 6
LIST OF TABLES Table No. 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Description Number of software Industries, 2009 Attrition Rate Among Top Executive .. .. .. .. .. . . Page No. 09 46 . . . . . . .
Appendix 7
Table No. 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
Page No. 08 24
Abraham, K. (2001) The Dynamics of Economics Reforms (Economics Liberalization & Political Transformation), New Delhi: McGraw Publishers.
Edited Volume
Aharoni, Y. (2009) On Measuring the Success of Privatisation, in Ramamurthi, R. and Vernon, R (eds) Privatisation and Control of State Owned Enterprises. Washington, D.C.: World Bank
Boardman, D. and Vining, S. (1989) Ownership in Competitive Environments: A Comparsion of the Performance of Mixed, Private and SOEs, Journal of Law and Economics, April, Vol.1, No, 32, pp.16 9.
Ministry of Finance (2008) Privatization, Viewed on 06/11/2003in the MoF Website, Ram Mohan, T.T. (2004) Privatization in China: Softly, Softly Does it, accessed on
02/10/2010 at