No - AIBSNLEA/CHQ/2007-08 Dated: 14 December, 2007

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To Shri Gopal Das Director (HRD), BSNL, New Delhi-110001

Dated : 14th December, 2007

Sub Regular promotion from the Cadre of Personal Assistant to Private Secretary with retrospective effect - regarding. Sir, It is to bring to your kind notice that 16 number Personal Assistants of WBTC, ETR, ETP, QA & TD were promoted to the Cadre of Private Secretary as per various orders of CGMT, W.B.Circle, Kolkata on local officiating basis since 1998 onwards and their pay were fixed under FR-22(1)(a)(i). Their regular promotion order could not be issued at the time as because recruitment rules was under preparation of DOT/BSNL. After the introduction of new Recruitment Rules in the year 2004, 3 D.P.C. Meetings were held in the year 2004, 2005 & 2006 at Circle Office for the same promotion, as per different orders of Personnel-II Section of BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. Finally their regular promotion order was issued in the month of May 2007 after a lapse of over 21/2 years since formation of the new recruitment rules. Now it is reliably learnt that CGMT, W.B.Circle is going to issue an order instructing all the units that, if applicable, pay in respect of all the officiating promotion cases may be fixed under FR-35 i.e. benefit of officiating promotion may be restricted to Rs. 1000/= in basic pay till they reach to the minimum of next higher scale. As such, above mentioned Private Secretaries will face huge amount of deduction due to refixation under FR-35. In this connection it may be mentioned here that the above mentioned Personal Assistants were officiating in the Cadre of erstwhile Sr.P.A. & Private Secretary (after restructuring) for a pretty long time. Some of them were officiating since 1998 for various vacancies arisen from the year 1998 to 2003. As such, if their regular promotion order had been issued from the year 1998 to 2003, they would have benefited considerably. Contd.2

-2BSNL Corporate Office has recently issued the order for counting of residency period w.e.f. 01.10.2000 for the purpose of time bound promotion in respect of Executive Cadres against whom restructuring have been made from different dates after formation of BSNL. On the virtue of the above order, pay of the Personal Assistants with 13 years service and pay of the senior P.Ss. with the 31 years service will be fixed in the same stage i.e Rs. 11875/= retrospectively w.e.f. 01.10.2006. A statement showing the comparison is enclosed as annexure for ready reference. As such, to protect the increment of the senior Private Secretary & Personal Assistants of West Bengal Telecom. Circle and to save the above mentioned P.Ss. from huge amount of deduction, following points may kindly be examined to place before the BSNL HQ. 1) Order regarding ceiling of benefit of Rs. 1000/= under FR-35 was issued long back based on CDA Scale. At that time starting of Gazetted-I scale was Rs. 6500/= and starting of Gazetted-2 scale was Rs. 7500/= i.e. a gap of Rs. 1000/= between the starting of two Gazetted scales. But now in the IDA Scale, E-1 scale has started from Rs. 9850/= and E-2 scale has started from Rs. 11875/= i.e. a gap of Rs. 2025/= between the starting point of two scales. As such, the ceiling from Rs. 1000/= to Rs. 2000/= for the purpose of fixation under FR-35 retrospectively w.e.f. 01.10.2000. OR 2) PA & PS Cadres are Circle Cadre and recruitment, maintenance of gradation list, D.P.C. for promotion, retirement etc. are being maintained at the Circle level. Only the formal order for regular placement in the cadre of Private Secretary are being issued from BSNL Corporate Office. Issue of regular promotion order was delayed only due to i) nonavailability of Recruitment Rules & ii) administrative lapse on the part of West Bengal Circle as well as BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi.

We would therefore, request you to kindly intervene in the matter so that the above mentioned P.Ss. of W.B.T.C. are considered promoted retrospectively since then they were officiating in the Cadre of Sr.P.A./P.S as per order of CGMT,W.B.Circle,Kolkata. With kind regards, Yours sincerely,

(Prahlad Rai) General Secretary Enclosed: (As above)

It is the normal procedure followed in the various Departments that on completion of additional one year of service, every employee will get an increment as per rate prescribed in the scale in which the employee is working. In this way every employee earns higher salary by way of additional increments than his/her junior in the Cadre on the virtue of additional service rendered to the Department. But the senior officials in the Cadre of Personal Assistant & Private Secretary of West Bengal Telecom. Circle (including ETR, ETP, T&D & QA) are passing through acute frustration as their basic pay will be fixed retrospectively w.e.f. 01.10.2006 at the same stage of Rs. 11875/= in the scale of Rs. 11875 -300- 17275 with their juniors of even 18 years, as per recent order No.400-61/2004-Pers.I Dtd. 24.08.2007 (regarding counting of residency period w.e.f. 01.10.2000) of BSNL HQ. P.As. with 13 years service (recruitment year 1994) and P.As. & P.Ss. with 18-31 years (recruitment year 1976 onwards) will be placed in the same stage i.e. Rs. 11875/=. A comparative statement is given below showing the latest status wherefrom it may be seen that basic pay of the 43 number of PAs & PSs will be fixed in the same stage i.e Rs. 11875/= (total working strength of the Cadre is 67). Year recruitment 1976 1978 1980 1982 1983 1984 1985 1988 1989 1994 of No. of years served in No. of Remarks the Cadre of PA/PS Stenographer, PA & PS 31 2 Pay of all the 43 PA & PS with different recruitment year 29 1 starting from 1976 to 1994 27 2 will be fixed retrospectively 25 4 w.e.f. 01.10.2006 at the same 24 11 stage of Rs. 11875/= in the 23 3 scale of Rs. 11875 Rs. 22 5 17275 as per BSNL 19 1 Corporate Office Order No. 18 11 400-61/2004-Pers.I Dtd. 13 3 24.08.2007 43

If this type of HR policy continues in BSNL under which 5 to 18 years seniority of the employees vanish as per new order of the BSNL Corporate Office, it will be very much painful for the senior employees to work wholeheartedly in the Department.

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