Reading Lesson

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Reading lesson Portage Park Elementary, Ms.

McLennons class Lesson plan developed by: Magdalena Gorska GOALS Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. CC.SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

Objectives: Students will take part in differentiated reading groups using leveled text. Students will define and analyze characters using details from the text. Students will summarize the key ideas of a story. Students will analyze and plot the sequence of events of a story. Students will analyze passages and use details to rephrase the main idea of text.

MATERIALS Leveled Text Books: This Is the Way We Go to School by Colin Kong, The Gift by Isabel Sendao, Adventures to The New World by Gretchen McBride, The Spelling Bee by Stephanie Wilder, Tobys Vacation by Christian Downey, Learning from Ms. Ling by Juna Loch and A New Girl in Class by Jason Lublinski Poster Paper Pen/Paper Worksheet: Main Idea, Elements of a Plot, Key Events INSTRUCTION Procedures: 1. Objective: Apply knowledge of key ideas and details in literature, through differentiated instruction. 2. Explain to students that today, they will be grouped in already established groups.

3. Each group will have different tasks they will have to accomplish. 4. Inform students that group 1 will include Sergio, Katya, Isaac, and Ahmed. This group will work on Main Idea. Students will have to read the book A New Girl In Class and will have to separate the book into parts. Each student will have to map the main idea of their specific part and provide details from the text. Once complete students will create an overall main idea with details for their text and they will present it in class. 5. Inform students that group 2 will include Fiona, Michael, Kaley, and Omar and students will read Tobys Vacation. Group 3 will include Mayela, Jose, Christian, and Eddie and they will read Learning from Ms. Ling. Group 4 will include Anthony, Robert, Shirley, and Melody and they will read The Spelling Bee. Students in these groups will focus on key events in the text. Students will need to write down the key events that occurred and analyze why they are important. Once complete the groups will create a timeline with seven key events from the story in the order they occurred. At the end, each group will present in class. 6. Inform students that group 5 will include Kenan, Shaima, Rafael, Jailyn and they will read The Gift. Group 6 will include Alexis, Victoria, Ariana, and Lushe and they will read Adventure to the New World. Students in these two groups will be focusing on analyze the characters, setting, rising/falling action, climax, theme, and outcome of the story. They will use their Elements of a Plot worksheet as a tool and will record their answers for all the plot elements. Once complete the groups will create a plot diagram of the story plot and will present it to the class. 7. Inform students that group 7 will include Max, Marilyn, Morgan, and Jailene and they will read This Is the Way We Go to School. This group will work on analyzing the text and looking for details in the text that help define the characters. Students will write down the details on poster paper or they can be creative and create their own form of presentation. Once complete, students will present to class. 8. Have students get to their designated groups. 9. Pass out instructions for all activities for the students. 10. Teacher will pair up with each group for a couple of minutes and help explain the activities further and answer any questions the students might have. 11. Facilitate instruction walking around the classroom. 12. Pair up with groups at different times and check up on their progress and make sure all students are on task. 13. Once complete have students present their work in front of class. Closure: Today we took part in different activities that helped us apply knowledge of key ideas and details in literature. We used analyzed story plot, characterized story characters, established main ideas, and summarized key events in a story.

Close lesson with review of objective: Apply knowledge of key ideas and details in literature, through differentiated instruction.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their presentation of the work they have completed in the groups. Presentation will be assessed based on analysis, comprehension, etc. Ongoing assessment will take place throughout the lesson and when students will meet with the teacher to check up on progress and understanding. Students will be assessed for mastery in their focus area.

ADAPTATIONS AND EXTENSIONS Students with an IEP/504 plan will be accommodated accordingly.

Defining Characters Through Detail 1. Your job is to read the book, This Is the Way We Go to School by Colin Kong. 2. Use post-it notes to help you better understand the text. 3. Find details in the text that help you define the characters in the text. 4. Once complete discuss your character details as a group. 5. As a group using poster paper, write down any details from the text that helps you define and analyze the characters from the text. 6. Analyze all characters in the text. 7. You will present as a group and share what you have learned about each character through the details in the text. Work as a group and be CREATIVE Plot 1. Your job is to read the book, The Gift by Isabel Sendao or Adventures to The New World by Gretchen McBride. 2. Use post-it notes to help you better understand the text. 3. Each group member will complete an Elements of a Story booklet. 4. You will analyze the characters, setting, rising/falling action, climax, theme, and outcome of your story.

5. You will record your answers in the booklet. You may discuss your answers as a group! 6. Once your booklet is complete, you will recreate the plot diagram on poster paper as a group. 7. Your group will present the plot diagram and will explain the plot of your story to the class. Work as a group and be CREATIVE Key Events 1. Your job is to read the book, The Spelling Bee by Stephanie Wilder, Tobys Vacation by Christian Downey, or Learning from Ms. Ling by Juna Loch. 2. Use post-it notes to help you better understand the text. 3. Each group member will write down the key events that occurred in the story. 4. Your job is to analyze those events and explain WHY they are important. 5. Discuss your key events with your group and make any revisions if necessary. 6. Once complete, as a group create a timeline and write 7 important events from the story in the order they occurred on poster paper. 7. Your group will present the timelines to the class and explain they key events. Work as a group and be CREATIVE Main Idea 1. Your job is to read the book, A New Girl in Class by Jason Lublinski. 2. Use Post-it notes to help you better understand the text. 3. Break up the sections of the book into parts for each group member. 4. Each group member will have to map the main idea of a specific part in the book. 5. Support each main idea with details from the text. Discuss your main ideas as a group. 6. Once complete, as a group create an overall main idea for the book and use the text as supporting details. 7. Your group will present your overall main idea of the book to the class. Work as a group and be CREATIVE

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