Innovation: Is The Engine For The Economic Growth?: Ege University The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Innovation: Is The Engine For The Economic Growth?: Ege University The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Innovation: Is The Engine For The Economic Growth?: Ege University The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
1-Introduction..5 2-Growth and Innovation: Inseparable Twins in Contemporary Economics 7 2.1.Growth.7 2.2.Innovation8 2.3.Innovative Activities9 3-The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights in Creating Innovation.11 3.1. Stimulating Innovation and Spuring Widespread and Sustainable Economic Gr..11 3.2. IPRs promote risky, uncertain and costly investments ..12 3.3. Empowering consumer protection in the global economy 13 3.4. Supporting and enhancing competition .13 3.5. Securing the benefits of IP for the digital economy...14 3.6. Creating New Technology Markets because IPRs are Tradeable and Transferable .14 4-Turkeys Performance In This Global And Competitive World ..15 4.1 Competitiveness and the global context..15 4.2 The Global Competitiveness Index.16 4.3 Stages of Economic Development...17 4.4 Is Turkey competitive enough for Europe?.................................................................18 5-Econometric Model...21 5.1 Components of Econometric Model21 5.1.1 Expenditure on R&D...21 5.1.2 Patent22
5.1.3 Researcher....23 5.2 Application of this model on Turkey and several countries..25 5.2.1 Turkey...25 5.2.2 South Korea......26 5.2.3 Ireland...27 6-Conclusion30 7-References....31 8-Appendix 1...33 Table 1. List of countries/economies in each stage of development.....33 Table 2: Global Competitiveness Index rankings and 20052006 comparisons..34 Table 3: The Global Competitiveness Index 20062007..36 Table 4: Global Competitiveness Index: Basic requirements.......38 Table 5: Global Competitiveness Index: Efficiency enhancers....40 Table 6: Global Competitiveness Index: Innovation factors.42 9- Appendix 2.........44 9.1 Data Series...44 9.2 Eviews Outputs........45
April 2007
Abstract: This paper surveys the empirical evidence on the link between innovation and economic growth.It considers a number of different measures of innovation,such as R&D spending, patenting and researchers per thousand employed full time equivalent as well as the pervasive effect of technological spillovers between firms, industries, and countries.In the second part after introduction we introduced the relation between growth and innovation.In the third part we pointed out the importance of intellectual property rights to create innovation.In the fourth part we compared Turkeys and other countries performances,and finally in the last part we applied the econometric models on Turkey and several countries to make comparisons. There are three main conclusions. The first is that innovation makes a significant contribution to growth. The second is that there are significant spillovers between countries, firms, and industries, and to a lesser extent from government-funded research. Third, that these spillovers tend to be localized, with foreign economies gaining significantly less from domestic innovation than other domestic firms. This suggests that although technological catch-up may act to equalise productivity across countries, the process is likely to be slow and uncertain, and require substantial domestic innovative effort.
The relationship between innovation and economic growth has been well studied. However, that is not to say that it is well understood. Renowned scholars continue to work with incredibly simplified models of an incredibly complex economy. Consequently, empirical results are usually carefully annotated with caveats noting the limitations of all findings and the great uncertainties that remain concerning fundamental assumptions in the field.(Statistics Canada, Innovation Analysis Bulletin,2002) A theoretical link between innovation and economic growth has been contemplated since at least as early as Adam Smith (1776). Not only did he articulate the productivity gains from specialization through the division of labour as well as from technological improvements to capital equipment and processes, he even recognized an early version of technology transfer from suppliers to users and the role of a distinct R&D function operating in the economy: All the improvements in machinery, however, have by no means been the inventions of those who had occasion to use the machines. Many improvements have been made by the ingenuity of the makers of the machines, when to make them became the business of a peculiar trade; and some by that of those who are called philosophers or men of speculation, whose trade it is not to do anything, but to observe everything; and who, upon that account, are often capable of combining together the powers of the most distant and dissimilar objects. In the progress of society, philosophy or speculation becomes, like every other employment, the principal or sole trade and occupation of a particular class of citizens and the quantity of science is considerably increased by it. (Smith,1776) Although the relationship between innovation and growth had been articulated at an intuitive level for some time, innovation was not introduced into formal economic growth models until 1957 (Solow, 1957). Robert Solow, a professor at MIT, was awarded a 1987 Nobel Prize in Economics for this and related work. Like scholars before him, he defined growth as the increase in GDP per hour of labour per unit time. He carefully measured the fraction of this growth that was actually attributable to increases in capital, such as investments in machinery and related equipment, since the theory of the day was that capital accumulation was the primary determinant of growth. However, capital accumulation accounted for less than a quarter of the measured growth. Solows insight was in attributing the remainder of the growth, the majority share, to "technical change." The magnitude of the residual calculated in this empirical study placed the role of innovation in economic growth squarely on centre stage, where it has remained for the past half century. Since Solows contributions, the relationship between innovation and growth has been modeled in increasingly sophisticated ways. Perhaps the most notable recent advances came from Lucas (1988) and Romer (1986, 1990), who emphasized the concepts of human capital and knowledge spillovers, respectively. Following the recent idea of distinguishing human capital, which is developed by investments in education and training, from physical capital, Lucas modeled human capital with constant rather than diminishing returns, thus offering useful insights into the critical role of a highly skilled workforce for long-term growth. Romer
endogenized innovation in the growth model by introducing knowledge spillovers, which resulted in deep implications for how scholars think about growth. The following is a gross simplification of how the Romer model works. Firms engage in R&D because they expect it will be profitable. In other words, firms allocate funds to R&D as long as the expected payoff (return on investment, or ROI) from R&D at the margin is higher than for any other allocation of those resources. This investment in R&D results in the creation of two types of knowledge, that which is appropriable and that which is not. Appropriable knowledge refers to knowledge the firm can utilize itself, exclude others from using, and generate profits from. Knowledge that is not appropriable has the properties of a public good; it is nonrivalrous (use by one firm does not preclude use by another) and non-excludable (it is difficult to prevent others from using). The more knowledge there is, the more productive R&D efforts using human capital are. So, when firms conduct R&D, they apply human capital to the stock of knowledge for profit-maximizing purposes. In the process, however, the firm unintentionally contributes back to the increasing stock of knowledge. This unintentional contribution is referred to as a knowledge spillover. The implications of this model are increasing returns to growth from investments in human capital and R&D due to knowledge spillovers. This is because the more human capital that exists in an economy, the more value that economy can derive from the stock of public knowledge through R&D efforts, which further raises the value of conducting R&D. As a result, the economy engages in more R&D, which in turn makes further contributions to the stock of knowledge spillovers; this argument continues in a virtuous circle. This model is based on the assumption that profit-seeking firms will engage in R&D for selfish reasons, since they can appropriate some of the value from the knowledge they create. Most economists argue that a role also exists for the public funding of some types of R&D, particularly basic research that is often very hard for any single firm to appropriate, since the resulting knowledge spillovers are valuable to the overall economy and would otherwise suffer from under-investment. This explains why the concept of knowledge spillovers is central to our thinking about innovation and growth. If knowledge spillovers are a public good, why does it matter which country produces them? In fact, might it not be optimal for a particular country to "free ride" on the efforts of other nations? At the same time, the concept of knowledge spillovers as a public good may seem inconsistent with the evidence, given the variety of growth rates across open economies. Why havent all countries converged towards equal prosperity if knowledge spillovers are freely available? There may be many path dependency reasons for this (i.e., differences in initial conditions).
2.2 Innovation
Indeed, a key driver of this growth has definitely been innovation. The creation, dissemination and application of knowledge has become a major engine of economic expansion. Corporations have come to rely more and more on this precious tool. It is a practice that has moved from the periphery of many corporate agendas right to the center of their strategies for growth and leadership. Most sectors and industries are currently experiencing what is called a "Schumpeterian renaissance": innovation is today the crucial source of effective competition, of economic development and the transformation of society. It is difficult to agree on one single definition. However, we can argue without hesitation that innovation has proved to be: 1) an efficient stimulant for building world-leading organisations (such as Microsoft, Rolls Royce and Apple); 2) a discipline of creativity that attracts the best people (look at companies like Dyson, Egg and Google); 3) a message that reinforces a corporate ambition (3M, Toyota or Adidas); and 4) an instrument to foster leadership (think of BP, UPS and H&M). No wonder why every CEO wants some of this "magic dust". Innovation has also bred a fruitful collaboration between universities and corporations in many parts of the world. Turning a novel thought into a profitable product is a hard thing to do. Every great inventor needs a great entrepreneur and viceversa. Chester Carlson's invention of xerography would never have become the remarkably profitable Xerox photocopying business were it not for what Charles Ellis calls the "extreme entrepreneurship" of Joe Wilson. Very often this association between universities and corporations becomes the space where the future is invented. The number of already established university spin-ups like Cambridge or MIT is large, but more and more institutions are pressing forward. Oxford University, for example, is challenging Cambridge as one of the main centers of entrepreneurship and innovation in Europe. Modern economies are built with ideas, as much as with capital and labour. It is estimated that nearly half the US' GDP, for example, is based on intellectual property. The EU has set the 'Barcelona target' of increasing R&D to 3% of GDP by 2010 to become "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world". Look at China: according to OECD estimations, in 2006 for the first time China spent more on R&D than Japan, becoming the world's second largest investor in R&D after the US. Globalisation itself is a product of innovation. The application of constantly improved technologies to the massive means of transport and communication has produced an unprecedented level of global connectivity, of global awareness. Economies are becoming more interdependent, while cultures are becoming more permeable, transparent and stronger through an intensified exchange of goods, services, ideas, values, experts, problems and solutions. Today, innovation is facing new challenges. Its own dynamism has produced a world that requires in many ways a rethinking of innovation itself. In the corporate sector, the determinants of innovation performance have changed in a globalised knowledge-based economy, partly as a result of recent developments in information and communication technologies. Strategies like
market capitalisation, mergers and acquisitions and just-in-time delivery, have to be revised in the light of the Internet, online shopping and digital TV. Companies are hungry for new ideas about new ideas.( L S Goh,2004) In summary; (1) Innovation takes many forms. Innovation can be a process, product, service, or anything that helps firms to perform better. (2) Innovation can originate from anyone. Anyone can innovate, as innovation requires a mindset that probes perceived boundaries to bring new ideas to fruition. (3) Innovation is not creativity alone. Innovation is more than creativity as it begins with an idea and subsequent implementation to produce new value. (4) Innovation is more than improvement. Improvement is the refinement of existing methods to get more output from the same input while innovation breaks new ground, giving new outputs from less or different inputs. (5) Innovation pays in quantum amounts. The impact of innovation results in quantum leaps in value creation that encompasses effective results.
Out of several cases, innovation can basically be: 1. Product innovation (e.g. new goods or services put on sale); 2. Process innovation, which changes the way a given good is produced within the firm or across a supply chain; 3. Behavioural innovation, when an organisational routine is replaced with a new one. Quite often, the innovation turns out to be a mix of all three categories, as in the case of introduction of a new product that requires new productive competencies and changes in the organisation. Furthermore, what to a supplier is a product innovation can be a process innovation to a user, as in the case of a new machine that revolutionises the process of manufacturing. In this case, investment is the means by which innovation is spread over the economy. Although technology is often at the heart of an innovation, marketing and financing organisations can also be sources and multipliers of innovation. In an enlarged meaning, innovation embraces the introduction of known things to new markets or different industries. The environment in which something is said to be an innovation is also relevant. Thus, we can have
an innovation simply relative to past achievements of the innovator or to the (local) market or to the world frontier. In the first two cases, it is possible to achieve the innovation just by imitating world-class practices. A useful distinction can be made between radical innovation and incremental innovation. Radical innovations comprise entirely new products, often undertaken by new entrants with a diversified knowledge base, for example. Minor improvements in existing products and processes constitute incremental innovations, often undertaken by incumbent firms with a specific knowledge base. The following broad definition of innovative activities is used here: innovative activities refer to all those activities the target of which is to develop and launch an innovation onto the market. Examples of these activities include acquisition of R&D, and acquisition of external knowledge and financing. These activities are measured by R&D performing, recruitment of highly qualified personnel and participation in an R&D collaboration project.
Intellectual property helped make possible the conditions for innovation, entrepreneurship and market-oriented economic growth that shaped the 20th Century. In the 21st Century, IPRs increasingly will define these conditions, and will dictate the pace and direction of innovation, investment and economic growth around the world. Today, more than ever before, innovation, enterprise and intellectual assets drive economic growth and increase standards of living. Innovation is instrumental in creating new jobs, providing higher incomes, offering investment opportunities, solving social problems, curing disease, safeguarding the environment, and protecting our security. To help achieve these objectives, governments must create appropriate incentives for continued growth in innovation and technology development and embrace sound policies for assuring broad social diffusion and access to key scientific and technological advances that enable us, as Newton first observed, to stand on the shoulders of geniuses. A critical enabling tool increasingly is intellectual property protection. Intellectual property rights are essential for achieving many of todays challenges related to innovation and economic growth while providing the foundation on which tomorrows societal needs can be met. Their vitality derives from the multiple roles they play. These include:
3.1 Stimulating Innovation and Spurring Widespread and Sustainable Economic Growth
Intellectual property rights are policy instruments that play an increasingly important and positive role in driving innovation and expanding information. By stimulating innovation, information and creativity, IPRs directly affect economic performance and create economic growth through increased productivity, increased trade and investment, and expanded economic activity that enhances consumer welfare. -IPRs Create Incentives for Invention and Creation : Intellectual property rights provide an efficient mechanism to overcome traditional market failure problems associated with public goods, information asymmetry and innovation especially, the imperfect appropriation of returns and uncertainty with regard to research and investment first identified by Nobel-laureate Kenneth Arrow. A principal source of market failure is the inability of individuals and firms to prevent others from making use of the new knowledge they generate. Without the incentives provided by the temporary exclusivity generated by IPR protection, there will not be sufficient incentives for business to invest in risky R&D and other value-enhancing activities because the benefits from those investments cannot be appropriated fully. In economic terms, innovation will be suboptimal.
Strong and effective IPR protection is a particularly powerful incentive that will permit firms to invest in generating new technology in sectors where the returns to technological or product investment are longer term and involve significant risks, and where the invention may be easy to copy or imitate. Such protection, in turn, is a highly effective way to promote the diffusion of knowledge in the long term. Research is only one critical component of innovation. Studies confirm that research constitutes only about 25% of the cost of commercializing a new technology or technique and substantial up-front additional resources are needed to bring most products or processes to the market. The exclusive rights granted a patent holder for a limited time provide the incentive for encouraging all the up-front investments needed to develop an idea and to generate a marketable product or technology. -IPRs promote the disclosure of inventions and pioneering information, which stimulates innovation across industries. : Intellectual property rights are not a mechanism for hiding knowledge. They are a powerful market-based mechanism for disseminating knowledge. The diffusion of IPRs, and the bundle of rights that often go with them, can serve as a central policy tool in shaping the knowledge economy. The public disclosure of information is one of the most important functions of IPRs but, often, one of the most neglected by policymakers.
History also provides a number of examples about inter-industry technology leaps. Perfume sprayer mechanisms influenced the development of the carburetor, while various ecommerce innovations have come from the banking industry rather than the computer industry. Such technological convergence among industries is enabled by an intellectual property system that creates a public pool of knowledge, allowing companies to look beyond their own industry boundaries for R&D innovation.
3.6 Creating New Technology Markets because IPRs are Tradeable and Transferable
At the center of the innovation process and technological change today is information and its application, knowledge. Estimates suggest that more than one-half the store of human knowledge was produced in the second half of the 20th Century, more than one-half of all patents have been issued in the last 30 years, and the number of marketable new products, services and innovations has tripled in the last 20 years. An important component of this explosive growth is the role played by IPRs in creating new markets for technology and accelerating the pace of future innovation. The principal reasons for this are the market-oriented characteristics of IPRs; they are tradeable, transferable and transparent.
practice, as compared to the early part of the post-war period, when growth in the global economy appears to have been driven mainly by the expansion of resource endowments.
The selection of these pillars as well as the factors that enter each of them is based on the latest theoretical and empirical research. It is important to note that none of these factors alone can ensure competitiveness. The value of increased spending in education will be undermined if rigidities in the labor market and other institutional weaknesses make it difficult for new graduates to gain access to suitable employment opportunities. Attempts to improve the macroeconomic environmente.g., bringing public finances under controlare more likely to be successful and receive public support in countries where there is reasonable transparency in the management of public resources, as opposed to widespread corruption and abuse.Innovation or the adoption of new technologies or upgrading management practices will most likely not receive broad-based support in the business community, if protection of the domestic market ensures that the returns to seeking rents are higher than those for new investments.Therefore, the most competitive economies in the world will typically be those where concerted efforts have been made to frame policies in a comprehensive way, that is, those which recognize the importance of a broad array of factors, their interconnection, and the need to address the underlying weaknesses they reveal in a proactive way. The ninth pillar, innovation, is particularly important for countries that have reached the high-tech frontier, as it is the only self sustaining driver of growth. (Romer, P. 1987)While less advanced countries can still improve their productivity by adopting existing technologies or making incremental improvements in other areas, for countries that have reached the innovation stage of development, this is no longer sufficient to increase productivity. Firms in these countries must design and develop cutting-edge products and processes to maintain a competitive advantage. This requires an environment that is conducive to innovative activity, supported by both the public and the private sectors. In particular, this means sufficient business investment in research and development, high-quality scientific research institutions, collaboration in research between universities and industry, and protection of intellectual property.
Given the importance of innovation for long-term growth, innovation policy is currently very much at the center of economic policy in many countries. Overall, there is consensus that simply promoting and supporting large, isolated R&D projects has not proven to be a successful strategy. Instead, cumulative small improvements, along with informal innovation, can have similar growth effects to large R&D projects.(Trajtenberg,2005)These small innovative increments also tend to bring about additional spillover effects, such as complementary innovations, the development of specific skills, and additional investment. Thus, rather than focusing on national champions, innovation policies should aim to foster an environment which promotes entrepreneurship and innovation across the economic spectrum.
Source:Global Competitiveness Report,2006-2007 Table 1. List of countries/economies in each stage of development,see Appendix 1 Table 2: Global Competitiveness Index rankings and 20052006 comparisons,see Appendix 1 Table 3: The Global Competitiveness Index 20062007, see Appendix 1 Table 4: Global Competitiveness Index: Basic requirements, see Appendix 1 Table 5: Global Competitiveness Index: Efficiency enhancers, see Appendix 1 Table 6: Global Competitiveness Index: Innovation factors, see Appendix 1
gross public debt levels (72.8 percent of GDP) and the budget deficit (5.9 percent of GDP) are still very high by international standards, severely constraining the ability of the authorities to respond to pressing needs, beyond servicing of the public debt. Indeed, Turkey ranks 86th and 115th, respectively, in these two indicators in 2005. The current account deficit has mushroomed to near 7 percent of GDP, reflecting high oil prices and the strength of the lira. This gap, financed partially by short capital inflows, leaves Turkey prey to the whims of foreign investors, as the recent May 2006 episode of emerging market turmoil eloquently demonstrated. Indeed, the country was hit hard by the investor selling frenzy of 11 May 2006, which targeted emerging market shares. With structural vulnerabilities, high levels of public debt and a burgeoning current account deficit, Turkey is at a disadvantage with respect to other emerging markets which have gone through similar crises of their own in recent years e.g., Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Korea, Thailand, all of them in a much stronger position now. On the positive side: Business sophistication: Turkey achieved a high rank of 39 in the business sophistication pillar of the GCI, particularly for the quality and quantity of networks and supporting industries (33), well above the EU average, and above all except Estonia, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia in Table 1. This strongly suggests that while Turkey does have a large agricultural sector with rather low productivity, both in relation to the agricultural sector of other recent EU entrants and in relation to other sectors in the Turkish economy, it does have sophisticated industrial and service sectors which are already operating at high levels of efficiency, adopting advanced technologies, efficient production processes, and exploiting economies of scale with respect to their competitors elsewhere in Europe, particularly the new members in central and Eastern Europe. Table 7: GCI performance of Turkey, recent EU entrants,* and candidate countries
Source: Global Competitiveness Report,2006-2007 Innovation and market efficiency: Turkey is outperforming not only the other candidate countries, but also a few of the EU10 countries in these indicators. In particular, in market efficiency Turkey, at 47, scores only marginally lower than the EU10 average (4.44), but ranks higher than Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, and Poland. In this respect, Turkey is probably favored by its large internal markets (19), but also shows the benefits of the recent
microeconomic reforms, aimed at reducing red tape and bureaucracy, and promoting competition. The snapshot emerging from the GCI leads to the following conclusions: with its rank of 59 and a score of 4.14, Turkey, quite predictably, finds itself toward the bottom of the ranking shown in Table 1, performing better than Romania and Bulgaria, but still at some distance from Estonia (5.12), the top performer within the group, and from the EU10 average (4.59). The picture becomes more mixed, however, once Turkeys performance is disaggregated at the pillar level. Although Turkey has certainly not dealt fully with all of the key determinants of competitiveness at its level of developmentsuch as macroeconomic stability or education and healthnonetheless, it has made good progress in factors which tend to become more important at more advanced development stages, such as business sophistication and innovation. In this sense, given its stage of development, Turkeys future competitiveness will hinge crucially on the establishment of efficient production practices and improvements in the operations of its labor and financial markets.
5.1 Components of Econometric Model 5.1.1 Expenditure on R&D
Expenditure on research and development (R&D) is a key indicator of government and private sector efforts to obtain competitive advantage in science and technology. In 2004, research and development amounted to 2.3% of GDP for the OECD as a whole. Research and development (R&D) comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. R&D is a term covering three activities: basic research, applied research, and experimental development. Basic research is experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundation of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view. Applied research is also original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge. It is, however, directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective. Experimental development is systematic work, drawing on existing knowledge gained from research and/or practical experience, that is directed to producing new materials, products or devices, to installing new processes, systems and services, or to improving substantially those already produced or installed. The main aggregate used for international comparisons is gross domestic expenditure on R&D. This consists of the total expenditure (current and capital) on R&D by all resident companies, research institutes, university and government laboratories, etc. It excludes R&D expenditures financed by domestic firms but performed abroad. The R&D data obtained have been compiled according to the guidelines of the Frascati Manual. It should, however, be noted that over the period shown, several countries have improved the coverage of their surveys of R&D activities in the services sector( United States) and in higher education (United States).For Korea, social sciences and humanities are excluded from the R&D data. For the United States, capital expenditure is not covered. Since 2000, R&D expenditure relative to GDP (R&D intensity) has increased in Japan, and it has decreased slightly in the United States. In 2003 and 2004, Sweden, Finland, and Japan were the only three OECD countries in which the R&D-to-GDP ratio exceeded 3%, well above the OECD average of 2.3%. Since the mid-1990s, R&D expenditure (in real terms) has been growing the fastest in Iceland and Turkey, both with average annual growth rates above 10%.R&D expenditure for China has been growing even faster than GDP, resulting in a rapidly increasing R&D intensity, growing from 0.9% in 2000 to 1.3% in 2005.
Figure 2:Gross Domestc Expenditure On R&D as a percentage of GDP, 2005 or latest available year
5.1.2 Patent
Patent-based indicators provide a measure of the output of a countrys R&D, i.e. its inventions .The OECD where we obtained patent data has developed triadic patent families, which are designed to capture all important inventions only and to be internationally comparable. A patent family is defined as a set of patents taken in various countries (i.e. patent offices) to protect the same invention. Triadic patent families are a set of patents taken at all three of these major patent offices the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Figure 3:Percentage, Year 2003
The beginning of the 21st century was marked by a slowdown, with patent families increasing by 1% to 2% a year, following a steady growth of 6% a year on average until 2000. About 53 000 triadic patent families were filed in 2003. The United States accounts for 37.1% of the OECD total in 2003, followed by the European Union (30.9%) and Japan (26.2%). Since the mid 1990s, the United States share of patent families increased, whereas the relative proportion of patent families originating from Europe and Japan has tended to decrease. The ratio of triadic patent families to population identifies Finland, Switzerland, Japan, Sweden and Germany as the five most innovative countries in 2003. Finland had the highest propensity to patent, with 122 patent families per million population and Switzerland had 121. Most countries have seen their patent intensity increase over the last decade, and the largest increase occurred in Korea. By size, China has less then 0.1 patent families per million population. Figure 4:Number of triadic patent families Per million population, 2003
5.1.3 Researcher
Researchers are the central element of the research and development system. In 2002, approximately 3.6 million persons in the OECD area were employed in research and development and approximately two-thirds of these were engaged in the business sector. Researchers are defined as professionals engaged in the conception and creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems as well as those who are directly involved in the management of projects. They include researchers working in both civil and military research in government, universities, research institutes as well as in the business sector.
The number of researchers is expressed in full-time equivalent (FTE) on R&D (i.e. a person working half-time on R&D is counted as 0.5 person-year) and includes staff engaged in R&D during the course of one year. The data have been compiled on the basis of the methodology of the Frascati Manual. In 2002, there were about 6.9 researchers per thousand employees in the OECD area, compared with 5.8 per thousand in 1992. The number of researchers has steadily increased over the last two decades. Among the major OECD regions, Japan has the highest number of researchers relative to total employment, followed by the United States and the European Union. Finland, Japan, New Zealand and Sweden have the highest number of research workers per thousand persons employed. Rates are also high in the United States, Denmark and Norway. Research workers per thousand employees are low in Mexico, Turkey, Italy and the Czech Republic. Among the major non-member countries, growth has been steady in China, although, at 1.2 in 2004, it still remains well below the OECD average. The rate for the Russian Federation has been falling since 1994, but was still above 7 researchers per thousand employed in 2004. Figure 5:Per thousand employed, full-time equivalent, 2004 or latest available year
5.2 Application of this model on Turkey and several countries 5.2.1 TURKEY
1.Equation) logYt =0 + 1 X 1t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of YTL, X1t= Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP) LogYt=-2.63+0.68 X 1t + ut According to this model,it points out that 1% increase in Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, increases the Real GDP in terms of YTL by 0.68%. 2.Equation) logYt =0 + 1 X 1t + 2 X2t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of YTL, X1t= Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families) LogYt=-2.46+0.12X 1t+0.034X 2t + ut If we add the number of triadic patent families, 1% increase in Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, increases the Real GDP in terms of YTL by 0.12%.when the number of triadic patents increase by 1 unit,it increases the Real GDP in terms of YTL by 0.034%.However,at 5% significance level the probability of t-value of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP is 0.61,which is insignificant.So that Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP is quite insufficient in Turkey. 3.Equation) logYt =0 + 2 X 2t + 3 X3t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of YTL, X3t= The first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families) LogYt=-2.34+0.39X 2t -0.127X 3t+ ut At 5% significance level,if we add the first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP instead of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,we can see that the coefficient of this is insignificant. 4.Equation) logYt =0 + 2 X2t + 4 X4t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of YTL, X4t= The second degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families) LogYt=-2.19+0.04X 2t -0.48X4t+ ut At 5% significance level, if we add the second degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP instead of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,we can see that the coefficient of this is insignificant. We applied tests like F-Test,First Order Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation Lm Test, Second Order Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation Lm, White Heteroskedasticity Test, Ramsey Reset
Test,we found that at 5% significance level,there is no Heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation in this model and the models are correctly specified. Table 8:Econometric models we applied for Turkey
TURKEY 1.Eq 0 t value prob. 1 t value prob. 2 t value prob. 3 t value prob. 4 t value prob. Ftest prob. R2 Dw 8.37 0.014 0.43 0.91 14.15 0.0012 0.73 0.90 13.02 0.00 0.74 1.43 -2.63 -21.26 0.00 0.68 2.89 0.01 2.Eq -2.46 -24.4 0.00 0.12 0.51 0.61 0.034 3.42 0.006 0.039 3.5 0.006 -0.127 -0.46 0.65 -0.48 2.00 0.08 16.00 0.00 0.80 2.43 0.04 5.02 0.001 3.Eq -2.34 -21.6 0.00 4.Eq -2.19 -23.2 0.00
At 5% significance level,if we add the first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP instead of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,we can see that the coefficient of this is insignificant. We applied tests like F-Test,First Order Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation Lm Test, Second Order Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation Lm, White Heteroskedasticity Test, Ramsey Reset Test,we found that at 5% significance level,there is no Heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation in this model and the models are correctly specified. Table 9:Econometric models we applied for S.Korea
S.KOREA 1.Eq 0 t value prob. 1 t value prob. 2 t value prob. 3 t value prob. Ftest prob. R2 Dw 162 0.00 0.97 2.53 12.2 -78 0.00 0.25 3.1 0.01 0.0007 7.6 0.00 0.0008 5.3 0.00 0.102 0.84 0.42 60 0.00 0.93 2.02 2.Eq -12.55 -54.8 0.00
1.Equation) logYt =0 + 1 X 1t + 2 X2t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of Euros, X1t= Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families) LogYt=10.09+0.533X 1t+0.017X 2t+ ut At 5% significance level,1% increase in Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, increases the Real GDP in terms of Euros by 0.533%.when the number of triadic patents increase by 1 unit,it increases the Real GDP in terms of Euros by 0.017%.
2.Equation) logYt =0 + 2 X 2t + 3 X3t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of Euros, X3t= The first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families)
LogYt=10.26+0.016X 2t +0.45X 3t+ ut At 5% significance level,if we add the first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP instead of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,we can see that the coefficient of this is significant.When the first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP increases by 1% , Real GDP in terms of Euros increases by 0.45% and 1 unit increase in the number of Triadic Patent Families, Real GDP in terms of Euros increases by 0.016%. 3.Equation) logYt =0 + 1 X1t + 2 X2t +4 X4t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of Euros, X1t=Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families, X4t =Researchers Per Thousand Employed Full Time Equivalent) LogYt=9.51+0.352X 1t +0.013X2t +0.198X4t+ ut At 5% significance level, 1% increase in Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, increases the Real GDP in terms of Euros by 0.352%.when the number of triadic patents increase by 1 unit,it increases the Real GDP in terms of Euros by 0.013% and 1 unit increase in Researchers Per Thousand Employed Full Time Equivalent increases Real GDP in terms of Euros by 0.198. 4.Equation) logYt =0 + 2 X2t + 3 X3t +4 X4t + ut (Yt= Real GDP in terms of Euros, X3t= The first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, X 2t=Number of Triadic Patent Families, X4t =Researchers Per Thousand Employed Full Time Equivalent) LogYt=9.52+0.0127X 2t +0.353X3t +0.205X4t+ ut At 5% significance level,if we add the first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP instead of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP,we can see that the coefficient of this is significant.When the first degree lag of Gross R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP increases by 1% , Real GDP in terms of Euros increases by 0.353% and 1 unit increase in the number of Triadic Patent Families, Real GDP in terms of Euros increases by 0.0127% and 1 unit increase in Researchers Per Thousand Employed Full Time Equivalent increases Real GDP in terms of Euros by 0.205. We applied tests like F-Test,First Order Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation Lm Test, Second Order Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation Lm, White Heteroskedasticity Test, Ramsey Reset Test,we found that at 5% significance level,there is no Heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation in this model and the models are correctly specified.However in the fourth equation we found out that the model is misspecified.
Innovation can originate anywhere. Increased education and economic growth have improved the capacity of developing countries to offer new products and services. Modern communications and transportation technologies allow these countries to share advances with consumer across the globe.As a result ,great ideas-regardless of where they originate-are less likely to be lost in our increasingly interconnected world. In the most fundamental sense, there are only two ways of increasing the output of the economy: (1) you can increase the number of inputs that go into the productive process, or (2) if you are clever, you can think of new ways in which you can get more output from the same number of inputs. And, if you are an economist you are bound to be curious to know which of these two ways has been more important - and how much more important. And this study supports that second one is crucially important in terms of increasing the output of the economy. It is not a coincidence that countries such as USA or Japan are the worlds top economies because their allocation of resources into creating innovation is massive. It obviously indicates that innovation is the key driving growth and prosperity. Economists calculate that approximately 50% of US annual GDP growth is attributed to increases in innovation. For the past two centuries, the US has been the world-leader in developing innovative products and services. After all we have studied, we finally found the answer to the question on our minds which was Innovation: Is the engine for the economic growth? We concluded that innovation makes a great contribution in economic growth and development in an economy or world as a whole. We also proved this right by developing some econometric models applied on Turkey and several countries so as to make comparisons. We especially chose South Korea and Ireland to apply these models , because these countries made great leaps even though their economic performance wasnt far too different from Turkey only two or three decades ago.We think that Turkey is not doing good enough to catch up the countries ahead,thats the reason why we were so willing to do this study in order to make every single person to think and to be deeply concerned about that. We are quoting here:Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.(Steve Jobs American Entrepreneur Apple co-Founder)We completely agree with this idea.
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Table 1. List of countries/economies in each stage of development
Global Competitiveness Index rankings 20062007 Table 2: Global Competitiveness Index rankings and 20052006 comparisons
9.1 Data Series
Year Real GDP TUR. YTL 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 0.084 0.084 0.089 0.097 0.091 0.098 0.105 0.113 0.116 0.111 0.119 0.11 0.119 S.KOREA IRELAND K.WAN EUROS 2000 P. 60994 61995 64214 65700 69573 76246 82541 92183 100043 110768 120977 127931 135649 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 7 4 6 7 9 92 120 166 212 326 324 386 465 500 531 593 629 27 27 23 19 28 30 29 34 33 56 58 58 60 0.32 0.53 0.49 0.44 0.36 0.38 0.45 0.49 0.5 0.63 0.64 0.72 0.66 1.84 1.94 2.12 2.32 2.37 2.42 2.48 2.34 2.25 2.39 2.59 2.53 0.83 0.93 1.04 1.17 1.27 1.28 1.32 1.29 1.25 1.19 1.14 1.11 1.12 4 4.4 4.8 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.8 5 5.1 4.9 5 5.1 5.5 Number Triadic Patent Families TUR. S.KOREA Gross R&D Expenditure as a percentage of GDP res.
1987 P. 2000 P. 350819.9 371433 394215.8 427868.2 467099.2 499789.8 523034.7 487183.5 533399.3 578664.5 600865.9 642748.1
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.008249 Probability Obs*R-squared 0.011905 Probability 0.929621 0.913117
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.679986 Probability Obs*R-squared 1.888856 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 1.129202 Probability Obs*R-squared 4.691172 Probability Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.320477 0.533656 0.388902
0.722772 0.661144
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 23:45 Sample(adjusted): 1991 2002 Included observations: 12 after adjusting endpoints Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 10.26689 0.191350 53.65507 0.170315 2.643975 Gross R&D 0.450310
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.040864 Probability Obs*R-squared 0.060985 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 0.439623 Probability Obs*R-squared 2.409308 Probability Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.660946 0.844846 0.804946
0.887671 0.858351
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/09/07 Time: 00:00 Sample: 1990 2002 Included observations: 13 Variable Coefficient Std. Error C 9.511899 0.265168 0.145061 Gross R&D 0.352100
expenditure as a percentage of GDP Number of Triadic Patent Families Researchers Per Thousand Employed Full Time Equivalent
R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat 0.013870 0.198518 0.001884 0.073266 7.361099 2.709559 0.0000 0.0240
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.196142 Probability Obs*R-squared 1.690910 Probability 0.305929 0.193481
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 2.470573 Probability Obs*R-squared 5.379291 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 1.678738 Probability Obs*R-squared Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 8.146968 0.227533 0.154235 0.067905
3.687641 4.928176
Probability Probability
0.091070 0.026422
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/09/07 Time: 00:33
Sample(adjusted): 1991 2002 Included observations: 12 after adjusting endpoints Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 9.523062 0.332169 28.66929 0.140359 2.516614 Gross R&D 0.353230
Number of Triadic Patent Families Researchers Per Thousand Employed Full Time Equivalent
R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat
0.012743 0.205838
0.001890 0.081786
6.741396 2.516786
0.0001 0.0360
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.830627 Probability Obs*R-squared 1.272890 Probability 0.392395 0.259225
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.495409 Probability Obs*R-squared 3.991830 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 2.487383 Obs*R-squared 8.988601 Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.297205 0.135889
Probability Probability
0.168065 0.174220
0.012845 0.000763
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 00:54 Sample: 1990 2002 Included observations: 13 Variable Coefficient Std. Error C -2.631654 0.123744 0.236997 Gross R&D 0.686033
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 3.932609 Probability Obs*R-squared 3.669371 Probability 0.075485 0.055421
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 3.932609 Probability Obs*R-squared 3.669371 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 1.700016 Probability Obs*R-squared 3.298530 Probability Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.192191 0.075485 0.055421
0.641644 0.586426
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 01:11 Sample: 1990 2002 Included observations: 13 Variable Coefficient Std. Error C -2.463585 0.100740 0.121591 0.235631 Gross R&D
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 3.464515 Probability Obs*R-squared 3.613353 Probability 0.095612 0.057317
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.601458 Probability Obs*R-squared 3.716702 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 0.125682 Probability Obs*R-squared 0.768630 Probability Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.942603 0.260037 0.155930
0.010889 0.001687
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 01:29 Sample(adjusted): 1991 2002 Included observations: 12 after adjusting endpoints Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C -2.347477 0.108202 -21.69527 -0.127035 0.273535 -0.464419 Gross R&D
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.355061 Probability Obs*R-squared 0.509958 Probability 0.567734 0.475157
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.287559 Probability Obs*R-squared 0.911065 Probability 0.758543 0.634110
White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 0.397156 Probability Obs*R-squared Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 2.219620
0.805206 0.695439
0.063468 0.019179
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 01:45 Sample(adjusted): 1992 2002 Included observations: 11 after adjusting endpoints Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C -2.191543 0.094337 -23.23097 -0.489217 0.244224 -2.003150 Gross R&D
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.003462 Probability Obs*R-squared 1.379164 Probability 0.349837 0.240244
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.647355 Probability Obs*R-squared 1.952348 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 0.867848 Probability Obs*R-squared 4.031646 Probability Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.401740 0.556454 0.376750
0.050115 0.011085
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 23:14 Sample: 1991 2002 Included observations: 12 Variable Coefficient Std. Error C 12.23339 0.156723 0.251633 0.080158 Gross R&D
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.071957 Probability Obs*R-squared 1.417940 Probability 0.330784 0.233743
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 3.368379 Probability Obs*R-squared 5.885020 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 0.545698 Probability Obs*R-squared 2.852455 Probability Ramsey RESET Test: F-statistic Log likelihood ratio 0.582812 0.094460 0.052733
0.676692 0.598310
Dependent Variable: LOG(REALGDP) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/08/07 Time: 23:19 Sample(adjusted): 1992 2002 Included observations: 11 after adjusting endpoints Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C 12.55132 0.228885 54.83668 0.102428 0.121821 0.840805 Gross R&D
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.008224 Probability Obs*R-squared 0.012909 Probability 0.930281 0.909542
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 2.236613 Probability Obs*R-squared 4.698217 Probability White Heteroskedasticity Test: F-statistic 1.352047 Probability Obs*R-squared 5.214682 Probability 0.265970 0.188024 0.095454
0.942949 0.925935