Hwsoln06 PDF
Hwsoln06 PDF
Hwsoln06 PDF
Marvin Nakayama
Homework 6 Solutions
1. Give pushdown automata that recognize the following languages. (a) A = { w {0, 1} | w contains at least three 1s } Answer:
q1 1, q2 1, q3 1, q4 0, 1,
Note that A is a regular language, so the language has a DFA. We can easily convert the DFA into a PDA by using the same states and transitions and never push nor pop anything from the stack. (b) B = { w {0, 1} | w = w R and the length of w is odd } Answer:
q1 , $ q2 0, 0 1, 1 0, 1, q3 , $ q4
0, 0 1, 1
Since the length of any string w B is odd, w must have a symbol exactly in the middle position; i.e., |w | = 2n + 1 for some n 0, and the (n + 1)th symbol in w is the middle one. If a string w of length 2n + 1 satises w = w R , the rst n symbols must match (in reverse order) the last n symbols, and the middle symbol doesnt have to match anything. Thus, in the above PDA, the transition from q2 to itself reads the rst n symbols and pushes these on the stack. The transition from q2 to q3 nondeterministically identies the middle symbol of w , which doesnt need to match any symbol, so the stack is unaltered. The transition from q3 to itself then reads the last n symbols of w , popping the stack at each step to make sure the symbols after the middle match (in reverse order) the symbols before the middle. 1
, $
0, 0 1, 1
The length of a string w C can be either even or odd. If its even, then there is no middle symbol in w , so the rst half of w is pushed on the stack, we move from q2 to q3 without reading, pushing, or popping anything, and then match the second half of w to the rst half in reverse order by popping the stack. If the length of w is odd, then there is a middle symbol in w , and the description of the PDA in part (b) applies. (d) D = { ai bj ck | i, j, k 0, and i = j or j = k } Answer:
a, a , $ q1 , $ q5 a, , q6 b, b , q7 c, b q8 q2 , b, a q3 , $ c, q4
, $
The PDA has a nondeterministic branch at q1 . If the string is ai bj ck with i = j , then the PDA takes the branch from q1 to q2 . If the string is ai bj ck with j = k, then the PDA takes the branch from q1 to q5 . (e) E = { ai bj ck | i, j, k 0 and i + j = k } Answer:
a, x q1 , $ q2 , b, x q3 , c, x q4 , $ q5
For every a and b read in the rst part of the string, the PDA pushes an x onto the stack. Then it must read a c for each x popped o the stack.
The PDA pushes a single x onto the stack for every 2 as read at the beginning of the string. Then it pops a single x for every 3 bs read at the end of the string. (g) Answer:
Since the PDA has no accept states, the PDA accepts no strings; i.e., the PDA recognizes the language . (h) The language H of strings of properly balanced left and right brackets: every left bracket can be paired with a unique subsequent right bracket, and every right bracket can be paired with a unique preceding left bracket. Moreover, the string between any such pair has the same property. For example, [ ] [ [ [ ] [ ] ] [ ] ] A. Answer:
q1 , $ q2 [, [ ], [ , $ q3
together with Example 2.36 of the textbook to show that the class of contextfree languages is not closed under intersection. Answer: The language A is context free since it has CFG G1 with rules S XY X aX | Y bY c | The language B is context free since it has CFG G2 with rules S XY X aXb | Y cY | But A B = { an bn cn | n 0}, which we know is not context free from Example 2.36 of the textbook. Thus, the class of context-free languages is not closed under intersection. (b) Use part (a) and DeMorgans law (Theorem 0.20 of the textbook) to show that the class of context-free languages is not closed under complementation. Answer: Suppose that the following result holds: R1. The class of context-free languages is closed under complementation. Let A and B be the languages from part (a). Then since A and B are context free, A and B must be context free by R1. A problem on the previous homework showed that the class of context-free languages is closed under union, so A B must be context free. Then R1 implies that A B is context free. But A B = A B by DeMorgans law, and we showed that A B is not context free in part (a). Thus, R1 must not be true. 3. Consider the following CFG G = (V, , R, S ), where V = {S, T, X }, = {a, b}, the start variable is S , and the rules R are S aT Xb T XT S | X a|b Convert G to an equivalent PDA using the procedure given in Lemma 2.21. Answer: First we create a PDA for G that allows for pushing strings onto the stack:
, S $
, $
, S aT Xb , T XT S , T , X a , X b a, a b, b
Then we need to x the non-compliant transitions, i.e., the ones for which a string of length more than 1 is pushed onto the stack. The only non-compliant transitions are the rst two from q2 back to itself, and the transition from q1 to q2 . Fixing these gives the following PDA:
, T , X a , X b a, a b, b q1 , $ r , S q2 , $ q3
, S b
, T S t , T
, X u
, a
, X
, T
4. Use the pumping lemma to prove that the language A = { 02n 13n 0n | n 0 } is not context free. Answer: Assume that A is a CFL. Let p be the pumping length of the pumping lemma for CFLs, and consider string s = 02p 13p 0p A. Note that |s| = 6p > p, so the pumping lemma will hold. Thus, there exist strings u, v, x, y, z such that s = uvxyz = 02p 13p 0p , uv i xy iz A for all i 0, and |vy | 1. We now consider all of the possible choices for v and y : Suppose strings v and y are uniform (e.g., v = 0j for some j 0, and 5
y = 1k for some k 0). Then |vy | 1 implies that j 1 or k 1 (or both), so uv 2 xy 2 z wont have the correct number of 0s at the beginning, 1s in the middle, and 0s at the end. Hence, uv 2 xy 2 z A. Now suppose strings v and y are not both uniform. Then uv 2 xy 2 z will not have the form 0 01 10 0. Hence, uv 2 xy 2 z A. Thus, there are no options for v and y such that uv ixy i z A for all i 0. This is a contradiction, so A is not a CFL.