Plant Biotechnology: Assignment - 1 "Hairy Root Culture"
Plant Biotechnology: Assignment - 1 "Hairy Root Culture"
Plant Biotechnology: Assignment - 1 "Hairy Root Culture"
inducing (Ri) plasmid in bacteria, called transfer DNA (T-DNA), which is transferred into the plant cell and expressed therein. The T-DNA between the TR and TL regions of the Ri-plasmid in the bacterium is transferred and integrated into the nuclear genome of the host plant. The transformation process produces a valuable by-product, hairy root, which will form at or near the site of infection. In addition opines are produced and serve as spesific food for the bacteria . The TDNA of the A.rhizogenes strain consists of two non-contiguous stretches of DNA, the TL- and TR-DNA, which are transferred separately into plant chromosomes. The integration of the TL-DNA, especially rol genes (rolA, rolB, rolC and rolD), into the plant genome is sufficient to induce hairy root formation. These rol genes on TL-DNA are primarily responsible for the hairy root syndrome. The TR-DNA contains aux genes (aux1 and aux2), which may play a conditional but nonessential role in hairy root formation [White et al. 1985 and Cardarelli, 1985].
In nature, the soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes genetically engineers dicotyledonous plant species into chemical producers of an Agrobacterium food source (opines). This transformation process delivers a valuable by-product, hairy roots, tissues that are capable of unlimited propagation in culture media. Hairy root cultures have several propertiesfast growth, genetic and biochemical stability, and growth in hormone-free media that have promoted their use in plant biotechnology. First, hairy root cultures serve as model systems for plant metabolism and physiology, and second, as a technical alternative to plant cell suspension cultures for the production of therapeutics and specialty chemical. To succeed in establishing a hairy root culture system for a certain plant species, several essential conditions should be taken into consideration. These condition include the bacterial strain of A. rhizogenes, an appropriate explant, a proper antibiotic to eliminate redundant bacteria after cocultivation, an suitable culture
medium. Most plants materials, such as hypocotyl, leaf, stem, stal, petiole, shoot tip, cotyledon, protoplast, storage root, or tuber, can be used to induce hairy roots . However, for different species, the proper explant material may vary and the age of material is most critical, with juvenile material being optimal. To induce hairy root, explants are separately wounded and cocultivation or inoculated with A. rhizogenes.
Table 1. Recent report on valuable metabolites produced by hairy root culture ___________________________________________________________________ Plant species Metabolite References
_________________________________________________________________________ Pueraria phaseoloides Rauvolfia micrantha Solidago altissima Linum flavum Panax ginseng Saussurea medusa Camptotheca acuminate Papaver somniferum Gmelina arborea Puerarin Ajmalicine, ajmaline Polyacetylene Coniferin Ginsenoside Jaceosidin Camptothecin Morphine, sanguinarine, Verbascoside Shi and Kintzlos (2003) Shuda et al. (2003) Inoguchi et al. (2003) Lin et al. (2003) Palazon et al. (2003) Zhao et al. (2004) Lorence et al. (2004) Le Flem-Bonhomme, Dhakulkar et al. (2005)
Chang CK et al. (2005) Satdive et al. (2007) Sivanesan & Jeong(2009) Yogananth & Basu(2009)
The interest in hairy roots is mainly due to their ability to grow fast without needing an external supply of auxins. Many times, they do not need incubation under light. They are fairly well stable in metabolite yield due to their genetic stability.
Because of these advantages, many of the root-derived plant products once not considered feasible for production by cell culture are being reinvestigated for production using the hairy root culture technology. Several factors influence the yield of secondary metabolites of pharmaceutical interest in hairy root cultures. Optimizing of the composition of nutriens for hairy root cultures is crtical to gain a high production of secondary metabolites. Factor such as the carbon source and its concentration, the ionic concentration of the medium, the pH of the medium, light, temperature, and inoculum are known to influence growth and secondary metabolite. Besides that, elicitation and biotranformation are known to improved secondary metabolites. Satdive et al. 2007 got the increase production of azadirachtin by hairy root culture of Azadirachta indica Just by elicitation and media optimization. Elicitation and biotransformation method can also improved ginsenoside production of Panax ginseng transformed root [Palazon et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2008]. Temperature and light quality influence the production of ginsenoside of hairy root cultures of Panax ginseng [Yu et al. 2005]. Shiao and Doran, 2000 described that the fluid flow and oxygen
transfer influence of the biomass of hairy root of Arabidobsis thaliana. Based on the progress of the development of the hairy root cultures at above, the hairy root culture system is potential approach for the production of secondary metabolites, especially pharmaceuticals, because it has many good traits, such as rapid growth rate, easy culture and genetic manipulation, and most importantly, an increase ability to synthesize useful metabolites that cannot be produced by unorganized cell even higher than plant roots. Therefore, in the recent year the hairy root culture are developed in the large scale in bioreactor.
The use of bioreactor in micropropagation revealed its commercial applicability, and recently gained attention to commercial microprapagation process and also to produced valuable metabolite from plant. The advantages of the use of bioreactor compare with agar culture are (1) large number of planlets can easily be produced in one batch in the bioreactor and scaling up of bioreactor, (2) since handling of cultures such as inoculation or harvest is easy, reducing the number of culture vessels, and the area of culture space results in the reduction of cost, (3) whole
surface of culture are always in contact with medium, uptake of nutrients are stimulated and growth rate is also increased, (4) forced aeration (oxygen supply) is performed which improves the growth rate and final biomass, and (5) culture are moving in the bioreactor, which results in the disappearance of apical dominance and stimulates the growth of numerous shoots buds into planlets. Nevertheless, it must be noted that a chance contamination will quickly develop and disperse in liquid medium and is likely to lead to total loss of culture.
Since production of secondary metabolites is generally higher in differentiated tissues, there are attempts to cultivate shoot culture and root culture for the production of medicinally important compounds, because these are relatively more stable. The interest in scale-up of hairy root cultures is mainly due to their ability to grow fast without needing an external supply of auxins. Many times, they do not need incubation under light. They are fairly well stable in metabolite yield due to their genetic stability. Because of these advantages, many of the root-derived plant products once not considered feasible for production by cell cultured are being reinvestigated for production using the hairy root culture technology, for instance in culture of Panax ginseng. A survey of literatures on many type of in vitro culture that are developed in bioreactor are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Many type of in vitro culture that are developed in bioreactor ___________________________________________________________________ Plant species Type of culture Reference
_________________________________________________________________________ Solanum tuberosum Panax notoginseng Panax notoginseng Panax notoginseng Hairy root Cell suspension Cell suspension Cell suspension Tescione et al.(1997) Zhong et al. (1999) Woragidbumrung et al.(2001) Hu & Zhong (2001)
Elaeis guineensis Panax ginseng Panax ginseng Panax ginseng Azadirachta indica Oncidium Sugar
Cell suspension Cell suspension Adventitious roots Cell suspension Cell suspension Sweet Protocorm-like bodies
Gorret et al. (2004) Ali et al. (2005) Jeong et al. (2006) Thanh et al. (2006) Prakash & Srivastava (2008) Cui et al. (2010) Yang et al. (2010)
Based on the literature study above, the hairy root cultures in bioreactor have opportunity to developing in the future, because many experiments on hairy root culture that produce valuable secondary metabolite have done.
Based on the continuous phase, reactors used to culture hairy roots can be roughly divided into three types: liquid-phase, gasphase, or hybrid reactors that are a combination of both. Simple schematics of these reactors are depicted in Fig. 1
Liquid-phase reactors: In liquid-phase reactors, roots are submerged in the medium, and the term submerged reactors is also used. Some promising bioreactor designs used for hairy root culture are shown in FIG 1 (a) Isolated impeller stirred tank reactor; (b) segmented bubble column reactor; (c) submerged convective flow reactor; (d) radial flow reactor; (e) plastic-lined vessel; (f) trickle bed reactor; (g) nutrient mist reactor.
In early studies of stirred tank reactors, the impeller damaged the roots, resulting in callus formation and ultimately poor biomass production. The problem was solved by using a steel cage or mesh to isolate roots from the impeller (Fig. 1a). Instead of mechanical agitation, bubble column reactors, air-lift, and liquidimpelled loop reactors sparge gas through the reactor to both mix and supply oxygen to the roots. In liquid-phase culture environments, including shake flasks, it has been shown many times that oxygen deficiency due to mass transport limitation is a growthlimiting factor. Kanokwaree and Doran (1997) demonstrated oxygen limitations in shake flasks using different medium volumes. The problem increases as the scale of the reactor increases. In addition, sparged air bubbles can be captured, enlarged, and remain entrapped in root clumps, resulting in gas flow channeling around clumps and total localized depletion of oxygen It has been suggested that liquid solid oxygen transfer rather than gasliquid oxygen transfer is the limiting step. Direct evidence for oxygen deficiency in shake flasks and bubble column reactors has been found by Weathers et al. (1999), who measured mRNA transcripts of alcohol dehydrogenase, an indicator of oxygen deprivation. They showed that in both liquid systems, oxygen was limiting. Methods for improving the supply of oxygen to the roots in reactors have been proposed. Kwok and Doran (1995)
introduced gas at multiple points into a bubble column reactor that was divided into three segments with wire mesh, with each segment containing a sparger (Fig. 1b). Although 9.9 g dry weight per liter (g DW l21) of Atropa belladonna hairy roots were harvested after 43 d, bulk mixing was poor even as early as day 14. Kanokwaree and Doran (1998) later investigated the use of a microporous polypropylene membrane tubing that was inserted into a gas-driven reactor along with a sparger to provide a supplementary oxygen to the root bed. Keeping the total air flow rate constant and using the sparger and membrane tubing at a flow rate ratio of 1:2 resulted in 32% more biomass yield compared to the use of the sparger alone. Although these results showed that site-directed aeration in root clumps can reduce the oxygen transport limitation, the sparger cannot be eliminated, because it promotes bulk mixing. A convective flow reactor developed by Carvalho and Curtis (1998) (Fig. 1c) consisted of a stirred tank, a peristaltic pump, and a tubular culture chamber. In the stirred tank the medium was oxygenated, and a positive displacement pump recirculated the liquid between the stirred tank and the tubular reactor. After 30 d of culture, 550 g fresh weight per liter (FW l21) (23 g DW l21) of Hyoscyamus muticus hairy roots were harvested; this is more than a 79% increase in biomass compared to bubble column reactors. Although the convective flow reactor showed improved performance compared to a bubble column, it may not be a realistic large-scale system due to the pressure required to circulate the culture medium at a high enough velocity to overcome the flow resistance of the root bed. Reactors similar to the convective flow reactor, however, are effective research tools. For example, Williams and Doran (1999) used a packed bed recirculation reactor to minimize the liquidsolid hydrodynamic boundary layer at the root surface and determine the critical oxygen level of hairy roots of Atropa belladonna. Kino-Oka et al. (1999) cultured red beet hairy roots in a single column reactor with superficial velocities ranging from 2 to 28mh21.
Although the increased superficial velocity enhanced the root elongation rate, the viability of root tips was reduced due to damage from shear stress. Kino-Oka et al. (1999) found that under the conditions used in their study, a superficial velocity of 15mh21 resulted in optimum growth. Based on the specific cross-sectional area (a ratio of cross-sectional area to volume in the growth chamber) a radial flow reactor was subsequently constructed (Fig. 1d). In this reactor the air-saturated medium entered through the ports on the sidewall of the reactor and exited through the ports at the center of the top and bottom plates. The radial flow reactor was operated at 15mh21 of superficial velocity (the value of liquid flow rate per an arithmetic average of lateral areas of the inner and outer stainless-steel mesh), and after 12 d, 51 g DW l21 of roots were harvested, a substantial increase in biomass compared to the results obtained by Carvalho and Curtis(1998). Recently, a plastic-lined vessel (Fig. 1e) was used for plant cell suspension cultures (Hsiao et al., 1999). It has been reported that the same reactor is also being tested with hairy root cultures (Shanks and Morgan, 1999). Plastic bags may be the future for low-cost bioreactors for hairy root cultures. Rotating drum (Kondo et al., 1989) and ebband-flow reactors (Taya et al., 1989; McKelvey et al., 1993) alternate cycles of liquid and gas-phase. An initial problem observed with the rotating drum reactor was that in the early stage of culture roots did not attach well to the vessel wall. Consequently, as the roots were rotated above the culture medium, they detached from the wall and were damaged, resulting in low biomass accumulation. This problem was overcome by immobilizing the roots on polyurethane foam (Kondo et al., 1989).Gas-phase reactors,Trickle bed (Fig. 1f ), droplet phase, liquid-dispersed, and nutrient mist reactors (Fig. 1g) are gas-phase reactors. In gas-phase reactors roots are exposed to air or other gas mixtures. Nutrients (medium) are usually delivered to roots as droplets. However, there is considerable variation in the size of droplets. For mist reactors using ultrasonic transducers, the droplet sizes are
usually micron scale (0.530 mm). For trickle bed or other gas-phase reactors using spray nozzles, the size of the droplets may be much larger. Since the continuous phase is gas, the roots must be immobilized in the reactor. DiIorio et al. (1992a), Liu et al. (1999), and Woo et al. (1996) used horizontal sheets of mesh, and at inoculation, roots were spread onto mesh. Alternatively, Williams and Doran (2000) used a vertical structure. Chatterjee et al. (1997) cultured roots on packing rings made of nylon mesh in a shake flask for a week so that roots became anchored to the mesh rings. The rings were then used as inoculum for the mist reactor. Intalox metal process packing elements have also been used to immobilize roots (Ramakrishnan et al., 1994). As a root bed entraps air in liquid-phase reactors, the root bed in gas-phase reactors can entrain the liquid medium, and this leads both to liquid channeling and to hold-up. The liquid hold-up in the reactors can be divided into a dynamic part (free-draining) and a stagnant part (non-freedraining) (Ramakrishnan and Curtis, 1994). The latter is of primary interest because the stagnant hold-up is the volume of medium entrapped in the root bed and can be three to four times the root beds own weight (Williams and Doran, 2000). The trapped liquid can have different nutrient levels than the bulk fluid (Williams and Doran, 2000) or make the roots within effectively submerged and depleted of oxygen (Singh and Curtis, 1994). This phenomenon is less likely to happen in mist reactors, because less medium enters the culture chamber compared to trickle bed reactors. The medium flow rate is 1.1 ml min21 for a 1.5 liter mist reactor (Kim, 2001) compared to Williams and Dorans (2000) 130 ml min21 for a 4.4 liter reactor. In mist reactors, the capability of mist to penetrate into a densely packed root bed (50% packing density) has been demonstrated (Wyslouzil et al., 997), and in fact mist capture efficiency can be a limiting factor in achieving a high root density (Kim, 2001) Hybrid reactors. The disadvantage of gas-phase reactors is that there is no way to uniformly distribute the roots in the growth
chamber without manual loading. The solution proposed by Ramakrishnan et al. (1994) was to initially run the reactor as a bubble column in order to suspend, distribute, and attach roots to the packing rings in the reactor. After 2 week growth, root clumps were dense, and the reactor was switched to a trickle bed operation, thus exposing roots to a gas environment. In the same study roots were also mechanically chopped in a blender and then pumped as a slurry into the reactor, eliminating the manual labor of cutting and inoculation. A 14 liter reactor was run using these procedures for 4 wk and about 20 g DW l21 packing density of Hyoscyamus muticus was obtained throughout the reactor at harvest . Wilson (1997) cultured Datura stramonium hairy roots in a 500 liter hybrid reactor that used submerged culture for 21 d followed by a droplet-phase for 40 d. It is noteworthy that in this experiment the root inoculation step was completed
mechanically and required no manual labor. In a seed vessel placed on the top of the 500 liter reactor, the roots were grown as inoculum for the large-scale reactor. A helical screw with a blade located in the bottom of the seed vessel was used to cut and transfer the roots to the reactor. The main reactor contained assemblies of wire chains and bars to immobilize the roots. The distance between each assembly line (the assembly ran from top to bottom) was determined by effective volume, i.e., the volume that can be filled by roots from a single inoculation point. This parameter depends on the species and must be determined empirically. At the end of a run a total of 39.8 kg fresh weight of hairy roots was harvested, yielding 79.6 g FWl21 packing density. This is not the highest packing density obtained for hairy roots; however, it demonstrates that with appropriate design, large-scale hairy root culture is possible. Recently the effect of root hairs has been studied by removing the hairs chemically or by using root-hair mutants. In liquid-phase reactors, root hairs increase the flow resistance and the thickness of the liquidsolid hydrodynamic boundary layer. As a result, root hairs lower the oxygen availability
to the roots and increase critical oxygen tension showed that roots with fewer hairs entrained less liquid than roots with more hairs. Therefore, in trickle bed reactors profuse root hairs may hinder the liquid drainage. In contrast, aerosol models suggest that root hairs are beneficial for growth in the mist reactor because they enhance mist capture, and may improve reactor performance.