ISKCON Desire Tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 098

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Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(
tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam Bi n du
Issue No. 98 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
7 March 2005 Śrī Vijayā Ekādaśī, 10 Govinda, 518 Gaurābda Circulation 1,715



His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
The medieval Vaishnava Shivananda PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO

SUCH PERSONS Generally, materialistic persons are after some

name, fame and material gain. So if someone
CANNOT UNDERSTAND takes to Krishna consciousness for these reasons,
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta he will never be able to understand this
Swami Prabhupada philosophy. Such persons take to religious
Persons who are always planning principles as a social decoration. They admit
to do harm to other living entities themselves into some cultural institution for the
are not eligible to understand sake of name only, especially in this age. Such
Krishna consciousness and cannot persons also cannot understand the philosophy
enter the realm of transcendental of Krishna consciousness. Even if one is not
loving service to the Lord. Also, greedy for material possessions but is too
there are so-called disciples who attached to family life, he also cannot understand
become submissive to a spiritual master most ar- Krishna consciousness. Superficially, such
tificially, with an ulterior motive. They also can- persons are not very greedy for material
not understand what Krishna consciousness or possessions, but they are too attached to wife,
devotional service is. Persons who, due to being children and family improvement. When a
initiated by another sect of religious faith, do not person is not contaminated by the above-
find devotional service as the common platform mentioned faults, yet at the ultimate issue is not
for approaching the Supreme Personality of interested in the service of the Supreme
Godhead, also cannot understand Krishna con- Personality of Godhead, or if he is a non-devotee,
sciousness. We have experience that some stu- he also cannot understand the philosophy of
dents come to join us, but because of being bi- Krishna consciousness. 
ased in some particular type of faith, they leave —Purport to Bhāg. 3.32.40.
our camp and become lost in the wilderness. Ac- IS GURU NECESSARY?
tually, Krishna consciousness is not a sectarian
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati
religious faith; it is a teaching process for under-
Thakur Prabhupada
standing the Supreme Lord and our relationship
with Him. Anyone can join this movement with- Question: Can one worship Krishna with-
out prejudice, but unfortunately there are per- out being under the guidance of Gurudeva?
sons who feel differently. It is better, therefore, Srila Prabhupada: Never. Our only aim
not to instruct the science of Krishna conscious- in life is to cultivate Krishna consciousness.
ness to such persons. This can only be done under the guidance
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or instruction of a devotee of Krishna. Sri kali-yuga dharma haya hari-sakīrtana
Varshabhanavi-devi, Srimati Radharani, is etad arthe avatīra śrī śacīnandana
most favored by Krishna. Worshiping her is ei kahe bhāgavate sarva-tattva-sāra
most favorable for worshiping Krishna. No kīrtana-nimitta gauracandra-avatāra
one is more favorable than Sri Radha. Those
who are very dear to Srimati Radharani are kali-yuge sarva-dharma hari-sakīrtana
all our spiritual masters. We, the Gaudiya sarva prakāśilena caitanya-nārāyaa
Vaishnavas, are the worshipers of Krishna, kali-yuge sakīrtana-dharma pālibāre
who belongs to Radharani. The Gaudiya avatīra hailā prabhu sarva-parikare
Vaishnavas are more on the side of Radharani Sachinandana Gauranga Mahaprabhu is
than on the side of Krishna. Sri Gurudeva is the father of hari-sakīrtana, and He appears
non-different from Srimati Radharani. with all His associates, His paraphernalia, and
Only by obtaining the favor of the most fa- His abode for this purpose — to teach the
vored is it possible to cultivate Krishna-con-
chanting of the holy name. The chief result
sciousness. When one is not under the guid-
of this hari-nāma-sakīrtana is to achieve k a-
ance of the most favored, one will not find
prema, pure love for Krishna, by which one
anything favorable for the cultivation of
will get Krishna. Srila Locan Das Thakur has
Krishna consciousness or for the pursuit of
written in Caitanya-magala:
Krishna’s happiness. Instead, one will find that
one’s heart is dominated by the demoniac de- brahmāra durlabha prema sabākāre yāche
sire for one’s own happiness. One has to give dīna hīna patita pāmara nāhi bāche
up such tendencies, which are unfavorable for It is very difficult, even on the part of Lord
devotion, and one has to give up all pride and Brahmā, to get such prema. But Mahaprabhu
arrogance. A devotee can find all opportunity is offering and distributing this k a-prema
to serve Krishna only when he wants to serve freely and indiscriminately, even to the most
Krishna under the guidance of Gurudeva. But degraded and sinful persons, āpāmara yo
unfortunately, we have forgotten to make any vitatāra (Cc. madhya 23.1). He freely distrib-
effort to make Krishna happy. Instead, we have utes love of Godhead even to the lowest of
become busy in pursuit of our own happiness. men, the Jagais and Madhais. Therefore, He
Alas! Instead of making Krishna the head is known as prema-puru ottama, the Person-
of our household, we are acting in the role of ality of Godhead who gives k a-prema.
the householder and we have become
Five thousand years ago, Krishna came in
attached to our family life. But if we want
His own svarūpa, His original form. In His
what is good for us, then we have to become
kurukshetra-līlā, Kna gave His message in the
careful while we are alive in this human body.
form of Bhagavad-gītā to Arjuna, and through
Otherwise we will be deceived; we will miss
Arjuna He instructed all mankind. There He
our excellent opportunity. 
gave confidential, more confidential, and most
— Excerpted from Prabhupada Saraswati Thakur. Mandala
Publishing Group. Eugene, Oregon. 1997. confidential instructions. His most confiden-
tial instruction is man-manā bhava mad-bhakto
THE GREED OF THE LORD mad yāji mā namaskuru — “Engage your
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja mind always in thinking of Me, become My
When we speak of the advent of Gauranga devotee, worship Me, and offer your homage
Mahaprabhu, we should understand the cause unto Me.” (Bg.18.65) His concluding instruc-
of His appearance. There are two types of causes tion is sarva dharmān parityajya mām eka
— external and internal. The external cause is śaraa vraja — “Give up all varieties of dharma
to spread love of God through hari-sakīrtana, and just surrender unto Me.” (Bg.18.66) How-
the chanting of the holy name. The chanting of ever, Krishna only said this theoretically. He
the holy name is the process of religion for this never taught how to surrender practically.
age of quarrel and hypocrisy, Kali-yuga dharma. Krishna is suhda sarva-bhūtānām — the
Srila Vrindavana Das Thakur describes in only well-wishing friend of all living enti-
Caitanya-bhāgavata (ādi 2.22, 23, 26, 27): ties. (Bg.5.29) Therefore, after winding up
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His pastimes at the end of Dvāpara-yuga‚ the Radharani␣relishes? How can I relish it?”
previous age, He thought, “I have given con- And the third desire, “What type of pleasure
fidential, more confidential and most confi- or happiness does Radharani derive by
dential instruction to Arjuna for all mankind. relishing My beauty, and how can I relish it?”
But after Dvāpara-yuga comes Kali-yuga, the These three desires developed in the Supreme
most sinful age. Owing to an increase in sin- Lord Krishna. Therefore, śacī-garbha-sindhau
ful activities, the consciousness of the people harīndu — He appeared from the womb of
is most polluted. They cannot understand the Sachi-mata. That is Gauranga Mahaprabhu.
path of surrender, śaraāgati-tattva. And I Greed is Natural
have only spoken theoretically. I have not
practically demonstrated how to surrender. In the above verse, the word lobha, “greed,”
Therefore I have to go again.” So Krishna is very significant. The Lord has greed. There-
fore it is quite natural that we also have
came as Gauranga Mahaprabhu.
greed. We are greedy persons — materially
yuga-dharma pravartāimu nāma-sakīrtana greedy. But the greed of the material world is
cāri bhāva-bhakti diyā nācāmu bhuvana condemned; it is considered one of our en-
(Krishna said:) “I shall go and preach the yuga- emies. In the Bhagavad-gītā (16.21), Lord
dharma, the chanting of the holy name, and give Krishna says:
the four forms of bhakti, devotional service in
tri-vidha narakasyeda
dāsya — servitorship; sakhya — friendship;
vātsalya — parental love, and mādhurya — con-
dvāra nāśana ātmana
jugal love. Śānta, the mellow of neutrality, is dis- kāma krodhas tathā lobhas
carded in Mahaprabhu’s line. The Lord decided, tasmād etat traya tyajet
“I shall make the whole world dance with bhāva- Give up these three, kāma, krodha, lobha — lust,
bhakti, ecstatic love of God.” (Cc. ādi 3.19) anger and greed. If you become influenced or
āpani karimu bhakta-bhāva agikāre affected by them, then you will open your door
āpani ācari’ bhakti śikhāimu sabāre to hell. So give them up.

āpane nā kaile dharma śikhāna nā yāya Greed is condemned, because those who are
ei ta’ siddhānta gītā-bhāgavata gāya materially greedy must definitely suffer. In
this regard, there is a small story:
I shall accept bhakta-bhāva, the mood of a devo- Once, a greedy boy saw his mother put
tee, and I shall teach bhakti. Unless I practice
some berries into an earthen pot that had a
bhakti, śaraāgati, in My own life, I cannot teach
it to others. (Cc. ādi 3.20, 21)
very narrow opening. Greedy to get some of
those berries, he put his hand into the pot and
This is the external cause for the advent of grasped a handful. But when he tried to get
Lord Chaitanya, bahirāga-kāraam. The ex- his hand out of the pot, his hand got caught
ternal cause is for the sake of others, the people because the opening was too narrow. This
of Kali-yuga, whereas the internal cause, caused some pain as he pulled, so he was cry-
antarāga-kāraam, is for Himself. Caitanya- ing. Although he was suffering, he would not
caritāmta (ādi 1.6) describes that the internal let go of the berries. This is a simple story
cause is to fulfill three desires: showing that the consequence of greed is suf-
śrī rādhāyā praaya-mahimā kīdśo vānayaivā- fering. Therefore, Bhagavan Krishna says in
svādyo yenādbhuta-madhurimā kīdśo vā madīya the Gītā, “Give up greed.”
saukhya cāsyā mad-anubhavata kīdśa veti lobhāt But greed can be engaged in Krishna’s ser-
tad-bhāvā hya samajani śacī-garbha-sindhau harīndu vice. The word lobha is an ancient word, not
Swarupa Damodara Goswami has spoken a modern word. The seed of greed exists in
this, and it is quoted by Rupa Goswami in his both bhagavān, the Lord, and bhakta, the
Lalita-mādhava. In k a-līlā, three desires devotee. In respect to bhagavad-bhakta, the
remained unfulfilled. First, Krishna wanted devotee of the Lord, Srila Narottam Das
to know, “What is Radharani’s love?” Next, Thakur says (Prema-bhakti-candrikā 2.10),
He desired to know, “What is My rūpa- lobha sādhu-sage hari-kathā. How can you
mādhurī, My excellent beauty that use greed? Develop greed to have more and
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more sādhu-saga, association with sādhus, develop the greed to have more and more asso-
pure devotees, and to hear more and more ciation with pure devotees and hear more and
k a-kathā, talks about the Lord. Develop this more about the Lord. Then you will make ad-
greed. Such greed is spiritual, transcenden- vancement in bhajana-sādhana, devotional ser-
tal. One should not give it up. Rather, one vice. Materialistic people do not know how to
should develop it more and more. The more use greed. They abuse greed by directing it to-
one develops this greed, the more he gets spiri- ward material enjoyment and possessions, and
tual relishment and makes spiritual advance- thus they suffer. So when we speak about the
ment. One who is not greedy in this way can- advent of Sachinandana Gaura Hari, we speak
not make advancement on the spiritual path. of spiritual greed, not this material greed.
So material greed should be given up,
whereas spiritual greed should be developed.
Srila Rupa Goswami has said (Padyāvalī 14): BECOME A MENDICANT
k a-bhakti-rasa-bhāvitā mati The medieval Vaishnava Shivananda
krīyatā yadi kuto ‘pi labhyate (Suha-i-rāga)
tatra laulyam api mūlyam ekala pūrve ye-i gopīnātha śrīmatī rādhikā sātha
janma-ko i-suktair na labhyate se sukha bhāviyā ebe dīna
ye kare muralī bāya dan a kaman alu tāya
Pure devotional service in Krishna conscious-
ka i-ta e e ora kaupīna
ness cannot be had even by pious activity in
hundreds and thousands of lives. It can be at- He who was formerly Radha’s companion and
tained only by paying one price — intense greed the master of the gopīs has now become a joyful
to obtain it. If it is available somewhere, one must poor mendicant. He who formerly held a flute
purchase it without delay. in His hand now holds a dan a and kaman alu.
At His waist, a kaupīna is tied.
In this verse, the word laulya means lobha,
greed. The purport of the verse is that if you have adhare muralī pūri vraja-badhūra mana curi
kari sukha bā aye tāhāra
such spiritual greed you can achieve k a-bhakti-
nayana-ka āk a-bāe marame paśiyā hāne
rasa, the mellow of love for Krishna. Otherwise, se mārae bahe aśru-dhāra
you cannot achieve it. Therefore, one should
He who formerly filled the flute at His lips, stole
! the gopī’s hearts, enjoyed many blissful pas-
times, and fired many arrows of sidelong glances
at the gopī’s hearts, now sheds flooding rivers of
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National Highway No. 5, IRC Village vilāsaye sakīrtana sthāne
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Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the Inter- bhāvite se saba sukha dvi-gua bā haye dukha
national Society for Krishna Consciousness, viraha anale jari jari
Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. e śivānandera hiyā ga ila pā āa diyā
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. nā darabe se sukha soari
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His In the ecstasy of meeting, He is filled with bliss.
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada In the agony of separation, His unhappiness
©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. All other mate- doubles and He burns in the flames of suffering.
rials, unless specified, © ISKCON Bhubaneswar/Gopal
His chanting of the holy name fills with bliss even
Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is
given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form pro- Shivananda’s heart, a heart built of stone. 
vided no changes are made to the contents. — Gokulananda Sen. Pada-kalpa-taru. Syamacharan Li-
brary. Calcutta. 438 Gaurabda (1924). Bengali.

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