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Germanic Futhark Runes

Fehu: Cattle. Stands for the creative aspects of fire and is female in nature. It is invoked for love, war and Witchcraft. A good fortune rune, it allows you to draw wealth to you and maintain it. Fehu is a rune of new beginnings and expansive energy. Used with a healing rune, it acts as a catalyst/energy source. Fehu carries her own warning. Her gifts of good fortune must be shared, or else the rune will either destroy us or leave us worse off than we were before. Excellent in runes to bring in energy. Uruz: The auroch is an extinct European bison that was considered extraordinarily ferocious. This is a masculine rune that corresponds to the fierce power of ice, as in the movement of the glaciers. Therefore, akin to a glacier, Auroch moves with determination and purifies all it touches. Patience, courage, persistence and strength are all qualities of this rune. It can be invoked for defense, crop fertility, good weather, strength and healing. Excellent in bind runes for healing purposes. world and is


Thurisaz: Devil. Thurisaz is seen as the forces of opposition and chaos in the the negative balance in the scales of nature. It is the shadow self of each person or positive deity. Thurisaz represents fire in its uncontrolled form and is the driving force behind a curse. Of all the runes, it is by far the most dangerous and can easily backfire. It was known as a war rune--one invoked to cause unmitigated fear and panic in opponents. The rune Isa is used as a protective backdrop. Although extraordinarily destructive, it is also extremely protective. A ring of Thurisaz runes will keep out anything harmful or destructive. Ansuz: Ansuz is invoked for wisdom and occult knowledge from a higher, positive source. Its element is air and it is associated with the sacred breath. In Pow-Wow, Ansuz would be used during the faith healing process and is one of the runes that should be invoked by signing with the hand. It is often thought of as Odins rune and has the highest vibration of the runes. Ansuz represents intelligence and reason and therefore corresponds well to the written word and all sorts of messages. It is used in invisibility spells, for healing and for cursing.


Raido literally makes things go. It represents the act of being in charge and of motion and allows you to control particular situations. Where Fehu makes things go, Raido represents the directed pathway

on which it will travel. The primary element of this rune is fire. Raido is invoked as a conduit for taking control and beginning new projects. It is also good for legal matters and protecting any type of wheeled machinery. Kenaz: Kenaz is to be seen as the divine torch, clarity of thought and insight. Kenaz is invoked for protection, teaching, love, war and Witchcraft. The element of fire in its beneficial form is shown here and is used in astral travel and to expose what is hidden. Kenaz can be used as a weapon to get rid of unwanted influences. The magickal connotations of Gebo is to balance. It is the rune of partnership, whether you are speaking of two opposing or agreeing forces. Gebo is invoked to enhance exchange of data, ideas or feelings. A rune of the element of air, it moves swiftly in many situations. It works well to bind two runes together and is used both in blessings and cursings. Gebo is the rune of honor and self-sacrifice.



Wunjo is truly a happy rune, one of joy and pleasure. It stands for blessings, fertility, gifts, light and perfection. It is a fruitful rune and ensures proper payment for efforts extended. Wunjo is a harmonious rune. Combined with Raido, it will control and direct the will to a joyful conclusion. With Gebo, it brings one into harmony with divine will. The most beneficial aspect of this rune is its ability to exert ones will to facilitate wishes coming true. Hagalaz: Hagalaz stands for the seed of ice and liberation through drastic means. It is disruptive and causes change. Invoked, it can create confusion and disruption but it is also excellent in staving off astral attacks. It is used for protecting barns or homes from storms. Hagalaz indicates a need for change, a journey into the underworld of the subconscious to bring about positive transmutation. Hagalaz is an interesting rune, for it can turn someones past against him or her to precipitate a positive change. This is the rune of Urd, the eldest Sister of the Wyrrd.


Nauthiz is a good stress reliever as it allows you to reach deep inside yourself and bringing forth personal inspiration. Nauthiz is associated with Skuld, the third and youngest Sister of the Wyrrd. Runes that follow this one indicate what is needed in order about the desired future. Nauthiz was considered a war rune as its energies were used to stop and deflect incoming fire or magickal attack. To see Nauthiz in the world around you is an indication that a mistake has been made, a warning that there may be some unacknowledged

needs to which you should attend. Isa: Isa is the rune of Verandi, the Wyrrd Sister who rules the present. She stops unrestrained growth and can freeze activity for a full three months, where the present situation is destined to remain the same for a short period of time. Isa is ice. Invoked, she is used to freeze anothers actions and can negate disruptive influences, whether they are magickal or physical in nature. Isa can be destructive by not allowing needed movement. Jera represents harvest and is a cyclical rune of reward. It represents a gentle flow of change rather than one of fast pace. It is a friendly, smooth-moving rune, used for timing in magickal operations. It can be used to speed things up or slow things down. Jeras change is lasting and is great for assisting those in need. Eihwaz stands for eternity and a world without time. It is a go for itrune, but should not be used lightly due to its relationship to the yew tree, the tree of death. Powerful in death spells, it is an excellent conduit for reaching ghostly realms and represents the Tree of Yggdrasil-the tree of life. Eihwaz was the rune of the hunter and can be invoked when searching for a person, place or thing. It can be used to find a job or a home. It is a good bind rune, providing it is used properly. Perth is a rune of secrets and hidden knowledge and is the material used be the Norns to weave the tapestry of ones fate. It often foretells an initiation experience, rebirth or a discovery of great import. Invoked, it is useful for contacting the Norns, past life regression work and divination. It is a good rune to contact the collective unconscious of the folk soul. Perth is a rune of psychism, childbirth and marital fidelity and is often explained as the evolutionary process. Perth symbolism often appears when a great change is about to take place, one that has been hidden from the mind of its main participant.





Algiz is the main rune of protection and acts as a powerful conductor. It is said to represent the horns of a stag or elk. Invoked, Algiz is an excellent shield for everything from guarding letters through the postal system to protecting your home. It is also used when you fear a magickal working may have some unpleasant repercussions that you wish to avoid. Sowilo is the sigil of the sun. Like lightning, it has a nasty habit of striking suddenly, when you are least prepared to deal with a situation. Often its inspiration is from some type of divine source and the message that it brings is a needed one in order for you to reach your desired goals. Sowilo can be a slap in the face, indicating


you were blinded by someone or something and now you need to wake up. Invoked, Sowilo is used in healing to draw divine energy to the needed area or person. Tiwaz: Much like Maat in Egyptian symbology, Tiwaz is pure justice. Invoked for courage, honor, justice, dedication and bravery in a difficult situation, Tiwaz lends justice to the deserving. Good when drawing up contract, rules of play and excellent as a bind rune in legal issues. Berkano is the patron of mothers, children and womens mysteries. It provides both emotional and physical security and is the rune of the mysteries of the Wyrrd. Berkano is a soft and maternal rune. Invoke Berkano for childbirth, problems involving children and marital affairs, womens illness and where things need to grow. Ehwaz is the symbol of the horseman or war horse. It is a rune that flows and adjusts to new issues or problems. Although often thought of as male in nature, it tends more toward the female energies. Invoked, Ehwaz can bring people together or split them apart. It allows one to take control of a situation or issue and can create links for good or ill. Mannaz is a people rune. It deals with the cooperation between people for a beneficial end and with the thought process of humanity when it eventually takes a verbal, written or legal form. Invoked, Mannaz can provide an intellectual edge over an opponent. As a bind rune with Perth and Eihwaz, it is useful in contacting the dead.





Laguz is the rune of flow and sorcery and is used to gain access to someones mind, to send thoughts and to facilitate mutual feelings. Its element is water and its gender is feminine. Invoked, it enables one to form things by visualization with ease for attracting a love interest, healing or visiting someone in dreamtime to talk seriously and honestly with them about a particular issue of mutual concern. Inguz is a type of fertile magick circle. It contains strong foundations and room to grow. As a bind rune, it is used as a vessel of gestation-the other runes are placed inside the vehicle of Inguz. Invoked, Inguz is a doorway to the astral, yet provides the necessary grounding for the journey. Inguz is a cyclical rune where sowing, nurturing and growth are evident. Dagaz is a rune that indicates a breakthrough of exciting proportions. It marks the end of a cycle or era and the promise of something new and better. Dagaz is a catalyst rune in an uplifting and happy sense. Invoked, this rune brings light and transformation into a situation.



It can also be used as a rune of protection and to hide things in the astral and the physical. With Dagaz placed at the four quarters of a magick circle, your work will go unnoticed by outsiders, Dagaz is and is said to render the wearer invisible. Othala: Othala deals with ancestral property, both physical and nonphysical, as well as ones heritage. Invoked, Othala brings ancestral power and supports values and traditions of the family. Othala gives access to the universal folk soul and provides a sense of togetherness. It is also used in centering either an issue or ones self.


Futhark is divided into three sections of eight each:

First eight: Deals with deities and their dominion. Second eight: Necessary forces to bring about change. Third eight: Conditions, usually human in nature.

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