Regions of The World
Regions of The World
Regions of The World
Hot deserts are generally found on the western margins of continent in the trade wind belt The hot deserts of the world are located between 15 and 30 north or south of the equator. This is a zone of subsiding or sinking air. Air that rises due to the intense heat at the equator divides to ow north and south. When it reaches 15 to 30 it begins to sink because it has lost so much of its heat. This sinking air creates a zone of high pressure. As the air is sinking, no clouds can form and a lack of clouds means these areas are very dry.
The Diurnal range is much greater than the annual one. In the Atacama Desert the day is 25C hotter than the night. Due to sinking air there are hardly any clouds in the desert. Clouds can reect up to 80% of sunlight. In the absence of clouds the ground gets very hot during the day. At night however, this heat is lost rapidly because there are no clouds to trap the heat in. This results in a large diurnal range and sometimes produces a frost at night
All desert vegetation is adapted to drought conditions and high evaporation rates. Such plants are known as XerophytesXerophytes, such as cacti, usually have special ways of storing and conserving water. They often have few or no leaves, which reduces water loss. Phraetophytes are plants that have adapted to living in the desert by growing very long roots, allowing them to get their moisture deep within the earth, at or near the water table.
Mineral Resources
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, Algeria all are famous for mineral oil production Mining of copper nitrates is in Atacama Deserts. Copper is found at chiquimata (Chile) which is biggest copper mine in world. Gold is found at Australian desert: Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie
It borders tropical zone of western margin of continents usually between 30 degrees and 40 degrees north and south of equator. It is found in almost all continents
Winter rains and summer drought is important characteristic In northern hemisphere rains are from December to March and in southern hemisphere rains are from May to August (winter season) Cold winds experienced around the Mediterranean Sea include mistral in France, Bora in Yugoslavia etc.
Many orchards are found here. Algeria is the biggest exporter of wine. Italy, Spain, France , Portugal have big fruit orchards Grape production known as viticulture is famous in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal Different forms of wine champagne, burgundy, bordeaus, sherry and chainti are found in this region. Lime , lemon and oranges are also common. Spain is famous for oranges and tomatoes. It exports oranges and is biggest exporter of it.
Mineral Resources
They are not very rich in mineral resources. Some of the regions are: Spain: Iron ore, tungsten, copper, lead and mercury France: Bauxite Algeria: Iron ore
North America- Prairies China- Manchurian Plan Eurasia- Steppe Australia- Downs Argentina Pampas
Climate 1. Temperature ranges from 26 degrees in the summer to 10 degrees in winter. The annual range of temperature is less than 15 degrees in the southern hemisphere and more than 30 degrees in northern hemisphere. 2. The annual rainfall varies from 38 cm to 70 cm depending on location. A good deal of the rain is brought by South-East Trade winds to the southern continental regions in the summer months. 3. This decreases from east to west which means that western parts of these climatic regions are fairly dry Vegetation 1. On the Eurasian Steppes, grasses are of the shorter variety in the comparison with the long prairie grasses. Even the grass dies down during the cold and dry winters. 2. Evaporation is high in summer and this often makes irrigation essential for crop cultivation. Resources 1. South Africa: Witwaterstrand is faous for gold mines and Kimberley mines are known for diamonds 2. Iron ore and coal are also important 3. Great lakes region is famous for iron ore and steel and agricultural machinery
On shore trade winds blow throughout the year. Islands and coastal areas 10 to 20 north or south of the equator usually have a tropical marine climate. The ocean is the main influence in creating the tropical marine climate. There are two main seasons: the wet season and the dry season
Temperatute The temperature ranges from 25C to 35C. The annual rainfall is 1000 to over 1500 mm.
Vegetation: There is less vegetation than in a rainforest and the layer structure is simpler. There are only 2 tree stories, trees shed their leaves or have very small leaves. This provides the plants a way to conserve moisture. There are fewer epiphytes than a rain forest has as the canopy is dry. In the dry season the ground is covered by leaves that will not decay until the soil is moist. The trees often flower during the dry season and start to grow during the wet season. The soil is usually latasol.