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Theme 2012 Project Proposal Preparationgs 1302266573

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NMP Theme 2012- Project Proposal Preparation

7. dubna 2011

Gabriela Salejova TC ASCR 8 April 2011, Prague

Sequence of Steps Flow Chart

Planned research activities Who will carry them out? How much they will cost? Submit through EPSS before deadline!

Presenting your proposal Part A, Part B

Part A administrative information about the proposal and participants Brief description of work Contact details and characteristics of participants Information related to funding requested Entered through on-line forms At stage 1: required from coordinator only Part B "template" or list of headings rather than admin. form Highlights aspects assessed against evaluation criteria Nature of proposed work, participants and their roles in project Impacts that might be expected to arise from proposed work Only black and white copies are used for evaluation

Uploaded by applicant into Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS)


Drafting your proposal Part B


! ! ! !

Page limits: remember to keep to the page limits as specified Minimum font size allowed: 11 points Page size: A4, all margins should be at least 15 mm (excluding any footers or headers) Clearly readable text (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman) Maximum of 50006000 possible characters per page (including spaces)

The Commission will instruct the experts to disregard any excess pages.

Mandatory Page Limits Actual, Proposed

Proposal for Stage 1 Cover Page

Proposal full title: Proposal acronym: Type of funding scheme: Collaborative Project State which type of collaborative project your proposal relates to: Small or medium-scale focused research project SMALL Large-scale integrating project LARGE SME-targeted project SME Work programme topics addressed: if more than one, indicate their order of importance to the project! Name of coordinating person:

Proposal for Stage 1 Cover Page

List of participants: List as many of the expected members of your consortium as possible At least minimum number of participants needed to satisfy eligibility conditions must be named

Otherwise your proposal will be considered ineligible!

Proposal for Stage 1 Cover Page

Estimated budget: Indicate the estimated budget as accurately as possible Figures entered here will be checked against any eligibility criteria appropriate to Stage 1 Totals in the last two rows should be submitted as costs in Form A3.2

Proposal for Stage 1 Table of Contents

Table of Contents Note: The cover page, the above tables, and the table of contents do not count toward the page limits specified.

Proposal for Stage 1 Scientific/Technical quality

Proposal Max. 10 pages on sections being evaluated in Stage 1 (1.1, 1.2 & 3.1). Up to 2 pages may be appended on consortium and estimated financial resources. 1. Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call 1.1 Concept and objectives Explain the concept of your project What are the main ideas lading you to propose this work? Describe in detail S&T objectives Show how they relate to the topics addressed by the call Objectives achievable within the project, not through development Objectives stated in measurable and verifiable form (milestones)

Proposal for Stage 1 Scientific/Technical quality

1.2 Progress beyond the state-of-the-art Describe the state-of-the-art in area concerned Focus on advance that the project proposed would bring about If applicable, refer to results of any patent search you might have carried out 1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan Present just an overview 2. Implementation This section is not evaluated in Stage 1


Proposal for Stage 1 Impact

3. Impact 3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme Describe how your project will contribute towards expected impacts in relation to the topic Mention steps needed to bring about these impacts Explain why this contribution requires a European approach Indicate how account is taken of other national or international research activities Mention any assumptions and external factors determining whether the impacts will be achieved 3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property


Proposal for Stage 2 Cover Page

Proposal full title: Proposal acronym: Type of funding scheme: Collaborative Project State which type of collaborative project your proposal relates to: Small or medium-scale focused research project SMALL Large-scale integrating project LARGE SME-targeted project SME Work programme topics addressed: if more than one, indicate their order of importance to the project! Name of coordinating person:

Proposal for Stage 2 Cover Page

List of participants: Use the same participant numbering as in section A2 of administrative forms

Vysok kola ChemickoTechnologick v Praze

Czech Republic

Higher education establishment


Proposal for Stage 2 Table of Contents

Table of Contents Note: The cover page, the above tables, and the table of contents do not count toward the page limits specified.


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Proposal 1. Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call 1.1 Concept and objectives Explain concept of your project What are main ideas leading you to propose this work? Describe in detail S&T objectives Show how they relate to the topics addressed by the call Objectives achievable within the project, not through subsequent development Objectives stated in measurable and verifiable form (milestones)


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

1.2 Progress beyond the state-of-the-art Describe state-of-the-art in the area concerned Outline advance that proposed project would bring about If applicable, refer to results of any patent search you might have carried out 1.3 S/T methodology and associated work plan Present detailed work plan broken down into WPs WPs follow logical phases of the project implementation WPs include consortium management and assessment of progress and results Overall approach to management will be described later

Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Present your plans as follows: 1. Overall strategy of the work plan (max.1 page) 2. Timing of different WPs and their components (e.g. Gantt chart) 3. Detailed work description broken down into WPs Work package list (table 1.3a) Deliverables list (table 1.3b) List of milestones (table 1.3c) Description of each WP (table 1.3d) Summary effort table (table 1.3e) 4. Graphical presentation of the components showing their interdependencies (e.g. Pert diagram) 5. Any significant risks, and associated contingency plans


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Table 1.3a: Work package list


Model development


VSCHT 12,5 month1 month8

RTD = Research and technological development; DEM = Demonstration; MGT = Management of the consortium; OTHER = Other specific activities (preparation for dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, coordination)


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Table 1.3b: Deliverables list


Polymer. processes


month 8

R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other, PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants, RE = Restricted to group specified by consortium, CO = Confidential (only for consortium members)


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Table 1.3c: List of milestones Milestones control points where decisions are needed with regard to next stage of the project Example: When the consortium must decide which of several technologies to adopt for further development


Model in operation

month 8

software released and validated


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Table 1.3d: Work package description For each work package:


RTD = Research and technological development DEM = Demonstration MGT = Management of consortium OTHER = Other specific activities (e.g. to prepare for dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, coordination)


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Broken down into tasks and role of participants

Brief description Month of delivery


Proposal for Stage 2 Scientific/Technical quality

Table 1.3e: Summary of staff effort Useful for evaluators Indicate number of person months over the whole duration of work, for each WP, for each participant Identify WP-leader for each WP by showing relevant personmonth figure in bold





Proposal for Stage 2 Implementation

2. Implementation 2.1 Management structure and procedures (max. 5 pages) Describe organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms of the project Show how they match complexity and scale of the project 2.2 Individual participants (1 page per participant) For each participant, provide: Brief description of legal entity Main tasks they have been attributed Previous experience relevant to the tasks Short profile of staff members who will undertake the work

Proposal for Stage 2 Implementation

2.3 Consortium as a whole (No page limit) Describe and explain: How participants collectively constitute consortium capable of achieving objectives How they are suited and committed to the tasks Show complementarity between the participants How the consortium is well-balanced in relation to objectives Industrial/commercial involvement to ensure exploitation of results How the opportunity of involving SMEs has been addressed


Proposal for Stage 2 Implementation

i) Sub-contracting: If any part of the work is to be sub-contracted by the participant responsible for it. Describe the work and explain why sub-contract approach ii) Other countries: If one or more of participants is based in country outside the EU, and it is not Associated Country, and it is not International Cooperation Partner Country. Explain in terms of objectives why such funding is essential iii) Additional partners: If there are as-yet-unidentified participants, their role and integration into running project should be described. Not counted in min. number of participants regarding eligibility of proposal!

Proposal for Stage 2 Implementation

2.4 Resources to be committed (max. 2 pages) Describe how total of necessary resources will be mobilised (including any resources complementing EC contribution) Show how overall financial plan for the project is adequate

Figures in part B must be consistent with those in Part A


Proposal for Stage 2 Impact

3. Impact 3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme Describe how your project will contribute towards the expected impacts in relation to topics in question Mention steps needed to bring about these impacts Explain why contribution requires a European approach Indicate how account is taken of other national or international research activities Mention any assumptions and external factors determining whether impacts will be achieved


Proposal for Stage 2 Impact

3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property (max. 10 pages) Describe: Measures you propose for dissemination and/or exploitation of results How these will increase impact of the project Your plans for management of knowledge (intellectual property) Take into account: Various communication means and target groups POLICY-MAKERS INTEREST GROUPS For more information on communication guidance:
http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/science communication/index_en.htm 30


Proposal for Stage 2 Ethics Issues

4. Ethics Issues The following special issues should be taken into account: Informed consent: Illustrate an appropriate level of ethical sensitivity Consider issues of insurance, incidental findings and consequences of leaving the study Clinical Trials: Approvals from national competent authorities required! Data protection issues: Avoid unnecessary collection and use of personal data Identify source of data - whether it is collected as part of research or is previously collected data being used Consider issues of informed consent for any data being used Describe how personal identify of the data is protected

Proposal for Stage 2 Ethics Issues

Use of animals: Application of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) must be addressed Numbers of animals should be specified Describe what happens to animals after the research experiments The use of animals requires permits and/or authorizations from national competent authorities


Proposal for Stage 2 Ethics Issues

Human embryonic stem cells: Proposals have to address: That the research work aims to advance scientific knowledge in basic research or to increase medical knowledge for development of diagnostic, preventive or therapeutic methods to be applied to humans Necessity to use hESC in order to achieve scientific objectives set forth in the proposal

Example: Document that appropriate validated alternatives (stem cells from other sources or origins) are not suitable and/or available to achieve expected goals of the proposal.


Proposal for Stage 2 Ethics Issues

Human embryonic stem cells: Take into account legislation, regulations, ethics rules and/or codes of conduct in country where the research using hESC is to take place Including procedures for obtaining informed consent. Ensure that for all hESC lines to be used in the project were derived from embryo's of specific character

Dedicated website that aims to provide clear, helpful information on ethics issues is available at: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ethics_en.html


Thank you for your attention!

Gabriela Salejova
7. dubna 2011

Czech Republic NMP NCP European Project Manager TC ASCR Email: salejova@tc.cz Mobile: +420 724 353 611

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