Information Technology: Sem I

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Information Technology Sem I

What is Ethernet? .......................................................................................................................................................2 Ethernet products...................................................................................................................................................2 Trans receivers....................................................................................................................................................2 Hubs ....................................................................................................................................................................2 Repeaters...........................................................................................................................................................3 Bridges ................................................................................................................................................................3 Routers ...............................................................................................................................................................3 Firewall ...............................................................................................................................................................3 Difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet .................................................................................................3 Internet ...................................................................................................................................................................3 Application of internet .......................................................................................................................................4 Business value of internet ..................................................................................................................................4 Six major Value propositions of building commercial websites by the organizations .......................................4 Intranet ...................................................................................................................................................................4 Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................................4 Extranet ..................................................................................................................................................................5 Business value ....................................................................................................................................................5 Corporate governance ................................................................................................................................................5 The ISO....................................................................................................................................................................6 Governance of Internal IT processes ......................................................................................................................7 IT Security ...................................................................................................................................................................7 CIA Triangle.............................................................................................................................................................7 Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................................................7 Integrity ..............................................................................................................................................................7 Availability ..........................................................................................................................................................8 Security management controls ..............................................................................................................................8 Physical security .....................................................................................................................................................8


Information Technology Sem I

What is Ethernet? Ethernet is a shared media. There are rule for sending packets of data to avoid conflicts and protect data integrity. o Nodes determine when the network is available for sending packets. o It is possible that two nodes at a different locations attempt to send data at the same time. o When both nodes are transferring a packet to the network at the same time collision will result. o Minimizing collisions is a crucial element in the design and operation of the network o Increased collisions are often the result of too many users on the network. Which results in bandwidth saturation of the network o This can slow the performance of the network from the users point of view o Segmenting the network, where a network is divided into different pieces joined together logically with bridges or switches is one way of reducing and overcrowded network Ethernet products The standards and technology which are used to build Ethernet network Trans receivers They are used to connect nodes to the various Ethernet media Most computers and network interface cards contain a built-in 10Base-T or 10Base-2 receiver allowing them to connect directly to Ethernet without requiring an external trans receiver Fast Ethernet networks has got new interface which Is known as media independent interface to support transmission upto 100mbps Hubs They are used to connect 2 or more Ethernet segments of any media type Ethernet hubs are necessary in star topology such as 10base-T A multi-port twisted pair hub allows several points-to-point segment to be joint in one network If the hub is attached to a backbone then all other computers at the end of twisted pair segments can communicate with all the hosts on the backbone

Information Technology Sem I

Repeaters They allow LANS to extend beyond normal distance limitation as it amplifies the data signal and the timing so that the LAN can be extended with additional nodes Bridges Its function is to connect two separate networks together Bridges connect different networks such as Ethernet and fast-Ethernet or the network of the same type When a packet is received by the bridge, the bridge determines the destination and source segments It the segments are the same the packet is filtered, if the segments are different then the packet is forwarded to the correct segment Bridges are also called stored and forward devices as the look the total Ethernet packet before making filtering or forwarding decisions Routers They filter out network traffic by a specific protocol They also divide networks logically An IP router can divide a network into various subnets so that only traffic destine only meant for a particular IP address can pass between segments Network speed often decreases due to this type of intelligent forwarding Firewall It is a system or group of system that enforces and access control policies between two network It can be thought of a pair of mechanism , one which exist to blocks traffic and other

Difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet Internet It does not have a central computer system or telecommunication center instead each message sent on the internet has a unique IP address code, so any internet server in the network can forward it to its destination. The internet does not have a head quarter or a governing body

Information Technology Sem I

Application of internet Email Use groups Web Sites for ecommerce transactions Electronic discussion forums Bulletin board system Real time conversation with internet users Gathering informations through online services such as search engines Business value of internet Collaborations among business partners providing vendor and customer support Ecommerce Marketing, sales and customer service application Enterprise communication and collaboration Six major Value propositions of building commercial websites by the organizations 1. Generate new sales channel through online sales 2. Reduce costs through online sales and customer support 3. Attract new customers via web marketing, advertising and online sales 4. Develop new information based products accessible through the web site 5. Increase loyalty of existing customers via improved wed customer service and support 6. Develop new web based markets and distribution channels for existing products Intranet With the advancement made in browser based software for the internet many private organizations are implementing intranet It is a private network utilizing internet type tools but available only within the organization Characteristics It is a network inside an organization that uses internet technologies such as o Web browsers o Servers o TCP/IP protocols o HTML

Information Technology Sem I

o document publishing o Data bases to provide internet like environment for sharing, communications, collaborations and support various business processes An intranet is protected by security measures such as passwords, encryptions and firewalls so that it is access by authorized users, even though the internet A complete intranet can be accessed through the intranet of the customers, suppliers and other business partners via extranet links Extranet Extranet are network links that use internet technologies to interconnect the intranet of a business with the intranets of various state holders Companies can establish direct private network links between themselves or create private secured internet links between them called VPN Use the unsecured internet as the extranet links between organizations intranet and various other stakeholders intranets using encryption of sensitive data and firewalls Business value The browser technology of extranet makes customers and supplier access the intranet of the organization and the resources a lot easier and faster than conventional way of communication Extranets enable company to offer interactive web enabled services to the business partners through which the strategic relations can be strengthened It enables and improve collaboration amongst various business partners It facilitates an online interactive product development, marketing and customer focused business processes that can bring better designed products to market faster

Corporate governance It is defined as a system of structuring, operating and controlling a company with a view to achieve long term sand regulatory strategic goals to satisfy shareholders various stake holders and complying with the legal and regulatory requirements apart from meeting environmental and local community needs. The SEBI committee on corporate governance defines corporate government as acceptance by management of the inalienable rights of shareholders as the true

Information Technology Sem I

owners of the corporation and of the management own rule as trustees on behalf of the shareholders. The MCA 21 project defined by ministry of corporate affairs discusses the Indias corporate government goals for 21st century. The ISO It is defined six principles for the governance Responsibility o Individuals and groups within the org. understand and accept the resp. in respect of both supple of and demand for IT. Those with resp. or actions also have the authority to perform those actions. Strategy o The org. business strategy takes into account the current and future capabilities of IT. The strategic plans for IT satisfy the current and on goin needs of the org. business strategy. Acquisition o IT acquisitions are made for valid reasons on the basis of appropriate and ongoing analysis with clear and transparent decision making. There is appropriate balance between benefits opportunities, costs and risks in both short term basis and long term basis. Performance o IT is meant for supporting the org. providing the services, levels of services and quality of service required to meet current and future business requirements. Conformance o It complies with all necessary legislations and regulations. Policies and practices are clearly defined implemented and enforced Behavior o IT policies practices and decisions demonstrates respect for human behavior including the current and evolving needs of all the people I the business processes


Information Technology Sem I

Governance of Internal IT processes There are various regulatory complies requirements which are mandated by the Organization for economic corporation and development(OECD) It talks about principle of corporate governance, BASEL II norms, Sarbanes Oxley and respective stock exchange guidelines The rationale behind such regulations is to ensure a verifiable process to manage corporate risk and instill a corporate environment of respect for all stake holders IT Security CIA Triangle Confidentiality , Integrity and Availability is the industry standard for computer security Confidentiality Confidentiality of information ensures that only those with sufficient privilege may access certain information. Confidentiality requires the proper techniques to be in place to prevent unauthorized viewing of companys assets Simple shoulder spine corporate espionage and social engineering needs to be taken care of through confidentiality To protect the confidentiality of information following measures are used o Information classification o Secure document storage o Application of general security policies o Education of information custodians & end users Integrity It is the quality or the state of been complete and uncorrupted The integrity of information is threatened when it is exposed to corruption, damage, destruction of its authentic state Corruption can occur while information is been complied stored or transmitted Integrity stops information been modified or untrusted


Information Technology Sem I

Users are often involved in reaching integrity by modifying databases and generally not adhering to the policies put in place The policies also have to be iron-clad so as to not put users in a position where they can make a mistake that would affect the credibility of a document in the first place Availability It is the characteristics of information that enables users access to information without interference or obstructions and in the required format Availability does not imply that the information is accessible to any users rather it means availability to authorized users Availability covers area such as power failures, hard disk drive failure and all other system availability failures Security management controls Security is based on converged physical security on a designed philosophy that includes a strategy for managing physical access to corporate resources Security measures must strike balance between security and functionality

Physical security
Physical security is the security of personnel, hardware, programs, networks and data from physical circumstances and events that could cause serious losses or damages to the enterprise or institution It means the protection of building sites and equipment, and all information and software contained therein from theft, vandalism, natural disasters, manmade catastrophe and accidental damages It requires solid building constructions, suitable and reliable power supplies, adequate climate control and appropriate protection from intruders which involves locks and physical securities and asset tagging and asset life cycle management


Information Technology Sem I


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