(Why Does The Children Ministry Exist?) T3C Children Ministry

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(Why does the children ministry exist?

T3C children ministry exist:

In order to supplement the family in their efforts to lay a
spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will lead a child into a
grounded relationship with God through Christ.

Bible verse:
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old
he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

“Begin to train them early to fear and love the Lord,

to carry on life’s pathway God’s lamp, His holy Word. “

(How is the ministry going to meet the purpose stated above?)

Mission Statement:

Toronto Chinese Community Church’s Children Ministry exist to

serve its community as supplement to the family in their
efforts to lay a spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will
lead a child into a grounded and firm relationship with God
through Christ. In hope to foster each child the desire to
discover God in a personal way, leaving eternal imprint of
God’s love on his/her life, the ministry’s main focuses are:

1. To share the gospel with children of our community

(See Ministry’s Goals: Ready, Set and Go)

2. To help advance spiritual maturity by providing a nurturing

environment for worship and fellowship
(See Ministry’s Goals: Ready, Set and Go)

3. To help each child surrender its lives to God.

(See Ministry’s Goals: Ready, Set and Go)

4. To help them recognize their spiritual gifts

(See Ministry’s Goals: Set and Go)
To commit to fulfilling the goals, the Ministry has implemented
a 3-stage plan. The 3-stage plan is conducted as if one is
running a RACE (Ready, Set, Go)

Stage 1: Ready
At this level, children will develop the true thoughts of who God
(omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresence) by :
a) learning to appreciate and develop an adoration for the person of
b) appreciating and understanding the meaning of worship
c) teaching children the respectful attitude for worship
d) using the Bible to teach and build godly characters

Using the Armor of God as …to teach and to set solid foundation in Biblical

Stage 2: Set
(Grounding process, building muscles)
At this level, children develop a stronger relationship with God by:
a) studying scriptures (Bible memory)
b) learning about God through stories from the Bible
c) learning to use the Bible as a powerful source to learning about
God, God’s plans, and His laws

Stage 3: Go
(Application Stage: Running the Race)
In this last stage, young teens are prepared to use all that they
learned, living their lives for God’s purpose and stepping out of their
comfort zone. This stage of learning encourages spiritual maturity
a) helping them determine their spiritual gifts and how they can use
these gifts for His purpose.
b) Studying in depth the Great Commission and providing
opportunities for service
c) helping them to develop knowledge in today’s social issues so
that they understanding God’s plan for them.

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