Warhammer Quest Summary
Warhammer Quest Summary
Warhammer Quest Summary
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These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Mar 2010
Each player chooses the Warrior he is going to play and takes the appropriate Warrior card, an Adventure Record sheet, the Warrior model, and the warriors starting equipment: the Lantern for the Barbarian, the Rope for the Dwarf, the Healing Potion for the Elf and the Hand of Death Scroll for the Wizard. Each player rolls their Starting Wounds (their maximum for the game) and writes the number on their Record. A 1 may be rolled again, but the second result must be kept. The Wizard shuffles the Spell cards into their 3 decks (Attack, Defense and Healing) and chooses 1 card randomly from each deck. Then roll D6 and take that many Power Tokens. A 1 may be rolled again, but the second result must be kept. Sort the board sections into 3 piles: dungeon rooms, objectives and corridors. Take the 3 card decks (Dungeon, Event and Treasure), remove the 5 objective room cards from the Dungeon deck, shuffle each deck and place them face down on the table. Pick 1 objective room card at random; the rest are not used. Roll D6 to select an adventure from among those featuring that room in the Adventure Book. Draw 6 Dungeon cards and shuffle in the objective room card, then deal 6 more Dungeon cards on top of these. The remaining Dungeon cards are not used. Turn the top card from this 13 card Dungeon deck and place the corresponding board section in the middle of the table with the doorways attached as indicated. Place the leader model on any square and the rest on the board, on any square, in Initiative order from highest to lowest. The Rule of 1 and 6: When making a dice roll, despite any modifiers, a natural 1 always fails and a natural 6 always succeeds.
Placing Monsters The first time monsters appear the leader places them; then the player to his right, and so on.
A group of monsters must always be shared equally as possible among the warriors. Position each model facing the warrior it is attacking. Different types of monsters must be shared evenly as well. If there are monsters that cannot be divided equally, draw Warrior counters randomly to allocate them. If there are no spaces left next to warriors, place remaining ones as close as possible on empty spaces on the same or an adjacent board section. If the warriors have split up onto different board sections, draw a Warrior counter to determine where the monsters appear and place them on that board section. Monsters armed with missile weapons are placed as far away as possible from the warriors on the same or adjoining section, but still able to see their target. Models with missile weapons can only shoot at targets to which they have line of sight (LOS). Determine LOS by drawing a line between the centres of the firers and targets squares if this passes through a wall, the LOS is blocked. Monsters and warriors do not block LOS.
Once they have been placed, their turn is over and they cannot move or fight until the Monsters phase of the next turn. Monsters placed in the Power phase of the current turn can move and fight, however.
Roll 1D6 and score equal or over the models Ballistic Skill (BS) value, or the value on the monsters Event card. If the shot is a hit, work out Wounds the same way as for handto-hand combat, but use the Strength of the weapon. When more than one monster shoots, work out how many hits there are before dividing them equally amongst eligible targets, drawing warrior counters for any odd hits.
Death and Unconsciousness When a monster is killed, place it on the Adventure Record sheet of the warrior who slew it. Record Wounds on monsters still alive by using a small die next to the model.
When a warriors Wounds are reduced to 0 he is unconscious; place the model on its side. If he is not healed by the end of that turn, he dies and the player is out of the game.
2. Warriors' Phase
Beginning with the Warrior and followed by the Elf, Wizard and Dwarf (leader followed by descending Initiative order), each player takes a turn. If the players are missing the Barbarian, one of the other warriors must carry the lantern and be the party leader. If the Barbarian is killed another warrior takes it and becomes the leader. The lantern illuminates the section the leader is on and all adjacent sections. Any warrior moving beyond this is lost and removed from the game.
The First Attack Rule Monsters placed to attack a warrior will always try to fight that warrior when they make their first attack. If the warrior has moved away, the monster will follow and attack if it possibly can. Once this first turn is over, the normal rules are used for determining who a monster attacks.
Deathblow If a warrior kills a monster with a single blow and there is another monster standing adjacent to it and still in attack range, roll to hit and wound the second monster as normal. If it is killed the blow can carry on to another monster, and so on.
The Wizard may cast any of his spells any time in a turn by expending Power equal to the spells Casting Number. Attack spells can only be cast during the Warriors phase (but even during another players turn). You may never interrupt a hit however. A Wizards Power Tokens can be used for extra Power, but once used they are gone for the rest of the game.
4. Exploration Phase
Only the leader can explore, and only if there are no monsters on the board section the leader is on, and the leader is next to a doorway leading to an unknown part of the dungeon. The leader player declares he is exploring and takes the top card of the Dungeon deck. Take the appropriate board section and clip it to the doorway. Warriors are not obligated to enter the new section.
Moving and Fighting A warrior may move a number of squares in any direction up to his Move (M), and then attack a monster in an adjacent square. He may not move through another model or obstacle, and may not move diagonally between squares if one of the adjacent squares between them is a wall.
Warriors must halt when they move next to a doorway that leads to another section. When a warrior moves onto a new section for the first time and completes his movement, his turn ends. The warriors may leave the dungeon via the entrance if they wish. A warrior may not fight a monster in an adjacent square and shoot at it in the same turn.
2. Warriors Phase
Warriors can move, fight monsters, and explore.
Dividing Ways If you find a T-junction, place it as normal, then divide the Dungeon deck, dealing out one card at a time to each corridor from the bottom of the deck until you have 2 separate decks. If the warriors run out of cards or reach the end of one route without finding the Objective room, they must retrace their steps or abandon their quest.
Combat may last several turns; work through the Power, Warriors and Monsters phases as normal until the monsters are killed.
3. Monsters Phase
Monsters on the board may move and fight.
4. Exploration Phase
Warriors may try to see what is beyond an unexplored doorway.
Pinning A warrior is pinned and may not move if there is a monster in an adjacent square at the start of the Warriors phase. A warrior may not use a missile weapon while pinned. He may however turn to face any direction.
To escape from pinning and move normally a warrior must roll a die and score at least his pinning value (only one roll is required no matter the number of pinning monsters).
Hand-to-Hand Combat A model may fight any opponent in an adjacent square; turn the models to face each other.
If a model has multiple Attacks (A) he may strike several times in a turn. A warrior may split the atacks between 2 or more enemies. A monster must use all of them against one warrior. Roll 1D6 and score equal or over the number shown on the models combat table versus the enemys WS. If the strike is a hit, roll 1D6, add the attackers Strength, and subtract the opponents Toughness. Some weapons and monsters cause extra damage, and armour may add to an opponents Toughness.
1. Power Phase
Wizards Power The Wizard player rolls 1D6 to determine his Power level for the turn, indicating it with a small red die in the Current Power box on his card. At the end of a turn any used Power is lost. Unexpected Events If the Wizard player rolls a 1, turn over the top card of the Event deck and follow the instructions. If the Wizard is dead, another player rolls this die to see if there is an Event.
Events (E) are resolved immediately. Monsters (M) mean the warriors have been attacked: take the indicated number of monsters and put them on the board.
3. Monsters' Phase
When a new dungeon room (objective rooms have special rules) is entered for the first time, draw a card from the Event deck. Events (E) are resolved immediately. If monsters (M) are revealed, take the indicated number of monsters and put them in the room (even if the warriors are split up). If there is not enough space, leftover monsters may be placed in adjoining board sections. Share monsters equally among warriors as usual.
The Objective room is the final goal of the warriors; do not take an Event card, but follow the instructions in the Adventure Book. Once the adventure is complete, players cash in any Treasure cards they have left for gold, and count their treasure. All the warriors win by completing the adventure, but the amount of gold won by each warrior is the measure of individual success.
Shooting A model with a missile weapon may only shoot if he is not adjacent to (and therefore not pinned by) an enemy. He must have LOS to the target and can only shoot once a turn.