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a. Whatyearisthis? b. Whichseasonisthis? c. Whatmonthisthis?

10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 20seconds

/1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /3

d. Whatistodaysdate? e. a. Whatdayoftheweekisthis? Whatcountryarewein?

b. Whatprovincearewein? c. Whatcity/townarewein?

d. INHOMEWhatisthestreetaddressofthishouse? INFACILITYWhatisthenameofthisbuilding? e. INHOMEWhatroomarewein?INFACILITYWhatfloorareweon? SAY:Iamgoingtonamethreeobjects.WhenIamfinished,Iwantyoutorepeat them.RememberwhattheyarebecauseIamgoingtoaskyoutonamethemagainin afewminutes.Saythefollowingwordsslowlyat1secondintervalsball/car/man SpellthewordWORLD.Nowspellitbackwards. NowwhatwerethethreeobjectsIaskedyoutoremember? SHOWwristwatch.ASK:Whatisthiscalled? SHOWpencil.ASK:Whatisthiscalled? SAY:Iwouldlikeyoutorepeatthisphraseafterme:Noifs,andsorbuts. SAY:Readthewordsonthepageandthendowhatitsays.Thenhandtheperson thesheetwithCLOSEYOUREYESonit.Ifthesubjectreadsanddoesnotclosetheir eyes,repeatuptothreetimes.Scoreonlyifsubjectcloseseyes pieceofpaper.(Note:Thesentencemustmakesense.Ignorespellingerrors)

4 5 6 7 8 9

30seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds 10seconds

/5 /3 /1 /1 /1 /1

10 HANDthepersonapencilandpaper.SAY:Writeanycompletesentenceonthat 11 PLACEdesign,eraserandpencilinfrontoftheperson.SAY:Copythisdesignplease.

30seconds 1minute

/1 /1

Allowmultipletries.Waituntilpersonisfinishedandhandsitback.Scoreonlyfor correctlycopieddiagramwitha4sidedfigurebetweentwo5sidedfigures.

12 ASKthepersonifheisrightorlefthanded.Takeapieceofpaperandholditupin
frontoftheperson.SAY:Takethispaperinyourright/lefthand(whicheverisnon dominant),foldthepaperinhalfoncewithbothhandsandputthepaperdownon thefloor.Score1pointforeachinstructionexecutedcorrectly. Takespapercorrectlyinhand Foldsitinhalf Putsitonthefloor


/1 /1 /1



Note: This tool is provided for use in British Columbia with permission by Dr. William Molloy. This questionnaire should not be further modified or reproduced without the written consent of Dr. D. William Molloy. ProvidedbytheAlzheimersDrugTherapyInitiativeforphysicianuse.


Stage Deficits in cognition and function Subjectively and objectively normal 1 Subjective complaints of mild memory loss. 2
Objectively normal on testing. No functional deficit Independent

Usual care setting

Independent Independent

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Earliest clear-cut deficits. Functionally normal but co-workers may be aware of declining work performance. Objective deficits on testing. Denial may appear.

Early dementia
Clear-cut deficits on careful clinical interview. Difficulty performing complex tasks, e.g. handling finances, travelling. Denial is common. Withdrawal from challenging situations.

Might live independently perhaps with assistance from family or caregivers.

Moderate dementia
Can no longer survive without some assistance. Unable to recall major relevant aspects of their current lives, e.g. an address or telephone number of many years, names of grandchildren, etc. Some disorientation to date, day of week, season, or to place. They require no assistance with toileting, eating, or dressing but may need help choosing appropriate clothing.

At home with live-in family member. In seniors residence with home support. Possibly in facility care, especially if behavioural problems or comorbid physical disabilities. Most often in Complex Care facility.

Moderately severe dementia

May occasionally forget name of spouse. Largely unaware of recent experiences and events in their lives. Will require assistance with basic ADLs. May be incontinent of urine. Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are common, e.g., delusions, repetitive behaviours, agitation.

Severe dementia
Verbal abilities will be lost over the course of this stage. Incontinent. Needs assistance with feeding. Loses ability to walk.

Complex Care

Adapted by Dr. Doug Drummond from Reisberg B, Ferris SH, Leon MJ, et al. The global deterioration scale for assessment of primary degenerative dementia. American Journal of Psychiatry 1982;139:1136-1139. ProvidedbytheAlzheimersDrugTherapyInitiativeforphysicianuse.

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