Conjunctive Use of Saline and Fresh Water For Irrigating Wheat (Triticum
Conjunctive Use of Saline and Fresh Water For Irrigating Wheat (Triticum
Conjunctive Use of Saline and Fresh Water For Irrigating Wheat (Triticum
Indexed Journal
Conjunctive Use of Saline and Fresh Water for Irrigating Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at Different Growth Stages
M. A. Mojid1* and A. B. M. Zahid Hossain2
Department of Irrigation and Water Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh - 2202, Bangladesh 2 Irrigation and Water Management Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur *Corresponding author and Email: Received: 4 September 2012 Accepted: 18 May 2013
Abstract An experiment was conducted at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 2008 2009 and 20092010 to investigate the impacts of irrigation by saline water (7 dS m1) at different growth stages of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Irrigations at crown root initiation (CRI) (T1) or booting (T2) or flowering (T3) or grain filling (T4) stage by saline water but at other growth stages by fresh water, and irrigation at all growth stages by fresh water (T5, control) were applied. Wheat was cultivated in two consecutive years (2008 2010) under four irrigations and with recommended fertilizer doses. Irrigation water having salinity of 7 dS m1 did not significantly influence plant height, spike density, spikelets per spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biomass yield and harvest index. The observed diminutive variations among the treatments reflected only non harmful impacts of salinity. Irrigation water salinity, however, significantly reduced spike length and grains per spike in most cases in the first year only. Treatment T4 producing, on an average over two years, the lowest grain yield (30% less compared to T5), grains per spike, spike length and spikelets per spike revealed that the grain filling stage of wheat was the most sensitive to irrigation water salinity. Although application of one of four irrigations by water of salinity 7 dS m1 did not impart significant effect on wheat production, it was beneficial to avoid such irrigation at the grain filling stage. Keywords: Wheat, growth stage, irrigation, salinity, conjunctive use 1. Introduction Water scarcity is currently limiting the expansion of irrigated agriculture in many regions of the world. In many countries, fresh water is relatively scarce, but there are considerable sources of saline water, which could be utilized for irrigation if appropriate crops, soil and water management practices are established (Mantell et al., 1985; Rhoades et al., 1992). As demands on good quality water are increasing, the pressure on growers to utilize moderately saline irrigation water is also increasing (Maas et al., 1988). Although the use of saline water is a subject of increasing interest, reduction in crop yield is a major constrains. With proper management, saline water could, however, be used without adverse effects on crops and soils (Rhoades, 1984). The salt tolerance of crops depends on the type and frequency of irrigations. As the soilwater content decreases between irrigations, the concentration of salt increases. Consequently, plants are increasingly exposed to saline water with time between irrigations. If water becomes
Mojid & Hossain /The Agriculturists 11(1): 15-23 (2013) stressed during either the vegetative, reproductive or maturation stages indicated that both species became less sensitive to salinity at the later stages of plant growth. Francois et al. (1994), on the other hand, irrigated wheat by water with salinity of 1.4, 10.0, 20.0 and 30.0 dS m 1 in one year, and 1.4, 8.0, 16.0 and 24.0 dS m 1 in the next year. The effect of salinity in their experiments appeared to be most pronounced on the yield components that developed at the time the salt stress was imposed. However, they maintained the total grain yields by substituting moderately saline irrigation waters for fresh water during parts of the season. A sensible use of saline water requires a better understanding of how plants respond to salinity at different growth stages (Maas et al., 1988). One way for doing this is to identify the salt sensitive stage(s) and applying irrigation at the sensitive stage(s) by fresh water and by saline water (up to the tolerant limit). Keeping this idea in view, this study was undertaken: (i) to identify the salt sensitive stage(s) of wheat, and (ii) to compare the effects of irrigation on yield and yield contributing attributes by saline water at different growth stages of wheat. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Site and climate Experiments with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were conducted at the experimental farm of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during December to March of 20082009 and 20092010 (hereafter referred to year I and year II, respectively). The experimental site was in the Agro-Ecological o Zone (AEZ) 9 that lies at 24.75 N latitude and o 90.50 E longitude. Soil samples were collected before setting up the experiments using a hand auger from five spots that represented the experimental field. The samples were collected at 20 cm increments to a depth of 60 cm to determine the major physico-chemical properties of soil. Silt loam underlying sandy loam soils in
limiting, plants experience osmotic stress as well as matric stresses. Excessive salts present in the root zone adversely affect the plants at all growth stages (Saqib et al., 2004). The basic principle underlying a sustainable irrigation by saline water is that the salt concentration in the soil has to be kept at a relatively constant level, below a threshold value specific for each crop species (Maas and Hoffman, 1977). In order to satisfy this requirement, accurate irrigation scheduling techniques need to be used to minimize yield reductions and to optimize sustainable use of available water. Irrigation influences dry matter production, plant height, leaf area, duration of grain filling and protein content of wheat grain (Razzaque et al., 1992; Thomson and Chase, 1992). Due to scarcity of water, only 42.78% of the total wheat area in Bangladesh is irrigated and the rest is cultivated under rainfed condition (BBS, 1998). Over 30% of the net cultivable area in Bangladesh exists in coastal regions, where fresh water is becoming scarce with time. Cultivation of winter crops, including wheat, is very limited in the coastal area due to inadequate fresh irrigation water and accumulation of salts in the surface soil. Salinity inhibits germination (Bernerdo et al., 2000a), leaf cell expansion and ultimate leaf growth (Cramer et al. , 2001), leaf area and dry mater accumulation, rate of net CO2 assimilation, and relative growth (Bernerdo et al., 2000b) of wheat. The effect of water salinity on the yield of wheat has been studied by a number of investigators; most of whom conducted their experiments on salt sensitivity by applying saline water during the entire growing season. However, the sensitivity of crops to salinity often changes from one stage of growth to the other. Maas and Poss (1989) irrigated two wheat species (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Probred and Triticum turgidum L., Durum Group, cv. Aldura) by saline waters with seven salinity levels ranging from 1.4 to 28 dS m1 at vegetative, reproductive and maturation stages. In their experiments, the grain yields from the plants
Conjunctive use of water for irrigation the field belongs to the Old Brahmaputra floodplain (BARC, 2005). Table 1 gives the texture, bulk density and field capacity water content of the soils at different layers of the experimental field. The top soil (060 cm) had 0.49% organic carbon (0.85% organic matter), 6.9 pH (1:2.5 = soil : water), 0.04% total nitrogen, 17 and 9.9 ppm available phosphorus and sulphur, respectively, 25.5, 8.4 and 691.0 ppm exchangeable potassium, sodium and calcium, respectively, 45.0 and 18.4% (v v 3) field capacity and permanent wilting point, respectively, 1.33 g cm3 bulk density and 0.62 dS m1 electrical conductivity (EC) of saturation extract. The daily maximum temperature during December to March varied from 24.9 to 30.9o C in 2008 2009 and from 24.0 to 32.0oC in 2009 2010. The daily minimum temperature during that period varied from 13.5 to 19.0oC in 2008 2009 and from 11.7 to 20.7oC in 2009 2010. There was no rainfall during the two wheatgrowing seasons in this study. 2.2. Treatments and experimental design There were five irrigation treatments: T1 = irrigation by saline water at CRI stage and fresh water at other stages, T2 = irrigation by saline water at booting stage and fresh water at other stages, T3 = irrigation by saline water at flowering stage and fresh water at other stages, T4 = irrigation by saline water at grain filling stage and fresh water at other stages, and T5 = irrigation by fresh water at all growth stages (control). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The unit plots were of 3 m 2 m size. A buffer zone of 1 m both between the adjacent blocks and adjacent plots was retained to minimize the interference effects of the treatments and replications among the plots. Levees of appropriate size were constructed around the plots to retain irrigation water. Recommended doses of urea, triple super phosphate, muriate of potash and gypsum (at 260, 160, 110 and 110 kg ha1, respectively) were applied. Two-thirds of urea and the entire doses of the other fertilizers were applied as a
17 basal dose. The remaining urea was top-dressed before first irrigation. At good tilth condition of the soil, 2 to 3-cm deep furrows, with a spacing of 20 cm, were made with hand rakes. Wheat seeds (cv: Shatabdi) were sown in the furrows @ 120 kg ha1 on 6 December 2008 (year I) and on 14 December 2009 (year II). Soil-water contents in the plots were measured at sowing with a Trime FM moisture meter (Eijkelkamp, The Netherlands). In order to control insect pests, Bavistine (@ 0.9 kg ha1) and Ridomil Gold (1 kg ha1) were sprayed before first irrigation. 2.3. Application of irrigations Saline water was prepared at a constant salinity level of 7 dS m1 at 25C. To maintain this salinity level, sodium chloride (table salt) @ 5.082 g L1 was mixed with groundwater pumped with a deep tubewell in a pit lined with polyethylene sheet. The EC of groundwater was 0.39 dS m1. The salt concentration of 5.082 g L1 was determined in laboratory calibration to attain the required water salinity of 7 dS m1. Wheat was irrigated following a schedule that was based on crop-water requirement and soilwater content. Field capacity was determined in laboratory on soil samples collected from the plots and the values were cross-checked by insitu measurements in the field. Four irrigations were applied to the crop both in year I and year II experiments. Soil-water content in the plots was measured with a Trime FM moisture meter before applying the irrigations. The quantity of water required to bring soil water to the field capacity was calculated for each plot for an effective root zone depth of 60 cm. The first irrigation was applied at 19 and 21 days after sowing (DAS) in year I and year II, respectively. The second, third and fourth irrigations were applied at 51, 67 and 86 DAS, respectively in year I and at 37, 55 and 80 DAS, respectively in year II. An equal amount of water (2.17 cm) was applied to all plots, in a particular irrigation in year I. In year II, each of the first and second irrigations consisted of 2.5 cm water while each of the third and fourth irrigations consisted of 4 cm water.
Table 1. Particle size distribution, texture, bulk density and field capacity water content of soil at different layers of the experimental field (The same field was used in the two years experiment) Soil depth (cm) 0-20 20-40 40-60 Particle size distribution (%) Sand 32.58 54.57 67.91 Silt 56.66 40.0 26.67 Clay 10.76 5.43 5.42 Silt loam Sandy loam Sandy loam Textural class Bulk density (g cm-3) 1.26 1.35 1.40 Field capacity (% v v1) 39.10 38.62 36.85
2.4. Measurements At physiological maturity, a harvest area of 1 m 1 m was selected in the middle of each plot. Also, the crop of the remaining portion of each plot was harvested. After recording data on plant height and length of spike, the plant materials were dried in sun. Grain, straw and biomass yields were recorded. Variation of root development of the plants due to salinity was assessed by sampling roots from 20 cm 30 cm area in 020, 2040 and 4060 cm soil profiles soon after harvesting the crop. The roots were separated by washing out the soils and dried in an oven at 75oC for 60 h to obtain their dry mass. Root-density was calculated by dividing dry weight of the root sample by the sampling area. The harvest index was calculated as the ratio of grain yield to biomass yield (Gardner et al., 1985). Water-productivity of wheat was determined by dividing the grain yield by the quantity of water used by the crop, and also by dividing the quantity of water used by the crop by the grain yield. The water used by the crop included the applied irrigation water and change in soil-water content between sowing and harvesting of the crop. Analysis of variance was done for the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD, 1 factor). The R-package Agricolae (De Mendiburu, 2010) was used for the analysis. 3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Growth attributes Plant height varied from 88.4 cm in treatment T4 to 94.8 cm in T2 in year I and from 94.4 cm in T1 to 95.8 cm in T5 in year II (Table 2). The variations in plant height among the treatments were, however, insignificant (p = 0.05). It was revealed that irrigation water of salinity 7 dSm1, applied at the CRI stage, reduced plant height considerably. Because of reduced tillering in year II, spike density was lower in that year than in year I. In an experiment with wheat where all irrigations were applied by saline water of 3.5 and 6.9 dSm1, Poustini (1995) obtained reduced number of tillers having spikes and reduced relative growth rate. A leaf area index (LAI) of 2.9, 3.1, 2.8, 3.1 and 2.5 in treatment T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively (measured in year II only) did not show considerable impact of irrigation water salinity at any particular stage of wheat growth. Spike length responded significantly to irrigation water salinity imposed at different growth stages in year I only. Treatment T2 provided the largest spike length (9.41cm), while T4 provided the smallest (8.48 cm) value in year I. The second lowest spike length (8.84 cm), obtained in T1, implied that reduction in spike length in this treatment was due to extraneous effects since the spike attained their full length before the grain filling stage. The spike length decreased by 5.8, 2.9 and 9.6% in T1, T3 and T4, respectively compared to that in T5.
Table 2. Growth attributes of wheat under five irrigation treatments for 20082009 (year I) and 2009 2010 (year II) crop periods Year Treatment T1 T2 T3 Year I T4 T5 HSD0.05 T1 T2 T3 Year II T4 T5 HSD0.05 88.40a 90.37a 9.928 94.37a 95.13a 95.03a 95.37a 95.80a 8.067 350.0a 349.3a 95.17 326.3a 315.0a 332.0a 333.7a 290.0a 118.1 8.477b 9.377ab 0.916 9.633a 9.267a 9.767a 9.667a 9.567a 0.913 17.20a 19.43a 3.325 17.13a 16.63a 16.83a 17.23a 17.70a 1.563 Plant height (cm) 90.33a 94.80a 91.20a Spike m2 (no.) 338.0a 328.7a 334.7a Spike length (cm) 8.837ab 9.410a 9.103ab Spikelet spike1 (no.) 18.97a 19.80a 18.87a
Common letter(s) within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level of significance analyzed by Tukey.
The irrigation water salinity imposed at different growth stages of wheat exerted insignificant impact on the number of spikelets per spike in both crop years. In year I, T5 produced the highest number of spikelets per spike (19.43) and T4 provided the lowest value. In year II, however, T5 and T2 produced the equivalent number of spikelets per spike. From the two years mean, the highest number of spikelets per spike (19) was obtained in T5, and an average of 2.8, 1.9, 3.9 and 7.3% decrease in the number of spikelets per spike was obtained in T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively compared to the control. The lowest number of spikelets per spike (17), counted in T4, did not, however, indicate any negative impact of irrigation water salinity since
the spikelets were formed before application of this irrigation. Also, since the number of spikelets per spike is a function of spike length, the longest spike (in T5) resulted in the largest number of spikelets per spike. Saline water retarded root growth. The mean root densities at harvest were 0.46, 0.50, 0.41, 0.48 and 0.52 kg m 2 (of surface area) in T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively. The root density was the maximum when irrigation was applied by fresh water at all growth stages (T5). The second highest root density was in T2. Saline water at flowering stage (T3) retarded further development of roots but salinity imposed after flowering did not reduce root growth.
Mojid & Hossain /The Agriculturists 11(1): 15-23 (2013) both crop years. The lowest number of grains per spike in T4 in year I implied that irrigation water salinity at grain filling stage was the most sensitive to grain formation. The 1000-grain weight of wheat in the treatments remained unaffected by the salinity of irrigation water at different growth stages in both the years.
Number of grains per spike varied between the treatments, significantly in year I but insignificantly in year II (Table 3). The highest number of grains per spike was produced when all irrigations were applied by fresh water (T5) in
Table 3. Yield attributes of wheat under five irrigation treatments for 20082009 (year I) and 2009 2010 (year II) crop periods Year Treatment Grains spike1 (no.) 29.73ab 37.90ab 28.37ab 24.60b 40.40a 14.08 33.30a 30.43a 30.90a 32.63a 37.63a 13.405 1000-grain weight (g) 45.73a 43.25a 44.08a 45.26a 39.17a 8.466 45.47a 45.58a 46.18a 46.84a 42.73a 10.749 Grain yield (t ha1) 2.470a 2.940a 2.663a 2.333a 3.173a 1.27 2.300a 2.067a 1.700a 1.967a 2.967a 3.571 Biological yield (t ha1) 11.20a 13.07a 11.73a 12.27a 12.47a 3.785 7.833a 7.600a 7.233a 7.667a 8.133a 3.582 Harvest index (fraction) 0.217a 0.223a 0.227a 0.193a 0.257a 0.099 0.291a 0.252a 0.214a 0.242a 0.366a 0.376
Common letter(s) within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level of significance analyzed by Tukey.
Conjunctive use of water for irrigation There was no significant difference in grain yield of wheat among the treatments. The highest grain yields of 3.17 t ha1 in year I and 2.97 t ha1 in year II were obtained when fresh water irrigation was applied at all growth stages. The lowest grain yield was in T4 in year I and in T3 in year II. Irrigation by saline water at CRI, booting, flowering and grain filling stages reduced the grain yield, on an average over years, by 22, 18, 29 and 30%, respectively compared to the control. So, irrigation water salinity at flowering and grain filling stages was, although not significant, sensitive enough in reducing grain yield. These results are similar to that of Poustini (1995) who found no effect of irrigation water salinity of 3.5 and 6.9 dS m1 on net assimilation rate. The results obtained from the experiments are also in agreement with that of Phogat et al. (2001) who reported that wheat could tolerate salinity levels up to 6 dS m1 and
21 there was no significant reduction in grain yield with two irrigations by water of salinity 6.5 dS m 1. It is noted that the lower grain yield in year II than in year I was due to smaller spike density in year II. Irrigation by saline water at different growth stages did not significantly influence biomass yield of wheat. From the mean biomass yields of the two crop years, it was observed that irrigation water salinity was influential at CRI (T1) and flowering (T3) stages in reducing biomass yield. Harvest index of wheat (Table 3) remained impervious by the salinity of irrigation water at different growth stages; the small variations obtained were insignificant. Treatment T5 always resulted in the highest harvest index. The lowest harvest index was in T4 in year I and in T3 in year II. This implied that irrigation water salinity influenced harvest index when applied at the flowering and grain filling stages.
Table 4. Components of water requirement and water productivity of wheat for grain production in different treatments during 20082009 (year I) and 20092010 (year II) crop periods Year Treatment Irrigation (cm) Soil water deficit (cm) 2.82 3.84 2.94 2.22 2.76 3.51 3.69 2.99 4.10 3.74 Total water used (cm) 11.49 12.51 11.61 10.89 11.43 16.51 16.69 15.99 17.10 16.74 Yield (kg ha1) 2470 2940 2663 2333 3173 2300 2067 1700 1967 2967 Water productivity (kg ha1 cm1) 215 235 229 214 278 139 124 106 115 177 Water productivity (L kg-1) 465 426 436 467 360 718 807 941 869 564
T1 T2 Year I T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 Year II T3 T4 T5
8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00
Mojid & Hossain /The Agriculturists 11(1): 15-23 (2013) References BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council). 2005. Soil fertility status of different agro-ecological zones. BARC Soils Publication, No. 45:1532.
Total water used by wheat and water productivity of the crop under different irrigation treatments are given in Table 4. Treatment T5 produced the highest water productivity for grain production (278 kg ha1cm 1 in year I and 177 kg ha1cm1 in year II). The crop-water productivity decreased by 23, 15, 18 and 23% in T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively compared to T5 in year I. The corresponding decrease in water productivity in year II was 21, 30, 40 and 35%. Total water used by the crop remained mostly stable in different treatments in a year, but because of the reduction in grain yield due to the effect of irrigation water salinity at different growth stages, the water productivity of wheat decreased. Consequently, the water requirement per kilogram of wheat production increased. 4. Conclusions
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The grain filling stage of wheat was the most sensitive to the salinity of irrigation water (7 dS m 1). Irrigation by saline water at this stage reduced grain yield by 30%. The booting stage was the most salt-tolerant and also salt-loving. Saline water at this stage augmented plant height, spikelets per spike, and grain and biomass yields compared to the control treatment. The order of salt sensitive stages was: grain filling stage> CRI stage> flowering stage> booting stage. It may be concluded that the wheat variety under this study can be irrigated by saline water (7 dS m1) without any significant yield loss, especially if irrigation is applied during the booting and flowering stages. When fresh water is not available or is difficult to obtain, saline water, if available, can be used conjunctively with fresh water for irrigating wheat at less sensitive growth stages. Further studies are needed in coastal saline areas for expansion of wheat cultivation in moderate saline zones in Bangladesh.
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