Anti TB Hospital Daska
Anti TB Hospital Daska
Anti TB Hospital Daska
Pakistan Anti TB Association (PATA) is a community based non profit,nongovernment and single object organization working exclusively for treatment, rehabilitation and welfare of TB patients throughout the country since last 5 decades, having national & international references.
PATA started its journey in 1955 when a group of ex-TB patients established a chest clinic in Lahore, inaugurated by Miss Fatima Jinnah, the elder sister of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. As the time traveled this number proliferated and by the end of century there were more than one hundred associations scattered through out the country. All these associations are independent in their functioning, administration, fund raising and service delivery with the help of volunteer force of more than 10000 social workers. There is a country vide network f more than 100 Diagnostic Centers (Basic TB Management Units) for TB services with more than 250 associated Treatment Centers. With the sponsorship of The Global Fund in 2004 PATA launched DOTS program at its 84 diagnostic centers and successfully completed the GFATM Round-2 project while detecting & registering 28,442 New Sputum Smear Positive cases and put them under DOTS strategy whereas the project target was limited to 22,000 NSS+ cases and achieved the treatment success rate of above 90% against 85% desired by WHO. PATA is a constituent member of International Union Against TB and Lung Diseases (IUATLD), Mr. Chaudhary Muhammad Nawaz, President PATA, is holding the position of Member Board of Director of The Union, he is also the General Secretary of South East Asian Region of IUATLD. He hold the position of President of Eastern Region of IUATLD from 2003 to 2005 and he was an active member of Executive Committee of Eastern Region of IUATLD from 1999 to 2003. PATA has on its credit to successfully conduct a number of national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings and TB Free Zones. These events were very fruitful and productive for the professionals of Pakistan to get knowledge; information and learning about the latest research and studies on dreadful disease Tuberculosis and enable them to make better policies for the eradication of the disease. PATA is running its health education program since last 5 decades for the school and college students, this program is not only educating the youth about this killing disease but also help in fund raising for the association. Pakistan Anti TB Association (PATA) is a community based non profit, non government and single object organization working exclusively for treatment, rehabilitation and welfare of TB patients throughout the country, having national & international references and is a member of IUATLD-SEAR. PATA started its journey in 1956 when a group of ex-TB patients established a
chest clinic in Lahore, inaugurated by Miss Fatima Jinnah, the elder sister of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. As the time traveled this number proliferated and by the end of century there were more than one hundred associations scattered through out the country. All these associations are independent in their functioning, administration, fund raising and service delivery.
Executive Committee members of Anti TB Association (1956) Sitting (L to R) Saeed-ur-Rehman, Dr. K. Sadiq Hussain, Mrs. C. B. Taseer, Dr. Riaz Ali Shah, Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, Begum A. Akhlaq Hussain, Begum Khurshid Kaul, Ch. Abdul Majeed, M. Akram Minhas, Standing (L to R) M. Akram Dar, Hafiz M. Hanif, Ashfaq A.Sheikh, M. Akbar Khokhar, M. Aslam Mallick, Muhammad Jamil Qureshi
The Association held its first meeting on 25th September1955 at the residence of Mr. Saeed-ur-Rehman (a Ex TB patient) in Lahore. The house unanimously elected Dr. Riaz Ali Shah its first president. Doctors and leading social figures like Dr. A.H. Anwar, Mrs. C. Taseer, Mr. Khadim Hussain Butt, Mian Fazal-e-Ahmed, Begum G.A. Khan, Begum Zari Sarfraz, Sh. Niaz Ahmed, Ms. Riffat Rashid and many others joined the association. The very fact that government alone could not fight the menace of TB, served the basis for the development of this association and the need for volunteers in the association was strongly felt. Mohtarma Miss Fatima Jinnah, graciously accepted to become its Patron-in-Chief. Her first message was Tuberculosis is the greatest problem undermining the health and wealth of our nation. Make the campaign against tuberculosis, a national war and rid Pakistan of this scourge. Obstacles in our way must be crossed and the difficulties overcome. With the message she also donated Rs. 15,000/-.
Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah With Dr. Riaz Ali Shah on arrival at Railway Station, Lahore for inaugural of 1st Conference organized by Anti TB Association in 1957
Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah on inaugural ceremony of Karachi TB Association 1961 with Mr. M. Akbar Khokhar, Nawabzada Wajid Mehmood & Mr. Shabir Ud Din Ahmed
Marshal Law Administrator Zone C Lef. Gen. Tika Khan on occasion of TB Conference organized by Anti TB Association in 1969
Marshal Law Administrator Zone C Gen. Iqbal Khan with staff of Anti TB Association in 1979 on occasion of ceremony for sale of Eid TB Seals
Abdul Hameed Dasti, Health Minister West Pakistan became the patron of association. A convention was held under the president ship of Sardar Abdul Hameed Dasti at University Hall, Lahore on 12th April 1956. Dr. Riaz Ali Shah, Begum A. G Khan and Begum Khadija Feroz-ud-Din and others made their visionary speeches. The name of association was changed to West Pakistan TB Association during its second annual conference. The first executive committee of the association consisted of 17 members. Among it, there were 3 doctors, 5 distinguished persons from different walks of life and 9 Ex TB patients of which Mr. Muhammad Akbar Khokhar is still active and alive and is running an independent chapter of PATA as District Anti TB Association, Lahore. The primary aims and objectives of the association were summed up. Initially the members used to hold meetings in the lawn of Mayo Hospital, Lahore. Later on, Col. Elahi Bakhsh, Principal, King Edward Medical College, Lahore was pleased to give professors' room. Workers of the association, there after, acquired a plot for association in the Main Market Gulberg II Lahore and a building was raised. The West Pakistan
Association which was born at Lahore opened its branches in almost every district of the country. For instance, a branch started at Faisalabad (then Lyallpur) under the president ship of Mian Fazal-e-Ahmed. Another branch was established in Peshawar NWFP and Begum Zari Sarfraz was the president. In 1959, this movement also reached East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Now by the grace of God, Pakistan Anti TB Association has its firm roots across Pakistan and is playing a vital role to scale up the fight against TB and to realize its vision Pakistan a country free of burden of TB. There is a country vide network of more than 100 Diagnostic Centers (Basic TB Management Units) for TB services with more than 200 associated Treatment Centers. During GFATM Round-2 project Pakistan Anti TB Association succeeded in detecting and registering 28,442 New Sputum Smear Positive cases and put them under DOTS strategy whereas the project target was limited to 22,000 NSS+ cases and achieved the treatment success rate of above 90% against 85% desired by WHO.
Member Associations
Pakistan Anti TB Association (PATA) have following member associations all over the Pakistan, please click on the association name for the details of the association and click on activity report to view the activity report of the respective member association:
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Activity Report
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District Anti TB Association Attock Tehsil Anti TB Association Gujar Khan District Anti TB Association Faisalabad Tehsil Anti TB Association Samundari District Anti TB Association Chiniot Tehsil Anti TB Association Kamalia District Anti TB Association Toba Tek Singh Tehsil Anti TB Association Gojra District Anti TB Association Jhang Tehsil Anti TB Association Jaranwala District Anti TB Association Khushab District Anti TB Association Mianwali District Anti TB Association Bhakkar District Anti TB Association Multan Tehsil Anti TB Association Shujabad District Anti TB Association Sahiwal Tehsil Anti TB Association Cheecha Watni Tehsil Anti TB Association Arifwala District Anti TB Association Khanewal Tehsil Anti TB Association Kabeerwala District Anti TB Association Pak Patan District Anti TB Association Lodhran District Anti TB Association Dera Ghazi Khan Tehsil Anti TB Association Fort Manro Diagnostic Center Red Crescent Hospital, Sargodha District Anti TB Association Rajanpur Tehsil Anti TB Association Rojhan Tehsil Anti TB Association Jampur Tehsil Anti TB Association Ahmadpur East District Anti TB Association Rahim Yar Khan Tehsil Anti TB Association Hasilpur Tehsil Anti TB Association Chishtian District Anti TB Association Bahawalnagar Tehsil Anti TB Association Jatoi
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What is TB?
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious lung disease that spreads through the air. When people with the disease cough, sneeze, talk or spit, they propel TB germs, known as bacilli, into the air. Only a small number of the bacilli need to be inhaled to cause an infection. However, not all people infected with TB bacilli will become sick. The immune system either kills the germs, or "walls off" the TB bacilli where they can lie
dormant for years. Failure of the immune system to control infection with TB bacilli leads to active disease, when TB bacilli multiply and cause damage in the body. Left untreated, each person with infectious TB will spread the germs to about 10 to 15 people every year.
Someone in the world is newly infected with TB bacilli every second. Overall, one third of the world's population is currently infected with TB. 5% to 10% of people who are infected with TB become actively sick.
When a person with infectious TB is identified (using a microscope to look for bacilli in a sample of a person's sputum), a full course of the correct dosage of anti-TB medicines should be started, with support of health and community workers or trained volunteers. The most common anti-TB medicines are isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. Supervised treatment helps to ensure that an infected person completes the course of medicine to cure TB and prevent its further spread. Treatment must be continued regularly and uninterrupted for six to eight months. The internationally recommended approach to TB control is DOTS, which is a cost-effective public health strategy to identify and cure TB patients. The approach will prevent millions of TB cases and deaths over the coming decade.
10 facts about tuberculosis More than two billion people one third of the worlds total population are infected with TB bacilli, the microbes that cause TB. One in every 10 of those people will become sick with active TB in his or her lifetime. People living with HIV are at a much greater risk. WHO aims to reach all patients through health systems and primary health care and is working with other agencies to achieve the target under the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Fact 1 Tuberculosis (TB) is contagious and spreads through the air. If not treated, each person with active TB can infect on average 10 to 15 people a year. Fact 2 More than two billion people, equal to one third of the worlds total population, are infected with TB bacilli, the microbes that cause TB. One in every 10 of those people will become sick with active TB in his or her lifetime. People living with HIV are at a much greater risk.
Fact 3 A total of 1.77 million people died from TB in 2007 (including 456 000 people with HIV), equal to about 4800 deaths a day. TB is a disease of poverty, affecting mostly young adults in their most productive years. The vast majority of TB deaths are in the developing world, with more than half occurring in Asia. Fact 4 TB is a leading killer among people living with HIV, who have weakened immune systems. Fact 5 There were 9.27 million new TB cases in 2007, of which 80% were in just 22 countries. Per capita, the global TB incidence rate is falling, but the rate of decline is very slow - less than 1%. Fact 6 TB is a worldwide pandemic. Among the 15 countries with the highest estimated TB incidence rates, 13 are in Africa, while half of all new cases are in six Asian countries (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines). Fact 7 Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is a form of TB that does not respond to the standard treatments using first-line drugs. MDR-TB is present in virtually all countries surveyed by WHO and its partners. Fact 8 There were an estimated 511 000 new MDR-TB cases in 2007 with three countries accounting for 56% of all cases globally: China, India and the Russian Federation. Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) occurs when resistance to second-line drugs develops. It is extremely difficult to treat and cases have been confirmed in more than 50 countries. Fact 9 WHOs Stop TB Strategy aims to reach all patients and achieve the target under the Millennium Development Goals (MDG): to reduce by 2015 the prevalence of and deaths due to TB by 50% relative to 1990 and reverse the trend in incidence. The strategy emphasizes the need for proper health systems and the importance of effective primary health care to address the TB epidemic.
Fact 10 The Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015, launched January 2006, aims to achieve the MDG target with an investment of US$ 67 billion. This represents more than a three-fold increase in investment from 2005. The estimated funding gap is US$ 40 billion.
Anti tb hospital daska Introduction: Anti tb hospital daska was come into existance in the effort of anti tb association daska.anti tb daska association has a profound name in the walfare of people,has courage and optimissism for peoples and has depth for the promotion of welfare for people. In the start of 1964 the humen become witness for the people of this area of the pakistan.when in febrary 1964 the people of daska take the responsibility toward helping the people who was suffering from tb.the first general meeting of anti tb assocition was conduct in feb 1964 at civil club daska,where more than 54 honorer citizens participate in the participents are in thousands. On aprail 5,1964 this new insitute become a regular part of anti tb association of west pakistan and on 16 August 1967 the insitute get the registration certificate of department of social welfare of wesrt pakistan. Yours only and unique insitutes serving is the history and efforts of honourer citizens and govt officers cooperation and courage.anti tb association is an un political cooperation whose members are remain busy in serving humans without any discimination of caste ,colour,language,and geographical boundries.who are they people?they are you,I am,and we all are.whose name is anti tb association daska. Objecives and purpose To overcome on tb from pakistan utilizing all the resources of area.
Give precaution and awareness for the tb. To provide opportunities of jobs after getting health. Build a handicraft center for the relative of curing patient.
Membership: Every citizen of pakistan can become the member without any discimination of caste ,colour,gender and political and ethnic.there is no entery fee for becoming the a partipent.after become the member 100 subsciption is paid and 600 member are donating for the hospital.but one time Rs 5000 is necessary to become a life tine member. Performance: Overall anti tb association daska has proud against other 72 association of punjab in fowolling field of services. 1. Anti tb hospital: The anti tb hospital is situated at outside the daska at 5km distance near pasror road on 42 kenal area.infront of hospital there is a garden of flowers,due to which the enviroment become beautiful ,fragnant and reduce the pollution and siturated the hospital enviroment.the land of hospital is denoted by nole and generous people of anjuman tabligh islam(register) kotle chab wali area. The land was actually 64 kanal but but the anti tb association has donated 16 kanal of land to the people of east pakistan on brotherhoodness basis on 1974 for constrcting the houses.instead no one was wiling to donate the land to adminstration of daska.there for 6 kanal area is denoted to anjuman khidmat khalak(register).on this donated land another meternity hospital was build by khidmat-e-khalak foundation. In 1990 the old building was replace with new modern and well design structure, which is completed by a large fund.there is now wards of male, female,modern kitchen , laundry and three set of wash rooms.recently the begham haji khaksar ali butt sahiba has constructed a 12 beds ward for woman and inside it every type of new bed and bed side is provided. Patient is provided with luxury and comfortable bed and double 72 bed hospital is completed. A Genitor is installed in hospital nwith the cooperation of haji mohsin alia ns no problem in curement during load shedding. An X-RAY mechine is installed with the cooperation of sheikh abdul hameed due to which the enter patient is provided with x-ray instantly. The outside patient is charge rs 50 of fee for x ray. A laboratory is completed with the collaboration of global fund in which a modern microscope and chemical is there for test.again sugar test facility is also provided and at time of need the steam facility is provided.
Every patient is cured for a duration of 2 to 3 month. During this duration the patient is provided with specialize doctors and good and expensive medicines. Every type of medicine is provided side by side of tb. 2. Tb clinic: Patients who spend duration of 3 month in the hospital become better and return home. For complete cure them need 8 month and there for the can come to hospital as an outdoor patient. Every patient is provided with 10 days medicine. 3. Common Practice in getting heath: Anti tb had been celebrated some weekends of guideline, instructions and opinions of securing health,under national anti TB ASSOCIATION OF PAKISTAN. In every march of year,the anti TB day is celebrated regularly. The advertisement is exposed and a pedestrian walk is conducted to aware people about the principle of securing from TB.TB seminars is arranged on this event ,in which the specialist doctor aware people about the causes and precautions of TB. 4. Seminars against tb: Five diffent kinds of conferences are arranged under anti TB association on district levels. Which prove very beneficial from results. Also has an award of conducting anti TB conference under Punjab anti TB associations Lahore regarding success and good administration. thats way we are thankful to ALLAH ,who give us courage and granting the will to do it. This all is the cooperations And noble deeds of our members. The Punjab anti tb association award no one due to performance since 1995. And in 2007 the Pakistan anti TB association has grand first prize which is absolutely a big award. The anti tb daska association is the no one association of Pakistan. 5. Rehabilitation center for women: In this center the women are trained in cutting and sewing of cloth under the specialized teachers. The embroidery and printing work is also learned. The most trainees are the women who are relative of patients or the women who gets heath.after this training the womans can work as a specialist worker in institutions and can become a source of income like male members.the center will soon be developed by the administration of associations.
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