Micro Hole Machining by Conventional Penetration Electrical Discharge Machine
Micro Hole Machining by Conventional Penetration Electrical Discharge Machine
Micro Hole Machining by Conventional Penetration Electrical Discharge Machine
Escola Polite cnica da Universidade de Sa o Paulo-EPUSP, Rua Professor Mello Moraes, 2231 CEP:05508-900, Sa o Paulo-SP, Brazil b Facudade de Tecnologia de Sa a Cel. Fernando Prestes, 30 CEP: 01124-060, Sa o Paulo-FATEC-SP, Pc o Paulo-SP, Brazil Received 5 June 2002; accepted 8 April 2003
Abstract This work aims to study the parameters that affect the micro hole machining process (diameter smaller than 0.1 mm and thickness/diameter relation bigger than 20), by electro-erosion penetration process in sheets. To make the execution of the micro holes in conventional machines possible, the construction of two devices is proposed, a mechanical and an optical one. From results experimentally obtained, the process proved to be technically and economically viable, mainly if compared with mechanic drilling, as it presents advantages when cost per tool, number of holes per tool, drilling length, and precision of the holed dimension are considered. The circularity deviation provided by the experiment was smaller than 0.01 for 0.1 mm diameter holes made in 2.4 mm thick SAE 1010 steel sheets. It was also concluded that the quality of the hole directly depends on the cleaning process. 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Electro-erosion; Micro holes; EDM
1. Introduction The need for products made of metallic materials containing micro holes has shown a pronounced and steady growth in the last years. Micro holes are applied to products such as hydro-pneumatic valves, optical products, dosers and others [1]. There is a great technological development with dedicated and specic equipment for this aim [2]. However, because of their cost, they are not an economically viable alternative for the small and medium-sized Brazilian companies. Thus, this research developed the technology taking as a premise the use of conventional electro-erosion machines, which are available for a considerable number of small and medium-sized steel mills. It is important to point out that the two other available technologies for micro hole manufacturing are laser and mechanical drilling. The rst one, besides the cost aspect, presents a technological development constraint,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55-11-3091-5332; fax: +55-113091-5333. E-mail addresses: pckamins@usp.br (P.C. Kaminski); capuano@fatecsp.br (M.N. Capuano).
which is around 10 times in the thickness/diameter relation for metallic materials. From this value, the use of pulses around femtosecond is necessary, which increases the cost of machines. This occurs mainly because of energy waste, causing localized fusing of material, consequently making the holes lose their cylindricity [3]. The second one, mechanical drilling, has a very high cost of drills for this diameter band, around 0.1 mm, as a great inconvenience. There are other possibilities, such as the combination of utrasound with the EDM. Reference [4] presents the results of this combination for titanium alloy machining. The authors dealt with problems similar to those addressed in this paper, such as the inuence of carbonized material in the electrical discharge, which decreases the hole precision and the process yield. In our work, in order to minimize this inuence, which harms the machining yield, the choice was to increase micro explosion efciency by using a higher pulse period (Ton). Reference [5] also uses the ultrasound EDM association to obtain higher quality micro holes. It should be noted that the EDM equipment used in the reference mentioned was specic for micro hole machining. This
0890-6955/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0890-6955(03)00124-X
P.C. Kaminski, M.N. Capuano / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003) 11431149
is not the objective of the work reported in this paper, which deals with a new process performed by conventional equipment, which costs less. By comparing the manufacturing parameters used by the authors [5], it can be noted that they are very similar to ours, except for the pulse period. While reference [5] uses Ton ( 410 s), we used values around Ton (50100 s), because they produce more efcient micro explosions. As previously mentioned, it is possible to produce micro holes by machining with drills. Yang [6] focuses on the difculty of obtaining high precision in micro hole machining due the tool/workpiece vibration. Furthermore, it is important to consider the economic aspects of this method. Besides the cost of the equipment, up to 14 holes per drill could be made with a thickness/diameter equal to 20. Therefore, the cost of drills proves to be unfeasible for small and mediumsized Brazilian companies [1]. 2. Micro holes For micro hole generation with diameters smaller than 0.1 mm, when compared with the usual utilization of the electro-erosion process, the most important parameter to be monitored and evaluated is the erosion speed [7]. The erosion speed is a function of a series of factors, such as [8]: Current intensity; Physical characteristics of the material to be machined; Pulse duration (Ton) and pause duration (Toff). The diagrams presented in Fig. 1 show the current and tension evolution of a typical pulse [9]. From several preliminary and prospective tests [1], it was observed that a very short pulse period (Ton) causes a low yield. A large pulse period (Ton) also causes a low yield. Thus, there is an ideal value for each situation, which is function of the piece and electrode materials. For micro hole machining by electro-erosion, it was observed from empirical results that, besides the Ton variable control, it is important to evaluate two other process parameters [10]: Pause time for cleaning; Cleaning type (forced or not). It is important to stress that Ton and Toff parameters directly inuence the total machining time and electrode consumption. 2.1. Electrodes The tools used to generate cavities are called electrodes, which is the machining tool whose prole is
copied to the piece. For this objective, micro hole machining by electro-erosion with a conventional machine, the use of copper electrodes or an alloy silver/copper (7030%) was chosen. Other materials had been analysed (copper/tellurium, copper/chrome, copper/tungsten and tungsten carbide) but discarded, either due to their high cost, or because they do not present enough rigidity and, therefore, vibrate during the discharge with amplitudes around 0.1 mm, and consequently, are not adequate for the study in question. Two manufacturing possibilities were considered adequate for electrode manufacture. One of them uses a mechanical process while the other uses a chemical process. Note that, as holes with maximum diameter of 0.1 mm are desired, it is necessary for the electrode external diameter to be smaller than 0.1 mm throughout all the length of the electrode (Fig. 2). The deviation on the diameter of the cylinder must be smaller than 0.01 mm. 2.1.1. Lamination (mechanical) The electrode is positioned between two machined steel sheets with low roughness (Ra 7 m). By a translation movement between the sheets, the electrode diameter is reduced to the desired dimension (Fig. 3). The standard wire used to make the electrodes had an initial diameter of 0.2 mm. It is important to notice that the material is deformed plastically, and therefore, when diminishing the diameter, the length of the electrode increases. Although a small abrasion occurs, the predominant process is that of lamination. One inconvenience of this process is the alloy toughness, which makes it fragile and breakable. One way to improve the lamination process is to anneal the electrode [1]. 2.1.2. Chemistry In this case, the process occurs essentially by chemical attack. Two types of chemical attack were studied and evaluated: with nitric acid and with iron perchloride. Chemical attack with nitric acid causes the boiling that harms the surface nish and the uniformity along the electrode. The attack with iron perchloride although slower than the nitric acid attack, is better because the boiling phenomenon fails to occur. For Ag/Cu alloy electrodes, satisfactory results were obtained only with the lamination process, without the need for chemical attack. However, the use of both processes allows the attainment of more uniform electrodes with the desired dimension (external diameter). The external diameter constancy along the electrode length is the most important characteristic to be achieved.
3. Tests Tests were conducted in SAE 1010 2.4 mm steel sheets and electrodes made by electrolytic copper and a
P.C. Kaminski, M.N. Capuano / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003) 11431149
Fig. 1.
silvercopper alloy with 0.100+0.005-mm diameter. The tests were conducted in a small conventional penetration electrical discharge machine (up to 25 A), made in Brazil. For the development of these tests, it was necessary to develop three devices: head device; mechanical alignment device; optical device for electrode alignment. 3.1. Devices Basically, the head device is composed of a cylindrical ingot, with one extremity threaded to x it in the carrier headstock of the electro-erosion machine. In the other extremity the microelectrode is xed by tin welding (Fig. 4). The mechanical alignment device is basically composed of a triangular groove and a moving truncated cone (prism and counter prism). After the head device is xed to the carrier headstock of the machine, the electrode itself is located between the triangular groove and the truncated cone. After that, the moving truncated cone is dislocated until the alignment device is closed, compressing the electrode. The headstock carrier moves up and forces the electrode to pass through the alignment device, consequently aligning it (Fig. 5). After nishing this stage, the electrode is surveyed by
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
P.C. Kaminski, M.N. Capuano / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003) 11431149
Fig. 4.
Head device.
Fig. 5.
a projection optical system (optical device), composed of two low power lasers, which are orthogonally positioned and project the electrode prole in a pattern, which is orthogonal to the laser (Fig. 5). In this way, it is possible to survey the electrode alignment in relation to the pattern. In the equipment where the tests were executed, the head device has a spherical connection system which allows the alignment correction in relation to the pattern. After the electrodes are connected to the head devices (Fig. 4), if necessary, the alignment in the positioning mechanical device must be performed (Fig. 5), which will produce the plastic deformation, correcting the electrode alignment. Finally, the microelectrode position will be evaluated by an optical alignment device (Fig. 5). If there is a positioning error, it can be corrected by the machine headstock control (Fig. 5detail). 3.2. Tests project The rst step in the tests project was to dene which of the process parameters would be considered variables and which would be considered xed. From previous experiments and empirical experience, the choice was to use dielectric uid (usually used in conventional EDM) without circulation and a xed period of time for Toff
(T off = 5+2 s). The dielectric uid used is composed basically from hydro-carbons that are cheaper than synthetic dielectric uids. The parameters used to measure the efciency were: Ton, Consumable electrode material. The EDM used permits values of Ton of 2, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 175, 300 and 325 s. In the stage called pre-analysis (random tests), the value for T on = 75 s was identied as a good choice. With this value, micro holes with the desired size and cylindricity were generated. It is important to note that for small Ton the problem was the machining time (high) and for high Ton the problem was the excessive electrode consumption. To evaluate the process effectiveness with T on = 75 s, the values 50100 s were identied, in the EDM machine scale, as the nearest values from the one established as a reference. Then, the tests were carried out with values of Ton of 50, 75 and 100 s respectively. As previously stated, the electrode materials were electrolytic copper and a silvercopper alloy (7030%). An advantage observed in these materials was their great thermal conductibility, which allows a higher dissipation
P.C. Kaminski, M.N. Capuano / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003) 11431149
Table 1 Parameters measured Parameters measured Electrode initial length (mm) Electrode nal length (mm) Electrode initial diameter (mm) Electrode nal diameter (mm) EDM preparation time (min) Micro hole machining time (min) Average electrode/time wear (mm/min) Average electrode wear per drilled length
of the heat generated in the machining point, diminishing the consumption of the electrode. For each electrode material/Ton combination, three tests were performed to provide an evaluation of the scatter in results. In each test, the parameters shown in Table 1 were measured. 3.3. Results From hole microscopic analysis based on photographs such as shown in Fig. 6, it was observed that there is slag deposition originated by the machining process on the whole micro hole outline. This slag harms the process if it is present at the bottom of the hole and helps it when deposited on the hole outline. This last aspect is very important, because the slag is less conductible than the base material and, therefore, the electrical discharges go only to the bottom of the hole, making machining more efcient.
As the slag in this machining process has both good and bad effects, these factors have to be considered if using a cleaning process. In our work, the cleaning process is a consequence of the alternative vertical movement of the headstock carrier making the electrode penetrate the hole and go out. Fig. 6 shows a micro hole made with aTon of 50 s, in a 2.4-mm sheet, in SAE 1010 steel and Ag/Cu alloy electrode. The hole internal outline shows the slag deposition, which can cause a modication in hole circularity. Fig. 7 shows the hole prole and slag deposition in its outline, for machining of SAE 1010 2.4 mm steel sheet made with a Ton of 100 s. The irregularity in the slag thickness occurs because of the strongest micro explosion, which causes slag disaggregation from the outline. Because of this stronger micro explosion, due to the 100 s Ton, the vibration amplitude of the electrode increases, causing the lack of micro hole circularity. The hole section becomes elliptical. Another hypothesis which can be considered, associated with the latter, is the slag formation at the bottom of the hole, preventing the electrical contact between the parts still aligned and the physical contact between the electrode and the piece moving it, generating an irregular hole. Figs. 8 and 9 present a summary of the results obtained. The wear of the copper microelectrode is higher than that of the silver/copper electrode. However, when T on = 50 s, this waste is similar to the Ag/Cu alloy case. From the tests performed with Ton 75 s (Fig. 9), the machining time with the copper electrode wasshown to be longer than the machining time with the Ag/Cu alloy, and the consumption of the alloy electrode is about 40% smaller than the copper one (Fig. 8). When Ton 100 s is used (Fig. 8), the electrode wear was larger than when Cu was used, and machining time was smaller when the Ag/Cu alloy electrode was used.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.
P.C. Kaminski, M.N. Capuano / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003) 11431149
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9.
When the Ton periods with Ag/Cu alloy electrodes were compared, the yields for Ton 75 and 100 s were shown to be very similar (Fig. 8). What differs among them is the product quality, that is, the circularity and the cylindricity of the hole obtained. Although the electrode consumption is necessary to guarantee the hole geometry, it is very high, about 14 times greater than the consumption expected (100% of hole volume). The consumption expected, although greater than recommended, was foreseen to guarantee the hole shape (circularity and cylindricity less than 0.01 mm).
of the machined cavity will occur, hindering electric conduction and consequently, electrode misalignment, because the electrode hydraulic system of advancement reacts with the electric contact. To guarantee the circularity of the hole (less than 0.01 mm through the entire depth of the hole) it is necessary to guarantee the circularity of the electrode tip. This was obtained in this work through a bigger rate of consumption of the electrode. Concerning the electrodes, it is clear that the processes studied for their attainment are efcient. However, to keep some geometrical characteristics, such as circularity and cylindricity it is necessary to make a kind of lamination (mechanical process). From the experiments conducted, it was concluded that the Ag/Cu alloy had a superior yield in comparison with Cu. Another result obtained is that the electrode consumption is not proportional to the value of Ton. For the Ag/Cu alloy, the electrode consumption is basically independent of Ton. But for the Cu electrode the maximum of electrode consumption was obtained with a Ton of 75 s. From a machining period analysis, a great dependence on the pulse period (Ton) adopted was noticed. For the Ton 75 s particular case, the Ag/Cu alloy machining period was around 2/3 of that of the Cu electrode, which is a great economic advantage to micro hole producers. Finally, the best results of micro hole geometry were obtained with a Ton of 75 s, probably because of a more efcient micro explosion. Therefore, the best performance was obtained with a Ton of 75 s and Ag/Cu alloy electrodes. In this specic condition, circularity deviations smaller than 0.01 mm were obtained. This work aimed to show the use of conventional electro-erosion machine for micro hole manufacture viability. Also, some procedures proved to be necessary to create devices for electrode manufacture and location. With this, the authors have developed a technology which allows small and medium-sized companies, which do not depend on dedicated and projected machines for this aim, to enter this income-producer market. Finally, an auxiliary cleaning system is recommended because it promotes the expulsion of disaggregated particles during the micro explosions.
4. Conclusions From the experiments developed, it is possible to conclude that the electro-erosion process by penetration, applied to micro hole execution with conventional machines is technically viable. From the results, it is possible to deduce that cleaning is extremely important in micro hole manufacturing. In our case, a better cleaning process was obtained through a higher frequency of the alternative vertical movement of the headstock carrier. If the cleaning process is not efcient, carbonized material deposition in the bottom
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