DB2 Backup Using TSM

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DB2 backup using TSM


DB2 backup using TSM

Here comes a small guidelines how to set up the db2 backup to use TSM: Requirements: - TSM server - TSM Client - TSM API client - DB2 Server - DB2 Client Tested system environment, that works me fine: OS: RedHat Linux ES 5.1 (Tikanga) 32Bit DB2 -Tested version: 8.2 FP14 - Instance name: db2itm -Database name: CDW TSM -Tested version: 5.5 -Server name: tsm -Server binary path:/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin -Client binary path:/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin -API binary path:/opt/tivoli/tsm/api/ba/bin 1. TSM server configuration (if it is not already done) define domain DB2 description='DB2 backup domain' define policy DB2 standard description='DB2 policy set' define mgmt DB2 standard DB2mgmt description='DB2 management class' define copy DB2 standard DB2mgmt standard type=backup destination=BACKUPPOOL define copy DB2 standard DB2mgmt standard type=archive destination=ARCHIVEPOOL assign defmgmtclass DB2 standard DB2mgmt activate policy DB2 standard register node DB2Node password domain=DB2 2. DB2 tasks: Add the following lines to the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.sys: SErvername DB2 nodename DB2Node TCPSERVERADDRESS tsm Passwordaccess PROMPT run the password generator program: /home/db2itm/sqllib/adsm/dsmapipw ************************************************************* * Tivoli Storage Manager * * API Version = 5.5.0 * ************************************************************* Enter your current password: Enter your new password: Enter your new password again: sudo - db2itm

Create a new directory called tsm under the instance home directory. mkdir /home/db2itm/tsm Create a symlink to the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.sys ln -s /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.sys /home/db2itm/tsm/dsm.sys

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5/26/2013 3:38 AM

DB2 backup using TSM


Create a new dsm.opt file in /home/db2itm/tsm dir Add the following line to the file: SErvername DB2 Add the following lines to the db2profile file #Identifies the full directory path and file name of the Tivoli Storage Manager user #options file dsm.opt. export DSMI_CONFIG=/home/db2itm/tsm/dsm.opt #Identifies the directory path where dsm.sys located export DSMI_DIR=/home/db2itm/tsm #Identifies the directory path where the error log file, dsierror.log, #is to be #created. export DSMI_LOG=/home/db2itm/tsm logout/login db2stop db2start su - db2itm Update the database cfg using the following commands: db2 update db cfg for CDW using LOGARCHMETH1 TSM:STANDARD db2 update db cfg for CDW using TSM_MGMTCLASS DB2mgmt db2 update db cfg for CDW using TSM_NODENAME DB2Node db2 update db cfg for CDW using TSM_PASSWORD password db2 update db cfg for CDW using logretain on

[db2itm@tivoli tsm]$ db2 get db cfg for cdw First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = TSM:STANDARD TSM management class (TSM_MGMTCLASS) = DB2MGMT TSM node name (TSM_NODENAME) = DB2Node TSM owner (TSM_OWNER) = TSM password (TSM_PASSWORD) = ***** Log retain for recovery enabled (LOGRETAIN) = RECOVERY

Online backup: db2 backup db online CDW use tsm Use the /home/db2itm/sqllib/adsm/db2adutl utility the t db2adutl delete full keep 5 db CDW without prompting >> /home/db2itm/tsm/CDW.delete.log 2>&1

Restore the database: db2 restore db CDW use TSM db2 rollforward db CDW to end of logs and complete [db2itm@tivoli ~]$ db2 rollforward db CDW to end of logs and complete Rollforward Status Input database alias = CDW Number of nodes have returned status = 1 Node number = 0 Rollforward status = not pending Next log file to be read =

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DB2 backup using TSM


Log files processed = S0000033.LOG - S0000033.LOG Last committed transaction = 2009-04-21- DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully. [db2itm@tivoli ~]$ db2 connect to CDW Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUX 8.2.7 SQL authorization ID = DB2ITM Local database alias = CDW

Posted 17th April 2009 by Zsmboki Attila Labels: DB2, TSM

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