Cavitation N Recirculation Field Problems

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Engineering Manager, Fluid Dynamics
Dresser Pump Division/Dresser Industries, Inc.
Harrison, New Jersey
Bruno Schiavello is Engineering Man-
ager for Fluid Dynamics at Dresser Pump
Division, Dresser Industries, Incorporated,
inHarrison,NewJersey.Hereceiveda B.S.
in Mechanical Engineering (1974) from
the University of Rome, Italy, and an M.S.
in Fluid Dynamics (1975)from Von Kar-
man Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode
St. Genese, Belgium. He was co-winner of
the H. Worthington European Technical
A ward in 1979, with a paper on pump suc-
tion recirculation. He has written several significant papers and
lectured at seminars in the area of pump recirculation. He is a
member of the Italian T urbomachine1y Committee, Societe Hydro-
technique de France (SHF), International Association for Hy-
draulic Research (JAHR), and ASME.
Mr. Schiavello spent seven years in the Research and Develop-
ment Department ofWorthington Nord (Italy) dealing with pump
hydraulic research and design. In 1982, he joined the Central
Research and Development ofWorthington, McGraw Edison Com-
pany, at Mountainside, New Jersey, where he operated first as
Associate Director and later ( 1983) as Director for Fluid Dynam-
ics. He was appointed to his present position in 1985.
Bruno Schiavello
Engineering Manager, Fluid Dynamics
Dresser Pump Division
Liberty Corner, New Jersey
High reliability and large rangeability are
required of pumps in existing and new
plants which must be capable of reliable
on-off cycling operations and specially low
load duties.
The reliability and rangeability target is
a new task for the pump designer/researcher
and is made very challenging by the
cavitation and/or suction recirculation
effects, first of all the pump damage. The
present knowledge about the: a) design
critical parameters and their optimization,
b) field problems diagnosis and
troubleshooting has much advanced, in the
very latest years.
The objective of the pump manufacturer is
to develop design solutions and
troubleshooting approaches which improve
the impeller life as related to cavitation
erosion and enlarge the reliable operating
range by minimizing the effects of the
suction recirculation. This paper gives a
short description of several field cases
characterized by different damage patterns
and other symptoms related with cavitation
and/or suction recirculation. The
troubleshooting methodology is described in
detail, also focusing on the role of both
the pump designer and the pump user.
From the late 50 s until the early 70 s
there was a continuous growth of the
industrial countries economy, which led to
the design and installation of larger and
larger plants (fossil power plants and
process plants).
Both energy level (head/stage) and capacity
of pumping equipment increased drastically.
In the area of power plants the head/stage
increased by a factor 4 and the impeller
peripheral speed by a factor 2. In the
area of process plants pump maximum
capacity was more than doubled and also the
head increased to meet higher piping losses
associated with large and complex plants
and high capacity as well.
Moreover plant engineering contractor put
high emphasis on low capital cost. Plant
availability, which would require
redundancy and so several units in
parallel, received less consideration.
Also pump users gave keen attention to low
energy operating cost at full and maximum
load of pumps.
Therefore the pump designer was urged to
develop smaller and consequently faster
pumps and also maximize efficiency at high
flows. In add it ion lower NPSHA levels,
which were dictated by low plant
installation costs, had to be met at
maximum capacity (runout condition).
Impeller designs were finalized for high
suction specific speed, S, and also
inducers were widely applied. Moreover it
was required to avoid sharp increase of the
NPSHR curve (as based on 3% head drop) at
high capacity, still maintaining high
efficiency. The design solution was then
to open the throat area of the blade
channel at the impeller inlet in order to
reduce the impeller sensitivity to
cavitation blockage on through flow.
consequently both the impeller eye diameter
was enlarged and also the blade inlet angle
was increased, moving the shockless
capacity well above the b.e.p. capacity.
As a result the pump behavior was penalized
at part flows, in combination with more
severe requirement in terms of cavitation
at duties above the best efficiency
In the late 70's and early 80's a slowdown
of world economy followed. The overall
product ion car-ability, for which plants and
equipment were optimized, was exceeding the
market demand. Then process plants were
forced to operate at reduced capacity. In
the utility area basic loads were picked by
nuclear plants, while fossil power plants
moved to cycling load along with their
pumping equipment (namely feed water and
As a result more and more high energy pumps
were operating in a broad range of capacity
including long duties at flows
substantially below the b.e.p. capacity,
and, especially, much lower than the
impeller inlet optimum capacity or
shockless capacity.
Then frequent failures surfaced which were
characterized by heavy damage at the
impeller inlet and outlet, pressure
pulsations and vibrations with wide band
and random frequency spectra.
Key experimental research data on pump
behavior at low flows, which showed the
occurrence of internal flow recirculation
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and local cavitation
with associated metal damage, were
meanwhile published and gave some clear
insights on the above failures. Also,
other pump failures were observed with
increasing frequency which presented
classical cavitation damage aspect, as
surface pitting, even with NPSHA level well
above the NPSHR. A basic study of
cavitation inception and growth had already
been published since 1941 (10). However,
extensive, experimental research on
cavitation in pumps has been carried out
only in the last two decades mostly
concentrating on cavitation visualization
(transparent test models and stroboscopic
light) (1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) and acoustic
detection of high frequency cavitation
noise spectra (16). Then it became fully
evident that cavitation inception occurs at
NPSHA level (NPSHi) 5 to 20 times higher
than the conventional value of NPSH
corresponding to 3% head drop while
cavitation damage occurs for NPSH level
below the inception point but still higher
than NPSHR, depending on various factor
(17), first of all peripheral velocity at
the impeller eye and pump operating
capacity as fraction of the shockless
capacity (11, 12).
While new criteria for establishing
adequate NPSHA level started to be
developed, ( ll, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19) pump
designers were more and more called to
solve field troubles related with
cavitation and/or suction recirculation.
Blade Attached (or Sheet) Cavitation
A large number of cavitation visualization
studies in pumps can be found in the
literature. They are aimed at detecting
the cavitation inception point, when the
first cavitation bubble becomes visible, by
using special transparent experimental
models and a stroboscope light. According
to the classic experiments of (1) with end
suction pumps the curve of the NPSH at the
condition of visual inception versus the
pump capacity has a very peculiar shape, as
shown by the top curves in Figure 1. The
NPSHi ( i "' inception) has a !ninimum at a
capacity which corresponds to shockless
inlet flow (Qsl), i.e., the relative flow
reaches the blade leading edge with an
incidence angle around 0. The NPSHi
increases at Q > Qsl and Q < Qsl, with
cavitation starting on the pressure
(hidden) and suction (visible) side of the
blade respectively. At part flow the NPSHi
peaks at a capacity slightly higher than
the critical suction recirculation onset
capacity, Qcrs (cr - critical, s - suction)
(1, 20). A similar V-shape for the
incipient cavitation curve was also found
by using a small head drop criterion (0.5\
of the head of twice the impeller eye
peripheral velocity) for overhung pumps
(10). Again, the curve exhibited at part
capacity a peak, which is attributed to a
critical incidence angle causing flow
separation (10) or "stalling incidence
angle" ( 8 , 2 0 )
At the point of the visual cavitation
inception, the rate of the erosion damage
is practically zero. Visual studies of
cavitation show that more and more vapor is
generated while the suction pressure or
NPSH is continuously decreased during
classical a tests (i.e. test of head decay
at constant rotational speed and constant
capacity with decreasing NPSH). The vapor
tends to coalesce and then forms a large
cavitation bubble of increasing length.
Pumps operate in the field witn a NPSHA (A
= Available) which is higher than the NPSHR
but significantly below the NPSHi.
Therefore they operate with bubble length
at the NPSHA which varies widely from 0.5
inches to 4 inches or more depending upon
the operating point (speed, flow,
temperature) and the impeller design.
In order to produce damage the vapor
bubbles must collapse in the vicinity of
the metal surface. Normally it occurs for
the regime characterized as "blade attached
(or sheet) cavitation", which is more
common in the usual capacity operating
range. In this cavitation mode the curve
of the cavitation erosion rate (ER =
MDP/Time, where MDP Mean Depth
Penetration) versus capacity at constant
speed/NPSHA has a peculiar v-shaJ;. ... , with
minimum at the shockless capacity (Figure
2), which is similar to the NPSHi curve.
The damage develops as pitting on the blade
pressure side for flowrates above the
shockless capacity. At flowrates below the
shockless one the cavitation damage occurs
on the visible side of the vane. Recent
research (21) has demonstrated that in this
cavitation regime the erosion rate,
expressed as damage depth-to-operating time
ratio (inches/year), is proportional to the
bubble length (exponent 2.7) and the NPSHA
(exponent 3.0), for given fluid properties
and impeller material. Therefore for given
impeller life, say 40000 hours, the
acceptable cavitation bubble length is very
much shorter for pumps running at high
impeller eye speed and so operating with
high NPSHA than for small pumps running
with low impeller eye speed, which implies
a low NPSHA. Correspondently, the
acceptable cavitation bubble length can
vary from 0.5 inches to 4 inches.
Cavitation Induced by Suction Recirculation
(Vortex Cavitation)
Visual observations with stroboscopic light
show that the cavitation bubble on the
blade suction side becomes more and more
unstable as the capacity is continuously
decreased below the suction recirculation
point towards shutoff. The bubble length
changes more or less periodically with
time, even disappearing for a fraction of
time. Moreover, cavitating bubble clouds
separate from the blade suction surface and
move into the blade channel.
Essentially a new flow regime takes place
which is characterized by "Strongly
intermittent cavitation -suction
recirculation" (15). As a generic
indication such very unsteady flow regime
occurs in the capacity range from 0% to
SO%, roughly. However, the upper capacity
limit can reduce or increase even close to
the suction recirculation onset capacity
depending on the impeller design and
impeller eye peripheral velocity (Ueye) and
NPSHA level.
Experimental investigation by means of a
high speed movie camera along with
stroboscope (22) clearly shows that at low
flowrate two different patterns of
cavitation i.e., sheet cavitation" and
"vortex cavitation occurred alternatively
near the leading edge of the impeller
blades, as schematically shown in Figure 3.
The cavitation started on the blade suction
surface far away from the leading edge and
moved upstream with an abrupt stroke and
collapsed on the pressure surface of the
next blade. This cavitation called "vortex
cavitation" is attributed to the impeller
suction recirculation. In fact, a vortex
is generated by the shear forces at the
interface between the reverse flow leaving
the impeller near the front shroud and the
ordinary forward flow entering into the
impeller near the hub, as shown in Figure
4a. Moreover streams of both backward and
forward flow can be suspected to occur also
in the blade-to-blade plane in the inlet
region of the blade channel, as sketched in
Figure 4b. Then shear forces components
exist also in this plane and contribute to
generate a complex vortex in the three-
dimensional space. When the inlet pressure
(therefore, NPSHA) is low enough and also
the strength of the vortex (therefore,
intensity of the suction recirculation) is
high enough, then the pressure in the
vortex core drops below the saturation
pressure and cavitation conditions are
reached. A filament of cavitating flow
develops which is starting on the suction
side of the blade and is ending on the
pressure side of the next blade, as shown
in Figure 4c. Moreover, this vortex
oscillates in a direction normal to the
blade eurface i.e., more or less in the
direction of the main flow as sketched in
Figure 4d. Consequently, damage is caused
in form of a single large crater at the
midspan of the blade on the pressure side.
A typical curve of NPSHd (d damage) which
can produce significant erosion damage
throughout the whole range of operations is
shown in Figure 1. The NPSHd is not unique
and depends upon the desired impeller life,
the pump design, the material
characteristics, the fluid density and
temperature. The basic engineering problem
is to determine how much erosion damage can
be allowed, under the operating conditions,
to get a reasonable impeller life of
several thousand hours and so an
economically acceptable pump reliability.
Moreover, rangeability and efficiency have
to be included in the balance.
Inlet Flow Influence
A strong influence on cavitation inception
(NPSHi) and damage (NPSHd) is produced by
the flow distribution at the impeller .eye,
as induced by the upstream geometry i.e.,
inlet chamber and/or suction piping.
For side suction pump the shape of NPSHi
curve can be strongly altered by the
suction casing, which tends to displace and
smooth the minimum and the peak.
The degree of distortion of the inlet flow
becomes stronger with increasing capacity.
Visual observations clearly show (15) that
both the shape and the size of the
cavitation bubble on each impeller blade is
a periodic function of time, as the blade
crosses flow zones with positive flow
swirling either in the same direction of
the tmpeller rotation (less intense
cavitation) or in the opposite direction
(more severe cavitation). Thus pressure
pulsations and vibrations are induced by
the inlet flow distortion. They reach the
highest peak-to-peak values at the runout
operating point, which usually is close to
the pump maximum brake-horsepower. Areas
of damage can be produced on both the
surfaces of the blade but the erosion is
prevailing on the pressure side.
Moreover, field experience indicates that
with double suction impeller, the
cavitation damage pattern (like pitting)
may be different for each impeller eye,
thus suggesting there is a flow imbalance
forced by the upstream geometry (suction
piping and/or pump inlet bay).
Cavitation Due to Secondary Flow at Blade
Fillets (Corner Vortex)
In many cases cavitation damage has been
found at the fillet between the blade
suction side and the hub surface.
The damage appears to be caused by a strong
vortex, which is confined in the blade
root-to-hub corner and generates a drilling
action leading to rapid perforation of the
impeller hub and in many cases to shaft
damage. The flow sources of such corner
vortex are the intense shear forces
associated with the secondary flows pattern
due to the interaction of the blade surface
velocity profile and the boundary layers of
the impeller hub surfaces. Flow separation
may be a contributory source, but not
Case Failure Analysis
A cavitation erosion problem is presented
which occurred in four full capacity main
boiler feed pumps operating in the same
power plant. Each pump was turbine driven
with its booster pump in closed loop.
The plant, having four generating units of
660 MW each, had been planned for basic and
high load duties. Large full capacity
pumps were selected as peak efficiency was
valued more than reliability at part load
operations. The pump design target was: N
= 5200 RPM, Q = 10,400 GPM, H = 12,850 FT,
NPSHR = 32 5 FT, NPSHA = 560 FT, fluid
temperature = 304F. The stage specific
speed, selected for high peak efficiency
was around 1700 {US units) leading to 6
stages. Therefore, the BHP/stage was about
6300 HP indicating a very high energy pump.
The design suction specific speed of the
first stage impeller was around 6,900 (US
units). The minimum continuous flow was
specified at 50\ b.e.p. capacity.
The four units started to operate in the
early 80's and had different service
history also with inactive periods. In
March 1986 the main feedwater pump of Unit
No. l with the longest service time was
internally inspected and a severe
cavitation damage was noticed in the first
stage impeller. Thereafter the inspection
of the main pump was extended to Units No.
2-3-4 revealing similar damage
characteristics for all four pumps. The
failure analysis indicated that (23):
The erosion area was localized near the
corner between the suction side of the
blade root and impeller hub, as shown in
Figure 5. The total operation time was
14,000 hours for Unit No. 1 and 6,000 hours
for Unit No. 4. Both the location and the
pattern of the eroded area were quite
unusual. Contrary to literature
indications, the blade surface was only
slightly damaged, while the cavitation
erosion perforated all the way thru the hub
thickness and also penetrated into the
The impeller of Unit No. 4 operated for
about 70\ of the time around its b.e.p.
capacity (close to 500 MW output), while
the impeller of Unit No. l operated for
more than 50\ of the time at part load
(Figure 6). The impeller eye speed was
ranging from 170 FT/S to 200 FT/S.
The NPSHA at pump b. e. p. was about 1. 7
times the NPSHR, which is inadequate for
this application according to some recent
literature ( 12) .
Case Solution
A new design impeller (impeller B) which
was considered as the most effective step
to reduce the cavitation damage, was
urgently developed and installed in the
plant in October 1986. Also a better
material from cavitation resistance
standpoint was used i.e., CA6NM instead of
CA15 (damaged impellers). However, a
parallel program of cavitation
visualization tests on several design
impeller variants models was planned to
cover various hypothesis about the peculiar
cavitation pattern and so identify the best
solution for late field implementation.
This experimental investigation was carried
out in early 1987.
Several geometrical configurations have
been selected and tested, including the one
{impeller A) which experienced in the plant
the cavitation erosion pattern described
above plus three impeller variants (B, BM,
Bl) of new design. (23).
A key design goal was to reduce the
sensitivity to cavitation erosion in a wide
range of plant loads from 300 MW to 660 MW
corresponding respectively to 50\ and 120\
of pump b.e.p. capacity. The analysis of
the variation of NPSHA and pump rotational
speed with plant load, showed that the most
critical condition was at the maximum load.
At part loads more large margins develop
between the NPSHA and the impeller eye
speed, which strongly determines cavitation
erosion rate ( 12). Moreover, the future
load spectrum versus operating hours, as
expected by the user, was close to the one
in Figure 6b. Then the shockless capacity
giving minimum cavitation erosion was
selected around 110\ of the b.e.p. capacity
for the impeller B, which was planned for
immediate field installation (Conf. 2).
Moreover, the overall vane loading was
reduced for the impeller B, by lowering the
head coefficient and also increasing the
blade solidity (overlap).
The cavitation bubble length (on blade
suction side) Lc,b from model tests
simulating the plant NPSHA is compared for
all the variants in Figure 7, assuming as
reference the baseline impeller A at b.e.p.
For impeller B (Conf. 2) the bubble length
Lc,b was drastically reduced across the
entire operating range. Moreover the
suction recirculation point was also
lowered (65\ Qbep) with respect to impeller
A ( 90\ Qbep) Further reduct ion of Lc, b
was obtained with impeller BM (Conf. 4) by
grinding the vane suction surface at inlet.
The cavitation bubble length was also
reduced with impeller B1 (Conf. 2) but less
than for impeller B and SM.
The analysis of the shape of the cavitation
bubble at the site conditions from model
tests (24) produced clear insights about
damage mechanisms. With reference to
impeller A, the bubble pattern is peculiar,
showing a triangular shape with high
cavitation activity at the blade root and
zero cavitation activity at the blade tip.
This .indicates the existence of a highly
three-dimensional flow (even existing at
b.e.p. capacity and above), which produces
high shear forces. Therefore, intense
local vortices are generated, which
collapse at the impeller hub and cause the
peculiar erosion.pattern (Figure 5). With
reference to impeller B, the cavitation
bubble showed in the model tests a
rectangular shape with more or less
constant length from hub to tip which was
indicating a relatively two dimensional
flow field around the blade leading edge.
Some experiments with soft paint indicated
that the damage was spread over a band
parallel to the vane edge with zero damage
at the impeller hub. Thereafter, the blade
was cut back at the hub causing a high
positive incidence angle and then the shape
of the cavitation bubble became triangular
with the largest cavitation erosion at the
hub, as shown by soft paint endurance test.
Impeller Life Expeceancy (Theoreeical).
The theoretical erosion rate (ER) has been
calculated by using a correlation based on
cavitation bubble length, which was first
published in September 1986 (21). The
trend versus capacity of the erosion rate
for the blade suction side (ER) has been
derived by using the visual cavity length
Lc, b from model tests and is plotted in
Figure 8 for all the four impellers. It
appears that:
The erosion rate has been reduced across
the full range of continuous duties by at
least one order of magnitude with impeller
B and BM, and also with impeller Bl.
The cavitation erosion on the blade
suction side is remarkably increasing at
part capacities as compare" to shockless
capacity by a factor 3 to 5 for the best
impellers B and SM. Then the impeller life
is reduced for large boiler feed pumps
operating for long time at part capacities.
Therefore, the minimization of the
cavitation erosion at part loads is an
inevitable but challenging task which must
be accomplished by the pump
designer/researcher in order to meet the
needs of widely cycling power plants.
the new
One test
It is worthy to notice that the
has been improved with all
impellers at part capacity.
variant has presented higher
throughout the whole operating range.
Moreover, a newly published method (25) for
predicting with probabilistic approach the
expected impeller life based on cavitation
bubble length has been used for all the
three new design impellers (24, 26). Plant
data have been used for the load spectrum
along with other operating conditions.
According to this theory the probability of
reaching the target impeller life of
40,000 hours with the impeller B is a.bout
65\. The probability raises to about 80\
if a maximum erosion depth EDmax equal to
the full blade thickness is allowed. The
impeller BM with very smooth thickness
distribution at the blade inlet is even
better than impeller B, with a theoretical
probability of 90\ to reach a 40,000 hours
impeller life. on the opposite, the
impeller B1 shows only a probability of 30\
to 40\, due to higher erosion rate (Figure
8) as consequence of enlarged impeller eye
(S = 10,100 US Units) even if the NPSHA-to-
NPSHR margin is higher across the operating
range than for impeller B (S 8150) and BM
{S .. 8100).
The boiler feed pump of Unit No. 1 has been
overhauled (steam turbine in
September, 1990 after 20,306 hours of
operation with the new impeller B. The
plant operation profile resulted to be very
close to the one anticipated at the design
stage. The inspection of the impeller has
shown that:
Some cavitation erosion has developed on
the suction side of each blade at the
midspan. The average of the maximum
erosion depth (EDmax) is 0.08 inches. The
average Lc,ed is 0. 70 inches, while the
average erosion length Lc, ed is 1 inch.
Total absence of damage is noticed on the
pressure side.
The shaft damage has been totally
eliminated, while some minor cavitation
erosion at the fillet between the blade
suction surface and the impeller hub is
existing. The average maximum erosion
depth is 0.04 inches and the average
erosion length is 0.15 inches.
On the basis of the actual field erosion
depth developed in 20, 306 hours the
probability to reach the target life of
40,000 hours is close to 95\ (EDmax equal
to 75\ of the blade thickness), while the
theory (25) has indicated a probability of
More details about the comparison of the
theoretical prediction of the erosion rate
with field data for this pump case are
presented in another paper (26).
Case Failure Analysis
This case history is regarding a single
main boiler feed pump (100\ capacity) of a
330MW power plant (26}. The pump, which is
motor driven, operates with variable speed.
The pump suction line is directly fed by
the deaerator (open loop} and a double
suction impeller is used in the first
stage. The pump, which has eight stages
was originally designed in 1965 for basic
and high load duties. The original c.o.s.
was: N = 3420 RPM, Q = 6250 GPM, H = 9140
FT, NPSHR = 51 FT, NPSHA = 110 FT, fluid
temperature = 345 F. The design suction
specific speed per eye of the first stage
impeller was about 9.900 (US units}. The
power/stage is 1900 HP. The original first
stage impeller has eye peripheral velocity
around 145 FTjS. Thus it can be considered
as relatively high energy/high speed stage.
A field survey in August 1988 showed that
the first stage impeller has suffered some
metal damage. The damage area was located
on the pressure side (hidden side) of each
blade, but only on the inboard impeller eye
(pump coupling side}. No damage was
noticed on the impeller eye at the outboard
side. A panel of experts concluded that
the damage was caused by the suction
recirculation due to both operation at part
loads and not equal repartition of the
total capacity between each impeller eye.
They recommended to redesign the first
stage impeller to lower the suction
recirculation and also reduce the tendency
to flow imbalance between the two impeller
Solution Methodology
Step 1 - Operator Input (Plant Data)
The plant operator was requested (August
1989) to:
Supply data on the expected pump
operating profile, as key input to the
impeller design target. Such data included
the base operating mode plus two potential
Revise the original c.o.s. and pessibly
limit the highest flow capacity (at plant
full load) to the really expected service,
in order to help the designer in optimizing
the impeller geometry for part flow
operations . The pump operating line, as
expected, is shown in Figure 9 along with
the pump performance map.
Step 2 - Impeller Design Strategy
An impeller design strategy was developed
aimed at achieving the specified life of
40,000 hours with high probability. The
strategy was focused on the following
The full range of the
parameters (Q, N, NPSHA} was
shown in Figure 10.
analyzed as
The erosion rate (ER} prediction curve
was derived for a preliminary impeller
geometry. A theoretical correlation based
on cavitation bubble length (21) was used,
while the variation of the cavitation
length with capacity and NPSHA and impeller
geometry was inferred from existing
internal data base of cavitation
visualization model tests. It is clear
from Figure 10, that the tendency to
cavitation erosion is higher at the base
load (300MW) and, especially, the full load
(330MW}, while it is lower at part load.
However, the average level of the erosion
rate is much lower than for case No. l
(Figure 8), due to lower impeller eye
velocity and also higher NPSHA-to-NPSHR
margins. This shape of the ER-curve
rapidly decreasi g with plant load seems to
be peculiar of a pumping configuration with
variable speed main feedwater pump and
deaerator (i.e., essentially constant
suction pressure} which leads to the
amplification of the NPSHA margin as the
load is reduced. It is also important to
note that the erosion rate has tendency to
sharp rise at high flow/high speed. This
peculiarity suggests that an overflow at
the impeller eye, which is due to a flow
imbalance between the inboard and outboard
eye of the impeller and produces a negative
incidence angle, is the most likely cause
of cavitation damage over the blade
pressure side ("blade attached cavitation")
in this installation, rather than a suction
recirculation related damage ("vortex
The cumulative damage (EDmax
corresponding to MOP Mean Depth
Penetration) was compared for the three
cases of the pump operating profiles i.e.,
base case, Alt. 1 (full load at 330 MW) and
Alt. 2 (Unit Operating in Partial Load
Condition) as shown in Figure 11. It is
clear that the Alt. 1 is the most severe in
terms of cavitation damage. Therefore the
shockless capacity for the new design
impeller was selected for the full load
operation at 330MW. However, the expected
cumulative damage should not reach 75% of
the blade thickness, even after 60,000
The probability of achieving an impeller
life of 40,000 hours (operator realistic
target) and even 60,000 hours (operator
ultimate goal) was also analyzed as shown
in Figure 12. In general, the situation is
more than satisfactory with lower
probability for Alt. 1/60,000 hours. (26)
An addition requirement (beside impeller
life) from the operator was to extend pump
reliable continuous operations down to 100
MW load. Then, the suction recirculation
onset was also lowered to 60% of the
shockless capacity i.e., Qcrs = 2650 GPM at
2606 RPM (lOOMW load). Then the minimum
continuous flow of 2146 GPM corresponds to
BOt of the recirculation onset capacity.
This is acceptable as the new impeller has
more mild recirculation intensity (smaller
eye diameter and optimized blade geometry
as enlightened by previous research data
(8, 20, 27) than for the existing impeller
which has Qcrs = 3200 GPM at 2606 RPM.
Additional key operating requirements at
full load were considered too in optimizing
the impeller geometry (e.g. acceptable
NPSHA/NPSHR to withstand transients caused
by sudden loss of the suction pressure).
The suction specific speed was finally
optimized for 8,500 (US units) as the best
compromise between the above conflicting
requirements at high loads and part loads.
Step 3 - Suction Casing Modification
In order to equalize the capacity between
the inboard eye and the outboard eye of the
impeller and mostly reduce the risk of
negative incidence, it was necessary to
streamline in a better way the inflow to
the impeller on the inboard side of the
inlet bay. This imposed to (Figure 13a,b):
Reshape by machining the twin volute
inlet flange.
Remachine the suction end cover for
modifying the edge to match the contour of
the shaft sleeve.
Give a better contour to the wear ring
surface facing the suction channel.
Produce a more smooth meridional contour
near the impeller with shallowed shaft
Step 4 - Advanced Design Flow Straightener
A flow straightener of advanced design was
also included in the solution strategy in
order to eliminate a possible flow
distortion due to the suction piping
layout. However, the installation of the
flow straightener was left to future action
by the operator, if needed.
Field Response
The boiler feed pump with the above
modifications has started in July 1990.
According to the plant operator, the pump
can now be operated reliably from lOOMW to
a full load of 330 MW, while previously the
operating range was more narrow from 150 MW
to 330 MW. Presently, the operations at
part load down to 100 MW are satisfactory
without any of audible
cavitation, contrary to the previous
Case Description
This case is concerning two recycle pumps
(scrubber service) operating in a power
plant. The pump ( 6 inches suction J is
single stage with top-top flanges and side
suction casing and double suction impeller.
Each pump operates at fixed duty (Figure
14) i.e., N = 3550 RPM, Q = 1350 GPM, H =
520 FT, NPSHR = 12 FT with cold water,
which is drawn from an open tank (NPSHA =
36FT). The power absorbed is 253 HP. The
peripheral speed at the impeller eye is 93
The operation mode includes full time
service with hot (mostly summer)
and no service at all with cold weather
(mostly winter).
After about two years of service the pumps
were inspected due to high vibration and
the impellers were found to be damaged.
The erosion pattern was characterized by
the following aspects:
The metal damage was located on the blade
auction aide (visible aide) near the hub
and also at the corner between the blade
and the hub.
The damaged area over the blades show the
pitting aspect which is typical of
cavitation attack. Heavy damage
penetration was concentrated at the corner
between the blade and the hub.
The above damage was present on all the
blades at both the eyes of the impeller.
But the extension of the damage was much
different on each eye, being much worse on
the outboard aide. This indicates that a)
the capacity through the outboard impeller
eye is below 675 GPM (i.e., 0.5 x Qduty),
b) the capacity through the inboard is
higher than 675 GPM, but still producing
high positive incidence angle and so
There was no significative damage on the
pressure side of the blade, which at part
flow (Qduty = 0.69 Qbep) usually is caused
by the suction recirculation.
Failure Analysis
The failure analysis (pump and system
geometry, impeller material, fluid
properties} enlightened the following
The suction piping layout (Figure 15)
with two elbows produces a flow distortion
with uneven distribution of the total
flowrate at the pump suction flange.
The impeller would have at 675 GPM (0.5 x
Qduty) a relative flow incidence of 6 at
the tip and 15 at the hub. Then the hub
blade section is prone to flow separation,
which produces a cavitating vortex (corner
vortex). A strong separation/cavitation
can be expected for capacity below 675 GPM
(outboard side). On the other hand,
cavitation can occur, even less intensive
for capacity above 675 GPM (inboard side}
due to positive incidence angle {blade
attached or sheet cavitation) i.e. the flow
angle is lower than the blade angle for the
operating conditions, leading to high
velocity peak in the first portion of the
blade on the suction side. This causes a
very low pressure which gets locally below
the vapor tension. Consequently local
concentrated cavitation is generated even
if the margin NPSHA-to NPSHR is apparently
high (NPSHA/NPSHR = 3.0) and the peripheral
speed at the blade inlet near the hub is
relatively low (57 FT/S).
The NPSHR curve {Figure 14) measured with
the impeller at maximum diameter ( 13") does
not likely change at the duty diameter
(11.25"), as the impeller blades have still
large overlap at the trim diameter.
The impeller material (CA15) has low
resistance to intense cavitation attack,
although it is an adequate choice in most
cases for pumps of this size running at
3550 RPM.
The suction chamber geometry (nozzle plus
inlet bay) is not directly responsible for
the unequal distribution of the total
flowrate, because of its symmetry, as
clearly shown by the pump cross section.
However, it might enhance any flow
distortion presenr at the suction flange.
Solution Strategy
The following
design changes were
Eliminate/reduce the flow distortion in
the suction piping by installing a flow
straightener of advanced design.
The existing design impeller with
appropriate modifications was used as
urgent temporary fix. The modifications
were derived from cavitation visualization
data which were previously obtained with a
boiler feed pump old design impeller
characterized by incidence angle
distribution, similar to the one of the
impeller of the recycle pumps i.e. low
incidence at the tip but much higher at the
hub. The cavitation bubble is shown in
Figure 16a, indicating a very intense
cavitation zone from the hub to the blade
midspan. By using a special throttling
cone at the impeller hub it was possibl.e to
drastically reduce the cavitation length,
especially in the hub region, as shown in
figure 16b. This result is due to a net
improvement of the flow pattern and a
reduction of the incidence angle at the
hub. Therefore, a hub throttling cone was
recommended as temporary fix for this
specific case and applied in the outboard
impeller eye along with grinding the
impeller blades (Figure 17) on the suction
side to reduce the blade angle.
As ultimate solution, it was strongly
recommended to install a new design
impeller and also upgrade the impeller
material for higher-cavitation resistance.
Moreover, the installation of some baffles
inside the suction nozzle andfor the inlet
volute was suggested in order to improve
the flow distribution, although, they might
have only marginal impact.
case Description
This field case is concerning three raw
sewage pumps operating in a sewage pumping
station. Each pump (6 inches suction by 4
inches discharge), consists of a single
suction impeller and a single volute. The
three pumps are vertically mounted,
connected to individual horizontal suction
line starting from the wet well and ending
with a 90 elbow just at the impeller eye.
The pumps have a discharge line to a common
header for parallel operation. The rated
c.o.s. for each pump were specified for: N
= 1770 RPM, Q = 750 GPM, H = 78 FT, NPSHR =
12 FT, NPSHA = 3 5 FT approx. The power
absorbed is 21 HP. The peripheral speed at
the impeller eye is 42 FT/S. Impeller
material is cast iron.
During normal plant operation only a single
pump was running at the above duty.
However, when increased flow requirements
were occurring, two pumps were operating in
parallel. At this condition each pump
operated at reduced capacity around 450
GPM. The operation for each pump was
intermittent, calling for a service of 8
Field data taken by the operator at the
plant first start up in January 1989
indicated that the pump operation was quiet
and smooth with a single pump running at
the duty capacity ( 750 GPM), while the
pumps became noisy during parallel
operations (about 400 to 500 GPM). The
noise level increased progressively in the
following months, also extending in more
wide capacity range. In November 1989, the
pump user complained with the manufacturer
about the pump noise problem, while the
pumps were still under warranty. The user
expressed his concern that the pump noise
with associated increase in vibration
levels may lead to premature failure,
including damage of impeller as well as
wear on the pump shaft and bearings, with
ultimate effect of reduced life.
A subsequent field report in March 1990
from the manufacturer service man indicated
Noise, characterized as "gravel sound"
was present, which could be generated by
the check valve at the pump discharge.
The noise level was around 82db to 83db
for all the three pumps and various
settings of the check valve.
The vibration level at the bearings
(lower/top) was ranging from 0.5 to 1.0
mils peak-to-peak at maximum for all the
three pumps and various setting of the
check valves.
No damage (pitting or other aspect) could
be seen in any area of the impeller, after
approximately one year of operation.
In September 1990, the pump user insisted
that the pump was not acceptable, in
consideration of the expected life span of
the bearings and rotating parts, and asked
for a time extension of warranty. Then,
the pump manufacturer agreed with the user
to commit the solution of the trouble to
corporate engineering specialist, starting
from a fresh and deep failure analysis.
Failure Analysis
The actual parameter of the pumps in the
field which were measured during a new
field inspection in November 1990, are
shown in Table 1. Only one pump was
operated across a wide range of capacity.
The isolation valve, which was located far
away from the pump, was used for throttling
the pump instead of the check valve, in
order to clarify the source of the noise,
either the pump or the check valve.
The field indications (Table l) showed
The noise was occurring across the entire
range of capacities, even at the rated one.
Clearly, the noise was originating from the
The noise reached a maximum level at
capacity of 400 GPM and nearly disappeared
at shutoff, thus indicating the presence of
a noise peak at part capacities.
The NPSHA level was about 3 times higher
than the NPSHR. Such a ratio is apparently
more than adequate for this size of pump
according to usual practice.
The noise was audible only in the pump
room and relatively close to the pump (5 to
6 feet).
The noise sound was as "crackling" as
typical for cavitation noise.
The analysis of the pump performance at the
design impeller diameter (10 inches)
indicated that the best efficiency point,
was corresponding to: N = 1770 RPM, Q =
1050 GPM, H = 73 FT, NPSHR = 16 FT (Ns =
2300 and s = 7200). The rated capacity
(750 GPM) is at 71\ of the b.e.p. capacity,
while the second duty capacity of 450 GPM
(two pumps in parallel) is at 43\ of the
b.e.p. capacity. Therefore the pump is
running at capacities well below the design
The analysis of the impeller geometry
pointed out that:
The shockless capacity was slightly above
the b.e.p. capacity.
The impeller had two long vanes with
large throat areas (inlet/ outlet) between
the blades, as dictated by solids particle
handling requirement for raw sewage pumps.
this implies a small overlap
between vanes, which promotes high NPSHi -
to-NPSH ratio (incipient cavitation)
especially at Q < Qsl and also high suction
recirculation onset capacity (50\ to 70\ of
b.e.p. capacity).
The impeller was only slightly trimmed at
9.8:2 inches.
Then the group of the field observations
along with the analysis of the pump
performance and geometry pointed clearly
out that the noise was due to cavitation
inside the pump, because the NPSHA level
was below the NPSHi corresponding the
incipient acoustic cavitation. Moreover,
for operations around 450 GPM suction
recirculation was also present interacting
with the cavitation (vortex cavitation).
The cavitation noise was not originally
observed for single pump operation at
maximum capacity during the plant start up
because the NPSHA was higher. In .fact, the
water level in the wet well was orginally
maintained about 1 FT higher, and also the
head loss in the suction piping was lower
with new and clean pipe surface.
Case Solution
The various concerns of the pump user about
pump distress and life needed to be
A. Damage and Impeller Life
At the point of the visual or acoustic
cavitation inception the rate of the
erosion damage is practically zero.
Therefore the right question is "what is a
detrimental cavitation intensity level?".
In fact most of the pumps operate in the
field with a NPSHA (A= available) which is
higher than NPSHR but significantly below
the NPSHi i.e. they operate with
There is experimental indication that the
erosion rate due to cavitation is function
of the impeller eye peripheral speed
and the length of the cavitation bubble
length attached to the blade Lc,b (12,21).
On the other hand the cavitation bubble
length Lc,b is dependent from the impeller
eye peripheral speed. For similar
hydraulic condition (roughly, same margin
NPSHA/NPSHR) the cavitation erosion rate
varies with about the sixth power of the
peripheral velocity at the impeller eye
Ueye ( 19
:21). Therefore for the
cavitation erosion and the impeller life
the impeller eye peripheral speed is the
most important factor.
Moreover, there is some statistical
experimental evidence that cavitation
erosion is practically zero if Ueye is
below 60 FT/S to 70 FT/S (threshold value).
Such a threshold value is probably related
with the physical mechanism of cavitation
damage along with the amount of the impact
energy which is due to bubble collapse and
is related with the pump energy level.
The impeller eye peripheral velocity for
the specific case is Ueye 4:2 FT/S, which
is very low and below the statistical
threshold level for cavitation metal
damage. Thus impeller damage is very
unlikely, as also already indicated by the
first field inspection after more than one
year operation and also confirmed in
November 1990, after ll, years operation.
There is high probability (above 90\) that
the impeller life expectancy and the pump
reliability will not be impaired.
Cavitation Syction Recirculation
As discussed above when a pump operates at
part capacities suction recirculation
occurs at the impeller inlet which can
cause cavitation ("vortex cavitation" or
"recirculation cavitation").
The intensity of such "vortex cavitation"
is related with both the onset capacity and
the intensity of the suction recirculation,
which are very much dependent from the
impeller design (8, 20, 27)t and mostly the
pump energy level (capacity, head, brake
horsepower). According to an internal
statistical chart derived from field data
and covering thousands of pumps no field
problem has been caused by suction
recirculation with small pumps below the
combined limit of 1000 GPM and 100 FT for
capacity and head, respectively, at the
best efficiency point.
Therefore it is very likely that the
reliability of these specific pumps is not
impaired, because the energy level of the
pump is very low (brakepower below 30 HP).
Moreover, the pump head of 70 FT at the
best efficiency point is below the
statistical head boundary, above which
field problems could be expected according
to the above statistical internal chart for
troubles related with suction
cavitation Pressure Pulsations, Noise,
When cavitation bubbles collapse they
produce pressure pulsations, which increase
the sound pressure level {or "cavitation
noise") and also may induce some
vibrations. If the bubbles collapse inside
the liquid stream far away from the metal
surface (blade, shrouds), there is no metal
damage but only noise, which does not have
any impact on pump reliability.
Moreover, the intensity of the pressure
pulsations induced by the cavitation is
determined by the pump energy level (power,
head) and the suction pressure. For low
energy pumps (roughly brake horsepower
below SO HP and head below 100 FT) the
intensity of pressure pulsations induced
from the cavitation is practically
negligible and not harmful for the pump.
The dynamic load which is related with such
pressure pulsations is very low and
consequently the level of vibrations is
only very marginally increased. In fact
the key dynamic load for bearings (design
load) is determined by:
The pressure distribution at the impeller
discharge, due to the impeller - volute
interaction. Such a pressure level is
proportional to the pump head and so is
higher than the suction pressure.
The surface at the impeller outer
periphery. This area is much larger than
the impeller eye area, which is interested
by the suction ?ressure pulsations.
Therefore the extra dynamic load due to
cavitation pressure pulsations is only a
few percent of the bearing design load. It
is more or less comparable to the accuracy
degree of the bearing life calculations.
The vibration level at the pump bearing
housings, which is ranging from 0.5 to 1.0
MILS P-P at maximum, is well below the
acceptable limits given by various charts,
including Hydraulic Institute Standards.
Such a low vibration level indicate that
the cavitation occurring in the impeller
has zero or marginal impact on the bearing
loading. Therefore the probability to
reach the specified bearing life is very
high (above 90%).
The overall pump noise level of 82-83db is
low and fully acceptable according to
standards. Moreover, the pump station is
completed isolated and far from habited
areas, while no noise is audible from
outside the station and even in the pump
room at a distance of 5 to 6 feet.
Final Approach
As a general conclusion, some cavitation is
occurring in the pump, which produces some
acoustic noise but at acceptable level. on
the other hand such cavitation intensity is
not detrimental for both the impeller life
(damage) and the bearing life (additional
dynamic loading and vibration increase).
Therefore any action aimed at eliminating
the cavitation/ recirculation would be
unnecessary and only costly and possibly
detrimental for the efficiency.
The above considerations were basically
accepted by the pump user. The case was
settled any modifications to the
The latest field information after years
of operation confirmed both the absence of
impeller damage and the full reliability of
these small sewage pumps.
Case Description
This case history is regarding four units
of the same centrifugal pumps operating in
the same chemical plant for two different
service (one pump operating and one pump on
stand-by). The pump is a single stage end
suction type (20 inches suction and 16
inches discharge) with a discharge volute
casing. The suction piping of each
installation start from a tank and has two
elbows close to the pump inlet. The two
service conditions are:
Duty A B
N (RPM) 980 980
Q (GPM) 10570 8800
H (FT) 98.5 105
BHP {HP) 326 303
NPSHR (FT) 16.6 16.1
NPSHA (FT) 22.8 22.8
(20.5) (20.5)
Process fluid water + water +
Na2Co3 CaOH
Fluid temp (F) 192 192
Specific gravity 0.97 0.97
Basically each service calls for a single
operation at nearly fixed capacity.
According to the plant operator, all the
four pumps exhibited typical cavitation
noise since start-up (December 1982). Then
the NPSHA was increased from the original
level of 20.5 FT up to 22.8 FT by rising
the fluid level in each tank. However, the
noise was noticed even during a cold water
field test with an approximate NPSHA level
of 29 FT.
after a few months of operation
(February 1983) the pumps were opened for
inspecting the impellers. The inspection
revealed that:
Absolutely no sign of damage was present
on both the two impellers of the pumps for
duty A (dilute water solution of sodium
carbonate at the saturation point), after
1100 hours of continuous service.
Some damage was already evident on both
the two impellers of the pumps operating
for duty B (dilute water solution of
calcium hydroxide at the saturation point)
after 1000 hours (pump B-1) and 300 hours
(pump B-2) of continuous service. The
damage which was still at an ~ a r l y stage,
clearly showed the typical aspect of
cavitation pitting. The erosion was
located on the visible side (suction side)
of each blade, starting from the leading
edge with length increasing from the tip to
the root of the blades.
The highest concern of the plant operator
was about the cavitation erosion of the
pumps on duty B.
Failure Analysis
All the four units used the same pump size
with the impeller trimmed at 20.1 inches
( 85% of the design diameter) The
peripheral velocity at the impeller eye was
the same (Ueye = 80 FT/S). Also, the
impeller material was the same (cast iron).
Basically, the only significative
difference between duty A and duty B was
the operating capacity. This was higher
for the pumps on duty A, which showed
cavitation noise but not damage. The
NPSHA-to-NPSHR ratio is 1.37 for duty A
(cavitation noise but no damage) and 1.40
for duty B (cavitation noise and damage)
but can be considered pratically the same.
The audible cavitation noise in the field
was not continuous like persistent
crackling indicating intense cavitation,
but rather the noise was intermittent like
random bubble collapse more characteristic
of small degree of cavitation, close to the
inception point. Moreover, the location of
the damage on the blade suction (visible)
side and visual appearance as pitting
clearly indicated that the pumps were
operating in the regime of "blade attached
cavitation" corresponding to high positive
incidence angle (Figure 1).
The analysis of the pump performance at the
full (design) diameter (23.6 inches) showed
for the best efficiency point: N = 980 RPM,
Q = 15200 GPM, H = 118 FT, BHP = 530 HP,
NPSHR =23FT, Ns = 3380, S = 11,500. Then
the duty A corresponds to 70% of the b.e.p.
capacity (Qbep-des, des = design diameter
of the impeller), which indicates part flow
operation. The duty B corresponds to 58%
of Qbep-des, thus a further reduced
operating capacity.
The analysis of the impeller geometry
indicated that:
The shockless capacity, Qsl, is at 17350
GPM i.e. at 114% Qbep-des, which is a
design choice quite usual for high
efficiency and reasonable suction specific
speed. Then, with comparison to this very
important capacity (zero incidence angle,
minimum NPSHi) the duty A is at 58% and the
duty B at 51%. At these conditions the
incidence angle is very high, producing
incipient cavitation (visual and acoustic)
for NPSHA-to-NPSHR ratio much higher than
the 1.4 value of this specific case (16).
The theoretical suction recirculation
capacity is around 50% of Qbep-des. Then
the operating capacity for duty B is close
to the one at which both the curve of
incipient cavitation, NPSHi, and the curve
of damaging cavitation, NPSHd, reach a
peack (Figure 1).
The comparison of the duty A and duty B
with Qbep-des and Qsl is shown in Figure
18a. Moreover, the comparison is extended
to the best efficiency capacity at the
actual field impeller diameter, Qbep-dd (dd
= duty diameter). When the impeller is
trimmed, the shockless capacity which is
exclusively determined by the impeller
geometry at the inlet, does not reduce
while the b.e.p. capacity decreases with
linear proportion. Then duty A and duty B
correspond to 82% and 68% of Qbep-dd. Such
values, even if indicates part flow
operations, are apparently not critical
with reference also to the NPSHA-to-NPSHR
ratio of 1.40 (Figure 18b), which is
commonly considered more than adequate for
this relatively low speed pump (980 RPM,
Ueye = 80 FT/S). Also, these values of
Qduty/Qbep-dd may erroneously suggest that
the pump operation is for both the dties
well above the suction rcirculation point.
In fact, this is customarily defined as
fraction of the b.e.p. capacity and simply
indicated Qrs/Qbep, but in the current
practice (pump selection, operations,
troubleshooting) it is tendencially
straightway referred to the b.e.p. capacity
at the impeller diameter selected for the
The NPSH test curve at the capacity of duty
A is shown in Figure 17c. There an
indication that the cavitation inception
point is at NPSH level about 2 times the
NPSHR, i.e. much above the NPSHA available
in the field (NPSHA/NPSHR 1.4).
Moreover, the virbrations were measured on
the external side of the volute discharge
casing. The RMS (Root Mean Square) level
of the casing vibrations is shown versus
decreasing NPSH for the rated capacity B in
Figure 18c. The vibration level starts to
increase at NPSH = 1.4 x NPSHR which gives
a very rough indication that the cavitation
intensity has grown enough to initiate some
damage in the impeller.
Then it was concluded that the NPSHi curve
was above the field NPSHA for both duty A
and duty B, thus generating noise for all
the pumps. On the other hand, the
cavitation damage curve NPSHd, which starts
to rise at Q<Qsl (Figure 1), is likely
below the field NPSHA for the duty A (no
impeller damage), while NPSHd becomes
higher than field NPSHA for the duty B
(with impeller damage).
Case Solution
A new design impeller (reduced capacity)
was selected for solving the cavitation
damage in the two pumps for duty B. The
operating conditions of the two pumps for
duty A were considered still acceptable,
due to the absence of impeller damage and
the low level of the cavitation noise.
The design approach for the new impeller
included the following criteria:
Lower the shockless capacity (Qsl = 12100
GPM, i.e. 30\ smaller than for the large
capacity impeller).
the peripheral speed at the
eye (Ueye 70 FT/S, which
the impeller life by a factor
Increase possibly the NPSHA-to-NPSHR
margin by reducing the NPSHR and so
increasing the design suction specific
speed, as much as allowed by other
considerations {peak efficiency and suction
recirculation) .
Obtain a satisfactory matching with the
existing volute casing in terms of peak
efficiency and flow stability.
Meet the operating conditions of duty A
for future replacement of the impeller if
Upgrade the impeller material (CA6NM).
The small capacity impeller had a design
diameter of 22.8 inches for maximizing
efficiency with the existing volute casing.
Then the impeller was trimmed for the duty
B at 89\ of the design diameter. As shown
in Figure 19a the rated capacity has moved
to 73% of the shockless capacity, and to
88% of the b.e.p. capacity at design
diameter (and to 93% of the b.e.p. capacity
at the duty diameter). Moreover the
suction recirculation onset capacity (and
so the capacity giving the peak of :; ... sHi
and NPSHd) has been lowered down to 6000
GPM, well below the operating capacity for
duty B. The NPSHR at the duty B has been
lowered to 14.2 FT giving a higher NPSHA-
to-NPSHR ratio of 1.62 (Figure 18b). This
value combined with lower incidence angle
and lower Ueye and higher resistance
material has drastically reduced and nearly
eliminated the risk of cavitation damage.
The new design impeller was installed in
the summer of 1983 and is still working
It is worth to note that the efficiency at
the operating point has been drastically
improved by about 7 points with the reduced
design capacity impeller.
A further remarkable observation is that
the suction specific speed haa been
increased to a value of 11,800 (US units)
at Qbep-des. Such a value should be
considered not acceptable according to some
literature recommendations (29) and several
current pump specifications, but these
pumps have operated for more than 8 years
without any further problems.
The suction specific speed changes with
capacity, as shown in Figure l9c. Although
the most common definition is referred to
the b.e.p. capacity at the design diameter,
a more safe and meaningful definition
should refer to the shock1ess capacity.
This capacity, which determines the optimum
geometry of the impeller inlet, strongly
characterises the impeller behavior,
especially at part flow with reference to
cavitation (damage, noise) and suction
recirculation {damage, vibrations) effects.
It is also evident that specifying any
maximum limit for acceptable value of the
suction specific speed without any
reference to the ratio Qsl/Qbep-des is not
truly effective for avoiding unreliable
pump operation at part flows.
Case Description
The following field trouble was related
with the inducer of two pump units
operating in a chemical process plant. The
pump was a single stage suction type ( 12
inches suction and 10 inches discharge)
with a double volute discharge casing. The
pump was equipped with an axial flow
inducer to provide very low NPSHR. The
pump was selected for the following rated
conditions: N = 2980 RPM, Q = 3720 GPM, H =
657 FT, BHP = 1015 HP, NPSHR = 14.8 FT
{inducer), NPSHA 20FT, fluid temperature=
226F, specific gravity = 1.30. The
process fluid was a lye rich solution of
potassium carbonate. Moreover, the minimum
flow specified was 1320 GPM. The material
for both the inducer and the impeller was a
Cr. Ni. 26-2 S.S. similar to ASTH A890
Grade SA.
The two pumps were started in the early
1978 and very quickly exhibited high noise.
An internal inspection was made after 1000
hours about of continuous operation and
showed that:
The inducer blades were heavily damaged.
The location of the erosion was on the
suction (visible) side of each blade at SO\
of the chord and also on the pressure
(hidden) side of the next blade at 25\ of
the chord. The damage length was a few
inches on both the blade suction side
(more) and the blade pressure side (less).
The damage areas were located at the outer
periphery of the blade (suction and
pressure sides) extending radially downward
from the tip for about 20\ of the blade
height. In the axial direction (rotation
axis) the zone of the deepest erosion on
the ~ l a d e suction side was nearly in front
of the corresponding maximum depth of
erosion on the pressure side of the next
blade. The visual aspect of damaged area
on each surface of the blades was like a
sponge cloth with innumerous and irregular
and deep minicraters in the central region,
while presented a more a less uniform
pitting in the peripheral zone.
The outer sleeve was also damaged as
pitting, but much less severely, in areas
facing in the axial direction the damaged
zones of the inducer blade.
The main impeller was totally free of any
damage at the inlet and also the outlet of
the blades.
It was immediately clear that each inducer
would have very short residual life and had
to be replaced.
Failure Analysis
The audible noise was similar to cavitation
crackling sound, but intermittent with
random loud bubble collapse. The visual
appearance of the damaged areas clearly
indicated the presence of cavitation. The
radial and axial locations of the damage
areas on each side of the blade channel
suggested that the cavitation was occurring
blade-to-blade in the tip stream tube.
The pump performance at the full (design)
impeller diameter had best efficiency point
at: N = 2980 RPM, Q 2 4900 GPM, H = 569 FT,
BHP = 845 HP, Nsimp = 1790, NPSHRimp = 57
FT, Simp = 10,000, Hind - 32 FT, Nsind =
15500, NPSHRind = 25.0 FT, Sind = 18660.
Then the operating capacity is at 76% of
the b.e.p. capacity, indicating that both
the impeller and t h ~ inducer were running
at part flow.
The analysis of the inducer geometry
indicated that:
The shockless capacity was well above the
design one of 4900 GPM. This is a
pecularity of constant pitch inducers,
which use a flat (not combered) airfoil
profile for the blade geometry.
At the duty capacity the incidence angle
at the tip was +11. This is a very high
value which can easily promote cavitation
on the suction side of the blade.
The peripheral velocity at the inducer
tip was 134 FT/S, which is high and
susceptible of developing cavitation even
at very high NPSHA.
The vane loading of the blade at the tip
section was too high at the duty capaci_ty
of 3720 GPM, indicating that flow
separation was more than probable with
consequent reverse flow inside the vane
channel (wsuction crecirculationw).
The analysis of the main impeller geometry
indicated that at the duty point the
incidence angle was still below the
stalling incidence. on the other hand an
experimental investigation about suction
recirculation was in course in the same
time, which included this specific impeller
{7, 8). The experimental data had clearly
shown that the suction recirculation was
occurring below the duty capacity of 3720
Therefore it was concluded (Summer 1978)
from the above analysis that the inducer
alone was subjected to cavitation on the
suction side of the vane along with flow
separation. Then the tip fluid stream
filled with vapor bubbles was turned by the
internal reverse flow (suction
recirculation) toward the pressure side of
the blade where the residual vapor bubbles
were collapsing. The same mechanism was
visualized in centrifugal flow pumps in the
same period by other researchers ( 22 h as
also shown in Figure 4.
Then the peculiar damage pattern appeared
as a combined action of both the blade
sheet cavitation (damage on the inducer
blade suction side) and also the vortex
cavitation due to the suction recirculation
(damage on the inducer blade pressure
side). The inducer was working just below
the capacity giving the peak of NPSHi
(Figure 1).
It was thought that the damage rate was
quite intense because:
The peripheral velocity Ueye was
remarkably high.
The high positive .:.ncidence angle was
producing a large cavitation cloud, with
many collapsing bubbles.
The NPSHA-to-NPSHR ratio around 1.35 was
very marginal.
The specific gravity around 1. 3 was an
aggravating factor. In fact, it should be
expected that the implosion of the vapor
bubbles would produce high impinging
pressure in high density liquid, as lately
published (21, 25).
Solution Strategy
It was clear from the above analysis that a
new design inducer with lower shockless
capacity would alleviate the damage
However as urgent and temporary fix it was
considered to make new casting of the same
design of the inducer in the field and
overlay the blades with Stellite Grade 6 by
welding. But the stellite coating did not
resist too long because of its intrinsic
brittleness and mainly an inadequate bond
(welding) with the base metal. Moreover,
it happened that the hot welding process
generated a distortion of the blade
geometry thus changing the blade angle at
inlet which is extremely critical for the
inducer cavitation characteristics of NPSHi
and NPSHd. In fact these curves (minimum
and peak value from Figure 1) are
drastically changed by a deviation of the
inlet blade angle even less than one
The design strategy for the new inducer was
focused on the following criteria:
Reduce the incidence angle at the tip for
the duty capacity from 11 down to a few
degree. Then the shockless capacity was
chosen around 4500 GPM (20\ higher than the
duty capacity).
Inerease the NPSHJ\-to-NPSHR margin by
lowering the NPSHR and thus increasing the
suction specific speed of the inducer. At
the inducer shockless capacity the S value
was 24,400 (US units) with NPSHRdes = 16.5
FT. Then the NPSHR at the duty capacity
was 12.5 FT, thus giving a margin NPSHA-to-
NPSHR = 1.60 approximately.
Keep the same NPSHR for the impeller at
the duty capacity. Then the head generated
from the inducer needed to be slightly
increased. As a consequence, the tip
diameter of the inducer was unchaged,
although a reduction would have been
beneficial for lowering the cavitation
damage rate. Also the exit blade angle
needed to be increased.
Change the blade shape by using a
combered profile at the ti-; to meet the
above design needs for low incidence angle
and lower shockless capacity and higher
inducer head. Then a variable pitch
inducer was selected.
Increase the blade thickness from tip to
the hub.
Impose very narrow tolerances on
geometrical deviations. Then the inducer
was made by using a S-axis NC machine.
Maintain the inducer material.
The new design inducer was installed in the
early 1979 and operated for more than two
years. The noise was eliminated while the
cavitation erosion rate was drastically
reduced, but not completely eliminated.
Thereafter, in 1982, the inducer design was
finally optimized to possibly eliminate the
cavitation erosion. The final inducer was
still of variable pitch type with reduced
tip diameter giving a peripheral velocity
at the tip of 124 FT/S (previously 134
FT/S). The shockless capacity for the
inducer was maintained at 4500 GPM while
the suction specific speed was reduced to
21,500. The NPSHR duty capacity was about
13.5 FT giving a NPSHA-to-NPSHR ratio
around 1.50, which appeared to be adequate.
Also the final inducer was made by NC-
machining in the same material as the
previous one. This inducer was installed
in the summer of 1982 and is still
operating after more than 9 years.
Inducer Reliability and Suction Specific
The inducer is a special device purposely
designed for very low cavitation
requirements (NPSHR) and so high S value
from 15,000 to 25,000 (or higher) for
industrial application (29, 30).
The high S value is obtained by combining
special blade geometry and very low head
(and thus low energy level) and axial ,flow
configuration (specific speed Ns from
15,000 to 20,000 u.s.). Typically, the
brake horsepower of the inducer is ranging
from only 5% (at b.e.p. capacity) up to 10\
(at SO\ b.e.p. capacity) of the full pump
Some published analysis and conclusions
based on a statistical survey of
centrifugal flow pumps (28) about a limit
critical s value of 11,000 do not
absolutely apply to inducers, which have
much higher specific speed (axial flow) and
much lower brake horsepower than the values
characteristic of the pump population used
for the survey.
Rather, the inducer cavitation erosion
limits are strongly related to both the
inducer design and the rotational speed as
clearly shown in Figure 20 (31), which was
obtained for water. Field experience has
shown that S limits up to 20,000 u.s. for
water and even 25,000 u.s. for hydrocarbon
fluids can be reached with negligible or
zero cavitation erosion.
Extensive research both theoretical and
experimental on inducers since 1930's
(first inducer patent historically) to
1990's (cavitation visualization and
acoustic measurements plus internal flow
measurements by Laser Doppler Anemometry
(32) {Figure 21), has generated good
insides about inducer design optimization.
Moreover a very large industrial population
of inducers (around a few thousands) have
gained a depth of knowledge and wide
experience in inducer technology.
Only a few inducer failures {quick
incidence damage) were reported to the
author's knowledge in the last 15 years
which were caused by misapplication of
inducer under critical duties i.e. high
inducer tip speed (around 100 FT/S) plus
large size inducers (10" and 14") plus high
specific gravity (S.G. = 1.0 to 1.3) plus
low flows duties { 60% to 80% of b. e. p.
capacity) plus inadequate NPSHA/ NPSHR
margins (from l.lS to 1.30) plus inducers
material with low resistance to cavitation
attack. All these field cases wee
successfully fixed by using a new design
inducer optimized for part capacity
(inducer B) and a more resistant material
(CA6NM, Duplex S.S.).
The key factors determining the inducer
reliability as related to cavitation and/or
suction recirculation are:
Impeller eye peripheral speed (Ueye).
Duty capacity as percent of the
"shockless capacity (which can be
different from the b.e.p. capacity).
Impeller design (Deye, blade geometry).
NPSHA (and so NPSHA-to-NPSHR margins).
Fluid density.
Fluid thermodynamic properties.
Fluid temperature.
Impeller material.
It should be remarked that the above
factors do not show any direct influence of
the suction specific speed on the
cavitation damage rate and so on the
inducer life,
Various pump field problems related with
cavitation and/or suction recirculation
characterized by different degree of damage
have been widely discussed. The damage
pattern has been clearly interrelated with
the cavitation mode and the flow mechanism
and the key geometrical parameter of the
impeller and the operating conditions plus
the time spectrum of the plant load.
The field problems were fully cleared
applying new design criteria for the
impeller along with other pertinent
modifications and recommendations as
suggested by a thorough failure analysis,
including system aspects and operator
The selection of the shockless capacity
with respect to both the pump operating
range and also the expected plant load
distribution versus operating hours is a
key design choice. In this regard a close
cooperation between the pump designer and
the pump user is fundamental in order to
harmonize the hydraulic design criteria of
the impeller or inducer with the expected
operating mode of the plant, as basis for
reaching the impeller/inducer life target.
Inducers can operate with suction specific
speed very high, if they are properly
selected and their design is optimized for
the actual duties with adequate NPSHA.
b bubble
brake horsepower
erosion depth
erosion rate
impeller life
cavity length
total dynamic head
net positive suction head
net positive suction head
required {3\ head drop)
specific speed (US unit)
power plant load
life factor
suction specific speed {US
blade thickness
peripheral speed
operating time (given
load)-to-total service
time ratio
bep best efficiency
cal calcu:ated
d damage
dd duty diameter
ed erosion maximum
el erosion length
eye impeller eye
i incipient
imp impeller
ind inducer
max maximum
reference (at
point of impeller
case No.1)
A -
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res PUMP Ps Pc Pv H 0 NPSHR
iPSIG! (PSIGI . IPSIG) (F'!) (GPM! (F'!)
LO 36 .36 (3.1)": 86 650 - 12
-()5 J7 J7 134)" 87 sac - 12
Hallam, J.L.,
Which Suction
April 1992.
"Centrifugal Pumps:
specific Are
Hydrocarbon Processing,
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"Inducers: Optimizing Pump Performance
in Industrial Applications", Pump
World, 1976, Vol. 2, No. 1.
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Application with Inducers", Hydrocarbon
Processing, Dec. 1979.
31. Palmateer
L. 1 and Grout 1 P. 1 "Pump
Suction Specific Speeds Above 20,000",
Hydrocarbon Processing, Aug. 1984.
32. Boccazzi, A., Schiavello, B., et al.,
"Cavitation Behavior and Internal Flow
Measurements by Laser Doppler
Anemometry in a Low Solidity Inducer",
Proc. of the XXth Hydraulics Open Days
- "Hydraulic Machinery", Lyon, France,
April 4-6, 1989.
The author wish to acknowledge the
Management of Dresser Pump Division for the
permission to present this paper. Also 1
thanks are due to T. Arisawal U. Capponi;
W. Droop, c. Grossi and several other
colleagues of the engineering departments
of the Dresser Pump Division worldwide, who
actively collaborated in solving the above
field problems. Finally, the author wishes
to thank all the plant operators who openly
and actively contributed to the successful
solution of the above field pump troubles
by providing all the requested and
pertinent input.

3.07 [- 0 (3)>; PUMP - SUGHT INCREASE
2.97 - 0 (3)*1 AS FOR POINT 1 (ASOVE)
JA 75C - 12 35.2 2.93 - 0 CHECK VAlVE OPEN
J8 560 -12 347 2!!9
02 - ... 102 (150) - 12
3C -oe o - 40 94 oo - 12
,:MEC" ;::;ART!A\.:.."
STALL ----ooj

Figure 1. NPSH Peculiar Curves Defining
Various Cavitation Hodes .


Figure 2. Variation of Erosion Rate
with Capacity (11).
Figure 3. Alternating
Sheet cavitation with
Vortex Cavitation(22) .
Figure 4. Suction Recirculation (a-b) as
Source of the Vortex Cavitation (C-d)(22).
UNIT Lc,ed Lc,el ED max A 8
c D
1 2.05 2.36 1.18 0.16 0.39 0.59 o .o1
1.97 2.28 0.98 0.08 0.20 0.39 0.01
in 10
. ---l-i-
Figure 5. Field Cavitation Erosion Pattern (Impeller A).

... 40


0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 0
1 2 3 4
P (100MW]
5 6 7
Figure 6. Operating Hours (\ Total) vs. Power Loads .
"; 1.4 .-------....--..--....---.--..---,

! o..a
.. 0.6
"' :::>
"' o.

u 0..0
COMf I 4
O.S 0.6 0.7 0.8 OS 1.0 1.1 L2
Figure 7. Cavitation Bubble Length
at Plant NPSHA.
' "
a; 2
"' 10-f
... 8
: 6
"' 2
"' ...
o.5 0.6 0.7 Q.l 0.9 1..0
Figure 8. Erosion Rate on Blade Suction
Side vs. Capacity.
10 0
(.) 6
< 2
I .I
3 4 5 6 7
::4 8
w2 4
1 2
.... -
< z
a: ..:,

z c

<.:l 1 I I
I 1-

:J:. ,...
(.) c, o,
( <,


( -'I
0 en' ..JI
<I <I ;::)

1 2 3
Figure 9. Pump Performance Hap and
Operating Line.
Figure 10. Operating Parameters and
BASE CASE ,.....
.. 30
1.0 1.7 2.3 3.0
LOAD (100 l!otW)
Cavitation Erosion Rate.
E Dmax 0.75-Tb



Figure 11. Cavitation Cumulative Damage with Various Plant Operating
Figure 12. Impeller Life Prediction.
Figure 13. Comparison between the original Suction Case
Geometry (a) and the Modified One (b).
f Patm)
3550 RPM
8 12 16 20 24
D" Dll\ OF PIPE ( 10'/
Figure 14. Scrubber Recycle
Performance and Operating
er Recycle Pump: Suction
Figure 15.
( b )
Figure l6. Cavitation Bubble Visualization with High Incidence
Angle at the Hub Case a: free flow at the impeller inlet; (b):
throttling cone at the impeller hub.
l....GRI!'-10 HERE
Figure 17. Impeller Modifications as Temporary Fix.
Ns =3380
( a )
0.58 o. 70 0.85
E ~
~ I
~ I
~ ~
~ I
O . O L - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - L ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - ~
0.0 0.2 0.+ 0.6 0-8 1.0 1.2
1.0 J.+
0.68 0.82 1.0
( c )
2.0 3.0
0.20 c
0.12 ;.
o.os i:
o.O+ ~
Figure 18. Unreliable Oft-design Duty with
Oversized Impeller: (a) Head and Efficiency,
(b) HPSHAjHPSHR, (c) Cavitation Intensity.
' :!
I ~
~ ~ ~
c 14
fJ'. 12
(a )
0.2 o.+ 0.6 0.8
0.93 I.O
Q /Qnep-ctct
( b)
Q /Qbep-des
(C }
LO 1.2
~ .
1.0 1,14
Figure 19. Performance and Reliability
Improvement for Off-design Duty with
Reduced Capacity Impeller: (a) Head and
Efficiency, (b) NPSHA/NPSHR, (c) S
versus capacity.

Q 25
c: 20
Inducer A
11 15
SPEED N X 1000 rpm
Figure 20. Inducer Cavitation Erosion Limits (31).
__ __
t.lJ ().6
> <>.2
0 visual cavitation Inception
X IOmm radial depth of cav. bubble
t::. 20mm radial depth of cav. bubble
3'.1: head drop

().I() ().II (),12 ().13 (),14 (),15

Figure 21. Inducer Cavitation Characteristics
from Inception to Head Drop by 3%.

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