Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Spring/Summer 2013
OPSEU Local 330 A newsleer for members of OPSEU Local 330 Oce: 249 Saunders Road, Unit 3, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9A3 Phone: (705) 739-7232 Fax: (705) 739-2248 E-mail: Website: hp://
Convention 2013
The OPSEU Annual Convenon took place in April. OPSEU Local 330 was able to send 6 delegates to the event. Number of delegates is determined by signed up members in a Local, which is why we need to have every OPSEU member from SCDSB sign their union cards. If you are not sure that you have please contact the oce and we will check and get one out to you. This applies to all permanent, part me and supply sta who are represented by OPSEU. The more delegates we have the more votes we have when vong on changes that will impact you.
OPSEU president Smokey welcoming delegates to convenon. A packed room with over 1500 parcipants.
It was an elecon year but no challengers came forward for the posions of both the President and Vice President posions, so Smokey (Warren) Thomas and Eddy Almeida were both acclaimed to their respecve posions for 2 more years. New delegates this year were Jason Barker and Bianca Braithwaite Davies-be sure to ask them their rst impressions of this major OPSEU event. As always we had an important rally to parcipate in. Liquor Board Employees Division (LBED) were in the midst of dicult negoaons and OPSEU was out in full strength to show support for a fair contract. The contract is now seled, however not before a strike was scheduled to take place. The Liquor Board makes millions for the provincial government, but our sisters and brothers who work there deal with many challenges, health & safety concerns and many are part me or seasonal workers.
Sandy, Jason, Lesley & Kelly ready to Rally for LBED! Sorry Kelly, I didnt do the cropping!
from my(messy)desk
It has been a challenging year for us all, but we have made some gains along the way. The Liberal governments Bill 115 and the conditions it imposed on us has been a long running, often confusing story as we work to find out exactly what our imposed conditions are. They seemed to change daily, what applied to us and what didn't, and we are still working on getting answers to this dilemma. At the Local level changes are slowly being made. Our website is a work in progress and over the summer Jason, Andrea and I hope to have it finalized. We also now have a Facebook page, and a twitter feed! There is a Local committee structure in place, committee chairs will be working on their goals and plans for the upcoming year so that we will hit the ground running next school year-or at
least that would be our hope! There should be updated Local bylaws ready for voting on at the next general meeting. We continue to bring your issues forward at Employee Management meetings and you should all be made aware of those minutes as they are sent out to schools via the SASE/ SASS. We are hoping that that in the new school year there will be a page on the new SCDSB portal that will hold information such as these minutes and important SCDSB related information. There is a dedicated EA information page that was developed by Carissa Brueton, the EA co-ordinator. On it you will find training information, your BMS status, and a bumping report for summer staffing. Health and safety continues to be a focus for our Local, always contact the office if you have concerns around your workplace safety. I have been fortunate enough to be involved in
a presidents orientation session at OPSEU head office and also participated in a Train the Trainer educational opportunity through OPSEU recently. I hope that the skills I am developing will benefit our Local. I would like to thank you all for you support and patience as I have worked through this first year .It hasn't always been a smooth ride but I am hopeful that building blocks are being put in place to continue the important work that the union does each and every day in bringing your concerns to the attention of the management team at SCDSB. The messages of thanks I have received make the days much lighter! Supporting each other in workplaces is of primary importance, particularly during changing times; a kind word or a smile goes a long way. Recognizing that everyone is dealing with issues helps us to be more understanding and patient with our colleagues. My apologies for a long delayed newsletter, long days and busy weekends have put a dent into the time available for producing one. I wish you all a restful summer vacation. See you in the Fall! In Solidarity
Sponsor Corporaon members considered the various proposals by individual Sponsor Corporaon members. (SC). Decisions have been deferred to the June 25th meeng. At that me, SC Members may amend, withdraw, approve, reject or move any SPC to mediaon/ arbitraon. Approval of an SPC requires a twothirds majority; a rejected SPC requires a simple majority to move to mediaon/ arbitraon. Stakeholder views are taken into account by the SC during its deliberaons, as are technical analyses and overall consideraons of the long-term health and viability of the jointly sponsored OMERS pension plans.
Lesley Chisholm
There are three proposals that have been submied and if passed by a two-thirds majority of the SC, impact pension benets earned by OMERS members in the future. All benets/pension earned prior to a proposal taking eect are protected by legislaon; modied so that no unreduced early rerement opon may be exercised, in the case of NRA 65 member, before the age of 60.
All proposals and any decisions or amendments to current proposals are posted on OMERS Sponsor Corporaon website as they become available and includes a summary as well as the aected members/ groups, the eecve dates and the raonale for the proposal;
#3 Reduce Annual Benet Accrual Rate Starng in 2015, for service earned aer 2014, a reduced mulplier of 1.85% (currently 2.0%) would be applied in the pension formula for any earnings above the Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings
What you need to know/do: These are proposed changes they are not in eect now Changes need to be voted on and passed by a two thirds majority of the Sponsors Corporaon The Sponsors Corporaon consists of equal numbers of employers AND worker reps Sign and submit a leer to OMERS Sponsor Corporaon to register your opinion on proposed changes.-you are a stakeholder There is one on the back page, also on our website.
Every year, the OMERS Sponsors Corporaon considers proposals to make changes to the OMERS pension plan. These Specied Plan Change (SPC) proposals are submied by individual SC Board Members for consideraon and decision by the enre SC board. There are currently ve proposals under consideraon; . For any proposal to pass it must receive a two-thirds majority vote of the SC board, which is made up equally of employer and employee representaves;
#1 Reduce Pension Benet Indexing to 50%While the OMERS Primary Plan is in a decit posion, it is proposed that the current 100% automac indexing of pension benets by the CPI increase in the previous year be reduced to 50, for service earned aer 2013. #2 Delay Early Rerement Eligibility
Under the Primary Plan and RCA, members in respect of service aer December 31st 2015 and employees becoming members of OMERS aer December 31st 2015 shall have their eligibility for unreduced early rerement
Our sincere condolences go to the family, friends and colleagues on the sudden passing, on Dec 17, 2013, of Janice Shearer, who was an educational assistant at Fieldcrest Public School. Janice will be sadly missed by her many friends, and the students at Fieldcrest school.
The reviews will be based on direct observaon from principal/manager. Teaching sta will not be responsible for the review. Each year employees will be asked to complete an annual growth plan. This will not be an extensive document, it may include lisng some goals for the year. Your union will work to ensure that the implementaon is applied in a fair and reasonable manner. EI informaon for 2012-13 The code for EI ling is Pay Informaon It is always important that you check your pay informaon for accuracy. It is especially important for supply sta who may vary in their rate of pay to be very mindful of what rate you should be paid for each assignment. Arcle 19.07 is very important for supply sta and for oce/clerical sta who may be assigned a higher rated posion for a short period of me during an absence. If you are overpaid then you can be required to repay the excess amount at such me as it is determined that an overpayment has occurred. Head Lice What are the procedures in place at your school for head lice checks? Who does the rechecks? Concerns? Let us know! Professional Development Please send your feedback on the courses that have been provided what worked what didnt! We need your ideas for relevant, usable professional development that we can deliver or organize.
You can le online at hp:// This code is only valid for Ontario, from June 1 2013-Aug 31 2013 If you delay ling unl aer Aug 31, 2013, you will be required to le through the regular EI applicaon process-so dont delay! Last working day for Secondary EAs Please ensure that you are aware of the memo that went out regarding nal day and assignment of PD days. Scent Awareness Guidelines Please read: Secon 3 of Health & Safety procedure 05-30 Scent Awareness Guidlines This applies to all events, both SCDSB and OPSEU sponsored events due to the sensivies experienced by many members. I receive many messages relang how challenging it has been in closed and close contact environments from members who have diculty breathing when there are parcipants who have applied perfume when aending an event. Out of respect for these members please refrain from using scented products at your work locaon or aending a PD session.
Pat Dean the fashionista sharing good a memory with Dilys and Kathleen Corrigan
The ever helpful & smiling Don Kennedy of the Permit Office
Labour News
OPSEU is supporng striking workers from Porter Airlines who have been on strike for 5months-since Jan 10, 2013. Below is an account of why workers decided to form a union and then decided strike was their only opon for a fair rst contract. No wonder Porter can provide cheap prices, it is at the expense of the workers. Unl the workers have a fair rst contract OPSEU is asking members not to use Porter Airlines Lets respect the rights of workers to be part of a union, to have safe places to work and to negoate fair working wages and condions. We are 22 Fuellers at Porter FBO, a division of Porter Airlines at Billy Bishop Airport. We have been on strike since January 10th, trying to secure our rst contract. We formed a union last year because Porter has a history of sloppy health and safety pracces. We did not have proper protecve gear and we were understaed. Jet fuel seeped through our gloves and one new father broke both his wrists aer falling from a plane. He was fueling a oat plane by himself, a job that safely requires two. We want to make improvements to the workplace so that its not a revolving door of workers, constantly needing to train new sta. When you dont even have access to a washroom at the fuel farm, or work 9 hours without a lunch break, people get fed up and leave. We start at $12.00/hour and average around $13.00/hr. Porter oered nothing to about half the workers and .25 cents to the others. Once the strike started Porter hired scabs (replacement workers) for between $12.50 and $15.50/hour. This is fundamentally not a dispute about how much Porter can pay, but about whether we will be the rst Porter workers to strike and bargain a contract at the Island Airport. May 1, 2013 OPSEU is pleased to welcome its 104 newest members at the Peel District School Board. In a vote held April 26, IT sta at the Board voted overwhelmingly for OPSEU as their union. These members are a solid addion to OPSEUs Educaon Sector.
DIVERSITY STATEMENT As one of Canada's leading democrac labour organizaons, OPSEU recognizes the value that diversity brings into its organizaon. We are on the frontlines of Ontario's rapidly changing demographics, as reected in our membership, and our sta. It is within these demographic changes that OPSEU will connue to embrace diversity as a core organizaonal value. We are improving our systems, and generang fresh opportunies to strengthen our connecons with diverse groups from across Ontario. Together with our social jusce allies, we will celebrate collecve diversity wins to nurture sustainable partnerships
In December the Local draws names from all eligible entries for a bursary award. Congratulaons to the following students who each received a cheque to assist towards their studies.: Tate Herbert Quenn Knights Julie Dixon Jean Webb Shawna Cant James de Salis Adam Epstein Sara Fisher Katelyn Hare Shelby Brown The following members have taken the decision to rere this school year. Wishing you all a long and health rerement. Enjoy living by your own schedule! Felicity Kinear Barbara Fawns Dilys Monk Diane Sturdy Don Kennedy Susan Fulton Blair Wright Lynda Langley John Payee Mary Anne Greatrix David Young Gayle Fairbank Elaine Berger Bonnie Jolie Esther Ross Debra Stones Pat Dean Michael Lumsden Lynn Dolmage Pat Gallant Derek Ellis Gloria Miller Chris Pingle Diane Watson Glenda Hanna Marilyn Neale This is a complete list as of June 15. There are some members who have indicated to me that they do not wish their rerement to be recorded publically.
Laury Drury, EA at Cundles, is the winner of the placard challenge that was part of the Toronto Rally that she parcipated in on January 26th Thanks to all who used their creave talents to design our great placards. Buy some great OPSEU stu with your $50 prize. Being acve does bring rewards!! Congrats Laury!
Address comments / concerns to The content of this newsletter may come from OPSEU publications, or articles of interest (with permission). We encourage members to submit constructive articles that provide a positive contribution to your local and OPSEU members, letters or questions. Please sign submissions (anonymous upon request). Lesley Chisholm Writer/Editor President, OPSEU Local 330
OMERS Sponsors Corporaon One University Avenue, Suite 400 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2P1
I wring this leer to share with you my displeasure regarding the proposed changes to the OMERS pension plan, specically SPC #02,03,04/13. I belong to OPSEU Local 330 through my employment at Simcoe County District school Board, and an OMERS plan member.
The very rst issue is the lack of transparency around the discussion of these proposed changes. OMERS has mulple avenues to convey informaon to its members, so I can only surmise that it is the intent of the Sponsors Corporaon to possibly pass these amendments before OMERS members have the opportunity to discuss and invesgate what the implicaons of the changes would mean to them.
The second issue is although it is scally responsible to take every opportunity to make the plan solvent once again, the changes that you are proposing will have a nancial impact on members for the rest of their lives. There are no expectaons in the near future of salary increases, so members looking at rerement need to be able to count on the benet of the plan as promised to them and to which they have been contribung to during their working lives at connually increasing contribuon rates.
While increasing rates has been unfortunately inevitable, especially in light of the ve year contribuon holiday, at least we knew what we were paying for. If these changes pass, we will be paying the same amount for less, without an opon of geng out of the plan.
We also take oence (with respect to SPC #03/13) that OMERS again is taking the opportunity to push AVCs, while reducing the benet that employees have been promised.
Although SPC#02 and SPC #03 are of concern, SPC #04 is of the greatest concern. For a member that starts in the plan at age 20, they will be forced to work 5 more years, without contribung to the plan, and unable to vacate a posion that would be open for a younger employee who would be contribung.
In closing, we suggest that the Sponsors Corporaon put a halt to the proposed changes, and at the very least respect the contribung members and give them an opportunity to consider changes and provide input before decisions are made.