Regimen Vellore

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A Simple Glucose Insulin Regimen for Perioperative Blood Glucose Control: The Vellore Regimen
Ann Miriam,

and Grace Korula,


Department of Anaesthesia, Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore, India

In this study, we sought a simple, easily implemented method of intraoperative control of blood glucose in diabetic patients in a large multispecialty teaching hospital. The Vellore regimen, which offers the advantages of a combined glucose insulin and variable rate infusion was evaluated. For every 1 to 50-mg/dL increase in blood glucose concentration more than 100 mg/dL, 1 U of insulin was added to the injection port of a 100-mL measured volume set containing 5% dextrose in water. Hourly monitoring of blood glucose was performed. The blood glucose control was compared with the different existing techniques followed in the hospital in 204 randomized patients: 98 in the study and 106 in the

control group. The study group had a mean sd blood glucose value of 156 36 mg/dL, and the control groups value was 189 63 mg/dL (P 0.003). The percentage of patients who were poorly controlled (outside 100 to 200-mg/dL range) decreased from 51% to 28% (no patient less than 60 mg/dL) with this regimen as compared with the control group in which it increased from 49% to 72% (10 patients less than 60 mg/ dL) (P 0.0013). We conclude that the Vellore regimen is simple, effective, and safe for intraoperative blood glucose control. (Anesth Analg 2004;99:598 602)

mong the many regimens described for perioperative blood glucose control, the two most popular are the fixed glucose insulin infusion of Alberti and Thomas (1) and the variable insulin infusion regimens by Watts et al. (2). The advantage with Alberti and Thomass regimen is its safety, but its disadvantage is the need to change the whole glucose insulin potassium (GIK) bag every time the glucose is outside the acceptable range. The drawback with the variable infusion is the need for sophisticated equipment and the setting up of two infusions with the possibility of one running out or stopping, thus putting the patient at risk of hypo- or hyperglycemia. Frequent changing of bags and setting up of infusion pumps could distract anesthesiologists from their responsibilities of routine patient care. Pump failure is also a possibility. We were looking for a simple, costeffective, easily reproducible method of providing adequate glucose control. Moreover, in our multispecialty teaching institution where 28 consultants and 36 postgraduate students provide anesthesia for approximately 100 operations per day, we did not have a uniform protocol. We also found certain hesitancy
Accepted for publication February 3, 2004. Address correspondence to Grace Korula, MD, Department of Anaesthesia, Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore - 632004, India. Address e-mail to DOI: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000122824.21065.CA

among anesthesiologists to use glucose and insulin for short surgical procedures, even when the time to normal diet was long. A pilot study was performed on 20 patients to identify the various methods followed and their efficacy. Only 8% of the patients had insulin infusion, and most did not get insulin or dextrose. We found that 40% of patients had blood glucose values outside a range of 100 200 mg/dL. We aimed to see if, by following this simple regimen, more patients values would occur within this range.

After obtaining the approval of the hospital ethics committee and informed consent from patients, we studied 204 diabetic patients who were scheduled for elective surgery. They were divided into two groups by a simple random sampling method using computer-generated numbers. The inclusion criteria were diabetic patients requiring insulin between the age of 25 60 yr receiving oral hypoglycemic drugs (OHD) undergoing surgery expected to last for more than 2 h and who would not be able to eat within 6 h of surgery. We did not set an upper limit on glucose value for accepting patients for the study. Well-controlled noninsulin-dependent patients undergoing minor procedures, those on steroids, and diabetics undergoing cardiac surgery and emergency surgery were excluded from the study.
2004 by the International Anesthesia Research Society 0003-2999/04


Anesth Analg 2004;99:598602

ANESTH ANALG 2004;99:598 602



Before starting the study, the agreement of blood glucose values between the laboratory and a glucometer was established. The regimen that was used (Vellore Regimen) is shown in Table 1. In the study group, patients undergoing surgery before 10 am fasted from 12 midnight. Clear fluids were given up to 6 h before surgery to patients scheduled after 10 am. On the day of surgery, OHD and insulin were omitted. All patients had blood glucose measured at 6 am. For those patients whose operation started in the morning (7:30 am), no glucose or insulin was given in the ward. All other patients, irrespective of the time of surgery, received a glucose insulin infusion in the ward if their blood glucose measurement was more than 100 mg/ dL. Neutral (Bovine-Fastact, USV Ltd., Hanoi, Vietnam) insulin 5 U in 500 mL of 5% dextrose in water solution (D5W) was started in the ward at 8 am using a measured volume set and infused at the rate of 100 mL/hr until the time of operation. For those between 70 and 100 mg/dL, 100 mL D5W was given over 1 h. If the blood glucose value was 70 mg/dL, 100 mL D5W was given rapidly, and blood glucose was checked after 15 min; this was repeated until the value reached more than 70 mg/dL. When the patient arrived in the operating room (OR), blood glucose was measured before inducing anesthesia (zero hour) and then at hourly intervals with Ames glucometer and glucostix test strips (Laboratory Specialists International, Orcutt, CA) until the patient left the recovery room. For every 150 mg/dL increase in blood glucose more than 100 mg/dL, 1 U of insulin was added to the burette through the side arm using an insulin syringe. As 100 mL of D5W was given in 1 h, the blood glucose measurements were performed when the burette was empty. If the patients came with the infusion from the ward, for 150 mg/L measurements more than 150 mg/dL, a 1-U increment was added as the solution already had 1 U/100 mL. At zero hour, blood glucose was checked, and the burette was filled to 100 mL. All glucose measurements in the OR were performed using a glucometer. Before starting the infusion, 1 U of insulin was added to the burette with 10 mL of D5W solution, mixed well, allowed to run through, and expelled. In the control group, the treatment to control the blood glucose was left to the anesthesiologist (aware of the study) attending the patient. Blood glucose concentrations were determined before the induction of anesthesia and hourly until the patients left the recovery room. All patients received 10 mg of diazepam orally 1 h before anesthesia. Patients received either regional or general anesthesia. Patients who underwent regional anesthesia received either spinal or epidural anesthesia. General anesthesia was induced with thiopental and maintained using 66% N2O in O2 and halothane/

Table 1. The Study Regimen Blood glucose (mg/dL) 70 71100 101150 151200 201250 251300 300 Treatment Stop insulin if on infusion. Rapid infusion of 100 mL of D5W, measure blood glucose after 15 min Stop insulin, infuse D5W at 100 mL/h 1 U of insulin 100 mL of D5W/h 2 U of insulin 100 mL of D5W/h 3 U of insulin 100 mL of D5W/h 4 U of insulin 100 mL of D5W/h 1 U of insulin for every 150 mg more than 100 mg/dL 100 mL of normal saline/h

D5W 5% dextrose in water.

isoflurane 0.5%1% with muscle relaxation. IV morphine or fentanyl was used for analgesia. Patients, after operation, were tracheally extubated and sent to the recovery room when awake. Patients in the study group were discharged from the recovery ward with the infusion. Subsequent blood glucose was controlled by the attending surgeons. The blood glucose measurements were followed only until patients left the recovery room. Using the summary statistic approach, the average of glucose values was calculated for each patient. The independent t-test was performed over the summary statistic to find the difference in mean values. Pearson 2 statistic was performed to find the significant difference between categorical variables. Univariate and bivariate analysis were performed to find the distribution of blood glucose values. To determine the agreement of blood glucose values between laboratory and glucometer measurements, intra-class correlation coefficient was performed. The result showed 96% agreement between the two scales.

Two-hundred-four patients were included in this randomized study. The two groups were comparable with regard to age, weight, sex distribution, the type of diabetes, the duration of diabetes, and the method of preoperative control of diabetes (Table 2). The data related to the type and duration of operation and the type of anesthesia received were all comparable in both groups (Table 2). A total of five regimens were used in the control groups (Table 3). The mean sd blood glucose values obtained hourly in the two groups, the range, and the number of patients with values 60 and more than 225 while under the supervision of the anesthesiologist are shown in Table 4. The number of patients at each hour varied depending on the duration of anesthesia. The study group showed a significant improvement in the control of blood glucose.



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Table 2. Patient Characteristics and Potential Confounding Factors Variable Male:Female Ratio Age (yr) Weight (kg) Type NIDDM/IDDM Duration of diabetes (yr) Type of treatment (%) Diet OHD Insulin Type of surgery (%) Major Minor Type of anesthesia (%) General Regional Time of study (min) Study 0.56 53 10 61 10 0.96 65 4 (4) 39 (40) 55 (56) 89 (91) 9 (9) 82 (87) 16 (13) 195 92 Control 0.55 50 12 58 9 0.94 66 4 (3.7) 44 (41.5) 58 (54.8) 0.77 95 (90) 11 (10) 0.39 84 (79) 22 (21) 178 76 0.19 P-value 0.94 0.32 0.22 0.35 0.20 0.89

Age, weight, duration of diabetes, and time of study are listed as mean sd. Types of treatment, surgery, and anesthesia are listed as number (percentage). NIDDM noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; IDDM insulindependent diabetes mellitus; OHD oral hypoglycemic drugs.

Table 3. Different Regimens Used in the Control Group Regimen No insulin, no glucose Glucose insulin fixed combination Intermittent IV bolus Separate infusion syringe pump Subcutaneous insulin n (%) 58 (54) 36 (34) 2 (2) 8 (8) 2 (2)

The distribution of the poorly controlled patients in the preoperative period, i.e., fasting blood glucose more than 140 mg and postprandial more than 200 mg, were similar in both groups (51% in the study group and 49% in the control group; Table 5). The intraoperative control was better maintained in the study group. There were 68 patients in the study group and 63 patients in the control group who had preoperative blood glucose values outside the 100 200 mg/dL range. Table 6 shows response to the study and control regimens during the intraoperative period. The percentage of patients in the study group with abnormal values decreased from 51% to 28%, whereas the percentage of such patients in the control group increased from 49% to 72% (P 0.0013).

We considered a blood glucose value between 100 200 mg/dL to be normal for this study. A perioperative glucose level between 120 and 200 mg/dl is recommended by Alberti (3), Hirsch et al. (4), and Gavin (5) to reduce morbidity from fluid and electrolyte

imbalance and to decrease the risk of infection. Van Den Berghe et al. (6) found a reduced mortality with intensive insulin therapy in diabetic patients admitted to surgical intensive care unit. Different methods of insulin therapy have been instituted over the years to achieve a steady-state acceptable glucose level in the perioperative period. Subcutaneous insulin used to be the preferred route of insulin administration in the 1960s. The use of small-dose continuous glucose insulin infusion for patients undergoing surgery was introduced in 1963 by Galloway and Shuman (7) but did not gain wide acceptance. Among the various regimens that were introduced in the 1970s, Alberti and Thomass (1) combined GIK infusion gained popularity because of its safety. The disadvantage with this regime is the fixed insulin concentration, making it necessary to change the bag each time the glucose value moves outside the acceptable range. Watts et al. (2) described the concept of variable rate insulin infusion, and this is well accepted. Variable rate infusion requires the use of dedicated pumps to infuse insulin and dextrose accurately. In our hospital, despite the availability of pumps, only 8% of patients receive insulin using this technique because of the effort it entails. Complications, such as pump failure and inadvertent infusion of insulin without glucose, are also possible. Further, a separate infusion of electrolyte solution is required for maintenance and replacement of fluids during the operation. There is no one regimen that is universally followed; in our institution, the intraoperative management of diabetes was not uniform, and we found many patients with blood glucose levels 60 mg/dL. For any regimen to be successful, ease of administration is important. We added insulin into the burette containing D5W, adopted the safety of the combined glucose infusion, and followed a simpler method to vary the dose of insulin according to the hourly glucose measurement. To prevent hypoglycemia and to provide basal energy requirements, a glucose infusion rate of 5 g/h (1.2 mg kg11 min1) has been used, as described by Hirsch et al. (4), Meyer et al. (8), and White et al. (9); these studies have shown that most operative patients can be maintained in the 120mg/dL to 180-mg/dL range with a regular insulin infusion rate between 1.0 U/h and 2 U/h. The body weight of most of our patients is between 50 and 60 kg, so we decided on 1 U/h. The insulin supplement can be diluted before adding it to the burette to ensure nothing is lost while injecting. Peterson et al. (10) examined the problem of insulin adsorption to the surfaces of infusion sets. They found that a 50-mL washout with a solution of 25 U of regular insulin in 500 mL of normal saline permits 75% of expected insulin for the first 50 mL of the infusion and 100% thereafter. We added 1 U of insulin to 10 mL of dextrose and washed the burette and

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Table 4. Mean Hourly Blood Glucose, Range, and Number of Patients with Intraoperative Values 60 mg/dL or 225 mg/dL* Study Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 RR mean sd 146 47 159 47 161 42 161 35 160 28 166 28 165 38 range 65350 78332 88350 101227 102224 136219 98250 n60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n225 2 5 3 2 0 0 6 mean sd 157 81 193 80 201 70 218 68 203 67 212 54 213 70 Control range 35380 40400 60367 103400 90360 158265 38432 n60 4 2 2 0 0 0 2 n225 21 30 33 23 4 1 55

Blood glucose: mean sd and range measured in mg/dL. n60 number of patients with blood glucose 60 mg/dL; n225 number of patients with blood glucose 225 mg/dL; RR recovery room. * P 0.003.

Table 5. Blood Glucose Control in Preoperatively Poorly Controlled Patients Time 0h 1st h 2nd h 3rd h 4th h Blood glucose (study) 230 61 226 70 194 42 159 36 145 32 Blood glucose (control) 245 85 244 61 249 68 221 72 260 50

Table 6. Number and Percentage of Intraoperative Glucose Values Outside the 100 200 mg Range* Variable Preoperative period Intraoperative period
* P 0.0013.

Study (%) 68 (51) 18 (28)

Control (%) 63 (49) 47 (72)

All values are expressed as mean sd (mg/dL).

discarded this before starting the infusion to reduce adsorption to the plastic infusion system. This dose of insulin may not be sufficient to totally prevent adsorption of insulin once the infusion is started. A close look at the blood glucose values shows that the values stabilized by the third hour. A possible explanation is that some insulin was lost to saturation of the infusion set initially. We did not add potassium to keep the regimen simple. We felt routine potassium supplementation was not required for short operations because the dose of insulin is not large. Unlike Alberti and Thomass regimen (1), where they used 10% dextrose in water, we used D5W, and so the requirement of insulin is less. However, serum potassium was measured during major abdominal surgery and supplementation given if levels were less than 3.5 mEq/L. Diabetic patients (especially the poorly controlled patients) are prone to develop hypokalemia, and this has to be kept in mind while anesthetizing patients on insulin infusion. Although it is recommended that diabetic patients should be operated first in the morning, this is not always practiced. Only 30% of our patients underwent surgery early in the morning. Because it is difficult to predict the waiting time, study group patients received combined insulin dextrose infusion in the ward after measuring the fasting blood glucose level. If blood glucose was more than 100 mg/dL, a fixed dose of 1 U of insulin in 100 mL of D5W per hour was used

during this waiting time. The investigators could not go to the ward to monitor hourly glucose level, and thus we felt it was safer to follow 1 U/h. However, the nurses were instructed to watch for hypoglycemia and to check blood glucose if in doubt. We also felt that the requirement of insulin would vary more in the intraoperative period because of the stress of surgery. The Vellore regimen was followed once the patient arrived in the OR. Two patients in the study group complained of hypoglycemic symptoms and had blood glucose values 70 mg/dL (65 and 60) in the ward after starting the infusion. Both were receiving OHD before surgery. The fasting blood glucose values in both patients were more than 100 mg, and thus the glucose insulin infusion was started. Patients on OHD may require less insulin, but this is difficult to predict. We feel that hourly glucose measurements should be performed in patients on OHD who receive insulin infusion. Each anesthesiologist has his or her own regimen and is reluctant to change. Our aim in this study was not to establish the superiority of this regimen over other described ones. The anesthesiologists who managed the control group in our study were all aware that their patients were included in the study and could have used any regimen available for blood glucose control. If we had compared this with one particular regimen, we might not have been able to establish the need for a change in the present practice. We have no doubt that if the previously described regimens are strictly followed, adequate control of blood glucose is possible. However, if a regimen is to be followed, it has to be user-friendly. We performed



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this study to see if a simple, inexpensive (the cost of one measured volume set versus the cost of syringe pumps and disposables), and easy to remember (1 U for every 50-mg increase in blood glucose more than 100 mg) regimen could maintain adequate blood glucose levels. We found the Vellore regimen to be simple, effective, and safe.

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4. Hirsch IB, McGill JB, Cryer PE, White PF. Perioperative management of surgical patients with diabetes. Anesthesiology 1991;74:346 59. 5. Gavin LA. Perioperative management of the diabetic patient. In: Karam JH, ed. Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company, 1992: 45775. 6. Van Den Berghe G, Wouters P, Weekers S, et al. Intensive insulin therapy in critically ill patients. N Engl J Med 2001;345: 1359 67. 7. Galloway JA, Shuman CR. Diabetes and surgery. Am J Med 1963;34:17791. 8. Meyer EJ, Lorenzi M, Bohannon NV, et al. Diabetes management by insulin infusion during major surgery. Am J Surg 1979;137:3237. 9. White NH, Skor D, Santiago JV. Practical closed-loop insulin delivery: a system for the maintenance of overnight euglycemia and the calculation of basal insulin requirements in insulin dependent diabetes. Ann Intern Med 1982;97:210 3. 10. Peterson L, Caldwell J, Hoffman J. Insulin adsorbance to polyvinylchloride surfaces with implications for constant infusion therapy. Diabetes 1976;25:72 4.

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