Ash Handling Equipment Maint. Guide
Ash Handling Equipment Maint. Guide
Ash Handling Equipment Maint. Guide
Effective December 6, 2006, this report has been made publicly available in accordance with Section 734.3(b)(3) and published in accordance with Section 734.7 of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. As a result of this publication, this report is subject to only copyright protection and does not require any license agreement from EPRI. This notice supersedes the export control restrictions and any proprietary licensed material notices embedded in the document prior to publication.
Technical Report
ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1395 PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 USA 800.313.3774 650.855.2121
For further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or e-mail Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright 2005 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
This report was prepared by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Fossil Maintenance Applications Center (FMAC) 1300 W.T. Harris Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28262 Principal Investigator S. Parker This report describes research sponsored by EPRI. The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: Ash Handling System Maintenance Guide. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2005. 1011684.
This Ash Handling System Maintenance Guide provides fossil plant maintenance personnel with current maintenance information on this system. This guide will assist plant maintenance personnel in improving the reliability and reducing the maintenance costs for the ash handling system. Background In 2003, EPRI Fossil Maintenance Applications Center (FMAC) member utilities completed a Maintenance Issues Survey. The topic of fly ash handling equipment and transport systems ranked high as a chronic problem with high impact to plant reliability. From the survey responses, the FMAC Steering Committee recommended the development of a guide for the maintenance of ash handling systems. A separate guide is planned for the ash transport systems on the plant site. Objectives To identify preventive and corrective maintenance practices for ash handling system components
To assist plant maintenance personnel in the identification and resolution of ash handling system maintenance problems
Approach A Technical Advisory Group was formed that consisted of ash handling equipment owners from EPRI FMAC utility members. Input was solicited for current maintenance issues for ash handling systems. Experience-proven practices and techniques were identified during this effort and are compiled in this report. Key suppliers of fly ash system designs and components were solicited for assistance to ensure that the guidance reflected the latest technologies available in the industry. Results This technical report provides an overview of system design parameters and components that make up a typical fly ash handling system. The focus of the report is to provide recommendations for performing preventive maintenance on the various system components. The report includes a preventive maintenance basis. It provides information for repairing and replacing system components, troubleshooting, and removing fly ash from the plant. The report also includes information on personnel qualifications, training, and safety guidelines, and it provides a list of sources for training, repair, and consulting services.
EPRI Perspective The maintenance of the ash handling system affects the availability and reliability of the operating unit. This technical report provides a single reference document for the identification of ash handling equipment problems and recommended preventive maintenance practices. Keywords Ash handling Ash storage Dense phase Fly ash Preventive maintenance Preventive maintenance basis
This document was produced by EPRI FMAC and the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). EPRI FMAC would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions during the development of this report. Technical Advisory Group Members: Name David Brawner Dennis Child Mark Litzinger Danie Odendaal Jakes Rosslee Des Sheppard Scott Skousen Rodney Warner Utility Entergy Eskom AmerenUE Eskom Eskom Eskom Eskom Public Service of New Mexico Plant Name Nelson Kendal Labadie Matimba Lethabo Matimba Matimba San Juan
EPRI and the TAG were supported in their efforts to develop this report by the following companies and individuals: Sharon Parker Sequoia Consulting Group, Inc. 111 Washington Street Plainville, MA 02762 Principal Investigator: Mike Tulay RPA Associates, Inc. 3 Park Plaza Wyomissing, PA 19606 Principal Investigator: Rick Aulenbach
In addition, the following individuals and companies provided technical material, the use of figures, and review of the guide: Lou Zotti Allen Sherman-Hoff, Inc. 185 Great Valley Parkway Malvern, PA 19355-1321 Jeff Carpenter United Conveyor Corporation 2100 Norman Drive West Waukegan, IL 60085
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Purpose and Scope.........................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Background .....................................................................................................................1-2 1.3 Report Structure and Content Overview .........................................................................1-3 1.4 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms ...................................................................................1-5 1.4.1 Industry Definitions and Nomenclature....................................................................1-5 1.4.2 Acronyms.................................................................................................................1-6 1.5 Relationship with EPRI FMAC and to Other EPRI Reports.............................................1-7 1.6 Conversion Factors for Units Used in This Report ..........................................................1-8 1.7 Key Points .......................................................................................................................1-9 2 FLY ASH SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS ........................................................................2-1 2.1 Fly Ash Types and Characteristics..................................................................................2-1 2.1.1 Economizer Ash ......................................................................................................2-1 2.1.2 Air Heater Ash .........................................................................................................2-1 2.1.3 Electrostatic Precipitator Ash...................................................................................2-1 2.1.4 Baghouse Ash .........................................................................................................2-2 2.1.5 Typical Chemistry of Coal Fly Ash...........................................................................2-2 2.2 Types of Fly Ash Conveying Systems.............................................................................2-5 2.2.1 Overview of Pneumatic Fly Ash Conveying Systems ..............................................2-7 2.2.2 Fly Ash Pressure Conveying Systems ..................................................................2-10 2.2.3 Fly Ash Vacuum Conveying Systems....................................................................2-10 2.2.4 Fly Ash Vacuum/Pressure Conveying Systems ....................................................2-11 2.2.5 Dense-Phase Fly Ash Conveying Systems ...........................................................2-12 2.3 Introduction to Fly Ash System Components ................................................................2-14 2.3.1 Abrasion-Resistant Pipe ........................................................................................2-21 2.3.2 Air Compressor......................................................................................................2-21 2.3.3 Air Gravity Conveyor .............................................................................................2-22
2.3.4 Airlock Valve..........................................................................................................2-22 2.3.5 Ash Storage Silo....................................................................................................2-23 2.3.6 Ash Transfer Bin....................................................................................................2-24 2.3.7 Vacuum System Fly Ash Collector and Filter ........................................................2-24 2.3.8 Dense-Phase Vessel .............................................................................................2-25 2.3.9 Dry Dust Unloader .................................................................................................2-25 2.3.10 Equalizer Valve....................................................................................................2-27 2.3.11 Fittings .................................................................................................................2-29 2.3.12 Fly Ash Transport Blower ....................................................................................2-31 2.3.13 Hopper Aeration Blower ......................................................................................2-31 2.3.14 Fly Ash Vacuum Pump ........................................................................................2-31 2.3.15 Hydraulic Vacuum Device ...................................................................................2-31 2.3.16 Material Handling Valve.......................................................................................2-33 2.3.17 Pugmill Unloader .................................................................................................2-35 2.3.18 Relief Door...........................................................................................................2-38 2.3.19 Rotary Feeder......................................................................................................2-39 2.3.20 Silo Aeration Blower ............................................................................................2-40 2.3.21 Cut-Off Gate ........................................................................................................2-40 2.3.22 Vent Filter ............................................................................................................2-40 3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR FLY ASH SYSTEM COMPONENTS ..........................3-1 3.1 General Guidance ...........................................................................................................3-1 3.1.1 Preventive Maintenance ..........................................................................................3-1 Predictive Maintenance....................................................................................3-2 Periodic Maintenance ......................................................................................3-2 3.1.2 Corrective Maintenance...........................................................................................3-2 3.2 Fly Ash System Component Maintenance Guidance......................................................3-3 4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE BASIS..................................................................................4-1 4.1 Background .....................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies...................................4-2 4.3 PM Tasks and Their Degradation Mechanisms ..............................................................4-8 4.4 Preventive Maintenance Template................................................................................4-10 4.5 Description of Preventive Maintenance Tasks ..............................................................4-12
5 REMOVAL FROM SERVICE AND REPAIRS ........................................................................5-1 5.1 General Guidance ...........................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Quantifiable Factors for Economic Cost Study........................................................5-5 5.1.2 Key Qualitative Factors in the Decision-Making Process ........................................5-6 5.2 Repair and Replacement of Fly Ash System Components .............................................5-7 6 FLY ASH SYSTEM AND COMPONENT TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................6-1 6.1 System Troubleshooting..................................................................................................6-1 6.1.1 Pressure Conveying Systems .................................................................................6-4 6.1.2 Vacuum Conveying Systems...................................................................................6-4 6.1.3 Vacuum/Pressure Conveying Systems ...................................................................6-5 6.1.4 Dense-Phase Conveying Systems ..........................................................................6-5 6.2 Troubleshooting Components Installed in Fly Ash Conveying Systems .........................6-5 7 FLY ASH DISPOSAL AND REMOVAL FROM THE PLANT SITE........................................7-1 7.1 Analysis of Fly Ash Disposal Costs and Factors .............................................................7-1 7.1.1 Type of Material.......................................................................................................7-1 7.1.2 Location ...................................................................................................................7-1 7.1.3 Transportation Methods...........................................................................................7-2 7.1.4 Climate and Terrain .................................................................................................7-2 7.1.5 Regulatory Requirements........................................................................................7-2 7.1.6 Conclusion...............................................................................................................7-3 7.2 Handling Fly Ash Material ...............................................................................................7-3 7.2.1 Site Preparation.......................................................................................................7-3 7.2.2 Delivery and Off-Site Handling ................................................................................7-3 7.2.3 Spreading Fly Ash ...................................................................................................7-3 7.2.4 Compaction Equipment for Fly Ash .........................................................................7-4 7.2.5 Moisture Control ......................................................................................................7-5 7.2.6 Weather Restrictions ...............................................................................................7-5 7.2.7 Insensitivity to Moisture Variations ..........................................................................7-5 7.3 Fly Ash Disposal in Ash Ponds .......................................................................................7-6 7.4 Environmental Considerations of Fly Ash Disposal.........................................................7-7 7.5 Commercial Uses for Fly Ash..........................................................................................7-8
8 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION, TRAINING, AND SAFETY ISSUES ..................................8-1 8.1 Personnel Qualification and Training ..............................................................................8-1 8.1.1 Fly Ash System Operators.......................................................................................8-1 8.1.2 First Line Supervisors..............................................................................................8-2 8.1.3 Fly Ash System Maintenance Personnel.................................................................8-2 8.2 Personnel Safety Issues..................................................................................................8-2 8.2.1 EPRI Technical Report ............................................................................................8-2 8.2.2 OSHA Proposals .....................................................................................................8-5 9 INDUSTRY RESOURCES FOR FLY ASH SYSTEM TRAINING, CONSULTING, AND REPAIR .....................................................................................................................................9-1 10 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................10-1 10.1 Regulations and Regulatory Guidance........................................................................10-1 10.2 Industry Guidance .......................................................................................................10-1 10.3 EPRI Technical Reports ..............................................................................................10-1 10.4 Utility Procedures and Maintenance Instructions ........................................................10-2 10.5 Manufacturers Literature ............................................................................................10-2 10.6 Conference Proceedings.............................................................................................10-3 A FLY ASH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET .................................................................... A-1 B LISTING OF KEY INFORMATION ....................................................................................... B-1 B.1 Key O&M Cost Points .................................................................................................... B-1 B.2 Key Technical Points ..................................................................................................... B-2 B.3 Key Human Performance Points.................................................................................... B-3 C TRANSLATED TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. C-1 Franais (French) ................................................................................................................. C-2 (Japanese) ............................................................................................................... C-9 Espaol (Spanish) .............................................................................................................. C-16
Figure 1-1 Scope and Content of This Report ...........................................................................1-4 Figure 2-1 Fly Ash Storage System ...........................................................................................2-6 Figure 2-2 Fly Ash Pressure Conveying System .....................................................................2-10 Figure 2-3 Fly Ash Vacuum Conveying System ......................................................................2-11 Figure 2-4 Fly Ash Vacuum/Pressure Conveying System .......................................................2-12 Figure 2-5 Dense-Phase Fly Ash Conveying System ..............................................................2-13 Figure 2-6 Airlock Valve...........................................................................................................2-23 Figure 2-7 Ash Storage Silo.....................................................................................................2-24 Figure 2-8 Dry Unloading Spout ..............................................................................................2-26 Figure 2-9 A-S-H Style II Equalizer Valve................................................................................2-27 Figure 2-10 A-S-H Style III Equalizer Valve.............................................................................2-28 Figure 2-11 Single- and Dual-Cylinder Equalizer Valves .........................................................2-29 Figure 2-12 Integral Wear-Back Fitting ....................................................................................2-29 Figure 2-13 Replaceable Wear-Back Fitting ............................................................................2-30 Figure 2-14 Typical Configuration of an Adapter .....................................................................2-31 Figure 2-15 Hydraulic Vacuum Device Photograph .................................................................2-32 Figure 2-16 Hydraulic Vacuum Device Schematic...................................................................2-33 Figure 2-17 Material/Ash Handling Valve ................................................................................2-35 Figure 2-18 Pugmill Unloader ..................................................................................................2-36 Figure 2-19 Paddle Mix Unloader ............................................................................................2-37 Figure 2-20 Rotary Unloader ...................................................................................................2-38 Figure 2-21 Relief Door............................................................................................................2-39 Figure 2-22 Vent Filter .............................................................................................................2-41 Figure 5-1 Generic Repair Versus Replace Evaluation .............................................................5-2 Figure 5-2 Factors Considered During the Decision-Making Process .......................................5-4 Figure 6-1 Generic Process for System Troubleshooting (Preliminary Evaluation) ...................6-2 Figure 6-2 Generic Process for System Troubleshooting (Detailed System Troubleshooting) ................................................................................................................6-3 Figure 7-1 Spreading and Compaction of Fly Ash Structural Fill ...............................................7-5 Figure 7-2 Pathways of Pollutant Movement .............................................................................7-7
Table 1-1 Conversion Factors Used in This Report...................................................................1-8 Table 2-1 Typical Chemistry of Coal Fly Ash.............................................................................2-2 Table 2-2 Chemical Composition of Standard Reference Materials Program Fly Ash Samples and Lignite Coal Ash ...........................................................................................2-3 Table 2-3 Trace Elemental Analysis of Coal Fly Ash (Class F) .................................................2-4 Table 2-4 Comparison of Pneumatic Vacuum Versus Pressure Ash Conveying Systems........2-8 Table 2-5 Comparison of Pressure Dilute-Phase Versus Dense-Phase Ash Conveying Systems .............................................................................................................................2-9 Table 2-6 Typical Components of Fly Ash Conveying Systems ..............................................2-14 Table 2-7 Overview of Component Design Features and Functions .......................................2-16 Table 3-1 Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components ..............3-4 Table 4-1 Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies for Fly Ash System Components ..........................................................................................................4-4 Table 4-2 PM Tasks and Their Degradation Mechanisms for Fly Ash System Components.......................................................................................................................4-8 Table 4-3 PM Template for Fly Ash System Components .......................................................4-11 Table 5-1 Repair and Replacement Guidance for Fly Ash System Components ......................5-7 Table 6-1 Recommended Troubleshooting for Pressure Conveying Fly Ash Systems .............6-4 Table 6-2 Recommended Troubleshooting for Vacuum Conveying Fly Ash Systems...............6-5 Table 6-3 Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components ...........................6-6 Table 6-4 Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors....................................................................................................................6-20 Table 7-1 Types of Fly Ash Compaction Equipment..................................................................7-4 Table 8-1 Typical Expertise and Experience Level Fly Ash System Operators ......................8-1 Table 8-2 Typical Expertise and Experience Level First Line Supervisors .............................8-2 Table 8-3 Typical Expertise and Experience Level First Line System Maintenance Personnel ...........................................................................................................................8-2 Table 9-1 Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair ................9-2
1.1 Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this guide is to provide maintenance personnel at fossil plants with guidelines for safe and effective maintenance practices for system components associated with fly ash collection, handling, transport, and disposal. The scope of the report covers equipment typically installed in the following general types of fly ash conveying systems: Fly ash pressure conveying systems Fly ash vacuum/pressure conveying systems Fly ash vacuum conveying systems Dense-phase fly ash conveying systems
Inherent to these systems are numerous components, some of which are not common to all of the systems. The general scope of components covered in this report is as follows: Abrasion-resistant piping and fittings Air compressors Air gravity conveyors Airlock valves Ash storage silos Ash transfer bins Collectors and filters Cut-off gates Dense-phase vessels Dry dust and pugmill unloaders Equalizer valves Fly ash transport blowers Fly ash vacuum pumps Hopper aeration blowers Material handling valves Relief doors Rotary feeders Silo aeration blowers Vacuum producers Vent filters
The following system components are not included in the scope of this report: Boilers Bottom ash handling systems and components Coal pulverizers and transport systems Electrostatic precipitators Forced draft or induced draft fans Sootblowing equipment
1.2 Background
Fly ash was ignored in early ash handling efforts. As boilers became more complex with the addition of air heaters and economizers, significant amounts of fly ash were collected wherever the flue gas stream changed direction or reduced velocity. Initially there were attempts to manually remove and handle the ash collected at these points. Because of the dusting propensity of this ash as opposed to bottom ash, there was a clear need for an alternative method of handling. In about 1928, pipeline conveying was again adapted, this time from a technology developed for coal-burning ships. A steam-powered venturi tube (steam ejector) inducted an air stream through a pipe that transported the ash from collection points to and through the steam ejector. The mixture of steam, ash, and air was discharged into a target box on top of a closed bin made of tile and then elevated for truck discharge. Unfortunately, some ash failed to separate at the impact box and was vented into the atmosphere with the conveying air. To increase separation efficiency and minimize carryover to the atmosphere, cyclone separators were placed in the conveyor line at the top of the silo, upstream from the steam ejector (a device used to induce vacuum in a pipeline by passing high-pressure steam through a convergent divergent nozzle). This arrangement removed the moisture before it passed through the ejector, so that the ash stored in the silo and unloaded from it was dry. Consequently, there was a problem with dust, particularly during off-site transport in open trucks. In about 1930, the rotary conditioner/unloader was developed, which mixed water with the dry ash and controlled the rate at which ash was loaded into trucks (and later, rail cars). Because steam ejectors wasted steam, and the vacuum achievable by steam ejectors was limited, water-powered ejectors came into use. This development was particularly useful at plants that either had sufficient space for ash ponds or were situated on waterways. Conveyed ash was passed through a water-powered ejector, and the resulting ash-and-water slurry flowed by gravity through a pipeline to the pond or waterway. This eliminated receiving equipment, silos, and subsequent handling of the ash. Wherever this type of disposal was not possible, collection and storage were accomplished as before but by water-powered rather than steam ejectors. By the early 1960s, it became necessary to handle much greater quantities of fly ash because of increased boiler sizes, increased collection rates and efficiencies, and the use of precipitators rather than mechanical dust collectors. In addition, as plants became larger, conveying distances became greater. Vacuum systems, particularly those with water-powered ejectors, could no longer provide the required capacity.
Although some installations used multiple vacuum systems, there was an industry trend toward using positive-pressure conveyors that use air lock feeders at the collection hoppers. These airlocks make possible the transfer of material from the low-pressure zone of the collection hopper into the comparatively high pressure of the pipeline conveyor. Although pressure systems are advantageous from a capacity standpoint, they require significantly greater and more complex maintenance and have a greater initial cost than vacuum systems. Consequently, vacuum systems with greater capacity were developed in the mid-1960s. These vacuum systems used mechanical vacuum pumps rather than water ejectors to power the conveyors. The 1970s ushered in strict environmental regulations, laws, and enforcement. These regulations essentially dictate that fly ash be transported dry and separated at intermediate collection points. Although the systems have been refined, they are not entirely satisfactory for owners, operators, or maintenance personnel. During the 1980s, in an effort to reduce installation and operating costs and to enhance reliability, users and vendors began turning to mechanical conveyors and dense-phaserather than dilute-phasepipeline systems. Because of increasing efforts in flue gas desulfurization (FGD), future ash handling systems will have to deal with greater quantities of material than in the past. This material will have different characteristics from current types of ash, including sorbents of various kinds.
This section provides an introduction to the report. Section 2, Fly Ash System Design Parameters, provides an overview of system design parameters and describes the components comprising a typical fly ash conveying system and describes the functions of those components. Section 3, Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components, provides guidance for performing preventive maintenance on the numerous system components. Section 4, Preventive Maintenance Basis, describes the criteria that were used to establish the preventive maintenance guidance. Section 5, Removal from Service and Repairs, provides guidance regarding the repair or replacement of system components and details which components are typically repaired or refurbished on site. Section 6, Fly Ash System and Component Troubleshooting, provides the owner with troubleshooting guidance. Section 7, Fly Ash Disposal and Removal from the Plant Site, describes the removal and disposal of fly ash from the plant.
Section 8, Personnel Qualification, Training, and Safety Issues, provides personnel qualification and safety guidelines. Section 9, Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair, lists sources of training, repair, and consulting services related to fly ash conveying systems. Section 10, References, provides a complete listing of references that were used during the development of this report. Appendix A, Fly Ash Material Safety Data Sheet, is a material safety data sheet that describes fly ash. Appendix B, Listing of Key Information, reiterates key points made throughout this report.
Proactive maintenance. Maintenance tasks that determine the root cause of an equipment problem. Chronic problems require advanced technologies, additional resources, and time to provide a final solution for an equipment problem. The problem can be the result of poor design, inadequate maintenance practices, or incorrect operating procedures. Qualified individual. For the purposes of concurrent verification and independent verification, a person who has been determined by station management to be qualified to perform verification activities. As a minimum, this individual shall be trained in human performance verification techniques. Work instruction. Instructions for performance of the work to be accomplished, the level of detail of which depends on the assigned planning level. When applicable, approved procedures can be referenced and might suffice as work instructions. Work order. A document used to control work activities, testing activities, or both. 1.4.2 Acronyms AA-GF ACAA ACGIH CAER CARRC CBRC CCP CPCA EPRI ESP FBC FGD FMAC GFAAS HVAC I&C ICAR ICCI ICP-AES atomic absorption-graphic furnace American Coal Ash Association American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Center for Applied Energy Research Coal Ash Resources Research Consortium Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium coal combustion products Canadian Portland Cement Association Electric Power Research Institute electrostatic precipitator fluidized-bed combustion flue gas desulfurization Fossil Maintenance Applications Center graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry heating, ventilation, and air conditioning instrumentation and control International Center for Aggregates Research Illinois Clean Coal Institute inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Materials Research Institute National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health operations and maintenance Ohio Coal Development Office original equipment manufacturer Occupational Safety and Health Administration permissible exposure limit preventive maintenance pounds per square inch gauge reliability-centered maintenance resistance temperature detectors static cubic feet per minute Standard Reference Materials (Program) threshold limit value tons per hour technical report
Flexible Shaft Couplings Maintenance Guide, 2003. 1007910. Fly Ash Exposure in Coal-Fired Power Plants, 1993. TR-102576. Gearbox and Gear Drive Maintenance Guide, 2004. 1009831. Guideline for System Monitoring by System Engineers, 1996. TR-107668. InPlant Ash Handling Reference Manual, 1987. CS-4880. Metrics for Assessing Maintenance Effectiveness, 2003. 1007604. Sootblowing Application and Maintenance Guide, 2001. 1004005. System and Equipment Troubleshooting Guideline, 2002. 1003093.
Key Technical Point Targets information that will lead to improved equipment reliability.
Key Human Performance Point Denotes information that requires personnel action or consideration in order to prevent personal injury or equipment damage or to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the task. Appendix B, Listing of Key Information, contains a listing of all key points in each category. The listing restates each key point and provides a reference to its location in the body of the report. By reviewing this listing, users of this guide can determine whether they have taken advantage of key information that the writers of this guide believe would benefit their plants.
2.1 Fly Ash Types and Characteristics
This section describes the various types of fly ash and their sources at a typical fossil power plant. A detailed material safety data sheet describing fly ash is provided in Appendix A, Fly Ash Material Safety Data Sheet. 2.1.1 Economizer Ash Economizer ash, although often classified as a fly ash, frequently contains pebble- and stone-like particles from 1/4 to 2 in. that mainly result from sootblowing. Ash sometimes sinters while in a collection hopper. This is due to operation of the boiler that results in either high-carbon ash or high excess air. Collected economizer ash particles have no typical size. The temperature of this ash ranges from 600 to 900F. 2.1.2 Air Heater Ash Air heater ash is usually finer and more uniformly sized than economizer ash. The particle sizes range from 100 to 600 microns, while the ash temperature ranges from 250 to 400F. 2.1.3 Electrostatic Precipitator Ash This size of fly ash particles entering the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) can range from 0.01 to 1000 microns for eastern coals and from 0.01 to 200 microns for western coals and lignite. The precipitator catch, however, is classified by size in the various field hoppers. With low-carbon ash, the coarsest fraction is in the front hopper and the finest fraction is in the rear. High-carbon ash from some boilers burning eastern coals has most of the large-diameter (100+ microns) carbonaceous particles collected in the rearmost hopper, thus reversing the usual trend. Because the tendency for individual fly ash particles to agglomerate is greater in cold-side precipitators, it is usually perceived that the larger ash particles predominate in the catch. Conversely, the lesser tendency to agglomerate in hot-side precipitators leads to the observation that the collected fly ash is the fine or free-flowing particles. In fact, any size differences in the 2-1
collected particles is due principally to the combustion of different coals rather than to the collection temperatures. The emphasis here is on the ash as seen by the ash system after agglomeration has occurred. In general, this ash has particle sizes that range from 50 to 400 microns at 225350F in cold-side ESPs and are about 100 microns at 400800 F in hot precipitators. 2.1.4 Baghouse Ash Baghouse ash is very similar to hot-side precipitator ash except that the temperature range is approximately 250350F. The particle sizing in the various hoppers is quite uniform, with little or no segregation, except for the inertially induced distribution. Particle size and size distribution depend on the characteristics of the fuel, mill, burner, and furnace. 2.1.5 Typical Chemistry of Coal Fly Ash Table 2-1 illustrates the typical chemistry of coal fly ash in weight percentages.
Table 2-1 Typical Chemistry of Coal Fly Ash Courtesy of Fly Ash Resource Center Chemical Compounds Class F (Weight %) Low-Fe SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3 LOI TiO2 4657 1829 616 1.85.5 0.72.1 1.92.8 0.21.1 0.42.9 0.64.8 12 Class F (Weight %) High-Fe 4254 16.524 1624 1.33.8 0.31.2 2.12.7 0.20.9 0.51.8 1.25.0 11.5 Class C (Weight %) High-Ca 2542 1521 510 1732 412.5 0.31.6 0.86.0 0.45.0 0.11.0 <1 Class C (Weight %) Low-Ca 4659 1422 513 816 3.24.9 0.61.1 1.34.2 0.42.5 0.12.3 <1
Note: Chemical analysis by atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), or wet methods. Much of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 is present in glassy amorphous form. SO3 is usually present as calcium sulfate or alkali sulfates. Most of the CaO/MgO is not free. LOI is presumed to be carbon (check with LECO carbon analyzer). Class C fly ashes are usually self-cementing (hydraulic).
Class F fly ash has a glassy phase and inert crystalline phases: quartz, mullite, magnetite spinel, hematite. For example, it has been reported for a high-Fe Class F fly ash from Eastern Canadian bituminous coal 9.6% quartz, 20.4% mullite, 4.5% magnetite spinel, 5.4% hematite, and 58% glass (Hemmings, Berry, Cornelius, Sheetz, Speciation in Size and Density Fractionated Fly Ash. Characterization of a Low-Calcium, High-Iron Fly Ash, Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Fly Ash and Coal Conversion By-Products: Characterization, Utilization and Disposal, Vol. 86, 1987.) Class C fly ash can have the ingredients of Class F fly ash as well as anhydrite, alkali sulfates, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, lime (Portlandite if ash has been exposed to moisture), melilite, merwinite, periclase, sodalite. For example, it has been reported for a low-Ca Class C fly ash from western Canadian subbituminous coal 6% quartz, 14% mullite, and 80% glass. (Berry, Hemmings, Cornelius, Speciation in Size and Density Fractionated Fly Ash. The Influence of HCL Leaching on the Glassy constituents of a High-Ca Fly Ash, Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Fly Ash and Coal Conversion By-Products: Characterization, Utilization and Disposal, Vol.113, 1988.)
Table 2-2 illustrates the typical chemistry of Standard Reference Materials (SRM) Program and lignite coal fly ash in weight percentages.
Table 2-2 Chemical Composition of Standard Reference Materials Program Fly Ash Samples and Lignite Coal Ash Courtesy of Fly Ash Resource Center Chemical Compounds SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 SO3 LOI SRM 1633a (Weight %) 48.8 27.0 13.4 1.6 0.8 0.2 2.3 1.3 SRM 2689 (Weight %) 51.5 24.5 13.3 3.0 1.0 0.3 2.6 1.3 0.2 0.7 1.76 0.52 SRM 2690 (Weight %) 55.3 23.3 5.1 8.0 2.5 0.3 1.2 0.9 1.2 SRM 2691 (Weight %) 36 18.5 6.3 25.8 5.2 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.2 2.1 0.23 6.83 0.42 Lignite (Weight %) 28.9 11.1 11.1 18.9 6.0 8.0 0.9
Note: SRM 1633a is from bituminous coal. SRM 2689 is from bituminous coal from Western Kentucky. SRM 2690 is from subbituminous coal from Craig, Colorado. SRM
2691 is from subbituminous coal from Gillette, Wyoming. The lignite coal source is from North Dakota.
Table 2-3 lists the trace elements found in Class F coal fly ash.
Table 2-3 Trace Elemental Analysis of Coal Fly Ash (Class F) Courtesy of Fly Ash Resource Center Element Aluminum Arsenic Barium Boron Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Lithium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5) Strontium Titanium Zinc Trace Amount (mg/kg) 140,000 286 1003 290 <0.5 218 NA 185 114 270 290 46 169 11 14 3800 NA 8500 254 Range (mg/kg) (80,000140,000) (100300) (1001000) (NA) (NA) (NA) (1090) (30200) (120270) (NA) (NA) (NA) (30200) (530) (NA) (NA) (2002600) (NA) (200450)
More detailed descriptions of each system and schematics of the system components are provided in the remainder of this section. A detailed description of component functions is provided in Section 2.3, Introduction to Fly Ash System Components. With any pneumatic systempressure, vacuum, or combination vacuum/pressureprovision must be made to store the fly ash for a predetermined period of time. The system must also provide a means for the fly ash to be removed from storage so it can be transported for sale or disposal. These systems include a storage bin and its accessories, such as fluidizing media, vent filter, vacuum/pressure relief valve, and a device for measuring the level of the bins contents. Unloading equipment below the bin can include a paddle/mixer unloader or a rotary unloader if the ash is to be conditioned for transport in open vehicles, or it can include a dry spout if the ash is to be kept dry and transported in a closed vehicle. A typical configuration of a fly ash storage system and its accessories is illustrated in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Fly Ash Storage System Courtesy of United Conveyor Corporation
2.2.1 Overview of Pneumatic Fly Ash Conveying Systems Pneumatic fly ash conveying systems use compressed air to transport fly ash from the storage hoppers of the fly ash collection equipment to the ash storage silo. Some types of fly ash tend to form scale inside hydraulic fly ash conveying lines. Also, all fly ash settles extremely slowly in water. These characteristics, coupled with the environmental limitations on liquid discharge, have severely restricted the use of wet-type fly ash conveying systems. An advantage of pneumatic systems is that they can be applied to both fly ash and bottom ash for stoker-fired or fluidized bed boilers, simplifying ash conveying and storage. Pneumatic systems are either vacuum, pressure, or combination vacuum/pressure types of systems. A vacuum system pulls ash from the fly ash storage hoppers by means of mechanical, steampowered, or water-powered exhausters, and a filtering system. Vacuum systemsdepending on capacity requirements, line configuration, and plant altitudecan be designed for vacuum levels ranging from 8 to 20 in. of mercury (Hg). Key Technical Point Vacuum systems are generally preferable to pressure systems because in the event of a leak in the system piping joints, vacuum systems pull air into the system rather than allowing particulates to escape, thus leaving a cleaner environment. A vacuum system is recommended for capacities of less than 60 tons per hour (TPH) per system. If the conveying distance is more than 800 ft, an evaluation will need to be made to determine whether a vacuum or pressure system is more feasible. A comparison of vacuum systems and pressure systems is shown in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 Comparison of Pneumatic Vacuum Versus Pressure Ash Conveying Systems Courtesy of U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center Criteria When recommended Advantages Disadvantages Vacuum Systems Convey systems less than 60 TPH per system Reasonable conveying distance Less maintenance at hoppers System leaks inward for cleaner environment Multiple collecting points Simpler control scheme Requires separating equipment and process bag filtration Blower life dependent on separating equipment reliability Pressure Systems High system capacity Long conveying distances (greater than 1000 to 2000 ft) Relative unlimited capacity Relative unlimited conveying distance No separating equipment Clean air blowers Multiple disposal points Double gates required with air lock Air lock pressurizing and venting requires additional piping and valving Ash leaks outward into the plant Higher maintenance costs
A pressure system engages a positive-displacement blower, producing pressures up to 20 psig for the conveying system. System capacities in excess of 60 TPM and conveyor distances of greater than 1000 ft require higher blower pressures than vacuum systems can provide, in which case pressure systems may be used instead of vacuum systems. However, pressure systems should be avoided where possible because leaks of fine ash particulates usually occur at the piping joints. Silo storage design is the same for a pressure system as for a vacuum system except that ash collectors are typically not required at the silo and fly ash is redeposited directly into the silo. Key Technical Point There are two types of pressure systems: dilute-phase systems and dense-phase systems. Dilute-phase systems usually have an ash-to-air volumetric ratio of 15:1, sometimes as high as 30:1. Dense-phase systems usually have an ash-to-air ratio of 40:1 to 50:1, sometimes as high as 80:1. A comparison of dilute-phase and dense-phase pressure systems is shown in Table 2-5. The dilute-phase pressure system is the more widely used pressure system. Dense-phase pressure systems use a fluidizing transporter, a vessel in which air and ash are mixed, fluidizing the ash so that the flow characteristics resemble that of a liquid.
Table 2-5 Comparison of Pressure Dilute-Phase Versus Dense-Phase Ash Conveying Systems Courtesy of U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center Criteria Design criteria Dilute-Phase Systems Evenly loaded single conveying line Load ratio (522) lb of ash to lb of air 1030 psig operating pressure 20003500 fpm starting velocity When recommended High conveying capacity (> 30 TPH) Long conveying distances (> 1000 ft) Multiple disposal points Minimum collection points Advantages Greater capacities and distances with a single line Not affected by material changes with gravity flow Stable velocity range provides material re-entrainment Transfer stations normally not required Low initial cost air handling equipment Components subjected to lower pressure Disadvantages Higher air flow, larger pipe, and hoppers Often higher horsepower Components subjected to higher velocity Special pipe required (alloy pipe or ceramic lined) Material consistency greatly affects conveying parameters, and granular material remains in airlock. Positive sealing high-differential discharge valve is critical to system performance. Transfer stations normally required. Parallel compressed air lines required to free line plugs. Multiple conveyor lines. Expensive initial cost (air compressors). Components subject to higher pressure. Dense-Phase Systems Typically multiple convey lines Load ratio (20200) lb of ash to lb of air 30100 psig operating pressure 6003000 fpm starting velocity Medium capacities (1050 TPH) Short conveying distances (200500 ft) Minimum disposal points Minimum collection points Smaller conveying lines, bag filters, and hoppers Lower conveying velocity Normally lower horsepower Carbon steel pipe
2.2.2 Fly Ash Pressure Conveying Systems Figure 2-2 illustrates a typical fly ash pressure conveying system with system components designated. The pressure conveying system is typically recommended when the conveying capacity requirements exceed the limits of a vacuum system. These systems operate at up to 40 psig (275 kPa) and can be used to convey ash up to 8000 ft (2400 m). In a pressure conveying system, multiple feeders allow the line to remain filled for long periods, resulting in high conveying efficiency. A positive-displacement or centrifugal blower furnishes conveying air, which moves ash to the storage bin under positive pressure. No separating equipment is required; however, a bin vent filter is generally used to clean the vented air.
2.2.3 Fly Ash Vacuum Conveying Systems Figure 2-3 illustrates a typical fly ash vacuum conveying system with system components designated. In a vacuum system, fly ash is transported in an air stream at negative pressures of less than 20 in. of mercury (Hg). A vacuum producer creates the conveying air flow and, at the 2-10
opposite end of the system, air intakes admit conveying air to the conveyor line. Ash intakes control ash flow from the collection hoppers into the line. Separating equipment removes ash from the conveying air and deposits it in a storage bin.
Key Technical Point Advantages of the vacuum system include low headroom requirements below the collection hoppers and the ability to stop and restart automatically. Vacuum systems are intended for conveying distances up to 1500 ft (450 m). 2.2.4 Fly Ash Vacuum/Pressure Conveying Systems Figure 2-4 shows a typical vacuum/pressure system.
Key O&M Cost Point In some rare cases in which distance rules out the use of a vacuum system alone, it can be more economical to combine a vacuum system with a pressure system. The vacuum system, with its simplified controls, removes ash at an optimal rate. The pressure system, reduced to one transfer point with a minimum of controls, then delivers collected ash to any terminal point at a distance of several thousand feet. The combination vacuum/pressure system provides the least complex controls of any long-distance pneumatic conveying system. 2.2.5 Dense-Phase Fly Ash Conveying Systems Figure 2-5 illustrates a typical dense-phase fly ash conveying system with system components designated.
Key Technical Point Like all pressure conveying systems, dense-phase conveying systems use pressurized vessels to feed ash into the conveying line. However, these systems operate at pressures up to 60 psig (415 kPa), have smaller pipelines, and require less conveying air flow than the lower-pressure systems. Therefore, dense-phase systems can be used for longer conveying distances than dilute-phase systems up to 5200 ft (1600 m). Also similar to the pressure conveying system, one version of the dense-phase conveying system uses multiple feeder units to feed the line; however, material flows into the conveying line before the line is pressurized. These multiple-feeder systems use a three-phase cycle, as follows: 1. Material fills the line, and the gate above the feeder closes. 2. The line is pressurized, and the material is conveyed. 3. The line is purged, and the cycle repeats. Like the vacuum system, the multiple-feeder dense-phase system is intended primarily for short conveying distances (less than 1300 ft [400 m]), and requires little headroom below the collection hoppers. 2-13
Abrasionresistant pipe Air compressor Air gravity conveyor Airlock valve Ash storage silo Ash transfer bin Collector and filter Dense-phase vessel Dry dust unloader Equalizer valve Fitting Fly ash transport blower Fly ash vacuum pump
Table 2-6 (cont.) Typical Components of Fly Ash Conveying Systems Types of Fly Ash Conveying Systems Component Name Pressure Conveying Systems X Vacuum Conveying Systems Vacuum/Pressure Conveying Systems X Dense-Phase Conveying Systems
Hopper aeration blower Hydraulic vacuum device Material handling valve Pugmill unloader Relief door Rotary feeder Cut-off gate Silo aeration blower Vent filter
Table 2-7 provides a listing of the major system components of a typical fly ash conveying system and an overview of component design features and functions.
Table 2-7 Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Courtesy of Allen-Sherman-Hoff and United Conveyor Corporation
Name of Fly Ash System Component Abrasion-resistant pipe Abrasion-resistant pipe fittings
Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Designed specifically to withstand the abrasive wear from fly ash. Pipe sections have plain ends and are normally installed with sleeve couplings. Adapters are used to mate to standard pipe flanges. Various diameters are available in standard 18-ft lengths.
Normally installed in an inclined radial pattern around an outlet in the silo floor. Consist of porous stone blocks installed on top of a steel trough. Air is blown into the trough and passes uniformly through the porous stone. Aerated material becomes fluidized and flows down the inclined surface to the silo outlet.
Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Carbon steel storage chamber. Replaceable Ni-Hard gate and seat. Valve access door in each chamber provides ease of maintenance and inspection. Control systems designed for a variety of operator selectable parameters. Some styles provide positive sealing against a high head (25100 ft) and are used under large storage hoppers to handle fine abrasive material. Some designs offer a fully aerated 12-in. inlet, a straight-through design with horizontal gates capable of shearing through a column of fine material. Some styles have a straight-through design and are used in applications involving oil soot, wood bark ash, or coarse granular material. Serves as a material transfer chamber with two gates that seal the inlet and outlet of the chamber. The top gate opens to let material into the transfer chamber and the bottom gate opens to discharge the material from the chamber. Both gates are operated by air cylinder actuators. The two gates are interlocked so that only one gate is permitted to open at a time. Chamber pressure is controlled by an equalizer valve.
Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Typically constructed of concrete or steel that store conveyed fly ash and/or bed ash until it is unloaded for final disposal. Typically flat bottomed with discharge adapters that empty stored ash through either dry dust unloaders or pugmill unloaders. Level instrumentation, vent filter, relief door, and ash collection equipment is typically mounted on the ash storage silo roof.
Typically constructed of steel. Temporarily stores ash collected by the vacuum portion of a vacuum/pressure fly ash system before it is conveyed through the pressure section of the same system. Not designed for long-term storage of ash and is not normally equipped with unloading equipment.
Solids-laden air or gases enter the unit at the hopper or housing inlet. Air passes through the filter media, and solids are retained on the filter medial surface. Filtered air is exhausted through the clean air plenum. Cleaning cycle consists of a momentary blast of 90100 psig compressed air momentarily taking a row of bags off-stream through pressure reversal, flexing filter bags, and releasing solids to fall toward the hopper and through a rotary valve or other discharge equipment. Cycle timer is adjusted to maintain approximately 34 in. water column pressure drop across the filter bags.
Dense-phase vessel
Pressure vessel in which material is thoroughly fluidized. Discharge flow characteristics resemble those of a liquid. A large aeration stone mounted near the bottom of the vessel.
Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Typically designed for eliminating dust emissions and for speeding load-out operations. The spout is designed so that the product stream and dust-laden air are separately contained from the inlet to the final resting point within the container, vessel, or vehicle. Stacking inner spout cones separate the product flow from the dust-laden air stream. The spout is often kept under a slightly negative pressure by its connection to a dust collection system, which prevents the escape of generated dust into the atmosphere. Air velocity within the spout is kept relatively high at the discharge point and is reduced within the main body of the spout.
Equalizer valve
Typically an air-cylinder-actuated three-way valve. Its common port is always open to the upper chamber of the air lock valve. The other two ports are connected as indicated on the assembly drawing (depending on the type of system in which it is installed).
Fly ash transport blower Hopper aeration blower Fly ash vacuum pump Silo aeration blower Air compressor Hydraulic vacuum device
Provides sources of compressed air to create positive pressure or vacuum in the fly ash conveying system. Blowers/compressors may be one of the following general designs: Reciprocating Rotary screw Centrifugal
Designed for harsh operating conditions to transport abrasive material. Available in various sizes handling up to 1200 SCFM and vacuum levels to 22 in. of mercury (Hg): 4 x 6 in. (ceramic lined or metal throat and flange discharge) 6 x 8 in. (ceramic lined or metal throat and plain end discharge) 8 x 10 in. (ceramic lined or metal throat and plain end discharge)
Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Typically fitted below the outlet of the hopper, which is sealed from the transport piping system by the slide gate of the material handling valve. Two air inlet check valves are located between the hopper outlet and the slide gate. When the slide gate is opened, the air inlet check valves mix air with the material as it passes through the valve. Some valves are also equipped with a metering device which can be adjusted to regulate the material flow rate.
Pugmill unloader
A primary and secondary spray system adds water to the material to form mixture for transport. Paddle shafts rotate counter to one another in an inward direction to expose all of the ash to water. Hinged door on top of pugmill and paddle shaft bearing mounts on the exterior of the mixing chamber allows for easy access and maintenance. At the outlet, the conditioned material is discharged by gravity through a chute into vehicles for removal to the disposal.
Relief door
Designed for use on storage tanks that require large volume pressure and vacuum relief. The relief door is not a static tank appurtenance, but is an integral part of the dynamic operation of the silo.
Rotary feeder
The body of the feeder houses a rotor divided into pockets. The pockets seal against a shoe located on the inlet side of the feeder. The clearance between the rotor and shoe is adjustable. Material falls by gravity into the pockets. As the rotor rotates, the material is conveyed to the bottom of the feeder and falls from the inverted pockets. The speed and size of the rotor determines the flow rate of the material.
The valve has almost two identical body halves, each with a raised, removable seat insert. The bodies have machined tracks in which the slide gate travels. When the valve is opened, the gate moves out of the pipeline and allows an unrestricted flow through the valve. When the valve is closed, the vacuum in the system draws the slide gate against one of the seats to make a seal. The valve is actuated by an air cylinder.
Overview of Component Design Features and Functions Solids-laden air or gases enter the unit at the hopper or housing inlet. Air passes through the filter media, and solids are retained on the filter medial surface. Filtered air is exhausted through the clean air plenum. Cleaning cycle consists of a momentary blast of 90100 psig compressed air, momentarily taking a row of bags off stream through pressure reversal, flexing filter bags, and releasing solids to fall toward the hopper and through a rotary valve or other discharge equipment. Cycle timer is adjusted to maintain approximately 34 in. water column pressure drop across the filter bags.
2.3.1 Abrasion-Resistant Pipe Most ash handling systems require pipe that is resistant to the abrasive qualities of ash when it is transported at the systems designed conveying velocity. Accessories include couplings, adapters, and expansion joints. Depending on the application, basalt-lined abrasion-resistant pipes are often used. The standard pipe for hydraulic and pneumatic ash handling systems is made of chrome-iron alloy, a material that is able to handle most abrasive wear conditions. It is typically offered in standard lengths of 18 ft. In some cases, the alloy pipe is available in two grades that vary in hardness ranges from 280340 Brinell to 475550 Brinell. For easy installation and replacement or rotation of pipe, this product usually has plain ends that connect with sleeve couplings. Another type of abrasion-resistant pipe used in fly ash conveying systems is lined with ceramic made from ultra-fine-grain high-grade alumina that has a life expectancy many times greater than the unlined steel pipe and fittings. Ceramics of this type have a hardness of 6768 Rockwell C, and most pipe and fittings are supplied with ANSI-compatible flanges. One advantage of this product is that it weighs less than equivalent cast pipe, thereby easing the installation process. 2.3.2 Air Compressor Air compressors are used for long-distance fly ash pressure systems and for some dense-phase systems when the required conveying pressure and flow requirements are higher than the design capabilities of rotary lobe blowers. When compressors are used to provide the conveying air flow, they are typically set up to operate along their natural operating curve.
2.3.3 Air Gravity Conveyor In the typical storage silo application, air gravity conveyors function to maintain stored ash in a dry, fluidized state to ensure that it is free-flowing when the silo is unloaded. The conveyor sections evenly distribute dry heated air through either porous stone or treated fabric through structural channels that radiate around the silo discharge openings. The required air is supplied by silo aeration blowers operating in conjunction with air circulation heaters. Air gravity conveyors are also used in other ash handling applications. 2.3.4 Airlock Valve Airlock valves function to continuously transfer ash from one pressure zone to another without the need to interrupt the conveying system operation. The main operational components of a typical airlock include two slide gate valves that are designed to shear through a column of ash and a transfer tank that is sized for the particular application. Airlock valves are typically used in pressure fly ash systems and in silo collector designs. The airlock valve provides gravity transfer of fly ash or other free-flowing, granular solids from one pressure zone to another. Typical design attributes can include the following: Carbon steel storage chamber Replaceable Ni-Hard gate and seat Valve access door in each chamber provides ease of maintenance and inspection Control systems designed for a variety of operator selectable parameters Positive sealing against a high head (25100 ft) and used under large storage hoppers to handle fine abrasive material A fully aerated 12-in. inlet, a straight-through design with horizontal gates capable of shearing through a column of fine material A straight-through design used in applications involving oil soot, wood bark ash, or coarse granular material
Figure 2-6 illustrates the configuration of a typical air lock valve installed on pressure, vacuum, and vacuum/pressure fly ash conveying systems.
2.3.5 Ash Storage Silo Ash storage silos are relatively large vessels, typically constructed of concrete or steel, that store conveyed fly ash or bed ash until it is unloaded for final disposal. An ash storage silo is typically flat bottomed with discharge adapters that empty stored ash through either dry dust unloaders or pugmill unloaders that are installed on the silo unloader room floor. The silo storage section and unloader room floor are elevated above grade to allow access to ash transport vehicles below. Level instrumentation, vent filter, relief door, and ash collection equipment are typically mounted on the ash storage silo roof. Figure 2-7 illustrates the overall configuration of an ash storage silo.
2.3.6 Ash Transfer Bin An ash transfer bin temporarily stores ash collected by the vacuum portion of a vacuum/pressure fly ash system before it is conveyed through the pressure section of the same system. The capacity of the transfer bin allows for ash conveying surges between the vacuum and pressure sections of the system. It is not designed for long-term storage of ash and is not normally equipped with unloading equipment. 2.3.7 Vacuum System Fly Ash Collector and Filter The collector and filter arrangement of a typical vacuum fly ash system consists of a conical lower transfer section with a stone box connection and an upper bag filter section. The arrangement removes and separates the collected fly ash from the conveying air stream before it reaches the vacuum producer. Independent cyclonic collectors and bag filters are also available. The collector provides the first stage of material separation from the conveying air of a vacuum system and transfers the material to a pressure system that discharges to remote disposal facilities. Continuous collectors often include a second gate, permitting the continuous collection 2-24
of fly ash material from the conveying system without interruption during the collector emptying cycle. Collector design will vary depending on normal or high-temperature application. 2.3.8 Dense-Phase Vessel The dense-phase vessel is the heart of a dense-phase system. It is a pressure vessel in which material is thoroughly fluidized such that the discharge flow characteristics resemble those of a liquid. A large aeration stone mounted near the bottom of the vessel admits aeration air such that the fly ash particles are completely enveloped. This allows the aerated ash to be conveyed in smaller pipes and often at a slower velocity because the ash particle friction is greatly reduced. 2.3.9 Dry Dust Unloader A dry dust unloader incorporates a retractable motor-operated unloading spout that unloads dry material from a storage silo into a tanker-type vehicle. A cylinder-operated gate valve located above the chute is used to control the unloading rate. The dry dust unloader is locally controlled. Figure 2-8 illustrates a typical configuration for a dry dust unloader spout.
2.3.10 Equalizer Valve The equalizer valve is a three-port valve that equalizes the pressure between two unequal pressure zones. Equalizer valves are often associated with pressure fly ash system airlocks and with vacuum system collectors. The equalizer valve pressurizes and vents an airlock so the ash can flow by gravity from a lower-pressure to a higher-pressure vessel. Thus, equalization promotes the flow of ash from one zone into the other. Figure 2-9 illustrates one style of equalizer valve (A-S-H Style II).
Inherent to this design are the following typical attributes: Two access doors for on-line inspection and maintenance Slide gate design that ensures a secure seal Appropriate chamber size that reduces gas and material velocity through the valve
Figure 2-10 illustrates another style of equalizer valve (A-S-H Style III).
Inherent to this design are the following typical attributes: Ni-Hard gate and seat, providing extended service life A gate that is dual-spring loaded, providing even seating force A close-coupled actuator, eliminating valve body shaft penetration seal leakage Flange adapters (when replacing other manufacturers valves)
Figure 2-11 provides plan and section views of both a single-cylinder and a dual-cylinder equalizer valve.
Figure 2-11 Single- and Dual-Cylinder Equalizer Valves Courtesy of United Conveyor Corporation
2.3.11 Fittings A fitting is a piping part required for a pipeline to change direction or diameter. Most fittings that are associated with ash handling systems are abrasion-resistant types. Typically, fittings can be categorized as being one of the three following parts: lateral, elbow, or tee. Accessories include couplings, adapters, and expansion joints. Figure 2-12 illustrates a typical integral wear-back fitting used for pipe bends and junctions in hydraulic and pneumatic pressure systems.
The fittings tangent discharge-end design allows material to flow efficiently, thus minimizing coupling wear. Like the corresponding pipe, the fittings should be available in two grades, varying in hardness (400500 Brinell range and 550 Brinell hardness). These fittings should have plain ends with sleeve couplings to allow for easy installation and replacement. Figure 2-13 illustrates a replaceable wear-back fitting.
Reversing the replaceable wear-back maximizes the fittings wear life. These also should be available in two grades of hardness, similar to the integral fitting. Wear-back fittings should have plain ends and should be able to be removed for pipe line inspection. Couplings connect plain-end pipe and fittings. Some designs can accommodate expansion of up to 1/4 in. (6 mm) per length of pipe and deflections of up to 3, adding installation flexibility. The standard coupling consists of a middle ring, two followers, and a set of track-head bolt assemblies. Single couplings can accommodate fillers of up to 3 in. for 4- to 9-in. diameter pipe sizes and 5 in. for 10- to 16-in. pipe sizes. Double couplings can accommodate fillers of 38 in. for 4- to 9-in. diameter pipe sizes and 510 in. for 10- to 16-in. diameter pipe sizes. Adapters connect abrasion-resistant pipe to flange assemblies. Standard adapters should conform with ANSI flange arrangements, but many manufacturers offer special adapters that are available for other arrangements. In general, an adapter will allow for connection of various pipe arrangements to meet specific design requirements. Figure 2-14 illustrates the general configuration and positioning of an adapter.
2.3.12 Fly Ash Transport Blower Fly ash transport blowers supply the necessary air stream to convey ash in a pressure type fly ash conveying system. Most transport blowers are positive-displacement rotary-lobe type and are sized for the specific application. They are driven by electric motors in a V-belt, gearbox, or direct drive arrangement. 2.3.13 Hopper Aeration Blower Hopper aeration blowers supply aeration air to the fly ash system precipitator or baghouse hoppers to ensure that the ash in the respective hoppers is fluidized and free flowing prior to entering the conveying air stream. The aeration air is frequently heated by an air circulation heater installed in the aeration piping downstream of the blowers. Aeration air is also often used to aerate the top gate area of certain styles of airlock valves. 2.3.14 Fly Ash Vacuum Pump Fly ash vacuum pumps supply the necessary air stream to convey ash in a vacuum type fly ash conveying system. Most modern vacuum pumps are positive-displacement rotary-lobe type, sized for the specific application. They are driven by electric motors in a V-belt, gearbox, or direct drive arrangement. 2.3.15 Hydraulic Vacuum Device The vacuum producer is a water-powered hydraulic vacuum device used to create the conveying air stream for fly ash vacuum conveying systems. High-pressure water is discharged through a concentric ring of nozzles into a venturi throat to create the necessary vacuum and air flow to convey the fly ash either to collectors or directly through the vacuum device to a hydraulic discharge line. Water jet exhausters create a vacuum, and the corresponding air flow conveys dry solid materials through transport pipelines. 2-31
The products should be designed for harsh operating conditions to transport abrasive material. They are typically available in various sizes handling up to 1200 SCFM and vacuum levels to 22 in. of mercury (Hg), as follows: 4 6 in. (ceramic-lined or metal throat and flange discharge) 6 8 in. (ceramic-lined or metal throat and plain end discharge) 8 10 in. (ceramic-lined or metal throat and plain end discharge)
Many designs facilitate easy replacement or cleaning of the exhauster nozzle tips by removal of the access covers. Figures 2-15 and 2-16 illustrate the configurations of a typical hydraulic vacuum device.
Figure 2-16 Hydraulic Vacuum Device Schematic Courtesy of United Conveyor Corporation
2.3.16 Material Handling Valve Material handling valves are the fly ash feed valves found at the outlet of precipitator or baghouse hoppers in a vacuum conveying system. They are typically cylinder actuated and function to control the flow of fly ash from their respective hoppers into the vacuum conveying system air stream. Only one material handling valve is opened at a time during system operation.
One system application for these valves is as a feeding device for vacuum conveying systems. In this application, the product feeds fly ash from the hopper outlet of the electrostatic precipitators, baghouses, economizers, or other ash collecting systems into a conveying line. Typical product features of these devices include the following: Valve inlet can be supplied either centerline or straddle centerline Slide gate design provides positive gate and seat seal Replaceable gate and seat Two access points provide for easy maintenance and accessibility Operating mechanism is an air-electric, remote-operated cylinder Diamonized gate and seat for increased resistance to abrasive wear (hardness of Rockwell C 60) Flapper style gate swings completely out of material flow path, minimizing component wear Pivot rotation of valves gate housing provides easy access for replacement of gate and seat
Another system application for these valves is at the hopper outlet of ash collecting systems. In this application, the product feeds coarse or cohesive ashes into dilute-phase vacuum conveying systems on a batch basis. Typical product features of these devices include the following: Design of lower valve body section allows for efficient flow of ash Ni-Hard gate and seat (replaceable) Two access points for maintenance and accessibility Able to handle ash at temperatures up to 750F Operating mechanism ensures rapid closure of the gate
2.3.17 Pugmill Unloader A pugmill unloader combines material from a storage silo with water to form a moist mixture that can be transported in an open-top vehicle with minimum dust emissions. It has two counterrotating shafts, each of which has a number of abrasion-resistant mixing paddles angled toward the pugmill discharge chute. As the shafts rotate, dry pockets of ash are mixed with water. The pugmill is driven by an electric motor that operates in conjunction with a gear reducer. The pugmill is typically supplied as part of a system that incorporates automatic controls to sequentially operate associated devices such as ash inlet valves or feeders and water supply control valves and instrumentation. Typical design attributes of the pugmill unloader can include the following: Primary and secondary spray systems that add water to the material to form mixture for transport Paddle shafts that rotate counter to one another in an inward direction to expose all of the ash to water Hinged door on top of the pugmill and paddle shaft bearing mounts on the exterior of the mixing chamber that allow for easy access and maintenance
Figures 2-19 and 2-20 illustrate two types of internal mechanisms that are common in fly ash unloaders: the paddle mix style and the rotary style.
2.3.18 Relief Door A vacuum/pressure relief door is a device installed on enclosed silo roofs to protect the silo from excessive positive or negative pressures that can be encountered during filling and unloading or as a result of abnormal temperature changes. It is designed to relieve a silo from overpressurization or high vacuum conditions by admitting or expelling air from silo. It is typically supplied with a hinged cover that enables accessibility into the silo (when proper precautions have been taken). Many relief doors are equipped with a replaceable diaphragm. Figure 2-21 illustrates a relief door installed on a silo rooftop.
2.3.19 Rotary Feeder A rotary feeder is used to regulate the flow rates of dry, solid, free-flowing material from one chamber to another and to provide a positive shut-off when the feeder is not operating. One use is to control ash flow into a pugmill unloader, particularly when more than one type of ash is stored in the silo. It can also be used to feed material into a pneumatic conveying system. The main operational components of a rotary feeder are a shoe and multiple pocket rotors enclosed in a housing, with the rotor being chain driven by a gear motor. The size of the rotor pockets and the speed at which the rotor is driven determine the material flow rate. The rotary feeder should be designed to provide a positive seal between rotor and shoe. Many are equipped with inspection ports that permit checking alignment and initial rotor and shoe clearances. In some designs, the rotor unit can be easily removed without removing the feeder housing from its mounting. Flanged ball bearings are often located outside the unit and include grease seals. Some include stuffing boxes with lantern and packing rings that prevent grit or gases from leaking around the shaft.
2.3.20 Silo Aeration Blower Silo aeration blowers supply air to storage silo air gravity conveyors and discharge adapters in order to ensure that the material is fluidized and free flowing for silo unloading purposes. The aeration air is typically heated by a circulation heater installed downstream of the blowers. 2.3.21 Cut-Off Gate The cut-off gate is a maintenance isolation gate, typically installed between a precipitator or baghouse hopper and related equipment such as a material handling valve. Its primary function is to isolate equipment requiring maintenance but still enable the system to operate. It includes a slide plate that is normally open but can be readily shifted to the closed position. Some designs permit the removal of downstream equipment after the gate has been closed without disturbing the gate itself. This feature is especially beneficial when the hopper above the gate still contains material. 2.3.22 Vent Filter A vent filter is a bag filter mounted over an opening on an ash storage silo, which typically vents to the atmosphere. It filters out dust from displaced air exiting the silo. The bag filter is sized to simultaneously handle all potential incoming air sources. Typically, the filter bags are jet-pulse cleaned one row at a time by dry compressed air that is controlled by a solid-state timer. Silo vent filter bag cleaning is typically continuous. When the vent filter is equipped with additional instrumentation, bag filter cleaning can be initiated on demand based on dust loading. Figure 2-22 illustrates a typical vent filter configuration.
The distinction between predictive maintenance and periodic maintenance is presented in the following subsections.
3-1 Predictive Maintenance Key Technical Point Predictive maintenance tasks are performed based on equipment condition. Predictive maintenance relies on technologies to determine the current condition of the equipment so that only the required maintenance is performed before equipment failure. Examples of predictive maintenance tasks include the following: Vibration analysis for all rotating equipment Thermography for temperature surveys on electrical equipment, leak detection, overheating, and so on Oil analysis (tribology) to determine the condition of the equipment and the lubricant Electrical testing for motor and generators Periodic Maintenance Key Technical Point Periodic maintenance consists of time-based PM actions taken to maintain a piece of equipment within design operating conditions and to extend its life. Periodic maintenance can be performed to prevent breakdown and can involve servicing such as lubrication, filter changes, cleaning, testing, adjustments, calibrations, and inspections. Periodic maintenance can also be initiated because of the results of predictive maintenance, vendor recommendation, or experience. Examples of periodic maintenance tasks include the following: Scheduled valve repacking because of anticipated leakage based on previous experience Replacement of bearings or pump realignment as indicated from vibration analysis and/or lubrication oil analysis Major or minor overhauls based on experience factors or vendor recommendations Instrument calibrations that are not part of a routine surveillance
3.1.2 Corrective Maintenance Key Technical Point Corrective maintenance tasks are generated as a result of equipment failure. Corrective tasks are generated when equipment is purposely operated to failure and also when equipment failure is not desired or planned. It is the most basic form of maintenance and also the most expensive. Most plants are moving away from corrective maintenance but a portion of maintenance will always be performed as a result of equipment failure.
As a rule, if the specific component requiring maintenance is substantially degraded (for example, packing or bearing degradation) or failed, the action required to repair it is classified as corrective maintenance. To be considered corrective maintenance, the component must have failed such that it cannot meet its intended functions, or for degradation identified during PM, the component will reach this state before the next scheduled PM interval. There might be cases where corrective maintenance could include standing PM orders or procedures that are specifically invoked to correct anticipated component degradation. If the degradation does not meet these criteria, it should be considered elective maintenance. A component should be considered failed or significantly degraded if the deficiency is similar to any of the following examples: It is removed from service because of actual or incipient failure. It exhibits significant component degradation that affects system operability. The component might be determined operable by engineering assessment, but the degradation is significant and requires immediate corrective action. It creates the potential for rapidly increasing component degradation. It releases fluids that create significant exposure or contamination concerns. Minor leaks that can be controlled and managed by simple drip catch containments would not be included here. It adversely affects controls or process indications that directly or indirectly impair operator ability to operate the plant or that reduce redundancy of important equipment. It exhibits significant component degradation identified from the conduct of predictive, periodic, or PM which, if not resolved, could result in equipment failure or significant additional damage prior to its next scheduled PM period.
Detailed guidance regarding the repair of fly ash system components is provided in Section 5, Removal from Service and Repairs.
Table 3-1 Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Abrasionresistant pipe and fittings Preventive Maintenance Activities Frequency
Inspect pipe and fittings for cracks and holes. Inspect sleeve couplings, adapters, and expansion joints for looseness, leakage, or wear. Check for sleeve couplings that may have shifted. If so equipped, verify that all clamps and expansion joints are functioning properly. Check for defective pipe supports so the pipe is resting on every pipe support in the system. Check pipe for internal wear and rotate if necessary. If so equipped, inspect fittings with replaceable wearbacks and periodically reverse them.
Check all air piping connections. Check that air supply isolation valves are fully open. Check air supply pressure. Monitor leaks, slide wear, inlet and outlet manifolds, nozzle openings, and spillage.
Quarterly Daily
Airlock valve
Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Inspect gasket areas for leakage indicated by hissing sounds or material blowing out. Check all air connections. Check actuating air and aeration air pressure. Check electrical connections to the solenoid valves. Check equalization. Check operational sequence of the gates on the air lock valve. The top gate opens for a preset time period. When the top gates closes, the equalizer valve shifts, and the bottom gate opens for a preset time, as determined by the air lock control logic. Check that aeration at the top gate is continuous. (The air lock valve chamber should never fill closer than 8 in. to the equalizer connection.) Check gate operation and condition. Grease seal gate shaft and bushing assembly. Lubricate gate arm spring cavity of bottom gate. Coat gate shaft. Grease gate bushing housing fitting.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Inspect for buildup of fly ash. Check for outlet port wear (normally lined). Check for wear of aeration pads. Inspect for corrosion of steel structure or cracking of concrete cylinder. Perform level indication testing. Inspect for buildup of fly ash. Check for outlet port wear. Inspect for corrosion of steel structure. Perform level indication testing, if applicable. Check unit differential pressure. Check timer and solenoid valves for functionality. This typically is verifying uniform time intervals between blasts. Lubricate fan, rotary valve, and screw conveyor. Check seals on rotary valve and screw conveyor for dust loss. Inspect bags for soft to hard conditions and uniform tightness of clamps. On top access units, check for dust accumulation in clean air plenum. Inspect collector for excessive corrosion, pitting, and cracking.
Dense-phase vessel
Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Inspect gasket areas for leakage indicated by hissing sounds or material blowing out. Check all air connections. Check actuating air and aeration air pressure. Check electrical connections to the solenoid valves. Check equalization. Check operational sequence of the gates on the airlock valve. The top gate opens for a preset time period. When the top gates closes, the equalizer valve shifts, and the bottom gate opens for a preset time, as determined by the airlock control logic. Check that aeration at the top gate is continuous. (The airlock valve chamber should never fill closer than 8 in. to the equalizer connection.) Check gate operation and condition.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Grease seal gate shaft and bushing assembly. Lubricate gate arm spring cavity of bottom gate. Coat gate shaft. Grease gate bushing housing fitting.
Visually inspect the equipment for damage or wear. Inspect all warning and caution stickers and placards for legibility or damage. Replace any that are missing or cannot be read. Test high-level/auto-raise probes. During operation, observe the equipment for abnormal behavior, malfunction, or damage. Ensure that the equipment is stored properly at the conclusion of loading operations. Inspect the lifting cables, outer sleeve, discharge, and main pan assembly for damage or wear. Check full-up and full-down limits for function and position. Check the function of the slack cable switch by lifting the discharge while the spout is being moved downward. Check to ensure that controls and PLCs register the limits as they are functioned.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Lubricate the shaft bearings and any external friction points with a good-quality lithium-based grease. Lubricate any optional equipment that requires lubrication. The cable sheaves contain oil-impregnated bronze bushings and do not require lubrication. However, a small amount of grease or spray lubricant may help to extend the bushing life. Inspect drive couplings, shafts and keys, lifting pulleys, and cable sheaves for wear and damage or missing parts. Inspect for fluid leakage around shaft seals and on reducers and motors. For rotary limit switches, inspect the drive chain for wear, clean off any dirt or debris, and lubricate it with a quality nondetergent oil. Measure the spout limits for accuracy and adjust the switch as necessary. Inspect all electrical connections and conduits for damage or improper installation. Clean any product or dust buildup from the entire spout assembly by sweeping or washing, as needed. Use a warm mild detergent solution for cleaning. Do not use extreme heat or pressure. Do not use any harsh chemicals or abrasives. Inspect the cones and cone harness for wear, misalignment, or damage. Raise the spout to the full-up position, and disconnect the top sleeve section from the main pan. Lower the spout to the full-down position, and inspect the cones and cone harness. Raise the spout to the full-up position and re-clamp the sleeve. Inspect the inlet for wear. For air vibrators, inspect the solenoid and valve assembly for damage. Remove the exhaust mufflers and clean out any debris or dirt that may have accumulated inside. Inspect electrical conduits and connections for security or damage. Inspect all electrical equipment for moisture, corrosion, or arcing contacts. Clean any dust or debris out of all electrical enclosures. Lubricate the motor bearings with a good quality lithiumbased grease. Change the gear reducer oil according the manufacturers instructions.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Check all hoses, conduits, and cables for dry rot, cuts, wear, or abrasion. Inspect all hose clamps, fittings, restraints, and terminations for rust, corrosion, and wear or damage. Service the gear reducer according to the manufacturers instructions. Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Check piston rod, clevis rod, linkage, crank arm, and pivot pins for scoring or wear. Check for leakage, especially from the top cover, gland packing, and loose or missing fasteners. Check air supply and electrical connections to the solenoid valve. Check equalizer valve to ensure that each port seals properly. The gate should form an airtight seal with the valve seat. Observe the condition of visible seat surfaces and the backside of the gate. The gate should not show radial gouges, which would indicate leaking, or have sections missing. Minute streaks running along arcs are acceptable, provided they do not exceed 0.010 to 0.015 in. in depth. Check valve mechanism for operation, wear, and distortion. Air cylinder cushions should be adjusted to alleviate slamming at the ends of the stroke. The valve should stroke completely in one direction in approximately half a second. If there is any chattering or uneven stroking of the gate, gate and seat may be worn out and may need replacement. Check for material accumulation and/or wear in the valve body and piping ports. Check actuating air pressure and cylinder operation. Grease seal gate shaft and packing assembly. Thoroughly clean valve interior and equalizing piping of material accumulation. Check and clean all moving parts.
Equalizer valve
Weekly Annually
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Fly Ash System Component Name Air compressor Fly ash transport blower Hopper aeration blower Fly ash vacuum pump Silo aeration blower (Note 1)
Total closure valve lubrication. This task is directly focused on preventing diaphragm wear and failure from lack of lubrication. External visual inspection. External visual inspection is performed to identify the following: Leaks of oil, cooling water, process air, or control air Proper oil level and drip rate to the cylinders Loose, damaged, or missing fasteners and other parts Crushed oil or air lines Loose mounting bolts Worn pulleys or drive belts Proper lubrication of couplings Blocked or broken air filters
Oil analysis. Oil sampling and analysis is particularly directed at causes of bearing wear, wear on journals, and scoring of the shaft, as well as monitoring the quality and proper type of oil. Overhaul. The most important item that drives an overhaul is inspection of the degree of wear on piston rings, liners, and head valves. Overhaul can be important because it provides the only opportunity to observe some types and locations of degradation. Overhaul is the only task available to: Observe the condition of the shaft, crosshead, and connecting rods. Check for inadequate disk clearance in the total closure and relief valves. Observe failed tubesheet baffles. Pressure test or perform eddy current testing on cooler tubes. Check alignment. Check the torque on mounting bolts.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Fly Ash System Component Name Air compressor Fly ash transport blower Hopper aeration blower Fly ash vacuum pump Silo aeration blower (Note 1) (cont.)
Internal Inspection. The internal inspection is particularly focused on an inspection of the condition of the inlet and outlet head valves and check valves. This also provides an opportunity to inspect the condition of the piston rings and liner by inserting a feeler gauge into the space between them. The diaphragm of the total closure valve should be inspected to ensure that it is being properly lubricated. Functional Tests. The functional test is a start/load test conducted as part of a post-maintenance test on the equipment to verify operability and readiness for return to service. The functional test should be performed when returning powered equipment to service. The test should be performed according to startup operational procedures, and conducted under closed valve conditions with suitable instruments to determine performance. Check operators vacuum records for trends that may indicate decreased efficiency and possible wear or damage. Check operating water pressure. Check for leaks. Check for loose or missing fasteners. Check seals, gate, and casing wear. Remove access covers and check ejector head for foreign material. Check original dimension of the nozzle tip inside diameter. Check nozzle tips for excessive wear by inserting a rod or drill bit that fits, and comparing the diameter with the original dimension. Any nozzle tip exceeding the original dimension by 10% should be replaced. Disassemble component and check for wear. Check inlet liner for excessive wear. It should be replaced if the wall thickness has been reduced to half of the original thickness. Periodically clean any foreign material out of the ejector head. Remove the access covers and wash out.
As needed
Each shift
Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Check for leakage indicated by a hissing sound, especially from the gland packing, and the end covers and its fasteners. Check for loose or missing fasteners.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Check and tighten packing gland. Check actuating air pressure and cylinder operation. Check air supply connections to the solenoid valve. Check electrical connections to the solenoid valve, and if so equipped, the proximity switches. Check metering device setting, if so equipped. Check for material accumulation in the valve, especially on the slide gate and in the slide gate tracks. Check condition of slide gate and valve seat. Check condition of air inlet check valves. Check condition of metering device assembly, if so equipped. Thoroughly clean valve interior of material accumulation.
As needed Weekly
Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Check for material and water leakage at shaft seals. Check for lubricant leakage at shaft seals of bearings, gear casing, and (motor) reducer. Check gear case lubricant level. Check for loose or missing fasteners. Check for loose or missing covers and guards. Lubricate bearings. Inspect mixing chamber interior for foreign and caked material. Check nozzles for proper spray pattern and plugging. Inspect paddles for wear. Inspect V-belts for wear and proper tension. Inspect condition of gear case lubricant. Check electrical connections to motor and speed switch. Check for foreign material jammed between paddles or shafts. Check for loose or misaligned paddles. Check for loose end shaft to paddle shaft connection. Check for binding caused by ash or sludge in the gear case. Check spur gears for wear and misalignment. Check bearings for wear and misalignment. Check drive coupling for wear or damage. Check V-belt tension. Replace spur gear lubricant. Lubricate drive unit.
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Fly Ash System Component Name Pugmill unloader (Notes 2 and 3) (cont.) Relief door
Remove nozzles and clean thoroughly. Flush out the nozzle header. Check and clean all moving parts. Thoroughly clean the interior of the gear case when changing oil. Check for excessive wear on casing and gasket seals. Check for product buildup or corrosion of manway. Inspect base and cover for corrosion pitting. Check for operability of vacuum spring, spring retainer, and spring retainer nut. Check all pins for a consistent fit and other parts for corrosion, looseness, and thread quality. Test each cam set, locked down on cover. Clean and remove foreign material that has coated any surface in the pressure and vacuum disk areas. Inspect spring rod guides for surface condition, straightness, and tightness into the pressure disk, vacuum disk, and cover. Check all springs to verify that they can carry the necessary load. Dimensionally inspect dome for holes or openings where moisture may enter, and concentricity to cover. Perform field dynamic test. Remove hood for access to pressure and vacuum disks. With both hands on opposite sides of pressure disk, exert force to cause pressure and vacuum disks to open. All rods and springs should move evenly. If they do not operate smoothly, recheck spring lengths, and check rod surfaces for binding.
As needed
Rotary feeder
Lubricate shaft bearings and roller chains. Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Check for material leakage. Check for loose fasteners or covers. Plough inspection with casing, drive, limits, and sealing devices. Check clearance between rotor and shoe. Check electrical connections to drive unit and limit switch. Check and clean moving parts.
Daily Weekly
Monthly As needed
Table 3-1 (cont.) Recommended Preventive Maintenance for Fly Ash System Components
Performance test under closed valve with suitable instruments to determine performance. Water coolers, air receivers pressure testing, oil changes, filters, V belts, greasing. Check for smoothness and completeness of operation. Check for leakage indicated by a hissing sound, especially from the end cap, access covers, and loose or missing fasteners. Check for loose or missing fasteners. Check valve seal. With slide gate closed and system vacuum producer on, remove pipe plug in the end cap. Excessive air flow through the hole indicates a bad seal and probably a worn slide gate and/or seal. Check actuating air pressure and cylinder operation. Check air supply and electrical connections to solenoid valve and electrical connections to proximity switches. Check condition of slide gate and valve seats. Check for material accumulation, especially on the slide gate and in slide gate tracks. Check gaps for proximity switches. Thoroughly clean valve interior of material accumulation.
Vent filter
Check timer and solenoid valves for functionality. This typically is verifying uniform time intervals between blasts. Lubricate fan, rotary valve, and screw conveyor. Check seals on rotary valve and screw conveyor for dust loss. Inspect bags for soft to hard conditions and uniform tightness of clamps. On top access units, check for dust accumulation in clean air plenum.
Notes: 1. The size and type of blower/compressor will vary depending on the particular design of each fly ash conveying system and the application within each system. The PM guidance provided in this table is generic to most types of blowers/compressors installed in fly ash conveying systems and is based on the guidance provided in the EPRI report Compressed Air System Maintenance Guide (1006677). This report can be referenced for additional details, and should be used in conjunction with the PM recommendations provided by the equipment manufacturer for the actual equipment installed. 2. Additional guidance regarding the PM of couplings is provided in the EPRI report Flexible Shaft Couplings Maintenance Guide (1007910). 3. Additional guidance regarding the PM of gearboxes is provided in the EPRI report Gearbox and Gear Drive Maintenance Guide (1009831).
It is the intent of this section to establish a PM Basis document for ash handling and conveyance systems.
4.1 Background
Many power plants are in the process of reducing PM costs and improving equipment performance by matching PM tasks with the functional importance of the equipment. For this to succeed, utilities require information on the most appropriate tasks and task intervals for the important equipment types, while accounting for the influences of functional importance, duty cycle, and service conditions. An early approach to optimizing PM activities was the use of reliability-centered maintenance (RCM). RCM was developed in the 1960s by the commercial airline industry to apply reliability concepts to maintenance and the design of maintenance programs. The RCM approach to preventing equipment failure is to perform maintenance tasks that are specifically aimed at preventing component failure mechanisms from occurring. Many nuclear power plants used the RCM process to improve their PM programs. In 1991, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued 10CFR50.65, Requirements for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants, also called the Maintenance Rule. In brief, the Maintenance Rule required the nuclear power plants to develop a reliability and availability monitoring program for the systems, structures, and components considered to be within the scope of the rule. The monitoring part of the rule included determining the effectiveness of the maintenance performed on the components. In addition, the Maintenance Rule required the utility to evaluate industry operating experience and to use that experience when modifying the maintenance program. When maintenance practices have been changed, the most common action is to modify the PM tasks for the components. Initially, PM tasks were assigned based on vendor recommendations and plant experience. In modifying or optimizing the preventive maintenance tasks, one vital piece of information was missingthe time to failure for the components. Because the time to failure was not known, it was difficult to justify the PM task intervals. Also missing was the understanding of the factors that influence the progression of the degradation mechanisms for the component.
As a result of the need to comply with the Maintenance Rule and to optimize the PM tasks for more effective maintenance, the PM Basis project was proposed by EPRI. The PM Basis objectives were the following: 1. To provide a summary of industry experience that the PM tasks and task intervals were based on 2. To establish the relationship between the degradation mechanism, the progression of the mechanisms to failure, and the opportunities available to discover the failure mechanisms before component failure occurred During the 19961998 timeframe, 39 PM Basis documents were developed for major components in the nuclear power plants. The components included various style valves, switchgear, motor control centers, motors, pumps, compressors, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) components, inverters, batteries, relays, heat exchangers, turbines, transformers, and I&C (instrumentation and control) components. The PM Basis documents can be found in the EPRI report Preventive Maintenance Basis Volumes 138 (TR-106857) [18]. Currently, there are over 73 component types in an electronic PM database. The database can be accessed by logging onto and searching for PMBD: Preventive Maintenance Basis Database, Version 5.1.1 (PMBDv5.1.1), 1010919, 2004. The product can be downloaded from; however, it is best to order the CD from the EPRI Orders and Conferences Center at 1-800-313-3774 (press 2). Although fossil power plants do not have the same regulatory requirements as nuclear power plants, the establishment of the PM Basis for critical components provides valuable information for optimizing maintenance programs. The next step in the development of this PM Basis document is an additional review with plant personnel. The PM tasks are further analyzed for criticality, condition monitoring options, and other parameters before being added to the EPRI PM database. The information used in the development of the PM Basis was gathered from the manufacturer, industry literature, and input from utility maintenance personnel. The following is a description of the tables generated by the PM Basis document.
Degradation Influence. Aspects of the environment, plant operations, maintenance, or design that cause the initiation of degradation processes or can affect how rapidly the degradation progresses. Degradation Progression. Whether the degradation progress is present most of the time (continuous) or whether it would not normally be present but might exist or initiate in a haphazard (random) way. Failure Timing. The relevant time period that the component would be free from failure. Discovery Opportunity. Reasonable, cost-effective opportunities for detecting the failure mechanism. PM Strategy. The choice of PM tasks where the discovery of the failure mechanism can occur.
Table 4-1 Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies for Fly Ash System Components Failure Location Abrasionresistant piping Degradation Mechanism Leaking pipes from holes in pipe Degradation Influence Wear Degradation Progression Continuous Failure Timing Continuous Discovery Opportunity Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check Operations check PM Strategy Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check Operations check
Foreign material
Abrasionresistant fittings
Leaking fittings
Foreign material
Defective pipe supports Shifted sleeve couplings, clamps, expansion joints Air gravity conveyor Airlock valve Ash storage silo Ash transfer bin Slides worn out Leaking gasket Holes in silo Holes in bin Wear Wear Wear Wear
Random Random
Random Random
Table 4-1 (cont.) Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies for Fly Ash System Components Failure Location Ash collector and filter Degradation Mechanism Filter breakdown Damaged fan, rotary valve, and/or screw conveyor Damaged fan, rotary valve, and/or screw conveyor Collector holes Dense-phase vessel Dry dust unloader Leaking gasket Clogged spout assembly Pan assembly damaged Cones and cone harness damaged Electrical connections limit switches malfunctioning Degradation Influence Wear Foreign material Degradation Progression Continuous Random Failure Timing Continuous Random Discovery Opportunity Check differential pressure Operations check PM Strategy Operations check, calibration Operations check
Internal inspection
Internal inspection
Internal inspection Operations check Operations check Operations check Operations check
Internal inspection Operations check Operations check Operations check Operations check
Table 4-1 (cont.) Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies for Fly Ash System Components Failure Location Equalizer valve Blowers Degradation Mechanism Leakage Bearing failure Bearing failure Bearing failure Degradation Influence Wear Lack of lubrication Improper oil properties High temperature Degradation Progression Continuous Random Random Continuous Failure Timing Continuous Random Random Seasonal Discovery Opportunity Operations check, calibration Operations check Oil analysis Operations check, clean cooler Internal inspection PM Strategy Operations check, calibration Operations check Oil analysis Operations check, internal inspection Internal inspection
Piston ring, liners, head valve failure Blower not performing to specifications Hydraulic vacuum device Poor vacuum from thin nozzle tip Poor vacuum from damaged nozzle tips Material handling valve Gate failure to open or close
Foreign material
Internal inspection
Internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection
Foreign material
Foreign material
Table 4-1 (cont.) Failure Locations, Degradation Mechanisms, and PM Strategies for Fly Ash System Components Failure Location Material handling valve (cont.) Pugmill unloader Degradation Mechanism Gate failure to open or close (cont.) Failure due to clogged nozzles Failure due to paddles not functioning Relief door Failure to open Degradation Influence Wear Degradation Progression Continuous Failure Timing Continuous Discovery Opportunity Internal inspection PM Strategy Internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Internal inspection Operations check, internal inspection Operations check Internal inspection
Foreign material
Continuous Continuous
Continuous Continuous
Abrasionresistant fittings
Table 4-2 (cont.) PM Tasks and Their Degradation Mechanisms for Fly Ash System Components Component Location/ Degradation PM Task and Interval Calibration Annually Dry dust unloader Clogged spout assembly Pan assembly damaged Cones and cone harness damaged Electrical connectionslimit switches malfunctioning Equalizer valve Blowers Leakage Bearing failure Bearing failure Piston ring, liners, head valve failure Blower not performing to specifications Hydraulic vacuum device Poor vacuum from thin nozzle tip Poor vacuum from damaged nozzle tips Gate failure to open or close/foreign material Gate failure to open or close/wear Failure due to clogged nozzles Failure due to paddles not functioning Relief valve Failure to open Leaking door X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Oil Analysis 6 months Operations Check Daily X X X X Internal Inspection Annually
Pugmill unloader
Table 4-2 (cont.) PM Tasks and Their Degradation Mechanisms for Fly Ash System Components Component Location/ Degradation PM Task and Interval Calibration Annually Rotary feeder Feeder not moving ash Oil Analysis 6 months Operations Check Daily Internal Inspection Annually X
Duty Cycle
Service Condition Severe. High or excessive humidity, excessively high or low temperatures, excessive temperature variations, excessive environmental conditions (such as salt, corrosive, spray, steam, or low-quality suction air), high vibration. Mild. Clean area (not necessarily air conditioned), temperatures within OEM specifications, normal environmental conditions.
PM Tasks. The PM tasks provide a cost-effective way to intercept the causes and mechanisms that lead to degradation and failure. The PM tasks can be used to develop a complete PM program or to improve an existing program. These tasks are intended to complement and not to replace the PM recommendations given by the manufacturer. A brief description of the PM tasks follows the PM Template.
Table 4-3 PM Template for Fly Ash System Components Conditions Critical: Yes No Duty cycle: High Low Service condition: Severe Mild PM Tasks Calibration Oil analysis Operations check Internal inspection 1 Year 6 Months Daily 1 Year 1 Year 6 Months Daily 1 Year 1 Year 6 Months Daily 1 Year X X X X X X Frequency Interval 1 Year 6 Months Daily 1 Year 2 Years 1 Year Weekly 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year Weekly 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year Weekly 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year Weekly 2 Years X X X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 6 7 8
5.1 General Guidance
Figure 5-1, which is taken from the EPRI report Facilities Maintenance Guide (1009670), illustrates a generic process for determining whether to repair or replace a system component that is no longer performing in accordance with design requirements.
The question of whether to repair, replace, or defer maintenance on a system component is often a complicated one to answer. The issue is further complicated depending on whether the analysis is performed for an entire system or simply a particular component of an existing fly ash conveying system. In most cases, a thorough economic cost study is the only effective method of attaining a quantified answer. Key O&M Cost Point As a rule of thumb, if the repair costs 50% or less of the replacement cost, repair should be considered. If the percentage is greater, replacement is generally the best option. This rule of thumb is generally effective if the system can be put out of service during replacement construction. Of course, options exist to either do nothing or defer the maintenance. Figure 5-2 illustrates a number of factors that should be considered when performing a comprehensive analysis. Some of the factors are easier to quantify than others, and in some cases actual costs can be estimated. To quantify the results of the analysis, some factors can be weighted as to their relative importance in the calculation. Because of the complexity of the analysis and the varying relevance of each factor, this report does not attempt to provide a mathematical equation for performing such a calculation. Some factors are qualitative in nature and difficult to quantify in an economic cost study.
Figure 5-2 Factors Considered During the Decision-Making Process Based on EPRI 1009670
Each factor illustrated in Figure 5-2 is described in more detail in the following subsections. This list of factors is not all-inclusive; it is provided for illustrative purposes only.
5.1.1 Quantifiable Factors for Economic Cost Study Some factors are easier to quantify than others and in some cases costs can be estimated for each course of action. A brief description of the quantifiable factors and costs follows: Cost of the repair. One primary factor that should be considered is the cost of the repair. This cost is typically composed of the costs for materials, equipment, labor, and preparation needed to perform the repair. For the purposes of this report, this cost would not include follow-on maintenance costs associated with maintaining the repaired components over the life of the operating system. Cost of replacement. Another primary factor that should be considered is the cost of replacement. This can apply to either the entire system or a particular component under evaluation. Similar to repair cost estimates, replacement cost estimates should include the costs for materials, equipment, labor, and preparation needed to replace the existing component(s). Likewise, for the purposes of this report, this cost would not include follow-on maintenance costs associated with maintaining the replaced components over the life of the operating system. Anticipated maintenance costs. When making the decision to replace or repair a particular component, the manager should consider the anticipated maintenance costs associated with either action. Whether an item is replaced or repaired, there will be costs associated with maintaining it for some period of time. An estimation of projected maintenance costs should include the following components: Maintenance equipment costs. Special equipment, tools, or both are often required to perform a repair or to replace a given item. The costs of using these items should be factored into the decision whether replace it or repair it. Labor costs. The labor costs associated with projected or anticipated maintenance are important to consider because they can constitute a significant portion of the cost if the life expectancy of the operating system or component is high. Labor costs can be affected by the availability of maintenance personnel, whether special or unique skills are required, and whether the maintenance personnel are in-house or contracted.
Demolition costs. In many cases, significant demolition costs are associated with a replacement that are not necessarily as important when performing a repair. Demolition costs should include costs associated with preparing the system or structure for the replacement, removing the components that have been replaced, and disposing of the waste. Hazardous materials handling costs. In some cases, costs associated with handling certain hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead paint, and hazardous chemicals should be factored into the overall cost of performing maintenance or repair on existing operating systems and their components. These costs can be so significant that the most economical option is to defer the maintenance or repair until the end of the service life of the facility.
5.1.2 Key Qualitative Factors in the Decision-Making Process Several key qualitative factors that should be considered in the analysis are the following: Rate of deterioration. The rate of deterioration should be considered when evaluating the cost benefits of either repairing or replacing a system component. The rate of deterioration primarily impacts the urgency with which the item needs to be addressed. For an item that is failing at a slow rate, the system owner is afforded additional time to decide what course of action to take. In some cases, the rate of deterioration can be so slow that the best course of action is to defer any action until the components condition becomes more severe. Items that are failing at a faster rate require that more prompt action be taken. Age of the system or component. The age of the operating system and its components should be factored into the evaluation for a number of reasons: The older the system, the less likely it is that repairs will be feasible. The newer the system, the less beneficial it is to replace the entire system and the more feasible it is to repair needed components. Older systems can have a number of maintenance issues that need to be considered simultaneously. In that case, the repair or replacement costs of these multiple issues should be considered together rather than separately. Risk to process outage or stoppage. The risks associated with inadvertently interrupting the process(es) should be considered from two perspectives: short term and long term. In the short-term perspective, the system owner should consider which actionrepair or replacementwould present the least risk to interrupting the processes. In some cases, a repair can be performed without any disruption to the processes, whereas a replacement can require that the process equipment be shut down until the replacement is complete. When this is the case, the system owner should also consider the cost of lost production necessitated by the replacement. In the long-term perspective, the system owner should consider the effectiveness of the maintenance activity, the components susceptibility to failure, and the need for repeated repairs, all with respect to the risk imposed over time to inadvertently disrupting the fly ash system process. Expected life of the replacement or repair. Another factor that should be considered is the expected life of the replaced or repaired component. Regardless of what action is taken, the restored condition will not last forever. In time, the item will either have to be initially repaired, repeatedly repaired, or replaced again. The length of time until one of these follow-on activities is required will vary depending on the maintenance decisions taken now. Regulatory issues. Regulatory issues that might have arisen or new regulations that might have been enacted since the original construction of the system should also be considered when deciding the optimal maintenance action to take.
Table 5-1 (cont.) Repair and Replacement Guidance for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Dense-phase vessel Repair or Replace? Repair on Site? Yes Typical Scope of Repairs Performed on Component Replace top and/or bottom gate seat. Adjust top gate spring tension. Adjust top gate actuator stops. Remove and replace top gate air cylinder. Remove and replace top and/or bottom gate shaft and bushing. Remove and replace top and/or bottom gate aeration subassembly. Remove and replace motor. Remove and replace gear reducer. Remove and replace bearings. Remove and replace transfer sheave. Remove and replace limit switch. Replace self-sealing lower cone, cone seal, and sleeve (if applicable). Remove and replace sleeve guide. Remove and replace sleeve, cable, and cone. Remove and replace valve gate and seat. Adjust gate travel location. Remove and replace gland packing rings. Remove and replace air cylinder. Repairs or replacements of blower/compressors and their subassemblies should be in accordance with the respective vendors recommendations. Repairs can range from simple replacements of worn parts and lubrication, to complete overhauls. Typical parts that may be replaced are listed as part of the troubleshooting solutions in Table 6-4 of this report. Remove and replace throat piece. Replace throat piece liner. Replace nozzle tips. Remove and replace inlet liner.
Repair or replace
Repair or replace
Equalizer valve
Air compressor Fly ash transport blower Hopper aeration blower Fly ash vacuum pump Silo aeration blower Hydraulic vacuum device
Repair or replace
Repair or replace
Table 5-1 (cont.) Repair and Replacement Guidance for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Material handling valve Repair or Replace? Repair on Site? Yes Typical Scope of Repairs Performed on Component Remove and replace slide gate and valve seat. Adjust air inlet check valves. Remove and replace air inlet valve extension spring. Replace gland packing rings. Remove and replace air cylinder. Install, remove, and replace metering device assembly. Replace worn nozzles. Replace worn paddles or align as needed. Replace or tighten V-belt. Replace bearings. Replace spur gears. Remove and replace cam sets (cam, cam swivel nut, jaw end fitting, and pins). Remove and replace lid gasket and base seal gasket. Remove and replace bent or corroded rods. Adjust rotor and shoe clearances. Remove and replace rotor assembly. Remove and replace shoe. Remove and replace bearing and shaft packing. Remove and replace shaft spacer sleeve. Remove and replace inner shaft sleeve. Adjust overload limits. Remove slide gate and replace seat insert. Remove and replace air cylinder. Remove, replace, and adjust proximity switch.
Repair or replace
Pugmill unloader
Relief door
Repair or replace
Rotary feeder
Table 5-1 (cont.) Repair and Replacement Guidance for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Vent filter Repair or Replace? Repair on Site? Yes Typical Scope of Repairs Performed on Component Replace filter bags (although with some applications can be laundered). Replace or repair solenoid valves with manufacturers repair kit. Replace or repair diaphragm valves with manufacturers repair kit. Repair rotary valves by replacing seals and blades. Repair screw conveyors by replacing V-belts and shaft seals. Repair fans by adjusting V-belt tension and replacing bearings.
Repair or replace
Figure 6-2, taken from EPRI report 1003093, illustrates the detailed system troubleshooting process that can be undertaken to investigate the symptoms and performance problems being experienced. The figure emphasizes the need to identify failure modes, develop a troubleshooting plan (especially if the system is evaluated while on-line), identify the cause(s) of the problem, and restore system performance. Additional guidance regarding system and component troubleshooting is provided in EPRI report 1003093.
Figure 6-2 Generic Process for System Troubleshooting (Detailed System Troubleshooting) Courtesy of EPRI 1003093
Tables 6-1 and 6-2 summarize troubleshooting guidance at a system level for the four types of system designs described in this report. 6-3
6.1.1 Pressure Conveying Systems Table 6-1 summarizes troubleshooting guidance for fly ash pressure conveying systems. The table lists system-level failure mechanisms, potential causes of failure, and frequently used solutions to restore the system to an operational state.
Table 6-1 Recommended Troubleshooting for Pressure Conveying Fly Ash Systems Failure Mechanism(s) High level in the ESP or baghouse hoppers Low discharge line pressure Cause(s) Not evacuating material V-belt drive failure Air lock not evacuating Frequently Used Solutions Correct airlock malfunction. Repair drive. Repair gate valves on airlock. Review for bridging in airlock. High discharge line pressure Faulty valve/operator in transport line Branch line plugging High discharge pressure Incorrect valve sequencing and alignment, as set by control system logic High delta pressure, temperature, or motor current Review timing and sequence required by manufacturers instructions and design. See blower manufacturer procedures. Inspect and repair valve or operator. Clear transport lines.
6.1.2 Vacuum Conveying Systems Table 6-2 summarizes troubleshooting guidance for fly ash vacuum conveying systems. The table lists system-level failure mechanisms, potential causes of failure, and frequently used solutions to restore the system to an operational state.
Table 6-2 Recommended Troubleshooting for Vacuum Conveying Fly Ash Systems Failure Mechanism(s) High level in the ESP or baghouse hoppers High vacuum Cause(s) Same as pressure system Gates not opening, plugging Frequently Used Solutions Same as pressure system. Repair gates. Clear plugging. Low vacuum Low vacuum Gates not closing Incorrect valve sequencing, rat-holing, or broken line Repair gates. Review timing and sequence required by the manufacturers instructions and design. Clear buildup of ash if system is rat-holing; repair line or leaks. High differential pressure trip across collector Blinded filter bags or improper bag cleaning Clean or replace bags; evaluate cause of bag buildup. Review cleaning cycle to determine proper timing for maximum cleaning efficiency. Vacuum blower failure or trip High delta pressure, temperature or motor current See blower manufacturer procedures.
6.1.3 Vacuum/Pressure Conveying Systems System troubleshooting for a vacuum/pressure conveying system should be similar to the guidance provided in Tables 6-1 and 6-2. 6.1.4 Dense-Phase Conveying Systems System troubleshooting for a dense-phase conveying system should be similar to the guidance provided in Table 6-1.
Table 6-3 Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Abrasion-resistant pipe and fittings Air gravity conveyor Failure Mechanism(s) Decrease in system vacuum or pressure Material fails to aerate Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Cracks or holes in piping. Leakage at pipe joints. Closed air supply isolation valve. Insufficient air supply or pressure. Leaks in air supply piping. Leaks in air gravity conveyor. Porous stones blinded. Contaminated air supply. Condensation or moisture in the silo. Air supply temperature too low. Sealant smeared on stone surface during installation.
Replace cracked pipe segments. Rotate fittings and/or piping. Open air supply isolation valve. Repair leaks in air supply piping and/or air gravity conveyor. Replace porous stones.
Clean/filter air supply. Adjust air supply temperature to eliminate condensation and moisture. Replace porous stones.
Airlock valve
Hopper above may be plugged. Top gate failure. Equalization failure. Bottom gate leakage. Aeration failure. Top gate leakage. Equalization failure. Foreign material in air lock. Bottom gate failure. Aeration failure.
Unplug hopper of clogged material. Repair leakage of bottom gate. Check equalization subassemblies. Remove foreign material from airlock. Repair leakage of top gate. Check equalization subassemblies.
Silo leaks
Repair cracks or corroded areas by welding new plates to steel cylinder. Repair cracks or corroded areas by welding new plates to steel cylinder.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Collector and filter Failure Mechanism(s) Excessive pressure drop across filter bags Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Inadequate compressed air. Water or oil in compressed air. Bags loaded with dust because: Dust not discharging from the hopper
Check the differential pressure gauge or manometer and the tubing leading to the dust collector for proper operation. Adjust the compressed air system. Repair the compressed air system to ensure that air is not contaminated. Repair dust discharge equipment or replace with higher capacity equipment, or install hopper vibrators. Clean bags if caked; cut back on fan to prevent recurrence. Compare dust particle size and loading with original design specification, and contact manufacturer for recommendations. Pull bag tight around its cage and gather a small fold of material. Repair holes, cracks, or loose gaskets where water could enter. Insulate the collector and/or ductwork leading to the collector to keep surface temperatures above the dew point and prevent condensation of the filter bags. Check the differential pressure gauge or manometer and the tubing leading to the dust collector for proper operation. Repair or replace filter bags.
Air flow too high Improper particle size and dust load
Holes in the filter bags or bags are installed incorrectly. Air leaks or blockage in ductwork to and from the dust collector. Leaks in the housing.
Repair leaks in ducts and ensure that dampers are correctly positioned. Repair holes and cracks, and replace/tighten loose gaskets in the dust collector housing or tube sheets.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Collector and filter (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Continuous flow of dust in the clean air exhaust Puff of dust in the clean air exhaust after each pulse (secondary dusting) Short filter bag life Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Holes in the filter bags or bags are installed incorrectly. Holes in the tube sheets or loose bag cup assemblies. Air header pressure too high. Worn filter bags. Residual dust.
Repair or replace filter bags. Repair holes and cracks; tighten bolts or bag cup assemblies (bottom bag removal only). Ensure that pulsing air pressure is over 100 psig. Replace filter bags. Clean both the clean air plenum and bag/cage assemblies. Consult the manufacturer for assistance in determining the appropriate corrective measures if bag life is inadequate.
Operating temperature too high. Incompatible material resulting in chemical degradation. Moisture content is too high. Localized abrasion. Corroded, rusted, or broken filter cages. Excessive rubbing of filter bags. Mechanical damage. Inadequate power. Blown fuse. Open or short circuit between the timer and the solenoids.
Inconsistent timing
Replace damaged items, if feasible. Restore electrical power input. Replace blown fuse. Check wiring for electrical continuity. Check timer per maintenance instructions. Check electrical continuity with ohmmeter or suitable tester, and repair as required.
Timer inoperative. Open or short circuit in wiring between time and solenoids.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Collector and filter (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Pulsing failure of valves at any location. Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Remove and discard plug. Disassemble valve, inspect diaphragm, and replace with a repair kit if needed. Inspect tubing and replace if necessary. Check continuity of solenoid coil with ohmmeter, and replace if necessary. Eliminate high pressure from discharge side of solenoid valve. Inspect and repair as needed. Remove tubing from compression fitting and change fitting to inlet port on valve body and reassemble. Remove particles of dirt, scale, or rust from the valve body and from around the armature. Disassemble and clear bleed hole or bleed passages in larger valves. Unplug hopper of clogged material. Repair leakage of bottom gate. Check equalization subassemblies. Remove foreign material from airlock. Repair leakage of top gate. Check equalization subassemblies. Restore material flow rate upstream of dry dust unloader.
Pinched or plugged tubing between solenoid and diaphragm valve. Open solenoid coil.
High pressure tubing connected to both sides of the solenoid valve. Continuous passage of compressed air through one or more blowpipes Tubing or fittings leaking or broken. Tubing connected into solenoid exhaust port.
Solenoid armature not seating properly. Diaphragm valve air bleed hole or passage restricted. Dense-phase vessel Vessel fails to fill Hopper above may be plugged. Top gate failure. Equalization failure. Bottom gate leakage. Aeration failure. Top gate leakage. Equalization failure. Foreign material in airlock. Bottom gate failure. Aeration failure. Restricted material flow.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Dry dust unloader (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Spout sleeve tends to oscillate or twist during loading Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Install a gravity bleed damper in the ductwork between the spout and dust collector or raise the spout slightly off of the vehicle hatch to provide bleed air. On trucks or railcars with more than one hatch per compartment, open an adjacent hatch to provide necessary bleed air. Ensure power source is turned on and is operating correctly. Check all electrical connections. Adjust limit switches. Reconfigure to preclude motor from overheating. For brakemotors, ensure that the motor brake disengages properly. Check the lifting cables for proper tracking over the transfer sheaves. Adjust the cable retaining brackets if necessary. Check the sheaves and bushings for wear or damage. Release the cones and/or cables. Check the full-up limit switch and adjust. If the switch is adjusted properly, lowering the fullyretracted position slightly (about an inch) may free the spout. Lubricate item(s) as needed.
Inner spout cones and cone harness cables are jammed. Lack of lubrication of shaft bearing, drive motor, and/or gear reducer causing seizure, wear, or damage.
Table 6-3 (Cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Dry dust unloader (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Spout will not retract Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Ensure that power source is turned on and is operating correctly. Check all electrical connections. Adjust limit switches. Reconfigure to preclude motor from overheating. For brakemotors, ensure that the motor brake disengages properly. Check the lifting cables for proper tracking over the transfer sheaves. Adjust the cable retaining brackets if necessary. Check the sheaves and bushings for wear or damage. Release the cones and/or cables. Check the full-up limit switch and adjust. If the switch is adjusted properly, lowering the fullyretracted position slightly (about an inch) may free the spout. Lubricate item(s) as needed. Replace lower cone seal. Replace lower sealing cone. Install a small amount of weight equally around the self-sealing discharge ring.
Inner spout cones and cone harness cables are jammed. Lack of lubrication of shaft bearing, drive motor, and/or gear reducer causing seizure, wear, or damage. Material leakage from self-sealing discharge Worn or damaged lower cone seal. Worn or damaged lower sealing cone. Inadequate stiffness or binding of self-sealing sleeve fabric.
Table 6-3 (Cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Dry dust unloader (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Pneumatic probe inoperable Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Loss of electrical power. Blocked end of probe. Blocked air inlet in the electrical enclosure. Inadequate air output from the bubbler compressor. Inadequate air output from the flow-meter. Inoperable differential pressure gauge. Inoperable differential pressure switch. Improperly adjusted or inoperable time delay relay.
Restore electrical power. Clear blockage at end of probe. Clear blockage at the inlet of the electrical enclosure. Repair or replace bubbler compressor. Repair or replace flow-meter. Replace differential pressure gauge. Replace differential pressure switch. Adjust or replace time delay relay.
Equalizer valve
Loss of power to solenoid valve. Loss of air supply pressure. Solenoid valve stuck. Valve plugged with material. Valve is not fully actuated. Material between valve gate and valve seat. Valve plugged with material. Worn valve gate and/or valve seat.
Restore power to solenoid valve. Restore air supply pressure. Manually open solenoid valve. Clear clogged material from valve. Fully actuate valve. Clean material between valve gate and seat. Clear clogged material from valve. Replace worn gate and/or seat.
Air compressor Fly ash transport blower Hopper aeration blower Fly ash vacuum pumps Silo aeration blower
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Hydraulic vacuum device Failure Mechanism(s) Excessive wear Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Water supply contains uneven solids. Material being transported is highly abrasive. Misalignment of component parts. Leaks in the component. Leaks in transport piping. Water supply pressure low. Leaks in the component. Nozzle tips unevenly or excessively worn. Throat liner unevenly or excessively worn. Foreign material in ejector head clogging nozzle tips. Loss of power to solenoid valve. Loss of air supply pressure. Solenoid valve stuck. Material binding the slide gate in the tracks. Foreign material (i.e., welding rods, slag, etc.) binding the slide gate in the tracks. Worn slide gate or valve seat binding the slide gate in the tracks. Slide gate disengaged from the air cylinder operating rod.
Replace worn parts. Ensure that material composition is in accordance with design requirements.
Decreased vacuum
Restore power to solenoid valve. Restore air supply pressure. Manually open solenoid valve. Clear clogged material from tracks. Remove foreign material.
Table 6-3 (Cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Material handling valve (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Valve will not close Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Loss of power to solenoid valve. Loss of air supply pressure. Solenoid valve stuck. Material binding the slide gate in the tracks. Foreign material (i.e., welding rods, slag, etc.) binding the slide gate in the tracks. Valve plugged with material or debris. Slide gate or valve seat binding the slide gate in the tracks. Slide gate disengaged from the air cylinder operating rod.
Restore power to solenoid valve. Restore air supply pressure. Manually open solenoid valve. Clear clogged material from tracks. Remove foreign material.
Reconnect slide gate to the air cylinder operating rod. Repair or replace check valve at beginning of transport pipe line. Adjust air inlet check valve. Install appropriate metering device. Adjust metering device.
Check valve at beginning of transport pipe line not operating properly. Air inlet check valve not properly adjusted. A metering device assembly is required. Metering device, if so equipped, not properly adjusted.
Pugmill unloader
Unsatisfactory mix
Erratic or improper material feed into the continuous mixer. Water supply incorrect. Nozzles or header plugged. Nozzles worn or spray pattern incorrect. Paddles worn or out of alignment. Loose V-belt causing erratic rotation of paddle shafts.
Adjust water supply flow. Unplug nozzles or header. Replace worn nozzles. Replace worn paddles or align as needed. Replace or tighten V-belt.
Table 6-3 (Cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Pugmill unloader (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Rough operation Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Mixing drum and/or conveyor screw out of alignment. Bearings worn or out of alignment. Spur gears worn or out of alignment. Ash or sludge binding spur gears. Loose connection between end shaft and paddle shaft. Drive coupling connection loose, or coupling is worn or damaged. Loose V-belt causing erratic rotation of paddle shafts. Caked or hardened ash or foreign material causing an out-of-balance condition. Worn, ripped, or brittle gaskets. Dome is out of round. Springs are broken or corroded. Loose fasteners. Excessive product buildup. Dome is out of round. Springs are broken or corroded. Rods are bent or corroded. Cam sets are corroded. Blown gaskets. Worn packing. Loose or missing fasteners or covers. Foreign or oversized material. Clearance out of adjustment.
Align mixing drum and/or conveyor screw. Replace bearings. Replace spur gears. Remove binding ash or sludge. Tighten connection between end shaft and paddle shaft. Tighten connection or replace drive coupling. Tighten or replace V-belt.
Relief door
Replace seal gaskets. Straighten or replace dome. Replace springs. Tighten fasteners.
Clean excessive fly ash buildup. Straighten or replace dome. Replace springs. Replace rods. Replace cam set. Replace worn gaskets or packing. Tighten or replace fasteners or covers. Ensure that material composition is in accordance with design requirements. Adjust clearances.
Rotary feeder
Material leakage
Frequent jamming
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Rotary feeder (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Decreased feed rate Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Erratic or improper material flow into the integral feeder. Reduced drive unit speed. Rotor pockets clogged with material. Loss of power to solenoid valve. Loss of air supply pressure. Solenoid valve stuck. Material binding the slide gate in the tracks. Slide gate distorted and binding in the tracks. Loss of power to solenoid valve. Loss of air supply pressure. Solenoid valve stuck. Material binding the slide gate in the tracks. Slide gate distorted and binding in the tracks. Valve plugged with material or debris. Valve is not fully closed. Excessive air leakage through loose covers or fasteners. Worn slide gate or seat insert.
Ensure that material composition is in accordance with design requirements. Adjust drive unit speed. Clean rotor pockets of clogged material. Restore power to solenoid valve. Restore air supply pressure. Manually open solenoid valve. Clear clogged material from tracks. Straighten or replace slide gate. Restore power to solenoid valve. Restore air supply pressure.
Manually open solenoid valve. Clear clogged material from tracks. Straighten or replace slide gate. Clean material or debris from plugged valve. Manually close valve. Tighten covers and fasteners.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Vent filter Failure Mechanism(s) Excessive pressure drop across filter bags Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Inoperable differential pressure gauge. Inadequate compressed air. Water or oil in compressed air. Bags loaded with dust because: Dust not discharging from the hopper
Check the differential pressure gauge or manometer and the tubing leading to the dust collector for proper operation. Adjust the compressed air system. Repair the compressed air system to ensure that air is not contaminated. Repair dust discharge equipment or replace with higher capacity equipment, or install hopper vibrators. Clean bags if caked; cut back on fan to prevent recurrence. Compare dust particle size and loading with original design specification, and contact manufacturer for recommendations. Pull bag tight around its cage and gather a small fold of material. Repair holes, cracks, or loose gaskets where water could enter. Insulate the collector and/or ductwork leading to the collector to keep surface temperatures above the dew point and prevent condensation of the filter bags. Check the differential pressure gauge or manometer and the tubing leading to the dust collector for proper operation. Repair or replace filter bags.
Air flow too high Improper particle size and dust load
Holes in the filter bags or bags are installed incorrectly. Leaks in the housing.
Repair holes and cracks, and replace/tighten loose gaskets in the dust collector housing or tube sheets.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Vent filter (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Continuous flow of dust in the clean air exhaust Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Holes in the filter bags or bags are installed incorrectly. Holes in the tube sheets or loose bag cup assemblies. Air header pressure too high. Worn filter bags. Residual dust. Operating temperature too high. Incompatible material resulting in chemical degradation. Moisture content is too high. Localized abrasion. Corroded, rusted or broken filter cages. Excessive rubbing of filter bags. Mechanical damage. Inadequate power. Blown fuse. Open or short circuit between the timer and the solenoids.
Repair holes and cracks; tighten bolts or bag cup assemblies (bottom bag removal only). Ensure that pulsing air pressure is over 100 psig. Replace filter bags. Clean both the clean air plenum and bag/cage assemblies. Consult the manufacturer for assistance in determining the appropriate corrective measures if bag life is inadequate.
Puff of dust in the clean air exhaust after each pulse (secondary dusting) Short filter bag life
Inconsistent timing
Replace damaged items, if feasible. Restore electrical power input. Replace blown fuse. Check wiring for electrical continuity. Check timer per maintenance instructions. Check electrical continuity with ohmmeter or suitable tester, and repair as required.
Timer inoperative. Open or short circuit in wiring between time and solenoids.
Table 6-3 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Components Fly Ash System Component Name Vent filter (cont.) Failure Mechanism(s) Pulsing failure of valves at any location Cause(s) Frequently Used Solutions
Remove and discard plug. Disassemble valve, inspect diaphragm, and replace with a repair kit if needed. Inspect tubing and replace if necessary. Check continuity of solenoid coil with ohmmeter, and replace if necessary. Eliminate high pressure from discharge side of solenoid valve. Inspect and repair as needed. Remove tubing from compression fitting and change fitting to inlet port on valve body and reassemble. Remove particles of dirt, scale, or rust from the valve body and from around the armature. Disassemble and clear bleed hole or bleed passages in larger valves.
Pinched or plugged tubing between solenoid and diaphragm valve. Open solenoid coil.
High pressure tubing connected to both sides of the solenoid valve. Continuous passage of compressed air through one or more blowpipes Tubing or fittings leaking or broken. Tubing connected into solenoid exhaust port.
Solenoid armature not seating properly. Diaphragm valve air bleed hole or passage restricted.
Table 6-4 summarizes troubleshooting guidance that is generic to most types of blowers and compressors that are installed in fly ash conveying systems. It is based on the guidance provided in the EPRI report Compressed Air System Maintenance Guide (1006677). This report can be referenced for additional details and should be used in conjunction with the PM recommendations provided by the equipment manufacturer for the specific equipment installed.
Table 6-4 Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Courtesy of EPRI 1006677 Failure Mechanism(s) Low or no oil pressure Cause(s) Defective gauge Crankcase oil level too low Frequently Used Solutions Check the oil pressure gauge calibration. Add oil to the proper level as indicated on the sight gauge. Also see the nameplate for quantity. Check the oil specifications. Clean the oil strainer as outlined in the vendors manual. Check for line leakage and tighten the fittings. Adjust the oil pressure relief valve per the vendors instructions. Remove the relief valve. Clean the valve and seat. Use a magnet to remove foreign metal particles. Replace the relief valve spring. Repair or replace the pump. If gear-driven, check the gear alignment and security. A direct-driven pump may require a new oiler pin and bushing. See the vendors manual for instructions. Replace the crankpin or wristpin bearings per the vendors manual. Check the oil gauge calibration. Adjust as outlined under Oil Pressure Adjustment in the vendors manual. See the oil specification in the vendors manual.
Oil is too light Plugged oil strainer Leak in oil pump suction or pressure line Oil pressure relief valve out of adjustment Dirt on oil pressure relief valve seat Broken oil pressure relief valve spring Crankcase oil pump defective Defective oil pump drive
Improper rotation direction of the oil pump Worn crankpin or wristpin bearings High oil pressure Defective gauge Relief valve improperly adjusted Oil too heavy
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) High oil pressure (cont.) Cause(s) Plugged oil pressure line Defective or clogged oil filter Plugged oil return to sump Erratic oil pressure Does not deliver air Crankpin bearing inserts worn or defective Controls inoperative Restricted suction line Frequently Used Solutions Remove the pump discharge piping and ensure that it is cleared. Replace or clean the element as needed. Remove the obstruction from the passage. Replace the crankpin bearing inserts per the vendors manual. Check the vendors manual for control settings. Service the inlet filter. Ensure that the protective screens and removed and remove the obstruction from the inlet line. Verify that control switch is properly set per vendor instruction for compressor loading. Replace the valves per the instructions in the vendors manual. Clear the suction line. Clean or replace the filter. Tighten the screw(s) holding the assembly in place. Recondition valves as described in the vendors manual. Re-assemble as per the vendors manual. Check if the suction and discharge valves have been assembled for proper flow direction. Service as described in the vendors manual. Adjust or service per the instruction in the vendors manual. Align the valve cap to cage as shown in the vendors manual. Misalignment will cause valves to leak. Replace per the instructions in the vendors manual. Tighten or replace the packing.
Unit running unloaded Suction and/or discharge valves missing Low capacity Restricted suction line Dirty air intake filter Loose suction or discharge valve assembly Worn or broken valve assembly parts Suction or discharge valve improperly assembled
Defective inlet valve unloaders Defective or improperly adjusted controls Suction or discharge valve cages misaligned Worn piston rings Leakage at piston rod packing
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) Low capacity (cont.) Low operating pressure Cause(s) Low compressor speed; V-belt slipping Defective gauge Excessive service line leakage Suction/discharge valve loose, worn, or defective System demand greater than compressor capacity Inlet valve unloaders defective Improperly adjusted pressure control Worn piston rings Low compressor speed; V-belt slipping Overheated cylinder No cooling water Insufficient cooling water Scored piston or liner Worn or broken valve assembly or parts Piston rod packing too tight Discharge pressure too high Suction/discharge valve cage not aligned Cylinder cooling jackets clogged with deposits, rust, or scale Excessive carbon deposits on valve assemblies (for lubricated compressors) Insufficient lubrication (for lubricated compressors) Frequently Used Solutions Check speed as shown on the compressor nameplate. Tighten or replace the belts. Check the pressure gauge calibration. Check the service lines for open or leaking connections. Service the valve assemblies per the instructions in the vendors manual. Reduce demand. Detect and repair system leaks. Service the unloaders per the instructions in the vendors manual. Adjust per the instructions in the vendors manual. Replace per the instructions in the vendors manual. Check speed as shown on the compressor nameplate. Tighten or replace the belts. Check the cooling water supply and controls. Increase the water flow. Repair or replace. Repair or replace. Check the discharge valves first. Loosen or replace the packing as necessary. Adjust the air pressure switch setting. Align the valve cap to cage per the instructions in the vendors manual. Clean the water passages of the cylinder cooling jackets. Disassemble and clean. Check the lubrication rate. Correct the lubrication rate.
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) Overheated cylinder (cont.) Water in cylinders Cause(s) Broken high-pressure relief valve or check valve Cooling water temperature too low causing condensate Frequently Used Solutions Repair or replace the valves as necessary. Cooling water inlet temperature should be above ambient air temperature. Adjust the cooling water discharge temperature to 100120F (3849C). Replace the head gasket. Replace the cylinder head. Pitch the discharge piping away from the compressor. Check the after-cooler tube nest and repair leaks. Drain and check operation of the drain trap. Check the inter-cooler tube nest and repair leaks. Drain and check the drain trap. Clean the air intake filter. Replace filter, if necessary. See Overheated Cylinder table. Replace as needed. See Water in Cylinder table. Replace as needed per the instruction in the vendors manual. Correct the lubrication rate as specified in the vendors manual. Adjust the controls as needed. Check the control components. Repair or replace as needed. Clean the control air tubing to the unloaders. Replace if damaged. Drain and clean the element. Check the yoke, spring, and diaphragm. Replace parts as necessary.
Leak in head gasket Cracked cylinder head Air discharge piping pitched toward compressor Leak in after-cooler Moisture separator not drained Leak in inter-cooler Condensate in the inter-cooler Scored cylinder liner and piston Foreign material getting into cylinder Overheated cylinder Broken valves or valve springs Water in cylinder Excessively worn or broken piston rings Insufficient lubrication (for lubricated compressors) Erratic or inoperative compressor control Improper control adjustment Defective control components Clogged, pinched, or improperly connected control piping Clogged control air filter Defective inlet valve unloaders
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) Erratic or inoperative compressor control (cont.) Compressor continues to pump after unloading Cause(s) Inadequate supply of control air to unloaders and control pressure switch, respectively (air supply lines from air receiver too small) Broken unloader diaphragm Broken unloader yoke Total closure valve fails to close Broken suction or discharge valve and/or valve springs Incorrect reassembly of valves Frequently Used Solutions Check the installation and control panel drawing for proper piping details. Control air must be free of surging and of ample volume while unloading. Replace the inlet valve unloaders. Replace the inlet valve unloaders. See Total Closure Control in the vendors manual. See Valve Assemblies in the vendors manual and ensure the proper spring tension with the proper number of springs. Cooling water inlet temperature should be above ambient temperature. Maintain 100120F (3849C) cooling water discharge temperature. See Overheated Cylinder table. Clean and remove the carbon deposits from the valves. Reduce the lubrication per the instructions in the vendors manual. Increase the lubrication to the rate specified in the vendors manual. Check the pressure gauge calibration. Recalibrate or replace gauge. Adjust the pressure control to a lower setting. Remove any restrictions. Remove, inspect, and replace the valve unloaders per the vendors instructions. Clean, repair, or replace. See Overheated Cylinder in this table Regulate the water temperature control to maintain 100120F (3849C) cooling water discharge temperature. Lower the discharge pressure. Correct the lubrication rate per the specification.
Overheated cylinder Over-lubrication (for lubricated compressors) Insufficient lubrication (for lubricated compressors) Air receiver pressure too high Defective pressure gauge Pressure control set too high Restriction in pressure-sensing line Defective unloader Defective control or unloader Discharge air temperature too high Overheated cylinder Cylinder cooling water temperature too high Discharge pressure too high Insufficient cylinder lubrication (for lubricated compressors)
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) Compressor stops unexpectedly Cause(s) A protective logic initiates the drive motor trip Power failure Frequently Used Solutions Check all safety devices (oil pressure, water temperature, discharge air temperature, etc.) to determine the reason for shutdown. NOTE: In the event that compressor is stopped unexpectedly or by safety devices perform Normal Stopping per the instruction in the vendors manual to avoid start-up under load. Place the selector switch in the Off position before resetting the circuit. For units with total closure control, se Start-Up After Abnormal Shutdown in the vendors manual. Inspect the inside of the cylinder through the valve ports. Adjust the piston head clearance per specifications. Tighten the piston rod. See Connecting Rod in the vendors manual. See Crosshead and Guide in the vendors manual. Check the valve installation per the instructions in the vendors manual. Replace the bearing if defective. Check for proper bearing fit in the bearing bore and on the crankshaft. Remove and replace as necessary. Reinstall after cleaning the ring grooves to ensure free movement. Check the rod for alignment. Replace if necessary. See Connecting Rod in the vendors manual. Check the belt tension and tighten the sheave hub. Check all piping. Provide additional support, if required. Tighten the counterweights.
Compressor knocks
Foreign material in cylinder Incorrect head clearance Loose piston on piston rod Worn connecting rod bearings Worn crosshead Loose valve assembly or valve cage Loose or defective main bearings
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) Motor fails to start Cause(s) Motor overload relay on motor starter tripped Improper wiring Power disconnected Motor trips after start Low oil pressure; oil switch not holding Other safety device tripped Motor overheats Voltage incorrect Excitation incorrect Dirty motor Poor lubrication Motor overloaded Frequently Used Solutions Reset the overload relay after determining the cause for the overload. Check motor circuit wiring. Reconnect the power supply. See Low or no oil pressure in this table. Check all safety devices. Determine the cause for the trip before resetting. Restore the correct voltage. Restore the correct voltage. Blow off with clean air or disassemble and clean. Lubricate per specifications. Correct the compressor operating pressure or speed. Ensure that compressor is running free. Replace as necessary. Repair as outlined in the vendors manual.
Defective pressure gauge Broken inlet or discharge valves or valve springs in the succeeding cylinder Damaged head gasket in succeeding cylinder Broken high-pressure check valve Unloader yoke holding valves open in succeeding cylinder
Replace the gasket. Repair or replace. See Inlet Valve Unloaders in the vendors manual. Replace as necessary. Repair as outlined in the vendors manual.
Defective pressure gauge Broken inlet or discharge valves or valve springs in the succeeding cylinder Leak in inter-cooler Leaking inter-cooler drain Piston rod packing leaking Unloader yoke holding valves open in preceding cylinder
Check the inter-cooler tube bundle. Check the drain and trap. Adjust or replace as needed. Reassemble the inlet valve unloaders per instruction in the vendors manual.
Table 6-4 (cont.) Recommended Troubleshooting for Fly Ash System Blowers and Compressors Failure Mechanism(s) Oil leaking past piston rod oil scraper rings Cause(s) Scraper rings worn out Dirt between rings Scratched or scored rod Stretched springs Nicks on bottom surface of stuffing box Incorrect ring clearance in piston rod packing box Frequently Used Solutions Replace the worn rings. Remove the rings and clean. Clean or replace the rod. Replace the springs. Refinish the surface. Maintain clearance per next item. Proper clearance is 0.002 in. (0.05 mm) per ring or total of 0.004 in. (0.1 mm) for a two-ring set and 0.006 in. (0.15 mm) for a three-ring set. (0.0015 in. min., 0.003 in. max. per ring) (0.038 mm min., 0.076 mm max.). Rings must be able to float.
There are many methods for moving the ash away from the plant. This section covers several of these options. It was decided to cover the conveying of ash away from the plant site in a more detailed manner in a future guide.
7.1.3 Transportation Methods If fly ash is collected in silos, it is often conditioned (mixed with modest amounts of water) during loading into a truck to prevent dusting and to make handling easier. In some situations, the fly ash is not mixed with water but instead loaded directly into covered trucks or pneumatic tank trucks for transport. If this material is disposed, handling at the disposal site is typically more challenging due to potential dusting issues. Heavy ash material can be conveyed hydraulically using water in pipes to deliver the material to ponds. In some cases, these ponds are only temporary holding locations from which the material is later excavated and transported to a final disposal site. At some power plants, the material is transported to its final disposal location in these water-filled pipes. At still other plants, the wet material might be stacked and allowed to dry, then transported to a final disposal site after it dries. 7.1.4 Climate and Terrain The type of climate has a significant impact on methods of disposal. In areas where water tables are high and where rain or snowfall is significant, precautions can be required to ensure that disposed material is contained. To prevent leachates from leaving a disposal site, liners can be installed or other types of barriers can be implemented. However, in arid climates where water tables are far beneath a disposal site and annual rainfall is low, few if any barriers might be required. Therefore, the need for barriers and liners affects both the construction of disposal locations and the cost of disposal. 7.1.5 Regulatory Requirements The Environmental Protection Agency imposes regulations for the disposal of solid and liquid waste. The discharge of water from an ash storage pond and the movement of dry ash from the plant site are regulated by both state and federal authorities. Some states regulate the disposal of coal ash differently from other states, often because of the geography of an area. A state that regulates coal ash in a manner comparable to municipal solid waste might impose more rigorous requirements than does a state that regulates the material as an industrial waste. Again, climate and terrain come into play. Disposal in an arid state protects the environment in different ways than in an area where heavy rains, snow, or flooding can potentially impact a disposal location. Each of the requirements imposes different design requirements on a disposal facility and will affect cost commensurately.
7.1.6 Conclusion Key O&M Cost Point A variety of factors enter into determining disposal costs. The lowest cost occurs when a disposal site is located near the power plant and the material being disposed can be easily handled. If the material can be piped, rather than trucked, costs are usually lower. In these situations, costs can be as low as US $35 per ton. In other areas, when a disposal site is far away and the material must be handled several times due to its moisture content or volume, costs could range from US $20$40 per ton. In some areas, the costs are even higher. If new sites are required and extensive permitting processes take place, the total cost of the facility can be increased, resulting in higher disposal costs over time.
7.2.4 Compaction Equipment for Fly Ash Compaction should begin as soon as the material has been spread and is at the proper moisture content. The most successful compaction results have been achieved with self-propelled, pneumatic-tired rollers and self-propelled or towed vibratory rollers. Vibratory rollers operated at the resonant frequency of the fly ash will compact the ash more effectively and in fewer passes than non-vibratory rollers. Table 7-1 lists the types of compaction equipment that have been tested for use with fly ash.
Table 7-1 Types of Fly Ash Compaction Equipment Equipment Vibratory smooth drum roller (11.5 tons [9001330 kg]) Vibratory smooth drum roller (610 tons [54009100 kg]) Thickness 6 in. (150 mm) 612 in. (150300 mm) Passes >8 Comments May slightly overstress surface; compaction may reach only 90% 10-ton (9100-kg) roller may need as few as 3 passes at lower lift thickness; may overstress surface May seriously overstress surface; ballast reduction and frequency change will reduce this problem Limit tire pressure to 35 psi (250 kPa); provides good smooth surface seal Pad height should be roughly 4 in. (100 mm) or less; pad area should be greater than 12 in2 (7750 mm2) Used in confined areas and where ground loading must be kept low (for example, backfills) Not recommended Not recommended
Vibratory smooth drum roller 812 in. (1020 tons [910018,200 kg]) (200300 mm) Pneumatic-tired drum roller 612 in. (1012 tons [910011,000 kg]) (150300 mm) Vibratory padfoot roller (620 tons [540018,200 kg]) Vibrating plate tamper (large plate) Sheepsfoot Grid roller 612 in. (150300 mm) 810 in. (200250 mm)
Figure 7-1 illustrates the typical process used for spreading and compacting fly ash structural fill.
Figure 7-1 Spreading and Compaction of Fly Ash Structural Fill Courtesy of U.S. Department of Transportation
7.2.5 Moisture Control Control of the required range of moisture is an important consideration in the compaction procedure. Fly ash can be conditioned with water at the plant silo to achieve the desired moisture content. Care should be taken to compare the alternatives of either hauling fly ash that has been moistened to the desired water content at the plant or adding water at the disposal site. Hauling moist fly ash off-site means higher transportation costs; adding water on site can sacrifice productivity in field placement. 7.2.6 Weather Restrictions Fly ash can often be placed during inclement weather. In the winter months, frost usually penetrates only the upper layer of the compacted ash, which can be re-compacted upon thawing. During compaction, if the water freezes too quickly, the operation should be suspended until the temperature rises. Construction can also proceed during wet weather even if the moisture content of the ash is too high. However, the equipment might bog down, and it can be difficult to achieve proper compaction. 7.2.7 Insensitivity to Moisture Variations Because water is added to low-calcium fly ash during unloading from storage silos, fly ash can be obtained at any moisture content that is desired. Although the optimal moisture content of low-calcium fly ash is greater than that of silty soils, the compaction behavior of low-calcium fly ash is relatively insensitive to variations in moisture content when the fly ash is drier than the optimum value. High-calcium fly ash, however, self-hardens when water is added and becomes difficult to handle unless it is placed in a timely manner.
The option of raising the existing dike using fly ash is cost effective because any fly ash used for constructing the dike, in addition to saving the earth-filling cost, enhances the disposal capacity of the lagoon. The construction methods for an ash dike can be grouped into three broad categories: Upstream method Downstream method Centerline method
An important aspect of the design of ash dikes is the internal drainage system. The seepage discharge from internal surfaces must be controlled both by filters that hold particles in place but permit water to escape freely on the downstream of the dike. The internal drainage system typically consists of the construction of a rock toe (base), a 0.5-m-thick sand blanket, and a sand chimney. After completion of the final section, including earth cover, the turfing is developed from sod on the downstream slope.
Air pollution is caused by direct emissions of toxic gases from the power plants as well as windblown ash dust from an ash mound or pond. The airborne dust can fall into the surface water system or soil and can contaminate the water or soil system. The wet system of disposal in most power plants causes discharge of particulate ash directly into the nearby surface water system. The long storage of ash in ponds under wet conditions and humid climates can cause leaching of toxic metals from ash and contaminate the underlying soil and ultimately the groundwater system. However, most of these environmental problems can be minimized by incorporating engineering measures in the design of ash ponds and by continuous monitoring of surface water and groundwater systems.
Fills can be constructed as structural fills where the fly ash is placed in thin lifts and compacted. Structural fly ash fills are relatively incompressible and are suitable for the support of buildings and other structures. Nonstructural fly ash fill can be used for the development of parks, parking lots, playgrounds, and other similar, lightly loaded facilities. One of the most significant characteristics of fly ash in its use as a fill material is its strength. Well-compacted fly ash has strength comparable to or greater than soils normally used in earth fill operations. In addition, lignite fly ash possesses self-hardening properties, which can result in the development of shear strengths. The addition of illite or cement can induce hardening in bituminous fly ash, which might not self-harden alone. Significant increases in shear strength can be realized in relatively short periods of time, and it can be very useful in the design of embankments. In some cases, the material disposed can potentially have future value. For example, some sites serve as stockpiles for material that can be used in future construction, such as in structural fills, highway projects, or industrial developments. Because construction is seasonal, these sites are not disposal areas but instead temporary storage facilities. Many utilities can also provide numerous examples of old disposal sites being mined to recover coal ash for uses that were not envisioned when the ash was originally placed. There are a number of commercial applications for fly ash using current, established engineering technologies. Some of them are listed below: Building materials and bricks Concrete Pozzolanic properties reduce need for cement Spheres act like ball bearings, increasing workability Fills in voids with cementitious material and acts as filler, reducing total surface area to be covered with cement Retards heat of hydration, which is important for large concrete pours such as dams and the Hibernia oil platform Strength increases with age Enables alkali-silica reactions (provides sacrificial silica)
Road base substitutes for aggregate Structural fill possesses high shear strength, good compaction Waste stabilization solidifies into inert mass Soil modifier aids in compaction, soil density, controls swell potential Backfill can be poured in place, saving time
EPRI has performed numerous research projects concerning the use of coal combustion products. The following are some examples of this research: Proceedings: 15th International American Coal Ash Association Symposium on Management and Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs): Building Partnerships for Sustainability. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2003. 1007954. Guidelines for Using Ash/Organic Waste Mixtures in Horticulture and Turf Production. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004398. New Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete Using High Carbon Fly Ash. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004596. Development of High Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2001. 1004030. Development of Ternary Blends for High Performance Concrete. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004077.
8.1.2 First Line Supervisors Table 8-2 describes typical expertise and experience levels for a fly ash system supervisor.
Table 8-2 Typical Expertise and Experience Level First Line Supervisors Entry level with minimal or no experience in fossil power plant maintenance AND: Five (5) to ten (10) years experience in maintenance or other plant areas and a high school diploma or GED: OR Five (5) years experience in maintenance, engineering or fossil power plant operations with an Associates degree in engineering or related physical science
8.1.3 Fly Ash System Maintenance Personnel Table 8-3 describes typical expertise and experience levels for fly ash system maintenance personnel.
Table 8-3 Typical Expertise and Experience Level First Line System Maintenance Personnel Entry level with minimal or no experience performing fossil power plant system maintenance AND: Completion of applicable apprenticeship program or five (5) years applicable fossil power plant maintenance experience, and a high school diploma or equivalent; OR Two (2) years experience in fossil power plant maintenance, engineering or with an Associates degree in engineering or related physical science
Key Human Performance Point Existing data indicate the presence of potentially toxic components such as crystalline silica and arsenic in coal fly ash. Inhalation of crystalline silica and arsenic can cause respiratory tract diseases such as silicosis and lung cancer; exposure to these substances is regulated by OSHA. Workers operating and maintaining coal-fired power plants can be exposed to coal fly ash when they work on ash collection and removal equipment, when they transport and dispose of fly ash, or whenever the interior of the boiler and flue-gas areas are inspected or repaired. Fly ash can also escape the enclosed boiler system into common work areas through leaks in the combustion chamber or fly ash handling system. Maintenance activities in areas where fly ash has accumulated present a significant opportunity for exposures to occur. Conclusions from the EPRI report Fly Ash Exposure in Coal-Fired Power Plants (TR-102576) are applicable for users of the current report and should be considered when establishing safety measures for employees who might be exposed to fly ash at a fossil power plant:
A significant number of employees at coal-fired power plants are exposed to airborne fly ash. Routine, relatively low-level exposures are encountered by workers performing inspection of the exterior regions of some boiler areas and by those who are involved in ash conveyance and collection. Routine and somewhat higher exposure is encountered by individuals operating ash loading, disposal, and transportation equipment. High but intermittent exposures are encountered by individuals performing maintenance activities associated with the interior spaces of the boiler and at other sites downstream from the combustion chamber. Information in the literature, data made available by the utility industry, and results of analyses conducted during this study confirm that coal fly ash contains constituents potentially hazardous to workers. The most notable constituents of concern include crystalline silica (quartz); trace elements such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, nickel, and chromium; and in some cases, radionuclides. Exposure studies at four coal-fired multiunit power plants revealed that in some situations airborne concentration of respirable particulate, total particulate, respirable quartz, and arsenic exceeded Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PELs) and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLVs). The most common areas in which PELs are TLVs were exceeded were interior spaces of the boiler combustion chamber and other interior areas where fly ash was present during maintenance tasks. Activities during normal plant operations, unlike maintenance tasks, rarely revealed exposures above recognized health criteria values.
The maintenance tasks associated with the highest airborne ash concentration included the following: Vacuum sweeping of accumulated fly ash Inspection and maintenance inside electrostatic precipitators and baghouses Installation of scaffolding in the boiler combustion chambers Repair or removal of boiler steam tubing
The presence and concentration of potentially hazardous fly ash constituents is highly variable between plants and in any one plant. One power plant studied, which was fired with eastern bituminous coals, had higher arsenic content in the fly ash as compared to plants fired with interior bituminous, western subbituminous, and lignite coals. The highest arsenic content was routinely detected in fly ash samples collected in the upper areas of the combustion chamberthe superheat and reheat tube sections with lower content in the ESPs, baghouse, and ash silo areas. Quartz content values were scattered and did not indicate concentration trends at specific plant sites. Quartz levels were lower in the lignite-fired plants as compared to those fired with bituminous or subbituminous coals. The particle size of airborne coal fly ash is generally smaller than 25 micrometers (m), with predominant fractions smaller than 1 m. Thus, much of the airborne particulate is in the respirable size range. Accurate analysis of arsenic is not achieved by using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), a commonly used method for industrial hygiene sample analysis; however, it is accurately measurable using atomic absorptiongraphite furnace (AA-GF) spectrometry methods. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 7901, which uses this latter method, yields accurate results and is the recommended sampling and analytical method for airborne arsenic determinations in work areas at coal-fired power plants. Arsenic present on the surface of coal fly ash was detected only in the +5 valence state. Other forms of arsenic, such as arsenic trioxide and arsine gas, were present at lower concentrations or frequently not detectable. These forms of arsenic were not detected at concentrations above the applicable PEL. Airborne selenium concentrations, although frequently detectable at lignite-fired plants, were low and did not exceed PEL criteria values. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons were generally not detected in coal fly ash exposure areas. Whenever they were detected, the concentrations were low and no apparent trends were notable. The highest concentration of radionuclides was detected at lignite-fired plants; on occasion measured values were above health criteria established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Concentrations at plants fired with bituminous and subbituminous coals were much lower than those observed at lignite plants.
The use of respiratory protection was the most common exposure control technique observed. The use of this equipment varied considerably between the plants studied. It was most frequently observed on workers engaged in vacuum sweeping of accumulated ash and those working inside the ESPs and baghouses. Some workers in job categories associated with high airborne fly ash concentrations, such as scaffold erection crews and mechanics performing tube repairs, were rarely observed wearing protective equipment. Employee comfort appeared to be a prime consideration in the use of this equipment.
Key Human Performance Point After shutdown of the unit, the fly ash can take a long time to cool down. Therefore, even days after shutdown, the ash can burn personnel coming into contact with it. 8.2.2 OSHA Proposals OSHA has issued a draft proposal to drastically lower the allowable exposure limit of crystalline silica, a known human carcinogen that is present in coal fly ash to which workers can be exposed.
This section provides a list of organizations capable of providing various services to utility personnel with respect to fly ash. The information presented below was compiled via searches on the Internet and World Wide Web. Users of this report should recognize that the information provided in this section was current at the time of publication but might no longer be valid. Listing these organizations does not imply any recommendation from EPRI FMAC regarding the applicability, accuracy, or competency of the organizations cited or the services they provide. Each user of this report should evaluate the current services being provided by each organization listed to determine their applicability and suitability to plant-specific needs on a case-bycase basis. Training services. The organizations listed have capabilities to provide technical training to utility personnel in the area of fly ash chemistry, conveyance, handling, disposal, transport, or usage in other industries. The type of training offered by each institution varies and can include college-level classes, technical seminars, trade shows and exhibitions, and association technical meetings. Consulting services. Consulting services provided by the organizations listed can include any of the following: Fly ash system and component design Fly ash system maintenance and operation Fly ash disposal, conveyance, and handling Fly ash utilization for industrial products
Repair services. The organizations listed are typically manufacturers of fly ash system components who have the capability to provide repair services either on site or at refurbishment facilities. Table 9-1 provides a compilation of the organizations researched for inclusion in this report.
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Allen-Sherman-Hoff A major supplier of ash handling equipment worldwide. American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) The American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) is a not-for profit 501(c) (6) organization that promotes the beneficial use of coal combustion products (CCPs). CCPs are produced by the burning of coal in a boiler and take the form of fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, flue gas desulfurization materials, and other similar materials. CCPs have a myriad of uses that allow the substitution of CCPs for natural or manufactured materials in many processes and applications. ASHCOR Technologies, Ltd. ASHCOR Technologies markets coal combustion products produced by ATCO Powers generating stations to the ready mix concrete and oil well cementing sectors. AshTech, Inc. Manufacturer of integrated mechanical ash handling systems, chain conveyor systems and mixer-unloader systems. AshTech has engineered and supplied custom mechanical ash handling systems on many types of solid fueled utility and industrial power generating facilities. Babcock and Wilcox Babcock & Wilcox supports the owners and operators of electric power plants with boiler products, boiler-related equipment and services and worldwide Engineer-ProcureConstruct (EPC) capability for complete power plants. Canadian Portland Cement Association (CPCA) Users of fly ash in the development and manufacture of cement products. Location Malvern, PA Training X Consulting X Repair X
Alexandria, VA
Calgary, AB Canada
Cleveland, OH
Barbeton, OH
Ottawa, ON Canada
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization CCP Ohio. Coal Combustion Product Pilot Extension Program. Ohio State University The statewide CCP extension program is an effort to move coal combustion product utilization technologies and processes from the research and development phases into the marketplace. Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) The Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) is one of the University of Kentuckys multidisciplinary research centers. Its energy research provides a focal point for coal and environmental research in Kentucky. Research efforts are directed to: coal cleaning, beneficiation, utilization, and conversion process technologies. Environmental issues relating to fuel use and coal combustion by-products constitute a major effort, along with the derivation of high added-value materials and chemicals from energy resources. Center for By-Products Utilization Research and development organization involved with using by-products, like fly ash, in productive applications such as cement. Charah, Inc. Charah, Inc. is an ash management provider for the coal-fired electric utility industry. Charah provides a complete line of ash management services including: landfill management and operations, bottom ash processing and marketing, structural fill applications, beneficial use, ash pond management and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) slag beneficiation. Location Columbus, OH Training X Consulting X Repair
Lexington, KY
Milwaukee, WI
Madisonville, KY
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Coal Ash Resource Center (University of North Dakota) The Coal Ash Resources Research Consortium (CARRC) is an international consortium of industry and government representatives, scientists, and engineers working together toward a common goal: to advance coal ash utilization. Specifically, CARRC works to solve coal combustion byproduct (CCB)-related problems and promote the environmentally safe, technically sound, and economically viable utilization and disposal of these highly complex materials. Coal Research Center The Coal Research Center was established in 1974 to stimulate and coordinate efforts to improve the efficiency of coal mining and coal use. One of the Centers primary missions is to identify and initiate new research areas, opportunities, and programs that facilitate the development of improved coal extraction and utilization methods. These innovative technologies, which maximize energy yield while minimizing cost and environmental impact, are essential to the growth and development of clean, sustainable, domestic energy. This mission is carried out through the initiation of new programs and approaches to research, community education, faculty development and support, scholarship, and service. Location Grand Forks, ND Training X Consulting X Repair
Carbondale, IL
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Columbia University - Concrete Materials Research For a number of years, research at Columbia University has been conducted to advance the state of the art in concrete technology, specifically to use recycled materials, such as waste glass, reprocessed carpet fibers, and fly ash. Covering the full spectrum of research activities from basic science to commercial production has the advantage of academia/industry feedback and its synergistic effects. Moreover, it offers all those involved, students and staff alike, fulfilling experiences. Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC) More than 100 million tons of solid byproducts are produced by coal-burning electric utilities each year in the U.S. The mission of the Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC) is to develop and demonstrate technologies to address issues related to the recycling of these byproducts. DC Industrial Plant Services PVT. LTD (DCIPS) DCIPS is a premier organization of its kind in India, renders turnkey project execution services that include design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning followed by operation and maintenance of ash handling plants for large thermal power stations and industrial boilers. Detroit Stoker Company Detroit Handling Systems will handle bottom ash, fly ash, and pyrites from stoker fired, pulverized coal fired, fluid bed fired steam generating units, hot water generators and other types of systems where solid fuels are burned. Ash from the various collecting points is pneumatically conveyed to the ash storage silo. The ash stored in the silo is unloaded at regular periods to trucks or railroad cars for final disposal without creating a dust nuisance, and with a minimum of labor. Location New York, NY Training X Consulting X Repair
Morgantown, WV
Kolkata, India
Monroe, MI
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Dustmaster Enviro Systems Dustmaster is the performance proven solution for treating and stabilizing both hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials. Dust Control and Loading Systems, Inc. Dust Control and Loading Systems, Inc, (DCL) is a privately held company developed to provide full dust control loading systems as well as partial components to the bulk material handling industry. F.L.Smidth Inc. The Pneumatic Transport Division of F.L.Smidth specializes in the design and manufacture of numerous materials handling systems, including those for conveying fly ash. Fossil Energy Research Corp. FERCO is an engineering services R&D company specializing in combustion and emissions control. Founded in 1984, the companys goal is to provide research, pilotscale development, and full-scale evaluation to industry and government in the area of applied energy and environmental systems. Gardner Denver Blower Division Gardner Denver is a leading manufacturer of positive displacement and centrifugal blowers, and exhauster and vacuum pumps commonly installed in fly ash conveying systems. Location Pewaukee, WI Training X Consulting X Repair
Charlevoix, MI
Bethlehem, PA
Laguna Hills, CA
Peachtree City, GA
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Headwaters Resources, Inc. Operating coast to coast, Headwaters Resources is an organization supplying materials derived from coal combustion products. Materials such as fly ash are produced principally at coal-fueled electric power plants. Fly ash use improves concrete performance, making it stronger, more durable, and more resistant to chemical attack. Fly ash use also creates significant benefits for our environment. Headwaters Resources has invested heavily in terminals and transportation equipment to provide reliable service to fly ash purchasers. And Headwaters Resources provides a comprehensive suite of services to utility and industrial generators of coal combustion products. Illinois Clean Coal Institute The Illinois Clean Coal Institute (ICCI) Coal Research and Development (R&D) Program is the technical component of the Office of Coal Development (OCD) of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). OCD deals with developing and conducting the Illinois Coal R&D program. The function of the ICCI is to promote the development and application of new and/or improved technologies that contribute to the economic and environmentally sound use of Illinois coal. This will be accomplished using outside contractors to conduct R&D, evaluation studies and the development of concepts to assist producers and users of Illinois coal in an increasingly competitive marketplace, and to create new markets for Illinois coal. Location South Jordan, UT Training Consulting X Repair
Carterville, IL
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Industrial Accessories Company Industrial Accessories Company is a hightechnology designer and fabricator of pneumatic conveying, dust collection, and bulk material handling equipment, to include baghouses, binvents, filter receivers, pressure blowers & vacuum blowers. OEM (original equipment manufacturer) status gives this organization the discounted buying power to provide replacement parts for all brands of equipment, such as airlocks, knife gates, fans, pipe & tubing, pulse timer boards & panels, bag filters & bag cages, level detector, gauges, hoses, silencers, & much more at very competitive prices. IAC also stocks tubesheets, cleanair plenums, and critical blower components. Lehigh University, Energy Research Center The Energy Research Center is a multidisciplinary research group involving professional staff, faculty, and students. As the focal point for energy-related research at Lehigh, the Center manages the Universitys energy research program and serves as the main energy research contact between the University, industry and government. The faculty and staff of the Center participate in many aspects of energy research, with major emphasis on research dealing with energy conversion, power generation and environmental control. The Centers projects cover the spectrum from fundamental engineering and science issues to applied research topics. Macawber Engineering, Inc. Macawber has pioneered the use of very heavy pipeline loading for ash and other combustion waste materials from boiler plants. Generally known as dense-phase pneumatic conveying the benefits of low energy cost and very low maintenance has been proved in very many installations throughout the world. Location Mission, KS Training Consulting Repair X
Bethlehem, PA
Maryville, TN
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Marsulex Environmental Technologies Marsulex Power Generation Group provides out-sourced environmental services, primarily air quality compliance, to power generators that enable them to meet environmental compliance obligations, achieve fuel flexibility and access to the savings of lower cost high-sulfur fuel as well as cost avoidance opportunities and enhanced by-product revenues. As the worlds largest provider of traditional flue gas desulfurization systems - 157 units in service, 102 of them outside North America - Marsulex understands the needs of power generators. Metso Minerals Metso Minerals is a leading global supplier of equipment, service and process solutions to industries including quarrying and aggregates production, mining and minerals processing, construction and civil engineering, and recycling and waste management. Mineral Resource Technologies Mineral Resource Technologies, Inc. (MRT), a subsidiary of CEMEX, Inc. is one of the fastest growing providers of quality fly ash, bottom ash and other pozzolanic products in the US and the leading service provider to the utility industry for coal combustion products (CCPs) management services. MRT also has a complete line of patented manufactured products made primarily of fly ash. Location Toronto, ON Canada Training X Consulting X Repair
New York, NY
The Woodlands, TX
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Mintek Resources, Inc. Projects in the mining and minerals processing industries have to achieve acceptable technical, performance, and environmental risks. Mintek has developed a spectrum of skills, services, products, and technologies to meet those demands. Our scope of industry support has a history of technological innovation. Carbon-in-pulp gold processing, uranium recovery, gold refineries, DC arc furnaces, plant control systems, and bio-leaching are a firm part of the Mintek pedigree. Our environmental technologies are specially engineered to extract maximum value from dusts, slags and wastes. To add value to metals and alloys we increasingly make use of the science of nanotechnology. National Conveyors Company, Inc. National Conveyors Company, Inc. is an internationally respected engineering and manufacturing firm specializing in the design and supply of bulk materials processing systems for the metal working and power industries. National Conveyors systems are in use worldwide. The company is also frequently retained as a consultant to evaluate complex materials handling issues. Location Dayton, OH; State College, PA; and Vincennes, IN Training Consulting X Repair
East Granby, CT
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization N-Viro International Corporation N-Viro International is a publicly traded company providing waste management technologies and support services and an industry leader in the development of biomineral (organic and alkaline materials) treatment technology. Today, over 100 governmental agencies and private companies use N-Viro technologies to manufacture over 1 million tons of product annually. N-Viro technology combines multiple waste/resources within the community, creating value-added commercial products for sale and distribution in lieu of destruction and disposal. N-Viro International will provide licenses to its technologies to all public and private entities. Ohio Coal Development Office The Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO), within the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority (OAQDA), co-funds the development and implementation of technologies that can use Ohios vast reserves of high sulfur coal in an economical, environmentally sound manner. This is important as numerous energy forecasts project coal to fuel at least half of the nations electric power production through 2015 and probably beyond. Pennsylvania State University, Materials Research Institute MRI coordinates, supports, and performs materials research. MRI provides a focal point for access to Penn State materials research facilities and fosters the creation of formal and informal interdisciplinary groups as well as materials centers that address complex problems in health, the environment, energy, and national security. Location Toledo, OH Training X Consulting X Repair
Columbus, OH
State College, PA
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Pittsburgh Mineral & Environmental Technology (PMET), Inc. Pittsburgh Mineral & Environmental Technology, Inc. (PMET) is a full-service technology development and service company specializing in metals and minerals processing, coal ash utilization, waste stream management, and precision analysis. We develop and commercialize technologies dedicated to waste minimization, waste treatment, and the conversion of industrial wastes to safe, usable, and profitable products. PMETs unique combination of state-of-the-art integrated materials analysis capabilities, process development skills, and pilot plant design and operation capabilities provides full-service solutions to a wide range of materials processing and environmental problems. PMET has assisted mining, minerals, chemical, and metals companies and electric power generators worldwide in improving the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of their operations; reducing waste; and converting formally landfilled wastes into profitable commercial products. PMETs integrated analytical and process development services are performed for clients on a contract basis and are also employed by PMET to develop proprietary technologies currently being commercialized or available for commercialization. ReUse Technology, Inc. ReUse Technology is a manufacturing organization specializing is the development of agricultural and ash-based construction products. Location New Brighton, PA Training X Consulting X Repair
Kennesaw, GA
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Sargent & Lundy, LLC Sargent & Lundy provides technical engineering and consulting services to the fossil power industry. Sargent & Lundy is supporting clients across the U.S. and globally with expert air quality engineering, consultancy, and retrofit implementation. Their expertise is state-of-the-art in solving the technical, economical, and regulatory challenges facing owners and operators of fossil-fired power generating facilities. Separation Technologies, Inc. STI has been marketing and processing fly ash since July of 1995. STIs separation technology is the first and only commercial electrostatic based, high volume, fine particle separation process in the world. We have created the first truly differentiated fly ash brand "ProAsh". An adjacent technology for removing ammonia from fly ash has also been developed. STI devotes significant resources to R&D and technical and economic analysis, to allow it to anticipate and respond to customer needs with new technical and business solutions, and to provide clients with a better understanding of strategic options for their coal combustion products. Solvera Controls Solvera Controls is a leading provider of design, installation, and services for auxiliary control systems in the utilities and heavy industrial markets. Solvera Controls is focused on being the leader in the integration of particulate delivery, conversion, cleaning, and collection and disposal systems. Location Chicago, IL Training X Consulting X Repair
Needham, MA
Solon, OH
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Sphere Services, Inc. Sphere Services is a user of fly ash and other fossil fuel combustion by-products, and a manufacturer of cenospheres. A cenosphere is a lightweight, inert, hollow sphere comprised largely of silica and alumina and filled with air and/or gases. Cenospheres are a naturally occurring byproduct of the burning process at coal-fired power plants, and they have most of the same properties as manufactured hollowsphered products. Stock Equipment Company Stock Equipment specializes in the design and manufacture of coal feeders, mass flowhoppers, and downspouts; coal and other bulk material handling valves; conical nonsegregating coal distributors; feeder and weighing systems for a wide variety of bulk materials. The Center for Energy Systems Research, Tennessee Technical University The former Center for Electric Power, has changed its name to reflect an expanded research focus while still performing a service to the electric power industry. When considered broadly, energy systems research can direct researchers into many new fields. For example, new composite materials could be more energy efficient to use and to produce. The new moniker easily encompasses the broad spectrum of projects that center researchers are studying from bridge design, to robotics, to construction materials, fluid flow modeling, and of course power plant efficiency. Location Clinton, TN Training Consulting X Repair
Chagrin Falls, OH
Cookeville, TN
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization The International Center for Aggregates Research (ICAR) ICAR The International Center for Aggregates Research (ICAR) was established by the Aggregates Foundation for Technology, Research and Education (AFTRE). The National Stone Association and National Aggregates Association (NAA), representing the aggregates industry, established AFTRE to promote research, education and technology transfer related to aggregates. The SEFA Group For over a quarter of a century, The SEFA Group has excelled in our mission of maximizing the utilization of coal combustion products for our Utility Partners. Through creative solutions tailored to each utilitys situation, The SEFA Group continues to execute proven strategies that make things happen. Trans-Ash, Inc. Trans-Ash is committed to being the leader in total ash management by challenging conventional methods with superior service to create added value for our customers. Tribo Flow Separations, LLC (TFS) TFS provides solutions for purifying dry, fine-sized powders and for measuring the foam capacities of powders and liquids. Using its gas transport, triboelectric purification (TEP) technology and automated foam index technique (AFIT), TFS also offers consulting and services, focused and collaborative R&D, and equipment sales. Location Austin, TX Training X Consulting X Repair
West Columbia, SC
Cincinnati, OH
Lexington, KY
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization United Conveyor Corporation United Conveyor Corporation (UCC) has devoted its efforts exclusively to the design, supply, construction, and maintenance of ash handling and other abrasive material handling systems. UCC designs customengineered systems to meet the specific requirements of an individual power plant or utility installation, or other industrial application. Universal Aggregates LLC Universal Aggregates LLC was formed in January 2000 as a joint venture between CONSOL Energy, Inc. and SynAggs Inc. to commercialize a patented technology developed by CONSOL Energy that converts coal combustion by-products (fly ash, bottom ash, fluidized-bed combustion (FBC), and FGD material) from power plants into a lightweight construction aggregate. W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Gore pioneered the use of GORE-TEX ePTFE membrane for air filtration applications. This single advancement revolutionized filtration theory and practice alike. No longer does filtration efficiency depend on a flow-inhibiting, primary dust cake within the intricacies of the filter media. From startup, GORE-TEX membrane filtration products provide optimum performance in the form of low pressure drop, near zero emissions, and consistent flow rates. This, coupled with Gores extensive application knowledge and support team, lets us provide a totally integrated solution for your air filtration needs. For over 30 years W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. has been providing technically advanced system solutions to meet the needs of a variety of industries. Location Waukegan, IL Training X Consulting X Repair X
Bridgeville, PA
Newark, DE
Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair
Table 9-1 (cont.) Industry Resources for Fly Ash System Training, Consulting, and Repair Organization Western Region Ash Group The Western Region Ash Group is an informal association of producers, users, regulators, researchers and others interested in coal combustion products (CCPs). These materials include fly ash, bottom ash, and flue gas desulfurization residues. Members are involved in reuse of CCPs including researching new applications or making others aware of the many uses of these versatile products. Location Littleton, CO Training X Consulting X Repair
10.1 Regulations and Regulatory Guidance
1. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-3, Mineral Dusts. 2. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-1, Limits for Air Contaminants. 3. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1915.1000, Air Contaminants. 4. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1926.55 Appendix A, Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists.
11. Sootblowing Application and Maintenance Guide. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2001. 1004005. 12. System and Equipment Troubleshooting Guideline. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1003093. 13. Proceedings: 15th International American Coal Ash Association Symposium on Management and Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs): Building Partnerships for Sustainability. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2003. 1007954. 14. Guidelines for Using Ash/Organic Waste Mixtures in Horticulture and Turf Production. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004398. 15. New Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete Using High Carbon Fly Ash. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004596. 16. Development of High Volume Fly Ash Blended Cements. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2001. 1004030. 17. Development of Ternary Blends for High Performance Concrete. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004077. 18. Preventive Maintenance Basis, Volumes 1-38. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1998. TR-106857.
8. Maintenance Instructions: Air Lock Valve, 35 Cu. Ft., Style III/Style IV, MI-V215-7b, AllenSherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 9. Maintenance Instructions: Air Lock Valve, Style IV, 25 Cu. Ft., MI-V215-7c, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 10. Maintenance Instructions: Ashcolite Piping, MI-P360-1a, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 11. Maintenance Instructions: ASHvacTM Segregating Valve, MI-V201, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 12. Maintenance Instructions: Hydrovactor with Lined Throat, MI-H550-1, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 13. Maintenance Instructions: Pugmill Unloader, MI-M220-4V, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 14. Maintenance Instructions: Rotary Feeder (Non-reversing), MI-F150-1Va, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 15. Maintenance Instructions: Type E Materials Handling Valve, MI-V217-3, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005. 16. Operations and Maintenance Manual: #1700 Pressure/Vacuum Device, Model 1700-03-2431, Clay & Bailey Manufacturing Company, Kansas City, MO: 2005. 17. Parts List, Operating and Service Manual: Gardner Denver CycloBlower Blower/Vacuum Pumps, 7CDL-P Series, 37-1-614, Version 01, Gardner Denver Blower Division, Peachtree City, GA: 2003 18. Pressure Fly Ash System Operating Description, Guangdong Zhuhai Power Station, FA-1, Allen-Sherman-Hoff, Inc., Malvern, PA: 2005.
This appendix is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for fly ash material. Product. Fly ash Hazardous Nature. This product is potentially classified as hazardous depending on jurisdiction and use. Product Identification. Pozzolan, Fly Ash, Class F Fly Ash, Class C Fly Ash Use. Supplementary cementious material for concrete and concrete products. Also used in soil stabilization and as a fine filler in asphalt and other products. Hazardous Chemical Code. Not applicable Poisons Schedule. Not scheduled Dangerous Goods Class. Not applicable Physical Description and Properties Appearance. Fine powder, light to dark grey or shades of brown or buff in color. Boiling/melting point. Melting point > 1400C. Vapor pressure. Not applicable Percent volatiles. Not applicable Specific gravity. 2.05 to 2.8 Flash point. Not applicable Flammability limits. Not applicable Auto ignition temp. Not applicable Solubility in water. Essentially insoluble. Some Class C fly ashes can have soluble sodium sulfate (18%). Respirable fraction. Approximately 2040% of particles are less than 7 microns in diameter (that is, in the respirable range) Other properties. Not applicable A-1
Health Hazard Information Short-Term Exposure Swallowed. Unlikely under normal conditions of use. Swallowing fly ash can cause abdominal discomfort. Eyes. Irritating to eyes causing watering and redness. Skin. Irritating to skin; can cause irritant or contact dermatitis from mechanical abrasion or alkaline composition (Class C fly ash). Inhaled. Irritating to the nose, throat, and respiratory tract, causing coughing and sneezing.
Long-Term Exposure Swallowed. Not applicable Eyes. Not applicable Skin. Not applicable Inhaled. Repeated inhalation of dust containing crystalline silica can cause bronchitis, silicosis (scarring of the lung), and lung cancer. It can also increase the risk of scleroderma (a disease affecting the connective tissue of the skin, joints, blood vessels, and internal organs). Studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of bronchitis, silicosis, and lung cancer in persons exposed to crystalline silica. It is recommended that all storage and work areas should be smoke-free zones. Inhalation of high levels of fly ash dust can result in severe inflammation of the small airways of the lung and asthma-like symptoms.
First Aid Swallowed. Give plenty of water to drink. If any acute gastrointestinal distress occurs, seek medical attention. Eyes. Flush thoroughly with flowing water for 15 minutes. If symptoms or irritation persist, seek medical attention.
Skin. Wash thoroughly with mild soap and water. Some Class C fly ashes are quite hydraulic and alkaline; contact with wet skin can result in burns. Inhaled. Remove to fresh air away from dusty area. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Exposure Limits Silica-Crystalline, as Quartz: 0.2 mg/m3 time-weighted average (TWA) as respirable dust. Dust (not otherwise specified): 10 mg/m3 TWA as inspirable dust. However, where a state, territory, or local authority prescribes a lower exposure standard, the lower standard applies. Recommendations. Keep exposure to dust as low as practicable. Respirable crystalline silica levels should be kept below 0.1 mg/m3 TWA and respirable dust below 5 mg/m3 TWA.
Engineering Controls Avoid generating dust. When handling fly ash, use local mechanical ventilation or extraction in areas where dust could escape into the work environment. For bulk deliveries, closed pumping systems are recommended. For handling of individual bags, follow instructions below if no local exhaust ventilation is available. Work areas should be cleaned regularly by wet sweeping or vacuuming. If generating dust cannot be avoided, follow personal protection recommendations below. Personal Protection Skin. Wear loose comfortable clothing. Wash work clothes regularly. Apply barrier cream to hands or wear cotton or light-duty leather gloves or equivalent. Eyes. Safety spectacles with side shields or safety goggles should be worn if dust is likely to be generated. Respiratory. None required if engineering and handling controls are adequate. If dust is generated, wear a suitable particulate respirator. Use only respirators that bear the standards mark and are fitted correctly. Note that persons with facial hair will have difficulty in obtaining a satisfactory face seal. Ventilation. Refer to Engineering Controls. Flammability. Nonflammable.
Storage and Transport Keep in a dry place. When handled pneumatically, use standard dust filters on vehicles and silos. Spills and disposal. Follow safety requirements under Precautions for Use and wet sweep or vacuum dust with industrial vacuum cleaner. A fine water spray should be used to suppress dust when sweeping. Collect in containers and dispose of as trade waste in accordance with local authority guidelines. Keep out of storm water and sewer drains. Fire/explosion hazard. Not flammable. Does not decompose on heating.
B.1 Key O&M Cost Points
Key O&M Cost Point Emphasizes information that will result in overall reduced costs and/or increase in revenue through additional or restored energy production.
Key Point In some rare cases in which distance rules out the use of a vacuum system alone, it can be more economical to combine a vacuum system with a pressure system. The vacuum system, with its simplified controls, removes ash at an optimal rate. The pressure system, reduced to one transfer point with a minimum of controls, then delivers collected ash to any terminal point at a distance of several thousand feet. The combination vacuum/pressure system provides the least complex controls of any long-distance pneumatic conveying system. As a rule of thumb, if the repair costs 50% or less of the replacement cost, repair should be considered. If the percentage is greater, replacement is generally the best option. A variety of factors enter into determining disposal costs. The lowest cost occurs when a disposal site is located near the power plant and the material being disposed can be easily handled. If the material can be piped, rather than trucked, costs are usually lower. In these situations, costs can be as low as US $35 per ton. In other areas, when a disposal site is far away and the material must be handled several times due to its moisture content or volume, costs could range from US $20$40 per ton.
Key Point Vacuum systems are generally preferable to pressure systems because in the event of a leak in the system piping joints, vacuum systems pull air into the system rather than allowing particulates to escape, thus leaving a cleaner environment. A vacuum system is recommended for capacities of less than 60 tons per hour (TPH) per system. If the conveying distance is more than 800 ft, an evaluation will need to be made to determine whether a vacuum or pressure system is more feasible. There are two types of pressure systems: dilute-phase systems and dense-phase systems. Dilute-phase systems usually have an ashto-air volumetric ratio of 15:1, sometimes as high as 30:1. Densephase systems usually have an ash-to-air ratio of 40:1 to 50:1, sometimes as high as 80:1. Advantages of the vacuum system include low headroom requirements below the collection hoppers and the ability to stop and restart automatically. Vacuum systems are intended for conveying distances up to 1500 ft (450 m). Like all pressure conveying systems, dense-phase conveying systems use pressurized vessels to feed ash into the conveying line. However, these systems operate at pressures up to 60 psig (415 kPa), have smaller pipelines, and require less conveying air flow than the lower-pressure systems. Therefore, dense-phase systems can be used for longer conveying distances than dilute-phase systemsup to 5200 ft (1600 m). Predictive maintenance tasks are performed based on equipment condition. Predictive maintenance relies on technologies to determine the current condition of the equipment so that only the required maintenance is performed before equipment failure. Periodic maintenance consists of time-based PM actions taken to maintain a piece of equipment within design operating conditions and to extend its life. Corrective maintenance tasks are generated as a result of equipment failure. Corrective tasks are generated when equipment is purposely operated to failure and also when equipment failure is not desired or planned. It is the most basic form of maintenance and also the most expensive. Most plants are moving away from corrective maintenance but a portion of maintenance will always be performed as a result of equipment failure.
Key Point Existing data indicate the presence of potentially toxic components such as crystalline silica and arsenic in coal fly ash. Inhalation of crystalline silica and arsenic can cause respiratory tract diseases such as silicosis and lung cancer; exposure to these substances is regulated by OSHA. After shutdown of the unit, the fly ash can take a long time to cool down. Therefore, even days after shutdown, the ash can burn personnel coming into contact with it.
Objectifs Identifier les pratiques en matire de maintenance prventive et corrective des composants de systmes de transport des cendres
Aider le personnel d'entretien l'identification et la dfinition des problmes d'entretien des systmes de transport de cendre
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 But et porte .................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Fond .............................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.3 Structure du rapport et synthse du contenu ................................................................. 1-3 1.4 Glossaire des termes et des acronymes ........................................................................1-5 1.4.1 Dfinitions et nomenclature industrielles ............................................................... 1-5 1.4.2 Acronymes ............................................................................................................. 1-6 1.5 Relations avec EPRI FMAC et avec d'autres rapports de l'EPRI................................... 1-7 1.6 Facteurs de conversion pour les units utilises dans ce rapport ................................. 1-8 1.7 Points cls ..................................................................................................................... 1-9 2 PARAMETRES DES SYSTEMES DE CENDRES VOLANTES ........................................... 2-1 2.1 Types et caractristiques des cendres volantes ........................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Cendre d'conomiseur ........................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Cendre de chaufferette d'air .................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.3 Cendre de dpoussireur lectrostatique .............................................................. 2-1 2.1.4 Cendre de Baghouse ............................................................................................. 2-2 2.1.5 Chimie typique des cendres volantes de charbon ................................................. 2-2 2.2 Types de convoyeurs de cendres volantes .................................................................... 2-5 2.2.1 Vue d'ensemble d'un convoyeur pneumatique ...................................................... 2-7 2.2.2 Pression de convoyage de cendres volantes ....................................................... 2-10 2.2.3 Dpression de convoyage de cendres volantes .................................................. 2-10 2.2.4 Dpression/pression de convoyage de cendres volantes ................................... 2-11 2.2.5 Convoyage de cendres volantes en phase dense................................................ 2-12 2.3 Introduction aux composants des systme de convoyage de cendres volantes ......... 2-14 2.3.1 Tuyau rsistant l'abrasion.................................................................................. 2-21 2.3.2 Compresseur d'air ............................................................................................... 2-21 2.3.3 Convoyeur gravit d'air ..................................................................................... 2-22
2.3.4 Soupape Airlock .................................................................................................. 2-22 2.3.5 Silo de stockage de cendre ................................................................................. 2-23 2.3.6 Coffre de transfert de cendre ............................................................................... 2-24 2.3.7 Collecteur et filtre de cendres volantes des systmes de dpression ................. 2-24 2.3.8 Rcipient de phase dense ................................................................................... 2-25 2.3.9 Dchargeuse de la poussire sche .................................................................... 2-25 2.3.10 Soupape d'quilibrage ....................................................................................... 2-27 2.3.11 Garnitures .......................................................................................................... 2-29 2.3.12 Ventilateur de transport de cendres volantes .................................................... 2-31 2.3.13 Trmie de distributeur ........................................................................................ 2-31 2.3.14 Pompe de dpression de cendres volantes ...................................................... 2-31 2.3.15 Dispositif hydraulique de dpression ................................................................. 2-31 2.3.16 Soupape de manutention ................................................................................... 2-33 2.3.17 Dchargeuse de Pugmill ................................................................................... 2-35 2.3.18 Trappe de sret ............................................................................................... 2-38 2.3.19 Alimentation rotative .......................................................................................... 2-39 2.3.20 Ventilateur d'aration de silo ............................................................................. 2-40 2.3.21 Trappe de fermeture .......................................................................................... 2-40 2.3.22 Filtre d'vent ...................................................................................................... 2-40 ENTRETIEN PREVENTIF DES COMPOSANTS DU SYSTEME DE CENDRES VOLANTES ............................................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Conseils gnraux ......................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Entretien prventif ................................................................................................. 3-1 Entretien prdictif ........................................................................................... 3-2 Entretien priodique ....................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.2 Maintenance corrective ......................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Conseils d'entretien des systmes de cendres volantes ............................................... 3-3 BASE DE L'ENTRETIEN PREVENTIF ................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Fond .............................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Emplacements des dfaut, mcanismes de dgradation, et stratgies de maintenance prventive (P.M). ........................................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Tches de P.M. et mcanismes de dgradation ........................................................... 4-8 4.4 Description d'entretien prventif .................................................................................. 4-10 4.5 Description des tches d'entretien prventif ............................................................... 4-12
MISE HORS SERVICE ET DEPANNAGES ............................................................................ 5-1 5.1 Conseils gnraux ......................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 Facteurs quantifiables pour l'tude de cot conomique ...................................... 5-5 5.1.2 Facteurs qualitatifs principaux dans le processus dcisionnel .............................. 5-6 5.2 Dpannage et remplacement des composants des systme de cendres volantes ...... 5-7 DEPANNAGE DU SYSTEME ET COMPOSANT DE L'APPAREILLAGE DE CENDRES VOLANTES .............................................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 Dpannage du Systme................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Systme de convoyage pression ........................................................................ 6-4 6.1.2 Systme de convoyage dpression .................................................................... 6-4 6.1.3 Systme de convoyage dpression/pression ..................................................... 6-5 6.1.4 Systme de convoyage phase dense.................................................................. 6-5 6.2 Dpannage des composants installs dans le systme de convoyage de cendres volantes ................................................................................................................................ 6-5 DEPOSE ET ENLEVEMENT DU SYSTEME DE LA CENTRALE CENTRALE ...................... 7-1 7.1 Analyse des cots et des facteurs d'enlevement du dispositif de cendres volantes ..... 7-1 7.1.1 Type de matriau ................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.2 Emplacement ......................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.3 Mthodes de transport ........................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.4 Le climat et terrain ................................................................................................. 7-2 7.1.5 Conditions reglementaires...................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 7-3 7.2 Traitement du matriel ................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.1 Prparation du site ................................................................................................ 7-3 7.2.2 livraison et manutention hors Site ......................................................................... 7-3 7.2.3 Dissmination des Cendres volantes .................................................................... 7-3 7.2.4 Matriel de compactage des cendres volantes ..................................................... 7-4 7.2.5 Contrle d'humidit ................................................................................................ 7-5 7.2.6 Restrictions de mto ............................................................................................ 7-5 7.2.7 Insensibilit aux variations d'humidit ................................................................... 7-5 7.3 Dcharge des cendres volantes dans des trous d'eau ................................................. 7-6 7.4 Considrations environnementales de dcharge des cendres volantes ........................ 7-7 7.5 Utilisations commerciale des cendres volantes ............................................................. 7-8
QUALIFICATION DES PERSONNELS, FORMATION, ET CONSIDERATIONS DE SECURITE ............................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Qualification et formation de personnel ......................................................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Oprateurs du systme de cendres volantes ........................................................ 8-1 8.1.2 Contrematres principaux ...................................................................................... 8-2 8.1.3 Personnel d'entretien des systme de cendres volantes ...................................... 8-2 8.2 Scurit du personnel ................................................................................................... 8-2 8.2.1 Rapport technique d'EPRI ..................................................................................... 8-2 8.2.2 Propositions d'OSHA ............................................................................................. 8-5 9 RESSOURCES INDUSTRIELLES POUR LA FORMATION, LE CONSEIL, ET LE DEPANNAGE SUR LES SYSTEMES DE CENDRES VOLANTES 10 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 10-1 10.1 Rglementations et conseils reglementaires ............................................................. 10-1 10.2 Conseils industriels ................................................................................................... 10-1 10.3 Rapports techniques d'EPRI ..................................................................................... 10-1 10.4 Procdures et instructions de service et d'entretien .................................................. 10-2 10.5 Littrature des constructeurs ..................................................................................... 10-2 10.6 Compte rendus de confrence .................................................................................. 10-3 FICHE TECHNIQUE DE SECURITE DES CENDRES VOLANTES ...................................... A-1 LISTE D'INFORMATIONS PRINCIPALES ............................................................................ B-1 Remarques principales du cot de fonctionnement et maintenance................................... B-1 Remarques techniques principales .................................................................................... B-2 Facteur humain .................................................................................................................. B-3
1.................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 ........................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 ................................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.3 .................................................................................. 1-3 1.4 .............................................................................................................1-5 1.4.1 ..................................................................................... 1-5 1.4.2 ......................................................................................................................... 1-6 1.5 EPRI FMACEPRI .....................................................................1-7 1.6 ........................................................................... 1-8 1.7 ................................................................................................................... 1-9 2() .................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 ................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.1 .................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 .................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.3 .................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.4 ................................................................................................... 2-2 2.1.5 .............................................................................. 2-2 2.2 ............................................................................................. 2-5 2.2.1 ................................................................... 2-7 2.2.2 ................................................................................ 2-10 2.2.3 ................................................................................ 2-10 2.2.4 / .................................................................... 2-11 2.2.5 (Dense-Phase) ........................................................ 2-12 2.3 ........................................................................................... 2-14 2.3.1 ......................................................................................................... 2-21
2.3.2 ............................................................................................................. 2-21 2.3.3 .......................................................................................... 2-22 2.3.4 ........................................................................................................ 2-22 2.3.5 ..................................................................................................... 2-23 2.3.6 ......................................................................................................... 2-24 2.3.7 .................................................. 2-24 2.3.8 Dense Phase ............................................................................................. 2-25 2.3.9 ....................................................................................... 2-25 2.3.10 .................................................................................................................. 2-27 2.3.11 .................................................................................................................. 2-29 2.3.12 ................................................................................................ 2-31 2.3.13 ......................................................................................... 2-31 2.3.14 ................................................................................................... 2-31 2.3.15 ....................................................................................................... 2-31 2.3.16 ....................................................................................................... 2-33 2.3.17 Pugmill .............................................................................................. 2-35 2.3.18 ....................................................................................................... 2-38 2.3.19 ................................................................................................... 2-39 2.3.20 ............................................................................................ 2-40 2.3.21 ....................................................................................................... 2-40 2.3.22 .................................................................................................. 2-40 3 ................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 ...................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 .................................................................................................................. 3-1 .......................................................................................................... 3-2 .......................................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.2 .................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.2 ............................................................................... 3-3 4 ....................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 ................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 .................................................. 4-2
4.3 ....................................................................... 4-8 4.4 ............................................................................................... 4-10 4.5 .......................................................................................................4-12 5 ...................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 ...................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 ................................................. 5-5 5.1.2 ................................................................... 5-6 5.2........................................................................ 5-7 6 .......................................................... 6-1 6.1 - ................................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 ..........................................................................................6-4 6.1.2 ..........................................................................................6-4 6.1.3 / ............................................................................. 6-5 6.1.4 ................................................................................................ 6-5 6.2 ......................... 6-5 7 ............................................................................... 7-1 7.1 ........................................................................ 7-1 7.1.1 ........................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.2 ......................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.3 .................................................................................................................. 7-2 7.1.4 ....................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.5 .................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.6 ......................................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2 ................................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.1............................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.2 ..................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.3 ........................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.4 ............................................................................................. 7-4 7.2.5 .................................................................................................................. 7-5 7.2.6............................................................................................................... 7-5
7.2.7 ............................................................................................. 7-5 7.3 ..................................................................................................7-6 7.4 ................................................................................................. 7-7 7.5 ............................................................................................................... 7-8 8 ................................................................. 8-1 8.1 .................................................................................. 8-1 8.1.1 ............................................................................................. 8-1 8.1.2 .................................................................................... 8-2
8.1.3 .................................................................................. 8-2 8.2 ............................................................................................................ 8-2 8.2.1 EPRI .............................................................................................. 8-2 8.2.2 OSHA ) ............................................................................ 8-5 9 9-1 10 ..................................................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1 ................................................................................................ 10-1 10.2 ........................................................................................................... 10-1 10.3 EPRI .................................................................................................. 10-1 10.4 ......................................................... 10-2 10.5 ........................................................................................................... 10-2 10.6 ............................................................................................................... 10-3 A ................................................................................................ A-1 B .......................................................................................................... B-1 B.1O&M ........................................................................................... B-1 B.2 ........................................................................................ B-2 B.3 ................................................................... B-3
1-1 ................................................................................... 1-4 2-1 ......................................................................................................... 2-6 2-2 ........................................................................................ 2-10 2-3 ........................................................................................ 2-11 2-4 / ............................................................................. 2-12 2-5 Dense-Phase) .............................................................. 2-23 2-7 .............................................................................................................. 2-24 2-8 .......................................................................................................... 2-26 2-9 II ............................................................................................................ 2-27 2-10 III ......................................................................................................... 2-28 2-11 ...................................................................................... 2-29 2-12 .......................................................................................... 2-29 2-13 ................................................................................... 2-30 2-14 .......................................................................................... 2-31 2-15 ..................................................................................................... 2-32 2-16 ................................................................................................. 2-33 2-17/ ........................................................................................................... 2-35 2-18 Pugmill ...................................................................................................... 2-36 2-19 ...............................................................................................2-37 2-20 .........................................................................................................2-38 2-21 ................................................................................................................ 2-39 2-22 ........................................................................................................... 2-41 5-1 ....................................................................................... 5-2 5-2 ........................................................................ 5-4 6-1 ( ) .................... 6-2 6-2 ( ) ...................................................................................................... 6-3 7-1 ..................................................................... 7-5 7-2 ......................................................................................................... 7-7
1-1 ........................................................................ 1-8 2-1 ........................................................................ 2-2 2-2 ...................... 2-3 2-3(F) ............................................................. 2-4 2-4 ............................. 2-8 2-5 (Dense-Phase) ...2-9 2-6 ...................................................................... 2-14 2-7 ............................................................... 2-16 3-1 ................................................... 3-4 4-1 ............4-4 4-2 ............................. 4-8 4-3 ............................................. 4-11 5-1 ............................................... 5-7 6-1 - ................. 6-4 6-2 - ................. 6-5 6-3 -......................... 6-6 6-4 ......................................................................................................................... 6-20 7-1 .......................................................................................... 7-4 8-1 ............................... 8-1 8-2 ................... 8-2 8-3 8-2 9-1 ........ 9-2
Objetivos Para determinar las prcticas de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo para los componentes del sistema de manejo de ceniza
Para asistir al personal de mantenimiento de la planta en la identificacin y la resolucin de los problemas del mantenimiento del sistema de manejo de la ceniza
1 INTRODUCCIN .................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Propsito y Alcance ....................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Antecedentes ................................................................................................................. 1-2 1.3 Estructura del Reporte y Resea del Contenido ............................................................ 1-3 1.4 Glosario de Trminos y de Siglas ..................................................................................1-5 1.4.1 Definiciones y Nomenclatura de la Industria ......................................................... 1-5 1.4.2 Siglas ..................................................................................................................... 1-6 1.5 Relacin con EPRI FMAC y Otros Reportes de EPRI .................................................. 1-7 1.6 Factores de Conversin para las Unidades Usadas en este Reporte ........................... 1-8 1.7 Puntos Dominantes ....................................................................................................... 1-9 2 PARMETROS DE DISEO DEL SISTEMA DE CENIZAS VOLANTES ........................... 2-1 2.1 Tipos y Caractersticas de las Cenizas Volantes .......................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Ceniza del Economizador ...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Ceniza del Calentador de Aire ............................................................................... 2-1 2.1.3 Ceniza del Precipitador Electroesttico ................................................................. 2-1 2.1.4 Ceniza de Filtros de Manga.................................................................................... 2-2 2.1.5 Qumica Tpica de las Cenizas Volantes de Carbn ............................................. 2-2 2.2 Tipos de Sistemas de Transportacin de Ceniza Volante ............................................ 2-5 2.2.1 Resea de los Sistemas de Transportacin de Cenizas Volantes Neumticas ..... 2-7 2.2.2 Sistema de Transportacin a Presin de las Cenizas Volantes ........................... 2-10 2.2.3 Sistema de Transportacin al Vaci de las Cenizas Volantes ............................ 2-10 2.2.4 Sistema de Transportacin a Presin/al Vaci de las Cenizas Volantes ............. 2-11 2.2.5 Sistema de Transportacin de Cenizas Volantes en la Fase Densa ................... 2-12 2.3 Introduccin a los Componentes del Sistema de las Cenizas Volantes ..................... 2-14 2.3.1 Tubo Resistente a Abrasin ................................................................................. 2-21 2.3.2 Compresor de Aire .............................................................................................. 2-21 2.3.3 Transportador de Gravedad del Aire ................................................................... 2-22
2.3.4 Vlvula de Bolsa de Aire ..................................................................................... 2-22 2.3.5 Silo de Almacenamiento de Ceniza ..................................................................... 2-23 2.3.6 Cajn de Transferencia de Ceniza ...................................................................... 2-24 2.3.7 Colector y Filtro de el Sistema al Vaci de las Cenizas Volantes ........................ 2-24 2.3.8 Tanque de Fase Densa ....................................................................................... 2-25 2.3.9 Descargador Polvo Seco...................................................................................... 2-25 2.3.10 Vlvula del Igualador ......................................................................................... 2-27 2.3.11 Herrajes ............................................................................................................. 2-29 2.3.12 Ventilador de Transporte de Cenizas Volantes ................................................. 2-31 2.3.13 Ventilador de Aeracin de Tolva ....................................................................... 2-31 2.3.14 Bomba al Vaco de Cenizas Volantes ............................................................... 2-31 2.3.15 Dispositivo Hidrulico al Vaco .......................................................................... 2-31 2.3.16 Vlvula del Manejo de Material ......................................................................... 2-33 2.3.17 Descargador de Pugmill .................................................................................... 2-35 2.3.18 Puerta de Descarga............................................................................................ 2-38 2.3.19 Alimentador Rotativo ......................................................................................... 2-39 2.3.20 Ventilador de Aeracin de Silo .......................................................................... 2-40 2.3.21 Entrada del Atajo ............................................................................................... 2-40 2.3.22 Filtro del Respiradero ........................................................................................ 2-40 3 MANTENIMIENTO PREVENTIVO PARA LOS COMPONENTES DEL SISTEMA DE CENIZAS VOLANTES ............................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Direccin General .......................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Mantenimiento Preventivo ..................................................................................... 3-1 Mantenimiento Proftico ................................................................................ 3-2 Mantenimiento Peridico ............................................................................... 3-2 3.1.2 Mantenimiento Correctivo ...................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Gua de Mantenimiento de Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ............... 3-3 4 BASE DEL MANTENIMIENTO PREVENTIVO .................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Antecedentes ................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Localizaciones de Falla, Mecanismos de Degradacin, y Estrategias de Mantenimiento Preventivo.................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Tareas de MP y Sus Mecanismos de la Degradacin .................................................. 4-8 4.4 Plantilla del Mantenimiento Preventivo ....................................................................... 4-10 4.5 Descripcin de las Tareas del Mantenimiento Preventivo .......................................... 4-12
5 PONIENDO FUERA DE SERVICIO Y REPARANDO.......................................................... 5-1 5.1 Gua General.................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 Factores Cuantificables para el Estudio de Costo Econmico .............................. 5-5 5.1.2 Factores Cualitativos Dominantes en el Proceso de Toma de Decisin ............... 5-6 5.2 Reparacin y Reemplazo de los Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ...... 5-7 6 LOCALIZACIN DE AVERAS DEL SISTEMA Y COMPONENTE DE LAS CENIZAS VOLANTES .............................................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 Localizacin de Averas del Sistema.............................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Sistema de Transportacin de Presin .................................................................. 6-4 6.1.2 Sistema de Transportacin al Vaco....................................................................... 6-4 6.1.3 Sistema de Transportacin al Vaco/Presin ......................................................... 6-5 6.1.4 Sistema de Transportacin de Fase Densa ........................................................... 6-5 6.2 Componentes de Localizacin de Averas Instalados en el Sistema de Transportacin de las Cenizas Volantes.............................................................................. 6-5 7 ELIMINACIN Y RETIRO DE LAS CENIZAS VOLANTES DE LA PLANTA ..................... 7-1 7.1 Anlisis de Costos y de Factores de la Eliminacin de Cenizas Volantes .................... 7-1 7.1.1 Tipo de Material ..................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.2 Situacin ................................................................................................................ 7-1 7.1.3 Mtodos de Transporte ......................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.4 Clima y Terreno ..................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.5 Requisitos Reguladores ........................................................................................ 7-2 7.1.6 Conclusin ............................................................................................................. 7-3 7.2 Manejando el Material de las Cenizas Volantes ........................................................... 7-3 7.2.1 Preparacin de la Instalacin ................................................................................ 7-3 7.2.2 Envi y Manejo de Lugares Afuera ........................................................................ 7-3 7.2.3 Cenizas Volantes que se Dispersan....................................................................... 7-3 7.2.4 Equipo de Compactacin para las Cenizas Volantes ............................................ 7-4 7.2.5 Control de Humedad ............................................................................................. 7-5 7.2.6 Restricciones de Tiempo ....................................................................................... 7-5 7.2.7 Insensibilidad a las Variaciones de Humedad ....................................................... 7-5 7.3 Eliminacin de las Cenizas Volantes en Lagos de Cenizas........................................... 7-6 7.4 Consideraciones Ambientales de la Eliminacin de Cenizas Volantes ......................... 7-7 7.5 Usos Comerciales de Ceniza Volante............................................................................ 7-8
8 CALIFICACIN DEL DEPERSONAL, ENTRENAMIENTO, Y CUESTIONES DE SEGURIDAD ............................................................................................................................ 8-1 8.1 Calificacin y Entrenamiento del Personal ................................................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Operadores del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ...................................................... 8-1 8.1.2 Supervisores de Primera Lnea ............................................................................. 8-2 8.1.3 Personal de Mantenimiento del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ............................. 8-2 8.2 Cuestiones de Seguridad del Personal .......................................................................... 8-2 8.2.1 Parte tcnico de EPRI ........................................................................................... 8-2 8.2.2 Ofertas del OSHA .................................................................................................. 8-5 9 RECURSOS DE LA INDUSTRIA PARA LA CONSULTA, EL ENTRENAMIENTO, Y LA REPARACIN DE SISTEMAS DE CENIZAS VOLANTES ................................................9-1 10 REFERENCIAS ................................................................................................................ 10-1 10.1 Regulaciones y Guas Reguladoras .......................................................................... 10-1 10.2 Gua de la industria ................................................................................................... 10-1 10.3 Reportes Tcnicos de EPRI ...................................................................................... 10-1 10.4 Procedimientos e Instrucciones de Mantenimiento de las Plantas ............................ 10-2 10.5 Literatura de los Fabricantes ..................................................................................... 10-2 10.6 Procedimientos de la Conferencia ............................................................................ 10-3 A HOJA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD DE MATERIALES DE CENIZAS VOLANTES ........ A-1 B LISTADO DE INFORMACIN DOMINANTE ..................................................................... B-1 B.1 Puntos Dominantes del Costo de O&M ........................................................................ B-1 B.2 Puntos Tcnicos Dominantes ....................................................................................... B-2 B.3 Puntos de Rendimiento Humando Dominantes............................................................ B-3
Figura 1-1 Alcance y Contenido de Este Reporte..................................................................... 1-4 Figura 2-1 Sistema de Almacenamiento de las Cenizas Volantes .......................................... 2-6 Figura 2-2 Sistema de Transportacin a Presin de las Cenizas Volantes ........................... 2-10 Figura 2-3 Sistema de Transportacin al Vaci de las Cenizas Volantes .............................. 2-11 Figura 2-4 Sistema de Transportacin a Presin/al Vaci de las Cenizas Volantes .............. 2-12 Figura 2-5 Sistema de Transportacin de Cenizas Volantes en la Fase Densa..................... 2-13 Figura 2-6 Vlvula de Bolsa de Aire ....................................................................................... 2-23 Figura 2-7 Silo de Almacenamiento de Ceniza....................................................................... 2-24 Figura 2-8 Tubo de Descarga Seca ....................................................................................... 2-26 Figura 2-9 Vlvula del Igualador del Estilo II A-S-H................................................................ 2-27 Figura 2-10 Vlvula del Igualador del Estilo III A-S-H............................................................. 2-28 Figura 2-11 Vlvulas del Igualador de Uno y Doble-Cilindro ................................................. 2-29 Figura 2-12 Herraje de Desgaste por Atrs Integral ............................................................... 2-29 Figura 2-13 Herraje de Desgaste por Atrs Reemplazable ................................................... 2-30 Figura 2-14 Configuracin Tpica de un Adaptador .............................................................. 2-31 Figura 2-15 Fotografa de Dispositivo Hidrulico al Vaco ...................................................... 2-32 Figura 2-16 Diagrama Esquemtico Del Dispositivo Hidrulico al Vaci................................ 2-33 Figura 2-17 Vlvula de Manejo de Material/Ceniza ................................................................ 2-35 Figura 2-18 Descargador de Pugmill ..................................................................................... 2-36 Figura 2-19 Descargador de la Mezcla de Paleta ...................................................................2-37 Figura 2-20 Descargador Rotativo ..........................................................................................2-38 Figura 2-21 Puerta de Descarga............................................................................................. 2-39 Figura 2-22 Filtro del Respiradero .......................................................................................... 2-41 Figura 5-1 Reparacin Genrica Comparado con Evaluacin de Reemplazo ......................... 5-2 Figura 5-2 Factores Considerados Durante el Proceso de Toma de Decisin ........................ 5-4 Figura 6-1 Proceso Genrico para el Sistema de Localizacin de Averas (Evaluacin Primaria) ........................................................................................................................... 6-2 Figura 6-2 Proceso Genrico para el Sistema de Localizacin de Averas (Sistema de Localizacin de Averas Detallado)................................................................................... 6-3 Figura 7-1 Dispersin y Compactacin de Relleno Estructural de Cenizas Volantes............... 7-5 Figura 7-2 Caminos de Movimiento del Agente Contaminador ............................................... 7-7
Tabla 1-1 Factores de Conversin Usadas en este Reporte .................................................... 1-8 Tabla 2-1 Qumica Tpica de las Cenizas Volantes de Carbn .............................................. 2-2 Tabla 2-2 Composicin Qumica de las Muestras Estndar de las Cenizas Volantes del Programa de los Materiales de Referencia y de la Ceniza del Carbn de Lignito .............2-3 Tabla 2-3 Anlisis Elemental del Trazo de la de las Cenizas Volantes de Carbn (Clase F) ...................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Tabla 2-4 Comparacin de Neumtico al Vaco Versus Sistema de Transportacin de de Cenizas Volantes de Presin ............................................................................................ 2-8 Tabla 2-5 Comparacin de la de la Diluir-Fase de la presin comparado con la ceniza de la Denso-Fase que transporta sistemas ............................................................................2-9 Tabla 2-6 los componentes tpicos de las cenizas volantes que transportan sistemas ........ 2-14 Tabla 2-7 Resea de las Caractersticas y de las Funciones de Componentes del Diseo ............................................................................................................................ 2-16 Tabla 3-1 Mantenimiento Preventivo Recomendado para los Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ........................................................................................................ 3-4 Tabla 4-1 Localizaciones de Falla, Mecanismos de Degradacin, y Estrategias de MP para los Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ................................................4-4 Tabla 4-2 Tareas de PM y sus Mecanismos de Degradacin para los Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes .......................................................................................... 4-8 Tabla 4-3 Plantilla de MP para los Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ............ 4-11 Tabla 5-1 Gua de Reparacin y Reemplazo para los Componentes del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes ............................................................................................................. 5-7 Tabla 6-1 Localizacin de Averas Recomendada para el Sistema de Transportacin a Presin de las Cenizas Volantes ...................................................................................... 6-4 Tabla 6-2 Localizacin de Averas Recomendada para el Sistema de Transportacin al Vaci de las Cenizas Volantes.......................................................................................... 6-5 Tabla 6-3 Localizacin de Averas Recomendada para los Componentes del Sistema de Transportacin de Cenizas Volantes ................................................................................ 6-6 Tabla 6-4 Localizacin de Averas Recomendada para los Ventiladores y los Compresores del Sistema de Transportacin de Cenizas Volantes ........................... 6-20 Tabla 7-1 Tipos de Equipo de Compactacin de Cenizas Volantes ........................................ 7-4 Tabla 8-1 Especializacin Tpica y Nivel de Experiencia - Operadores de Sistema de Cenizas Volantes .............................................................................................................. 8-1 Tabla 8-2 Especializacin Tpica y Nivel de Experiencia - Supervisores de Primera Lnea ..... 8-2 Tabla 8-3 Especializacin Tpica y Nivel de Experiencia - Sistemas de Primera Lnea ........... 8-2
Tabla 9-1 Recursos de la Industria para el Entrenamiento, la Consultar, y la Reparacin del Sistema de Cenizas Volantes .................................................................................... 9-2
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The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), with major locations in Palo Alto, California, and Charlotte, North Carolina, was established in 1973 as an independent, nonprofit center for public interest energy and environmental research. EPRI brings together members, participants, the Institutes scientists and engineers, and other leading experts to work collaboratively on solutions to the challenges of electric power. These solutions span nearly every area of electricity generation, delivery, and use, including health, safety, and environment. EPRIs members represent over 90% of the electricity generated in the United States. International participation represents nearly 15% of EPRIs total research, development, and demonstration program.
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