Quiz (Eng)

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AnthonyS College, KAndy

Islamic Students Majlis Inter-school Islamic day Competitions 2013 One Hour

1. Which is the last war prophet Muhammad (sal) took part in? 2. Who killed Hazhrath Ali(rali)? 3. How many hadhees does Jamiuth Thirmidi contains? 4. Who is Prophet Muhammed(sal)s great grandfather? 5. What is Aysha(rali)s mothers name? 6. In which month did Hijrath take place? 7. Who is Wali in an Islamic marriage? 8. Who are known as Al Kulafaurrashideen? Name them. 9. What is the surah which bismillahir rahmanir raheem is mentioned twice? 10. What does Arabic term Nisa means? 11. What is the surah which bismillahir rahmanir raheem has not mentioned? 12. How do you call the year Prophet (sal) was born? 13. Which prophet was called as Ruhullah? 14. Who was the Author of Kithabul Ummu? 15. What was the name of Ali(rali)s sword? 16. How many ansaris participated in the battle of badr? 17. What is the meaning of Al-Malik? 18. What is the punishment for prostitution done by a unmarried person? 19. Which prophet showed more interest in Carpentry? 20. What does Ramazan means? 21. What is the present name of the island which was captured by Muslims, through a Sea war? 22. How many ways of divorce are allowed in Islam? 23. What is the significance of the 27th of Rajab? 24. What is the prayer that a Muslim ought to pray at least once in the life time? 25. How many ayahs are there in surah yaseen? 26. What is the real name of Imam Buhari(rah)? 27. Who is a Raavi? 28. Who is Musailama? 29. What is Thakbeer Thahreem? 30. What is Suhuth? 31. Give another Arabic word for Sunnah? 32. Who was the Kalifa who was known as Dhunnoor Ayn? 33. In which month did Mihraj take place? 34. What is Arkan? 35. What is the name of the mountain where nabi noohs ship landed? 36. Australia was discovered by,

37. The first ever football world cup was won by, 38. How many legs do Butterflies have? 39. Who is the captain of SriLankas cricket team for T20s? 40. What was the earlier name of New York? 41. What sport is played in Wimbledon? 42. In which sport was Muhammed Ali the world champion? 43. What is the longest highway in the world? 44. What is the largest island in the world? 45. What is the element with the highest electronegativity value? 46. Who slammed the fastest century in cricket history? 47. Who is the cricketer selected as the player of the tournament in ICC Cricket World Cup -2011? 48. Who is the minister of Environment and Renewable Energy? 49. Who is the founder of google? 50. Who is the father of History? 51. What is the real name of tab key on keyboard? 52. Who is the president of India? 53. Who is the new pope of Rome? 54. How many countries are there on the continent of Asia? 55. Give the IUPAC name for the compound Ag2Cr2O7? 56. What is the name of latest android 5.0 version? 57. Proof that. (sec A + cos A)(sec A cos A) = tan2A + sin2A 58. How many elements are on the periodic table? 59. How many megabytes are in terabyte? 60. Find the dy/dx y=(x2-x+1) (x2+2)

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