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2013-06 Rawreth Parish Newsletter

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Aug/Sept 2013

The Parish Church of St. Nicholas, Rawreth

Priest-in-Charge e-mail: web address Church Wardens Deputy Church Warden Hon. Treasurer Lay Assistants at Holy Communion: Magazine Editor The Revd Richard Jordan, The Rectory, Church Road, Rawreth, Essex SS11 8SH. Telephone: 01268 766565 richard@st-nicholas-rawreth.org.uk http://st-nicholas-rawreth.org.uk Mrs Heather Love. Telephone: 01268 734970 Mr Chris Powney. Telephone: 01702 527085 Mr E. Farrant. Telephone: 01268 766889 Mr Chris Powney. For enquiries please phone: 01702 527085 Rita Blake, Patricia Clarke, Christine Holmes and Eric Farrant Mrs Christine Holmes. Tel: 01268 781662

St Nicholas is your parish church

(We're just down Church Road which is opposite the end of Rawreth Lane at the traffic lights on the A1245)

We've had some great times at St Nicholas, this week we had a really special concert from the choir of Pembroke College Cambridge before going off on a tour of the USA. The church was pretty well packed. Everybody really enjoyed it and there was a real buzz as folk left church and we raised funds we need to repair the huge cracks in the Church wall that is planned for later in the summer. (Our next concert is A Night at the Opera from Eastwood Chorale on 28th September.) We've also had a quiet day; that was fantastic in a different sort of way. It was an opportunity to take time out and be quiet, really to relax and be refreshed. A lot can happen and does happen in church apart from our 10 o'clock Sunday morning service! What do you think could be happening? let us know (richard@st-nicholas-rawreth.org,uk or 01268 755565). At the moment we are also thinking about our afternoon services: we have occasional services for families with young children that usually happen on a Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock and we will be planning another over the summer. Would you like to come along? Can't make 4 o'clock on a Sunday let us know it may be that you're not the only one who would come if it was at a different time! Do you want to be on our mailing list to find out when the next one is coming up? Same contact details. We'd love to hear from you it's your parish church. All the best


Cleaners wanted, on a rota basis, once a month, to clean St Nicholas church. Please contact the Church Wardens: Heather Love 01268 734970 or Chris Powney 01702 527085

News Input
We would like information about your club/association to be included in this magazine, please contact the editor Christine Holmes on 01268 781662.

Pembroke College Chapel Choir

James Gardom, the Dean of Pembroke College, accompanied the Pembroke College Chapel Choir on Thursday 4th July, when they came to perform a concert for us at St Nicholas before setting off on a tour of America, on Saturday 6th July. Once again the concert was well attended and it was lovely to see the church so full, for those of you who couldnt make it, for whatever reason, you missed a superb evening. There were 23 choristers, all of whom were undergraduates and not one of them studying music. They sung unaccompanied a selection of songs plus three solo items. All of them had such beautiful voices and the acoustics in church added to it all, it took your breath away it was so beautiful. Another enjoyable evening at St Nicholas came to a close all too quickly but we look forward to welcoming them back again sometime.


From the Parish Register Baptism Anniversaries

August Ava Maggie May Simons September Mia Zara Rolle Phoebe Kate Newman Max Barney Gorman Our prayers remain with you as you journey on in life and grow in Gods love.


The day was dry and sunny and hoping for a good turn out, many were there by 9.30am. If you can remember last year it was cold and very wet but we had a good turn out. Those in the churchyard got thoroughly wet but that would not happen this year. The overall numbers of people helping were down on last year but due to the weather being fine there were similar numbers to last year working outside but only two of us inside all day. So the churchyard got a nice sprucing up but only about a third of what we expected to do got done inside. The amount of grass and branches collected throughout the day was getting quite large and some people with pyromaniac tendencies started a large bonfire. Due to the direction of the wind it was a good thing that the Nursery Children were not there on a Saturday. Inside we borrowed a scaffold tower from the Garden Nursery next door which enabled me to clean the top windows on one side for the first time for many a year. It is planned to have a second go at both the churchyard and inside on Saturday 21st September 2013, so all would be welcome and if you could bring some of you own tools, dusters, brooms, cleaning materials etc would be a big help. Those who cannot do much would be most welcome if only to do a little dusting or making tea which will keep the rest of us going for longer

Forthcoming concerts at St Nicholas

28th September Eastwood Chorale A Night at the Opera 7.30pm 16th November David Stanley in concert on piano and organ 23rd November Christmas Bazaar
For details contact:

Christine 01268 781662

Ray Walker

Parish Council Business

Chairman: Lyn Hopkins Tel and Fax: 01268 784233 Vice-Chairman: Alistir Matthews Tel and Fax: 01268 732069 Clerk: Hayley Bloomfield Tel: 07582 626028 Council Business
Over the last few months several residents have raised concerns about how untidy parts of the Parish are looking. The main concerns being reported are overgrown hedges and trees obstructing road signs, overgrown grass areas and nettles obstructing pedestrian paths, overgrown public footpaths, overgrown verges and potholes. The Council would like to reassure residents that all these matters are reported to either Rochford District Council or Essex County Council and requests are made for the respective departments to carry out the necessary work, unfortunately we have no control over their work schedules or budgets and sometimes we too find it extremely frustrating how long these things take but we do chase any request that are left outstanding and continue to do so until the works are complete. A useful app that is free to download to smartphones and is very easy to use is the Love Clean Street app, this can be found at www.lovecleanstreets.org this enables anyone to report a problem from street lighting to litter and fly tipping and as the app works alongside a gps system you can pinpoint the area you are reporting and upload a photo with the report. The Council are always happy to report defects and problems for residents but please feel free to use this app as this can be used 24hrs a day 365 days a year and anything you report is given a personal reference number and you can follow the report you have made. Village Sign Please note that the Village Sign on the junction of Church Road and the A1245 is to undergo some refurbishment works in the coming weeks. Bonfires Just one little request to anyone planning on having a bonfire during the coming months, with the lighter warmer evenings now beginning many people leave their doors and windows open so before lighting any bonfires just take a moment to consider your neighbours, let them know what you are planning and when, try to work out what direction the wind is blowing in and give those around you time to shut windows and take washing in! New County Councillor Councillor Malcolm Maddocks is the new County Councillor for Rayleigh North, and importantly is the County Councillor covering the Parish of Rawreth. Cllr Maddocks will be attending our Meeting on the 4th of September 2013 if you have any concerns you would like to speak to him about. Parish Emergency Plan The Parish Council are continuing to develop a Parish Emergency Plan that could be put into action should a major incident take place in or around the

Parish such as a major road accident, plane crash, wide spread power failure, major fire etc. The Parish Council are still looking for people or businesses who are able to help with the resources needed, therefore please contact the Clerk in the usual way, via the contact details below if you are able to assist with any of the following. All information will be held in the strictest confidence. 1. Would you be able to assist in the event of a major emergency, i.e. are you a qualified nurse or doctor, fireman, policeman, engineer, carpenter, electrician, plumber, chef? 2. Do you have plant equipment, generators, sand, wood, ladders, boats, tractors, power tools that could be called upon if needed? 3. Do you have a four wheel drive vehicle or people carry that could be called upon if needed? If you are able to assist in anyway not listed, or have any concerns or questions, again, please contact the Clerk. The plan is in its draft stage so if you have any suggestions please let us know. Neighbourhood Meetings Please note the dates for the 2013 Neighbourhood Meetings which will take place at 7.30pm at Rayleigh Town Council Office (reached via Websters Way car park) If anyone has any matters they wish to be raised on their behalf they can contact either myself or Cllr Steve Coombs who is our representative or one of the Neighbourhood Policing Team. 13th August 10th September 8th October The Neighbourhood Meeting is for anyone living or working in Rayleigh or Rawreth to attend and highlight issues that directly affect the area. Attendees discuss the issues and decide how they can be resolved together as a community. The meeting is not a Police or Council meeting but one for the Rayleigh and Rawreth community as a whole. For any further information please check the Essex Police website for further information. www.essex.police.uk Parish Contact Number 07582 626028 Email Distribution If any residents would like to receive information from the Parish Council such as agendas for forthcoming meetings, minutes of meetings held, events, Core Strategy News etc via email then please forward your details to the Clerk at clerk.rawrethparishcouncil@btinternet.com. If you do not have access to a computer but would like a

family member to receive the emails on your behalf please ask them to contact the Clerk as above advising on whose behalf they will be receiving the information. Next Meetings The next meetings of the Parish Council will take place on: No Meeting in August due to the Summer recess.

Wednesday the 4th of September 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Wednesday the 2nd of October 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall From the Clerk, Hayley Bloomfield As always if you have any concerns or matters to report please do not hesitate to contact me on either 626028 or by email at 07582 clerk.rawrethparishcouncil@btinternet.com

Hayley Bloomfield
The Neighbourhood Policing
The Neighbourhood Policing Team have arranged a further ASB meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday 17th July 2013 at 1830hrs. They have kindly been offered St Nicholas school in Priory Chase as a venue. As you may be aware there have been a number of ASB issues around the Priory Chase area and further issues in Sweyne Park including 25000 worth of damage to the play equipment. Please pass details of the meeting to others and PC Steve Joynes looks forward to seeing you all there. Steve Joynes. PC 1325. Rayleigh, Rawreth & Hullbridge Neighbourhood Constable. Non Emergency Telephone 101 extension 490535 (voicemail available.) Email RayleighNPT@essex.pnn.police.uk or HullbridgeNPT@essex.pnn.police.uk Please visit our website page at: www.essex.police.uk

Paws in the Park Fun Dog Show

(All profits to the Friends of Abandoned Dogs at Acres Way) Sweyne Park Open Space Downhall Park Way, Rayleigh Saturday 27 July 2013 12noon to 4pm
FREE Dog Micro chipping FREE Advice on Dog Behaviour and Training Dog and Cat goodies for sale Display of: Heel Work to Music Dogs needing homes from Acres Way Kennels Cats needing homes from Rayleigh Cats Protection

For further details contact: 07791488680 or 07516540638

Trip to Pembroke College

Our trip to Pembroke College Cambridgeshire, on Sunday 12th May, was a very memorable one and Im sure those who went would agree. It was a beautiful sunny day and we arrived in Cambridge at about 1.30pm having left St Nicholas church at 12pm, so there was plenty of time to have lunch, for those who didnt eat on the coach, and a cup of tea or coffee, before having a wander around Cambridge, taking in the sites and architecture of the colleges, or just wandering around John Lewis, before meeting at Pembroke College for Evensong. This was a special and lovely service entitled The Order for the Commemoration of Benefactors all of whom were mentioned during the service, including Lancelot Andrewes, through whom St Nicholas Church is connected with Pembroke College. We were then invited to a champagne reception, before joining the students and their tutors in the dinning hall for dinner. As arranged, we met our coach at 9.20pm outside the college for our trip back to Rawreth, only to be told by our driver that the drive belt had gone and unfortunately there was nothing he could do. The coach company is a family run business from Rochford, so our driver contacted his father, who phoned for a mechanic to come out, but no one was available. The only option was for a coach to come up to Cambridge and pick us up. So we spent the next couple of hours, sat on a coach with no lights, air conditioning or heating - luckily it wasnt cold. Once the replacement coach arrived and wed transferred over, we were soon on our way home, arriving back at Rawreth Village Hall at 12.45am, where we tried not to make too much noise sos as not to wake the Vicar, who, coming home by his own transport, was safely tucked up in bed! Even with the delay, everyone was in good spirits and a enjoyable and memorable day was had by all.


Welcome to the Mothers Union

In May our MU branch visited St Nicholas School. It was a great pleasure to see all the wonderful displays around the building and appreciate all the hard work that went in to producing them. We were interested to see the children (and staff) at work. We say a big thank you to Mrs Pigram for showing us around, and to the staff and children who allowed us into their rooms. In June Pauline Briggs came to speak to us. The title of her talk was Im Here. Where are you. We were intrigued to know what this was about. Pauline spoke of her faith journey, which she did in an interesting and very humorous way. It was a really entertaining evening. In July we were privileged to have our Diocesan President Marion Ketley and Vice President Margaret Clark at our meeting. They facilitated our discussion and helped us to formulate ideas about the role of Rawreth Branch in the future. You will hear more about this when weve come to some firm decisions. Dont forget the Ploughman Supper in August. This is not just for MU members. It is for everybody. Why not come along to our get together see dates below
August 5th 6.30pm September 2nd October 7th November 4th December 2nd Ploughmans Supper at Chris Birds Diane Nicholson - Few of My Favourite Things Chris Powney - Crime Fiction Diane Connelly - Card Making Christmas Get Together

All are welcome to come along to any of our meetings, we look forward to seeing you. Meetings held in church at 7.45pm unless stated otherwise.

For more information please telephone Pat Clarke 01268 784438 Chris Bird 01268 770496 Sue Powney 01702 527085

Mothers' Union Worldwide Wheels Appeal Cake Bake

Mothers' Union Community Development Coordinators (CDCs) work within their own and neighbouring communities transforming family life through relevant grassroots activities. Just some of the ways they do this is by organising training and encouraging self-help projects for communities, even for those who live in the most isolated areas. By organising a Wheels Appeal Cake Bake you can help Mothers' Union provide assistance to our CDCs by paying them salaries to help them support their families and assist with travel costs to make the journeys faster and safer. This year members from around the globe have contributed their local recipes and more will be added over the next weeks so that you can hold a truly Worldwide Cake Bake Our Branch will be holding a Cake Bake later in the year. For more information please contact:

Chris Bird 01268 770496


Rawreth Lane Prisoner of War Camp in World War 2 (and beyond)

Rawreth Lane Prisoner of War Camp in World War 2 (and beyond) We are a voluntary local heritage group that research, give slide shows, talks and hold exhibitions on Rayleighs rich and varied history. I have for a while heard a number stories about the POW camp situated along Rawreth Lane in the location of where the Makro store is today by the Rawreth Industrial Estate, which was an armaments depot in WW1. There was an Ack-Ack gun emplacement in front nearer Rawreth Lane (the guns were taken away in 1954 by Pickfords, the well known removal company). Although we have a number of stories about Rayleigh in both WW1 and WW2 many have been passed on only by word of mouth. In WW1 a Battalion of the Kings Royal Rifles were stationed in town, as well as the Middlesex Regiment and we have a number of records of the local men who served and those that tragically never returned. An excellent book Warmen Courageous was written in 1951 with comprehensive details of the local Home Guard in WW2 and a number of aircraft were shot down in and around both Rayleigh and Rawreth. However with Southend being within the Restricted Area a number of stories have been prefixed with the words a town somewhere in the South East Having previously visited Colditz Castle on holiday a number of stories about the POW camp locally have been told to me by some people who lived locally during and after the War. One story from either 1945 or 1946 (the teller could not recall) was of a local family who lived in Crown Hill and were sitting in their front room on Christmas Day eating their Christmas dinner. Walking past, towards the High Street were two German POWs who on glancing inside could not believe the feast they saw on the table. The father of the family, on seeing the expression on their faces, immediately rushed outside to invite them in to join the family for dinner, bearing in mind the circumstances of the time, a remarkably wonderful Christian gesture. The camp entrance was by the original footpath 50 yards from the current access road (fig 1) and there was a post with a bell which was to be rung by those who wanted access. Two sentry guards then appeared and only after correct identification was entry allowed. Further along were the Ack-Ack guns, then two bungalows (Officers quarters) and then a small hospital followed by the huts occupied by the prisoners. Originally Italians, and after the Italian surrender, the Germans, and then in the late 1940s the camp was used for the accommodation of displaced persons from Eastern Europe. The Prison Huts could be clearly seen from the Carpenters Arms Public House. A map from the 1950s gives what I think may be of the camp, which I am told held in the region of 150 prisoners. (fig 2) The inmates would work on a number of local farms - Great Wheatly Farm in Rayleigh, Home Farm in Hockley, and on Pinkertons Farm along the Hullbridge Road, which made jam, as well as rhubarb where the prisoners worked alongside a group of Land Girls, Carters in Battlesbridge (driven in a lorry supplied by the Cottis family of Rayleigh) and perhaps others. The prisoners were either collected by vans/lorries, or walked to work and wore a large circle on their back (possibly white and/or brown) for identification as a POW. I am told by one young lad that one of his daily jobs was to collect loaves of bread from Patmores (Rayleigh High Street) and deliver to the POWs for their lunch. The POWs worked 5 days a week.

The local agricultural supervisor for the prisoners was Don Walker. The Wortley family butchers of Rayleigh High Street delivered meat to the camp. The Rayleigh Salvation Army visited the Camp to help deal with the religious needs of the prisoners. A number of locals visited when the prisoners performed in the camp theatre which, after the war, the son of a caretaker recalls visiting and remembers No Smoking signs written on the walls.

The general consensus of opinion is that the majority of Italian prisoners were not as hard working and disciplined as the Germans. Both Italians and the Germans made small presents from wood and metal which they either sold (for a few pence) to locals, mainly at Christmas time or gave as presents in return for some act of kindness. One such example can be found in the Museum in Rayleigh Windmill is of a small wooden windmill made by an Italian and given to the Rayleigh family of Loker. Another prisoner (possibly German) made a small model aircraft which he gave as a present to a young lad. Mr Baker of Rawreth Hall Farm invited Italians into his barn for Christmas Dinner. Another local recalls two concrete bunkers partly inscribed by Italians ... The Bullet may but the ploughclears the fields There are also references to the Camp in a book German POW Camp 266 Langdon Hills and I have also been told of other local camps in Hockley, Great Wakering, and Chelmsford. Some were called POW Camps while others were known as Hostels. I am also told that in the 1950s a 15 year old local girl stayed in one of the camp huts with a friend whose family were housed there in

temporary accommodation by the Local Authority. She still recalls the bedroom as it only had one tiny window high up on the wall. HOWEVER.. I have not (yet) been able to find any OFFICIAL government record of the Camp. Many other historians who have researched the WW2 camps throughout the UK have come across a similar problem as most of the records appear to have been destroyed shortly after the end of the War. If anyone can add, clarify, confirm, or give alternative accounts for any of these details it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me on either01268 785657. or through our website www.rayleighhistory.co.uk. I would like to thank the following who have contributed to this brief note; Sid Baker, Mr. Jones, Peter Taylor, Paul Taylor, Ray Allen, Ruby and Bert Shannon, Rita Rhodes, Ron Wortley, Derek and Eddie Dowling, Dorothy Skinner, Beryl Tracey, Brian Byford (decd), Rene Jones, Shelly Taylor, Martin Shields, Graham, Stan, Tom Weeks, Richard Hobson (decd), Sue Smith, and others.

Mike Davies

Rawreth Ladies Club Meetings

May Meeting
Quite a nice morning to start with - bright and sunny. Quite a few members were gathering in the hall. Jills stall theme was plants and there were other items for sale. It was very busy. Pat and Rosemary were busy selling raffle tickets. We were then introduced to Tricia Rivers giving a talk on her Olympic Experiences. Several thousand people were selected for a games person. She became one of them, when she was interviewed. She also had to deal with problems. Telling us how they were given their uniforms for the 2012 Olympics, bringing clothes what she wore when attending the games. She also talked to Sebastian Coe, the Press Operation team and also worked in the Olympics Village. Tricia Rivers did give quite an interesting talk. With many interesting facts, Village Pond, Village Green etc and the many apartments. It must be quite a scene to visit if one was able to do so. There was very strict security. There is a school on the Village now. A poly clinic was put in with Dentists, Doctors etc. She also brought several other things to show us. Such an interesting talk. She was thanked very much for coming. Her husband came with her. After her talk tea and cakes were served, quite a nice selection. Mrs Jill Vane related the business today as Mrs Sue Murton wasnt very well, also Marie Cunningham was poorly, hope they both get better soon. Birthday cards were given out. Doreen Brace spoke about the outing she was arranging. We had some games of Card Bingo presented by Mrs Jean Pietsch which was good. Competition - Bookmark: 1st Jean Strangleman. 2nd Yvonne Crook. 3rd Margaret Shippey. The stall make 37 which was good. Meeting ended earlier today, 3.30pm so after a pleasant afternoon we went out into the sunshine. Daphne and I sat on the seat to wait for Stan after saying Goodbye to friends. It was quite nice sitting there.

June Meeting
The afternoon wasnt so nice, as it was raining. Quite a few ladies were in the hall, when Daphne and I arrived. Jills stall theme was toiletries this month, also quite busy. Pat and Rosemary were busy selling raffle tickets. Mrs Sue Murton, related some of the business. Birthday Cards were given out. We were then introduced to Brian Carline. His talk was on Tripe and Trotters. Most of his talk was centered around Salford in the 40ties and 50ties when he was growing up. The film Taste of Honey and Hobsons Choice was made there. Explaining how Salford grew with the different classes of people. He spoke quite clearly, it was quite interesting living in 2 up and 2 down houses and streets of cobble stones. Speaking about Tony Warren, the writer he created Coronation Street, Brian Carline chatted about some of his relations when they were at an early age, he was very jokey in his talk, which was quite interesting and making the ladies laugh. He spoke about kitchens in the days gone by and it brought back a few memories. Talking a little about Tripe and some offal. He had been a teacher for 40 years, so thats why he was an excellent speaker. Many programmes he spoke about started in black and white TV. The ladies enjoyed this afternoon. Brian Carline was thanked very much for coming, making the afternoon so interesting. Tea and cakes were served which was very nice. Mrs Sue Murton resumed the business, told us we have two new members, do hope the ladies enjoy the club. Doreen Brace spoke about the outing she had arranged. We had a quiz presented by Mrs Sue Murton. Competition: Scarf Ring: 1st Maureen Benson, 2nd Florie Scrivener, 3rd Jean Strangleman. The stall made 35.50p which was good. Raffles were drawn. Meeting ended about 3.50pm, so then another nice afternoon came to an end. The camaraderie of the club goes on. It had been raining while we were in the hall. So see you all next month.




TRAIDCRAFT Traidcraft goods will be on sale at 4 Burrells, Church Road, on second Tuesday of each month. Traidcraft goods are fair traded goods, some of which can now be bought in some Supermarkets. There are also comprehensive catalogues available. Contact on (01268) 733616 for more information. KEEP FIT Classes are held in the Village Hall on Monday evenings between 8 and 9 p.m. All are welcome. BALLROOM AND LATIN DANCE CLASSES classes are held on Monday evenings in the Village Hall between 9 and 10 p.m. All enquiries for Keep Fit and Dance classes to Linda King, 01375 375810. MOBILE LIBRARY. Please support the Mobile Library which stops at Goose Cottages 14.30 till 14.45, Bedloes Corner at 15.05 till 15.25 and Lubbards Close 15.35 till 16.00 on Friday, August 2nd, 16th and 30th, September 13th and 27th. Books can be ordered and there is no charge for overdue items. Video Cassettes and large print books are carried. ART GROUP Rawreth Art Group meets in Rawreth Village Hall Conservatory on 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month for 2 hours, 2-4pm. Phone 01268 781177.

PLEASE NOTE Copy for October/November Magazine by

5th September
Church News to Christine Holmes Tel: 781662 Village News to Barbara Sanderson Tel: 769583 Please let us have your news in good time Thank you

Whist Drive
2nd August Whist 16th August Whist 6th September Whist 20th September Whist First and Third Friday in the month. For tickets or any further information on any of these events ring: Eric Chasmer 01268 773115

Battlesbridge Locks
Local family run business based at Battlesbridge. There is no call out fee and we have fixed prices. For an example: 49 to gain entry into your home between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday in the Battesbridge, South Woodham Ferrers, Hullbridge, Wickford, Hockley, Rayleigh Rawreth and the Hanningfields area, this covers SS4, SS5, SS6, SS8, SS11 and CM3. We specialise in NDE, that means non destructive entry. This means that wherever possible we will look to gain access to your property if you are locked out without the need for drilling. We also specialise in Car Keys Cut! Remotes Programmed! Need a spare cut? Lost your Keys?

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We are situated in

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Battlesbridge Tel: 01268 730712 Mobile 07538117831


Appointments call 01702 232 222


Dr Jayawera, Rawreth Lane 01268 780408 Shotgate Surgery 01268 561888 01268 768547 Chemist, Shotgate Pharmacy Rayleigh Police (non urgent matters) 101 PC Steve Joynes, Neighbourhood Constable for Rayleigh/Rawreth Mobile 07813953703 Neighbourhood Watch Desk manned between 10-12 weekdays:otherwise answerphone available 01268 770519 Electricity 0800 7838838 Gas 0800 1 1 1 9 9 9 RSPCA 24 hour animal cruelty & emergency 0870 5555999 Rochford District Council 01702 546366 Copy for Magazine to Barbara Sanderson 01268 769583 07432398481 Village Hall Booking Secretary, Christopher Love (no teenage parties permitted) The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Nicky Hart 01268 464532 Street Lighting faults, Essex Highways South 01268 297500 CountyRoute Helpline A130 related concerns call 0845 3511130 Rawreth Parish Councillors Tel and Fax: 01268 784233 Chairman: Mrs Lyn Hopkins Vice-Chairman: Alistir Matthews Tel and Fax: 01268 732069 Vice-Clerk: Hayley Bloomfield 01268 631821 Cllrs Mrs Mary and Paul Beckers 01268 767614 Cllrs Mrs Rita and Stephen Coombes 01268 786860 Cllr Mrs Susanne Wiltshire 01268 781922 County and District Councillors Stephen Castle County Councillor for Rayleigh North 01268 692849 email: cllr.stephen.castle@essexcc.gov.uk Cllr Chris Black 01268 778973 Cllr Ron Oatham 01268 785295 Member of Parliment Mark Francois MP for Rayleigh Tel at House of Commons 0207 2193000 Tel at Constituency Office 01268 742044 email: mark.francois.mp@parliament.uk Neighbour Watch Co-Ordinators, Rawreth Barbara Sanderson: Rawreth. Brian Adams: Laburnam Way area. 01268 769583 01268 786178


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