Marketing Plan Outline: Key Questions To Answer
Marketing Plan Outline: Key Questions To Answer
Marketing Plan Outline: Key Questions To Answer
Measurements 3. How will you measure and track your results? (Each goal should be
measured and the results recorded inorder to track what is working and what is not).
Target Market 4. Who is your target Market? (focus on who is your customer and know their
needs and wants.
Logo, Slogan, Colors, Positioning Statement 5. Do you have a logo? (a logo should be a unique , simple mark that represents
and brands your business?)
6. What is your slogan or tag line? (An original, creative statement that tells your
customer what your business is about)
7. What are your businesses colors? (Colors represent feelings and emotions
and brands your identity)
Marketing Needs, Demographics, Trends 9. Is there a market demand for your Product or service? (you need to have a
market or you dont have a business)
10 .Have you distributed a customers needs assessment/survey relating to your product or service? (you will find out what your customers needs and wants
are-The results guide your marketing goals)
11. Who are your potential customers? What is their demographics? (age,
income, interests, culture, habits, etc..)
12. Does your product or service keep up with the current trend?( It is
important to stay on the cutting edge of technology & know what is important in the minds of your customer)
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Market Growth 13. How large is your market? ( the number of people using your product or
14. What market share do you anticipate? (your sales, as a percentage of total
sales for your product category.)
15. How will you attract and hold your share of the market or grow your market? (By maintaining quality service, adding new serivices or products, or
increase advertsing dollars)
SWOT Analysis 16. What are your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats? Competition 17. Who are your competitors? How are their businesses positioned? (it is
key to position your product or service different than your competion)
18. How unique is your business from the competion? How will you differentiate yourself from your competition? ( find your expertise, your
19. What can your business contribute to the world that no one else can?
(this is about the understanding of what your main benefit is to your customer)
Your Services/ Benefits 20. What are your services or products? (list your services and keep them short
and to the point. Know your products.)
21. What are the benefits for your customer if they choose to use your service or product? (Customer will make their choice based on what they gain
by using your service or product.)
Your Image 22. How do your customers percieve you? (Their perception might not be what
you want them to percieve you as, but this is key to know if your business and marketing is working.) 23. What image do you want to have? (List your values, expertise, quality and incorporate into your marekting then share with staff and implement & practice)
Product, Promotion, Placement, Price 24. Is there a demand for your product or service? (people should be
interested & your product or service should meet the needs of your customer)
25. How will you promote your business? How do you sell your products or services? (You need to create awarness so your customers value your service
or product, keep in mind top of mind awareness. Use the right message, Use the right media to deliver to the right market.
26. What advertising media placement will you use and How will you connect your product and services with your customer? (Your media
placement should be driven by knowing your customer, place ads where your customer will see, or hear them.)
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27. How will you Price your products or service? ( you need to cover your costs
and make a profit-how you value your product or service also plays a role.) 28. Who will be your best suppliers? (research suppliers inorder to find the one that best fits your needs and your customers)
Financials/ Budgets/Forecasts 29. What percentage of your budget is budgeted for marketing? (This includes
cost for promotional items, events, tradeshows, sponsorships, media placement, production, website, newsletter, samples, etc)
30. What are your current financial needs? Next years? In 5 years?
(managing your budget is crucial, you may need to hire an accountant but you need to also be part of the process & know what is going on)