Be PG Scholarship Application Form
Be PG Scholarship Application Form
Be PG Scholarship Application Form
1. DETAILS OF MASTERS DEGREE PROGRAMME Please read scholarship detail leaflet before completing form
Title of Programme: Proposed start date:
Mode of study: Full-time □ Part-time □ Duration of programme: 1 year □ 2 years □
Title (eg Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs etc): Male □ Female □ Please tick
Surname/ Nationality:
Family Name:
First Name: Country of domicile/
Area of permanent residence:
Address for correspondence: Home address (if different):
Postcode: Postcode:
Tel: Tel:
*Email: Email:
*Email is our preferred method of communication therefore please print your address clearly
BE PG Scholarship Application Form 09.doc
a) IELTS score (the normal minimum requirement is 6 or 6.5, depending on the programme ……………………………………
b) TOEFL score (the normal minimum requirement is 550 or 600, depending on the programme ………………………………
c) Any other English qualification which you hold, or are about to take ………………………………………………………………
Are you applying for any other funding to support your postgraduate studies?
(to be completed by all applicants - Hodgkinson Scholarship applicants must consult Selection Criteria in
scholarship detail leaflet)
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete.