Informative Speech Outline

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Informative Speech Outline

Name/Topic: Aly Saleh/ The role of alumni in Ohio high school forensics Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of opportunities available in Ohio high schools to improve public speaking of the upcoming generations of students and detail opportunities that high school graduates have to contribute to their alma mater's speech programs. Introduction I. What is your greatest fear? Losing a relative? Spiders? Failure? Your own death? a. What if I told you that the number one fear in the United States is public speaking? It might seem irrational but according to it ranks even higher than the fear of death. b. Jerry Seinfeld puts this into the best context, when he explains his reaction to hearing that same statistic. He says, I found that amazing number two was death! That means, to the average person if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy. II. All across Ohio there are school programs, usually known as forensics teams or forensics clubs, which are helping students get over these fears through competition and constant exposure. However, these organizations rely on volunteerism from the community. III. IV. For me, it is important that kids in high school have the same opportunity to experience what I did through forensics. For that there have to be volunteers. Well cover three topics of importance for those considering volunteering for their local forensics club. a. Why overcoming public speaking anxiety is important b. The OHSSL (Governing body of forensics in Ohio) c. Opportunities for alumni (Transition: But why is overcoming the fear of public speaking such worthy cause?) Body I. Conquering Public Speaking Anxiety has numerous benefits.

a. Fear is based on fear of being scrutinized (University of Wisconsin Stout, 2012) i. Constructive Criticism ii. Important Skill in Professional World b. (which can lead to) Leadership Opportunities i. Speak up! ii. Miss every shot you dont take (Now lets take a look at the organization behind it all) II. The Ohio High School Speech League, or OHSSL for short, is the governing body of forensics in Ohio. a. Mission Statement (Ohio High School Speech League , 2009) i. To provide opportunities for the effective speech training of high school students ii. 4 areas of development 1. Educational 2. Civic 3. Social 4. Ethical b. Membership and Openness (Ohio High School Speech League, 2012) i. Can waive basic membership fees for new programs or financially struggling programs 1. Otherwise it costs $185 dollars per school (However, the membership also comes with the task of finding a group of volunteer judges to represent your school. This brings me to) III. There are many opportunities for high school alumni a. Necessity of Judges (Hamilton, 2013) i. Overall, competitive Speech and Debate would not be possible without adults in attendance as judges. They help us decide who wins each tournament. They help us by providing insight as to how competitors can improve from one tournament to the next. And they help us by being a part of our activity and helping make it known on a larger scale. b. No experience necessary (Hamilton, 2013)

i. Though there are some technical elements to each performance, anyone can judge. Having lay judges helps us ensure that presentations do not become too fast-paced, too laden with jargon, or too sophisticated. Basically, it keeps them more realistic. c. How to become a judge i. Contact your local high school ii. Ask for the speech and debate coach or director of forensics (The most common fear in America is public speaking, but there are people out there trying to change that) Conclusion I. There are people out there working hard to educate kids through forensics. II. Hopefully, youve learned something about forensics today a. b. c. III. Why conquering public speaking fears are important OHSSL Opportunities for alumni and community members

Thank You!

Internet Articles: University of Wisconsin Stout. (2012). Taking Center Stage: Coping with Public Speaking Anxiety. Retrieved June 6, 2013, from Ohio High School Speech League . (2009, November 23). Mission Statement. Retrieved June 6, 2013, from Ohio High School Speech League. (2012, November 8). Membership Information. Retrieved June 6, 2103, from Sisson, N. (2012, October 9). Five Reasons Why The Fear Of Public Speaking Is Great For You . Retrieved June 6, 2013, from

Interviews: Hamilton, J. (2013, June 5). Importance of Judges to Successful Speech and Debate Programs. (A. Saleh, Interviewer)

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