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Designation: F2809 10

Standard Terminology Relating to

Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices1

This standard is issued under the xed designation F2809; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 1.1 This terminology standard is a repository for the terms, and their standardized denitions, as relates to the technical standards generated by ASTM Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices. The meanings and explanations of the technical terms have been written for both the non-expert and the expert user. 1.2 The terms are listed in alphabetical sequence; in Appendix X1 they are listed by the subcommittee of origin. 1.3 At a minimum, this standard is updated annually (at a time corresponding to the publication of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards containing this terminology standard) to editorially include any terms approved in the Committees technical standards. 1.4 The originating standard of each term is included for informational purposes, following each listing of a term and its associated denition. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 Historical ASTM Standards:2 F921 Terminology Relating to Hemostatic Forceps F1078 Terminology for Surgical ScissorsInserted and Non-Inserted Blades F1251 Terminology Relating to Polymeric Biomaterials in Medical and Surgical Devices (Withdrawn 2012)3 F1582 Terminology Relating to Spinal Implants F1638 Terminology for Surgical Tissue/Dressing/Pick-Up Forceps (Thumb-Type) F1840 Terminology for Surgical Suture Needles F2005 Terminology for Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys

F2312 Terminology Relating to Tissue Engineered Medical Products

NOTE 1The denition for each term is accompanied by a reference to the standard from which it originated. All active standards of the Committee may therefore be considered references, and are not reproduced here.

3. Signicance and Use 3.1 All approved F04 standards have their terms reproduced in this terminology document, per section 1.3. The terms are listed both alphabetically, and by subcommittee of origin, per section 1.2. 3.1.1 This standard maintains a single source for terminology reference for ASTM Committee F04. 3.1.2 This standard assists in the authoring of new ASTM standards, and standard revisions, where authors can nd and utilize existing terms to avoid generation of extraneous, duplicative, or contradicting terms. 3.2 Some terms may appear more than once. 3.2.1 In some cases, multiple denitions of a term are needed, based on the variety of applications and sectors to which it applies. 3.2.2 Because this terminology standard is a repository for all approved terms of Committee F04, it may become evident that multiple denitions for a term have been developed, but need coordination. An objective of this document is to make duplication evident, and to facilitate harmonization of terms by Committee F04 as appropriate. 3.3 Appendix X2 provides background on the history and objectives of this terminology standard. 4. Terminology

1 This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F04.97 on Editorial and Terminology. Current edition approved Aug. 15, 2010. Published December 2010. DOI: 10.1520/F280910. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website. 3 The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on www.astm.org.

accelerator, nadditive used to increase the rate of cure. An accelerator may also be a catalyst, or it may actually change composition and, therefore, not qualify as a catalyst. F602 acetal plastic, nplastic based on polymers having a predominance of acetal linkages in the main chain. (See also polyoxymethylene.) F1251 acousto-electric transfer function, HSE, nelectrical input to the IMEHD output transducer E produced by a sound eld,

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divided by the input sound eld pressure pS: HSE = E/pS. F2504
DISCUSSIONHSE will depend on the particular gain settings used, for example, full-on gain or minimal gain. The gain should be reported whenever that transfer function is used.

adhesion, nphysiochemical state by which a cell is coupled to a non-cell surface by interfacial forces, which may consist of covalent or ionic forces. F2664 adhesive failure, nfailure of the adhesive/substrate bond. F2548 adhesive strength, nstrength of the tissue adhesive/substrate interface. F2548 adventitious agents, nunintentionally introduced microbiological or other infectious contaminant. In the production of TEMPs, these agents may be unintentionally introduced into the process stream or the nal product, or both. F2212, F2312 adventitious agents, nunintentionally introduced microbiological or other infectious contaminant. In the production of TEMPs, these agents may be unintentionally introduced into the manufacturing process or into the nal product or both. F2383 (See Terminology F2312.)
DISCUSSIONIn this guide, adventitious agents also include microbiological or other infectious contaminants that may be endogenous to the starting cells or tissue.

acousto-vibrational transfer function (IMEHD aided), HSVA, nstapes velocity (IMEHD aided) divided by the input sound eld pressure: HSVA = vA/pS. F2504
DISCUSSIONThis quantity can be measured directly or computed from the product of the electro-vibrational transfer function, HEV, and the acousto-electric transfer function, HSE, measured in the IMEHDaided condition: HSVA = vA/pS.

acousto-vibrational transfer function (unimplanted), HSVU, nstapes velocity (unimplanted) when driven by the input sound eld, divided by the input sound eld pressure: F2504 HSVU = vU/pS.
DISCUSSIONThis quantity can be measured directly or computed from the product of the middle-ear transfer function, HTV, and the ear-canal transfer function, HST, measured in the unimplanted condition: HSVU = vU/pS = HST HTV.

acrylic plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with acrylic acid or a structural derivative of acrylic acid. F1251 activator, nmedical material that demonstrates a shortened clotting time; an initiator of the intrinsic coagulation pathway. F2382 active austenite nish temperature, n(in nitinol), term used to denote austenite nish temperature of a nished wire, tube, or component as determined by a bend and free F2005 recovery method rather than by DSC. addition polymerization, npolymerization in which monomers are linked together without the splitting off of water or other simple molecules and involves the opening of a double F1251 bond. additive, nchemical added to epoxy resins or hardeners to modify the handling characteristics or cured properties, or both, of the epoxy-hardener combination. F602 diluent, nchemical used in admixture to modify or enhance the properties of either or both the uncured or cured formulations. A primary use is to reduce the viscosity of the mixed system although other properties such as exotherm rate, stiffness, moisture absorption, and so forth, may be modied or enhanced also. F602 ller, na relatively inert solid particulate material added to an epoxy formulation to modify its strength, permanence, working properties, or other qualities, or to lower costs. F602 nonreactive diluent, na diluent not containing chemically reactive functional groups. F602 reactive diluent, na diluent that reacts chemically with the epoxy resin or hardener, or both, during cure. F602 additives, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer used in relatively small amounts to perform functions such as marking, coloring, or providing opacity to the elastomer. F2038

aging, nthe process of exposing materials to an environment F1251 for an interval of time. aging effect, nchange in a material brought about by exposure of the material to an environment for an interval of F1251 time. alginate, npolysaccharide obtained from some of the more common species of marine algae, consisting of an insoluble mix of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium salts.
DISCUSSIONAlginate exists in brown algae as its most abundant polysaccharide, mainly occurring in the cell walls and intercellular spaces of brown seaweed and kelp. Alginates main function is to contribute to the strength and exibility of the seaweed plant. Alginate is classied as a hydrocolloid. The most commonly used alginate is sodium alginate. Sodium alginate and, in particular, calcium crosslinked alginate gels are used in Tissue Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs) as biomedical matrices, controlled drug delivery systems, and F2259, F2312, F2315 for immobilizing living cells.

alkyd resin, npolyester convertible into a crosslinked form; requiring a reactant of functionality higher than two, or F1251 having double bonds. allogeneic or allogenic, adjcells, tissues, and organs in which the donor and recipient are genetically different individuals of the same species. Synonyms: allograft and F2312 homograft. allogeneic, adjderived from different individuals of the same species. F1581

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allograft, ngraft of tissue between individuals of the same species but of disparate genotype. Called also allogeneic graft and homograft. Dorlands,4 F2311, F2312 alloy phase, nin a shape memory alloy, the crystal structure F2005 stable at a particular temperature and stress. amorphous calcium phosphate, nnoncrystalline calcium phosphate. F1609 anchor, nbioabsorbable device or a component of a bioabsorbable device that provides the attachment to the bone. F2502 anchor, ncomponents that are directly attached to the bony elements of the spine (sacrum, lamina, pedicle, vertebral body, spinous process, transverse process, the pelvis, or F1582 ribs). angle, ndened at either the barrel/sideplate or blade/ sideplate junction (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 angled device, nclass of orthopedic devices for the xation of fractures in the methaphyseal areas of long bones that has a component aligned at an angle to the bones long axis. F384 anneal, vto heat treat in order to remove the effect of F2005 cold-working. anorganic, adjdenoting tissue (for example, bone) from which the organic material has been totally removed. Also referred to as deorganied, deproteinized or deproteinated. F1581 anterior curvature, ncondylar design which is generally planar except for a concaveupward region anteriorly on the tibial component. F1223 anterior posterior (AP), nany geometrical length aligned with the AP orientation. F1223 antigens, nthese are substances that stimulate the host to produce an immune response. F1905 AOO, nacetone olive oil solution (4:1 v/v) is a suitable nonpolar solvent. F2148 AP displacement, nrelative linear translation between components in the AP direction. F1223 AP draw load, nforce applied to the movable component with its vector aligned in the AP direction causing or intending to cause an AP displacement. F1223 APA bead, nalginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate bead. F2312, F2315 apatite, nmineral substance having the molecular formula Ca 10 (X) 2 (PO 4 ) 6 where X=OH (hydroxyapatite or hydroxylapatite), CO3 (carbonated apatite), F or C1 (8). F1581
4 Dorland, WAN, Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 29th Ed., W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 2000.

apparent density, nsee density, apparent.


aqueous solvent, nin this assay refers to the polar solvent, saline. F2148 articular insert, npolymeric prosthetic portion of a multiple piece glenoid component that articulates with the humeral head. F1829 artifact width, nmaximum distance (mm) from the edge of the implant to the fringe of the resulting image artifact found in the entire set of images acquired using this test method. F2119 articial intervertebral disc, nsynthetic structure that is permanently implanted in the disc space between two adjacent vertebral bodies to provide spinal column support and allow intervertebral motion. F2346 articial weathering, nexposure of a material to laboratory conditions that simulate outdoor weathering.
DISCUSSIONExposure conditions may be cyclic, involving changes in temperature, relative humidity, radiant energy, and many other elements found in the atmosphere in various geographical areas. The laboratory exposure conditions are usually intensied beyond those encountered in actual out-door exposure to accelerate the effect.

F1251 assembly, ncomplete implant conguration (not including spine, pelvis, ribs, or substitute material) as intended for F1582 surgical use. atraumatic, advteeth that would interdigitate except for being spaced apart a predesigned distance so they will not stress, crush, or otherwise traumatize the tissue being F1638 grasped. attachment area, nportion of the needle where the attachment of the suture takes place. For example, eyed, drilled, F1840 and channel. austenite, nhigh temperature parent phase in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys with a B2 crystal structure. This phase transforms to R-phase or martensite, or both, on cooling. F2005 austenite nish temperature (Af), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to austenite transformation is completed on heating in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the R-phase to austenite transformation is completed on heating in a two-stage transformaF2005 tion (Fig. 2). austenite peak temperature (Ap), n(in nitinol), temperature of the endothermic peak position on the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) curve upon heating for the martensite to austenite transformation in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature of the endothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon heating for the R-phase to austenite transformation in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 austenite start temperature (As), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to austenite transformation begins on heating in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the R-phase to austenite transformation

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load simulates the net compressive external and muscle forces (see Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2028). F2028 axial pull-out load (N), ntensile force in N required to fail or remove a screw from a material into which the screw has been inserted when tested in accordance with Specication and Test Methods F543, Annex A3. F2193 axial pullout strength, ntensile force required to fail or remove a bone screw from a material into which the screw has been inserted. F543 balloon expandable stent, nstent that is expanded at the treatment site by a balloon catheter. The stent material is plastically deformed by the balloon expansion such that the stent remains expanded after deation of the balloon. F2394
FIG. 1 DSC Graph for a Single-Stage Transformation (Source F2005)

balloon (Foley) catheter, nindwelling catheter retained in the bladder by a balloon that is inated with liquid. F623
DISCUSSIONA two-way balloon catheter has a drainage lumen and ination lumen (see Fig. 1). Common balloon ination sizes are 5 cm3 with the 5-cm3 balloon being used to hold the catheter in place for normal usage, and 30 cm3 where so designated when a larger balloon is used. A three-way balloon catheter is used for continuous bladder irrigation and features both a drainage lumen and an irrigation lumen (but as noted above is excluded from consideration in this specication).

balloon integrity (resistance to rupture), nvolume of liquid that corresponds with balloon failure, or bursting. F2528 band, nexible anchor component with a noncircular cross section that connects the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs to each other or to other implant components using a knot or similar tying mechanism, forming a locked, closed F1582 loop. barrel, nportion of an angled device which captures the lag screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 barrel length, LBR, ndistance from the free end of the barrel to the interior vertex of the barrel/sideplate junction (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 barrier coat, nsilicone elastomer layer that is part of the shell of a silicone gel implantable breast prosthesis that retards silicone bleed. F703 bearing element, narticulating surface element between the femoral head and shell or bonding agent (bone cement). F2091 bearing surface, nthose regions of the component which are intended to contact its counterpart for load transmission. F1223 bend and free recovery (BFR), n(in nitinol), test method for determining austenite transformation temperatures on heating.
DISCUSSIONThe test involves cooling a wire or tube specimen below the Mf temperature, deforming the specimen in a controlled fashion, then heating through the austenite transformation. By measuring the shape memory response of the specimen As and Af, temperatures can be determined. This test method is covered in Test Method F2005 F2082.

FIG. 2 DSC Graph for a Two-Stage Transformation (Source F2005)

begins on heating in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 auto compression, ntype of bone plate that by its design can generate a compressive force between adjacent unconnected bone fragments through the use of one or more ramped holes or another type of slot geometry. This ramp or slot geometry contacts the underside of the screw head, and induces compressive force as the screw is inserted and tightened to the bone plate. F382 autograft, ngraft of tissue derived from another site in or on the body of the organism receiving it. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 autologous, adjcells, tissues, and organs in which the donor and recipient is the same individual. Synonyms: autogenous, F2312 autograft, or autotransfusion, a self-to-self graft. axial load; axial translation, nforce and displacement, respectively, perpendicular to the glenoid plane; the axial

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bending compliance, nreciprocal of the stiffness of the IMFD under a bending load in a specied plane as dened and determined in the static four-point bend test described in Annex A1 in Specication Test Methods F1264. F1264 bending fatigue runout moment (Nm), nvalue in N-m of the maximum moment that can be applied to a spinal component where all of the tested samples have experienced 2 500 000 loading cycles without a failure at a specic R-ratio. F2193 bending moment arm, L (mm), ndistance in mm between the point where the test sample is gripped (typically the axis of the longitudinal element) and the line-of-action for the applied force prior to any deformation of of the assembly. (See dimension L of Fig. A4.2 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 bending stiffness, K (N/mm), nof a bone plate, the maximum slope of the linear elastic portion of the load versus load-point displacement curve for a bone plate when tested according to the test method of Annex A1 of Specication F382. F382 bending stiffness, S (N/mm), nslope in N/mm of the initial linear elastic portion of the load versus total displacement curve (slope of line 0m in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 bending strength (N-m), nof a bone plate, the bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the bone plate when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication F382. F382 bending strength, nof the sideplate, the bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the sideplate when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication and Test Methods F382. F384 bending structural stiffness, El (N-m2), nof a bone plate, the bone plates normalized effective bending stiffness that takes into consideration the effects of the test setups conguration when tested according to the method described in Annex A1 of Specication F382. F382 bending structural stiffness, Ele, nof the sideplate, the sideplates normalized effective bending stiffness that takes into consideration the effects of the test setups conguration when tested according to the method described in Annex A1 of Specication and Test Methods F382. F384 bending ultimate moment (Nm), nmaximum bending moment in N-m that can be applied to a test sample. This would correspond to the bending moment at Point E in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193. F2193 bending yield moment (Nm), nbending moment in N-m necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the spinal component. If the specimen fractures before the test reaches the 0.2 % offset displacement point, the bending yield moment shall be dened as the bending moment at fracture (point D in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 beta tricalcium phosphate, ncalcium phosphate substance of empirical chemical formula, Ca3(PO4)2 (see Specication F1088). F1609 bioabsorbable device, nclass of implants that are designed to deteriorate by means of biological resorption once they are implanted into the body. F2502 bioactive agents, nany molecular component in, on, or with the interstices of a device that is intended to elicit a desired tissue or cell response.
DISCUSSIONGrowth factors, antibiotics, and antimicrobials are typical examples of bioactive agents. Device structural components or degradation byproducts that evoke limited localized bioactivity are not F2312, F2450 included.

bioactive agents, nany molecular component in, on, or within the interstices of a device that elicits a desired tissue or cell response. Growth factors, antibiotics, and antimicrobials are typical examples of bioactive agents. Device structural components or degradation byproducts that evoke limited localized bioactivity are not included. F2150 biconcave, ncondylar design with pronounced AP and ML condylar radii seen as a dish in the tibial component or a toroid in the femoral component. F1223 biological product, nany virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or its derivatives (or any trivalent organic arsenic compound) applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of diseases or injuries of man.5
DISCUSSIONThe term analogous product is interpreted to encompass somatic cell and gene therapy.6 A biological product may be used as a component of a TEMP. For the purposes of TEMPs, these biological products may be of any origin (that is, organism), tissue type, developmental stage, and may be living, non-living, and genetically or F2312 otherwise modied.

biological resorption, nprocess by which degraded biomaterials (that is, products of degradation) are eliminated or incorporated, or both, by means of physiological metabolic routes. F2502 biomarker, nbiochemical feature or facet that can be used to measure the progress of disease or the effects of treatment. F2664 biomaterial, nany substance (other than a drug), synthetic or natural, that can be used as a system or part of a system that treats, augments, or replaces any tissue, organ, or function of the body. Dorlands, F2311, F2312, F2664 biomolecule, n biologically active peptide, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin, lipid, or nucleic acid produced by and puried from naturally occurring or recombinant organisms, tissues or cell lines or synthetic analogs of such molecules. A biomolecule may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312
Section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(a). FDA, CFR, Title 21, Volume 7, Part 600.3(h), Biological Products: General, Denitions, Revised 04/01/03.
6 5

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biomolecule therapy, nuse of biomolecules to repair, modify, or regenerate the recipients cells, tissues, or organs or their structure and function, or both. Biomolecule therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate F2312 TEMPs. blade, nportion of an angled device which transmits the off axis loading of the anatomical loading condition to the sideplate portion of the angled device (see Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 blade, nsegment that contains the cutting edge which may be F1078 with or without serrations. blade alignment, npositioning of the blades with respect to tip match-up and blade setting. F1078 blade length, LBD, ndistance from the free end of the blade to the interior vertex of the blade/sideplate junction (see Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 blank, nextraction vehicle not containing the specimen under test which is used for comparison with the extract liquid. F619 blank time, nperiod at the beginning of an assay when no data is taken. This is done to eliminate interference from premixing reagents, bubbles, and so forth. F2382 blind (end)-pore, npore that is in contact with an exposed internal or external surface through a single orice smaller than the pores depth. F2450 blister, nin sheet plastics, an imperfection, a rounded elevation of the surface, with boundaries that may be more or less sharply dened, somewhat resembling in shape a blister on the human skin. F1251 block copolymer, nessentially linear copolymer in which there are repeated sequences of polymeric segments of F1251 different chemical structure. bloom, nvisible exudation or efflorescence of a performance additive on the surface of a material. F1251 body, ncentral portion of the needle intended to be grasped F1840 by the needle holder. bolt, nanchor component that connects to the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs by means of threads with the lead threads accomodating a nut thus sandwiching the bony element or implant component between the nut or washer F1582 and bolt head or other xed stop. bolt interconnection, ninterconnection having an implant component sandwiched between two nuts or between a nut F1582 and xed stop. bone anchor, nbioabsorbable device that provides a means to attach soft tissue to bone with a suture. F2502 bone plate, ndevice with two or more holes or slots, or both, and a cross section that consists of at least two dimensions (width and thickness), which generally are not the same in magnitude. The device is intended to provide alignment and xation of two or more bone sections, primarily by spanning the fracture or defect. F2502 bone plate, nmetallic device with two or more holes or slot(s), or both, and a cross section that consists of at least two dimensions (width and thickness) which generally are not the same in magnitude. The device is intended to provide alignment and xation of two or more bone sections, primarily by spanning the fracture or defect. The device is typically xed to the bone through the use of bone screws or cerclage wire. A partial list of general types of bone plates is given in 4.1 of Specication F382. F382 bone plate length, L (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured along the longitudinal axis as illustrated in Fig. A4.2 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. F2502 bone plate length, L (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured along the longitudinal axis as illustrated in Fig. 2 of Specication F382. F382 bone plate thickness, b (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured parallel to the screw hole axis as shown in Fig. A4.2 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. For a bone plate with a crescent section, the thickness is measured at the thickest point along the section. F2502 bone plate thickness, b (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured parallel to the screw hole axis as shown in Fig. 1a, 1b, and Fig. 2 of Specication F382. For a bone plate with a crescent section, the thickness is measured at the thickest point along the section. F382 bone plate width, w (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured perpendicular to both the length and thickness axes as shown in Fig. A4.2 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. F2502 bone plate width, w (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured perpendicular to both the length and thickness axes as shown in Fig. 2 of Specication F382. F382 bottom scissor half, ncomponent which contains the threaded end of the screw. F1078 box lock, njunction where the female member and the male F921 member are secured forming the pivoting feature. breaking angle, nangle of rotation when the screw fails in torsion as demonstrated by a rapid decrease in the indicated torque. F543 bulk density, nweight per unit volume of a material including voids inherent in the material as tested.
DISCUSSIONThis term is sometimes used synonymously with apparent density. F1251

bulk factor, nratio of the volume of a given mass of molding material to its volume in the molded form.
DISCUSSIONThe bulk factor is also equal to the ratio of the density of the material to its apparent density in the unmolded form. F1251

bulk oxidation index (BOI), nsamples bulk oxidation index (BOI) is the average of the oxidation indices collected over a 500-mm section at the center of the sample. F2102

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DISCUSSIONTypically, this is a plateau region with the smallest oxidation indices. DISCUSSIONFor samples less than about 8 to 10 mm thick, this central region may display the samples highest oxidation indices, depending on its state of oxidation.

cartilage regeneration, nformation of articular-like cartilage that has histologic, biochemical, and mechanical properties similar to that of native articular cartilage.7 F2451 cartilage repair, nprocess of healing injured cartilage or its replacement through cell proliferation and synthesis of new F2451 extracellular matrix.7 cast lm, nlm made by depositing a layer of plastic, either molten, in solution, or in a dispersion, onto a surface, solidifying the deposit and removing the lm from the F1251 surface. catalyst, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer formulation that initiates the crosslinking reaction when the material is vulcanized. F2038 cavity, nany slot, cut, hole, or other feature within the shell intended to accommodate modular adjunct xation elements; instruments for insertion, extraction, and so forth; or for manufacturing purposes. F2091 cell, na small partially or completely enclosed cavity. F1251 cell, closed, nsee closed cell. cell, open, nsee open cell. cell, nthe smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.8
DISCUSSIONCells are highly variable and specialized in both structure and function, though all must at some stage synthesize proteins and nucleic acids, use energy, and reproduce. A cell or cells may be of any origin (that is, organism), tissue type, developmental stage, and may be living, non-living, and genetically or otherwise modied. Cells may be F2312 used as a component of a TEMP.

buttress thread, nasymmetrical thread prole characterized by a pressure ank which is nearly perpendicular to the screw axis. F543 butylene plastic, nplastic based on resins made by the polymerization of butene or copolymerization of butene with one or more unsaturated compounds, the butene being in F1251 greatest amount by weight. cable, ngroup of strands helically twisted together. F2180 cable, nmulti-strand, exible longitudinal element designed F1582 primarily to resist axial tension loading. calcium phosphate, nany one of a number of inorganic chemical compounds containing calcium and phosphate ions as its principal constituents. F1609 calcium sulfate anhydrite, nchemical substance having F2224 approximate molecular formula of CaSO4. calcium sulfate dihydrate, nchemical having the approximate molecular formula of CaSO42H2O. This substance is also known as gypsum. F2224 calcium sulfate hemihydrate, nchemical substance having approximate molecular formula of CaSO41/2H2O or CaSO4H2OCaSO4. The mineral name of this substance is bassanite and the substance is also known as Plaster of Paris in the clinical literature F2224 calibrated range, ndistance over which the linear displacement sensor system is calibrated. F2537 calibration certicate, ncertication that the sensor meets indicated specications for its particular grade or model and whose accuracy is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology or another international standard. F2537 cancellous screw, nscrew designed primarily to gain purchase into cancellous bone. Cancellous screws typically have a HB thread and may or may not be fully threaded. F543 cantilever plane, nplane perpendicular to the line of load application at the level on the stem where the stem becomes unsupported. F1440 carpal component, narticulating member inserted into or through the carpal bones. F1357

cell culture, nin vitro growth or maintenance of cells. F2312 cell mediated immunity (CMI), nsome antigens stimulate the production of lymphocytes that react specically with the antigen. These cells do not circulate widely in the host and are generally located at the site of antigen deposition. The use of living lymphocytes is required to test for CMI to an antigen. F1905 cell therapy, nadministration of cells (any kind and form) to repair, modify or regenerate the recipients cells, tissues, and organs or their structure and function, or both. Cell therapy
7 Billings, E. J., von Schroeder, H., Mai, M., Aratow, M., Amiel, D., Woo, S. Y., and Coutts, R., Cartilage Resurfacing of the Rabbit Knee, Acta Orthopaedic Scandinavia, 61, 1990, pp. 201-203 and Eyre, D., Brickley-Parsons, D., and Glimcher, M., Predominance of Type I Collagen at the Surface of Avian Articular Cartilage, FEBS Letters, 85, 1978, pp. 259-263. 8 American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, Houghton Mifflin, 2000.

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technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate F2312 TEMPs. chain extender, n(1) active hydrogen containing compound such as a diol or diamine used to increase the molecular weight of an isocyanate-terminated prepolymer by chemical reaction; (2) diisocyanate used to extend a polyol-terminated polyurethane by chemical reaction. F624 chain terminating agent, nactive hydrogen containing a compound such as a monofunctional alcohol, amine, or acid that reacts with the isocyanate group of a prepolymer to prevent further chain growth. F624 chamfer, nbroken edge of the jaw serrations and the external F921 edges of the box lock surfaces. chamfer, nbroken external edges of the instrument. F1078 channelyzer, npulse height analyzer; places voltage pulses into appropriate size bins for the size distribution data. F2149, F2312 chemically foamed polymeric material, ncellular material in which the cells are formed by gases generated by thermal F1251 decomposition or other chemical reaction. chitosan, nlinear polysaccharide consisting of b(14) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcNAc) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcN). Chitosan is a polysaccharide derived by N-deacetylation of chitin. F2260, F2312 chitosan, nlinear polysaccharide consisting of b(14) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcNAc) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcN). F2103
D ISCUSSION Chitosan N-deacetylation of chitin. is a polysaccharide derived by

closed cell, ncell totally enclosed by its walls and hence not interconnecting with other cells. (See also cell and open cell.) F1251 closed cell, nvoid isolated within a solid, lacking any connectivity with an external surface. Synonym: closed pore. F2450 closed-cell foamed plastic, nplastic in which almost all the F1251 cells are noninterconnecting. closed cryotip, nhollow, closed end usually shaped to t a particular anatomical site where the cryogen cools the external surface which is applied to the target tissue. F882 closed cryotip reference temperature, naverage of the minimum/maximum cycle temperature variation at the end of the freeze cycle. F882 closed section, nany cross section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a solid IMFD or hollow IMFD in which there is no discontinuity of the outer wall. To orient the IMFD for testing and for insertion, the desired relationship of any irregularities, asymetries, and so forth, to the sagittal and coronal planes should be described for the intended applications. F1264 coating, nlayer of mechanically or chemically attached material covering a substrate material. F1609 cohesive failure, nfailure of the internal adhesive bond. F2458 cohesive strength, ninternal strength of the adhesive. F2458 coincidence, nmore than one cell transversing the aperture at the same time. F2149, F2312 cold ow, nsee preferred term creep. F1251

chlorouorocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of chlorine, uorine, and F1251 carbon only. chlorouorohydrocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of chlorine, uorine, hydrogen, and carbon only. F1251 chord length, nstraight line distance between the two ends F1840 of a curved needle. circularity, ndeviations of taper cross section from a perfect circle. F2345 clamp, ninterconnection component whose mechanism to secure the longitudinal element is through a squeezing action. DISCUSSIONFor example, crimps, wedges, set screws. F1582 clastogen, nany agent that is capable of inducing chromosome breaks. E1280 clip applier, nany clip holder designed specically for a particular type clip used during surgical procedures involving the implantation of intracranial aneurysm clips. This device is referred to in this practice as a clip applier F700

collagen, nType I collagen is a member of a family of structural proteins found in animals.

DISCUSSIONType I collagen is part of the brillar group of collagens. It derives from the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, which express the alpha chains of the collagen. All collagens have a unique triple helical structure conguration of three polypeptide units known as alpha-chains. Proper alignment of the alpha chains of the collagen molecule requires a highly complex enzymatic and chemical interaction in vivo. As such, preparation of the collagen by alternate methods may result in improperly aligned alpha chains and, putatively, increase the immunogenicity of the collagen. Collagen is high in glycine, L-alanine, L-proline, and 4-hydroxyproline, low in sulfur, and contains no L-tryptophan. Natural, brillar Type I collagen is normally soluble in dilute acids and alkalis. When heated (for example, above approximately 40C), collagen is denatured to single alpha chains (gelatin). At each end of the chains are short non-helical domains called telopeptides, which are removed in some collagen preparations. Through non-covalent interactions with sites on adjacent helixes, brillogenesis is achieved. Subsequently, non-reducible cross-links are formed. Type I collagen can be associated with Type III and Type V collagen and also with the other non-collagenous proteins like elastin and other structural molecules like glycosaminoglycans and complex F2212, F2312 lipoproteins and glycoproteins.

combination product, nas dened in 21 CFR 3.2(e), the term combination product includes: (1) A product comprised of two or more regulated components, that is, drug/device,

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biologic/device, drug/biologic, or drug/device/biologic, that are physically, chemically, or otherwise combined or mixed and produced as a single entity; (2) Two or more separate products packaged together in a single package or as a unit and comprised of drug and device products, device and biological products, or biological and drug products; (3) A drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its investigational plan or proposed labeling is intended for use only with an approved individually specied drug, device, or biological product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect and where upon approval of the proposed product the labeling of the approved product would need to be changed, for example, to reect a change in intended use, dosage form, strength, route of administration, or signicant change in dose; or (4) Any investigational drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its proposed labeling is for use only with another individually specied investigational drug, device, or biological product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect. Furthermore, many somatic cell products administered to patients will be combinations of a biological product and a device or of a drug, a biological product, and a device.9 The term combination product may apply to F2312 TEMPs. compact bone, nclassication of ossied boney connective tissue characterized by the presence of osteons containing lamellar bone. F2451 comparative hemolysis, ncomparison of the hemolytic index produced by a test material compared with that produced by a standard reference material such as polyethylene at the same test conditions. F756 complement, nthis is a complex system of circulating proteins (enzymes, pro-enzymes, and co-factors) found in the blood. This system is usually activated by antigenantibody reactions and is a reection of humoral immunity. However, it is apparent that other factors can activate the complement system. These include large polysaccharides and various materials and tissues. Activation of complement can affect the immune system, inammation, and vascular activity with fever and shock as a consequence of complement activation in the host. F1905 component, nany single element used in an assembly. F1582 compressed gas cylinder, ncontainer that is specically designed to store a gas or liquid under elevated pressure conditions. F882 compressed gas cylinder connector, ndevice specically designed to attach to a cylinder for proper and safe removal of its contents. F882 compression bending stiffness, (K), nof a device, the maximum slope of the linear elastic portion of the load
FDA Regulation, Application of Current Statutory Authorities to Human Somatic Cell Therapy Products and Gene Therapy Products, October 14, 1993, (58 FR 53248).

versus displacement curve, when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication F384. F384 compression bending strength, nof a device, the bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the device when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication F384. F384 compression molding, nprocess for molding a material in a conned cavity by applying pressure and usually heat. F1251 condensation polymer, npolymerization in which during an acid/base reaction a small molecule is often split out. F1251 condyles, nentity designed to emulate the joint anatomy and used as a bearing surface primarily for transmission of the joint reaction force with geometrical properties which tend to govern the general kinematics of the TKR. F1223 cone, nproximal end of the femoral component fabricated as a truncated right cone and used to engage with a mating conical bore of the modular femoral head. F2345 cone angle, nincluded angle of cone (Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2345). F2345 construct, na complete implant conguration attached to and including the spine, pelvis, ribs or substitute material as F1582 intended for surgical use. container, nproduct used for the containment of discarded medical needles and other sharps. F2132 continuous ow blood pump, nblood pump that produces continuous blood ow due to its rotary motion. F1841 contouring, vmanipulation and bending of a bone plate, either pre-operatively or intra-operatively, to match the anatomic geometry of the intended xation location. F382 cooling rate, nabsolute value of the instantaneous rate of change of temperature during cooling. F2386 coordinate system/axes, nglobal XYZ orthogonal axes are dened following a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system in which the XY plane is to bisect the sagittal plane angle between superior and inferior surfaces that are intended to simulate the adjacent vertebral end plates. The global axes are stationary relative to the IVD prostheses inferior end plate xture, which, in this guide, is also considered to be stationary with respect to the test machines frame. Lower case letters, xyz, denote a local, moving orthogonal coordinate system attached to the superior end plate xturing with directions initially coincident with those of the global XYZ axes, respectively. The 3-D motion of the superior relative to inferior end plate xture is specied and is to be measured in terms of sequential Eulerian angular rotations about the xyz axes, respectively (z, axial rotation; x, lateral bending; and y, exion-extension). F2423 origin, ncenter of the global coordinate system is located at the initial position of the total disc replacements instantaF1582 neous center of rotation (COR).

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X-axis, npositive X-axis is a global xed axis relative to the testing machines stationary base and is to be directed anteriorly relative to the specimens initial unloaded position. Y-axis, npositive Y-axis is a global xed axis relative to the testing machines stationary base and is directed laterally relative to the specimens initial unloaded position. Z-axis, npositive Z-axis is a global xed axis relative to the testing machines stationary base and is to be directed superiorly relative to the specimens initial unloaded position. x-axis, npositive x-axis is a xed axis relative to the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global coordinate system and is directed anteriorly relative to the prosthesis. y-axis, npositive y-axis is a xed axis relative to the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global coordinate system and is directed laterally relative to the prosthesis. z-axis, npositive z-axis is a xed axis relative to the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global coordinate system and is directed superiorly relative to the prosthesis. coordinate system/axes, nthree orthogonal axes are dened as follows: F2385 origin, ncenter of the coordinate system is located at either the geometric center of the acetabular component segment or the center of a circle dened using the edge of the acetabular component. X-axis, npositive X-axis is to be directed in the medial direction independent of which hip is to be studied. Some software programs correct the sign of this value but the user must insure that the protocol maintains the convention, (that is, which way is the patient facing). Y-axis, npositive Y-axis is to be xed in the superior direction. Z-axis, npositive Z-axis is to be xed in the posterior direction. coordinate system/axes, nthree orthogonal axes are dened by Terminology F1582. The center of the coordinate system is located at the geometric center of the articial intervertebral disc. Alternative coordinate systems may be used with justication. The XY-plane is to bisect the superior and inferior surfaces that are intended to simulate the adjacent vertebral end plates. The positive Z-axis is to be directed perpendicular to the bisector of the disc space, oriented in the superior direction. The positive X-axis is parallel to the intervertebral space, oriented in the anterior direction and the positive Y-axis is parallel to the disc space, oriented in the left direction. Force components parallel to the XY-plane are shear components of loading. The compressive axial force is dened to be the component in the negative Z direction. Torsional load is dened to be the component of moment parallel to the Z-axis. F2346 copolymer, npolymer consisting of molecules characterized by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions and other irregularities) of two or more different types of F1251 monomeric units. See polymer. copolymerization, nsee polymerization and copolymer. F1251 core, ncentral rod that moves in and out of the sensor. F2537
DISCUSSIONIt is preferable that the sensors prevent the core from exiting the sensor housing.

core diameter, nsmallest diameter of the threaded portion of the screw measured at the thread root. This is also known as the minor diameter or root diameter. F543 corrected count, ncell count corrected for coincidence. F2149, F2312 corrosion, nformation of rust. F921, F1078

corrosive wear, nwear in which chemical or electrochemical reaction with the environment is signicant. F1875 cortical screw, nscrew designed primarily to gain biocortical purchase into cortical bone. Cortical screws typically have a HA thread and are fully threaded. F543 coupling, npoints and methods of attachment. F2504

coverage, nlength, parallel to the taper surface, that the bore and cone interfaces are in contact. F1875 cranioplasty plate, nimplanted prosthetic device used to repair or cover a skull defect or hole. F622 crazing, napparent ne cracks at or under the surface of a plastic.
DISCUSSIONThe crazed areas are composed of polymeric material of lower density than the surrounding matrix. F1251

creep, ntime-dependent part of strain resulting from stress. F1251 crescent section, nbone plate cross-section shape (perpendicular to the long axis of the bone plate) where the thickness is not constant along the section. Typically the section is thickest along the bone plates centerline and tapers to a smaller thickness at the bone plates edges (see Fig. 1b of Specication F382.) F382 crevice corrosion, nlocalized corrosion of a metal surface at, or immediately adjacent to, an area that is shielded from full exposure to the environment because of close proximity between the metal and the surface of another material. F1875 crimp, vto secure the stent on the delivery system by radially compressing and plastically deforming the stent onto the balloon. F2394 cross-contamination, nunintended presence of a cell or a F2312 material with another cell or material. crosslinker or cross-linking agent, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer that is a reactant in the crosslinking reaction that occurs when an elastomer is vulcanized. F2038 cryoadhesion, ncryotip attachment to target tissue. F882

cryogen, nsubstance used to obtain reduced temperatures. Cryogens are usually classed by their boiling points. The

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most common cryogens and their respective boiling points are as follows: F882
Cryogen Freon 12 Freon 22 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Boiling Point at S.T.P., C -29.8 -49.8 -78.6 -88.5 -195.8

cure, vto change the properties of a polymeric system into a more stable, usable condition by the use of heat, radiation, or reaction with chemical additives.
DISCUSSIONCure may be accomplished, for example, by removal of solvent or crosslinking. F1251

cryometer, ndevice for measuring low temperature(s) when used with a temperature sensor such as a thermocouple. F882 cryonecrosis, ndestruction of tissue cells using a cryosystem. F882 cryopreservation solution, npreservation medium to which has been added one or more cryoprotectants. F2386 cryoprobe, ninstrument used to deliver the cryogen to the cryotip or open tip. For a cryotip, a cryoprobe also directs the cryogen away from the target tissue. F882 cryoprotectant, nchemical or biological substance or mixture of substances used to protect cells or matrix, or both, during cryopreservation and rewarming. In general usage, a cryoprotectant is added to a preservation medium to form a cryopreservation solution. F2386 cryosystem, nall parts of a system excluding the cryogen and its container, unless supplied by the manufacturer, that is designed to apply or use a cryogen. F882 crystalline phases:
Chemical and Mineral Names whitlockite betatricalcium phosphate calcium phosphate alphatricalcium phosphate lime calcium oxide hydroxyapatite (hydroxylapatite) Formula

cure, vto change the properties of a polymeric system into a nal, more stable, usable condition by the use of heat, radiation, or reaction with chemical additives. F602 cure cycle, nschedule of time periods at specied conditions to which a reacting thermosetting material is subjected to reach a specied property level. F602 cure time, ninterval of time from the start of reaction to the time at which specied properties of the reacting thermosetting composition are reached. For materials that react under the conditions of mixing, the start of reaction is the time of initial exposure to the conditions necessary for reaction to occur. F602 functionally cured, vterm used to denote an epoxy plastic that has attained sufficient cure to achieve stable properties. F602 fully cured, vterm used to denote total disappearance of epoxy groups as detected by infrared spectroscopy, or other equally sensitive physicochemical methods. F602 one-component system, na formulation based on an epoxy resin preblended with a heat, moisture, or otherwise activated curing agent or catalyst. The mixture is storable but cures under the appropriate activation conditions. F602 postcure, nadditional and separate curing operations to which a hardened thermosetting plastic composition is subjected in order to enhance one or more properties. Also used to ensure stabilization of physical properties under use conditions. F602 two-component system, nformulation based on an epoxy resin to which a curing agent or catalyst is added just prior to use. F602 curing agent or hardener, ncompound normally used in a predetermined concentration to react chemically (copolymerize) by means of several different mechanisms (for example, condensation or addition polymerization) with or without heat or pressure in order to change its form from a liquid or fusible, friable, soluble solid to an infusible, insoluble solid having useful and desirable application or end-use properties. F602 initiator, nadditive used to cause a thermosetting resin to react with itself (polymerize). Usually, these additivesused in relatively very small amountsinitiate homopolymerization of the epoxy resin resulting in ether linkages. F602
DISCUSSIONThe term catalyst is frequently misused to denote any material added to a resin to cause a reaction to occur. This usage should be discouraged. The Society of Plastics Industries denes a catalyst as a compound which alters the speed of a reaction without changing its original composition.

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cumulative moisture content, Mt (%), namount of absorbed moisture in a material at a given time t, expressed as a percentage of the weight of absorbed moisture divided by the initial specimen weight, as follows: F1634
M t% 5 Wi 2 Wb 3 100 Wb

where: Wi = current specimen weight, g, and Wb = initial (baseline) specimen weight at t = 0 and standard laboratory atmosphere, g.

curvature, nshape of the needle viewed in prole. Some common shapes include, but are not limited to: straight, 12

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curve or ski, 18 circle, 14 circle, 38 circle, 12 circle, 58 circle, and compound curvature. F1840 cutoff length, ncutoff length denes the maximal value of the mean twist of prole irregularities that shall be considered in the roughness measurement, that is, with a cutoff length of 0.8 mm, the prole irregularities with a mean twist higher than 0.8 mm shall not be considered.
DISCUSSIONPrecise denitions of roughness parameters, cutoff length, and roundness are given in ISO 4287/1, ISO 5436, ISO 4291, and ISO 6318:1985.

perature stripping, or oven post-cure is dependent on the conditions used. F2038 cytocrit, nratio of cell volume to the total volume of solution and cells for a cell suspension. F2386 data acquisition device, ndata recorder shall be suitable to continuously record torque versus angle of rotation, as well as linear displacement, calibrated in units of Newton-metres for torque and degrees for angle of rotation. The value of torque shall have a resolution of 5 % of torsional yield strength. The angular displacement scale shall have a minimum sensitivity so as to enable an accurate offset measurement capability for a 2 angular displacement (see A1.5.3 of Specication and Test Methods F2502). F2502 data acquisition system, nsystem generally consisting of a terminal block, data acquisition card, and computer that acquire electrical signals and allows them to be captured by a computer. F2537 decomposition, nstructural changes of chitosans as a result of exposure to environmental, chemical, or thermal factors, such as temperatures greater than 200C. F2103
DISCUSSIONDecomposition can result in deleterious changes to the chitosan.

cutting edge, ncutting edges are made of various goemetric shapes, that is, triangular, diamond, and hexagonal. The various edges may be sharpened by the manufacturer depending on the user performance. F1840 cyanmethemoglobin reagent, nreagent to which whole blood, plasma, or test supernatant is added that quickly converts most of the forms of hemoglobin to the single cyanmethemoglobin form for quantication at its 540-nm spectrophotometric peak. The reagent (based on that by van Kampen and Zijlstra (1), pH 7.0-7.4), is made with 0.14-g potassium phosphate, 0.05-g potassium cyanide, 0.2-g potassium ferricyanide, and 0.5 to 1 mL of nonionic detergent diluted to 1 L with distilled water. The conversion time of this reagent is 3 to 5 min. This reagent is recommended by the National Commission for Clinical Laboratory Studies (NCCLS) and may be made from the chemicals or purchased from supply houses. The rst cyanmethemoglobin reagent used to measure total blood hemoglobin concentration was Drabkins Reagent (1 g of sodium bicarbonate, 0.05 g of potassium cyanide, 0.2 g of potassium ferricyanide, and diluted with distilled water to 1 L). The disadvantages of using the Drabkins reagent versus the NCCLS cyanmethemoglobin reagent are that it has a conversion time of 15 min and pH of 8.6 which may cause turbidity. However, it is still available as individual chemicals or kits such as Sigma 525-A. The Drabkins and cyanmethemoglobin reagents were developed to quantify the high hemoglobin concentration normally found in whole blood (for example, 15 000 mg/dL). By modifying the sample dilution volumes and accounting for background interference, these reagents can also be used to measure much lower plasma or supenatant hemoglobin concentrations as well (Moore et al, Malinauskas (2), (3)). F756 cyclics and linears, nlow molecular weight volatile cyclic siloxane species are referred to using the D nomenclature which designates the number of Si-O linkages in the material (usually D4-D20); species from D7 to D40 (or more) may be called macrocyclics. Linears are straight chain oligomers that may be volatile or of higher molecular weight, depending on chain length; they are designated by M and D combinations, where M is R3Si-O, and D is as explained above; R is usually methyl. (For example, MDM is (CH3)3SiOSiOSi(CH3)3). Low molecular weight species are present in silicone components to varying degrees depending on process and storage. The levels of macrocyclics that can be removed from silicone polymers by vacuum, high tem-

decomposition, nstructural changes of hyaluronan due to exposure to environmental, chemical, or thermal factors. Decomposition may occur at temperatures as low as 121C during autoclaving. Decomposition can result in deleterious changes to the hyaluronan. F2347 defrost, vability to return the cryotip to ambient temperature. F882 degradation, nchange in chemical, physical, or molecular structure or appearance (that is, gross morphology) of material. F2212 degradation, nchange in the chemical structure, physical properties, or appearance of a material. F2103
DISCUSSIONDegradation of polysaccharides occurs by means of cleavage of the glycosidic bonds, usually by acid catalyzed hydrolysis. Degradation can also occur thermally. Note that degradation is not synonymous with decomposition. Degradation is often used as a synonym for depolymerization when referring to polymers.

degradation, nchange in the chemical structure, physical properties, or appearance of a material. Degradation of polysaccharides occurs via cleavage of the glycosidic bonds. It is important to note that degradation is not synonymous with decomposition. Degradation is often used as a synonym for depolymerization when referring to polymers. F2259, F2260 degradation, nchange in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a material. Degradation of polysaccharides occurs via cleavage of the glycosidic bonds, usually by acid catalyzed hydrolysis. Degradation can also occur thermally and by alkali. It is important to note that degradation is not synonymous with decomposition. Degradation is often used as a synonym for depolymerization when referring to polymers. Degradation (depolymerization)

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of hyaluronan may also occur enzymatically by the action of hyaluronidases. F2347 degradation, ndeleterious change in the chemical structure, F1251 physical properties, or appearance of a plastic. degradation, nloss of material or function or material properties as a result of causes other than that associated with wear. F2423 degree of deacetylation, nfraction or percentage of glucosamine units (GlcN: deacetylated monomers) in a chitosan polymer molecule. F2260, F2312 degree of deacetylation, nfraction or percentage of glucosamine units (deacetylated monomers) in a chitosan polymer molecule. F2103 delivery system, nsystem similar to a balloon dilatation catheter that is used to deliver and deploy a stent at the target site and then removed. F2394 density, apparent, nweight in air of a unit of volume of a material.
DISCUSSIONThis term is sometimes used synonymously with bulk density. F1251

fascia10 in various plastic [surgery] procedures. Dorlands F2311, F2312 detachment, nprocess whereby an adhered cell or group of cells is actively detached from a surface. F2664 deterioration (of a bioabsorbable device), naction or process that results in a reduction of mass or mechanical performance properties, or both. F2502 device, nan instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article...intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other animals,...which does not achieve its primary intended purposes through chemical action within or on the body of man or other animals and which is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement of its primary intended purposes. Devices are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. (Section 201(h)(1)).11
DISCUSSIONDevice criteria: A liquid, powder, or other similar formulation intended only to serve as a component, part or accessory to a device with a primary mode of action that is physical in nature.12 A device may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312

density, bulk, nweight in air of a unit of volume of a material.

DISCUSSIONThis term is commonly used synonymously with apparent density. F1251

Dewar, nvacuum-insulated container that is specically designed to store a liquid cryogen. F882 Dewar withdrawal device, ndevice specically designed to attach to a dewar for proper and safe removal of its contents. F882 diamagnetic material, nmaterial whose relative permeability is less than unity. F2052, F2213 diameter, ndistance between opposing points across the circle circumscribing either the strand or cable as illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 of Specication F2180 (see MIL-DTL83420J, MIL-DTL-83420/1B and MIL-DTL-83420/2B). F2180 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), ndevice that is capable of heating a test specimen and a reference at a controlled rate and of automatically measuring the difference in heat ow between the specimen and the reference both to F2005 the required sensitivity and precision. differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ntechnique in which the difference in heat ow into or out of a substance and an inert reference is measured as a function of temperature while the substance and the reference material are subjected to a controlled temperature program. This test method, as it applies to Ni-Ti shape memory alloys, is F2005 covered in Test Method F2004.
a sheet or band of brous tissue such as lies deep to the skin... (Dorlands). Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)); Portions revised or newAs Amended by the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, denitions revised/posted November 17, 1998. 12 Intercenter Agreement between the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, 1991.
11 10

depolymerization, nreduction in the length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. F2259, F2260 depolymerization, nreduction in length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. Depolymerization may reduce the polymer chain to oligomeric or monomeric units, F2312 or both. depolymerization, nreduction in length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. F2103
DISCUSSIONDepolymerization may reduce the polymer chain to oligomeric or monomeric units, or both. In chitosan, hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds is the primary mechanism.

depolymerization, nreduction in length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. Depolymerization may reduce the polymer chain to smaller molecular weight polymers, oligomeric, or monomeric units, or combination thereof. In hyaluronan, acid hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds is the primary mechanism. F2347 depth locator (DL), nmeasurement of the distance from the articular surface, or surface of interest, that a spectrum was collected and a corresponding OI calculated. F2102 depth locator (DL), nmeasurement of the distance from the articular surface, or surface of interest, that a spectrum was collected and a corresponding TVI calculated. F2381 dermal autograft, nskin [autograft] from which epidermis and subcutaneous fat have been removed; used instead of

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differential variable reluctance transducer (DVRT), nlinear displacement sensor made of a sensor housing and a core. The sensor housing contains a primary coil and a secondary coil. Core position is detected by measuring the coils differential reluctance. F2537 direct contact test, ntest for the hemolytic property performed with the test material in direct contact with the blood. F756 disinfection, ndestruction or reduction of pathogenic and other kinds of microorganisms by thermal or chemical means (for example, alcohol, antibiotics, germicides). F2312 dislodgment force, peak, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the peak or maximum force required to completely dislodge the stent from the delivery system balloon. During a test, this force will occur after or coincide with the initial displacement force. (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 dispersion, nuncured silicone elastomer dispersed in a suitable solvent to allow application of a thin layer of elastomer to a substrate by either dipping or spraying. F2038 displacement, nintegral of velocity measured in nanometres. F2504 displacement force, critical distance peak, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the maximum force required to displace the stent with respect to the balloon a critical distance. This critical distance is the minimum of the following two distances. The rst is the distance at which the undamaged stent could overhang the balloon body resulting in a clinically signicant, incomplete end deployment. The second is the length (distance) of stent compression or buckling that could result in a clinically signicant incomplete deployment of the stent against the vessel walls. (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 displacement force, initial, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the initial force required to displace the stent with respect to the balloon such that the displacement is a non-recoverable movement (see 3.1.15). (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 displacement force, initial peak, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the rst peak in force that occurs during or after stent displacement with respect to the balloon. (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 disposable, adjany device that is designated to be discarded after use. F882 distal, adjrefers to the balloon end of the enteral feeding device. F2528 distal end, nworking end, comprised of two jaws, that is F921 furthest from the surgeon when in use. distal end, nworking end, comprised of two blades, that is F1078 furthest from the surgeon when in use. distal stem axis, ncenterline in the anterior/posterior projection of the most distal 50 mm of the stem. F1440 distraction, nseparation of the femoral component(s) from the tibial component(s) in the z-direction. F1223 DMSO, ndimethylsulfoxide (nonaqueous, suitable organic solvent). F2148 DNCB, n2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. F2148

donor, nliving or deceased organism who is the source of cells or tissues, or both, for research or further processing for transplantation in accordance with established medical criteria and procedures. F2312 dressing, nany of various materials utilized for covering and protecting a wound. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 drug, narticles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals. Drugs are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals. (Section 201(g)(1)).
DISCUSSIONDrug criteria: A liquid, powder, tablet or other similar formulation that achieves its primary intended purpose through chemical action within or on the body, or by being metabolized. A drug may F2312 be used as a component of a TEMP.

drug therapy, nis the delivery of drug(s) that stimulate a specic physiologic (metabolic) response. Drug therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate F2312 TEMPs. dry shipper, nstorage and transportation device for frozen products that contains a liquid nitrogen (LN) absorbent material in the walls of the container. This device is designed to maintain cryogenic temperature for several days. F2386 duplicate ag, nagreement between the results of duplicate samples in percent. For example, if set to 15, the difference between the two channels must be less than or equal to 15 %. If the variance in clot times exceeds this percentage, an asterisk * will be printed by the average results on the report. F2382 ear-canal pressure transfer function, HST, near canal sound pressure, pT, produced by the input sound eld pressure, pS, in the unimplanted case, divided by that input sound eld pressure: HST = pT/pS; this quantity is unitless. F2504 ear-canal sound pressure, pT, nsound pressure produced in the ear canal, at the tympanic membrane, by a sound eld stimulus, specied in units of pascals. F2504 edge detection, nmethod of image analysis used to determine the two dimensional or three dimensional center point of a curved surface. Many computational methods of edge detection exist. F2385 edge displacements, ntranslation, perpendicular to the glenoid plane, of a specic point on the outside edge of the glenoid, when subjected to loading (see Fig. 3 of Test Methods F2028). F2028 elasticity, ncapacity of the instrument to undergo induced stress without permanent distortion or breakage of any F921 component.

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elastomer, nmacromolecular material that at room temperature returns rapidly to approximately its initial dimensions and shape after substantial deformation by a weak stress and F1251 release of the stress. electro-vibrational transfer function, HEV, nstapes velocity (IMEHD-aided) when driven by the IMEHD output transducer, divided by the transducer input: HEV = vA/E. F2504 electrolyte, ndiluent, offering slight conductivity, in which cells are suspended. F2149, F2312 encapsulation, nprocedure by which biological materials, such as cells, tissues, or proteins, are enclosed within a microscopic or macroscopic semipermeable barrier. F2312, F2315 end aring, ndistal or proximal outward conical opening of the diameter of the stent on the balloon. End aring is a contributing factor to the probability that the stent may become caught during withdrawal into a guide catheter while tracking through a lesion. F2394 endotoxin, nhigh molecular weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complex associated with the cell wall of gramnegative bacteria that is pyrogenic in humans. Though endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins. F2312, F2347, F2383 endotoxin, nhigh-molecular-weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complex associated with the cell wall of gramnegative bacteria that is pyrogenic in humans. F2103, F2212
DISCUSSIONThough endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins.

epoxy plastic, nthermoplastic or thermosetting plastics containing ether or hydroxyalkyl repeating units or both, resulting from the ring-opening reactions of lower molecular weight polyfunctional oxirane resins or compounds, with catalysts or with various polyfunctional acidic or basic coreactants. F602 epoxy resin, ngenerally, any resin (liquid or solid) with a chemical structure at least difunctional in oxirane. Specically for this standard, the diglycidyl ethers of bisphenol A or the equivalent. These compounds are dened as Grade 1 in Specication D1763. F602 epoxy plastic, nthermoplastic or thermosetting plastic containing ether or hydroxyalkyl repeating units, or both, resulting from the ring-opening reactions of lower-molecular weight polyfunctional oxirane resins, or compounds, with catalysts or with various polyfunctional acidic or basic coreactants.
DISCUSSIONEpoxy plastics often are modied by the incorporation of diluents, plasticizers, llers, thixotropic agents, or other materials.

F1251 equator of the articulating surface, nequator of the articulating surface is the circle normal to the revolution axis of the component, the center of which is the center of the spherical articulating surface. F2033 equilibration time, ntime allowed for the plasma samples to warm to 37C. The brometer can be set to zero if samples are pre-warmed to this temperature. F2382 equilibrium freezing temperature, ntemperature at which an aqueous solution of a given composition is in equilibrium with ice. F2386 equivalent hearing level, LH, nratio of an equivalent sound pressure, pQ, relative to the sound eld pressure, pRETSPL, at 0 incidence that is just detectable monaurally by a normally hearing individual, as dened in ANSI S3.6, Table 9, F2504 expressed in decibels: LH = 20log10(pQ/pRETSPL). equivalent sound pressure, pQ, nunimplanted input sound eld pressure needed to produce a stapes velocity equal to that produced by a specied IMEHD input in the IMEHDF2504 aided condition: pQ = E HES.
DISCUSSIONThe equivalent sound pressure is the product of the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, and the IMEHD output transducer electrical input E: pQ = E HES. The equivalent sound pressure can be expressed as equivalent sound pressure level in units of decibels, SPLeq, calculated as 20log10(pQ/210-5 Pa).

endotoxin, npyrogenic lipopolysaccharides derived from bacterial cell walls, usually associated with membrane protein unless puried. Though endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins. F2315 engraftment, nincorporation of grafted tissue into the body of the host. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 enteral feeding device with retention balloon, ntwo-way medical device intended to provide a means of nutrition or administration of medication, or both, to patients by means of natural orice (nasal, oral, transluminal) or a surgically created stoma, or both, consisting of a drainage lumen and ination lumen (see Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2528). Common balloon ination sizes are 5, 15, and 20 cm3. F2528 epidermal autograft, nautograft consisting primarily of epidermal tissue, including keratinocyte stem cells, but with F2312 little dermal tissue.13 epoxy, noxirane ring structures. F602

equivalent sound pressure level, LQ, nlogarithmic representation of equivalent sound pressure, LQ = 20log10(pQ). F2504 equivalent sound pressure transfer function, H ES , nunimplanted sound eld pressure needed to produce a stapes velocity equivalent to that produced by an electrical IMEHD input in the IMEHD-aided condition, divided by the IMEHD input. F2504

For practical details, see Fang, P., Engrav, L. H., Gibran, N. S., Horani, S., Kiriluk, D. B., Cole, J. K., Fleckman, P., Heimbach, D. M., Gauer, G. J., Matsumura, H., and Warner, P., Dermatome Steeing for Autografts to Cover Integra, J Burn Care Rehabil, 23, 2002, pp. 327-332; and Kagan, R. J., Invited editorial, J Burn Care Rehibil, 23, 2002, p. 326.


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DISCUSSIONIf the electrical IMEHD input produces a linear change in stapes velocity with a change in input electrical stimulus, the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, can be computed as the quotient between the vibro-electric transfer function (IMEHDaided), HEV, and the vibro-acoustic transfer function (unimplanted), HSVU: HES = (v/E)/(v/pS) = HEV/HSVU.

typically performed at the facility of a customer of the silicone manufacturer. F2042 calendaring, vthe process of forming an uncured, mixed elastomer into a thin sheet or lm by passing it between two rolls. F2042 compression molding, vprocess in which the uncured elastomer is placed in an open mold. The mold is closed and pressure applied to the mold to ll the cavity. Heat is applied to vulcanize the elstomer, the mold is than opened and the fabricated part is removed. F2042 dispersion, nthe process of placing an uncured elastomer in a solvent. This lowers the viscosity of the material and is usually done to allow the fabrication of thinner lms that can be obtained by calendaring or to form coatings. Following dispersion use, the solvent must be removed either before or during the vulcanization process. Care must be taken to assure that the solvent is compatible with the elastomer, to prevent preferential settling of the components of the formulation by excessive dilution of the elastomer. F2042 extrusion, na continuous process in which the mixed, uncured elastomer is forced through an orice having the desired cross-sectional prole. The elastomer is then vulcanized by passing it through either a hot air or radiant heat oven. The most common application of extrusion processing is the fabrication of tubing but it can be used to produce other items as well. F2042 freshening, vbecause of the interaction that can occur between the fumed silica and silicone polymers, thick uncured high consistency elastomers can become so stiff over time that they are very difficult to process. To overcome this problem, a tworoll mill is used to disrupt this interaction, resulting in a material which is easier to fabricate. This process is called freshening and is typically done immediately before catalyzation. F2042 injection molding, vfabrication of elastomers into forms dened by molds constructed so that the uncured elastomer can be transferred by pumping into the closed mold. This method requires venting of the mold in some manner. The elastomer may be vulcanized by heating the mold after it is lled but more typically the molding conditions (temperature and lling rate) are adjusted so that uncured elastomer can be added to a pre-heated mold in which it will then cure. The mold is than opened and the part removed and post-cured, if necessary. F2042 post-cure, nthe process of subjecting a vulcanized elastomer to elevated temperature, usually in a hot-air oven, after its initial fabrication. This process step is done to complete cross-linking of the object, remove peroxide by-products, and eliminate changes in its physical properties. Post-cure is often necessary when the component is only partially cross-liked by molding; it is performed in an attempt to accelerate molding process, and increase its output. F2042 transfer molding, vprocess in which the mixed, uncured elastomer is placed in a compartment connected to the mold. The compartment is then closed, pressure is applied to transfer the uncured elastomer to the mold, lling the cavity. Heat and

estimated maximum bending moment, nmaximum load times the unloaded moment arm. F1440 ethylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers of ethylene or copolymers of ethylene with other monomers, the ethylene being in greatest amount by mass. F1251 eutectic point, ntemperature(s) at which the solute(s) in a solution become saturated due to freeze-concentration and precipitate from the solution, causing the unfrozen liquid water to simultaneously freeze. F2386 expansion anchor, ncomponent that forms a connection to bony element by means of a mechanism which enlarges once the component is inserted into the bony elements. F1582 expansion head screw, nthreaded anchor that is designed so that the head can be elastically deformed, through mechanical means, to establish an interconnection with another spinal construct element. F2193 exposed length (mm), nlinear distance measured in mm between the surface of the test block that the screw is embedded in during the test and the location where the screw is anchored (typically the axis of the longitudinal element) in the test xture (see Fig. A4.2 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 external circuit, nwires, connectors, measuring devices, current sources, and so forth that are used to bring about or measure the desired electrical conditions within the test cell. F1875 extracellular matrix, n(ECM), any material produced by cells and excreted to the extracellular space within the tissues. It takes the form of both ground substance and bers and is composed chiey of brous elements, proteins involved in cell adhesion, and glycosaminoglycans and other space-lling molecules. It serves as a scaffolding holding tissues together and its form and composition help determine tissue characteristics.4 Extracellular matrix, a biological material or tissue derivative, may be used as a component of F2312 a TEMP. extract liquid, nthat liquid which, after extraction of the specimen, is used in tests. F619 extract test, ntest for the hemolytic property performed with an isotonic extract of the test material, as described in F619, in contact with the blood. F756 extraction vehicle, nliquid specied for use in testing the plastic. F619 fabrication, nprocess by which the uncured elastomer is converted into a fully vulcanized elastomer of the desired size and shape. This process may occur in the same facility as the manufacture of the uncured elastomer but is more

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pressure are applied to the mold to vulcanize the elastomer, the mold is then opened, and the fabricated part is removed. F2042 failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), nanalytical approach to methodically determine and address all possible product failure modes, their associated causes, and their criticality. Used to evaluate designs, prioritize testing, and track risk reducing improvements to the product. F2394 failure strength, nforce parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) required to meet the failure criteria dened and measured according to the test F1264 conducted.14 fatigue, nprocess of progressive localized permanent structural change occurring in a material subjected to conditions that produce uctuating stresses and strains at some point or points and that may culminate in cracks or complete fracture after a sufficient number of uctuations. DISCUSSIONSee Denitions E1150. F1582 fatigue life, nnumber of cycles, N, that the articial intervertebral disc can sustain at a particular load or moment before functional failure occurs. F2346 fatigue life, nnumber of loading cycles, N, of a specied character that a given specimen sustains before failure of a F1582 specied nature occurs.
DISCUSSIONSee Denitions E1150.

female member, ncomponent that accommodates and enF921 closes the male member at the box lock junction. femoral condyles, nanatomic site corresponding to the distal end of the femur characterized by medial and lateral convex surfaces that are lined by cartilage and articulate with the proximal tibia and medial and lateral menisci. F2451 femoral head neck extension, ndistance parallel to the taper axis, from the nominal neck offset length (k), as dened in Specication F1636, and the center of the head. Such variants from the nominal length are used to adjust for resection level, leg length, and so forth. A positive neck extension equates to the center of the head being located further away from the stem. F1875 femoral neck-axis, ncenterline or axis of symmetry of the femoral cone. F2345 femtolitre, ncubic micron; a measurement of cell volume. F2149, F2312 ferromagnetic material, nmaterial whose magnetic moments are ordered and parallel producing magnetization in one direction. F2052, F2213 brocartilage, ndisorganized cartilagenous tissue having an abnormally high content of type I collagen. F2451 eld, nimage of a portion of the working surface upon which measurements are performed. F1854 ller, nrelatively inert material added to a plastic to modify its strength, performance, working properties, or other qualities, or to lower costs. (See also reinforced plastic.) F1251, F665 ller, nnely divided solid that is intimately mixed with silicone polymers during manufacture to achieve specic properties. The llers used in silicone elastomers are one of two types: extending llers, ntypically have lower surface area and lower cost than reinforcing llers. They include crystalline forms of silica and diatomaceous earths. While they provide some reinforcement, because they are relatively inexpensive, they are used primarily to extend the bulk of the silicone. F2038 reinforcing llers, nusually have high surface areas and are amorphous in nature such as fumed or precipitated silica. Such llers impart high strength and elastomeric physical properties to the elastomer. F2038 lm, nin plastics, term for sheeting having a nominal thickness not greater than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). (See also sheeting.) F1251 nal form, ncondition of the foam product when used by the end user to perform tests of orthopaedic devices or instruments. The condition of the foam product of which all physical and mechanical tests required by this specication are performed. F1839 solidfoam is in a uniform solid form, such as a slab, plate, or block. F1839

fatigue life, nnumber of loading cycles of a specied character that a given specimen sustains before failure of a specied nature occurs. F382, F384 fatigue strength at N cycles, nestimate of the cyclic forcing parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so on) at a given load ratio, for which 50 % of the specimens within a given sample population would be expected to survive N loading cycles. F382, F384 fatigue strength at N cycles, nmaximum cyclic force parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) for a given load ratio, which produces device structural damage or meets some other failure criterion in no less than N cycles as dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264 fatigue strength at N Cycles, Sn [FL-2], nvalue of stress for failure at exactly N cycles as determined from an S-N diagram. The value Sn thus determined is subject to the same conditions as those that apply to the S-N diagram.
DISCUSSIONThe value of Sn which is commonly found in the literature is the value of S max (maximum stress) or Sa (stress amplitude) at which 50 % of the specimens of a given sample could survive N stress cycles in which Snm (mean stress) = 0. This is also known as the median fatigue strength for N cycles (see Denitions F1582 E1150).

fatigue test, ntest designed to evaluate the cyclic load properties of a material, component, interconnection, subconstruct, construct, subassembly, or assembly. F1582


No present testing standard exists related to this term for IMFDs.

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nger rings, nfeature of both the female and the male members that forms the gripping surface for the surgeon (commonly classied as the ring-handled feature in ISO F921 7151). nger rings, nfeature of the scissors that forms the gripping surface for the surgeon (commonly classied as the ringF1078 handled feature). nish, nnal surface visual appearance classied as follows: bright or mirror nish, nhighly reective surface. satin, matte, or black nish, nreduced reective surface (as compared to bright or mirror nish) varying from a dull appearance to a blackened surface. F921, F1078, F1840 xation element, nany peg, spike, threadform, or other protrusion from the exterior surface of the shell intended to increase the surface contact or mechanical interlock between the component, the bonding agent, or the natural acetabulum or a combination thereof. F2091 xation site, narea of the shell of an implantable breast prosthesis containing material that allows tissue ingrowth. F703 xation site, narea on the surface of the implant which has material on it that allows tissue ingrowth. F881 ange, nrim extending from the entry diameter of bearing element. F2091 exion angle, nangulation of the femoral component (about an axis parallel to the y-axis) from the fully extended knee position to a position in which a local vertical axis on the component now points posteriorly. F1223
DISCUSSIONFor many implants, 0 of exion can be dened as when the undersurface of the tibial component is parallel to the femoral component surface that in vivo contacts the most distal surface of the femur. This technique may not be possible for some implants that are designed to have a posterior tilt of the tibial component. In these cases, the user shall specify how the 0 of exion position was dened.

foam, ncross-linked material that has a component added to it which generates a volatile gas as the material is being vulcanized. This vulcanization process results in a material with a relatively low density. Foams are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. They conform as they expand to irregular surfaces just as gels do to provide intimate contact and protection from the environment but are more rigid and provide more strength than gels. Since foams are expanded elastomers, on a weight basis, they are highly crosslinked relative to gels. Most cure conditions will result in a closed cell foam. F2042 foam rise direction, nnominal direction that the foam rises during the polymerization (foaming) process, either at the suppliers production facilities for the solid supplied foam, or at the end-users facilities for foam produced from the liquid supplied form. The foam rise direction shall be marked on the foam block or indicated in the shipping documentation for foam that is supplied in the solid form. F1839 formalin, n110 dilution of 37 to 39 % formaldehyde solution (formaldehyde) in PBS. F2148 free plasma hemoglobin, namount of hemoglobin (iron or heme-containing protein) in plasma. F1841 free recovery, nunconstrained motion of a shape memory alloy upon heating and transformation to austenite after deformation below the austenite phase. F2005, F2082 French size (Fr), nscale used for denoting the size of catheters and other tubular instruments. The French size value is three times the outer diameter of the tube as measured in millimetres. For example, a diameter of 18 Fr indicates a diameter of 6 mm. F2528 French size, nscale used for denoting the size of other tubular instruments and devices, each unit being roughly equivalent to 0.33 mm in diameter. Label French sizes are as follows: F623
French Size 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Outside Diameter, in. (mm) 0.157 0.171 0.184 0.197 0.210 0.223 0.236 0.249 0.262 0.276 0.289 0.302 0.315 0.328 0.341 (4.0) (4.3) (4.7) (5.0) (5.3) (5.7) (6.0) (6.3) (6.7) (7.0) (7.3) (7.7) (8.0) (8.3) (8.7)

uid absorption, nuid absorbed by the device material during testing or while implanted in vivo. F2423 uorocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of uorine and carbon only. F1251
DISCUSSIONWhen the monomer is essentially tetrauoro-ethylene, the prex TFE may be used to designate these materials. When the resins are copolymers of tetrauoro-ethylene and hexauoropropylene, the resins may be designated with the prex FEP. Other prexes may be adopted to designate other uorocarbon plastics.

uorohydrocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of uorine, hydrogen, and F1251 carbon only. uoroplastic, nplastic based on polymers with monomers containing one or more atoms of uorine or copolymers of such monomers with other monomers, the uorinecontaining monomer(s) being in greatest amount by mass. (See also uorocarbon plastic, chlorouorocarbon plastic, uorohydrocarbon plastic, and chlorouorohyF1251 drocarbon plastic.)

fretting, nsmall amplitude oscillatory motion, usually tangential, between two solid surfaces in contact. F1875 fretting corrosion, ndeterioration at the interface between contacting surfaces as the result of corrosion and slight oscillatory slip between the two surfaces. F1875 fretting wear, nwear arising as a result of fretting. F1875

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Freunds Complete Adjuvant (FCA), ncommerciallyavailable mixture of oil and Mycobacterium that is known to elicit an immune response. F2147 full thickness skin autograft, nskin [auto]graft consisting of the epidermis and the full thickness of the dermis. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 full-thickness skin wound, nskin wound with the loss of epidermis, and all of the dermis or at least the depth of dermis that includes most or all sources of epidermal cells from epidermal adnexae (glands and follicles). F2311, F2312 functional failure, npermanent deformation or wear that renders the IVD prosthesis assembly ineffective or unable to resist load/motion or any secondary effects that result in a reduction of clinically relevant motions or the motions intended by the design of the device. F2423 functional failure, npermanent deformation that renders the articial intervertebral disc ineffective or unable to adequately resist load. F2346 fused or adhered joints, nall junctures of dissimilar materials; and all junctures of fully or partly formed or preformed materials bonded or fused together to form a single implant unit. F881
DISCUSSIONImplants made from one material by a single charge of unvulcanized elastomer by one-step compression, transfer, or reactive injection molding are not considered to have fused or adhered joints.

linked polymer. Gels are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. The hardness of the gel can be adjusted within wide limits. The material is not usually designed to bear a heavy load but rather to conform to an irregular surface providing intimate contact. As a result, loads are distributed over a wider area. These materials may also be used to provide protection from environmental contaminants. F2042 gel, nthree-dimensional network structure arising from intermolecular polymer chain interactions.
DISCUSSIONSuch chain interactions may be covalent, ionic, hydrogen bond, or hydrophobic in nature. See also Terminology F1251.

F2312 gel, nthree-dimensional network structure arising from intermolecular polymer chain interactions. Such chain interactions may be covalent, ionic, hydrogen bond, or hydrophobic F2315 in nature. See also Terminology F1251. gel, nwith vinyl plastisols, a state between liquid and solid that occurs in the initial stages of heating, or upon prolonged F1251 storage. gel bleed, ndiffusion of liquid silicone components of silicone gel through the shell of an implantable breast prosthesis. F703 gel-lled breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis designed and provided with a prelled, xed volume of silicone gel. F703 Type I breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis containing a single lumen containing a xed amount of silicone gel.
DISCUSSIONThe lumen of a Type I breast prostheses is not accessible for volume adjustments of any kind.

fused or adhered joints (seams), nsites in the shell or other parts of an implantable breast prosthesis where materials have been joined (fused or bonded) together, with or without an adhesive, as part of the manufacturing process. F703, F2051 fused or adhered joints (seams), nsites in the shell or other parts of the tissue expander device where materials have been joined (fused or bonded) together, with or without adhesive, as part of the manufacturing process. F1441 gage length, ndistance between the holding device, for example, a split collet, and the underside of the screw head. F543 gauge length, ninitial unstressed length of catheter tubing between the proximal end of the stent to the grips which engage the catheter tubing. F2394 GDF, ngrowth and differentiation factor. F2312

Type II breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis comprised of two complete lumens, one inside the other.
DISCUSSIONThe inner lumen of a Type II implantable breast prosthesis contains a xed amount of silicone gel and is not accessible for volume adjustments of any kind. The outer lumen is provided with a valve to facilitate lling the void between the inner and outer lumens with saline to adjust the total volume of the prosthesis, at the time of use. The valve system may also be designed to facilitate post-operative saline volume adjustment by following the instructions provided in the product literature.

Type III breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis comprised of two complete lumens, one inside the other.
DISCUSSIONThe area between the inner and outer lumens contains a xed amount of silicone gel and is not accessible for volume adjustments of any kind. The inner lumen is contained within the silicone gel contained in the outer lumen and has a valve system to facilitate lling the inner lumen with saline to increase the volume of the prosthesis at the time of use. The valve system may also be designed to facilitate post-operative saline volume adjustment by following the instructions provided in product literature.

gel, nin polymer, a semisolid system consisting of a network of solid aggregates in which liquid is held.
DISCUSSIONGels have very low strengths and do not ow like a liquid. They are soft, exible, and may rupture under their own weight F1251 unless supported externally.

gel, nin polymerization, the initial jelly-like solid phase that develops during the formation of a resin from a liquid. F1251 gel, nlightly crosslinked material having no or relatively low levels of reinforcement beyond that provided by the cross-

gene mutation, nany heritable change whose physical extent is restricted to the limits of a single gene. E1280 gene therapy, nis a medical intervention based on modication of the genetic material of living cells. Cells may be modied ex vivo for subsequent administration or may be

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altered in vivo by gene therapy products given directly to the subject. When the genetic manipulation is performed ex vivo on cells that are then administered to the patient, this is also a type of somatic cell therapy. The genetic manipulation may be intended to prevent, treat, cure, diagnose, or mitigate disease or injuries in humans. Gene therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate TEMPs. F2312 gene therapy products, nare dened for the purpose of this statement as products containing genetic material administered to modify or manipulate the expression of genetic material or to alter the biological properties of living cells. F2312 genetically modied, vtreferring to cells, tissues, and organs of any origin that have an altered or modied genetic F2312 content. genetic material, nis nucleic acid (either deoxyribonucleic acid or ribonucleic acid).
DISCUSSIONGenetic material is also known as DNA, RNA, genetic element, gene, factor, allele, operon, structural gene, regulator gene, operator gene, gene complement, genome, genetic code, codon, anticodon, messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), ribosomal extrachromosomal genetic element, plasmagene, plasmid, transposon, gene mutation, gene sequence, exon, intron (modied version).15 Genetic material may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312

kg/m3 (lbm/ft3). Five grades of foam have been dened in Specication F1839. Their nominal densities are: F1839
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 10: 12: 15: 20: 40: 160.2 192.2 240.3 320.4 640.7 kg/m3 (10.0 kg/m3 (12.0 kg/m3 (15.0 kg/m3 (20.0 kg/m3 (40.0 lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3)

graft, nany tissue or organ for implantation or transplantation. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 graft take, nengraftment. granulations, ngranulation tissue. F2311, F2312 F2311, F2312

granulation tissue, nnewly formed vascular tissue normally produced in the healing of wounds of soft tissue and ultimately forming the cicatrix [scar]; it consists of small, translucent, red, nodular masses or granulations that have a velvety appearance. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 grip length, nlength of threads held fast in the split collet or other holding mechanism. F543 grips, nmeans of applying force to the stent and balloon catheter to displace or dislodge the stent relative to the balloon. In particular, grips refer to the end of a device which makes the contact with the stent. Typical grips used to apply force to the stent include shims (as used in Figs. X2.5X2.8 of Guide F2394); tape which sticks to the stent but not the balloon; an iris which can be narrowed down to allow the balloon to slip by but not the stent; or nubs which contact the stent but not the balloon. F2394 gross failure, npermanent displacement resulting from fracture or plastic deformation in excess of the yield displacement that renders the spinal component ineffective in fullling its intended function. F2193 growth plate, nanatomic location within the epiphyseal region of long bones corresponding to the site of growth of bone through endochondral bone formation. The growth plate in skeletally mature animals is fused. F2451 guide catheter, ntube designed to transport the guide-wire and the stent delivery system into the target vessel. F2394 guide pin, npin affixed to the inside of one of the forceps halves that aligns with a hole on the other tweezer half F1638 without protruding through when closed. guide pin hole, nhole in one forceps half into which the guide pin ts without passing through when closed. F1638 guide-wire, nwire designed to aid in balloon, ultrasound, atherectomy, or stent placement during endovascular procedures. F2394 Guinea Pig Maximization Test (GPMT), nprocedure described in Practice F720 accepted as a worst case assay for allergenic potential. F2147 H1articulating surface superior-inferior height in the frontal plane. F1672 H2metal back superior-inferior height in the frontal plane. F1672

geometric centroid (cantilever plane), npoint in a crosssectional area of the cantilever plane whose coordinates are the mean values of the coordinates of all the points in the area. F1440 glass transition temperature, ntemperature at which the heat capacity associated with translational molecular motions vanishes during cooling or appears during warming. The glass transition temperature is the formal transition point between the glassy state and the liquid state. F2386 glenoid, nprosthetic portion that replaces the glenoid fossa of the scapula and articulates with a prosthetic replacement of the humeral head. It may consist of one or more components from one or more materials, for example, either all-polyethylene or a metal baseplate with a polymeric insert. F2028 glenoid backing, nmetallic or composite material prosthetic portion of a multiple piece glenoid component that attaches to the scapula. F1829 glenoid component, nprosthetic portion that replaces the glenoid fossa of the scapula and articulates with the natural humeral head or a prosthetic replacement. F1829 glenoid plane, nin symmetric glenoids, the plane is dened by joining the two articular edges; in planar and asymmetric glenoids, it is dened by the back surface. F2028 grades, ngrade designation refers to the nominal density of the foam, in its solid nal form, expressed in units of


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hardness, nmeasurement of the resistance to indentation F921, F1078 hazard, npotential source of harm. ISO/IEC Guide 51, F2503 haze, nin plastics, the cloudy or turbid aspect or appearance of an otherwise transparent material caused by light scattered from within the specimen or from its surfaces.
DISCUSSIONFor the purpose of Test Method D1003, haze is the percentage of transmitted light which, in passing through the specimen, deviates from the incident beam through forward scatter more than 2.5 F1251 on the average.

compression or transfer molding and extrusion processes. F2042 hinge, nmechanical physical coupling between femoral and tibial components which provides a singular axis about which exion occurs. F1223 hook, nanchoring component that fastens to the spine by means of a curved blade passed under or over lamina, transverse or spinous processes or into an anatomic or surgically created notch or opening. F1582 hook blade, nthat portion of a spinal hook that is placed under, over, or into a bony structure to provide attachment. F1582 hook body, nthat portion of a spinal hook that connects the F1582 hook blade to the longitudinal element. humeral head, nprosthetic portion that replaces the proximal humerus or humeral head and articulates with the natural glenoid fossa or a prosthetic replacement. F2028 humoral immunity, nsome antigens stimulate the host to produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) that are specic for the antigen and react with the antigen. Antibodies circulate in the blood and tissue uids. The antibodies produced can be detected using blood from the host. F1905 hyaline articular cartilage, ncartilagenous connective tissue located in diarthrodial joints and characterized by its localization to articulating surfaces. F2451 hyaluronan, npolysaccharide with a disaccharide repeating unit composed of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-Dglucosamine in b-(13) linkage. Each disaccharide unit is attached to the next by b-(14) bonds. Hyaluronan is a linear polymer. Other common names are hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate. F2347 hybrid longitudinal element, nlongitudinal element consisting of two or more types of longitudinal elements of different size or cross-section manufactured into a single F1582 element. hydrocolloid, nwater-soluble polymer of colloidal nature F2312, F2347 when hydrated. hydrogel, nwater-based open network of polymer chains that are cross-linked either chemically or through crystalline junctions or by specic ionic interactions. F2450 hydrolytically degradable polymer (HDP), nany polymeric material in which the primary mechanism of chemical degradation in the body is by hydrolysis (water reacting with the polymer resulting in cleavage of the chain). F1635, F2502 hydrophilic, adjhaving a strong affinity for water, wettable. F22, F2664 hydroxylapatite, ncalcium phosphate crystalline compound of empirical chemical formula, Ca5(PO4)3OH (see Specication F1185). F1609

head size, nnominal spherical diameter of the head (generally standardized, but not limited to 22, 26, 28, 32, and 36 mm for total hips.) F2345 heal, vto restore wounded parts or to make healthy. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 healing, nrestoration of integrity to injured tissue. Dorlands, F2311, F2312
DISCUSSIONIn the surgical wound closure, an important distinction is made according to whether the surgeon expects the healing to be accomplished by granulation tissue. This distinction is made because in the normal physiology of wound healing, granulation tissue matures into scar with wound contracture, which is an undesirable outcome. Wound closure by approximating the wound edges or performing a skin autograft is called healing by rst intention, and wound closure by allowing spontaneous healing from the edges is called healing by second intention.

healing by rst intention, nhealing in which union or restoration of continuity occurs directly without intervention of granulations. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 healing by second intention, nunion by closure of a wound with granulations which form from the base and both sides toward the surface of the wound. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 hearing level (HL), L, nratio of the input sound eld pressure, pS, relative to the sound eld pressure pRETSPL at 0 incidence that is just detectable monaurally by a normally hearing individual, as dened in ANSI S3.6, Table 9, expressed in decibels as: L = 20log10(pS/pRETSPL). F2504 hemolysis, ndamage to erythrocytes resulting in the liberation of hemoglobin into the plasma. F1841 hemolysis, ndestruction of erythrocytes resulting in the liberation of hemoglobin into the plasma or suspension medium. F756 hemostatic forceps, ninstrument, available in various sizes and congurations, used in surgical procedures for the compression of blood vessels and the grasping of tissue. F921 high consistency rubber (HCR), nelastomer having a viscosity such that it cannot be moved or transferred by readily available pumping equipment. These elastomers are fabricated using high shear equipment such as a two-roll mill and cannot be injection molded. They are typically used in

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hyperextension stop, ngeometrical feature which arrests further progress of exion angles of negative value. F1223 ICCVAM, nInteragency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods. F2148 ideal insertion location, nlocation of the articial disc in the intervertebral space that is suggested in the manufacturers surgical installation instructions. The ideal insertion location is to be described with respect to the simulated inferior and superior vertebral bodies (polyacetal or metal blocks) and will be dictated by the device design. F2346 image artifact, npixel in an image is considered to be part of an image artifact if the intensity is changed by at least 30 % when the device is present compared to a reference image in which the device is absent. F2119 IMEHD electrical input at threshold Ethreshold, nelectrical input to the IMEHD output transducer at threshold of audibility. F2504 IMEHD harmonic distortion, nharmonic distortion of the stapes velocity IMEHD-aided analogous to ANSI S3.22, Section 6.11S, from sinusoidal inputs of the frequencies 500, 800, and 1600 Hz; input levels shall be Emax 20 dB. F2504 IMEHD output transducer, nelectromechanical output transducer of the IMEHD. F2504 IMEHD output transducer frequency range, nusing the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, draw a horizontal line at the average for 1000, 1600, and 2500 Hz, then subtract 20 dB, or divide by 10; the lower and the upper bounds of the frequency response range are where the average line crosses the transfer function curve. F2504 IMEHD output transducer input, E, nelectrical input to the IMEHD output transducer, specied in volts or amperes, as appropriate for the particular device. F2504 IMEHD system frequency range, nusing the insertion gain transfer function (velocity), HVV, draw a horizontal line at the average for 1000, 1600, and 2500 Hz, then subtract 20 dB, or divide by 10; the lower and the upper bounds of the frequency response range are where the average line crosses the transfer function curve. F2504 IMFD curvature, ndimensions of size and locations of arcs of the curvature, or mathematical description of the curvature, or other quantitative descriptions to which the curvature is manufactured along with tolerances. To orient the IMFD for testing and for insertion, the desired relationship of the curvature to the sagittal and coronal planes should be described for the intended applications. F1264 IMFD diameter, ndiameter of the circumscribed circle, which envelops the IMFDs cross section when measured along the IMFDs working length. If the diameter is not constant along the working length, then the site of measurement should be indicated. F1264 IMFD length, nlength of a straight line between the most proximal and distal ends of the IMFD. F1264 immobilization, nentrapment of materials, such as cells, tissues, or proteins within, or bound to, a matrix. F2312, F2315 implant, nsubstance or object that is put in the body as a prosthesis, or for treatment or diagnosis. F2664 implantation, nprocedure of inserting materials such as a cell(s), tissue(s), or organ(s) for therapeutic purposes. Synonym: graft or grafting. TEMPs may be applied to a F2312 recipient by implantation or grafting. Index of Hemolysis: F1841 modied index of hemolysis, nmass of hemoglobin released into plasma normalized by the total amount of hemoglobin pumped through the loop. normalized index of hemolysis, nadded grams of plasma free hemoglobin per 100 l of blood pumped, corrected for plasma volume using hematocrit and normalized by ow rate and circulation time. normalized milligram index of hemolysis, nnormalized index of hemolysis expressed by milligram value of free plasma hemoglobin. inammatory factors, nvarious soluble substances may be produced by lymphocytes in response to an antigen. This may occur in humoral immune responses or in CMI. These substances may inuence the function of other cells and are called cytokines. Many of these act on various white cells and are called interleukins. They are reection of antigenic stimulation of the host. F1905 inammatory response, nirritation of tissue cells as a result of using a cryosystem. F882 inatable breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prostheses not containing silicone gelimplantable breast prostheses designed and provided prelled with saline or empty and to be lled with saline at the time of use to adjust the volume of the prosthesis. F2051 Type 1, nxed volume inatable breast prosthesisan implantable breast prosthesis composed of a single lumen, empty when supplied and having a valve to facilitate lling the lumen with saline at the time of use. Type 2, nvariable volume inatable breast prosthesisan implantable breast prosthesis composed of a single lumen, empty when supplied and having a valve to facilitate lling the lumen with a portion of the volume of saline at the time of use. The valve system is designed to facilitate further post-operative adjustment with saline as instructed in product literature. Type 3, nxed volume inatable breast prosthesisan implantable breast prosthesis composed of a single lumen, prelled with saline by the manufacturer prior to time of use. ination volume, nvolume of liquid used to inate the retention balloon of the enteral feeding device for proposed testing in this standard. F2528 inhibitor, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer added to moderate the rate of the crosslinking reaction. F2038

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injection port, nport through which an injection to inate or deate the variable volume device is made. F1441 remote port, nport that is remote from the shell and attached to the shell by means of tubing. self-contained (integrated) port, nport that is integral to the device shell. injection surface, narea of the injection port recommended by the manufacturer for needle insertion to inate or deate the device. F1441 in-process control, nmonitoring and, if necessary, adjustments performed to ensure that the process conforms to its specication. The control of the environment or equipment may be part of in-process control. F2312 input sound eld pressure, pS, nsound stimulus measured in the free eld and presented to the listener in either the IMEHD-aided or unimplanted condition, specied in units of pascals. F2504 insertion depth (mm), nlinear advancement of the bioabsorbable device into the test block measured relative to its seated position at the test blocks surface prior to testing. F2502 insertion depth (mm), nlinear advancement in mm of the screw into the test block measured relative to its seated position at the test blocks surface prior to testing. F2193 insertion depth, nthreaded length as inserted into the test block. F543 insertion gain transfer function (sound eld), HSS, nratio of the equivalent sound pressure produced in the IMEHDaided case with a given electrical input to the IMEHD output transducer and the input sound eld pressure used as input in the IMEHD-aided case required to produce the same IMEHD output transducer electrical input: HSS = pE/pS; this ratio is unitless. F2504
DISCUSSIONWith a linear sound signal processor, the insertion gain (sound eld) can be computed from the product of the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, and the electro-acoustic transfer function, HSE: HSS = pE/pS = HSE HES. HSS will depend on the particular gain settings used, for example, full-on gain or minimal gain. The gain should be reported whenever that transfer function is used

intended method of application, narticial intervertebral discs may contain different types of features to stabilize the implant-tissue interface such as threads, spikes, and textured surfaces. Each type of feature has an intended method of application or attachment to the spine. F2346 intended spinal location, nanatomic region of the spine intended for the articial intervertebral disc. Articial intervertebral discs may be designed and developed for specic regions of the spine such as the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Also, since different surgical approaches may exist, the description of the intended spinal location should include both the indicated spinal levels and the ideal insertion locations within the intervertebral space allowed at each level. F2346 interbody spacer, nstructure (biologic or synthetic) to replace (partially or totally) the vertebral body or intervertebral disk(s), or both. F1582 intercept, npoint on a measurement grid line projected on a eld where the line crosses from solid to void or vice versa. F1854 interconnection, nmechanical interface or connection mechanism between at least two components or between components and bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs. F1582 interdigitation, ninterlocking or meshing of the female and F921 male jaw serrations. interface, none of the two mating surfaces, lines or points of contact within an interconnection between two components, between any component and bone, or between two bony F1582 elements. internal-external rotation, nrelative angulation of the moveable component about an axis parallel to the z-axis. F1223 interval net volumetric wear rate VRi during cycle interval i (mm3/million cycles), nVRi = WRi/r, where r = mass density (for example, units of g/mm3) of the wear material. F2423 interval net wear rate WRi during cycle interval i (g/million cycles), nWRi = ((NWi NWi-1)/(number of cycles in interval i))*106. F2423
DISCUSSIONFor i = 1, NWi-1 = 0.

insertion gain transfer function (velocity), HVv, nratio of the stapes velocity (IMEHD-aided) and the stapes velocity (unimplanted) produced by a given input sound eld: HVv = vA/vU; the ratio is unitless and can be expressed in decibels F2504 as 20log10(HVv).

DISCUSSIONWith a linear sound signal processor and IMEHD, that is, a processor whose electrical output E is proportional to the input sound eld pressure, pS, and an IMEHD whose vibrational output is proportional to its electrical output, the insertion gain (sound eld), HSS, will equal the insertion gain transfer function (velocity), HVV.

intervertebral body fusion devices, nstructure that is placed in the disc space between two adjacent vertebral bodies to provide support for eventual arthrodeses of the two F1582 adjacent vertebral bodies. intervertebral body fusion cage, nhollow device that contains graft material. F1582 intervertebral disc (IVD) prosthesis, nnonbiologic structure intended to restore the support and motion or a portion thereof between adjacent vertebral bodies. F2423 intervertebral height, nminimum distance parallel to the Z-axis in the YZ-plane between the unaltered simulated

insertion torque, namount of torque required to overcome the frictional force between the screw and the material used for testing while driving the screw into the material. F543 installation load, nforce, applied at 0 from femoral neck axis, used to settle the head on the cone before testing. F2345

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vertebral bodies: minimum height of 2 mm and maximum height of 16.5 mm.16,17 See Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 intracranial aneurysm clip, ndevice introduced surgically to occlude the blood inlet into an intracranial aneurysm with the intention that it remain within the body following the surgery. This device is referred to in this practice as an implant, specically as an intracranial aneurysm clip. F700 ionic compounds/water soluble residue, nresidue that is soluble in water, including surfactants and salts. F2459 isocenter, ngeometric center of the gradient coil system, which generally is the geometric center of a scanner with a cylindrical bore. F2182 isotactic, adjpertaining to a type of polymeric molecular structure containing a sequence of regularly spaced asymmetric atoms arranged in like conguration in a polymer F1251 chain. item, nmedical device or other object that may be brought into the MR environment. F2503 jaw alignment, npositioning of the female and male jaws with respect to interdigitation (related to box lock function F921 and ratchet performance). jaws, nparts that contain serrations to interrupt the ow of F921 blood through any vessel. joint, njunction where the scissor blades are secured by a F1078 screw allowing the instrument to pivot. joint reaction force, napplied load whose vector is directed parallel to the z-axis, generally considered parallel to tibial longitudinal axis. F1223 kinematic prole, nrelative motion between adjacent vertebral bodies that the IVD prosthesis is subjected to while being tested. F2423 labeled diameter, nnominal deployed size of a stent as indicated on its manufacturers label. F2079 lag screw, nthat component of a compression hip screw angled device which is threaded into the metaphyses and transmits the off axis load to the sideplate through the barrel (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 lag screw length, nstraight line distance measured between the proximal and distal ends of the lag screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 laminar ow, nwell-ordered, patterned ow of uid layers F2664 assumed to slide over one another.18
16 Nissan, M., Gilad, I., The Cervical and Lumbar VertebraeAn Anthropometric Model, Engineering In Medicine, 13:3, 1984, pp. 111-114. 17 Lu, J., Ebraheim, N.A., Yang, H., Rollins, J., and Yeasting, R. A., Anatomic Bases for Anterior Spinal Surgery: Surgical Anatomy of the Cervical Vertebral Body and Disc Space, Surg Radiol Anat, 21:4, 1999, pp. 235-239. 18 Studying Cell Adhesion, (hardcover) by P. Bongrand, P. M. Claesson, A.S.G. Curtis (Editor), Springer-Verlag Telos, 1995.

laminate, nproduct made by bonding together two or more layers of material or materials.
DISCUSSIONA single resin-impregnated sheet of paper, fabric, or glass mat, for example, is not considered a laminate. Such a singleF1251 sheet construction may be called a lamina.

laminate, cross-plied, nnonparallel laminate.


laminate, parallel, nlaminate in which all layers or plies are oriented with their principal direction (grain or strongest direction in tension) parallel with the principal direction of F1251 the laminate. lay, ndirection of the predominant surface pattern. ISO 13565-1, F2664 lay (or twist), nhelical form taken by the wires in a strand and by the strands in a cable (see MIL-DTL-83420J). F2180
DISCUSSIONIn a Right Lay situation, the wires of the strand (or the strands in a cable) are oriented in the same direction as the thread on a right-hand screw.

length of lay (or pitch), ndistance parallel to the axis of the strand (or cable) in which a wire (or strand) makes one complete turn about the axis. F2180 lesion, nany pathological or traumatic discontinuity of tissue or loss of function of a part. In this guide, skin lesion is intended to encompass skin wounds and skin ulcers. F2311, F2312 line of load application, nloading axis of the test machine. F1440 linear displacement sensor, nelectrical sensor that converts linear displacement to electrical output. F2537 linear displacement sensor system, nsystem consisting of a linear displacement sensor, power supply, signal conditioner, and data acquisition system. F2537 linear elasticity, nlinear recoverable deformation behavior.
DISCUSSIONNo signicant phase transformation event occurs while straining the material and the tensile load-extension or stress-strain plot F2005 is linear upon loading and unloading.

linear polyurethane, npolymer whose backbone consists of urethane groups joined by hydrocarbon chains with little or no cross linking. F624 linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), nlinear displacement sensor made of a sensor housing and a core. The sensor housing contains a primary coil and two secondary coils. When an ac excitation signal is applied to the primary coil, voltages are induced in the secondary coils. The magnetic core provides the magnetic ux path linking the primary and secondary coils. Since the two voltages are of opposite polarity, the secondary coils are connected in series opposing in the center, or null position. When the core is displaced from the null position, an electromagnetic imbalance occurs. This imbalance generates a differential ac output voltage across the secondary coils, which is linearly proportional to the direction and magnitude of the displacement. When the core is moved from the null position, the induced voltage in the secondary coil, toward which the core

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is moved, increases while the induced voltage in the opposite secondary coil decreases. F2537 liquid, nwater, saline solution, calf serum, or any other liquid solution that is used to condition PMC specimens. F1634 liquid silicone rubber or low consistency silicone rubber (LSR), nelastomer having a viscosity such that it can be moved or transferred by readily available pumping equipment. LSRs are typically used in injection molding operations. F2042 load axis, nline of action of the compressive force applied to the head. F2345 load axis angle, nmeasured angle L between the line of action of the applied force and femoral neck axis (see Fig. 5 of Test Methods F2345). F2345 load magnitude, npeak (absolute value) compressive force of the applied constant amplitude cyclic force. F2345 load point, npoint through which the resultant force on the intervertebral device passes; that is, the geometric center of the superior xtures sphere (see Figs. 24 of Test Methods F2346). F2346 load prole, nloading that the device experiences while being tested under a dened kinematic prole or the loading that the IVD prosthesis is subject to if tested in load control. F2423 load rate, nrate of applied compressive force. F2345 longitudinal element, ncomponent whose long axis is parallel, or nearly so, to the long axis of the spine. F1582 lot or batch, nquantity of material made with a xed, specied formulation in a single, manufacturing run carried out under specic processing techniques and conditions. F2038 low bleed, nsilicone gel implantable breast prostheses designed to have minimal silicone bleed when tested using the test method in 9.2.1 in Specication F703. F703 lower plateau strength (LPS), n(in nitinol), stress at 2.5 % strain during tensile unloading of the sample, after loading to 6 % strain. F2005 lower plateau strength (LPS), nstress at 2.5 % strain during unloading of the sample, after loading to 6 % strain. F2516 lumen, ncavity within a shell and patch or base, accessible by an injection port, to facilitate the addition of saline to adjust the volume of the soft tissue expander. F1441 lumen, ncavity within a shell of an implantable breast prosthesis. F703
DISCUSSIONA lumen may contain either a xed, nonadjustable volume of silicone gel, or it may be entirely or partly empty and intended to be inated (lled) with saline. Inatable lumens are accessible by valve to facilitate the addition of saline to adjust the volume of the prosthesis at the time of use. More than one lumen may be formed within a shell by silicone elastomer membrane partitions.

load ratio, R, A, nin fatigue loading, the algebraic ratio of the two loading parameters of a cycle.
DISCUSSIONThe most widely used ratios are: P min Minimum Load 5 R5 Maximum Load P max or S min S max or R5 and A5 or Sa Sm or A5 Loading Amplitude Pa 5 Mean Load Pm Valley Load Peak Load

lumen, ncavity within a shell of an implantable breast prosthesis. Inatable lumens are accessible by valve to facilitate the addition of saline to adjust the volume of the prosthesis at the time of use. F2051 lumen, nchannel within a tube. F623

MN, nconstruction designation for strands and cables. In this construction designation M represents the number of strands in the cable and N represents the number of wires in each strand. F2180
DISCUSSIONSome examples of strand constructions are 17 and 13. Similar examples of cable constructions are 77 and 719.

magnetic eld strength (H in A/m), nstrength of the applied magnetic eld. F2052, F2213 magnetic induction or magnetic ux density (B in T), nthat magnetic vector quantity which at any point in a magnetic eld is measured either by the mechanical force experienced by an element of electric current at the point, or by the electromotive force induced in an elementary loop during any change in ux linkages with the loop at the point. The magnetic induction is frequently referred to as the magnetic eld. Bo is the static eld in an MR system. Plain type indicates a scalar (for example, B) and bold type indicates a vector (for example, B). F2052, F2213, F2503 magnetic resonance (MR), nresonant absorption of electromagnetic energy by an ensemble of atomic particles situated in a magnetic eld. F2052, F2213, F2503 magnetic resonance diagnostic device, ndevice intended for general diagnostic use to present images which reect the

~ Maximum Load 2 Minimum Load! ~ P max 2 P min! 5 ~ Maxium Load1 Minimum Load! ~ P max1 P min! F1528

locking screw, nthreaded anchor that is rigidly connected to the longitudinal element of the spinal construct. F2193

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spatial distribution or magnetic resonance spectra, or both, which reect frequency and distribution of nuclei exhibiting nuclear magnetic resonance. Other physical parameters derived from the images or spectra, or both, may also be produced. F2052, F2213 magnetic resonance (MR) environment, nvolume within the 0.50 mT (5 gauss (G)) line of an MR system, which includes the entire three dimensional volume of space surrounding the MR scanner. For cases in which the 0.50 mT line is contained within the Faraday shielded volume, the entire room shall be considered the MR environment. F2052, F2119, F2213, F2503 magnetic resonance (MR) environment, narea within the 5 G line of an MR system. F2182 magnetic resonance equipment (MR equipment), nmedical electrical equipment which is intended for invivo magnetic resonance examination of a patient. The MR equipment comprises all parts in hardware and software from the supply mains to the display monitor. The MR equipment is a Programmable Electrical Medical System (PEMS). F2052, F2213 magnetic resonance examination (MR examination), nprocess of acquiring data by magnetic resonance from a patient. F2052, F2213 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ndiagnostic imaging technique that uses static and time varying magnetic elds to provide images of tissue by the magnetic resonance of nuclei. F2182 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nimaging technique that uses static and time varying magnetic elds to provide images of tissue by the magnetic resonance of nuclei. F2119, F2213 magnetic resonance system (MR system), nensemble of MR equipment, accessories, including means for display, control, energy supplies, and the MR environment. IEC 60601-2-33, F2052, F2182, F2213 magnetically induced displacement force, nforce produced when a magnetic object is exposed to the spatial gradient of a magnetic eld. This force will tend to cause the object to translate in the gradient eld. F2052, F2213, F2503 magnetically induced torque, ntorque produced when a magnetic object is exposed to a magnetic eld. This torque will tend to cause the object to align itself along the magnetic eld in an equilibrium direction that induces no torque. F2213, F2503 magnetization (M in T), nmagnetic moment per unit volume. F2213 maintenance therapy, ntherapy of chronically ill patients that is aimed at keeping the pathology at its present level and preventing exacerbation. F2311, F2312 male member, ncomponent that is inserted through the female member and secured to the female member at the box F921 lock junction. mandrel, nwire that may be used as an alternative to the intended guide-wire to provide support for the catheter guide-wire lumen for some test procedures. F2394 manufacture, vany or all steps in the recovery, screening, testing, processing, storage, labeling, packaging or distribution of any human cellular or tissue-based product.19
DISCUSSIONFor TEMPs, manufacture is expanded to include production of products in vitro or in vivo. TEMPs may also include the use of non-human cellular or tissue-based materials in any manufacturing F2312 steps.

manufacture, vprocess which occurs in the suppliers facility in which the various components of the elastomer are brought together, allowed to interact, and are packaged to provide the uncured elastomer for sale. F2042 markers, ntantalum beads 1.0 mm, 0.8 mm, or 0.5 mm in diameter. F2385 cage markers, ntantalum beads held in an external reference frame used to create a three dimensional coordinate system for measuring relative displacements. implant markers, nin vivo markers placed on the implant to dene the implant as a rigid body. segment, nthree-dimensional rigid body dened by a minimum of three markers. marrow, nalso called myeloid tissue; soft, gelatinous tissue that lls the cavities of the bones. It is either red or yellow, depending upon the preponderance of vascular (red) or fatty (yellow) tissue. F2451 martensite, nlowest temperature phase in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys with a B19' (B19 prime) monoclinic crystal F2005 structure. martensite deformation temperature (Md), n(in nitinol), highest temperature at which martensite will form from the F2005 austenite phase in response to an applied stress. martensite nish temperature (Mf), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to martensite is completed on cooling in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the transformation from R-phase to martensite is completed on cooling in a two-stage F2005 transformation (Fig. 2). martensite peak temperature (Mp), n(in nitinol), temperature of the exothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon cooling for the austenite to martensite transformation (Fig. 1) or the R-phase to martensite transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 martensite start temperature (Ms), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to martensite begins on cooling in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the transformation from R-phase to martensite begins on cooling in a two-stage transformation F2005 (Fig. 2).

19 FDA, CFR, Title 21, Volume 8, Part 1271.3(f), Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products, Revised 04/01/03.

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material, nsubstance(s) used in the construction of a sharps container. F2132 matrix, nterm applied to either the exogenous implanted scaffold or the endogenous extracelluar substance (otherwise known as extracellular matrix) derived from the host. F2451 maximum bend moment, ngreatest moment applied to a F1840 needle during a bend test. maximum electrical transducer input, Emax, nmaximum electrical output of the sound signal processor, specied as peak-to-peak or root mean square value, specied in volts or amperes, as appropriate for the particular device. F2504 maximum equivalent sound pressure, pE,max, nequivalent sound pressure that corresponds to the maximum electrical output Emax of the implant electronics, pE,max = Emax HES. F2504 maximum equivalent sound pressure level, L E,max , nlogarithmic representation of the maximum equivalent sound pressure LE,max = 20log10(pE,max/210-5 Pa). F2504 maximum insertion gain transfer function (sound eld), HSS,max, nmaximum insertion gain transfer function (sound eld) that can be achieved with the implant electronics. F2504 maximum run-out load or moment, nmaximum load or moment for a given test that can be applied to an articial intervertebral disc where all of the tested constructs have withstood 10 000 000 cycles without functional failure. F2346 maximum torque (N-m), nlargest value of torque recorded during the period of rotation before screw failure in torsional shear when tested in accordance with Annex A1 of Specication F543. F543 measurement grid lines, nevenly spaced grid of parallel lines all of the same length. F1854 mechanical deterioration, ndeterioration that is visible to the naked eye and is associated with mechanical damage to the device under test (for example, initiation of fatigue crack or surface wear). F2346 mechanical failure, nfailure associated with a defect in the material (for example, fatigue crack) or of the bonding between materials that may or may not produce functional failure. F2423 mechanical integrity, nability of all components of a cryosystem to withstand the pressures and temperatures that may be encountered during use as recommended by the manufacturer. F882 median bending fatigue moment at N cycles (Nm), nvalue in N-m of the maximum moment that can be applied to a spinal component for which 50 % of the test specimens of a given sample can be expected to survive N loading cycles at a specic R-ratio. F2193 median fatigue strength at N cycles, nmaximum stress at which 50 % of the specimens of a given sample would be expected to survive N loading cycles. For the purposes of this test method, the fatigue strength will be determined at 5 million load cycles. A rationale for this is provided in the Appendix X1.4 of F2118. F2118 medical device, nany instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, in vitro reagent or calibrator, software, material, or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the specic purpose(s) of:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease, diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of, or compensation for an injury, investigation, replacement, modication, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process, supporting or sustaining life, control of conception, disinfection of medical devices, and providing information for medical purposes by means of in vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body, and which does not achieve its primary intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.

ISO 13485, F2052, F2213, F2503 medical implant, nstructure or device that is placed within the body of the patient for medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. F2182 medio-lateral (ML), norientation that is aligned with the y-axis in the dened coordinate system. F1223 melamine plastic, nplastic based on resins made by the condensation or melamine and aldehydes. F1251 mesh, nalignment of opposing teeth. The teeth may be F1638 in-line or angled. micron (), n0.001 mm, also known as a micrometre; measurement of cell diameter. F2149, F2312 microorganism, nbacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, viruses, and other infectious agents. However, it should be noted that not F2312 all microorganisms are infectious or pathogenic. microorganisms, nbacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, viruses, and other infectious agents. F2212
DISCUSSIONNot all microorganisms are infectious or pathogenic.

middle-ear transfer function, HTV, nstapes velocity (unimplanted) produced by an ear-canal sound pressure, divided by the ear-canal sound pressure, in units of mm/s/Pa: HTV = F2504 vU/pT. ML condylar radius, ngeometrical curvature of the components condyle in the frontal plane. F1223 ML dimension, nany geometrical length aligned with the ML orientation. F1223 ML displacement, nrelative linear translation between components in the ML direction. F1223 ML shear load, nforce applied to the moveable component with its vector aligned in the ML direction causing or intending to cause an ML displacement. F1223

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modied working end, nworking surfaces possessing superior hardness characteristics which are either the result of depositing various materials on the base metal or the result of permanently securing an insert (such as by brazing) to the base metal. F1325
DISCUSSIONThe typical method of modifying the working end of the suture needle holder is to use jaw inserts or to plasma deposit (ame plate) materials with improved wear characteristics such as tungsten carbide or stellite. For the jaw insert method, the insert is brazed to the jaw face with a uniform deposit of silver solder which is free of crevices at all interfaces. For the ame plating method, a uniform layer of material is deposited which is 0.004 6 0.001 in. thick.

specied conditions of use. Field conditions that dene the specied MR environment include eld strength, spatial gradient, dB/dt (time rate of change of the magnetic eld), radio frequency (RF) elds, and specic absorption rate (SAR). Additional conditions, including specic congurations of the item, may be required. F2119, F2503 MR safe, adjdevice, when used in the MR environment, has been demonstrated to present no additional risk to the patient or other individuals, but may affect the quality of the diagnostic information. The MR conditions in which the device was tested should be specied in conjunction with the terms MR safe and MR compatible since a device which is safe or compatible under one set of conditions may not be found to be so under more extreme MR conditions. F2182 MR-safe, adjitem that poses no known hazards in all MR environments. F2119, F2503
DISCUSSIONMR-Safe items include nonconducting, nonmagnetic items such as a plastic petri dish. An item may be determined to be MR-Safe by providing a scientically based rationale rather than test data.

modied working ends, nworking surfaces possessing superior hardness characteristics that are the result of either depositing various materials on the base metal or securing an insert permanently (such as by brazing) to the base metal (see Note 3 of Specication F1613). F1613 molecular mass average (molecular weight average), nthe given molecular weight (Mw) of a chitosan will always represent an average of all of the molecules in the population. The most common ways to express the Mw are as the w). The two n) and the weight average (M number average (M averages are dened by the following equations:
H 5 M n

MR-unsafe, adjitem that is known to pose hazards in all MR environments. F2119, F2503
DISCUSSIONMR-Unsafe items include magnetic items such as a pair of ferromagnetic scissors.

(NM (N
i i i i i

H 5 M w

mutagen, nany physical or chemical agent capable of inducing a mutation. F1280

2 i i i i i i

(WM 5(NM (W (NM

i i i i

where: Ni = number of molecules having a specic molecular weight Mi and wi = weight of molecules having a specic molecular weight Mi. In a polydisperse molecular population the relation n is always valid. The coefficient M w/M n is w > M M referred to as the polydispersity index, and will typically be in the range 1.5 to 3.0 for commercial chitosans. monomer, nrelatively simple compound which can react to F1251 form a polymer. (See also polymer.) motion segment, ntwo adjacent vertebrae, the intervening disc, and the associated ligamentous structures. F1582 mouse teeth, ndistal tip teeth that interdigitate. F1638

mutation, nany heritable change in the genetic material, not caused by genetic segregation or genetic recombination, and that is transmitted to daughter cells. F1280 N, nvariable representing a specied number of cycles. F1264 natural materials, nsynthesized or produced by living cells. F2027, F2312 needle ducility, nmeasure of the amount of plastic bending F1840 a needle can withstand. needle length, ndistance measured along the needle curvaF1840 ture from end to end. needle radius, nradius of the uniformly curved portion or portions of the needle measured from the centerline of the F1840 needle body. needle stop, ninjection port component used to limit hypodermic needle penetration through the port. F1441 needle wire diameter, ngage or thickness of the needle wire, measured at a location between the needle body and the attachment area, where either no or minimal work has taken F1840 place. negative control, nmaterial, such as a polyethylene, that produces little or no hemolysis (<2 % after subtraction of the blank) in the test procedure. It is desirable that the control specimens have the same conguration as the test samples. F756

MR compatible, adjdevice, when used in the MR environment, is MR safe and has been demonstrated to neither signicantly affect the quality of the diagnostic information nor have its operations affected by the MR device. The MR conditions in which the device was tested should be specied in conjunction with the terms MR safe and MR compatible since a device which is safe or compatible under one set of conditions may not be found to be so under more extreme MR conditions. F2182 MR conditional, adjitem that has been demonstrated to pose no known hazards in a specied MR environment with

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net volumetric wear NVi of wear specimen (mm3), nNVi = NWi/r at end of cycle interval i where r = mass density (for example, units of g/mm3) of the wear material. F2423 net wear NWi of wear specimen (g), nNWi = (W0 Wi) + (Si S0); loss in weight of the wear specimen corrected for uid absorption at end of cycle interval i. F2423 neurosurgical instrument, nany cooperative device used during surgical procedures involving the implantation of neurosurgical implants. F701 nitinol, ngeneric name for a Ni-Ti alloy. F2005 nucleation, nformation of ice from a supercooled aqueous solution by random aggregation of water molecules into clusters with ice-like properties. Nucleation may be homogenous (spontaneous) or heterogenous (catalyzed by a substrate that reduces the thermodynamic barrier to cluster formation). F2386 null position, ncore position within the sensor housing where the sensor voltage output is zero (some sensors do not have a null position). F2537 nylon plastic, nplastic based on resins composed principally of a long-chain synthetic polymeric amide which has recurring amide groups as an integral part of the main polymer chain. F1251 offset angular displacement, n(distance OBFig. 6) offset on the angular displacement axis equal to 2 % of the intervertebral height, H, divided by the maximum radius of the implant in the XY-plane; for example, for an articial intervertebral disc with a height of 10 mm and a maximum radius in the XY-plane of 9 mm, distance OB = (0.02) (10 mm) / (9 mm) = 0.022 radians = 1.3. F2346 offset correction, nremoval of any offset in a sensors output so that at zero displacement, zero voltage is recorded. F2537 offset displacement, n(distance OBFig. 6) offset on the linear displacement axis equal to 2 % of the intervertebral height (for example, 0.2 mm for a 10 mm intervertebral height). F2346 olen plastic, nplastic based on polymers made by the polymerization of olens or copolymerization of olens with other monomers, the olens being at least 50 mass %. F1251 oligomer, npolymer consisting of only a few monomer units such as a dimer, trimer, tetramer, and so forth, or their F1251 mixtures. one-part elastomer, nelastomer supplied in the uncured form in one package containing all of the formulation components. It does not require mixing before fabrication. F2042 0.2 % offset displacement (mm), npermanent displacement equal to 0.002 times the test gage section length for the specic test, in mm. The test gage section length is equal to the bending moment arm for spinal screw tests. The test gage section length is equal to the center span distance for spinal plate and rod tests where the loading rollers are directly contacting the test specimen (Fig. A2.1 and Fig. A3.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). The test gage section length is equal to the unsupported distance between the ends of the extension segments for spinal plate and rod tests where extension segments are used to load the test sample (Fig. A2.2 of Specications and Test Methods F2193) (distance 0B in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 open cell, ncell not totally enclosed by its walls, and hence interconnecting with other cells. (See closed cell.) F1251

no load motion, nsome devices have a degree of free motion at xation points which allows relative motion to occur between the device and the bone with no elastic strain in the device and no (or minimal) change in load. This is termed no load motion. F1264 nominal saturated moisture content, Ms (%), napproximation of the amount of moisture absorbed by a specimen at saturation, expressed as a percentage of the weight of absorbed moisture at approximate saturation divided by the initial specimen weight, as follows: F1634
Ws 2 Wb M s, % 5 3 100 Wb

where: Ws = specimen weight at approximate saturation, g, and Wb = initial (baseline) specimen weight at t = 0 and standard laboratory atmosphere, g. non-animal derived, nterm describing the absence of any animal-derived tissue, proteins, or products in the manufacturing process. F2347 nonaqueous solvent, nin this assay refers to the organic or nonpolar solvent, which shall be dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or acetone olive oil (AOO). F2148 nonrecoverable movement, ndisplacement of the stent relative to the balloon such that if the shearing force was reduced to zero, the stent would remain displaced in the direction of the shearing force relative to the initial placement on the balloon. The force at which non-recoverable movement begins is dened as the initial displacement force. F2394 non-soluble debris, nresidue including metals, organic solids, inorganic solids, and ceramics. F2459 nontapping screw, nscrew that has a tip that does not contain a ute. Nontapping screws usually require a tap to be inserted into the pilot hole before the insertion of the screw, when used in moderate or hard bone. F543 non-water soluble residue, nresidue soluble in solvents other than water. Inclusive in this are oils, greases, hydrocarbons, and low molecular weight polymers. Typical solvents used to dissolve these residues include chlorinated or uorinated solvents, or low molecular weight hydrocarbons. F2459

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open cryotip, ndevice specically designed to apply the cryogen directly to the target tissue. F882 open section, nany cross section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a hollow IMFD in which there is a discontinuity of the outer wall. To orient the IMFD for testing and insertion, the desired relationship of the discontinuity to the sagittal and coronal planes should be described for the intended applications. F1264 open wound, nwound that communicates with the atmosphere by direct exposure. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 organosol, nsuspension of a nely divided plastic in a plasticizer, together with a volatile organic liquid.
DISCUSSIONThe volatile liquid evaporates at elevated temperatures, and the resulting residue is a homogeneous plastic mass, provided the temperature is high enough to accomplish mutual solution of the plastic F1251 and plasticizer.

elagic acid.) The material being tested acts as the activator. F2382 partially threaded screw, nscrew whose threaded portion does not extend fully from the screw point to the screw head but instead has a smooth shaft running between the head and threads. F543 passage, ntransfer or transplantation of cells, with or without dilution, from one culture vessel to another. It is understood that any time cells are transferred from one vessel to another, a certain portion of the cells may be lost and, therefore, dilution of cells, whether deliberate or not, may occur. This term is synonymous with the term subculture. F2664 passage number, nnumber of times the cells in the culture have been subcultured or passaged. In descriptions of this process, the ratio or dilution of the cells should be stated so that the relative cultural age can be ascertained. F2664 passivation, nchanging of the chemically active surface of stainless steel to a much less reactive state. F921 passivation, nprocess to render the surface condition of F1078 stainless steel chemically inactive. passive implant, nimplant that serves its function without supply of electrical power. F2182, F2213 patch, npiece of silicone elastomer that covers and seals the hole that results from the manufacturing process of shell fabrication. F2051 patch or base, npiece of silicone elastomer or reinforced silicone elastomer, which covers and seals the hole which results from the manufacturing process of shell fabrication. F1441 patella, nbone of the knee joint which articulates within the trochlear groove of the femur. F2451 PBS, nphosphate buffered saline, pH 7.2. F2148

orientation means, nany locus on the surface of the implant that is modied to assist the surgeon to position the implant. F881 orientation means, nany mark or palpable portion of an implantable breast prosthesis to assist the surgeon in positioning the implant. F703, F2051 orientation means, nany mark or palpable portion of a soft tissue expander to assist the surgeon in positioning. F1441 oxidation index (OI), noxidation index (OI) is dened as the ratio of the area of the carbonyl absorption peak(s) centered near 1720 cm-1 to the area of the absorption peak(s) centered near 1370 cm-1 , as shown in Fig. 1 of F2102. Note that the peak areas are computed after subtracting out the appropriate baseline, as further discussed in Section 6 of F2102. F2102 oxidation index prole, noxidation index prole is the graphical representation of variation of the samples oxidation index with distance from its articular surface or the surface of interest. This is a plot of an OI versus DL. Typically, the graph will show the prole through the entire thickness of the sample. F2102 paramagnetic material, nmaterial having a relative permeability which is slightly greater than unity, and which is practically independent of the magnetizing force. F2052, F2213 partial replacement disc, nstructure intended to restore a portion of the support and motion or a portion thereof, F1582 between adjacent vertebral bodies. partial thickness skin wound, nskin wound with the loss of the epidermis and part of the dermis, but retaining a layer of viable dermal tissue that includes the sources of epidermal cells from which the wound can heal spontaneously by epidermal tissue regeneration. F2311, F2312 partial thromboplastin time (PTT) assay, nmodication of the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) assay; unlike the APTT test, the PTT assay uses reagent (rabbit brain cephalin) without activating substances (silica, kaolin,

peak load, ninitial local maximum in the load versus displacement curve (Fig. 1). In certain radiation crosslinked UHMWPE materials, the load versus displacement curve increases monotonically and a shoulder, rather than an initial peak load, may be observed. F2183 percent error, nthe difference between a measurement of a reference standard and the actual length of the reference standard divided by the actual length of the reference standard and the result converted to a percent. F2537 % hemolysis, nquotient of the free plasma hemoglobin (mg/mL) released as a result of contact with test material or extract divided by the total hemoglobin (mg/mL) present in the blood solution multiplied by 100. F756
DISCUSSIONThis is synonymous with hemolytic index.

permanent deformation, nremaining linear or angular displacement (axialmm, angulardegrees or radians) relative to the initial unloaded condition of the articial intervertebral disc after the applied load or moment has been removed. F2346

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permanent displacement (mm), ntotal displacement in mm remaining after the applied load has been removed from the test specimen. F2193 permeability, nmeasure of uid, particle, or gas ow through an open pore structure. F2450 phenolic plastic, nplastic based on resins made by the condensation of phenols, such as phenol and cresol, with F1251 aldehydes. phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Ca and Mg free), nuse of phosphate buffered saline is preferable to the use of saline to maintain the pH. The use of magnesium- and calcium-free PBS is necessary to maintain the anticoagulant properties of the chelating agents used in collecting the blood. It is used as the background or blank for a hemolysis test. F756 pilot hole, nhole drilled into the bone into which the screw tip is inserted. The pilot hole is normally slightly larger than the screws core diameter. However, if the screw is to be used to provide compression across a fracture, a portion of the pilot hole may be larger to allow for a clearance t. F543 pilot holes in test block, npilot holes shall be drilled in the test block for insertion and removal of the test specimen. See Specication F543, Annex 2. F2502 pit, nin plastics, an imperfection, a small crater in the surface, the depth and width of which are approximately the F1251 same order of magnitude. pitch, nthe length between the thread crests. F543 point conguration, nshape of the point. Some common point congurations include, but are not limited to: taper, trocar, blunt, spatulated, conventional cutting edge, reverse cutting edge, cutting taper, and side cutting needle. F1840 pole of the articulating surface, npole of an articulating surface is dened by a point at the intercept of the revolution axis of the component and the spherical articulation surface. F2033 polybutylene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of butene as the sole monomer. (See also polybutylene plastic F1251 and butylene plastic.) polybutylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with F1251 butene as essentially the sole monomer. polycarbonate, npolymer in which the repeating structural unit in the chain is a carbonic acid ester of Bisphenol A. F1251 polyester, npolymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is of the ester type.
DISCUSSIONThe polyester is linear and thermoplastic if derived, either actually or formally, from (a) mono-hydroxy-mono-carboxylic acids by selfesterication, or (b) the interaction of diols and dicarboxF1251 ylic acids.

polyether, npolymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is of the ether type. F1251 polyethylene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of ethylene as the sole monomer. (See also polyethylene F1251 plastic and ethylene plastic.) polyethylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with ethylene as essentially the sole monomer.
DISCUSSIONIn common usage for this plastic, essentially means no less than 85 % ethylene and no less than 95 % total olens. F1251

plasma hemoglobin, namount of hemoglobin in the plasma. F756 plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coating, ncoating, consisting of at least 50 % hydroxyapatite by weight, prepared by plasma-spraying hydroxyapatite on a substrate. F2024 plastic, nany of numerous polymeric materials that are usually thermoplastic or thermosetting, of high molecular weight and that can be molded, cast extruded, drawn, laminated, or otherwise fabricated into objects, powders, beads, lms, laments, bers, or other shapes (Webster Modied). F1251 plasticizer, nsubstance incorporated into a material to increase its workability, exibility, or distensibility of the F1251, F665 material. plastisol, nliquid suspension of a nely divided PVC polymer or copolymer in a plasticizer.
DISCUSSIONThe polymer does not dissolve appreciably in the plasticizer at room temperature but does dissolve at elevated temperatures to form a homogeneous plastic mass (plasticized polymer).

polyethylene terephthalate, npolymer derived from terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol by condensation polymerization. F1251 polymer, nlong chain molecule composed of monomers including both natural and synthetic materials, for example, collagen, polycaprolactone. F2450 polymer, nsubstance consisting of molecules characterized by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions, and other minor irregularities) of one or more types of monoF1251 meric units. (See copolymer.) polymerization, nchemical reaction in which monomers are linked together to form polymers. (See also polycondensaF1251 tion and polyaddition.) polyolen, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of an olen(s) as the sole monomer(s). (See also polyolen F1251 plastic, olen plastic.) polyolen plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with an F1251 olen(s) as essentially the sole monomer(s). polyoxymethylene, npolymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is oxymethylene.

F1251 plate, nlongitudinal element asymmetrical in the transverse plane and designed to resist tension, compression, bending, and torsion. F1582 point, nportion of the needle intended to initiate tissue F1840 penetration.

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DISCUSSIONPolyoxymethylene is theoretically the simplest member of the generic class of polyacetals. F1251

polypropylene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of propylene as the sole monomer. (See also polypropylene F1251 plastic, propylene plastic.) polystyrene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of styrene as the sole monomer. (See also styrene plastic.) F1251 polyterephthalate, nthermoplastic polyester in which the terephthalate group is a repeated structural unit in the F1251 polymer chain. poly(vinyl acetate), npolymer prepared by the polymerizaF1251 tion of vinyl acetate as the sole monomer. poly(vinyl alcohol), npolymer prepared by the essentially complete hydrolysis of polyvinyl ester. F1251 poly(vinyl chloride), npolymer prepared by the polymerization of vinyl chloride as the sole monomer. F1251 pore, nliquid (uid or gas) lled externally connecting channel, void, or open space within an otherwise solid or gelatinous material (for example, textile meshes composed of many or single bers (textile based scaffolds), open cell foams, (hydrogels). Synonyms: open-pore, through-pore. F2450 pores, ninherent or induced network of channels and open spaces within an otherwise solid structure. F2150, F2312 porogen, nmaterial used to create pores within an inherently solid material. F2450
DISCUSSIONFor example, a polymer dissolved in an organic solvent is poured over a water-soluble powder. After evaporation of the solvent, the porogen is leached out, usually by water, to leave a porous structure. The percentage of porogen needs to be high enough to ensure that all the pores are interconnected.

porous coating, nregion on the exterior surface of the shell characterized by interconnecting subsurface pores, generally with volume porosity between 30 to 70 %, average pore size between 100 to 1000 m, and a thickness between 500 to 1500 m. This porous layer may be manufactured directly into the device by casting or by various electro/chemical/ thermal/mechanical means, or applied as a coating of particles, beads, or mesh by processes such as sintering or plasma spray. F2091 positive control, nmaterial capable of consistently producing a hemolysis of at least 8 % after subtraction of the results of the blank. F756
DISCUSSIONSuggested materials include, but are not limited to, BUNA N (Aero Rubber and other suppliers) and plastisol (Plasti-Coat, Watertown CT).

positive control, nsubstance capable of consistently stimulating lymphocyte proliferation. F2148 post, nnon-threaded anchor component that connects to the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs by means of a F1582 non-threaded hole in the bony element. post-in-well feature, nTKR design which tends to inuence kinematics through the coupling of a prominent eminence with a recess or housing in a mating component. F1223 post-preservation processing, vmanipulation of cells or tissue after completion of the preservation process. These steps include, but are not limited to, washing of the cells or tissue to remove the preservation medium/solution and/or specic chemical or biological agents; dilution or concentration of the cells or tissue; and warming to temperatures appropriate for the normal or desired physiological or biochemical functions, or both, of the cells or tissue. F2386 potential critical stress concentrator (CSC), nany change in section modulus, material property, discontinuity, or other feature of a design expected to cause a concentration of stress that is located in a region of the IMFD expected to be highly stressed under the normal anticipated loading conditions. F1264 potentiodynamic cyclic polarization (forward and reverse polarization), ntechnique in which the potential of the test specimen is controlled and the corrosion current measured by a potentiostat. The potential is scanned in the positive or noble (forward) direction as dened in Practice G3. The potential scan is continued until a predetermined potential or current density is reached. Typically, the scan is run until the transpassive region is reached, and the specimen no longer demonstrates passivity, as dened in Practice G3. The potential scan direction then is reversed until the specimen repassivates or the potential reaches a preset value. F2129 potentiostat, ninstrument for automatically maintaining an electrode in an electrolyte at a constant potential or controlled potentials with respect to a suitable reference electrode (see Terminology G15). F2129 power supply, nregulated voltage source with output equal to that required by the sensor for proper operation. F2537

porometry, ndetermination of the distribution of open pore diameters relative to the direction of uid ow by the displacement of a nonvolatile wetting uid as a function of pressure. F2450 porometry, ndetermination of the distribution of pore diameters relative to direction of uid ow by the displacement of a wetting liquid as a function of pressure. F2150, F2312 porosimetry, ndetermination of pore volume and pore size distribution through the use of a nonwetting liquid (typically mercury) intrusion into a porous material as a function of pressure. F2150, F2312, F2450 porosity, nproperty of a solid which contains an inherent or induced network of channels and open spaces.
DISCUSSIONPorosity can be measured by the ratio of pore (void) volume to the apparent (total) volume of a porous material and is F2150, F2312, F2450 commonly expressed as a percentage.

porous coating, ncoating on an implant deliberately applied to contain void regions with the intent of enhancing the xation of the implant. F1854

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preload, nresultant force Fpreload applied to the superior or inferior xture-end plate that simulates the in vivo load that an IVD prosthesis (original healthy disc) must resist. F2423
DISCUSSIONBased on a healthy disc, the primary component would be an axial compressive force FZ in the direction of the negative global Z axis, and it would pass through the in vivo physiologic instantaneous center of rotation (COR) of the IVD prosthesis. Shear components in the XY plane would be FX and FY. Lateral bending moment MX and exion/extension moment MY components would be created about the initial COR when the preload force does not pass through it

that may be encountered prior to or during clinical use of the device. Examples include subjecting the devices to elevated shipping temperature/humidity, catheter preparation per use instructions, pre-soaking, bending treatments, tracking treatments (tracking xture, see denition below) and tracking through lesion treatments (lesion xture, see denition below). F2394 pre-test treatment lesion xture, npre-test treatment xture used to simulate an anatomical vasculature and lesion. Use of the xture with a guide catheter, a guide-wire, and the stent-balloon catheter delivery system is intended to simulate the bending, frictional and mechanical resistance forces of tracking the device across the lesion site that may be encountered in the clinical setting. F2394 pre-test treatment tracking xture, npre-test treatment xture used to simulate an anatomical vasculature. Use of the xture with a guide catheter, a guide-wire and the stent-balloon catheter delivery system is intended to simulate the bending and frictional forces of tracking the device to the lesion site that may be encountered in the clinical setting. See the engineering diagrams in the Appendix of Guide F2394. Note that these engineering diagrams simulate vessels with a moderately difficult degree of coronary tortuousity but do not include simulated lesions. F2394 primary healing, nhealing by rst intention. F2312

prepolymer, npolymer of degree of polymerization between that of the monomer or monomers and the nal polymer. F1251 pre-preservation processing, nmanipulation of cells or tissue prior to the initiation of preservation. These steps include, but are not limited to, selection of specic cell populations for freezing, centrifugation to modify cell density, introduction of specic chemical or biological agents, and cooling. F2386 preservation medium, nspecic formulation of an aqueous or nonaqueous solution in which a population of cells or a tissue will be preserved. F2386 preservation technologies: F2386 anhydrobiotic preservation, npreservation by vaporization and removal of water. (1) desiccation, nprocess for anhydrobiotic preservation in which water is removed by evaporation. (2) freeze-drying, nprocess for anhydrobiotic preservation in which ice crystals are formed by freezing, and water is removed by sublimation and evaporation. (3) lyophilization, nin common usage, a synonym for freeze-drying. Whereas etymologically, this term also comprises other methods for anhydrobiotic preservation, care should be taken to avoid ambiguity. cryopreservation, npreservation by cooling to a temperature below the equilibrium freezing temperature of the preservation solution, such that there is solidication. The resulting solid may be either crystalline or amorphous, or a combination of crystalline and amorphous phases. (1) freezing, vcryopreservation by formation of crystals. Frozen cell suspensions or TEMPs typically contain both crystalline and amorphous water. (2) vitrication, ncryopreservation by formation of glass. Vitried cell suspensions or TEMPs may contain small amounts of crystalline water. hypothermic preservation, npreservation by cooling to any temperature below normothermic culture temperatures, such that biological components are suspended in a liquid phase. Hypothermic storage temperatures may be either above or below the equilibrium freezing temperature. preserve, vto stabilize for the purposes of maintaining the specic mechanical, structural, metabolic, or biological characteristics. F2386 pre-test treatment, ntreatment of the stent delivery system prior to the evaluation of securement that simulates preparatory, environmental, mechanical or other conditions

primary wound closure, nwound closure for healing by rst F2312 intention. processed biologics, ncells, tissues, or organs that have undergone manipulation for use in the manufacture of TEMPs; processing here extends beyond the minimal manipulation or processing as it is applied in the eld of structural, reproductive and metabolic tissue transplantation.20 A processed biologic may be used as a component of F2312 a TEMP. processing, vtany activity performed on cells, tissues, and organs other than recovery, such as preparation and preserF2312 vation for storage and packaging. processing aids, nany constituent intentionally used in the processing of the raw material to fulll a certain technological purpose during treatment or processing, which may result in the unintentional but technically unavoidable presence of residues of the substance or its derivatives in the nal product (<5 % by weight), provided that these residues do not present any health risk. Some examples would be: binders, lubricants, compaction aids, disintegrants, plasticizers, deocculants, wetting agents, water retention agents, antistatic agents, antifoam agents, foam stabilizers, chelating or sequestering agents, phase stabilizers, and so forth. F2224 processing materials, nany item or material that is not a component of the TEMP and is in contact with the cells, F2312 tissues, and organs during processing.
20 FDA Final Rule Governing Human Tissue Intended for Transplantation, 21 CFR, Part 1270, Section 1271.3(f), 1998.

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propylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers of propylene or copolymers of propylene with other monomers, the F1251 propylene being in the greatest amount by mass. proximal, adjrefers to the balloon end of the catheter, since when in position for clinical use, the balloon end is proximal or closest to the patient. F623 proximal end, nthat portion of the instrument that is closest F921, F1078 to the surgeon when in use. pseudoelasticity, nsee superelasticity. F2005 upon heating, for the martensite to R-phase transformation in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R'-phase start temperature (R's), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to R-phase transformation begins on F2005 heating in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). R value, nR value is the ratio of the minimum force to the maximum force. F1440
R5 minimum force maximum force

puncture force, nminimum force applied to the representative sharp object that causes its tip to penetrate (exit) the opposite side of the test specimen from the side that it entered when tested in accordance with the test procedure portion, Section 6, of Specication F2132. F2132 puncture resistant, advregion of uniform material and thickness is dened as puncture resistant if it meets Section 4 of this specication when tested in accordance with Section 6 of Specication F2132. F2132 puncture test specimen, ntest specimen that has been punctured using the puncture test described in 6.3, and subsequently evaluated using the direct or indirect methods described in 7.1 and 7.2 of Specication F2132. F2132 pyrogen, nany substance that produces fever. F2312, F2315 pyrogen, nany substance that produces fever when administered parenterally. F2103, F2347 Rcradius of curvature for single radius axisymmetric domes only. F1672 R-phase, n(in nitinol), intermediate phase which may form between austenite and martensite.
DISCUSSIONThis occurs in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys under certain conditions. The crystal lattice of the R-Phase is a rhombohedral distortion of the cubic austenite crystal lattice structure, hence the name F2005 R-phase.

R value, nR value is the ratio of the minimum load to the maximum load. F1800, F2580
R5 minimum load maximum load

radial component, narticulating member inserted into the radius for articulation with the carpal component. F1357 radio frequency (RF) magnetic eld, nmagnetic eld in MRI that is used to ip the magnetic moments. The frequency of the RF eld is gB0 where g is the gyromagnetic constant, 42.56 MHz/T for protons, and B0 is the static magnetic eld in Tesla. F2182, F2503 radio pair, none set of RSA radiographs which were taken simultaneously. F2385 radiographic marker, nnonstructural, generally thin wire, designed to be apparent on X-rays taken after placement of implants that otherwise would be unapparent on such X-rays. F2091 radiostereometric analysis (RSA), nmethod developed by Goren Selvik for measuring relative motion between two parts from clinical radiographs.21 This method uses in vivo tantalum beads, an external reference cage, and two X-ray generators that take two exposures simultaneously. There are several commercially available software/hardware packages for RSA analysis. F2385 ratchets, nportion of both the female and the male members possessing inclined teeth that forms the locking mechanism. F921 rated volume, nstated volume of ination of the retention balloon of the enteral feeding device in the manufacturers labeling and instructions for use. F2528 raw count, nenumeration of the cell population not corrected for coincidence. F2149, F2312 read time, ntime during which data is collected to detect a clot. F2382 recipient, nindividual or organism into whom materials are F2312 grafted or implanted. reconstitute, vto add a solvent or diluent to an anhydrobiotically preserved sample in order to dissolve or suspend its components. F2386
21 Selvik, G., et al., Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Analysis (RSA) in Total Hip and Knee Joint Replacement, Biomechanical Measurement in Orthopaedic Practice, D. Harris, Editor, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985, pp. 274-282.

R-phase nish temperature (Rf), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to R-phase is completed on cooling in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R-phase peak temperature (Rp), n(in nitinol), temperature of the exothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon cooling for the austenite to R-phase transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R-phase start temperature (Rs), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to R-phase begins on cooling in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R'-phase nish temperature (R'f), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to R-phase transformation is completed on heating in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R'-phase peak temperature (R'p), n(in nitinol), temperature of the endothermic peak position on the DSC curve

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recovery, nobtaining of cells or tissues which may be used F2312 for the production of TEMPs. referee test method, nmethod cited in the published specication for the device. This method and the corresponding requirements will be invoked when the performance of the medical device will be questioned. The manufacturer need not use this referee test method in his usual inspection and quality control. F623 Reference Line L1, distal stem axis, nmedial-lateral (M-L) centerline of the most distal 50 mm of stem in the A-P projection. F1440 Reference Line L2: collared device, nplane of the distal side of the collar in the A-P projection. F1440 collarless device, nresection plane recommended for the device in the A-P projection. F1440 Reference Point P1, nspherical center of the prosthesis head. F1440 Reference Point P3: collared device, nintersection of the principal axis of the collar (L2) with the medial surface of the stem in the A-P projection. F1440 collarless device, nintersection of the resection plane (L2) with the medial surface of the stem in the A-P projection. F1440 Reference Point P4, ndistal tip of the stem. F1440 Reference Point P622, nintersection of the cantilever plane with the medial surface of the stem in the A-P projection. F1440 reux system, napparatus containing an extraction vessel and a solvent return system. It is designed to allow boiling of the solvent in the extraction vessel and to return any vaporized solvent to the extraction vessel. F2459 regenerative biology, nscientic discipline that endeavors to understand how tissues and organs are replaced naturally. The principles of regenerative biology can be applied in F2312 tissue engineering to generate TEMPs. regenerative medicine, nbranch of medical science that applies the principles of regenerative biology to specically restore or recreate the structure and function of human cells, tissues, and organs that do not adequately regenerate. F2312 region of uniform material and thickness, nsharps-contact areas of the container, in aggregate, that are made of the same homogeneous, composite, or laminated material, and, as a consequence of fabrication or design or both, are expected to have the same material and thickness as compared to other areas of the container. For example, in molded containers, the corners could be expected to be of different thickness than the sides and bottom, resulting in different regions of uniform material and thickness. Labels, tabs, membranes, or thin lms covering openings in the container are considered separate regions of uniform material and thickness. F2132 reinforced plastic, nplastic with high strength llers imbedded in the composition, resulting in some mechanical properties superior to those of the base resin. (See also ller.)
DISCUSSIONThe reinforcing llers are usually bers, fabrics, or mats made of bers. F1251

reinforced silicone elastomer, ncomposite of silicone elastomer and an embedded textile made from polyethylene terephthalate (such as Dacron) bers. F1441 reins, nsolid or pseudosolid organic material often of high molecular weight, which exhibits a tendency to ow when subjected to stress, usually has a softening or melting range, and usually fractures conchoidally.
DISCUSSIONIn a broad sense, the term is used to designate any polymer that is basic material for plastics. F1251

removal torque, namount of torque required to overcome the frictional force between the screw and the material used for testing while removing the screw from the material (for example, counterclockwise rotation for right-hand thread). F543 reparative medicine, nbranch of medical science whereby clinicians use surgical methods to repair or modify the structure and function of patients cells, tissues, or organs. The principles of reparative medicine can be applied in F2312 tissue engineering to generate TEMPs. replacement disc, nstructure intended to restore support and F1582 motion between adjacent vertebral bodies. reprocessing, vtreworking of cells, tissues, and organs of unacceptable quality from a dened stage of processing, so that the quality may be rendered acceptable by one or more F2312 additional operations. residence time, ntime at which an implanted material (synthetic or natural) can no longer be detected in the host tissue. F2451 residual elongation, Elr[%], ndifference between the strain at a stress of 7.0 MPa during unloading and the strain at a stress of 7.0 MPa during loading. F2516 residual elongation (Elr[%]), n(in nitinol), strain after tensile loading to 6 % strain and unloading to 7 MPa. F2005 resin, nany polymer that is a basic material for plastics.23 F1635 retention element, nany ring, taper, wire, or other protrusion or cavity from the interior surface of the shell or the exterior surface of the bearing element that is intended to affix the bearing element to the shell. F2091

22 The reference points and lines are consistent with the Proposed Standard Specication for Cementable Total Hip Prostheses with Femoral Stems. The reference points P2 and P5 in that proposed specication are not relevant to this practice. Consequently, they are not used in this practice.

Polymer Technology Dictionary, Tony Whelan, Ed., Chapman & Hall, 1994.

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reuse, nrepeated or multiple use of any medical component (whether labeled SUD or reusable) with reprocessing (cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization, or combination thereof) between patient uses. F2459 rewarm, vto warm from preservation temperature to a temperature required for use (for example, additional culture or clinical use). F2386 Reynolds number, ndimensionless number expressing the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces in a moving uid. The number is given by VLr/m where V, is the uids velocity, L is a characteristic length or distance such as pipe diameter, r is the uids mass density, and m is the uids dynamic viscosity. F4410, F2664 rhBMP, nrecombinant human bone morphogenetic protein. F2312 ride, nedge that acts as a cam F1078 ruggedness, ndegree of reproducibility of the same sample under a variety of normal conditions; for example, different operators. F2149, F2312 run out (cycles), nmaximum number of cycles that a test needs to be carried to if functional failure has not yet occurred. F2423 runout, npredetermined number of cycles at which the testing on a particular specimen will be stopped, and no further testing on that specimen will be performed. For the purposes of this test method, the runout will be 5 million load cycles. F2118 safety, nfreedom from unacceptable risk in the MR environment. F2503 saline, n0.9 % sodium chloride (aqueous, polar solvent). F2148 saline, nonly sodium chloride for injection (USP) is recommended for lling lumens of inatable breast prosthesis. F2051 saline, nonly sodium chloride for injection (USP) is recommended for lling lumens of soft tissue expanders. F1441 saline, nsodium chloride injection USP. saran plastic, nsee vinylidene chloride plastic. F703 F1251

ride relief, ncontoured area between the shank and ride. F1078 rigid plastic, nfor purposes of general classication, a plastic that has a modulus of elasticity either in exure or in tension greater than 700 MPa (100 000 psi) at 23C and 50 % relative humidity when tested in accordance with Test F1251 Methods D747, D790, D638, or D882. rod, nlongitudinal element symmetrical in the transverse plane designed to resist tension, compression, bending, and torsion. F1582 rod diameter (mm), nlength in mm of a chord passing through the center of the rods cross section. F2193 rod length (mm), noverall dimension measured in mm between the ends of a given rod. F2193 room temperature vulcanization (RTV), none-part elastomer which cures in the presence of atmospheric moisture. Little, if any, acceleration of cure rate is realized by increasing temperature. Because cure is dependent upon diffusion of water into the elastomer, cure in depths of greater than 0.64 cm is not recommended. F2042 rotary laxity (RL), ndegree of relative angular motion permitted of moveable component about the z-axis as governed by inherent geometry and load conditions. F1223 rotary torque, nmoment applied to the moveable component with its vector aligned to an axis parallel to the z-axis and causing or intending to cause an internal or external rotation. F1223 rounded blade, nblade having a radius on its outer surface which forms a transition between the outer edge and the F1078 cutting edges. rubber, nelastic substance derived from various tropical plants, such as the general Hevea and Ficus, essentially a polymer of isoprene; the term is frequently applied to both natural and synthetic elastic substances (Webster Modied). F1251

scaffold, nsupport, delivery vehicle, or matrix for facilitating the migration, binding, or transport of cells or bioactive molecules used to replace, repair, or regenerate tissues. F2312, F2450, F2664 scan rate, nrate at which the controlling voltage is changed. F2129 scar, nbrous tissue replacing normal tissues destroyed by injury or disease. Stedmans,24 F2311, F2312 scissoring, vlateral misalignment. screw, nfastener which joins the scissor halves. F1638 F1078

screw, nanchor component that connects to the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs by means of threads. F1582 screw head, nend of the screw which is opposite of the tip and from which the means of inserting the screw is coupled. F543 screw interconnection, ninterconnection having an implant component sandwiched between the screw head (or screw thread) and bony element or other implant components. F1582 screw length, noverall length of the screw measured from the screw head to the screw tip. F543 screw thread, nhelical groove on a cylindrical or conical surface. The projecting helical ridge thus formed is called a
24 Stedman, T. L., Stedmans Medical Dictionary, 27th Ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2000.

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screw thread, consisting of peaks (crests) and valleys (roots). F543 secondary healing, nhealing by second intention. F2312 sensor housing, ncentral hole in a linear displacement sensor that senses movement of the core within it. F2537 serrations, ncorrugations in the cutting edge of the blades. F1078 serrations or teeth, ngripping or clamping surfaces of the jaws. F921 set, npositioning of the blade for proper cutting action. F1078 set, nat rest position of the instrument halves that will provide the intended closing relationship of t and force. F1638 shaft screw, nthreaded anchor having an unthreaded shank equal to its thread diameter. F2193 shank, npart of either the female or the male member that F921 yields conguration, length, and leverage. shank, n(1) part of either scissor half that yields conguration, length, and leverage; (2) part of the scissor F1078 between the nger ring and joint. shape memory alloy, nmetal that, after an apparent plastic deformation in the martensitic phase, undergoes a thermoelastic change in crystal structure when heated through its transformation temperature range resulting in a recovery of F2005 the deformation. sharps, nitems used in medical treatment, diagnoses, or research that may cause puncture wounds, cuts, or tears in skin or mucous membranes, including, but not limited to: hypodermic, surgical, suture, and IV needles; Pasteur pipets, lancets, razors, scalpels, and other blades and sharp objects. F2132 sharps-contact areas, nmaterial of a container that represents those surfaces that enclose sharps within the container, when in its nal closure conguration (that is, disposal conguration). F2132 shear load; shear translation, nforce and displacement, respectively, parallel to the glenoid plane, applied, for example, in the superior/inferior or anterior/posterior direction (see Figs. 1 and 2 of Test Methods F2028); the shear load simulates the net shear external and active and passive soft tissue forces. F2028 shear stress, ncomponents of stress that act parallel to the F2664 plane of the surface.25 sheeting, nform of plastic in which the thickness is very small in proportion to length and width and in which the plastic is present as a continuous phase throughout, with or F1251 without ller. (See also lm.) shell, nmetal structure supporting the articulating surface material, and which may be xed rigidly to the articulating

secondary wound closure, nwound closure for healing by F2312 second intention. securement test, guide-type, nstent securement test that is similar to the clinical scenario of pulling an undeployed stent delivery system back into a guide catheter, arterial sheath or hemostasis valve. Examples include guides, rings, or shims ideally designed to engage the stent end or body but not the catheter balloon. The shim securement test, described in Section 7 of Guide F2394, uses complementary thin, rigid plates with rounded V notches that are sized to circumferentially engage the stent end but not the catheter balloon. See the engineering diagrams in the Appendix of Guide F2394. F2394 securement test, lesion-type, nstent securement test that is similar to the clinical scenario of pushing or pulling an undeployed stent delivery system through or around a brous or calcied lesion. Examples include tape, nubs, protrusions or sandpaper ideally designed to engage the stent end or body but not the catheter balloon. F2394 seeding, vdeliberate initiation of ice crystal formation in a supercooled aqueous solution under controlled conditions. When ice forms either spontaneously or as a result of the inclusion of nucleating agents in the cryopreservation solution, this is referred to as nucleation. F2386 segmented polyurethane, nfamily of polymers in which ester or ether groups, connected by hydrocarbon chains, occur as blocks that are coupled by urethane and urea groups. F624 self-locking screw, nthreaded anchor design that undergoes a deformation process at the end of the insertion process which results in the screws locking to the mating spinal construct element. F2193 self-tapping force (N), namount of axial force required to engage the self-tapping features of self-tapping style screws when tested in accordance with Annex A4 of Specication F543. F543 self-tapping screw, na screw that has any number of utes at its tip which are intended to cut the screws thread form into the bone upon insertion. F543 semirigid plastic, nfor purposes of general classication, a plastic that has a modulus of elasticity either in tension of between 70 and 700 MPa (10 000 and 100 000 psi) at 23C and 50 % relative humidity when tested in accordance with F1251 Test Methods D747, D790, or D882. senescence, nin vertebrate cell cultures, the property attributable to nite cell cultures; namely, their inability to grow beyond a nite number of population doublings. Neither invertebrate nor plant cell cultures exhibit this property. This term is synonymous with in vitro senescence. F2664

25 Curtis, A., Substratum Nanotopography and the Adhesion of Biological Cells: Are Symmetry and Regularity of Nanotopography Important? Biophysical Chemistry, 94, 2001, pp. 275283.

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surface or xed such that it allows the articulating surface to rotate or translate. F2091 shell, nsilicone elastomer continuous layer or membrane container (sac) which encloses a lumen of an implantable breast prosthesis. F2051 shell, nsilicone elastomer continuous layer or membrane container (sac) which encloses a lumen of a soft tissue expander. F1441 shell, nsilicone elastomer continuous layer or membrane container (sac) that encloses a lumen or multiple lumens of an implantable breast prosthesis. F703 sideplate, nthat portion of the angle device generally aligned with the bones long axis which attaches to the bone via bone screws (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 sideplate length, L, ndistance from the free end of the sideplate to the interior vertex of the barrel/sideplate junction, shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384. F384 sideplate thickness, b, nthickness of the sideplate as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384. F384 sideplate width, w, nwidth of the sideplate as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384. F384 signal conditioner, nelectronic equipment that acts to convert the raw electrical output from the linear displacement sensor into a more useful signal by amplication and ltering. F2537 silicone base, nuniformly blended mixture of silicone polymers, llers, and additives which does not contain crosslinkers or catalyst. F2038 silicone elastomer, nelastomer containing cross-linked siliF1251 cone polymer and llers, usually silica. silicone elastomer, nelastomer containing cross-linked silicone polymer and fumed amorphous (noncrystalline) silica as a reinforcing ller. F703, F1441, F2051 silicone elastomer, nuncured elastomer that has been subjected to conditions which cause it to become crosslinked. Elastomers may be either high consistency rubbers, low consistency rubbers, or RTVs (see following). F2038 foams, nare crosslinked materials which have a component added to them that generates a volatile gas as the material is being vulcanized. This results in a material with a very low density. These are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. They conform to an irregular surface as they expand to provide intimate contact and protection from the environment but are more rigid and provide more strength than gels. Since foams are expanded elastomers, on a weight basis they are highly crosslinked relative to gels. Most cure conditions will result in a closed cell foam. F2038 gels, nare lightly crosslinked materials having no or relatively low levels of reinforcement beyond that provided by the crosslinked polymer. They are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. The hardness of the gel can be adjusted within wide limits. The material is not usually designed to bear heavy loads but rather to conform to an irregular surface providing intimate contact. As a result, loads are distributed over a wider area. These materials may also be used to provide protection from environmental contaminants. F2038 high consistency rubbers (HCRS, nare materials which cannot be pumped by conventional pumping equipment. They normally must be processed using high shear equipment such as a two-roll mill and parts are typically fabricated using compression or transfer molding techniques. F2038 low consistency rubbers or liquid silicone rubbers (LSRS), nare normally owable materials which can be readily pumped. They can be mixed by pumping through static mixers and parts can be fabricated using injection molding techniques. F2038 RTVs (room temperature vulcanization), nare one-part elastomers which cure in the presence of atmospheric moisture. Little, if any, acceleration of cure rate is realized by increasing temperature. Because cure is dependent upon diffusion of water into the elastomer, cure in depths greater than 0.25 in. (0.635 cm) is not recommended. F2038 silicone gel, nsemisolid material consisting of a crosslinked silicone polymer network in which liquid silicone polymer is held (see denition of gel in Terminology F1251). F703 silicone polymer, npolymer of alternating silicon-oxygen atoms consisting of repeating of diorganosiloxy groups. F1251 silicone polymer, npolymer chains having a backbone consisting of repeating silicon-oxygen atoms where each silicon atom bears two organic groups. The organic groups are typically methyl, but can be vinyl, phenyl, uorine, or other organic groups. F2038 simulated gastric uid, nsolution consisting of hydrochloric acid, salt and pepsin with a pH of approximately 1.2, per USP standard recipe. F2528 single-use component (SUD), ndisposable component; intended to be used on one patient during a single procedure. F2459 size, nidentication of a screw based on its nominal thread diameter, as dened in Section 6 of Specication F543. F543 size thresholds, ninstruments lower and upper size settings for the particular cell population; adjustable size gate. Cells or fragments outside the size settings are excluded from the analyses. F2149, F2312 skeletal maturity, nage at which the epiphyseal plates are fused. F2451 skin, nouter integument or covering of the body, consisting of the dermis and the epidermis, and resting upon the subcutaneous tissues. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 skin allograft therapy, ntreatment of skin wound or skin ulcer by the temporary topical application of skin allograft(s). F2311, F2312

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skin replacement surgery, nsurgery that permanently replaces lost skin with healthy skin. F2311, F2312 skin substitute, nbiomaterial, engineered tissue, or combination of biomaterials and cells or tissues that can be substituted for a skin allograft, a skin autograft, an epidermal autograft, or a dermal autograft in a clinical procedure. F2311, F2312 sleeve interconnection, ninterconnection in which an implant component passes through any opening that limits F1582 motion in one or more planes. small punch test, ntest wherein the specimen is of miniature size relative to conventional mechanical test specimens, is disk-shaped, and is loaded axisymmetrically in bending by a hemispherical-head punch. F2183 S-N diagram, nplot of stress against the number of cycles to failure. The stress can be maximum stress Smax, minimum stress Smin, stress range S or Sr, or alternating stress Sa. The diagram indicates the S-N relationship for a specied value of Sm (mean stress) A, or R (load or stress ratio), and a specied probability of survival. For N, a log scale is almost always used. For S, a linear scale is used most often, but a log scale is sometimes used. DISCUSSIONSee Denitions E1150. F1582 solid core, nscrew that does not contain a cannulation along its longitudinal axis. F543 solubility, nmeasure of the extent to which the material can be dissolved.
DISCUSSIONIn the context of collagen, refers to the dissociation of the brillar aggregates of collagen molecules into a solution. Native Type I collagen which is soluble in dilute acids, but not soluble in neutral pH conditions is termed insoluble or acid soluble while simple aggregates of non-brillar collagen soluble in neutral salt solutions are termed neutral salt soluble. Post translational surface charge modications may alter the solubility of collagen in neutral pH F2212, F2312 condition.

altered in biological characteristics ex vivo to be administered to humans and applicable to the prevention, treatment, cure, diagnosis, or mitigation of disease or injuries. Somatic cell therapy products may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312 sound pressure at threshold, pthreshold, nstimulus sound eld pressure at the threshold of audibility. F2504 specic absorption rate (SAR), nmass normalized rate at which RF energy is deposited in biological tissue. SAR is typically indicated in W/kg. F2182, F2503 specimen failure, ncondition at which the specimen completely breaks or is damaged to such an extent that the load frame is no longer able to apply the intended stress within the required limits. F2118 specimen portion, nunit or units of plastic placed into the extraction vehicle. F619 split thickness skin autograft, nskin [auto]graft consisting of the epidermis and a portion of dermis. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 stabilizer, nsubstance added to a plastic that will retard the deterioration of the plastic due to the effects of heat, light, or oxidation. F665 stainless steel, nraw material on the instrument that is in F921, F1078 accordance with Specication F899. standard laboratory atmosphere, nlaboratory atmosphere having a temperature of 23 6 2C and a relative humidity of 50 6 10 %. F1634 stapes velocity (IMEHD-aided), vA, ntranslational velocity of the stapes when driven by the IMEHD output transducer, specied in units of mm/s. F2504 stapes velocity (unimplanted), vU, ntranslational velocity of the stapes when driven by sound input to the middle ear specied in units of mm/s. F2504 staple, nanchor component that connects the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs to each other or to other implant components by using at least two interconnected posts. F1582 static test, nsingle cycle loading tests designed to evaluate the mechanical properties of materials, components, interconnections, subconstructs, constructs, subassemblies, or assemblies.
DISCUSSIONThe mechanical properties can include stiffness, exibility, failure loads and stresses, and yield and ultimate strengths dened in the associated test standard, that is, the properties associated with elastic and inelastic reactions when force is applied or those that F1582 involve a relationship between stress and strain.

solution anneal, solution heat treatment, vto heat treat in F2005 order to remove precipitates. somatic cell, nis any cell other than a germ or stem cell. Somatic cells may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312 somatic cell therapy, nis the prevention, treatment, cure, diagnosis, or mitigation of disease or injuries in humans by the administration of autologous, allogeneic, or xenogeneic cells that have been manipulated or altered ex vivo. Manufacture of products for somatic cell therapy involves the ex vivo propagation, expansion, selection, or pharmacologic treatment of cells, or other alteration of their biological characteristics. For the purposes of TEMPs somatic cell therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate TEMPs, for human and non-human use. F2312 somatic cell therapy products, nare dened as autologous (that is, self), allogeneic (that is, intra-species), or xenogeneic (that is, inter-species) cells that have been propagated, expanded, selected, pharmacologically treated, or otherwise

stem cells, nprogenitor cells capable of self-replication, proliferation, and differentiation. F2312 stem reference angle X, nangle between the stem reference line and the line of load application. F1440

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stem reference line, nline passing through Reference Point P6 and the center of the prosthesis head (P1). F1440 stent recoil, namount, expressed as a percentage, by which the diameter of a stent changes from the expanded diameter measured with the stent on the inated delivery balloon to the nal value measured after deating the balloon. F2079 sterility, ngenerally, the state of being free of microorganisms. For purposes of this specication, sterility is dened as freedom from microorganisms when tested according to the methodology dened by the USP for nonparenteral devices. F623 sterility, nstate of being free from viable micro-organisms. F2528 sterilization, ndestruction or removal of all microorganisms in or about an object, as by, chemical agents, electron beam, gamma irradiation, ultraviolet (UV) exposure, or ltration. F2312 sterilization, ndestruction or removal of all microorganisms in or about an object. F2212
DISCUSSIONExamples are by chemical agents, electron beam, gamma irradiation, ultraviolet (UV) exposure, or ltration.

stroke rate, nrate of the stroke displacement of the force applicator. F2345 structural stiffness, nmaximum slope of the elastic portion of the load-displacement curve as dened and measured according to the test conducted. For bending in a specied plane, this term is dened and determined in the static four-point bend test described in Annex A1 of Specication and Test Methods F1264. F1264 stylus tip, nstylus tip is the tip of the measuring device (diamond or Focodyn) that measures the surface roughness. A stylus has a pseudoconical shape with a hemispherical tip. Typical sizes for the tip are 2, 5, or 10 m. The selection of the stylus tip is dependent on the range of the roughness measured. F2033 styrene plastic, nplastic based on polymers of styrene or copolymers of styrene with other monomers, the styrene being greatest amount by mass. F1251 subassembly, nany portion of an implant assembly that is F1582 composed of two or more components. subchondral plate, nmargin of compact bone in direct apposition to the articular cartilage. F2451 subconstruct, nany portion of an implant construct that is composed of two or more components including the spine, pelvis, ribs, or substitute structure. F1582 subluxation load, npeak shear load required for subluxation, for example, the peak resistive force at the glenoid articular rim opposing movement of the humeral head. F2028 subluxation translation, ndistance from the glenoid origin (see Fig. 2 of Test Methods F2028), parallel to the glenoid plane, to the point at which the subluxation load occurs. F2028 substrate, nsolid material to which the porous coating is attached. F1854 substrate failure, nfailure of the tissue substrate. F2458

stiffness (axialn/mm, angularnmm/degree or nmm/ radian), nslope of the initial linear portion of the loaddisplacement curve or the slope of the initial linear portion of the moment-angular displacement curve. This is illustrated as the slope of the line OG in Fig. 6. If the device does not exhibit a linear initial load/displacement curve, the displacement should be reported at 30, 60, and 90 % of the yield load or moment. F2346 stop pin, npin of preset length affixed to the inside of one of the tweezer halves designed to limit teeth contact upon F1638 closure and prevent their damage. storage temperature, ntemperature at which the cells, tissue, or TEMP is held after completion of the cooling process. F2386 strand, ngroup of wires helically twisted together. F2180

substrate interface, nregion where the porous coating is attached to the substrate. F1854 substrates, nraw or virgin materials that will ultimately be used in tissue-engineered medical products for growth, support, or delivery of cells or biomolecules. F2027, F2312 supercool, vto cool to a temperature below the equilibrium melting point of the solution without initiating ice formation. F2386 superelasticity, nnonlinear recoverable deformation behavior of Ni-Ti shape memory alloys at temperatures above the austenite nish temperature (Af).
DISCUSSIONThe nonlinear deformation arises from the stressinduced formation of martensite on loading and the spontaneous reversion of this crystal structure to austenite upon unloading. F2005

stress, S, nintensity at a point in a body of the forces or components of force that act on a given plane through the point.
DISCUSSIONStress is expressed in units of force per unit area (pounds-force per square inch, megapascals, and so forth). (See F1582 Terminology E6.)

stress-crack, nexternal or internal crack in a plastic caused by tensile stresses less than its short-time mechanical strength.
DISCUSSIONThe development of such cracks is frequently accelerated by the environment to which the plastic is exposed. The stresses which cause cracking may be present internally or externally or may be F1251 combinations of these stresses.

stress level, nvalue of stress at which a series of duplicate tests are performed. For the purposes of this test method, the stress level is reported as the maximum stress applied to the specimen. F2118

superior/inferior (SI), anterior/posterior (AP), nSI axis is the longest dimension and the AP axis the widest dimension of the glenoid (see Fig. 2 of Test Methods F2028). F2028

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supplied form, ncondition of the foam product when received from the supplier by the end user. F1839 liquid, ntwo liquid components (base and activator) that can be mixed by the end user to produce a rigid, unicellular foam slab. F1839 solid, nfoam is in a uniform solid form, such as a slab, plate, or block. F1839 supported stem length, nvertical distance between the distal tip of the stem (P4) and the cantilever plane. F1440 surface area, nprojected surface area of a part. This area does not include the internal porosity of parts with cancellous, porous, or wire structure. F2459 surface nish, nmeasured roughness of surface of taper cone or head bore as determined by DIN 4768. F2345 surface oxidation index (SOI), nsamples surface oxidation index (SOI) is the average of the oxidation indices from the samples articular surface, or the surface of interest, to a depth of 3-mm subsurface. F2102 surface prole, nsurface prole formed by the intersection of a real surface by a specied plane. It is customary to select a plane that lies perpendicular to the direction of lay unless otherwise indicated. ISO 13565-1 and ISO 4287, F2664 surface texturing, nrepetitive or random deviations from the nominal surface that forms the three dimensional topography of the surface. F2091 surgical scissors with inserts, nstainless steel instrument, available in various sizes and congurations, used in surgical procedures for cutting body tissue, gauze, and suture. An instrument of this type has tungsten carbide, stellite, or other F1078 inserts. suspension, ndispersion of a solid through a liquid with a particle size large enough to be detected by purely optical means. F2212, F2312 swage, nterm used to describe any attachment method that uses mechanical force to crimp the end of the needle and F1840 rmly hold the suture in place. syngeneic, ncells, tissues, and organs in which the donor has an unreactive genotype with the recipient. Synonyms: F2312 syngraft, isograft, isogeneic, or isogenic. synovial uid, nuid secreted by synovium providing lubrication and nutrition to the joint surfaces. F2451 synovium, nepithelial lining of synovial joint cavities that produce synovial uid. F2451 T1total overall prosthetic thickness, for example, from the apex of the dome to the free end of pegs or other xation geometry. F1672 T2thickness of the patellar prosthesis from the plane of the bone-prosthesis interface (excluding pegs, keels, and so forth) to the apex of the articulating surface. F1672 T3minimum polymer thickness of the patellar prosthesis in direct contact with the femoral component that is at risk for wear; this is measured perpendicular to the tangent of the wear surface at the point of contact with the femoral component. F1672
DISCUSSIONThe dimension T3 is described in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F1672 to be a distance from a surface contact point to an internal peg or an edge of the metal back. The exact location of the minimum thickness at risk may be at a different site and will depend on the design of the patella prosthesis and the mating femoral component. For devices manufactured from a single material, T3 should be measured from the wear surface to the back of the xation surface.

tack, nability of an adhesive to form a bond to a surface after brief contact under light pressure. F2664 target tissue, nspecic anatomical area intended to be treated. F882 TCA, n5 % trichloroacetic acid. F2148

teeth, nserrations formed on the inside faces of the distal end of the tweezer halves. F1638 telomer, npolymer composed of molecules having terminal groups incapable of reacting with additional monomers, under the conditions of the synthesis, to form larger polymer F1251 molecules of the same chemical type. temperature prole, nthe time-temperature history of a sample during cooling or warming. F2386 tesla, (T), nSI unit of magnetic induction equal to 104 gauss (G). F2052, F2213, F2503 test block, ncomponent of the test apparatus for mounting the articial intervertebral disc in the intended test conguration. F2346 test block, ntest block shall be fabricated from a uniform material that conforms to Specication F1839. See Specication F543, Annex 2. F2502 test frequency, nrate of cyclic repetition of fatigue loading in cycles per second. F2345 test specimen, nsample of material being evaluated for puncture resistance that is taken from the actual container (direct method) or a representative example of the material and thickness having the same characteristics as the actual container (indirect method). Refer to Section 5 of Specication F2132. F2132 test specimen, ntest specimen shall be a completely fabricated and nished bioabsorbable bone screw. F2502 testing xture, ntorsion testing apparatus that is to be used for applying the required torque to the specimen shall be calibrated for the range of torques and rotational displacements used in the determination. A suitable testing xture for the torsional yield strength-maximum torque-breaking angle test is illustrated in Fig. A1.1 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. F2502 thaw, vto warm from a cryopreserved state to a temperature above the melting point of the preservation medium. F2386

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thermal insulation, nmaterial or technique, or both, used to prevent unintended cryonecrosis, inammatory responses, or cryoadhesion to nontarget tissue. F882 thermocouple, njunction of two dissimilar metals that produce an output voltage proportional to the temperature of the junction. When used in conjunction with a cryometer(s), the output is directly correlated to the temperature to which the sensing junction is exposed. F882 thermoelastic martensitic transformation, n(in nitinol), diffusion-less thermally reversible phase change characterized by a change in crystal structure.
DISCUSSIONThis is a process in which an incremental change in temperature produces a proportionate increase or decrease in the F2005 amount of phase change.

tissue, naggregation of similarly specialized cells united in the performance of a particular function. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 tissue adhesive, nany material used as a medical device to help secure the apposition of two wound edges or opposed soft tissues. F2458 tissue engineered medical product (TEMP), nmedical product that repairs, modies or regenerates the recipients cells, tissues, and organs or their structure and function, or both.
DISCUSSIONTEMPs derive their therapeutic potential from various components used alone or used in various combinations. Components may be biological products (that is, cells, organs, tissues, derivatives, and processed biologics), biomaterials (that is, substrates and scaffolds), biomolecules, devices, and drugs. TEMPs may be used in vivo, ex vivo, or in vitro for treatment of disease and injuries and for elective surgery or for diagnostic means. TEMPs are unique from conventional organ transplants in that they exclude biologics used for immediate transplantation or immediate preservation for later F2312 transplantation.

thermoplastic, nplastic that repeatedly can be softened by heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature range characteristic of the plastic, and that in the softened state can be shaped by ow into articles by molding or F1251 extrusion. thermoplastic polyurethane, nlinear or segmented polyurethanes that can be melted for processing without signicant crosslinking or degradation. They are most frequently synthesized by reacting diols with diisocyanates. F624 thermoset plastic, nplastic that, after having been cured by heat or other means, is substantially infusible and insoluble. F1251 THR, ntotal hip replacement. F2345

tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs), nmedical products that repair, modify, or regenerate the recipients cells, tissues, and organs, or their structure and function, or combination thereof. TEMPs may achieve a therapeutic potential from cells, biomolecules, scaffolds, and other materials, and processed tissues and derivatives used in various combinations or alone. TEMPs are unique from conventional organ transplants. TEMPs may be used in vivo or in vitro for disease, injury, elective surgery, and as a diagnostic. F2211 tissue engineering, napplication, in vivo and in vitro, of scientic principles and technologies to form tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs) used for medical treatments and as diagnostics. The various technologies and principles are common practices and methods in engineering and biomedical sciences such as cell, gene, or drug therapy, embryology or other forms of developmental biology, surgical methods and technologies used to create traditional devices and biologics. Tissue engineering could be applied to create products for non-human use as well. F2211 tissue engineering, vivon, napplication, in vivo and in vitro of scientic principles and technologies to form tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs) used for medical treatments and diagnoses as diagnostics.
DISCUSSIONThe various principles technologies and principles are common practices and methods in engineering and biomedical sciences such as cell, gene, or drug therapy, embryology or other forms of developmental and biology, surgical reparative methods and technologies can used to create traditional devices and biologics. Tissue engineering could be applied to create products for non-human use as F2312 well.

thread diameter, nlargest diameter of the threaded portion of the screw measured over the thread crests. This is also known as the major diameter. F543 thread diameter, nmaximum outside diameter of the lag screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 thread length, nlength of the threaded portion of the screw, measured from the thread runout to the screw tip. F543 thread length, nstraight line distance measured between the tip and thread runout positions of the screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 thread runout, nintersection of the screw thread with either the screw shaft or screw head. F543 through-pores, ninherent or induced network of voids or channels that permit ow of uid (liquid or gas) from one side of the structure to the other. F2450 tibial eminence, nraised geometrical feature separating the tibial condyles. F1223 tidemark, nanatomic site in articular cartilage corresponding to the margin between cartilage and the underlying calcied cartilage. F2451

tissue forceps, ndevice formed in two generally symmetrical halves with their proximal ends secured together and set so

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their distal ends will stay separated unless pressed together. F1638 tissue regeneration, nhealing in which lost tissue is replaced by proliferation of cells, which reconstruct the normal architecture. medweb,26 F2311, F2312 tissue repair, nhealing in which lost tissue is replaced by a brous scar, which is produced from granulation tissue. medweb, F2311, F2312 tissue sealant, nsurface coating with adequate adhesive strength to prevent leakage of body uids. F2458 tolerance, nacceptable deviations from the nominal size of any dimension describing the IMFD. F1264 tolerances, nallowable deviation from a standard size. In usual engineering practice, the maximum permitted size is denoted by a plus sign followed by the tolerance and the minimum permitted size denoted by a minus sign followed by the tolerance. In this standard, the label French size has tolerances given for several dimensions. For example, +3, -1 means that a nominal 14 label French size can be permitted to go as high as 17, but not below 13. Another way of writing tolerance, when both tolerances are equal, is: 62, meaning the 14 label French size must be between 12 French and 16 French. F623 top scissor half, ncomponent which contains the screw head F1078 at assembly. torque transducer, ntransducer to translate the applied torque into an electrical signal amenable to continuous recording, calibrated over the range of torques, both in the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, to be encountered in the test method, shall be provided. F2502 torsion yield moment (Nm), napplied torque in N-m at which the screw reaches its proportional limit when tested in accordance with Specication and Test Methods F543, Annex A1. The value is determined by using an offset method with a 2 angular offset. F2193 torsional displacement transducer, ntransducer to translate the angle of twist into an electrical signal amenable to continuous recording, calibrated over the range of angles to be encountered in the test and an accuracy of 61 % of reading, both in the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, shall be used. F2502 torsional yield strength (N-m), npoint at which the screw reaches its proportional limit when tested in accordance with Annex A1 of Specication F543. This will be determined by the offset method. A 2 offset value will be used. F543 tortuosity, nmeasure of the mean free path length of through-pores relative to the sample thickness. Alternative denition: The squared ratio of the mean free path to the minimum possible path length. F2450 total displacement (mm), ndistance in mm, in the direction of the applied load, which the load application point has moved relative to the zero load intercept of the initial linear segment of the load versus displacement curve (point 0 in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 total elemental level, ntotal weight of particulate matter and corrosion ions generated by fretting wear and fretting corrosion. Most analytical techniques are unable to accurately differentiate between ions and particulates, and therefore, total elemental level refers to all matter and corrosion products released by fretting wear and corrosion. F1875 total wrist replacement, nprosthetic parts substituted for the native opposing radial and carpal articulating surfaces. F1357 trabecular bone, nclassication of ossied boney connective tissue characterized by spicules surrounded by marrow space. F2451 tractive forge, ncryoadhesive attraction between the cryotip and the target tissue. F882 transformation temperature range, nin a shape memory alloy, the temperature range in which a change of phase occurs. F2005 transplantation, nfor therapeutic purposes, the process of implanting in one part, cells, tissue(s), or organ(s) taken from another part or from another individual.
DISCUSSIONTransplantation in this sense is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under 21 CFR Parts 16 and 1270 F2312 and 21 CFR Parts 207, 807, and 1271.

transverse element, ncomponent or subassembly that links F1582 longitudinal members together. trans-vinylene index (TVI), ntrans-vinylene index is dened as the ratio of the absorption peak area between 950 and 980 cm-1 to the absorption peak area between 1330 and F2381 1396 cm-1. trans-vinylene index prole, ntrans-vinylene index prole is dened as the graphical representation of variation of the samples trans-vinylene index with distance from its articular surface or the surface of interest. This is a plot of TVI versus DL. Typically, the graph will show the prole through the entire thickness of the sample. F2381 tritiated thymidine, nH3methyl thymidine, specic activity 2 Ci/mM (in PBS) I125 IUDR-radioactive uridine. F2148 trochlear groove, nanatomic site on the distal end of the femur corresponding to the region of articulation with the patella. F2451 tubing length adapter, ntissue expander component used to connect more than one piece of remote port tubing. F1441

26 Hiley, P., and Barber, P. C., General Pathology (Pathology Foundation Course), Chapter 3, Healing and Repair, Department of Pathology, University of Birmingham, U.K., http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/http/depts/path/Teaching/foundat/ repair/healing.html.

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tubing/shell junction, njunction of the remote port tubing to the shell of the tissue expander. F1441 2,4 dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), nstrong sensitizer, used as a positive control. F2147 two-part elastomer, nelastomer supplied in two packages which must be mixed in specied proportions before fabrication. F2042 types of cure, nbased upon the cure chemistry used, silicone elastomers used in medical applications fall into one of three categories: condensation cure, peroxide cure, and addition cure. F2038 addition cure, ntwo-part elastomers which must rst be mixed together and then cure by addition of a silylhydride to a vinyl silane in the presence of a platinum catalyst. F2038 condensation cure, nthese materials liberate an organic leaving group during curing and are normally catalyzed by an organometallic compound. F2038 one-part, nmaterial supplied ready to use in an air tight container which cures upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The material cures from the surface down and cure depths of greater than about 0.25 inches (0.635 cm) are not practical. F2038 peroxide cure, none-part formulations vulcanized by free radicals generated by the decomposition of an organic peroxide. F2038 two-part, nmaterial supplied in two separate containers which must be intimately mixed in the prescribed proportions shortly before use. Because they do not rely upon dispersion of atmospheric moisture into the silicone, the cure depth is not limited. F2038 ulcer, nlocal defect, or excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue, which is produced by the sloughing of inammatory necrotic tissue. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 ultimate displacement, ndisplacement at rupture (failure) of the specimen (Fig. 1 of F2183). F2183 ultimate displacement (axialmm, angulardegrees or radians), nlinear or angular displacement associated with the ultimate load or ultimate moment. This is illustrated as the displacement, OF, in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 ultimate load, nload at rupture (failure) of the specimen (Fig. 1 of F2183). F2183 ultimate load or moment (axialn, angularnmm), nmaximum applied load, F, or moment, M, transmitted by the pushrod (assumed equal to force and moment component parallel to and indicated by load or torque cell) to the articial intervertebral disc assembly. This is illustrated as point E in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 ultimate strength, n maximum force parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) that the structure can support dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264 uncured elastomer, nsilicone base which contains crosslinker and/or catalyst but has not been vulcanized. F2038 ungraded, adjfoam that does not t into one of the ve grades specied in 3.1 because of the foam not meeting one or more of the physical or mechanical requirements of Section 4 of Specication F1839. F1839 uniform elongation, Elu[%], nelongation determined at the maximum force sustained by the test piece just prior to necking, or fracture, or both. F2516 uniform width, nreferring to a bone plate where the width is constant along the bone plates length. F382 unloaded moment arm, nperpendicular distance between the line of load application and the geometric centroid of the stem cross section at the cantilever plane. F1440 unsupported stem length, nvertical distance between Point P3 and the cantilever plane. F1440 upper plateau strength (UPS), nstress at 3 % strain during loading of the sample. F2516 upper plateau strength (UPS), n(in nitinol), stress at 3 % F2005 strain during tensile loading of the sample. urethane plastic, nplastic based on polymers in which the repeated structural units in the chains are of the urethane type, or on copolymers in which urethane and other types of repeated structural units are present in the chains. F1251 valgus-varus constraint, ndegree of relative angular motion allowed between the femoral and tibial components of post-in-well designs (or similar designs) in the coronal plane. F1223 valve, nsealable or self sealing opening in an inatable prosthesis, extending from the exterior surface of the shell into a lumen, designed to facilitate addition of saline at the time of use or postoperatively to adjust prosthesis volume. F2051 valve, nuser-sealable or self-sealing opening in an inatable or gel saline prosthesis, extending from the exterior surface of the shell into a lumen, designed to facilitate adding or removing saline to or from the prosthesis to increase or decrease prosthesis volume. F703 vehicle controls, naqueous, polar solvent and a nonaqueous, nonpolar solvent. F2148 vertebral body replacement device, nstructure which is designed to restore anatomic position and support to a section of spine lacking one or more vertebral bodies and F1582 intervening disc(s). vertebral span, nnumber of vertebra that are spanned by the longitudinal element, including the vertebrae containing F1582 anchor components. vinyl chloride plastics, nplastics based on polymers of vinyl chloride or copolymers of vinyl chloride with other monomers, the vinyl chloride being the comonomer of the highest concentration by mass. F665

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virgin polymer, nthe form of poly(glycolide) or poly(glycolide-co-lactide) as synthesized from its monomers and prior to fabrication into a medical device. F2313 virgin polymer, ninitially delivered form of a polymer as synthesized from its monomers and prior to any processing or fabrication into a medical device. F2579 viscosity, nproperty of resistance of ow exhibited with the body of a material.
DISCUSSIONIn testing, the ratio of the shearing stress to the rate of shear of a uid. Viscosity is usually taken to mean Newtonian viscosity, in which case the ratio of shearing stress to rate of shearing strain is constant. In non-Newtonian behavior, which is the usual case with plastics materials, the ratio varies with the shearing rate. Such ratios are often called the apparent viscosities at the corresponding F1251 shear rates. (See viscosity coefficient.)

work to failure, narea under the load versus displacement curve (Fig. 1 of F2183). F2183 working length, nlength of uniform cross section of the IMFD intended to obtain some type of t to the medullary canal in the area of the diaphysis. F1264 working surface, nground and polished face of the metallographic mount where the measurements are made. F1854 worst case conditions, n maximum pressures or temperatures, or both, a cryosystem may encounter when used according to the manufacturers instructions. F882 wound, ninjury or damage, usually restricted to those caused by physical means with disruption of the normal continuity of structures. Called also injury and trauma. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 wound closure, nprovision of an epithelial cover over a wound; it can be accomplished by approximating wound edges, performing a skin [auto]graft, or allowing spontaneous healing from the edges. Churchills,27 F2311, F2312 wound contraction, nshrinkage and spontaneous closure of open skin wounds. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 wound contracture, ncondition of xed high resistance to passive stretch of muscle, skin or joints resulting from brosis and scarring of the skin or the tissues supporting the muscles or the joints, or both. (This denition is a modication of Dorlands denition of contracture, a condition of xed high resistance to passive stretch of muscle, resulting from brosis of the tissues supporting the muscles or the joints, or disorders of the muscle bers, because that denition does not address brosis and scarring in skin. F2311, F2312 wound inammation, nlocalized protective response elicited by injury or destruction of tissues, which serves to destroy, dilute, or wall off (sequester) both the injurious agent and the injured tissue.
DISCUSSIONIt is characterized in the acute form by the classical signs of pain (dolor), heat (calor) redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), and loss of function (functio laesa). Histologically, it involves a complex series of events, including dilation of arterioles, capillaries, and venules, with increased permeability and blood ow; exudation of uids, including plasma proteins; and leukocytic migration into the Dorlands, F2311, F2312 inammatory focus.

void, n(1) in a solid plastic, an unlled space of such size that it scatters radiant energy such as light, (2) a cavity unintentionally formed in a cellular material and substantially larger than the characteristic individual cells. F1251 vulcanization, nirreversible process in which covalent chemical bonds are formed between silicone polymer chains. During vulcanization, the material changes from a owable or moldable compound to an elastomeric material which cannot be reshaped except by its physical destruction. F2038 W1maximum medial-lateral width of the articulating surface in the frontal plane. F1672 W2maximum medial-lateral width of the metal back in the frontal plane. F1672 warming rate, ninstantaneous rate of change of temperature during warming. F2386 wear, ndamage to a solid surface, generally involving progressive loss of material, due to relative motion between that surface and a contacting substance or substances. F1875 wear, nprogressive loss of material from the device(s) or device components as a result of relative motion at the surface with another body as measured by the change in mass of the IVD prosthesis or components of the IVD prosthesis. Or in the case of a nonarticulating, compliant IVD prosthesis, wear is dened simply as the loss of material from the prosthesis. F2423
DISCUSSIONNote that inferior and superior bone interface components are excluded from this denition.

weight Si of soak control specimen (g), nS0 initial and Si at end of cycle interval i. F2423 weight Wi of wear specimen (g), nW0 initial and Wi at end of cycle interval i. F2423 wire, nindividual element (typically a cylindrical rod) making up a strand. F2180 wire, nsingle strand exible anchor component with a circular cross section that connects the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs to each other or to other implant components. A series of wire components can be bound together to form a cable (see cable). F1582

xenogeneic or xenogenic, ncells, tissues, and organs in which the donor and recipient belong to different species. Synonyms: xenogenous, heterogeneic, or heterologous. F2312 xenogeneic, adjderived from individuals of a different, specied species. For example, bovine bone, when used as an implant material in humans, is xenogeneic. F1581

27 Churchills Illustrated Medical Dictionary, Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1989.

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xenograft, ngraft of tissue transplanted between animals of different species. Called also heterograft, heterologous graft Dorlands, F2311, F2312 and heteroplastic graft.28 xenotransplantation, nany procedure that involves the transplantation or infusion into a human recipient of either (1) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source or (2) human body uids, cells, tissues, or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman cells, tissues, F2312 or organs. xenotransplantation, nany procedure that involves the transplantation or infusion into a human recipient of either (1) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source or (2) human body uids, cells, tissues, or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman cells, tissues, F2311 or organs.29 xenotransplantation products, nxeno-transplantation products include live cells, tissues or organs used in xenotransplantation. F2311
DISCUSSIONXenografts and xenotransplantation products comprise overlapping but not congruent groups of skin substitutes. Autograft, allograft, and xenograft are traditional terms to describe tissue used in
28 Note that the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) and the United States Food and Drug Administration dene Xenotransplantation more broadly as any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion into a human recipient of either (a) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source, or (b) human body uids, cells, tissues, or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman animal cells, tissues or organs. Because this terminology is intended to classify skin substitutes by clinical equivalency, and not by composition, the dictionary denition is used, for this terminology only. It should be understood that an allograft or autograft substitute may include animal components which cause it to be also a xenotransplant by the Food and Drug Administration denition. 29 Guidance for Industry, Source Animal, Product, Preclinical, and Clinical Issues Concerning the Use of Xenotransplantation Products in Humans, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), April 2003.

surgical procedures. Because autograft involves the harvesting of the patients own tissue, care is taken to preserve its viability. However, allograft and xenograft are not necessarily alive and may have been frozen for storage. Skin substitutes may combine attributes of autograft, allograft, xenograft, and xenotransplantation products, depending on the origin of cells or tissues used in their manufacture, and whether these components are alive or not. For example, a substitute for epidermal autograft composed of cultured autologous epidermal cells grown on a feeder layer of live non-human cells is a xenotransplantation product as well as an autograft substitute.

yield bend angle, nangle at which the yield bend moment occurs. F1840 yield bend moment, namount of moment required to initiate plastic deformation during a bend test. F1840 yield displacement, nlinear displacement (mm) or angular displacement (degrees or radians) when an articial intervertebral disc has a permanent deformation equal to the offset displacement or offset angular displacement. This is illustrated as the distance OA in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 yield displacement (mm), ntotal displacement in mm associated with the bending yield strength (distance 0A in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 yield load or moment, napplied load, F, or moment, M, transmitted by the pushrod (assumed equal to force component parallel to and indicated by load or torque cell) required to produce a permanent deformation equal to the offset displacement or the offset angular displacement. This is illustrated as point D in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 yield strength, nforce parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) which initiates permanent deformation as dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264

(Nonmandatory Information) X1. TERMS BY SUBCOMMITTEE

POLYMERIC MATERIALS X1.1 F04.11 Polymeric Materials accelerator, nadditive used to increase the rate of cure. An accelerator may also be a catalyst, or it may actually change composition and, therefore, not qualify as a catalyst. F602 acetal plastic, nplastic based on polymers having a predominance of acetal linkages in the main chain. (See also F1251 polyoxymethylene.) acrylic plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with acrylic acid or a structural derivative of acrylic acid. F1251 addition polymerization, npolymerization in which monomers are linked together without the splitting off of water or

other simple molecules and involves the opening of a double bond. F1251 additive, nchemical added to epoxy resins or hardeners to modify the handling characteristics or cured properties, or both, of the epoxy-hardener combination. F602 diluent, nchemical used in admixture to modify or enhance the properties of either or both the uncured or cured formulations. A primary use is to reduce the viscosity of the mixed system although other properties such as exotherm rate, stiffness, moisture absorption, and so forth, may be modied or enhanced also. F602 ller, na relatively inert solid particulate material added to an epoxy formulation to modify its strength, permanence, working properties, or other qualities, or to lower costs. F602

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nonreactive diluent, na diluent not containing chemically reactive functional groups. F602 reactive diluent, na diluent that reacts chemically with the epoxy resin or hardener, or both, during cure. F602 additives, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer used in relatively small amounts to perform functions such as marking, coloring, or providing opacity to the elastomer. F2038 aging, nthe process of exposing materials to an environment F1251 for an interval of time. aging effect, nchange in a material brought about by exposure of the material to an environment for an interval of F1251 time. alkyd resin, npolyester convertible into a crosslinked form; requiring a reactant of functionality higher than two, or F1251 having double bonds. apparent density, nsee density, apparent. F1251 cast lm, nlm made by depositing a layer of plastic, either molten, in solution, or in a dispersion, onto a surface, solidifying the deposit and removing the lm from the F1251 surface. catalyst, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer formulation that initiates the crosslinking reaction when the material is vulcanized. F2038 cell, na small partially or completely enclosed cavity. F1251 cell, closed, nsee closed cell. cell, open, nsee open cell. chain extender, n(1) active hydrogen containing compound such as a diol or diamine used to increase the molecular weight of an isocyanate-terminated prepolymer by chemical reaction; (2) diisocyanate used to extend a polyol-terminated polyurethane by chemical reaction. F624 chain terminating agent, nactive hydrogen containing a compound such as a monofunctional alcohol, amine, or acid that reacts with the isocyanate group of a prepolymer to prevent further chain growth. F624 chemically foamed polymeric material, ncellular material in which the cells are formed by gases generated by thermal decomposition or other chemical reaction. F1251 chlorouorocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of chlorine, uorine, and F1251 carbon only. chlorouorohydrocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of chlorine, uorine, F1251 hydrogen, and carbon only. closed cell, ncell totally enclosed by its walls and hence not interconnecting with other cells. (See also cell and open F1251 cell.) closed-cell foamed plastic, nplastic in which almost all the F1251 cells are noninterconnecting. cold ow, nsee preferred term creep. F1251

articial weathering, nexposure of a material to laboratory conditions that simulate outdoor weathering.
DISCUSSIONExposure conditions may be cyclic, involving changes in temperature, relative humidity, radiant energy, and many other elements found in the atmosphere in various geographical areas. The laboratory exposure conditions are usually intensied beyond those encountered in actual out-door exposure to accelerate the effect.

F1251 blister, nin sheet plastics, an imperfection, a rounded elevation of the surface, with boundaries that may be more or less sharply dened, somewhat resembling in shape a blister on F1251 the human skin. block copolymer, nessentially linear copolymer in which there are repeated sequences of polymeric segments of F1251 different chemical structure. bloom, nvisible exudation or efflorescence of a performance additive on the surface of a material. F1251 bulk density, nweight per unit volume of a material including voids inherent in the material as tested.
DISCUSSIONThis term is sometimes used synonymously with apparent density. F1251

bulk factor, nratio of the volume of a given mass of molding material to its volume in the molded form.
DISCUSSIONThe bulk factor is also equal to the ratio of the density of the material to its apparent density in the unmolded form. F1251

compression molding, nprocess for molding a material in a conned cavity by applying pressure and usually heat. F1251 condensation polymer, npolymerization in which during an acid/base reaction a small molecule is often split out. F1251 copolymer, npolymer consisting of molecules characterized by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions and other irregularities) of two or more different types of F1251 monomeric units. See polymer. copolymerization, nsee polymerization and copolymer. F1251 crazing, napparent ne cracks at or under the surface of a plastic.
DISCUSSIONThe crazed areas are composed of polymeric material of lower density than the surrounding matrix. F1251

butylene plastic, nplastic based on resins made by the polymerization of butene or copolymerization of butene with one or more unsaturated compounds, the butene being in F1251 greatest amount by weight.

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creep, ntime-dependent part of strain resulting from stress. F1251 crosslinker or cross-linking agent, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer that is a reactant in the crosslinking reaction that occurs when an elastomer is vulcanized. F2038 cure, vto change the properties of a polymeric system into a more stable, usable condition by the use of heat, radiation, or reaction with chemical additives.
DISCUSSIONCure may be accomplished, for example, by removal of solvent or crosslinking. F1251 be discouraged. The Society of Plastics Industries denes a catalyst as a compound which alters the speed of a reaction without changing its original composition.

cure, vto change the properties of a polymeric system into a nal, more stable, usable condition by the use of heat, radiation, or reaction with chemical additives. F602 cure cycle, nschedule of time periods at specied conditions to which a reacting thermosetting material is subjected to reach a specied property level. F602 cure time, ninterval of time from the start of reaction to the time at which specied properties of the reacting thermosetting composition are reached. For materials that react under the conditions of mixing, the start of reaction is the time of initial exposure to the conditions necessary for reaction to occur. F602 functionally cured, vterm used to denote an epoxy plastic that has attained sufficient cure to achieve stable properties. F602 fully cured, vterm used to denote total disappearance of epoxy groups as detected by infrared spectroscopy, or other equally sensitive physicochemical methods. F602 one-component system, na formulation based on an epoxy resin preblended with a heat, moisture, or otherwise activated curing agent or catalyst. The mixture is storable but cures under the appropriate activation conditions. F602 postcure, nadditional and separate curing operations to which a hardened thermosetting plastic composition is subjected in order to enhance one or more properties. Also used to ensure stabilization of physical properties under use conditions. F602 two-component system, nformulation based on an epoxy resin to which a curing agent or catalyst is added just prior to use. F602 curing agent or hardener, ncompound normally used in a predetermined concentration to react chemically (copolymerize) by means of several different mechanisms (for example, condensation or addition polymerization) with or without heat or pressure in order to change its form from a liquid or fusible, friable, soluble solid to an infusible, insoluble solid having useful and desirable application or end-use properties. F602 initiator, nadditive used to cause a thermosetting resin to react with itself (polymerize). Usually, these additivesused in relatively very small amountsinitiate homopolymerization of the epoxy resin resulting in ether linkages. F602
DISCUSSIONThe term catalyst is frequently misused to denote any material added to a resin to cause a reaction to occur. This usage should

cyclics and linears, nlow molecular weight volatile cyclic siloxane species are referred to using the D nomenclature which designates the number of Si-O linkages in the material (usually D4-D20); species from D7 to D40 (or more) may be called macrocyclics. Linears are straight chain oligomers that may be volatile or of higher molecular weight, depending on chain length; they are designated by M and D combinations, where M is R3Si-O, and D is as explained above; R is usually methyl. (For example, MDM is (CH3)3SiOSiOSi(CH3)3). Low molecular weight species are present in silicone components to varying degrees depending on process and storage. The levels of macrocyclics that can be removed from silicone polymers by vacuum, high temperature stripping, or oven post-cure is dependent on the conditions used. F2038 density, apparent, nweight in air of a unit of volume of a material.
DISCUSSIONThis term is sometimes used synonymously with bulk density. F1251

density, bulk, nweight in air of a unit of volume of a material.

DISCUSSIONThis term is commonly used synonymously with apparent density. F1251

dispersion, nuncured silicone elastomer dispersed in a suitable solvent to allow application of a thin layer of elastomer to a substrate by either dipping or spraying. F2038 elastomer, nmacromolecular material that at room temperature returns rapidly to approximately its initial dimensions and shape after substantial deformation by a weak stress and F1251 release of the stress. epoxy, noxirane ring structures.


epoxy plastic, nthermoplastic or thermosetting plastics containing ether or hydroxyalkyl repeating units or both, resulting from the ring-opening reactions of lower molecular weight polyfunctional oxirane resins or compounds, with catalysts or with various polyfunctional acidic or basic coreactants. F602 epoxy resin, ngenerally, any resin (liquid or solid) with a chemical structure at least difunctional in oxirane. Specically for this standard, the diglycidyl ethers of bisphenol A or the equivalent. These compounds are dened as Grade 1 in Specication D1763. F602 epoxy plastic, nthermoplastic or thermosetting plastic containing ether or hydroxyalkyl repeating units, or both, resulting from the ring-opening reactions of lower-molecular weight polyfunctional oxirane resins, or compounds, with catalysts or with various polyfunctional acidic or basic coreactants.
DISCUSSIONEpoxy plastics often are modied by the incorporation of diluents, plasticizers, llers, thixotropic agents, or other materials.


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ethylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers of ethylene or copolymers of ethylene with other monomers, the ethylene F1251 being in greatest amount by mass. ller, nrelatively inert material added to a plastic to modify its strength, performance, working properties, or other qualities, or to lower costs. (See also reinforced plastic.) F1251, F665 ller, nnely divided solid that is intimately mixed with silicone polymers during manufacture to achieve specic properties. The llers used in silicone elastomers are one of two types: extending llers, ntypically have lower surface area and lower cost than reinforcing llers. They include crystalline forms of silica and diatomaceous earths. While they provide some reinforcement, because they are relatively inexpensive, they are used primarily to extend the bulk of the silicone. F2038 reinforcing llers, nusually have high surface areas and are amorphous in nature such as fumed or precipitated silica. Such llers impart high strength and elastomeric physical properties to the elastomer. F2038 fabrication, nprocess by which the uncured elastomer is converted into a fully vulcanized elastomer of the desired size and shape. This process may occur in the same facility as the manufacture of the uncured elastomer but is more typically performed at the facility of a customer of the silicone manufacturer. F2042 calendaring, vthe process of forming an uncured, mixed elastomer into a thin sheet or lm by passing it between two rolls. F2042 compression molding, vprocess in which the uncured elastomer is placed in an open mold. The mold is closed and pressure applied to the mold to ll the cavity. Heat is applied to vulcanize the elstomer, the mold is than opened and the fabricated part is removed. F2042 dispersion, nthe process of placing an uncured elastomer in a solvent. This lowers the viscosity of the material and is usually done to allow the fabrication of thinner lms that can be obtained by calendaring or to form coatings. Following dispersion use, the solvent must be removed either before or during the vulcanization process. Care must be taken to assure that the solvent is compatible with the elastomer, to prevent preferential settling of the components of the formulation by excessive dilution of the elastomer. F2042 extrusion, na continuous process in which the mixed, uncured elastomer is forced through an orice having the desired cross-sectional prole. The elastomer is then vulcanized by passing it through either a hot air or radiant heat oven. The most common application of extrusion processing is the fabrication of tubing but it can be used to produce other items as well. F2042 freshening, vbecause of the interaction that can occur between the fumed silica and silicone polymers, thick uncured high consistency elastomers can become so stiff over time that they are very difficult to process. To overcome this problem, a tworoll mill is used to disrupt this interaction, resulting in a material which is easier to fabricate. This process is called freshening and is typically done immediately before catalyzation. F2042 injection molding, vfabrication of elastomers into forms dened by molds constructed so that the uncured elastomer can be transferred by pumping into the closed mold. This method requires venting of the mold in some manner. The elastomer may be vulcanized by heating the mold after it is lled but more typically the molding conditions (temperature and lling rate) are adjusted so that uncured elastomer can be added to a pre-heated mold in which it will then cure. The mold is than opened and the part removed and post-cured, if necessary. F2042 post-cure, nthe process of subjecting a vulcanized elastomer to elevated temperature, usually in a hot-air oven, after its initial fabrication. This process step is done to complete cross-linking of the object, remove peroxide by-products, and eliminate changes in its physical properties. Post-cure is often necessary when the component is only partially cross-liked by molding; it is performed in an attempt to accelerate molding process, and increase its output. F2042 transfer molding, vprocess in which the mixed, uncured elastomer is placed in a compartment connected to the mold. The compartment is then closed, pressure is applied to transfer the uncured elastomer to the mold, lling the cavity. Heat and pressure are applied to the mold to vulcanize the elastomer, the mold is then opened, and the fabricated part is removed. F2042 lm, nin plastics, term for sheeting having a nominal thickness not greater than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). (See also sheeting.) F1251 uorocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of uorine and carbon only.
DISCUSSIONWhen the monomer is essentially tetrauoro-ethylene, the prex TFE may be used to designate these materials. When the resins are copolymers of tetrauoro-ethylene and hexauoropropylene, the resins may be designated with the prex FEP. Other prexes may be F1251 adopted to designate other uorocarbon plastics.

uorohydrocarbon plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with monomers composed of uorine, hydrogen, and F1251 carbon only. uoroplastic, nplastic based on polymers with monomers containing one or more atoms of uorine or copolymers of such monomers with other monomers, the uorinecontaining monomer(s) being in greatest amount by mass. (See also uorocarbon plastic, chlorouorocarbon plastic, uorohydrocarbon plastic, and chlorouorohyF1251 drocarbon plastic.) foam, ncross-linked material that has a component added to it which generates a volatile gas as the material is being vulcanized. This vulcanization process results in a material with a relatively low density. Foams are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. They conform as they expand to irregular surfaces just as gels do to provide intimate contact and protection

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from the environment but are more rigid and provide more strength than gels. Since foams are expanded elastomers, on a weight basis, they are highly crosslinked relative to gels. Most cure conditions will result in a closed cell foam. F2042 gel, nin polymer, a semisolid system consisting of a network of solid aggregates in which liquid is held.
DISCUSSIONGels have very low strengths and do not ow like a liquid. They are soft, exible, and may rupture under their own weight F1251 unless supported externally.

direction in tension) parallel with the principal direction of the laminate. F1251 linear polyurethane, npolymer whose backbone consists of urethane groups joined by hydrocarbon chains with little or no cross linking. F624 liquid silicone rubber or low consistency silicone rubber (LSR), nelastomer having a viscosity such that it can be moved or transferred by readily available pumping equipment. LSRs are typically used in injection molding operations. F2042 lot or batch, nquantity of material made with a xed, specied formulation in a single, manufacturing run carried out under specic processing techniques and conditions. F2038 manufacture, vprocess which occurs in the suppliers facility in which the various components of the elastomer are brought together, allowed to interact, and are packaged to provide the uncured elastomer for sale. F2042 melamine plastic, nplastic based on resins made by the condensation or melamine and aldehydes. F1251 monomer, nrelatively simple compound which can react to F1251 form a polymer. (See also polymer.) nylon plastic, nplastic based on resins composed principally of a long-chain synthetic polymeric amide which has recurring amide groups as an integral part of the main polymer F1251 chain. olen plastic, nplastic based on polymers made by the polymerization of olens or copolymerization of olens with other monomers, the olens being at least 50 mass %. F1251 oligomer, npolymer consisting of only a few monomer units such as a dimer, trimer, tetramer, and so forth, or their F1251 mixtures. one-part elastomer, nelastomer supplied in the uncured form in one package containing all of the formulation components. It does not require mixing before fabrication. F2042 open cell, ncell not totally enclosed by its walls, and hence interconnecting with other cells. (See closed cell.) F1251 organosol, nsuspension of a nely divided plastic in a plasticizer, together with a volatile organic liquid.
DISCUSSIONThe volatile liquid evaporates at elevated temperatures, and the resulting residue is a homogeneous plastic mass, provided the temperature is high enough to accomplish mutual solution of the plastic F1251 and plasticizer.

gel, nin polymerization, the initial jelly-like solid phase that develops during the formation of a resin from a liquid. F1251 gel, nwith vinyl plastisols, a state between liquid and solid that occurs in the initial stages of heating, or upon prolonged F1251 storage. gel, nlightly crosslinked material having no or relatively low levels of reinforcement beyond that provided by the crosslinked polymer. Gels are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. The hardness of the gel can be adjusted within wide limits. The material is not usually designed to bear a heavy load but rather to conform to an irregular surface providing intimate contact. As a result, loads are distributed over a wider area. These materials may also be used to provide protection from environmental contaminants. F2042 haze, nin plastics, the cloudy or turbid aspect or appearance of an otherwise transparent material caused by light scattered from within the specimen or from its surfaces.
DISCUSSIONFor the purpose of Test Method D1003, haze is the percentage of transmitted light which, in passing through the specimen, deviates from the incident beam through forward scatter more than 2.5 F1251 on the average.

high consistency rubber (HCR), nelastomer having a viscosity such that it cannot be moved or transferred by readily available pumping equipment. These elastomers are fabricated using high shear equipment such as a two-roll mill and cannot be injection molded. They are typically used in compression or transfer molding and extrusion processes. F2042 inhibitor, ncomponent of a silicone elastomer added to moderate the rate of the crosslinking reaction. F2038 isotactic, adjpertaining to a type of polymeric molecular structure containing a sequence of regularly spaced asymmetric atoms arranged in like conguration in a polymer F1251 chain. laminate, nproduct made by bonding together two or more layers of material or materials.
DISCUSSIONA single resin-impregnated sheet of paper, fabric, or glass mat, for example, is not considered a laminate. Such a singleF1251 sheet construction may be called a lamina.

phenolic plastic, nplastic based on resins made by the condensation of phenols, such as phenol and cresol, with F1251 aldehydes. pit, nin plastics, an imperfection, a small crater in the surface, the depth and width of which are approximately the F1251 same order of magnitude.

laminate, cross-plied, nnonparallel laminate.


laminate, parallel, nlaminate in which all layers or plies are oriented with their principal direction (grain or strongest

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plastic, nany of numerous polymeric materials that are usually thermoplastic or thermosetting, of high molecular weight and that can be molded, cast extruded, drawn, laminated, or otherwise fabricated into objects, powders, beads, lms, laments, bers, or other shapes (Webster F1251 Modied). plasticizer, nsubstance incorporated into a material to increase its workability, exibility, or distensibility of the F1251, F665 material. plastisol, nliquid suspension of a nely divided PVC polymer or copolymer in a plasticizer.
DISCUSSIONThe polymer does not dissolve appreciably in the plasticizer at room temperature but does dissolve at elevated temperatures to form a homogeneous plastic mass (plasticized polymer).

polyolen plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with an F1251 olen(s) as essentially the sole monomer(s). polyoxymethylene, npolymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is oxymethylene.
DISCUSSIONPolyoxymethylene is theoretically the simplest member of the generic class of polyacetals. F1251

polypropylene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of propylene as the sole monomer. (See also polypropylene F1251 plastic, propylene plastic.) polystyrene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of styrene as the sole monomer. (See also styrene plastic.) F1251 polyterephthalate, nthermoplastic polyester in which the terephthalate group is a repeated structural unit in the F1251 polymer chain. poly(vinyl acetate), npolymer prepared by the polymerizaF1251 tion of vinyl acetate as the sole monomer. poly(vinyl alcohol), npolymer prepared by the essentially complete hydrolysis of polyvinyl ester. F1251 poly(vinyl chloride), npolymer prepared by the polymerizaF1251 tion of vinyl chloride as the sole monomer. prepolymer, npolymer of degree of polymerization between that of the monomer or monomers and the nal polymer. F1251 propylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers of propylene or copolymers of propylene with other monomers, the F1251 propylene being in the greatest amount by mass. reinforced plastic, nplastic with high strength llers imbedded in the composition, resulting in some mechanical properties superior to those of the base resin. (See also ller.)
DISCUSSIONThe reinforcing llers are usually bers, fabrics, or mats made of bers. F1251

F1251 polybutylene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of butene as the sole monomer. (See also polybutylene plastic F1251 and butylene plastic.) polybutylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with F1251 butene as essentially the sole monomer. polycarbonate, npolymer in which the repeating structural unit in the chain is a carbonic acid ester of Bisphenol A. F1251 polyester, npolymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is of the ester type.
DISCUSSIONThe polyester is linear and thermoplastic if derived, either actually or formally, from (a) mono-hydroxy-mono-carboxylic acids by selfesterication, or (b) the interaction of diols and dicarboxF1251 ylic acids.

polyether, npolymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is of the ether type. F1251 polyethylene, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of ethylene as the sole monomer. (See also polyethylene F1251 plastic and ethylene plastic.) polyethylene plastic, nplastic based on polymers made with ethylene as essentially the sole monomer.
DISCUSSIONIn common usage for this plastic, essentially means no less than 85 % ethylene and no less than 95 % total olens. F1251

reins, nsolid or pseudosolid organic material often of high molecular weight, which exhibits a tendency to ow when subjected to stress, usually has a softening or melting range, and usually fractures conchoidally.
DISCUSSIONIn a broad sense, the term is used to designate any polymer that is basic material for plastics. F1251

polyethylene terephthalate, npolymer derived from terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol by condensation F1251 polymerization. polymer, nsubstance consisting of molecules characterized by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions, and other minor irregularities) of one or more types of monoF1251 meric units. (See copolymer.) polymerization, nchemical reaction in which monomers are linked together to form polymers. (See also polycondensaF1251 tion and polyaddition.) polyolen, npolymer prepared by the polymerization of an olen(s) as the sole monomer(s). (See also polyolen F1251 plastic, olen plastic.)

rigid plastic, nfor purposes of general classication, a plastic that has a modulus of elasticity either in exure or in tension greater than 700 MPa (100 000 psi) at 23C and 50 % relative humidity when tested in accordance with Test F1251 Methods D747, D790, D638, or D882. room temperature vulcanization (RTV), none-part elastomer which cures in the presence of atmospheric moisture. Little, if any, acceleration of cure rate is realized by increasing temperature. Because cure is dependent upon diffusion of water into the elastomer, cure in depths of greater than 0.64 cm is not recommended. F2042 rubber, nelastic substance derived from various tropical plants, such as the general Hevea and Ficus, essentially a

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polymer of isoprene; the term is frequently applied to both natural and synthetic elastic substances (Webster Modied). F1251 saran plastic, nsee vinylidene chloride plastic. F1251 and parts can be fabricated using injection molding techniques. F2038 RTVs (room temperature vulcanization), nare one-part elastomers which cure in the presence of atmospheric moisture. Little, if any, acceleration of cure rate is realized by increasing temperature. Because cure is dependent upon diffusion of water into the elastomer, cure in depths greater than 0.25 in. (0.635 cm) is not recommended. F2038 silicone polymer, npolymer of alternating silicon-oxygen atoms consisting of repeating of diorganosiloxy groups. F1251 silicone polymer, npolymer chains having a backbone consisting of repeating silicon-oxygen atoms where each silicon atom bears two organic groups. The organic groups are typically methyl, but can be vinyl, phenyl, uorine, or other organic groups. F2038 stabilizer, nsubstance added to a plastic that will retard the deterioration of the plastic due to the effects of heat, light, or oxidation. F665 stress-crack, nexternal or internal crack in a plastic caused by tensile stresses less than its short-time mechanical strength.
DISCUSSIONThe development of such cracks is frequently accelerated by the environment to which the plastic is exposed. The stresses which cause cracking may be present internally or externally or may be F1251 combinations of these stresses.

segmented polyurethane, nfamily of polymers in which ester or ether groups, connected by hydrocarbon chains, occur as blocks that are coupled by urethane and urea groups. F624 semirigid plastic, nfor purposes of general classication, a plastic that has a modulus of elasticity either in tension of between 70 and 700 MPa (10 000 and 100 000 psi) at 23C and 50 % relative humidity when tested in accordance with Test Methods D747, D790, or D882. F1251 sheeting, nform of plastic in which the thickness is very small in proportion to length and width and in which the plastic is present as a continuous phase throughout, with or F1251 without ller. (See also lm.) silicone base, nuniformly blended mixture of silicone polymers, llers, and additives which does not contain crosslinkers or catalyst. F2038 silicone elastomer, nelastomer containing cross-linked siliF1251 cone polymer and llers, usually silica. silicone elastomer, nuncured elastomer that has been subjected to conditions which cause it to become crosslinked. Elastomers may be either high consistency rubbers, low consistency rubbers, or RTVs (see following). F2038 foams, nare crosslinked materials which have a component added to them that generates a volatile gas as the material is being vulcanized. This results in a material with a very low density. These are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. They conform to an irregular surface as they expand to provide intimate contact and protection from the environment but are more rigid and provide more strength than gels. Since foams are expanded elastomers, on a weight basis they are highly crosslinked relative to gels. Most cure conditions will result in a closed cell foam. F2038 gels, nare lightly crosslinked materials having no or relatively low levels of reinforcement beyond that provided by the crosslinked polymer. They are usually two-part formulations utilizing a platinum catalyzed addition cure system. The hardness of the gel can be adjusted within wide limits. The material is not usually designed to bear heavy loads but rather to conform to an irregular surface providing intimate contact. As a result, loads are distributed over a wider area. These materials may also be used to provide protection from environmental contaminants. F2038 high consistency rubbers (HCRS, nare materials which cannot be pumped by conventional pumping equipment. They normally must be processed using high shear equipment such as a two-roll mill and parts are typically fabricated using compression or transfer molding techniques. F2038 low consistency rubbers or liquid silicone rubbers (LSRS), nare normally owable materials which can be readily pumped. They can be mixed by pumping through static mixers

styrene plastic, nplastic based on polymers of styrene or copolymers of styrene with other monomers, the styrene F1251 being greatest amount by mass. telomer, npolymer composed of molecules having terminal groups incapable of reacting with additional monomers, under the conditions of the synthesis, to form larger polymer F1251 molecules of the same chemical type. thermoplastic, nplastic that repeatedly can be softened by heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature range characteristic of the plastic, and that in the softened state can be shaped by ow into articles by molding or F1251 extrusion. thermoplastic polyurethane, nlinear or segmented polyurethanes that can be melted for processing without signicant crosslinking or degradation. They are most frequently synthesized by reacting diols with diisocyanates. F624 thermoset plastic, nplastic that, after having been cured by heat or other means, is substantially infusible and insoluble. F1251 two-part elastomer, nelastomer supplied in two packages which must be mixed in specied proportions before fabrication. F2042 types of cure, nbased upon the cure chemistry used, silicone elastomers used in medical applications fall into one of three categories: condensation cure, peroxide cure, and addition cure. F2038

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addition cure, ntwo-part elastomers which must rst be mixed together and then cure by addition of a silylhydride to a vinyl silane in the presence of a platinum catalyst. F2038 condensation cure, nthese materials liberate an organic leaving group during curing and are normally catalyzed by an organometallic compound. F2038 one-part, nmaterial supplied ready to use in an air tight container which cures upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The material cures from the surface down and cure depths of greater than about 0.25 inches (0.635 cm) are not practical. F2038 peroxide cure, none-part formulations vulcanized by free radicals generated by the decomposition of an organic peroxide. F2038 two-part, nmaterial supplied in two separate containers which must be intimately mixed in the prescribed proportions shortly before use. Because they do not rely upon dispersion of atmospheric moisture into the silicone, the cure depth is not limited. F2038 uncured elastomer, nsilicone base which contains crosslinker and/or catalyst but has not been vulcanized. F2038 urethane plastic, nplastic based on polymers in which the repeated structural units in the chains are of the urethane type, or on copolymers in which urethane and other types of repeated structural units are present in the chains. F1251 vinyl chloride plastics, nplastics based on polymers of vinyl chloride or copolymers of vinyl chloride with other monomers, the vinyl chloride being the comonomer of the highest concentration by mass. F665 virgin polymer, nthe form of poly(glycolide) or poly(glycolide-co-lactide) as synthesized from its monomers and prior to fabrication into a medical device. F2313 virgin polymer, ninitially delivered form of a polymer as synthesized from its monomers and prior to any processing or fabrication into a medical device. F2579 viscosity, nproperty of resistance of ow exhibited with the body of a material.
DISCUSSIONIn testing, the ratio of the shearing stress to the rate of shear of a uid. Viscosity is usually taken to mean Newtonian viscosity, in which case the ratio of shearing stress to rate of shearing strain is constant. In non-Newtonian behavior, which is the usual case with plastics materials, the ratio varies with the shearing rate. Such ratios are often called the apparent viscosities at the corresponding F1251 shear rates. (See viscosity coefficient.)

METALLURGICAL MATERIALS X1.2 F04.12 Metallurgical Materials active austenite nish temperature, n(in nitinol), term used to denote austenite nish temperature of a nished wire, tube, or component as determined by a bend and free recovery method rather than by DSC. F2005 alloy phase, nin a shape memory alloy, the crystal structure F2005 stable at a particular temperature and stress. anneal, vto heat treat in order to remove the effect of F2005 cold-working. austenite, nhigh temperature parent phase in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys with a B2 crystal structure. This phase transforms to R-phase or martensite, or both, on cooling. F2005 austenite nish temperature (Af), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to austenite transformation is completed on heating in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the R-phase to austenite transformation is completed on heating in a two-stage transformaF2005 tion (Fig. 2). austenite peak temperature (Ap), n(in nitinol), temperature of the endothermic peak position on the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) curve upon heating for the martensite to austenite transformation in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature of the endothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon heating for the R-phase to austenite transformation in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 austenite start temperature (As), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to austenite transformation begins on heating in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the R-phase to austenite transformation begins on heating in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 bend and free recovery (BFR), n(in nitinol), test method for determining austenite transformation temperatures on heating.
DISCUSSIONThe test involves cooling a wire or tube specimen below the Mf temperature, deforming the specimen in a controlled fashion, then heating through the austenite transformation. By measuring the shape memory response of the specimen As and Af, temperatures can be determined. This test method is covered in Test Method F2005 F2082.

degradation, ndeleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties, or appearance of a plastic. F1251 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), ndevice that is capable of heating a test specimen and a reference at a controlled rate and of automatically measuring the difference in heat ow between the specimen and the reference both to F2005 the required sensitivity and precision. differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ntechnique in which the difference in heat ow into or out of a substance and an inert reference is measured as a function of temperature while the substance and the reference material are

void, n(1) in a solid plastic, an unlled space of such size that it scatters radiant energy such as light, (2) a cavity unintentionally formed in a cellular material and substantially larger than the characteristic individual cells. F1251 vulcanization, nirreversible process in which covalent chemical bonds are formed between silicone polymer chains. During vulcanization, the material changes from a owable or moldable compound to an elastomeric material which cannot be reshaped except by its physical destruction. F2038

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subjected to a controlled temperature program. This test method, as it applies to Ni-Ti shape memory alloys, is F2005 covered in Test Method F2004. free recovery, nunconstrained motion of a shape memory alloy upon heating and transformation to austenite after F2005 deformation below the austenite phase. linear elasticity, nlinear recoverable deformation behavior.
DISCUSSIONNo signicant phase transformation event occurs while straining the material and the tensile load-extension or stress-strain plot F2005 is linear upon loading and unloading.

cooling for the austenite to R-phase transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R-phase start temperature (Rs), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to R-phase begins on cooling in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R'-phase nish temperature (R'f), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to R-phase transformation is completed on heating in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R'-phase peak temperature (R'p), n(in nitinol), temperature of the endothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon heating, for the martensite to R-phase transformation in F2005 a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). R'-phase start temperature (R's), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the martensite to R-phase transformation begins on F2005 heating in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). shape memory alloy, nmetal that, after an apparent plastic deformation in the martensitic phase, undergoes a thermoelastic change in crystal structure when heated through its transformation temperature range resulting in a recovery of F2005 the deformation. solution anneal, solution heat treatment, vto heat treat in order to remove precipitates. F2005 superelasticity, nnonlinear recoverable deformation behavior of Ni-Ti shape memory alloys at temperatures above the austenite nish temperature (Af).
DISCUSSIONThe nonlinear deformation arises from the stressinduced formation of martensite on loading and the spontaneous reversion of this crystal structure to austenite upon unloading. F2005

lower plateau strength (LPS), n(in nitinol), stress at 2.5 % strain during tensile unloading of the sample, after loading to F2005 6 % strain. martensite, nlowest temperature phase in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys with a B19' (B19 prime) monoclinic crystal structure. F2005 martensite deformation temperature (Md), n(in nitinol), highest temperature at which martensite will form from the austenite phase in response to an applied stress. F2005 martensite nish temperature (Mf), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to martensite is completed on cooling in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the transformation from R-phase to martensite is completed on cooling in a two-stage F2005 transformation (Fig. 2). martensite peak temperature (Mp), n(in nitinol), temperature of the exothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon cooling for the austenite to martensite transformation (Fig. 1) or the R-phase to martensite transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 martensite start temperature (Ms), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to martensite begins on cooling in a single-stage transformation (Fig. 1) or the temperature at which the transformation from R-phase to martensite begins on cooling in a two-stage transformation F2005 (Fig. 2). nitinol, ngeneric name for a Ni-Ti alloy. pseudoelasticity, nsee superelasticity. F2005 F2005

thermoelastic martensitic transformation, n(in nitinol), diffusion-less thermally reversible phase change characterized by a change in crystal structure.
DISCUSSIONThis is a process in which an incremental change in temperature produces a proportionate increase or decrease in the F2005 amount of phase change.

transformation temperature range, nin a shape memory alloy, the temperature range in which a change of phase F2005 occurs. upper plateau strength (UPS), n(in nitinol), stress at 3 % F2005 strain during tensile loading of the sample. CERAMIC MATERIALS X1.3 F04.13 Ceramic Materials allogeneic, adjderived from different individuals of the same species. F1581 amorphous calcium phosphate, nnoncrystalline calcium phosphate. F1609 anorganic, adjdenoting tissue (for example, bone) from which the organic material has been totally removed. Also referred to as deorganied, deproteinized or deproteinated. F1581

residual elongation (Elr[%]), n(in nitinol), strain after tensile loading to 6 % strain and unloading to 7 MPa. F2005 R-phase, n(in nitinol), intermediate phase which may form between austenite and martensite.
DISCUSSIONThis occurs in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys under certain conditions. The crystal lattice of the R-Phase is a rhombohedral distortion of the cubic austenite crystal lattice structure, hence the name F2005 R-phase.

R-phase nish temperature (Rf), n(in nitinol), temperature at which the transformation from austenite to R-phase is completed on cooling in a two-stage transformation (Fig. 2). F2005 R-phase peak temperature (Rp), n(in nitinol), temperature of the exothermic peak position on the DSC curve upon

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apatite, nmineral substance having the molecular formula Ca 10 (X) 2 (PO 4 ) 6 where X=OH (hydroxyapatite or hydroxylapatite), CO3 (carbonated apatite), F or C1 (8). F1581 beta tricalcium phosphate, ncalcium phosphate substance of empirical chemical formula, Ca3(PO4)2 (see Specication F1088). F1609 calcium phosphate, nany one of a number of inorganic chemical compounds containing calcium and phosphate ions as its principal constituents. F1609 calcium sulfate anhydrite, nchemical substance having F2224 approximate molecular formula of CaSO4. calcium sulfate dihydrate, nchemical having the approximate molecular formula of CaSO42H2O. This substance is also known as gypsum. F2224 calcium sulfate hemihydrate, nchemical substance having approximate molecular formula of CaSO41/2H2O or CaSO4H2OCaSO4. The mineral name of this substance is bassanite and the substance is also known as Plaster of Paris in the clinical literature F2224 coating, nlayer of mechanically or chemically attached material covering a substrate material. F1609 crystalline phases:
Chemical and Mineral Names whitlockite betatricalcium phosphate calcium phosphate alphatricalcium phosphate lime calcium oxide hydroxyapatite (hydroxylapatite) Formula

agents, antistatic agents, antifoam agents, foam stabilizers, chelating or sequestering agents, phase stabilizers, and so forth. F2224 xenogeneic, adjderived from individuals of a different, specied species. For example, bovine bone, when used as an implant material in humans, is xenogeneic. F1581 MATERIAL TEST METHODS X1.4 F04.15 Material Test Methods adhesive failure, nfailure of the adhesive/substrate bond. F2548 adhesive strength, nstrength of the tissue adhesive/substrate interface. F2548 artifact width, nmaximum distance (mm) from the edge of the implant to the fringe of the resulting image artifact found in the entire set of images acquired using this test method. F2119 bulk oxidation index (BOI), nsamples bulk oxidation index (BOI) is the average of the oxidation indices collected over a 500-mm section at the center of the sample. F2102
DISCUSSIONTypically, this is a plateau region with the smallest oxidation indices. DISCUSSIONFor samples less than about 8 to 10 mm thick, this central region may display the samples highest oxidation indices, depending on its state of oxidation.

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calibrated range, ndistance over which the linear displacement sensor system is calibrated. F2537 calibration certicate, ncertication that the sensor meets indicated specications for its particular grade or model and whose accuracy is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology or another international standard. F2537 cohesive failure, nfailure of the internal adhesive bond. F2458 cohesive strength, ninternal strength of the adhesive. F2458







core, ncentral rod that moves in and out of the sensor. F2537
DISCUSSIONIt is preferable that the sensors prevent the core from exiting the sensor housing.

hydroxylapatite, ncalcium phosphate crystalline compound of empirical chemical formula, Ca5(PO4)3OH (see Specication F1185). F1609 plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coating, ncoating, consisting of at least 50 % hydroxyapatite by weight, prepared by plasma-spraying hydroxyapatite on a substrate. F2024 processing aids, nany constituent intentionally used in the processing of the raw material to fulll a certain technological purpose during treatment or processing, which may result in the unintentional but technically unavoidable presence of residues of the substance or its derivatives in the nal product (<5 % by weight), provided that these residues do not present any health risk. Some examples would be: binders, lubricants, compaction aids, disintegrants, plasticizers, deocculants, wetting agents, water retention

corrosive wear, nwear in which chemical or electrochemical reaction with the environment is signicant. F1875 coverage, nlength, parallel to the taper surface, that the bore and cone interfaces are in contact. F1875 crevice corrosion, nlocalized corrosion of a metal surface at, or immediately adjacent to, an area that is shielded from full exposure to the environment because of close proximity between the metal and the surface of another material. F1875 data acquisition system, nsystem generally consisting of a terminal block, data acquisition card, and computer that acquire electrical signals and allows them to be captured by a computer. F2537

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depth locator (DL), nmeasurement of the distance from the articular surface, or surface of interest, that a spectrum was collected and a corresponding OI calculated. F2102 depth locator (DL), nmeasurement of the distance from the articular surface, or surface of interest, that a spectrum was collected and a corresponding TVI calculated. F2381 diamagnetic material, nmaterial whose relative permeability is less than unity. F2052, F2213 differential variable reluctance transducer (DVRT), nlinear displacement sensor made of a sensor housing and a core. The sensor housing contains a primary coil and a secondary coil. Core position is detected by measuring the coils differential reluctance. F2537 external circuit, nwires, connectors, measuring devices, current sources, and so forth that are used to bring about or measure the desired electrical conditions within the test cell. F1875 femoral head neck extension, ndistance parallel to the taper axis, from the nominal neck offset length (k), as dened in Specication F1636, and the center of the head. Such variants from the nominal length are used to adjust for resection level, leg length, and so forth. A positive neck extension equates to the center of the head being located further away from the stem. F1875 ferromagnetic material, nmaterial whose magnetic moments are ordered and parallel producing magnetization in one direction. F2052, F2213 eld, nimage of a portion of the working surface upon which measurements are performed. F1854 free recovery, nunconstrained motion of a shape memory alloy upon heating and transformation to austenite after deformation in a lower temperature phase. F2082 fretting, nsmall amplitude oscillatory motion, usually tangential, between two solid surfaces in contact. F1875 fretting corrosion, ndeterioration at the interface between contacting surfaces as the result of corrosion and slight oscillatory slip between the two surfaces. F1875 fretting wear, nwear arising as a result of fretting. F1875 hazard, npotential source of harm. ISO/IEC Guide 51, F2503 hydrolytically degradable polymer (HDP), nany polymeric material in which the primary mechanism of chemical degradation in the body is by hydrolysis (water reacting with the polymer resulting in cleavage of the chain). F1635 image artifact, npixel in an image is considered to be part of an image artifact if the intensity is changed by at least 30 % when the device is present compared to a reference image in which the device is absent. F2119 intercept, npoint on a measurement grid line projected on a eld where the line crosses from solid to void or vice versa. F1854 ionic compounds/water soluble residue, nresidue that is soluble in water, including surfactants and salts. F2459 isocenter, ngeometric center of the gradient coil system, which generally is the geometric center of a scanner with a cylindrical bore. F2182 item, nmedical device or other object that may be brought into the MR environment. F2503 linear displacement sensor, nelectrical sensor that converts linear displacement to electrical output. F2537 linear displacement sensor system, nsystem consisting of a linear displacement sensor, power supply, signal conditioner, and data acquisition system. F2537 linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), nlinear displacement sensor made of a sensor housing and a core. The sensor housing contains a primary coil and two secondary coils. When an ac excitation signal is applied to the primary coil, voltages are induced in the secondary coils. The magnetic core provides the magnetic ux path linking the primary and secondary coils. Since the two voltages are of opposite polarity, the secondary coils are connected in series opposing in the center, or null position. When the core is displaced from the null position, an electromagnetic imbalance occurs. This imbalance generates a differential ac output voltage across the secondary coils, which is linearly proportional to the direction and magnitude of the displacement. When the core is moved from the null position, the induced voltage in the secondary coil, toward which the core is moved, increases while the induced voltage in the opposite secondary coil decreases. F2537 lower plateau strength (LPS), nstress at 2.5 % strain during unloading of the sample, after loading to 6 % strain. F2516 magnetic eld strength (H in A/m), nstrength of the applied magnetic eld. F2052, F2213 magnetic induction or magnetic ux density (B in T), nthat magnetic vector quantity which at any point in a magnetic eld is measured either by the mechanical force experienced by an element of electric current at the point, or by the electromotive force induced in an elementary loop during any change in ux linkages with the loop at the point. The magnetic induction is frequently referred to as the magnetic eld. Bo is the static eld in an MR system. Plain type indicates a scalar (for example, B) and bold type indicates a vector (for example, B). F2052, F2213, F2503 magnetic resonance (MR), nresonant absorption of electromagnetic energy by an ensemble of atomic particles situated in a magnetic eld. F2052, F2213, F2503 magnetic resonance diagnostic device, ndevice intended for general diagnostic use to present images which reect the spatial distribution or magnetic resonance spectra, or both, which reect frequency and distribution of nuclei exhibiting nuclear magnetic resonance. Other physical parameters derived from the images or spectra, or both, may also be produced. F2052, F2213

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magnetic resonance (MR) environment, narea within the 5 G line of an MR system. F2182 magnetic resonance (MR) environment, nvolume within the 0.50 mT (5 gauss (G)) line of an MR system, which includes the entire three dimensional volume of space surrounding the MR scanner. For cases in which the 0.50 mT line is contained within the Faraday shielded volume, the entire room shall be considered the MR environment. F2052, F2119, F2213, F2503 magnetic resonance equipment (MR equipment), nmedical electrical equipment which is intended for invivo magnetic resonance examination of a patient. The MR equipment comprises all parts in hardware and software from the supply mains to the display monitor. The MR equipment is a Programmable Electrical Medical System (PEMS). F2052, F2213 magnetic resonance examination (MR examination), nprocess of acquiring data by magnetic resonance from a patient. F2052, F2213 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ndiagnostic imaging technique that uses static and time varying magnetic elds to provide images of tissue by the magnetic resonance of nuclei. F2182 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nimaging technique that uses static and time varying magnetic elds to provide images of tissue by the magnetic resonance of nuclei. F2119, F2213 magnetic resonance system (MR system), nensemble of MR equipment, accessories, including means for display, control, energy supplies, and the MR environment. IEC 60601-2-33, F2052, F2182, F2213 magnetically induced displacement force, nforce produced when a magnetic object is exposed to the spatial gradient of a magnetic eld. This force will tend to cause the object to translate in the gradient eld. F2052, F2213, F2503 magnetically induced torque, ntorque produced when a magnetic object is exposed to a magnetic eld. This torque will tend to cause the object to align itself along the magnetic eld in an equilibrium direction that induces no torque. F2213, F2503 magnetization (M in T), nmagnetic moment per unit volume. F2213 measurement grid lines, nevenly spaced grid of parallel lines all of the same length. F1854 median fatigue strength at N cycles, nmaximum stress at which 50 % of the specimens of a given sample would be expected to survive N loading cycles. For the purposes of this test method, the fatigue strength will be determined at 5 million load cycles. A rationale for this is provided in the Appendix X1.4 of F2118. F2118 medical device, nany instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, in vitro reagent or calibrator, software, material, or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the specic purpose(s) of:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease, diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of, or compensation for an injury, investigation, replacement, modication, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process, supporting or sustaining life, control of conception, disinfection of medical devices, and providing information for medical purposes by means of in vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body, and which does not achieve its primary intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.

ISO 13485, F2052, F2213, F2503 medical implant, nstructure or device that is placed within the body of the patient for medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. F2182 MR compatible, adjdevice, when used in the MR environment, is MR safe and has been demonstrated to neither signicantly affect the quality of the diagnostic information nor have its operations affected by the MR device. The MR conditions in which the device was tested should be specied in conjunction with the terms MR safe and MR compatible since a device which is safe or compatible under one set of conditions may not be found to be so under more extreme MR conditions. F2182 MR conditional, adjitem that has been demonstrated to pose no known hazards in a specied MR environment with specied conditions of use. Field conditions that dene the specied MR environment include eld strength, spatial gradient, dB/dt (time rate of change of the magnetic eld), radio frequency (RF) elds, and specic absorption rate (SAR). Additional conditions, including specic congurations of the item, may be required. F2119, F2503 MR safe, adjdevice, when used in the MR environment, has been demonstrated to present no additional risk to the patient or other individuals, but may affect the quality of the diagnostic information. The MR conditions in which the device was tested should be specied in conjunction with the terms MR safe and MR compatible since a device which is safe or compatible under one set of conditions may not be found to be so under more extreme MR conditions. F2182 MR-safe, adjitem that poses no known hazards in all MR environments. F2119, F2503
DISCUSSIONMR-Safe items include nonconducting, nonmagnetic items such as a plastic petri dish. An item may be determined to be MR-Safe by providing a scientically based rationale rather than test data.

MR-unsafe, adjitem that is known to pose hazards in all MR environments. F2119, F2503
DISCUSSIONMR-Unsafe items include magnetic items such as a pair of ferromagnetic scissors.

non-soluble debris, nresidue including metals, organic solids, inorganic solids, and ceramics. F2459

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non-water soluble residue, nresidue soluble in solvents other than water. Inclusive in this are oils, greases, hydrocarbons, and low molecular weight polymers. Typical solvents used to dissolve these residues include chlorinated or uorinated solvents, or low molecular weight hydrocarbons. F2459 null position, ncore position within the sensor housing where the sensor voltage output is zero (some sensors do not have a null position). F2537 offset correction, nremoval of any offset in a sensors output so that at zero displacement, zero voltage is recorded. F2537 oxidation index (OI), noxidation index (OI) is dened as the ratio of the area of the carbonyl absorption peak(s) centered near 1720 cm-1 to the area of the absorption peak(s) centered near 1370 cm-1, as shown in Fig. 1 of F2102. Note that the peak areas are computed after subtracting out the appropriate baseline, as further discussed in Section 6 of F2102. F2102 oxidation index prole, noxidation index prole is the graphical representation of variation of the samples oxidation index with distance from its articular surface or the surface of interest. This is a plot of an OI versus DL. Typically, the graph will show the prole through the entire thickness of the sample. F2102 paramagnetic material, nmaterial having a relative permeability which is slightly greater than unity, and which is practically independent of the magnetizing force. F2052, F2213 passive implant, nimplant that serves its function without supply of electrical power. F2182, F2213 peak load, ninitial local maximum in the load versus displacement curve (Fig. 1). In certain radiation crosslinked UHMWPE materials, the load versus displacement curve increases monotonically and a shoulder, rather than an initial peak load, may be observed. F2183 percent error, nthe difference between a measurement of a reference standard and the actual length of the reference standard divided by the actual length of the reference standard and the result converted to a percent. F2537 porous coating, ncoating on an implant deliberately applied to contain void regions with the intent of enhancing the xation of the implant. F1854 potentiodynamic cyclic polarization (forward and reverse polarization), ntechnique in which the potential of the test specimen is controlled and the corrosion current measured by a potentiostat. The potential is scanned in the positive or noble (forward) direction as dened in Practice G3. The potential scan is continued until a predetermined potential or current density is reached. Typically, the scan is run until the transpassive region is reached, and the specimen no longer demonstrates passivity, as dened in Practice G3. The potential scan direction then is reversed until the specimen repassivates or the potential reaches a preset value. F2129 potentiostat, ninstrument for automatically maintaining an electrode in an electrolyte at a constant potential or controlled potentials with respect to a suitable reference electrode (see Terminology G15). F2129 power supply, nregulated voltage source with output equal to that required by the sensor for proper operation. F2537 radio frequency (RF) magnetic eld, nmagnetic eld in MRI that is used to ip the magnetic moments. The frequency of the RF eld is gB0 where g is the gyromagnetic constant, 42.56 MHz/T for protons, and B0 is the static magnetic eld in Tesla. F2182, F2503 reux system, napparatus containing an extraction vessel and a solvent return system. It is designed to allow boiling of the solvent in the extraction vessel and to return any vaporized solvent to the extraction vessel. F2459 residual elongation, Elr[%], ndifference between the strain at a stress of 7.0 MPa during unloading and the strain at a stress of 7.0 MPa during loading. F2516 resin, nany polymer that is a basic material for plastics. F1635 reuse, nrepeated or multiple use of any medical component (whether labeled SUD or reusable) with reprocessing (cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization, or combination thereof) between patient uses. F2459 runout, npredetermined number of cycles at which the testing on a particular specimen will be stopped, and no further testing on that specimen will be performed. For the purposes of this test method, the runout will be 5 million load cycles. F2118 safety, nfreedom from unacceptable risk in the MR environment. F2503 scan rate, nrate at which the controlling voltage is changed. F2129 sensor housing, ncentral hole in a linear displacement sensor that senses movement of the core within it. F2537 signal conditioner, nelectronic equipment that acts to convert the raw electrical output from the linear displacement sensor into a more useful signal by amplication and ltering. F2537 single-use component (SUD), ndisposable component; intended to be used on one patient during a single procedure. F2459 small punch test, ntest wherein the specimen is of miniature size relative to conventional mechanical test specimens, is disk-shaped, and is loaded axisymmetrically in bending by a hemispherical-head punch. F2183 specic absorption rate (SAR), nmass normalized rate at which RF energy is deposited in biological tissue. SAR is typically indicated in W/kg. F2182, F2503 specimen failure, ncondition at which the specimen completely breaks or is damaged to such an extent that the load

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frame is no longer able to apply the intended stress within the required limits. F2118 stress level, nvalue of stress at which a series of duplicate tests are performed. For the purposes of this test method, the stress level is reported as the maximum stress applied to the specimen. F2118 substrate, nsolid material to which the porous coating is attached. F1854 substrate failure, nfailure of the tissue substrate. F2458 upper plateau strength (UPS), nstress at 3 % strain during loading of the sample. F2516 wear, ndamage to a solid surface, generally involving progressive loss of material, due to relative motion between that surface and a contacting substance or substances. F1875 work to failure, narea under the load versus displacement curve (Fig. 1 of F2183). F2183 working surface, nground and polished face of the metallographic mount where the measurements are made. F1854 BIOCOMPATIBILITY TEST METHODS X1.5 F04.16 Biocompatibility Test Methods activator, nmedical material that demonstrates a shortened clotting time; an initiator of the intrinsic coagulation pathway. F2382 antigens, nthese are substances that stimulate the host to produce an immune response. F1905 AOO, nacetone olive oil solution (4:1 v/v) is a suitable nonpolar solvent. F2148 aqueous solvent, nin this assay refers to the polar solvent, saline. F2148 blank, nextraction vehicle not containing the specimen under test which is used for comparison with the extract liquid. F619 blank time, nperiod at the beginning of an assay when no data is taken. This is done to eliminate interference from premixing reagents, bubbles, and so forth. F2382 cell mediated immunity (CMI), nsome antigens stimulate the production of lymphocytes that react specically with the antigen. These cells do not circulate widely in the host and are generally located at the site of antigen deposition. The use of living lymphocytes is required to test for CMI to an antigen. F1905 clastogen, nany agent that is capable of inducing chromosome breaks. E1280 comparative hemolysis, ncomparison of the hemolytic index produced by a test material compared with that produced by a standard reference material such as polyethylene at the same test conditions. F756 complement, nthis is a complex system of circulating proteins (enzymes, pro-enzymes, and co-factors) found in the blood. This system is usually activated by antigenantibody reactions and is a reection of humoral immunity. However, it is apparent that other factors can activate the complement system. These include large polysaccharides and various materials and tissues. Activation of complement can affect the immune system, inammation, and vascular activity with fever and shock as a consequence of complement activation in the host. F1905 cyanmethemoglobin reagent, nreagent to which whole blood, plasma, or test supernatant is added that quickly

substrate interface, nregion where the porous coating is attached to the substrate. F1854 surface area, nprojected surface area of a part. This area does not include the internal porosity of parts with cancellous, porous, or wire structure. F2459 surface oxidation index (SOI), nsamples surface oxidation index (SOI) is the average of the oxidation indices from the samples articular surface, or the surface of interest, to a depth of 3-mm subsurface. F2102 tesla, (T), nSI unit of magnetic induction equal to 104 gauss (G). F2052, F2213, F2503 tissue adhesive, nany material used as a medical device to help secure the apposition of two wound edges or opposed soft tissues. F2458 tissue sealant, nsurface coating with adequate adhesive strength to prevent leakage of body uids. F2458 total elemental level, ntotal weight of particulate matter and corrosion ions generated by fretting wear and fretting corrosion. Most analytical techniques are unable to accurately differentiate between ions and particulates, and therefore, total elemental level refers to all matter and corrosion products released by fretting wear and corrosion. F1875 trans-vinylene index (TVI), ntrans-vinylene index is dened as the ratio of the absorption peak area between 950 and 980 cm-1 to the absorption peak area between 1330 and 1396 cm-1. F2381 trans-vinylene index prole, ntrans-vinylene index prole is dened as the graphical representation of variation of the samples trans-vinylene index with distance from its articular surface or the surface of interest. This is a plot of TVI versus DL. Typically, the graph will show the prole through the entire thickness of the sample. F2381 ultimate displacement, ndisplacement at rupture (failure) of the specimen (Fig. 1 of F2183). F2183 ultimate load, nload at rupture (failure) of the specimen (Fig. 1 of F2183). F2183 uniform elongation, Elu[%], nelongation determined at the maximum force sustained by the test piece just prior to necking, or fracture, or both. F2516

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converts most of the forms of hemoglobin to the single cyanmethemoglobin form for quantication at its 540-nm spectrophotometric peak. The reagent (based on that by van Kampen and Zijlstra (1), pH 7.0-7.4), is made with 0.14-g potassium phosphate, 0.05-g potassium cyanide, 0.2-g potassium ferricyanide, and 0.5 to 1 mL of nonionic detergent diluted to 1 L with distilled water. The conversion time of this reagent is 3 to 5 min. This reagent is recommended by the National Commission for Clinical Laboratory Studies (NCCLS) and may be made from the chemicals or purchased from supply houses. The rst cyanmethemoglobin reagent used to measure total blood hemoglobin concentration was Drabkins Reagent (1 g of sodium bicarbonate, 0.05 g of potassium cyanide, 0.2 g of potassium ferricyanide, and diluted with distilled water to 1 L). The disadvantages of using the Drabkins reagent versus the NCCLS cyanmethemoglobin reagent are that it has a conversion time of 15 min and pH of 8.6 which may cause turbidity. However, it is still available as individual chemicals or kits such as Sigma 525-A. The Drabkins and cyanmethemoglobin reagents were developed to quantify the high hemoglobin concentration normally found in whole blood (for example, 15 000 mg/dL). By modifying the sample dilution volumes and accounting for background interference, these reagents can also be used to measure much lower plasma or supenatant hemoglobin concentrations as well (Moore et al, Malinauskas (2), (3)). F756 direct contact test, ntest for the hemolytic property performed with the test material in direct contact with the blood. F756 DMSO, ndimethylsulfoxide (nonaqueous, suitable organic solvent). F2148 DNCB, n2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. F2148 gene mutation, nany heritable change whose physical extent is restricted to the limits of a single gene. E1280 Guinea Pig Maximization Test (GPMT), nprocedure described in Practice F720 accepted as a worst case assay for allergenic potential. F2147 hemolysis, ndestruction of erythrocytes resulting in the liberation of hemoglobin into the plasma or suspension medium. F756 humoral immunity, nsome antigens stimulate the host to produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) that are specic for the antigen and react with the antigen. Antibodies circulate in the blood and tissue uids. The antibodies produced can be detected using blood from the host. F1905 ICCVAM, nInteragency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods. F2148 inammatory factors, nvarious soluble substances may be produced by lymphocytes in response to an antigen. This may occur in humoral immune responses or in CMI. These substances may inuence the function of other cells and are called cytokines. Many of these act on various white cells and are called interleukins. They are reection of antigenic stimulation of the host. F1905 mutagen, nany physical or chemical agent capable of inducing a mutation. F1280 mutation, nany heritable change in the genetic material, not caused by genetic segregation or genetic recombination, and that is transmitted to daughter cells. F1280 negative control, nmaterial, such as a polyethylene, that produces little or no hemolysis (<2 % after subtraction of the blank) in the test procedure. It is desirable that the control specimens have the same conguration as the test samples. F756 nonaqueous solvent, nin this assay refers to the organic or nonpolar solvent, which shall be dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or acetone olive oil (AOO). F2148 partial thromboplastin time (PTT) assay, nmodication of the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) assay; unlike the APTT test, the PTT assay uses reagent (rabbit brain cephalin) without activating substances (silica, kaolin, elagic acid.) The material being tested acts as the activator. F2382 % hemolysis, nquotient of the free plasma hemoglobin (mg/mL) released as a result of contact with test material or extract divided by the total hemoglobin (mg/mL) present in the blood solution multiplied by 100. F756
DISCUSSIONThis is synonymous with hemolytic index.

duplicate ag, nagreement between the results of duplicate samples in percent. For example, if set to 15, the difference between the two channels must be less than or equal to 15 %. If the variance in clot times exceeds this percentage, an asterisk * will be printed by the average results on the report. F2382 equilibration time, ntime allowed for the plasma samples to warm to 37C. The brometer can be set to zero if samples are pre-warmed to this temperature. F2382 extract liquid, nthat liquid which, after extraction of the specimen, is used in tests. F619 extract test, ntest for the hemolytic property performed with an isotonic extract of the test material, as described in F619, in contact with the blood. F756 extraction vehicle, nliquid specied for use in testing the plastic. F619 formalin, n110 dilution of 37 to 39 % formaldehyde solution (formaldehyde) in PBS. F2148 Freunds Complete Adjuvant (FCA), ncommerciallyavailable mixture of oil and Mycobacterium that is known to elicit an immune response. F2147

PBS, nphosphate buffered saline, pH 7.2.


phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Ca and Mg free), nuse of phosphate buffered saline is preferable to the use of saline to maintain the pH. The use of magnesium- and calcium-free PBS is necessary to maintain the anticoagulant properties of

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the chelating agents used in collecting the blood. It is used as the background or blank for a hemolysis test. F756 plasma hemoglobin, namount of hemoglobin in the plasma. F756 positive control, nmaterial capable of consistently producing a hemolysis of at least 8 % after subtraction of the results of the blank. F756
DISCUSSIONSuggested materials include, but are not limited to, BUNA N (Aero Rubber and other suppliers) and plastisol (Plasti-Coat, Watertown CT).

barrel length, LBR, ndistance from the free end of the barrel to the interior vertex of the barrel/sideplate junction (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 bending compliance, nreciprocal of the stiffness of the IMFD under a bending load in a specied plane as dened and determined in the static four-point bend test described in Annex A1 in Specication Test Methods F1264. F1264 bending stiffness, K (N/mm), nof a bone plate, the maximum slope of the linear elastic portion of the load versus load-point displacement curve for a bone plate when tested according to the test method of Annex A1 of Specication F382. F382 bending strength (N-m), nof a bone plate, the bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the bone plate when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication F382. F382 bending strength, nof the sideplate, the bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the sideplate when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication and Test Methods F382. F384 bending structural stiffness, El (N-m2), nof a bone plate, the bone plates normalized effective bending stiffness that takes into consideration the effects of the test setups conguration when tested according to the method described in Annex A1 of Specication F382. F382 bending structural stiffness, Ele, nof the sideplate, the sideplates normalized effective bending stiffness that takes into consideration the effects of the test setups conguration when tested according to the method described in Annex A1 of Specication and Test Methods F382. F384 bioabsorbable device, nclass of implants that are designed to deteriorate by means of biological resorption once they are implanted into the body. F2502 biological resorption, nprocess by which degraded biomaterials (that is, products of degradation) are eliminated or incorporated, or both, by means of physiological metabolic routes. F2502 blade, nportion of an angled device which transmits the off axis loading of the anatomical loading condition to the sideplate portion of the angled device (see Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 blade length, LBD, ndistance from the free end of the blade to the interior vertex of the blade/sideplate junction (see Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 bone anchor, nbioabsorbable device that provides a means to attach soft tissue to bone with a suture. F2502 bone plate, ndevice with two or more holes or slots, or both, and a cross section that consists of at least two dimensions (width and thickness), which generally are not the same in magnitude. The device is intended to provide alignment and xation of two or more bone sections, primarily by spanning the fracture or defect. F2502

positive control, nsubstance capable of consistently stimulating lymphocyte proliferation. F2148 read time, ntime during which data is collected to detect a clot. F2382 saline, n0.9 % sodium chloride (aqueous, polar solvent). F2148 specimen portion, nunit or units of plastic placed into the extraction vehicle. F619 TCA, n5 % trichloroacetic acid. F2148 tritiated thymidine, nH3methyl thymidine, specic activity 2 Ci/mM (in PBS) I125 IUDR-radioactive uridine. F2148 2,4 dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), nstrong sensitizer, used as a positive control. F2147 vehicle controls, naqueous, polar solvent and a nonaqueous, nonpolar solvent. F2148 OSTEOSYNTHESIS X1.6 F04.21 Osteosynthesis anchor, nbioabsorbable device or a component of a bioabsorbable device that provides the attachment to the bone. F2502 angle, ndened at either the barrel/sideplate or blade/ sideplate junction (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 angled device, nclass of orthopedic devices for the xation of fractures in the methaphyseal areas of long bones that has a component aligned at an angle to the bones long axis. F384 auto compression, ntype of bone plate that by its design can generate a compressive force between adjacent unconnected bone fragments through the use of one or more ramped holes or another type of slot geometry. This ramp or slot geometry contacts the underside of the screw head, and induces compressive force as the screw is inserted and tightened to the bone plate. F382 axial pullout strength, ntensile force required to fail or remove a bone screw from a material into which the screw has been inserted. F543 barrel, nportion of an angled device which captures the lag screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384

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bone plate, nmetallic device with two or more holes or slot(s), or both, and a cross section that consists of at least two dimensions (width and thickness) which generally are not the same in magnitude. The device is intended to provide alignment and xation of two or more bone sections, primarily by spanning the fracture or defect. The device is typically xed to the bone through the use of bone screws or cerclage wire. A partial list of general types of bone plates is given in 4.1 of Specication F382. F382 bone plate length, L (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured along the longitudinal axis as illustrated in Fig. A4.2 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. F2502 bone plate length, L (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured along the longitudinal axis as illustrated in Fig. 2 of Specication F382. F382 bone plate thickness, b (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured parallel to the screw hole axis as shown in Fig. A4.2 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. For a bone plate with a crescent section, the thickness is measured at the thickest point along the section. F2502 bone plate thickness, b (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured parallel to the screw hole axis as shown in Fig. 1a, 1b, and Fig. 2 of Specication F382. For a bone plate with a crescent section, the thickness is measured at the thickest point along the section. F382 bone plate width, w (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured perpendicular to both the length and thickness axes as shown in Fig. A4.2 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. F2502 bone plate width, w (mm), nlinear dimension of the bone plate measured perpendicular to both the length and thickness axes as shown in Fig. 2 of Specication F382. F382 breaking angle, nangle of rotation when the screw fails in torsion as demonstrated by a rapid decrease in the indicated torque. F543 buttress thread, nasymmetrical thread prole characterized by a pressure ank which is nearly perpendicular to the screw axis. F543 cable, ngroup of strands helically twisted together. F2180 cancellous screw, nscrew designed primarily to gain purchase into cancellous bone. Cancellous screws typically have a HB thread and may or may not be fully threaded. F543 closed section, nany cross section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a solid IMFD or hollow IMFD in which there is no discontinuity of the outer wall. To orient the IMFD for testing and for insertion, the desired relationship of any irregularities, asymetries, and so forth, to the sagittal and coronal planes should be described for the intended applications. F1264 compression bending stiffness, (K), nof a device, the maximum slope of the linear elastic portion of the load versus displacement curve, when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication F384. F384 compression bending strength, nof a device, the bending moment necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the device when tested as described in Annex A1 of Specication F384. F384 contouring, vmanipulation and bending of a bone plate, either pre-operatively or intra-operatively, to match the anatomic geometry of the intended xation location. F382 core diameter, nsmallest diameter of the threaded portion of the screw measured at the thread root. This is also known as the minor diameter or root diameter. F543 cortical screw, nscrew designed primarily to gain biocortical purchase into cortical bone. Cortical screws typically have a HA thread and are fully threaded. F543 crescent section, nbone plate cross-section shape (perpendicular to the long axis of the bone plate) where the thickness is not constant along the section. Typically the section is thickest along the bone plates centerline and tapers to a smaller thickness at the bone plates edges (see Fig. 1b of Specication F382.) F382 data acquisition device, ndata recorder shall be suitable to continuously record torque versus angle of rotation, as well as linear displacement, calibrated in units of Newton-metres for torque and degrees for angle of rotation. The value of torque shall have a resolution of 5 % of torsional yield strength. The angular displacement scale shall have a minimum sensitivity so as to enable an accurate offset measurement capability for a 2 angular displacement (see A1.5.3 of Specication and Test Methods F2502). F2502 deterioration (of a bioabsorbable device), naction or process that results in a reduction of mass or mechanical performance properties, or both. F2502 diameter, ndistance between opposing points across the circle circumscribing either the strand or cable as illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 of Specication F2180 (see MIL-DTL83420J, MIL-DTL-83420/1B and MIL-DTL-83420/2B). F2180 failure strength, nforce parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) required to meet the failure criteria dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264 fatigue life, nnumber of loading cycles of a specied character that a given specimen sustains before failure of a specied nature occurs. F382, F384 fatigue strength at N cycles, nestimate of the cyclic forcing parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so on) at a given load ratio, for which 50 % of the specimens within a given sample population would be expected to survive N loading cycles. F382, F384 fatigue strength at N cycles, nmaximum cyclic force parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so

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forth) for a given load ratio, which produces device structural damage or meets some other failure criterion in no less than N cycles as dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264 nal form, ncondition of the foam product when used by the end user to perform tests of orthopaedic devices or instruments. The condition of the foam product of which all physical and mechanical tests required by this specication are performed. F1839 solidfoam is in a uniform solid form, such as a slab, plate, or block. F1839 foam rise direction, nnominal direction that the foam rises during the polymerization (foaming) process, either at the suppliers production facilities for the solid supplied foam, or at the end-users facilities for foam produced from the liquid supplied form. The foam rise direction shall be marked on the foam block or indicated in the shipping documentation for foam that is supplied in the solid form. F1839 gage length, ndistance between the holding device, for example, a split collet, and the underside of the screw head. F543 grades, ngrade designation refers to the nominal density of the foam, in its solid nal form, expressed in units of kg/m3 (lbm/ft3). Five grades of foam have been dened in Specication F1839. Their nominal densities are: F1839
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 10: 12: 15: 20: 40: 160.2 192.2 240.3 320.4 640.7 kg/m3 (10.0 kg/m3 (12.0 kg/m3 (15.0 kg/m3 (20.0 kg/m3 (40.0 lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3) lbm/ft3)

insertion depth, nthreaded length as inserted into the test block. F543 insertion torque, namount of torque required to overcome the frictional force between the screw and the material used for testing while driving the screw into the material. F543 lag screw, nthat component of a compression hip screw angled device which is threaded into the metaphyses and transmits the off axis load to the sideplate through the barrel (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 lag screw length, nstraight line distance measured between the proximal and distal ends of the lag screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 lay (or twist), nhelical form taken by the wires in a strand and by the strands in a cable (see MIL-DTL-83420J). F2180
DISCUSSIONIn a Right Lay situation, the wires of the strand (or the strands in a cable) are oriented in the same direction as the thread on a right-hand screw.

length of lay (or pitch), ndistance parallel to the axis of the strand (or cable) in which a wire (or strand) makes one complete turn about the axis. F2180 MN, nconstruction designation for strands and cables. In this construction designation M represents the number of strands in the cable and N represents the number of wires in each strand. F2180
DISCUSSIONSome examples of strand constructions are 17 and 13. Similar examples of cable constructions are 77 and 719.

grip length, nlength of threads held fast in the split collet or other holding mechanism. F543 hydrolytically degradable polymer (HDP), nany polymeric material in which the primary mechanism of chemical degradation in the body is by hydrolysis (water reacting with the polymer resulting in cleavage of the chain). F2502 IMFD curvature, ndimensions of size and locations of arcs of the curvature, or mathematical description of the curvature, or other quantitative descriptions to which the curvature is manufactured along with tolerances. To orient the IMFD for testing and for insertion, the desired relationship of the curvature to the sagittal and coronal planes should be described for the intended applications. F1264 IMFD diameter, ndiameter of the circumscribed circle, which envelops the IMFDs cross section when measured along the IMFDs working length. If the diameter is not constant along the working length, then the site of measurement should be indicated. F1264 IMFD length, nlength of a straight line between the most proximal and distal ends of the IMFD. F1264 insertion depth (mm), nlinear advancement of the bioabsorbable device into the test block measured relative to its seated position at the test blocks surface prior to testing. F2502

maximum torque (N-m), nlargest value of torque recorded during the period of rotation before screw failure in torsional shear when tested in accordance with Annex A1 of Specication F543. F543 N, nvariable representing a specied number of cycles. F1264 no load motion, nsome devices have a degree of free motion at xation points which allows relative motion to occur between the device and the bone with no elastic strain in the device and no (or minimal) change in load. This is termed no load motion. F1264 nontapping screw, nscrew that has a tip that does not contain a ute. Nontapping screws usually require a tap to be inserted into the pilot hole before the insertion of the screw, when used in moderate or hard bone. F543 open section, nany cross section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a hollow IMFD in which there is a discontinuity of the outer wall. To orient the IMFD for testing and insertion, the desired relationship of the discontinuity to the sagittal and coronal planes should be described for the intended applications. F1264 partially threaded screw, nscrew whose threaded portion does not extend fully from the screw point to the screw head but instead has a smooth shaft running between the head and threads. F543

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pilot hole, nhole drilled into the bone into which the screw tip is inserted. The pilot hole is normally slightly larger than the screws core diameter. However, if the screw is to be used to provide compression across a fracture, a portion of the pilot hole may be larger to allow for a clearance t. F543 pilot holes in test block, npilot holes shall be drilled in the test block for insertion and removal of the test specimen. See Specication F543, Annex 2. F2502 pitch, nthe length between the thread crests. F543 strand, ngroup of wires helically twisted together. F2180

structural stiffness, nmaximum slope of the elastic portion of the load-displacement curve as dened and measured according to the test conducted. For bending in a specied plane, this term is dened and determined in the static four-point bend test described in Annex A1 of Specication and Test Methods F1264. F1264 supplied form, ncondition of the foam product when received from the supplier by the end user. F1839 liquid, ntwo liquid components (base and activator) that can be mixed by the end user to produce a rigid, unicellular foam slab. F1839 solid, nfoam is in a uniform solid form, such as a slab, plate, or block. F1839 test block, ntest block shall be fabricated from a uniform material that conforms to Specication F1839. See Specication F543, Annex 2. F2502 test specimen, ntest specimen shall be a completely fabricated and nished bioabsorbable bone screw. F2502 testing xture, ntorsion testing apparatus that is to be used for applying the required torque to the specimen shall be calibrated for the range of torques and rotational displacements used in the determination. A suitable testing xture for the torsional yield strength-maximum torque-breaking angle test is illustrated in Fig. A1.1 of Specication and Test Methods F2502. F2502 thread diameter, nlargest diameter of the threaded portion of the screw measured over the thread crests. This is also known as the major diameter. F543 thread diameter, nmaximum outside diameter of the lag screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 thread length, nlength of the threaded portion of the screw, measured from the thread runout to the screw tip. F543 thread length, nstraight line distance measured between the tip and thread runout positions of the screw (see Fig. 1 of Specication F384). F384 thread runout, nintersection of the screw thread with either the screw shaft or screw head. F543 tolerance, nacceptable deviations from the nominal size of any dimension describing the IMFD. F1264 torque transducer, ntransducer to translate the applied torque into an electrical signal amenable to continuous recording, calibrated over the range of torques, both in the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, to be encountered in the test method, shall be provided. F2502 torsional displacement transducer, ntransducer to translate the angle of twist into an electrical signal amenable to continuous recording, calibrated over the range of angles to be encountered in the test and an accuracy of 61 % of reading, both in the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, shall be used. F2502

potential critical stress concentrator (CSC), nany change in section modulus, material property, discontinuity, or other feature of a design expected to cause a concentration of stress that is located in a region of the IMFD expected to be highly stressed under the normal anticipated loading conditions. F1264 removal torque, namount of torque required to overcome the frictional force between the screw and the material used for testing while removing the screw from the material (for example, counterclockwise rotation for right-hand thread). F543 screw head, nend of the screw which is opposite of the tip and from which the means of inserting the screw is coupled. F543 screw length, noverall length of the screw measured from the screw head to the screw tip. F543 screw thread, nhelical groove on a cylindrical or conical surface. The projecting helical ridge thus formed is called a screw thread, consisting of peaks (crests) and valleys (roots). F543 self-tapping force (N), namount of axial force required to engage the self-tapping features of self-tapping style screws when tested in accordance with Annex A4 of Specication F543. F543 self-tapping screw, na screw that has any number of utes at its tip which are intended to cut the screws thread form into the bone upon insertion. F543 sideplate, nthat portion of the angle device generally aligned with the bones long axis which attaches to the bone via bone screws (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384). F384 sideplate length, L, ndistance from the free end of the sideplate to the interior vertex of the barrel/sideplate junction, shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384. F384 sideplate thickness, b, nthickness of the sideplate as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384. F384 sideplate width, w, nwidth of the sideplate as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F384. F384 size, nidentication of a screw based on its nominal thread diameter, as dened in Section 6 of Specication F543. F543 solid core, nscrew that does not contain a cannulation along its longitudinal axis. F543

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torsional yield strength (N-m), npoint at which the screw reaches its proportional limit when tested in accordance with Annex A1 of Specication F543. This will be determined by the offset method. A 2 offset value will be used. F543 ultimate strength, n maximum force parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) that the structure can support dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264 ungraded, adjfoam that does not t into one of the ve grades specied in 3.1 because of the foam not meeting one or more of the physical or mechanical requirements of Section 4 of Specication F1839. F1839 uniform width, nreferring to a bone plate where the width is constant along the bone plates length. F382 wire, nindividual element (typically a cylindrical rod) making up a strand. F2180 working length, nlength of uniform cross section of the IMFD intended to obtain some type of t to the medullary canal in the area of the diaphysis. F1264 yield strength, nforce parameter (for example, load, moment, torque, stress, and so forth) which initiates permanent deformation as dened and measured according to the test conducted. F1264 ARTHROPLASTY X1.7 F04.22 Arthroplasty anterior curvature, ncondylar design which is generally planar except for a concaveupward region anteriorly on the tibial component. F1223 anterior posterior (AP), nany geometrical length aligned with the AP orientation. F1223 AP displacement, nrelative linear translation between components in the AP direction. F1223 AP draw load, nforce applied to the movable component with its vector aligned in the AP direction causing or intending to cause an AP displacement. F1223 articular insert, npolymeric prosthetic portion of a multiple piece glenoid component that articulates with the humeral head. F1829 axial load; axial translation, nforce and displacement, respectively, perpendicular to the glenoid plane; the axial load simulates the net compressive external and muscle forces (see Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2028). F2028 bearing element, narticulating surface element between the femoral head and shell or bonding agent (bone cement). F2091 bearing surface, nthose regions of the component which are intended to contact its counterpart for load transmission. F1223 biconcave, ncondylar design with pronounced AP and ML condylar radii seen as a dish in the tibial component or a toroid in the femoral component. F1223 cantilever plane, nplane perpendicular to the line of load application at the level on the stem where the stem becomes unsupported. F1440 carpal component, narticulating member inserted into or through the carpal bones. F1357 cavity, nany slot, cut, hole, or other feature within the shell intended to accommodate modular adjunct xation elements; instruments for insertion, extraction, and so forth; or for manufacturing purposes. F2091 circularity, ndeviations of taper cross section from a perfect circle. F2345 condyles, nentity designed to emulate the joint anatomy and used as a bearing surface primarily for transmission of the joint reaction force with geometrical properties which tend to govern the general kinematics of the TKR. F1223 cone, nproximal end of the femoral component fabricated as a truncated right cone and used to engage with a mating conical bore of the modular femoral head. F2345 cone angle, nincluded angle of cone (Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2345). F2345 coordinate system/axes, nthree orthogonal axes are dened as follows: F2385 origin, ncenter of the coordinate system is located at either the geometric center of the acetabular component segment or the center of a circle dened using the edge of the acetabular component. X-axis, npositive X-axis is to be directed in the medial direction independent of which hip is to be studied. Some software programs correct the sign of this value but the user must insure that the protocol maintains the convention, (that is, which way is the patient facing). Y-axis, npositive Y-axis is to be xed in the superior direction. Z-axis, npositive Z-axis is to be xed in the posterior direction. cumulative moisture content, Mt (%), namount of absorbed moisture in a material at a given time t, expressed as a percentage of the weight of absorbed moisture divided by the initial specimen weight, as follows: F1634
M t% 5 Wi 2 Wb 3 100 Wb

where: Wi = current specimen weight, g, and Wb = initial (baseline) specimen weight at t = 0 and standard laboratory atmosphere, g. cutoff length, ncutoff length denes the maximal value of the mean twist of prole irregularities that shall be considered in the roughness measurement, that is, with a cutoff

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length of 0.8 mm, the prole irregularities with a mean twist higher than 0.8 mm shall not be considered.
DISCUSSIONPrecise denitions of roughness parameters, cutoff length, and roundness are given in ISO 4287/1, ISO 5436, ISO 4291, and ISO 6318:1985.

glenoid backing, nmetallic or composite material prosthetic portion of a multiple piece glenoid component that attaches to the scapula. F1829 glenoid component, nprosthetic portion that replaces the glenoid fossa of the scapula and articulates with the natural humeral head or a prosthetic replacement. F1829 glenoid plane, nin symmetric glenoids, the plane is dened by joining the two articular edges; in planar and asymmetric glenoids, it is dened by the back surface. F2028 H1articulating surface superior-inferior height in the frontal plane. F1672 H2metal back superior-inferior height in the frontal plane. F1672 head size, nnominal spherical diameter of the head (generally standardized, but not limited to 22, 26, 28, 32, and 36 mm for total hips.) F2345 hinge, nmechanical physical coupling between femoral and tibial components which provides a singular axis about which exion occurs. F1223 humeral head, nprosthetic portion that replaces the proximal humerus or humeral head and articulates with the natural glenoid fossa or a prosthetic replacement. F2028 hyperextension stop, ngeometrical feature which arrests further progress of exion angles of negative value. F1223 installation load, nforce, applied at 0 from femoral neck axis, used to settle the head on the cone before testing. F2345 internal-external rotation, nrelative angulation of the moveable component about an axis parallel to the z-axis. F1223 joint reaction force, napplied load whose vector is directed parallel to the z-axis, generally considered parallel to tibial longitudinal axis. F1223 line of load application, nloading axis of the test machine. F1440 liquid, nwater, saline solution, calf serum, or any other liquid solution that is used to condition PMC specimens. F1634 load axis, nline of action of the compressive force applied to the head. F2345 load axis angle, nmeasured angle L between the line of action of the applied force and femoral neck axis (see Fig. 5 of Test Methods F2345). F2345 load magnitude, npeak (absolute value) compressive force of the applied constant amplitude cyclic force. F2345 load rate, nrate of applied compressive force. F2345

distal stem axis, ncenterline in the anterior/posterior projection of the most distal 50 mm of the stem. F1440 distraction, nseparation of the femoral component(s) from the tibial component(s) in the z-direction. F1223 edge detection, nmethod of image analysis used to determine the two dimensional or three dimensional center point of a curved surface. Many computational methods of edge detection exist. F2385 edge displacements, ntranslation, perpendicular to the glenoid plane, of a specic point on the outside edge of the glenoid, when subjected to loading (see Fig. 3 of Test Methods F2028). F2028 equator of the articulating surface, nequator of the articulating surface is the circle normal to the revolution axis of the component, the center of which is the center of the spherical articulating surface. F2033 estimated maximum bending moment, nmaximum load times the unloaded moment arm. F1440 femoral neck-axis, ncenterline or axis of symmetry of the femoral cone. F2345 xation element, nany peg, spike, threadform, or other protrusion from the exterior surface of the shell intended to increase the surface contact or mechanical interlock between the component, the bonding agent, or the natural acetabulum or a combination thereof. F2091 ange, nrim extending from the entry diameter of bearing element. F2091 exion angle, nangulation of the femoral component (about an axis parallel to the y-axis) from the fully extended knee position to a position in which a local vertical axis on the component now points posteriorly. F1223
DISCUSSIONFor many implants, 0 of exion can be dened as when the undersurface of the tibial component is parallel to the femoral component surface that in vivo contacts the most distal surface of the femur. This technique may not be possible for some implants that are designed to have a posterior tilt of the tibial component. In these cases, the user shall specify how the 0 of exion position was dened.

geometric centroid (cantilever plane), npoint in a crosssectional area of the cantilever plane whose coordinates are the mean values of the coordinates of all the points in the area. F1440 glenoid, nprosthetic portion that replaces the glenoid fossa of the scapula and articulates with a prosthetic replacement of the humeral head. It may consist of one or more components from one or more materials, for example, either all-polyethylene or a metal baseplate with a polymeric insert. F2028

markers, ntantalum beads 1.0 mm, 0.8 mm, or 0.5 mm in diameter. F2385

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cage markers, ntantalum beads held in an external reference frame used to create a three dimensional coordinate system for measuring relative displacements. implant markers, nin vivo markers placed on the implant to dene the implant as a rigid body. segment, nthree-dimensional rigid body dened by a minimum of three markers. medio-lateral (ML), norientation that is aligned with the y-axis in the dened coordinate system. F1223 ML condylar radius, ngeometrical curvature of the components condyle in the frontal plane. F1223 ML dimension, nany geometrical length aligned with the ML orientation. F1223 ML displacement, nrelative linear translation between components in the ML direction. F1223 ML shear load, nforce applied to the moveable component with its vector aligned in the ML direction causing or intending to cause an ML displacement. F1223 nominal saturated moisture content, Ms (%), napproximation of the amount of moisture absorbed by a specimen at saturation, expressed as a percentage of the weight of absorbed moisture at approximate saturation divided by the initial specimen weight, as follows: F1634
M s, % 5 Ws 2 Wb 3 100 Wb

R value, nR value is the ratio of the minimum load to the maximum load. F1800, F2580
R5 minimum load maximum load

radial component, narticulating member inserted into the radius for articulation with the carpal component. F1357 radio pair, none set of RSA radiographs which were taken simultaneously. F2385 radiographic marker, nnonstructural, generally thin wire, designed to be apparent on X-rays taken after placement of implants that otherwise would be unapparent on such X-rays. F2091 radiostereometric analysis (RSA), nmethod developed by Goren Selvik for measuring relative motion between two parts from clinical radiographs. This method uses in vivo tantalum beads, an external reference cage, and two X-ray generators that take two exposures simultaneously. There are several commercially available software/hardware packages for RSA analysis. F2385 Reference Line L1, distal stem axis, nmedial-lateral (M-L) centerline of the most distal 50 mm of stem in the A-P projection. F1440 Reference Line L2: collared device, nplane of the distal side of the collar in the A-P projection. F1440 collarless device, nresection plane recommended for the device in the A-P projection. F1440 Reference Point P1, nspherical center of the prosthesis head. F1440 Reference Point P3: collared device, nintersection of the principal axis of the collar (L2) with the medial surface of the stem in the A-P projection. F1440 collarless device, nintersection of the resection plane (L2) with the medial surface of the stem in the A-P projection. F1440 Reference Point P4, ndistal tip of the stem. F1440

where: Ws = specimen weight at approximate saturation, g, and Wb = initial (baseline) specimen weight at t = 0 and standard laboratory atmosphere, g. pole of the articulating surface, npole of an articulating surface is dened by a point at the intercept of the revolution axis of the component and the spherical articulation surface. F2033 porous coating, nregion on the exterior surface of the shell characterized by interconnecting subsurface pores, generally with volume porosity between 30 to 70 %, average pore size between 100 to 1000 m, and a thickness between 500 to 1500 m. This porous layer may be manufactured directly into the device by casting or by various electro/chemical/ thermal/mechanical means, or applied as a coating of particles, beads, or mesh by processes such as sintering or plasma spray. F2091 post-in-well feature, nTKR design which tends to inuence kinematics through the coupling of a prominent eminence with a recess or housing in a mating component. F1223 Rcradius of curvature for single radius axisymmetric domes only. F1672 R value, nR value is the ratio of the minimum force to the maximum force. F1440
R5 minimum force maximum force

Reference Point P6, nintersection of the cantilever plane with the medial surface of the stem in the A-P projection. F1440 retention element, nany ring, taper, wire, or other protrusion or cavity from the interior surface of the shell or the exterior surface of the bearing element that is intended to affix the bearing element to the shell. F2091 rotary laxity (RL), ndegree of relative angular motion permitted of moveable component about the z-axis as governed by inherent geometry and load conditions. F1223 rotary torque, nmoment applied to the moveable component with its vector aligned to an axis parallel to the z-axis and causing or intending to cause an internal or external rotation. F1223

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shear load; shear translation, nforce and displacement, respectively, parallel to the glenoid plane, applied, for example, in the superior/inferior or anterior/posterior direction (see Figs. 1 and 2 of Test Methods F2028); the shear load simulates the net shear external and active and passive soft tissue forces. F2028 shell, nmetal structure supporting the articulating surface material, and which may be xed rigidly to the articulating surface or xed such that it allows the articulating surface to rotate or translate. F2091 standard laboratory atmosphere, nlaboratory atmosphere having a temperature of 23 6 2C and a relative humidity of 50 6 10 %. F1634 stem reference angle X, nangle between the stem reference line and the line of load application. F1440 stem reference line, nline passing through Reference Point P6 and the center of the prosthesis head (P1). F1440 stroke rate, nrate of the stroke displacement of the force applicator. F2345 stylus tip, nstylus tip is the tip of the measuring device (diamond or Focodyn) that measures the surface roughness. A stylus has a pseudoconical shape with a hemispherical tip. Typical sizes for the tip are 2, 5, or 10 m. The selection of the stylus tip is dependent on the range of the roughness measured. F2033 subluxation load, npeak shear load required for subluxation, for example, the peak resistive force at the glenoid articular rim opposing movement of the humeral head. F2028 subluxation translation, ndistance from the glenoid origin (see Fig. 2 of Test Methods F2028), parallel to the glenoid plane, to the point at which the subluxation load occurs. F2028 superior/inferior (SI), anterior/posterior (AP), nSI axis is the longest dimension and the AP axis the widest dimension of the glenoid (see Fig. 2 of Test Methods F2028). F2028 supported stem length, nvertical distance between the distal tip of the stem (P4) and the cantilever plane. F1440 surface nish, nmeasured roughness of surface of taper cone or head bore as determined by DIN 4768. F2345 surface texturing, nrepetitive or random deviations from the nominal surface that forms the three dimensional topography of the surface. F2091 T1total overall prosthetic thickness, for example, from the apex of the dome to the free end of pegs or other xation geometry. F1672 T2thickness of the patellar prosthesis from the plane of the bone-prosthesis interface (excluding pegs, keels, and so forth) to the apex of the articulating surface. F1672 T3minimum polymer thickness of the patellar prosthesis in direct contact with the femoral component that is at risk for wear; this is measured perpendicular to the tangent of the wear surface at the point of contact with the femoral component. F1672
DISCUSSIONThe dimension T3 is described in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Specication F1672 to be a distance from a surface contact point to an internal peg or an edge of the metal back. The exact location of the minimum thickness at risk may be at a different site and will depend on the design of the patella prosthesis and the mating femoral component. For devices manufactured from a single material, T3 should be measured from the wear surface to the back of the xation surface.

test frequency, nrate of cyclic repetition of fatigue loading in cycles per second. F2345 THR, ntotal hip replacement. F2345

tibial eminence, nraised geometrical feature separating the tibial condyles. F1223 total wrist replacement, nprosthetic parts substituted for the native opposing radial and carpal articulating surfaces. F1357 unloaded moment arm, nperpendicular distance between the line of load application and the geometric centroid of the stem cross section at the cantilever plane. F1440 unsupported stem length, nvertical distance between Point P3 and the cantilever plane. F1440 valgus-varus constraint, ndegree of relative angular motion allowed between the femoral and tibial components of post-in-well designs (or similar designs) in the coronal plane. F1223 W1maximum medial-lateral width of the articulating surface in the frontal plane. F1672 W2maximum medial-lateral width of the metal back in the frontal plane. F1672 SPINAL DEVICES X1.8 F04.25 Spinal Devices anchor, ncomponents that are directly attached to the bony elements of the spine (sacrum, lamina, pedicle, vertebral body, spinous process, transverse process, the pelvis, or F1582 ribs). articial intervertebral disc, nsynthetic structure that is permanently implanted in the disc space between two adjacent vertebral bodies to provide spinal column support and allow intervertebral motion. F2346 assembly, ncomplete implant conguration (not including spine, pelvis, ribs, or substitute material) as intended for F1582 surgical use. axial pull-out load (N), ntensile force in N required to fail or remove a screw from a material into which the screw has been inserted when tested in accordance with Specication and Test Methods F543, Annex A3. F2193 band, nexible anchor component with a noncircular cross section that connects the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs to each other or to other implant components using a

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knot or similar tying mechanism, forming a locked, closed F1582 loop. bending fatigue runout moment (Nm), nvalue in N-m of the maximum moment that can be applied to a spinal component where all of the tested samples have experienced 2 500 000 loading cycles without a failure at a specic R-ratio. F2193 bending moment arm, L (mm), ndistance in mm between the point where the test sample is gripped (typically the axis of the longitudinal element) and the line-of-action for the applied force prior to any deformation of of the assembly. (See dimension L of Fig. A4.2 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 bending stiffness, S (N/mm), nslope in N/mm of the initial linear elastic portion of the load versus total displacement curve (slope of line 0m in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 bending ultimate moment (Nm), nmaximum bending moment in N-m that can be applied to a test sample. This would correspond to the bending moment at Point E in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193. F2193 bending yield moment (Nm), nbending moment in N-m necessary to produce a 0.2 % offset displacement in the spinal component. If the specimen fractures before the test reaches the 0.2 % offset displacement point, the bending yield moment shall be dened as the bending moment at fracture (point D in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 bolt, nanchor component that connects to the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs by means of threads with the lead threads accomodating a nut thus sandwiching the bony element or implant component between the nut or washer F1582 and bolt head or other xed stop. bolt interconnection, ninterconnection having an implant component sandwiched between two nuts or between a nut F1582 and xed stop. cable, nmulti-strand, exible longitudinal element designed primarily to resist axial tension loading. F1582 clamp, ninterconnection component whose mechanism to secure the longitudinal element is through a squeezing action. DISCUSSIONFor example, crimps, wedges, set screws. F1582 component, nany single element used in an assembly. F1582 construct, na complete implant conguration attached to and including the spine, pelvis, ribs or substitute material as F1582 intended for surgical use. coordinate system/axes, nglobal XYZ orthogonal axes are dened following a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system in which the XY plane is to bisect the sagittal plane angle between superior and inferior surfaces that are intended to simulate the adjacent vertebral end plates. The global axes are stationary relative to the IVD prostheses inferior end plate xture, which, in this guide, is also considered to be stationary with respect to the test machines frame. Lower case letters, xyz, denote a local, moving orthogonal coordinate system attached to the superior end plate xturing with directions initially coincident with those of the global XYZ axes, respectively. The 3-D motion of the superior relative to inferior end plate xture is specied and is to be measured in terms of sequential Eulerian angular rotations about the xyz axes, respectively (z, axial rotation; x, lateral bending; and y, exion-extension). F2483 origin, ncenter of the global coordinate system is located at the initial position of the total disc replacements instantaneous center of rotation (COR). F1582 X-axis, npositive X-axis is a global xed axis relative to the testing machines stationary base and is to be directed anteriorly relative to the specimens initial unloaded position. Y-axis, npositive Y-axis is a global xed axis relative to the testing machines stationary base and is directed laterally relative to the specimens initial unloaded position. Z-axis, npositive Z-axis is a global xed axis relative to the testing machines stationary base and is to be directed superiorly relative to the specimens initial unloaded position. x-axis, npositive x-axis is a xed axis relative to the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global coordinate system and is directed anteriorly relative to the prosthesis. y-axis, npositive y-axis is a xed axis relative to the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global coordinate system and is directed laterally relative to the prosthesis. z-axis, npositive z-axis is a xed axis relative to the IVD prosthesis and a moving axis relative to the global coordinate system and is directed superiorly relative to the prosthesis. coordinate system/axes, nthree orthogonal axes are dened by Terminology F1582. The center of the coordinate system is located at the geometric center of the articial intervertebral disc. Alternative coordinate systems may be used with justication. The XY-plane is to bisect the superior and inferior surfaces that are intended to simulate the adjacent vertebral end plates. The positive Z-axis is to be directed perpendicular to the bisector of the disc space, oriented in the superior direction. The positive X-axis is parallel to the intervertebral space, oriented in the anterior direction and the positive Y-axis is parallel to the disc space, oriented in the left direction. Force components parallel to the XY-plane are shear components of loading. The compressive axial force is dened to be the component in the negative Z direction. Torsional load is dened to be the component of moment parallel to the Z-axis. F2346 degradation, nloss of material or function or material properties as a result of causes other than that associated with wear. F2423 expansion anchor, ncomponent that forms a connection to bony element by means of a mechanism which enlarges once the component is inserted into the bony elements. F1582

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expansion head screw, nthreaded anchor that is designed so that the head can be elastically deformed, through mechanical means, to establish an interconnection with another spinal construct element. F2193 exposed length (mm), nlinear distance measured in mm between the surface of the test block that the screw is embedded in during the test and the location where the screw is anchored (typically the axis of the longitudinal element) in the test xture (see Fig. A4.2 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 fatigue, nprocess of progressive localized permanent structural change occurring in a material subjected to conditions that produce uctuating stresses and strains at some point or points and that may culminate in cracks or complete fracture after a sufficient number of uctuations. DISCUSSIONSee Denitions E1150. F1582 fatigue life, nnumber of cycles, N, that the articial intervertebral disc can sustain at a particular load or moment before functional failure occurs. F2346 fatigue life, nnumber of loading cycles, N, of a specied character that a given specimen sustains before failure of a specied nature occurs. F1582
DISCUSSIONSee Denitions E1150.

transverse or spinous processes or into an anatomic or surgically created notch or opening. F1582 hook blade, nthat portion of a spinal hook that is placed under, over, or into a bony structure to provide attachment. F1582 hook body, nthat portion of a spinal hook that connects the F1582 hook blade to the longitudinal element. hybrid longitudinal element, nlongitudinal element consisting of two or more types of longitudinal elements of different size or cross-section manufactured into a single F1582 element. ideal insertion location, nlocation of the articial disc in the intervertebral space that is suggested in the manufacturers surgical installation instructions. The ideal insertion location is to be described with respect to the simulated inferior and superior vertebral bodies (polyacetal or metal blocks) and will be dictated by the device design. F2346 insertion depth (mm), nlinear advancement in mm of the screw into the test block measured relative to its seated position at the test blocks surface prior to testing. F2193 intended method of application, narticial intervertebral discs may contain different types of features to stabilize the implant-tissue interface such as threads, spikes, and textured surfaces. Each type of feature has an intended method of application or attachment to the spine. F2346 intended spinal location, nanatomic region of the spine intended for the articial intervertebral disc. Articial intervertebral discs may be designed and developed for specic regions of the spine such as the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Also, since different surgical approaches may exist, the description of the intended spinal location should include both the indicated spinal levels and the ideal insertion locations within the intervertebral space allowed at each level. F2346 interbody spacer, nstructure (biologic or synthetic) to replace (partially or totally) the vertebral body or intervertebral F1582 disk(s), or both. interconnection, nmechanical interface or connection mechanism between at least two components or between components and bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs. F1582 interface, none of the two mating surfaces, lines or points of contact within an interconnection between two components, between any component and bone, or between two bony F1582 elements. interval net volumetric wear rate VRi during cycle interval i (mm3/million cycles), nVRi = WRi/r, where r = mass density (for example, units of g/mm3) of the wear material. F2423 interval net wear rate WRi during cycle interval i (g/million cycles), nWRi = ((NWi NWi-1)/(number of cycles in interval i))*106. F2423

fatigue strength at N Cycles, Sn [FL-2], nvalue of stress for failure at exactly N cycles as determined from an S-N diagram. The value Sn thus determined is subject to the same conditions as those that apply to the S-N diagram.
DISCUSSIONThe value of Sn which is commonly found in the literature is the value of S max (maximum stress) or Sa (stress amplitude) at which 50 % of the specimens of a given sample could survive N stress cycles in which Snm (mean stress) = 0. This is also known as the median fatigue strength for N cycles (see Denitions F1582 E1150).

fatigue test, ntest designed to evaluate the cyclic load properties of a material, component, interconnection, subconstruct, construct, subassembly, or assembly. F1582 uid absorption, nuid absorbed by the device material during testing or while implanted in vivo. F2423 functional failure, npermanent deformation or wear that renders the IVD prosthesis assembly ineffective or unable to resist load/motion or any secondary effects that result in a reduction of clinically relevant motions or the motions intended by the design of the device. F2423 functional failure, npermanent deformation that renders the articial intervertebral disc ineffective or unable to adequately resist load. F2346 gross failure, npermanent displacement resulting from fracture or plastic deformation in excess of the yield displacement that renders the spinal component ineffective in fullling its intended function. F2193 hook, nanchoring component that fastens to the spine by means of a curved blade passed under or over lamina,

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DISCUSSIONFor i = 1, NWi-1 = 0.

intervertebral body fusion devices, nstructure that is placed in the disc space between two adjacent vertebral bodies to provide support for eventual arthrodeses of the two F1582 adjacent vertebral bodies. intervertebral body fusion cage, nhollow device that conF1582 tains graft material. intervertebral disc (IVD) prosthesis, nnonbiologic structure intended to restore the support and motion or a portion thereof between adjacent vertebral bodies. F2423 intervertebral height, nminimum distance parallel to the Z-axis in the YZ-plane between the unaltered simulated vertebral bodies: minimum height of 2 mm and maximum height of 16.5 mm. See Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 kinematic prole, nrelative motion between adjacent vertebral bodies that the IVD prosthesis is subjected to while being tested. F2423 load point, npoint through which the resultant force on the intervertebral device passes; that is, the geometric center of the superior xtures sphere (see Figs. 24 of Test Methods F2346). F2346 load prole, nloading that the device experiences while being tested under a dened kinematic prole or the loading that the IVD prosthesis is subject to if tested in load control. F2423 load ratio, R, A, nin fatigue loading, the algebraic ratio of the two loading parameters of a cycle.
DISCUSSIONThe most widely used ratios are: R5 or S min S max or R5 and A5 or Sa Sm or A5 Loading Amplitude Pa 5 Mean Load Pm Valley Load Peak Load P min Minimum Load 5 Maximum Load P max

maximum run-out load or moment, nmaximum load or moment for a given test that can be applied to an articial intervertebral disc where all of the tested constructs have withstood 10 000 000 cycles without functional failure. F2346 mechanical deterioration, ndeterioration that is visible to the naked eye and is associated with mechanical damage to the device under test (for example, initiation of fatigue crack or surface wear). F2346 mechanical failure, nfailure associated with a defect in the material (for example, fatigue crack) or of the bonding between materials that may or may not produce functional failure. F2423 median bending fatigue moment at N cycles (Nm), nvalue in N-m of the maximum moment that can be applied to a spinal component for which 50 % of the test specimens of a given sample can be expected to survive N loading cycles at a specic R-ratio. F motion segment, ntwo adjacent vertebrae, the intervening F1582 disc, and the associated ligamentous structures. net volumetric wear NVi of wear specimen (mm3), nNVi = NWi/r at end of cycle interval i where r = mass density (for F2423 example, units of g/mm3) of the wear material. net wear NWi of wear specimen (g), nNWi = (W0 Wi) + (Si S0); loss in weight of the wear specimen corrected for uid absorption at end of cycle interval i. F2423 0.2 % offset displacement (mm), npermanent displacement equal to 0.002 times the test gage section length for the specic test, in mm. The test gage section length is equal to the bending moment arm for spinal screw tests. The test gage section length is equal to the center span distance for spinal plate and rod tests where the loading rollers are directly contacting the test specimen (Fig. A2.1 and Fig. A3.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). The test gage section length is equal to the unsupported distance between the ends of the extension segments for spinal plate and rod tests where extension segments are used to load the test sample (Fig. A2.2 of Specications and Test Methods F2193) (distance 0B in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 offset angular displacement, n(distance OBFig. 6) offset on the angular displacement axis equal to 2 % of the intervertebral height, H, divided by the maximum radius of the implant in the XY -plane; for example, for an articial intervertebral disc with a height of 10 mm and a maximum radius in the XY-plane of 9 mm, distance OB = (0.02) (10 mm) / (9 mm) = 0.022 radians = 1.3. F2346 offset displacement, n(distance OBFig. 6) offset on the linear displacement axis equal to 2 % of the intervertebral height (for example, 0.2 mm for a 10 mm intervertebral height). F2346 partial replacement disc, nstructure intended to restore a portion of the support and motion or a portion thereof, F1582 between adjacent vertebral bodies.

~ Maximum Load 2 Minimum Load! ~ P max 2 P min! 5 ~ Maxium Load1 Minimum Load! ~ P max1 P min! F1528

locking screw, nthreaded anchor that is rigidly connected to the longitudinal element of the spinal construct. F2193 longitudinal element, ncomponent whose long axis is parallel, or nearly so, to the long axis of the spine. F1582

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permanent deformation, nremaining linear or angular displacement (axialmm, angulardegrees or radians) relative to the initial unloaded condition of the articial intervertebral disc after the applied load or moment has been removed. F2346 permanent displacement (mm), ntotal displacement in mm remaining after the applied load has been removed from the test specimen. F2193 plate, nlongitudinal element asymmetrical in the transverse plane and designed to resist tension, compression, bending, and torsion. F1582 post, nnon-threaded anchor component that connects to the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs by means of a F1582 non-threaded hole in the bony element. preload, nresultant force Fpreload applied to the superior or inferior xture-end plate that simulates the in vivo load that an IVD prosthesis (original healthy disc) must resist. F2423
DISCUSSIONBased on a healthy disc, the primary component would be an axial compressive force FZ in the direction of the negative global Z axis, and it would pass through the in vivo physiologic instantaneous center of rotation (COR) of the IVD prosthesis. Shear components in the XY plane would be FX and FY. Lateral bending moment MX and exion/extension moment MY components would be created about the initial COR when the preload force does not pass through it

S-N diagram, nplot of stress against the number of cycles to failure. The stress can be maximum stress Smax, minimum stress Smin, stress range S or Sr, or alternating stress Sa. The diagram indicates the S-N relationship for a specied value of Sm (mean stress) A, or R (load or stress ratio), and a specied probability of survival. For N, a log scale is almost always used. For S, a linear scale is used most often, but a log scale is sometimes used. DISCUSSIONSee Denitions E1150. F1582 staple, nanchor component that connects the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs to each other or to other implant components by using at least two interconnected posts. F1582 static test, nsingle cycle loading tests designed to evaluate the mechanical properties of materials, components, interconnections, subconstructs, constructs, subassemblies, or assemblies.
DISCUSSIONThe mechanical properties can include stiffness, exibility, failure loads and stresses, and yield and ultimate strengths dened in the associated test standard, that is, the properties associated with elastic and inelastic reactions when force is applied or those that F1582 involve a relationship between stress and strain.

replacement disc, nstructure intended to restore support and motion between adjacent vertebral bodies. F1582 rod, nlongitudinal element symmetrical in the transverse plane designed to resist tension, compression, bending, and F1582 torsion. rod diameter (mm), nlength in mm of a chord passing through the center of the rods cross section. F2193 rod length (mm), noverall dimension measured in mm between the ends of a given rod. F2193 run out (cycles), nmaximum number of cycles that a test needs to be carried to if functional failure has not yet occurred. F2423 screw, nanchor component that connects to the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs by means of threads. F1582 screw interconnection, ninterconnection having an implant component sandwiched between the screw head (or screw thread) and bony element or other implant components. F1582 self-locking screw, nthreaded anchor design that undergoes a deformation process at the end of the insertion process which results in the screws locking to the mating spinal construct element. F2193 shaft screw, nthreaded anchor having an unthreaded shank equal to its thread diameter. F2193 sleeve interconnection, ninterconnection in which an implant component passes through any opening that limits F1582 motion in one or more planes.

stiffness (axialn/mm, angularnmm/degree or nmm/ radian), nslope of the initial linear portion of the loaddisplacement curve or the slope of the initial linear portion of the moment-angular displacement curve. This is illustrated as the slope of the line OG in Fig. 6. If the device does not exhibit a linear initial load/displacement curve, the displacement should be reported at 30, 60, and 90 % of the yield load or moment. F2346 stress, S, nintensity at a point in a body of the forces or components of force that act on a given plane through the point.
DISCUSSIONStress is expressed in units of force per unit area (pounds-force per square inch, megapascals, and so forth). (See F1582 Terminology E6.)

subassembly, nany portion of an implant assembly that is F1582 composed of two or more components. subconstruct, nany portion of an implant construct that is composed of two or more components including the spine, F1582 pelvis, ribs, or substitute structure. test block, ncomponent of the test apparatus for mounting the articial intervertebral disc in the intended test conguration. F2346 torsion yield moment (Nm), napplied torque in N-m at which the screw reaches its proportional limit when tested in accordance with Specication and Test Methods F543, Annex A1. The value is determined by using an offset method with a 2 angular offset. F2193 total displacement (mm), ndistance in mm, in the direction of the applied load, which the load application point has moved relative to the zero load intercept of the initial linear segment of the load versus displacement curve (point 0 in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193

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transverse element, ncomponent or subassembly that links F1582 longitudinal members together. ultimate displacement (axialmm, angulardegrees or radians), nlinear or angular displacement associated with the ultimate load or ultimate moment. This is illustrated as the displacement, OF, in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 ultimate load or moment (axialn, angularnmm), nmaximum applied load, F, or moment, M, transmitted by the pushrod (assumed equal to force and moment component parallel to and indicated by load or torque cell) to the articial intervertebral disc assembly. This is illustrated as point E in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 vertebral body replacement device, nstructure which is designed to restore anatomic position and support to a section of spine lacking one or more vertebral bodies and F1582 intervening disc(s). vertebral span, nnumber of vertebra that are spanned by the longitudinal element, including the vertebrae containing F1582 anchor components. wear, nprogressive loss of material from the device(s) or device components as a result of relative motion at the surface with another body as measured by the change in mass of the IVD prosthesis or components of the IVD prosthesis. Or in the case of a nonarticulating, compliant IVD prosthesis, wear is dened simply as the loss of material from the prosthesis. F2423
DISCUSSIONNote that inferior and superior bone interface components are excluded from this denition.

illustrated as point D in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 CARDIOVASCULAR STANDARDS X1.9 F04.30 Cardiovascular Standards balloon expandable stent, nstent that is expanded at the treatment site by a balloon catheter. The stent material is plastically deformed by the balloon expansion such that the stent remains expanded after deation of the balloon. F2394 continuous ow blood pump, nblood pump that produces continuous blood ow due to its rotary motion. F1841 crimp, vto secure the stent on the delivery system by radially compressing and plastically deforming the stent onto the balloon. F2394 delivery system, nsystem similar to a balloon dilatation catheter that is used to deliver and deploy a stent at the target site and then removed. F2394 dislodgment force, peak, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the peak or maximum force required to completely dislodge the stent from the delivery system balloon. During a test, this force will occur after or coincide with the initial displacement force. (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 displacement force, critical distance peak, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the maximum force required to displace the stent with respect to the balloon a critical distance. This critical distance is the minimum of the following two distances. The rst is the distance at which the undamaged stent could overhang the balloon body resulting in a clinically signicant, incomplete end deployment. The second is the length (distance) of stent compression or buckling that could result in a clinically signicant incomplete deployment of the stent against the vessel walls. (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 displacement force, initial, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the initial force required to displace the stent with respect to the balloon such that the displacement is a non-recoverable movement (see 3.1.15). (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 displacement force, initial peak, nstent securement test endpoint characterizing the rst peak in force that occurs during or after stent displacement with respect to the balloon. (See Fig. X2.1 of Guide F2394.) F2394 end aring, ndistal or proximal outward conical opening of the diameter of the stent on the balloon. End aring is a contributing factor to the probability that the stent may become caught during withdrawal into a guide catheter while tracking through a lesion. F2394 failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), nanalytical approach to methodically determine and address all possible product failure modes, their associated causes, and their criticality. Used to evaluate designs, prioritize testing, and track risk reducing improvements to the product. F2394

weight Si of soak control specimen (g), nS0 initial and Si at end of cycle interval i. F2423 weight Wi of wear specimen (g), nW0 initial and Wi at end of cycle interval i. F2423 wire, nsingle strand exible anchor component with a circular cross section that connects the bony elements of the spine, pelvis, or ribs to each other or to other implant components. A series of wire components can be bound F1582 together to form a cable (see cable). yield displacement, nlinear displacement (mm) or angular displacement (degrees or radians) when an articial intervertebral disc has a permanent deformation equal to the offset displacement or offset angular displacement. This is illustrated as the distance OA in Fig. 6 of Test Methods F2346. F2346 yield displacement (mm), ntotal displacement in mm associated with the bending yield strength (distance 0A in Fig. A4.1 of Specications and Test Methods F2193). F2193 yield load or moment, napplied load, F, or moment, M, transmitted by the pushrod (assumed equal to force component parallel to and indicated by load or torque cell) required to produce a permanent deformation equal to the offset displacement or the offset angular displacement. This is

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free plasma hemoglobin, namount of hemoglobin (iron or heme-containing protein) in plasma. F1841 gauge length, ninitial unstressed length of catheter tubing between the proximal end of the stent to the grips which engage the catheter tubing. F2394 grips, nmeans of applying force to the stent and balloon catheter to displace or dislodge the stent relative to the balloon. In particular, grips refer to the end of a device which makes the contact with the stent. Typical grips used to apply force to the stent include shims (as used in Figs. X2.5X2.8 of Guide F2394); tape which sticks to the stent but not the balloon; an iris which can be narrowed down to allow the balloon to slip by but not the stent; or nubs which contact the stent but not the balloon. F2394 guide catheter, ntube designed to transport the guide-wire and the stent delivery system into the target vessel. F2394 guide-wire, nwire designed to aid in balloon, ultrasound, atherectomy, or stent placement during endovascular procedures. F2394 hemolysis, ndamage to erythrocytes resulting in the liberation of hemoglobin into the plasma. F1841 Index of Hemolysis: F1841 modied index of hemolysis, nmass of hemoglobin released into plasma normalized by the total amount of hemoglobin pumped through the loop. normalized index of hemolysis, nadded grams of plasma free hemoglobin per 100 l of blood pumped, corrected for plasma volume using hematocrit and normalized by ow rate and circulation time. normalized milligram index of hemolysis, nnormalized index of hemolysis expressed by milligram value of free plasma hemoglobin. labeled diameter, nnominal deployed size of a stent as indicated on its manufacturers label. F2079 mandrel, nwire that may be used as an alternative to the intended guide-wire to provide support for the catheter guide-wire lumen for some test procedures. F2394 nonrecoverable movement, ndisplacement of the stent relative to the balloon such that if the shearing force was reduced to zero, the stent would remain displaced in the direction of the shearing force relative to the initial placement on the balloon. The force at which non-recoverable movement begins is dened as the initial displacement force. F2394 pre-test treatment, ntreatment of the stent delivery system prior to the evaluation of securement that simulates preparatory, environmental, mechanical or other conditions that may be encountered prior to or during clinical use of the device. Examples include subjecting the devices to elevated shipping temperature/humidity, catheter preparation per use instructions, pre-soaking, bending treatments, tracking treatments (tracking xture, see denition below) and tracking through lesion treatments (lesion xture, see denition below). F2394 pre-test treatment lesion xture, npre-test treatment xture used to simulate an anatomical vasculature and lesion. Use of the xture with a guide catheter, a guide-wire, and the stent-balloon catheter delivery system is intended to simulate the bending, frictional and mechanical resistance forces of tracking the device across the lesion site that may be encountered in the clinical setting. F2394 pre-test treatment tracking xture, npre-test treatment xture used to simulate an anatomical vasculature. Use of the xture with a guide catheter, a guide-wire and the stent-balloon catheter delivery system is intended to simulate the bending and frictional forces of tracking the device to the lesion site that may be encountered in the clinical setting. See the engineering diagrams in the Appendix of Guide F2394. Note that these engineering diagrams simulate vessels with a moderately difficult degree of coronary tortuousity but do not include simulated lesions. F2394 securement test, guide-type, nstent securement test that is similar to the clinical scenario of pulling an undeployed stent delivery system back into a guide catheter, arterial sheath or hemostasis valve. Examples include guides, rings, or shims ideally designed to engage the stent end or body but not the catheter balloon. The shim securement test, described in Section 7 of Guide F2394, uses complementary thin, rigid plates with rounded V notches that are sized to circumferentially engage the stent end but not the catheter balloon. See the engineering diagrams in the Appendix of Guide F2394. F2394 securement test, lesion-type, nstent securement test that is similar to the clinical scenario of pushing or pulling an undeployed stent delivery system through or around a brous or calcied lesion. Examples include tape, nubs, protrusions or sandpaper ideally designed to engage the stent end or body but not the catheter balloon. F2394 stent recoil, namount, expressed as a percentage, by which the diameter of a stent changes from the expanded diameter measured with the stent on the inated delivery balloon to the nal value measured after deating the balloon. F2079 NEUROSURGICAL STANDARDS X1.10 F04.31 Neurosurgical Standards clip applier, nany clip holder designed specically for a particular type clip used during surgical procedures involving the implantation of intracranial aneurysm clips. This device is referred to in this practice as a clip applier F700 cranioplasty plate, nimplanted prosthetic device used to repair or cover a skull defect or hole. F622 intracranial aneurysm clip, ndevice introduced surgically to occlude the blood inlet into an intracranial aneurysm with the intention that it remain within the body following the surgery. This device is referred to in this practice as an

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implant, specically as an intracranial aneurysm clip. F700 neurosurgical instrument, nany cooperative device used during surgical procedures involving the implantation of neurosurgical implants. F701 PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY X1.11 F04.32 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery barrier coat, nsilicone elastomer layer that is part of the shell of a silicone gel implantable breast prosthesis that retards silicone bleed. F703 xation site, narea of the shell of an implantable breast prosthesis containing material that allows tissue ingrowth. F703 xation site, narea on the surface of the implant which has material on it that allows tissue ingrowth. F881 fused or adhered joints, nall junctures of dissimilar materials; and all junctures of fully or partly formed or preformed materials bonded or fused together to form a single implant unit. F881
DISCUSSIONImplants made from one material by a single charge of unvulcanized elastomer by one-step compression, transfer, or reactive injection molding are not considered to have fused or adhered joints.

Type III breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis comprised of two complete lumens, one inside the other.
DISCUSSIONThe area between the inner and outer lumens contains a xed amount of silicone gel and is not accessible for volume adjustments of any kind. The inner lumen is contained within the silicone gel contained in the outer lumen and has a valve system to facilitate lling the inner lumen with saline to increase the volume of the prosthesis at the time of use. The valve system may also be designed to facilitate post-operative saline volume adjustment by following the instructions provided in product literature.

inatable breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prostheses not containing silicone gelimplantable breast prostheses designed and provided prelled with saline or empty and to be lled with saline at the time of use to adjust the volume of the prosthesis. F2051 Type 1, nxed volume inatable breast prosthesisan implantable breast prosthesis composed of a single lumen, empty when supplied and having a valve to facilitate lling the lumen with saline at the time of use. Type 2, nvariable volume inatable breast prosthesisan implantable breast prosthesis composed of a single lumen, empty when supplied and having a valve to facilitate lling the lumen with a portion of the volume of saline at the time of use. The valve system is designed to facilitate further post-operative adjustment with saline as instructed in product literature. Type 3, nxed volume inatable breast prosthesisan implantable breast prosthesis composed of a single lumen, prelled with saline by the manufacturer prior to time of use. injection port, nport through which an injection to inate or deate the variable volume device is made. F1441 remote port, nport that is remote from the shell and attached to the shell by means of tubing. self-contained (integrated) port, nport that is integral to the device shell. injection surface, narea of the injection port recommended by the manufacturer for needle insertion to inate or deate the device. F1441 low bleed, nsilicone gel implantable breast prostheses designed to have minimal silicone bleed when tested using the test method in 9.2.1 in Specication F703. F703 lumen, ncavity within a shell and patch or base, accessible by an injection port, to facilitate the addition of saline to adjust the volume of the soft tissue expander. F1441 lumen, ncavity within a shell of an implantable breast prosthesis. F703
DISCUSSIONA lumen may contain either a xed, nonadjustable volume of silicone gel, or it may be entirely or partly empty and intended to be inated (lled) with saline. Inatable lumens are accessible by valve to facilitate the addition of saline to adjust the volume of the prosthesis at the time of use. More than one lumen may be formed within a shell by silicone elastomer membrane partitions.

fused or adhered joints (seams), nsites in the shell or other parts of an implantable breast prosthesis where materials have been joined (fused or bonded) together, with or without an adhesive, as part of the manufacturing process. F703, F2051 fused or adhered joints (seams), nsites in the shell or other parts of the tissue expander device where materials have been joined (fused or bonded) together, with or without adhesive, as part of the manufacturing process. F1441 gel bleed, ndiffusion of liquid silicone components of silicone gel through the shell of an implantable breast prosthesis. F703 gel-lled breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis designed and provided with a prelled, xed volume of silicone gel. F703 Type I breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis containing a single lumen containing a xed amount of silicone gel.
DISCUSSIONThe lumen of a Type I breast prostheses is not accessible for volume adjustments of any kind.

Type II breast prosthesis, nimplantable breast prosthesis comprised of two complete lumens, one inside the other.
DISCUSSIONThe inner lumen of a Type II implantable breast prosthesis contains a xed amount of silicone gel and is not accessible for volume adjustments of any kind. The outer lumen is provided with a valve to facilitate lling the void between the inner and outer lumens with saline to adjust the total volume of the prosthesis, at the time of use. The valve system may also be designed to facilitate post-operative saline volume adjustment by following the instructions provided in the product literature.

lumen, ncavity within a shell of an implantable breast prosthesis. Inatable lumens are accessible by valve to facilitate the addition of saline to adjust the volume of the prosthesis at the time of use. F2051

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needle stop, ninjection port component used to limit hypodermic needle penetration through the port. F1441 orientation means, nany locus on the surface of the implant that is modied to assist the surgeon to position the implant. F881 orientation means, nany mark or palpable portion of an implantable breast prosthesis to assist the surgeon in positioning the implant. F703, F2051 orientation means, nany mark or palpable portion of a soft tissue expander to assist the surgeon in positioning. F1441 patch, npiece of silicone elastomer that covers and seals the hole that results from the manufacturing process of shell fabrication. F2051 patch or base, npiece of silicone elastomer or reinforced silicone elastomer, which covers and seals the hole which results from the manufacturing process of shell fabrication. F1441 reinforced silicone elastomer, ncomposite of silicone elastomer and an embedded textile made from polyethylene terephthalate (such as Dacron) bers. F1441 saline, nonly sodium chloride for injection (USP) is recommended for lling lumens of inatable breast prosthesis. F2051 saline, nonly sodium chloride for injection (USP) is recommended for lling lumens of soft tissue expanders. F1441 saline, nsodium chloride injection USP. F703 time of use or postoperatively to adjust prosthesis volume. F2051 valve, nuser-sealable or self-sealing opening in an inatable or gel saline prosthesis, extending from the exterior surface of the shell into a lumen, designed to facilitate adding or removing saline to or from the prosthesis to increase or decrease prosthesis volume. F703 MEDICAL/SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS X1.12 F04.33 Medical/Surgical Instruments atraumatic, advteeth that would interdigitate except for being spaced apart a predesigned distance so they will not stress, crush, or otherwise traumatize the tissue being grasped. F1638 attachment area, nportion of the needle where the attachment of the suture takes place. For example, eyed, drilled, F1840 and channel. blade, nsegment that contains the cutting edge which may be F1078 with or without serrations. blade alignment, npositioning of the blades with respect to F1078 tip match-up and blade setting. body, ncentral portion of the needle intended to be grasped by the needle holder. F1840 bottom scissor half, ncomponent which contains the F1078 threaded end of the screw. box lock, njunction where the female member and the male F921 member are secured forming the pivoting feature. chamfer, nbroken edge of the jaw serrations and the external edges of the box lock surfaces. F921 chamfer, nbroken external edges of the instrument. F1078 chord length, nstraight line distance between the two ends of a curved needle. F1840 closed cryotip, nhollow, closed end usually shaped to t a particular anatomical site where the cryogen cools the external surface which is applied to the target tissue. F882 closed cryotip reference temperature, naverage of the minimum/maximum cycle temperature variation at the end of the freeze cycle. F882 compressed gas cylinder, ncontainer that is specically designed to store a gas or liquid under elevated pressure conditions. F882 compressed gas cylinder connector, ndevice specically designed to attach to a cylinder for proper and safe removal of its contents. F882 container, nproduct used for the containment of discarded medical needles and other sharps. F2132 corrosion, nformation of rust. F921, F1078 F882

shell, nsilicone elastomer continuous layer or membrane container (sac) which encloses a lumen of an implantable breast prosthesis. F2051 shell, nsilicone elastomer continuous layer or membrane container (sac) which encloses a lumen of a soft tissue expander. F1441 shell, nsilicone elastomer continuous layer or membrane container (sac) that encloses a lumen or multiple lumens of an implantable breast prosthesis. F703 silicone elastomer, nelastomer containing cross-linked silicone polymer and fumed amorphous (noncrystalline) silica as a reinforcing ller. F703, F1441, F2051 silicone gel, nsemisolid material consisting of a crosslinked silicone polymer network in which liquid silicone polymer is F703 held (see denition of gel in Terminology F1251). tubing length adapter, ntissue expander component used to connect more than one piece of remote port tubing. F1441 tubing/shell junction, njunction of the remote port tubing to the shell of the tissue expander. F1441 valve, nsealable or self sealing opening in an inatable prosthesis, extending from the exterior surface of the shell into a lumen, designed to facilitate addition of saline at the

cryoadhesion, ncryotip attachment to target tissue.

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cryogen, nsubstance used to obtain reduced temperatures. Cryogens are usually classed by their boiling points. The most common cryogens and their respective boiling points are as follows: F882
Cryogen Freon 12 Freon 22 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Boiling Point at S.T.P., C -29.8 -49.8 -78.6 -88.5 -195.8

nger rings, nfeature of the scissors that forms the gripping surface for the surgeon (commonly classied as the ringF1078 handled feature). nish, nnal surface visual appearance classied as follows: bright or mirror nish, nhighly reective surface. satin, matte, or black nish, nreduced reective surface (as compared to bright or mirror nish) varying from a dull appearance to a blackened surface. F921, F1078, F1840 guide pin, npin affixed to the inside of one of the forceps halves that aligns with a hole on the other tweezer half F1638 without protruding through when closed. guide pin hole, nhole in one forceps half into which the guide pin ts without passing through when closed. F1638 hardness, nmeasurement of the resistance to indentation F921, F1078 hemostatic forceps, ninstrument, available in various sizes and congurations, used in surgical procedures for the compression of blood vessels and the grasping of tissue. F921 interdigitation, ninterlocking or meshing of the female and F921 male jaw serrations. inammatory response, nirritation of tissue cells as a result of using a cryosystem. F882 jaw alignment, npositioning of the female and male jaws with respect to interdigitation (related to box lock function and ratchet performance). F921 jaws, nparts that contain serrations to interrupt the ow of F921 blood through any vessel. joint, njunction where the scissor blades are secured by a F1078 screw allowing the instrument to pivot. male member, ncomponent that is inserted through the female member and secured to the female member at the box F921 lock junction. material, nsubstance(s) used in the construction of a sharps container. F2132 maximum bend moment, ngreatest moment applied to a needle during a bend test. F1840 mechanical integrity, nability of all components of a cryosystem to withstand the pressures and temperatures that may be encountered during use as recommended by the manufacturer. F882 mesh, nalignment of opposing teeth. The teeth may be F1638 in-line or angled. modied working end, nworking surfaces possessing superior hardness characteristics which are either the result of depositing various materials on the base metal or the result of permanently securing an insert (such as by brazing) to the base metal. F1325
DISCUSSIONThe typical method of modifying the working end of the suture needle holder is to use jaw inserts or to plasma deposit (ame

cryometer, ndevice for measuring low temperature(s) when used with a temperature sensor such as a thermocouple. F882 cryonecrosis, ndestruction of tissue cells using a cryosystem. F882 cryoprobe, ninstrument used to deliver the cryogen to the cryotip or open tip. For a cryotip, a cryoprobe also directs the cryogen away from the target tissue. F882 cryosystem, nall parts of a system excluding the cryogen and its container, unless supplied by the manufacturer, that is designed to apply or use a cryogen. F882 curvature, nshape of the needle viewed in prole. Some common shapes include, but are not limited to: straight, 12 curve or ski, 18 circle, 14 circle, 38 circle, 12 circle, 58 circle, and compound curvature. F1840 cutting edge, ncutting edges are made of various goemetric shapes, that is, triangular, diamond, and hexagonal. The various edges may be sharpened by the manufacturer deF1840 pending on the user performance. defrost, vability to return the cryotip to ambient temperature. F882 Dewar, nvacuum-insulated container that is specically designed to store a liquid cryogen. F882 Dewar withdrawal device, ndevice specically designed to attach to a dewar for proper and safe removal of its contents. F882 disposable, adjany device that is designated to be discarded after use. F882 distal end, nworking end, comprised of two jaws, that is F921 furthest from the surgeon when in use. distal end, nworking end, comprised of two blades, that is F1078 furthest from the surgeon when in use. elasticity, ncapacity of the instrument to undergo induced stress without permanent distortion or breakage of any F921 component. female member, ncomponent that accommodates and enF921 closes the male member at the box lock junction. nger rings, nfeature of both the female and the male members that forms the gripping surface for the surgeon (commonly classied as the ring-handled feature in ISO F921 7151).

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plate) materials with improved wear characteristics such as tungsten carbide or stellite. For the jaw insert method, the insert is brazed to the jaw face with a uniform deposit of silver solder which is free of crevices at all interfaces. For the ame plating method, a uniform layer of material is deposited which is 0.004 6 0.001 in. thick.

modied working ends, nworking surfaces possessing superior hardness characteristics that are the result of either depositing various materials on the base metal or securing an insert permanently (such as by brazing) to the base metal (see Note 3 of Specication F1613). F1613 mouse teeth, ndistal tip teeth that interdigitate. F1638

region of uniform material and thickness, nsharps-contact areas of the container, in aggregate, that are made of the same homogeneous, composite, or laminated material, and, as a consequence of fabrication or design or both, are expected to have the same material and thickness as compared to other areas of the container. For example, in molded containers, the corners could be expected to be of different thickness than the sides and bottom, resulting in different regions of uniform material and thickness. Labels, tabs, membranes, or thin lms covering openings in the container are considered separate regions of uniform material and thickness. F2132 ride, nedge that acts as a cam F1078

needle ducility, nmeasure of the amount of plastic bending F1840 a needle can withstand. needle length, ndistance measured along the needle curvaF1840 ture from end to end. needle radius, nradius of the uniformly curved portion or portions of the needle measured from the centerline of the F1840 needle body. needle wire diameter, ngage or thickness of the needle wire, measured at a location between the needle body and the attachment area, where either no or minimal work has taken F1840 place. open cryotip, ndevice specically designed to apply the cryogen directly to the target tissue. F882 passivation, nchanging of the chemically active surface of stainless steel to a much less reactive state. F921 passivation, nprocess to render the surface condition of F1078 stainless steel chemically inactive. point, nportion of the needle intended to initiate tissue F1840 penetration. point conguration, nshape of the point. Some common point congurations include, but are not limited to: taper, trocar, blunt, spatulated, conventional cutting edge, reverse cutting edge, cutting taper, and side cutting needle. F1840 proximal end, nthat portion of the instrument that is closest F921, F1078 to the surgeon when in use. puncture force, nminimum force applied to the representative sharp object that causes its tip to penetrate (exit) the opposite side of the test specimen from the side that it entered when tested in accordance with the test procedure portion, Section 6, of Specication F2132. F2132 puncture resistant, advregion of uniform material and thickness is dened as puncture resistant if it meets Section 4 of this specication when tested in accordance with Section 6 of Specication F2132. F2132 puncture test specimen, ntest specimen that has been punctured using the puncture test described in 6.3, and subsequently evaluated using the direct or indirect methods described in 7.1 and 7.2 of Specication F2132. F2132 ratchets, nportion of both the female and the male members possessing inclined teeth that forms the locking mechanism. F921

ride relief, ncontoured area between the shank and ride. F1078 rounded blade, nblade having a radius on its outer surface which forms a transition between the outer edge and the F1078 cutting edges. scissoring, vlateral misalignment. screw, nfastener which joins the scissor halves. F1638 F1078

serrations, ncorrugations in the cutting edge of the blades. F1078 serrations or teeth, ngripping or clamping surfaces of the F921 jaws. set, npositioning of the blade for proper cutting action. F1078 set, nat rest position of the instrument halves that will provide the intended closing relationship of t and force. F1638 shank, npart of either the female or the male member that F921 yields conguration, length, and leverage. shank, n(1) part of either scissor half that yields conguration, length, and leverage; (2) part of the scissor F1078 between the nger ring and joint. sharps, nitems used in medical treatment, diagnoses, or research that may cause puncture wounds, cuts, or tears in skin or mucous membranes, including, but not limited to: hypodermic, surgical, suture, and IV needles; Pasteur pipets, lancets, razors, scalpels, and other blades and sharp objects. F2132 sharps-contact areas, nmaterial of a container that represents those surfaces that enclose sharps within the container, when in its nal closure conguration (that is, disposal conguration). F2132 stainless steel, nraw material on the instrument that is in F921, F1078 accordance with Specication F899. stop pin, npin of preset length affixed to the inside of one of the tweezer halves designed to limit teeth contact upon F1638 closure and prevent their damage. surgical scissors with inserts, nstainless steel instrument, available in various sizes and congurations, used in surgical

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procedures for cutting body tissue, gauze, and suture. An instrument of this type has tungsten carbide, stellite, or other F1078 inserts. swage, nterm used to describe any attachment method that uses mechanical force to crimp the end of the needle and rmly hold the suture in place. F1840 target tissue, nspecic anatomical area intended to be treated. F882 teeth, nserrations formed on the inside faces of the distal end F1638 of the tweezer halves. test specimen, nsample of material being evaluated for puncture resistance that is taken from the actual container (direct method) or a representative example of the material and thickness having the same characteristics as the actual container (indirect method). Refer to Section 5 of Specication F2132. F2132 thermal insulation, nmaterial or technique, or both, used to prevent unintended cryonecrosis, inammatory responses, or cryoadhesion to nontarget tissue. F882 thermocouple, njunction of two dissimilar metals that produce an output voltage proportional to the temperature of the junction. When used in conjunction with a cryometer(s), the output is directly correlated to the temperature to which the sensing junction is exposed. F882 tissue forceps, ndevice formed in two generally symmetrical halves with their proximal ends secured together and set so their distal ends will stay separated unless pressed together. F1638 top scissor half, ncomponent which contains the screw head F1078 at assembly. tractive forge, ncryoadhesive attraction between the cryotip and the target tissue. F882 worst case conditions, n maximum pressures or temperatures, or both, a cryosystem may encounter when used according to the manufacturers instructions. F882 yield bend angle, nangle at which the yield bend moment occurs. F1840 yield bend moment, namount of moment required to initiate plastic deformation during a bend test. F1840 UROLOGICAL MATERIALS AND DEVICES X1.13 F04.34 Urological Materials and Devices balloon (Foley) catheter, nindwelling catheter retained in the bladder by a balloon that is inated with liquid. F623
DISCUSSIONA two-way balloon catheter has a drainage lumen and ination lumen (see Fig. 1). Common balloon ination sizes are 5 cm3 with the 5-cm3 balloon being used to hold the catheter in place for normal usage, and 30 cm3 where so designated when a larger balloon is used. A three-way balloon catheter is used for continuous bladder irrigation and features both a drainage lumen and an irrigation lumen (but as noted above is excluded from consideration in this specication).

French size, nscale used for denoting the size of other tubular instruments and devices, each unit being roughly equivalent to 0.33 mm in diameter. Label French sizes are as follows: F623
French Size 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Outside Diameter, in. (mm) 0.157 0.171 0.184 0.197 0.210 0.223 0.236 0.249 0.262 0.276 0.289 0.302 0.315 0.328 0.341 (4.0) (4.3) (4.7) (5.0) (5.3) (5.7) (6.0) (6.3) (6.7) (7.0) (7.3) (7.7) (8.0) (8.3) (8.7)

lumen, nchannel within a tube.


proximal, adjrefers to the balloon end of the catheter, since when in position for clinical use, the balloon end is proximal or closest to the patient. F623 referee test method, nmethod cited in the published specication for the device. This method and the corresponding requirements will be invoked when the performance of the medical device will be questioned. The manufacturer need not use this referee test method in his usual inspection and quality control. F623 sterility, ngenerally, the state of being free of microorganisms. For purposes of this specication, sterility is dened as freedom from microorganisms when tested according to the methodology dened by the USP for nonparenteral devices. F623 tolerances, nallowable deviation from a standard size. In usual engineering practice, the maximum permitted size is denoted by a plus sign followed by the tolerance and the minimum permitted size denoted by a minus sign followed by the tolerance. In this standard, the label French size has tolerances given for several dimensions. For example, +3, -1 means that a nominal 14 label French size can be permitted to go as high as 17, but not below 13. Another way of writing tolerance, when both tolerances are equal, is: 62, meaning the 14 label French size must be between 12 French and 16 French. F623 GI APPLICATIONS X1.14 F04.35 GI Applications balloon integrity (resistance to rupture), nvolume of liquid that corresponds with balloon failure, or bursting. F2528 distal, adjrefers to the balloon end of the enteral feeding device. F2528 enteral feeding device with retention balloon, ntwo-way medical device intended to provide a means of nutrition or administration of medication, or both, to patients by means of natural orice (nasal, oral, transluminal) or a surgically

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created stoma, or both, consisting of a drainage lumen and ination lumen (see Fig. 1 of Test Methods F2528). Common balloon ination sizes are 5, 15, and 20 cm3. F2528 French size (Fr), nscale used for denoting the size of catheters and other tubular instruments. The French size value is three times the outer diameter of the tube as measured in millimetres. For example, a diameter of 18 Fr indicates a diameter of 6 mm. F2528 ination volume, nvolume of liquid used to inate the retention balloon of the enteral feeding device for proposed testing in this standard. F2528 rated volume, nstated volume of ination of the retention balloon of the enteral feeding device in the manufacturers labeling and instructions for use. F2528 simulated gastric uid, nsolution consisting of hydrochloric acid, salt and pepsin with a pH of approximately 1.2, per USP standard recipe. F2528 sterility, nstate of being free from viable micro-organisms. F2528 IMPLANTABLE HEARING DEVICES (IHDs) X1.15 F04.37 Implantable Hearing Devices (IHDs) acousto-electric transfer function, HSE, nelectrical input to the IMEHD output transducer E produced by a sound eld, divided by the input sound eld pressure pS: HSE = E/pS. F2504
DISCUSSIONHSE will depend on the particular gain settings used, for example, full-on gain or minimal gain. The gain should be reported whenever that transfer function is used.

ear-canal sound pressure, pT, nsound pressure produced in the ear canal, at the tympanic membrane, by a sound eld stimulus, specied in units of pascals. F2504 electro-vibrational transfer function, HEV, nstapes velocity (IMEHD-aided) when driven by the IMEHD output transducer, divided by the transducer input: HEV = vA/E. F2504 equivalent hearing level, LH, nratio of an equivalent sound pressure, pQ, relative to the sound eld pressure, pRETSPL, at 0 incidence that is just detectable monaurally by a normally hearing individual, as dened in ANSI S3.6, Table 9, F2504 expressed in decibels: LH = 20log10(pQ/pRETSPL). equivalent sound pressure, pQ, nunimplanted input sound eld pressure needed to produce a stapes velocity equal to that produced by a specied IMEHD input in the IMEHDF2504 aided condition: pQ = E HES.
DISCUSSIONThe equivalent sound pressure is the product of the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, and the IMEHD output transducer electrical input E: pQ = E HES. The equivalent sound pressure can be expressed as equivalent sound pressure level in units of decibels, SPLeq, calculated as 20log10(pQ/210-5 Pa).

equivalent sound pressure level, LQ, nlogarithmic representation of equivalent sound pressure, LQ = 20log10(pQ). F2504 equivalent sound pressure transfer function, H ES , nunimplanted sound eld pressure needed to produce a stapes velocity equivalent to that produced by an electrical IMEHD input in the IMEHD-aided condition, divided by the IMEHD input. F2504
DISCUSSIONIf the electrical IMEHD input produces a linear change in stapes velocity with a change in input electrical stimulus, the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, can be computed as the quotient between the vibro-electric transfer function (IMEHDaided), HEV, and the vibro-acoustic transfer function (unimplanted), HSVU: HES = (v/E)/(v/pS) = HEV/HSVU.

acousto-vibrational transfer function (IMEHD aided), HSVA, nstapes velocity (IMEHD aided) divided by the F2504 input sound eld pressure: HSVA = vA/pS.
DISCUSSIONThis quantity can be measured directly or computed from the product of the electro-vibrational transfer function, HEV, and the acousto-electric transfer function, HSE, measured in the IMEHDaided condition: HSVA = vA/pS.

acousto-vibrational transfer function (unimplanted), HSVU, nstapes velocity (unimplanted) when driven by the input sound eld, divided by the input sound eld pressure: F2504 HSVU = vU/pS.
DISCUSSIONThis quantity can be measured directly or computed from the product of the middle-ear transfer function, HTV, and the ear-canal transfer function, HST, measured in the unimplanted condition: HSVU = vU/pS = HST HTV.

hearing level (HL), L, nratio of the input sound eld pressure, pS, relative to the sound eld pressure pRETSPL at 0 incidence that is just detectable monaurally by a normally hearing individual, as dened in ANSI S3.6, Table 9, expressed in decibels as: L = 20log10(pS/pRETSPL). F2504 IMEHD electrical input at threshold Ethreshold, nelectrical input to the IMEHD output transducer at threshold of audibility. F2504 IMEHD harmonic distortion, nharmonic distortion of the stapes velocity IMEHD-aided analogous to ANSI S3.22, Section 6.11S, from sinusoidal inputs of the frequencies 500, 800, and 1600 Hz; input levels shall be Emax 20 dB. F2504 IMEHD output transducer, nelectromechanical output transducer of the IMEHD. F2504 IMEHD output transducer frequency range, nusing the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, draw a horizontal line at the average for 1000, 1600, and 2500 Hz, then subtract 20 dB, or divide by 10; the lower and the upper bounds of the frequency response range are where the average line crosses the transfer function curve. F2504

coupling, npoints and methods of attachment.


displacement, nintegral of velocity measured in nanometres. F2504 ear-canal pressure transfer function, HST, near canal sound pressure, pT, produced by the input sound eld pressure, pS, in the unimplanted case, divided by that input sound eld pressure: HST = pT/pS; this quantity is unitless. F2504

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IMEHD output transducer input, E, nelectrical input to the IMEHD output transducer, specied in volts or amperes, as appropriate for the particular device. F2504 IMEHD system frequency range, nusing the insertion gain transfer function (velocity), HVV, draw a horizontal line at the average for 1000, 1600, and 2500 Hz, then subtract 20 dB, or divide by 10; the lower and the upper bounds of the frequency response range are where the average line crosses the transfer function curve. F2504 input sound eld pressure, pS, nsound stimulus measured in the free eld and presented to the listener in either the IMEHD-aided or unimplanted condition, specied in units of pascals. F2504 insertion gain transfer function (sound eld), HSS, nratio of the equivalent sound pressure produced in the IMEHDaided case with a given electrical input to the IMEHD output transducer and the input sound eld pressure used as input in the IMEHD-aided case required to produce the same IMEHD output transducer electrical input: HSS = pE/pS; this ratio is unitless. F2504
DISCUSSIONWith a linear sound signal processor, the insertion gain (sound eld) can be computed from the product of the equivalent sound pressure transfer function, HES, and the electro-acoustic transfer function, HSE: HSS = pE/pS = HSE HES. HSS will depend on the particular gain settings used, for example, full-on gain or minimal gain. The gain should be reported whenever that transfer function is used

sound pressure at threshold, pthreshold, nstimulus sound eld pressure at the threshold of audibility. F2504 stapes velocity (IMEHD-aided), vA, ntranslational velocity of the stapes when driven by the IMEHD output transducer, specied in units of mm/s. F2504 stapes velocity (unimplanted), vU, ntranslational velocity of the stapes when driven by sound input to the middle ear specied in units of mm/s. F2504 CLASSIFICATION AND TERMINOLOGY FOR TEMPS X1.16 F04.41 Classication and Terminology for TEMPs adventitious agents, nunintentionally introduced microbiological or other infectious contaminant. In the production of TEMPs, these agents may be unintentionally introduced into F2312 the process stream or the nal product, or both. alginate, npolysaccharide obtained from some of the more common species of marine algae, consisting of an insoluble mix of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium salts.
DISCUSSIONAlginate exists in brown algae as its most abundant polysaccharide, mainly occurring in the cell walls and intercellular spaces of brown seaweed and kelp. Alginates main function is to contribute to the strength and exibility of the seaweed plant. Alginate is classied as a hydrocolloid. The most commonly used alginate is sodium alginate. Sodium alginate and, in particular, calcium crosslinked alginate gels are used in Tissue Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs) as biomedical matrices, controlled drug delivery systems, and F2312 for immobilizing living cells.

insertion gain transfer function (velocity), HVv, nratio of the stapes velocity (IMEHD-aided) and the stapes velocity (unimplanted) produced by a given input sound eld: HVv = vA/vU; the ratio is unitless and can be expressed in decibels as 20log10(HVv). F2504
DISCUSSIONWith a linear sound signal processor and IMEHD, that is, a processor whose electrical output E is proportional to the input sound eld pressure, pS, and an IMEHD whose vibrational output is proportional to its electrical output, the insertion gain (sound eld), HSS, will equal the insertion gain transfer function (velocity), HVV.

allogeneic or allogenic, adjcells, tissues, and organs in which the donor and recipient are genetically different individuals of the same species. Synonyms: allograft and F2312 homograft. allograft, ngraft of tissue between individuals of the same species but of disparate genotype. Called also allogeneic graft and homograft. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 APA bead, nalginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate bead. F2312

maximum electrical transducer input, Emax, nmaximum electrical output of the sound signal processor, specied as peak-to-peak or root mean square value, specied in volts or amperes, as appropriate for the particular device. F2504 maximum equivalent sound pressure, pE,max, nequivalent sound pressure that corresponds to the maximum electrical output Emax of the implant electronics, pE,max = Emax HES. F2504 maximum equivalent sound pressure level, L E,max , nlogarithmic representation of the maximum equivalent sound pressure LE,max = 20log10(pE,max/210-5 Pa). F2504 maximum insertion gain transfer function (sound eld), HSS,max, nmaximum insertion gain transfer function (sound eld) that can be achieved with the implant electronics. F2504 middle-ear transfer function, HTV, nstapes velocity (unimplanted) produced by an ear-canal sound pressure, divided by the ear-canal sound pressure, in units of mm/s/Pa: HTV = vU/pT. F2504

autograft, ngraft of tissue derived from another site in or on the body of the organism receiving it. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 autologous, adjcells, tissues, and organs in which the donor and recipient is the same individual. Synonyms: autogenous, F2312 autograft, or autotransfusion, a self-to-self graft. bioactive agents, nany molecular component in, on, or with the interstices of a device that is intended to elicit a desired tissue or cell response.
DISCUSSIONGrowth factors, antibiotics, and antimicrobials are typical examples of bioactive agents. Device structural components or degradation byproducts that evoke limited localized bioactivity are not F2312 included.

biological product, nany virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or

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its derivatives (or any trivalent organic arsenic compound) applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of diseases or injuries of man.
DISCUSSIONThe term analogous product is interpreted to encompass somatic cell and gene therapy. A biological product may be used as a component of a TEMP. For the purposes of TEMPs, these biological products may be of any origin (that is, organism), tissue type, developmental stage, and may be living, non-living, and genetically or F2312 otherwise modied. helical structure conguration of three polypeptide units known as alpha-chains. Proper alignment of the alpha chains of the collagen molecule requires a highly complex enzymatic and chemical interaction in vivo. As such, preparation of the collagen by alternate methods may result in improperly aligned alpha chains and, putatively, increase the immunogenicity of the collagen. Collagen is high in glycine, L-alanine, L-proline, and 4-hydroxyproline, low in sulfur, and contains no L-tryptophan. Natural, brillar Type I collagen is normally soluble in dilute acids and alkalis. When heated (for example, above approximately 40C), collagen is denatured to single alpha chains (gelatin). At each end of the chains are short non-helical domains called telopeptides, which are removed in some collagen preparations. Through non-covalent interactions with sites on adjacent helixes, brillogenesis is achieved. Subsequently, non-reducible cross-links are formed. Type I collagen can be associated with Type III and Type V collagen and also with the other non-collagenous proteins like elastin and other structural molecules like glycosaminoglycans and complex F2312 lipoproteins and glycoproteins.

biomaterial, nany substance (other than a drug), synthetic or natural, that can be used as a system or part of a system that treats, augments, or replaces any tissue, organ, or function of the body. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 biomolecule, n biologically active peptide, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin, lipid, or nucleic acid produced by and puried from naturally occurring or recombinant organisms, tissues or cell lines or synthetic analogs of such molecules. A biomolecule may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312 biomolecule therapy, nuse of biomolecules to repair, modify, or regenerate the recipients cells, tissues, or organs or their structure and function, or both. Biomolecule therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate F2312 TEMPs. cell, nthe smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.
DISCUSSIONCells are highly variable and specialized in both structure and function, though all must at some stage synthesize proteins and nucleic acids, use energy, and reproduce. A cell or cells may be of any origin (that is, organism), tissue type, developmental stage, and may be living, non-living, and genetically or otherwise modied. Cells may be F2312 used as a component of a TEMP.

cell culture, nin vitro growth or maintenance of cells. F2312 cell therapy, nadministration of cells (any kind and form) to repair, modify or regenerate the recipients cells, tissues, and organs or their structure and function, or both. Cell therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate F2312 TEMPs. channelyzer, npulse height analyzer; places voltage pulses into appropriate size bins for the size distribution data. F2312 chitosan, nlinear polysaccharide consisting of b(14) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcNAc) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcN). Chitosan is a polysaccharide derived by N-deacetylation of chitin. F2312 coincidence, nmore than one cell transversing the aperture at the same time. F2312 collagen, nType I collagen is a member of a family of structural proteins found in animals.
DISCUSSIONType I collagen is part of the brillar group of collagens. It derives from the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, which express the alpha chains of the collagen. All collagens have a unique triple

combination product, nas dened in 21 CFR 3.2(e), the term combination product includes: (1) A product comprised of two or more regulated components, that is, drug/device, biologic/device, drug/biologic, or drug/device/biologic, that are physically, chemically, or otherwise combined or mixed and produced as a single entity; (2) Two or more separate products packaged together in a single package or as a unit and comprised of drug and device products, device and biological products, or biological and drug products; (3) A drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its investigational plan or proposed labeling is intended for use only with an approved individually specied drug, device, or biological product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect and where upon approval of the proposed product the labeling of the approved product would need to be changed, for example, to reect a change in intended use, dosage form, strength, route of administration, or signicant change in dose; or (4) Any investigational drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its proposed labeling is for use only with another individually specied investigational drug, device, or biological product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect. Furthermore, many somatic cell products administered to patients will be combinations of a biological product and a device or of a drug, a biological product, and a device. The term combination product may apply to TEMPs. F2312 corrected count, ncell count corrected for coincidence. F2312 cross-contamination, nunintended presence of a cell or a material with another cell or material. F2312 degree of deacetylation, nfraction or percentage of glucosamine units (GlcN: deacetylated monomers) in a chitosan polymer molecule. F2312 depolymerization, nreduction in length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. Depolymerization may reduce the polymer chain to oligomeric or monomeric units, or both. F2312

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dermal autograft, nskin [autograft] from which epidermis and subcutaneous fat have been removed; used instead of fascia7 in various plastic [surgery] procedures. Dorlands F2311, F2312 device, nan instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article...intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other animals,...which does not achieve its primary intended purposes through chemical action within or on the body of man or other animals and which is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement of its primary intended purposes. Devices are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. (Section 201(h)(1)).
DISCUSSIONDevice criteria: A liquid, powder, or other similar formulation intended only to serve as a component, part or accessory to a device with a primary mode of action that is physical in nature.9 A F2312 device may be used as a component of a TEMP.

epidermal autograft, nautograft consisting primarily of epidermal tissue, including keratinocyte stem cells, but with F2312 little dermal tissue. extracellular matrix, n(ECM), any material produced by cells and excreted to the extracellular space within the tissues. It takes the form of both ground substance and bers and is composed chiey of brous elements, proteins involved in cell adhesion, and glycosaminoglycans and other space-lling molecules. It serves as a scaffolding holding tissues together and its form and composition help determine tissue characteristics. Extracellular matrix, a biological material or tissue derivative, may be used as a component of F2312 a TEMP. femtolitre, ncubic micron; a measurement of cell volume. F2312 full thickness skin autograft, nskin [auto]graft consisting of the epidermis and the full thickness of the dermis. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 full-thickness skin wound, nskin wound with the loss of epidermis, and all of the dermis or at least the depth of dermis that includes most or all sources of epidermal cells from epidermal adnexae (glands and follicles). F2311, F2312 GDF, ngrowth and differentiation factor. F2312

disinfection, ndestruction or reduction of pathogenic and other kinds of microorganisms by thermal or chemical means (for example, alcohol, antibiotics, germicides). F2312 donor, nliving or deceased organism who is the source of cells or tissues, or both, for research or further processing for transplantation in accordance with established medical criF2312 teria and procedures. dressing, nany of various materials utilized for covering and protecting a wound. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 drug, narticles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals. Drugs are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals. (Section 201(g)(1)).
DISCUSSIONDrug criteria: A liquid, powder, tablet or other similar formulation that achieves its primary intended purpose through chemical action within or on the body, or by being metabolized. A drug may F2312 be used as a component of a TEMP.

gel, nthree-dimensional network structure arising from intermolecular polymer chain interactions.
DISCUSSIONSuch chain interactions may be covalent, ionic, hydrogen bond, or hydrophobic in nature. See also Terminology F1251.

F2312 gene therapy, nis a medical intervention based on modication of the genetic material of living cells. Cells may be modied ex vivo for subsequent administration or may be altered in vivo by gene therapy products given directly to the subject. When the genetic manipulation is performed ex vivo on cells that are then administered to the patient, this is also a type of somatic cell therapy. The genetic manipulation may be intended to prevent, treat, cure, diagnose, or mitigate disease or injuries in humans. Gene therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate TEMPs. F2312 gene therapy products, nare dened for the purpose of this statement as products containing genetic material administered to modify or manipulate the expression of genetic material or to alter the biological properties of living cells. F2312 genetically modied, vtreferring to cells, tissues, and organs of any origin that have an altered or modied genetic F2312 content. genetic material, nis nucleic acid (either deoxyribonucleic acid or ribonucleic acid).
DISCUSSIONGenetic material is also known as DNA, RNA, genetic element, gene, factor, allele, operon, structural gene, regulator gene, operator gene, gene complement, genome, genetic code, codon, anticodon, messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), ribosomal

drug therapy, nis the delivery of drug(s) that stimulate a specic physiologic (metabolic) response. Drug therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate F2312 TEMPs. electrolyte, ndiluent, offering slight conductivity, in which F2312 cells are suspended. encapsulation, nprocedure by which biological materials, such as cells, tissues, or proteins, are enclosed within a microscopic or macroscopic semipermeable barrier. F2312 engraftment, nincorporation of grafted tissue into the body of the host. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 endotoxin, nhigh molecular weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complex associated with the cell wall of gramnegative bacteria that is pyrogenic in humans. Though endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins. F2312

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extrachromosomal genetic element, plasmagene, plasmid, transposon, gene mutation, gene sequence, exon, intron (modied version).12 Genetic material may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312

manufacture, vany or all steps in the recovery, screening, testing, processing, storage, labeling, packaging or distribution of any human cellular or tissue-based product.
DISCUSSIONFor TEMPs, manufacture is expanded to include production of products in vitro or in vivo. TEMPs may also include the use of non-human cellular or tissue-based materials in any manufacturing F2312 steps.

graft, nany tissue or organ for implantation or transplantation. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 graft take, nengraftment. granulations, ngranulation tissue. F2311, F2312 F2311, F2312

micron (), n0.001 mm, also known as a micrometre; F2312 measurement of cell diameter. microorganism, nbacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, viruses, and other infectious agents. However, it should be noted that not F2312 all microorganisms are infectious or pathogenic. natural materials, nsynthesized or produced by living cells. F2312 open wound, nwound that communicates with the atmosphere by direct exposure. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 partial thickness skin wound, nskin wound with the loss of the epidermis and part of the dermis, but retaining a layer of viable dermal tissue that includes the sources of epidermal cells from which the wound can heal spontaneously by epidermal tissue regeneration. F2311, F2312 pores, ninherent or induced network of channels and open spaces within an otherwise solid structure. F2312 porometry, ndetermination of the distribution of pore diameters relative to direction of uid ow by the displacement of F2312 a wetting liquid as a function of pressure. porosimetry, ndetermination of pore volume and pore size distribution through the use of a nonwetting liquid (typically mercury) intrusion into a porous material as a function of F2312 pressure. porosity, nproperty of a solid which contains an inherent or induced network of channels and open spaces.
DISCUSSIONPorosity can be measured by the ratio of pore (void) volume to the apparent (total) volume of a porous material and is F2312 commonly expressed as a percentage.

granulation tissue, nnewly formed vascular tissue normally produced in the healing of wounds of soft tissue and ultimately forming the cicatrix [scar]; it consists of small, translucent, red, nodular masses or granulations that have a velvety appearance. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 heal, vto restore wounded parts or to make healthy. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 healing, nrestoration of integrity to injured tissue. Dorlands, F2311, F2312
DISCUSSIONIn the surgical wound closure, an important distinction is made according to whether the surgeon expects the healing to be accomplished by granulation tissue. This distinction is made because in the normal physiology of wound healing, granulation tissue matures into scar with wound contracture, which is an undesirable outcome. Wound closure by approximating the wound edges or performing a skin autograft is called healing by rst intention, and wound closure by allowing spontaneous healing from the edges is called healing by second intention.

healing by rst intention, nhealing in which union or restoration of continuity occurs directly without intervention of granulations. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 healing by second intention, nunion by closure of a wound with granulations which form from the base and both sides toward the surface of the wound. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 hydrocolloid, nwater-soluble polymer of colloidal nature F2312 when hydrated. immobilization, nentrapment of materials, such as cells, F2312 tissues, or proteins within, or bound to, a matrix. implantation, nprocedure of inserting materials such as a cell(s), tissue(s), or organ(s) for therapeutic purposes. Synonym: graft or grafting. TEMPs may be applied to a F2312 recipient by implantation or grafting. in-process control, nmonitoring and, if necessary, adjustments performed to ensure that the process conforms to its specication. The control of the environment or equipment F2312 may be part of in-process control. lesion, nany pathological or traumatic discontinuity of tissue or loss of function of a part. In this guide, skin lesion is intended to encompass skin wounds and skin ulcers. F2311, F2312 maintenance therapy, ntherapy of chronically ill patients that is aimed at keeping the pathology at its present level and preventing exacerbation. F2311, F2312

primary healing, nhealing by rst intention.


primary wound closure, nwound closure for healing by rst F2312 intention. processed biologics, ncells, tissues, or organs that have undergone manipulation for use in the manufacture of TEMPs; processing here extends beyond the minimal manipulation or processing as it is applied in the eld of structural, reproductive and metabolic tissue transplantation.14 A processed biologic may be used as a component of F2312 a TEMP. processing, vtany activity performed on cells, tissues, and organs other than recovery, such as preparation and preserF2312 vation for storage and packaging. processing materials, nany item or material that is not a component of the TEMP and is in contact with the cells, F2312 tissues, and organs during processing.

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pyrogen, nany substance that produces fever. F2312 skin substitute, nbiomaterial, engineered tissue, or combination of biomaterials and cells or tissues that can be substituted for a skin allograft, a skin autograft, an epidermal autograft, or a dermal autograft in a clinical procedure. F2311, F2312 solubility, nmeasure of the extent to which the material can be dissolved.
DISCUSSIONIn the context of collagen, refers to the dissociation of the brillar aggregates of collagen molecules into a solution. Native Type I collagen which is soluble in dilute acids, but not soluble in neutral pH conditions is termed insoluble or acid soluble while simple aggregates of non-brillar collagen soluble in neutral salt solutions are termed neutral salt soluble. Post translational surface charge modications may alter the solubility of collagen in neutral pH F2312 condition.

raw count, nenumeration of the cell population not corF2312 rected for coincidence. recipient, nindividual or organism into whom materials are F2312 grafted or implanted. recovery, nobtaining of cells or tissues which may be used F2312 for the production of TEMPs. regenerative biology, nscientic discipline that endeavors to understand how tissues and organs are replaced naturally. The principles of regenerative biology can be applied in F2312 tissue engineering to generate TEMPs. regenerative medicine, nbranch of medical science that applies the principles of regenerative biology to specically restore or recreate the structure and function of human cells, tissues, and organs that do not adequately regenerate. F2312 reparative medicine, nbranch of medical science whereby clinicians use surgical methods to repair or modify the structure and function of patients cells, tissues, or organs. The principles of reparative medicine can be applied in F2312 tissue engineering to generate TEMPs. reprocessing, vtreworking of cells, tissues, and organs of unacceptable quality from a dened stage of processing, so that the quality may be rendered acceptable by one or more F2312 additional operations. rhBMP, nrecombinant human bone morphogenetic protein. F2312 ruggedness, ndegree of reproducibility of the same sample under a variety of normal conditions; for example, different F2312 operators. scaffold, nsupport, delivery vehicle, or matrix for facilitating the migration, binding, or transport of cells or bioactive molecules used to replace, repair, or regenerate tissues. F2312 scar, nbrous tissue replacing normal tissues destroyed by injury or disease. Stedmans, F2311, F2312 secondary healing, nhealing by second intention. F2312

somatic cell, nis any cell other than a germ or stem cell. Somatic cells may be used as a component of a TEMP. F2312 somatic cell therapy, nis the prevention, treatment, cure, diagnosis, or mitigation of disease or injuries in humans by the administration of autologous, allogeneic, or xenogeneic cells that have been manipulated or altered ex vivo. Manufacture of products for somatic cell therapy involves the ex vivo propagation, expansion, selection, or pharmacologic treatment of cells, or other alteration of their biological characteristics. For the purposes of TEMPs somatic cell therapy technologies can be applied in tissue engineering to generate TEMPs, for human and non-human use. F2312 somatic cell therapy products, nare dened as autologous (that is, self), allogeneic (that is, intra-species), or xenogeneic (that is, inter-species) cells that have been propagated, expanded, selected, pharmacologically treated, or otherwise altered in biological characteristics ex vivo to be administered to humans and applicable to the prevention, treatment, cure, diagnosis, or mitigation of disease or injuries. Somatic cell therapy products may be used as a component of a F2312 TEMP. split thickness skin autograft, nskin [auto]graft consisting of the epidermis and a portion of dermis. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 stem cells, nprogenitor cells capable of self-replication, F2312 proliferation, and differentiation. sterilization, ndestruction or removal of all microorganisms in or about an object, as by, chemical agents, electron beam, gamma irradiation, ultraviolet (UV) exposure, or ltration. F2312 substrates, nraw or virgin materials that will ultimately be used in tissue-engineered medical products for growth, F2312 support, or delivery of cells or biomolecules. suspension, ndispersion of a solid through a liquid with a particle size large enough to be detected by purely optical F2312 means. syngeneic, ncells, tissues, and organs in which the donor has an unreactive genotype with the recipient. Synonyms: F2312 syngraft, isograft, isogeneic, or isogenic.

secondary wound closure, nwound closure for healing by second intention. F2312 size thresholds, ninstruments lower and upper size settings for the particular cell population; adjustable size gate. Cells or fragments outside the size settings are excluded F2312 from the analyses. skin, nouter integument or covering of the body, consisting of the dermis and the epidermis, and resting upon the subcutaneous tissues. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 skin allograft therapy, ntreatment of skin wound or skin ulcer by the temporary topical application of skin allograft(s). F2311, F2312 skin replacement surgery, nsurgery that permanently replaces lost skin with healthy skin. F2311, F2312

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tissue, naggregation of similarly specialized cells united in the performance of a particular function. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 tissue engineered medical product (TEMP), nmedical product that repairs, modies or regenerates the recipients cells, tissues, and organs or their structure and function, or both.
DISCUSSIONTEMPs derive their therapeutic potential from various components used alone or used in various combinations. Components may be biological products (that is, cells, organs, tissues, derivatives, and processed biologics), biomaterials (that is, substrates and scaffolds), biomolecules, devices, and drugs. TEMPs may be used in vivo, ex vivo, or in vitro for treatment of disease and injuries and for elective surgery or for diagnostic means. TEMPs are unique from conventional organ transplants in that they exclude biologics used for immediate transplantation or immediate preservation for later F2312 transplantation. DISCUSSIONTransplantation in this sense is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under 21 CFR Parts 16 and 1270 F2312 and 21 CFR Parts 207, 807, and 1271.

ulcer, nlocal defect, or excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue, which is produced by the sloughing of inammatory necrotic tissue. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 wound, ninjury or damage, usually restricted to those caused by physical means with disruption of the normal continuity of structures. Called also injury and trauma. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 wound closure, nprovision of an epithelial cover over a wound; it can be accomplished by approximating wound edges, performing a skin [auto]graft, or allowing spontaneous healing from the edges. Churchills, F2311, F2312 wound contraction, nshrinkage and spontaneous closure of open skin wounds. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 wound contracture, ncondition of xed high resistance to passive stretch of muscle, skin or joints resulting from brosis and scarring of the skin or the tissues supporting the muscles or the joints, or both. (This denition is a modication of Dorlands denition of contracture, a condition of xed high resistance to passive stretch of muscle, resulting from brosis of the tissues supporting the muscles or the joints, or disorders of the muscle bers, because that denition does not address brosis and scarring in skin. F2311, F2312 wound inammation, nlocalized protective response elicited by injury or destruction of tissues, which serves to destroy, dilute, or wall off (sequester) both the injurious agent and the injured tissue.
DISCUSSIONIt is characterized in the acute form by the classical signs of pain (dolor), heat (calor) redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), and loss of function (functio laesa). Histologically, it involves a complex series of events, including dilation of arterioles, capillaries, and venules, with increased permeability and blood ow; exudation of uids, including plasma proteins; and leukocytic migration into the Dorlands, F2311, F2312 inammatory focus.

tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs), nmedical products that repair, modify, or regenerate the recipients cells, tissues, and organs, or their structure and function, or combination thereof. TEMPs may achieve a therapeutic potential from cells, biomolecules, scaffolds, and other materials, and processed tissues and derivatives used in various combinations or alone. TEMPs are unique from conventional organ transplants. TEMPs may be used in vivo or in vitro for disease, injury, elective surgery, and as a diagnostic. F2211 tissue engineering, napplication, in vivo and in vitro, of scientic principles and technologies to form tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs) used for medical treatments and as diagnostics. The various technologies and principles are common practices and methods in engineering and biomedical sciences such as cell, gene, or drug therapy, embryology or other forms of developmental biology, surgical methods and technologies used to create traditional devices and biologics. Tissue engineering could be applied to create products for non-human use as well. F2211 tissue engineering, vivon, napplication, in vivo and in vitro of scientic principles and technologies to form tissue engineered medical products (TEMPs) used for medical treatments and diagnoses as diagnostics.
DISCUSSIONThe various principles technologies and principles are common practices and methods in engineering and biomedical sciences such as cell, gene, or drug therapy, embryology or other forms of developmental and biology, surgical reparative methods and technologies can used to create traditional devices and biologics. Tissue engineering could be applied to create products for non-human use as F2312 well.

xenogeneic or xenogenic, ncells, tissues, and organs in which the donor and recipient belong to different species. Synonyms: xenogenous, heterogeneic, or heterologous. F2312 xenograft, ngraft of tissue transplanted between animals of different species. Called also heterograft, heterologous graft and heteroplastic graft. Dorlands, F2311, F2312 xenotransplantation, nany procedure that involves the transplantation or infusion into a human recipient of either (1) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source or (2) human body uids, cells, tissues, or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman cells, tissues, F2312 or organs. xenotransplantation, nany procedure that involves the transplantation or infusion into a human recipient of either (1) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source or (2) human body uids, cells, tissues, or organs that

tissue regeneration, nhealing in which lost tissue is replaced by proliferation of cells, which reconstruct the normal architecture. medweb, F2311, F2312 tissue repair, nhealing in which lost tissue is replaced by a brous scar, which is produced from granulation tissue. medweb, F2311, F2312 transplantation, nfor therapeutic purposes, the process of implanting in one part, cells, tissue(s), or organ(s) taken from another part or from another individual.

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have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman cells, tissues, or organs. F2311 xenotransplantation products, nxeno-transplantation products include live cells, tissues or organs used in xenotransplantation. F2311
DISCUSSIONXenografts and xenotransplantation products comprise overlapping but not congruent groups of skin substitutes. Autograft, allograft, and xenograft are traditional terms to describe tissue used in surgical procedures. Because autograft involves the harvesting of the patients own tissue, care is taken to preserve its viability. However, allograft and xenograft are not necessarily alive and may have been frozen for storage. Skin substitutes may combine attributes of autograft, allograft, xenograft, and xenotransplantation products, depending on the origin of cells or tissues used in their manufacture, and whether these components are alive or not. For example, a substitute for epidermal autograft composed of cultured autologous epidermal cells grown on a feeder layer of live non-human cells is a xenotransplantation product as well as an autograft substitute.

chitosan, nlinear polysaccharide consisting of b(14) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcNAc) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcN). Chitosan is a polysaccharide derived by N-deacetylation of chitin. F2260 closed cell, nvoid isolated within a solid, lacking any connectivity with an external surface. Synonym: closed pore. F2450 collagen, nType I collagen is a member of a family of structural proteins found in animals.
DISCUSSIONType I collagen is part of the brillar group of collagens. It derives from the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, which express the alpha chains of the collagen. All collagens have a unique triple helical structure conguration of three polypeptide units known as alpha-chains. Proper alignment of the alpha chains of the collagen molecule requires a highly complex enzymatic and chemical interaction in vivo. As such, preparation of the collagen by alternate methods may result in improperly aligned alpha chains and, putatively, increase the immunogenicity of the collagen. Collagen is high in glycine, L-alanine, L-proline, and 4-hydroxyproline, low in sulfur, and contains no L-tryptophan. Natural, brillar Type I collagen is normally soluble in dilute acids and alkalis. When heated (for example, above approximately 40C), collagen is denatured to single alpha chains (gelatin). At each end of the chains are short non-helical domains called telopeptides, which are removed in some collagen preparations. Through non-covalent interactions with sites on adjacent helixes, brillogenesis is achieved. Subsequently, non-reducible cross-links are formed. Type I collagen can be associated with Type III and Type V collagen and also with the other non-collagenous proteins like elastin and other structural molecules like glycosaminoglycans and complex F2212, F2312 lipoproteins and glycoproteins.

BIOMATERIALS AND BIOMOLECULES FOR TEMPs X1.17 F04.42 Biomaterials and Biomolecules for TEMPs adventitious agents, nunintentionally introduced microbiological or other infectious contaminant. In the production of TEMPs, these agents may be unintentionally introduced into the process stream or the nal product, or both. F2212 alginate, npolysaccharide obtained from some of the more common species of marine algae, consisting of an insoluble mix of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium salts.
DISCUSSIONAlginate exists in brown algae as its most abundant polysaccharide, mainly occurring in the cell walls and intercellular spaces of brown seaweed and kelp. Alginates main function is to contribute to the strength and exibility of the seaweed plant. Alginate is classied as a hydrocolloid. The most commonly used alginate is sodium alginate. Sodium alginate and, in particular, calcium crosslinked alginate gels are used in Tissue Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs) as biomedical matrices, controlled drug delivery systems, and F2259 for immobilizing living cells.

decomposition, nstructural changes of chitosans as a result of exposure to environmental, chemical, or thermal factors, such as temperatures greater than 200C. F2103
DISCUSSIONDecomposition can result in deleterious changes to the chitosan.

bioactive agents, nany molecular component in, on, or within the interstices of a device that elicits a desired tissue or cell response. Growth factors, antibiotics, and antimicrobials are typical examples of bioactive agents. Device structural components or degradation byproducts that evoke limited localized bioactivity are not included. F2150 bioactive agent, nany molecular component in, on, or within the interstices of a device that is intended to elicit a desired tissue or cell response.
DISCUSSIONGrowth factors and antibiotics are typical examples of bioactive agents. Device structural components or degradation byproducts that evoke limited localized bioactivity are not included. F2450

decomposition, nstructural changes of hyaluronan due to exposure to environmental, chemical, or thermal factors. Decomposition may occur at temperatures as low as 121C during autoclaving. Decomposition can result in deleterious changes to the hyaluronan. F2347 degradation, nchange in chemical, physical, or molecular structure or appearance (that is, gross morphology) of material. F2212 degradation, nchange in the chemical structure, physical properties, or appearance of a material. F2103
DISCUSSIONDegradation of polysaccharides occurs by means of cleavage of the glycosidic bonds, usually by acid catalyzed hydrolysis. Degradation can also occur thermally. Note that degradation is not synonymous with decomposition. Degradation is often used as a synonym for depolymerization when referring to polymers.

blind (end)-pore, npore that is in contact with an exposed internal or external surface through a single orice smaller than the pores depth. F2450 chitosan, nlinear polysaccharide consisting of b(14) linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcNAc) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose (GlcN). F2103
D ISCUSSION Chitosan N-deacetylation of chitin. is a polysaccharide derived by

degradation, nchange in the chemical structure, physical properties, or appearance of a material. Degradation of polysaccharides occurs via cleavage of the glycosidic bonds. It is important to note that degradation is not synonymous with decomposition. Degradation is often used as a synonym for depolymerization when referring to polymers. F2259, F2260

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degradation, nchange in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a material. Degradation of polysaccharides occurs via cleavage of the glycosidic bonds, usually by acid catalyzed hydrolysis. Degradation can also occur thermally and by alkali. It is important to note that degradation is not synonymous with decomposition. Degradation is often used as a synonym for depolymerization when referring to polymers. Degradation (depolymerization) of hyaluronan may also occur enzymatically by the action of hyaluronidases. F2347 degree of deacetylation, nfraction or percentage of glucosamine units (deacetylated monomers) in a chitosan polymer molecule. F2103 degree of deacetylation, nfraction or percentage of glucosamine units (GlcN: deacetylated monomers) in a chitosan polymer molecule. F2260, F2312 depolymerization, nreduction in the length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. F2259, F2260 depolymerization, nreduction in length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. F2103
DISCUSSIONDepolymerization may reduce the polymer chain to oligomeric or monomeric units, or both. In chitosan, hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds is the primary mechanism. DISCUSSIONNot all microorganisms are infectious or pathogenic.

molecular mass average (molecular weight average), nthe given molecular weight (Mw) of a chitosan will always represent an average of all of the molecules in the population. The most common ways to express the Mw are as the w). The two n) and the weight average (M number average (M averages are dened by the following equations:
H 5 M n

(NM (N
i i i i i

H 5 M w

(WM 5(NM (W (NM

i i i i i i i i

i i

where: Ni = number of molecules having a specic molecular weight Mi and wi = weight of molecules having a specic molecular weight Mi. In a polydisperse molecular population the relation n is always valid. The coefficient M w/M n is w > M M referred to as the polydispersity index, and will typically be in the range 1.5 to 3.0 for commercial chitosans. natural materials, nsynthesized or produced by living cells. F2027 non-animal derived, nterm describing the absence of any animal-derived tissue, proteins, or products in the manufacturing process. F2347 permeability, nmeasure of uid, particle, or gas ow through an open pore structure. F2450 polymer, nlong chain molecule composed of monomers including both natural and synthetic materials, for example, collagen, polycaprolactone. F2450 pore, nliquid (uid or gas) lled externally connecting channel, void, or open space within an otherwise solid or gelatinous material (for example, textile meshes composed of many or single bers (textile based scaffolds), open cell foams, (hydrogels). Synonyms: open-pore, through-pore. F2450 pores, ninherent or induced network of channels and open spaces within an otherwise solid structure. F2150 porogen, nmaterial used to create pores within an inherently solid material. F2450
DISCUSSIONFor example, a polymer dissolved in an organic solvent is poured over a water-soluble powder. After evaporation of the solvent, the porogen is leached out, usually by water, to leave a porous structure. The percentage of porogen needs to be high enough to ensure that all the pores are interconnected.

depolymerization, nreduction in length of a polymer chain to form shorter polymeric units. Depolymerization may reduce the polymer chain to smaller molecular weight polymers, oligomeric, or monomeric units, or combination thereof. In hyaluronan, acid hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds is the primary mechanism. F2347 endotoxin, nhigh-molecular-weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complex associated with the cell wall of gramnegative bacteria that is pyrogenic in humans. F2103, F2212
DISCUSSIONThough endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins.

endotoxin, nhigh molecular weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complex associated with the cell wall of gramnegative bacteria that is pyrogenic in humans. Though endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins. F2347 hyaluronan, npolysaccharide with a disaccharide repeating unit composed of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-Dglucosamine in b-(13) linkage. Each disaccharide unit is attached to the next by b-(14) bonds. Hyaluronan is a linear polymer. Other common names are hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate. F2347 hydrocolloid, nwater-soluble polymer of colloidal nature F2312, F2347 when hydrated. hydrogel, nwater-based open network of polymer chains that are cross-linked either chemically or through crystalline junctions or by specic ionic interactions. F2450 microorganisms, nbacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, viruses, and other infectious agents. F2212

porometry, ndetermination of the distribution of open pore diameters relative to the direction of uid ow by the displacement of a nonvolatile wetting uid as a function of pressure. F2450

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porometry, ndetermination of the distribution of pore diameters relative to direction of uid ow by the displacement of a wetting liquid as a function of pressure. F2150 porosimetry, ndetermination of pore volume and pore size distribution through the use of a nonwetting liquid (typically mercury) intrusion into a porous material as a function of pressure. F2150, F2450 porosity, nproperty of a solid which contains an inherent or induced network of channels and open spaces. Porosity can be measured by the ratio of pore (void) volume to the apparent (total) volume of a porous material and is commonly expressed as a percentage. F2150, F2450 pyrogen, nany substance that produces fever when administered parenterally. F2103, F2347 scaffold, nsupport, delivery vehicle, or matrix for facilitating the migration, binding, or transport of cells or bioactive molecules used to replace, repair, or regenerate tissues. F2450 solubility, nmeasure of the extent to which the material can be dissolved. F2212
DISCUSSIONIn the context of collagen, refers to the dissociation of the brillar aggregates of collagen molecules into a solution. Native Type I collagen which is soluble in dilute acids, but not soluble in neutral pH conditions is termed insoluble or acid-soluble, while simple aggregates of non-brillar collagen soluble in neutral salt solutions are termed neutral salt-soluble. Post translational surface charge modications may alter the solubility of collagen in neutral pH condition.

alginate, npolysaccharide obtained from some of the more common species of marine algae, consisting of an insoluble mix of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium salts.
DISCUSSIONAlginate exists in brown algae as its most abundant polysaccharide, mainly occurring in the cell walls and intercellular spaces of brown seaweed and kelp. Alginates main function is to contribute to the strength and exibility of the seaweed plant. Alginate is classied as a hydrocolloid. The most commonly used alginate is sodium alginate. Sodium alginate and, in particular, calcium crosslinked alginate gels are used in Tissue Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs) as biomedical matrices, controlled drug delivery systems, and F2315 for immobilizing living cells.

APA bead, nalginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate bead.


biomarker, nbiochemical feature or facet that can be used to measure the progress of disease or the effects of treatment. F2664 biomaterial, nany substance (other than a drug), synthetic or natural, that can be used as a system or part of a system that treats, augments, or replaces any tissue, organ, or function of F2312, F2664 the body. channelyzer, npulse height analyzer; places voltage pulses into appropriate size bins for the size distribution data. F2149 coincidence, nmore than one cell transversing the aperture at the same time. F2149 cooling rate, nabsolute value of the instantaneous rate of change of temperature during cooling. F2386 corrected count, ncell count corrected for coincidence. F2149 cryopreservation solution, npreservation medium to which has been added one or more cryoprotectants. F2386 cryoprotectant, nchemical or biological substance or mixture of substances used to protect cells or matrix, or both, during cryopreservation and rewarming. In general usage, a cryoprotectant is added to a preservation medium to form a cryopreservation solution. F2386 cytocrit, nratio of cell volume to the total volume of solution and cells for a cell suspension. F2386 detachment, nprocess whereby an adhered cell or group of cells is actively detached from a surface. F2664 dry shipper, nstorage and transportation device for frozen products that contains a liquid nitrogen (LN) absorbent material in the walls of the container. This device is designed to maintain cryogenic temperature for several days. F2386 electrolyte, ndiluent, offering slight conductivity, in which cells are suspended. F2149 encapsulation, nprocedure by which biological materials, such as cells, tissues, or proteins, are enclosed within a microscopic or macroscopic semipermeable barrier. F2315 endotoxin, npyrogenic lipopolysaccharides derived from bacterial cell walls, usually associated with membrane protein unless puried. Though endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins. F2315

sterilization, ndestruction or removal of all microorganisms in or about an object. F2212

DISCUSSIONExamples are by chemical agents, electron beam, gamma irradiation, ultraviolet (UV) exposure, or ltration.

substrates, nraw or virgin materials that will ultimately be used in tissue-engineered medical products for growth, support, or delivery of cells or biomolecules. F2027 suspension, ndispersion of a solid through a liquid with a particle size large enough to be detected by purely optical means. F2212 through-pores, ninherent or induced network of voids or channels that permit ow of uid (liquid or gas) from one side of the structure to the other. F2450 tortuosity, nmeasure of the mean free path length of through-pores relative to the sample thickness. Alternative denition: The squared ratio of the mean free path to the minimum possible path length. F2450 CELLS AND TISSUE ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTS FOR TEMPs X1.18 F04.43 Cells and Tissue Engineered Constructs for TEMPs adhesion, nphysiochemical state by which a cell is coupled to a non-cell surface by interfacial forces, which may consist of covalent or ionic forces. F2664

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equilibrium freezing temperature, ntemperature at which an aqueous solution of a given composition is in equilibrium with ice. F2386 eutectic point, ntemperature(s) at which the solute(s) in a solution become saturated due to freeze-concentration and precipitate from the solution, causing the unfrozen liquid water to simultaneously freeze. F2386 femtolitre, ncubic micron; a measurement of cell volume. F2149 gel, nthree-dimensional network structure arising from intermolecular polymer chain interactions. Such chain interactions may be covalent, ionic, hydrogen bond, or hydrophobic F2315 in nature. See also Terminology F1251. glass transition temperature, ntemperature at which the heat capacity associated with translational molecular motions vanishes during cooling or appears during warming. The glass transition temperature is the formal transition point between the glassy state and the liquid state. F2386 hydrophilic, adjhaving a strong affinity for water, wettable. F22, F2664 immobilization, nentrapment of materials, such as cells, tissues, or proteins within, or bound to, a matrix. F2315 implant, nsubstance or object that is put in the body as a prosthesis, or for treatment or diagnosis. F2664 laminar ow, nwell-ordered, patterned ow of uid layers assumed to slide over one another. F2664 lay, ndirection of the predominant surface pattern. ISO 13565-1, F2664 micron (), n0.001 mm, also known as a micrometre; measurement of cell diameter. F2149 nucleation, nformation of ice from a supercooled aqueous solution by random aggregation of water molecules into clusters with ice-like properties. Nucleation may be homogenous (spontaneous) or heterogenous (catalyzed by a substrate that reduces the thermodynamic barrier to cluster formation). F2386 passage, ntransfer or transplantation of cells, with or without dilution, from one culture vessel to another. It is understood that any time cells are transferred from one vessel to another, a certain portion of the cells may be lost and, therefore, dilution of cells, whether deliberate or not, may occur. This term is synonymous with the term subculture. F2664 passage number, nnumber of times the cells in the culture have been subcultured or passaged. In descriptions of this process, the ratio or dilution of the cells should be stated so that the relative cultural age can be ascertained. F2664 post-preservation processing, vmanipulation of cells or tissue after completion of the preservation process. These steps include, but are not limited to, washing of the cells or tissue to remove the preservation medium/solution and/or specic chemical or biological agents; dilution or concentration of the cells or tissue; and warming to temperatures appropriate for the normal or desired physiological or biochemical functions, or both, of the cells or tissue. F2386 pre-preservation processing, nmanipulation of cells or tissue prior to the initiation of preservation. These steps include, but are not limited to, selection of specic cell populations for freezing, centrifugation to modify cell density, introduction of specic chemical or biological agents, and cooling. F2386 preservation medium, nspecic formulation of an aqueous or nonaqueous solution in which a population of cells or a tissue will be preserved. F2386 preservation technologies: F2386 anhydrobiotic preservation, npreservation by vaporization and removal of water. (1) desiccation, nprocess for anhydrobiotic preservation in which water is removed by evaporation. (2) freeze-drying, nprocess for anhydrobiotic preservation in which ice crystals are formed by freezing, and water is removed by sublimation and evaporation. (3) lyophilization, nin common usage, a synonym for freeze-drying. Whereas etymologically, this term also comprises other methods for anhydrobiotic preservation, care should be taken to avoid ambiguity. cryopreservation, npreservation by cooling to a temperature below the equilibrium freezing temperature of the preservation solution, such that there is solidication. The resulting solid may be either crystalline or amorphous, or a combination of crystalline and amorphous phases. (1) freezing, vcryopreservation by formation of crystals. Frozen cell suspensions or TEMPs typically contain both crystalline and amorphous water. (2) vitrication, ncryopreservation by formation of glass. Vitried cell suspensions or TEMPs may contain small amounts of crystalline water. hypothermic preservation, npreservation by cooling to any temperature below normothermic culture temperatures, such that biological components are suspended in a liquid phase. Hypothermic storage temperatures may be either above or below the equilibrium freezing temperature. preserve, vto stabilize for the purposes of maintaining the specic mechanical, structural, metabolic, or biological characteristics. F2386 pyrogen, nany substance that produces fever. F2315

raw count, nenumeration of the cell population not corrected for coincidence. F2149 reconstitute, vto add a solvent or diluent to an anhydrobiotically preserved sample in order to dissolve or suspend its components. F2386 rewarm, vto warm from preservation temperature to a temperature required for use (for example, additional culture or clinical use). F2386 Reynolds number, ndimensionless number expressing the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces in a moving uid. The

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number is given by VLr/m where V, is the uids velocity, L is a characteristic length or distance such as pipe diameter, r is the uids mass density, and m is the uids dynamic viscosity. F4410, F2664 ruggedness, ndegree of reproducibility of the same sample under a variety of normal conditions; for example, different operators. F2149 scaffold, nsupport, delivery vehicle, or matrix for facilitating the migration, binding, or transport of cells or bioactive molecules used to replace, repair, or regenerate tissues. F2312, F2664 seeding, vdeliberate initiation of ice crystal formation in a supercooled aqueous solution under controlled conditions. When ice forms either spontaneously or as a result of the inclusion of nucleating agents in the cryopreservation solution, this is referred to as nucleation. F2386 senescence, nin vertebrate cell cultures, the property attributable to nite cell cultures; namely, their inability to grow beyond a nite number of population doublings. Neither invertebrate nor plant cell cultures exhibit this property. This term is synonymous with in vitro senescence. F2664 shear stress, ncomponents of stress that act parallel to the plane of the surface. F2664 size thresholds, ninstruments lower and upper size settings for the particular cell population; adjustable size gate. Cells or fragments outside the size settings are excluded from the analyses. F2149 storage temperature, ntemperature at which the cells, tissue, or TEMP is held after completion of the cooling process. F2386 supercool, vto cool to a temperature below the equilibrium melting point of the solution without initiating ice formation. F2386 surface prole, nsurface prole formed by the intersection of a real surface by a specied plane. It is customary to select a plane that lies perpendicular to the direction of lay unless otherwise indicated. ISO 13565-1 and ISO 4287, F2664 tack, nability of an adhesive to form a bond to a surface after brief contact under light pressure. F2664 temperature prole, nthe time-temperature history of a sample during cooling or warming. F2386 thaw, vto warm from a cryopreserved state to a temperature above the melting point of the preservation medium. F2386 warming rate, ninstantaneous rate of change of temperature during warming. F2386 ASSESSMENT FOR TEMPs X1.19 F04.44 Assessment for TEMPs cartilage regeneration, nformation of articular-like cartilage that has histologic, biochemical, and mechanical properties similar to that of native articular cartilage. F2451 cartilage repair, nprocess of healing injured cartilage or its replacement through cell proliferation and synthesis of new extracellular matrix. F2451 compact bone, nclassication of ossied boney connective tissue characterized by the presence of osteons containing lamellar bone. F2451 femoral condyles, nanatomic site corresponding to the distal end of the femur characterized by medial and lateral convex surfaces that are lined by cartilage and articulate with the proximal tibia and medial and lateral menisci. F2451 brocartilage, ndisorganized cartilagenous tissue having an abnormally high content of type I collagen. F2451 growth plate, nanatomic location within the epiphyseal region of long bones corresponding to the site of growth of bone through endochondral bone formation. The growth plate in skeletally mature animals is fused. F2451 hyaline articular cartilage, ncartilagenous connective tissue located in diarthrodial joints and characterized by its localization to articulating surfaces. F2451 marrow, nalso called myeloid tissue; soft, gelatinous tissue that lls the cavities of the bones. It is either red or yellow, depending upon the preponderance of vascular (red) or fatty (yellow) tissue. F2451 matrix, nterm applied to either the exogenous implanted scaffold or the endogenous extracelluar substance (otherwise known as extracellular matrix) derived from the host. F2451 patella, nbone of the knee joint which articulates within the trochlear groove of the femur. F2451 residence time, ntime at which an implanted material (synthetic or natural) can no longer be detected in the host tissue. F2451 skeletal maturity, nage at which the epiphyseal plates are fused. F2451 subchondral plate, nmargin of compact bone in direct apposition to the articular cartilage. F2451 synovial uid, nuid secreted by synovium providing lubrication and nutrition to the joint surfaces. F2451 synovium, nepithelial lining of synovial joint cavities that produce synovial uid. F2451 tidemark, nanatomic site in articular cartilage corresponding to the margin between cartilage and the underlying calcied cartilage. F2451 trabecular bone, nclassication of ossied boney connective tissue characterized by spicules surrounded by marrow space. F2451 trochlear groove, nanatomic site on the distal end of the femur corresponding to the region of articulation with the patella. F2451

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ADVENTITIOUS AGENTS SAFETY X1.20 F04.45 Adventitious Agents Safety adventitious agents, nunintentionally introduced microbiological or other infectious contaminant. In the production of TEMPs, these agents may be unintentionally introduced into the manufacturing process or into the nal product or both. F2383 (See Terminology F2312.)
DISCUSSIONIn this guide, adventitious agents also include microbiological or other infectious contaminants that may be endogenous to the starting cells or tissue.

endotoxin, nhigh molecular weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complex associated with the cell wall of gramnegative bacteria that is pyrogenic in humans. Though endotoxins are pyrogens, not all pyrogens are endotoxins. F2383 (See Terminology F2312.)


X2.1 Prior to May 2009, F04 maintained multiple terminology standards. Each standard was developed with the intent to separate terms by specialty area within the medical and surgical materials and devices community. As displayed in Section 3.1 on Historical ASTM Standards, this included documents for Hemostatic Forceps (F921), Surgical Scissors Inserted and Non-Inserted Blades (F1078), Polymeric Biomaterials in Medical and Surgical Devices (F1251), Spinal Implants (F1582), Surgical Tissue/Dressing/Pick-Up Forceps (Thumb-Type) (F1638), Surgical Suture Needles (F1840), Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys (F2005), and Tissue Engineered Medical Products (F2312). X2.2 It became evident that a singular, coordinated effort of the Committee regarding terminology was needed, as terms began to develop multiple denitions. In some cases, multiple denitions were warranted based on the variety of possible uses and applications of a term within different sectors and products of the community. In other cases, multiple denitions were developed where a single, standardized denition would have been appropriate. Both circumstances introduced confusion without a coordinated reference document of the Committee that mapped terminology use. Unwarranted duplication started to provide standardization problems. X2.3 During 2009 and 2010, Terminology standards F921, F1078, F1251, F1582, F1638, F1840, F2005, and F2312 had their terms consolidated into this standard. In addition, each F04 technical standard was reviewed to ensure all terms

dened within it was captured in this standard. Each term, and its denition, was traced to a source document (the originating terminology standard and any technical standard in which it is dened). Each of the multiple standard terminologies were then allowed to be either maintained or withdrawn at the discretion of the respective subcommittee. X2.4 In 2009, to accompany the creation of this consolidated terminology standard, Committee F04 adopted a terminology policy. This policy is contained within the Committee Bylaws and is available to any interested party upon request. It states: X2.4.1 That a subcommittee of the Committee shall be dedicated to the maintenance of this document and the Committees terminology policy. X2.4.1.1 Officers of the committee are members of this subcommittee, in addition to any interested parties. X2.4.2 That at a minimum, this standard will be updated annually (at a time corresponding to the publication of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards containing this terminology standard) by the ASTM Editor for F04. This update will ensure that all terms dened in approved F04 technical standards are reected in this standard. Any terms that need to be reected herein may be editorially copied into it. X2.4.3 That an objective of this document is to demonstrate where duplication in Committee terminology exists, and charges the subcommittee of jurisdiction over this standard to coordinate denitions.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www.astm.org/ COPYRIGHT/).

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