Summer SKBK Art 3
Summer SKBK Art 3
Summer SKBK Art 3
Your sketchbook should be your new best friend this summer. You need to carry it with you everyday, everywhere; I do! Open it up first thing in the morning and last thing at night and many times in between. Draw in it, write in it, scribble in it, paint in it, glue into it, cut the pages, tear the pages, change the way it looks to make it look like your own. At the end of the summer, it should reflect YOU and your experience throughout the summer. Some advice ALWAYS FILL the page you are working on. Go off the edges whenever possible. Do not make dinky little drawing in the center of the page. Make every square inch count for something. Do not start something and abandon it. Go back later, change it and make it into something else. Being able to rescue bad beginning is the sign of a truly creative mind. ALWAYS finish what you start no matter how much you dont like it. Or if theres a page you dont like, paint over it, draw over it. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DRAW FROM PHOTOGRAPHS, magazines, etc., unless you are dramatically altering it/transforming it/etc. Draw from pure observation, things you see in the world. Learn to translate the dynamic threedimensional world into a two-dimensional world. NO CUTE, PRETTY, PRECIOUS, ADORABLE, or TRITE images kitties, ponies, hearts, puppies, rainbows, peace signs, unicorns, sunsets, EYES, that type of stuff. This isnt a class to make pretty pictures to hang in your house. Expect your ideas about what makes good art to be challenged. By September , your sketchbook should be twice as thick as it was when you got it.
The sketchbook is a place for risk taking. Dont invite criticism unless you are confident that it wont derail your freedom. This is just a piece of advice from me to you
Visit the websites below. Choose 3 that you are particularly fond of and use a page in your sketchbook to write/draw your reaction and analysis of what you see on those pages. Write what you like about what you see, what is unique about the artists style of journaling, and what you would like to take (I mean, be inspired by) from this artist. This analysis can be writing, drawing, or a combination of both.
SKETCHBOOK SITES links are on the class website click on Art artist link tab and scroll down to SUMMER SKETCHBOOK ARTISTS list.
www.,,, Flickr visual journal pool (his sketchbooks are AWESOME) - Check out Dan Eldons stuff if youre taking photo AND art.
39) possessions 40) atmosphere 41) ambition 42) I escaped..... 43) natural 44) man-made 45) political 46) observational 6 47) in the news 48) tragic 49) emo 50) 100 51) fear 52) ignorance 53) charged 54) observational 7 55) plastic 56) yesterday, I.. 57) feast 58) me, me and more me 59) fake 60) if I told him/her once, I told him/her 1000 times
Sketchbook work ~ 30 entries see content list DUE Sketchbook Artists research PAGE check site for links to artists DUE Know Ms. Brennans e-mail if you have any questions, concerns, thoughts, suggestions, poems, funny storiesetc. (my work!)
Suggested supplies:
Sketchbook, SPIRAL BOUND -- Full length mirror Tackle box or hard pencil box to store your materials (dont get an Art Box; they are too expensive) These are only SUGGESTED supplies acrylic paint, oil paint, pencils, charcoal, oil pastels, pastels, brushes, painting surfaces, canvas, etc. will ALL be provided for you next year!