Learning Activities Famous Philanthropists': Key Learning Objectives: 1. Charity

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Learning Activities Famous Philanthropists

Key Learning Objectives: 1. Charity To know that wealthy business people sometimes donate large sums of money to the causes they support. 2. Citizenship To realise that there are different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties (2d) To know that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment (2j) 3. Other subjects To make contributions relevant to the topic and to take turns in discussion (En1 3a) Key Vocabulary: philanthropist criticism luxury sustain enrich impoverish Key Questions: Why are the people in the presentation considered to be philanthropists?

Citizenship Foundation

Charity Reg No 801360

Author: M. Heath


Why do you think some people who have been successful in business decide to give so much money away to good causes? Who is the most generous, (a) someone who earns 150,000 a year and gives 1500 to charity, or (b) someone who earns 15,000 a year and gives 300 to charity? o 1% o 2% This lesson raises several big philosophical questions. It would be better revisited over several sessions. Famous Philanthropists PowerPoint presentation includes 4 slides with text boxes. These can be used in several ways, for example: Whole class discussion, using the whiteboard, with an adult (TA?) typing key points in the boxes Slides downloaded and printed (A4) to support paired discussion. The children jot down one or two points to share with the class. Slides printed and copied A3 for considered group discussion. The children write their thoughts in the boxes.

As a stimulus for Circle Time discussion.

Slide 5 Discussion: Some famous philanthropists have made their money through ruthless means. Does their philanthropy make up for any ill they may have caused previously?

Citizenship Foundation

Charity Reg No 801360

Author: M. Heath


Slide 10 Things that enrich us might include: Beauty Love Friendship Spirituality Things that impoverish: Greed materialism Loneliness Urban sprawl Pollution etc. Slide 23. Can the children identify any early influences in the philanthropists lives. What or who is making an influence on them? Slide 26. What might be stopping them? Lack of knowledge, understanding, imagination, interest. Selfishness or self-interest The problem is too large etc. Follow Up Activity: Divide the children into 5 groups. Ask each group to research one of the philanthropists in the PowerPoint, giving each the information on the relevant slide as a starting point. Ask them to prepare a presentation to the class, or for an assembly.

Citizenship Foundation

Charity Reg No 801360

Author: M. Heath


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