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Microwave - Experiment 5 - Coupler Design

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Experiment 5 Coupler Design.

Dr. H Matzner, S. Levy and D. Ackerman. June 2009.

1 Objectives 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 11 21 25 25 25 26 27 2 Prelab Exercise 3 Theoretical Background 3.1 Non - Directional Couplers . . . . 3.2 Coupled Line Directional Coupler 3.2.1 A Single Section Coupler . 3.2.2 Multi - Sections Coupler .

4 Experiment Procedure 4.1 Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Single Section Half Octave Edge Coupled Line Coupler . . . 4.2.1 ADS Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 CST Simulation of a Microstrip Coupler . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Calculating the Even and Odd Modes Characteristic Impedances Using CST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Multi - Section Edge Coupled Line Coupler . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 ADS Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Final Report Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Upon completion of this study, the student will become familiar with the following topics: 1. Measuring the basic parameters of couplers. 2. Understanding the role of couplers in a receiver.

Prelab Exercise
1. For a 20 dB single section edge coupled line directional coupler, constructed as a stripline with ground plane, spacing of B = 3.2 mm, dielectric constant of r = 4.7, T = 0.035 mm, tan = 0.02, characteristic impedance of 50 , and center frequency of 1 GHz . Assuming a lossless component and a perfect termination: Write down the S-parameters matrix of the coupler. Calculate its ZOe and ZOo . Use ADS LineCalc, set the component type to CPWCPL2, and nd the dimensions:

W - width of the lines, S - separation of the lines, L - length of the coupled lines. 2. For a 20 dB single section edge coupled line directional coupler, constructed as a microstrip, height of substrate hs = 1.6 mm, dielectric constant of r = 4.7, T = 0.035 mm, tan = 0.02, characteristic impedance of 50 , and center frequency of 1 GHz . Assuming a lossless component and a perfect termination: Use ADS LineCalc, set the component type to MCLIN, C _DB = 20, E _Eff = 90 deg, and nd the dimensions: W - width of the lines, S - separation of the lines, l - length of the coupled lines (ZOe and ZOo remain the same as the previous question).

3. For a 20 dB three sections edge coupled line directional coupler, constructed as a stripline with ground plane, spacing of B = 3.2 mm, dielectric constant of r = 4.7, T = 0.035 mm, tan = 0.02, characteristic impedance of 50 , and center frequency of 1 GHz . Assuming a lossless component and a perfect termination: Calculate Zoe and ZOo of a edge coupled line with a coupling of 20 dB , center frequency 1 GHz and characteristic impedance of 50 , in a stripline with a ground plane. Using ADS LineCalc, nd the dimensions: W - width of the lines, S - separation of the lines, l - length of the coupled lines, for each section.

Theoretical Background

A very commonly used basic element in microwave system is the directional coupler. Its basic function is to sample the forward and reverse travelling waves through a transmission line or a waveguide. The common use of this element is to measure the power level of a transmitted or received signal. The model of a directional coupler is shown in Figure 1.

Forward wave

Through wave 1 2

Sampled wave

Isolated wave 3

Figure 1 - Directional coupler model. As seen in the gure, the coupler is a four-ports device. The forward travelling wave goes into port 1 and exit from port 2. A small fraction of it goes out through port 4. In a perfect coupler, no signal appears in port 4. Since the coupler is a lossless passive element, the sum of the signals power at ports 1 and 2 equals to the input signal power. The reverse travelling wave goes into port 2 and out of port 1. A small fraction of it goes out through port 3. In a perfect coupler, no signal appears in port 4. The directional coupler S-parameters matrix is: 0 0 S= j 1 k2 k 0 0 k j 1 k 2 j 1 k 2 k 0 0 k j 1 k2 0 0


Where k is the coupling factor (a linear value). One popular realization technique of the directional coupler is the coupledlines directional coupler; two quarter wavelength line are placed close to each other. The wave travelling through one line is coupled to the other line. Such a coupler is shown in Figure 2. 4

Forward wave

Through wave 1 2

Sampled wave 4 3

Isolated wave

Figure 2 - Coupled lines based directional coupler. Since there is no ideal coupler available, some of the forward travelling wave is coupled into port 3. This mean that we may think that there is a reverse travelling wave when there isnt. This is very critical in application where the directional coupler is used to measure the return loss of the device. By calculating 20 log(S31 /S41 ) we can nd the return loss of the device connected to port 2. If out coupler has no perfect directivity then out measurement is not accurate. There are few simple parameters to describe the functionality of a coupler: Insertion Loss: 20 log(S21 ) or 10 log(1 k2 ). Return Loss: 20 log(S11 ). Coupling: 20 log(S31 ) or 20 log(k). Directivity: 20 log(S31 ) 20 log(S41 ).


Non - Directional Couplers

In some applications, the directivity of the coupler is not important. For instance, if we know there is only forward travelling wave then we may use a non-directional coupler. One possible realization is using a simple resistor divider as shown in Figure 3.



Through wave


Sampled wave


Figure 3 - Resistor divider non-directional coupler. The transmission lines are not electromagnetically coupled and the coupling equations are derived from the lumped circuit calculation of the resistor divider.


Coupled Line Directional Coupler

A Single Section Coupler

There are two modes of current ow in an electromagnetic situation. The rst is one current owing down one conductor with a contra-ow current back up the other conductor caused by displacement current coupling between the two conductors. This is termed the odd mode current, and it has an associated odd mode characteristic impedance, styled Z0o . The other mode is one current ows by displacement current between each center conductor carrying the same polarity, and the ground that is common between them. Hence this is called the even mode current, and it has an associated even mode characteristic impedance, styled Z0e . Figure 4 shows the polarity of the lines of each mode. For a single section coupler the even and odd mode characteristic impedances are dened as:

Z0e = Z0 Z0o

1+C , 1C r 1C = Z0 1+C


Where C < 1 is the voltage coupling factor of the coupler (a linear value).





Even mode

Odd mode

Figure 4 - Even and odd characteristic impedances.


Multi - Sections Coupler

For the case of three sections coupler, the coupling equation is: C = C1 sin 3 + (C2 C1 ) sin (3)

Where C1 is the coupling of the rst and third section, while C2 is the coupling of the second section. In order to solve the coupling equation, one may derive twice equation 3 as: d2 C |=/2 = 0 d2 and nally nd ZOe and ZOo for each section using equation 2. 7

A picture of the dimensions of a stripline coupler is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5 - The dimensions of a stripline coupled line coupler. A top view of a three sections coupled lines coupler is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Top view of a three sections microstrip coupled line coupler.

Because of the symmetry of the structure, all reection coecients will be identical as well as several transmission coecients.


Experiment Procedure
Required Equipment
1. Network analyzer. 2. Type N calibration kit. 3. 50 type N accessory kit. 4. Signal generator. 5. Spectrum analyzer. 6. Power splitter. 7. DC power supply.


Single Section Half Octave Edge Coupled Line Coupler

ADS Simulation

1. Simulate a single section edge coupled line with the dimensions you found in Prelab Exercise question 1, as shown in Figure 1.


SSUB SSub1 Er=4.7 Mur=1 B=0.32 cm T=0.035 mm Cond=1.0E+50 TanD=0.02 Term Term1 Num=1 Z=50 Ohm

S_Param SP1 Start=500 MHz Stop=1500 MHz Step=1.0 MHz

Term SCLIN Term4 CLin1 Num=4 Z=50 Ohm Subst="SSub1" W=cm S=cm L=cm

Term Term3 Num=3 Z=50 Ohm

Term Term2 Num=2 Z=50 Ohm

Figure 1 - Single section edge coupled lines coupler.

2. Draw the following graphs: Coupling (dB). Directivity (dB). Insertion Loss (dB). VSWR primary and secondary line. Frequency sensitivity (of the primary line), frequency range 800 MHz 1200 MHz . Save the data. 4.2.2 CST Simulation of a Microstrip Coupler

1. Choose the "Coupler (Planar, Microstrip, cpw)" template. When this template is used, the background material is dened as vacuum, the units are changed to mm, GHz and nsec, and the boundary conditions are set to "electric". Furthermore, the mesh settings are changed to account for the planar structure. 2. Dene the parameters, as shown in Table 1. 11

N ame V alue Description xg L+30 Ground x dimension yg S+2*w+30 Ground y dimension t 0.02 Metal thickness hs 1.6 Substrate thickness er 4.7 Permittivity of substrate w Width of strip S Spacing between the lines L Length of coupled lines Table 1 - Parameters Denition For the missing values, use the dimensions you found in Prelab Exercise question 2. 3. Create the substrate break, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Building the substrate with a new material.

4. Dene the rst strip, as shown in Figure 3. 12

Figure 3 - Dening the rst strip.

5. Zoom in to the end of the strip, as shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4 - Zooming in to the end of the strip.

6. Pick the face of the end of the strip, as shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5 - Picking the face of the end of the strip.

7. Choose Rotate, press ESC and then dene a rotation axis numerically, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Coordinations of rotation axis.

8. Choose Rotate again and dene the curved edge of the line, as shown in Figure 7.


Figure 7 - Dening the curved edge of the line.

9. Add another strip, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Adding another strip. 16

1. Add the curved edge to the rst strip with Boolean Add (+). Do the same with the additional strip. 2. Transform the total strip, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Transforming the total strip.

3. Mirror it with a mirror plane normal (1, 0, 0), as shown in Figure 10.


Figure 10 - Mirror the strip.

4. Add the mirrored strip to the original strip. 5. Mirror the new strip with a normal plane normal (0, 1, 0), as shown in Figure 11.


Figure 11 - Mirroring again the strip.

6. Create four waveguide ports at each end of a strip line to perform the S-parameters calculation. An example of the rst port location denition is shown in Figure 12.


Figure 12 - The rst port location denition. 7. Set the frequency ranges upper and lower limit to 0.6 GHz and 1.4 GHz , respectively. 8. Run a simulation using the Transient solver. 9. View the S-parameters results. Save the data. The S-parameters should look as in Figure 13.

Figure 13 - S parameters of the Coupler. 20


Calculating the Even and Odd Modes Characteristic Impedances Using CST

In this section you will calculate the even and odd mode characteristic impedances of microstrip coupled lines using a CST model of them. For this purpose, you will use one port adjusted for multipins. CST calculate the line impedance as the division of the power to the sum of the currents heading into the structure square: P ower Z= P ( Currentsin )2

The power is given as the integral of the Poynting vector over the port area and the currents are calculated by integrating the magnetic eld in a small distance around the conductors surfaces. This impedance expression above diers from the commonly used denition: Z = V , and thus may lead to dierent results. For even mode the I impedance will be Z 1 V , and for odd mode it will be Z 2 V . 2 I I 1. Start a new project, with the same template as before. 2. Dene the parameters, as shown in Table 2. N ame V alue Description xg L Ground x dimension yg (S+2*w)*3 Ground y dimension t 0.02 Metal thickness hs 1.6 Substrate thickness er 4.7 Permittivity of substrate w Width of strip S Spacing between the lines L Length of coupled lines Table 2 - Parameters Denition For the missing values, use the dimensions you found in Prelab Exercise question 2 (the value of L is not important). 3. Construct the ground and the substrate as described in the previous section. Construct 2 strips on top of the substrate with the width of 21

w, the separation of S and the length of L. Figure 14 display the lines.

Figure 14 - Model of 2 microstrip coupled lines.

4. Dene a waveguide port and check the multipin box in the Mode setting, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15 - Dening the multipin port. 22

Press on the Dene Pins... button and dene potentials by pressing Add.... Choose the number of the mode as 1, the potential as Positive and the location as Picked, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16 - Dening a potential.

Press OK and select one of the planar port faces. Add another potential, also positive and pick the other port face. Figure 17 shows the potentials denition for even mode.

Figure 17 - Even mode denition.

5. After the port denition, press with the right key of the mouse on port1 from the Ports folder from the navigation tree and tree Info.., 23

as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 - Port information.

Calculate the port parameters for frequency of 1 GHz . Zline is the line impedance and thus is the even mode characteristic impedance. 6. Delete the port and dene a new port with the same dimension as before. Now, dene only two potentials, as shown in Figure 19.


Figure 19 - Odd mode denition.

7. Calculate the line impedance again. 8. Compare the CST results to the calculated ones. 4.2.4 Measurement

1. Measure the following S parameters : Input VSWR S11 , output VSWR S22 , Coupling S41 , Directivity S31 S41 .Save the data on magnetic media.


Multi - Section Edge Coupled Line Coupler

ADS Simulation

1. Simulate a single section edge coupled line with the dimensions you found in Prelab Exercise question 3, as shown in Figure 20.


SSUB SSub1 Er=4.7 Mur=1 B=3.2 mm T=0.035 mm Cond=1.0E+50 TanD=0.02 Term Term4 Num=4 Z=50 Ohm

S_Param SP1 Start=500 MHz Stop=1500 MHz Step=1.0 MHz

Term Term1 Num=1 Z=50 Ohm

SCLIN CLin1 Subst="SSub1" W=mm S=mm L=mm

SCLIN SCLIN CLin2 CLin3 Subst="SSub1" Subst="SSub1" W=mm W=mm S=mm S=mm L=mm L=mm

Term Term2 Num=2 Z=50 Ohm

Term Term3 Num=3 Z=50 Ohm

Figure 20 - Three section edge coupled lines coupler.

4. Draw the following graphs: Coupling (dB ). Directivity (dB ). Insertion Loss (dB ). VSWR primary and secondary line. Frequency sensitivity (primary line) in the frequency range 800 MHz 1200 MHz. Save the data on magnetic media. 4.3.2 Measurement

1. Measure the following S parameters : Input VSWR S11 , output VSWR S22 ,Coupling S41 and Directivity S31 S41 .Save the data on magnetic media.



Final Report Requirements

1. Attach all simulation and measurements results. 2. Design a three section coupled lines coupler with a Coupling of 20 dB , center frequency 1 GHz and characteristic impedance of 50 ,substrate F R4 with r = 4.2 in a stripline with a ground plane. Find the width, separation and the length of each section. Using MATLAB, draw the graphs of the coupling and the directivity of the coupler in the frequency range 500 MHz - 1500 MHz . 3. Write a MATLAB program that plots the performance of a resistordivider non-directional coupler as a function of R2 . Assume Z0 = R1 = 50. The parameters to be calculated are: Insertion loss. Input return loss. Coupling. Sample port return loss.

[1] "Microwave Engineering" David M. Pozar.


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