Datcom-Amr3/E: GPRS Communicator
Datcom-Amr3/E: GPRS Communicator
Datcom-Amr3/E: GPRS Communicator
Mechanical parameters - dimensions (w x h x d) - weight - housing Environment - protection class - ambient temperature - storage temperature - climatic resistance Intrinsic safety - classification - ATEX approval Power supply - type of battery - battery lifetime - type of charging Digital inputs (315 x 415 x 175) mm, except connector and bushings 8 kg (depends on accumulator capacity) plastic, ABS IP65, according to EN 60529 -20 C - +60 C -30 C - +85 C (without accumulator) suitable for installation in outdoor surround
GPRS communicator
(Automatic Meter Reading)
VRLA accumulator 12V/7,2 Ah 5 years 230 VAC 6 digital inputs, may be set as a impulse or binary: 4 of them are intrinsically safe binary inputs max. 6 inputs, connecting of reed contact or non-potentional output LF impulse inputs - max. 4 inputs, connecting of reed contact on nonpotentional output, WIEGAND 4 digital outputs: pulse or binary (SW configurable) 1 of them is intrinsically safe
Digital outputs
Interface for connection of correctors Service communication interface Communication in GSM network
GSM modem - 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, GPRS standard - 850 MHz, 1900 MHz option
Manufacturer: ELGAS, s. r. o., Ohrazenice 211, 533 53 Pardubice, Czech republic tel.: +420/ 466 414 500, 466 414 511 fax: +420/ 466 411 190 E-mail: sales@elgas.cz, http://www.elgas.cz
Automatic Meter Reading system Remote communication for Gas volume correctors Communication in GSM/GPRS network Installation in non-hazardous area 230V power supply with accumulator backup 6 digital inputs (pulse, binary) 4 digital outputs (pulse, binary) Communication through serial RS-232 interface Large size of data memory Easy inslatallation and easy maintenance
Device description
GPRS communicator DATCOM-AMR3/E belongs to category of Automatic Meter Reading devices. DATCOM-AMR3/E device meets the customer's needs for frequent data reading from the meters and following data transmission to the superior system. Device is constructed to be placed in nonhazardous area. DATCOM-AMR3/E realizes two main functions - communication with superior system and collecting of data from connected correctors, impulse and state inputs. There is inbuilt GSM modem for communication with superior system, in mobile networks works in CSD regime (dial connection) and also GPRS modem. The device is powered from AC 230V with accumulator backup. Backup time when power supply is interrupted depends on capacity of the accumulator. Thanks to using of the most modern components was the energy consumption minimize. In case of battery disconnecting or changing are data and pulse inputs back up from back up battery.
Correctors may be connected to the device using serial interface RS-485. Correctors produced by ELGAS, s.r.o. company (such as ELCOR-94, ELCOR-2, uELCOR and microELCOR-2) may be connected to the device as well as correctors made by other companies. Digital inputs The device is equipped with six digital inputs. Four of these inputs are intrinsically safe and configurable as binary or LF pulses. The remaining two inputs are non-intrinsically safe and are configurable only as binary. Binary inputs can be used as door contact sensors or sensors for safety slam shuts positions and so on. Pulse inputs serve for pulse outputs connection of gasmeters and gas volume correctors. Digital outputs Device is further equipped with four digital outputs. One of them is doubled like intrinsic safety. Another one is organized like intrinsic safety source 6V applicable for example like power supply of gas volume correctors. Archives, Data transfer Data from correctors and binary or pulse outputs are periodically read and saved to the archive. Also operational states of the device are monitored. According to configuration are evaluated alarm states. Content of archive is through GSM/GPRS communication transmitted to master system. The communication may also be in transparent regime. Master system may in that regime communicate directly with correctors which are connected communicator and read out actual or archive values. There are two possibilities of data transmission between communicator and superior system. Besides classic way of communication, when master system calls to device (so-called call from above) is possible to initiate data transmission by the device (so called call underneath). During this type of communication may device initiate data transmission either because of alarm state or periodically in set time interval. Service software For device configuration and managing of data collection from the connected devices is used service software Telves which is unified service software for latest Elgas products.
Example of application
- provide communication with: DATCOM-AMR3/E, ELCOR-2 and microELCOR-2
Station identification: Station A1 address 1 = 10 address 2 = 41
Station identification: Station A2 address 1 = 10 address 2 = 21
- provide communication with microELCOR-2 thru DATCOM-AMR3/E