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Basics of hacking A history of hacking Hacking has been around for more than a century.

In the 1870s, several teenagers were flung off the country's brand new phone system by enraged authorities. Here's a peek at how busy hackers have been in the past 35 years. Early 1960s University facilities with huge mainframe computers, likeMIT's artificial

intelligence lab, become staging grounds for hackers. At first, "hacker" was a positive term for a person with a mastery of computers who could push programs beyond what they were designed to do. Early 1970s John Draper makes a long-distance call for John free by blowing a Draper precise tone into a telephone that tells the phone system to open a line. Draper

discovered the whistle as a give-away in a box of children's cereal. Draper, who later earns the handle "Captain Crunch," is arrested repeatedly for phone tampering throughout the 1970s. Yippie social movement starts YIPL/TAP (Youth International Party Line/Technical Assistance Program) magazine to helpphone hackers (called "phreaks") make free longdistance calls.

Two members of California's Homebrew Computer Clubbegin making "blue boxes," devices used to hack into the phone system. The members, who adopt handles "Berkeley Blue" (Steve Jobs) and "Oak Toebark" (Steve Wozniak), later go on to found Apple Computer. Early 1980s Author William Gibson coins the term "cyberspace" in a

science fiction novel called Neuromancer. In one of the first arrests of hackers, the FBI busts the Milwaukee-based 414s (named after the local area code) after members are accused of 60 computer break-ins ranging from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Comprehensive Crime Control Act gives Secret

Service jurisdiction over credit card and computer fraud. Two hacker groups form, the Legion of Doomin the United States and the Chaos Computer Club in Germany. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly is founded to share tips on phone and computer hacking. Late 1980s The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act gives more clout to federal authorities.

Computer Emergency Response Team is formed by U.S. defense agencies. Based at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, its mission is to investigate the growing volume of attacks on computer networks. At 25, veteran hacker Kevin Mitnick secretly monitors the e-mail of MCI and Digital Equipment security officials. He is convicted of damaging computers and stealing software

and is sentenced to one year in prison. First National Bank of Chicago is the victim of a $70millioncomputer heist. An Indiana hacker known as "Fry Guy" -- so named for hacking McDonald's -- is raided by law enforcement. A similar sweep occurs in Atlanta for Legion of Doom hackers known by the handles "Prophet," "Leftist" and "Urvile."

Early 1990s After AT&T long-distance service crashes on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, law enforcement starts a national crackdownon hackers. The feds nab St. Louis' "Knight Lightning" and in New York grab Masters of Deception trio "Phiber Optik," " Acid Phreak" and "Scorpion." Fellow hacker "Eric Bloodaxe" is picked up in Austin, Texas.

Operation Sundevil, a special team of Secret Service agents and members of Arizona's organized crime unit, conducts raids in 12 major cities, including Miami. A 17-month search ends in the capture of hacker Kevin Lee Poulsen ("Dark Dante"), who is indicted for stealing military documents. Hackers break into Griffith Air Force Base, then pewwwte computers at NASA and

the Korean Atomic Research Institute. Scotland Yard nabs "Data Stream," a 16-year-old British teenager who curls up in the fetal position when seized. A Texas A&M professor receives death threats after a hacker logs on to his computer from off-campus and sends 20,000 racist e-mail messages using his Internet address.

In a highly publicized case, Kevin Mitnick is arrested (again), this time in Raleigh, N.C., after he is tracked down via computer byTsutomu Shimomura at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. Late 1990s

Kevin Mitnick [photo / AP ]

Hackers break into and defacefederal Web sites, including the U.S.

Department of Justice, U.S. Air Force, CIA, NASA and others. Report by the General Accounting Office finds Defense Department computers sustained 250,000 attacks by hackers in 1995 alone. A Canadian hacker group called the Brotherhood, angry at hackers being falsely accused of electronically stalking a Canadian family, break into the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Web site and leave

message: "The media are liars."Family's own 15-year-old son eventually is identified as stalking culprit. Hackers pierce security in Microsoft's NT operating system to illustrate its weaknesses. Popular Internet search engine Yahoo! is hit by hackers claiming a "logic bomb" will go off in the PCs of Yahoo!'s users on Christmas Day 1997 unless Kevin Mitnick is

released from prison. "There is no virus," Yahoo! spokeswoman Diane Hunt said. 1998 Anti-hacker ad runs during Super Bowl XXXII. The Network Associates ad, costing $1.3-million for 30 seconds, shows two Russian missile silo crewmen worrying that a computer order to launch missiles may have come from a hacker. They decide to blow up the world anyway.

In January, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics is inundated for days with hundreds of thousands of fake information requests, a hacker attack called "spamming." Hackers break into United Nation's Children Fund Web site, threatening a "holocaust" if Kevin Mitnick is not freed. Hackers claim to have broken into a Pentagon network and stolen software for a military

satellite system. They threaten to sell the software to terrorists. The U.S. Justice Department unveils National Infrastructure Protection Center, which is given a mission to protect the nation's telecommunications, technology and transportation systems from hackers. Hacker group L0pht, in testimony before Congress, warns it could shut down nationwide access to the

Internet in less than 30 minutes. The group urges stronger security measures Basics of hacking As frank I want to say that as we all comes new to hacking every one runs for the hacking methods no one cares for the basics of the hacking Most of hackers some of them learn just learn methods and start making money from companies from bug bounty

programs but actually in real the got nothing even if you ask them to tell you something about the basics of hacking then ignore you or get offline so now today I am going make a research paper on the basics of hacking.. So lets start So in real what hacking is ???

Hacking has two meanings one is a hobby or profession to play with computers other meaning I think everyone knows it is to break into the computer system and websites without letting admin knows about it Now days hacking is famous among all youngsters everyone wants to be hacker ;) So know what is hacker:-A person who involves into the hacking means a person that

hack the sites computers and other security like atm cards web cameras etc. that is called as a hacker. And the person who got lot of information regarding computers about every field is called as a hacker .But in today according to some lamer the person who defaces more sites is called as a hacker but that is bullshit in actual all hackers love to do defacing but a real hacker just love to break

best securities not to deface thousands of sites

So now types of hackers:-

There are three basic types of hacker *white hat hackers *black hat hackers *grey hat hackers *elite hackers *script kiddies(noobs) So now their brief description ****White hat hackers:-so white hat hackers are those who work for the organizations they just find vulnerabilities in the

site exploit them and then report them to the company to patch it or otherwise they themselves patch it so no one other can hack it by that way ;) I am myself a white but some time I am also a black hat for my country so come back to topic now a days lot of white hat hackers are in market. They are also called as ethical hackers

****Black hat hackers:So black hat hackers are those hackers who hacks for his own profit for fame money and knowledge I like most the black hat hackers they just love to destroy things they like to destroy best securities and steal data like credit card numbers source codes and a lot other things and then they just sell it in black market or they just leak the data to gain some respect in

hackers community and for name and fame they are also called as cyber criminals and they are just master minds they create their own virus, softwares to hack ****Grey hat hackers:Grey hat hackers is that who exhibit traits from both white hat hacker and black hat hackers means to say elite hacker lies in the middle of the

white hat hackers and black hat hackers he just break security then report to admin other wise he sell data like black hats or some times he patch security by taking money from the company ;) ****Elite hackers:As with any society, better than average people are rewarded for their talent and treated as special. This social status among the hacker underground, the elite (or, according to the hacker language that eventually devolved into leetspeak,

31337) are the hackers among hackers in this subculture of sorts. They're the masters of deception that have a solid reputation among their peers as the cream of the hacker crop. **** Script kiddies:- script kiddies are those who have not even a single knowledge of the processes no doubt they can be good but they just hack by some other peoples method not by their own they just learn method not the damn working behind the screen so we can say them that they are perfect so I am always says try to be the black hat or white hat create things by yourself and use them

So now main types of hacking:*Website hacking *Computer hacking *Atm machines hacking *Webcams hacking

*Lockers hacking that are controlled by the softwares So now brief description:*Website Hacking:-so now these days website hacking is most famous among hackers every hacker loves to break securities of websites and deface them defacing means to change the index page of the site so when other people open the site they see that the

website is hacked by this or that hacker ;-like as shown below

So the basic method to hack websites are sqli Xss (cross

site scripting), lfi (local file inclusion) and some zero days and other methods . These day most powerful method considered as is ddos the server that not only effect the server but also suspend or destroy all the sites hosted on that server ;)

****Computer Hacking:- so this is the second most common type of hacking.. So what is computer hacking its simple means clear from name hacking computers which notifying the admin means hack into the computer of someone to steal important information like Zero days private tutorials , private

information like some hackers break into fbi computers to leak their emails and database and also to stole some secrets ;) The common things used to hack computers are keyloggers, fuds, rats , Also metasploit armitage used to hack computers Metasploit is used by lot of hackers to hack computers because it is easy to use and

operate + It has lot of exploits remote exploits and others which helps to hack into victim computers and give us the full access ****Atms Hacking:In today everything is possible some master minds also learn to hack atm machines with the software and other technical methods

So here I like to mention hacking from computer is mostly used but some times technical things also used But in coming future everything can be hacked through computer . in coming future the house doors everything is connected to internet then the hackers try to hack the full house so they got full access to it and they use it as they want :D nice

so come back they hackers hack the atms by software installed into computer and also with the help of the technical material the person who watched terminator first part can easily understand me at this point Then come ****Webcams hacking and also lockers hacking connected with software :- so once you got

access to victim pc you got everything in your hands like every computerized is connected to a specific computer established near to it if you get access to it they you can easily do whatever you want so now comes to webcams hacking so now days this is another famous thing webcams hacking is done to leak some hacker information mostly but some

damn idiots hack girls webcam you can understand what I want to say ^_^ so now come back to point once you get access to pc you can hack webcams lockers easily so then comes :- Id hacking:So now you all will be happy at last you come to know about how to hack ids lolz

most of the hackers start from the ids hacking and the they got emerged in hacking like mads take my example frankly saying my main cause of coming into hacking is that I was hacked by some one and I got his ip due to security setting on Facebook then I take swear that until I hacked him back uptil that I wont even eat or sleep and due to this strong

determination I hacked him and fucked him back ;) so every hacker has story to come in hacking so coming back to topic so ids hacking is most interesting so main methods to do it are keylogging, phishing , social eng. , and a lot methods you can also find zero days to hack ids like some time before the hackers found zero day to hack facebook id but

its patched as soon as the fb team now about it so here are the basics methods to hack ids

So now proceeding what the basics things a person need to become hacker:A person needs a brain.exe Knowledge about programming languages like c, c++, java, python, perl, ruby etc. Other things some great friends like I got Shritam bhai Code injector , Nipun Jaswal , chetan soni , codie root , amar Shankar , pivot

etc and the main thing you need is that you baiscs must be stong . So in basics the main things come 1. what is hacking described above 2. what are hacekrs. 3. what is sever 4. what is network 5 . good in networking

6. what is internet? how it works 7. what is server I know when you shell some site you just run to deface it have you ever see what is inside that server how it works once you going to explore the server you got many things 8. how things works never learn methods see how they work and try to implement yours like when I am new I

understand keylogging and modified it So by this way you keep your base hard So whats the hacker needs most to learn:- some books , time , coffee and the internet you see google baba ji is great you ask anything he gives back you results you can use google as you best friend to fuck biggest sites :P if you know how to use it

Youtube is second baba ji so ask from them never waste time from asking other little of them will tell you not the most :P What hacker needs in his life ????? Like everyone he wants to be famous name and fame and that world knows him Take example of kevin mitnick he

is famous and most wanted hacker of us So at last I want to say that be good and learn yourself teac yourself you is a biggest teacher who can teach yourself I have not explained the methods because I am going to create a separate tutorial on that topic about the methods to hack different things id website and some more useful stuff

Contact me Got any doubt


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