International Business Correspondence
International Business Correspondence
International Business Correspondence
Paras Rams
All Rights Reserved with the Author Rs. 495 (US $ 20; Sterling 15)
Published & Printed by Anupam Publishers, ANUPAM HOUSE, B-265, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, Phase-I, Delhi - 110083 Phones: 2791 3709, 2791 3710; E-mail :; (ii)
The International Business Correspondence and Communication/Conversation (Letter Writing, Business Communication through Video Conferencing and Social Networking Sites and Cultural Guide] is completely revised and enlarged over the previous edition. The 21st (2012-13) edn., is, therefore, most comprehensive and rich with the addition of cultural guide for various commercially important countries. The cultural guide is given in two parts, Part A covers specified countries and Part B is a region guide. It covers : meeting and greeting manner gestures i.e. body language used in conversation corporate culture relating to exchange of business cards, levels i.e. heirarchy with which to deal with, need for being polite, punctuality in attendance dining and entertainment dress code gifts exchange behaviourial tips for conversation women in business
The book is presented in four sections, viz., Section 1 - International Business Correspondence and Sample Letters Section 2 - E-Communication and Multimedia in International Business including Video Conferencing and International Business Communication through Social Network ing sites Section 3 - Communication/Conversation (Etiquette Guide) Section 4 - Export-Import Organisations, Commercial Terms, etc. The Section on E-communication is spread over 21 Chapters from 24 to 44 covering all aspects of e-communication, internet communication, e-business and e-commerce, the advantages of communicating through Video Conferencing and social networking sites. The addition of a few business sites on internet makes the readers task easier in the location of desired information. The use of internet, intranet and extranet in international business is explained fully. The Chapter on International Marketing through Multimedia highlights the opportunities that multimedia platforms offer. Internet is increasingly important to trade in general and international business in particular which calls for laying down proper internet strategy covering human resource allocation and technical decisions. The Chapters 38 to 41 devoted on video conferencing explaining the entire gamut of video conferencing i.e. how one can cut the cost and expenses incurred on meeting prospective clients by using Video Conferencing. (iii)
Chapters 42 to 44 explains the use of popular social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedin, etc. in International Business. A few case studies about how some companies increases their sales by communicating through social networking sites further enhances the utility of the book. There are certain legal implications of e-communication. Hence, a few legally crucial aspects of e-communication are to be borne in mind. Besides explaining the theoretical aspects of letter writing, the information has been made practical by addition of SAMPLE LETTERS with COMMENTS on their contents, to be addressed to foreign buyers/suppliers and to various organisations concerned therewith. There are asmany as 39 sample letters, model profiles, purchase/export order, proforma invoice, etc. Promotional brochures or catalogues are the first point of contact between the overseas buyer and your company. They are sales aid for a particular product and project an image of your organisation. What kind of Product Brochure you should prepare, how it should be written and printed is explained. What makes a letter effective is an important Chapter. Equally important is the business card which mirrors you and your business. Sometimes it supplements your product brochure. It lends a personal touch when you send your signed business card with the introductory letter. But there are a few points to be taken care of while preparing a card explained in this book. The book has been enriched with the addition of 9 Annexures. Commercial terms in four languages i.e. English, French, German and Spanish spoken throughout the world are also given. Export-Import Promotion Organisations and select Chambers of Commerce dealing mainly with foreign trade are also included in this book. Select Export Promotion Organisations in India, Indian Embassies/High Commissions abroad or Foreign Diplomatic Missions in India is the additional information which will be found useful by the readers. The addition of telephone, telex and fax numbers for each organisation, has also been updated. The Subject (Alphabetical) Index added in this book will be useful in easy location of any information therein. This book results out of the persistent demand from the valued readers of our books (i) Export What, Where, How, (ii) Export Costing & Pricing and INCOTERMS, (iii) Finance for Export-Import and Letter of Credit (L/C), etc. as also (1) World Importers Directory, (2) World Directory of Agents/ Distributors, (3) Directory of World Industry and Trade Organisations in 184 countries and (4) International Business Directory by Kumar & Garg which have been well received by the exporting/importing community for a number of years. We have been receiving suggestions from exporters/importers to give samples of letters to be written to overseas buyers/sellers and comment upon the different aspect of the same. We have attempted to give such letters with comments thereon and hope that those will be found useful by the industry and trade. We, however, do suggest that language of the sample letter/contents thereof should be modified to suit the requirement of the sender. Any suggestions for improving upon the contents of the book will be acknowledged.
[Also see Subject (Alphabetical) Index at page 443] Preface.....................................................................................................................................iii Contents....................................................................................................................................v Suggested Readings..............................................................................................................xiii Subject (Alphabetical) Index. ...............................................................................................443
Letters and e-letters are Salesmen or Trade Ambassadors...........................1 Your Representative - Fax - e-mail - The Kinds The Letterhead and Envelope...................................................................... 3 The Letterhead - Size - Paper - Information - Colour - The Envelope - Air Mail Paper - Window Envelope The Language of Letter................................................................................ 6 The Choice of Language - Words Usage - Salutations and Closing Phrases Personal or Professional Title - Catalogue/Brochure - Politeness - Typed vis-a-vis Hand Written Letters - Printed Letters - Printed Price Lists Languages for Global Communication......................................................... 9 Benefits - Customer Relationships - Information - Company Image - Power Relations - Competitiveness - Investment in Staff The Salutations & Closing Phrases and Commercial Terms in Four Languages. .................................................................................................. 12 Forms of Addresses in Four Languages - Forms of Letter Endings in Four Languages Tips to Put You Ahead of the Rest............................................................... 14 Dont Get Thrown Away - Envelope - What Do Other People Think? - Give them a Closing Thought or Statement - Personal Signature - Avoid Giving False Hope The Design and Format of International Business Letter............................16 Letterhead - Address the Customer Personally - Language is Important - Small Paragraphs - Be Cautious with Fonts - Emphasize! Writing International Business Letter........................................................18 Get His Attention! - The Sales Letter is a Lot like a Press Release - Give Detailed Information about the Product/Service - Highlight the Major Benefits - Proof for a Claim - Get the Customer to Respond - Today! - Direct the Customer to the Inserts (v)
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Writing Effective Business Letters Part 1 Features of Effective Business Letter........................................................................................... 21 4 Tasks - Focus is on Customer - Never Forget Your Purpose - To Sell - Products Do Not Sell - Benefits Sell - Your Letter Must Lead to Some Action Writing Effective Business Letters Part 2 Step by Step Guidance with Examples........................................................................................... 23 Building on Sustaining Customers Interest - Task Number One - Draw Readers Attention - Task Number Two - Building Interest and Desire Writing Effective Business Letters Part 3 The Art of Successful Conclusion. ................................................................................................ 26 4 Tasks Making Business Letters Effective............................................................. 28 Simple Rules - The Importance of Tone - Trends in Business and Official Writing - How to Prepare an Effective Business Letter - Planning a Logical Structure Writing the Letter - Revising and Editing - Some Common Pitfalls The Mail Shot and Business Letter............................................................. 34 Introduction - Benefits of a Business Letter - Types of Business Letter - Objectives of a Business Letter Persistence & Promptness Pay off.............................................................. 36 1. PERSISTENCE - Follow-up Every Inquiry - Never Let the Correspondence Lapse - 2. BE PROMPT - Acknowledgement - Telephone, Fax or e-mail - Be Explanatory Reply to Inquiries of No Interest to the Exporter Letters to Trade Missions & Agencies Abroad............................................ 39 Sources - Approaching International Organisations - Be Precise & Specific Sample Letter1 - Letter to a Trade Representative - Sample Letter2 - Letter to a Foreign Trade Representative stationed in the Exporters Country - Sample Letter3 - Letter to an Import Promotion Institution Abroad - Comments on Sample Letters to Trade Representative - International Organisation Letter Writing is an Art Introductory Letters for Export......................... 45 An Art - The Kinds - Typed vis-a-vis Printed/Cyclostyled Letter - Sample Letter 4 - Company Profile - Sample Letter 5 - Sample Letter 6 - Comments on Sample Letters 4, 5 & 6 - Reply Letters from an Overseas Buyer to the Exporters Introductory Letter - Sample Letter-7 (Acknowledgement) - Acknowledgement1 to a letter from an overseas buyer asking for additional information - Price - Samples - Payment - Confirmation - Proforma Invoice - Sample Letter-8 (Acknowledgement) - Sample Letter-9 (Acknowledgement) - Comments on the Acknowledgement Letter(s) - Sample Letter - 10 - Letter to a Prospective Agent/Distributor Abroad - Comments on the Letter sent to appoint Agent/Distributor Abroad - Sample Letter 11 - Exporters Letter to Importer Suggesting a possible meeting in a trade fair/exhibition - Comments on Sample Letter 11 (vi)
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Product Catalogues/Brochures Your Silent Representatives.................. 59 Brochure must be Descriptive - May not be Translatable - Multilingual Brochure Business Cards Mirror You and Your Business. ......................................... 63 Does Your Business Card Mean Business - Step One : Self Analysis - Step Two : Competition Analysis - Step Three : Creating Your Image - Step Four : Image As Symbol - Step Five : Your Logo As Symbol - Step Six : Slogan As Symbol - Step Seven : The Business Card as Database - Step Eight : Designing the Card - Step Nine : Creative Business Carding Response from Foreign Buyers.................................................................. 66 Proforma Invoice - Terms & Conditions - Comments - Sample Letter-12 - Letter from a foreign buyer asking for a Proforma Invoice - Sample Letter-13 - Covering letter to a Proforma Invoice to be sent to a foreign buyer - Sample of Proforma Invoice - Terms & Conditions - Comments on Profroma Invoice - Sample Letter-14 - Covering Letter of a Model PurchaseOrder or Export Order - Purchase Order or Export Order - Payment Terms - Documents Required - Comments on Purchase Order or Export Order - Scrutiny of the Export (Purchase) Order before its Acceptance and Acknowledgement - Sample Letter-15 - Order Acknowledgement - Sample Letter-16 - Acknowledgement & Confirmatory Letter to the Purchase or Export Order - Sample Letter-17 - Acknowledgement to a Purchase Order or Export Order seeking a few Clarifications - Sample Letter-18 - Letter to a Trade Representative for Import - Sample Letter-19 - Letter to a Foreign Trade Representative in India for Import - Sample Letter-20 - Letter to a Chamber of Commerce or Export Promotion Institution for Import Approaching a Foreign Supplying Agent for Import.................................. 82 Contents of Letter - Agents Status - Sample Letter21 - Letter to a Prospective Foreign Supplying Agent - Foreign Supplying Agents Profile Agency Agreement with a Foreign Supplying Agent....................................87 Statement of Terms - Specimen Agreement - Specimen Agency Agreement Appointment of Foreign Selling Agent....................................................... 90 Exchange Management Regulations - Remittance of Commission/Permission to Appoint Agent(s) - Validity - Endorsement on Exchange Control Copy of Import Licence - Declaration on Bill of Entry - Letter of Credit - Commission Payment to Local Agents Approaching Foreign Suppliers................................................................. 92 Types of Letters - Introductory Letters - Short Listing - Model Suppliers Profile Model Importers Profile - Acknowledgement - Proforma Invoice - Purchase Order - Covering Letter - Sample Letter-22 - Model of a Covering Letter to Purchase (Import) Order - Model Purchase (Import) Order
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E-Communication [E-Communication, Internet Communication, E-Business, E-Commerce and Video Conferencing].................................. 101 E-Communication - Internet Communication - Video Conferencing - Why Video Conferencing - E-Business and E-Commerce - E-Business - E-Commerce - Some . .......... Examples - Finally The Electronic Mail [Internet-based and Web e-mail].............................. 105 Major assets of (Internet-based) e-mail - Major weaknesses of (internet-based) e-mail - Mind your Manners - E-signature - Attachment Netiquette The Electronic Media in International Marketing.....................................109 Introduction to Multimedia - New Media vis-a-vis Multimedia - Multi-media Carriers - Diskette - CD/DVD - Hard Disk - Pen Drive - Internet - Internet and Extranet - Video Conferencing - Marketing by means of Multimedia - Developments in the New Media Field - An eye at the Future of Multimedia Internet, Intranet and Extranet Use in International Business................. 113 What is Internet? - The Original Internet - Browsing and Connecting - Security What Opportunities does Internet Offer - Searching for Options - Opportunities for Exporting Companies - E-Mail - Intranet and Extranet International Marketing through Multimedia. ...........................................117 Advantages of Multimedia for Export - Considerations for Choosing Carriers Diskettes - CD-Roms - DVD - Pen Drives - Hard Disc - Internet - Media Marketing Mix - Combination of several (Multi) Media Carriers - Vital to keep up with IT Conclusions International Marketing by Means of Internet.......................................... 121 Determination of target groups - Internet Marketing Mix - Personalization E-commerce - What to do with payment? - When and how are Goods Delivered? Are there any Physical or Time Boundaries? - Other Points? - Opportunities on Internet for Exporters - Tips for E-commerce and logistics - Conclusions The Internet Strategy What Must be Done............................................. 125 Strategic Matters - Human Resources Allocation - Important technical decisions to be taken The Search Tools...................................................................................... 127 Some Internet Specific Services................................................................ 129 Mass e-mailing Regulations...................................................................... 131 Where to Find e-mail Addresses?............................................................. 132 Directories - Spam e-Mails - Finding Suitable Addresses - Important final notes Mailing Lists How to Manage................................................................. 134 Challenges of Sites Targeting International Markets................................ 135 Important closing remarks (viii)
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Legal Implications of e-Communications.................................................. 136 The Basics of Video Conferencing............................................................. 137 The Origins of Video Conferencing - Specific Standards and Protocols for Video Conferencing - How Video Conferencing Works - Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Video Conferencing Solution - The Future of Video Conferencing International Business Communication through Video Conferencing...... 141 Why Video Conferencing? - What is Video Conferencing - Video Conferencing Affordable Tool - Video Conferencing Advantages of - The Future of International Business Communication Video Conferencing Taking the Time Out of Travel - Video Conferencing Incredibly Simple To Use - Video Conferencing Equipment Required for - Video Conferencing for Small Business - Video Conferencing Shopping List - Video Conferencing Pros & Cons - Pros - Cons - Host Webinars with Easy to use, yet Powerful Webinar Software Video Conferencing is an Asset That Many Companies are Utilizing......... 150 Web Based Video Conferencing Services Easiest Way to Communicate in International Business......................................................................... 153 Internet Business Communication through Social Networking Sites........ 156 Developing a Social Networking Strategy - Choosing Your Site - Setting Up Your Profile - Social Network Marketing - Social Network Promotions International Business Communication through Social Media Networks Some Success Stories............................................................................. 163 1. Lion Brand Yarn Social Media Marketing Case Study - Overview - Objective Challenge - Strategy - Results - 2. gDiapers SMM Case Study - Overview Objective - Challenge - Strategy - Results - 3. Pacific Rim SMM Case Study Overview - Objective - Challenge - Strategy - Results Business Correspondence Etiquitte Tips. .................................................. 167 Telephone - 5 Most Commonly Made Telephone Courtesy Faux Pas - Voice Mail Most Commonly-made Voice Mail Faux Pas - Cell Phone Etiquette - Email Most Commonly-made Email Faux Pas
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Bolivia (Central South America).........................................................................................................183 Brazil (Eastern South America)......................................................................................................... 186 Canada (Northern North America).................................................................................................... 189 Chile (Southern South America)........................................................................................................193 China (Eastern Asia). ...........................................................................................................................196 Colombia (Northern South America). ................................................................................................202 Denmark (Northern Europe).............................................................................................................205 Ecuador (Western South America).................................................................................................... 207 Finland (Northern Europe)................................................................................................................ 210 France (Western Europe)....................................................................................................................212 Germany (Central Europe)..................................................................................................................217 Greece (Southern Europe)................................................................................................................. 222 Hong Kong (Eastern Asia). ................................................................................................................. 225 India (Southern Asia)......................................................................................................................... 229 Indonesia (Southeastern Asia)........................................................................................................... 232 Ireland (Western Europe).................................................................................................................. 236 Italy (Southern Europe)..................................................................................................................... 239 Japan (Eastern Asia).......................................................................................................................... 243 Korea Republic of (South Korea) (Eastern Asia)............................................................................... 247 Luxembourg (Western Europe)..........................................................................................................251 Malaysia (Southeastern Asia). ............................................................................................................ 253 Mexico [South (Middle) America]..................................................................................................... 256 Netherlands (Western Europe).......................................................................................................... 259 Norway (Northern Europe)................................................................................................................ 263 Paraguay (South America)................................................................................................................. 265 Philippines (Southeastern Asia). ........................................................................................................268 Portugal (Europe)............................................................................................................................... 272 Russia or Russian Federation (Asia).................................................................................................. 275 Singapore (Southeastern Asia). .......................................................................................................... 279 Spain (Europe) [The Land of Bull Fight]...........................................................................................282 Sweden (Europe)................................................................................................................................285 Switzerland (Europe).........................................................................................................................288 Taiwan (The Republic of China) (Eastern Asia).................................................................................291 Thailand (Southeastern Asia). ............................................................................................................ 295 Turkey (Europe).................................................................................................................................299 United Kingdom(Europe). ................................................................................................................. 301 United States of America (North America). .......................................................................................306 (x)
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Commercial Terms in Four Languages .......................................................................... 337 Export-Import Organisations Abroad..............................................................................351 Export Promotion Organisations and TradingCorporation in India. ............................. 366 1. Export Promotion Councils.......................................................................................... 366 2. FIEOFederation of Indian Export Organisations..................................................... 373 3. Commodity Boards...................................................................................................... 374 4. Export Development Authorities. .................................................................................375 5. India Trade Promotion Organisation...........................................................................375 6. Development Commissioners...................................................................................... 376 7. Trading Corporations................................................................................................... 376 8. Speacialised Bodies/Associations/Govt Offices...........................................................377 9. RBI-Reserve Bank of India.......................................................................................... 378 10. EXIM (EXPORT-IMPORT) Bank of India ...............................................................380 11. ECGC............................................................................................................................381 12. Chambers of Commerce/Trade Associations............................................................ 384 Select Chambers of Commerce & Trade Associations Abroad. ....................................... 389 Foreign Embassies/High Commissions in India............................................................ 405 Indian Embassies/High Commissions and Consulates Abroad......................................417 Standardised New Proforma Invoice. .............................................................................. 434 Standardised Invoice....................................................................................................... 435 Glossary of Terms Used in E-Commerce/Mail............................................................... 436 (xi)
International Business Series
**1. Export What, Where, How by Paras Ram Revised by Nikhil Garg ` 695/-* 45th (2012-13) edn. Most popular A-Z on complete export procedure Pages 924 & documents since 1974. Besides explaining basics like what is export/ marketing, organisational export assistance and promotion measures, it deals with the system of selection of export products, markets, overseas customers, pricing and payment, packing, labelling and marking, excise/customs/sales tax formalities, shipment procedures, banking, credit and finance. Each and every type of export incentive, assistance and facilities with all forms and documents and addresses of concerned organisations in India and abroad are contained in this book. It is an Exporters Encyclopaedia for each and every topic. It is a must for all - exporters, importers, students and others connected with international marketing. 67 Chapters, 94 Annexures in 924 pages divided over Six Sections Selling for 36 years in 2010/11. It is based on Annual Supplement to Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-10 announced on 23/8/2010. Test Paper added in each Chapter for proper comprehension. Section 1 on Indias Foreign Trade Scenario of special significance. International Business Management with Indian Perspective ` 495/-* Step-by-Step by Paras Ram Sept. (2007) edn. on the Marketing Pages 784 Concepts their Application in India and Bilateral/Multilateral Trading in 43 Chapters (two parts) inter alia covering international marketing facets & its triggers, operations, marekting research, finance, direct marketing, business negotiations, logistics, pricing, incoterms, product-market focus schemes, etc. Each chapter contains references and test paper. Besides, definitions, explanations, abbreviations and subject index make it an easy study. Most useful for students, executives, and faculty. Paras Ram's International Business Correspondence and ` 495/-* Communication/Conversation [Letter Writing, Business Pages 500 Communication through Video Conferencing and Social Networking Sites and Cultural Guide] 21st (2012-13) edn. revised and enriched by Nikhil Garg. This book is not only on letter writing, business cards, brochures, catalogues etc. but also cross-cultural communication para language and body language i.e. etiquette guide for all the business important countries. This guide is highly useful for conversation (personal meetings) and even in correspondence. The sample letters, important commercial terms and usages in four international languages English, German, French and Spanish and addresses of all commercial organizations, chambers of commerce, embassies, high commissioners etc. given therein are highly useful. The book answers the question(s) that why dont the foreign buyers/sellers respond to your letters.
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New INCOTERMS, Export Costing & Pricing. The 22nd (2010- ` 350/-* 11) edn. by Paras Ram & Nikhil Garg of this book contains not only New Pages 376 Incoterms (effective 1/1/2011) but their comparison with Incoterms 2000 and COMMENTARY thereon. It discusses thoroughly the export pricing determinants, techniques, export costing on marginal, dual or cost plus approach, and WORK SHEET. It explains new pricing terms like CPT, CFR & CIP. Examples on calculation of different types of prices, will be found highly useful. Also contains CRITICAL POINTS for each type of price relating to carriage, risk transfer and cost transfer. Case Studies/Law and Exercises on Delivery Terms are some of the latest ADDITIONS.
Export Incentives/Facilities
6. Excise Duty Exemption/Rebate on Exports 14th (2006-07) edn. ` 395/-* containing New Export Procedure for Excisable Goods by Paras Ram. Pages 448 It explains the new provisions under CE Rules for exports under claim of rebate of duty, export of goods in bond, etc. Complete text of New Rules (with Notifications), documents and forms further enhance its utility. A must for all exporters. 24 Chapters, 30 Annexures plus Rules and Regulations spread over Six Sections contain each and every thing on this subject. Case Law on duty exemption/rebate and export in bond is the additional feature of the 2006-07 edn. Income Tax/Sales Tax Exemption of Export and Foreign Exchange ` 395/-* Earned 19th (2006-07) edn. by N.K. Gupta FCA contain the scheme of Pages 576 total exemption of export profits under Sec. 80HHC plus income tax relief to hoteliers, tour operators, software exporters, EOUs, SEZ units, professors, teachers, artiste, royalty from overseas projects, etc. with CBDT Circulars and Case Law (actual & citations). Illustrations on calculation of tax on reduced exemption for 5 years ahead. Complete policy and procedure for Sales Tax/Vat Exemption or Reimbursement of CST are also incorporated. The Case Law on Income Tax Relief/Exemption of Export Profits and Foreign Exchange is the additional feature of the 2006-07 edition.
13. Indian Industry and Trade Classification (HS) and NIC-based Codes ` 895/-* 12th (2006) Revised edn., with New Customs and Excise Tariff Pages 1196 Classification, all AMENDMENTS made in ITC(HS) in 1997, 1998 and 1999 and the NEW National Industrial Classification (All Economic Activities). Thus, it contains not only ITC (HS) but also Customs, Central Excise and National Industrial Classification Codes (All Economic Activities) with ALPHABETICAL INDEX for easy and quick reference. The Industry Codes in the National Industrial Classification are its special feature. The new Customs Tariff Codes (Classification) effective 1/1/2003 are the added features of this book. It is a 4-in-1 book containing Four Classifications.
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1. EX-IMP TIMES A fortnightly (twice-a-month) journal on international business (export-import) containing feature on marketing Foreign Trade Policy Changes, Export-Import Enquiries, Govt. Notifications/Public Notices/Circulars on Amendments in Foreign Trade Policy, Customs. Foreign Exchange, Indl. Policy etc. etc. The year 2009 is 31st year of EXIMP TIMES regular and punctual publication. Ask for a specimen copy, if you wish. NOTIFS TODAY A Daily by e-mail periodical reporting verbatim text of 30 different types of Govt. Notifications/Circulars in 19 Groups. Group 1 is on Foreign Trade Policy Notifications, Public Notices and Clarification Circulars, Group 2 and 3 on Customs and Excise Notifications/Circulars, Group 4 on Industrial Policy, Group 5 on RBIs Exchange Control and Other Circulars, Group 6 on CBDT Notifications/Circulars on direct taxes (Income Tax/Wealth Tax/Corporate Tax), Group 7 on SEBI and Department of Company Affairs Notifications/Circulars/Press Notes, Group 8 on Service Tax, Group 9 is Drugs, Food Adulteration, Group 10 is Textile Policy, Group 11 on Environment (Pollution Control) Forests, Group 12 on Weights & Measures, Group 13 on Motor Vehicles, Tractors, Group 14 on Labour, Group 15 relates to Anti-dumping duty proceedings, Group 15A on Ministry of Commerce Notifications (Other than Foreign Trade Policy & Anti-dumping Duty) on Export Quality Control, Plantations, Trade Measures, etc. Group 16 on Foreign Collaboration Approvals, List of Industrial Licences/Letters of Intents, etc. and Group 17 devoted to NCT (Delhi) Sales Tax/Luxury Tax, Industry/Labour etc.. The year 2010 is 21st year of regular publication. Ask for a specimen copy, if you wish. Also available by post/courier on day-to-day basis. Details of services offered will be mailed on request. Ann. Sub. ` 2500/` 3000 by Regd. Post/ Courier ` 2000 for Students Ask for Details on e-mail
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