2013-06 Rawreth Parish Newsletter
2013-06 Rawreth Parish Newsletter
2013-06 Rawreth Parish Newsletter
Aug/Sept 2013
We've had some great times at St Nicholas, this week we had a really special concert from the choir of Pembroke College Cambridge before going off on a tour of the USA. The church was pretty well packed. Everybody really enjoyed it and there was a real buzz as folk left church and we raised funds we need to repair the huge cracks in the Church wall that is planned for later in the summer. (Our next concert is A Night at the Opera from Eastwood Chorale on 28th September.) We've also had a quiet day; that was fantastic in a different sort of way. It was an opportunity to take time out and be quiet, really to relax and be refreshed. A lot can happen and does happen in church apart from our 10 o'clock Sunday morning service! What do you think could be happening? let us know (richard@st-nicholas-rawreth.org,uk or 01268 755565). At the moment we are also thinking about our afternoon services: we have occasional services for families with young children that usually happen on a Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock and we will be planning another over the summer. Would you like to come along? Can't make 4 o'clock on a Sunday let us know it may be that you're not the only one who would come if it was at a different time! Do you want to be on our mailing list to find out when the next one is coming up? Same contact details. We'd love to hear from you it's your parish church. All the best
Cleaners wanted, on a rota basis, once a month, to clean St Nicholas church. Please contact the Church Wardens: Heather Love 01268 734970 or Chris Powney 01702 527085
News Input
We would like information about your club/association to be included in this magazine, please contact the editor Christine Holmes on 01268 781662.
Ray Walker
Parish such as a major road accident, plane crash, wide spread power failure, major fire etc. The Parish Council are still looking for people or businesses who are able to help with the resources needed, therefore please contact the Clerk in the usual way, via the contact details below if you are able to assist with any of the following. All information will be held in the strictest confidence. 1. Would you be able to assist in the event of a major emergency, i.e. are you a qualified nurse or doctor, fireman, policeman, engineer, carpenter, electrician, plumber, chef? 2. Do you have plant equipment, generators, sand, wood, ladders, boats, tractors, power tools that could be called upon if needed? 3. Do you have a four wheel drive vehicle or people carry that could be called upon if needed? If you are able to assist in anyway not listed, or have any concerns or questions, again, please contact the Clerk. The plan is in its draft stage so if you have any suggestions please let us know. Neighbourhood Meetings Please note the dates for the 2013 Neighbourhood Meetings which will take place at 7.30pm at Rayleigh Town Council Office (reached via Websters Way car park) If anyone has any matters they wish to be raised on their behalf they can contact either myself or Cllr Steve Coombs who is our representative or one of the Neighbourhood Policing Team. 13th August 10th September 8th October The Neighbourhood Meeting is for anyone living or working in Rayleigh or Rawreth to attend and highlight issues that directly affect the area. Attendees discuss the issues and decide how they can be resolved together as a community. The meeting is not a Police or Council meeting but one for the Rayleigh and Rawreth community as a whole. For any further information please check the Essex Police website for further information. www.essex.police.uk Parish Contact Number 07582 626028 Email Distribution If any residents would like to receive information from the Parish Council such as agendas for forthcoming meetings, minutes of meetings held, events, Core Strategy News etc via email then please forward your details to the Clerk at clerk.rawrethparishcouncil@btinternet.com. If you do not have access to a computer but would like a
family member to receive the emails on your behalf please ask them to contact the Clerk as above advising on whose behalf they will be receiving the information. Next Meetings The next meetings of the Parish Council will take place on: No Meeting in August due to the Summer recess.
Wednesday the 4th of September 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Wednesday the 2nd of October 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall From the Clerk, Hayley Bloomfield As always if you have any concerns or matters to report please do not hesitate to contact me on either 626028 or by email at 07582 clerk.rawrethparishcouncil@btinternet.com
Hayley Bloomfield
The Neighbourhood Policing
The Neighbourhood Policing Team have arranged a further ASB meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday 17th July 2013 at 1830hrs. They have kindly been offered St Nicholas school in Priory Chase as a venue. As you may be aware there have been a number of ASB issues around the Priory Chase area and further issues in Sweyne Park including 25000 worth of damage to the play equipment. Please pass details of the meeting to others and PC Steve Joynes looks forward to seeing you all there. Steve Joynes. PC 1325. Rayleigh, Rawreth & Hullbridge Neighbourhood Constable. Non Emergency Telephone 101 extension 490535 (voicemail available.) Email RayleighNPT@essex.pnn.police.uk or HullbridgeNPT@essex.pnn.police.uk Please visit our website page at: www.essex.police.uk
All are welcome to come along to any of our meetings, we look forward to seeing you. Meetings held in church at 7.45pm unless stated otherwise.
For more information please telephone Pat Clarke 01268 784438 Chris Bird 01268 770496 Sue Powney 01702 527085
The local agricultural supervisor for the prisoners was Don Walker. The Wortley family butchers of Rayleigh High Street delivered meat to the camp. The Rayleigh Salvation Army visited the Camp to help deal with the religious needs of the prisoners. A number of locals visited when the prisoners performed in the camp theatre which, after the war, the son of a caretaker recalls visiting and remembers No Smoking signs written on the walls.
The general consensus of opinion is that the majority of Italian prisoners were not as hard working and disciplined as the Germans. Both Italians and the Germans made small presents from wood and metal which they either sold (for a few pence) to locals, mainly at Christmas time or gave as presents in return for some act of kindness. One such example can be found in the Museum in Rayleigh Windmill is of a small wooden windmill made by an Italian and given to the Rayleigh family of Loker. Another prisoner (possibly German) made a small model aircraft which he gave as a present to a young lad. Mr Baker of Rawreth Hall Farm invited Italians into his barn for Christmas Dinner. Another local recalls two concrete bunkers partly inscribed by Italians ... The Bullet may but the ploughclears the fields There are also references to the Camp in a book German POW Camp 266 Langdon Hills and I have also been told of other local camps in Hockley, Great Wakering, and Chelmsford. Some were called POW Camps while others were known as Hostels. I am also told that in the 1950s a 15 year old local girl stayed in one of the camp huts with a friend whose family were housed there in
temporary accommodation by the Local Authority. She still recalls the bedroom as it only had one tiny window high up on the wall. HOWEVER.. I have not (yet) been able to find any OFFICIAL government record of the Camp. Many other historians who have researched the WW2 camps throughout the UK have come across a similar problem as most of the records appear to have been destroyed shortly after the end of the War. If anyone can add, clarify, confirm, or give alternative accounts for any of these details it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me on either01268 785657. or through our website www.rayleighhistory.co.uk. I would like to thank the following who have contributed to this brief note; Sid Baker, Mr. Jones, Peter Taylor, Paul Taylor, Ray Allen, Ruby and Bert Shannon, Rita Rhodes, Ron Wortley, Derek and Eddie Dowling, Dorothy Skinner, Beryl Tracey, Brian Byford (decd), Rene Jones, Shelly Taylor, Martin Shields, Graham, Stan, Tom Weeks, Richard Hobson (decd), Sue Smith, and others.
Mike Davies
June Meeting
The afternoon wasnt so nice, as it was raining. Quite a few ladies were in the hall, when Daphne and I arrived. Jills stall theme was toiletries this month, also quite busy. Pat and Rosemary were busy selling raffle tickets. Mrs Sue Murton, related some of the business. Birthday Cards were given out. We were then introduced to Brian Carline. His talk was on Tripe and Trotters. Most of his talk was centered around Salford in the 40ties and 50ties when he was growing up. The film Taste of Honey and Hobsons Choice was made there. Explaining how Salford grew with the different classes of people. He spoke quite clearly, it was quite interesting living in 2 up and 2 down houses and streets of cobble stones. Speaking about Tony Warren, the writer he created Coronation Street, Brian Carline chatted about some of his relations when they were at an early age, he was very jokey in his talk, which was quite interesting and making the ladies laugh. He spoke about kitchens in the days gone by and it brought back a few memories. Talking a little about Tripe and some offal. He had been a teacher for 40 years, so thats why he was an excellent speaker. Many programmes he spoke about started in black and white TV. The ladies enjoyed this afternoon. Brian Carline was thanked very much for coming, making the afternoon so interesting. Tea and cakes were served which was very nice. Mrs Sue Murton resumed the business, told us we have two new members, do hope the ladies enjoy the club. Doreen Brace spoke about the outing she had arranged. We had a quiz presented by Mrs Sue Murton. Competition: Scarf Ring: 1st Maureen Benson, 2nd Florie Scrivener, 3rd Jean Strangleman. The stall made 35.50p which was good. Raffles were drawn. Meeting ended about 3.50pm, so then another nice afternoon came to an end. The camaraderie of the club goes on. It had been raining while we were in the hall. So see you all next month.
5th September
Church News to Christine Holmes Tel: 781662 Village News to Barbara Sanderson Tel: 769583 Please let us have your news in good time Thank you
Whist Drive
2nd August Whist 16th August Whist 6th September Whist 20th September Whist First and Third Friday in the month. For tickets or any further information on any of these events ring: Eric Chasmer 01268 773115
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