HR Metrics and KPI
HR Metrics and KPI
HR Metrics and KPI
achieving 6 months service % new hires achieving satisfactory appraisal at first assessment % of actual vs target new employee compensation % of attendees at training sessions % of courses that are web-based or web enhanced % of daylighting in building % of early retirements % of eligible employees who signed the Business Conduct and Ethics Policy % of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements % of employees on long-term sickness leave % of employees on short-term sickness leave % of employees receiving regular performance reviews % of employees that are in unions % of employees that have been assessed % of employees that started sponsored MBA program completing MBA program % of employees that would leave if they got an offer from another company % of employees using public transport % of employees who are willing to
Direction Maximize Maximize Maximize Maximize Maximize Minimize Maximize Workforce Workforce Recruitment Recruitment
Unit Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage
Environment, Property & Facility, Working environment, VRM Environment Redeployment & retirement Social responsibility, Workforce, VRM Social Responsibility Reward & retainment, GRI Labor Practices & Decent Work Workforce Workforce Development & counseling, GRI Labor Practices & Decent Work HR ratios Development & counseling Training, Development & counseling Development & counseling Environment, Telecommuting, VRM Environment Working environment
Maximize Maximize
recommend company as employer % of employees who consider that Maximize their business acts responsibly % of employees with mental health problems % of employees with their performance decreased compared Minimize to last review % of employees with their performance increased compared to Maximize last review % of high performing employees % of HR budget spent on training % of HR staff with appropriate Professional Qualification % of job positions filled with external agency % of job vacancies Title Acrued Annual leave Administration cost per employee Age of HR strategy Average absenteeism per employee Average age of workforce Average cost of recruitment (management) Average cost of recruitment (nonmanagement) Average cost of recruitment per employee Average cost to recruit per job position Average days of Range Maximize
Social responsibility, Working environment Development & counseling Development & counseling
Development & counseling Development & counseling, Workforce Training HR department Recruitment
Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Unit Percentage Money Time Time Time Money
Recruitment, Cobit Manage IT Human Resources Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next Direction Categories Minimize Workforce Minimize Range Minimize Range HR department HR department Workforce, HR ratios HR ratios Recruitment
telecommuting per FTE Average days of vacancy duration (management) Average days of vacancy duration (nonmanagement) Average distance traveled by employee Average duration rate of Minimize Lost Time Injuries (LTI) Average feedback time Minimize on candidates Average hourly net income of employee Average hours worked per week Average interviewing costs Average lead time to promotion Average monthly net income of employee Average number of interviewees for open Maximize job positions Average number of responses for open job Maximize positions Average number of sick Minimize days per employee Average number of training hours per employee Range
Workforce Workforce Telecommuting Workforce Recruitment Reward & retainment Workforce Recruitment Development & counseling Reward & retainment Recruitment
Time Time Distance Time Time Money Time Money Time Money Number
Cobit Manage IT Human Resources, HR ratios Time Cobit Manage IT Human Resources, Cobit Manage Service Desk & Incidents, Training, GRI Labor Practices & Decent Work, Improvement Reward & retainment Recruitment Health & Safety, Workforce HR department
Average number of vacation days per employee Average open time of Minimize job positions Average overtime hours per person Average response time Minimize
for routine HR inquiries Average retirement age Average salary per employee
Time Money Unit Number Time Money Number Money Money Time Time Time Time Money Number Money Percentage Percentage Percentage Ratio Percentage Money Time Percentage
Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next Title Direction Categories Average sickness days per FTE Minimize HR ratios Average sickness period of employees Minimize Workforce Average sourcing cost per hire Recruitment Average span of control HR ratios Average staff turnover costs Minimize Redeployment & retirement Average telephone/communication Financial ratios, HR ratios costs per employee Cobit Manage IT Human Average tenure per employee Maximize Resources, Development & counseling, HR ratios Average time employees are in same Range Development & counseling job/function Average time to recruit Minimize Recruitment Average time to update employee Minimize HR department records Cobit Manage IT Human Average training costs per employee Range Resources, Training Development & counseling, Average training days per employee VRM Organization / Team Financial ratios, HR ratios, Average travel costs per employee Telecommuting Average vacation hours utilized Development & counseling Bonus payout as a % of the total Sales, Financial ratios, HR ratios possible HR ratios, VRM Human Capital Labor Ratio Resources Compa ratio (CP) Range HR ratios Company training expenditure as % Training of salaries and wages. Property & Facility, Financial Cost of office space per employee ratios, HR ratios Cycle time from job acceptance until Minimize Recruitment job start Employee benefit costs as % of labor Financial ratios, HR ratios costs
Employee benefit costs as % of labor costs for full-time employees Employee benefit costs as % of labor costs for part-time employees Employee lateness % Minimize
Percentage Percentage Percentage Ratio Percentage Money Ratio Percentage Percentage Unit Percentage
Workforce Reward & retainment, GRI Labor Female-Male salary ratio relation Practices & Decent Work Head-to-Head Hire Rate Maximize Recruitment HR department cost per FTE HR department HR FTE to total FTE ratio HR department HR FTEs as % of total workforce HR department Job offer acceptance rate Maximize Recruitment Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next Title Direction Categories Labor costs for full-time for full-time employees as % of Financial ratios, HR ratios sales Labor costs for full-time for part-time employees as % of Financial ratios, HR ratios sales Labor Ratio Workforce Local Schools hire % Recruitment GRI Labor Practices & Decent Work, Lost-workday case rate Minimize Workforce, VRM Global Reporting Initiative Nearshore and offshore ratio Workforce New staff versus experienced Range Workforce staff ratio Offer conversion rate Maximize Recruitment Cobit Manage IT Human Resources, Overtime rate Development & counseling Percent of higher degree Research, HR ratios employees Percentage of employees of supervisory level who are not Minimize Workforce permanent in their role Profit per employee (FTE) Maximize Financial ratios, HR ratios Ratio between internal promotions and external hires Development & counseling for open functions Ratio of internal versus Training
Percentage Ratio Percentage Ratio Ratio Ratio Percentage Ratio Percentage Percentage Money Ratio Ratio
external training Recruiting fee as percentage Minimize of annual salary Recruiting pool Recruitment source ratio Recruitment through Maximize advertisement factor Revenue per employee (or Maximize FTE) Social contributions spent per employee Staff / Personnel turnover Subsidization effectiveness for training Talent Retention Percentage Top Schools hire % Total time lost by work late Training penetration rate Training staff to total employees ratios Work items queue rate Range
Recruitment Recruitment Recruitment Recruitment Financial ratios, HR ratios, VRM Productivity Social responsibility, Workforce, VRM Social Responsibility Call Center, Cobit Manage IT Human Resources, GRI Labor Practices & Decent Work, HR ratios, VRM Human Resources Training