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This document is attributed to Lisa M.


Criminal Law, v. 1.0

by Lisa M. Storm
About the Author

Lisa M. Storm, Esq. received her bachelors degree in Spanish from the University of California at
Davis in 1985 and her juris doctorate degree from Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco in
1990. Ms. Storm has taught at the community college, four-year, and graduate levels since 1992.
Currently, she is a tenured faculty member in Administration of Justice at Hartnell College, a
California community college. She is also an attorney and licensed member of the California State
Bar. Ms. Storm teaches Criminal Law, Criminal Procedures, Criminal Evidence, Constitutional
Law, and Legal Environment of Business.
Throughout her teaching career, Ms. Storm has embraced innovation, which led her to develop
the only online Degree and Certificate program at Hartnell College, as well as the only accelerated
(three-semester) online degree program in Administration of Justice. Her dedication to students
helped her win both campus-wide and external awards, including the Ercia Harden Teaching
Excellence Award in 2006. Ms. Storm continues to pursue her commitment to student success
and hopes to inspire many more students to pursue a career in law, criminal justice, or paralegal.

The author would like to thank the following colleagues who reviewed the text and provided
valuable insight for improvement:

Patti Salinas, Missouri State

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Marie Palladini, California State University Dominguez Hills

Mark Stelter, Lonestar College, Montgomery

Donna Nicholson, Manchester Community College

David Weiden, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Rachel Singer, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Allan K. Butcher, University of Texas at Arlington

Patricia Erickson, Canisius College

Keith Logan, Kutztown University, Department of Criminal Justice

Collin K. C. Lau, JD, Chaminade University of Honolulu

Tracy Hearn, Tarrant County College

Judith Fitzgerald, JD, Bowie State University

Linda Markley, Attorney/Lecturer, Kent State University

Dr. Chinyere Ogbonna-McGruder, Austin Peay State University Clarksville, TN

John Overton, University of Tennessee at Martin

Adolfo Barreto, Muskegon Community College

Judith Revels, University of North Florida

John M. Delaney Jr., Lewis & Clark Community College

Gregory W. Bridgeman, Hopkinsville Community College

Kerry Muehlenbeck, Mesa Community College

John Claffey, JD, Western New England College

Diane Sjuts, Metropolitan Community College

Stephen J. Ziegler, PhD, Indiana University-Purdue University

Dr. Anthony Schembri, University of Florida

Also, thank you to Vanessa Gennarelli for your guidance, to Denise Powell for your patience, and
to Michael Boezi for inspiring the confidence and encouragement to complete this project.

I would like to dedicate Criminal Law to my family, both immediate (Scott, Melissa, Tara, and
Trent) and extended. Thank you for your unwavering support.
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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Welcome to Criminal Law, your guide to a fascinating yet challenging topic. This engaging and
interactive textbook will enhance your ability to be successful in academics or a career in criminal

Criminal Law begins with the foundations of law and the legal system and then extensively
explores criminal laws and defenses using general state principles, federal law, the Constitution,
and the Model Penal Code as guidelines. Although it is neither possible nor desirable to
discuss every criminal law, this textbook provides a basic yet thorough overview of the American
criminal justice system. After completing Criminal Law, you will be familiar with the nature and
sources of law, the court system, the adversarial process, the most prominent crimes, and
accompanying criminal defenses.

Criminal Law uses a two-step process to augment learning, called the appliedapproach. First,
after building a strong foundation from scratch, Criminal Lawintroduces you to crimes and
defenses that have been broken down into separate components. It is so much easier to memorize
and comprehend the subject matter when it is simplified this way. However, becoming proficient
in the law takes more than just memorization. You must be trained to take the laws you have
studied and apply them to various fact patterns. Most students are expected to do this
automatically, but application must be seen, experienced, and practiced before it comes naturally.
Thus the second step of the applied approach is reviewing examples of the application of law to
facts after dissecting and analyzing each legal concept. Some of the examples come from cases,
and some are purely fictional. All the examples are memorable, even quirky, so they will stick in
your mind and be available when you need them the most (like during an exam). After a few
chapters, you will notice that you no longer obsess over an explanation that doesnt completely

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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make sense the first time you read ityou will just skip to the example. The examples clarify the
principles for you, lightening the workload significantly.

Lets face it, legal textbooks can be dry. This is unfortunate because law, especially criminal law, is
an intrinsically compelling topic. To hold your attention and keep you alert, Criminal
Law employs a variety of instructional techniques that should engage you from start to finish.
First, chapters contain embedded videos, ethical scenarios, charts, diagrams, and tables to
demonstrate the legal concepts and examples provided. These enhancements break up the text
and also appeal to various learning styles.
In addition, instead of wasting valuable textbook space by reprinting edited cases,Criminal
Law links to cases online. You can read more cases that way, and cases are like examplesthey
demonstrate the application of law to facts. Also, you can read the entire case exactly the way the
judge wrote it, instead of an edited version that has been shrunk to fit into a limited amount of
Have you ever tried to check your answers to review questions in a textbook, only to find that the
correct answers are nowhere in sight? Criminal Law gives you the answer to every question at the
end of each chapter. Go ahead and check the answers first. Contrary to popular belief, this
actually improvesand does not detract fromlearning.
In addition, Criminal Law includes hundreds of footnotes that link to online cases and statutes;
supplementary links to articles, websites, and statistics online; and plenty of reference material
for a term paper or other research project. In short, Criminal Lawshould contain everything you
need to successfully complete your course. It is also a valuable guide to which you can refer
throughout your criminal justice career.

Although academic success is important, I wrote Criminal Law to increase your awareness as you
read the newspaper (or read the news online), watch television, or discuss legal situations with
friends and colleagues. Law is an integral part of life, yet most people lack the most fundamental

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understanding of legal concepts. My sincere hope is that once you have finished reading Criminal
Law, you will become your own most trusted legal authority.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Criminal Law

Elementary notions of fairness enshrined in our constitutional jurisprudence dictate that a
person receive fair notice not only of the conduct that will subject him to punishment but also of
the severity of the penalty that a State may impose.

BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, cited in Section 1 "Damages"

1.1 Introduction

Define a crime.

This textbook introduces you to our legal system in the United States, the basic elements of a crime, the
specific elements of commonly encountered crimes, and most criminal defenses. Criminal law always
involves the government and government action, so you will also review the pertinent sections of the United
States Constitution and its principles as they apply to criminal law. By the end of the book, you will be
comfortable with the legal framework that governs the careers of criminal justice professionals.

Definition of a Crime
Lets begin at the beginning by defining a crime. The most basic definition of a crime is an act
committed in violation of a law prohibiting it, or omitted in violation of a law ordering it.



learn about criminal act and omission to act in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime". For now, it
is important to understand that criminal act, omission to act, and criminal intent
are elements or parts of every crime. Illegality is also an element of every crime. Generally,
the government must enact a criminal lawspecifying a crime and its elements before it can
punish an individual for criminal behavior. Criminal laws are the primary focus of this book. As
you slowly start to build your knowledge and understanding of criminal law, you will notice some
unique characteristics of the United States legal system.

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Laws differ significantly from state to state. Throughout the United States, each state and the
federal government criminalize different behaviors. Although this plethora of laws makes
American legal studies more complicated for teachers and students, the size, cultural makeup,
and geographic variety of our country demand this type of legal system.
Laws in a democratic society, unlike laws of nature, are created by people and are founded in
religious, cultural, and historical value systems. People from varying backgrounds live in different
regions of this country. Thus you will see that different people enact distinct laws that best suit
their needs. This book is intended for use in all states. However, the bulk of any criminal law
overview is an examination of different crimes and their elements. To be accurate and
representative, this book focuses ongeneral principles that many states follow and provides
frequent references to specific state laws for illustrative purposes. Always check the most current
version of your states law because it may vary from the law presented in this book.
Laws are not static. As society changes, so do the laws that govern behavior. Evolving value
systems naturally lead to new laws and regulations supporting modern beliefs. Although a certain
stability is essential to the enforcement of rules, occasionally the rules must change.
Try to maintain an open mind when reviewing the different and often contradictory laws set forth
in this book. Law is not exact, like science or math. Also try to become comfortable with the gray
area, rather than viewing situations as black or white.


A crime is an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it or omitted in

violation of a law ordering it. In general, the criminal law must be enacted before
the crime is committed.


Answer the following question. Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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1. Read Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 U.S. 243 (2006). Did the US Supreme Court
preserve Oregons right to legalize physician-assisted suicide? The case is

available at this link:

1.2 Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure


Compare criminal law and criminal procedure.

This book focuses on criminal law, but it occasionally touches on issues ofcriminal procedure, so it is
important to differentiate between the two.
Criminal law generally defines the rights and obligations of individuals in society. Some common issues in
criminal law are the elements of specific crimes and the elements of various criminal defenses. Criminal
procedure generally concerns theenforcement of individuals rights during the criminal process. Examples
of procedural issues are individuals rights during law enforcement investigation, arrest, filing of charges,
trial, and appeal.

Example of Criminal Law Issues

Clara and Linda go on a shopping spree. Linda insists that they browse an expensive department
store. Moments after they enter the lingerie department, Linda surreptitiously places a bra in her
purse. Clara watches, horrified, but does not say anything, even though a security guard is
standing nearby. This example illustrates two issues of criminal law: (1) Which crime did Linda
commit when she shoplifted the bra? (2) Did Clara commit a crime when she failed to alert the
security guard to Lindas shoplifting? You learn the answer to issue (1) in Chapter 11 "Crimes
against Property"and issue (2) in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime" and Chapter 7 "Parties to

Example of Criminal Procedure Issues

Review the example in Section 1.2.1 "Example of Criminal Law Issues". Assume that Linda and
Clara attempt to leave the store and an alarm is activated. Linda begins sprinting down the street.
Colin, a police officer, just happens to be driving by with the window of his patrol car open. He
hears the store alarm, sees Linda running, and begins shooting at Linda from the car. Linda is
shot in the leg and collapses. Linda is treated at the hospital for her injury, and when she is
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released, Colin arrests her and transports her to the police station. He brings her to an isolated
room and leaves her there alone. Twelve hours later, he reenters the room and begins questioning
Linda. Linda immediately requests an attorney. Colin ignores this request and continues to
question Linda about the reason the department store alarm went off. Whether Colin properly
arrested and interrogated Linda are criminal procedure issues beyond the scope of this book.
However, this example does illustrate one criminal law issue: did Colin commit a crime when he
shot Linda in the leg? You learn the answer to this question in Chapter 5 "Criminal Defenses, Part
Figure 1.1 Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure


Criminal law generally defines the rights and obligations of individuals in society.
Criminal procedure generally concerns the enforcement of individuals rights
during the criminal process.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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1. Paul, a law enforcement officer, arrests Barney for creating a disturbance at a

subway station. While Barney is handcuffed facedown on the ground, Paul shoots
and kills him. Paul claims that he accidentally grabbed his gun instead of his
Taser. Is this an issue of criminal law or criminal procedure?
2. Read Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980). In Payton, the US Supreme Court
held a New York statute unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. Did
thePayton ruling focus on criminal law or criminal procedure? The case is
available at this link:

1.3 The Difference between Civil and Criminal Law


Compare civil and criminal law.

2. Ascertain the primary differences between civil litigation and a criminal

Law can be classified in a variety of ways. One of the most general classifications divides law into
civil and criminal. A basic definition of civil law is the body of law having to do with the private
rights of individuals.


As this definition indicates, civil law is between individuals, not the

government. Criminal law involves regulations enacted and enforced by government action, while
civil law provides a remedy for individuals who need to enforce private rights against other
individuals. Some examples of civil law are family law, wills and trusts, and contract law. If
individuals need to resolve a civil dispute, this is called civil litigation, or a civil lawsuit. When the
type of civil litigation involves an injury, the injury action is called a tort.

Characteristics of Civil Litigation

It is important to distinguish between civil litigation and criminal prosecution. Civil and criminal
cases share the same courts, but they have very different goals, purposes, and results. Sometimes,
one set of facts gives way to a civil lawsuit and a criminal prosecution. This does not violate
double jeopardy and is actually quite common.

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Parties in Civil Litigation

In civil litigation, an injured party sues to receive a court-ordered remedy, such as money,
property, or some sort of performance. Anyone who is injuredan individual, corporation, or
other business entitycan sue civilly. In a civil litigation matter, the injured party that is suing is
called the plaintiff. A plaintiff must hire and pay for an attorney or represent himself or herself.
Hiring an attorney is one of the many costs of litigation and should be carefully contemplated
before jumping into a lawsuit.
The alleged wrongdoer and the person or entity being sued are called the defendant. While the
term plaintiff is always associated with civil litigation, the wrongdoer is called a defendant
in both civil litigation and a criminal prosecution, so this can be confusing. The defendant can be
any person or thing that has caused harm, including an individual, corporation, or other business
entity. A defendant in a civil litigation matter must hire and pay for an attorney even if that
defendant did nothing wrong. The right to a free attorney does not apply in civil litigation, so a
defendant who cannot afford an attorney must represent himself or herself.

Goal of Civil Litigation

The goal of civil litigation is to compensate the plaintiff for any injuries and to put the plaintiff
back in the position that person held before the injury occurred. This goal produces interesting
results. It occasionally creates liability or an obligation to pay when there is no fault on behalf of
the defendant. The goal is to make the plaintiff whole, not to punish, so fault is not really an issue.
If the defendant has the resources to pay, sometimes the law requires the defendant to pay so that
society does not bear the cost of the plaintiffs injury.
A defendant may be liable without fault in two situations. First, the law that the defendant
violated may not require fault. Usually, this is referred to as strict liability. Strict liability torts do
not require fault because they do not include an intent component. Strict liability and other intent
issues are discussed in detail in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime". Another situation where the
defendant may be liable without fault is if the defendant did not actually commit any act but is
associated with the acting defendant through a special relationship. The policy of holding a
separate entity or individual liable for the defendants action is called vicarious liability. An
example of vicarious liability is employer-employee liability, also referred to
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asrespondeat superior. If an employee injures a plaintiff while on the job, theemployer may be
liable for the plaintiffs injuries, whether or not the employer is at fault. Clearly, between the
employer and the employee, the employer generally has the better ability to pay.

Example of Respondeat Superior

Chris begins the first day at his new job as a cashier at a local McDonalds restaurant. Chris
attempts to multitask and pour hot coffee while simultaneously handing out change. He loses his
grip on the coffee pot and spills steaming-hot coffee on his customer Geoffs hand. In this case,
Geoff can sue McDonalds and Chris if he sustains injuries. McDonalds is not technically at fault,
but it may be liable for Geoffs injuries under a theory of respondeat superior.

Harm Requirement
The goal of civil litigation is to compensate the plaintiff for injuries, so the plaintiff must be a bona
fide victim that can prove harm. If there is no evidence of harm, the plaintiff has no basis for the
civil litigation matter. An example would be when a defendant rear-ends a plaintiff in an
automobile accident without causing damage to the vehicle (property damage) or physical injury.
Even if the defendant is at fault for the automobile accident, the plaintiff cannot sue because the
plaintiff does not need compensation for any injuries or losses.

Often the plaintiff sues the defendant for money rather than a different, performance-oriented
remedy. In a civil litigation matter, any money the court awards to the plaintiff is called damages.
Several kinds of damages may be appropriate. The plaintiff can sue for compensatory damages,
which compensate for injuries, costs, which repay the lawsuit expenses, and in some
cases, punitive damages. Punitive damages, also referred to as exemplary damages,
are not designed to compensate the plaintiff but instead focus on punishing the defendant for
causing the injury.


Characteristics of a Criminal Prosecution

A criminal prosecution takes place after a defendant violates a federal or state criminal statute, or
in some jurisdictions, after a defendant commits a common-law crime. Statutes and common-law
crimes are discussed in Section 1.6 "Sources of Law".

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Parties in a Criminal Prosecution

The government institutes the criminal prosecution, rather than an individual plaintiff. If the
defendant commits a federal crime, the United States of America pursues the criminal
prosecution. If the defendant commits a state crime, the state government, often called
the People of the State pursues the criminal prosecution. As in a civil lawsuit, the alleged
wrongdoer is called the defendant and can be an individual, corporation, or other business
The attorney who represents the government controls the criminal prosecution. In a federal
criminal prosecution, this is the United States Attorney.


In a state criminal prosecution, this is


generally a state prosecutor or a district attorney. A state prosecutor works for the state but is
typically an elected official who represents the county where the defendant allegedly committed
the crime.

Applicability of the Constitution in a Criminal Prosecution

The defendant in a criminal prosecution can be represented by a private attorney or
afree attorney paid for by the state or federal government if he or she is unable to afford
attorneys fees and facing incarceration.
called public defenders.



Attorneys provided by the government are

This is a significant difference from a civil litigation matter, where both

the plaintiff and the defendant must hire and pay for their own private attorneys. The court
appoints a free attorney to represent the defendant in a criminal prosecution because the
Constitution is in effect in any criminal proceeding. The Constitution provides for the assistance
of counsel in the Sixth Amendment, soevery criminal defendant facing incarceration has the right
to legal representation, regardless of wealth.
The presence of the Constitution at every phase of a criminal prosecution changes the proceedings
significantly from the civil lawsuit. The criminal defendant receives many
constitutional protections, including the right to remain silent, the right to due process of law, the
freedom from double jeopardy, and the right to a jury trial, among others.

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Goal of a Criminal Prosecution

Another substantial difference between civil litigation and criminal prosecution is thegoal. Recall
that the goal of civil litigation is to compensate the plaintiff for injuries. In contrast, the goal of a
criminal prosecution is to punish the defendant.
One consequence of the goal of punishment in a criminal prosecution is that fault is almost
always an element in any criminal proceeding. This is unlike civil litigation, where the ability to
pay is a priority consideration. Clearly, it is unfair to punish a defendant who did nothing wrong.
This makes criminal law justice oriented and very satisfying for most students.
Injury and a victim are not necessary components of a criminal prosecution because punishment
is the objective, and there is no plaintiff. Thus behavior can be criminal even if it is essentially
harmless. Society does not condone or pardon conduct simply because it fails to produce a
tangible loss.

Examples of Victimless and Harmless Crimes

Steven is angry because his friend Bob broke his skateboard. Steven gets his gun, which has a
silencer on it, and puts it in the glove compartment of his car. He then begins driving to Bobs
house. While Steven is driving, he exceeds the speed limit on three different occasions. Steven
arrives at Bobs house and then he hides in the bushes by the mailbox and waits. After an hour,
Bob opens the front door and walks to the mailbox. Bob gets his mail, turns around, and begins
walking back to the house. Steven shoots at Bob three different times but misses, and the bullets
end up landing in the dirt. Bob does not notice the shots because of the silencer.
In this example, Steven has committed several crimes: (1) If Steven does not have a special permit
to carry a concealed weapon, putting the gun in his glove compartment is probably a crime in
most states. (2) If Steven does not have a special permit to own a silencer for his gun, this is
probably a crime in most states. (3) If Steven does not put the gun in a locked container when he
transports it, this is probably a crime in most states. (4) Steven committed a crime each time he
exceeded the speed limit. (5) Each time Steven shot at Bob and missed, he probably committed
the crime of attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon in most states. Notice that none
of the crimes Steven committed caused any discernible harm. However, common sense dictates

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that Steven should be punished so he does not commit a criminal act in the future that mayresult
in harm.
Table 1.1 Comparison of Criminal Prosecution and Civil Litigation


Criminal Prosecution



Yes. This is the plaintiff.



Yes. This is the basis for


Initiator of lawsuit

Federal or state government


Attorney for the initiator

US Attorney or state prosecutor

Private attorney

Attorney for the


Private attorney or public


Private attorney




Figure 1.2 Crack the Code

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Civil Litigation

L A W A N D E T H I C S : T H E O . J . S I M P S O N C A S E
Two Different TrialsTwo Different Results
O. J. Simpson was prosecuted criminally and sued civilly for the murder and wrongful death of victims Ron
Goldman and his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. In the criminal prosecution, which came first, the US
Constitution provided O. J. Simpson with the right to a fair trial (due process) and the right to remain silent
(privilege against self-incrimination). Thus the burden of proof was beyond a reasonable doubt, and O. J.

Simpson did not have to testify. O. J. Simpson was acquitted, or found not guilty, in the criminal trial.

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In the subsequent civil lawsuit, the burden of proof was preponderance of evidence, which is 5149 percent,
and O. J. Simpson was forced to testify. O. J. Simpson was found liable in the civil lawsuit. The jury awarded
$8.5 million in compensatory damages to Fred Goldman (Ron Goldmans father) and his ex-wife Sharon
Rufo. A few days later, the jury awarded punitive damages of $25 million to be shared between Nicole

Brown Simpsons children and Fred Goldman.


Do you think it is ethical to give criminal defendants more legal protection than
civil defendants? Why or why not?

2. Why do you think the criminal trial of O. J. Simpson took place before the civil
trial? Check your answers to both questions using the answer key at the end of
the chapter.


Civil law regulates the private rights of individuals. Criminal law regulates
individuals conduct to protect the public.

Civil litigation is a legal action between individuals to resolve a civil dispute.

Criminal prosecution is when the government prosecutes a defendant to punish
illegal conduct.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Jerry, a law enforcement officer, pulls Juanita over for speeding. When Jerry
begins writing Juanitas traffic ticket, she starts to berate him and accuse him of
racial profiling. Jerry surreptitiously reaches into his pocket and activates a tape
recorder. Juanita later calls the highway patrol where Jerry works and files a false
complaint against Jerry. Jerry sues Juanita for $500 in small claims court for filing
the false report. He uses the tape recording as evidence. Is this a civil litigation
matter or a criminal prosecution?
2. Read Johnson v. Pearce, 148 N.C.App. 199 (2001). In this case, the plaintiff sued
the defendant for criminal conversation. Is this a civil litigation matter or a
criminal prosecution? The case is available at this
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[1], Definition of Civil Law, accessed August 16,
[2] BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, 517 U.S. 559 (1996), accessed February 13,
[3] United States Department of Justice, United States Attorneys, accessed February 15,
[4] United States Prosecuting Attorneys, website, accessed February 15,
[5] Alabama v. Shelton, 535 U.S. 654 (2002), accessed August 16,
[6] 18 U.S.C. 3006A, accessed February 15, 2010,
[7] Doug Linder, The Trial of Orenthal James Simpson, UMKC website, accessed August 18,
[8] Thomas L. Jones, Justice for the Dead, TruTV website, accessed August 18,

1.4 Classification of Crimes


Ascertain the basis for grading.

2. Compare malum in se and malum prohibitum crimes.

3. Compare the punishment options for felonies, misdemeanors, felony-
misdemeanors, and infractions.
4. Compare jail and prison.
Crimes can be classified in many ways. Crimes also can be grouped by subject matter. For
example, a crime like assault, battery, or rape tends to injure another persons body, so it can be
classified as a crime against the person. If a crime tends to injure a person by depriving him or
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her of property or by damaging property, it can be classified as a crime against property. These
classifications are basically for convenience and are not imperative to the study of criminal law.
More important and substantive is the classification of crimes according to the severity of
punishment. This is called grading. Crimes are generally graded into four
categories: felonies, misdemeanors, felony-misdemeanors, and infractions. Often the criminal
intent element affects a crimes grading. Malum in se crimes, murder, for example, are evil in
their nature and are generally graded higher thanmalum prohibitum crimes, which are
regulatory, like a failure to pay income taxes.

Felonies are the most serious crimes. They are either supported by a heinous intent, like the
intent to kill, or accompanied by an extremely serious result, such as loss of life, grievous injury,
or destruction of property. Felonies are serious, so they are graded the highest, and all sentencing
options are available. Depending on the jurisdiction and the crime, the sentence could be
execution, prison time, a fine, or alternative sentencing such as probation, rehabilitation, and
home confinement. Potential consequences of a felony conviction also include the inability to
vote, own a weapon, or even participate in certain careers.

Misdemeanors are less serious than felonies, either because the intent requirement is of a lower
level or because the result is less extreme. Misdemeanors are usually punishable by jail time of
one year or less per misdemeanor, a fine, or alternative sentencing like probation, rehabilitation,
or community service. Note that incarceration for a misdemeanor is in jail rather than prison. The
difference between jail and prison is that cities and counties operate jails, and the state or federal
government operates prisons, depending on the crime. The restrictive nature of the confinement
also differs between jail and prison. Jails are for defendants who have committed less serious
offenses, so they are generally less restrictive than prisons.

Felony-misdemeanors are crimes that the government can prosecute and punish aseither a
felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the particular circumstances accompanying the offense.

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The discretion whether to prosecute the crime as a felony or misdemeanor usually belongs to
the judge, but in some instances the prosecutor can make the decision.

Infractions, which can also be called violations, are the least serious crimes and include minor
offenses such as jaywalking and motor vehicle offenses that result in a simple traffic ticket.
Infractions are generally punishable by a fine or alternative sentencing such as traffic school.
Figure 1.3 Diagram of Grading

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Grading is based on the severity of punishment.

Malum in se crimes are evil in their nature, like murder. Malum prohibitum
crimes are regulatory, like a failure to pay income taxes.

Felonies are graded the highest. Punishment options for felonies include the following:


Prison time


Alternative sentencing such as probation, rehabilitation, and home


Misdemeanors are graded lower than felonies. Punishment options for misdemeanors
include the following:

Jail time of one year or less per misdemeanor


Alternative sentencing such as probation, rehabilitation, and community


Felony-misdemeanors are punished as either a felony or a misdemeanor.

Infractions, also called violations, are graded lower than misdemeanors and have less
severe punishment options:


Alternative sentencing, such as traffic school

One difference between jail and prison is that cities and counties operate jails,
and the state or federal government operates prisons, depending on the crime.
The restrictive nature of the confinement is another difference. Jails are for
defendants who have committed less serious offenses, so they are generally less
restrictive than prisons.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the
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1. Harrison kills Calista and is prosecuted and sentenced to one year in jail. Did
Harrison commit a felony or a misdemeanor?
2. Read State v. Gillison, 766 N.W. 2d 649 (2009). In Gillison, why did the Iowa Court
of Appeals rule that the defendants prior convictions were felony convictions?
What impact did this ruling have on the defendants sentence? The case is
available at this

1.5 The Purposes of Punishment


Ascertain the effects of specific and general deterrence, incapacitation,

rehabilitation, retribution, and restitution.

Punishment has five recognized purposes: deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation,retribution,

and restitution.

Specific and General Deterrence

Deterrence prevents future crime by frightening the defendant or the public. The two types of
deterrence are specific and general deterrence. Specific deterrence applies to an individual
defendant. When the government punishes an individual defendant, he or she is theoretically less
likely to commit another crime because of fear of another similar or worse punishment. General
deterrence applies to the public at large. When the public learns of an individual defendants
punishment, the public is theoretically less likely to commit a crime because of fear of the
punishment the defendant experienced. When the public learns, for example, that an individual
defendant was severely punished by a sentence of life in prison or the death penalty, this
knowledge can inspire a deep fear of criminal prosecution.

Incapacitation prevents future crime by removing the defendant from society. Examples of
incapacitation are incarceration, house arrest, or execution pursuant to the death penalty.

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Rehabilitation prevents future crime by altering a defendants behavior. Examples of
rehabilitation include educational and vocational programs, treatment center placement, and
counseling. The court can combine rehabilitation with incarceration or with probation or parole.
In some states, for example, nonviolent drug offenders must participate in rehabilitation in
combination with probation, rather than submitting to incarceration.


This lightens the load of

jails and prisons while loweringrecidivism, which means reoffending.

Retribution prevents future crime by removing the desire for personal avengement (in the form of
assault, battery, and criminal homicide, for example) against the defendant. When victims or
society discover that the defendant has been adequately punished for a crime, they achieve a
certain satisfaction that our criminal procedure is working effectively, which enhances faith in law
enforcement and our government.

Restitution prevents future crime by punishing the defendant financially. Restitution is when the
court orders the criminal defendant to pay the victim for any harm and resembles a civil litigation
damages award. Restitution can be for physical injuries, loss of property or money, and rarely,
emotional distress. It can also be a fine that covers some of the costs of the criminal prosecution
and punishment.

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Figure 1.4 Different Punishments and Their Purpose


Specific deterrence prevents crime by frightening an individual defendant with

punishment. General deterrence prevents crime by frightening the public with
the punishment of an individual defendant.

Incapacitation prevents crime by removing a defendant from society.

Rehabilitation prevents crime by altering a defendants behavior.

Retribution prevents crime by giving victims or society a feeling of avengement.

Restitution prevents crime by punishing the defendant financially.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. What is one difference between criminal victims restitution and civil damages?
2. Read Campbell v. State, 5 S.W.3d 693 (1999). Why did the defendant in this case
claim that the restitution award was too high? Did the Texas Court of Criminal
Appeals agree with the defendants claim? The case is available at this
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[1] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-901.01, accessed February 15,

1.6 Sources of Law


Identify the three sources of law.

2. Rank the three sources of law, from highest to lowest.

3. Ascertain the purpose of the US and state constitutions.
4. Ascertain one purpose of statutory law.
5. Ascertain the purpose of case law.
6. Define judicial review.
7. Diagram and explain the components of a case brief.
Law comes from three places, which are referred to as the sources of law.

Constitutional Law
The first source of law is constitutional law. Two constitutions are applicable in every state: the
federal or US Constitution, which is in force throughout the United States of America, and the
states constitution. The US Constitution created our legal system, as is discussed in Chapter 2
"The Legal System in the United States". States constitutions typically focus on issues of local
The purpose of federal and state constitutions is to regulate government action. Private
individuals are protected by the Constitution, but they do not have to follow it themselves.

Example of Government and Private Action

Cora stands on a public sidewalk and criticizes President Obamas health-care plan. Although
other individuals may be annoyed by Coras words, the government cannotarrest or criminally
prosecute Cora for her speech because the First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees
each individual the right to speak freely. On the other hand, if Cora walks into a Macys

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department store and criticizes the owner of Macys, Macys could eject Cora immediately. Macys
and its personnel are private, not government, and they do not have to abide by the Constitution.

Exceptions to the Constitution

The federal and state constitutions are both written with words that can be subject to more than
one interpretation. Thus there are many exceptions to any constitutions protections.
Constitutional protections and exceptions are discussed in detail inChapter 3 "Constitutional
For safety and security reasons, we see more exceptions to constitutional protections inpublic
schools and prisons. For example, public schools and prisons can mandate a certain style of dress
for the purpose of ensuring safety. Technically, forcing an individual to dress a specific way could
violate the right to self-expression, which the First Amendment guarantees. However, if wearing a
uniform can lower gang-related conflicts in school and prevent prisoners from successfully
escaping, the government can constitutionally suppress free speech in these locations.

Superiority of the Constitution

Of the three sources of law, constitutional law is considered the highest and should not be
supplanted by either of the other two sources of law. Pursuant to principles of federal supremacy,
the federal or US Constitution is the most preeminent source of law, and state constitutions
cannot supersede it. Federal constitutional protections and federal supremacy are discussed
in Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States" andChapter 3 "Constitutional Protections".

Statutory Law
The second source of law is statutory law. While the Constitution applies to government action,
statutes apply to and regulate individual or private action. Astatute is a written (and published)
law that can be enacted in one of two ways. Most statutes are written and voted into law by
the legislative branch of government. This is simply a group of individuals elected for this
purpose. The US legislative branch is called Congress, and Congress votes federal statutes into
law. Every state has a legislative branch as well, called a state legislature, and a state legislature
votes state statutes into law. Often, states codify their criminal statutes into a penal code.
State citizens can also vote state statutes into law. Although a state legislature adoptsmost state
statutes, citizens voting on a ballot can enact some very important statutes. For example, a
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majority of Californias citizens voted to enact Californias medicinal marijuana law.



three-strikes law was voted into law by both the state legislature and Californias citizens and
actually appears in the California Penal Code in two separate places.


Statutory Laws Inferiority

Statutory law is inferior to constitutional law, which means that a statute cannot conflict
with or attempt to supersede constitutional rights. If a conflict exists between constitutional and
statutory law, the courts must resolve the conflict. Courts can invalidate unconstitutional statutes
pursuant to their power of judicial review, which is discussed in an upcoming section.

Administrative Laws and Ordinances

Other written and published laws that apply to individuals
are administrative lawsand ordinances. Administrative laws and ordinances should not supersede
or conflict with statutory law.
Administrative laws are enacted by administrative agencies, which are governmental agencies
designed to regulate in specific areas. Administrative agencies can be federal or state and contain
not only a legislative branch but also an executive (enforcement) branch and judicial (court)
branch. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an example of a federal administrative
agency. The FDA regulates any food products or drugs produced and marketed in the United
Ordinances are similar to statutes, except that cities and counties vote them into law, rather than
a states legislature or a states citizens. Ordinances usually relate to health, safety, or welfare, and
violations of them are typically classified as infractions ormisdemeanors, rather
than felonies. A written law prohibiting jaywalking within a citys or countys limits is an
example of an ordinance.

Model Penal Code

State criminal laws differ significantly, so in the early 1960s a group of legal scholars, lawyers, and
judges who were members of the American Law Institute drafted a set of suggested criminal
statutes called the Model Penal Code. The intent of the Model Penal Code was to provide a
standardized set of criminal statutes that all states could adopt, thus simplifying the diversity
effect of the United States legal system. While the Model Penal Code has not been universally
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adopted, a majority of the states have incorporated portions of it into their penal codes, and the
Model Penal Code survives as a guideline and focal point for discussion when state legislatures
modify their criminal statutes.

Case Law
The third source of law is case law. When judges rule on the facts of a particular case, they create
case law. Federal case law comes from federal courts, and state case law comes from state courts.
Case law has its origins in English common law.

English Common Law

In Old England, before the settlement of the United States, case law was the most prevalent
source of law. This was in contrast to countries that followed the Roman Law system, which
primarily relied on written codes of conduct enacted by legislature. Case law in England was
mired in tradition and local customs. Societal principles of law and equity were the guidelines
when courts issued their rulings. In an effort to be consistent, English judges made it a policy to
follow previous judicial decisions, thereby creating a uniform system of laws throughout the
country for the first time. Case law was named common law because it was common to the entire


The English system of jurisprudence made its way to the United States with the original colonists.
Initially, the thirteen colonies unanimously adopted common law as the law of the land. All
crimes were common-law crimes, and cases determined criminal elements, defenses, and
punishment schemes. Gradually, after the Revolutionary War, hostility toward England and
modern reform led to the erosion of common-law crimes and a movement toward codification.
States began replacing common-law crimes with statutes enacted by state legislatures. Oxford
professor Sir William BlackstonesCommentaries on the Law of England, which interpreted and
summarized English common law, became an essential reference as the nation began the process

of converting common-law principles into written statutes, ordinances, and penal codes.

Limitations on Common-Law Crimes

In modern society, in many states and the federal government,


judges cannot create crimes.

This violates notions of fairness. Making up a new crime and punishing the defendant for it does
not provide consistency or predictability to our legal system. It also violates the principle of
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legality, a core concept of American criminal justice embodied in this phrase: Nullum crimen
sine lege, nulla poena sine crimen (No crime without law, no punishment without crime).
In states that do not allow common-law crimes, statutes must define criminal conduct. If no
statute exists to criminalize the defendants behavior, the defendantcannot be criminally
prosecuted, even if the behavior is abhorrent. As the Model Penal Code states, [n]o conduct
constitutes an offense unless it is a crime or violation under this Code or another statute of this
State (Model Penal Code 1.05(1)).
The common law still plays an important role in criminal lawmaking, even though most crimes
are now embodied in statutes. Classification of crimes as felonies and misdemeanors is a
reflection of English common law. Legislatures often create statutes out of former common-law
crimes. Judges look to the common law when defining statutory terms, establishing criminal
procedure, and creating defenses to crimes. The United States is considered a common-law
country. Every state except Louisiana, which is based on the French Civil Code, adopts the
common law as the law of the stateexcept where a statute provides otherwise.


Example of a Courts Refusal to Create a Common-Law Crime

Read Keeler v. Superior Court, 470 P.2d 617 (1970). In Keeler, the defendant attacked his
pregnant ex-wife, and her baby was thereafter stillborn. The California Supreme Court disallowed
a murder charge against Keeler under California Penal Code 187 because the statute
criminalized only the malicious killing of a human being. The court reached its decision after
examining the common-law definition of human being and determining that the definition did
not include a fetus. The court reasoned that itcould not create a new crime without violating the
due process clause, separation of powers, and California Penal Code 6, which prohibits the
creation of common-law crimes. After the Keeler decision, the California Legislature changed
Penal Code 187 to include a fetus, excepting abortion.


Powerful Nature of Case Law

Generally, if there is a statute on an issue, the statute is superior to case law, just as the
Constitution is superior to statutory law. However, judges interpret constitutional and statutory
law, making case law a powerful source of law. A judge can interpret a constitution in a way that

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adds or creates exceptions to its protections. A judge can also interpret a statute in a way that
makes it unconstitutional and unenforceable. This is called the power of judicial review.


Example of Judicial Review

An example of judicial review is set forth in Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989). InJohnson,
the US Supreme Court ruled that burning a flag is protected self-expression under the First
Amendment to the US Constitution. Thus the Court reversed the defendants conviction under a
Texas statute that criminalized the desecration of a venerated object. Note how Johnson not
only invalidates a state statute as being inferior to the US Constitution but also changes the US
Constitution by adding flag burning to the First Amendments protection of speech.

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Figure 1.5 Diagram and Hierarchy of the Sources of Law

Stare Decisis and Precedent

Cases are diverse, and case law is not really law until the judge rules on the case, so there must be a way to
ensure case laws predictability. It would not be fair to punish someone for conduct that is not yet illegal.
Thus judges adhere to a policy calledstare decisis. Stare decisis is derived from English common law and
compels judges to follow rulings in previous cases. A previous case is called precedent. Once judges have
issued a ruling on a particular case, the public can be assured that the resulting precedent will continue to be

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followed by other judges. Stare decisis is not absolute; judges can deviate from it to update the law to
conform to societys modern expectations.

Rules of Stare Decisis and Use of Precedent

Case precedent is generally an appeal rather than a trial. There is often more than one level of
appeal, so some appeals come from higher courts than others. This book discusses the court
system, including the appellate courts, in Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States".
Many complex rules govern the use of precedent. Lawyers primarily use precedent in their
arguments, rather than statutes or the Constitution, because it is so specific. With proper
research, lawyers can usually find precedent that matches or comes very close to matching the
facts of any particular case. In the most general sense, judges tend to follow precedent that
is newer, from a high court, and from the same court system, either federal or state.

Example of Stare Decisis and Use of Precedent

Geoffrey is a defense attorney for Conrad, who is on trial for first-degree murder. The murder
prosecution is taking place in New Mexico. Geoffrey finds case precedent from a New York Court
of Appeals, dated 1999, indicating that Conrad should have been prosecuted for voluntary
manslaughter, not first-degree murder. Brandon, the prosecuting attorney, finds case precedent
from the New Mexico Supreme Court, dated2008, indicating that a first-degree murder
prosecution is appropriate. The trial court will probably follow the precedent submitted by
Brandon because it is newer, from a higher court, and from the same court system as the trial.

Case Citation
Cases must be published to become case law. A published case is also called ajudicial opinion.
This book exposes you to many judicial opinions that you have the option of reading on the
Internet. It is essential to understand the meaning of thecase citation. The case citation is the
series of numbers and letters after the title of the case and it denotes the cases published location.
For example, lets analyze the case citation for Keeler v. Superior Court, 470 P.2d 617 (1970).

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Figure 1.6 Keeler Case Citation

As you can see from the diagram, the number 470 is the volume number of the book that
published the Keeler case. The name of that book is P.2d (this is an abbreviation forPacific
Reports, 2d Series). The number 617 is the page number of the Keeler case. The date (1970) is the
date the California Supreme Court ruled on the case.

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Case Briefing
It is useful to condense judicial opinions into case brief format. The Keeler case brief is shown
in Figure 1.7 "Keeler Case Brief".

Figure 1.7 Keeler Case Brief

Read this case at the following

Published judicial opinions are written by judges and can be lengthy. They can also contain more than one
case law, depending on the number of issues addressed. Case briefs reduce a judicial opinion to its essentials
and can be instrumental in understanding the most important aspects of the case. Standard case brief
formats can differ, but one format that attorneys and paralegals commonly use is explained in the following

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Review the Keeler case brief. The case brief should begin with the title of the case, including
the citation. The next component of the case brief should be theprocedural facts. The procedural facts
should include two pieces of information:who is appealing and which court the case is in. As you can see
from the Keeler case brief, Keeler brought an application for a writ of prohibition, and the court is the
California Supreme Court. Following the procedural facts are the substantive facts, which should be a
short description of the facts that instigated the court trial and appeal. The procedural and substantive facts
are followed by the issue. The issue is the question the court is examining, which is usually the grounds for
appeal. The case brief should phrase the issue as a question. Cases usually have more than one issue. The
case brief can state all the issues or only the issue that is most important. Thesubstantive

holding comes after the issue, is actually the case law, and answers the issue question. If more than one
issue is presented in the case brief, a substantive holding should address each issue.

Figure 1.8 Example of a Substantive Holding

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137


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A procedural holding should follow the substantive holding. The procedural holding discusses what
the court did procedurally with the case. This could include reversing the lower courts ruling, affirming the
lower courts ruling, or adjusting a sentence issued by the lower court. This book discusses court
procedure in detail inChapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States". Last, but still vital to the case brief,
is the rationale. The rationale discusses the reasoning of the judges when ruling on the case. Rationales
can set policy, which is not technically case law but can still be used as precedent in certain instances.
One judge writes the judicial opinion. Judges vote how to rule, and not all cases are supported by a
unanimous ruling. Occasionally, other judges will want to add to the judicial opinion. If a judge agrees with
the judicial opinion, the judge could write aconcurring opinion, which explains why the judge agrees. If
a judge disagrees with the judicial opinion, the judge could write a dissenting opinion explaining why
the judge disagrees. The dissenting opinion will not change the judicial opinion, but it may also be used as
precedent in a future case if there are grounds for changing the law.


The three sources of law are constitutional, statutory, and case law.

The sources of law are ranked as follows: first, constitutional; second, statutory;
and third, case law. Although it is technically ranked the lowest, judicial review
makes case law an extremely powerful source of law.

The purpose of the US and state constitutions is to regulate government action.

One purpose of statutory law is to regulate individual or private action.

The purpose of case law is to supplement the law when there is no statute on
point and also to interpret statutes and the constitution(s).

The courts power to invalidate statutes as unconstitutional is called judicial


The components of a case brief are the following:

The title, plus citation. The citation indicates where to find the case.

The procedural facts of the case. The procedural facts discuss who is
appealing and in which court the case is located.

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The substantive facts. The substantive facts discuss what happened to

instigate the case.

The issue. The issue is the question the court is examining.

The substantive holding. The substantive holding answers the issue

question and is the case law.

The procedural holding. The procedural holding discusses what the court
did procedurally with the case.

The rationale. The rationale is the reason the court held the way it did.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Hal invents a new drug that creates a state of euphoria when ingested. Can Hal
be criminally prosecuted for ingesting his new drug?
2. Read Shaw v. Murphy, 532 U.S. 223 (2001). Did the US Supreme Court allow
prison inmates the First Amendment right to give other inmates legal advice?
Why or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read Justice Scalias dissenting opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003).
What is the primary reason Justice Scalia dissented to the US Supreme Courts
opinion in Lawrence? The dissenting opinion is available at this
link: The judicial opinion
inLawrence v. Texas is available at this
[1] California Compassionate Use Act of 1996, Cal. Health and Safety Code 11362.5, accessed
February 15,

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[2] Brian Brown and Greg Jolivette, A Primer: Three StrikesThe Impact after More Than a
Decade, Legislative Analysts Office website, accessed February 15,
[3] Lloyd Duhaime, Common Law Definition, website, accessed September 26,
[4] Lloyd Duhaime, Common Law Definition, website, accessed September 26,
[5] United States v. Hudson & Goodwin, 11 U.S. 32 (1812), accessed September 24,
[6] Legal Definition, Common Law, website, accessed September 26,
[7] Cal. Penal Code 187, accessed August 23,
[8] Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), accessed February 15,

1.7 End-of-Chapter Material
A crime is action or inaction in violation of a criminal law. Criminal laws vary from state to state
and from state to federal.
The study of criminal law defines crimes and defenses to crimes. The study of criminal procedure
focuses on the enforcement of rights by individuals while submitting to government investigation,
arrest, interrogation, trial, and appeal.
A civil lawsuit or civil litigation matter resolves a dispute between individuals, called a plaintiff
(the injured party) and defendant (the alleged wrongdoer). Every civil litigation matter includes a
victim (the plaintiff), which has suffered harm. The goal of the civil litigation matter is to
compensate the plaintiff for injury. The court can compensate the plaintiff by awarding money,
which is called damages. Both parties in a civil litigation matter must represent themselves or hire
private attorneys.
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A criminal prosecution takes place when the government, represented by a prosecutor, takes legal
action against the defendant (the alleged wrongdoer) for committing a crime. Some criminal
prosecutions do not include a victim, or harm, because the goal of the criminal prosecution is
punishment, not compensation. Every criminal prosecution involves the government, so the US
and state constitutions provide the criminal defendant with extra protections not present in a civil
lawsuit, such as free counsel when the defendant is indigent and facing incarceration.
Crimes can be classified according to the severity of punishment. The most serious crimes with
the entire range of sentencing options available are felonies. Misdemeanors are less serious than
felonies and have less severe sentencing options. Felony-misdemeanors can be prosecuted and
punished as a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances. Infractions, also called
violations, are the least serious crimes and generally do not involve incarceration. The purposes of
punishing a criminal defendant are both specific and general deterrence, incapacitation,
rehabilitation, retribution, and restitution.
Law comes from three sources: the Constitution, a statute, or a case. The Constitution is the
highest source of law but is only applicable when there is government action. Statutory law
applies to individuals but is inferior to constitutional law. Case law is law made by judges when
they rule on the facts of a case. Although case law is technically inferior to statutory law, judges
must interpret statutes and the Constitution, so case law can be the most powerful source of law.
When a case invalidates a statute as unconstitutional, this action is called judicial review. Case law
stays consistent because judges follow previous court decisions, called precedent. This policy,
called stare decisis, lends predictability to case law but is not absolute, and courts can deviate
from it to update the law.


Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether you would accept or reject the case
if you were the lawyer. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. You are an expert in criminal law, not civil litigation. Would

you accept or rejectthis case? Read Cetacean Community v. Bush, 386 F.3d 1169
(9th Cir. 2004). The case is available at this
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2. You are an expert in criminal law, not criminal procedure. Would
you accept orreject this case? Read People v. Wrotten, 2010 N.Y. Slip Op 04501
(2010). The case is available at this link:
3. You are an expert in constitutional law. Would you accept or reject this case?
Read Wilson v. Layne, 526 U.S. 603 (1999). The case is available at this
4. Reread question 3. Change your expertise to constitutional law as it applies
tocriminal prosecutions. Would you accept or reject the Wilson case?

Cases of Interest

Padilla v. Gonzales, 397 F.3d 1016 (2005), discusses malum in se and malum
= malum+in+se+

Rogers v. Tennessee, 532 U.S. 451 (2001), discusses a states ability to create a
common-law crime:

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is the case in which the US Supreme Court
invalidates a state statute criminalizing

Articles of Interest

Model Penal Code:


Websites of Interest
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Federal criminal statutes:

State criminal statutes:

Government agencies in alphabetical


Complete federal Constitution:

State constitutions:

State prosecutors in the United

Statistics of Interest

Felony convictions in the US state


Estimated crime statistics in the United


Answer to Exercise
From Section 1.1 "Introduction"

1. The US Supreme Court held that the attorney general cannot criminalize the use
of drugs under Oregons Death With Dignity Act by enforcing the Controlled
Substances Act. The Controlled Substances Act is targeted at preventing
recreational drug use, and, therefore, the Court upheld Oregons ability to legalize
assisted suicide.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 1.2 "Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure"

1. This is an issue of criminal law. Although Paul is a law enforcement officer, when
he shoots Barney while he is facedown in handcuffs, he may be committing a
crime. The question in this case is not whether the arrest was executed properly,
but whether a crime was committed after the arrest.

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2. Payton reviews a New York statute allowing law enforcement to arrest a

defendant in the home without a warrant. This case focuses on law
enforcement arrest, so it examines an issue of criminal procedure.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 1.3 "The Difference between Civil and Criminal Law"

1. This is a civil litigation matter. Although the incident involves Jerry, who is a law
enforcement officer, and it takes place while Jerry is writing a traffic ticket, Jerry
is suing Juanita for damages. Thus this is civil litigation, not criminal
prosecution. If Juanita is prosecuted for the crime of filing a false police report,
then this would be a criminal prosecution.
2. The Johnson case reviews an award of damages and is thus a civil
litigationmatter. Criminal conversation is the tort of adultery in North Carolina.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 1.4 "Classification of Crimes"

1. This crime is probably a misdemeanor because Harrison was sentenced to one

year in jail, rather than prison. Although the result, Calistas death, is very
serious, the method of killing may have been accidental. Criminal homicide is
discussed in Chapter 9 "Criminal Homicide".
2. The Iowa Court of Appeals based its ruling on New Jersey law. Although New
Jersey named the offenses high misdemeanors, New Jersey case law indicates
that any offense with a sentence of one year or more incarceration is a commonlaw felony. This triggered a sentencing enhancement increasing the defendants
sentence to an indeterminate sentence of incarceration not to exceed fifteen

Answers to Exercises
From Section 1.5 "The Purposes of Punishment"

1. The court awards criminal restitution to the victim after a state or federal
prosecutor is successful in a criminal trial. Thus the victim receives the

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restitution award without paying for a private attorney. A plaintiff that receives
damages has to pay a private attorney to win the civil litigation matter.
2. In Campbell, the defendant entered a plea agreement specifying that he had
committed theft in an amount under $100,000. The trial court determined that
the defendant had actually stolen $100,000 and awarded restitution of
$100,000 to various victims. The defendant claimed that this amount was
excessive because it exceeded the parameters of the theft statute he was convicted
of violating. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals disagreed and held that the
discretion of how much restitution to award belongs to the judge. As long as the
judge properly ascertained this amount based on the facts, restitution could
exceed the amount specified in the criminal statute the defendant was convicted
of violating.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 1.6 "Sources of Law"

1. Hal can be prosecuted for ingesting his new drug only if he is in a state that
allows for common-law crimes. The drug is new, so the state legislature will
probably not have criminalized it by enacting a statute.
2. The US Supreme Court held that inmates do not have the First Amendment right
to give other inmates legal advice. The Court based its ruling on the prisons
interest in ensuring prison order, security, and inmate rehabilitation. The Court
stated, We nonetheless have maintained that the constitutional rights that
prisoners possess are more limited in scope than the constitutional rights held by
individuals in society at large. [1]
3. Justice Scalia criticized the US Supreme Court majority for not adhering to stare
decisis. According to Justice Scalia, the Court did not follow a recent (seventeenyear-old) precedent set in Bowers v. Hardwick.

Answers to Law and Ethics Questions


The reason criminal defendants get special protections not extended to civil
litigation defendants is the harshness of the punishment and the inequality of the

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criminal prosecution itself. Criminal defendants may lose their life or their
liberty. Civil litigation defendants risk only a loss of money. In addition, criminal
defendants face the intimidating prospect of fighting the government and all its
vast resources. Civil litigation defendants are squaring off againstanother
individual. As a society, we believe that there is nothing as unjust as punishing an
innocent person. Thus we give criminal defendants special protections to level
the playing field.
2. The criminal trial took place first because O. J. Simpson was a criminal defendant
and therefore had the benefit of the Sixth Amendment right to aspeedy trial.
Constitutional protections are discussed in Chapter 3 "Constitutional

Answers to You Be the Lawyer


In this case, the plaintiffs are seeking an injunction. The plaintiffs are not
thegovernment; they are a group of fish. They are not suing for the goal of
punishment, but rather to compel the president of the United States and the
secretary of defense to review the use of certain naval equipment. Thus this is
acivil litigation matter and you should reject the case.

2. The Court is reviewing the Sixth Amendment right to confront accusers. In this
case, a witness who was too ill to travel was permitted to testify via live, two-way
video instead of testifying in the courtroom in front of the defendant. The New
York Supreme Court held that under the circumstances, this testimony complied
with the Sixth Amendment. This case focuses on the defendants constitutional
rights during his criminal trial, so this is a criminal procedure issue and you
should reject the case.
3. The US Supreme Court held that it is unconstitutional under the Fourth
Amendment when law enforcement brings media along while executing a search.
Thus this is a federal constitutional issue and you should accept the case.
4. In Wilson, the Court decided that the plaintiff was not entitled to damages when
suing law enforcement under 42 U.S.C. 1983. Thus although this case involves
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the Fourth Amendment, it is essentially a civil litigation matter, and you

should reject the case.
[1] Shaw v. Murphy, 532 U.S. 223, 229 (2001), accessed October 4,

Chapter 2The Legal System in the United States

The requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt has this vital role in our criminal procedure for
cogent reasons. The accused, during a criminal prosecution, has at stake interests of immense importance,
both because of the possibility that he may lose his liberty upon conviction and because of the certainty that
he would be stigmatized by the conviction.

In re: Winship, cited in Section 2 "Burden of Proof in a Criminal Prosecution"

2.1 Federalism

Define federalism.

2. Ascertain the sections of the Constitution that give Congress regulatory

3. Ascertain the basis for Congresss authority to enact criminal laws.
4. Compare federal regulatory authority with state regulatory authority.
5. Compare federal criminal laws with state criminal laws.
6. Define federal supremacy.
The United States system of government is called federalism. Federalism, as set forth in the US
Constitution, divides governmental power between the federal governmentand each of the states. This
prevents a concentrated source of governmental power in one individual or small group of individuals.
Because of federalism, the United States has one federal legal system, and each state has its own state legal
system. Thus in the United States, a plethora of legal systems all operate harmoniously at the same time.

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The Scope of Federal Law

The governments power to regulate comes from the US Constitution. The federalgovernment
derives its authority to create law from Article I, 8, which discusses federal
Congresss exclusive or delegated powers. These include the power to regulate currency and
coin, establish a post office, promote science and art by regulating the rights to discoveries and
writings, declare war and raise armies, conduct foreign affairs, regulate interstate and foreign
commerce, and make laws necessary and proper to execute other powers expressly granted in the
Constitution. Courts have interpreted the last two powers mentioned in the commerce clause and
thenecessary and proper clause to be the broadest sources of federal regulatory authority.
To simplify and summarize precedent defining federal regulatory authority, federal laws are
meant to regulate in two areas. First, federal laws regulate issues that concern thecountry, rather
than just one city, county, or state. The federal government regulates in the area of foreign affairs,
for example, because this affects the United States of America, not just one particular region.
Second, federal laws regulate commerce, which is economic activity, that crosses from state to
state. Some common examples are television broadcasts, the Internet, and any form of
transportation such as the airlines.

Federal Criminal Laws

The original intent was for the federal government to be a limited government, with the bulk of
regulatory authority residing in the states. The only crimes Congress is specifically authorized to
punish are piracies and felonies on the high seas, counterfeiting, and treason; however, case
precedent has expanded the federal governments power to enact criminal laws based on the
commerce clause and the necessary and proper clause.


Still, there must be some connection to

an issue of national character and interstate commerce, or the federal government will overstep
its authority. In general, federal criminal laws target conduct that occurs on federal property or
conduct involving federal employees, currency, coin, treason, national security, rights secured by
the Constitution, or commerce that crosses state lines. Currently, over five hundred crimes are
listed in Part I, Title 18 of the United States Code, which codifies criminal laws for the federal
Figure 2.1 Diagram of Federal Laws
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The Scope of State Law

The US Constitution designates the states as the primary regulatory authority. This is clarified in the
Tenth Amendment, which reads, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or the people. State laws are also
supposed to regulate in two areas. First, state laws regulate issues of a local character or concern. A state
may regulate, for example, its water ownership and use because water can be scarce and is not generally
provided to other states. Second, state laws regulate issues or things that remain within a states border. A

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state generally regulates, for example, the operation of a small business whose products are only sold locally
and not shipped out of the state.
Federal laws are the same in every state, but state laws differ from state to state. Something that is legal in
one state may be illegal in another state. This inconsistency makes our system of federalism complicated for
students (and lawyers). However, with a country as large and varied as the United States, it is sensible to
allow each state to choose for itself which laws will be most suitable.

State Criminal Laws

The power to enact criminal laws belongs almost exclusively to the states. This is because of the
Tenth Amendment, which vests in states a police power to provide for the health, safety, and
welfare of state citizens. Approximately 90 percent of all criminal laws are state, rather than
federal. Often, federal crimes are also state crimes and can be prosecuted and punished by both
the state and federal government without violating the principle of double jeopardy.

Example of the Diversity of State Laws

In Nevada, prostitution is legal under certain circumstances.


An individual who engages in

prostitution inside a licensed house of prostitution in Nevada is not exposed to criminal

liability. However, if the same individual engages in prostitution in a different state, he or she
may be subject to a criminal prosecution. Prostitution will be discussed in detail in Chapter 12
"Crimes against the Public".
Figure 2.2 Crack the Code

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Federal Supremacy
Our legal system is divided up to conform to the principle of federalism, so a potential exists for conflict
between federal law and state law. A federal law may make something illegal; a state law may insist that it
is legal. Whenever a conflict occurs between federal and state law, courts must follow the federal law. This is
calledfederal supremacy. As the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the federal Constitution states, This
Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties
made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the
Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any
State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

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Example of Federal Supremacy

In Washington and several other states, an individual may possess and use marijuana for
medicinal purposes with a prescription.
under any circumstances.



Federal law prohibits possession and use of marijuana

Technically, this could be a conflict that violates federal

supremacy. Until the courts address the federal supremacy issue, however, medical marijuana
statutes can continue to stay in effect. Read about a recent ruling regarding the constitutionality
of Michigans medicinal marijuana law under the Supremacy
Figure 2.3 Diagram of State Laws

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L A W A N D E T H I C S : T H E A R I Z O N A I M M I G R A T I O N L A W
Can a State Regulate Immigration?
Arizona passed a comprehensive immigration law designed to seek out and deport illegal immigrants. This
law created a national furor, and its detractors insisted it would lead to unethical racial profiling. The federal

government attacked the law in Federal District Court. Judge Susan Bolton issued a preliminary injunction
that stopped enforcement of the sections of the law that required state law enforcement to check an
immigrants status while enforcing other laws and that required immigrants to prove they were in the

country legally or risk state charges. Read the District Courts preliminary injunction ruling, which is

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available at this


What is the basis for Judge Boltons decision? Check your answer using the
answer key at the end of the chapter.
Read about the most recent ruling on Arizonas immigration law by the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth

Read about Utahs immigration law:

Read about Alabamas immigration



Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between one

national, federal government and several independent state governments.

Congress gets its regulatory authority from Article I 8 of the federal Constitution. This
includes several delegated powers, the commerce clause, and the necessary and proper

The commerce clause gives Congress the power to regulate commerce

that crosses state lines.

The necessary and proper clause gives Congress the power to regulate if
necessary to carry out all other powers listed in the Constitution.

The Constitution specifically authorizes Congress to punish piracies and felonies

on the high seas, counterfeiting, and treason. Case precedent has also expanded
the federal governments power to enact criminal laws based on the commerce
clause and the necessary and proper clause.

The federal government is intended to be limited, with the bulk of regulatory

authority residing in the states. The federal government is restricted to regulating

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in the areas designated in Article I 8 of the federal Constitution. The states can
regulate for the health, safety, and welfare of citizens pursuant to their police
power, which is set forth in the Tenth Amendment of the federal Constitution.

Federal criminal laws criminalize conduct that occurs on federal property or

involves federal employees, currency, coin, treason, national security, rights
secured by the Constitution, or commerce that crosses state lines. State criminal
laws make up 90 percent of all criminal laws, are designed to protect state
citizens health, safety, and welfare, and often criminalize the same conduct as
federal criminal laws.

Federal supremacy, which is set forth in the Supremacy Clause of the federal
Constitution, requires courts to follow federal laws if there is a conflict between a
federal and state law.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Congress passes a law criminalizing the posting of child pornography on the

Internet. Where does Congress get the authority to pass this criminal law? If a
state has a criminal law criminalizing the same conduct, can both the
state andfederal government prosecute a defendant for one act of downloading
child pornography?
2. Read U.S. v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 518 (2000). Which part(s) of the Constitution did
the US Supreme Court rely on when it held that 42 U.S.C. 13981 is
unconstitutional? The case is available at this
3. Read Pennsylvania v. Nelson, 350 U.S. 497 (1956). Why did the US Supreme Court
invalidate the Pennsylvania Sedition Act? The case is available at this
[1] McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 (1819), accessed August 28,
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[2] N.R.S. 201.354, accessed September 24, 2010,

[3] Washington State Medicinal Marijuana Act, Chapter 69.51A RCW, accessed August 28,
2010,; see all states that legalize
medicinal marijuana: 16 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC, website, accessed
August 28, 2010,
[4] 21 U.S.C. Ch. 13 801 et. seq., accessed October 1,
[5] Randal C. Archibold, Judge Blocks Arizonas Immigration Law, The New York Timeswebsite,
accessed October 1, 2010,
[6] Randal C. Archibold, Judge Blocks Arizonas Immigration Law, The New York Timeswebsite,
accessed October 1, 2010,

2.2 The Branches of Government


Identify the three branches of government.

2. Ascertain the head of the federal and state legislative branches of government.
3. Compare the Senate and the House of Representatives.
4. Ascertain the head of the federal and state executive branches of government.
5. Ascertain the head of the federal and state judicial branches of government.
The federal Constitution was written to ensure that government power is distributed and never concentrated
in one or more areas. This philosophy is served byfederalism, where the federal government shares power
with the states. It is also further served by dividing the government into three branches, all responsible for
different government duties and all checking and balancing each other. The three branches of
government are detailed in Articles IIII of the federal Constitution and are the legislative branch,
the executive branch, and the judicial branch. While the federal Constitution identifies only the federal
branches of government, the principle of checks and balances applies to the states as well. Most states
identify the three state branches of government in their state constitution.

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Each branch of government has a distinct authority. When one branch encroaches on the duties of another,
this is called a violation of separation of powers. The courtsdecide whether a government branch has
overstepped its boundaries because courts interpret the Constitution, which describes each branchs sphere
of influence. Thus the judicial branch, which consists of all the courts, retains the balance of power.

The Legislative Branch

The legislative branch is responsible for creating statutory laws. Citizens of a state can vote for
some state statutes by ballot, but the federal legislative branch enacts all federal statutes. In
the federal government, the legislative branch is headed by Congress. States legislative branches
are headed by a state legislature. Congress isbicameral, which means it is made up of two houses.
This system provides equal representation among the several states and by citizens of the United
States. States are represented by the Senate. Every state, no matter how large or small, gets two
senators. Citizens are represented by the House of Representatives. Membership in the House of
Representatives is based on population. A heavily populated state, like California, has more
representatives than a sparsely populated state, like Alaska. States legislatures are generally
bicameral and have a similar structure to the federal system.
Figure 2.4 Diagram of the Legislative Branch

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Examples of Legislative Branch Checks and Balances

The legislative branch can check and balance both the executive branch and thejudicial branch.
Congress can impeach the president of the United States, which is the first step toward removal
from office. Congress can also enact statutes that supersede judicial opinions, as discussed
in Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law". Similarly, state legislature can also impeach a
governor or enact a state statute that supersedes a state case law.

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The Executive Branch

The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the statutes enacted by the legislative branch.
In the federal government, the executive branch is headed by the president of the United States.
States executive branches are headed by the governor of the state.
Figure 2.5 Diagram of the Executive Branch

Examples of Executive Branch Checks and Balances

The executive branch can check and balance both the legislative branch and thejudicial branch.
The president of the United States can veto statutes proposed by Congress. The president also has
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the authority to nominate federal justices and judges, who thereafter serve for life. State executive
branches have similar check and balancing authority; a governor can generally veto statutes
proposed by state legislature and can appoint some state justices and judges.

The Judicial Branch

The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting all laws, including statutes, codes,
ordinances, and the federal and state constitutions. This power is all encompassing and is the
basis for judicial review, referenced in Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law". It allows the
judicial branch to invalidate any unconstitutional law in the statutory source of law and also to
change the federal and state constitutions by interpretation. For example, when a court creates an
exception to an amendment to the constitution, it has made an informal change without the
necessity of a national or state consensus. The federal judicial branch is headed by the US
Supreme Court. Each states judicial branch is headed by the highest-level state appellate court.
Members of the judicial branch include all judges and justices of every federal and state court in
the court system, which is discussed shortly.
Figure 2.6 Diagram of the Judicial Branch

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Examples of Judicial Branch Checks and Balances

The judicial branch can check and balance both the legislative branch and theexecutive branch. The US
Supreme Court can invalidate statutes enacted by Congress if they conflict with the Constitution. The US
Supreme Court can also prevent the president from taking action if that action violates separation of powers.
The state courts can likewise nullify unconstitutional statutes passed by the state legislature and void other
executive branch actions that are unconstitutional.

Table 2.1 The Most Prominent Checks and Balances between the Branches


Duty or

Check and Balance


Create statutes

President can veto



Enforce statutes

Congress can override


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Government Branch
Checking and


Duty or

Government Branch
Checking and

Check and Balance

presidential veto by 2/3 majority


Interpret statutes President nominates federal

and Constitution
judges and justices



Enforce statutes

Senate can confirm or reject

presidential nomination of federal
judges and justices


Enforce statutes

Congress can impeach the




Create statutes

Courts can invalidate

unconstitutional statutes



Enforce statutes

Courts can invalidate

unconstitutional executive action



Interpret statutes
and Constitution
Statutes can supersede case law



The three branches of government are the legislative branch, the executive
branch, and the judicial branch.

The head of the federal legislative branch of government is Congress. The head of
the state legislative branch of government is the state legislature.

The Senate represents every state equally because each state has two senators.
The House of Representatives represents each citizen equally because states are
assigned representatives based on their population.

The head of the federal executive branch of government is the president. The
head of each state executive branch of government is the governor.

The head of the federal judicial branch of government is the US Supreme Court.
The head of each state judicial branch of government is the highest-level state
appellate court.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the
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1. A mayor enacts a policy that prohibits police officers in his city from enforcing a
state law prohibiting the possession and use of marijuana. The mayors policy
specifically states that within the city limits, marijuana is legal to possess and use.
Which constitutional principle is the mayor violating? Which branch of
government should check and balance the mayors behavior in this matter?
2. Read Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952).
InYoungstown, President Truman seized control of steel mills to avert a strike,
using his authority as commander in chief of the armed forces. President Truman
wanted to ensure steel production during the Korean War. Did the US Supreme
Court uphold President Trumans action? Why or why not? The case is available
at this link:
3. Read Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004). In Hamdi, the US Supreme Court
reviewed the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuits decision prohibiting the
release of a US citizen who was held as an enemy combatant in Virginia during
the Afghanistan War. The citizens detention was based on a federal statute that
deprived him of the opportunity to consult with an attorney or have a trial. Did
the US Supreme Court defer to the federal statute? Why or why not? The case is
available at this

2.3 The Court System


Compare federal and state courts.

2. Define jurisdiction.
3. Compare original and appellate jurisdiction.
4. Identify the federal courts and determine each courts jurisdiction.
5. Identify the state courts and determine each courts jurisdiction.

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Every state has two court systems: the federal court system, which is the same in all fifty states, and
the state court system, which varies slightly in each state. Federal courts are fewer in number than state
courts. Because of the Tenth Amendment, discussed earlier in Section 2.1.2 "The Scope of State Law", most
laws are state laws and therefore most legal disputes go through the state court system.
Federal courts are exclusive; they adjudicate only federal matters. This means that a case can go through
the federal court system only if it is based on a federal statute or the federal Constitution. One exception is
called diversity of citizenship.


If citizens from different states are involved in a civil lawsuit and the

amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, the lawsuit can take place in federal court. All federalcriminal

prosecutions take place in federal courts.

State courts are nonexclusive; they can adjudicate state or federal matters. Thus an individual who wants to
sue civilly for a federal matter has the option of proceeding in state or federal court. In addition, someone
involved in a lawsuit based on a federal statute or the federal Constitution can remove a lawsuit filed in state
court to federal court.


All state criminal prosecutions take place in state courts.

Determining which court is appropriate for a particular lawsuit depends on the concept
of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction has two meanings. A courts jurisdiction is the power or authority to
hear the case in front of it. If a court does not have jurisdiction, it cannot hear the case.
Jurisdiction can also be a geographic area over which the courts authority extends.
There are two prominent types of court jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction means that the court has
the power to hear a trial. Usually, only one opportunity exists for a trial, although some actions
result in both a criminal and a civil trial, discussed previously in Chapter 1 "Introduction to
Criminal Law". During the trial, evidence is presented to a trier of fact, which can be either a
judge or a jury. The trier of fact determines the facts of a dispute and decides which party prevails
at trial by applying the law to those facts. Once the trial has concluded, the next step is an appeal.
During an appeal, no evidence is presented; the appellate court simply reviews what took place at
trial and determines whether or not any major errors occurred.
The power to hear an appeal is called appellate jurisdiction. Courts that have appellate
jurisdiction review the trial record for error. The trial record includes a court
reporters transcript, which is typed notes of the words spoken during the trial and pretrial
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hearings. In general, with exceptions, appellate courts cannot review a trial record until the trial
has ended with a final judgment. Once the appellate court has made its review, it has the ability to
take three actions. If it finds no compelling or prejudicial errors, it can affirm the judgment of the
trial court, which means that the judgment remains the same. If it finds a significant error, it
can reverse the judgment of the trial court, which means that the judgment becomes the opposite
(the winner loses, the loser wins). It can also remand, which means send the case back to the trial
court, with instructions. After remand, the trial court can take action that the appellate court
cannot, such as adjust a sentence or order a new trial.
Some courts have only original jurisdiction, but most courts have a little of original and appellate
jurisdiction. The US Supreme Court, for example, is primarily an appellate court with appellate
jurisdiction. However, it also has original jurisdiction in some cases, as stated in the Constitution,
Article III, 2, clause 2: In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls,
and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all
the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction.

Example of Original and Appellate Jurisdiction

Paulina is prosecuted for the attempted murder of Ariana. Paulina is represented by public
defender Pedro. At Paulinas trial, in spite of Pedros objections, the judge rules that Paulinas
polygraph examination results are admissible, but prohibits the admission of certain witness
testimony. Paulina is found guilty and appeals, based on the judges evidentiary rulings. While
Pedro is writing the appellate brief, he discovers case precedent barring the admission of
polygraph examination results. Pedro can include the case precedent in his appellate brief but not
the prohibited witness testimony. The appellate court has the jurisdiction to hold that the
objection was improperly overruled by the trial court, but is limited to reviewing the trial record
for error. The appellate court lacks the jurisdiction to admit new evidence not included in the trial

The Federal Courts

For the purpose of this book, the focus is the federal trial court and the intermediate and highest
level appellate courts because these courts are most frequently encountered in a criminal

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prosecution. Other federal specialty courts do exist but are not discussed, such as bankruptcy
court, tax court, and the court of military appeals.
The federal trial court is called the United States District Court. Large states like California
have more than one district court, while smaller states may have only one. District courts hear all
the federal trials, including civil and criminal trials. As stated previously, a dispute that involves
only state law, or a state criminal trial, cannot proceed in district court. The exception to this rule
is the diversity of citizenship exception for civil lawsuits.
After a trial in district court, the loser gets one appeal of right. This means that the intermediate
appellate federal court must hear an appeal of the district court trial if there are sufficient
grounds. The intermediate appellate court in the federal system is the United States Court of
Appeals. There is less federal law than state law, so only thirteen US Courts of Appeals exist for
all fifty states. The US Courts of Appeals are spread out over thirteen judicial circuits and are also
referred to as Circuit Courts.
Circuit Courts have appellate jurisdiction and can review the district court criminal and civil trials
for error. The Circuit Court reviews only trials that are federal in nature, with the exception of
civil lawsuits brought to the district court under diversity of citizenship. As noted in Chapter 1
"Introduction to Criminal Law", the federal Constitution governs criminal trials, so only a guilty
defendant can appeal. In general, with exceptions, appeal of a not-guilty verdict (also called
an acquittal) violates a defendants double jeopardy protection.
After a Circuit Court appeal, the loser has one more opportunity to appeal to the highest-level
federal appellate court, which is the United States Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court is
the highest court in the country and is located in Washington, DC, the nations capital. The US
Supreme Court has eight associate justices and one chief justice: all serve a lifetime appointment.
The US Supreme Court is a discretionary court, meaning it does not have to hear appeals. Unlike
the Circuit Courts, the US Supreme Court can pick and choose which appeals it wants to review.
The method of applying for review with the US Supreme Court is called filing a petition for
a writ of certiorari.
Any case from a Circuit Court, or a case with a federal matter at issue from a states highest-level
appellate court, can petition for a writ of certiorari. If the writ is granted, the US Supreme Court
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reviews the appeal. If the writ is denied, which it is the majority of the time, the ruling of the
Circuit Court or state high court is the final ruling. For this reason, the US Supreme Court
reverses many cases that are accepted for review. If the US Supreme Court wants to affirm the
intermediate appellate court ruling, all it has to do is deny the petition and let the lower court
ruling stand.

The State Courts

For the purpose of this book, a representative state court system is reviewed. Slight variations in
this system may occur from state to state.
Most states offer their citizens a peoples court, typically called small claims court.Small
claims court is a civil court designed to provide state citizens with a low-cost option to resolve
disputes where the amount in controversy is minimal. A traditional small claims court only has
the jurisdiction to award money damages. This means that it cannot adjudicate criminal matters
or family court matters such as granting a petition for divorce. Small claims courts also limit the
amount of money damages available, typically less than $10,000.
Small claims court has special rules that make it amenable to the average individual. Attorneys
cannot represent clients in small claims court, although they certainly can represent themselves
just like any other individual. Small claims court proceedings are generally informal, and usually
no court reporter types what is said. Therefore, no court record exits for appeal. Small claims
court appeals are the exception to the general rule and are usually new trials where evidence is
States generally have a state trial court that can also be the appellate court for small claims
court appeals. This trial court is usually called superior court, circuit court, or county court. State
trial courts are generally all-purpose and hear civil litigation matters, state criminal trials, and
nonlitigation cases including family law, wills and probate, foreclosures, and juvenile
adjudications. States can, however, create specialty courts to hear special matters and free up
the trial courts for basic criminal prosecutions and civil litigation trials. Some states divide their
trial courts into lower and higher levels. The lower-level trial court adjudicates infractions and
misdemeanors, along with civil lawsuits with a smaller amount in controversy. The higher-level
trial court adjudicates felonies and civil lawsuits with a higher amount in controversy.
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The intermediate appellate court for the state court system is usually called the state court of
appeals, although some smaller or low-population states may have only oneappellate court
called the state supreme court. The state courts of appeal provide appeals of right, meaning
they must hear an appeal coming from the states trial court if adequate grounds are present.
Appeals can be of any case adjudicated in the state trial court. In state criminal prosecutions, as
stated earlier in the discussion of federal appeals, only a guilty defendant can appeal without
violating the protection against double jeopardy. At the appellate level, the state court of appeal
simply reviews the trial court record for error and does not have the jurisdiction to hear new
trials or accept evidence.
The highest appellate court for the state court system is usually called the state supreme court. In
states that have both intermediate and high-level appellate courts, the state supreme court is a
discretionary court that gets to select the appeals it hears, very similar to the US Supreme Court.
The state supreme court generally grants a petition for writ of certiorari, or a petition for
review, if it decides to hear a civil or criminal case coming out of the state court of appeal. If
review is denied, the state court of appeal ruling is the final ruling on the case. If review is granted
and the state supreme court rules on the case, the loser has one more chance to appeal, if there is
a federal matter, to the US Supreme Court.
Figure 2.7 Diagram of the Court System

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Federal courts are exclusive and hear only federal matters or cases involving
diversity of citizenship. State courts are nonexclusive and can hear state and
federal matters. All federal criminal prosecutions take place in federal court, and
all state criminal prosecutions take place in state court.

Jurisdiction is either the courts power to hear a matter or a geographic area over
which a court has authority.

Original jurisdiction is a courts power to hear a trial and accept evidence.

Appellate jurisdiction is a courts power to hear an appeal and review the trial for

Three federal courts adjudicate criminal matters: the trial court, which is called
the United States District Court; the intermediate court of appeal, which is called
the United States Court of Appeals or Circuit Court; and the high court of appeal,
which is called the United States Supreme Court. The district court has original
jurisdiction; the Circuit Court and US Supreme Court have primarily appellate

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State courts are usually limited to four, and only three adjudicate criminal
matters. Small claims court is a peoples court and hears only civil matters with
a low threshold of damages. The state trial court, often called superior, circuit, or
county court, is the trial court for the state system. Some states have an
intermediate court of appeal, which is generally called the state court of appeals.
Some states have a high court of appeal, which is generally called the state
supreme court. The trial court has original jurisdiction; the state court of appeal
and state supreme court primarily have appellate jurisdiction.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Jenna sues Max for $25,000, based on a car accident that occurs in Indiana. Jenna
loses at trial and appeals to the highest state appellate court in Indiana, where
she loses again. Can Jenna appeal her case to the US Supreme Court? Why or
why not?
2. Read United States v. P.H.E., Inc., 965 F.2d 848 (1992). In P.H.E., Inc., the
defendant never went to trial but was indicted. The defendant challenged the
indictment, which was upheld by the trial court. The government claimed that
the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit could not hear an appeal of the trial
courts decision, because there was never a final judgment. Did the Circuit
Court agree? Why or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read Hertz Corp. v. Friend, 130 S. Ct. 1181 (2010). How did the US Supreme Court
determine citizenship of a corporation for the purpose of diversity jurisdiction?
The case is available at this
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[1] 28 U.S.C. 1332, accessed August 30, 2010,

[2] 28 U.S.C. 1441 et. seq., accessed August 30,

2.4 The Burden of Proof


Define the burden of proof.

2. Distinguish between the burden of production and the burden of persuasion.

3. Compare the civil and criminal burden of proof.
4. Compare inference and presumption.
5. Compare circumstantial and direct evidence.
The key to the success of a civil or criminal trial is meeting the burden of proof. Afailure to meet the
burden of proof is also a common ground for appeal. In this section, you learn the burden of proof for the
plaintiff, prosecution, and defendant. You also are introduced to different classifications of evidence and
evidentiary rules that can change the outcome of the trial.

Definition of the Burden of Proof

The burden of proof is a partys responsibility to prove a disputed charge, allegation, or


The burden of proof has two components: the burden of production and

the burden of persuasion. The burden of production is the obligation to presentevidence to the
judge or jury. The burden of persuasion is the duty to convince the judge or jury to a certain
standard, such as beyond a reasonable doubt, which is defined shortly. This standard is simply a
measuring point and is determined by examining the quantity and quality of the evidence
presented. Meeting the burden of proof means that a party has introduced enough compelling
evidence to reach the standard defined in the burden of persuasion.
The plaintiff or prosecutor generally has the burden of proving the case, including every element
of it. The defendant often has the burden of proving any defense. The trier of fact determines
whether a party met the burden of proof at trial. The trier of fact would be a judge in a nonjury
or bench trial. In a criminal case, the trier of fact is almost always a jury because of the right to a

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jury trial in the Sixth Amendment. Jurors are not legal experts, so the judge explains the burden
of proof in jury instructions, which are a common source of appeal.

Burden of Proof in a Civil Case

Burdens of proof vary, depending on the type of case being tried. The plaintiffs burden of proof in
a civil case is called preponderance of evidence. Preponderance of evidence requires the plaintiff
to introduce slightly more or slightly better evidence than the defense. This can be as low as 51
percent plaintiff to 49 percent defendant. When preponderance of evidence is the burden of
proof, the judge or jury must be convinced that it is more likely than not that the defendant is
liable for the plaintiffs injuries. Preponderance of evidence is a fairly low standard, but the
plaintiff must still produce more and better evidence than the defense. If the plaintiff offers
evidence of questionable quality, the judge or jury can find that the burden of proof is not met and
the plaintiff loses the case.
The defendants burden of proof when proving a defense in a civil case is also preponderance of
evidence. For example, in the O. J. Simpson civil case discussed inChapter 1 "Introduction to
Criminal Law", O. J. Simpson failed to meet the burden of proving the defense of alibi. The
defendant does not always have to prove a defense in a civil case. If the plaintiff does not meet the
burden of proof, the defendant is victorious without having to present any evidence at all.

Burden of Proof in a Criminal Prosecution

The prosecutions burden of proof in a criminal case is the most challenging burden of proof in
law; it is beyond a reasonable doubt. Judges have struggled with a definition for this burden
of proof. As Chief Justice Shaw stated nearly a century ago,
[w]hat is reasonable doubt? It is a term often used, probably pretty well understood, but not
easily defined. It is not mere possible doubt; because every thing relating to human affairs, and
depending on moral evidence, is open to some possible or imaginary doubt. It is that state of the
case, which, after the entire comparison and consideration of all the evidence, leaves the minds of
jurors in that condition that they cannot say they feel an abiding conviction, to a moral certainty,
of the truth of the charge.


In general, the prosecutions evidence must overcome the defendantspresumption of innocence,

which the Constitution guarantees as due process of law.
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This fulfills the policy of criminal


prosecutions, which is to punish the guilty, not the innocent. If even a slight chance exists that the
defendant is innocent, the case most likely lacks convincing and credible evidence, and the trier of
fact should acquit the defendant.
States vary as to their requirements for the defendants burden of proof when asserting a defense
in a criminal prosecution.


Different defenses also have different burdens of proof, as is

discussed in detail in Chapter 5 "Criminal Defenses, Part 1" and Chapter 6 "Criminal Defenses,
Part 2". Some states require the defendant to meet the burden of production, but require the
prosecution to thereafter meet the burden of persuasion,disproving the defense to a
preponderance of evidence or, in some states, beyond a reasonable doubt. Other states require the
defendant to meet the burden of productionand the burden of persuasion. In these states, the
defendants standard is typically preponderance of evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt. The
defendant does not always have to prove a defense in a criminal prosecution. If the prosecution
does not meet the burden of proof, the defendant is acquitted without having to present any
evidence at all.

Example of a Failure to Meet the Burden of Proof

Ann is on trial for first-degree murder. The only key piece of evidence in Anns trial is the murder
weapon, which was discovered in Anns dresser drawer during a law enforcement search. Before
Anns trial, the defense makes a motion to suppress the murder weapon evidence because the
search warrant in Anns case was signed by a judge who was inebriated and mentally
incompetent. The defense is successful with this motion, and the judge rules that the murder
weapon is inadmissible at trial. The prosecution decides to proceed anyway. If there is no other
convincing and credible evidence of Anns guilt, Ann does not need to put on a defense in this
case. The prosecution will fail to meet the burden of proof and Ann will be acquitted.

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Figure 2.8 Diagram of the Criminal Burden of Proof

Inference and Presumption

Parties can use two tools to help meet the burden of proof: inference andpresumption. Jury
instructions can include inferences and presumptions and are often instrumental in the successful
outcome of a case.
An inference is a conclusion that the judge or jury may make under the circumstances. An
inference is never mandatory but is a choice. For example, if the prosecution proves that the
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defendant punched the victim in the face after screaming, I hate you! the judge or jury can infer
that the punch was thrown intentionally.
A presumption is a conclusion that the judge or jury must make under the circumstances. As
stated previously, all criminal defendants are presumed innocent. Thus the judge or
jury must begin any criminal trial concluding that the defendant is not guilty.
Presumptions can be rebuttable or irrebuttable. A party can disprove a rebuttablepresumption.
The prosecution can rebut the presumption of innocence with evidence proving beyond a
reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. An irrebuttable presumption is irrefutable
and cannot be disproved. In some jurisdictions, it is an irrebuttable presumption that children
under the age of seven are incapable of forming criminal intent. Thus in these jurisdictions
children under the age of seven cannot be criminally prosecuted (although they may be subject to
a juvenile adjudication proceeding).

Circumstantial and Direct Evidence

Two primary classifications are used for evidence: circumstantial evidence ordirect evidence.
Circumstantial evidence indirectly proves a fact. Fingerprint evidence is usually circumstantial. A
defendants fingerprint at the scene of the crime directly proves that the defendant placed a finger
at that location. It indirectly proves that because the defendant was present at the scene and
placed a finger there, the defendant committed the crime. Common examples of circumstantial
evidence are fingerprint evidence, DNA evidence, and blood evidence. Criminal cases relying on
circumstantial evidence are more difficult for the prosecution because circumstantial evidence
leaves room for doubt in a judges or jurors mind. However, circumstantial evidence such as DNA
evidence can be very reliable and compelling, so the prosecution can and often does meet the
burden of proof using only circumstantial evidence.
Direct evidence directly proves a fact. For example, eyewitness testimony is often direct evidence.
An eyewitness testifying that he or she saw the defendant commit the crimedirectly proves that
the defendant committed the crime. Common examples of direct evidence are eyewitness
testimony, a defendants confession, or a video or photograph of the defendant committing the
crime. Criminal cases relying on direct evidence are easier to prove because there is less potential
for reasonable doubt. However, direct evidence can be unreliable and is not necessarily preferable
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to circumstantial evidence. If an eyewitness is impeached, which means he or she loses credibility,

the witnesss testimony lacks the evidentiary value of reliable circumstantial evidence such as
DNA evidence.
Table 2.2 Comparison of Circumstantial and Direct Evidence in a Burglary Case



Fiber from the defendants coat

found in a residence that has been


Nodirectly proves presence at the
scene, not that the defendant committed

GPS evidence indicating the

defendant drove to the burglarized

Nosame explanation as fiber evidence

Testimony from an eyewitness that

she saw the defendant go into the
backyard of the burglarized

Nocould prove trespassing because it

directly provespresence at the scene,
but it does not directly prove burglary

Surveillance camera footage of the

defendant purchasing burglar tools Yes

Nodoes not directly prove they were

used on the residence

Cell phone photograph of the

defendant burglarizing the


Yesdirectly proves that the defendant

committed the crime

Witness testimony that the

defendant confessed to
burglarizing the residence


Yesdirectly proves that the defendant

committed the crime

Pawn shop receipt found in the

defendants pocket for items stolen
from the residence

Nodirectly proves that the items were

pawned, not stolen


The burden of proof is a partys obligation to prove a charge, allegation, or


The burden of production is the duty to present evidence to the trier of fact. The
burden of persuasion is the duty to convince the trier of fact to a certain
standard, such as preponderance of evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt.

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The civil burden of proof is preponderance of evidence, for both the plaintiff and the
defendant. The criminal burden of proof for the prosecution is beyond a reasonable

The criminal burden of proof for the defense is generally preponderance

of evidence. States vary on whether they require the criminal defendant
to meet both the burden of production and persuasion or just the burden
of production. Different defenses also require different burdens of proof.

In states that require the defendant to meet only the burden of

production, the prosecution must disprove the defense to a
preponderance of evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt, depending on
the state and on the defense.

An inference is a conclusion the trier of fact may make, if it chooses to. A

presumption is a conclusion the trier of fact must make. A rebuttable
presumption can be disproved; an irrebuttable presumption cannot.

Circumstantial evidence indirectly proves a fact. A fingerprint at the scene of the

crime, for example, indirectly proves that because the defendant was present at
the scene, the defendant committed the crime. Direct evidence directly proves a
fact. If the defendant confesses to a crime, for example, this is direct evidence
that the defendant committed the crime.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Bria is asserting the insanity defense in her criminal prosecution for murder. In
Brias state, defendants have the burden of production and persuasion to a
preponderance of evidence when proving the insanity defense. Bria offers her
own testimony that she is insane and incapable of forming criminal intent. Will
Bria be successful with her defense? Why or why not?
2. Read Patterson v. New York, 432 U.S. 197 (1977). In Patterson, the defendant was
on trial for murder. New York law reduced murder to manslaughter if the
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defendant proved extreme emotional disturbance to a preponderance of

evidence. Did the US Supreme Court hold that it is constitutional to put this
burden on the defense, rather than forcing the prosecution to disprove extreme
emotional disturbance beyond a reasonable doubt? Which part of the
Constitution did the Court analyze to justify its holding? The case is available at
this link:
3. Read Sullivan v. Louisiana, 508 U.S. 275 (1993). In Sullivan, the jury was given a
constitutionally deficient jury instruction on beyond a reasonable doubt. Did the
US Supreme Court hold that this was a prejudicial error requiring reversal of the
defendants conviction for murder? Which part of the Constitution did the Court
rely on in its holding? The case is available at this

[1], Definition of Burden of Proof, accessed September 26,
[2] Commonwealth v. Webster, 59 Mass. 295, 320 (1850), accessed September 26,
[3] In re Winship, 397 U.S. 358 (1970), accessed September 26,
[4], The Insanity Defense among the States, website, accessed October 1,
[5] David Lohr, Casey Anthony Verdict: NOT GUILTY of First-Degree Murder,
website, accessed August 24, 2011,

2.5 End-of-Chapter Material

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The United States system of government is called federalism and consists of one federal
government regulating issues of a national concern and separate state governments regulating
local issues. The bulk of criminal lawmaking resides with the states because of the police power
granted to the states in the Tenth Amendment. Ninety percent of all criminal laws are state laws.
Many federal crimes are also state crimes, and a defendant can be prosecuted federally and by a
state without triggering double jeopardy protection. If a federal statute exists on an issue, a state
statute cannot conflict with it because of the Constitutions Supremacy Clause.
The Constitution sets forth three branches of government. The legislative branch consists of
Congress and has the authority to create laws. The executive branch is headed by the president of
the United States and has the authority to enforce the laws created by the legislative branch. The
judicial branch is headed by the US Supreme Court and has the authority to interpret laws and the
Constitution. Each branch checks and balances each other, and the judicial branch ensures that
no branch oversteps its authority and violates separation of powers. State governments mimic the
federal branches of government at the state level and set forth authorities in each states
The federal court system exclusively adjudicates federal matters and consists primarily of the US
District Court, the US Court of Appeals or Circuit Court, and the US Supreme Court. Each state
has its own court system consisting primarily of a trial court, intermediate court of appeal, and
possibly a high court of appeal. Trial courts have original jurisdiction and can accept evidence.
Appellate courts have appellate jurisdiction and are limited to reviewing the trial courts decisions
for error.
Each party in a civil or criminal trial must meet a burden of proof, which consists of a burden of
producing evidence and a burden of persuading the trier of fact. The burden of proof for a civil
plaintiff or defendant is preponderance of evidence, which means that the trier of fact must be
convinced it is more likely than not that a party should prevail. The burden of proof for the
prosecution in a criminal case is beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a stricter standard than
preponderance of evidence and consists of enough compelling evidence to rebut the defendants
presumption of innocence. The burden of proof for a criminal defense varies but is often
preponderance of evidence. Inferences, which are conclusions the trier of fact may make, and
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presumptions, which are conclusions the trier of fact must make, can help meet the burden of
proof. The evidence presented to meet the burden of proof can be circumstantial, which indirectly
proves a fact, or direct, which directly proves a fact. Circumstantial evidence leaves room for
reasonable doubt, but it can be reliable and the basis of a successful criminal prosecution.

Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether enough evidence exists to meet the
burden of proof. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant was convicted of possession of a handgun with an altered serial

number. The defendant contended that he did not know the serial number had
been altered. The prosecution offered evidence that the gun was shiny in the
location of the serial number. The prosecution also proved that the defendant
was in possession of the handgun for a week. Is this sufficient evidence to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant knew the serial number had been
altered? Read Robles v. State, 758 N.E.2d 581 (2001). The case is available at this
2. The defendant was convicted of attempted first-degree murder of a peace officer
when he shot a sheriff. The defendant contended that he did not know the victim
was a peace officer. The sheriff was in a vehicle with a whip antenna, was armed,
and was well known as a sheriff in Angola Prison, where the defendant was
incarcerated previous to the shooting incident. However, the sheriff was in an
unmarked car with the red light covered, out of uniform, and his badge was
obscured. Is this sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the
defendant knew the victim was a peace officer? Read Donahue v. Burl Cain, 231
F.3d 1000 (2000). The case is available at this
3. The defendant was convicted of third-degree robbery, which requires a threat of
immediate use of physical force. The defendant entered a McDonalds restaurant
twenty minutes before closing dressed in sunglasses, a leather jacket, and a
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bandana that covered his hair. The defendant beckoned the clerk and thereafter
demanded that she put money from different cash register drawers into his bag.
The defendant did not appear armed, nor did he raise his voice or verbally
threaten the clerk. Is this sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that the defendant threatened immediate use of physical force? Read State v.
Hall, 966 P.2d 208 (1998). The case is available at this
4. The defendant was convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to sell. The
defendant possessed seven individual packages of white powdery substance, but
only one package was tested (and it tested positive for cocaine). Is this sufficient
evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant possessed
cocaine with intent to sell? Read Richards v. Florida, No. 4008-4216 (2010). The
case is available at this link:

Cases of Interest

Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681 (1997), discusses separation of


Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005), discusses the reach of the commerce
= %22criminal+burden+of+proof%22&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=2000.

Sabri v. United States, 541 U.S. 600 (2004), discusses the federal governments
ability to criminalize bribery of a local government

U.S. v. Comstock, 627 F.3d 513 (2010), discusses criminal and civil burdens of
= %22criminal+burden+of+proof%22&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=2000.

Articles of Interest

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Connections between federalism and homeland


Video court:

Burden of proof:

Federal and state court


Websites of Interest

US Supreme Court:

Federal courts:

Civic participation:

US Supreme

Statistics of Interest

Answers to Exercises
From Section 2.1 "Federalism"

1. Congress gets the authority to criminalize conduct involving the Internet from
the commerce clause because the Internet includes economic activity andcrosses
state lines. Both the federal and state government can prosecute the defendant
under federal and state criminal statutes for one act without violating double
2. The US Supreme Court relied on the commerce clause and the Fourteenth
Amendment. Specifically, the Court ruled that gender-motivated crimes of
violence are not economic activity and do not have a national effect, so the
commerce clause does not support federal legislation in this area. Furthermore,
the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment due process clause is targeted at
state government action, not individual defendants, so it is likewise inapplicable.
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3. The US Supreme Court held that the Pennsylvania Sedition Act is supersededby
the Smith Act, 18 U.S.C. 2385. Specifically, the Court referenced the supremacy
of federal law on the same topic, thereby preempting the state statute.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 2.2 "The Branches of Government"

1. The mayor is violating separation of powers because members of the executive

branch cannot invalidate or supersede laws passed by the legislative branch; only
the judicial branch is entitled to do this via judicial review. The judicial branch
should check and balance this action, if someone attacks the mayors policy in
2. The US Supreme Court did not uphold President Trumans action and ruled that
he was violating separation of powers. A statute on point already disallowed the
presidents action (the Taft-Hartley Act). The president cannot supersede
Congresss authority by ignoring a constitutional statute that Congress enacted,
even during wartime.
3. The US Supreme Court reversed the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
The Court held that the judicial branch is not required to allow unconstitutional
federal statutes to remain in effect during wartime because ofseparation of
powers. The Court determined that the detainees constitutional right to due
process allowed him access to an attorney and a court trial, in spite of the federal

Answers to Exercises
From Section 2.3 "The Court System"

1. Jenna cannot appeal to the US Supreme Court because she does not appear to
have a federal issue. Parties can appeal from a states highest level appellate court
directly into the US Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is a federal court
and only has the jurisdiction to hear federal matters. Jenna cannot meet the
criteria of diversity jurisdiction or diversity of citizenship because even if she and

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Max are citizens of different states, the amount in controversy is too low (it needs
to be at least $75,000).
2. The US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit held that there was jurisdiction, in
spite of the absence of a trial. The court also held that the extraordinary
circumstances compelled a reversal of the district court order denying a motion
to dismiss the defendants indictment. The court essentially ruled that the
defendants had a right not to be tried.
3. The US Supreme Court held that a corporation is a citizen of its state of
incorporation and the state in which its principal place of business is located.
The principal place of business is the nerve center state, which is the state that
houses the corporate headquarters.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 2.4 "The Burden of Proof"

1. Bria will not be successful with the insanity defense because she cannot meet the
burden of proof, which is preponderance of evidence. Preponderance of
evidence is a fairly low standard, but Bria must still convince the trier of fact that
it is more likely than not she is insane. She cannot do this with her testimony,
standing alone. Clearly, Bria has an important self-interest in eliminating her
criminal responsibility in this case. Thus her subjectivetestimony regarding her
own mental state is not compelling enough to meet the 51 percent to 49 percent
2. The US Supreme Court held that it is constitutional to put the burden of proving
extreme emotional disturbance on the defendant, reducing murder to
manslaughter. The Court held that this did not relieve the prosecution of the
burden of proving every element of murder beyond a reasonable doubt and thus
was in compliance with the due process clause of the Constitution.
3. The US Supreme Court held that a constitutionally deficient jury instruction on
the definition of beyond a reasonable doubt was a prejudicial error and required
a reversal of the defendants conviction for murder. The Court determined that
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the improper jury instruction deprived the defendant of his Sixth Amendment
right to a jury trial.

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


The federal judge Susan Bolton based her decision on federal preemption and
an impermissible state burden on legal resident aliens. The judge reasoned that
federal authority to make law in the area of immigration has been confirmed by
the US Supreme Court, based on enumerated and implied powers, and the
designated sections of the Arizona law conflicted with this authority and are thus
preempted. [1] The judge further held that enforcement of the enjoined sections of
the Arizona law would divert federal resources [2] and also impermissibly burden
legal resident aliens by restricting their liberty while their status is checked. [3]

Answers to You Be the Juror


The Indiana Court of Appeals held that there was sufficient evidence to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant knew the serial numbers on the
gun had been altered. The appearance of the gun and the defendants week-long
possession were enough for a reasonable juror to infer knowledge.

2. The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held that there
was insufficientevidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the
defendant knew the victim was a peace officer. The court held that a reasonable
juror could not infer knowledge from the whip antennae and the victims job at
Angola prison.
3. The Supreme Court of Oregon held that there was sufficient evidence to prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant threatened immediate use of
physical force. The court held that the defendants appearance, combined with
the lateness of the hour and the demands for money, could be an implicit threat
under the circumstances.
4. The District Court of Appeal of Florida held that there was sufficientevidence to
prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant possessed cocaine with the
intent to sell. The court pointed out that the criminal statute at issue did not
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require a specified quantity of cocaine. The court also reasoned that a jury could
infer from the packaging and expert testimony that the other packages also
contained cocaine.

[1] Order, U.S. v. Arizona, No. CV 10-1413-PHX-SRB, U.S. District Court, accessed October 1,
[2] Order, U.S. v. Arizona, No. CV 10-1413-PHX-SRB, U.S. District Court, accessed October 1,
[3] Order, U.S. v. Arizona, No. CV 10-1413-PHX-SRB, U.S. District Court, accessed October 1,

Chapter 3
Constitutional Protections

Those who wrote our constitutions knew from history and experience that it was necessary to protect
against unfounded criminal charges brought to eliminate enemies and against judges too responsive to the
voice of higher authority.

Duncan v. Louisiana, cited in Section 3.2 "The Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses"

3.1 Applicability of the Constitution


Distinguish between the two types of constitutional protections.

2. Compare unconstitutional on its face with unconstitutional as applied.

3. Distinguish among different standards of judicial review.
4. Compare bill of attainder with ex post facto laws.
5. Ascertain the three types of ex post facto laws.
In addition to statutory and common-law defenses, a criminal defendant has extensive protections that are
set forth in the United States Constitution. As stated earlier in this book, the federal Constitution is

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applicable in all criminal cases because the government is prosecuting. State constitutions typically mirror
the federal Constitution because it sets the minimum standard of protection that is guaranteed to all
citizens. States can and often do provide more constitutional protections to criminal defendants than the
federal Constitution, as long as those state protections do not violate notions of federal supremacy. In this
chapter, the federal Constitution is analyzed with reference to state constitutional protections when relevant.

Constitutional Protections
Generally, two types of constitutional protections exist. First, a defendant can challenge the
constitutionality of a criminal statute or ordinance (from this point forward, the
term statute includes ordinances unless otherwise noted). Recall fromChapter 1 "Introduction to
Criminal Law" that these codified laws cannot conflict with or attempt to supersede the
Constitution. An attack on the constitutionality of a statute can be a claim that the statute
is unconstitutional on its face, isunconstitutional as applied, or both. A statute is unconstitutional
on its face when its wording is unconstitutional. A statute is unconstitutional as applied when its
enforcement is unconstitutional. The difference between the two is significant. If a statute is
unconstitutional on its face, it is invalid under any circumstances. If the statute is
unconstitutional as applied, it is only unconstitutional under certain circumstances.
A second type of constitutional protection is procedural. The defendant can protest an
unconstitutional procedure that occurs during prosecution. Procedure during prosecution
includes, but is not limited to, arrest, interrogation, search, filing of charges, trial, and appeal. The
defendant can make a motion to dismiss the charges, suppress evidence, or declare a mistrial. The
defendant can also appeal and seek to reverse a conviction, among other remedies.
This book concentrates on criminal law rather than criminal procedure, so the bulk of this chapter
is devoted to unconstitutional criminal statutes, rather than unconstitutional procedures. The
exception is the right to a jury trial, which is discussed shortly.

Example of Constitutional Protections

Bill is on trial for obstructing a public sidewalk. Bill was arrested for standing in front of a
restaurants entrance with a sign stating will eat any and all leftovers. The city ordinance Bill
violated makes it a misdemeanor to stand or sit on a public sidewalk with a sign. To save money,
the judge presiding over Bills trial declares that Bill will have a bench trial, rather than a jury
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trial. In this example, Bill can constitutionally attack the city ordinance for violating his freedom
of speech because it prohibits holding a sign. The city ordinance appears unconstitutional on its
face and as appliedto Bill. Bill can also constitutionally attack his bench trial because he has the
right to a jury trial. He could do this by making a motion to declare a mistrial, by petitioning an
appellate court to halt the trial, or by appeal after a judgment of conviction.
Figure 3.1 Constitutional Protections

Judicial Review
As stated previously in this book, courts review statutes to ensure that they conform to the
Constitution pursuant to their power of judicial review. Courts generally use different
standards of review when constitutional protections are at stake. Typically, a court balances
the governments interest in regulating certain conduct against anindividuals interest in a
constitutionally protected right. This balancing of interests varies depending on the right at stake.
If a constitutional right is fundamental, the court uses strict scrutiny to analyze the statute at
issue. A statute that violates or inhibits fundamental constitutional protections is presumptively
invalid and can be upheld only if it uses the least restrictive means possible. The government also
must prove the statute is supported by a compelling government interest. When the challenge is
based on discrimination under the equal protection clause, the court may use a lower standard,
called the rational basis test. The rational basis test allows a statute to discriminate if the statute is
rationally related to a legitimate government interest. Most constitutional rights are considered
fundamental and trigger the strict scrutiny of the courts.
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Example of Strict Scrutiny

Review the example regarding Bill, who was arrested essentially for standing and holding a sign.
The US Supreme Court has held that freedom of speech is afundamental right. Thus a court
reviewing the ordinance in Bills case will hold the ordinance presumptively invalid, unless the
government can demonstrate a compelling interest in enacting it, and that it used the least
restrictive means possible. The ordinance is broadly written to include all signs, and preventing
individuals from holding signs does not serve a compelling government interest, so this difficult
standard will probably result in the court holding the ordinance unconstitutional.

The Legislative Branchs Prohibited Powers

The legislative branch cannot punish defendants without a trial or enact retroactive criminal
statutes pursuant to the Constitutions prohibition against bill of attainderand ex post facto laws.
Article 1, 9, clause 3 states, in pertinent part, No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be
passed. The prohibition on bill of attainder and ex post facto laws is extended to the states in
Article 1, 10, clause 1: No State shallpass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law. Many state
constitutions also prohibit ex post facto legislative action, mirroring the federal Constitution.


Bill of Attainder
Bill of attainder is when the legislative branch of government punishes the defendant without a
trial. The drafters of the Constitution wanted to ensure that criminal defendants have a full and
fair adjudication of their rights before the government imposes punishment. Bill of attainder is
usually accomplished by a statute that targets an individual or group of individuals for some type
of government sanction. Bill of attainder protection enforces separation of powers by eliminating
the ability of the legislature to impose criminal punishment without a trial conducted by the
judicial branch.


Example of Bill of Attainder

Brianne is a member of the Communist party. Brianne applies for a job as a teacher at her local
elementary school and is refused, based on this statute: Members of any subversive group,
including the Communist party, cannot hold public office nor teach for a public institution.
Brianne could attack this statute as a bill of attainder. Its provisions, targeting members of the
Communist party or any other subversive group,punish by eliminating career opportunities. The
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members targeted are punished without a trial or any adjudication of their rights. Thus this
statute allows the legislature to impose a sanction without a trial in violation of the Constitutions
prohibited powers.

Ex Post Facto
An ex post facto law punishes an individual retroactively, and severely encroaches on notions of
fairness. There are three types of ex post facto laws. First, a law is ex post facto if it punishes
behavior that occurred before the law was in effect. Second, ex post facto laws may increase the
punishment for the offense after the crime occurred. Third, a law can be ex post facto if it
increases the possibility of conviction after the crime occurred.

Example of an Ex Post Facto Law Punishing Behavior Retroactively

A state murder statute defines murder as the killing of a human being, born alive. The state
legislature amends this statute to include the killing of a fetus, with the exception of abortion. The
amendment extends the application of the statute to all criminal fetus killings that
occurred before the statute was changed. This language punishes defendants for behavior that
was legal when committed. If the state attempts to include this language, a court can strike the
statute for violating the prohibition against ex post facto laws.

Example of an Ex Post Facto Law Increasing Punishment Retroactively

In the preceding example about amending the murder statute, the state also amends the statute to
increase the penalty for murder to the death penalty. Before the amendment, the penalty for
murder was life in prison without the possibility of parole. The state cannot give the death penalty
to defendants who committed murder before the statute was amended. This is considered ex post
facto because it increases the punishment for the offense after the crime is committed.

Example of an Ex Post Facto Law Increasing the Possibility of Conviction Retroactively

In the preceding example, the state amends the murder statute to remove
thestatute of limitations, which is the time limit on prosecution. Before the amendment, the
statute of limitations was fifty years. The state cannot prosecute defendants who committed
murder more than fifty years ago, pursuant to the amendment. This is considered ex post facto
because it increases the chance of conviction after the crime is committed.

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Changes That Benefit a Defendant Retroactively

Changes that benefit a criminal defendant are not considered ex post facto and may be applied
retroactively. In the preceding example, if the state amended the murder statute to shorten the
statute of limitations, this change actually benefits defendants by making it more difficult to
convict them. Thus this amendment would be constitutional.

Ex Post Facto Applies Only to Criminal Laws

Ex post facto protection applies only to criminal laws. Laws that raise fees or taxes after payment
are civil rather than criminal in nature. Thus these retroactive increases do not exceed
governmental authority and are constitutional.

Figure 3.2 The Constitutions Prohibited Powers

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The Constitution protects individuals from certain statutes and certain

governmental procedures.

A statute is unconstitutional on its face when its wording is unconstitutional. A

statute is unconstitutional as applied when its enforcement is unconstitutional.

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A court reviews a statute for constitutionality using strict scrutiny if the statute
inhibits a fundamental constitutional right. Strict scrutiny means that the statute
is presumptively invalid, and the government must prove it is supported by a
compelling government interest and uses the least restrictive means.
Occasionally, a court reviews a statute for constitutionality under the equal
protection clause using the rational basis test, which means that the statute is
constitutional if rationally related to a legitimate government interest.

A bill of attainder is when the legislative branch punishes a defendant without a

trial. Ex post facto laws punish criminal defendants retroactively.

Ex post facto laws punish defendants for acts that were not criminal when
committed, increase the punishment for a crime retroactively, or increase the
chance of criminal conviction retroactively.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. A public university raises tuition in the middle of the semester after students
have already paid and sends all registered students a bill for fees past due.
Does this violate the prohibition on ex post facto laws? Why or why not?
2. Read Smith v. Doe, 538 U.S. 84 (2003). Why did the US Supreme Court hold that
Alaskas Megans Law is constitutional? The case is available at this
3. Read Stogner v. California, 539 U.S. 607 (2003). Why did the US Supreme Court
hold that Californias Sex Offender statute of limitations was unconstitutional?
The case is available at this link:

[1] Indiana Constitution, art. I, 24, accessed October 4,
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[2] U.S. v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437 (1965), accessed October 2,


3.2 The Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses


Define the Bill of Rights.

2. Define the principle of selective incorporation.

3. Distinguish between substantive and procedural due process.
4. Compare void for vagueness and overbreadth.
5. Ascertain the purpose of the equal protection clause as it applies to criminal
Although the legislative branchs prohibited powers are in Article I of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights
contains most of the constitutional protections afforded to criminal defendants. The Bill of Rights is the
first ten amendments to the Constitution. In addition, the Fourteenth Amendment, which was added to the
Constitution after the Civil War, has a plethora of protections for criminal defendants in the due process and
equal protection clauses.
The Bill of Rights was originally written to apply to the federal government. However, US Supreme Court
precedent has held that any constitutional amendment that is implicit to due processs concept of ordered
liberty must be incorporated into the Fourteenth Amendments protections and applied to the states.



doctrine is called selective incorporation, and it includes virtually all the constitutional protections in the
Bill of Rights. Thus although the original focus of the Bill of Rights may have been limiting the federal
government, modern interpretations of the Constitution ensure that its protections also extend to all levels of
state and local government.

The Meaning of Due Process of Law

The due process clause states, No person shallbe deprived of life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law. The due process clause in the Fifth Amendment applies to federal crimes and
federal criminal prosecutions. The federal due process clause is mirrored in the Fourteenth
Amendment, which guarantees due process of law in state criminal prosecutions. Most states
have a similar provision in their constitutions.
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Substantive due process protects individuals from an unreasonable loss of substantive rights,
such as the right to speak freely and the right to privacy.Procedural due process protects
individuals from being criminally punished without notice and an opportunity to be heard. Both
substantive and procedural due processes ensure that individuals are not denied their life (capital
punishment), liberty (incarceration), or property (forfeiture) arbitrarily.

Void for Vagueness

Void for vagueness challenges the wording of a statute under the due process clause. A statute is
void for vagueness if it uses words that are indefinite or ambiguous. Statutes that are not precisely
drafted do not provide notice to the public of exactly what kind of behavior is criminal. In
addition, and more important, they give too much discretion to law enforcement and are
unevenly enforced.


With a void for vagueness challenge, the statute must be so unclear that

men of common intelligence must guess at its meaning,


which is an objective standard.

Example of a Statute That Is Void for Vagueness

A state legislature enacts a statute that criminalizes inappropriate attire on public beaches.
Larry, a law enforcement officer, arrests Kathy for wearing a two-piece bathing suit at the beach
because in his belief, women should wear one-piece bathing suits. Two days later, Burt, another
law enforcement officer, arrests Sarah for wearing a one-piece bathing suit at the beach because
in his belief, women should not be seen in public in bathing suits. Kathy and Sarah can attack the
statute on its face and as applied as void for vagueness. The term inappropriate is unclear and
can mean different things to different people. Thus it gives too much discretion to law
enforcement, is subject to uneven application, and does not give Kathy, Sarah, or the public
adequate notice of what behavior is criminal.

A statute is overbroad if it criminalizes both constitutionally protected and constitutionally
unprotected conduct. This challenge is different from void for vagueness, although certain
statutes can be attacked on both grounds. An overbroad statute criminalizes too much and needs
to be revised to target only conduct that is outside the Constitutions parameters.

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Example of an Overbroad Statute

A state legislature enacts a statute that makes it criminal to photograph nude individuals who are
under the age of eighteen. This statute is probably overbroad and violates due process. While it
prohibits constitutionally unprotected conduct, such as taking obscene photographs of minors, it
also criminalizes First Amendment protectedconduct, such as photographing a nude baby.

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Figure 3.3 The Due Process Clause

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The Equal Protection Clause

The Fourteenth Amendment states in relevant part, nor shall any Statedeny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Theequal protection clause applies to the state government.
State constitutions generally have a similar provision.


The equal protection clause prevents the state

government from enacting criminal laws that discriminate in an unreasonable and unjustified manner. The
Fifth Amendment due process clause prohibits the federal government from discrimination if the
discrimination is so unjustifiable that it violates due process of law.


The prohibition on governmental discrimination is not absolute; it depends on the class of persons targeted
for special treatment. In general, court scrutiny is heightened according to a sliding scale when the subject of
discrimination is an arbitrary classification. Arbitrary means random and often includes characteristics an
individual is born with, such as race or national origin. The most arbitrary classifications demandstrict

scrutiny, which means the criminal statute must be supported by a compellinggovernment interest.
Statutes containing classifications that are not arbitrary must have a rational basis and be supported by
a legitimate government interest.
Criminal statutes that classify individuals based on their race must be given strict scrutiny because race is an
arbitrary classification that cannot be justified. Modern courts do not uphold criminal statutes that classify
based on race because there is no government interest in treating citizens of a different race more or less


Criminal statutes that have a rational basis for discrimination and are supported by a legitimate government
interest can discriminate, and frequently do. Criminal statutes that punish felons more severely when they
have a history of criminal behavior, for example, three-strikes statutes, are supported by the legitimate
government interests of specific and general deterrence and incapacitation. Note that the basis of the
discrimination, a criminal defendants status as a convicted felon, is rational, not arbitrary like race. Thus
although these statutes discriminate, they are constitutional pursuant to the equal protection clause.

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Figure 3.4 The Equal Protection Clause


The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the Constitution and contains
many protections for criminal defendants.

Selective incorporation applies most of the constitutional protections in the Bill

of Rights to the states.

Substantive due process protects criminal defendants from unreasonable

government intrusion on their substantive constitutional rights. Procedural due
process provides criminal defendants with notice and an opportunity to be heard
before imposition of a criminal punishment.

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A statute that is void for vagueness is so imprecisely worded that it gives too
much discretion to law enforcement, is unevenly applied, and does not provide
notice of what is criminal. A statute that is overbroad includes constitutionally
protected conduct and therefore unreasonably encroaches upon individual

The equal protection clause prevents the state government from enacting
criminal laws that arbitrarily discriminate. The Fifth Amendment due process
clause extends this prohibition to the federal government if the discrimination
violates due process of law.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. A local ordinance makes it a misdemeanor to dress in gang attire. Is this

ordinance constitutional? Why or why not?
2. Read Smith v. Goguen, 415 U.S. 566 (1974). Why did the US Supreme Court strike
down the Massachusetts flag misuse statute? The case is available at this
3. Read Grayned v. City of Rockford, 408 U.S. 104 (1972). In Grayned, the US
Supreme Court analyzed an ordinance prohibiting individuals from willfully
making a noise or disturbance on grounds adjacent to a school building that
disturbs the peace or good order of the school session. Did the Court hold that
this ordinance was constitutional? Why or why not? The case is available at this
4. Read Justice Sandra Day OConnors concurring opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, 539
U.S. 558 (2003). Why did Justice OConner feel that Texass sodomy law was
unconstitutional? The case is available at this

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[1] Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145 (1968), accessed October 20,
[2] Missouri Constitution, art. I, 10, accessed October 10,
[3] U.S. v. White, 882 F.2d 250 (1989), accessed October 6,
[4] Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385 (1926), accessed October 3,
[5] California Constitution, art. I, 7, accessed October 4,
[6] Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 U.S. 497 (1954), accessed October 4,
[7] Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967), accessed October 4,

3.3 Freedom of Speech


Define speech under the First Amendment.

2. Identify five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated in spite of the
First Amendment.
3. Ascertain the constitutional parameters for statutes that criminalize speech.
The First Amendment states, in relevant part, Congress shall make no lawabridging the freedom of
speech. Although this language specifically targets federal Congress, the First Amendment has been held
applicable to the states by virtue of selective incorporation.
provision protecting freedom of speech.


Most state constitutions have a similar


Freedom of speech has been the focus of countless judicial opinions. To summarize US Supreme Court
precedent, the word speech has been interpreted to cover virtually anyform of expression, including verbal

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and written words, pictures, photographs, videos, and songs. First Amendment speech also includes
expressive conduct such as dressing a certain way,


flag burning,


and cross burning.


Exceptions to the First Amendments Protection of Free Speech

In general, courts have examined the history of the Constitution and the policy supporting
freedom of speech when creating exceptions to its coverage. Modern decisions afford freedom of
speech the strictest level of scrutiny; only a compelling government interest can justify an
exception, which must use the least restrictive means possible.


For the purpose of brevity, this

book reviews the constitutional exceptions to free speech in statutes criminalizing fighting
words, incitement to riot, hate crimes, and obscenity.

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Figure 3.5 The First Amendment

Fighting Words
Although the First Amendment protects peaceful speech and assembly, if speech creates a clear
and present danger to the public, it can be regulated.


This includes fighting words, those

which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.


Any criminal statute prohibiting fighting words must be narrowly tailored and focus
onimminent rather than future harm. Modern US Supreme Court decisions indicate a tendency to
favor freedom of speech over the governments interest in regulating fighting words, and many
fighting words statutes have been deemed unconstitutional under the First Amendment or void
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for vagueness and overbreadth under the Fifth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment due
process clause.


Example of an Unconstitutional Fighting Words Statute

Georgia enacted the following criminal statute: Any person who shall, without provocation, use
to or of another, and in his presenceopprobrious words or abusive language, tending to cause a
breach of the peaceshall be guilty of a misdemeanor (Ga. Code 26-6303). The US Supreme
Court determined that this statute was overbroad, void for vagueness, and unconstitutional under
the First Amendment.


The Court held that the dictionary definitions of opprobrious and abusive give them greater
reach than fighting words. Thus the statute is overbroad and does not restrict its prohibition
to imminent harm. Opprobrious and abusive have various meanings, so the statute is also subject
to uneven enforcement and is void for vagueness. As the Court stated, this language licenses the
jury to create its own standard in each case.


Incitement to Riot
Incitement to riot can also be regulated under the clear and present danger exception. Similar to
fighting words, an incitement to riot statute must prohibit imminent lawless action.



that prohibit simple advocacy with no imminent threat or harm cannot withstand the First
Amendments heightened scrutiny.

Example of an Unconstitutional Incitement to Riot Statute

Ohio enacted a statute that criminalized advocat[ing]the duty, necessity, or propriety of crime,
sabotage, violence, or unlawful methods of terrorism as a means of accomplishing industrial or
political reform and voluntarily assembl[ing] with any society, group or assemblage of persons
formed to teach or advocate the doctrines of criminal syndicalism (Ohio Rev. Code Ann.
2923.13). A Ku Klux Klan leader was convicted under the statute after the media broadcast films
of him leading a KKK meeting. The US Supreme Court held, Accordingly, we are here confronted
with a statute which, by its own words and as applied, purports to punish mere advocacy and to
forbid, on pain of criminal punishment, assembly with others merely to advocate the described
type of action. [Footnote 4] Such a statute falls within the condemnation of the First and
Fourteenth Amendments.


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Hate Crimes
Many states and the federal government have enacted hate crimes statutes. When hate crimes
statutes criminalize speech, including expressive conduct, a First Amendment analysis is
appropriate. When hate crimes statutes enhance a penalty for criminal conduct that is not
expressive, the First Amendment is not applicable.


Hate crimes statutes punish conduct that is targeted at specific classifications of people. These
classifications are listed in the statute and can include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,
or religion. Hate crimes statutes that criminalize speech can be constitutional under the clear and
present danger exception if they are tailored to apply only to speech or expressive conduct that is
supported by the intent to intimidate.


This can include speech and expressive conduct such as

threats of imminent bodily injury, death, or cross burning. Hate crimes statutes must be narrowly
drafted, and cannot be void for vagueness or overbroad.
Hate crimes statutes that criminalize the content of speech, like a prejudicial opinionabout a
certain race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion are unconstitutional under the First


Statutes of this nature have been held to have a chilling effect on free

expression by deterring individuals from expressing unpopular views, which is the essence of free
speech protection. Although this type of speech can stir up anger, resentment, and possibly
trigger a violent situation, the First Amendment protects content-based speech from
governmental regulation without strict scrutiny exposing a compelling government interest.

Example of an Unconstitutional Statute Prohibiting Cross Burning

St. Paul, Minnesota, enacted the Bias-Motivated Crime Ordinance, which prohibited the display
of a symbol that a person knows or has reason to know arouses anger, alarm or resentment in
others on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or gender (Ordinance, St. Paul, Minn., Legis.
Code 292.02 (1990)). In R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377 (1992), the US Supreme Court held that
this ordinance was unconstitutional on its face because regulation was based on the content of
speech, with no additional requirement for imminent lawless action. The Court held that the
ordinance did not proscribe the use of fighting words (the display of a symbol) toward specific
groups of individuals, which would be an equal protection clause challenge. Instead, the Court
determined that the statute prohibited the use of specific types of fighting words, for example,
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words that promote racial hatred, and this is impermissible as viewpoint-based censorship. As the
Court stated, [c]ontent-based regulations are presumptively invalid.


Example of a Constitutional Statute Prohibiting Cross Burning

Virginia enacted a statute that makes it criminal for any person, with the intent of intimidating
any person or group, to burna cross on the property of another, a highway or other public
place (Va. Code Ann. 18.2-423). The US Supreme Court held this statute constitutional under
the First Amendment because it did not single out cross burning indicating racial hatred, as the
Minnesota cross-burning ordinance did. The Court stated, Unlike the statute at issue in R. A. V.,
the Virginia statute does not single out for opprobrium only that speech directed toward one of
the specified disfavored topics. Id., at 391. It does not matter whether an individual burns a
cross with intent to intimidate because of the victims race, gender, or religion, or because of the
victims political affiliation, union membership, or homosexuality.


Another exception to free speech is obscenity. Obscenity is usually conveyed by speech, such as
words, pictures, photographs, songs, videos, and live performances. However, obscenity is
not protected speech under the First Amendment.


In Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), the US Supreme Court devised a three-part test to
ascertain if speech is obscene and subject to government regulation. Generally, speech is obscene
if (1) the average person, applying contemporary community standards would find that the work,
taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex; (2) it depicts sexual conduct specifically
defined by the applicable state law in a patently offensive way; and (3) it lacks serious literary,
artistic, political, or scientific value.


Example of Speech That Is Not Obscene

In Jenkins v. Georgia, 418 U.S. 153 (1974), the US Supreme Court viewed the filmCarnal
Knowledge to determine whether the defendant could be constitutionally convicted under an
obscenity statute for showing it at a local theater. The Court concluded that most of the films
sexual content was suggestive rather than explicit, and the only direct portrayal of nudity was a
womans bare midriff. Thus although a jury convicted the defendant after viewing the film, the
Court reversed the conviction, stating that the film does not constitute the hard-core pornography
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that the three-part test for obscenity isolates from the First Amendments protection. The Court
stated, Appellants showing of the film Carnal Knowledge is simply not the public portrayal of
hard core sexual conduct for its own sake, and for the ensuing commercial gain which we said

was punishable in Miller, Id., at 35.

Nude Dancing
Statutes that regulate nude dancing have also been attacked under the First Amendment.
Although the US Supreme Court has ruled that nude dancing is constitutionally protected
expression, it has also upheld reasonable restrictions on nudity, such as requirements that nude
dancers wear pasties and a g-string.


Table 3.1 Statutes Prohibiting Speech under a First Amendment Exception



Necessary Statutory Requirements

First Amendment,
vague, overbreadth

Must proscribe imminent lawless action, be narrowly

drafted, precise

Incitement to First Amendment,

vague, overbreadth

Must proscribe imminent lawless action, be narrowly

drafted, precise; cannot prohibit simple advocacy

Hate speech

First Amendment,
vague, overbreadth

Must be narrowly drafted, precise; must target speech

supported by the intent to intimidate; cannot be content
based without a compelling government interest


First Amendment,
vague, overbreadth

Must be narrowly drafted, precise; must target speech

that appeals to a prurient interest in sex, depicts sex in a
patently offensive way, lacks serious social value

First Amendment,
Nude dancing vague, overbreadth

Can be reasonably restricted

Should Depictions of Animal Cruelty Be Protected by the First Amendment?
Congress enacted 18 U.S.C. 48, which criminalizes commercial creation, sale, or possession of a
visual or auditory depiction in which a living animal is intentionally maimed, mutilated, tortured,
wounded, or killed, if that conduct violates federal or state law where the creation, sale, or
possession takes place. In United States v. Stevens, 552 U.S. 442 (2010), the US Supreme Court
held that this statute is facially overbroad and violative of the First Amendment. Specifically, the
Court held that depictions of animal cruelty are entitled to First Amendment protection, and the
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statute is presumptively invalid because it is content based. In addition, the Court stated that the
governments interest in censoring this type of material is not compelling enough to outweigh the
prohibition on protected speech and that the statute on its face included material that may have
redeeming social value. The Courts opinion is available at this

1. Do you think the First Amendment should protect material depicting animal
cruelty? Why or why not?
2. What are some possible consequences of criminalizing this type of speech?
Check your answers to both questions using the answer key at the end of the chapter.


Speech under the First Amendment is any form of expression, such as verbal or
written words, pictures, videos, and songs. Expressive conduct, such as dressing a
certain way, flag burning, and cross burning, is also considered First Amendment

Five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated are fighting words,
incitement to riot, hate speech, obscenity, and nude dancing.

Statutes that prohibit fighting words and incitement to riot must be narrowly
drafted to include only speech that incites imminent unlawful action, not future
harm or general advocacy. Statutes that prohibit hate speech must be narrowly
drafted to include only speech that is supported by the intent to intimidate.
Statutes that prohibit obscenity must target speech that appeals to a prurient
interest in sex, depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and has little
or no literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. Nude dancing can be regulated
as long as the regulation is reasonable, such as requiring dancers to wear pasties
and a g-string.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the
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1. A state statute enhances the penalty for battery if the crime is committed
because of the victims race. To prove race-biased intent, it is frequently
necessary to admit evidence of the defendants statements indicating racial
hatred and intolerance. Does this statute violate the First Amendments free
speech protection? Why or why not? Read the case on which this question is
based,Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 47 (1993). The case is available at this
2. Read Reno v. American Civ. Liberties Union, 521 U.S. 844 (1997). This case
reviews the constitutionality of a federal statute regulating Internet activity to
protect minors. Why did the US Supreme Court hold that certain provisions of
the federal Communications Decency Act of 1996 were unconstitutional? The
case is available at this
3. Read Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 130 S. Ct. 2705 (2010). Did the US
Supreme Court uphold a federal statute prohibiting aid to terrorist groups? Why
or why not? The case is available at this

[1] Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652 (1925), accessed October 5,
[2] Illinois Constitution, art. I, 4, accessed October 9,
[3] Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969), accessed October 8,
[4] Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), accessed October 5,
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[5] R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377 (1992), accessed October 5,
[6] Sable Communis. of California, Inc. v. FCC, 492 U.S. 115 (1989), accessed October 5,
[7] Schenck v. U.S., 249 U.S. 47 (1919), accessed October 5,
[8] Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 572 (1942), accessed October 6,
[9] Lewis v. City of New Orleans, 415 U.S. 130 (1974), accessed October 7,
[10] Gooding v. Wilson, 405 U.S. 518 (1972), accessed October 7,
[11] Gooding v. Wilson, 405 U.S. 518, 528 (1972), quoting Herndon v. Lowry, 301 U.S. 242, 263 (1937),
accessed October 7,
[12] Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), accessed October 6,
[13] Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444, 449 (1969), accessed October 6,
[14] Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 47 (1993), accessed October 7,
[15] Virginia v. Black, 535 U.S. 343 (2003), accessed October 5,
[16] R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377 (1992), accessed October 5,

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[17] R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377, 382 (1992), accessed October 5,
[18] Virginia v. Black, 535 U.S. 343, 359 (2003), accessed October 5,
[19] Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957), accessed October 7,
[20] Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), accessed October 7,
[21] Jenkins v. Georgia, 418 U.S. 153, 161 (1974), accessed October 7,
[22] City of Erie et al v. Paps A.M., 529 U.S. 277 (2000), accessed October 11,

3.4 The Right to Privacy


Ascertain the constitutional amendments that support a right to privacy.

2. Ascertain three constitutionally protected individual interests that are included in

the right to privacy.
The federal Constitution does not explicitly protect privacy. However, several of the amendments in the Bill
of Rights ensure and protect individual decision making and autonomy from governmental intrusion. Thus
modern interpretations of the Constitution by the US Supreme Court have created
a right to privacy.


This right is considered fundamental and subject to strict scrutiny; only a compelling

government interest can justify a statute encroaching on its protections. Many states include an explicit right
to privacy in their state constitutions.


The Constitutional Amendments Protecting Privacy

US Supreme Court precedent has held that the right to privacy comes from the First, Third,
Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The First Amendment protects the right to
speak freely, assemble peacefully, and worship according to individual choice. The Third
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Amendment prohibits the government from forcing individuals to quarter, house, or feed
soldiers. The Fourth Amendment prevents the government from unreasonably searching or
seizing an individual or an individuals property. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide
due process of law before the government can deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property.
The Ninth Amendment states that rights not explicitly set forth in the Constitution may still exist.
Taken together, these amendments indicate that the Constitution was written to erect a barrier
between individuals and an overly intrusive and regulatory government. In modern society, this
right to privacy guarantees the right to use birth control, the right to an abortion, and the right
to participate in consensual sexual relations.

The Right to Use Birth Control

The right to privacy was first established in the US Supreme Court case of Griswold v.
Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965). In Griswold, the defendants, Planned Parenthood employees,
were convicted of prescribing birth control as accessories under two Connecticut statutes that
criminalized the use of birth control. The Court found the statutes unconstitutional, holding that
the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments created a penumbra of unenumerated
constitutional rights, including zones of privacy.


The Court stated that marital privacy,

especially, deserved the utmost protection from governmental intrusion. The Griswold case set
the stage for other fundamental privacy rights related to intimacy, including the right to an
abortion and the right to consensual sexual relations.

The Right to an Abortion

The right to an abortion was set forth in the seminal US Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, 410
U.S. 113 (1973). In Roe, which examined a Texas statute criminalizing abortion, the Court held
that every woman has the right to a legal abortion through the first trimester of pregnancy. In the
aftermath of the Roe decision, more than half of the nations state laws criminalizing abortion
became unconstitutional and unenforceable. The Court held that state government has
a legitimate interest in protecting a pregnant woman and her fetus from harm, which becomes
a compelling interest when she has reached full term. However, during the first trimester, health
concerns from abortion do not justify the erosion of a womans right to make the abortion


The Court thereafter struck down the Texas antiabortion statute as overbroad under

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the Fourteenth Amendment due process clause. Specifically, the Court held that during the first
trimester of pregnancy, the abortion decision must be left to the pregnant woman and her
attending physician.


In a recent decision post-Roe, the Court upheld a federal statute

criminalizing partial-birth abortion, on the grounds that it was not void for vagueness or
overbroad under the Fifth Amendment due process clause.


The Right to Consensual Sexual Relations

Even in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade, courts were reluctant to interfere with states interests in
enacting and enforcing statutes that criminalized sexual conduct. InBowers v. Hardwick, 478
U.S. 186 (1986), the US Supreme Court upheld a Georgia statute that made it a crime to engage in
consensual sodomy.


The Court stated that there is no fundamental right to engage in sodomy

and that the history of protecting marriage and family relationships should not be extended in
this fashion.


Many years later, the Court changed its stance and overruled Bowers in Lawrence

v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). In Lawrence, a Texas statute criminalizing homosexual sodomy
was attacked on its face and as applied to two men who were discovered engaging in sex in their
bedroom during a law enforcement search for weapons. The Lawrencedecision rested on the due
process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court held that intimate choices are a form of
liberty protected by the due process clause, whether or not consenting individuals are married.
The Court thereafter struck down the Texas sodomy statute because it was not justified by a
sufficient government interest.


Example of a Right to Privacy Analysis

Most states have statutes criminalizing consensual incest, which is sexual intercourse between
family members who cannot legally marry. If an individual attacks a consensual incest statute as
unconstitutional under the right to privacy, the court will balance the states interest in preventing
harm to an infant, such as birth defects, with an individuals interest in having consensual sexual
intercourse with a family member, using strict scrutiny. If the court finds that the government
interest is compelling, it can uphold the statute as long as it is not vague or overbroad.

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Figure 3.6 The Right to Privacy


The constitutional amendments supporting the right to privacy are the First,
Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

The right to privacy in the Constitution protects an individuals right to use

contraceptives, to receive an abortion through the first trimester, and to engage
in consensual sexual relations.


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Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. A state statute prohibits inmates in state prison from engaging in consensual

sodomy. An inmate is prosecuted under the statute. How will a court determine
whether this statute is constitutional? Read the statute on which this exercise is
based: California Penal Code
2. Read Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992). In Casey, Pennsylvania
modified its abortion statute to include a twenty-four-hour waiting period and
informed consent for minors. Did the US Supreme Court uphold the Pennsylvania
abortion statute? The case is available at this

[1] Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), accessed October 9,
[2] Hawaii Constitution, art. I, 6, accessed October 9, 2010,
[3] Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 483 (1965), accessed October 9,
[4] Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 162 (1973), accessed October 10,
[5] Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 164 (1973), accessed October 10,
[6] Gonzales v. Carhart, 127 S. Ct. 1610 (2007), accessed October 11,
[7] Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986), accessed October 11,
[8] Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186, 194195 (1986), accessed October 11,
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[9] Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003), accessed October 11,

3.5 The Right to Bear Arms


Ascertain the constitutional parameters of an individuals right to possess a

handgun under the Second Amendment.

Although the federal Constitution specifically references a right to bear arms in theSecond Amendment,
the US Supreme Court has not interpreted this amendment in a significant fashion until recently. The
Second Amendment provides [a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Many state constitutions have a similar


In 2008, the US Supreme Court explored the Second Amendment and its effect on weapons

possession in a case attacking Washington, DC, firearms legislation.


In District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008), the Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the
D.C. Circuit in striking provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975. The Court struck the
portions of this act that banned the possession of handguns and mandated that all legal firearms must be
kept unloaded and disassembled while in the home. Although the District Court held that the Second
Amendment applies only to the militia, the US Supreme Court emphasized that the Second Amendment is
exercised individually and belongs to all Americans. The Court also expanded previous interpretations of the
Second Amendment to cover an individuals right to possess a usable handgun in the home for self-defense.
The Hellercase is unprecedented and is the first to address individual handgun possession under the Second
Amendment. However, the Heller ruling is narrow and specifically excludes firearms restrictions on felons,
the mentally ill, firearm possession in or near schoolsor government buildings, and the commercial

sale of firearms. The Heller decision also fails to extend the Second Amendments protections to
the states because Washington, DC, is a federal enclave.
In McDonald v. Chicago, 130 S.Ct. 3020 (2010), the US Supreme Court revisited the gun possession issue
by reviewing and rejecting as unconstitutional a handgun ban in the city of Chicago, Illinois. In McDonald,
the Court took the extra step of extending theHeller ruling to the states, holding that the Second
Amendment applies to the states via its selective incorporation into the due process clause.

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However, McDonald did not expand the ruling in Heller in other ways and reemphasized the Heller
exceptions of firearms restrictions on felons, the mentally ill, firearm possession in or near schools or
government buildings, and the commercial sale of firearms.

Example of an Appropriate Restriction on Firearms

Dirk is a public middle-school janitor. Occasionally, with the permission of the principal, Dirk
stays overnight in an outbuilding on campus when he works a particularly late shift. Dirk wants to
keep a handgun in the outbuilding, for protection. If Dirks state has a statute prohibiting the
possession of a handgun within one mile of any public school, Dirk cannot keep a handgun in the
outbuilding for self-defense. Modern US Supreme Court precedent holds that the Second
Amendment protects an individuals right to possess a handgun in the home for self-defense.
However, this precedent specifically exempts firearm possession near schools. Unless newer
precedent expands the ruling to include firearm possession near schools, the statute in Dirks
state is constitutional.
Figure 3.7 The Second Amendment

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Pursuant to recent US Supreme Court precedent, the Second Amendment

protects an individuals right to possess a usable handgun in the home for self-
defense. This protection does not cover felons, the mentally ill, firearm
possession near schools and government buildings, or the commercial sale of

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the
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1. A state court order forbids the defendant from possessing a handgun while on
probation. This makes it impossible for the defendant to resume his career as a
police officer. How will this court order be analyzed under recent US Supreme
Court precedent interpreting the Second Amendment?
2. Read Lewis v. U.S., 445 U.S. 55 (1980). In Lewis, the defendant, a felon, was
convicted under a federal statute for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
The defendant claimed that this was unconstitutional because he was not
represented by counsel during his trial on the original felony. The defendant
never sought a pardon or reversal of his conviction for the original felony on
appeal. Did the US Supreme Court uphold the defendants conviction for
possession of a firearm by a convicted felon? The case is available at this
3. Read U.S. v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995). In Lopez, the US Supreme Court held that
a federal statute prohibiting firearms near schools was unconstitutional because
it regulated conduct that had no effect on interstate commerce and thus
exceeded Congresss authority under the commerce clause. If a state enacts a
similar statute, would this be constitutional under the Second Amendment? The
case is available at this

[1] Eugene Volokh, State Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms Provisions, UCLA website, accessed
October 22, 2010,
[2] District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008), accessed October 13,

3.6 Excessive Punishment

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Compare an inhumane procedure with disproportionate punishment under the

Eighth Amendment.

2. Identify the most prevalent method of execution pursuant to the death penalty.
3. Ascertain crime(s) that merit capital punishment.
4. Identify three classifications of criminal defendants who cannot be
constitutionally punished by execution.
5. Define three-strikes laws, and ascertain if they constitute cruel and unusual
punishment pursuant to the Eighth Amendment.
6. Ascertain the constitutionality of sentencing enhancements under the Sixth
Amendment right to a jury trial.
The prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment comes from theEighth Amendment, which states,
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments
inflicted. State constitutions often have similar provisions.


Although the ban on cruel and unusual

punishment relates directly to sentencing, which is a criminal procedure issue, criminal statutes
mandating various penalties can be held unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment just like statutes
offending the due process clause, so a brief discussion is relevant to this chapter. Another facet of excessive
punishment is a criminal sentencing enhancement that is based on facts not found beyond a reasonable
doubt by a jury. This has been held to violate the Sixth Amendment, which states, In all criminal
prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to atrial, by an impartial jury of the State and district
wherein the crime shall have been committed.
In this section, three issues are analyzed and discussed: the infliction of cruel punishment, a criminal
sentence that is too severe, and a criminal sentence that is invalid under the right to a jury trial.

Infliction of Cruel Punishment

In general, the government must refrain from inflicting cruel or barbaric punishments on
criminal defendants in violation of the Eighth Amendment. In particular, cases asserting that a
criminal punishment is inhumane often focus oncapital punishment, which is the death penalty.

Synopsis of the History of Capital Punishment

The death penalty has been used as a criminal punishment since the eighteenth century BC.
American death penalty law is influenced by the British because the colonists brought English
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common-law principles, including capital punishment, with them to the New World. The first

execution in America took place in 1608, for spying. Methods of execution and capital crimes
varied from colony to colony. In the late 1700s, a movement to abolish the death penalty began,
and in 1846 Michigan was the first state to eliminate the death penalty for all crimes except


Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the United States fluctuated in its

attitude toward capital punishment. Executions were at an all-time high in the 1930s. However,
in 1972, in the landmark decision of Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972), the US Supreme
Court held that Georgias death penalty statute, which gave the jury complete discretion to
sentence a criminal defendant to death, was arbitrary and therefore authorized cruel and
unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. This decision invalidated death
penalty statutes in forty states. Later, in 1976, the US Supreme Court case of Gregg v. Georgia,
428 U.S. 153 (1976), affirmed the procedure of a bifurcated trial, separating the guilt phase from
the penalty phase for death penalty cases. Gregg also affirmed the death penaltys
constitutionality under the Eighth Amendment. Currently, thirty-four states and the federal
government authorize the death penalty, while sixteen states and the District of Columbia do


Inhumane Capital Punishment

A claim that capital punishment is inhumane and therefore unconstitutional under the Eighth
Amendment focuses on the method of execution. Throughout the history of the death penalty,
many methods of execution have been employed, including shooting, hanging, electrocution, the
gas chamber, and lethal injection. At the time of this writing, the law is in a state of flux as to
which methods of execution are constitutional because many state and federal decisions have
stricken virtually every method available. The current focus of the courts is lethal
injection because it is one of the few methods that has not been condemned as unconstitutional.
Most states that authorize the death penalty use lethal injection as the primary method of
execution. In a recent statement on this issue, the US Supreme Court in Baze v. Rees, 128 S. Ct.
1520 (2008), held that Kentuckys four-drug lethal injection procedure was not cruel and unusual
punishment under the Eighth Amendment. In other states, including Missouri and Tennessee,
federal courts using different facts have ruled the multidrug procedureunconstitutional.
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It is

impossible to predict the future of death penalty methodology under the Eighth Amendment
because each case will be decided based on the circumstances presented. However, it is clear that
the law in this area is ripe for a definitive statement of constitutionality under the Eighth
Amendments cruel and unusual punishment clause.

Disproportionate Punishment
Disproportionate punishment is a different issue than inhumane punishment, but it is still within
the parameters of the Eighth Amendment. Disproportionate punishment asserts that a criminal
punishment is too severe for the crime. Two criminal punishments garner many disproportionate
punishment claims: capital punishment and punishment pursuant to three-strikes statutes.

Capital Punishment as Disproportionate

Capital punishment can be disproportionate because it is too severe for the crime or because it is
too severe for the criminal defendant.

Examples of Capital Punishment That Is Disproportionate to the Crime

Death is the ultimate punishment, so it must be equivalent to the crime the defendant committed.
Although the states and the federal government have designated many capital crimes that may
not result in death, for example, treason that does not lead to death, the US Supreme Court has
confirmed that the death penalty is too severe for most crimes. In Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584
(1977), the Court held that capital punishment is disproportionate for the crime of raping an adult
woman. Many years later in Kennedy v. Louisiana, 128 S. Ct. 2641 (2008), the Court extended the
disproportionality principle to invalidate the death penalty for child rape. Kennedymaintained the
distinction between crimes committed against individuals and crimes committed against
the government, like treason. The only crime against an individual that currently merits the death
penalty is criminal homicide, which is the unlawful killing of one human being by another.
Criminal homicide is discussed in detail inChapter 9 "Criminal Homicide".

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Figure 3.8 Crack the Code

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Examples of Capital Punishment That Are Disproportionate to the Criminal Defendant

Recent US Supreme Court precedent has targeted specific classifications of criminal defendants
for whom capital punishment is overly severe. Recent cases hold that the death penalty is cruel
and unusual punishment for a criminal defendant who was ajuvenile when the crime was


who is mentally ill,


or has anintellectual disability


at the time of the scheduled

execution. Although states vary in their classifications of juveniles (discussed in detail in Chapter
6 "Criminal Defenses, Part 2"), the Eighth Amendment prohibits capital punishment for an
individual who was under eighteen years of age when he or she committed criminal homicide.
Mental illness could cover a variety of disorders, but the US Supreme Court has held that a
criminal defendant has a constitutional right to a determination of sanity before


Intellectual disability is distinct from mental illness and is defined by the US

Supreme Court as a substantial intellectual impairment that impacts everyday life, and was
present at the defendants birth or during childhood.


vary in their legislative definitions of this classification.

However, this standard is broad, so states


Example of Capital Punishment That Is Inhumane and Disproportionate to the Crime

and the Criminal Defendant
Jerry is sentenced to death for rape. The state death penalty statute specifies death by
decapitation. While on death row, Jerry begins to hear voices and is diagnosed as schizophrenic
by the prison psychiatrist. The state schedules the execution anyway. In this example, the state
death penalty statute is inhumane because death by decapitation is too severe a punishment for
any crime. The death penalty statute is alsodisproportionate to the crime because execution is not
a constitutional punishment for the crime of rape. Lastly, the death penalty statute
is disproportionate to Jerry, the criminal defendant, because it is cruel and unusual to execute
someone who is mentally ill.

Disproportionate Punishment Pursuant to Three-Strikes Laws

California was the first state to enact a three strikes and youre out law.


Generally, three-

strikes statutes punish habitual offenders more harshly when they commit a second or third
felony after an initial serious or violent felony.


To date, Californias three-strikes law is the

toughest in the nation; it mandates a minimum twenty-five-year- to life sentence for felons
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convicted of a third strike. California enacted its three-strikes legislation after the kidnapping,
rape, and murder of Polly Klaas by a habitual offender. Twenty-four states followed, indicating
public support for the incapacitation of career criminals.


Three-strikes statutes vary, but those most likely to be attacked as disproportionate

count any felony as a strike after an initial serious or violent felony. Counting any felony might
levy a sentence of life in prison against a criminal defendant who commits a nonviolent felony.
However, the US Supreme Court has upheld lengthy prison sentences under three-strikes statutes
for relatively minor second or third offenses, holding that they are not cruel and unusual
punishment under the Eighth Amendment.


Figure 3.9 The Eighth Amendment

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Sentencing that Violates the Right to a Jury Trial

Modern US Supreme Court precedent has expanded the jurys role in sentencing pursuant to the Sixth
Amendment. Although a detailed discussion of sentencing procedure is beyond the scope of this book, a brief
overview of sentencing and the roles of the judge and jury is necessary to a fundamental understanding of
this important trial right, as is set forth in the following section.

The Role of the Judge and Jury in Sentencing Fact-Finding

As stated in Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States", the trier of fact decides the facts
and renders a decision on innocence or guilt using beyond a reasonable doubt as the standard
for the burden of proof. The trier of fact in a criminal prosecution is almost always a jury because
of the right to a jury trial in the Sixth Amendment. Occasionally, the defendant waives the right to
a jury trial and has a bench trial with a judge playing the role of trier of fact. Although the jury
determines innocence or guilt during a jury trial, the verdict defines the end of their role as the
trier of fact, and the judge sets the sentence. The death penalty is an exception to the jurys
limited role in sentencing; a jury must decide whether to sentence the defendant to death at a
separate hearing after the trial has concluded.
Generally, criminal sentencing takes place after the trial. Although the sentencing procedure
varies from state to state and from state to federal, a sentencing hearing is typically held after
guilt has been determined at trial or after a guilty plea. For many years, judges have had
almost exclusive control of sentencing. Although judges are restricted by the fact-finding done at
trial, they can receive new evidence at sentencing if it is relevant. For example, a judge is bound
by a jury determination that the defendant used a weapon when committing an armed robbery.
However, the judge can accept new evidence at sentencing that reveals the defendant had two
prior convictions for armed robbery and can enhance the sentence under a habitual offender or
three-strikes statute.

Sentencing Enhancement by Judges

Until recently, judges could use evidence received at the sentencing hearing to enhance a sentence
beyond the statutory maximum by making a determination of the new facts to
a preponderance of evidence. However, in Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466 (2000), the
US Supreme Court held that the right to a jury trial prohibits judges from enhancing criminal
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sentences beyond the statutory maximum based on facts not determined by a jury beyond a
reasonable doubt. In Apprendi, the trial court enhanced the defendants sentence beyond the
statutory maximum for possession of a firearm with an unlawful purpose under New Jerseys hate
crimes statute. Although the jury did not determine that the defendants crime was a hate crime,
the judge accepted new evidence at sentencing that indicated the defendants shooting into a
residence was racially motivated. The US Supreme Court reversed the New Jersey Supreme Court,
which upheld the sentencing procedure. The Court held that other than evidence of a prior
conviction, a judge cannot enhance a defendants sentence beyond the statutory maximum unless
there has been a factual determination by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt of the facts
supporting the sentencing enhancement. The Court based its holding on the Sixth Amendment
right to a jury trial as incorporated and applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment
due process clause.
Post-Apprendi, this holding was extended to federal sentencing guidelines in U.S. v. Booker, 543
U.S. 220 (2005). In Booker, a federal judge enhanced a sentence following mandatory US
Sentencing Guidelines, which permitted judges to find the sentencing enhancement facts using
the preponderance of evidence standard. The US Supreme Court ruled that the enhancement was
invalid under the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial and held that the US Sentencing
Guidelines would be advisory only, never mandatory. Booker was based on Blakely v.
Washington, 542 U.S. 296 (2004), which invalidated a similar Washington State sentencing
Pursuant to Apprendi, Booker, and Blakely, a criminal defendants sentence is unconstitutional
under the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial if it is enhancedbeyond the statutory maximum
by facts that were not determined by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. This premise applies
in federal and state courts and also to guilty pleas rather than jury verdicts.


Example of an Unconstitutional Sentence Enhancement

Ross is tried and convicted by a jury of simple kidnapping. The maximum sentence for simple
kidnapping is five years. At Rosss sentencing hearing, the judge hears testimony from Rosss
kidnapping victim about the physical and mental torture Ross inflicted during the kidnapping.
The victim did not testify at trial. The judge finds that the victims testimony is credible and rules
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that Ross used cruelty during the kidnapping by a preponderance of evidence. The judge
thereafter enhances Rosss sentence to eight years, based on a statutory sentencing enhancement
of three years for deliberate cruelty inflicted during the commission of a crime. The three-year
sentencing enhancement is most likely unconstitutional. Under the Sixth Amendment right to a
jury trial, the jury must find deliberate cruelty beyond a reasonable doubt. A court can strike
the enhancement of three years on appeal, and on remand, the trial court cannot increase the
sentence beyond the five-year maximum.
Figure 3.10 The Sixth Amendment

Sentencing that Violates the Right to a Jury Trial

Modern US Supreme Court precedent has expanded the jurys role in sentencing pursuant to the Sixth
Amendment. Although a detailed discussion of sentencing procedure is beyond the scope of this book, a brief

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overview of sentencing and the roles of the judge and jury is necessary to a fundamental understanding of
this important trial right, as is set forth in the following section.

The Role of the Judge and Jury in Sentencing Fact-Finding

As stated in Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States", the trier of fact decides the facts
and renders a decision on innocence or guilt using beyond a reasonable doubt as the standard
for the burden of proof. The trier of fact in a criminal prosecution is almost always a jury because
of the right to a jury trial in the Sixth Amendment. Occasionally, the defendant waives the right to
a jury trial and has a bench trial with a judge playing the role of trier of fact. Although the jury
determines innocence or guilt during a jury trial, the verdict defines the end of their role as the
trier of fact, and the judge sets the sentence. The death penalty is an exception to the jurys
limited role in sentencing; a jury must decide whether to sentence the defendant to death at a
separate hearing after the trial has concluded.
Generally, criminal sentencing takes place after the trial. Although the sentencing procedure
varies from state to state and from state to federal, a sentencing hearing is typically held after
guilt has been determined at trial or after a guilty plea. For many years, judges have had
almost exclusive control of sentencing. Although judges are restricted by the fact-finding done at
trial, they can receive new evidence at sentencing if it is relevant. For example, a judge is bound
by a jury determination that the defendant used a weapon when committing an armed robbery.
However, the judge can accept new evidence at sentencing that reveals the defendant had two
prior convictions for armed robbery and can enhance the sentence under a habitual offender or
three-strikes statute.

Sentencing Enhancement by Judges

Until recently, judges could use evidence received at the sentencing hearing to enhance a sentence
beyond the statutory maximum by making a determination of the new facts to
a preponderance of evidence. However, in Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466 (2000), the
US Supreme Court held that the right to a jury trial prohibits judges from enhancing criminal
sentences beyond the statutory maximum based on facts not determined by a jury beyond a
reasonable doubt. In Apprendi, the trial court enhanced the defendants sentence beyond the
statutory maximum for possession of a firearm with an unlawful purpose under New Jerseys hate
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crimes statute. Although the jury did not determine that the defendants crime was a hate crime,
the judge accepted new evidence at sentencing that indicated the defendants shooting into a
residence was racially motivated. The US Supreme Court reversed the New Jersey Supreme Court,
which upheld the sentencing procedure. The Court held that other than evidence of a prior
conviction, a judge cannot enhance a defendants sentence beyond the statutory maximum unless
there has been a factual determination by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt of the facts
supporting the sentencing enhancement. The Court based its holding on the Sixth Amendment
right to a jury trial as incorporated and applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment
due process clause.
Post-Apprendi, this holding was extended to federal sentencing guidelines in U.S. v. Booker, 543
U.S. 220 (2005). In Booker, a federal judge enhanced a sentence following mandatory US
Sentencing Guidelines, which permitted judges to find the sentencing enhancement facts using
the preponderance of evidence standard. The US Supreme Court ruled that the enhancement was
invalid under the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial and held that the US Sentencing
Guidelines would be advisory only, never mandatory. Booker was based on Blakely v.
Washington, 542 U.S. 296 (2004), which invalidated a similar Washington State sentencing
Pursuant to Apprendi, Booker, and Blakely, a criminal defendants sentence is unconstitutional
under the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial if it is enhancedbeyond the statutory maximum
by facts that were not determined by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. This premise applies
in federal and state courts and also to guilty pleas rather than jury verdicts.


Example of an Unconstitutional Sentence Enhancement

Ross is tried and convicted by a jury of simple kidnapping. The maximum sentence for simple
kidnapping is five years. At Rosss sentencing hearing, the judge hears testimony from Rosss
kidnapping victim about the physical and mental torture Ross inflicted during the kidnapping.
The victim did not testify at trial. The judge finds that the victims testimony is credible and rules
that Ross used cruelty during the kidnapping by a preponderance of evidence. The judge
thereafter enhances Rosss sentence to eight years, based on a statutory sentencing enhancement
of three years for deliberate cruelty inflicted during the commission of a crime. The three-year
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sentencing enhancement is most likely unconstitutional. Under the Sixth Amendment right to a
jury trial, the jury must find deliberate cruelty beyond a reasonable doubt. A court can strike
the enhancement of three years on appeal, and on remand, the trial court cannot increase the
sentence beyond the five-year maximum.
Figure 3.10 The Sixth Amendment

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Figure 3.11 Diagram of Constitutional Defenses

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An inhumane procedure punishes a defendant too severely for any crime. A

disproportionate punishment punishes a defendant too severely for the crime he
or she committed.

Lethal injection is the most prevalent method of execution pursuant to the death

Criminal homicide is the only crime against an individual that merits capital

Criminal defendants who were juveniles when the crime was committed, are
mentally incompetent, or have an intellectual disability cannot be subjected to
capital punishment.

Three-strikes laws punish criminal defendants more severely for committing a

felony after they have committed one or two serious or violent felonies. Three-
strikes laws have been held constitutional under the Eighth Amendment, even
when they levy long prison sentences for relatively minor felonies.

Sentencing enhancements beyond the statutory maximum are unconstitutional

unless they are based on facts determined by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt
under the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Andrew is sentenced to death for torture. In Andrews state, there is an eye-for-

an-eye statute that mandates punishment that mimics the crime the defendant
committed. Pursuant to this statute, Andrew will be tortured to death. Is the
states eye-for-an-eye statute constitutional under the Eighth Amendment? Why
or why not?
2. Read Lockyer v. Andrade, 538 U.S. 63 (2003). What was the defendants sentence
in Lockyer? What was the defendants crime? Did the US Supreme Court hold
that the defendants sentence was constitutional under the Eighth Amendment?
The case is available at this
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3. Read Fierro v. Gomez, 77 F.3d 301 (1996). Did the US Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit hold that the gas chamber procedure in California was
constitutional under the Eighth Amendment? The case is available at this
4. Read Gall v. U.S., 128 S. Ct. 586 (2007). In Gall, the federal judge departed from
the US Sentencing Guidelines and imposed a sentence of probation because the
defendant had reformed and rejected his criminal lifestyle. Did the US Supreme
Court uphold this sentence? Why or why not? The case is available at this

[1] Texas Constitution, art. I, 13, accessed October 22,
[2] Death Penalty Information Center, Introduction to the Death Penalty, website,
accessed October 17, 2010,
[3] Death Penalty Information Center, Introduction to the Death Penalty, website,
accessed October 17, 2010,
[4] Death Penalty Information Center, Introduction to the Death Penalty, website,
accessed October 17, 2010,
[5] Death Penalty Information Center, States with and without the Death Penalty,
website, accessed October 14, 2010,
[6] Death Penalty Information Center, Lethal Injection: Constitutional Issue,
website, accessed October 14, 2010,

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[7] Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005), accessed October 15,
[8] Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399 (1986), accessed October 15,
[9] Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002), accessed October 15,
[10] Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399, 401 (1986), accessed October 15,
[11] Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304, 318 (2002), accessed October 15,
[12] Death Penalty Information Center, State Statutes Prohibiting the Death Penalty for People with
Mental Retardation, website, accessed October 14,
[13] Cal. Penal Code 667, accessed October 15, 2010,
[14] Cal. Penal Code 667, accessed October 15, 2010,
[15] Three Strikes and Youre Out, States That Have Three Strikes Laws, website,
accessed October 15, 2010,
[16] Ewing v. California, 538 U.S. 11 (2003), accessed October 15,
[17] Blakely v. Washington, 542 U.S. 296 (2004), accessed October 18,

3.7 End-of-Chapter Material

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The US Constitution protects criminal defendants from certain statutes and procedures. State
constitutions usually mirror the federal and occasionally provide more protection to criminal
defendants than the federal Constitution, as long as the state constitutions do not violate federal
supremacy. Statutes can be unconstitutional as written or as enforced and must be supported by a
sufficient government interest. Statutes that punish without a trial (bills of attainder) or criminal
statutes that are applied retroactively (ex post facto) are unconstitutional under Article 1 9 and
10. Other constitutional protections are in the Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments,
and the Fourteenth Amendment, which contains the due process clause and the equal protection
The due process clause prohibits the government from taking an individuals life, liberty, or
property arbitrarily, without notice and an opportunity to be heard. Statutes that are vague or
criminalize constitutionally protected conduct (overbroad) violate due process. The Fifth
Amendment due process clause applies to the federal government, and the Fourteenth
Amendment due process clause applies to the states. The Fourteenth Amendment due process
clause also selectively incorporates fundamental rights from the Bill of Rights and applies them to
the states. Rights incorporated and applied to the states are the right to free speech, the right to
privacy, the right to bear arms, the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, and the
right to a jury trial. The Fourteenth Amendment also contains the equal protection clause, which
prevents the government from enacting statutes that discriminate without a sufficient
government interest.
The First Amendment protects speech, expression, and expressive conduct from being
criminalized without a compelling government interest and a statute that uses the least restrictive
means possible. Some exceptions to the First Amendment are precise statutes targeting fighting
words, incitement to riot, hate crimes, obscenity, and nude dancing. The First, Third, Fourth,
Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments also create a right to privacy that prevents the
government from criminalizing the use of birth control, abortion, or consensual sexual relations.
The Second Amendment protects an individuals right to possess a usable handgun in the home
for self-defense. This right is not extended to convicted felons, the mentally ill, commercial sale of
firearms, and firearm possession near schools and government buildings. The Eighth Amendment
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protects criminal defendants from inhumane and excessive punishments. The Sixth Amendment
ensures that all facts used to extend a criminal defendants sentencing beyond the statutory
maximum must be determined by a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.


You are an expert on constitutional law. Your states legislature has hired you to analyze some
proposed statutes to ensure that they are constitutional. Read each proposed statute and
determine the following: (1) which part of the constitution is relevant, (2) whether the statute
is constitutional, and (3) your reasoning. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of
the chapter.

1. The proposed statute increases penalties for overdue state income

taxretroactively. Is the proposed statute constitutional?
2. The proposed statute makes it a misdemeanor to display nude art in a public
place. Is the proposed statute constitutional?
3. The proposed statute enhances the sentence for rape by three years of
imprisonment if the defendant is infected with AIDS. Is the proposed statute
4. The proposed statute prohibits a defendant with a conviction for any crime
involving alcohol to possess a handgun in the home. Is the proposed statute
5. The proposed statute mandates fifteen years of solitary confinement in prison if
the defendant is convicted of forcible rape. Is the proposed statute

Cases of Interest

South Dakota v. Asmussen, 668 N.W.2d 725 (2003), discusses void for vagueness

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Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, 130 S. Ct. 2971 (2010), discusses the First
6702&q= Christian+Legal+Society+v.+Martinez&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5.

U.S. v. Alvarez, 617 F.3d 1198 (2010), discusses freedom of

= U.S.+v.+Alvarez&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=2010.

Snyder v. Phelps, No. 09-751 (2011), discusses the First


Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962), discusses cruel and unusual

Articles of Interest


Violent video games and the First


Ohio abortion bill: -challenge/story?id=12876224

Second Amendment and gun


Recent US Supreme Court case on three strikes and its application to


Websites of Interest

First Amendment

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Hate crimes:

Death penalty information:

Hate crimes in the United States:

US executions pursuant to the death

Statistics of Interest

penalty: -state-and-region1976

Answers to Exercises
From Section 3.1 "Applicability of the Constitution"

1. The public university can impose a retroactive tuition because this is not
acriminal statute or procedure and does not violate the prohibition against ex
post facto laws.
2. In Smith, the US Supreme Court held that Alaskas Megans Law statute was
not criminal, but part of a civil regulatory scheme, and thus did not violate the
prohibition against ex post facto laws.
3. In Stogner, the US Supreme Court held that California cannot eliminate a statute
of limitations and thereafter prosecute defendants who would have been timebarred from prosecution because this action violates the prohibition against ex
post facto laws. The Court held that this statute increased the chances of
conviction retroactively.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 3.2 "The Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses"

1. The ordinance is void for vagueness and overbroad, violating the First
Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment due process clause. The termgang
attire is void for vagueness because it is imprecise, can mean different things
to different people, fails to give notice of what is criminal, and gives too much
discretion to law enforcement. The ordinance is overbroad because prohibiting
all individuals from wearing gang attire probably includes First Amendment
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constitutionally protected conduct, such as wearing a gang-related Halloween

costume or wearing a costume to act in a play or movie.
2. In Smith, the US Supreme Court held that the flag misuse statute was void for vagueness. The
Court stated,
But there is no comparable reason for committing broad discretion to law enforcement officials in
the area of flag contempt. Indeed, because display of the flag is so common and takes so many
forms, changing from one generation to another and often difficult to distinguish in principle, a
legislature should define with some care the flag behavior it intends to outlaw.


3. In Grayned, the US Supreme Court held that the ordinance was not void for
vagueness because, with fair warning, it criminalized actual or imminent and
willful interference with school activity. The Court also held that the statute was
not overbroad because it prohibited only acts that materially interfered with
schoolwork, which is not protected by the First Amendment.
4. Justice OConnor said that the Texas sodomy statute was unconstitutional
pursuant to the equal protection clause. The statute only criminalized
sodomy between persons of the same sex, so it targeted gay couples without a
rational basis.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 3.3 "Freedom of Speech"

1. The statute does not violate the First Amendments free speech protection
because battery is not speech and is not covered by the First Amendment.
2. The US Supreme Court held that the provisions were unconstitutional under the
First Amendment because they were vague and content based. The Act did not
specifically define indecent communications, or demonstrate that offensive
material lacks any value under the three-part test for obscenity set forth in Miller.
3. The US Supreme Court upheld 18 U.S.C. 2339B (a) (1) as applied. The Court
ruled that the federal government can prohibit aid to terrorist groups, even if it
consists of training and advice on legal activities, without violating the First
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Answers to Exercises
From Section 3.4 "The Right to Privacy"

1. The court will probably analyze whether the statute is constitutional under
theright to privacy and the equal protection clause. The right to privacy
analysis will use strict scrutiny because the right to privacy is fundamental. The
state must demonstrate a compelling state interest in regulating sex in prison.
The states arguments will probably focus on maintaining integrity, safety, and
security in the institution. Under the equal protection clause analysis, the state
has to show a legitimate state interest pursuant to the rational basis test because
the category targetedinmates in prisonisrational, not arbitrary.
2. The Court upheld the statute, even though this case was post-Roe v. Wade. The
Court reaffirmed Roe, but imposed a new standard for abortion laws. The new
standard analyzes whether a state abortion law places an undue burdenon a
woman seeking an abortion. The Court held that the twenty-four-hour waiting
period and informed consent for minors do not place such a burden. The Court
did strike a separate requirement, which mandated husband notification before
an abortion could take place.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 3.5 "The Right to Bear Arms"

1. The court will uphold the order under the Second Amendment if the defendant
was convicted of a felony. The recent US Supreme Court precedent
in Hellerand McDonald both exclude convicted felons from their holdings.
However, if the defendant was convicted of a misdemeanor, the court has to
determine whether Heller and McDonald extend the Second Amendments right
to possess a usable handgun in the home for self-defense to a convicted police
officer who wants to resume his career.
2. The US Supreme Court upheld the conviction, stating that a defendant convicted
unconstitutionally can and should challenge that conviction before owning or
possessing a firearm.
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3. A state could criminalize firearm possession near schools because two recent US
Supreme Court rulings (Heller and McDonald) both exempt firearms near
schools from their protection of individual gun ownership and possession.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 3.6 "Excessive Punishment"

1. The eye-for-an-eye statute is unconstitutional because it mandates an inhumane

punishment under the Eighth Amendment. Torture is too severe a punishment
for any crime.
2. The defendants sentence was two consecutive terms of twenty-five years to life in
prison under Californias three-strikes statute. The defendants crime(s) were
stealing five videotapes from Kmart worth $84.70 on one occasion and stealing
four videotapes from Kmart worth $68.84 on another, with two previous strikes.
The US Supreme Court upheld the sentence and denied the defendants petition
for habeas corpus.
3. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that the gas chamber under
Californias protocol was cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth
4. The US Supreme Court reversed the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit,
which held that the sentence was unreasonable according to the US Sentencing
Guidelines. The Court reaffirmed that the Guidelines were advisory, but stated
that the trial court has great discretion in setting the sentence, as long as the
basis of the sentence is explained on the record.

Answers to Law and Ethics Questions


The categorization of some speech as outside the First Amendments protection

generally focuses on speech that can produce immediate or imminent harm or
lawless action, like fighting words, or speech that is devoid of social value,
like obscenity. Depictions of animal cruelty probably fall within the second
category. Whether you believe depictions of animal cruelty should be
criminalized depends on whether you feel another category should be added to

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the list. The US Supreme Court was reluctant to expand categorization, indicating
that First Amendment protections far exceed government interests in contentbased regulations.
2. Some possible consequences of expanding categorization are the increase of
government censorship into areas that may have value, either literary, artistic,
political, or scientific. Any time case precedent limits the First Amendment,
individual rights of expression are likewise inhibited, and the governments
power to regulate and enact laws encroaching upon individual freedoms

Answers to You Be the Legislative Analyst


(1) The ex post facto clause is relevant. (2) The statute is most
likelyconstitutional. (3) Even though the statute is retroactive, the statute is
not a criminal law, but a tax increase, so there is no violation of the ex post facto

2. (1) The First Amendment and the due process clause in the Fourteenth
Amendment are relevant. (2) The proposed statute is most
likelyunconstitutional. (3) The statute is probably void for vagueness and
overbroad. The word art can be interpreted differently by different people, so it
leads to uneven application by law enforcement. The statute also fails to give the
public notice of what is criminal. In addition, because the statute criminalizes the
display of art, it is overbroad and includes expressive works that may have
artistic value and are protected under the First Amendment pursuant to
the Miller test of obscenity.
3. (1) The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is relevant. (2)
The proposed statute is most likely constitutional. (3) The statute
discriminates against criminal defendants infected with the AIDS virus. However,
this classification has a rational basis and is not arbitrary. The state government
has an interest in preventing the spread of AIDS, so the statute will probably be
upheld under the equal protection clause, even though it is discriminatory.
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4. (1) The Second Amendment and the due process clause in the Fourteenth
Amendment are relevant. (2) The proposed statute is most
likelyunconstitutional. (3) The US Supreme Court has held that the Second
Amendment, as applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment,
protects an individuals right to possess a usable handgun in the home for selfdefense. Although the Court held that an exception could be made for convicted
felons, the proposed statute covers any crime that involves alcohol, including
misdemeanors (such as misdemeanor DUI). Thus it is overbroad and encroaches
on the Second Amendments guarantee of the right to bear arms.
5. (1) The Eighth Amendment and the due process clause in the Fourteenth
Amendment are relevant. (2) The proposed statute is most
likelyunconstitutional. (3) The proposed statute appears to be inhumane and
excessive for the crime, which makes it cruel and unusual punishment.

[1] Smith v. Goguen, 415 U.S. 566, 582 (1974), accessed October 3,

Chapter 4
The Elements of a Crime

Thus, an Olympic swimmer may be deemed by the community as a shameful coward, or worse, for not
rescuing a drowning child in the neighbors pool, but she is not a criminal.

State ex rel. Kuntz v. Thirteenth Jud. Dist., cited inSection 4 "Duty to Act Based on a Special

4.1 Criminal Elements


List the elements of a crime.

2. Define the criminal act element.

3. Identify three requirements of criminal act.
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4. Describe an exception to the criminal act element.

5. Ascertain three situations where an omission to act could be criminal.
6. Distinguish between actual and constructive possession.
7. Identify the criminal intent element required when possession is the criminal act.
Crimes can be broken down into elements, which the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
Criminal elements are set forth in criminal statutes, or cases in jurisdictions that allow for common-law
crimes. With exceptions, every crime has at least three elements: a criminal act, also called actus reus; a
criminal intent, also called mens rea; and concurrence of the two. The term conduct is often used to
reflect the criminal act and intent elements. As the Model Penal Code explains, conduct means an action or
omission and its accompanying state of mind (Model Penal Code 1.13(5)).

Figure 4.1 Criminal Code of Georgia

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Recall from Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law" that not all crimes require a badresult. If a
crime does require a bad result, the prosecution must also prove the additional elements
of causation and harm.
Another requirement of some crimes is attendant circumstances. Attendant circumstances are specified
factors that must be present when the crime is committed. These could include the crimes methodology,
location or setting, and victim characteristics, among others.
This chapter analyzes the elements of every crime. Chapter 7 "Parties to Crime" throughChapter 13 "Crimes
against the Government" analyze the elements of specific crimes, using a general overview of most states
laws, the Model Penal Code, and federal law when appropriate.

Example of a Crime That Has Only Three Elements

Janine gets into a fight with her boyfriend Conrad after the senior prom. She grabs Conrads car
keys out of his hand, jumps into his car, and locks all the doors. When Conrad strides over to the
car, she starts the engine, puts the car into drive, and tries to run him down. It is dark and
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difficult for Janine to see, so Conrad easily gets out of her way and is unharmed. However, Janine
is thereafter arrested and charged with attempted murder. In this case, the prosecution has to
prove the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, and concurrence for attempted murder.
The prosecution doesnot have to prove causation or that Conrad was harmed because attempt
crimes, including attempted murder, do not have a bad result requirement. Attempt and other
incomplete or inchoate crimes are discussed in Chapter 8 "Inchoate Offenses".

Criminal Act

Criminal act, or actus reus, is generally defined as an unlawful bodily movement. The
criminal statute, or case in jurisdictions that allow common-law crimes, describes the criminal act
Figure 4.2 Alabama Criminal Code

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The Requirement of Voluntariness

One requirement of criminal act is that the defendant perform it voluntarily. In other words, the
defendant must control the act. It would not serve the policy of specific deterrence to punish the
defendant for irrepressible acts. The Model Penal Code gives the following examples of acts that
are not voluntary and, therefore, not criminal: reflexes, convulsions, bodily movements during
unconsciousness or sleep, conduct during hypnosis or resulting from hypnotic suggestion, or a
bodily movement that otherwise is not a product of the effort or determination of the actor, either
conscious or habitual (Model Penal Code 2.01 (2)). One voluntary act is enough to fulfill the
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voluntary act requirement. Thus if a voluntary act is followed by an involuntary one, the court
may still impose criminal liability depending on the circumstances.


Example of an Involuntary and Noncriminal Act

Perry is hypnotized at the local county fair. The hypnotist directs Perry to smash a banana cream
pie into his girlfriend Shelleys face. Smashing a pie into a persons face is probably battery in
most states, but Perry did not commit the act voluntarily, so he should not be convicted of a
crime. Punishing Perry for battery would not specifically deter Perry from performing the act
again while hypnotized because he is not in control of his behavior when experiencing this mental

Example of a Voluntary Act Followed by a Nonvoluntary Act

Timothy attends a party at a friends house and consumes several glasses of red wine. Timothy
then attempts to drive his vehicle home. While driving, Timothy passes out at the wheel and hits
another vehicle, killing its occupant. Timothy can probably be convicted of one or more crimes in
this situation. Timothys acts of drinking several glasses of wine and then driving a vehicle
are voluntary. Thus even though Timothy got into a car accident while unconscious, his
involuntary act was preceded by conscious, controllable, and voluntary action. A punishment in
this instance couldspecifically deter Timothy from drinking and driving on another occasion and
is appropriate based on the circumstances.

Status as a Criminal Act

Generally, a defendants status in society is not a criminal act. Status is who the defendant is, not
what the defendant does. Similar to punishment for an involuntary act, when the government
punishes an individual for status, it is essentially targeting that individual for circumstances that
are outside his or her control. This punishment may be cruel and unusual pursuant to the Eighth
Amendment if it is disproportionate to the defendants behavior.
In Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962), the US Supreme Court held that it is
unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment pursuant to the Eighth Amendment to punish
an individual for the status of being a drug addicteven if the drugs to which the defendant is
addicted are illegal. The Court compared drug addiction to an illness, such as leprosy or venereal

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disease. Punishing a defendant for being sick not only is inhumane but also does not specifically
deter, similar to a punishment for an involuntary act.
If the defendant can control the actions at issue in spite of his or her status, the defendants
conduct can be constitutionally criminalized and punished pursuant to the Eighth Amendment.
In Powell v. Texas, 392 U.S. 514 (1968), the US Supreme Court upheld the defendants conviction
for drunk in public, in spite of the defendants status as an alcoholic. The Court held that it is
difficult but not impossible for an alcoholic to resist the urge to drink, so the behavior the statute
criminalized was voluntary. Also, the Court ruled that the state has an interest in treating
alcoholism and preventing alcohol-related crimes that could injure the defendant and others.
Pursuant to Powell, statutes that criminalize voluntary acts that arise from status are
constitutional under the Eighth Amendment.

Example of a Constitutional Statute Related to Status

Refer to the example in Section 4 "Example of a Voluntary Act Followed by a Nonvoluntary Act",
where Timothy drives under the influence of alcohol and kills another. A state statute that
criminalizes killing another person while driving under the influence is constitutional as applied
to Timothy, even if Timothy is an alcoholic. The state has an interest in treating alcoholism and
preventing alcohol-related crimes that could injure or kill Timothy or another person. Timothys
act of driving while intoxicated is voluntary, even if his status as an alcoholic makes it more
difficult for Timothy to control his drinking. Thus Timothy and other alcoholic defendants can be
prosecuted and punished for killing another person while driving under the influence without
violating the Eighth Amendment.

Thoughts as Criminal Acts

Thoughts are a part of criminal intent, not criminal act. Thoughts cannot be criminalized.

Example of Noncriminal Thoughts

Brianna, a housecleaner, fantasizes about killing her elderly client Phoebe and stealing all her
jewelry. Brianna writes her thoughts in a diary, documenting how she intends to rig the gas line so
that gas is pumped into the house all night while Phoebe is sleeping. Brianna includes the date
that she wants to kill Phoebe in her most recent diary entry. As Brianna leaves Phoebes house,
her diary accidentally falls out of her purse. Later, Phoebe finds the diary on the floor and reads it.
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Phoebe calls the police, gives them Briannas diary, and insists they arrest Brianna for attempted
murder. Although Briannas murder plot is sinister and is documented in her diary, an arrest is
improper in this case. Brianna cannot be punished for her thoughts alone. If Brianna took
substantial steps toward killing Phoebe, an attempted murder charge might be appropriate.
However, at this stage, Brianna is only planning a crime, not committinga crime. Phoebe may be
able to go to court and get a restraining order against Brianna to prevent her from carrying out
her murder plot, but Brianna cannot be incapacitated by arrest and prosecution for attempted
murder in this case.

Omission to Act
An exception to the requirement of a criminal act element is omission to act. Criminal
prosecution for a failure to act is rare because the government is reluctant to compel individuals
to put themselves in harms way. However, under certain specific circumstances, omission to act
can be criminalized.
An omission to act can only be criminal when the law imposes a duty to act.


This legal duty to

act becomes an element of the crime, and the prosecution must prove it beyond a reasonable
doubt, along with proving the defendants inaction under the circumstances. Failure or omission
to act is only criminal in three situations: (1) when there is a statute that creates a legal duty to
act, (2) when there is a contract that creates a legal duty to act, or (3) when there is a special
relationship between the parties that creates a legal duty to act. Legal duties to act vary from
state to state and from state to federal.

Duty to Act Based on a Statute

When a duty to act is statutory, it usually concerns a government interest that isparamount.
Some common examples of statutory duties to act are the duty to file state or federal tax



the duty of health-care personnel to report gunshot wounds, and the duty to report

child abuse.


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Figure 4.3 Kentucky Revised Statutes

At common law, it was not criminal to stand by and refuse to help someone in danger. Some
states supersede the common law by enacting Good Samaritan statutes that create a duty to assist those
involved in an accident or emergency situation. Good Samaritan statutes typically contain provisions that
insulate the actor from liability exposure when providing assistance.

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Figure 4.4 Minnesota Good Samaritan Law

Duty to Act Based on a Contract

A duty to act can be based on a contract between the defendant and another party. The most
prevalent examples would be a physicians contractual duty to help a patient or a lifeguards duty
to save someone who is drowning. Keep in mind that experts who arenot contractually bound can
ignore an individuals pleas for help without committing a crime, no matter how morally
abhorrent that may seem. For example, an expert swimmer can watch someone drown if there is
no statute, contract, or special relationship that creates a legal duty to act.

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Duty to Act Based on a Special Relationship

A special relationship may also be the basis of a legal duty to act. The most common special
relationships are parent-child, spouse-spouse, and employer-employee. Often, the rationale for
creating a legal duty to act when people are in a special relationship is the dependence of one
individual on another. A parent has the obligation by law to provide food, clothing, shelter, and
medical care for his or her children, because children are dependent on their parents and do not
have the ability to procure these items themselves. In addition, if someone puts another person in
peril, there may be a duty to rescue that person.


Although this is not exactly a special

relationship, the victim may be dependent on the person who created the dangerous situation
because he or she may be the only one present and able to render aid. On a related note, some
jurisdictions also impose a duty to continue to provide aid, once aid or assistance has


Similar to the duty to rescue a victim the defendant has put in peril, the duty to

continue to provide aid is rooted in the victims dependence on the defendant and the unlikely
chance that another person may come along to help once the defendant has begun providing

Example of a Failure to Act That Is Noncriminal

Recall the example from Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law", Section 1.2.1 "Example of
Criminal Law Issues", where Clara and Linda are shopping together and Clara stands by and
watches as Linda shoplifts a bra. In this example, Clara does nothave a duty to report Linda for
shoplifting. Clara does not have a contractual duty to report a crime in this situation because she
is not a law enforcement officer or security guard obligated by an employment contract. Nor does
she have a special relationshipwith the store mandating such a report. Unless a statute or
ordinance exists to force individuals to report crimes committed in their presence, which is
extremely unlikely, Clara can legally observe Lindas shoplifting without reporting it. Of course, if
Clara assists Linda with the shoplifting, she has then performed a criminal act or actus reus, and a
criminal prosecution is appropriate.

Example of a Failure to Act That Is Criminal

Penelope stands on the shore at a public beach and watches as a child drowns. If Penelopes state
has a Good Samaritan law, she may have a duty to help the child based on a statute. If Penelope is
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the lifeguard, she may have a duty to save the child based on a contract. If Penelope is the childs
mother, she may have a duty to provide assistance based on their special relationship. If Penelope
threw the child in the ocean, she may have a duty to rescue the child she put in peril. If Penelope
is just a bystander, and no Good Samaritan law is in force, she has no duty to act and cannot be
criminally prosecuted if the child suffers harm or drowns.

Possession as a Criminal Act

Although it is passive rather than active, possession is still considered a criminal act. The most
common objects that are criminal to possess are illegal contraband, drugs, and weapons. There
are two types of possession: actual possession andconstructive possession. Actual possession
indicates that the defendant has the item on or very near his or her person. Constructive
possession indicates that the item is not on the defendants person, but is within the defendants
area of control, such as inside a house or automobile with the defendant.


More than one

defendant can be in possession of an object, although this would clearly be a constructive

possession for at least one of them.
Because it is passive, possession should be knowing, meaning the defendant is aware that he or
she possesses the item.


As the Model Penal Code states in 2.01(4), [p]ossession is an act,

within the meaning of this Section, if the possessor knowingly procured or received the thing
possessed or was aware of his control thereof for a sufficient period to have been able to terminate
his possession. In the vast majority of states, a statute permitting a conviction for
possession without this knowledge or awareness lacks the criminal intent element and would be

Example of an Unenforceable Possession Statute

A state has a criminal statute that prohibits being within 100 feet of any quantity of marijuana.
Ricardo sits next to Jean on the subway. A law enforcement officer smells marijuana and does a
pat-down search of Jean. He discovers that Jean has a large baggie of marijuana in his jacket
pocket and arrests Jean and Ricardo for marijuana possession. Ricardo was within one hundred
feet of marijuana as prohibited by the statute, but Ricardo should not be prosecuted for marijuana
possession. No evidence exists to indicate that Ricardo knew Jean, or knew that Jean possessed

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marijuana. Thus Ricardo does not have the criminal intent or mens rea for possession, and the
states possession statute should not be enforced against him.


The elements of a crime are criminal act, criminal intent, concurrence, causation,
harm, and attendant circumstances. Only crimes that specify a bad result have
the elements of causation and harm.

Criminal act is usually an unlawful bodily movement that is defined in a statute,

or a case in jurisdictions that allow common-law crimes.

The criminal act must be voluntary and cannot be based solely on the status of
the defendant or the defendants thoughts.

An exception to the criminal act element is omission to act.

Omission to act could be criminal if there is a statute, contract, or special

relationship that creates a legal duty to act in the defendants situation.

Actual possession means that the item is on or very near the defendants person.
Constructive possession means that the item is within the defendants control,
such as inside a house or vehicle with the defendant.

In most states, the defendant must be aware that he or she possesses the item to
be convicted of possession.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Jacqueline is diagnosed with epilepsy two years after receiving her drivers
license. While driving to a concert, Jacqueline suffers an epileptic seizure and
crashes into another vehicle, injuring both of its occupants. Can Jacqueline be
convicted of a crime in this situation? Why or why not?
2. Read Oler v. State, 998 S.W.2d 363 (1999). In Oler, the defendant was convicted
of possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation. The defendant
solicited and received prescriptions for Dilaudid, a controlled substance, from
four different physicians without informing them that he already had a
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prescription for Dilaudid. The defendant appealed, arguing that he had no legal
duty to disclose his previous receipt of the drug to the physicians, and was
therefore unlawfully punished for an omission to act. Did the Texas Court of
Appeals uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is
available at this
3. Read Staples v. U.S., 511 U.S. 600 (1994). In Staples, the defendant was convicted
of possession of an unregistered automatic weapon in violation of the National
Firearms Act. The defendant claimed the conviction was improper because the
prosecution did not prove that he knew the weapon was automatic, and the
prosecution must prove this knowledge to convict under the statute. Did the US
Supreme Court reverse the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is
available at this link:

[1] N.Y. Penal Law 15.00, accessed October 25, 2010,
[2] Govt. of Virgin Islands v. Smith, 278 F.2d 169 (1960), accessed October 26,
[3] N.Y. Penal Law 15.00, accessed October 25, 2010,
[4] 26 U.S.C. 7203, accessed October 25,
[5] Fla. Stat. Ann. 790.24, accessed October 25, 2010,
[6] Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. 620.030, accessed October 25, 2010,
[7] Minnesota Code 604A.01, accessed October 25,
[8] State ex rel. Kuntz v. Thirteenth Jud. Dist., 995 P.2d 951 (2000), accessed October 25,
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[9] Jones v. U.S., 308 F.2d 307 (1962), accessed October 25,
[10] State v. Davis, 84 Conn. App. 505 (2004), accessed February 13,
[11] Connecticut Jury Instructions No. 2.11-1, accessed February 13,

4.2 Criminal Intent


Describe one important function of criminal intent.

2. List the three common-law criminal intents, ranking them in order of culpability.
3. Compare specific and general intent.
4. Describe an inference that makes it easier for the prosecution to prove a general
intent crime.
5. Differentiate between motive and criminal intent.
6. List and define the Model Penal Code mental states, ranking them in order of
7. Identify an exception to the requirement that every crime contain a criminal
intent element.
8. Explain how transferred intent promotes justice.
9. Describe the circumstances that give rise to vicarious criminal liability.
10. Define concurrence of criminal act and intent.
Although there are exceptions that are discussed shortly, criminal intent or mens rea is an essential
element of most crimes. Under the common law, all crimes consisted of an act carried out with a guilty
mind. In modern society, criminal intent can be the basis for fault, and punishment according to intent is a
core premise of criminal justice. As stated in , grading is often related to the criminal intent element.
Crimes that have an evil intent are malum in se and subject the defendant to the most severe

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punishment. Crimes that lack the intent element are less common and are usually graded lower, as either
misdemeanors or infractions.

Figure 4.5 New York Penal Law

States and the federal government vary in their approach to defining criminal intent, and each jurisdiction
describes the criminal intent element in a criminal statute, or case, in jurisdictions that allow common-law
crimes. In this section, common-law definitions of criminal intent are explored, along with definitions of the
criminal mental states in the Model Penal Code.

Common-Law Criminal Intent

The common-law criminal intents ranked in order of culpability
aremalice aforethought, specific intent, and general intent. Statutes and cases use different words
to indicate the appropriate level of intent for the criminal offense, so what follows is a basic
description of the intent definitions adopted by many jurisdictions.
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Malice Aforethought
Malice aforethought is a special common-law intent designated for only one crime:murder.
The definition of malice aforethought is intent to kill. Society considers intent to kill the most
evil of all intents, so malice aforethought crimes such as first- and second-degree murder
generally mandate the most severe of punishments, including the death penalty in jurisdictions
that allow for it. Malice aforethought and criminal homicide are discussed in detail in .

Specific Intent
Specific intent is the intent with the highest level of culpability for crimes other than murder.
Unfortunately, criminal statutes rarely describe their intent element as specific or general,
and a judge may be required to define the level of intent using the common law or a dictionary to
explain a words ordinary meaning. Typically, specific intent means that the defendant acts with a

more sophisticated level of awareness. Crimes that require specific intent usually fall into one of
three categories: either the defendant intends to cause a certain bad result, the defendant intends
to do something more than commit the criminal act, or the defendant acts with knowledge that
his or her conduct is illegal, which is called scienter.

Example of Specific Intent to Bring about a Bad Result

A state statute defines mayhem as physical contact with another, inflicted with the intent to
maim, disfigure, or scar. This statute describes a specific intent crime. To be guilty of mayhem
under the statute, the defendant must inflict the physical contact with the intent of causing the
bad result of maiming, disfigurement, or scarring. If the prosecution cannot prove this high-level
intent, the defendant may be acquitted (or charged and convicted of a lower-level intent crime
like battery).
So if Pauline says, Its time to permanently mess up that pretty face, and thereafter takes out a
razor and slices Peters cheek with it, Pauline might be found guilty of mayhem. On the other
hand, if Pauline slaps Peter while he is shaving without making the comment, and the razor bites
into his cheek, it is more challenging to prove that sheintended a scarring, and Pauline might be
found guilty only of battery.

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Example of Specific Intent to Do More than the Criminal Act

A state statute defines theft as a permanent taking of property belonging to another. This
statute describes a specific intent crime. To be guilty of theft under the statute, the defendant
must intend to do more than take the property of another, which is the criminal act. The
defendant must also intend to keep the property permanently.
So if Pauline borrows Peters razor to shave her legs, she has taken the property of another, but
she has not committed theft for the simple reason that she intends to return the property after

Example of Scienter
Although the terms mens rea and scienter are sometimes used interchangeably, many
jurisdictions define scienter as knowledge that an act is illegal. Scienter can be the basis
of specific intent in some statutes. So a statute that makes it a crime to willfully file a false tax
return may require knowledge that the tax return includes false information and that it will
be unlawful to file it.


If the prosecution fails to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the

defendant knew his or her conduct was illegal, this could nullify scienter, and the prosecution
cannot prove specific intent.

General Intent
General intent is less sophisticated than specific intent. Thus general intent crimes are easier to
prove and can also result in a less severe punishment. A basic definition of general intent is the
intent to perform the criminal act or actus reus. If the defendant acts intentionally but without the
additional desire to bring about a certain result, or do anything other than the criminal act itself,

the defendant has acted with general intent.

Inference of General Intent

Intent is a notoriously difficult element to prove because it is locked inside the defendants mind.
Ordinarily, the only direct evidence of intent is a defendants confession, which the government
cannot forcibly obtain because of the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.
Witnesses who hear the defendant express intent are often unable to testify about it because of
evidentiary rules prohibiting hearsay. However, many jurisdictions allow an inference of general

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intent based on the criminal act.


In essence, if the jury accepts the inference, the prosecution

does not have the burden of proving intent for a general intent crime.

Example of a General Intent Crime and an Inference of Intent

A state statute defines battery as intentional harmful or offensive physical contact with another.
This statute describes a general intent crime. To be guilty of battery under the statute, the
defendant must only intend the harmful or offensive contact. The defendant does not have to
desire that the contact produces a specific result, such as scarring, or death; nor does the
defendant need scienter, or awareness that the physical contact is illegal.
If Addie balls up her fist and punches Eddie in the jaw after Eddie calls her a stupid idiot, Addie
has probably committed battery under the statute. A prosecutor could prove that Addie
committed the act of harmful or offensive contact using Eddies testimony and a physicians
report. The jury could thereafter be instructed to infer intent from proof of the act. If the jury
accepts the inference and determines that Addie committed the criminal act, the jury could find
Addie guilty of battery without additional evidence of intent.
Figure 4.6 Common Law Intents

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Intent should not be confused with motive, which is the reason the defendant commits the
criminal act or actus reus. Motive can generate intent, support a defense, and be used to
determine sentencing. However, motive alone does not constitute mens rea and does not act as
a substitute for criminal intent.

Example of Motive
Isabella, a housewife with no criminal record, sits quietly in court waiting to hear the jury verdict
in a trial for the rape of her teenage daughter by Ignatius. Ignatius has been convicted of child
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rape in three previous incidents. The jury foreman announces the decision finding Ignatius not
guilty. Ignatius looks over his shoulder at Isabella and smirks. Isabella calmly pulls a loaded
revolver out of her purse, and then shoots and kills Ignatius. In this case,
Isabellas motive is revenge for the rape of her teenage daughter, or the desire to protect other
women from Ignatius conduct. This motive generated Isabellas criminal intent, which is malice
aforethought or intent to kill. In spite of Isabellas motive, which is probably understandable
under the circumstances, Isabella can be found guilty of murder because she acted with the
murder mens rea. However, Isabellas motive may be introduced at sentencing and may result in
a reduced sentence such as life in prison rather than the death penalty. In addition, Isabellas
motive may affect a prosecutors decision to seek the death penalty at all because this would
probably be disfavored by the public.

Model Penal Code Criminal Intent

The Model Penal Code divides criminal intent into four states of mind listed in order of
culpability: purposely, knowingly, recklessly, and negligently.

A defendant who acts purposely intends to engage in conduct of that nature and intends to
cause a certain result.


Purposeful criminal intent resembles specific intent to cause harm,

which was discussed previously. As the Model Penal Code states, [a] person acts purposely with
respect to a material element of an offense when: (i) if the element involves the nature of his
conduct or a result thereof, it is his conscious object to engage in conduct of that nature or to
cause such a result (Model Penal Code 2.02 (2) (a)).

Example of Purposely
Review the example given in , where Pauline takes out a razor and slices Peters cheek. In this
example, Pauline is aware of the nature of the act (slicing someones cheek with a razor). Pauline
also appears to be acting with the intent to cause a specific result, based on her statement to
Peter. Thus Pauline is acting with specific intent orpurposely and can probably be convicted
of some form of aggravated battery or mayhem in most jurisdictions.

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Knowingly indicates that the defendant is aware of the nature of the act and its probable


Knowingly differs from purposely in that the defendant is not acting to cause a

certain result but is acting with the awareness that the result ispractically certain to occur.



Model Penal Code describes knowingly as follows: A person acts knowingly with respect to a
material element of an offense whenhe is aware that his conduct is of that natureif the element
involves a result of his conduct, he is aware that it is practically certain that his conduct will cause
such a result (Model Penal Code in 2.02(2) (b)).

Example of Knowingly
Victor brags to his girlfriend Tanya that he can shoot into a densely packed crowd of people on the
subway train without hitting any of them. Tanya dares Victor to try it. Victor removes a concealed
weapon from his waistband and shoots, aiming at a group of people standing with their back to
him. The shot kills Monica, who is standing the closest to Victor. In this case, Victor did
not intend to shoot Monica. In fact, Victors goal was to shoot and miss all the standing subway
passengers. However, Victor wasaware that he was shooting a loaded gun (the nature of the act)
and was alsopractically certain that shooting into a crowd would result in somebody getting hurt
or killed. Thus Victor acted knowingly according to the Model Penal Code. If the state in which
Victor shoots Monica defines murder intent as knowingly under the Model Penal Code, then
Victor has most likely committed murder in this case.

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Figure 4.7 Crack the Code

Recklessly is a lower level of culpability than knowingly, and reckless intent crimes are not as
common as offenses criminalizing purposeful, knowing conduct. The degreeof risk awareness is
key to distinguishing a reckless intent crime from a knowing intent crime. A defendant acts
recklessly if he or she consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the bad
result or harm will occur.


This is different from a knowing intent crime, where the defendant

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must be practically certain of the bad results. The reckless intent test is two pronged. First, the
defendant must consciously disregard a substantial risk of harm. The standard is subjective;
the defendant must know of the substantial risk. Second, the defendant must take an unjustifiable
risk, meaning that no valid reason exists for the risk. The standard for this prong is objective; if
a reasonable person would not take the risk, then the defendants action in taking it is reckless.
As the Model Penal Code states, [t]he risk must be of such a nature and degree thatits
disregard involves a gross deviation from the standard of conduct that a law-abiding person
would observe in the actors situation (Model Penal Code 2.02(2) (c)).

Example of Recklessly
Review the example in , where Victor shoots into a crowd of subway travelers and kills Monica.
Change the example, and imagine that the subway train has only three passengers. Victor easily
shoots in between them, yet the bullet ricochets off one of the seats and strikes Monica, killing
her. Victor would be acting with reckless rather thanknowing intent in this situation. Victors
knowledge and awareness of the risk of injury or death when shooting a gun inside a subway car
containing three passengers is probably substantial. A reasonable, law-abiding person would
probably not take this action under these circumstances. Thus Victor might be charged with a
lower-level form of criminal homicide like manslaughter in this case. The difference between
murder and manslaughter is discussed in detail in .

Negligent intent crimes are less culpable than reckless intent crimes and are also less common.
The difference between reckless and negligent intent is the defendants lack of awareness. While
defendants committing negligent intent crimes are also faced with
a substantial and unjustifiable risk, they are unaware of it, even though a reasonable person
would be.


Thus the first prong of the reckless intent test is simply changed from a subjective to

objective standard. As the Model Penal Code states, [a] person acts negligentlywhen he should
be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the material element exists or will result from
his conduct(Model Penal Code 2.02(2) (d)).

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Example of Negligently
Review the example in , where Victor shoots into a crowd of subway travelers and kills Monica.
Change the example, and imagine that the subway train has no passengers. Victor brags to Tanya
that he can shoot a crumpled napkin on the floor. Tanya challenges him to try it. Victor shoots at
the napkin and misses, and the bullet ricochets three times off three different seats, travels
backward, and strikes Tanya in the forehead, killing her instantly. In this case, Victor may
be unaware of the bullets potential to ricochet several times and actually travel backward.
However, the trier of fact can determine that a reasonable person would be aware that shooting
a gun inside a small subway train could result in injury or death. This would be a finding that
Victor acted negligently, under the circumstances. If the state in which Victor shot Tanya
criminalizes negligent killings, then Victor could be found guilty of criminal homicide in this case.
Figure 4.8 Model Penal Code Criminal Intents Ranked from Most Serious to Least Serious

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Elements and Criminal Intent

Occasionally, different criminal intents support the various elements of an offense. If a crime
requires more than one criminal intent, each criminal intent must be proven beyond a reasonable
doubt for each element.
Under the common law, every offense had just one criminal intent. In modern society, every
offense has one criminal intent unless a statute specifies otherwise. As the Model Penal Code
states, [w]hen the law defining an offense prescribes the kind of culpability that is sufficient for
the commission of an offense, without distinguishing among the material elements thereof, such
provision shall apply to all of the material elements of the offense, unless a contrary purpose
plainly appears (Model Penal Code 2.02(4)).

Example of a Crime That Requires More Than One Criminal Intent

A state statute defines burglary as breaking and entering into a residence at nighttime with the
intent to commit a felony once inside. In this statute, the elements are the following: (1)
breaking, (2) and entering, (3) into a residence, (4) at nighttime. Breaking and entering are
two criminal act elements. They must be committed with the specific intent, or purposely, to
commit a felony once inside the residence. The elements of residence and nighttime are
two attendant circumstances, which most likely have the lower level of general
intent or knowingly. Thus this statute has fourseparate criminal intents that the prosecution
must prove beyond a reasonable doubt for conviction.

Strict Liability
An exception to the requirement of a criminal intent element is strict liability. Strict liability
offenses have no intent element.


This is a modern statutory trend, which abrogates the

common-law approach that behavior is only criminal when the defendant commits acts with a
guilty mind. Sometimes the rationale for strict liability crimes is the protection of the publics
health, safety, and welfare. Thus strict liability offenses are often vehicle code or tax code
violations, mandating a less severe punishment.


With a strict liability crime, the prosecution

has to prove only the criminal act and possibly causation and harm or attendant circumstances,
depending on the elements of the offense.

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Example of a Strict Liability Offense

A vehicle code provision makes it a crime to travel in a vehicle over the posted speed limit. This
is a strict liability offense. So if a law enforcement officer captures radar information that
indicates Susie was traveling in a vehicle five miles per hour over the posted speed limit, Susie can
probably be convicted of speeding under the statute. Susies protests that she didnt know she
was traveling at that speed, are not a valid defense. Susies knowledge of the nature of the act is
irrelevant. The prosecution only needs to prove the criminal act to convict Susie because this
statute is strict liability and does not require proof of criminal intent.

Transferred Intent
Occasionally, the defendants criminal intent is not directed toward the victim. Depending on the
jurisdiction, this may result in a transfer of the defendants intent from the intended victim to the
eventual victim, for the purpose of fairness.


Although this is a legal fiction, it can be necessary

to reach a just result.Transferred intent is only relevant in crimes that require a bad result or
victim. In a case where intent is transferred, the defendant could receive more than one criminal
charge, such as a charge for attempting to commit a crime against the intended victim. Attempt
and transferred intent are discussed in detail in .

Example of Transferred Intent

Billy and his brother Ronnie get into an argument at a crowded bar. Billy balls up his fist and
swings, aiming for Ronnies face. Ronnie ducks and Billy punches Amanda in the face instead.
Billy did not intend to batter Amanda. However, it is unjust to allow this protective action of
Ronnies to excuse Billys conduct. Thus Billys intent to hit Ronnie transfers in some jurisdictions
over to Amanda. Billy can also be charged with attempted battery, which is assault, of Ronnie,
resulting in two crimes rather than one under the transferred intent doctrine.

Vicarious Liability
Vicarious liability is similar to respondeat superior, a civil law concept discussed in . Vicarious
liability transfers a defendants responsibility for the crime to a different defendant, on the basis
of a special relationship. Under a theory of vicarious liability, the defendant does not need to
commit the criminal act supported by criminal intent. The defendant just has to be involved with

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the criminal actor in a legally defined relationship. As in civil law, vicarious liability is common
between employers and employees.
Corporate liability is a type of vicarious liability that allows a corporation to be prosecuted for a
crime apart from its owners, agents, and employees.


This is a modern concept that did not

exist at early common law. Although corporations cannot be incarcerated, they can be fined.
Vicarious liability and corporate liability are discussed in more detail in .

Example of Vicarious Liability

Don hires James to work in his liquor store. James is specially trained to ask for the identification
of any individual who appears to be under the age of thirty and attempts to buy alcohol. One
night, James sells alcohol to Ashley and does not request identification because Ashley is
attractive and James wants to ask her out on a date. Unfortunately, Ashley is underage and is
participating in a sting operation with local law enforcement. Certain statutes could subject
Don to criminal prosecution for selling alcohol to an underage person like Ashley, even though
Don did not personallyparticipate in the sale. Because Don is Jamess employer, he may be
vicariously liable for Jamess on-the-job conduct in this instance.

Concurrence of Act and Intent

Another element of most criminal offenses is the requirement that the criminal act and criminal
intent exist at the same moment.


This element is called concurrence. Concurrence is rarely an

issue in a criminal prosecution because the criminal intent usually generates the bodily response
(criminal act). However, in some rare instances, the criminal act and intent are separated by time,
in which case concurrence is lacking and the defendant cannot be convicted of a crime.

Example of a Situation Lacking Concurrence

Sherree decides she wants to kill her husband using a handgun. As Sherree is driving to the local
gun shop to purchase the handgun, her husband is distracted and steps in front of her car.
Sherree slams on the brakes as a reflex, but unfortunately she is unable to avoid striking and
killing her husband. Sherree cannot be prosecuted for criminal homicide in this case. Although
Sherree had formulated the intent to kill, the intent to kill did not exist at the moment she
committed the criminal act of hitting her husband with her vehicle. In fact, Sherree was trying

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to avoid hitting her husband at the moment he was killed. Thus this case lacks concurrence of
act and intent, and Sherree is not guilty of criminal homicide.


One important function of intent is the determination of punishment. In general,

the more evil the intent, the more severe the punishment.

The three common-law intents ranked in order of culpability are malice

aforethought, specific intent, and general intent.

Specific intent is the intent to bring about a certain result, do something other
than the criminal act, or scienter. General intent is simply the intent to perform
the criminal act.

With a general intent crime, the trier of fact may infer intent from the criminal
act. This alleviates the prosecutions burden of proving criminal intent.

Motive is the reason the defendant commits the criminal act. Motive standing
alone is not enough to prove criminal intent.

The Model Penal Codes criminal states of mind ranked in order of culpability are
purposely, knowingly, recklessly, and negligently. Purposely is similar to specific
intent to cause a particular result. Knowingly is awareness that results are
practically certain to occur. Recklessly is a subjective awareness of a risk of harm,
and an objective and unjustified disregard of that risk. Negligently is not being
aware of a substantial risk of harm when a reasonable person would be.

The exception to the requirement that every crime contain a criminal intent
element is strict liability.

Transferred intent promotes justice by holding a defendant responsible for his or

her criminal conduct, even though the conduct was intended to harm a different

Vicarious liability is the transfer of criminal liability from one criminal defendant
to another based on a special relationship.

Concurrence requires that act and intent exist at the same moment.

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Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. As Jordan is driving to school, she takes her eyes off the road for a moment and
rummages through her purse for her phone. This causes her to run a stop sign.
Jordan is thereafter pulled over by law enforcement and issued a traffic ticket.
What is Jordans criminal intent in this case? Is Jordan criminally responsible for
running the stop sign? Why or why not?
2. Read Morissette v. U.S., 342 U.S. 246 (1952). In Morissette, the defendant was
convicted of unlawful conversion of federal property for gathering and selling
spent bomb casings dropped during US Air Force practice maneuvers. The statute
required knowing conversion of the property, and the defendant claimed he
believed the property was abandoned. Did the US Supreme Court uphold the
defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read State v. Crosby, 154 P.3d 97 (2007). In Crosby, the defendant was convicted
of manslaughter of a dependent person by neglect. The defendants mother died
of sepsis and was brought to the hospital covered with feces and bedsores. The
defendant was her mothers caregiver. The jury was instructed that the
defendant possessed the mental state of recklessness under the statute if she
disregarded a substantial risk of harm or circumstances. The jury asked the judge
if circumstances included the bedsores or just death. He responded that the
risk could be more than just death and left it up to the jury to decide. Did the
Supreme Court of Oregon uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not?
The case is available at this
4. Read State v. Horner, 126 Ohio St. 3d 466 (2010). In Horner, the defendant
pleaded no contest to aggravated robbery. The defendants pre-plea indictment
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did not contain a mens rea element for aggravated robbery, just the mens rea for
theft. The defendant moved to dismiss the no contest plea, based on the fact
that the indictment was defective for lacking the mens rea element. Did the Ohio
Supreme Court find the indictment defective? Why or why not? The case is
available at this

L A W A N D E T H I C S : D E A N V . U . S .

Ten Years Imprisonment for an Accident?

Accidents happen. Sometimes they happen to individuals committing crimes with loaded guns.
Read Dean v. U.S., 129 S. Ct. 1849 (2009)), which is available at this
In Dean, the defendant was sentenced to ten years imprisonment under a federal sentencing
enhancement for an accidental discharge of his firearm during a bank robbery. The prosecution
presented evidence at trial indicating that the defendant went into the bank wearing a mask and
carrying a loaded firearm. The defendant told everyone in the bank to get down, and then went
behind the tellers station and began grabbing money with his left hand. The gun in his right hand
discharged. The defendant seemed surprised by the discharge, cursed, and ran out of the bank.
No one was injured or hurt during the robbery.
The defendant thereafter admitted he committed the robbery. The US Supreme Court upheld the
defendants sentencing, in spite of the fact that there was no evidence ofintent to discharge the
firearm. The Court based its holding on the plain meaning of the statute requiring a minimum
sentence of ten years imprisonment when a firearm is discharged during a robbery. The statute,
18 U.S.C. 924(c) (1) (A), does not expressly state a criminal intent requirement. The Court
further held that a presumption of criminal intent was not required. As the Court stated, [i]t is
unusual to impose criminal punishment for the consequences of purely accidental conduct. But it
is not unusual to punish individuals for the unintended consequences of theirunlawful acts
(Dean v. U.S., 129 S. Ct. 1849, 1855 (2009)).
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1. Do you think it is ethical to sentence Dean to ten years imprisonment for his
accidental conduct in this case? Why or why not?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

[1] Connecticut Jury Instructions No. 2.3-1, accessed February 14,
[2] U.S. v. Pompanio, 429 U.S. 10 (1976), accessed October 28,
[3] People v. McDaniel, 597 P.2d 124 (1979), accessed February 14,
[4] Commonwealth v. Ely, 444 N.E.2d 1276 (1983), accessed February 13,
[5] N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 626:2(II)(a), accessed February 14,
[6] Utah Code Ann. 76-2-103(2), accessed February 14,
[7] State v. Huff, 469 A.2d 1251 (1984), accessed February 14,
[8] Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-1-501(8), accessed February 14,
[9] Idaho Code Ann. 18-101(2), accessed February 14,
[10] Ala. Code 13A-2-3, accessed February 14, 2011,

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[11] Tex. Penal Code 49.04, accessed February 14,

[12] N.Y. Penal Law 125.27(1), accessed February 14, 2011,
[13] 720 ILCS 5/5-4, accessed February 14, 2011,
[14] California Criminal Jury Instructions No. 252, accessed February 14,

4.3 Causation and Harm


Distinguish between factual and legal cause.

2. Define intervening superseding cause, and explain the role it plays in the
defendants criminal liability.
3. Define one and three years and a day rules.
As stated previously, causation and harm can also be elements of a criminal offense if the offense requires a
bad result. In essence, if injury is required under the statute, or the case is in a jurisdiction that allows for
common-law crimes, the defendant mustcause the requisite harm. Many incidents occur when the
defendant technically initiates circumstances that result in harm, but it would be unjust to hold the
defendant criminally responsible. Thus causation should not be rigidly determined in every instance, and the
trier of fact must perform an analysis that promotes fairness. In this section, causation in fact and legal
causation are examined as well as situations where the defendant may be insulated from criminal

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Figure 4.9 Oregon Revised Statutes

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Causation in Fact
Every causation analysis is twofold. First, the defendant must be thefactual or but for cause of the
victims harm. The but for term comes from this phrase: but for the defendants act, the harm
would not have occurred.


As the Model Penal Code states, [c]onduct is the cause of a result

when(a) it is an antecedent but for which the result in question would not have occurred
(Model Penal Code 2.03(1)(a)). Basically, the defendant is the factual or but for cause of the
victims harm if the defendants act starts the chain of events that leads to the eventual result.

Example of Factual Cause

Henry and Mary get into an argument over their child custody agreement. Henry gives Mary a
hard shove. Mary staggers backward, is struck by lightning, and dies instantly. In this example,
Henrys act forced Mary to move into the area where the lighting happened to strike. However, it
would be unjust to punish Henry for Marys death in this case because Henry could not have
imagined the eventual result. Thus although Henry is the factual or but for cause of Marys
death, he is probably not thelegal cause.

Legal Causation
It is the second part of the analysis that ensures fairness in the application of the causation
element. The defendant must also be the legal or proximate cause of the harm. Proximate
means near, so the defendants conduct must be closely related to the harm it engenders. As the
Model Penal Code states, the actual result cannot be too remote or accidental in its occurrence to
have a [just] bearing on the actors liability (Model Penal Code 2.03 (2) (b)).
The test for legal causation is objective foreseeability.


The trier of fact must be convinced that

when the defendant acted, a reasonable person could have foreseen or predicted that the end
result would occur. In the example given in Section 4 "Example of Factual Cause", Henry is not
the legal cause of Marys death because a reasonable person could have neither foreseen nor
predicted that a shove would push Mary into a spot where lightning was about to strike.
The Model Penal Code adjusts the legal causation foreseeability requirement depending on
whether the defendant acted purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently. If the defendants
behavior is reckless or negligent, the legal causation foreseeability requirement is analyzed based
on the risk of harm, rather than the purpose of the defendant.
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Example of Legal Causation

Imagine that Henry and Mary get into the same argument over their child custody agreement, but
this time they are in their garage, which is crowded with furniture. Henry gives Mary a hard
shove, even though she is standing directly in front of a large entertainment center filled with
books and a heavy thirty-two-inch television set. Mary staggers backward into the entertainment
center and it crashes down on top of her, killing her. In this situation, Henry is the factual cause of
Marys death because he started the chain of events that led to her death with his push. In
addition, it isforeseeable that Mary might suffer a serious injury or death when shoved directly
into a large and heavy piece of furniture. Thus in this example, Henry could be the
factual andlegal cause of Marys death. It is up to the trier of fact to make this determination
based on an assessment of objective foreseeability and the attendant circumstances.

Intervening Superseding Cause

Another situation where the defendant is the factual but not the legal cause of the requisite harm
is when something or someone interrupts the chain of events started by the defendant. This is
called an intervening superseding cause. Typically, an intervening superseding cause cuts the
defendant off from criminal liability because it is much closer, or proximate, to the resulting


If an intervening superseding cause is a different individual acting with criminal intent,

the intervening individual is criminally responsible for the harm caused.

Example of an Intervening Superseding Cause

Review the example with Henry and Mary in Section 4 "Example of Legal Causation". Change the
example so that Henry pulls out a knife and chases Mary out of the garage. Mary escapes Henry
and hides in an abandoned shed. Half an hour later, Wes, a homeless man living in the shed,
returns from a day of panhandling. When he discovers Mary in the shed, he kills her and steals
her money and jewelry. In this case, Henry is still the factual cause of Marys death, because he
chased her into the shed where she was eventually killed. However, Wes is probably
the intervening superseding cause of Marys death because he interrupted the chain of
events started by Henry. Thus Wes is subject to prosecution for Marys death, and Henry may be
prosecuted only for assault with a deadly weapon.

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One and Three Years and a Day Rules

In criminal homicide cases, the causation analysis could be complicated by a victimssurvival for
an extended time period. Because of modern technology, victims often stay alive on machines for
many years after they have been harmed. However, it may be unreasonable to hold a defendant
responsible for a death that occurs several years after the defendants criminal act. A few states
have rules that solve this dilemma.
Some states have either a one year and a day rule or athree years and a day rule.


These rules

create a timeline for the victims death that changes the causation analysis in a criminal homicide
case. Under one or three years and a day rules, the victim of a criminal homicide must die within
the specified time limits for the defendant to be criminally responsible. If the victim does not die
within the time limits, the defendant may be charged with attempted murder, rather than
criminal homicide. California makes the timeline a rebuttable presumption that can be overcome
with evidence proving that the conduct was criminal and the defendant should still be


Figure 4.10 California Penal Code

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Death timeline rules are often embodied in a states common law and have lost popularity in recent


Thus many states have abolished arbitrary time limits for the victims death in favor of ordinary

principles of legal causation.


Death timeline rules are not to be confused with the statute of

limitations, which is the time limit the government has to prosecute a criminal defendant.

Figure 4.11 Diagram of the Elements of a Crime

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Factual cause means that the defendant starts the chain of events leading to the
harm. Legal cause means that the defendant is held criminally responsible for the
harm because the harm is a foreseeable result of the defendants criminal act.

An intervening superseding cause breaks the chain of events started by the

defendants act and cuts the defendant off from criminal responsibility.

One and three years and a day rules create a timeline for the victims death in a
criminal homicide.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Phillipa sees Fred picking up trash along the highway and decides she wants to
frighten him. She drives a quarter of a mile ahead of Fred and parks her car. She
then hides in the bushes and waits for Fred to show up. When Fred gets close
enough, she jumps out of the bushes screaming. Frightened, Fred drops his trash
bag and runs into the middle of the highway where he is struck by a vehicle and
killed. Is Phillipas act the legal cause of Freds death? Why or why not?
2. Read Bullock v. State, 775 A.2d. 1043 (2001). In Bullock, the defendant was
convicted of manslaughter based on a vehicle collision that occurred when his
vehicle hit the victims vehicle in an intersection. The defendant was under the
influence of alcohol and traveling thirty miles per hour over the speed limit. The
victim was in the intersection unlawfully because the light was red. The
defendant claimed that the victim was the intervening superseding cause of her
own death. Did the Supreme Court of Delaware agree? The case is available at
this link:
3. Read Commonwealth v. Casanova, 429 Mass. 293 (1999). In Casanova, the
defendant shot the victim in 1991, paralyzing him. The defendant was convicted
of assault with intent to murder and two firearms offenses. In 1996, the victim
died. The defendant was thereafter indicted for his murder. Massachusetts had
abolished the year and a day rule in 1980. Did the Massachusetts Supreme
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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Judicial Court uphold the indictment, or did the court establish a new death
timeline rule? The case is available at this

[1] Del. Code Ann. tit. II, 261, accessed February 14,
[2] California Criminal Jury Instructions No. 520, accessed February 14,
[3] Connecticut Jury Instructions No. 2.6-1, accessed February 14,
[4] S.C. Code Ann. 56-5-2910, accessed February 15,
[5] Cal. Penal Code 194, accessed February 14,
[6] Key v. State, 890 So.2d 1043 (2002), accessed February 15,
[7] Rogers v. Tennessee, 532 U.S. 541 (2001), accessed February 14,

4.4 End-of-Chapter Material

Crimes are made up of parts, referred to as elements. The criminal elements are criminal act or
actus reus, criminal intent or mens rea, concurrence, causation, harm, and attendant
circumstances. Only crimes that specify a bad result require the causation and harm elements.
Criminal acts must be voluntary or controllable and cannot consist solely of the defendants status
or thoughts. Just one voluntary act is needed for a crime, so if a voluntary act is followed by an
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involuntary act, the defendant can still be criminally responsible. Omission or failure to act can
also be criminal if there is a duty to act based on a statute, contract, or special relationship.
Possession is passive, but it can still be a criminal act. The most common items that are criminal
to possess are illegal contraband, drugs, and weapons. Possession can be actual if the item is on or
very near the defendants person, or constructive if within an area of the defendants control, like
inside the defendants house or vehicle. More than one defendant can be in possession of one
item. Criminal possession should be supported by the intent of awareness because it is passive.
Criminal intent is an important element because it is often one factor considered in the grading of
criminal offenses. The three common-law criminal intents are malice aforethought, which is
intent to kill, specific intent, and general intent. Specific intent is the intent to bring about a
particular result, a higher level of awareness than is required to perform the criminal act, or
scienter, which is knowledge that a criminal act is unlawful. General intent is the intent to do the
act and can often give rise to an inference of criminal intent from proof of the criminal act. Motive
should not be confused with or replace intent. Motive is the reason the defendant develops
criminal intent.
The Model Penal Code describes four criminal states of mind, which are purposely, knowingly,
recklessly, and negligently. Purposely is similar to specific intent to cause a particular result.
Knowingly is awareness that results are practically certain to occur. Recklessly is a subjective
awareness of a risk of harm and an objective and unjustified disregard of that risk. Negligently is
not being aware of a substantial risk of harm when a reasonable person would be. Offense
elements, including specified attendant circumstances, may require different mental states. If so,
the prosecution must prove each mental state for every element beyond a reasonable doubt.
Strict liability crimes do not require an intent element and are generally malum prohibitum, with
a less severe punishment. Transferred intent is a legal fiction that transfers a defendants criminal
intent to an unintended victim for the purpose of fairness. Pursuant to transferred intent, the
defendant may be responsible for two crimes: attempt and the completed crime, depending on the
circumstances. Vicarious liability transfers a defendants criminal liability to a different defendant
based on a special relationship. Corporate liability is a type of vicarious liability that holds a
corporation responsible for crimes apart from its owners, agents, and employees. Concurrence is
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also a criminal element that requires the criminal act and criminal intent exist at the same
When the crime requires a bad result, the defendant must cause the harm. The defendant must be
the factual and legal cause. Factual cause means that the defendant starts the chain of events that
leads to the bad result. Legal or proximate cause means that it is objectively foreseeable that the
end result will occur when the defendant commits the criminal act. An intervening superseding
cause breaks the chain of events started by the defendants criminal act and insulates the
defendant from criminal liability. When the intervening superseding cause is an individual, the
intervening individual is criminally responsible for the crime. Some states have rules that protect
the defendant from criminal responsibility for homicide when the victim lives a long time after
the criminal act. These death timeline rules require the victim to die within one or three years and
a day from the defendants criminal act and are becoming increasingly unpopular. Many states
have abolished death timeline rules in favor of ordinary principles of legal causation.

Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether the issue is the defendants criminal
act or criminal intent. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. Read State v. Andrews, 572 S.E.2d 798 (2002). In Andrews, the defendant took
Prozac and Effexor for one day. The next day, the defendant ran his wife and her
friend down with his car. After hitting both victims, the defendant jumped out of
the car and stabbed his wife three times. He was convicted of attempted murder
and assault with a deadly weapon against both victims. He appealed on the
grounds that the jury was given an improper instruction as to his criminal
responsibility for the crimes committed against his wifes friend. Did the Court of
Appeals of North Carolina hold that this is an issue of criminal act or criminal
intent? The case is available at this link:
2. Read State v. Sowry, 155 Ohio App. 3d 742 (2004). In Sowry, Ohio police arrested
the defendant and brought him to jail. Before booking the defendant, the police
asked him whether he had any drugs on his person. He responded no. The
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police thereafter searched him and discovered a plastic bag of marijuana in his
pocket. The defendant was later convicted of knowingly conveying drugs onto
the grounds of a detention facility. The defendant appealed and was successful.
Did the Court of Appeals of Ohio hold that this is an issue ofcriminal
act or criminal intent? The case is available at this
3. Read Regalado v. U.S., 572 A.2d 416 (1990). In Regalado, the defendant was
convicted of animal cruelty for punching a puppy repeatedly in the face. The
defendant appealed, claiming that he was merely disciplining the puppy. Did
the District of Columbia Court of Appeals hold that this is an issue of criminal
act orcriminal intent? The case is available at this
4. Read State v. Slayton, 154 P.3d 1057 (2007). In Slayton, the defendant received a
hunting permit, hired a guide, and thereafter shot an elk and carried it out of the
area. The defendants hunting permit was valid in only a limited location, and the
defendant shot the elk outside that location. The defendant was convicted of
unauthorized hunting and transporting wildlife. The Arizona Superior Court
vacated the defendants convictions, the state appealed, and the Court of
Appeals of Arizona reversed. Did the Court of Appeals of Arizona hold that this is
an issue of criminal act or criminal intent? The case is available at this

Cases of Interest

State v. Kanavy, 4 A.3d 991 (2010), discusses omission to


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U.S. v. Grajeda, 581 F.3d 1186 (2009), discusses criminal


People v. Roberts, 826 P.2d 274 (1992), discusses proximate


Articles of Interest

The duty to



Websites of Interest

State and federal laws and cases:

State and federal laws and cases:

Answers to Exercises
From Section 4.1 "Criminal Elements"

1. Jacqueline can be convicted of a crime in this situation. Although an epileptic

seizure is not a voluntary act, Jacquelines conduct in driving while aware that
she has epilepsy is. Only one voluntary act is required for a crime, and Jacqueline
was able to control her decision making in this instance. Punishing Jacqueline for
driving with epilepsy could specifically deter Jacqueline from driving on another
occasion and is appropriate under the circumstances.
2. The Texas Court of Appeals upheld the defendants indictment and conviction.
The court stated that the defendants conduct in deliberately seeking out four
physicians and presenting his medical problem to them with the intent to gain a
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prescription for a controlled substance in violation of Texas law is a criminalact,

not an omission to act.
3. The US Supreme Court reversed the defendants conviction and held that the
prosecution must prove that the defendant knew the weapon was automatic to
convict him of failure to register an automatic weapon.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 4.2 "Criminal Intent"

1. Jordan is acting recklessly or negligently. If Jordan is an experienced driver,

then she knows that there is a substantial risk of injury or harm when a driver
takes his or her eyes off the road. If Jordan is not an experienced driver, she may
not be aware of the risk, but she should be because she has been trained to drive
and has passed exams and practical driving tests that emphasize this fact.
Whether Jordans intent is reckless or negligent is probably irrelevant because
most states make running a stop sign a strict liability offense with no criminal
intent required.
2. The US Supreme Court reversed the defendants conviction. The Court disagreed
with the lower court that this was a strict liability public welfare offense and
determined that a presumption of intent was inappropriate. The Court held that
criminal intent was an element of the offense that the trier of fact needed to find
beyond a reasonable doubt.
3. The Oregon Supreme Court reversed and held that the substantial risk applied to
the victims death (bad result), not the victims bedsores (attendant
4. The Ohio Supreme Court held that the indictment was valid and that the statute
clearly intended for aggravated robbery to be a strict liability offense lacking
mens rea.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 4.3 "Causation and Harm"

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1. Phillipas act is the factual and legal cause of Freds death. Phillipas act in
jumping out of the bushes screaming caused Fred to run onto the highway, so
Phillipas act is the factual cause of Freds death. In addition, a reasonable person
could foresee that frightening someone next to a major highway might result in
them trying to escape onto the highway, where a vehicle traveling at a high rate of
speed could hit them. Thus Phillipas act is also the legal cause of Freds death.
2. The Delaware Supreme Court reversed the defendants conviction based on a jury
instruction that did not include the victims actions. The Delaware Supreme
Court held that the defendants acts could not be the legal cause of death unless
the result of the defendants acts was foreseeable. Foreseeability in this case could
only be analyzed if the jury instructions address the victims behavior.
3. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld the defendants indictment,
and did not create a new death timeline rule.

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


Although ten years is a lengthy prison sentence, it may be ethical even for a
criminal act committed without criminal intent if there is a potential forharm.
In Dean, the defendant may have discharged the firearm unintentionally, but
there was a great potential for injury. The defendant was inside a bank filled with
employees and customers. Although the defendants shot did not cause physical
injury to any of the banks occupants, this was mere happenstance. The defendant
could have shot and killed someone. If a security guard was startled by the
gunshot, a shootout may have occurred, injuring many more individuals. Thus
punishing a defendant for an act that lacks criminal intent (and harm) could
fulfill specific and general deterrence. Criminal intent and harm are only two
factors to be considered when grading crimes. If other purposes of punishment
are applicable, they can also be considered as factors.

Answers to You Be the Law Student


The Court of Appeals of North Carolina held that the defendant was criminally
responsible for hitting his wifes friend under a theory of transferred intent. Thus

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this is an issue of criminal intent. The Court of Appeals held that transferred
intent applies even when the defendant injures the intendedvictim.
2. The Court of Appeals of Ohio held that the defendant did not choose to bring
drugs to the jail; the police forcibly took him there. Thus there was no
voluntary criminal act.
3. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals affirmed the defendants conviction,
holding that the animal cruelty statute required proof of general intent plus
malice, which the defendant demonstrated with his beating of the puppy. Thus
this is an issue of criminal intent.
4. The Court of Appeals of Arizona held that the statutes the defendant violated
are strict liability, so the fact that the defendant may have been mistaken as to
the limited location authorized by his hunting permit is irrelevant. Thus this is
an issue of criminal intent.

Chapter 5
Criminal Defenses, Part 1
A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter a persons dwelling, residence, or
occupied vehicle is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or

Fla. Stat. Ann. 776.013(4), cited in Section 5.3.3 "Defense of Habitation"

5.1 Criminal Defenses


Distinguish between a denial or failure of proof defense and an affirmative


2. Distinguish between imperfect and perfect defenses.

3. Distinguish between factual and legal defenses.
4. Give examples of factual and legal defenses.
5. Distinguish between defenses based on justification and excuse.
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A plethora of criminal defenses exist. Defenses may completely exonerate the criminal defendant, resulting
in an acquittal, or reduce the severity of the offense. Chapter 3 "Constitutional Protections" discussed
defenses based on the federal Constitution. This chapter reviews the categorization of nonconstitutional
criminal defenses, along with the elements of various defenses sanctioning the use of force.

Categorization of Defenses
Defenses can be categorized as denial or failure of proof, affirmative, imperfect, or perfect.
Defenses can also be categorized as factual, legal, based on justification, or excuse. Lastly,
defenses can be created by a court (common law), or created by a state or federal legislature

Definition of Denial or Failure of Proof and Affirmative Defenses

As stated in Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States", a criminal defendant will be
acquitted if the prosecution cannot prove every element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt.
In certain cases, the defendant can either deny that a criminal element(s) exists or simply sit back
and wait for the prosecution to fail in meeting its burden of proof. This legal strategy is sometimes
referred to as either adenial or failure of proof defense.
An affirmative defense is not connected to the prosecutions burden of proof. When the defendant
asserts an affirmative defense, the defendant raises a new issue that must be proven to a certain
evidentiary standard. State statutes often specify whether a defense is affirmative. The Model
Penal Code defines an affirmative defense as a defense that is deemed affirmative in the Code or a
separate statute, or that involves a matter of excuse or justification peculiarly within the
knowledge of the defendant (Model Penal Code 1.12 (3) (c)). Procedurally, the defendant must
assert any affirmative defense before or during the trial, or the defense cannot be used as grounds
for an appeal.

Example of an Affirmative Defense

A fight breaks out at a party, and Juan is severely injured. Jasmine and Jerome are arrested and
charged for battering Juan. Jerome claims that he did not touch Juan;someone else battered him.
Jasmine claims that she did not batter Juan because she was legally defending herself
against Juans attack. Jeromes claim focuses on the elements of battery and asserts that these
elements cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Technically, Jerome can do nothing and
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be acquitted if the prosecution fails to prove that he was the criminal actor. Jasmines self-defense
claim is an affirmative defense. Jasmine must do something to be acquitted: she must prove
that Juan attacked her to a certain evidentiary standard.
Figure 5.1 Denial and Affirmative Defenses

Burden of Proof for Affirmative Defenses

As stated in Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States", states vary as to their requirements for

the defendants burden of proof when asserting an affirmative defense.

Different defenses also have

different burdens of proof. Some states require the defendant to meet the burden of production, but require
the prosecution to thereafter meet the burden of persuasion, disproving the defense to a preponderance of
evidence, or in some states, beyond a reasonable doubt. Other states require the defendant to meet the
burden of production and the burden of persuasion. In such states, the defendants evidentiary standard is
preponderance of evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt. In the example given in Section 5 "Example of

an Affirmative Defense", for Jasmines self-defense claim, Jasmine must prove she was defending herself
by meeting either the burden of production or the burden of production and persuasion to a preponderance
of evidence, depending on the jurisdiction.

Figure 5.2 Diagram of the Criminal Burden of Proof

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Definition of Imperfect and Perfect Defenses

As stated previously, a defense can reduce the severity of the offense, or completely exonerate the
defendant from criminal responsibility. If a defense reduces the severity of the offense, it is called
an imperfect defense. If a defense results in an acquittal, it is called a perfect defense. The
difference between the two is significant. A defendant who is successful with an imperfect defense
is still guilty of a crime; a defendant who is successful with a perfect defense is innocent.

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Example of Imperfect and Perfect Defenses

LuLu flies into a rage and kills her sister Lola after she catches Lola sleeping with her fianc. LuLu
is thereafter charged with first-degree murder. LuLu decides to pursue two defenses. First, LuLu
claims that the killing should be manslaughter rather than first-degree murder because she
honestly but unreasonably believed Lola was going to attackher, so she thought she was acting in
self-defense. Second, LuLu claims she was insane at the time the killing occurred. The claim of
manslaughter is an imperfectdefense that will reduce LuLus sentence, but will not acquit her of
criminal homicide. The claim of insanity is a perfect defense that will result in an acquittal.

Definition of Factual and Legal Defenses

A defense must be based on specific grounds. If a defense is based on an issue of fact, it is
a factual defense. If a defense is based on an issue of law, it is a legal defense.

Example of Factual and Legal Defenses

Armando is charged with the burglary of Romans residence. Armando decides to pursue two
defenses. First, Armando claims that he was with Phil on the date and time of the burglary. This is
called an alibi defense. Second, Armando claims that it is too late to prosecute him for burglary
because of theexpiration of the statute of limitations. Armandos alibi defense is
a factualdefense; it is based on the fact that Armando could not have committed the burglary
because he was somewhere else at the time it occurred. Armandos statute of limitations defense
is a legal defense because it is based on a statute that limits the amount of time the government
has to prosecute Armando for burglary.

Definition of Justification and Excuse

With the exception of alibi, most affirmative defenses are based on eitherjustification or excuse.
Typically, justification and excuse defenses admit that the defendant committed the criminal act
with the requisite intent, but insist that the conduct should not be criminal.
A defense based on justification focuses on the offense. A justification defense claims that the
defendants conduct should be legal rather than criminal because it supports a principle valued by
society. A defense based on excuse focuses on the defendant. An excuse defense claims that even
though the defendant committed the criminal act with criminal intent, the defendant should not
be responsible for his or her behavior.
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Example of Justification and Excuse

Review the examples of affirmative, imperfect, and perfect defenses given in Section 5.1.1
"Categorization of Defenses". Jasmines self-defense claim is based onjustification. Society
believes that individuals should be able to protect themselves from harm, so actions taken in selfdefense are justified and noncriminal. Note that a self-defense claim focuses on
the offense (battery) in light of the circumstances (to prevent imminent harm). LuLus insanity
claim is based on excuse. Although LuLu killed Lola with criminal intent, if LuLu is truly insane
it is not be fair or just to punish her for her behavior. Note that an insanity claim focuses on
the defendant (a legally insane individual) and whether he or she should be criminally responsible
for his or her conduct.
Table 5.1 Categorization of Defenses

Defense Type



Created by a court


Created by a state or federal legislature

Denial or failure of proof

Creates doubt in one or more elements of the offense and prevents

the prosecution from meeting its burden of proof


Raises an issue separate from the elements of the offense


Reduces the severity of the offense


Results in an acquittal


Based on an issue of fact


Based on an issue of law


Asserts that the defendant was somewhere else when the crime was

Expiration of the statute

of limitations

Asserts that it is too late for the government to prosecute the

defendant for the crime


Claims that the criminal conduct is justified under the circumstances


Claims that the defendant should be excused for his or her conduct


A denial or failure of proof defense focuses on the elements of the crime and
prevents the prosecution from meeting its burden of proof. An affirmative
defense is a defense that raises an issue separate from the elements of the

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crime. Most affirmative defenses are based on justification or excuse and must
be raised before or during the trial to preserve the issue for appeal.

An imperfect defense reduces the severity of the offense; a perfect defense

results in an acquittal.

If the basis for a defense is an issue of fact, it is called a factual defense. If the
basis for a defense is an issue of law, it is called a legal defense.

An example of a factual defense is an alibi defense, which asserts that the

defendant could not have committed the crime because he or she was
somewhere else when the crime occurred. An example of a legal defense is a
claim that the statute of limitations has expired, which asserts that it is too late
for the government to prosecute the defendant for the crime.

An affirmative defense is based on justification when it claims that criminal

conduct is justified under the circumstances. An affirmative defense is based on
excuse when it claims that the criminal defendant should be excused for his or
her conduct.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Carol is on trial for battery, a general intent crime. Carol puts on a defense that
proves her conduct was accidental, not intentional. Is this an affirmative
defense? Why or why not?
2. Read State v. Burkhart, 565 S.E.2d 298 (2002). In Burkhart, the defendant was
convicted of three counts of murder. The defendant claimed he acted in self-
defense. The jury instruction given during the defendants trial stated that the
prosecution had the burden of disproving self-defense. However, the instruction
did not state that the prosecutions burden of disproving self-defense wasbeyond
a reasonable doubt. Did the Supreme Court of South Carolina uphold the
defendants conviction for the murders? The case is available at this
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3. Read Hoagland v. State, 240 P.3d 1043 (2010). In Hoagland, the defendant
wanted to assert a necessity defense to the crime of driving while under the
influence. The Nevada Legislature had never addressed or mentioned a necessity
defense. Did the Supreme Court of Nevada allow the defendant to present the
necessity defense? The case is available at this

[1], The Insanity Defense among the States, website, accessed October 11,

5.2 Self-Defense

Define self-defense.

2. Define deadly force.

3. Ascertain the four elements required for self-defense.
4. Ascertain two exceptions to the unprovoked attack requirement.
5. Define the battered wife defense, and explain its justification under the
imminence requirement.
6. Analyze when it is appropriate to use deadly force in self-defense.
7. Distinguish between the duty to retreat and stand-your-ground doctrines.
8. Define imperfect self-defense.
As stated previously, self-defense is a defense based on justification. Self-defense can be a defense to
assault, battery, and criminal homicide because it always involves the use of force. In the majority of states,
self-defense is a statutory defense.


However, it can be modified or expanded by courts on a case-by-case


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Most states have special requirements when the defendant uses deadly force in self-defense. Deadly

force is defined as any force that could potentially kill. An individual does not have to actually die for the
force to be considered deadly. Examples of deadly force are the use of a knife, gun, vehicle, or even bare
hands when there is a disparity in size between two individuals.
Self-defense can operate as a perfect or imperfect defense, depending on the circumstances. Defendants
who commit criminal homicide justified by self-defense can be acquitted, or have a murder charge reduced
from first to second or third degree, or have a charge reduced from murder to manslaughter. Criminal
homicide is discussed in detail in .
To successfully claim self-defense, the defendant must prove four elements. First, with exceptions, the
defendant must prove that he or she was confronted with anunprovoked attack. Second, the defendant
must prove that the threat of injury or death was imminent. Third, the defendant must prove that
the degree of force used in self-defense was objectively reasonable under the circumstances. Fourth, the
defendant must prove that he or she had an objectively reasonable fear that he or she was going to
be injured or killed unless he or she used self-defense. The Model Penal Code defines self-defense in
3.04(1) as justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of
protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion.

In general, if the defendant initiates an attack against another, the defendant cannot claim selfdefense.


This rule has two exceptions. The defendant can be the initial aggressor and still raise a

self-defense claim if the attacked individual responds withexcessive force under the
circumstances, or if the defendant withdraws from the attack and the attacked individual

Excessive Force Exception

In some jurisdictions, an individual cannot respond to the defendants attack using excessive
force under the circumstances.


For example, an individual cannot usedeadly force when the

defendant initiates an attack using nondeadly force. If an individual does resort to deadly force
with a nondeadly force attack, the defendant can use reasonable force in self-defense.

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Example of the Excessive Force Exception

Patty and Paige get into an argument over a loan Patty made to Paige. Paige calls Patty a spoiled
brat who always gets her way. Patty slaps Paige across the face. Paige grabs a carving knife from
the kitchen counter and tries to stab Patty. Patty wrestles the knife away and stabs Paige in the
chest, killing her. In this example, Patty provoked the attack by slapping Paige across the face.
However, the slap is nondeadly force. In many jurisdictions, Paige cannot respond to
nondeadly force with deadly force, like a knife. Paige used excessive force in her response to
Pattys slap, so Patty can use deadly force to defend herself and may not be responsible for
criminal homicide under these circumstances.

Withdrawal Exception
In some jurisdictions, the defendant can be the initial aggressor and still use force in self-defense
if the defendant withdraws from the attack, and communicates this withdrawal to the attacked


If the attacked individual persists in using force against the defendant after the

defendants withdrawal, rather than notifying law enforcement or retreating, the defendant is
justified in using force under the circumstances.

Example of Withdrawal
Change the excessive force exception example in . Imagine that after Patty slaps Paige across the
face, Paige begins pounding Patty with her fists. Patty manages to escape and runs into the
garage. She huddles against the garage wall. Paige chases Patty into the garage. Patty says,
Please, please dont hurt me. Im sorry I slapped you. Paige kicks Patty in the back. Patty turns
around and karate chops Paige in the neck, rendering her unconscious. In many jurisdictions,
Pattys karate chop is lawful under a theory of self-defense because she completely withdrew from
the attack. Thus Patty is probably not criminally responsible for battery, based on the karate chop
to the neck. However, Patty could be criminally responsible for battery based on the slap to
Paiges face because this physical contact was unprovoked and not defensive under the

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Figure 5.3 New York Penal Law

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The defendant cannot use any degree of force in self-defense unless the defendant is faced with
an imminent attack.


Imminent means the attack is immediate and not something that will

occur in the future. If the defendant is threatened with a future attack, the appropriate response is
to inform law enforcement, so that they can incapacitate the threatening individual by arrest or
prosecution. Another situation where imminence is lacking is when the attack occurred in
the past. When the defendant uses force to remedy a previous attack, this is retaliatory, and a selfdefense claim is not appropriate. The legal response is to inform law enforcement so that they can
incapacitate the attacker by arrest or prosecution.
Some state courts have expanded the imminence requirement to include situations where a
husband in a domestic violence situation uses force or violence regularly against the defendant, a
battered wife, therefore creating a threat of imminent harm every day.


If a jurisdiction

recognizes the battered wife defense, the defendantthe battered wifecan legally use force
against her abusive husband in self-defense in situations where harm is not necessarily

Example of an Attack That Is Not Imminent

Vinny tells Fiona that if she does not pay him the $1,000 she owes him, he will put out a contract
on her life. Fiona pulls out a loaded gun and shoots Vinny. Fiona cannot successfully argue selfdefense in this case. Vinnys threat was a threat of future harm,not imminent harm. Thus Fiona
had plenty of time to contact law enforcement to help protect her safety.

Example of an Attack That Is Retaliatory

Dwight and Abel get into a fist fight. Dwight knocks Abel unconscious. Dwight observes Abel for a
few minutes, and then he picks up a large rock and crushes Abels skull with it, killing him.
Dwight cannot claim self-defense in this situation. Once Dwight realized that Abel was
unconscious, he did not need to continue to defend himself against an imminent attack. Dwights
conduct appears retaliatory and is notjustified under these circumstances.

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Example of an Imminent Attack under the Battered Wife Defense

Spike severely beats and injures his wife Veronica every couple of days. Spikes beatings have
become more violent, and Veronica starts to fear for her life. One night, Veronica shoots and kills
Spike while he is sleeping. In states that have expanded self-defense to include the battered wife
defense, Veronica may be successful on a theory of self-defense.

The defendant cannot claim self-defense unless the degree of force used is objectively
reasonable under the circumstances. This requirement primarily focuses on the use ofdeadly
force and when it is legally justified. In general, deadly force can by employed in self-defense
when a reasonable person feels threatened with imminent death,serious bodily injury, and, in
some jurisdictions, a serious felony.


Serious bodily injury and serious felony are technical

terms that are defined in a statute or case, depending on the jurisdiction. The Model Penal Code
states that deadly force is not justifiable unless the actor believes that such force is necessary to
protect himself against death, serious bodily harm, kidnapping or sexual intercourse compelled
by force or threat (Model Penal Code 3.04(2)(b)).

Example of Appropriate Deadly Force

Nicholas, an intruder, pins Wanda to the floor of her garage and begins to forcibly remove her
clothing. Wanda feels around the floor with her hand and finds a screwdriver. She plunges the
screwdriver into Nicholass neck, killing him. Wanda has used appropriate force and can claim
self-defense in most jurisdictions. A reasonable person in Wandas situation would feel deadly
force is necessary to repel Nicholass sexual assault. Nicholass attack is a serious felony that
could result in serious bodily injury or death. Thus the use of deadly force is
legally justified under these circumstances.

Duty to Retreat
Early common law stated that the defendant had a duty to retreat to the wall before using deadly
force against an attacker. The majority of states have rejected this doctrine and instead allow the
defendant to stand his or her ground if the defendant is not the initial aggressor in the


In jurisdictions that still follow theretreat doctrine, the defendant must

retreat if there is an objectively reasonable belief that the attacker will cause death or serious
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bodily injury, and a retreat wont unreasonably increase the likelihood of death or serious bodily


The Model Penal Code defines the duty to retreat by stating that the use of deadly force

is not justifiable if the actor knows that he can avoid the necessity of using such force with
complete safety by retreating (Model Penal Code 3.04 (2) (b) (ii)). An established exception to
the retreat doctrine in jurisdictions that follow it is the defense of the home, which is called
the castle doctrine. The castle doctrine is discussed shortly.

Example of the Duty to Retreat

Sandy and Sue have an argument in the park. Sue pulls a knife out of a sheath that is strapped to
her leg and begins to advance toward Sandy. Sandy also has a knife in her pocket. In a state that
follows the retreat doctrine, Sandy must attempt to escape, if she can do so safely. In a state
that follows the stand-your-ground doctrine, Sandy can defend herself using her own knife
and claim lawful self-defense. Note that Sandy was not the initial aggressor in this situation. If
Sandy pulled a knife first, she couldnot use the knife and claim self-defense, whether the state
follows the stand-your-ground doctrine or the duty to retreat doctrine.

Objectively Reasonable Fear of Injury or Death

The defendant cannot claim self-defense unless a reasonable person in the defendants situation
would believe that self-defense is necessary to avoid injury or death. If the defendant honestly
but unreasonably believes self-defense is necessary under the circumstances, a claim
of imperfect self-defense may reduce the severity of the offense.


However, the defendant is still

guilty of a crime, albeit a less serious crime.

Example of Unjustified Conduct

Justin, who weighs over two hundred pounds and is six feet tall, accidentally bumps into Wanda,
a slender ten-year-old child. Wanda spins around and shakes her fist at Justin. Justin responds by
shoving Wanda so hard that she crashes into a telephone pole and is killed. Justin
probably cannot claim self-defense under these circumstances. A reasonable person would not
believe Wanda is about to seriously injure or kill Justin. Thus Justins response is unnecessary
and unjustified in this case.

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Example of Imperfect Self-Defense

Change the unjustified conduct example given in . Imagine that a slender, female ten-year-old
severely abused Justin when he was younger. Since the abusive incident, Justin has an
unreasonable fear of female children and honestly believes that they can and will hurt him if
provoked. If the trier of fact determines that Justin honestly but unreasonably believed that
Wanda was about to inflict serious bodily injury or kill him, any charge of murder could be
reduced to manslaughter on a theory of imperfect self-defense.


Self-defense is a defense based on justification that allows a defendant to use

physical force to protect himself or herself from injury or death.

Deadly force is any force that can produce death. An individual does not have to
die for the force to be deemed deadly.

Four elements are required for self-defense: (1) an unprovoked attack, (2) which
threatens imminent injury or death, and (3) an objectively reasonable degree of
force, used in response to (4) an objectively reasonable fear of injury or death.

Two exceptions to the unprovoked attack rule are an individuals use of excessive
force in response to an initial attack and the defendants withdrawal from the
initial attack.

The battered wife defense asserts that a woman who is a victim of spousal abuse
may use force in self-defense under certain circumstances, even when the threat
of harm is not immediate. The battered wife defense is justified with respect to
the imminence requirement: because the abuse is so constant, the battered wife
faces an imminent threat every day.

Deadly force is appropriate in self-defense when the attacker threatens death,

serious bodily injury, and, in some jurisdictions, a serious felony.

The duty to retreat doctrine is a common-law rule requiring a defendant to

retreat if it is safe to do so, instead of using deadly force in self-defense. The
stand-your-ground doctrine is a rule allowing the defendant to use deadly force if
appropriate in self-defense, rather than retreating.

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Imperfect self-defense is a defense available when the defendant has an honest

but unreasonable belief that force is necessary to defend against injury or death.
Imperfect self-defense reduces the severity of the offense, but does not result in

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Scotts wife Diane constantly physically abuses him. One night while Diane is
sleeping, Scott places a pillow over her face and smothers her. Can Scott defend
against a charge of criminal homicide by claiming self-defense? Why or why not?
2. Read Rodriguez v. State, 212 S.W.3d 819 (2006). In Rodriguez, the defendant was
convicted of murder and attempted murder. The defendant appealed his
convictions on the ground that the jury did not unanimously reject each element
of self-defense. Did the Court of Appeals of Texas uphold the defendants
convictions? The case is available at this
3. Read Shuler v. Babbitt, 49 F.Supp.2d 1165 (1998). In Shuler, the defendant shot
and killed a grizzly bear that charged him while he checked a sheep pasture to
make sure his sheep were safe. The sheep had already been subjected to several
bear attacks. The Fish and Wildlife Service thereafter fined the defendant under
the Endangered Species Act. The defendant claimed self-defense against the
bear. The Fish and Wildlife Service ruled that the defendant provoked the attack
and could not claim self-defense. Did the US District Court for the District of
Montana uphold the fine? The case is available at this
L A W A N D E T H I C S : T H E M E N E N D E Z B R O T H E R S
Were They Entitled to a Jury Instruction on Imperfect Self-Defense?
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Read Menendez v. Terhune, 422 F.3d 1012 (2005). The case is available at this
Lyle and Eric Menendez were tried and convicted of murder and conspiracy to commit murder of
their parents. There were two series of trials. The first trial, which had two separate juries,
resulted in two hung juries. At the first trial, the brothers introduced evidence of sexual abuse by
their father, and the court instructed the jury onimperfect self-defense. The imperfect self-
defense jury instruction was based on the brothers honest but unreasonable fear that their
father would hurt or kill them.


The second trial took place in front of one jury and resulted in

the convictions. During the second trial, some evidence of abuse was excluded, Lyle Menendez
refused to testify, and there was no jury instruction on imperfect self-defense. After sentencing,
the brothers petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus based on several claims, including the
exclusion of the abuse evidence and failure to instruct the jury on imperfect self-defense.



US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the district courts denial of the petition on
grounds that there was insufficient evidence to support the jury instruction on imperfect self-
defense and no foundation to support the admissibility of the evidence of abuse. The court held
that the evidence confirmed there was no imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death when
the brothers killed their parents.
The facts of the case are lurid. Evidence included the sexual abuse of both boys by their father,
surreptitiously taped psychotherapy sessions, spending sprees, fabricated mafia hit stories, and
alleged will tampering by the brothers after the parents were killed.

1. Do you think the Menendez case should have been treated as a battered child
syndrome case, easing the requirement of imminence and allowing for a jury
instruction on imperfect self-defense?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.
[1] Mich. Comp. Laws 780.972, accessed November 13,

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[2] State v. Williams, 644 P.2d 889 (1982), accessed November 13,
[3] State v. Belgard, 410 So.2d 720 (1982), accessed November 13,
[4] N.Y. Penal Law 35.15(1)(b), accessed November 13, 2010,
[5] State v. Taylor, 858 P.2d 1358 (1993), accessed November 13,
[6] Bechtel v. State, 840 P.2d 1 (1992), accessed November 13,
[7] Mara Gay, Abused Wife Who Killed Preacher Husband Speaks Out, website,
accessed August 25, 2011,
[8] Or. Rev. Stat. 161.219, accessed November 13, 2010,
[9] State v. Sandoval, 130 P.3d 808 (2006), accessed November 13,
[10] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions, No. 2.8-3, accessed November 13,
[11] State v. Faulkner, 483 A.2d 759 (1984), accessed November 13,
[12] Menendez v. Terhune, 422 F.3d 1012, 1024 (2005), accessed November 19,
[13] Menendez v. Terhune, 422 F.3d 1012, 1016 (2005), accessed November 19,
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5.3 Other Use-of-Force Defenses


Ascertain the elements required for the defense of others.

2. Define real and personal property.

3. Explain the appropriate circumstances and degree of force a defendant can use
when defending property.
4. Ascertain the elements required for the defense of ejection of trespasser.
5. Distinguish defense of property from defense of habitation.
6. Ascertain the three elements required for the use of deadly force in defense of
habitation under modern castle laws.
7. Identify three common features of modern castle laws.
8. Ascertain the constitutional parameters of the use of force by law enforcement
to arrest or apprehend criminal suspects.
Aside from self-defense, a defendant can legally use force to defend another person, real or
personal property, and habitation. In addition, law enforcement can use force to arrest or capture
individuals who reasonably appear to be committing crimes. In this section, the elements of several use-offorce defenses will be reviewed. Keep in mind that these defenses can be statutory, common-law, perfect, or
imperfect, depending on the facts and the jurisdiction.

Defense of Others
According to early common law, a defendant could use force to defend another only when the
defendant and the person defended had a special relationship, such as a family connection. Most
jurisdictions now reject this common-law restriction on defense of others and allow a defendant
to defend anyone to the same degree that he or she could use self-defense.


Thus in a majority of

jurisdictions, defense of othersrequires the same elements as self-defense: the individual

defended must be facing an unprovoked, imminent attack, and the defendant must use a
reasonable degree of force with a reasonable belief that force is necessary to repel the attack.
Occasionally, a defendant uses force to defend another who has no legal right to use force in selfdefense. Under the common law, the defendant could not use force legally if the individual
defended could not use force legally in self-defense. However, the majority of states now allow a
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defendant to use force to defend another person if itreasonably appears that use of force is
justified under the circumstances.


The Model Penal Code allows the defense of another when

under the circumstances as the actor believes them to be, the person whom he seeks to protect
would be justified in using such protective force (Model Penal Code 3.05(1) (b)). Thus if the
defendant has asubjective belief that the individual defended could use force legally in selfdefense, defense of others is appropriate under the Model Penal Code.

Example of Defense of Others

Alex and Shane, aspiring law enforcement officers, are performing a training maneuver in a rural
area. Their instructor Devin is watching nearby. Alex pretends to attack Shane. Just as Devin is
about to demonstrate a takedown, Timmy, who is jogging in the area, dashes over and begins
beating Alex. Under the older common-law rule, Timmy could be successfully prosecuted for
battery of Alex. Shane did not have the right to use self-defense during a practice maneuver, so
neither did Timmy. In jurisdictions that allow defense of others if it reasonably appears that selfdefense is warranted, Timmy could probably use the defense to battery because it reasonably
appeared that Alex was about to unlawfully attack Shane. In jurisdictions that follow the Model
Penal Code, Timmy can most likely use defense of others as a defense to battery because it is
clear Timmy honestly believed Shane had the right to use self-defense in this situation.

Defense of Property
All jurisdictions allow individuals to use force in defense of property under certain specified
circumstances. Property can be real or personal. Real property is land and anything permanently
attached to it. This includes a home. However, defense of the home is discussed in Section 5.3.3
"Defense of Habitation". Personal property is any movable object.
In the majority of states, the defendant can use force only to defend real or personal property if
the defendant has an objectively reasonable belief that an imminent threat of damage,
destruction, or theft will occur.


The Model Penal Code provides the use of force upon or

toward the person of another is justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately
necessary: (a) to prevent or terminate an unlawful entry or other trespass upon land or a trespass
against or the unlawful carrying away of tangible, movable property (Model Penal Code 3.06(1)

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(a)). Thus if the defendant has a subjective belief that force is immediately necessary to protect
real or personal property, force is appropriate under the Model Penal Code.
The amount of force that a defendant may legally use to protect real or personal property
is reasonable force, under the circumstances.
personal property and take the item back.



The defendant can also chase someone who steals

The Model Penal Code provides the use of force

upon or toward the person of another is justifiable when the actor believes that such force is
immediately necessaryto retake tangible movable property (Model Penal Code 3.06(1) (b)). In
general, the Model Penal Code and most states do not authorize the use of deadly force to
protect property (other than the home) under any circumstances.


Example of Defense of Property

Kelsey sees Keith, her stepbrother, approaching her brand new car with a key in his hand. It
appears that Keith is about to scrape the paint on the door of the car with this key. Kelsey tackles
Keith to prevent him from vandalizing the car. Kelsey has probably used reasonable force under
the circumstances and can claim defense of property as a defense to battery. If Keith testifies that
he was simply going to hand Kelsey the key, which she left in the house, the attack could still be
justified if the trier of fact determines that it was objectively reasonable for Kelsey to believe
Keith was about to damage her property. In jurisdictions that follow the Model Penal Code, Kelsey
can probably use defense of property as a defense to battery because it is clear Kelseybelieved that
force was immediately necessary to protect her personal property in this situation. Of course, if
Kelsey pulls out a gun and shoots Keith, she could not claim defense of property because deadly
force is never justifiable to protect real or personal property from harm.

Ejection of Trespasser
A simple trespasser is an individual who is present on real property without consent of the owner.
Property owners have the legal right to eject trespassers under certain specified circumstances.
Most states authorize the ejection of a trespasser if the trespasser is first asked to leave and fails to
comply within a reasonable time.


The degree of force that can be used to eject the trespasser

is reasonable force, under the circumstances.


Deadly force is never reasonable to eject a

trespasser unless the trespasser threatens imminent deadly force against the defendant or

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another individual.


Deadly force under these circumstances is justified by self-

defense or defense of others, not ejection of trespasser.

Example of Ejection of Trespasser

Sam sees Burt sitting on his lawn. Sam goes up to Burt and asks him to move along. Burt looks
up, but does not stand. Sam goes into the house and calls law enforcement, but they inform Sam
that there is a local emergency, and they cannot come and eject Burt for at least five hours. Sam
goes back outside and sees that Burt is now sprawled out across the lawn. Sam grabs Burt, lifts
him to his feet, and pushes him off the lawn and onto the sidewalk. Sam can probably
use ejection of trespasser as a defense to battery of Burt. Sam asked Burt the trespasser to
leave, and Burt ignored him. Sams attempt to rely on law enforcement was likewise unsuccessful.
Sams use of nondeadly force appears objectively reasonable. Thus Sams ejection of a trespasser
is most likely appropriate under these circumstances.

Defense of Habitation
Defense of habitation is a defense that applies specifically to the defendantsresidence. At early
common law, a persons home was as sacred as his or her person, and deadly force could be
employed to protect it. The majority of states have since enacted modern castle laws that embody
this common-law doctrine. Other than the use of deadly force, defense of habitation generally
follows the same rules as defense of property, self-defense, and defense of others. Thus this
defense of habitation discussion focuses primarily on the use of deadly force.
The first state to expand the defense of habitation to include the use of deadly force was Colorado,
with its make my day self-defense statute.


In 2005, Florida began a wave of castle law

modifications that resulted in most states revising their defense of habitation laws.



three elements must be present before the use of deadly force is appropriate to defend habitation
under modern castle laws. First, the intruder must actually enter or be in the process of entering
the residence owned by the defendant.


This excludes intruders who are outside or in

the curtilage, which is the protected area around the home. Second, the residence must
be occupied when the entry occurs. This excludes devices like spring-guns that protect
unoccupied dwellings with deadly force.


Third, the defendant must have an objectively

reasonable belief that the intruder intends to commit a crime of violence against the occupant(s)
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after entry.


The Model Penal Code provides [t]he use of deadly force is not justifiableunless

the actor believes thatthe person against whom the force is used is attempting to dispossess him
of his dwellingorattempting to commitarson, burglary, robbery or other felonious theftand
eitherhas employed or threatened deadly forceorthe use of force other than deadly force
would expose the actor or another in his presence to substantial danger of serious bodily harm
(Model Penal Code 3.06 (3)(d)).
The majority of states castle laws abolish any duty to retreat when inside the home.



castle law creates a presumption that the defendant has a reasonable fear of imminent peril of
death or great bodily injury when the intruder makes an unlawful or forceful entry.



compels the prosecution to disprove the defendants reasonable belief of death or great bodily
injury beyond a reasonable doubt, which is extremely difficult. Additional features of many castle
laws are civil immunity andcriminal immunity from prosecution.


Immunity from

prosecution means that a defendant who complies with the castle law requirements cannot be
sued for damages or prosecuted for a crime based on injury or death to the intruder.
Figure 5.4 Crack the Code

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Example of Defense of Habitation under a Castle Law

Nate, a homeowner with three children, hears the front door open in the middle of the night. Nate
removes a handgun from the nightstand and creeps silently down the stairs. He sees Bob
tiptoeing toward his daughters bedroom. Nate shoots and kills Bob. Unfortunately, Bob is Nates
daughters boyfriend, who was trying to enter her bedroom for a late-night get-together. Nate
could probably assert the defense of protection of habitation under modern castle laws in
most jurisdictions. Bob made entry into anoccupied residence. It is difficult to identify
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individuals in the dark and to ascertain their motives for entering a residence without the owners
consent. Thus it wasobjectively reasonable for Nate to feel threatened by Bobs presence and to
use deadly force to protect his domicile and its residents. If Nate is successful with his defense, he
will also be immune from a civil suit for damages if the castle law in his jurisdiction provides
this immunity.
Change the example with Nate and Bob so that Bob enters the residence during the day, and Nate
identifies him as his daughters boyfriend. Under these circumstances, the prosecution could
rebut any presumption that Nates actions were objectively reasonable. A reasonable person
would ask Bob why he was entering the residence before shooting and killing him. The trier of fact
might determine that Nates intent was not to protect himself and his family, but to kill Bob,
which would be malice aforethought. If Nates actions are not justifiable by the defense of
habitation, he could be charged with and convicted of first-degree murder in this situation.

Use of Force in Arrest and Apprehension of Criminal Suspects

Occasionally, law enforcement must use force to effectuate an arrest or apprehend a criminal
suspect. The appropriate use of force during an arrest or apprehension can operate as a defense
to assault, battery, false imprisonment, kidnapping, and criminal homicide. At early common law,
law enforcement could use reasonable, nondeadly force to arrest an individual for a misdemeanor
and reasonable, even deadly force, to arrest an individual for any felony. Modern law
enforcements ability to use deadly force is governed by the US Constitution.
The US Supreme Court clarified the constitutional standard for law enforcements use of deadly
force in Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985). In Garner, the Court invalidated a Tennessee
statute that allowed law enforcement to exercise any degree of force to apprehend and arrest a
fleeing felon. The law enforcement officer in Garneradmitted that he shot and killed a suspect,
reasonably believing he was unarmed. The Court held that the Fourth Amendment governed law
enforcements use of deadly force in this situation because the use of deadly force is a seizure.
Thus law enforcements use of deadly force must be scrutinized pursuant to the standard of
constitutionalreasonableness. According to the Court, the only constitutionally reasonable
circumstances under which law enforcement can use deadly force to arrest or apprehend a fleeing

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felon is when law enforcement has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant
threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.
Currently, most jurisdictions have statutes protecting law enforcements reasonable use of force
when effectuating an arrest or apprehending a fleeing suspect. Under Garner, these statutes must
restrict the lawful use of deadly force to potentially deadly situations. If a law enforcement officer
exceeds the use of force permitted under the circumstances, the law enforcement officer could be
prosecuted for a crime or sued forcivil damages (or both).

Example of Reasonable Force by Law Enforcement to Arrest

Review the example in Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law", Section 1.2.1 "Example of
Criminal Law Issues". In that example, Linda puts a bra in her purse without paying for it at an
expensive department store. When she attempts to leave the store, an alarm is activated. Linda
begins sprinting down the street. Colin, a police officer, just happens to be driving by with the
window of his patrol car open. He hears the store alarm, sees Linda running, and begins shooting
at Linda from the car. Linda is shot in the leg and collapses. In this example, no facts exist to
indicate that Linda poses a potentially deadly threat to Colin or others. The fact that Linda is
running down the street and an alarm is going off does not demonstrate that Linda has
committed a crime necessitating deadly force to arrest. Thus Colin can use onlynondeadly force
to arrest Linda, such as his hands, or possibly a stun gun or Taser to subdue her. If Linda
is unarmed and Colin uses a firearm to subdue her, the utilization of deadly force is excessive
under these circumstances and Colin has no defense to assault with a deadly weapon or to
attempted murder.
Change this example and imagine that Colin pulls over and attempts to arrest Linda. Linda
removes a gun from her purse. Under most modern statutes, Colin does not have a duty to retreat
and can use deadly force to arrest or apprehend Linda. Under Garner, it is reasonable to believe
that Linda poses a danger of death or serious bodily injury to Colin or others. Thus Colin can
constitutionally use deadly force to protect himself and the public from harm in this situation.
Note that Lindas theft is probably amisdemeanor, not a felony. However, it is Lindas exhibition
of deadly force to resist arrest that triggers Colins deadly force response. Under these

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circumstances, Colins use of deadly force is justified and can operate as a legal defense in a
criminal prosecution or civil suit for damages.
Figure 5.5 Diagram of Use-of-Force Defenses


Defense of others has the same elements as self-defense: the individual

defended must be facing an unprovoked, imminent attack, and the defendant

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must use a reasonable degree of force with a reasonable belief that force is
necessary to repel the attack.

Real property is land and anything permanently attached to it. Personal property
is any movable object.

The defendant can use nondeadly force to defend real or personal property if the
defendant has an objectively reasonable belief that an imminent threat of
damage, destruction, or theft will occur.

Property owners can use reasonable nondeadly force to eject a trespasser after
first asking the trespasser to leave.

Only nondeadly force may be used to defend property; deadly force may be used
to defend habitation.

The defendant can use deadly force to defend habitation under modern castle
laws if an intruder enters occupied premises, and the defendant has an
objectively reasonable belief that the intruder will seriously injure or kill the

Modern castle laws abolish the duty to retreat when inside the home,
occasionally include a presumption that the defendant has an objectively
reasonable belief the intruder is going to seriously injure or kill the occupants,
and provide civil and criminal immunity from prosecution.

Use of deadly force by law enforcement is considered a seizure under the Fourth
Amendment, so law enforcement cannot use deadly force to apprehend or arrest
a criminal suspect unless there is probable cause to believe the suspect will inflict
serious physical injury or death upon the officer or others.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Melanie watches as Betty verbally abuses Colleen. Betty is a known bully who
verbally abused Melanie in the past. Betty calls Colleen an expletive and gives her
a firm shove. Melanie walks up behind Betty, removes a knife from her pocket,
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and plunges the knife into Bettys back. Betty suffers internal injuries and later
dies. Can Melanie use defense of others as a defense to criminal homicide? Why
or why not?
2. Read Commonwealth v. Alexander, 531 S.E.2d 567 (2000). In Alexander, the
defendant was convicted of brandishing a weapon when he pointed
an unloadedrifle at an individual who was repossessing his vehicle in an
aggressive and belligerent manner. Did the Supreme Court of Virginia uphold the
defendants conviction? The case is available at this
3. Read Dutton v. Hayes-Pupko, No. 03-06-00438 (2008). In Dutton, a law
enforcement officer asked the victim for her name and date of birth after she
allegedly sprayed her neighbors with a hose. The victim refused to respond, and
the law enforcement officer handcuffed her and forced her into his vehicle,
injuring her wrist. The victim sued for use of excessive force in arrest. Did the
Texas Court of Appeals hold that the victim had the right to sue the officer for
use of excessive force in arrest? The case is available at this

[1] People v. Kurr, 654 N.W.2d 651 (2002), accessed November 14,
[2] Commonwealth v. Miranda, No. 08-P-2094 (2010), accessed November 14,
[3] California Criminal Jury Instructions No. 3476, accessed November 15,
[4] K.S.A. 21-3213, accessed November 15,
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[5] Conn. Gen. Stat. 53a-21, accessed November 15,

[6] Fla. Stat. Ann. 776.031, accessed November 16,
[7] N.J. Stat. 2C:3-6, accessed November 15, 2010,
[8] Iowa Code 704.4, accessed November 15, 2010,
[9] State v. Curley, Docket # 0000011.WA (Wash. App. 2010), accessed November 15,
[10] Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-1-704.5, accessed November 16,
[11] Fla. Stat. Ann. 776.013, accessed November 16,
[12] Fla. Stat. Ann. 776.013, accessed November 16,
[13] People v. Ceballos, 526 P.2d 241 (1974), accessed November 16,
[14] Or. Rev. Stat. 161.225, accessed November 16, 2010,
[15] Alaska Stat. 11.81.335(b), accessed November 16,
[16] Fla. Stat. Ann. 776.013, accessed November 16,

5.4 Defenses Based on Choice


Ascertain the three elements required for the choice of evils defense.

2. Distinguish between the choice of evils defense and the duress defense.
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3. Identify one crime that is not justifiable by the choice of evils defense or the
duress defense.
Occasionally, the law protects a defendant from criminal responsibility when the defendant has no

choice but to commit the crime. In this section, we review the choice of evils and duress defenses.

Choice of Evils Defense

The choice of evils defense (called the necessity defense in some jurisdictions) protects a
defendant from criminal responsibility when the defendant commits a crime to avoid a greater,
imminent harm. Under the Model Penal Code, [c]onduct which the actor believes to be necessary
to avoid harm or evilis justifiable, provided that: (a) the harm or evil sought to be avoided by
such conduct is greater than that sought to be prevented by the law defining the offense charged
(Model Penal Code 3.02(1)(a)). The choice of evils defense can be statutory or common-law,
perfect or imperfect, depending on the jurisdiction.
The choice of evils defense generally requires three elements. First, there must be more than one
harm that will occur under the circumstances. Usually, the harms are the product of nature, or are
circumstances beyond the defendants control.


Second, the harms must be ranked, with one of

the harms ranked more severe than the other. The ranking is generally up to the legislature or
common law. In many jurisdictions, the loss of life is never justifiable under this defense and
cannot be ranked lower than any other harm.


Third, the defendant must have an objectively

reasonable belief that the greater harm is imminent and can only be avoided by committing the
crime that results in the lesser harm.


Figure 5.6 Kentucky Revised Statutes

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The choice of evils defense is rarely used and is generally only a defense to the loss or destruction
of property. When the defense is perfect, it results in an acquittal. When the defense is imperfect,
it results in a reduction in sentence or the defendants conviction of a lesser offense.

Example of the Choice of Evils Defense

Tamara gets lost while hiking in a remote, mountainous area. After wandering around for hours
with the temperature dropping, Tamara finds a locked cabin. Tamara breaks a window and climbs
inside. Once inside, Tamara prepares some canned chili, drinks tap water, and uses the telephone
to call law enforcement. Tamara could probably plead and prove choice of evils as a defense to
burglary and theft in many jurisdictions. Tamara was confronted with two harms: harm to her
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personal safety and well-being and harm to the real and personal property of another. The harm
to Tamaras health and safety is ranked more severe than the minimal harm to property. It
is objectively reasonable to break into and enter a cabin and use some of the supplies inside to
prevent imminent injury or death. Thus although Tamara committed burglary and theft in many
jurisdictions, she did so with the reasonable belief that she was saving her own life. A trier of fact
could find that the harm avoided by Tamaras actions was greater than the harm caused by the
burglary and theft, and Tamara could be acquitted, or have her sentence or crime reduced,
depending on the jurisdiction.
Change the facts in the preceding example, and imagine that Tamara steals money and jewelry in
addition to the chili and tap water. Tamara could not successfully prove the defense of choice of
evils to this additional theft. No harm was avoided by Tamaras theft of the money and jewelry.
Thus choice of evils cannot justify this crime.
Change the facts in the preceding example, and imagine that Tamara kills the cabins owner
because he refuses to allow her to enter. Tamara could not successfully prove the defense of
choice of evils under these circumstances. Tamaras life is no more important than the cabin
owners. Thus Tamara cannot rank the harms, and choice of evils cannot justify criminal
homicide in this case.

The Duress Defense

In some jurisdictions, the choice of evils defense is called the duress defense if the choice of evils
is deliberately brought on by another individual, rather than by nature, an act of God, or
circumstances outside the defendants control. The Model Penal Code defines the duress defense
as an affirmative defense that the actor engaged in the conductbecause he was coerced to do so
by the use of, or a threat to use, unlawful force against his person or the person of another
(Model Penal Code 2.09(1)).
Three elements are required for the duress defense. First, the defendant or another person must
face a threat of imminent serious bodily injury or death.


Second, the defendant must have

an objectively reasonable belief that the only way to avoid the serious bodily injury or death is to
commit the crime at issue.


Third, in most jurisdictions, the crime committed cannot be criminal

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Like choice of evils, the duress defense is rarely used and can be statutory or common

law, perfect or imperfect, depending on the jurisdiction.

Example of the Duress Defense

Keisha, a bank teller, hands Brian, a bank robber, money out of her drawer after he points a
loaded gun at her head. Technically, Keisha embezzled the money from the bank, but she did so
based on the objectively reasonable fear that Brian would kill her if she failed to comply with his
demands. Keisha can successfully claim duress as a defense to any charge of theft. If Brian had
pointed the gun at another client in line at the bank instead of Keisha, Keisha could still prevail
using the duress defense because duress also applies when the threat of death or serious bodily
injury is to anotherperson.
Change the example with Keisha and Brian, and imagine that Brians threat is made in a phone
call, rather than in person. Brian threatens to kill Keisha if she doesnt place thousands of dollars
in an envelope and mail it to him at a specified address. If Keisha complies, Keisha cannot prove
duress as a defense to theft. Brians threat by phone call is not a threat of imminent death. In
addition, it is not objectively reasonable to be frightened by a voice on the telephone. Keisha could
hang up the phone and contact law enforcement, instead of timidly complying with Brians
Change the preceding example with Keisha and Brian, and imagine that Brian orders Keisha to
kill his ex-wife Pat, who works at the station next to Keisha. Brian thereafter hands Keisha a
switchblade. Keisha cannot kill Pat and claim duress as a defense to murder in most states.
Keishas life is no more valuable than Pats. Therefore, Keisha cannot legally choose to commit
the crime of murder and justify the crime with the duress defense.


Three elements are required for the choice of evils defense: the defendant must
be faced with two or more evils, the evils must be ranked, and it must be
objectively reasonable for the defendant to choose to commit the crime to avoid
the imminent evil that is ranked higher.

Choice of evils is often based on nature or an act of God; duress is generally

brought on by another individual.

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Choice of evils and duress are generally not defenses to criminal homicide.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. A fire sweeps through a residential neighborhood. Clark and Manny light their
neighbors house on fire to create a firebreak. This prevents several houses from
burning, including Clarks and Mannys. Do Clark and Manny have a defense to
arson in this case? Why or why not?
2. Read People v. Lovercamp, 43 Cal. App. 3d 823 (1974). In Lovercamp, the
defendants escaped from prison and were immediately captured. The
defendants claimed they were forced to escape because a group of prisoners
threatened them with sexual assault. The trial court did not allow the defendants
to introduce evidence supporting the defense of necessity, and the defendants
were convicted of escape. Did the Court of Appeals of California uphold their
conviction for escape? The case is available at this
3. Read State v. Daoud, 141 N.H. 142 (1996). In Daoud, the defendant was
convicted of driving while under the influence. The defendant appealed because
the trial court did not allow her to present evidence in support of
the duressdefense. Did the Supreme Court of New Hampshire uphold the
defendants conviction? The case is available at this

[1] State v. Holmes, 129 Ohio Misc. 2d 38 (2004), accessed November 22,
[2] Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. 503.030, accessed November 22, 2010,
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[3] Tenn. Code Ann. 39-11-609, accessed November 22,

[4] Conn. Gen. Stat. 53a-14, accessed November 22,
[5] Haw. Rev. Stat. 702-231, accessed November 22,
[6] RCW 9A.16.060, accessed November 22,

5.5 Consent

Ascertain the two elements required for the consent defense.

2. Identify three situations where consent can operate as a legal defense.

Consent by the victim can also form the basis of a justification defense to criminal conduct. Consent is
most commonly used as a defense to sex crimes such as rape, and lack of consent is a criminal element of
most sexual offenses that must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus consent to sexual acts is
discussed in . In this section, consent to nonsexual conduct is explored. Consent is a defense that can be
statutory or common law, perfect or imperfect, depending on the jurisdiction.

Elements of the Consent Defense

Consent can be a valid defense to a crime only if the victim chooses to render it. Thus it must be
proffered knowingly and voluntarily, or it is ineffective. Under the Model Penal Code, consent is
ineffective if it is given by a person who is legally incompetent to authorize the conductit is
given by a person who by reason of youth, mental disease or defect or intoxication is manifestly
unable to make a reasonable judgmentit is induced by force, duress or deception (Model Penal
Code 2.11(3)). In general, consent is notknowing if it is given by an individual who is too
young, mentally incompetent,


or intoxicated. In general, consent is not voluntary if it is

induced by force, threat of force, or trickery.

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Example of Unknowing Consent

Gina drinks six glasses of wine at a party and offers to be the donkey in a game of pin the tail on
the donkey. Other party members watch as Gina staggers her way to the front of the room and
poses in front of the pin the tail on the donkey poster. Geoff walks up to Gina and stabs her
several times in the buttocks with a pin. Geoff probably cannot claim consent as a defense to
battery in this case. Gina consented to battery while she was intoxicated, and clearly she was
unable to make a reasonable judgment. Thus her consent was not given knowingly and was
ineffective in this situation.

Example of Involuntary Consent

Change the example with Gina and Geoff. Imagine that Gina just arrived at the party and has not
consumed any alcohol. Geoff tells Gina he will poke out her eye with a pin if she does not
volunteer to be the donkey in the pin the tail on the donkey game. He exemplifies his threat by
making stabbing gestures at Ginas eye with the pin. Frightened, Gina goes to the front of the
room and poses in front of the donkey poster until Geoff stabs her in the buttocks with the pin.
Geoff probably cannot claim consentas a defense to battery in this case. Gina consented in
response to Geoffs threat of physical harm. Thus her consent was not given voluntarily and was
ineffective in this situation.

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Figure 5.7 Delaware Code Annotated

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Situations Where Consent Can Operate as a Defense

Consent is a defense to only a few crimes. In most jurisdictions, consent can operate only as a defense
to sexual conduct, injury that occurs during a sporting event, and crimes that do not result in serious

bodily injury or death.


As the Model Penal Code states, [w]hen conduct is charged to constitute an

offense because it causes or threatens bodily harm, consent to such conduct or to the infliction of such harm
is a defense if: (a) the bodily harm consented to or threatened by the conduct consented to is not serious; or
(b) the conduct and the harm are reasonably foreseeable hazards of joint participation in a lawful athletic
contest or competitive sport (Model Penal Code 2.11(2)).

Example of Legal Consent

Review the examples with Gina and Geoff. Change the examples, and imagine that Gina did not
consume any alcohol and was not threatened by Geoff. If Gina offers to be the donkey in the pin
the tail on the donkey game and Geoff stabs her in the buttocks with the pin, Geoff may be able to
use consent as a defense to battery. Ginas consent appears to be knowing and voluntary. Gina
probably does not suffer serious bodily injury from the pin stab in the buttocks. Thus the
elements of legal consent exist, and this situation is appropriate for the consent defense.
Figure 5.8 Diagram of Defenses, Part 1


Two elements are required for the consent defense: the defendant must consent
knowingly (cannot be too young, mentally incompetent, or intoxicated) and
voluntarily (cannot be forced, threatened, or tricked).

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Three situations where consent can operate as a defense are sexual offenses,
situations that do not result in serious bodily injury or death, and sporting events.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Allen tackles Brett during a high school football game, and Brett is severely
injured. Can Allen be criminally prosecuted for battery? Why or why not?
2. Read Donaldson v. Lungren, 2 Cal. App. 4th 1614 (1992). In Donaldson, the
defendant sought court permission to be cryogenically frozen because he had a
brain tumor and wanted to be frozen until there was a cure. The defendant also
sought to protect the individual who was going to help with the process and filed
a lawsuit seeking an injunction and immunity from criminal prosecution
forassisted suicide. The defendant claimed he had a constitutional right
to consentto this procedure. Did the Court of Appeals of California uphold the
defendants right to be frozenthat is, to commit suicide? The case is available
at this link:
3. Read Ramey v. State, 417 S.E.2d 699 (1992). In Ramey, the defendant, a police
officer, was convicted of battery for beating the defendant with a flashlight and
burning his nipples. The defendant claimed that the victim, who appeared to
have mental problems, consented to this treatment. The trial court refused to
instruct the jury on the consent defense. Did the Court of Appeals of Georgia
uphold the defendants conviction? The case is available at this

[1] Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-1-505, accessed November 23,
[2] Del. Code Ann. tit. 11 453, accessed November 23,
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[3] Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. 17-A 109, accessed November 23,

5.6 End-of-Chapter Material

Defenses can be denial or failure of proof, affirmative, imperfect, perfect, factual, legal, common
law (created by case law), or statutory (created by a state or federal legislature). A denial or failure
of proof defense creates doubt in one or more of the elements of the offense and prevents the
prosecution from meeting its burden of proof. An affirmative defense raises an issue separate
from the elements of the offense and must be asserted before or during the trial or it cannot serve
as the basis for an appeal. Defendants have either the burden of production or the burden of
production and persuasion to a preponderance of evidence for an affirmative defense. An
imperfect defense reduces the severity of the offense, or sentence. A perfect defense results in an
acquittal. A factual defense is grounded in the facts of the case, while a legal defense depends on a
statute or common-law principle. An example of a factual defense is an alibi defense, which
asserts that the defendant could not have committed the crime because he or she was somewhere
else at the time the crime occurred. An example of a legal defense is expiration of the statute of
limitations, which means it is too late to prosecute the defendant for the offense.
Defenses can also be based on justification or excuse. A defense based on justification focuses on
the offense and deems the conduct worthy of protection from criminal responsibility. A defense
based on excuse focuses on the defendant and excuses his or her conduct under the
Self-defense justifies the defendants conduct in using physical force as protective. Self-defense is
legal only when the defendant is faced with an unprovoked, imminent attack, and it is objectively
reasonable that the degree of force used in response is necessary to avoid the attack. The
defendant can be the initial aggressor and still use self-defense if the attacked individual uses too
much force in response to the defendants attack or if the defendant withdraws from the attack
and is still pursued by the attacked individual. The attack does not necessarily have to be
imminent if the defendant is a battered wife. Deadly force is any force that can kill under the
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circumstances. Deadly force can be used in self-defense only if the defendant is faced with
imminent death, serious bodily injury, or the commission of a serious felony. Some jurisdictions
require the defendant to retreat before resorting to deadly force, while others allow the defendant
to stand his or her ground.
In most states, an individual can defend another to the same extent as self-defense. If a defendant
is honestly but unreasonably mistaken about the fact that he or she needs to respond in selfdefense or defense of others, imperfect self-defense or defense of others may be appropriate,
depending on the jurisdiction. A defendant can also defend property using nondeadly force from
an imminent threat of damage, loss, or theft. Real property is land and anything permanently
attached to it, while personal property is any movable object. In many jurisdictions, a trespasser
may be ejected from real property using nondeadly force after the trespasser has been requested
to leave.
Defense of habitation is distinct from defense of real property in most states. Modern laws called
castle laws expand the use of force to defend habitation. Castle laws eliminate the duty to retreat
when in the home and provide civil and criminal immunity from prosecution for the use of deadly
force. Deadly force can be used against a trespasser who enters occupied premises without
consent of the owner when there is an objectively reasonable belief that the occupants will be
seriously injured or killed.
Law enforcement can also use force to arrest or apprehend a criminal. If the force is deadly, it is
considered a seizure under the Fourth Amendment and is scrutinized under an objectively
reasonable standard.
The defense of choice of evils (called the necessity defense in some jurisdictions) permits the
defendant to commit a crime if the harm caused is less severe than harm that will occur if the
crime is not committed. In general, criminal homicide cannot be defended by choice of evils.
Duress, a closely related defense, can sanction the use of force when the defendant is imminently
threatened with serious bodily injury or death. Like choice of evils, the degree of force used
pursuant to duress should be nondeadly.

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The victim can also consent to the defendants conduct, creating a consent defense, as long as the
consent is given knowingly and voluntarily, the conduct is sexual or occurs during a sporting
event, and the conduct does not involve serious bodily injury or death.


You are a well-known private defense attorney with a perfect record. Read the prompt, review
the case, and then decide whether you would accept or reject it if you want to maintain your
level of success. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant and his wife argued. She raised a knife above her head and stated,
Dont make me use this. The defendant took the knife away and thereafter
stabbed the victim forty-three times in the head and chest with it. The defendant
wants to make an imperfect self-defense argument. Will you accept or reject the
case? Read State v. Perez, 840 P.2d 1118 (1992). The case is available at this
2. The defendants crossed a police tape and trespassed on a medical clinics private
property while protesting abortion. The defendants want to make arguments in
support of necessity, defense of others, and duress. The basis of the defendants
claims is that they are protecting the lives of unborn children. Will you accept or
reject the case? Read Allison v. Birmingham, 580 So.2d 1377 (1991). The case is
available at this
3. The defendant, a police officer, shot the victim twice after being summoned to
the victims home by his wife. The victim was intoxicated and armed with two
small steak knives. The defendant shot the victim subsequent to a somewhat
lengthy encounter during which the victim lunged at him with the knives. The
victim claimed he was putting the knives down or about to put the knives down.
The victim is suing the defendant for damages based on use of excessive force in
arrest or apprehension. Will you accept or reject the case? Read Roy v.
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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Inhabitants of Lewiston, 42 F.3d 691 (1994). The case is available at this

4. The defendant, the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative, distributes marijuana
to qualified patients under Californias Compassionate Use Act, which allows the
possession and use of marijuana for medical purposes. The US government wants
to stop this distribution under the federal Controlled Substances Act, which
prohibits possession and use of marijuana under any circumstances. The
defendant wants to continue distribution under a claim of medical necessity. Will
you accept or reject the case? Read U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers
Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001). The case is available at this

Cases of Interest

Acers v. United States, 164 U.S. 388 (1896), discusses deadly force and selfdefense:

Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989), discusses force used in


State v. Rogers, 912 S.W.2d 670 (1995), discusses


Articles of Interest


Self-defense and martial arts:

Castle laws:

Necessity and duress


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Websites of Interest

Castle laws by
er =12

Criminal defense attorneys for all fifty states: .html

Statistics of Interest

Violence used during household burglaries in the United


US law enforcement officers killed and assaulted:

Answers to Exercises
From Section 5.1 "Criminal Defenses"

1. Carols defense creates doubt in the intent element for battery. Thus Carols
defense is a denial or failure of proof defense, not an affirmative defense.
2. The Supreme Court of South Carolina reversed the defendants conviction
because the jury instruction should have explained that the prosecution has the
burden of disproving self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt.
3. The Supreme Court of Nevada held that necessity was a valid commonlawdefense to driving while under the influence. However, the court upheld the
defendants conviction because he did not meet the requirements for necessity
under the circumstances.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 5.2 "Self-Defense"

1. Colin cannot claim traditional self-defense because there is no objectively

reasonable fear of imminent injury or death while Diane is sleeping. Colin also
cannot technically assert the battered wife defense because he is a husband.
Courts can expand statutory defenses or create new common-law defenses.
However, courts may be reluctant to expand the battered wife defense to spouses
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of either gender, based on the physical differences between men and women and
the lack of empirical evidence documenting battered husband syndrome.
2. The Court of Appeals of Texas affirmed the defendants convictions, holding that
the jury does not have to be unanimous as to each required element of selfdefense.
3. The US District Court for the District of Montana reversed the fine and held that
the defendant did not provoke the attack and was entitled to shoot the bear in

Answers to Exercises
From Section 5.3 "Other Use-of-Force Defenses"

1. Melanie cannot use defense of others as a defense to criminal homicide. Melanie

can defend Colleen only to the same extent she could defend herself. Nothing in
the fact pattern indicates that Colleen could defend herself usingdeadly force.
Thus Melanie could be successfully prosecuted for criminal homicide in this
2. The Supreme Court of Virginia held that the defendant could not threatendeadly
force to defend personal property and affirmed the conviction.
3. The Court of Appeals of Texas held that the victim had the right to sue for
excessive force used to arrest. The evidence did not indicate that the victim posed
an immediate danger to the law enforcement officers safety, or that she was
attempting to resist arrest or flee. Moreover, the offensefailure to identify
herself or give her date of birthwas minor. Thus the law enforcement officer
was not immune from a lawsuit for damages under the circumstances.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 5.4 "Defenses Based on Choice"

1. Clark and Manny can use choice of evils as a defense to arson in many
jurisdictions. Clark and Manny were confronted with two harms: the loss of
several homes or the loss of their neighbors home. Clark and Manny ranked the
loss of one home lower than the loss of several homes, which isobjectively
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reasonable. Thus Clark and Manny could be acquitted or have a reduction in

sentence or severity of the offense, depending on the jurisdiction.
2. The Court of Appeals of California held that the defendants should have been
allowed to present evidence in support of the necessity defense and were
entitled to a retrial.
3. The Supreme Court of New Hampshire upheld the defendants conviction. The
court recognized that a common-law defense of duress exists in some
jurisdictions, but held that the facts in the defendants case did not indicate that
she was under duress. The court stated the defendant had lawful alternatives to
driving while under the influence, such as calling a taxi or a friend for a ride or

Answers to Exercises
From Section 5.5 "Consent"

1. In most jurisdictions, Allen cannot be criminally prosecuted because

Brettconsented to being tackled by choosing to participate in football, a contact
2. The Court of Appeals of California held that the defendant had no constitutional
right to be cryogenically frozen and affirmed the lower courts dismissal of his
lawsuit seeking an injunction and immunity from criminal prosecution. The court
reasoned that the defendants right to refuse medical treatment is different from
involving another individual in his death. It thereafter held that the defendant
was legally free to commit suicide, but he could not authorize another to kill him.
3. The Court of Appeals of Georgia upheld the defendants conviction for battery.
The court stated, It is the act and intent and results of the defendants act which
constitute the crimes as charged; the attitude of the victim is not called into issue
by these elements. [1]

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit gave great discretion to the state
trial court, creating a presumption that the trial court did a proper analysis of the

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law and evidence when rejecting the imperfect self-defense jury instruction.
The court thereafter agreed with the trial courts findings that the evidence
excluded did not support a theory of imminent threat, required under California
case law for a theory of imperfect self-defense. [2] The battered wife syndrome or
defense was not discussed in detail, although the Menendez brothers theory of
abuse is similar. This case is a good demonstration of how state case law varies,
especially with regard to modern theories of self-defense based on psychological
trauma. In a different state, there may have been adifferent result grounded in
state law regarding these innovative defense theories.

Answers to You Be the Defense Attorney


In this case, the trial court rejected the imperfect self-defense argument and
refused to instruct the jury on involuntary manslaughter. The Supreme Court of
Kansas affirmed. The court held that after the defendant took the knife away, the
victim was unarmed and no imminent threat of harm remained. Thus you would
lose on the imperfect self-defense argument and should reject the case.

2. The Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama affirmed the trial courts rejection of
the defense arguments based on the fact that abortion is legal. The court
reviewed the common law, statutes, and case precedent and concluded that these
defenses are not appropriate to protest legal acts. Thus you would lose on the
justification defense arguments and should reject the case.
3. The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit affirmed the lower courts
dismissal of the lawsuit for damages. The court held that the defendants use of
force was objectively reasonable under the circumstances and gave broad
latitude to officers who are forced to make split-second decisions under
dangerous conditions. Thus you would win on the appropriate use of force in
arrest argument and should accept the case.
4. The US Supreme Court held that there is no medical necessity exception to the
Controlled Substances Act. The Court based its holding on the language of the
federal statute, which reflects a determination that marijuana has no medical
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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benefits worthy of an exception. Thus you would lose on the medical necessity
argument and should reject the case.

Chapter 6
Criminal Defenses, Part 2
The use of drugs or controlled substances, dependence on drugs or controlled substances or voluntary
intoxication shall not, as such, constitute a defense to a criminal charge

Or. Rev. Stat. 161.125(1), cited in Section 6.2.2 "Intoxication"

6.1 The Insanity Defense


Identify four states that do not recognize an insanity defense.

2. Identify four versions of the insanity defense.

3. Ascertain the two elements required for the MNaghten insanity defense.
4. Ascertain the two elements required for the irresistible impulse insanity defense.
5. Compare the MNaghten, irresistible impulse, and substantial capacity tests.
6. Ascertain the basis of the Durham insanity defense.
7. Identify the various burdens of proof for the insanity defense.
8. Distinguish between diminished capacity and the insanity defense.
9. Compare the insanity defense with mental competence to stand trial.
10. Compare the insanity defense with the guilty but mentally ill verdict.
11. Compare different commitment procedures for an insane criminal defendant.
12. Distinguish temporary from permanent insanity.
With the exception of alibi and the expiration of the statute of limitations, explored criminal defenses based
on justification. This chapter reviews criminal defenses based on excuse, including
the insanity defense. Remember that defenses based on excuse focus on the defendant and claim that the
defendant should be excused from criminal responsibility for his or her conduct under the circumstances.
Although controversial, most states and the federal government recognize an insanity



Montana, Utah, Kansas, and Idaho are the only states that do not.


The insanity defense is the

subject of much debate because it excuses even the most evil and abhorrent conduct, and in many

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jurisdictions, legal insanity functions as a perfect defense resulting in acquittal. However, the insanity
defense is rarely used and hardly ever successful. This is generally because of the difficulty in
proving legal insanity.
Many criminal defendants suffer from mental illness and can produce evidence of this illness such as
psychiatric or layperson testimony. Often, mental disturbance is apparent from the defendants conduct
under the circumstances. However, legal insanity differs from medical insanity and is generally much more
difficult to establish. The rationale behind creating a different standard for legal insanity is the goal of a
criminal prosecution discussed in . Criminal prosecution should deter as well as incapacitate. While the
purpose of a medical diagnosis is to eventually cure the defendants disorder, the purpose of criminal law is
to punish the defendant. Thus the defendants conduct is not excused if the defendant or society can benefit
from punishment.
The policy supporting the insanity defense is twofold. First, an insane defendant does not have control over
his or her conduct. This is similar to a defendant who is hypnotized, or sleepwalking. Second, an insane
defendant does not have the ability toform criminal intent. Without the ability to control conduct, or the
understanding that conduct is evil or wrong by societys standards, an insane defendant presumably will
commit crimes again and again. Thus no deterrent effect is served by punishment, and treatment for the
mental defect is the appropriate remedy.
Four variations of the insanity defense currently exist: MNaghten, irresistible impulse, substantial capacity,
and Durham.

MNaghten Insanity Defense

The MNaghten insanity defense, also called the right-wrong test, is the most common insanity
defense in the United States. It is also the oldest and was created in England in 1843. The defense
is named after Daniel MNaghten. MNaghten was under the paranoid delusion that the Prime
Minister of England, Sir Robert Peel, was trying to kill him. When he tried to shoot Sir Peel from
behind, he inadvertently shot Sir Peels Secretary, Edward Drummond, who thereafter died.
MNaghten was put on trial for murder and, to the shock of the nation, the jury found him not
guilty by reason of insanity.


After a public outcry at this verdict, the British House of Lords

developed a test for insanity that remains relatively intact today.

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The MNaghten insanity defense is cognitive and focuses on the defendants awareness, rather
than the ability to control conduct. The defense requires two elements. First, the defendant must
be suffering from a mental defect at the time he or she commits the criminal act. The mental
defect can be called a defect of reason or a disease of the mind, depending on the


Second, the trier of fact must find that because of the mental defect, the defendant

did not know either the nature and quality of the criminal act or that the act was wrong.
The terms defect of reason and disease of the mind can be defined in different ways, but in
general, the defendant must be cognitively impaired to the level of not knowing the nature and
quality of the criminal act, or that the act is wrong. Some common examples of mental defects and
diseases are psychosis, schizophrenia, and paranoia.
Jurisdictions vary as to the level of awareness the defendant must possess. Some jurisdictions use
the term know, or understand,


while others use the term appreciate.


If know or

understand is the standard, the trier of fact must ascertain a basic level of awareness under the
attendant circumstances. If appreciate is the standard, the trier of fact must analyze the
defendants emotional state, and evidence of the defendants character or personality may be
relevant and admissible.
A defendant does not know the nature and quality of a criminal act if the defendant is completely
oblivious to what he or she is doing. This is quite rare, so most defendants claiming insanity
choose to assert that they did not know their act was wrong. However, jurisdictions differ as to
the meaning of wrong. Some jurisdictions define wrong as legally wrong, meaning the
defendant must be unaware that the act is against the law.


Others define wrong as legally and

morally wrong, meaning the defendant must also be unaware that the act is condemned by


Generally, the only instance where the defendant must be morally wrong, standing

alone, is when the defendant claims that the conduct was performed at the command of God,
which is called the deific defense.


Whether the standard is legally wrong or morally wrong, if

there is any evidence of a cover-up or an attempt to hide or escape, it is apparent that the
defendant knew the difference between right and wrong, defeating the claim of insanity under

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Example of a Case Inappropriate for the MNaghten Insanity Defense

Susan wants to marry a single man, but he does not want the responsibility of caring for her
children. Susan decides to kill her children. She drives her two sons, aged three and five, out to
the lake. She puts the car in park, gets out, and then puts it in gear, watching as it drives into the
water. Both of her sons drown. Later that day, Susan files a police report stating that a stranger
kidnapped her children at gunpoint. While searching the area for the kidnapper, the police
discover the childrens bodies and evidence indicating that Susan killed them.
Susan recants her kidnapping story and admits she killed her children. However, she claims she is
not guilty by reason of insanity. Susans claim will probably not be successful if she killed her
children in a jurisdiction that recognizes the MNaghten insanity defense. Susan tried to mislead
the police, demonstrating her awareness that she had done something wrong. Thus although
Susans behavior appears mentally imbalanced, she clearly knew the difference between right and
wrong, and her conduct is not excusable under MNaghtens rigid requirements.

Example of a Case Appropriate for the MNaghten Insanity Defense

Andrea, a diagnosed schizophrenic, drowns five of her young children in the bathtub. Andrea
promptly phones 911 and tells the operator that her children are dead. The operator dispatches an
emergency call to law enforcement. When law enforcement officers arrive at Andreas house, she
informs them that she killed her children so that they could leave this earth and enter heaven.
Andrea thereafter claims she is not guilty for killing her children by reason of insanity. Andrea
could be successful if the jurisdiction in which she killed her children recognizes the MNaghten
insanity defense. Andrea suffers from a mental defect, schizophrenia. In addition, there
is no evidence indicating Andrea knew her conduct was wrong, such as an attempted escape, or
cover-up. In fact, Andrea herself contacted law enforcement and immediately told them about her
criminal acts. Thus both of the MNaghten elements appear to be present, and Andreas conduct
may be excusable under the circumstances.
Figure 6.1 MNaghten Insanity Defense

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Irresistible Impulse Insanity Defense
Another variation of the insanity defense is the irresistible impulse defense. This defense has lost
popularity over the years and is rejected by most of the states and the federal government.


In some cases,

the irresistible impulse insanity defense iseasier to prove than the MNaghten insanity defense, resulting in
the acquittal of more mentally disturbed defendants.
The irresistible impulse insanity defense generally supplements MNaghten, so the focus is on the
defendants awareness (cognitive) and the defendants will (ability to control conduct). In jurisdictions that
recognize the irresistible impulse insanity defense, the first element is the same as MNaghten; the defendant
must suffer from a mental defect or disease of the mind. However, the second element adds the concept
ofvolition, or free choice. If the defendant cannot control his or her conduct because of the mental defect
or disease, the defendants conduct is excused even if the defendant understands that the conduct is


This is a softer stance than MNaghten, which does not exonerate a defendant who is aware

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conduct is wrong. The challenge for the trier of fact in an irresistible impulse jurisdiction is distinguishing
between conduct that can be controlled and conduct that cannot.

Example of a Case Inappropriate for the Irresistible Impulse Insanity Defense

Jolene, who has been diagnosed with paranoia, decides she must cut off all her sorority sisters
hair because they are out to get her. She drives to the sorority house with a Taser and scissors in
her backpack. Her plan is to subdue each sister with the stun gun and then hack off her hair. As
she arrives at the house, she sees Agnes, one of her sorority sisters, trip and fall in the parking lot,
ripping her cashmere sweater and scraping her chin. Feeling a stab of pity, Jolene ignores Agnes
and walks hurriedly toward the building. As she enters, Ashley, another sorority sister, turns,
scowls at Jolene, and barks, What in the world are you wearing? You look like you just rolled out
of bed! Jolene pulls the stun gun out of her backpack and shoots Ashley. While Ashley is lying on
the floor, Jolene takes out the scissors and cuts Ashleys hair off at the scalp.
Jolene claims she is not guilty for assault and battery of Ashley by reason of insanity. If Jolene
attacked Ashley in a jurisdiction that recognizes the irresistible impulse insanity defense, she
probably will not be successful with her claim. Jolene has been diagnosed with paranoia, which
is a mental defect or disease. However, Jolene seems aware that shooting someone with a stun
gun and cutting off her hair is wrong because she spared Agnes based on pity. In addition,
Jolenes choice not to attack Agnes indicates she has control over her conduct. Thus Jolene
is cognitive of the difference between right and wrong and has the will to suppress criminal
behavior, defeating any claim of insanity under the irresistible impulse insanity defense.

Figure 6.2 Irresistible Impulse Insanity Defense

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The Substantial Capacity Test
The substantial capacity test is the insanity defense created by the Model Penal Code. The Model Penal
Code was completed in 1962. By 1980, approximately half of the states and the federal government adopted
the substantial capacity test (also called theModel Penal Code or ALI defense).


However, in 1982,

John Hinckley successfully claimed insanity using the substantial capacity test in his federal trial for the
attempted murder of then-President Ronald Reagan. Public indignation at this not-guilty verdict caused
many states and the federal government to switch from the substantial capacity test to the more inflexible
MNaghten standard.


In addition, jurisdictions that switched to MNaghten also shifted the burden of

proving insanity to the defendant.


The defendants burden of proof for the insanity defense is discussed

The substantial capacity test is as follows: A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of
such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the
criminality [wrongfulness] of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law (Model

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Penal Code 4.01(1)). The defense has two elements. The first element requires the defendant to have a
mental disease or defect, like the MNaghten and irresistible impulse insanity defenses. The second element
combines the cognitive standard with volitional, like the irresistible impulse insanity defense
supplementing the MNaghten insanity defense.
In general, it is easier to establish insanity under the substantial capacity test because both the cognitive and
volitional requirements are scaled down to more flexible standards. Unlike the MNaghten insanity defense,
the substantial capacity test relaxes the requirement for complete inability to understand or know the
difference between right and wrong. Instead, the defendant must lack substantial, not total, capacity. The
wrong in the substantial capacity test is criminality, which is a legal rather than moral wrong. In
addition, unlike the irresistible impulse insanity defense, the defendant must lack substantial, not total,
ability to conform conduct to the requirements of the law. Another difference in the substantial capacity test
is the use of the word appreciate rather than know. As stated previously, appreciate incorporates an
emotional quality, which means that evidence of the defendants character or personality is relevant and
most likely admissible to support the defense.

Example of the Substantial Capacity Test

Loreen has been diagnosed with psychosis and spent most of her life in a mental hospital. While
at the mental hospital, Loreen made friends with many of the patients and health-care personnel.
From time to time, Loreen would play jokes on these friends. Most of these jokes consisted of
putting her antidepressants into their food. Loreen was always reprimanded and often sternly
punished for these escapades. After her release from the mental hospital at age twenty-one,
Loreen falls in love with Aidan, a man who works in a bookstore near her apartment. Loreen
decides to make Aidan fall in love with her by feeding him a magic potion, which she concocts out
of a mixture of her antidepressants. Loreen buys a book from Aidan and casually asks if he would
like her to buy him a coffee. Aidan shrugs and says, Sure, but I dont have a break for another two
hours. Loreen offers to bring him the coffee. Before bringing the drink to Aidan, she puts her
magic potion in it. While Aidan is sipping the coffee, Loreen declares her love for him. She then
states, I know I shouldnt have, but I put a love potion in your coffee. I hope it doesnt hurt you.
Aidan becomes seriously ill after drinking the coffee and is hospitalized.

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Loreen claims she is not guilty for battering Aidan by reason of insanity. If Loreen is in a
jurisdiction that recognizes the substantial capacity test, she may be successful with her claim.
Loreen has a mental disease or defect, psychosis. Loreens statement to Aidan indicates that she
lacks the substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of her conduct. Note that if Loreen
were in a MNaghten jurisdiction, her statement I know I shouldnt have could prove her
awareness that her conduct was wrong, defeating her claim. In addition, Loreens behavior at the
mental hospital indicates that she lacks the substantial capacity to conform or control her
conduct. Even after a lifetime of being punished over and over for mixing her meds together and
putting them in other peoples food or drink, Loreen still does it. Lastly, in a substantial capacity
jurisdiction, testimony from Loreens friends at the mental hospital may be admissible to support
her claim of insanity, and her lack of ability to appreciate the criminality of her conduct.

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Figure 6.3 Substantial Capacity Insanity Defense

The Durham Insanity Defense

The Durham insanity defense is used only in New Hampshire and has been the established insanity
defense in New Hampshire since the late 1800s. The Durham defense, also called the Durham rule or
the product test, was adopted by the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in the case
of Durham v. U.S., 214 F.2d 862 (1954). The defense set forth in that case is as follows: [A]n accused is
not criminally responsible if his unlawful act was the product of mental disease or mental


However, the court failed to give definitions for product, mental disease, or mental defect. Thus

the Durham insanity defense is extremely difficult to apply, and the D.C. Circuit rejected it in 1972 in the
case of U.S. v. Brawner, 471 F.2d 969 (1972), which was later superseded by federal statute.


In general, the Durham insanity defense relies on ordinary principles of proximate causation. The
defense has two elements. First, the defendant must have a mental disease or defect. Although these terms
are not specifically defined in the Durham case, the language of the judicial opinion indicates an attempt to

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rely more on objective, psychological standards, rather than focusing on the defendants subjective
cognition. The second element has to do with causation. If the criminal conduct is caused by the mental
disease or defect, then the conduct should be excused under the circumstances.

Example of the Durham Insanity Defense

Arianna has been diagnosed with paranoia. Most psychiatric experts agree that individuals
afflicted with paranoia unreasonably believe that the human population is out to get them.
Arianna works under the direct supervision of Nora, who has a physical condition called
walleye. Noras walleye makes it appear that she is looking to the side when she addresses
people. Arianna gradually becomes convinced that Nora is communicating secret messages to
their coworkers when she is speaking to Arianna. Arianna is genuinely frightened that Nora is
telling their coworkers to kill her, and she decides she needs to defend herself. Arianna brings a
gun to work one day, and when Nora begins talking to her about her tendency to take overlong
lunches, Arianna pulls the gun out of her cubicle and shoots and kills Nora.
Arianna claims she is not guilty for killing Nora by reason of insanity. If Arianna killed Nora in
New Hampshire, she might be successful with her claim. Arianna has a mental disease or
defect, paranoia. Arianna can probably produce evidence, such as psychiatric expert testimony,
that her paranoia caused or produced her criminal conduct, which was shooting Nora. Thus a
trier of fact could acquit Arianna on the grounds that her conduct is excusable under these

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Figure 6.4 Durham Insanity Defense

Proving Insanity
There is generally a presumption that criminal defendants are sane, just as there is a
presumption that they are innocent. Therefore, at a minimum, a defendant claiming insanity
must produce evidence that rebuts this presumption. Some states require the prosecution to
thereafter prove sanity beyond a reasonable doubt or to a preponderance of evidence.


Post-Hinckley, many states have converted the insanity defense into an affirmative defense. Thus
as discussed in , the defendant may also have the burden of persuading the trier of fact that he or
she is insane to a preponderance of evidence.


The federal government and some other states

require the defendant to prove insanity by clear and convincing evidence, which is a higher
standard than preponderance of evidence.

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Diminished Capacity
A claim of diminished capacity differs from the insanity defense. Diminished capacity is
an imperfect failure of proof defense recognized in a minority of jurisdictions. Diminished
capacity could reduce a first-degree murder charge to second-degree murder or manslaughter if
the defendant lacks the mental capacity to form the appropriate criminal intent for first-degree
In California, diminished capacity was abolished as an affirmative defense after San Francisco
Supervisor Dan White used it successfully in his trial for the murder of fellow Supervisor Harvey
Milk. A jury convicted White of voluntary manslaughter rather than first-degree premeditated
murder after reviewing evidence that proved his diet of junk food (Twinkies) created a chemical
imbalance in his brain. In the aftermath of this highly publicized trial, California passed
legislation eliminating the diminished capacity defense and limiting the admissibility of evidence
of diminished capacity only to sentencing proceedings.


Similar to diminished capacity is the syndrome defense. A syndrome that negates the requisite
intent for the crime could function as a failure of proof defense in a minority of jurisdictions.
Some common examples of syndromes the American Psychiatric Association recognizes in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV), are
antisocial personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and intermittent explosive
disorder. Some common examples of syndromes identified but not recognized in DSM-IV are
battered woman or battered wife syndrome (discussed in ) and caffeine withdrawal. Although
successful use of the syndrome defense is rare, at least one case has excused a defendants
drunken driving and assault and battery against a police officer because of premenstrual
syndrome (PMS).


Mental Competence to Stand Trial

The insanity defense is different from mental competence to stand trial. The insanity defense
pertains to the defendants mental state when he or she commits the crime. If the insanity defense
is successful, it exonerates the defendant from guilt. Mental competence to stand trial is analyzed
at the time the trial is to take place. If the defendant is mentally incompetent to stand trial, the
trial is delayed until the defendant regains competency. Although a detailed discussion of mental
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competence to stand trial is beyond the scope of this book, in general, a criminal defendant must
be able to understand the charges against him or her, and be able to assist in his or her defense.
As the Model Penal Code provides, [n]o person who as a result of mental disease or defect lacks
capacity to understand the proceedings against him or to assist in his own defense shall be tried,
convicted or sentenced for the commission of an offense so long as such incapacity endures
(Model Penal Code 4.04). A defendant who is mentally incompetent at the time of trial is subject
to mental health treatment or even involuntary medication until competence is regained.

Guilty but Mentally Ill

Post-Hinckley, some states adopted the guilty but mentally ill verdict. A defendant who is
found guilty but mentally ill is not acquitted but punished and treated for mental health
simultaneously while in prison. Typically, the guilty but mentally ill verdict is available only when
the defendant fails to prove legal insanity, and requires the defendant to prove mental illness at
the time of the crime to a preponderance of evidence.


Example of Guilty but Mentally Ill

Review the example with Jolene in . In this example, Jolene has been diagnosed with paranoia,
but shows an ability to control and understand the wrongfulness of her conduct, so she probably
will not be successful with an irresistible impulse insanity defense. If Jolene is in a state that
offers a guilty but mentally ill verdict, Jolene may be an appropriate candidate because she was
mentally ill at the time she assaulted and battered her sorority sister. If Jolene is found guilty but
mentally ill, she will be treated for her mental health simultaneously while serving any prison

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Figure 6.5 Effects (Circular Diagram) of Mental Competency Claims

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Figure 6.6 Diagram of the Insanity Defense

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Disposition of the Legally Insane

The not guilty by reason of insanity verdict means that the defendant is absolved from criminal
responsibility and devoid of any criminal record for the offense. However, it does not mean that
the defendant is free to return to society.
In several states and federally, a defendant who is found not guilty by reason of insanity
is automatically committed to a treatment facility until there is a determination that mental
health has been restored.


This is also the Model Penal Code approach. As the Model Penal

Code states in 4.08(1), [w]hen a defendant is acquitted on the ground of mental disease or
defect excluding responsibility, the Court shall order him to be committed to the custody of the
Commissioner of Mental Hygiene [Public Health] to be placed in an appropriate institution for
custody, care and treatment.
Other states have a hearing on sanity after the judgment or verdict of not guilty by reason of
insanity is returned. If the defendant is deemed mentally competent at the hearing, he or she
is released. If the defendant is found mentally ill at the hearing, he or she is committed to the
appropriate treatment facility.


Temporary Insanity
Many states also recognize temporary insanity, which does not differ in analysis from permanent
insanity except for the duration of the mental illness.


In a state that recognizes temporary

insanity, the elements of the states insanity defense, eitherMNaghten, irresistible

impulse, substantial capacity, or Durham, must be present at the time the crime was
committed. If the defendant is found not guilty by reason of insanity for the criminal offense, but
regains mental competence at the time of prosecution, the defendant is released after the verdict
is rendered. The trial court will order release based on the commitment procedure discussed in .

Example of Temporary Insanity

In Virginia in 1994, Lorena Bobbitt was tried for the crime of slicing off her husbands penis.
Bobbitt pleaded not guilty to malicious wounding by reason of insanity. Bobbitt successfully
established the irresistible impulse insanity defense by presenting evidence of years of
spousal abuse, a forced abortion, and rape on the night of the incident.
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After the jury returned

the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity, Bobbitt was evaluated, deemed mentally competent,
and released.


The four states that do not recognize the insanity defense are Montana, Utah,
Kansas, and Idaho.

The four versions of the insanity defense are MNaghten, irresistible impulse,
substantial capacity, and Durham.

The two elements of the MNaghten insanity defense are the following:

The defendant must be suffering from a mental defect or disease at the

time of the crime.

The defendant did not know the nature or quality of the criminal act he or
she committed or that the act was wrong because of the mental defect or

The two elements of the irresistible impulse insanity defense are the following:

The defendant must be suffering from a mental defect or disease at the

time of the crime.

The defendant could not control his or her criminal conduct because of
the mental defect or disease.

The substantial capacity test softens the second element of the MNaghten and
irresistible impulse insanity defenses. Under the substantial capacity test, the
defendant must lack substantial, not total, capacity to appreciate the criminality
of conduct or to control or conform conduct to the law.

The Durham insanity defense excuses criminal conduct when it is caused by a

mental disease or defect.

The criminal defendant pleading not guilty by reason of insanity must produce
evidence to rebut the presumption that criminal defendants are sane. Thereafter,
either the prosecution has the burden of disproving insanity to a certain

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evidentiary standard or the defendant has the burden of proving insanity to a

preponderance of evidence or clear and convincing evidence.

The diminished capacity defense is a failure of proof imperfect defense that may
reduce a first-degree murder to second-degree murder or manslaughter if the
defendant did not have the mental capacity to form first-degree murder criminal
intent. The insanity defense is generally a perfect affirmative defense in many

The insanity defense exonerates the defendant from criminal responsibility.

Mental incompetence to stand trial delays the criminal trial until mental
competency is regained.

The guilty but mentally ill verdict finds the criminal defendant guilty but orders
him or her to undergo mental health treatment while incarcerated. The insanity
defense is generally a perfect affirmative defense in many jurisdictions.

The federal government and some states automatically commit a criminal

defendant to a mental health facility after an acquittal based on insanity. Other
states have a postverdict hearing to rule on commitment.

A claim of temporary insanity is the same as a claim of insanity except for the
duration of the mental illness.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Jeffrey is diagnosed with schizophrenia. For fifteen years, Jeffrey kidnaps,

tortures, kills, and eats human victims. Jeffrey avoids detection by hiding his
victims corpses in various locations throughout the city. If the jurisdiction in
which Jeffrey commits these crimes recognizes the MNaghten insanity defense,
can Jeffrey successfully plead and prove insanity? Why or why not?
2. Read State v. Guido, 191 A.2d 45 (1993). In Guido, the defendant killed her
husband and claimed insanity in a jurisdiction that recognizes the MNaghten
insanity defense. Psychiatric experts examined the defendant and deemed her
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legally sane at the time of the killing. The experts thereafter met with the
defendants attorney and changed their opinion to state that the defendant was
legally insane at the time of the killing. The jury found the defendant sane after
being made aware of this discrepancy. Did the New Jersey Supreme Court uphold
the defendants conviction? The case is available at this
3. Read State v. Hornsby, 484 S.E.2d 869 (1997). In Hornsby, the defendant sought
to reverse his convictions for burglary and murder after jury verdicts of guilty but
mentally ill. The defendant wanted to invalidate South Carolinas statute
recognizing the verdict of guilty but mentally ill as unconstitutional. The
defendant claimed that defendants incarcerated after guilty but mentally ill
verdicts receive the same mental health treatment as defendants incarcerated
under regular guilty verdicts, violating the Fourteenth Amendment due process
clause. Did the Supreme Court of South Carolina uphold the statute? The case is
available at this
L A W A N D E T H I C S : T H E E L I Z A B E T H S M A R T C A S E
Two ProsecutionsTwo Different Results
In 2002, Brian David Mitchell and his accomplice and wife, Wanda Barzee, kidnapped fourteen-
year-old Elizabeth Smart from her home. Mitchell, a so-called street preacher, and Barzee held
Smart captive for nine months, tethering her to a metal cable, subjecting her to daily rapes, and
forcing her to ingest alcohol and drugs.


At one point, they transported Smart across state lines

to California. Mitchell was put on trial for kidnapping and sexual assault in the state of Utah. The
trial court found Mitchell incompetent to stand trial, and did not make a ruling forcing him to
submit to medication to remedy the incompetency.


Unlike Mitchell, Barzee was involuntarily

medicated pursuant to a state court order (by the same judge that heard Mitchells incompetency
claim), and pleaded guilty to federal and state kidnapping, sexual assault, and illegal
transportation of a minor for sex, receiving two fifteen-year sentences, to be served
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The federal government also instituted a prosecution against Mitchell for

kidnapping and taking Smart across state lines for sex. The US District Court judge held a
competency hearing and found that Mitchell wascompetent to stand trial.


Mitchell pleaded

not guilty by reason of insanity. Throughout the trial, Mitchell was often removed from the
courtroom for loudly singing Christmas carols and hymns. A serious of experts testified regarding
Mitchells psychological ailments, including a rare delusional disorder, schizophrenia, pedophilia,
and antisocial personality disorder. Nonetheless, the jury rejected the insanity defense and
convicted Mitchell of kidnapping and transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of
illegal sex.


If Mitchell had not committed federal crimes, he might still be awaiting trial in Utah.

1. What is the purpose of putting Mitchell on trial rather than delaying the trial for
mental incompetency? Is this purpose ethical?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.
Read about Mitchells sentencing
[1] 18 U.S.C. 17, accessed November 28,
[2], The Insanity Defense among the States, website, accessed November 29,
[3] Queen v. MNaghten, 10 Clark & F.200, 2 Eng. Rep. 718 (H.L. 1843), accessed November 29,
[4] Iowa Code 701.4, accessed November 30, 2010,
[5] Cal. Penal Code 25, accessed November 30, 2010,
[6] Ala. Code 13A-3-1, accessed November 30, 2010,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[7] State v. Crenshaw, 659 P.2d 488 (1983), accessed November 30,
[8] State v. Skaggs, 586 P.2d 1279 (1978), accessed November 30,
[9] State v. Worlock, 569 A.2d 1314 (1990), accessed November 30,
[10] 18 U.S.C. 17, accessed November 28,
[11] State v. White, 270 P.2d 727 (1954), accessed November 30,
[12] Carol A. Rolf, From MNaghten to YatesTransformation of the Insanity Defense in the United
StatesIs It Still Viable? Rivier College Online Academic Journal 2 (2006), accessed December 1,
[13] 18 U.S.C. 17, accessed November 28,
[14] Carol A. Rolf, From MNaghten to YatesTransformation of the Insanity Defense in the United
StatesIs It Still Viable? Rivier College Online Academic Journal 1 (2006), accessed December 1,
[15] Durham v. U.S., 214 F.2d 862, 875 (1954), accessed December 2,
[16] 18 U.S.C. 17, accessed November 28,
[17] James R. Elkins and students at the West Virginia University College of Law, Insanity Defense, West
Virginia Homicide Jury Instructions Project, accessed December 2,
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[18] New Jersey Jury Instruction on Insanity, Based on N.J. Stat. Ann. 2C: 4-1, accessed November 30,
[19] Tenn. Code Ann. 39-11-501, accessed December 2,
[20] Cal. Penal Code 25, accessed December 2, 2010,
[21] Successful PMS Defense in Virginia Case Revives Debate, website, accessed June 16,
[22] 725 ILCS 5/115-4(j), accessed December 3, 2010,
[23] Angela K. Brown, Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Major Nidal Hasan to Be Arraigned, website, accessed August 26,
[24] 18 U.S.C. 4243(a), accessed December 3, 2010,
[25] Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2945.40, accessed December 3, 2010,
[26] Aaron Malo, Matthew P. Barach, and Joseph A. Levin, The Temporary Insanity Defense in California, website, accessed December 3, 2010,
[27] Rachael Bell, Crimes Below the Belt: Penile Removal and Castration, TruTV website, accessed
December 3,
John Wayne and Lorena Bobbitt Trials: 1993 and 1994Lorena Bobbitts Trial Begins,
website, accessed December 3, 2010,
[28] Rachael Bell, Crimes Below the Belt: Penile Removal and Castration, TruTV website, accessed
December 3,
[29] Roger Simon, Was Lorena Bobbitts Act an Irresistible Impulse? website,
accessed August 26, 2011,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[30] Jennifer Dobner, Elizabeth Smart Kidnapper Convicted, Jury Rejects Insanity Defense, theChristian
Science Monitor website, accessed December 11,
[31] Jennifer Dobner, Wanda Barzee, Elizabeth Smart Kidnapper, Gets Fifteen Years, Including Seven
Already Served, the Huffington Post website, accessed December 11,
[32] Jennifer Dobner, Wanda Barzee, Elizabeth Smart Kidnapper, Gets Fifteen Years, Including Seven
Already Served, the Huffington Post website, accessed December 11,
[33] Ben Winslow, Mitchell Ruled Competent to Stand Trial for Kidnapping Elizabeth Smart, website, accessed December 11, 2010,
[34] Jennifer Dobner, Elizabeth Smart Kidnapper Convicted, Jury Rejects Insanity Defense, theChristian
Science Monitor website, accessed December 11,

6.2 Infancy, Intoxication, Ignorance, and Mistake


Define the infancy defense.

2. Distinguish a juvenile court adjudication from a criminal prosecution.

3. Ascertain four criteria that could support a juvenile court waiver of jurisdiction.
4. Identify a situation where voluntary intoxication may provide a defense.
5. Define involuntary intoxication.
6. Compare the defenses of voluntary and involuntary intoxication.
7. Identify a situation where mistake of law may provide a defense.
8. Identify a situation where mistake of law is not a valid defense.
9. Identify a situation where mistake of fact may provide a defense.
10. Identify a situation where mistake of fact is not a valid defense.
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Many states recognize the defense of infancy. Infancy asserts that the defendant is not subject to
criminal prosecution because he or she is too young to commit a crime. The policy supporting the
infancy defense is the belief that juvenile defendants are too immature to form criminal intent.
The infancy defense is typically statutory and can be perfect or imperfect, depending on the
States divide up the jurisdiction of criminal defendants between juvenile courts and adult courts.
Juvenile court systems generally retain jurisdiction over criminal defendants under the age of
sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen, with exceptions. The Model Penal Code position is that [a]
person shall not be tried for or convicted of an offense if: (a) at the time of the conduct charged to
constitute the offense he was less than sixteen years of age, [in which case the Juvenile Court shall
have exclusive jurisdiction] (Model Penal Code 4.10(1)(a)).
The primary purpose of a juvenile court adjudication is rehabilitation. The goal is to reform the
minor before he or she becomes an adult. In most states, the infancy defense protects a youthful
defendant from criminal prosecution as an adult; it does not prohibit a juvenile adjudication.
Most minor defendants are adjudicated in juvenile court, so the infancy defense is rarely used.
Juveniles can be prosecuted as adults under certain specified circumstances. At early common
law, criminal defendants were divided into three age groups. Those under the age of seven were
deemed incapable of forming criminal intent, and could not be criminally prosecuted. Defendants
between the ages of seven and fourteen were provided a rebuttable presumption that they
lacked the mental capacity to form criminal intent. Once a defendant turned fourteen, he or she
was subject to an adult criminal prosecution. Modern statutes codify the adult criminal
prosecution standard for different age groups. Some states follow the early common law and set
up rebuttable and irrebuttable presumptions based on the defendants age.


Other states set

forth a minimum age, such as fourteen or sixteen, and defendants who have reached that age are
prosecuted as adults.


When a juvenile court has jurisdiction, the jurisdiction must be forfeited if the juvenile is to be
prosecuted as an adult. This process is called waiver. Juvenile courts can have exclusive

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jurisdiction over minors under eighteen, orconcurrent or simultaneous jurisdiction with adult
courts, depending on the state.
States vary as to the waiver procedure. Some states allow judges to use discretion in granting the

waiver, while others vest this power in the legislature or the prosecutor. A few factors serve as
criteria supporting the waiver to adult criminal court: the nature of the offense, the sophistication
it requires, the defendants criminal history, and the threat the defendant poses to public safety.


Example of the Infancy Defense

Mario is ten years old. Mario shoplifts some candy from the local market and is arrested. The
newly elected district attorney decides to make an example of Mario, and begins an adult criminal
prosecution against him for theft. In Marios state, the juvenile court has exclusive jurisdiction
over individuals under the age of eighteen. Mario can probably claim infancy as a perfect defense
to the theft charge. Mario should be adjudicated in juvenile court, not prosecuted as an adult.
Therefore, the juvenile court has jurisdiction in this case and Marios criminal prosecution should
be dismissed.

Intoxication is another defense that focuses on the defendants inability to form the requisite
criminal intent. In general, intoxication can be based on the defendants use of alcohol, legal
drugs, or illegal drugs. The Model Penal Code defines intoxication as a disturbance of mental or
physical capacities resulting from the introduction of substances into the body (Model Penal
Code 2.08(5) (a)). The intoxication defense could be perfect or imperfect, statutory or common
law, depending on the jurisdiction.
Intoxication is a state that is achieved either voluntarily or involuntarily. Most states frown on
the use of voluntary intoxication as a defense, and allow it only to reduce the severity of the crime


Recall from Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime" that if a defendant voluntarily

undertakes action, such as drinking or ingesting drugs, thevoluntary act requirement is met.
Conduct that occurs after the voluntary intoxication probably is not excused unless the
intoxication prevents the defendant from forming the criminal intent required for the


If the crime charged is a reckless intent crime, voluntary intoxication rarely provides

even an imperfect defense.


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Involuntary intoxication is more likely to provide a defense than voluntary intoxication.

Generally, a defendant can claim involuntary intoxication if he or she ingested the drug or alcohol

unknowingly or under force, duress, or fraud. Involuntary intoxication could affect the
defendants ability to form criminal intent, thus negating specific intent, dropping murder a
degree, or converting murder to manslaughter. The Model Penal Code equates involuntary
intoxication with the substantial capacity test, providing [i]ntoxication which (a) is not selfinducedis an affirmative defense if by reason of such intoxication the actor at the time of his
conduct lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate its criminality [wrongfulness] or to
conform his conduct to the requirements of law (Model Penal Code 2.08 (4)).

Example of the Intoxication Defense

Clint slips a date rape drug into Delilahs drink at a fraternity party. Delilah is twenty-one and
legally able to consume alcohol. The date rape drug produces a state of unconsciousness during
which Delilah severely beats a sorority sister. Delilah can probably claim involuntary intoxication
as a defense in this situation. Although Delilah voluntarily drank the alcohol, she became
intoxicated from the date rape drug that she ingested unknowingly. Delilah could be acquitted or
could have a charge of aggravated battery reduced, depending on the jurisdiction.

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Figure 6.7 Crack the Code

Ignorance and Mistake

Occasionally, a defendants mistake negates the criminal intent required for an offense. Mistakes can be
a mistake of law or a mistake of fact. Mistake of law and fact defenses can be statutory or common law,
perfect or imperfect, depending on the jurisdiction.

Mistake of Law
The basis of the mistake of law defense is that the defendant believes his or hercriminal conduct
is legal. The defense could be a failure of proof defense or an affirmative defense of excuse,
depending on the jurisdiction.


The Model Penal Code provides, Ignorance or mistake as to a

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matter of fact or law is a defense if: (a) the ignorance or mistake negatives the purpose,
knowledge, belief, recklessness or negligence required to establish a material element of the
offense; or (b) the law provides that the state of mind established by such ignorance or mistake
constitutes a defense (Model Penal Code 2.04(1)).
Most states require that the mistake of law be founded on a statute or judicial decisionthat is later


The Model Penal Code states, A belief that conduct does not legally constitute an

offense is a defense to a prosecution for that offense based upon such conduct whenthe
actoracts in reasonable reliance upon an official statement of the law, afterward determined to
be invalidcontained ina statute orjudicial decision (Model Penal Code 2.04(3) (b)).
Incorrect advice from a licensed attorney cannot form the basis of a mistake of law


Nor can mistake of law be rooted in ignorance of the law because all individuals are

required to know the criminal laws effective in their jurisdiction. The Model Penal Code provides,
A belief that conduct does not legally constitute an offense is a defense to a prosecution for that
offense based upon such conduct when: the statute or other enactment defining the offense is not
known to the actor and has not been published or otherwise made available prior to the conduct
(Model Penal Code 2.04(3) (a)).

Example of the Mistake of Law Defense

Shelby, an attorney, researches current case law and determines that it is legal to sell products
over the Internet and not charge sales tax. Shelby starts selling designer clothing on eBay and
does not charge her customers any sales tax. The case decision that Shelby relied on
is overturned by a court of appeals. Shelby can probably assertmistake of law as a defense to
the crime of evading payment of sales tax.

Example of a Case That Is Inappropriate for the Mistake of Law Defense

Review the mistake of law defense example given in Section 6 "Example of the Mistake of Law
Defense". Assume that in Shelbys state, it is currently illegal to sell products over the Internet
without charging sales tax. Jonathan meets with Shelby, and asks her to research whether he
needs to charge sales tax when he sells products over the Internet. Shelby agrees to research the
matter and get back to Jonathan the next day with an answer. After Jonathan leaves, Shelby is
contacted by her friend Margaret, who wants to take an impromptu trip to New York City.
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Margaret asks Shelby if she would like to come along. Shelby agrees, rushes home, packs for the
trip, and leaves with Margaret. The next day while Shelby is watching a Broadway play with
Margaret, Jonathan calls Shelby on her cell phone and asks Shelby what her research revealed
about the sales tax question. Even though she has not done any research on the matter, Shelby
responds, I just finished the research. You do not need to charges sales tax when you sell
products over the Internet. If Jonathan thereafter relies on Shelbys incorrect advice, and sells
products over the Internet without charging sales tax, he probably will not be able to
assert mistake of law as a defense. Incorrect advice from an attorney cannot excuse criminal
conduct, even if the crime is committed because of the faulty legal opinion. Therefore, Jonathan
could be charged with tax evasion in this situation.

Mistake of Fact
Mistake of fact is more likely to provide a defense than mistake of law. If the facts as the
defendant believes them to be negate the requisite intent for the crime at issue, the defendant can
assert mistake of fact as a defense.


Mistake of fact is generally not a defense to strict

liability crimes because intent is not an element of a strict liability offense.


Example of the Mistake of Fact Defense

Mickie sees Rachel, his neighbor, riding his bicycle in her driveway. Mickie walks quickly up to
Rachel and demands that she get off the bike and return it to his garage. Frightened, Rachel hops
off and runs to her house, leaving the bike behind. Mickie walks the bike over to his garage. Once
Mickie reaches the garage, he sees that his bike, which is an exact replica of Rachels, is already
inside. Mickie may be able to usemistake of fact as a defense to theft. As is discussed in Chapter
11 "Crimes against Property", the intent for theft is the intent to take the property
of another person. Mickie believed Rachels bike was his. Thus Mickies mistake of fact negates
the intent required for this offense.

Example of a Case That Is Inappropriate for the Mistake of Fact Defense

Tina is pulled over for speeding. Tina claims her speedometer is broken, so she was mistaken as to
her speed. Tina probably cannot assert mistake of fact as a defense in this case. Speeding is
generally a strict liability offense. Thus Tinas mistaken belief as to the facts is
not relevant because there is no intent required for this crime.
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Figure 6.8 Comparison of Infancy, Intoxication, and Mistake


Infancy is a defense to an adult criminal prosecution if the defendant is too young

to form the requisite criminal intent for the offense.

The purpose of an adult criminal prosecution is punishment; the purpose of a

juvenile adjudication is rehabilitation of the minor before he or she becomes an

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Four criteria that could support a juvenile court waiver of jurisdiction are the
nature of the offense, the sophistication it requires, the defendants criminal
history, and the threat the defendant poses to public safety.

Voluntary intoxication may provide a defense if the intoxication prevents the

defendant from forming the requisite criminal intent for the offense.

Involuntary intoxication is intoxication achieved unknowingly or pursuant to

force, duress, or fraud.

Voluntary intoxication is frowned on as a defense and in many states does not

provide a defense to certain crimes, such as reckless intent crimes. Involuntary
intoxication is more likely to serve as a defense any time the defendant is
incapable of forming the requisite criminal intent for the offense.

Mistake of law may provide a defense if the defendant believes his or her
conduct is legal because of reliance on a statute or judicial opinion that is later

Mistake of law is not a defense when the defendant believes his or her conduct is
legal because of reliance on the incorrect advice of an attorney.

If the facts as the defendant believes them to be prevent the defendant from
forming the requisite intent for the crime, mistake of fact could be a valid

Mistake of fact is not a defense to strict liability crimes because intent is not an

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Burt, a sixteen-year-old, consumes alcohol for the first time at a party. Unaware
of alcohols effect, Burt drinks too much, attempts to walk home, and is cited for
being drunk in public. In Burts state, the juvenile court has concurrent
jurisdiction over minors ages seventeen and under, with a waiver to adult court
available at the judges discretion. Burt has not broken any laws before. Is it likely
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that the judge will waive juvenile court jurisdiction in this case and allow the
adult criminal prosecution of Burt? Why or why not?
2. Read People v. Register, 60 N.Y.2d 270 (1983). In Register, the defendant shot
and killed an individual in a bar after drinking heavily for many hours. The
defendant thereafter sought a jury instruction on the intoxication defense to a
charge of depraved mind murder. The trial court refused, and the defendant was
convicted. Did the Court of Appeals of the State of New York uphold the
conviction? The case is available at this
3. Read Garnett v. State, 632 A.2d 797 (1993). In Garnett, the defendant, an
intellectually disabled twenty-year-old, had sexual intercourse with a thirteen-
year-old girl whom he believed to be sixteen, and was prosecuted for statutory
rape. Did the Court of Appeals of Maryland reverse the trial court and allow the
defendant to assert mistake of fact (the victims age) as a defense? Why or why
not? The case is available at this

[1] RCW 9A.04.050, accessed December 6,
[2] N.Y. Penal Law 30.00, accessed December 6, 2010,
[3] Melissa Sickmund, OJJDP National Report Series Bulletin, Juveniles in Court, National Center for
Juvenile Justice website, accessed December 7,
[4] Kent v. United States, 383 U.S. 541 (1966), accessed December 7,
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[5] N.Y. Penal Law 15.25, accessed December 7, 2010,

[6] Or. Rev. Stat. 161.125, accessed December 7, 2010,
[7] Tenn. Code Ann. 39-11-503(b), accessed December 7,
[8] California Jury Instructions No. 3427, accessed December 7,
[9] Tex. Penal Code 8.03, accessed December 7,
[10] La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 14:17, accessed December 7,
[11] Hopkins v. State, 69 A.2d 456 (1949), accessed December 9,
[12] N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 626:3I (a), accessed December 9,
[13] People v. Olsen, 685 P.2d 52 (1984), accessed December 9,

6.3 Entrapment

Compare the subjective and objective entrapment defenses.

Historically, no legal limit was placed on the governments ability to induce individuals to commit crimes.
The Constitution does not expressly prohibit this governmental action. Currently, however, all states and the
federal government provide the defense ofentrapment. The entrapment defense is based on the
governments use of inappropriately persuasive tactics when apprehending criminals. Entrapment is
generally a perfect affirmative statutory or common-law defense.
Entrapment focuses on the origin of criminal intent. If the criminal intent originates with the government

or law enforcement, the defendant is entrapped and can assert the defense. If the criminal intent
originates with the defendant, then the defendant is acting independently and can be convicted of the

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offense. The two tests of entrapment are subjective entrapment and objective entrapment. The federal
government and the majority of the states recognize the subjective entrapment defense.
the Model Penal Code have adopted the objective entrapment defense.


Other states and


Subjective Entrapment
It is entrapment pursuant to the subjective entrapment defense when law enforcement pressures
the defendant to commit the crime against his or her will. The subjective entrapment test focuses
on the defendants individual characteristics more than on law enforcements behavior. If the
facts indicate that the defendant is predisposed to commit the crime without law enforcement
pressure, the defendant will not prevail on the defense.
The defendants criminal record is admissible if relevant to prove the defendants criminal nature
and predisposition. Generally, law enforcement can furnish criminal opportunities and use decoys
and feigned accomplices without crossing the line into subjective entrapment. However, if it is
clear that the requisite intent for the offense originated with law enforcement, not the defendant,
the defendant can assert subjective entrapment as a defense.

Example of Subjective Entrapment

Winifred regularly attends Narcotics Anonymous (NA) for her heroin addiction. All the NA
attendees know that Winifred is a dedicated member who has been clean for ten years, Marcus, a
law enforcement decoy, meets Winifred at one of the meetings and begs her to hook him up
with some heroin. Winifred refuses. Marcus attends the next meeting, and follows Winifred out to
her car pleading with her to get him some heroin. After listening to Marcus explain his physical
symptoms of withdrawal in detail, Winifred feels pity and promises to help Marcus out. She
agrees to meet Marcus in two hours with the heroin. When Winifred and Marcus meet at the
designated location, Marcus arrests Winifred for sale of narcotics. Winifred may be able to assert
entrapment as a defense if her state recognizes the subjective entrapment defense. Winifred
has not used drugs for ten years and did not initiate contact with law enforcement. It is unlikely
that the intent to sell heroin originated with Winifred because she has been a dedicated member
of NA, and she actually met Marcus at an NA meeting while trying to maintain her sobriety. Thus
it appears that Marcus pressuredWinifred to sell heroin against a natural predisposition, and the
entrapment defense may excuse her conduct.
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Objective Entrapment
The objective entrapment defense focuses on the behavior of law enforcement, rather than the
individual defendant. If law enforcement uses tactics that would induce areasonable, lawabiding person to commit the crime, the defendant can successfully assert the entrapment
defense in an objective entrapment jurisdiction. The objective entrapment defense focuses on a
reasonable person, not the actual defendant, so the defendants predisposition to commit the
crime is not relevant. Thus in states that recognize the objective entrapment defense, the
defendants criminal record is not admissible to disprove the defense.

Example of Objective Entrapment

Winifred has a criminal record for prostitution. A law enforcement decoy offers Winifred $10,000
to engage in sexual intercourse. Winifred promptly accepts. If Winifreds jurisdiction recognizes
the objective entrapment defense, Winifred may be able to successfully claim entrapment as
a defense to prostitution. A reasonable,law-abiding person could be tempted into committing
prostitution for a substantial sum of money like $10,000. The objective entrapment defense
focuses on law enforcement tactics, rather than the predisposition of the defendant, so Winifreds
criminal record is irrelevant and is not admissible as evidence. Thus it appears that law
enforcement used an excessive inducement, and entrapment may excuse Winifreds conduct in
this case.

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Figure 6.9 Comparison of Subjective and Objective Entrapment

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Figure 6.10 Diagram of Defenses, Part 2


The subjective entrapment defense focuses on the individual defendant, and

provides a defense if law enforcement pressures the defendant to commit the
crime against his or her will. If the defendant is predisposed to commit the crime
without this pressure, the defendant will not be successful with the defense.
Pursuant to the subjective entrapment defense, the defendants criminal record
is admissible to prove the defendants predisposition. The objective entrapment
defense focuses on law enforcement behavior, and provides a defense if the
tactics law enforcement uses would convince a reasonable, law-abiding person to
commit the crime. Under the objective entrapment defense, the defendants
criminal record is irrelevant and inadmissible.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Allen has a criminal record for burglary. Roger, a law enforcement decoy,
approaches Allen and asks if he would like to purchase methamphetamine. Allen
responds that he would and is arrested. This interaction takes place in a
jurisdiction that recognizes the subjective entrapment defense. If Allen claims
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entrapment, will Allens criminal record be admissible to prove his predisposition

to commit the crime at issue? Why or why not?
2. Read Sosa v. Jones, 389 F.3d 644 (2004). In Jones, the US District Court for the
Eastern District of Michigan denied the defendants petition for a writ of habeas
corpus after he was sentenced to life in prison for conspiracy to sell and sale of
cocaine. The defendant claimed he had been deprived of due process and was
subjected to sentencing entrapment when federal agents delayed a sting
operation to increase the amount of cocaine sold with the intent of increasing
the defendants sentencing to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Did
the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reverse the district court and grant
the defendants petition? The case is available at this
3. Read Farley v. State, 848 So.2d 393 (2003). In Farley, the government contacted
the defendant, who had no criminal record, in a reverse sting operation with a
mass e-mail soliciting individuals to purchase hard-core pornography. The
defendant responded to the e-mail and was thereafter sent a questionnaire
asking for his preferences. The defendant responded to the questionnaire, and
an e-mail exchange ensued. In every communication by the government,
protection from governmental interference was promised. Eventually, the
defendant purchased child pornography and was arrested and prosecuted for
this offense. The defendant moved to dismiss based on subjective and objective
entrapment and the motion to dismiss was denied. The defendant was thereafter
convicted. Did the Court of Appeal of Florida uphold the defendants conviction?
The case is available at this

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[1] Connecticut Jury Instruction on Entrapment, Based on Conn. Gen. Stats. Ann. 53a-15, accessed
December 10, 2010,
[2] People v. Barraza, 591 P.2d 947 (1979), accessed December 10,

6.4 End-of-Chapter Material

The federal government and every state except Montana, Utah, Kansas, and Idaho recognize the
insanity defense. A not guilty by reason of insanity verdict is an acquittal for the offense. The
policy supporting the insanity defense is the lack of deterrent effect when punishing the legally
insane. Four insanity defenses are recognized in the United States: MNaghten, irresistible
impulse, substantial capacity, and Durham. The MNaghten insanity defense is cognitive and
excuses criminal conduct when the defendant is suffering from a mental defect or disease that
prevents the defendant from knowing the nature or quality of conduct or from knowing that
conduct is wrong. The irresistible impulse insanity defense adds a volitional component and
excuses conduct the defendant cannot control because of a mental defect or disease. The
substantial capacity test was created by the Model Penal Code and softens the requirements to
substantial, rather than total, capacity to appreciate the criminality of conduct or to conform
conduct to the law. The Durham insanity defense is recognized only in New Hampshire, and
excuses conduct that is the product of or caused by a mental disease or defect. Jurisdictions vary
as to the burden of proving insanity. All jurisdictions require the defendant to rebut a
presumption that he or she is sane; some also require the defendant to persuade the trier of fact
that he or she is legally insane to a preponderance of evidence or clear and convincing evidence
(which is a higher standard than preponderance of evidence).
A minority of jurisdictions recognizes diminished capacity and the syndrome defense when the
defendant cannot form the requisite criminal intent for the offense because of a mental
impairment. The criminal defendant must also be mentally competent to stand trial, which means
the defendant can understand the charges brought against him or her and can assist in any
defense. Some jurisdictions recognize a guilty but mentally ill verdict, which does not exonerate
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the defendant, but provides for mental health treatment while incarcerated. Temporary insanity is
also a defense in some jurisdictions and does not differ from the insanity defense except for the
duration of the mental defect or disease.
The infancy defense excuses conduct when the defendant is too young to form criminal intent for
the offense. The infancy defense is generally not available in juvenile adjudications, so it is rarely
asserted because most youthful defendants are under the jurisdiction of juvenile courts. Juvenile
courts can waive this jurisdiction and allow for an adult criminal prosecution under certain
circumstances, considering the criteria of the nature of the offense, the sophistication it requires,
the defendants prior criminal history, and the threat the defendant poses to public safety.
Other excuse defenses are intoxication, ignorance, and mistake. Voluntary intoxication is frowned
on as a defense, but will occasionally excuse conduct if it negates certain high-level criminal intent
requirements. Involuntary intoxication, which is intoxication achieved unknowingly, or under
duress or fraud, is more likely to provide a defense if it affects the defendants capacity to form
criminal intent. Ignorance of the law is not a defense because individuals are expected to know
the laws of their jurisdiction. Mistake of law, which means the defendant does not know conduct
is illegal, functions as a defense if the mistake is based on a judicial opinion or statute that is later
overturned. Mistake of law is not a defense if the mistake is rooted in incorrect legal advice from
an attorney. Mistake of fact is a defense if the facts as the defendant believes them to be negate
the intent required for the offense.
Entrapment is also a defense in every jurisdiction. Most states and the federal government
recognize the subjective entrapment defense, which focuses on the defendants predisposition,
and does not excuse conduct if the defendant would have committed the crime without law
enforcement pressure. In a subjective entrapment jurisdiction, the defendants criminal record is
admissible to prove predisposition to commit the crime at issue. Objective entrapment is the
Model Penal Code approach and excuses conduct if the pressure by law enforcement would
induce a reasonable, law-abiding person to commit the crime. The defendants criminal record is
not admissible to show predisposition in an objective entrapment jurisdiction because the focus is
on law enforcement tactics, not the defendants nature.

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You are a well-known private defense attorney with a perfect record. Read the prompt, review
the case, and then decide whether you would accept or reject it if you want to maintain your
level of success. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant shot and killed a police officer and then escaped on foot. He was
thereafter charged with first-degree murder. The defendant wants to claim that
his diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia affected his ability to form the intent
required for murder. In your state (Arizona), the defendant cannot introduce this
argument to negate intent; he can only plead insanity under an abbreviated
version of MNaghten, which requires proof that the defendant did not know his
conduct was wrong because of a mental defect or disease. Will you accept or
reject the case? Read Clark v. Arizona, 548 U.S. 735 (2006), which is available at
2. The defendant, an eleven-year-old boy, had sexual intercourse with a seven-year-
old boy and was charged with two counts of first-degree rape of a child. Three
experts questioned the defendant, and two concluded he lacked the capacity to
form the intent for rape. This conclusion was based on the defendants response
that the sexual contact was consensual and felt good. The defendant wants to
present the infancy defense. Will you accept or reject the case? Read State v.
Ramer, 86 P.3d 132 (2004), which is available at this
3. The defendant, a diabetic, injected an abnormally large dose of insulin before his
daughters birthday party. He and his estranged wife went to the store to buy
party supplies. When they returned to the defendants vehicle, he hit her in the
head with a hammer. She escaped the vehicle, and he caught up with her and ran
her over. The defendant wants to claim involuntary intoxication as a defense to
first-degree assault, domestic violence, and attempted first-degree murder. Will
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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you accept or reject the case? Read People v. Garcia, 87 P.3d 159 (2003), which is
available at this
4. The defendant and a narcotics decoy have been acquainted for several years. The
narcotics decoy set up a sale transaction between the defendant and a police
officer, the defendant made the sale, and was thereafter charged with delivery of
a controlled substance. The defendant claims that the decoys status as his
friend, and numerous phone calls to set up the narcotics sale pressured him to
commit the crime and he wants to claim entrapment. Your state (Texas) allows
the defense of objective entrapment, focusing on law enforcement tactics. Will
you accept or reject the case? Read Sebesta v. State, 783 S.W.2d 811 (1990),
which is available at this

Cases of Interest

U.S. v. Hinckley, 493 F.Supp. 2d 65 (2007), discusses St. Elizabeth Hospitals

proposal for the conditional release of John W.

Graham v. Florida, 130 S. Ct. 2011(2010), discusses sentencing a juvenile

offender to life in
q= Graham+v.+Florida&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5.

Legue v. State, 688 N.E.2d 408 (1997), discusses voluntary


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U.S. v. Albertini, 830 F.2d 985 (1987), discusses mistake of


Articles of Interest

The insanity defense and recent US Supreme Court


The insanity defense for Jared Lee Loughner, the shooter of US Representative
Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ):

The ruling that Jared Lee Loughner is incompetent to stand trial for the shooting
of Representative
Giffords: -spree-suspect-incompetent-trial

The defense of caffeine

overdose: -insanityas-legal-defense-strategy


Insanity laws by state:

Websites of Interest

Information about entrapment:

Juvenile crime in the United

Statistics of Interest

Answers to Exercises
From Section 6.1 "The Insanity Defense"

1. Jeffrey will not be successful in a jurisdiction that recognizes

the MNaghteninsanity defense. Although Jeffrey has a mental defect or disease,
schizophrenia, Jeffreys behavior in hiding the victims corpses indicates that he
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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knows his behavior is wrong. Thus Jeffrey cannot produce evidence establishing
the second element of MNaghten.
2. The New Jersey Supreme Court reversed the defendants conviction, holding that
the experts changed their opinion after being educated as to the meaningof
mental defect or disease under MNaghten. Thus the change by the experts was
not fraudulent and the defendant was entitled to a retrial.
3. The Supreme Court of South Carolina upheld the convictions and the statute. The
court held that the statute rationally accomplishes its goals, and guilty but
mentally ill defendants receive immediate rather than delayed treatment, which
complies with due process.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 6.2 "Infancy, Intoxication, Ignorance, and Mistake"

1. It is unlikely that the judge will waive juvenile court jurisdiction in this case.
Some of the criteria a judge will analyze when waiving jurisdiction are the nature
of the offense, the sophistication it requires, the defendants criminal history, and
the threat the defendant poses to public safety. This is Burts first offense, and it
did not involve violence or require much sophistication. Thus the judge will
probably allow Burt to be adjudicated in juvenile court.
2. The Court of Appeals of the State of New York upheld the defendants conviction
and the trial courts refusal to instruct the jury on intoxication. The court based
its holding on the depraved mind murder statute, which
requiresreckless criminal intent, and the intoxication defense statute,
whichdisallows evidence of intoxication as a defense to a reckless intent crime.
3. The Court of Appeals of Maryland upheld the trial courts decision to disallow the
mistake of age defense. The court based its holding on the plain meaning of the
statutory rape statute, which is a strict liability offense.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 6.3 "Entrapment"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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1. Allens criminal record for burglary is not admissible to prove his predisposition
to commit the crime of purchasing contraband. The fact that Allen committed a
burglary in the past does not indicate that he ispredisposed to purchase
contraband. Thus Allens criminal record for burglary is irrelevant and
inadmissible, even though he is claiming entrapment in a jurisdiction that
recognizes the subjective entrapmentdefense.
2. The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirmed the district courts denial
of the petition. The court held that the defendant did not have
a constitutionalright to assert entrapment and that the rejection of the
defendants sentencing entrapment claim was appropriate, albeit unfortunate,
under the circumstances.
3. The Court of Appeal of Florida reversed the defendants conviction under both
theories of entrapment. The court based its holding on the defendants lack
ofpredisposition to commit the crime and the governments assurance that there
would be no governmental interference, which was false under the

Answers to Law and Ethics Question


Whether Mitchell is put on trial, or held indefinitely because of his mental

incompetency, he is incapacitated and prevented from harming other victims.
The difference is retribution. The federal judge permitted Mitchell to be put on
trial, which resulted in a conviction providing retribution. Barzees sentencing
also provided retribution. The state court judge allowed only for
theincapacitation of Mitchell, which did not resolve the case for the Smart
family or the general public. Whether or not retribution is ethical has been
debated for centuries. However, retribution does restore public confidence in the
judicial system, which can have a positive deterrent effect.

Answers to You Be the Defense Attorney


In this case, the US Supreme Court upheld Arizonas abbreviated MNaghten

statute, and also confirmed Arizonas constitutional right to preclude a defense

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based on the defendants inability to form criminal intent because of a mental

defect or disease. Thus you would not be able to strike down Arizonas insanity
defense statute, and you could not introduce evidence that the defendant lacked
the capacity to form criminal intent, so you should reject the case.
2. The Washington Supreme Court upheld the trial courts ruling that the defendant
was incapable of forming the intent to commit rape of a child, reversing the
appellate court. The court based its holding on the Washington infancy statute,
which requires the prosecution to rebut a presumption of infancy for defendants
under the age of twelve by clear and convincing evidence. Thus you would prevail
on the infancy defense, and you shouldaccept the case.
3. In this case, the trial court rejected the defendants involuntary intoxication
claim, and the defendant had to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. He
was thereafter found guilty. On appeal, the Court of Appeals of Coloradoreversed,
holding that the defendant had the right to claim intoxication and present
evidence of this claim to the trier of fact. Thus you would be able to assert
intoxication as a defense, and should accept the case.
4. The Court of Appeals of Texas upheld the trial courts rejection of a motion to
dismiss the charge based on entrapment. The court held that friendship and
numerous phone calls are not enough to pressure an unwilling person to commit
a crime. Thus you would lose on the entrapment defense and shouldreject the

Chapter 7
Parties to Crime

Congress can impute to a corporation the commission of certain criminal offenses and subject it to
criminal prosecution therefor.

New York Central R. Co. v. U.S., cited in

7.1 Parties to Crime

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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Identify the four parties to crime at early common law.

2. Identify the parties to crime in modern times.

3. Define the criminal act element required for accomplice liability.
4. Define the criminal intent element required for accomplice liability.
5. Define the natural and probable consequences doctrine.
6. Discuss the consequences of accomplice liability.
7. Determine whether an accomplice can be prosecuted when the principal is not
prosecuted or acquitted.
Often more than one criminal defendant plays a role in the commission of a crime. Defendants working
together with a common criminal purpose or design are acting with complicity. When the participation and
criminal conduct varies among the defendants, an issue arises as to who is responsible for which crime and
to what degree. This chapter analyzes different parties to crime, along with their accompanying criminal
liability. Chapter 8 "Inchoate Offenses" examines crimes that necessarily involve more than one person such
as conspiracy and solicitation, as well as another inchoate or incomplete crime, attempt.

Accomplice Liability
At early common law, parties to crime were divided into four categories.
Aprincipal in the first degree actually committed the crime. Aprincipal in the second degree was
present at the scene of the crime and assisted in its commission. An accessory before the fact was
not present at the scene of the crime, but helped prepare for its commission.
An accessory after the fact helped a party to the crime after its commission by providing comfort,
aid, and assistance in escaping or avoiding arrest and prosecution or conviction.
In modern times, most states and the federal government divide parties to crime into two
categories: principals


and their accomplices, and accessories.


The criminal actor is referred

to as the principal, although all accomplices have equal criminal responsibility as is discussed
in Section 7.1 "Parties to Crime".

Accomplice Elements
An accomplice under most state and federal statutes is responsible for the same crime as the
criminal actor or principal.


However, accomplice liability is derivative; the accomplice does

not actually have to commit the crime to be responsible for it. The policy supporting accomplice
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liability is the idea that an individual who willingly participates in furthering criminal conduct
should be accountable for it to the same extent as the criminal actor. The degree of participation is
often difficult to quantify, so statutes and cases attempt to segregate blameworthy accomplices
based on thecriminal act and intent elements, as is discussed in Section 7.1 "Parties to Crime".

Accomplice Act
In the majority of states and federally, an accomplice must voluntarily act in some manner
to assist in the commission of the offense. Some common descriptors of thecriminal act element
required for accomplice liability are aid, abet, assist, counsel, command, induce, or


Examples of actions that qualify as the accomplice criminal act are helping plan the

crime, driving a getaway vehicle after the crimes commission, and luring a victim to the scene of
the crime. The Model Penal Code defines the accomplice criminal act element as aidsor
attempts to aid such other person in planning or committing [the offense] (Model Penal Code
2.06(3) (a) (ii)).
In many states, words are enough to constitute the criminal act element required for accomplice


On the other hand, mere presence at the scene of the crime, even presence at the scene

combined with flight, is not sufficient to convert a bystander into an accomplice.


However, if

there is a legal duty to act, a defendant who is present at the scene of a crime without
preventing its occurrence could be liable as an accomplice in many jurisdictions.


As the Model

Penal Code provides, [a] person is an accomplice of another person in the commission of an
offense ifhaving a legal duty to prevent the commission of the offense, fails to make proper
effect so to do (Model Penal Code 2.06(3)(a)(iii)).

Example of a Case Lacking Accomplice Act

Review the criminal law issues example in Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law",Section 1.2.1
"Example of Criminal Law Issues". In that example, Clara and Linda go on a shopping spree.
Linda insists that they browse an expensive department store. After they enter the lingerie
department, Linda surreptitiously places a bra into her purse. Clara watches, horrified, but does
not say anything, even though a security guard is standing nearby. As Linda and Clara leave the
store, an alarm is activated. Linda and Clara run away with the security guard in pursuit. In this
case, Clara has probablynot committed the criminal act element required for accomplice liability.
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Although Clara was present at the scene of the crime and did not alert the security guard, mere
presence at the scene is not sufficient to constitute the accomplice criminal act. Clara fled the
scene when the alarm went off, but presence at the scene of a crime combined with flight is still
not enough to comprise the accomplice criminal act. Thus Clara has probably not committed theft
as an accomplice, and only Linda is subject to a criminal prosecution for this offense.

Example of Accomplice Act

Phoebe, the parent of a two-year-old named Eliza, watches silently as her live-in boyfriend Ricky
beats Eliza. In Phoebes state, parents have a duty to come to the aid of their children if their
safety is threatened. Ricky severely injures Eliza, and both Phoebe and Ricky are arrested and
charged with battery and child endangerment. Phoebe probably has committed the criminal act
element required for accomplice liability in many jurisdictions. Phoebe does not personally act to
physically harm her child. However, her presence at the scene combined with a legal duty to
act could be enough to make her an accomplice. Thus Phoebe has most likely committed battery
and child endangerment as an accomplice, and both she and Ricky are subject to a criminal
prosecution for these offenses.

Accomplice Intent
The criminal intent element required for accomplice liability varies, depending on the
jurisdiction. In many jurisdictions, the accomplice must act with specific
intent orpurposely when aiding or assisting the principal.


Specific intent or purposely means

the accomplice desires the principal to commit the crime. The Model Penal Code follows this
approach and requires the accomplice to act with the purpose of promoting or facilitating the
commission of the offense (Model Penal Code 2.06(3) (a)). In other jurisdictions, if the crime
is serious and the accomplice acts with general intent or knowingly or has awareness that the
principal will commit the crime with his or her assistance, intent to further the crimes
commission could be inferred.


In a minority of jurisdictions, only general intent or

acting knowingly that the crime will be promoted or facilitated is required, regardless of the
crimes seriousness.


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Example of Accomplice Intent

Joullian, a hotel owner, rents a hotel room to Winnifred, a prostitute. In a state that requires an
accomplice to act with specific intent or purposely, Joullian mustdesire Winnifred to commit
prostitution in the rented room to be Winnifreds accomplice. Evidence that Joullian stands to
benefit from Winnifreds prostitution, such as evidence that he will receive a portion of the
prostitution proceeds, could help prove this intent. If Joullians state allows for an inference
of specific intent orpurposely with serious crimes when an accomplice acts with general
intent orknowingly, it is unlikely that prostitution is a felony that would give rise to the
inference. If Joullians state requires only general intent or knowingly for accomplice liability
regardless of the crimes seriousness, to be deemed an accomplice Joullian must simply
be aware that renting Winnifred the room will promote or facilitate the act of prostitution.

The Natural and Probable Consequences Doctrine

Accomplice liability should be imputed only to blameworthy, deserving defendants. However, in
some jurisdictions, if the crime the defendant intentionally furthers isrelated to the crime the
principal actually commits, the defendant is deemed an accomplice. As with legal causation,
discussed in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime", foreseeability is the standard. Under
thenatural and probable consequences doctrine, if the defendant assists the principal with the
intent to further a specific crimes commission, and the principal commits a different crime that
is foreseeable at the time of the defendants assistance, the defendant could be liable as an


Several jurisdictions have rejected this doctrine as an overly harsh extension of

accomplice liability.


Example of the Natural and Probable Consequences Doctrine

Jos shows up drunk and unruly at his friend Abels house and tells Abel he wants to beat the
hell out of his girlfriend Maria. Jos asks Abel to drive him to Marias house, and Abel promptly
agrees. Abel drives Jos to Marias house and waits in the car with the engine running. Jos forces
his way into Marias house and then beats and thereafter rapes her. If Jos and Abel are in a
jurisdiction that recognizes the natural and probable consequences doctrine, the trier of fact could
find that Abel is an accomplice to the battery, burglary, and rape of Maria. Abel appears to have
the criminal intent required to be an accomplice to battery because he assisted Jos in his quest
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to beat Maria. If burglary and rape were foreseeable when Abel drove a drunk and angry Jos to
Marias house, the natural and probable consequences doctrine would extend Abels accomplice
liability to these crimes. If Abel is not in a natural and probable consequences jurisdiction, the
trier of fact must separately determine that Abel had the criminal intent required to be an
accomplice to battery, burglary, and rape; Abels intent will be ascertained according to the
jurisdictions accomplice intent requirementeither specific intent or purposely or general
intent or knowingly.
Figure 7.1 Diagram of Accomplice Liability

Consequences of Accomplice Liability
An accomplice is criminally responsible for the crime(s) the principal commits. Although
the sentencing may vary based on a defendant-accomplices criminal record or other extenuating
circumstances related to sentencing, such as prior strikes, in theory, the accomplice is liable to
the same degree as the principal. So if accomplice liability is established in the examples given in Section
7.1.2 "Accomplice Elements"; Phoebe is criminally responsible for battery and child endangerment, Joullian
is criminally responsible for prostitution, and Abel is criminally responsible for battery and possibly burglary
and rape. The principal should also be criminally responsible for his or her own actions. However,
occasionally a situation arises where the principal is not prosecuted or acquitted because of a procedural
technicality, evidentiary problems, or a plea bargain, as is discussed in Section 7 "Prosecution of an
Accomplice When the Principal Is Not Prosecuted or Is Acquitted".

Prosecution of an Accomplice When the Principal Is Not Prosecuted or Is Acquitted

Although accomplice liability is derivative, in many jurisdictions the trier of fact can determine
that a defendant is an accomplice even if the criminal actor or principal is not prosecuted or has
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been tried and acquitted for the offense.


Thus a defendant can be liable for a crime even

though he or she did not commit it and the defendant whodid was spared prosecution or
found not guilty. While this situation appears anomalous, if a defendant helps another commit a
crime with the intent to further the crimes commission, punishment for the completed crime is
appropriate. As the Model Penal Code states, [a]n accomplice may be convicted on proof of the
commission of the offense and of his complicity therein, though the person claimed to have
committed the offense has not been prosecuted or convicted or has been convicted of a different
offense or degree of offenseor has been acquitted (Model Penal Code 2.06(7)).

Example of Prosecution of an Accomplice When the Principal Is Not Prosecuted

Review the example in Section 7 "Example of the Natural and Probable Consequences
Doctrine" with Jos and Abel. Assume that after Jos burglarizes, beats, and rapes Maria, local
police arrest Jos and Abel. The police transport Jos and Abel to the police station and take them
to separate rooms for interrogation. The police officer who interrogates Jos is a rookie and
forgets to read Jos his Miranda rights. Thereafter, the police contact Maria, but she refuses to
cooperate with the investigation because she fears reprisal from Jos. The district attorney
decides not to prosecute Jos because of the tainted interrogation. In this case, Abel could still be
prosecuted for battery and possibly rape and burglary as an accomplice in some jurisdictions.
Although Jos is theprincipal and actually committed the crimes, it is not necessary for Jos to
suffer the same criminal prosecution and punishment as Abel. If the elements required for
accomplice liability are present, Abel can be fully responsible for the crimes committed by Jos,
whether or not Jos is prosecuted for or convicted of these offenses.


The four parties to crime at early common law were principals in the first degree,
principals in the second degree, accessories before the fact, and accessories after the
fact. These designations signified the following:

Principals in the first degree committed the crime.

Principals in the second degree were present at the crime scene and
assisted in the crimes commission.

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Accessories before the fact were not present at the crime scene, but
assisted in preparing for the crimes commission.

Accessories after the fact helped a party to the crime avoid detection and
escape prosecution or conviction.

In modern times, the parties to crime are principals and their accomplices, and

The criminal act element required for accomplice liability is aiding, abetting, or
assisting in the commission of a crime. In many jurisdictions, words are enough to
constitute the accomplice criminal act element, while mere presence at the
scene without a legal duty to act is not enough.

The criminal intent element required for accomplice liability is either specific
intent or purposely or general intent or knowingly.

The natural and probable consequences doctrine holds an accomplice criminally

responsible if the crime the principal commits is foreseeable when the
accomplice assists the principal.

The consequences of accomplice liability are that the accomplice is criminally

responsible for the crimes the principal commits.

In many jurisdictions, an accomplice can be prosecuted for an offense even if the

principal is not prosecuted or is tried and acquitted.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Justin asks his girlfriend Penelope, a bank teller, to let him know what time the
security guard takes his lunch break so that he can successfully rob the bank.
Penelope tells Justin the security guard takes his break at 1:00. The next day,
which is Penelopes day off, Justin successfully robs the bank at 1:15. Has
Penelope committed robbery? Why or why not?
2. Read State v. Ulvinen, 313 N.W.2d 425 (1981). In Ulvinen, the defendant sat
guard and then helped her son clean up and dispose of evidence after he
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strangled and dismembered his wife. Thereafter, the defendant was convicted of
murder as an accomplice. The defendant was asleep when the killing occurred,
but before the killing her son told her that he planned to kill the victim. The
defendant reacted with passive acquiescence by demurring and expressing
disbelief that he would go through with his plans. Did the Supreme Court of
Minnesota uphold the defendants murder conviction? The case is available at
3. Read Joubert v. State, 235 SW 3d 729 (2007). In Joubert, the defendant was
convicted and sentenced to death based on his participation in an armed robbery
that resulted in the death of a police officer and employee. The jury convicted
the defendant after hearing testimony from his accomplice and reviewing a video
of the defendant confessing to the offense. The defendant appealed the
conviction because in Texas, accomplice testimony must be corroborated by
other evidence, and the defendant claimed that the other corroborating
evidence was lacking in this case. Did the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this

[1] Cal. Penal Code 31, accessed December 20, 2010,
[2] Idaho Code Ann. 18-205, accessed December 20,
[3] 18 U.S.C. 2, accessed December 20, 2010,
[4] K.S.A. 21-3205, accessed December 20,
[5] N.Y. Penal Law 20.00, accessed December 26, 2010,
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[6] Commonwealth v. Hargrave, 745 A.2d 20 (2000), accessed December 20,

[7] People v. Rolon, 160 Cal. App. 4th 1206 (2008), accessed December 20,
[8] Or. Rev. Stat. 161.155, accessed December 20, 2010,
[9] People v. Lauria, 251 Cal. App. 2d 471 (1967), accessed December 21,
[10] Washington Rev. Code Ann. 9A.08.020 (3) (a), accessed December 21,
[11] ME Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 17-A 57 (3) (A), accessed December 21,
[12] Bogdanov v. People, 941 P.2d 247, 251 n. 8 (1997), accessed December 21,
[13] Standefer v. U.S., 447 U.S. 10 (1980), accessed December 22,
[14] Michael Martinez, Phillip, Nancy Garrido sentenced in Jaycee Dugard Kidnapping, CNN website,
accessed August 15, 2011,
[15] Benjamin Weiser, Ex-Detainee Gets Life Sentence in Embassy Blasts, New York Timeswebsite,
accessed January 26, 2011,

7.2 Vicarious Liability


Distinguish between accomplice liability and vicarious liability.

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2. Distinguish between corporate criminal vicarious liability and individual criminal

vicarious liability.
Vicarious liability, a concept discussed in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime", also transfers liability from
one defendant to another. However, vicarious liability should not be confused with accomplice liability.
Accomplice liability is based on the defendants participation in a criminal enterprise and complicity with
the criminal actor or principal, but vicarious liability transfers a defendants criminal responsibility for the
crime to a different defendant because of a special relationship. With vicarious liability, the acting
defendant also is criminally responsible for his or her conduct. Similar to the civil law concept of respondeat
superior discussed in Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law", vicarious liability in criminal law is common
between employers and employees. It is also the basis of corporate liability, which is discussed in Section
7.2.1 "Corporate Liability".

Corporate Liability
At early common law, corporations were not criminally prosecutable as separate entities, which
was most likely because in England, corporations were owned and operated by the government.
In modern times, American corporations are private enterprises whose actions can seriously
injure other individuals and the economy. Thus a corporation can be criminally responsible for
conduct apart from its owners, agents, or employees.


In general, this is a vicarious liability,

transferring criminal responsibility for an offense from an agent or employee of the

corporation to the corporation itself, based on the employment relationship. Of course, the agent
or employee also is responsible for the crime he or she commits.
A corporation is vicariously liable only if an agent or employee commits a crime duringthe agent

or employees scope of employment.

As the Model Penal Code states, [a] corporation may be

convicted of the commission of an offense ifthe conduct is performed by an agent of the

corporation acting in behalf of the corporation within the scope of his office or employment
(Model Penal Code 2.07(1)(a)). The criminal punishment for a corporation is generally payment
of a fine.

Example of Corporate Liability

Harry, an employee of Burger King Corporation, shreds corporate documents in his office when
Burger King is sued civilly for sexual harassment in a multimillion-dollar class action suit. Under
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modern theories of corporate liability, both Harry and Burger King could be criminally
prosecuted for obstruction of justice. Note that Burger Kings liability is vicarious and depends
on its relationship with Harry as an employer and the fact that Harry is acting within the scope of
employment. Vicarious liability is distinguishable from accomplice liability, where the
accomplice must be complicit with the criminal actor. The owners of Burger King, who are the
corporate shareholders, did not actively participate in Harrys conduct, although they will share in
the punishment if the corporation is fined.

Figure 7.2 Vicarious and Corporate Liability

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Individual Criminal Vicarious Liability

Generally speaking, criminal law disfavors criminal vicarious liability, the exception being
corporate liability discussed in Section 7.2.1 "Corporate Liability". Criminal vicarious liability
violates the basic precept that individuals should be criminally accountable for their own conduct,
not the conduct of others.


Although accomplice liability appears to hold an accomplice

responsible for principals conduct, in reality the accomplice is committing a criminal act
supported by criminal intent and is punished accordingly. In addition, other statutes that appear
to impose criminal liability vicariously are actually holding individuals responsible for
their own criminal conduct. Some examples are statutes holding parents criminally responsible
when their children commit crimes that involve weapons belonging to the parents, and offenses
criminalizing contributing to the delinquency of a minor. In both of these examples, the parents
are held accountable for their conduct, such as allowing children to access their guns or be truant
from school. The law is evolving in this area because the incidence of juveniles committing crimes
is becoming increasingly prevalent.


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Accomplice liability holds an accomplice accountable when he or she is complicit

with the principal; vicarious liability imposes criminal responsibility on a
defendant because of a special relationship with the criminal actor.

In many jurisdictions, corporations are vicariously liable for crimes committed by

employees or agents acting within the scope of employment. Individual criminal
vicarious liability is frowned on, but the law in this area is evolving as the
incidence of juveniles committing crimes increases.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Brad, the president and CEO of ABC Corporation, recklessly hits and kills a
pedestrian as he is driving home from work. Could ABC Corporation be held
vicariously liable for criminal homicide? Why or why not?
2. Read People v. Premier House, Inc., 662 N.Y.S 2d 1006 (1997). In Premier House,
the defendant, a housing cooperative that was incorporated, and members of
the housing cooperative board of directors were ordered to stand trial for
violating a New York law requiring that window guards be installed on apartment
buildings. A child died after falling out of one of the windows. The members of
the board of directors appealed on the basis that their positions were merely
honorary, and they had no personal involvement in the crime. Did the Criminal
Court of the City of New York uphold the order as to the members of the board
of directors? Why or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read Connecticut General Statute 53a-8(b), which criminalizes the sale or
provision of a firearm to another for the purpose of committing a crime. The
statute is available at this
link: Does
this statute create accomplice liability or vicarious liability? Read
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the Connecticut Criminal Jury Instruction 3.1-4 for an explanation of the statute.
The jury instruction is available at this
L A W A N D E T H I C S : L I F E C A R E C E N T E R S O F A M E R I C A , I N C .
Is a Corporation Criminally Accountable When Its Employees Are Not?
Read Commonwealth v. Life Care Centers of America, Inc., 456 Mass. 826 (2010). The case is
available at this
s_vis=1&oi=scholarr. In Life Care Centers, a resident of the Life Care Center nursing home died in
2004 from injuries sustained when she fell down the front stairs while attempting to leave the
facility in her wheelchair. The resident could try to leave the facility because she was not wearing
a prescribed security bracelet that both set off an alarm and temporarily locked the front doors if
a resident approached within a certain distance of those doors. The defendant, Life Care Centers
of America, Inc., a corporation that operates the nursing home, was indicted for involuntary

manslaughter and criminal neglect. The criminal intent element required for involuntary
manslaughter and criminal neglect in Massachusetts is reckless intent. The evidence indicated
that the order requiring the victim to wear a security bracelet was negligently edited out of the
victims treatment sheet, based on the actions of more than one employee. The individual
employee who left the victim near the stairs without the security bracelet relied on the orders
that did not indicate a need for the bracelet. There was no evidence that any individual employee
of Life Care Centers of America, Inc. wasreckless. The prosecution introduced a theory of
collective knowledge of the actions or failure to act of the corporations employees. The
prosecutions premise was that the several individual instances of negligent conduct combined to
create reckless conduct that could be imputed to the corporation vicariously. The Massachusetts
Supreme Court unanimously held that the corporation could not be held criminally responsible

unless one individual employee could be held criminally responsible.

1. Do you think it is ethical to allow a corporation to escape criminal responsibility

for reckless involuntary manslaughter and criminal neglect when several
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employees negligent conduct caused the death, rather than one employees
reckless conduct? Why or why not?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

[1] New York Central R. Co. v. U.S., 212 U.S. 481 (1909), accessed December 21,
[2] 720 ILCS 5/5-4, accessed December 26, 2010,
[3] State v. Akers, 400 A.2d 38 (1979), accessed December 26,
[4] Garrett G. Gillespie, Kristen S. Scammon, SJC Limits Corporate Criminal Liability,
website, accessed January 24, 2011,
[5] Commonwealth v. Life Care Centers of America, Inc., 456 Mass. 826 (2010), accessed January 24,

7.3 Accessory

Distinguish between accomplice liability and the crime of accessory.

2. Define the criminal act element required for an accessory.

3. Define the criminal intent element required for an accessory.
4. Compare various approaches to grading the crime of accessory.
As stated in , at early common law, a defendant who helped plan the offense but was not present at the scene
when the principal committed the crime was an accessory before the fact. A defendant who helped
the principal avoid detection after the principal committed the crime was an accessory after the fact.
In modern times, an accessory before the fact is an accomplice, and an accessory after the fact is
anaccessory, which is a separate and distinct offense. Some states still call the crime of accessory accessory
after the fact


or hindering prosecution.

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The difference between an accomplice and an accessory is crucial. An accomplice is responsible for the
offense the principal commits. An accessory, on the other hand, is guilty of a separate crime that is
almost always a misdemeanor.

Accessory Act
The criminal act element required for an accessory in the majority of jurisdictions is aiding or
assisting a principal in escape, concealment, or evasion of arrest and prosecution or conviction
after the principal commits a felony.


In most states, a defendant cannot be an accessory to a

misdemeanor, although in some states a defendant can be an accessory to a high-level or gross



In a minority of states, the defendant can be an accessory to any crime.



In many states, words are enough to constitute the accessory criminal act element. Often
special categories of individuals are exempted from liability as an accessory, typically family
members by blood or marriage.


Example of Accessory Act

Jim wakes up late at night to the sound of someone pounding on his door. He gets out of bed,
walks down the stairs, and opens the door. His father James is on the doorstep. Jamess eyes are
bloodshot and he is swaying slightly on his feet. He tells Jim that he just got into a car accident
and needs to come inside before the police find out about it and begin an investigation. Jim steps
aside and lets his father enter the house. The smell of alcohol on his fathers breath is apparent.
He thereafter allows his father to spend the night without contacting the police about the
Jim has probably committed the criminal act element required for an accessory in many
jurisdictions. Jim allowed his father to escape arrest and evade an alcohol screening after leaving
the scene of a car accident, which is most likely felony drunk driving and hit and run. He also
sheltered his father for the night, concealing him from law enforcement. If Jim is in a state that
exempts family members from accessory liability, he may not be subject to prosecution because
the principal to the crime(s) is his father. If Jim is not in a state that relieves family members
from accessory liability, he could be fully prosecuted for and convicted of this offense.

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Figure 7.3 Crack the Code

Accessory Intent
The criminal intent element required for an accessory has two parts. First, the defendant must act
with general intent or knowingly or awareness that the principal committed a crime. Second,
the defendant must help or assist the principal escape or evade arrest or prosecution for and
conviction of the offense with specific intent or purposely.
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Example of Accessory Intent

Review the example with Jim and James given in . In this case, Jim is aware that James
committed a crime because James told Jim he got into an accident and Jamess intoxicated
condition was apparent. Nonetheless, Jim purposely helped James evade arrest and an alcohol
screening by sheltering him in his home while the effects of the alcohol dissipated. Thus Jim
probably has the criminal intent required for liability as an accessory in most jurisdictions. If
Jim is not in a state that exempts family members from accessory liability, he could be fully
subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense.

Accessory Grading
As stated in , in many jurisdictions accessory is an offense that is graded less severely than the
crime committed by the principal. Accessory is typically graded as a misdemeanor,
some jurisdictions it is graded as a felony.


although in


Table 7.1 Comparison of Accomplice, Accessory, and Vicarious Liability

Type of

Criminal Act


Aid, assist commission of a crime

Specific or purposely, or general or

knowingly, depending on the jurisdiction


Aid, assist evasion of prosecution or

conviction for a felony, high-level
misdemeanor, or any crime

General or knowingly (crime committed)

plus specific or purposely (principal
evades prosecution or conviction)


Committed by an individual in a
special relationship with the

Belongs to an individual in a special

relationship with the defendant

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Criminal Intent

Figure 7.4 Diagram of Parties to Crime


Accomplice liability holds a complicit defendant accountable for the crime the
principal commits; accessory is a separate crime that is typically a misdemeanor.

The criminal act element required for an accessory is aiding or assisting the
principal escape or evade arrest, prosecution for, or conviction of a felony, high-
level misdemeanor, or any crime, depending on the jurisdiction. In many
jurisdictions words are enough to constitute the accessory criminal act element.

The criminal intent element required for an accessory has two parts. The defendant must

with general intent or knowingly that the principal committed the crime,

with specific intent or purposely to help the principal escape or evade

arrest, prosecution for, or conviction of the offense.

In many jurisdictions, the crime of accessory is graded lower than the crime the
principal committed; typically, it is graded as a misdemeanor, although in some
jurisdictions, it is graded as a felony.

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Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Cory watches as her sister Amanda breaks into a parking meter across the street
and starts scooping change into her purse. Amanda thereafter runs into a nearby
alley and hides behind a dumpster. A police officer arrives on the scene and asks
Cory if she witnessed the crime. Cory responds, No, I didnt notice anything.
The police officer does a search, does not find Amanda, and leaves. Has Cory
committed a crime? If your answer is yes, which crime has Cory committed, and
does Cory have a possible defense?
2. Read U.S. v. Hill, 268 F.3d 1140 (2001). In Hill, the defendant was convicted of
harboring a fugitive and being an accessory when she helped her husband escape
the country to avoid prosecution for a failure to pay child support. The defendant
claimed that her convictions were unconstitutional because they contravened
her right to privacy, association, marriage, and due process. Did the US Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit uphold the defendants convictions? The case is
available at this link:
3. Read State v. Truesdell, 620 P.2d 427 (1980). In Truesdell, the prosecution
appealed the dismissal of the defendants case that was a prosecution for
accessory to her twelve-year-old sons felony shooting of her ex-husband. The
lower court held that the defendant could not be an accessory to a felony
because her son was not an adult who could be charged with a felony. Did the
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals reverse the lower court and permit the
defendant to be tried as an accessory? Why or why not? The case is available at

[1] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 274 4, accessed January 16,
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[2] Haw. Rev. Stat. 710-1030, accessed January 26,

[3] Va. Code Ann. 18.2-19, accessed December 26, 2010,
[4] N.R.S. 195.030, accessed December 26, 2010,
[5] Haw. Rev. Stat. 710-1030, accessed October 10,
[6] Minn. Stat. Ann. 609.495, accessed December 23,
[7] Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13 5, accessed December 23,
[8] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 274 4, accessed December 26,
[9] Haw. Rev. Stat. 710-1030, accessed January 9,
[10] Idaho Code Ann. 18-206, accessed January 9,

7.4 End-of-Chapter Material

Often more than one criminal defendant participates in the commission of a crime. Defendants
working together with a common criminal purpose are acting with complicity and are responsible
for the same crimes, to the same degree.
At early common law, there were four parties to a crime. A principal in the first degree actually
committed the crime. A principal in the second degree was present at the crime scene and assisted
in the crimes commission. An accessory before the fact was not present at the crime scene but
helped prepare for the crimes commission. An accessory after the fact helped a party after he or
she committed a crime by providing aid in escaping or avoiding arrest and prosecution or
conviction. In modern times, there are only two parties to a crime: a principal, who is in the same
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category with his or her accomplice(s), and accessory(ies). Principals actually commit the crime,
and they and their accomplices are criminally responsible for it. Accessories play the same role as
accessories after the fact at common law.
The criminal act element required to be an accomplice in most jurisdictions is assistance in the
commission of a crime. Words are enough to constitute the accomplice criminal act. Mere
presence at the scene, even presence at the scene combined with flight after the crimes
commission, is not enough to constitute the accomplice criminal act unless there is a legal duty to
The criminal intent element required for accomplice liability in many jurisdictions is specific
intent or purposely to commit the crime at issue. In some states, general intent or knowingly that
the principal will commit the crime creates an inference of intent if the offense is serious. In a
minority of jurisdictions, general intent or knowingly that the principal will commit the crime is
The natural and probable consequences doctrine holds accomplices criminally responsible for all
crimes the principal commits that are reasonably foreseeable. In many jurisdictions an
accomplice can be prosecuted for a crime the principal commits even if the principal is not
prosecuted or acquitted.
Vicarious liability transfers criminal responsibility from one party to another because of a special
relationship. Vicarious liability is common between employers and employees and is the basis for
corporate criminal liability. Pursuant to modern corporate criminal liability, a corporation can be
fined for a crime(s) a corporate agent or employee commits during the scope of employment. The
corporate agent or employee also is criminally responsible for his or her conduct. In general, the
law disfavors individual criminal vicarious liability. The law in this area is evolving as the
incidence of juveniles committing crimes increases.
In modern times, an accessory is the equivalent of an accessory after the fact at common law. The
criminal act element required for an accessory is providing assistance to a principal in escape,
avoiding detection, or arrest and prosecution, or conviction for the commission of a felony, highlevel misdemeanor, or any crime, depending on the jurisdiction. Words are enough to constitute

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the accessory criminal act. Several jurisdictions exempt family members from criminal
responsibility for acting as an accessory.
The criminal intent element required for an accessory in most jurisdictions is general intent or
knowingly that the principal committed a crime, and specific intent or purposely that the
principal escape, avoid detection, or arrest and prosecution, or conviction for the offense.
Accessory is a separate crime that is usually graded as a misdemeanor, although some
jurisdictions grade accessory as a felony.


You are a law professor searching for cases to illustrate certain legal concepts for your students.
Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide which legal concept it represents. Check your
answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendants vehicle matched the description of a vehicle seen in the vicinity
of a burglary before the burglary, during the burglary, and after the burglary. The
defendant claimed that the evidence was insufficient to prove he was an
accomplice to the burglary. Does this case illustrate the legal concept
ofaccomplice act, accomplice intent, or both? Read Collins v. State, 438 So. 2d
1036 (1983). The case is available at this
2. The defendants, foster parents, were found guilty as accomplices to the felony
murder of their two-year-old foster daughter. Although both defendants testified
that the victim died from injuries experienced after a fall from a swing, medical
experts reported that the victims injuries were inconsistent with that testimony
and appeared to be the result of child abuse. The jury convicted the defendants
as accomplices to felony murder after a jury instruction stating that an omission
to act could constitute the criminal act element for accomplice liability when
there is a duty to act, and parents have a legal duty to come to the aid of their
children. Does this case illustrate the legal concept of omission to act, statutory
interpretation, or both? Read State v. Jackson, 137 Wn. 2d 712 (1999). The case
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is available at this link:

3. The defendant, an electrical contracting company, was found guilty of violating
OSHA regulations that led to an employees death. The victim, an apprentice in
training, touched a live electrical wire and died from electrocution. The OSHA
statute in question required willful conduct on behalf of the company. The jury
instruction on willful stated that a company acted willfully or knowingly if
individual employees of that company acted knowingly. The evidence indicated
that some employees knew or were aware of live wiring in the vicinity of the
accident. The defendant appealed and claimed that the jury instruction should
have stated that a company acted willfully or knowingly if individual employees
acted knowingly and had a duty to report that knowledge to the company. Does
this case illustrate the legal concept of criminal intent, vicarious liability,
or both? Read U.S. v. L.E. Meyers Co., 562 F.3d 845 (2009). The case is available
at this
4. The defendant was convicted of both first-degree murder and accessory after the
fact to that murder. The trial court did not instruct the jury that the offenses
were mutually exclusive and that they could only convict the defendant of one or
the other. The defendant appealed on the basis that he was entitled to a jury
instruction that prevented a conviction on both murder and accessory after the
fact to murder. Does this case illustrate the legal concept of the criminal
elements required for accessory after the fact, the criminal elements required
for murder, or both? Read State v. Melvin, No. 382PA09 (North Carolina 2010).
The case is available at this link:

Cases of Interest

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State v. Merida-Medina, 191 P.3d 708 (2008), discusses accomplice


State v. Guminga, 395 N.W.2d 344 (1986), discusses vicarious liability and due

Staten v. State, 519 So. 2d 622 (1988), discusses principal and accessory criminal

Articles of Interest

Spectator liability in gang


Corporate criminal
liability: -liability-s.php

Criminal vicarious liability in


Website of Interest

White collar crime blog


Statistics of Interest

FBI statistics on pending corporate and securities fraud


Answers to Exercises
From Section 7.1 "Parties to Crime"

1. Penelope could be charged with and convicted of robbery as an accomplicein

many jurisdictions. Penelope assisted Justin by telling him what time the security
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guard took his break. Although Penelope was not present at the scene, if the trier
of fact determines that Penelope had the proper criminal intent required for
accomplice liability (specific intent or purposely or general
intent or knowingly, depending on the jurisdiction) then Penelope can be held
accountable for this crime. Note that Penelope assisted Justin with words and
that words are enough to constitute the criminal act element required for
accomplice liability.
2. The Supreme Court of Minnesota reversed the defendants murder conviction,
holding that the Minnesota Accomplice Liability Statute required more than
passive acquiescence as a criminal act element. The court held that evidence of
conduct occurring after the crime could raise an inference of
participationbefore or during the crimes commission, but in this case, the
evidence was insufficient to uphold the verdict.
3. The Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas upheld the defendants conviction
because the video of the defendants confession corroborated the accomplices
testimony. The court specifically held that corroborating evidence does not have
to be enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed
the crime; it only has to tend to connect him to the offense. [1]

Answers to Exercises
From Section 7.2 "Vicarious Liability"

1. ABC Corporation probably is not vicariously liable for criminal homicide because
Brads reckless conduct did not occur during the scope of employment; the
criminal homicide occurred as Brad was driving home. However, if Brad were
required to work while driving home (by making work-related phone calls, for
example), vicarious liability could be present in this instance.
2. The Criminal Court of the City of New York upheld the order to stand trial,
holding that the prosecution was within its rights to charge the members of the
board of directors under the statute. The court stated that whether the board of

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directors could be held vicariously liable was a question of fact to be determined

by the judge or jury at trial.
3. The jury instruction explains that the statute criminalizes vicarious liability,
not accomplice liability. The defendant could also be charged as a principal or
accessory under section (a) of the statute.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 7.3 "Accessory"

1. Cory has probably committed the crime of accessory in most jurisdictions.

Corys response to the police officers question was false, and it appears to be
made with the intent to help Amanda escape detection. Note that Cory renders
assistance using words, but words are enough to constitute the criminal act
element required for accessory. Cory is not an accomplice to Amandas crime
because she did not act to assist Amanda with the parking meter destruction and
theft; she only acted after the crime was committed. Her failure to report the
crime is probably not an omission to act because it is extremely unlikely that a
statute exists requiring individuals to report theft committed in their presence,
creating a legal duty to act. A potential defense to accessory would be
the family relationship, which creates an exemption to accessory in some
2. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the defendants conviction
for harboring a fugitive because the statute at issue was justified by
the compelling government interest in apprehending deadbeat parents. The
court reversed the accessory conviction on separate grounds (an improperly
drafted indictment).
3. The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals reversed the lower court and allowed
the defendant to be prosecuted for accessory. The court held that it is not
necessary for the principal to be charged with or convicted of a felony to
prosecute another for accessory to that felony, so the childs age or
prosecutability is irrelevant.
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Answer to Law and Ethics Question


Insisting that at least one individual employee of the corporation commit a crime
with the requisite intent before imposing vicarious liability upon the corporation
is ethical, and it promotes justice. Aggregating intent could have far-reaching
consequences outside the arena of vicarious corporate liability. For example, it
could create unfair and overly harsh sentencing if extended to accomplice
liability. When accomplices work together, at least one accomplice must possess
the intent for the crime to hold other accomplices responsible. Imagine the
possibilities if the accomplices intent could be aggregated and raised to a more
sinister level. Accomplices working together to commit a misdemeanor could be
prosecuted for a serious and unforeseeable felony if their intents could be
combined and elevated. Vicarious corporate liability is already a legal fiction
because it transfers criminal responsibility for conduct from an individual to a
business entity. This transfer of liability punishes the owners of the corporation
for crimes they did not commit. If prosecutors could stretch the fiction further by
combining the intents of various corporate employees and elevating them, this
would not comport with notions of fairness.

Answers to You Be the Law Professor


In this case, the District Court of Appeal of Florida held that the evidence was
insufficient to support either the criminal act element or the criminal intent
element required to be an accomplice. First, the court held that the identification
of the vehicle proved mere presence at the scene, which is not sufficient to
constitute the accomplice criminal act. The court thereafter held that an inference
of intent to commit burglary was inappropriate when the prosecution did not
prove the criminal act that was the basis of the inference. Thus you can use this
case to illustrate the legal concepts of accomplicecriminal act and intent.

2. In this case, the Supreme Court of Washington reviewed the accomplice liability
statute and noted that it did not include omission to act. The statute was
predicated on the Model Penal Code 2.06(3)(a)(iii), which expressly includes
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omission to act as sufficient for accomplice liability when there is a legal duty to
act, so the court held that the Washington State Legislatures rejection of
omission to act in the accomplice liability statute was deliberate. The court
reversed the felony murder convictions because the jury instruction did not
comport with the statute (RCW 9A.08.020 (3)) as they interpreted it. The court
also expressly stated that in Washington, omission to act cannot create
accomplice liability. Thus you can use this case to illustrate the legal concepts
of statutory interpretation and omission to act.
3. The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that the jury instruction
should include the individual employees duty to report knowledge or
awareness of dangerous conditions when defining willful conduct under the
OSHA statute. The court held that an individual employees knowledge or
awareness could not be imputed to the company unless the individual employee
had a duty to report that knowledge. The courts holding focused onwhen a court
should impute criminal intent to an employer or company and the definition of
criminal intent under the statute. Thus you can use this case to illustrate the legal
concepts of vicarious liability and criminal intent.
4. The North Carolina Supreme Court discussed the elements of first-degree
murder, aiding and abetting first-degree murder, and accessory after the fact to
murder. The court reached the conclusion that first-degree murder and accessory
after the fact to that murder are mutually exclusive, based on the criminal
elements required for each offense. Thus you can use this case to illustrate the
legal concepts of the elements of first-degree murder andthe elements of
accessory after the fact.

Chapter 8
Inchoate Offenses

And so long as the partnership in crime continues, the partners act for each other in carrying it forward.

Pinkerton v. U.S., cited in Section 8.2.4 "Consequences of Conspiracy"

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8.1 Attempt

Define an inchoate crime.

2. Distinguish between general and specific attempt statutes.

3. Identify and describe the four tests jurisdictions use to ascertain the criminal act
element required for attempt.
4. Define preparatory crimes.
5. Define the criminal intent element required for attempt.
6. Identify two potential defenses to attempt.
7. Distinguish between factual and legal impossibility.
8. Define voluntary abandonment.
9. Describe merger and explain the way it affects attempt crimes.
10. Analyze the relationship between transferred intent and attempt.
11. Distinguish between the grading of attempt and the completed crime.
Attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation are considered inchoate crimes. Inchoatemeans just begun,
incipient, in the early stages.


Inchoate crimes can be left unfinished, or incomplete. Although attempt

never results in the finished criminal offense, both conspiracy and solicitation could give rise to separate
completed crimes.
The rationale supporting punishment for an inchoate crime is prevention anddeterrence. If a
defendant could not be apprehended until a crime is finished, law enforcement would not be able to
intervene and avert injury to victim(s) or property. In addition, a defendant who is unable to complete a
crime would try again and again, free from any criminal consequences.
The difficulty in holding a defendant accountable for an inchoate or incomplete crime is ascertaining
the level of progress necessary to impute criminal responsibility, which is especially daunting
with attempt, because in every instance the crime is left unfinished, as is discussed in .

Synopsis of the History of Attempt

At early English common law, attempt was not a crime.


Gradually, the law evolved, and a

defendant who committed attempt resulting in severe harm was punished for a minor crime,
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typically a misdemeanor. One of the first documented cases of attempt was Rex v. Scofield, Cald.
397 (1784).


In Scofield, a servant was convicted of a misdemeanor for attempting to burn down

his masters house with a lighted candle. A subsequent case, Rex v. Higgins, 102 Eng. Rep. 269
(K.B. 1801), upheld an indictment for attempted theft and firmly established the crime of attempt
in English jurisprudence. In modern times, most states criminalize attempt, the majority in
statutes, except in some states that permit common-law crimes. However, even in statutes, the
word attempt is often left undefined, forcing courts to derive the meaning from common-law

Attempt Statutes
In general, there are two types of attempt statutes. Some states have general attempt statutes

that set forth attempt elements and apply them to any criminal offense. Other states and the
federal government have specific attempt statutes that define attempt according
to specified crimes, such as murder, robbery, or rape.


Keep in mind that several states do not

criminalize attempt in a statute and consider it a common-law crime.


Attempt Act
The criminal act element required for attempt varies, depending on the jurisdiction.
As stated, thoughts are not criminal acts. Thus a defendant does not commit attempt by plotting
or planning an offense. An extension of this rule dictates that mere preparation is not enough to
constitute the attempt criminal act element.


However, the crux of any attempt case is how

close to completing the offense the defendant must get to fulfill the attempt criminal act
requirement. In many statutes and cases, the attempt act is loosely defined to allow the trier of
fact the flexibility needed to separate true criminal attempt from noncriminal preparation.
Jurisdictions use four tests to ascertain whether the defendant has committed the attempt
criminal act: proximity test, res ipsa loquitur test,probable desistance test, and the Model Penal
Codes substantial steps test.

Proximity Test
The proximity test measures the defendants progress by examining how close the defendant is
to completing the offense. The distance measured is the distance between preparation for the
offense and successful termination. It is the amount left to be done, not what has already been
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done, that is analyzed.


In some jurisdictions, if the defendants criminal intent is clear, the

defendant does not need to come as close to completion of the offense.

does not have to reach the last step before completion,



Generally, the defendant

although many defendants do.

Example of the Proximity Test

Melissa and Matthew decide they want to poison their neighbors dog because it barks loudly and
consistently every night. Melissa buys some rat poison at the local hardware store. Matthew coats
a raw filet mignon with the poison and throws it over the fence into the neighbors yard.
Fortuitously, the neighbors are on an overnight camping trip, and the dog is with them. The next
day, after a night of silence, Melissa feels regret and climbs over the fence to see what happened to
the dog. When she sees the filet untouched on the ground, she picks it up and takes it back over
the fence, later disposing of it in the trash. If Melissa and Matthew are in a jurisdiction that
follows the proximity test, Melissa and Matthew have probably committed the criminal act
element required for attempt. Melissa and Matthew finished every act necessary to commit the
crime of destruction of property or animal cruelty (poisoning the dog). The only reason the crime
was not successfully consummated was the absence of the dog, which is a circumstance outside
their control. Thus Melissa and Matthew could most likely be charged with and convicted of this
offense. If Melissa bought the rat poison but thereafter changed her mind and talked Matthew out
of poisoning the dog, her actions would be a preparation, not a positive step toward commission
of the crime. If Matthew coated the filet with poison but then changed his mind and threw the
filet away, he would still be too far away from completing the offense. However, once the filet is
thrown over the fence, the crime is proximate to completion; the only step left is the victims
(dogs) participation.

Res Ipsa Loquitur Test

Res ipsa loquitur means the thing speaks for itself.


The res ipsa loquitur test, also called

the unequivocality test, analyzes the facts of each case independently. Under res ipsa loquitur
or unequivocality, the trier of fact must determine that at the moment the
defendant stopped progressing toward completion of the offense, it was clear that the defendant
had no other purpose than commission of the specific crime at issue. This determination is based
on the defendants actwhich manifests the intent to commit the crime.
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Example of the Res Ipsa Loquitur Test

Harry wants to kill his wife Ethel for the proceeds of her life insurance policy. Harry contacts his
friend Joe, who is reputed to be a hit man, and sets up a meeting for the next day. Harry meets
with Joe and asks him if he will murder Ethel for one thousand dollars. Joe agrees, and Harry
pulls out a wad of cash and pays him. Unfortunately for Harry, Joe is a law enforcement decoy. If
the state in which Harry paid Joe recognizes the res ipsa loquitur or unequivocality test,
Harry has most likely committed attempted murder (along with solicitation to commit murder,
which is discussed shortly). Harrys actions in contacting and thereafter hiring and paying Joe to
kill Ethel indicate that he has no other purpose than the commission of Ethels murder. Hiring
and paying a hit man is more than just preparation. Note that evidence of Ethels life insurance
policy is not needed to prove the attempt act. Harrys conduct speaks for itself, which is the
essence of res ipsa loquitur or unequivocality.

Probable Desistance Test

The probable desistance test examines how far the defendant has progressed toward
commission of the crime, rather than analyzing how much the defendant has left to accomplish.
Pursuant to this test, a defendant commits attempt when he or she has crossed a line beyond
which it is probable he or she will not desist unless there is an interruption from some outside
source, law enforcement, or circumstances beyond his or her control.


Example of the Probable Desistance Test

Judy, who works at Zales jewelry store, tells her Facebook friends that she is going to steal a
diamond necklace out of the safe that evening. Judy drives to Zales at eleven oclock after the
store has closed. She enters the building using her key and quickly disables the store alarm. She
then turns off the store security camera. As she crouches down by the safe and begins to enter the
combination, all the lights go on and she blinks, startled by the sight of several police officers
pointing their guns at her. If the state in which Judy lives follows the probable desistance test,
Judy has most likely committed attempted larceny, along with burglary. Judy informed others of
her plan, drove to the crime scene, entered the building unlawfully, disabled the store alarm, and
turned off the store security camera. This series of actions indicate that Judy crossed a point of no

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return. It is unlikely that Judy would have desisted without the law enforcement interruption,
which fulfills the attempt act requirement pursuant to the probable desistance test.

Model Penal Code Substantial Steps Test

The Model Penal Code developed the substantial steps test in response to the large variance
between different jurisdictions in evaluating the criminal act element required for attempt. The
substantial steps test is intended to clarify and simplify the attempt act analysis, to
prevent arbitrary application. It is also a test that is more likely to result in a conviction because
it classifies as substantial those acts the other tests might consider only preparatory.


The substantial steps test has two parts. First, the defendant must take substantial steps toward
completion of the crime. As the Model Penal Code states, [a] person is guilty of an attempt to
commit a crime ifhedoesanything whichis an act or omission constituting a substantial
step in a course of conduct planned to culminate in his commission of the crime (Model Penal
Code 5.01(1)(c)). Second, the defendants actions must be strongly corroborative of the actors
criminal purpose (Model Penal Code 5.01(2)). To further elucidate the test, the Model Penal
Code provides seven examples of actions that constitute substantial steps, as long as they
arecorroborative of the defendants intent. The seven examples are lying in wait; enticing the
victim to go to the scene of the crime; investigating the potential scene of the crime; unlawfully
entering a structure or vehicle where the crime is to be committed; possessing materials that are
specially designed for unlawful use; possessing, collecting, or fabricating materials to be used in
the crimes commission; and soliciting an innocent agent to commit the crime (Model Penal Code

Example of the Substantial Steps Test

Kevin wants to rob an armored car that delivers cash to the local bank. After casing the bank for
two months and determining the date and time that the car makes its delivery, Kevin devises a
plan that he types on his computer. On the date of the next delivery, Kevin hides a weapon in his
jacket pocket and makes his way on foot to the bank. Thereafter, he hides in an alley and waits for
the truck to arrive. When the truck drives up and parks in front of the bank, Kevin walks over to
the drivers door and reaches for his weapon. He is immediately apprehended by a security guard
who saw him emerge from the alley. If Kevin is in a substantial steps jurisdiction, he has
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probably committed the criminal act element required for attempt. Kevin cased the bank, planned
the robbery, showed up on the appointed date and time with a concealed weapon, and hid in an
alley to wait for the truck to appear. These actions are (1) investigating the potential scene of the
crime, (2) possessing materials to be used in the crimes commission, and (3) lying in wait. Thus
Kevin has completed three substantial steps that corroborate his intent as expressed in the plan
he typed, which is most likely sufficient to constitute the attempt criminal act element under the
Model Penal Code.

Figure 8.1 Various Tests for Attempt Act

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Figure 8.2 Crack the Code

Preparatory Crimes
Some states have statutes criminalizing behavior that would be considered preparatoryunder any
of the four attempt act tests. For example, some statutes prohibit the merepossession of burglars


or even the manufacture of burglars tools.


A defendant could be convicted of a

preparatory crime and attempt if the criminal act element for both is present under the

Example of a Preparatory Crime and Attempt

Hal manufactures a lock pick and takes it to the local coin shop, which is closed. Hal takes the
lock pick out and begins to insert it into the coin shop doorknob. A security guard apprehends Hal
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before he is able to pick the lock. If Hal is in a jurisdiction that prohibits the manufacture of
burglars tools, he probably could be charged with and convicted of manufacture of burglars
tools and attempted burglary because he has committed the criminal act element required for
both of these offenses.

Attempt Intent
The criminal intent element required for attempt in the majority of jurisdictions is thespecific
intent or purposely to commit the crime at issue.


Generally, no such thing exists

as reckless or negligent attempt. Thus if the prosecution fails to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that the defendant acted purposefully with intent to commit the crime attempted, this could
operate as a failure of proof defense.

Example of a Case Lacking Attempt Intent

Eric is hiking in a jurisdiction that criminalizes reckless burning. Eric pauses in front of a sign
that states Fire Danger Today: High. Eric reads the sign, pulls out a cigarette, lights it, and
throws the lit match into some dry brush near the sign. He starts hiking and when he finishes his
cigarette, he tosses the lit cigarette butt into some arid grass. Neither the brush nor the grass
burns. Eric probably does not have the requisite criminal intent for attempted reckless burning.
Attempt requires purposefulconduct. Erics conduct is reckless because he is aware of a risk
and disregards it. If Eric takes the match or lit cigarette and tries to ignite a fire with them, it is
likely that he has the appropriate criminal intent for attempted arson. However, in this case Erics
actions demonstrate careless behavior that probably is not sufficient for the crime of attempt.

Defenses to Attempt
Along with failure of proof defenses to the criminal act and criminal intent
elements,legal impossibility and voluntary abandonment can also function as affirmative defenses
to attempt in many jurisdictions.

Impossibility as a Defense to Attempt

Two types of impossibility defenses exist: legal impossibility, which can function as a defense
to attempt, and factual impossibility, which generally cannot. Legal impossibility means that the
defendant believes what he or she is attempting to do isillegal, when it is not. Factual
impossibility means that the defendant could not complete the crime attempted because
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the facts are not as he or she believes them to be. The Model Penal Code disallows factual
impossibility as a defense by stating that conduct is an attempt when the defendant purposely
engages in conduct which would constitute the crime if the attendant circumstances were as he
believes them to be (Model Penal Code 5.01(1) (a)).

Example of Legal Impossibility

Review the example given in with Melissa and Matthew and the attempted poisoning of the
neighbors dog. Assume that Melissa is eighteen. Melissa believes that an individual must be
twenty-one to purchase rat poison because that is the law in the state where she lived five years
ago. Actually, the state in which Melissa currently resides allows the purchase of rat poison by
those who are eighteen or older. The first store Melissa enters asks for identification when she
tries to pay for the rat poison, so Melissa makes an excuse and leaves. The second store Melissa
enters does not ask for identification, and she successfully makes the rat poison purchase. Melissa
has probably not attempted to purchase rat poison illegally in the first store she entered. Melissas
act in attempting to purchase the rat poison is legal under the circumstances. Thus her mistaken
belief that she is attempting to commit a crime does not transform this legal act into
an illegal one.

Example of Factual Impossibility

Recall from the example given in that Matthew threw a filet coated with rat poison over the fence
into the neighbors yard with the intent to poison the neighbors dog. Both Melissa and Matthew
are under the mistaken belief that the dog is present and will eat the filet. However, the dog is on
an overnight camping trip with its owners. Thismistake of fact probably will not excuse Melissa
and Matthews attempt. Melissa and Matthew purposely engaged in conduct that would result in
the poisoning of the dog if the facts were as Melissa and Matthew believed them to be. Thus
Melissa and Matthew have most likely committed attempted destruction of property or animal
cruelty regardless of the fact that their plan could not succeed under the circumstances.

Voluntary Abandonment as a Defense to Attempt

Many jurisdictions allow a defendant who voluntarily abandons the planned offense to use
this abandonment as an affirmative defense to attempt.


The defense has two parts. First, the

defendant must have a change of heart that is not motivated by an increased possibility of
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detection, or a change in circumstances that make the crimes commission more difficult. As the
Model Penal Code states, it is an affirmative defense that he abandoned his effort to commit the
crimeunder circumstances manifesting a complete and voluntary renunciation of his criminal
purpose[R]enunciation of criminal purpose is not voluntary if it is motivatedby
circumstanceswhich increase the probability of detectionor which make more difficult the
accomplishment of the criminal purpose (Model Penal Code 5.01(4)). Second, the
abandonment must be complete and cannot simply be a postponement. Under the Model Penal
Code, [r]enunciation is not complete if it is motivated by a decision to postpone the criminal
conduct until a more advantageous time or to transfer the criminal effort to another but
similarvictim (Model Penal Code 5.01(4)). The voluntary abandonment defense gives
defendants incentive to stop progressing toward consummation of the offense and prevents the
crime from occurring without the need for law enforcement intervention.

Example of Voluntary Abandonment as a Defense to Attempt

Review the example with Melissa and Matthew in . If Melissa changes her mind after purchasing
the rat poison and talks Matthew out of poisoning the neighbors dog, Melissa has voluntarily
abandoned the crime and cannot be charged with attempt. If Matthew changes his mind after
coating the filet with rat poison and throws the filet away, Matthew has voluntarily
abandoned the crime and cannot be charged with attempt. Note that both Melissas and
Matthews actions are in the very early stages of the crime of destruction of property or animal
cruelty and probably will be considered preparatory, rather than constituting the criminal act
element required for attempt. When Melissa climbs over the fence, picks up the filet, and takes it
back to her house for disposal, it is most likely too late to voluntarily abandon the crime. At this
point, the crime of attempt has already been committed, and neither voluntary
abandonmentnor factual impossibility can function as defenses.

Attempt merges into the crime if the crime is completed in many jurisdictions, which means that
the defendant cannot be charged with attempt and the completed crime.

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Example of Merger
Review the example with Melissa and Matthew in . Change the facts, and assume that the
neighbors dog eats the poisoned filet and dies. Melissa and Matthew probably cannot be charged
with attempted destruction of property or animal cruelty anddestruction of property or animal
cruelty in many jurisdictions. Once the crime is complete, the attempt crime merges into the
consummated offense, and Melissa and Matthew may be charged only with destruction of
property or animal cruelty.
Figure 8.3 Defenses to Attempt

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Attempt and Transferred Intent

Recall from that a defendants criminal intent can transfer from the intended victim to
the actual victim in some jurisdictions. If the intent is transferred, the defendant may be
criminally responsible for the consummated offense against the eventual victim and
forattempt against the intended victim.

Example of Attempt and Transferred Intent

Review the example with Melissa and Matthew in . Change the facts, and assume that the
neighbors cat licks the poison off the filet and thereafter dies. If Melissa and Matthew are in a
jurisdiction that recognizes transferred intent, they may be charged
with attempted destruction of property or animal cruelty for trying to poison the neighbors dog
and destruction of property or animal cruelty for actually poisoning and killing the neighbors cat.

Attempt Grading
Jurisdictions vary as to how they grade attempt. Some jurisdictions follow the common law and
grade attempt lower than the completed offense.


Other jurisdictions punish attempt the

same as the attempted offense, with exceptions for certain specified crimes.

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Figure 8.4 Diagram of Attempt


An inchoate crime is a crime that might not be completed.

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General attempt statutes set forth the elements of attempt and apply them to
any crime. Specific attempt statutes define attempt according to specified
crimes, such as attempted murder, robbery, or rape.

The four tests jurisdictions use to ascertain the criminal act element required for
attempt are proximity, res ipsa loquitur, probable desistance, and substantial

The proximity test determines how close the defendant is to committing the
crime by analyzing how much is left to accomplish after preparation for the

The res ipsa loquitur test, also called the unequivocality test, examines the
defendants actions at a moment in time to determine whether the defendant
has no other purpose than committing the crime at issue.

The probable desistance test analyzes whether the defendant has progressed so
far that it is probable he or she will not desist without interruption from law
enforcement or other intervening circumstances.

The substantial steps test is the Model Penal Code test and ascertains whether
the defendant has completed substantial steps toward commission of the crime
that are corroborative of the defendants criminal intent.

Preparatory crimes criminalize preparing to commit a crime, which would be a

stage that is too premature to constitute the criminal act element required for

The criminal intent element required for attempt is specific intent or purposely to
commit the crime at issue.

Aside from failure of proof defenses to attempt act and intent, two potential
defenses to attempt are legal impossibility and voluntary abandonment.

Factual impossibility means the defendant cannot complete the crime because
the facts are not as the defendant believes them to be. Factual impossibility is
generally not a defense to attempt. Legal impossibility means the defendant

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believes he or she is attempting to commit a crime, but the defendants actions

are actually legal. Legal impossibility is generally a defense to attempt.

Voluntary abandonment is when the defendant voluntarily and completely

withdraws from commission of the offense before it is consummated.

In many jurisdictions, attempt merges into the offense if it is completed, which

means that a defendant cannot be charged with attempt and the completed

In a jurisdiction that allows for transferred intent, a defendants intent can

transfer from the intended victim to the actual victim. The defendant can
thereafter be criminally responsible for the completed crime against the actual
victim and attempt against the intended victim.

Some jurisdictions grade attempt lower than the completed offense; others
grade attempt the same as the completed offense, with exceptions.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Carol shoots her father Carl with malice aforethought. He thereafter lingers in a
coma for two months and then dies. Carol is in a jurisdiction that recognizes
merger for attempt and that also requires a victim to die within one year and a
day if the defendant is to be charged with murder. Can Carol be charged with
attempted murder and murder? Why or why not?
2. Read State v. Withrow, 8 S.W.3d 75 (1999). In Withrow, the defendant made
frequent visits to a house that was under law enforcement surveillance. While
searching the house pursuant to a search warrant, law enforcement officers saw
the defendant emerging from a bedroom that had a locked closet containing a jar
with pills dissolving in it, which is the first step of methamphetamine production.
The defendant was convicted of attempted methamphetamine production and
received a sentence of eighteen years in prison. Did the Supreme Court of
Missouri uphold the defendants conviction? The case is available at this
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3. Read People v. Strand, 539 N.W.2d 739 (1995). In Strand, the defendant was
convicted of assault with intent to commit attempted kidnapping. Did the
Michigan Court of Appeals uphold this conviction? The case is available at this

[1], accessed December 28, 2010, Definition of
[2] Stephen J. Schulhofer, Dan M. Kahan, Attempt, website, accessed December 26,
[3] Stephen J. Schulhofer, Dan M. Kahan, Attempt, website, accessed December 26,
[4] Tex. Penal Code 15.01, accessed December 27,
[5] 18 U.S.C. 1113, accessed June 28,
[6] Grill v. State, 337 Md. 91 (1995), accessed December 27,
[7] People v. Luna, 170 Cal. App. 4th 535 (2009), accessed December 27,
[8] Commonwealth v. Hamel, 52 Mass. App. Ct. 250 (2001), accessed December 29,
[9] People v. Dillon, 668 P.2d 697 (1983), accessed December 29,
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[10] People v. Dillon, 668 P.2d 697 (1983), accessed December 29,
[11], Definition of Res Ipsa Loquitur, accessed December 29,
[12] Hamiel v. Wisconsin, 285 N.W.2d 639 (1979), accessed December 30,
[13] See discussion in U.S. v. Mandujano, 499 F.2d 370, 373 fn. 5 (1974), accessed December 30,
[14] People v. Dillon, 668 P.2d 697, 720, fn.1 (1983), accessed December 30,
[15] N.Y. Penal Law 140.35, accessed December 31, 2010,
[16] Conn. Gen. Stat. 53a-106, accessed December 31,
[17] N. Y. Penal Law 110.00, accessed December 31, 2010,
[18] Fla. Stat. Ann. 777.04(5) (a), accessed December 31,
[19] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-4-2, accessed January 28, 2011,
[20] Mo. Ann. Stat. 564.011, accessed December 31,
[21] Conn. Gen. Stat. 53-a-51, accessed December 31,

8.2 Conspiracy

Explain why conspiracy is an inchoate crime.

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2. Define the criminal act element required for conspiracy.

3. Compare the conspiracy overt act requirement with the criminal act element
required for attempt.
4. Define the criminal intent element required for conspiracy.
5. Ascertain whether a coconspirator can be criminally responsible when another
coconspirator is not prosecuted or acquitted.
6. Ascertain whether a coconspirator must know every other coconspirator to be
guilty of conspiracy.
7. Distinguish between a wheel and chain conspiracy.
8. Define the Pinkerton rule.
9. Define Whartons rule.
10. Identify an affirmative defense to conspiracy.
11. Ascertain whether merger applies to conspiracy.
12. Compare various approaches to conspiracy grading.
13. Define federal RICO.
Conspiracy punishes defendants for agreeing to commit a criminal offense. Conspiracy is an inchoate crime
because it is possible that the defendants never will commit the planned offense. However, a conspiracy is
complete as soon as the defendants become complicit and commit the conspiracy act with
the conspiracy intent. The rationale for punishing defendants for planning activity, which generally is
not sufficient to constitute the crime of attempt, is the increased likelihood of success when defendants work
together to plot and carry out a criminal offense.


If the defendants commit the crime that is the object of

the conspiracy, the defendants are responsible for the conspiracy and the completed crime, as is discussed
in Section 8.2.4 "Consequences of Conspiracy".

Conspiracy Act
In many jurisdictions, the criminal act element required for conspiracy is an agreement to
commit any criminal offense.


The agreement does not need to be formal or in writing.



states also criminalize as conspiracy the agreement to falsely indict another for a crime and the
agreement to falsely maintain any lawsuit, even a civil lawsuit.
conspiracy the agreement to commit a felony.
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Other states only criminalize as



In some states and federally, an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is also required.



Model Penal Code requires an overt act only when the planned crime is other than a felony of the
first or second degree (Model Penal Code 5.03(5)). The overt act does not have to
be criminal and may be planning or preparatory activity that would be insufficient to constitute
the criminal act element required for attempt.


Example of Conspiracy Act

Review the example with Melissa and Matthew in Section 8 "Res Ipsa Loquitur Test". In this
example, Melissa and Matthew agree to poison the neighbors dog because it barks every night.
After deciding they will poison the dog, Melissa buys rat poison, and Matthew thereafter coats a
filet mignon with it and throws it over the fence into the neighbors yard. In a jurisdiction that
defines the criminal act element for conspiracy as an agreement between two or more to commit a
criminal offense, Melissa and Matthew probably committed the conspiracy criminal act as soon
as they agreed to poison the dog. Their agreement could be verbal and does not need to be formal
or in writing. If Melissa and Matthew are in a jurisdiction that requires an overt act in
furtherance of the conspiracy, Melissa and Matthew probably have not committed the conspiracy
criminal act until Melissa buys the rat poison. Note that the purchase of the rat poison is not
sufficient to constitute the criminal act element required for attempteddestruction of property
or animal cruelty, as discussed in Section 8 "Res Ipsa Loquitur Test". However, it would likely be
enough to support the conspiracy to commit destruction of property or animal cruelty.

Conspiracy Intent
The essence of conspiracy is agreement, which requires two or more parties. However, the
modern approach is that a conspiracy may be formed as long as one of the parties has the
appropriate intent.


Pursuant to this unilateral view of conspiracy, a conspiracy may exist

between a defendant and a law enforcement decoy who is pretending to agree.

In the majority of jurisdictions, the criminal intent element required for conspiracy isspecific

intent or purposely to agree with another to commit the crime at issue. As the Model Penal
Code states, [a] person is guilty of conspiracyif with the purpose of promoting or facilitating its
commission he: (a) agrees with such other personthat theywill engage in conduct which
constitutes such crime (Model Penal Code 5.03(1) (a)). This intent has two components. The
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prosecution must prove that the conspirator intended to agree and also intended to commit the
underlying offense.


Example of Conspiracy Intent

Shelley and Sam meet at a bar and discuss their lack of finances. Shelley mentions that she and
her friend Steffy work at a convenience store. Sam asks Shelley if she would like to help him rob
the convenience store when Steffy is working. Shelley agrees. The two plan the robbery. Shelley
and Sam agree that Shelley will drive the getaway car on the appointed date and time. Shelley
informs Sam that Steffy is extremely meek and fearful and will readily hand over cash out of the
cash register if Sam uses a fake handgun. Shelley and Sam probably have the criminal intent
element required for conspiracy. Shelley and Sam have the intent to agree to work
together because they both need each other to successfully complete the convenience store
robbery. In addition, Shelley and Sam have the intent to successfully commit the robbery because
they both want the money the robbery will produce. Thus if no overt act is required in their
jurisdiction, Shelley and Sam most likely have completed the crime of conspiracy and may be
prosecuted for this offense whether or not the robbery actually takes place.

Conspiracy Parties
Similar to accomplice liability, the acquittal of or failure to prosecute one party to the

conspiracy does not relieve a coconspirator from criminal responsibility in many states.


addition, a coconspirator does not need to know every other coconspirator to be accountable as a
member of the conspiracy.


As long as the conspiracy defendant is aware that other

coconspirators exist, the mens rea for conspiracy is present. As the Model Penal Code states, [i]f
a person guilty of conspiracyknows that a person with whom he conspires to commit a crime
has conspired with another person or persons to commit the same crime, he is guilty of conspiring
with such other person or persons, whether or not he knows their identity (Model Penal Code
5.03(2)). Large-scale conspiracies, such as conspiracies to distribute contraband or illegal
firearms, may result in each member sharing criminal responsibility for the conspiracy and every
separate conspiracy transaction.
A conspiracy that has more than one criminal objective still can be just one conspiracy. Under the
Model Penal Code, [i]f a person conspires to commit a number of crimes, he is guilty of only one
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conspiracy so long as such multiple crimes are the object of the same agreement or continuous
conspiratorial relationship (Model Penal Code 5.03(3)).
It is useful to understand two basic large-scale conspiracy organizational formats: wheel and
chain conspiracies. A wheel conspiracy consists of a single conspirator, generally the ringleader
who is interconnected to every other coconspirator. The ringleader is the hub; the other
coconspirators are the spokes of the wheel. An example of a wheel conspiracy would be a mob
boss linked to individual members of the mob following his or her commands.
A chain conspiracy consists of coconspirators connected to each other like links in a chain but
without a central interconnected ringleader. An example of a chain conspiracy is a conspiracy to
manufacture and distribute a controlled substance, with the manufacturer linked to the
transporter, who sells to a large-quantity dealer, who thereafter sells to a smaller-quantity dealer,
who sells to a customer. Whether the conspiracy is wheel, chain, or otherwise, if the jurisdiction
has a statute or common-law rule that each member does not need to personally know every other
member as discussed previously, the coconspirators may be criminally responsible for
the conspiracy and the crime(s) it furthers.

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Figure 8.5 Comparison of Wheel and Chain Conspiracies

Consequences of Conspiracy
In some states and federally, individuals who enter into a conspiracy are criminally responsible
for every reasonably foreseeable crime committed in furtherance of the conspiracy.
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This rule

is called the Pinkerton rule, based on the US Supreme Court case that created it (Pinkerton v.
U.S., 328 U.S. 640 (1946).). One factor used to determine foreseeability is the degree of the
defendants involvement in the conspiracy. A defendant who plays a minor role is less likely to be
criminally responsible than a defendant who has a more substantive involvement.


Example of the Pinkerton Rule

Review the example in Section 8 "Example of Conspiracy Intent" with Shelley and Sam. Assume
that on the night of the convenience store robbery, Lucy, an armed, off-duty police officer,
wanders into the store to purchase cigarettes at the moment Sam pulls out his fake handgun. Lucy
yanks her concealed handgun out of her waistband and tells Sam to drop the weapon. Jolene,
another customer in the store, observes the two pointing guns at each other and suffers a fatal
heart attack. In many jurisdictions, both Shelley and Sam probably could be criminally
responsible for conspiracy to commit robbery, attempted robbery, and the murder of Jolene.
Shelley and Sam attempted to commit the robbery in furtherance of the conspiracy. Both played
a major role in the conspiracy and the attempted robbery. Thus both are accountable for the
foreseeable consequences. Robbery is a crime of violence, so a death that occurs during a robbery
is foreseeable, even though Sam is armed with only a pretend handgun. Thus Shelley and Sam
may be charged with and convicted of Jolenes murder, which is most likely felony murder. Felony
murder is discussed in detail in Chapter 9 "Criminal Homicide".

Whartons Rule
A criminal offense that requires two parties cannot be the object of a conspiracy that consists of
two parties. This rule is called Whartons rule, or the concert of action rule.


However, a

statute can expressly criminalize a conspiracy to commit any crime, abrogating the rule.
Currently, Whartons rule can operate as a judicialpresumption, to be applied in the absence of
legislative intent to the contrary.


Example of a Case Where Whartons Rule Is Inapplicable

Joanne and Robert conspire with Don, Joannes pimp, to engage in prostitution. Joanne and
Robert get caught in the act of engaging in prostitution by Edward, a police officer. Whartons rule
probably does not apply in this case. Although engaging in prostitution requires two parties, the
conspiracy to engage in prostitution has threemembersDon, Joanne, and Robert. Thus
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Whartons rule is likely inapplicable, and Don, Joanne, and Robert might have committed
conspiracy to engage in prostitution. Note that if only Joanne and Robert conspire to engage in
prostitution, Whartons rule may act as a judicial presumption that they cannot commit
conspiracy and the crime it furthers.

Renunciation as a Defense to Conspiracy

One potential affirmative defense to conspiracy is renunciation. Similar to voluntary
abandonment in attempt, renunciation can operate as a defense to conspiracy in some
jurisdictions if the defendant completely and voluntarily renounces the conspiracy.



renunciation must also thwart the crime that is the object of the conspiracy. The Model Penal
Code allows the defense and provides, It is an affirmative defense that the actor, after conspiring
to commit a crime, thwarted the success of the conspiracy, under circumstances manifesting a
complete and voluntary renunciation of his criminal purpose (Model Penal Code 5.03(6)).

Example of Renunciation
Review the example with Shelley and Sam in Section 8 "Example of Conspiracy Intent". In this
example, Shelley and Sam agree to commit a robbery at the convenience store where Steffy is a
cashier. Adjust the example so that Shelley has a change of heart and contacts law enforcement
about the robbery before she drives Sam to the convenience store in the getaway car. Law
enforcement officers ask Shelley to help them apprehend Sam, and she agrees. Shelley drives Sam
to the convenience store as planned. Two law enforcement officers dress in plainclothes and
pretend to be shopping in the convenience store when Sam arrives. As soon as Sam pulls out his
fake handgun, they arrest him. If Shelley is in a jurisdiction that recognizes
the renunciation defense, she probably will have a valid defense to a charge of conspiracy.
Although Shelley committed the criminal act for conspiracy with the requisite criminal intent,
shevoluntarily and completely renounced the conspiracy and thwarted the crime that was its
object. Thus Shelly has likely met the requirements of renunciation, and only Sam may be charged
with a crime or crimes in this scenario.

At early common law, conspiracy, which was a misdemeanor, merged into the completed felony
that was its object. The merger was based on the significant procedural differences between
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misdemeanor and felony trials. As the differences diminished, so did the merger concept. In
modern times, conspiracy does not merge into the completed offense.


Thus a defendant can be

charged with and convicted of conspiracy and any crime the conspiracy furthers, as is discussed
more fully in Section 8.2.4 "Consequences of Conspiracy".
Figure 8.6 Defenses to Conspiracy

Conspiracy Grading
Some states grade conspiracy the same as the most serious offense that is the conspiracys


Others grade conspiracy lower than the most serious conspired offense and do not

criminalize the conspiracy to commit a simple, low-level misdemeanor.

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Another view is to set a

separate penalty for the conspiracy to commit specific crimes.

punish conspiracy more severely than the crime conspired.


It is not unconstitutional to


Federal RICO
In response to an increase in organized crime, the federal government enacted
theRacketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) (18 U.S.C. 1961-1968)). RICO
provides extensive criminal penalties and also a civil cause of action for organized crime and
includes all offenses that are criminal under state or federal law. Although RICO was originally
intended to focus on sophisticated criminal businesses such as loan sharking, mafia, and highstakes gambling operations,


its modern application is much broader and encompasses many

white-collar crimes and small-time conspiracies. A criminal organization always involves more
than one member, and at the very least rudimentary planning, so conspiracy is a common RICO
charge and is often easier to prove than a completed criminal offense. Recently, RICO has been
criticized as being overused and applied in a manner inconsistent with its original purpose,
especially when it targets smaller, low-member criminal organizations. Some examples of
highly publicized RICO defendants are Hells Angels,


and Major League Baseball.


Catholic priests in sex abuse


Table 8.1 Comparison of Conspiracy and Accomplice Liability

Type of

Criminal Act


Agreement to commit a crime, false criminal

indictment, false lawsuit, or felony; some
Specific intent or purposely to
jurisdictions require an overt act in furtherance agree to commit the specified
of the conspiracy


Specific intent or purposely or

general intent or knowingly,
depending on the jurisdiction

Aid, assist commission of a crime

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Criminal Intent

Figure 8.7 Diagram of Conspiracy


Conspiracy is an inchoate crime because the defendants might never complete

the offense that is the conspiracys object.

The criminal act element required for conspiracy is an agreement to commit any
crime, commit a felony, falsely indict another for a crime, or falsely maintain any
lawsuit, depending on the jurisdiction.

The overt act required for conspiracy can be preparatory activity; the criminal act
element required for attempt must be more than mere preparation.

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The criminal intent element required for conspiracy is specific intent or purposely
to agree to commit the offense that is the conspiracys object.

The acquittal of or failure to prosecute one coconspirator does not prohibit the
prosecution of other coconspirators in some jurisdictions.

A coconspirator does not need to know every other coconspirator; as long as a

coconspirator is aware that there are other members, he or she can be criminally
responsible for conspiracy.

A wheel conspiracy connects all members to one central member. A chain

conspiracy interconnects the members in a linear fashion.

The Pinkerton rule holds conspiracy members criminally responsible for every
foreseeable crime committed in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Whartons rule could create a judicial presumption that a defendant cannot be

criminally responsible for conspiracy and the crime that is its object if the
conspiracy has only two members, and the crime that is its object requires two

Renunciation is an affirmative defense to conspiracy in some jurisdictions if the

defendant voluntarily and completely renounces the conspiracy and thwarts the
crime that is its object.

Generally, conspiracy does not merge like attempt; a defendant can be convicted
of conspiracy and the crime conspired.

Some jurisdictions grade conspiracy the same as the conspired offense; other
jurisdictions grade conspiracy lower than the conspired offense. It is not
unconstitutional to grade conspiracy higher than the offense that is its object.

Federal RICO is a statute that is designed to punish organized crime.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

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1. Gail and Roger conspire to commit a misdemeanor. In Gail and Rogers state,
conspiracy is punishable as a felony. Can Gail and Roger be convicted of a felony
for conspiring to commit a misdemeanor? Why or why not?
2. Read State v. Blackmer, 816 A.2d 1014 (2003). In Blackmer, the defendant
appealed his conviction for conspiracy to possess marijuana with intent to sell
because the individual with whom he was conspiring was a police decoy who did
not have conspiracy intent. Did the Supreme Court of New Hampshire uphold the
defendants conviction? The case is available at this
3. Read Commonwealth v. Roux, 350 A.2d 867 (1976). In Roux, the defendant was
convicted of murder and conspiracy to commit murder after a barroom brawl
resulted in a victims death. The defendant and others beat the victim with their
fists. Thereafter the criminal actor took a knife from a defendant who then
walked away. The criminal actor stabbed the victim, who died as a result. The
defendant who walked away claimed that he abandoned the conspiracy by
leaving before the stabbing, and this should be an affirmative defense to the
conspiracy and murder charges. Did the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania uphold
the defendants convictions? The case is available at this
L A W A N D E T H I C S : T H E H A N M U R D E R C O N S P I R A C Y
Did the Coconspirators Intend to Commit Murder?
Read People v. Han, 78 Cal. App. 4th 797 (2000). The case is available at this
In Han, a lurid California case involving twins, three defendants were convicted of burglary, false
imprisonment, and conspiracy to commit murder.


Two of the codefendants appealed on the

grounds that the evidence was insufficient to support the verdict of conspiracy to commit
murder. The codefendants claimed that the onlydirect evidence of intent to commit murder were
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statements made by the defendant Jeen Han before the conspiracy was formed, and defendant
Han could not conspire with herself.
The defendant Jeen Han and her twin sister Sunny had a long history of violence against each


Defendant Han became enraged when Sunny pressed charges against her for theft.

Testimonial evidence presented at trial showed that she expressed the intent to kill her
twin before any conspiracy was formed.
her sisters murder.



She actively sought out individuals to help her with

Thereafter, she met up with her teenaged cousin and a friend, the other

two codefendants. The three broke into Sunny Hans apartment, tied up Sunny and her
roommate at gunpoint and placed them in the bathtub, and then ransacked Sunnys purse.
Receipts produced at trial indicated a purchase of garbage bags, twine, utility tape, and Pine Sol
previous to the incident. The Court of Appeal of California held that although circumstantial, the
evidence supported the verdict. The court reasoned that the purchase of the twine, garbage bags,
utility tape, and Pine Sol, combined with the actions of the defendants in breaking into the
apartment, tying up the two roommates at gunpoint, and putting them in the bathtub, could be
interpreted as circumstantial evidence of intent to kill, and the trier of fact did not err in making
that conclusion.


1. Do you think it is ethical to impute Jeen Hans intent to murder her twin to the
two other coconspirators, based on the circumstantial evidence presented at
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.


[1] Dennis v. U.S., 341 U.S. 494 (1951), accessed January 3,
[2] Fla. Stat. Ann. 777.04(3), accessed January 1,

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[3] State v. Bond, 49 Conn. App. 183 (1998), accessed January 1, 2011,
[4] Cal. Penal Code 182(a) (2), (3), accessed January 2,
[5] Tex. Penal Code 15.02, accessed January 3, 2011,
[6] 18 U.S.C. 371, accessed January 1, 2011,
[7] State v. Verive, 627 P.2d 721 (1981), accessed January 1,
[8] Ind. Code 35-41-5-2(5), accessed January 1,
[9] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 3.3-1, accessed January 1,
[10] State v. Lewis, 220 Conn. 602 (1991), accessed January 2,
[11] Tex. Penal Code 15.02(c), accessed January 3,
[12] Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. 28-202(2), accessed January 3,
[13] U.S. v. Castaneda, 9 F.3d 761 (1993), accessed January 3,
[14] U.S. v. Castaneda, 9 F.3d 761 (1993), accessed January 3,
[15] USLegal, Definition of Whartons Rule, website, accessed January 3,

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[16] Ianelli v. U.S., 420 U.S. 770, 785 (1975), accessed January 3,
[17] N.J. Stat. 2c: 5-2e, accessed January 4, 2011,
[18] Callanan v. U.S., 364 U.S. 587 (1961), accessed January 4,
[19] 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. 905, accessed January 4, 2011,
[20] Tenn. Code Ann. 39-12-107(c), accessed January 4,
[21] Cal. Penal Code 182, accessed January 4, 2011,
[22] Clune v. U.S., 159 U.S. 590 (1895), accessed January 4,
[23] G. Robert Blakey, RICO: The Genesis of an Idea, Abstract, Social Science Research Network website,
accessed January 4, 2011,
[24] Keith Zimmerman, Kent Zimmerman, Hells Angel: The Life and Times of Sonny Barger and the Hells
Angels Motorcycle Club, accessed January 4, 2011, http://www.organized-
[25] Greg Smith, Courts: Lawsuit Accuses Diocese of Hiding Sex Abuse, Norwich Bulletinwebsite,
accessed January 4, 2011,
[26] Arbitration Ruling Effectively Ends Loria RICO Suit, website, accessed June
28, 2011,
[27] Paul Meyer, Tom DeLay is sentenced to three years, Los Angeles Times website, accessed August
15, 2011,
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[28] Beloit Daily News, Evil Twin Found Guilty of Plotting to Kill Sister, Beloit Daily Newswebsite,
accessed January 28, 2011,
[29] People v. Han, 78 Cal. App. 4th 797, 802 (2000), accessed January 28,
[30] People v. Han, 78 Cal. App. 4th 797, 803 (2000), accessed January 28,
[31] People v. Han, 78 Cal. App. 4th 797, 803 (2000), accessed January 28,
[32] People v. Han, 78 Cal. App. 4th 797, 804, 805 (2000), accessed January 28,

8.3 Solicitation

Explain why solicitation is an inchoate crime.

2. Define the criminal act element required for solicitation.

3. Define the criminal intent element required for solicitation.
4. Determine whether the defense of renunciation is available for solicitation.
5. Discuss various approaches to solicitation grading.
Solicitation can be a precursor to conspiracy because it criminalizes the instigation of an agreement to
commit a criminal offense. Solicitation is an inchoate crime because it is possible that the conspiracy
will never be formed, and the crime that is its object willnot be committed. Many of the rules that apply
to attempt and conspiracy also apply to solicitation, as is discussed in .

Solicitation Act
The criminal act element required for solicitation is generally words that induceanother to
commit a capital felony, first-degree felony,


or any crime.


Typical words of inducement are

request, command, encourage, hire, procure, entice, and advise. The Model Penal Code defines
solicitation as follows: [a] person is guilty of solicitation to commit a crime if with the purpose of
promoting or facilitating its commission he commands, encourages or requests another person to
engage in specific conduct which would constitute such crime (Model Penal Code 5.02(1)).

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However, the Model Penal Code does not require direct communication, if conduct was designed
to effect such communication. (Model Penal Code 5.02(2)).

Example of Solicitation Act

Jimmy calls his friend Choo, who is reputed to be a fence, and asks Choo to help him sell some
stolen designer shoes. If Jimmy is in a jurisdiction that criminalizes the request to commit any
crime, Jimmy probably has committed the criminal act element required for solicitation. If
Jimmy is in a jurisdiction that only criminalizes solicitation to commit a capital felony or firstdegree felony, then Jimmy probably has not committed the criminal act element required for
solicitation because selling stolen property is not generally graded that severely. If Jimmy is in a
jurisdiction that follows the Model Penal Code, and Jimmy and Choo had a long-standing
arrangement whereby Jimmy puts stolen items in a storage facility so that Choo can sell them,
Jimmy will not have to communicate his request to Choo. He simply will have to place the shoes
in the storage facility to commit the criminal act element required for solicitation.

Solicitation Intent
The criminal intent element required for solicitation is specific intent or purposelyto promote
the crimes commission in most jurisdictions and under the Model Penal Code, as set forth in .


Example of Solicitation Intent

Review the solicitation act example in . In this example, Jimmy desires Choo to commit the crime
of selling stolen property so that he can reap a benefit from his stolen designer shoes. Thus Jimmy
probably has the criminal intent required for solicitation. If Jimmy is in a jurisdiction that
criminalizes solicitation to commit any crime, Jimmy could be charged with and convicted of this

Renunciation as a Defense to Solicitation

Similar to conspiracy, many jurisdictions allow renunciation as an affirmative defense to


The renunciation must be voluntary and complete and must thwart the crime that

is solicited. As the Model Penal Code states, it is an affirmative defense that the actor, after
soliciting another person to commit a crime, persuaded him not to do so or otherwise prevented
the commission of the crime, under circumstances manifesting a complete and voluntary
renunciation of his criminal purpose (Model Penal Code 5.02(3)).
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Solicitation Grading
Jurisdictions vary as to how they grade solicitation. Some jurisdictions grade solicitation
according to the crime solicited, with more serious crimes accorded a more severe solicitation


Others grade solicitation the same as the crime solicited, with exceptions.

states grade solicitation as a misdemeanor,regardless of the crime solicited.




Figure 8.8 Diagram of Solicitation


Solicitation is an inchoate crime because the crime that is solicited may not be

The criminal act element required for solicitation is words or conduct that
induces another to commit any crime, a capital felony, or first-degree felony.

The criminal intent element required for solicitation is specific intent or

purposely to induce another to commit any crime, a capital felony, or first-degree

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Renunciation is an affirmative defense to solicitation if the defendant voluntarily

and completely renounces his or her criminal purpose and thwarts the
commission of the solicited crime.

Jurisdictions vary in their approach to grading solicitation. Some jurisdictions

grade solicitation on a sliding scale according to the crime solicited, some grade
solicitation the same as the crime solicited, and some grade solicitation as a
misdemeanor, regardless of the crime solicited.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Nancy asks Jennifer to help her counterfeit twenty-dollar bills. Jennifer refuses.
Has a crime been committed in this situation?
2. Read Planter v. State, 9 S.W. 3d 156 (1999). In Planter, the defendant told a
former police officer wearing a wire that he would kill his estranged son-in-law
for ten thousand dollars. The defendant was convicted of solicitation to commit
murder. The defendant appealed on the basis that he did not solicit the former
police officer to commit murder; he solicited the former police officer to pay
himto commit murder. Did the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas uphold the
defendants conviction? The case is available at this
3. Read People v. Dennis, 340 N.W.2d 81 (1983). In Dennis, the defendant was
convicted of incitement to murder, which is the Michigan equivalent of
solicitation to murder. The defendant appealed based on the fact that she
solicited a police officer posing as a hit man, so the police officer did not have the
intent to murder, and thus the murder was not possible. Did the Michigan Court
of Appeals uphold the defendants conviction? The case is available at this
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[1] Tex. Penal Code 15.03, accessed January 6,

2011, (accessed January 6, 2011).
[2] N. Y. Penal Law 100.00, accessed January 6, 2011,
[3] Or. Rev. Stat. 161.435, accessed January 6, 2011,
[4] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1005, accessed January 7,
[5] Ala. Code 13A-4-1(f), accessed January 7, 2011,
[6] N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 629:2(IV), accessed January 7, 2011,
[7] Commonwealth v. Barsell, 424 Mass. 737 (1997), accessed January 7,
oi=scholarr (accessed January 7, 2011).

8.4 End-of-Chapter Material

An inchoate crime might never be completed. The rationale of punishing a defendant for an
inchoate crime is prevention and deterrence. The three inchoate crimes are attempt, conspiracy,
and solicitation.
The criminal act element required for attempt must be more than thoughts or mere preparation.
Modern jurisdictions use four tests to ascertain attempt. The proximity test analyzes how close
the defendant is to completing the offense by examining how much is left to be done. The
defendant may have to come dangerously close to completion but generally does not have to reach
the last act before completion. The res ipsa loquitur test looks at the moment in time when the
defendant stopped progressing toward completion to see if the defendants acts indicate that the
defendant has no other purpose than commission of the offense. The probable desistance test
focuses on how far the defendant has progressed to see if it is probable that the defendant wont
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desist until the crime is complete. The Model Penal Code substantial steps test has two parts.
First, the defendant must take substantial steps toward completion of the crime. Second, the
defendants actions must strongly corroborate the defendants criminal purpose.
Some jurisdictions also criminalize preparatory crimes such as the manufacture or possession of
burglars tools. Preparatory crimes can be combined with attempt under the appropriate
The criminal intent element required for attempt is the specific intent or purposely to commit the
crime attempted. Legal impossibility can be a defense to attempt if the defendant mistakenly
believes that a legal act attempted is illegal. Factual impossibility is not a defense to attempt if the
crime cannot be completed because the facts are not as the defendant believes them to be.
Voluntary abandonment is also a defense to attempt in some jurisdictions if the defendant
voluntarily and completely renounces the attempted crime.
If a jurisdiction recognizes transferred intent, a defendant can be criminally responsible for
attempt against the intended victim and the completed offense against the actual victim. In many
jurisdictions, attempt merges into the crime if the crime is completed. Jurisdictions vary as to
how they grade attempt; either attempt is graded the same or lower than the completed offense.
The criminal act element required for conspiracy is an agreement to commit any crime, commit a
felony, falsely indict another for a crime, or falsely maintain any lawsuit, depending on the
jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions also require an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy that
could be a legal or preparatory act.
The criminal intent element required for conspiracy in many jurisdictions is the specific intent or
purposely to agree and to commit the crime at issue. In some states, a coconspirator can be
prosecuted even if another coconspirator is not prosecuted or acquitted. Coconspirators do not
need to know every other coconspirator, as long as they are aware that other coconspirators exist.
A wheel conspiracy connects all members to one central member. A chain conspiracy connects
members to each other in a linear fashion.
The Pinkerton rule holds coconspirators criminally responsible for every foreseeable crime
committed in furtherance of the conspiracy. Whartons rule creates a judicial presumption that a
crime requiring two parties merges into a conspiracy made up of two parties.
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Renunciation can be a defense to conspiracy if a coconspirator voluntarily and completely

abandons the conspiracy and thwarts the crime that is its object. Conspiracy generally does not
merge into the conspired offense. Jurisdictions vary as to how they grade conspiracy. Usually it is
graded the same or lower than the crime that is the conspiracys object, but it is not
unconstitutional to punish conspiracy more severely than the conspired offense. The federal RICO
statute is targeted at organized crime, including conspiracy.
Solicitation is the instigation of an agreement to commit any crime or, in some jurisdictions, a
capital or first-degree felony. The criminal act element required for solicitation is words or
conduct of inducement. The criminal intent element required for solicitation is specific intent or
purposely to promote the crime solicited.
Renunciation is a defense to solicitation if it is voluntary and complete and thwarts the solicited
offense. Jurisdictions vary as to how they grade solicitation. Some grade solicitation the same as
the crime solicited, others vary the grading depending on the crime solicited, and still others
grade solicitation as a misdemeanor.


You are a prosecutor seeking a promotion. You want to win your next case so that you can make
a good impression on your superior. Read the prompt, review the case, and then decide whether
you would accept or reject it from a pool of cases available to junior prosecutors. Check your
answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant is charged with witness tampering by attempting to kill the

witness. A witness identified the defendant, a police officer, as someone who
sexually assaulted her at gunpoint. The defendant met with two individuals, one
of them an FBI informant, and told them that he wanted to kill the witness
before trial. He was thereafter apprehended with a gun he had recently test-fired
in the vicinity of the witnesss house, which he had located with the FBI
informant on a previous occasion. The jurisdiction in which you prosecute cases
follows the substantial steps test for the attempt act element. Will
you accept or reject the case? Read U.S. v. Contreras, 950 F.2d 232 (1991). The
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case is available at this

2. The defendant, a substitute teacher, is charged with two counts
of attemptedchild sexual abuse for blocking the door of his residence and
refusing to allow his thirteen-year-old student to leave. The defendant also asked
the student for a kiss, was told no, and moved his face in the proximity of the
students face. Will you accept or reject the case? Read People v. Miller, 856
N.Y.S. 2d 443 (2008). The case is available at this
3. The defendant is charged with conspiracy to commit manslaughter and various
other crimes (including manslaughter). The defendant and an acquaintance
agreed to shoot at some individuals near a housing project and walked over
carrying guns. The defendant fired shots at a dumpster with people standing
nearby, and one of the people was hit and killed. In your state, the criminal intent
required for conspiracy is the specific intent or purposely to agree, and the
specific intent or purposely to commit the crime that is the conspiracys object.
Will you accept or reject the case? Read State v. Montgomery, 22 Conn. App. 340
(1990). The case is available at this
4. The defendant is charged with solicitation to traffic narcotics. The defendant was
in a vehicle with other individuals, and a drug dealer approached them. The
defendant gave the drug dealer twenty dollars to examine the drugs, gave the
drugs back, and got his twenty dollars back. Thereafter, a police officer who had
witnessed the transaction arrested everyone in the car. Will
you accept or rejectthe case? Read State v. Pinson, 895 P.2d 274 (1995). The case
is available at this
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Cases of Interest

People v. Hart, 176 Cal. App. 4th 662 (2009), discusses attempt and the natural
and probable consequences
hl= en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr.

U.S. v. Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966), discusses conspiracy and the US

Reynolds v. State, 2007 Tex. App. LEXIS 6139 (2007), discusses solicitation to
commit capital

Articles of Interest

Criminal attempt:

Jos Padillas conspiracy


Criminal solicitation and


Websites of Interest

Discussion on various crimes, including inchoate


Information about the RICO Act:

Answers to Exercises

1. Carol can be charged with murder because her father died within the
jurisdictions requisite time limit. If her father did not die within one year and a
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day, Carol could only be charged with attempted murder. Carol cannot be
charged with attempted murder and murder because attempt merges into the
offense if it is completed in Carols jurisdiction.
2. The Supreme Court of Missouri reversed the defendants conviction. Following a
substantial steps analysis, the court determined that in the absence of evidence
that the defendant placed the pills inside the jar, the defendant must be
in possession of the jar to be guilty of attempted methamphetamine
production, and the facts did not indicate that possession.
3. The Michigan Court of Appeals reversed the defendants conviction, reasoning
that assault with intent to commit attempted kidnapping is a nonexistent offense
because it would require the specific intent to commit anuncompleted crime.

Answers to Exercises

1. Gail and Roger can be convicted of felony conspiracy to commit

amisdemeanor because it is not unconstitutional to punish conspiracy more
severely than the crime that is its object.
2. The New Hampshire Supreme Court upheld the defendants conviction because
under New Hampshire law it is not necessary for both parties to the conspiracy to
possess conspiracy criminal intent.
3. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania upheld the defendants convictions,
determining that it was too late for him to abandon the conspiracy, and also that
the evidence indicated he was holding the knife at the ready for the criminal
actor to grab and use.

Answers to Exercises

1. Nancy has committed solicitation to commit counterfeiting, which is criminal if

Nancys jurisdiction criminalizes the solicitation to commit this type of offense. It
is of no import that Jennifer refuses Nancys request because the criminal act

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element of solicitation is requesting another to commit a crime, not a mutual

understanding or agreement (like conspiracy).
2. The Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas reversed the defendants conviction,
agreeing with the defendant that he solicited a payment, not a murder.
3. The Michigan Court of Appeals upheld the defendants conviction, based on the
plain meaning of the statute that does not require the individual solicited to have
the intent to commit the crime solicited.

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


One of the biggest concerns about the crime of conspiracy is that it is easier to
prove than many substantive crimes. In , an example is given in where an alleged
terrorist was acquitted of over two hundred counts of accomplice to murder, but
he was convicted of one count of conspiracy. The Han case also illustrates this
principle. The circumstantial evidence presented at trial may not have been
enough to prove attempted murder, but it was clearly enough to convince the
jury that there was a conspiracy to murder. However, the rationale supporting
conspiracythat it is more likely that a crime will be completed if it is a group
effortis also illustrated by the Han case. A thorough review of the facts as
detailed in that case reveals that Jeen Han approached more than one individual
about attacking and killing her sister. She seemed unwilling or possibly incapable
of committing this crime alone. Once she had the support of the other two
codefendants, she was able to move forward with the offense. The circumstantial
evidence presented at trial was not overwhelming. However, appellate courts give
the trier of fact the benefit of the doubt because the judge or jury views the
evidence firsthandrather than simply reading it in a court transcript. Also, the
right to a jury trial must be preserved, regardless of whether the jury follows the
law or acts ethically.

Answers to You Be the Defense Prosecutor


In this case, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld the defendants
conviction for witness tampering by attempting to kill a witness. The court

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specifically held that the defendants expressed intent to kill, combined with his
efforts to find the witnesss house, and his possession of a gun that had recently
been test-fired in the vicinity of the witness house was enough to constitute a
substantial step toward completion of the offense of killing the witness. Thus
you would be successful on the witness tampering charge and you
should accept the case.
2. The Criminal Court, City of New York held that the criminal complaint for
attempted child sexual abuse was sufficient on its face. The court stated that
evidence indicating the defendant blocked the door and tried to kiss the student,
coupled with physical and verbal coercive conduct, could constitute the criminal
act element of attempted child sexual abuse. Thus the attempted child sexual
abuse charges are sufficient and you should accept the case.
3. In this case, the Appellate Court of Connecticut held that manslaughter is a
reckless intent crime, so there could be no conspiracy to commit it. A defendant
cannot have the specific intent to commit a reckless intent crime. Thus you would
lose on the conspiracy to commit manslaughter charge and you should reject the
4. The Court of Appeals of New Mexico held that solicitation cannot be charged
when it is incidental to the crime solicited. The court reasoned that trafficking
narcotics criminalizes only the sale (not the purchase) of narcotics, and narcotics
cannot be sold without a buyer. Thus you would lose on the solicitation charge
and should reject the case.

Chapter 9
Criminal Homicide
[W]hether it is made for the purpose of destroying animal life, or whether it was not made by man at all,
or whether it was made by him for some other purpose, if it is a weapon, or if it is a thing with which death
can be easily and readily produced, the law recognizes it as a deadly weapon

Acers v. U.S., cited in Section 9 "Inference of Intent"

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9.1 Homicide

Define homicide.

2. Recognize that all homicides are not criminal.

3. Identify the corpus delicti components in a criminal homicide.
4. Compare the definition of fetus in criminal homicide and feticide statutes.
5. Compare common-law feticide and suicide with modern views.
6. Ascertain whether it is constitutional to criminalize assisted suicide.
In this section, you learn the definition of homicide and the meaning of human being, which vary from
state to state. You also learn that suicide is not criminal, but assisted suicide might be, depending on the

Synopsis of the History of Homicide

Homicide is the killing of one human being by another. Homicide is not always criminal. For
example, a lawful execution pursuant to the death penalty is homicide, but it is
not criminal homicide.
Homicide law in the United States has its origins in the English common law. Oxford professor
Sir William Blackstone defined homicide as justifiable, excusable, or felonious. Justifiable
homicides were not criminal because they did not include the concept of guilt. Excusable
homicides were not criminal because they included minimal guilt. Felonious homicides were
criminal and were considered the most heinous offenses known to man.
Initially at common law, every felonious or criminal homicide was punished by death. Gradually,
as the law evolved, unlawful killings were divided into murder and manslaughter based on the
defendants criminal intent. Murder had the criminal intent element of malice aforethought and
remained a capital offense. Manslaughter was an unlawful killing without malice and was
punished by incarceration.
In modern times, most states define criminal homicide and its elements in statutes, which often
are interpreted by case law. Many jurisdictions continue to follow Blackstones philosophy and
the common-law division between murder and manslaughter, as is discussed in this chapter.

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Corpus Delicti in Criminal Homicide

An essential component of every criminal case, including criminal homicide, iscorpus delicti.
Corpus delicti is the substance of the crime at issue. The prosecution must prove corpus delicti
beyond a reasonable doubt, with evidence other than a defendants confession.


Although a

detailed discussion of corpus delicti is beyond the scope of this text, corpus delicti in a criminal
homicide case consists of the death of a victim, caused by the defendant, in an unlawful manner.
Often the victims body is never discovered, which could make it more difficult for the prosecution
to prove corpus delicti but not impossible. If there is sufficient circumstantial or direct evidence,
such as bloodstains, surveillance footage, or witness testimony, the prosecution can prove corpus
delicti without the victims body and can convict the defendant of criminal homicide.

Feticide is the intentional destruction of a fetus. At common law, a human being could not be the
victim of criminal homicide unless it was born alive.


The Model Penal Code takes this approach

and defines human being as a person who has been born and is alive (Model Penal Code 210.0
(1)). The modern trend in many jurisdictions is to include the fetus as a victim in a criminal
homicide or feticide statute, exceptingabortion. The definition of fetus is either set forth in the
criminal homicide or feticide statute or created by case law. Many states and the federal
government consider an embryo a fetus from the time of conception.


Other states determine

that a fetus is formed when the child has quickened, or is able to move within the wombabout
four to five months after conception.


A few states do not consider the fetus a victim of criminal

homicide or feticide until it is viable and can survive outside the womb.


Figure 9.1 Crack the Code

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At common law, suicide was a crime. The punishment was forfeiture of the lands owned by the
deceased. In modern times, most states do not criminalize suicide. However, almost all
jurisdictions make it a crime to assist a suicide, and the US Supreme Court has held these statutes
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Several states have special statutes that specifically punish assisted suicide less

severely than their first- or second-degree murder statutes.


A minority of states allow

terminally ill patients to end their lives with the assistance of a physician.


The Model Penal

Code provides that [a] person who purposely aids or solicits another to commit suicide is guilty
of a felony of the second degree if his conduct causes such suicide or an attempted suicide
(Model Penal Code 210.5(2)).


Homicide is the killing of one human being by another.

Homicide is not always criminal. For example, a lawful execution pursuant to the
death penalty is homicide, but it is not criminal homicide.

The corpus delicti components in a criminal homicide are the death of the victim,
caused by the defendant, in an unlawful manner.

States that criminalize feticide consider an embryo a fetus at the moment of

conception, when it quickens in the womb, or when it is viable and can survive
outside the womb.

In modern times, in many jurisdictions feticide is a crime (excepting abortion), and

suicide is not. At common law, the following applied:

Feticide was not a crime; only a person born alive could be the victim of
criminal homicide.

Suicide was a crime; the punishment was forfeiture of the deceaseds


The US Supreme Court has held that it is constitutional to criminalize assisted

suicide, and most states do. A minority of states allow a physician to legally end
the life of a terminally ill patient.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. What is the fundamental difference between homicide and suicide?

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2. Read Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997). Which part of the
Constitution did the US Supreme Court analyze when it held that it is
constitutional to criminalize assisted suicide? The case is available at this

[1] People v. Ochoa, 966 P.2d 442 (1998), accessed February 13,
[2] Keeler v. Superior Court, 2 Cal.3d 619 (1970), accessed July 10,
[3] Ala. Code 13A-6-1, accessed February 13,
[4] Fla. Stat. 782.09, accessed July 10,
[5] Ind. Code 35-42-1-1(4), accessed July 10,
[6] Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997), accessed July 10,
[7] Tex. Penal Code 22.08, accessed July 10, 2010,
[8] Or. Rev. Stat. 127.800 et seq., accessed July 10, 2010,

9.2 Murder

Define the criminal act element required for murder.

2. Explain why criminal intent is an important element of murder.

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3. Identify, describe, and compare the three types of malice aforethought and the
three Model Penal Code murder mental states.
4. Explain the deadly weapon doctrine.
5. Define death.
6. Give examples of justifiable and excusable homicides.
7. Ascertain which type of criminal homicide the defendant commits when
deliberately and inadvertently transmitting AIDS.
Murder is a crime that has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, causation, and harm. In this section,
you learn the elements of murder. In upcoming sections, you learn the factors that classify murder as first
degree, felony, and second degree.

Murder Act
Most jurisdictions define the criminal act element of murder as conduct that causes the victims


The criminal act could be carried out with a weapon, a vehicle, poison, or the defendants

bare hands. Like all criminal acts, the conduct must be undertaken voluntarily and cannot be the
result of a failure to act unless a duty to act is created by common law or statute.

Murder Intent
It is the criminal intent element that basically separates murder from manslaughter. At common
law, the criminal intent element of murder was malice aforethought. In modern times, many
states and the federal government retain the malice aforethought criminal intent.


The Model

Penal Code defines murder intent as purposely,knowingly, or recklessly under

circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life (Model Penal Code
An exception to the criminal intent element of murder is felony murder. Most jurisdictions
criminalize felony murder, which does not require malice aforethought or the Model Penal Code
murder mental states. Felony murder is discussed shortly.

The Meaning of Malice

Malice, as used in the term malice aforethought, is not the intent to vex or annoy. Nor is it hatred
of the victim. Malice exists when the defendant desires the victims death or is indifferent to
whether the victim lives or dies. Malice is apparent in three criminal homicide situations: the
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defendant intends to kill the victim, the defendant intends to cause serious bodily injury to the
victim, or the defendant has a depraved heart and does not care if the victim lives or dies.
The specific intent to kill the victim corresponds with the Model Penal Codespurposely murder
mental state and is often referred to as express malice.


The intent to cause serious bodily injury

corresponds with the Model Penal Codesknowingly or recklessly murder mental states and is
often referred to asimplied malice. Serious bodily injury is a technical term and is generally
defined in a state statute or by case law. The Model Penal Code defines serious bodily injury as
bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious, permanent
disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ
(Model Penal Code 210.0(3)). The depraved heart intent is alsoimplied malice



corresponds with the Model Penal Codes knowingly orrecklessly murder mental states,
depending on the attendant circumstances.

Example of Intent to Kill

Jay decides he wants to kill someone to see what it feels like. Jay drives slowly up to a crosswalk,
accelerates, and then runs down an elderly lady who is crossing the street. Jay is acting with
the intent to kill, which would be express malice or purposely.

Example of Intent to Cause Serious Bodily Injury

Jay wants to injure Robbie, a track teammate, so that he will be the best runner in the high school
track meet. Jay waits for Robbie outside the locker room and when Robbie exits, Jay attacks him
and stabs him several times in the knee. Unfortunately, one of Jays stabbing wounds is in the
carotid artery, and Robbie bleeds to death. Jay is acting with the intent to cause serious bodily
injury, which would be implied malice, or knowingly or recklessly under circumstances
manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.

Example of Depraved Heart Intent

Jay is angry at Brittany for turning him down when he asks her to the senior prom. Jay decides to
teach Brittany a lesson. He knocks her unconscious as she walks home from school and then
drives her out to a deserted field and dumps her on the ground. He thereafter leaves, feeling
vindicated at the thought of her walking over ten miles to the nearest telephone. Brittany does not
regain consciousness and spends the entire night in the field, where temperatures drop to 5F.
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Brittany dies of exposure and acute hypothermia. Jay acts with the intent of depraved heart, also
called abandoned and malignant heart. This criminal intent is another form of implied malice, or
knowingly or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of
human life.

The Meaning of Aforethought

The term aforethought at common law meant that the defendant planned or premeditated the
killing. However, this term has lost its significance in modern times and does not modify the
malice element in any way. Premeditation is a factor that can elevate murder to first-degree
murder, as is discussed shortly.

Inference of Intent
The deadly weapon doctrine creates an inference of murder intent when the defendant uses a
deadly weapon.


A judge may instruct the jury that they can infer the defendant intended the

natural and probable consequences of the criminal act, which are death when a deadly weapon is
utilized. This basically alleviates the burden of having to prove criminal intent for murder.
A deadly weapon is any instrumentality that can kill when used in a manner calculated to cause
death or serious bodily injury.


The Model Penal Code defines deadly weapon as any firearm, or

other weapon, device, instrument, material or substance, whether animate or inanimate, which in
the manner it is used or is intended to be used is known to be capable of producing death or
serious bodily injury (Model Penal Code 210.0 (4)). Some examples of deadly weapons are
knives, guns, broken bottles, or even bare hands if there is a discrepancy in the size of the attacker
and the victim. Aside from creating an inference of intent for murder, use of a deadly weapon may
alsoenhance a sentence for certain crimes.

Causation Issues in Murder

There is always a causation analysis for murder. The defendant must be the factualand legal
cause of a very specific harmthe victims death. Causation issues in murder are numerous. If a
state has a one or three years and a day rule, this could complicate the causation scenario when a
victims life is artificially extended. One and three years and a day rules are discussed in detail in .
In addition, co-felon liability could extend criminal responsibility to defendants that did not
actually kill the victim, as is discussed shortly.
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Harm Element of Murder

As stated previously, the harm element of murder is a victims death. With the advent of lifesustaining machines, jurisdictions have had to develop a definition for the termdead. A victim
is legally dead when there is irreversible cessation of the entire brain, including the brain stem.


Figure 9.2 Diagram of Murder

Justification and Excuse

As Blackstone stated, murder cannot be justified or excused. Justifiable and excusable homicides
are noncriminal, and thus justification or excuse can operate as anaffirmative defense in many
jurisdictions. A thorough discussion of defenses based on justification and excuse is in and .
A justifiable homicide is a homicide that is warranted under the circumstances. One example of a
justifiable homicide is when a law enforcement officer shoots and kills a fleeing felon to prevent
imminent great bodily injury or death. This killing is intentional and purposeful with malice
aforethought, but it is noncriminal. The justification negates the criminality and the law
enforcement officer will not be convicted of murder. A complete discussion of use of deadly force
by law enforcement to arrest or apprehend a criminal defendant is in . Other murder defenses
based on justification are self-defense, defense of others, and defense of habitation.
An excusable homicide is a homicide that society forgives or pardons. One example of an
excusable homicide is a homicide committed by a defendant who is found legally insane. This
killing could also be intentional and purposeful with malice aforethought, but it is
noncriminal. The excuse negates the criminality and the defendant will not be convicted of
murder. A complete discussion of the insanity defense is in .
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AIDS and Homicide

The criminal transmission of AIDS is a new and evolving topic with state and federal courts and
criminal codes. Many jurisdictions have statutes specifying that death by

thedeliberate transmission of AIDS is murder because murder intent is present. Death by

the inadvertent transmission of AIDS is more likely manslaughter, although modern courts
could begin to imply malice or murder intent in this situation. For states that follow the one or
three years and a day rule, the time limit could affect any murder or manslaughter charge because
medical breakthroughs have extended the life span of AIDS victims significantly.

Good News: The US Murder Rate Is Declining

Table 9.1 Murder Rate in the United States: Percent Change JanuaryDecember


Percent Change/Murder Rate

2006/2005 +1.8
2007/2006 0.6
2008/2007 3.9
2009/2008 7.2
Source: Department of Justice, Crime in the United States; Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime
Report, accessed July 28, 2010,


The criminal act element required for murder is conduct that causes the victims

The criminal intent element of murder is important because it distinguishes

murder from manslaughter.

The three types of malice aforethought are intent to kill, intent to cause serious
bodily injury, and depraved heart. The three Model Penal Code murder mental
states are purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting
extreme indifference to the value of human life.

Express malice is the intent to kill the victim, or purposely, under the Model
Penal Code. Implied malice is indifference to whether the victim lives or dies, or
knowingly or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to

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the value of human life under the Model Penal Code. Implied malice, knowingly,
and recklessly includes the intent to commit serious bodily injury and depraved
heart intent.

The deadly weapon doctrine creates an inference of murder intent when the
defendant uses a deadly weapon. If the trier of fact accepts the inference, the
prosecution does not have the burden of proving criminal intent.

A human being is dead when there is irreversible cessation of the entire brain,
including the brain stem.

An example of a justifiable homicide is a killing by law enforcement to prevent

great bodily injury or death. An example of an excusable homicide is a killing
perpetrated by a legally insane defendant.

When a victim dies because of the deliberate transmission of AIDS, the crime is
most likely murder because murder intent is present. When a victim dies because
of the inadvertent transmission of AIDS, the crime is most likely manslaughter,
although modern courts could begin to imply malice or murder intent in this


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Jay is angry about the grade he received on his criminal law midterm. Jay pulls a
loaded revolver out of his backpack, aims at a tree and fires in an attempt to
release his frustrations. Unfortunately, Jay is an inexperienced marksman and the
bullet strikes an innocent bystander in the forehead, killing him. What was Jays
criminal intent when shooting the revolver?
2. A prosecutor reviews the file for Jays criminal case. After reading the facts, he
chuckles and tells his paralegal, It wont be hard to prove criminal intent in this
case. Is this true? Why or why not?
3. Read U.S. v. Moore, 846 F.2d 1163 (1988). Did the US Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit hold that teeth are a deadly weapon when the defendant is
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infected with the HIV virus? The case is available at this


[1] N.Y. Penal Law 125.27, accessed February 4, 2011,
[2] Cal. Penal Code 187, accessed February 4,
[3] N.R.S. 200.020(1), accessed February 13, 2011,
[4] N.R.S. 200.020(2), accessed February 13, 2011,
[5] People v. Carines, 597 N.W. 2d 130 (1999), accessed February 13,
[6] Acers v. United States, 164 U.S. 388 (1896), accessed February 13,
[7] Uniform Determination of Death Act, accessed February 14,
[8] Minn. Stat. Ann. 609.2241, accessed February 24,

9.3 First-Degree Murder


Ascertain the three types of murder that are typically first degree.

2. Define premeditated murder.

3. Explain the significance of the criminal act element of murder in premeditated
4. Define murder by a specified means.
5. Give examples of specified means for first-degree murder.
6. Analyze first-degree murder grading.
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7. Ascertain the circumstances that merit capital punishment.

In this section, you analyze the factors that classify a murder as first-degree murder. Keep in mind that
the criminal act, criminal intent, causation, and harm elements of murder have already been discussed.

Factors Classifying Murder as First Degree

States and the federal government usually
include premeditated murder,murder by a specified means, and very serious felony murders in
their first-degree murder statutes. Felony murder is discussed shortly.

Premeditated Murder
Premeditated murder was originally and historically the predominant form of murder in any firstdegree murder statute. A common statutory definition of first-degree premeditated murder is a
willful, deliberate, premeditated killing.


Definition of Willful, Deliberate, and Premeditated

Most jurisdictions define willful as a specific intent to kill, purposely, or express malice.
Jurisdictions differ when interpreting deliberate and premeditated. A minority of jurisdictions
equate express malice or purposely with deliberation and premeditation, which means that the
prosecution need only prove specific intent to kill for a first-degree premeditated murder


However, this interpretation could blur the distinction between first and second-

degree murder. The majority of jurisdictions have defined deliberate as calm and methodical,
without passion or anger.
planned ahead.



Premeditated generally means the defendant reflected on the act or

In other words, if the defendant specifically intends to kill the victim and

rationally, purposefully, takes steps that culminate in the victims death, the defendant has
committed first-degree premeditated murder in many jurisdictions.
Often it is the act itself that proves the killing was willful, deliberate, and premeditated. If the
killing is carried out in a manner that indicates a strong and calculated desire to bring about the
victims death, the trier of fact can and often does conclude that the murder was premeditated.


Most jurisdictions agree that an extended period of time is not a requirement of



Thus a murder can be premeditated and first degree even if it is conceived only

moments before the actual killing.


Some jurisdictions do not requireany appreciable time lapse

between the formation of intent and the criminal act.

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Example of a Willful, Deliberate, Premeditated Murder

Imagine that Joannie and her husband Tim are in a terrible fight in the kitchen. Tim tells Joannie
that he is going to get a divorce and will thereafter seek full custody of their two young children.
Joannie states, Wait here. I need to go to the bathroom. I will be right back. She walks down the
hall, but goes into the bedroom, rather than the bathroom, and removes a handgun from the
nightstand drawer. She then walks to the bathroom and flushes the toilet. Hiding the handgun in
the pocket of her bathrobe, she walks back into the kitchen, removes it, and shoots Tim four times
in the abdomen, killing him.
In this scenario, Joannie probably could be convicted of premeditated murder in most
jurisdictions. Joannie shoots and kills Tim in a calm, methodical manner,
evidencingdeliberation. Her manufactured excuse and flushing of the toilet indicate planning.
The act of shooting Tim four times shows that Joannie has a specific intent to killand a strong
and calculated desire to bring about Tims death. Note that timing is not an issue here. Even a few
minutes are enough to carry out a premeditated murder if the proper facts are present.

Example of a Spontaneous Killing

Compare the previous example with this scenario. Frank, Dillons supervisor, calls Dillon into his
office and fires him. Enraged, Dillon grabs a heavy brass paperweight from the top of Franks desk
and strikes him in the forehead, killing him instantly. In this example, Dillon acts in anger, not
calm, cool, reflection. The act of grabbing a heavy brass paperweight appears impulsive, not
planned. There is no evidence to indicate that Dillon knew he would be fired or knew that there
was a brass paperweight on Franks desk. In addition, the single blow to the head does not
necessarily indicate that Dillon had a strong and calculated desire to kill Frank. Dillons conduct
may be supported by murder intent (most likely implied malice, knowingly, or recklessly under
circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life), but there is no
evidence of specific intent to kill, deliberation, or premeditation. Thus Franks killing would
probably not be first-degree premeditated murder in most jurisdictions.

Murder by a Specified Means

Murder by a specified means is a specific method of killing that is extremely heinous. Most
states list the specified means in their first-degree murder statutes. Some examples of commonly
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included specified means are murder by drive-by shooting, destructive device like a bomb,
weapon of mass destruction, ammunition designed to puncture a bulletproof vest, poison, torture,
or lying in wait, which is an ambush-style killing.


Note that all the aforementioned methods of

killing involve premeditation to a certain extent and could also probably qualify as first-degree
premeditated murder.
Figure 9.3 Diagram of First-Degree Murder

First-Degree Murder Grading

Most states divide murder into first and second degree.


murder that generally includes less serious sentencing options.

Some states add a third degree of


The Model Penal Code

classifies all murders as felonies of the first degree (Model Penal Code 210.2(2)).
First-degree murder is the highest classification of murder and results in the most extreme punishment
available in a jurisdictions punishment scheme. If the jurisdiction allows for the death penalty, first-degree
murder typically is the only crime against an individual that qualifies the defendant for execution.


If the

jurisdiction does not allow for the death penalty, first-degree murder often qualifies the defendant for life in



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Capital Punishment
The US Supreme Court has held that criminal homicide is the only crime against an individual
that can merit the death penalty.


A discussion of crimes against the government (such as

treason) that merit the death penalty is in Chapter 13 "Crimes against the Government".
In states that allow capital punishment, first-degree murder with one or
moreaggravating factor(s) is generally a capital offense. Examples of aggravating factors are
killing more than one person, killing for financial gain, killing with a particularly heinous method,
or killing a peace officer.


In general, the trier of fact must ensure that the aggravating factor(s)

are not outweighed by mitigating factor(s). Examples of mitigating factors are the youth of the
defendant, the defendants lack of a criminal history, and the fact that the defendant was acting
under extreme emotional or mental disturbance.


Figure 9.4 Diagram of Capital Punishment

The Peterson Case

A jury convicted Scott Peterson of first-degree premeditated murder for the killing of his pregnant
wife Laci Peterson. They also convicted him of second-degree murder for the killing of his unborn
son Conner.


The governing statute was California Penal Code 189.


After issuing the

verdict, the jury sentenced Peterson to death based on the special circumstance of killing more
than one person.


The prosecution was successful without direct evidence or proof of the cause of death.


Congress was inspired by the Peterson case to pass the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, 18
U.S.C. 1841,


creating the new federal crime of killing an unborn child.


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Most states and the federal government include premeditated murder, murder
by a specified means, and felony murder in their first-degree murder statutes.

Premeditated murder is typically a purposeful killing committed after calm

planning and reflection. An extensive length of time between the formation of
criminal intent and the criminal act is not generally a requirement of
premeditated murder.

The criminal act can help prove that a murder was premeditated. If the killing is
carried out in a manner that indicates a strong and calculated desire to bring
about the victims death, the trier of fact can conclude that the murder was

When the defendant commits murder with a particularly heinous method, the
killing is murder by a specified means.

First-degree murder statutes often include the following specified means: murder
by drive-by shooting, destructive device like a bomb, weapon of mass
destruction, ammunition designed to puncture a bulletproof vest, poison,
torture, or lying in wait.

First-degree murder is the highest classification of murder with the most severe
sentencing options. If the jurisdiction allows for capital punishment, first-degree
murder typically is the only crime against an individual that merits the death
penalty. If the jurisdiction does not allow for capital punishment, first-degree
murder often qualifies the defendant for life in prison.

The only crime against an individual that can merit capital punishment is criminal
homicide. In most jurisdictions, the defendant must commit first-degree murder
combined with one or more aggravating factors that are not outweighed by
mitigating factors to receive the death penalty.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

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1. Johnnie decides he wants to kill Marcus, the leader of a rival gang. Johnnie knows
that Marcus always hangs out in front of the gas station on Friday nights. Johnnie
puts his gun in the glove compartment of his car and drives to the gas station on
a Friday night. He sees Marcus standing out front. He slowly drives by, takes aim,
and shoots Marcus from the car, killing him. Could this be first-degree murder?
Explain your answer.
2. Read State v. West, 844 S.W.2d 144 (1992). Did the Supreme Court of Tennessee
hold that a defendants failure to report a shooting to the police for over an hour
and concealment of the murder weapon constitutes sufficient evidence to prove
premeditated murder? The case is available at this
3. Read U.S. v. Downs, 56 F.3d 973 (1995). Identify motive, planning, and
preconceived design in this case. The case is available at this

[1] Mich. Comp. Laws 750.316, accessed September 19, 2010,
[2] Hawthorne v. State, 835 So. 2d 14 (2003), accessed September 19,
[3] People v. Anderson, 447 P.2d 942 (1968), accessed February 13,
[4] People v. Cole, 95 P.3d 811 (2004), accessed February 13,

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[5] State v. Snowden, 313 P.2d 706 (1957), accessed September 19,
[6] Commonwealth v. Carroll, 412 Pa. 525 (1963), accessed February 18,
[7] State v. Schrader, 302 SE 2d 70 (1982), accessed September 19,
[8] State v. Snowden, 313 P.2d 706 (1957), accessed September 19,
[9] Cal. Penal Code 189, accessed February 18, 2010,
[10] N.R.S. 200.030, accessed February 13, 2011,
[11] Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. 2502, accessed February 14,
[12] N.R.S. 200.030(4) (a), accessed February 13,

9.4 Felony Murder


Define the criminal intent element required for felony murder.

2. Compare the criminal intent element of felony murder to implied malice,

knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to
human life.
3. Explain the rule of co-felon liability for felony murder.
4. Explain an exception to the rule of co-felon liability for felony murder.
5. Analyze criminal responsibility for felony murder when someone other than a co-
felon kills the victim.
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6. Analyze criminal responsibility for felony murder when someone other than a co-
felon kills a co-felon.
7. Describe concurrence of the felony and the homicide for felony murder.
8. Analyze felony murder grading and ascertain the felonies that typically classify
felony murder as first degree.
Felony murder is a criminal homicide that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a
felony. Most states and the federal government include felony murder in their penal codes.


However, it

has not been universally adopted. The Model Penal Code does not include felony murder per se. It does
suggest a rebuttable presumption that killings that occur during the commission of specified dangerous
felonies exhibit recklessness under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human
life (Model Penal Code 210.2(1)(b)).

Felony Murder Intent

What distinguishes felony murder from murder is the absence of the typical murderintent. The
criminal intent element required for felony murder is the intent required for a felony that causes
a victims death.

Explanation of Felony Murder Intent

When the defendant commits a felony that is inherently dangerous to life, he or she does so
knowing that some innocent victim may die. In essence, this awareness is similar to implied
malice, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the
value of human life. What is difficult to justify is a conviction for felony murder when the felony
is not inherently dangerous to life. Thus most jurisdictions limit the felony murder doctrine to
felonies that create a foreseeable risk of violence or death. States that include nonviolent felonies
in their felony murder statutes generally grade them as second- or third-degree felony


Example of Felony Murder Intent

Joaquin, who has just lost his job, decides to burn down his apartment building because he cant
afford to pay the rent. Joaquin carefully soaks his apartment with lighter fluid, exits into the
hallway, and throws a lit, lighter-fluid-soaked towel into the apartment. He then runs outside to
watch the entire building burn down. Several tenants die of smoke inhalation because of the fire.
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In jurisdictions that recognize felony murder, Joaquin can probably be charged with and
convicted of murder for every one of these deaths.
In this example, Joaquin did not intend to kill the tenants. However, he did most likely have the
criminal intent necessary for arson. Therefore, felony murder convictions are appropriate. Note
that Joaquin exhibited extreme indifference to whether the tenants in the building lived or died,
which could also constitute the criminal intent of implied malice or depraved heart.

Liability of Co-Felons for Felony Murder

It is common for more than one defendant to cooperate in the commission of a felony. Group
participation in criminal conduct could constitute more than one crimefor example,
conspiracyand could also place criminal responsibility squarely on a defendant who did
not commit the criminal act. The general rule for felony murder in many jurisdictions is that
if one defendant kills a victim during the commission or attempted commission of a specified
felony, all defendants involved in the felony are guilty of felony murder.


Example of Co-Felon Liability for Felony Murder

Joe and Jane dream up a plan to rob a local bank. Joe is designated as the primary robber and is
supposed to enter the bank and hand a note to the teller demanding all the money in her station.
Janes role in the felony is to drive the getaway vehicle to the bank, wait outside the front door
with the motor running, and transport Joe and the money back to their apartment after the bank
transaction is completed. Joe takes a handgun hidden beneath his jacket into the bank. He passes
the note to the teller, and she frantically summons a security guard. As the security guard starts to
approach, Joe pulls out the gun. An elderly lady standing to the left of Joe suffers a heart attack
and dies at the sight of the gun. In this case, Joe and Jane can probably be convicted of felony
murder. Note that Jane did nothing to directly cause the victims death from a heart attack.
However, Jane did drive the getaway vehicle with the criminal intent to commit robbery, so Jane
is criminally responsible for the consequences in many jurisdictions.

Exception to Co-Felon Liability for Felony Murder

Some jurisdictions provide an exception to co-felon liability for felony murder if the
defendant did not actually commit the act that killed the victim and had neither knowledge nor
awareness that a death might occur.


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Example of the Exception to Co-Felon Liability for Felony Murder

Review the example with Joe and Jane in . Change this example so that Jane is a teller at the local
bank. Joe and Jane plan the robbery so that Jane is to pretend Joe is a customer, and hand Joe
all the money in her station after he enters the bank unarmedand passes her a phony check made
out to cash. Without informing Jane, Joe brings a gun into the bank, just in case. The security
guard observes Jane handing Joe large amounts of cash. Suspicious, he begins to approach the
station. Joe notices and frantically pulls out the gun and points it at the security guard. The
elderly lady standing to the left of Joe suffers a heart attack and dies at the sight of the gun. In this
example, Jane may have a valid defense to co-felon liability for the elderly ladys death in some
jurisdictions. Although Jane had the intent to commit theft, a trier of fact could determine that
Jane had neither the knowledge nor awareness that a death might occur because she believed she
was cooperating in a nonviolent offense. Thus it is possible that in certain jurisdictions only Joe is
subject to a conviction of felony murder in this case.

Liability When Someone Other than the Defendant Kills the Victim
Generally, if the felony is inherently dangerous to life, and the defendant or defendants
intentionally create a situation that is likely to result in death, if death does result, each and every
defendant is guilty of felony murder. In some jurisdictions, this criminal liability exists even when
someone other than a co-felon kills the victim.


Review the bank robbery committed by Joe and

Jane, as discussed in . If the security guard takes a shot at Joe but misses and kills the bank teller
instead, both Joe and Jane are guilty of the bank tellers death pursuant to this interpretation of
the felony-murder doctrine.
Some jurisdictions relieve a defendant from criminal liability for felony murder if the death is
the death of a co-felon, rather than a completely innocent victim.


In the case of Joe and Jane

discussed in , if the security guard shoots and kills Joe in a jurisdiction that recognizes this
exception, Jane is not guilty of felony murder.

Concurrence of the Felony and the Death of the Victim

Another important aspect that must be analyzed in any felony murder case is theconcurrence of
the felony and the death of the victim. The felony and the death must be part and parcel of the
same continuous transaction. Therefore, there must be a determination of (1) when the felony
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begins and (2) when the felony ends. If the death occurs before or after the commission or
attempted commission of the felony, the defendant might not be guilty of felony murder.

Example of a Death That Occurs before the Felony Begins

Carlos shoots and kills his drug dealer in a fit of temper because the drugs he bought are placebo.
After the killing, it occurs to Carlos that the drug dealer might be carrying significant amounts of
cash. Carlos thereafter steals some cash from the drug dealers pockets and runs off. Although this
killing is probably murder, it is not felony murder. Carlos stole money from his drug dealer, but
the theft occurred after the murder. Thus the killing did not happen during a robbery. If
premeditation is proven, this could still be first-degree murder, but it is not first-degree felony

Death That Occurs after the Felony Ends

More commonly, the issue is whether the killing occurs after the felony ends. The general rule is
that the felony ends when the defendant has reached a place of temporary safety.


This place

does not have to be the defendants residence; it could simply be a hiding place. Pursuant to this
rule, a death that occurs during a car chase as the defendants flee the scene of the crime is
considered felony murder.


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Figure 9.5 Diagram of Felony Murder

Felony Murder Grading

Felony murder can be first, second, or third degree.


Some common examples of felonies

listed in first-degree murder statutes are arson, rape, carjacking, robbery, burglary, kidnapping,
and certain forcible sexual felonies.



The criminal intent element required for felony murder is the intent required for
the underlying felony, not murder intent.

If a felony is inherently dangerous to life, the defendant may act with implied
malice, knowingly, or recklessly manifesting extreme indifference to human life
when committing or attempting to commit the felony.

If more than one defendant commits or attempts to commit a felony, all

defendants are guilty of felony murder if a victim is killed during the commission
or attempted commission of the felony.

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Some jurisdictions will not find a co-felon criminally responsible for felony
murder if the co-felon did not commit the act of killing and was unaware that
there was a risk of death.

In some jurisdictions, all co-felons are criminally responsible for felony murder
when someone other than a co-felon kills a victim during the commission or
attempted commission of a felony that is inherently dangerous to life.

In some jurisdictions, all co-felons are not criminally responsible for felony
murder when someone other than a co-felon kills a co-felon during the
commission or attempted commission of a felony.

The killing must take place during the commission or attempted commission of a
felony for the felony murder rule to apply.

Felony murder can be first, second, or third degree. Typical felonies that classify
felony murder as first degree are arson, rape, carjacking, robbery, burglary,
kidnapping, and certain forcible sexual felonies.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Read People v. Anderson, 666 N.W.2d 696 (2003). Did the Minnesota Supreme
Court uphold a charge of second-degree felony murder when the underlying
felonies were possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a
stolen firearm? The case is available at this
2. Kurt robs a convenience store at gunpoint. As the cashier hands him money out
of the cash register, Kurt hears a siren and runs outside, stuffing the money in his
pockets. He sees a dark alley and dashes into it. While he crouches there waiting
for the police to leave, a homeless person living in the alley taps him on the
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shoulder. Startled, Kurt spins around and shoots and kills the homeless person. Is
this felony murder? Explain your answer.
3. Read Enmund v. Florida, 458 U.S. 782 (1982). In Enmund, the US Supreme Court
held that the death penalty is unconstitutional in a felony murder case for one
who neither took life, attempted to take life, nor intended to take life. On which
part of the Constitution did the Court rely in reaching this holding? The case is
available at this

[1] 18 U.S.C. 1111, accessed February 4, 2011,
[2] Fla. Stat. Ann. 782.04[4], accessed February 18,
[3] State v. Hoang, 755 P.2d 7 (1988), accessed February 13,
[4] N.Y. Penal Law 125.25 (3), accessed February 18, 2010,
[5] People v. Hernandez, 82 N.Y.2d 309 (1993), accessed February 18,
[6] State v. Canola, 73 N.J. 206 (1977), accessed February 18,
[7] People v. Young, 105 P.2d 487 (2005), accessed February 18,
[8] Del. Code Ann. Tit. 11 636 (a) (2), accessed February 18,
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[9] Fla. Stat. Ann. 782.04, accessed February 18,

[10] Cal. Penal Code 189, accessed February 18, 2010,

9.5 Second-Degree Murder


Compare statutory definitions of second-degree murder.

2. Ascertain two types of murder that are typically second degree.

3. Analyze second-degree murder grading.
States that classify murder as either first or second degree often define second-degree murder as any
murder that is not first-degree murder.


This definition excludes murders that are premeditated or

committed with a specified means. It includes implied malice murder, such as murder committed with the
intent to inflict serious bodily injury and depraved heart murder.

Depraved Heart Murder

Some statutes use the Model Penal Codes language and define second-degree murder as a killing
executed recklessly, under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human


This definition embodies the concept, discussed previously, of murders committed with a

depraved or abandoned and malignant heart. The facts that give rise to this type of second-degree
murder often indicate the mens rea of recklessness, rather than purposeful or knowing intent or
express malice. Whether the killing is a second-degree murder or manslaughter is left to the trier
of fact and often rests on the degree of recklessness exhibited. If the defendants conduct
indicatesextreme indifference to life, the killing is a depraved heart murder. If the defendants
conduct is simply reckless, the killing is manslaughter. As the Model Penal Code states in its
comments, [w]hether recklessness is so extreme that it demonstrates similar indifference is not a
question, it is submitted, that can be further clarified. It must be left directly to the trier of fact
under instructions which make it clear that recklessness that can fairly be assimilated to purpose
or knowledge should be treated as murder and that less extreme recklessness should be punished
as manslaughter (A.L.I., Model Penal Code & Commentaries Part II 210.2, Comment. 4, pp.
2122 (1980)).
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Example of a Depraved Heart Murder

After watching his fifth-grade daughter play softball, Doug attends a party with her team and
other parents at the local pizza parlor. Dougs daughter leaves the party with her mother, Dougs
ex-wife. Doug consumes ten beers and then leaves the party and smokes some crack cocaine in his
vehicle. He thereafter begins driving home. As he is driving in a busy section of town, he hears his
phone beep, indicating the receipt of a text message. He grabs his phone and starts reading the
text. This lapse of attention causes him to run a red light and broadside a vehicle turning left in
front of him, killing a child sitting in the passenger seat. Doug puts his vehicle in reverse, drives
around the car he hit, and leaves the scene of the accident. These facts could give rise to a
conviction for depraved heart second-degree murder. Although Doug did not act with specific
intent to kill, his conduct in driving while under the influence of alcohol and crack cocaine,
reading a text message while driving impaired in a busy part of town, and leaving the scene of an
accident most likely elevate Dougs intent from ordinary recklessness to recklessness indicating
extreme indifference to the value of human life. Thus the trier of fact could find Doug guilty of
murder rather than manslaughter in this case.

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Figure 9.6 Diagram of Second-Degree Murder

Second-Degree Murder Grading

Most jurisdictions grade second-degree murder lower than first-degree murder and include less
serious sentencing options.


Most jurisdictions grade second-degree murder higher than


manslaughter because it has a more heinous criminal intent. Manslaughter is discussed shortly.


Second-degree murder is often defined as any murder that is not first-degree

murder. Second-degree murder can also be defined as murder committed
recklessly, under circumstances evidencing extreme indifference to life.

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Second-degree murder includes implied malice murder, such as murder with the
intent to cause serious bodily injury, and depraved heart murders.

Second-degree murder is graded lower than first-degree murder but higher than

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Reread the second question of the exercises in . When Kurt shoots the homeless
person in the alley, is this killing first or second-degree murder? Explain your
2. Read Berry v. Superior Court, 208 Cal. App. 3d 783 (1989). In Berry, the defendant
was charged with second-degree murder when his pit bull attacked and killed a
young child. The pit bull had never bitten anyone before this incident. Did the
California Court of Appeal uphold the defendants murder charge on a theory of
implied malice? The case is available at this
3. Read Dowda v. State, 776 So.2d 714 (2000). Why did the Mississippi Court of
Appeals hold that this killing was a depraved heart murder? The case is available
at this link:

[1] Mich. Comp. Laws 750.317, accessed February 24,
[2] K.S.A. 21-3402, accessed September 21,
[3] N.R.S. 200.030, accessed February 13, 2011,
[4] N.R.S. 200.080, accessed February 13, 2011,

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9.6 Manslaughter

Compare murder and manslaughter.

2. Define voluntary manslaughter.

3. Ascertain the basis of an adequate provocation.
4. Explain the concurrence of a voluntary manslaughter killing and the heat of
5. Compare voluntary and involuntary manslaughter.
6. Describe the three types of involuntary manslaughter.
7. Analyze manslaughter grading.
What distinguishes murder from manslaughter is the criminal intent element. Manslaughter is an
unlawful killing without malice or murder intent.


The criminal act, causation, and harm elements of

manslaughter and murder are fundamentally the same. Thus criminal intent is the only manslaughter
offense element that is discussed in this section.

Voluntary Manslaughter
Manslaughter has two basic
classifications: voluntary and involuntary.Voluntary manslaughter has the same criminal
intent element as murder. In fact, a voluntary manslaughter killing is typically supported by
express malice, specific intent to kill, or purposely. However, in a voluntary manslaughter, an
emotional state called aheat of passion negates the murder intent. An adequate provocation from
thevictim inspires the heat of passion.


The Model Penal Code does not require adequate

provocation from the victim per se, but it does have a similar provision that reduces murder to
manslaughter when there is a reasonable explanation or excuse (Model Penal Code 210.3(1)(b)).
The adequacy requirement is essential to any voluntary manslaughter analysis. Many
defendants are provoked and thereafter kill with murder intent. Nonetheless, most provocations
are not adequate to drop the crime from murder to manslaughter. The victims provocation

must be serious enough to goad a reasonable person into killing. A reasonable person is a
fictional and objective standard created by the trier of fact. Of course, the
defendant must actually be provoked, which is a subjective standard.
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Example of Inadequate Provocation

Revisit the situation discussed in , in which Dillon kills his supervisor Frank with a brass
paperweight after Frank fires him. Clearly, Franks conduct provokes Dillon into killing Frank.
However, getting fired would not provoke a reasonable person into a killing frenzy. In fact,
reasonable people are fired all the time and learn to live with it peacefully. Therefore, in this
example, Dillons crime is most likely murder, not voluntary manslaughter.

Example of Adequate Provocation

A traditional example of provocation that is adequate to reduce a crime from murder to

manslaughter is an observation by one spouse of another spouse in the act of adultery. For
example, Jos comes home from work early and catches his wife in bed with his best friend. He
becomes so enraged that he storms over to the dresser, grabs his handgun, and shoots and kills
her. Clearly, Jos acts with intent to kill. However, the victim provoked this intent with an act that
could cause a reasonable person to kill. Thus Jos has probably committed voluntary
manslaughter in this case, not murder.

Other Examples of Adequate Provocation

Other examples of adequate provocation are when the homicide victim batters the defendant and
a killing that occurs during a mutual combat.


Cases have generally held that words

alone are not enough to constitute adequate provocation.


Thus in the adequate provocation

example in , if a friend told Jos that his wife was committing adultery, and Jos responded by
shooting and killing his wife, this would probably be murder, not voluntary manslaughter.

Concurrence of the Killing and the Heat of Passion

The second requirement of voluntary manslaughter is that the killing occur during a heat of
passion. Defendants generally exhibit rage, shock, or fright when experiencing a heat of passion.
This emotional state negates the calm, deliberate, intent to kill that supports a charge of murder.
However, heat of passion mental states are typically brief in duration. Thus there cannot be
a significant time lapse between the victims provocation and the killing.


Analyze the adequate

provocation example discussed in. If Jos waits until the next day to shoot and kill his wife, the
crime is most likely premeditated first-degree murder, not voluntary manslaughter.

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Figure 9.7 Diagram of Voluntary Manslaughter

Involuntary Manslaughter
Involuntary manslaughter is an unlawful killing that completely lacks murder intent. Involuntary
manslaughter is distinguishable from voluntary manslaughter, which generally includes a murder intent that
has been negated. Involuntary manslaughter generally can be classified
as misdemeanor manslaughter,reckless or negligent involuntary manslaughter,
or vehicular manslaughter.

Misdemeanor Manslaughter
Misdemeanor manslaughter, also called unlawful act manslaughter, is a criminal homicide
that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of amisdemeanor. The Model Penal
Code completely rejects misdemeanor manslaughter. There is a trend to follow the Model Penal
Codes example and abolish misdemeanor manslaughter. Most states that prohibit misdemeanor
manslaughter only include misdemeanors that are inherently dangerous to life in the criminal
statute, excluding strict liability misdemeanors or malum prohibitum crimes.


A minority of

states and the federal government include strict liability or malum prohibitum crimes in their
misdemeanor manslaughter statutes.


In either jurisdiction, the defendant need only possess

the criminal intent for the misdemeanor to be guilty of the killing.

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Example of Misdemeanor Manslaughter

Roberta points an unloaded gun at Jennifer to scare her into breaking up with Robertas exboyfriend. This crime is called brandishing a weapon and is often classified as a misdemeanor. At
the sight of the gun, Jennifer suffers a heart attack and dies. Roberta has most likely committed
misdemeanor manslaughter in this case. Brandishing a weapon is not always inherently
dangerous to life. However, if Jennifer has a heart attack and dies because of Robertas
commission of this misdemeanor offense, Roberta still could be criminally responsible for
misdemeanor manslaughter in many jurisdictions.

Reckless or Negligent Involuntary Manslaughter

States and the federal government also criminalize reckless or negligent involuntary


Reckless or negligent involuntary manslaughter is a more common form of

manslaughter than misdemeanor manslaughter. The Model Penal Code defines reckless homicide
as manslaughter and a felony of the second degree (Model Penal Code 210.3). The Model Penal
Code defines negligent homicide as a felony of the third degree (Model Penal Code 210.4).
Reckless involuntary manslaughter is a killing supported by the criminal intent element
of recklessness. Recklessness means that the defendant is aware of a risk of death but acts
anyway. Negligent involuntary manslaughter is a killing supported by the criminal intent element
of negligence. Negligence means that the defendant should be aware of a risk of death, but is
not. This category includes many careless or accidental deaths, such as death caused by firearms
or explosives, and a parents failure to provide medical treatment or necessities for his or her
child. Reckless and negligent criminal intent is discussed in detail in .
As stated in , reckless or negligent involuntary manslaughter is often similar to second-degree
depraved heart murder. If the prosecution charges the defendant with both crimes, the trier of
fact determines which crime is appropriate based on the attendant circumstances.

Example of Reckless or Negligent Involuntary Manslaughter

Steven, an off-duty sheriffs deputy, brings his shotgun into the local rifle shop to be repaired.
Steven thinks that the shotgun is unloaded and hands it to the employee with the safety off.
Unfortunately, the gun is loaded and discharges, shooting and killing the employee. In this case,
Steven should know that at certain times the safety on his shotgun must always be on because he
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is a registered gun owner and a sheriffs deputy who has been trained to handle guns. However,
Steven is unaware of the risk and believes that the gun is unloaded. If the employee dies, Steven
could be convicted of negligent involuntary manslaughter in jurisdictions that recognize this
crime. If Steven is in a jurisdiction that only recognizes reckless involuntary manslaughter, the
prosecution may have to prove a higher degree of awareness, such as Stevens knowledge that the
shotgun was loaded.

Vehicular Manslaughter
Vehicular manslaughter is typically either the operation of a motor vehicle
withrecklessness or negligence resulting in death or the operation of a motor vehicleunder the
influence of alcohol or drugs resulting in death.
manslaughter statutes.



Some states have specific vehicular

In states that do not, the defendant could be prosecuted under a

jurisdictions misdemeanor or unlawful act manslaughter statute if the defendant violates a

vehicle code section. Vehicular manslaughter can also be prosecuted under a jurisdictions
reckless or negligent involuntary manslaughter statute, depending on the circumstances. If the
defendant uses a motor vehicle as a weapon to kill the victim, the intent to kill is present and the
appropriate crime would be murder.

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Figure 9.8 Diagram of Involuntary Manslaughter

Manslaughter Grading
Voluntary and involuntary manslaughter typically have a more lenient punishment scheme than murder
because the criminal intent is less heinous.


Often manslaughter functions as an imperfect defense to

murder, based on the less serious sentencing options. In general, voluntary manslaughter is graded higher
than involuntary manslaughter.


Some states divide manslaughter into degrees, rather than classifying it

as voluntary and involuntary, with first-degree manslaughter punished more severely than second-degree


The Model Penal Code grades all manslaughter as a felony of the second degree (Model

Penal Code 210.3(2)) and grades negligent homicide as a felony of the third degree (Model Penal Code

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Figure 9.9 Diagram of Homicide


Murder is a killing supported by the criminal intent of malice or purposely,

knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to
life. Manslaughter is a killing supported by malice negated by a heat of passion,
reckless, or negligent criminal intent.

Voluntary manslaughter is a killing that occurs during an adequately provoked

heat of passion.

An adequate provocation is one sufficient to goad a reasonable person into killing

and that actually provokes the defendant into killing.

A killing must occur during a heat of passion to be classified as voluntary

manslaughter. If a killing occurs before the heat of passion is provoked or after
the heat of passion has cooled, it probably will be classified as murder.

Voluntary manslaughter is supported by murder intent that has been negated in

an adequately provoked heat of passion. Involuntary manslaughter lacks murder
intent altogether.

The three types of involuntary manslaughter are misdemeanor manslaughter,

reckless or negligent involuntary manslaughter, and vehicular manslaughter.

Manslaughter is typically graded lower than murder. Voluntary manslaughter is

typically graded higher than involuntary manslaughter. The Model Penal Code

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grades all manslaughters as felonies of the second degree and grades negligent
homicide as a felony of the third degree.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. How does the Model Penal Code classify criminal homicides?

2. Read Stevens v. State, 691 N.E.2d 412 (1997). Why did the Indiana Supreme Court
affirm the lower courts decision to refuse a jury instruction on voluntary
manslaughter in this case? The case is available at this
3. Read Tripp v. State, 374 A.2d 384 (1977). In this case, the defendant killed his ex-
girlfriend, her mother, her niece, and her son. Did the Maryland Court of Appeals
hold that the victim must be the source of adequate provocation in a voluntary
manslaughter case? The case is available at this
4. Read Walker v. Superior Court, 47 Cal.3d 112 (1988). What was the basis for the
involuntary manslaughter charge against the defendant in this case? Did the
California Supreme Court uphold this charge? The case is available at this
Should Killing an Abortion Doctor Be Voluntary Manslaughter?
Scott Roeder left his pew during a church service, walked up to a well-known abortion doctor,
and deliberately shot him in the head, killing him. During Roeders trial for first-degree
premeditated murder, the defense asked the court to allow a second charge of voluntary
manslaughter. The defense claimed that defendant Roeder was acting in defense of others in the
attempt to save the lives of unborn children.
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1. What are some of the consequences of allowing the charge of voluntary

manslaughter in this situation?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

[1] N.R.S. 200.040, accessed February 13, 2011,
[2] Tenn. Code Ann. 39-13-211, accessed February 24,
[3] People v. Steele, 47 P.2d 225 (2002), accessed February 13,
[4] People v. Steele, 47 P.2d 225 (2002), accessed February 13,
[5] Ohio v. Shane, 63 Ohio St.3d 630 (1992), accessed February 24,
[6] Ohio v. Shane, 63 Ohio St.3d 630 (1992), accessed February 24,
[7] Girouard v. State, 583 A.2d 718 (1991), accessed February 24,
[8] State v. Cole, 338 S.C. 97 (2000), accessed March 1,
[9] K.S.A. 21-3404 (b), accessed July 28,
[10] 21 O.S. 711(1), accessed July 28,
[11] Ala. Code 13A-6-3(a) (1), accessed February 13, 2011,
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[12] N.Y. Penal Law 125.12, accessed March 5,

[13] Cal. Penal Code 191.5, accessed February 7,
[14] N.R.S. 200.080, accessed February 13, 2011,
[15] N.R.S. 200.090, accessed February 13, 2011,
[16] N.Y. Penal Law 125.20, accessed February 24,
[17] Man Testifies he Killed Kansas Abortion Doctor, USA Today, accessed July 27,

9.7 End-of-Chapter Material

Homicide is the killing of one human being by another. Criminal homicide is either murder or
manslaughter. Some states and the federal government also criminalize the killing of a fetus.
Suicide is usually not criminal, although assisted suicide could be.
Many jurisdictions follow the common law and define murder as the killing of a victim with
malice aforethought. Malice can be either a specific intent to kill, which is express malice, or the
intent to do serious bodily injury, or depraved heart, which is implied malice. The Model Penal
Code defines murder intent as purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances indicating
extreme indifference to life. A killing by the transmission of AIDS can either be murder, if the
transmission is deliberate, or manslaughter, if the transmission is inadvertent.
Most jurisdictions divide murder into degrees of seriousness. First-degree murder is the most
serious, can merit the death penalty in certain jurisdictions, and generally includes premeditated
murder, murder by a specified means, and serious felony murders. Premeditated murder is
typically a killing supported by specific intent to kill combined with cool reflection and planning.
Murder by a specified means is killing with a specific heinous method. Felony murder is a
homicide that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony. Felony murder
lacks murder intent; the defendant need only possess the intent required for the felony. Felony

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murder can be graded as first, second, or third degree, depending on the felony. The Model Penal
Code classifies all murders as first-degree felonies.
Second-degree murder is often defined as any murder that is not first degree. Typically, seconddegree murder intent is the intent to inflict serious bodily injury or a depraved heart intent.
Second-degree murder is usually graded lower than first-degree murder but higher than
In many jurisdictions, manslaughter is an unlawful killing without murder intent. Most
jurisdictions divide manslaughter into voluntary and involuntary. The Model Penal Code
classifies all manslaughters as felonies of the second degree. Voluntary manslaughter is a killing
that occurs during a heat of passion inspired by adequate provocation from the victim, negating
murder intent. Involuntary manslaughter can be a killing that occurs during the commission or
attempted commission of a misdemeanor or a reckless or negligent killing, depending on the
jurisdiction. Involuntary manslaughter can also be vehicular manslaughter when the killing
occurs while driving a vehicle recklessly, negligently, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The Model Penal Code classifies negligent killings as negligent homicide and a felony of the third


Read the prompt and then decide whether you would affirm or reverse the lower court. Review
the case and see how the judges or justices actually ruled. Check your answers using the answer
key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant shot and killed his ex-girlfriend, who was pregnant. The defendant
did not know she was pregnant, nor was it obvious from her appearance. The
lower court reversed a jury verdict of second-degree murder of the fetus, and the
prosecution appealed. Would you affirm or reverse? People v. Taylor, 86 P.3d
881 (2004). The case is available at this
2. The defendant held his wife and two small children hostage at gunpoint in a train
compartment for three days. The wife died of a bullet wound and one of the
children died of dehydration. The defendant was convicted of first-degree
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murder for the childs death, based on the specified means of starvation. The
defendant appealed because there was no evidence of specific intent to kill the
child. Would you affirm or reverse? State v. Evangelista, 353 S.E.2d 375 (1987).
The case is available at this
3. The defendant was charged with felony murder for the death of his girlfriends
mother. The underlying felony was cruelty to an elderly person. The defendant
and his girlfriend had removed the victim from an assisted living facility so that
they could control her Social Security checks. Thereafter, they neglected to care
for her and she died from this neglect. The defendant claimed that he had no
duty of care for his girlfriends mother. The lower court denied his motion for a
new trial. Would you affirm or reverse? Wood v. State, 620 S.E.2d 348 (2005).
The case is available at this
4. The defendant held the victim, his ex-wife, hostage in her home with a gun.
When an oil truck pulled into her driveway, she smirked at the defendant
because she knew the confrontation was over. The defendant shot and killed her
and claimed that the smirk was adequate provocation. The court held that the
defendant was not entitled to a jury instruction on voluntary manslaughter.
Would you affirmor reverse? State v. Warmke, 879 A.2d 30 (2005). The case is
available at this
ate+v.+Warmke,+879+A.2d+30+%282005%29.&hl =en&as_sdt=2,6&as_vis=1.

Cases of Interest

United States v. Watson, 501 A.2d 791 (1985), discusses premeditation in a short
period of time:

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Calderon v. Prunty, 59 F.3d 1005 (1995), discusses lying in


Mullaney v. Wilbur, 421 U.S. 684 (1975), discusses the burden of proof for
voluntary manslaughter:

Articles of Interest

Assisted suicide: -acquitted-of-manslaughter.html

Utah bill that criminalizes

miscarriage: miscarriage-be-murder-utah-bill-might-make-i

Prosecution of Michael Jacksons doctor for involuntary


HIV as a deadly weapon:

Websites of Interest

Fetal homicide statutes:

Information about assisted suicide:

State statutes on the criminal transmission of

HIV: .jsp?ind=569&cat=11

Statistics of Interest

Crime, including
rts _prisons/crimes_and_crime_rates.html

Answers to Exercises

1. The fundamental difference between homicide and suicide is the identity of

thevictim. In a homicide, the victim is another human being. In a suicide, the
victim is the perpetrator, which is one of the reasons that homicide is often
criminal and suicide is not.
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2. The US Supreme Court held that the right to assist a suicide is not a fundamental
liberty interest protected by the due process clause in the Fourteenth

Answers to Exercises

1. Jay has the criminal intent of depraved heart. Jays conduct in shooting at a
tree in a public place might cause someones death, which indicates that Jay is
indifferent to whether he takes a life. This indifference is a form of implied
malice, knowingly, or recklessly manifesting extreme indifference to the value of
human life.
2. Yes, this is true. Because Jay used a revolver, the prosecutor has the benefit of the
deadly weapon doctrine in many jurisdictions, alleviating his burden of proving
criminal intent.
3. The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit held that teeth can constitute a
deadly weapon in any case, whether or not the defendant has contracted the HIV
virus. The court thereafter affirmed the defendants conviction for assault with a
deadly weapon.

Answers to Exercises

1. This killing could be first-degree premeditated murder or firstdegreemurder by a specified means. The facts indicate a willful, deliberate,
premeditated killing. Johnnie evidences a specific intent to kill the leader of a
rival gang. He indicates planning by putting his gun in the glove compartment of
his car and driving to the gas station on Friday night where he suspects Marcus
will be present. He kills Marcus by shooting him in a manner calculated to cause
death. In addition, first-degree murder by a specified means frequently includes
drive-by shooting as a method of killing.

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2. The Tennessee Supreme Court held that the defendants failure to make a timely police report and
concealment of the murder weapon did not prove that the murder was premeditated. The Court
stated the following:
One who has recently killed another person recklessly, passionately, or even negligently may be
extremely hesitant to reveal the details of the crime, and yet not be guilty of first-degree
murderOne who kills another in a passionate rage may dispose of the weapon when reason
returns just as readily as the cool, dispassionate killer.


3. The motive was to exact revenge. The defendant and victim had a relationship
fraught with abuse, most of it based on the defendants desire to control the
victim. The planning was as follows: the defendant selected the day of the killing
with care, made a copy of the key to his sons house, rented a minivan with tinted
windows and altered the interior, sent four letters to his son that he knew the
victim, a postal employee, would deliver, packed the murder weapon and supplies
in the minivan, called his sons house to ensure his son had left, arrived early at
his sons house, and prepared the interior for the killing. Preconceived
design is shown by the following actions: The defendant shot the victim several
times with the shotgun he brought to his sons house. He paused to reload and
also to retrieve a handgun from the snow in between shots.

Answers to Exercises

1. The Minnesota Supreme Court reversed the court of appeal and held that felon in
possession of a firearm and possession of a stolen firearm are not
feloniesinherently dangerous to life, so they cannot be predicate felonies for a
felony murder conviction. The Court stated the following: Applying the statute
as previously interpreted by us to this record, we conclude that the predicate
offenses of felon in possession of a firearm and possession of a stolen firearm are
not inherently dangerous. While the use of a firearm can pose significant danger
to human life, simple possessionstanding alonedoes not. [2]

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2. Kurt did not commit felony murder in this case because he had reached a place
of temporary safety, so the felony had ended.
3. The US Supreme Court based its holding on
the Eighth and Fourteenthamendments. Primarily, the Court determined that the
death penalty was cruel and unusual punishment under the circumstances.

Answers to Exercises

1. There is no evidence of premeditation, and Kurt did not kill the homeless person
using a specified means. This is not a first-degree felony murder (based on the
felony of robbery) because the felony had ended when the killing occurred. Thus
this is most likely second-degree murder.
2. The California Court of Appeals upheld the defendants second-degree murder
charge and stated that it was up to the trier of fact to determine the probability of
death and the subjective mental state of the defendant.
3. The Mississippi Court of Appeals held that putting a gun to someones forehead
and pulling the trigger indicates depraved heart intent, even if the defendant
believes the gun to be unloaded.

Answers to Exercises

1. The Model Penal Code classifies criminal homicides as felonies of the first,
second, and third degree, depending on the defendants intent. Murder is
supported by purposeful, knowing, or extremely reckless intent and is a felony of
the first degree. Manslaughter is supported by reckless intent, or is a murder that
is committed under the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance for
which there is a reasonable explanation or excuse, and is a felony of the second
degree. Criminal homicide committed with negligent intent is a negligent
homicide and is a felony of the third degree.
2. The Indiana Supreme Court held that a jury instruction on voluntary
manslaughter was inappropriate because a reasonable person would not be
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provoked by words alone. In this case, a ten-year-old boy threatened to expose

sexual molestation by the defendant, who was twenty years old. The Court held
that this threat was not adequate provocation.
3. The Maryland Court of Appeals held that the victim must be the source of the
adequate provocation in a voluntary manslaughter case. Thus the defendant
could not claim voluntary manslaughter when he killed his ex-girlfriends family
members because he was provoked only by her.
4. The defendant was charged with involuntary manslaughter because she treated
her daughters meningitis with prayer, rather than obtaining medical care. The
California Supreme Court upheld the involuntary manslaughter charge, in spite
of the First Amendment free exercise clause and the Fourteenth
Amendment due process clause.

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


The first problem with extending the defense of voluntary manslaughter to the
deliberate killing of an abortion doctor is the fact that the abortion doctor is
acting legally. Extending the defense in this manner opens the door to a
voluntary manslaughter charge for a defendant who (1) kills an individual
authorized to execute prisoners pursuant to the death penalty or (2) is a soldier
who is going off to war. Another problem with extending the defense to include
Roeders conduct is the lack of imminence. As discussed in , defense of others
requires an imminent threat. No imminent threat was present when the
abortion doctor was in church. Removing the imminence requirement allows
defendants to calmly and with deliberation kill victims and thereafter claim
voluntary manslaughterthe antithesis of heat of passion. Thus the judge
presiding over Roeders trial allowed the defense arguments but thereafter
precluded the voluntary manslaughter charge. [3]

Answers to You Be the Judge


The California Supreme Court reversed, holding that implied malice does not
mean that the defendant needs to be aware of the risk to a specific victim.

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2. The Supreme Court of North Carolina affirmed because there is no need to

prove specific intent to kill when a murder is by a specified means.
3. The Supreme Court of Georgia affirmed because the defendant voluntarily and
knowingly took the victim into his home and agreed to care for her, creating the
duty to act.
4. The Supreme Court of Maine affirmed because the defendant initiated the

[1] State v. West, 844 S.W. 2d 144, 147 (1992), accessed July 30,
[2] People v. Anderson, 666 N.W. 2d 696, 700 (2003), accessed July 30,
[3] Man Testifies he Killed Kansas Abortion Doctor, USA Today, accessed July 27,

Chapter 10
Sex Offenses and Crimes Involving Force, Fear, and Physical
Among the evils that both the common law and later statutory prohibitions against kidnapping sought to
address were the isolation of a victim from the protections of society and the law and the special fear and
danger inherent in such isolation.

State v. Salaman, cited in Section 10.4 "Kidnapping and False Imprisonment"

10.1 Sex Offenses


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Compare common-law rape and sodomy offenses with modern rape and sodomy

2. Define the criminal act element required for rape.

3. Define the attendant circumstance element required for rape.
4. Ascertain the amount of resistance a victim must demonstrate to evidence lack
of consent.
5. Ascertain whether the victims testimony must be corroborated to convict a
defendant for rape.
6. Define the criminal intent element required for rape.
7. Analyze the relationship between the criminal intent element required for rape
and the mistake of fact defense allowed for rape in some jurisdictions.
8. Define the harm element required for rape.
9. Identify the primary components of rape shield laws.
10. Identify the most prevalent issues in acquaintance rape.
11. Compare spousal rape with rape.
12. Identify the elements of statutory rape, and compare statutory rape with rape.
13. Compare sodomy, oral copulation, and incest with rape.
14. Analyze sex offenses grading.
15. Identify the primary components of sex offender registration statutes.
In this section, you learn the elements of rape and related sex offenses and examine defenses based
on consent. In upcoming sections, you analyze the elements of other crimes involving force, fear, and
physical restraint, including assault, battery, domestic violence, stalking, and kidnapping.

Synopsis of the History of Rape and Sodomy

The word rape has its roots in the Latin word rapere, which means to steal or seize. At early
common law, rape was a capital offense. The elements of rape were forcible sexual intercourse, by
a man, with a woman not the spouse of the perpetrator, conducted without consent, or with
consent obtained by force or threat of force.


The rape prosecution required evidence of the

defendants use of force, extreme resistance by the victim, and evidence that corroborated the
rape victims testimony. The common law also recognized the crime of sodomy. In general,
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sodomy was the penetration of the male anus by a man. Sodomy was condemned and
criminalized even with consentbecause of religious beliefs deeming it a crime against nature.


In the 1970s, many changes were made to rape statutes, updating the antiquated common-law
approach and increasing the chances of conviction. The most prominent changes were
eliminating the marital rape exemption and the requirement of evidence to corroborate the rape
victims testimony, creating rape shield laws to protect the victim, and relaxing the necessity for
the defendants use of force or resistance by the victim.


Many jurisdictions also changed the

name of rape to sexual battery, sexual assault, or unlawful sexual conduct and combined sexual
offenses like rape, sodomy, and oral copulation into one statute. Although some states still have
statutes that provide the death penalty for rape, the US Supreme Court has held that rape,
even child rape, cannot be considered a capital offense without violating the Eighth Amendment
cruel and unusual punishment clause, rendering these statutes unenforceable.


Sodomy law has likewise been updated to make sodomy a gender-neutral offense and preclude
the criminalization of consensual sexual conduct between adults. The US Supreme Court has
definitively held that consensual sex between adults may be protected by a right of privacy and
cannot be criminalized without a sufficient government interest.


Table 10.1 Comparing Common Law Rape and Sodomy with Modern Statutes


Criminal Act

Lack of

Other Differences


Corroborative evidence
required; no spousal
Yes, extreme resistance rape; capital crime


Some states
include any


Not if force is used, or

threat of force that
would deter a
reasonable person
from resisting (See


Male penis-
male anus

No. Even
sodomy was

No. Even consensual

sodomy was criminal.


neutral penis-


Same as modern rape,


law rape


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Victim Resistance?

Consensual sodomy in
prison or jail is still

No corroborative
evidence required;
spousal rape is a crime
in some jurisdictions;
rape is not a capital


Criminal Act

Lack of

Victim Resistance?

Other Differences


criminal in some
jurisdictions. (See
section 10.1.7.)

Rape Elements
In modern times, rape is a crime that has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, causation,
and harm. Rape also has an attendant circumstance element, which is lack of consent by the

Rape Act
The criminal act element required for rape in many states is sexual intercourse, accomplished
by force or threat of force.


Sexual intercourse is typically defined as penetration of a womans

vagina by a mans penis and can also be referred to as vaginal intercourse.


Some jurisdictions

include the penetration of the womans vagina by other body parts, like a finger, as sexual


The Model Penal Code defines the criminal act element required for rape as sexual

intercourse that includes intercourse per os or per anum, meaning oral and anal intercourse
(Model Penal Code 213.0(2)). In most jurisdictions, a man or a woman can commit rape.


Although it is common to include force or threat of force as an indispensible part of the rape
criminal act, some modern statutes expand the crime of rape to include situations where the
defendant does not use force or threat, but the victim is extremely vulnerable, such as an
intoxicated victim, an unconscious victim, or a victim who is of tender years.


The Model Penal

Code includes force, threat of force, and situations where the defendant has impaired the victims
power to control conduct by administering intoxicants or drugs without the victims knowledge or
sexual intercourse with an unconscious female or a female who is fewer than ten years old (Model
Penal Code 213.1(1)). Other statutes may criminalize unforcednonconsensual sexual
intercourse or other forms of unforced nonconsensual sexual contact as less serious forms of
rape with reduced sentencing options.


Example of Rape Act

Alex and Brad play video games while Brads sister Brandy watches. Brad tells Alex he is going to
go the store and purchase some beer. While Brad is gone, Alex turns to Brandy, pulls a knife out
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of his pocket, and tells her to take off her pants and lie down. Brandy tells Alex, No, I dont want
to, but thereafter acquiesces, and Alex puts his penis into Brandys vagina. Alex has probably
committed the criminal act element required for rape in most jurisdictions. Although Alex did not
use physical force to accomplish sexual intercourse, his threat of force by display of the knife is
sufficient. If the situation is reversed, and Brandy pulls out the knife and orders Alex to put his
penis in her vagina, many jurisdictions would also criminalize Brandys criminal act as rape. If
Alex does not use force or a threat of force, but Brandy is only nine years old, some jurisdictions
still criminalize Alexs act as rape, as would the Model Penal Code.

Rape Attendant Circumstance

In many jurisdictions, the attendant circumstance element required for rape is the victims
lack of consent to the defendants act.


Thus victims consent could operate as a failure of

proof or affirmative defense.

Proving Lack of Consent as an Attendant Circumstance

Proving lack of consent has two components. First, the victim must be legally capableof giving
consent. If the victim is under the age of consent or is mentally or intellectually impaired because
of a permanent condition, intoxication, or drugs, the prosecution does not have to prove lack of
consent in many jurisdictions.


Sexual intercourse with a victim under the age of consent is a

separate crime, statutory rape, which is discussed shortly.

The second component to proving lack of consent is separating true consent from consent
rendered involuntarily. Involuntary consent is present in two situations. First, if the victim
consents to the defendants act because of fraud or trickeryfor example, when the victim is
unaware of the nature of the act of sexual intercoursethe consent is involuntary. A victim is
generally unaware of the nature of the act of sexual intercourse when a doctor shams a medical


This is calledfraud in the factum. Fraud in the inducement, which is a fraudulent

representation as to the circumstances accompanying the sexual conduct, does not render the
consent involuntary in many jurisdictions. An example of fraud in the inducement is a
defendants false statement that the sexual intercourse will cure a medical condition.

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A more common example of involuntary consent is when the victim consents to the defendants
act because of force or threat of force. The prosecution generally proves this type of consent is
involuntary by introducing evidence of the victims resistance.
Figure 10.1 Diagram of Consent

Proving Involuntary Consent by the Victims Resistance

Under the common law, the victim had to manifest extreme resistance to indicate lack of consent. In
modern times, the victim does not have to fight back or otherwise endanger his or her life if it would be futile
to do so. In most jurisdictions, the victim only needs to resist to the same extent as a reasonable person
under similar circumstances, which is an objective standard.


The use of force by the defendant could eliminate any requirement of victim resistance to prove lack of


If the defendant obtains consent using a threat of force, rather than force, the victim may not

have to resist if the victim experiences subjective fear of serious bodily injury, and a reasonable person under
similar circumstances would not resist, which is an objective standard.


Threat of force can be

accomplished by words, weapons, or gestures. It can also be present when there is a discrepancy in size or
age between the defendant and the victim or if the sexual encounter takes place in an isolated location. The
Model Penal Code considers it a felony of the third degree and gross sexual imposition when a male has

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sexual intercourse with a female not his wife by compelling her to submit by any threat that would prevent
resistance by a woman of ordinary resolution (Model Penal Code 213.1(2)(a)). Note that the Model Penal
Codes position does not require the threat to be a threat of force; it can be any type of threat that prevents
physical resistance.
If the victim does not physically resist the criminal act, the prosecution must prove that the victim
affirmatively indicated lack of consent in some other manner. This could be a verbal response, such as
saying, No, but the verbal response must be unequivocal. In the most extreme case, at least one court has
held that a verbal No during the act of sexual intercourse is sufficient, and the defendant
who continues with sexual intercourse after being told No is committing the criminal act of rape.


Figure 10.2 Proving Lack of Consent

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The Requirement of Corroborative Evidence

At early common law, a victims testimony was insufficient evidence to meet the burden of
proving the elements of rape, including lack of consent. The victims testimony had to be
supported by additional corroborative evidence. Modern jurisdictions have done away with the
corroborative evidence requirement and allow the trier of fact to determine the elements of rape
or lack of consent based on the victims testimony alone.


However, statistics indicate that rape

prosecutions often result in acquittal. Thus although technically the victims testimony need not
be corroborated, it is paramount that the victim promptly report the rape to the appropriate
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authorities and submit to testing and interrogation to preserve any and all forms of relevant rape

Example of Rape Attendant Circumstance

Review the example with Brandy and Alex in Section 10 "Example of Rape Act". In this example,
after an initial protest, Brandy lies down, takes off her pants, and allows Alex to put his penis in
her vagina when he pulls out a knife. It is likely that the trier of fact will find the rape attendant
circumstance in this case. Although Brandy acquiesced to Alexs demands without resisting, she
did so after Alex took a knife out of his pocket, which is a threat of force. In addition, Brandy
expressed her lack of consent verbally before submitting to Alexs demand. A trier of fact could
determine that Brandy experienced a fear of serious bodily injury from Alexs display of the knife,
and that a reasonable person under similar circumstances would give in to Alexs demands
without physical resistance.
Change this example and assume that after Brad leaves, Alex asks Brandy to have sexual
intercourse with him. Brandy responds, No, but allows Alex to remove her pants and put his
penis in her vagina without physically resisting. The trier of fact must make the determination of
whether Alex accomplished the sexual act by force or threat of force and without Brandys
consent. If Brandy testifies that she said No and did not consent to Alexs act, and Alex testifies
that Brandys verbal response was insufficient to indicate lack of consent, the trier of fact must
resolve this issue of fact, and it can do so based on Brandys testimony, uncorroborated, in
many jurisdictions. The trier of fact can use the criteria of the difference in age and size between
Brandy and Alex, any gestures or words indicating force or threat, and the location and isolation
of the incident, among other factors.

Rape Intent
The criminal intent element required for rape in most jurisdictions is the general
intent or knowingly to perform the rape criminal act.


This may include the intent to use

force to accomplish the objective if the states rape statute includes force or threat of force as a
component of the criminal act.
As Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime" stated, occasionally, a different criminal intent supports
the other elements of an offense. In some states, negligent intent supports the rape attendant
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circumstance of lack of victim consent. This creates a viable mistake of fact defense if the
defendant has an incorrect perception as to the victims consent. To be successful with this
defense, the facts must indicate that the defendant honestly and reasonably believed that the
victim consented to the rape criminal act.


Many jurisdictions expressly disallow the defense,

requiring strict liability intent for the lack of consent attendant circumstance.


Example of Rape Intent

Review the example with Alex and Brandy in Section 10 "Example of Rape Act". Change the
example so that Alex does not display a knife and simply asks Brandy if she would like to have sex
with him. Brandy does not respond. Alex walks over to Brandy and removes her pants. Brandy
does not protest or physically resist. Thereafter, Alex asks Brandy if she likes it rough. Brandy
remains silent. Alex physically and forcibly puts his penis in Brandys vagina. In states that allow
a negligent intent to support the attendant circumstance of rape, Alex may be able to
successfully assert mistake of fact as a defense. It appears that Alex has with general intent or
knowingly committed forcible sexual intercourse, based on his actions. In most jurisdictions, the
jury could be instructed on an inference of this intent from Alexs behavior under the
circumstances. However, if negligent intent is required to support the attendant
circumstance of the victims lack of consent, the trier of fact may find that Alexs mistake as to
Brandys consent was honest and reasonable, based on her lack of response or physical resistance.
If Alex is in a jurisdiction that requires strict liabilityintent to support the attendant
circumstance element, Alex cannot raise the defense because Alexs belief as to Brandys consent
would be irrelevant.

Rape Causation
The defendants criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of the harm, which is defined
in Section 10 "Rape Harm".

Rape Harm
The harm element of rape in most jurisdictions is penetration, no matter how slight.



precludes virginity as a defense. In addition, modern statutes do not require male ejaculation,
which precludes lack of semen as a defense.

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Example of Rape Harm

Review the example with Alex and Brandy in Section 10 "Example of Rape Act". Assume that Brad
walks into the room while Alex and Brandy are engaging in sexual intercourse. Brad tackles Alex
and pulls him off Brandy. Alex may be charged with rape, not attempted rape, in most
jurisdictions. The fact that Alex did not ejaculate does not affect the rape analysis in any way
because most jurisdictions do not require ejaculation as a component of the harm element of

Rape Shield Laws

Rape prosecutions can be extremely stressful for the victim, especially when the defendant
pursues a consent defense. Before the comprehensive rape reforms of the 1970s, rape
defendants would proffer any evidence they could find to indicate that the victim was sexually
promiscuous and prone to consenting to sexual intercourse. Fearing humiliation, many rape
victims kept their rape a secret, not reporting it to law enforcement. This allowed serial rapists to
escape punishment and did not serve our criminal justice goal of deterrence.
In modern times, most states protect rape victims with rape shield laws. Rape shield laws prohibit
the admission of evidence of the victims past sexual conduct to prove consent in a rape trial,
unless the judge allows it in a pretrial in camera hearing, outside the presence of the jury. Rape
shield laws could include the additional protections of the exclusion of evidence relating to the
victims style of dress to prove consent, the exclusion of evidence that the victim requested the
defendant to wear a condom to prove consent, and the affirmation that a victims testimony in a
rape trial need not be corroborated by other evidence.


Most courts permit the admission of

evidence proving the victims previous consensual sex with the defendant because this evidence is
particularly relevant to any consent defense.


Example of the Effect of a Rape Shield Law

Review the example with Alex and Brandy in Section 10 "Example of Rape Intent". Assume that
the jurisdiction in which the example takes place has a rape shield law. If Alex is put on trial for
the rape of Brandy and he decides to pursue a consent defense, Alex would not be able to
introduce evidence of Brandys sexual history with other menunless he receives approval from a
judge in an in camera hearing before the trial.
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Should the Media Be Permitted to Publish Negative Information about a Rape Victim?
In 2003, Kobe Bryant, a professional basketball player, was indicted for sexually assaulting a
nineteen-year-old hotel desk clerk. A mistake by a court reporter listed the accusers name on a
court website.


The court removed the victims name after discovery of the mistake, but the

damage was done. Thereafter, in spite of a court order prohibiting the publication of the
accusers name, the media, including radio, newspaper, Internet, and television, published the
accusers name, phone number, address, and e-mail address.


Products like underwear, t-

shirts, and coffee mugs with pictures of the accuser and Bryant in sexual positions were widely
available for sale, and the accuser received constant harassment, including death


Although the Colorado Supreme Court ordered pretrial in camera transcripts of

hearings pursuant to Colorados rape shield law to remain confidential, an order that was
confirmed by the US Supreme Court,


the accuser was subjected to so much negative publicity

that she eventually refused to cooperate and the prosecution dropped the charges in 2004.

1. Do you think rape shield laws should include prohibitions against negative
publicity? What are the constitutional ramifications of this particular type of
statutory protection?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

Acquaintance Rape
In modern times, rape defendants are frequently known to the victim, which may change the
factual situation significantly from stranger rape. Acquaintance rape, also called date rape, is a
phenomenon that could increase a victims reluctance to report the crime and could also affect the
defendants need to use force and the victims propensity to physically resist.
indicate that acquaintance rape is on the rise,



Although studies

statutes have not entirely addressed the issues

presented in an acquaintance rape fact pattern. To adequately punish and deter acquaintance or
date rape, rape statutes should punish nonforcible, nonconsensual sexual conduct as severely as
forcible rape. Although the majority of states still require forcible sexual intercourse as the rape
criminal act element, at least one modern court has rejected the necessity of any force other than
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what is required to accomplish the sexual intercourse.


Some rape statutes have also eliminated

the requirement that the defendant use force and punish any sexual intercourse without consent
as rape.


Spousal Rape
As stated previously, at early common law, a man could not rape his spouse. The policy
supporting this exemption can be traced to a famous seventeenth-century jurist, Matthew Hale,
who wrote, [T]he husband cannot be guilty of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife,
for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife hath given up herself in this kind
unto her husband, which she cannot retract (Hale, History of Pleas of the Crown, p. 629). During
the rape reforms of the 1970s, many states eliminated the marital or spousal rape exemption, in
spite of the fact that the Model Penal Code does not recognize spousal rape. At least one court has
held that the spousal rape exemption violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment because it discriminates against single men without a sufficient government


In several states that criminalize spousal rape, the criminal act, criminal intent,

attendant circumstance, causation, and harm elements are exactly the same as the elements of
forcible rape.



Many states also grade spousal rape the same as forcible rapeas a serious

Grading of sex offenses is discussed shortly.

Statutory Rape
Statutory rape, also called unlawful sexual intercourse, criminalizes sexual intercourse with a
victim who is under the age of legal consent. The age of legal consent varies from state to state
and is most commonly sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen.


The criminal act element required for statutory rape in many jurisdictions is sexual intercourse,
although other types of sexual conduct with a victim below the age of consent are also


The harm element of statutory rape also varies, although many jurisdictions mirror

the harm element required for rape.


Theattendant circumstance element required for


There is no requirement for force by the defendant. Nor is

statutory rape is an underage victim.

there an attendant circumstance element of lack of consent because the victim is incapable of
legally consenting.

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In the majority of states, the criminal intent element of statutory rape is strict


However, a minority of states require reckless or negligent criminal intent,

allowing for the defense of mistake of fact as to the victims age. If the jurisdiction recognizes
mistake of age as a defense, the mistake must be madereasonably, and the defendant must
take reasonable measures to verify the victims age.


The mistake of age defense can be proven

by evidence of a falsified identification, witness testimony that the victim lied about his or her age
to the defendant, or even the appearance of the victim.
It is much more common to prosecute males for statutory rape than females. The historical
reason for this selective prosecution is the policy of preventing teenage pregnancy.
modern statutory rape statutes are gender-neutral.




This ensures that women, especially

women who are older than their sexual partner, are equally subject to prosecution.

Example of Statutory Rape

Gary meets Michelle in a nightclub that only allows entrance to patrons eighteen and over. Gary
and Michelle end up spending the evening together, and later they go to Garys apartment where
they have consensual sexual intercourse. In reality, Michelle is actually fifteen and was using false
identification to enter the nightclub. If Gary and Michelle are in a state that requires strict
liability for the criminal intent element of statutory rape, Gary can be subject to prosecution for
and conviction of this offense if fifteen is under the age of legal consent. If Gary and Michelle are
in a state that allows for mistake of age as a defense, Gary could use Michelles presence in the
nightclub as evidence that he acted reasonably in believing that Michelle was capable of
rendering legal consent. If both Gary and Michelle used false identification to enter the nightclub,
and both Gary and Michelle are under the age of legal consent, both could be prosecuted for and
convicted of statutory rape in most jurisdictions because modern statutory rape statutes are

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Figure 10.3 Comparison of Rape and Statutory Rape

Sodomy and Oral Copulation

As stated previously, some states include rape, sodomy, and oral copulation in a sexual assault or
sexual conduct statute that criminalizes a variety of sexual acts involving penetration.


In states

that distinguish between rape and sodomy, thecriminal act element of sodomy is often defined
as forcible penis to anus penetration.


Typically, the other sodomy elements, including the lack

of consent attendant circumstance, criminal intent, causation, and harm, are the same as the
elements of rape. Many jurisdictions also grade sodomy the same as rape. Grading is discussed
Sodomy that is nonforcible but committed with an individual below the age of legal consent is
also criminal.


As stated previously, the US Supreme Court has held that statutes criminalizing

sodomy between consenting adults unreasonably encroach on a right to privacy without a

sufficient government interest.


In some states, consensual nonforcible sodomy is criminal if it

is committed in a state penitentiary orlocal detention facility or jail.

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In states that distinguish between rape, sodomy, and oral copulation, the criminal act element
of oral copulation is forcible mouth to sexual organ or anus penetration.


Typically, the other

oral copulation elements, including the lack of consent attendant circumstance, criminal intent,
causation, and harm, are the same as the elements of rape. Many jurisdictions also grade oral
copulation the same as rape. Grading is discussed shortly.
A few states still criminalize oral copulation with consent.


Based on the US Supreme Court

precedent relating to sodomy, these statutes may be unenforceable and unconstitutional.

Incest is also criminal in many jurisdictions. The criminal act element required for incest is
typically sexual intercourse.


The attendant circumstance element required for incest is a

victim the defendant cannot legally marry because of a family relationship.


In the majority of

jurisdictions, force is not required, and consent is not an attendant circumstance element of


Thus consent by the victim cannot operate as a defense. If the sexual intercourse with a

family member is forcible and nonconsensual, the defendant could be charged with and convicted
of rape. The criminal intent element required for incest is typically general
intent or knowingly.


The causation and harm elements of incest are generally the same as

the causation and harm elements of rape.


However, incest is generally graded lower than

forcible rape or sexual assault because force and lack of consent are not required.


Example of Incest
Hal and Harriet, brother and sister, have consensual sexual intercourse. Both Hal and Harriet are
above the age of legal consent. In spite of the fact that there was no force, threat of force, or fraud,
and both parties consented to the sexual act, Hal and Harriet could be charged with and convicted
of incest in many jurisdictions, based on theirfamily relationship.

Sex Offenses Grading

Jurisdictions vary when it comes to grading sex offenses. In general, forcible sex crimes
involving penetration are graded as serious felonies. Factors that could aggravate grading are
gang rape,


the infliction of bodily injury, the use of a weapon, a youthful victim, the

commission of other crimes in concert with the sexual offense, or a victim who has mental or
intellectual disabilities or who has been compromised by intoxicants.
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The Model Penal Code

grades rape as a felony of the second degree unless the actor inflicts serious bodily injury on the
victim or another, or the defendant is a stranger to the victim, in which case the grading is
elevated to a felony of the first degree (Model Penal Code 213.1 (1)).
Sexual offenses that do not include penetration are graded lower,
could be consensual.



along with offenses that

Sex offense statutes that criminalize sexual conduct with a victim below

the age of legal consent often grade the offense more severely when there is a large age difference
between the defendant and the victim, when the defendant is an adult, or the victim is of tender


Figure 10.4 Diagram of Sex Offenses

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Sex Offender Registration Statutes

Based on a public awareness that sex offenders often reoffend, many states have enacted some form
of Megans law or Jessicas law, which provide for registration, monitoring, control, and elevated
sentencing for sex offenders, including those that harm children. Both laws were written and enacted after
high-profile cases with child victims became the subject of enormous media attention. Megans and Jessicas
law statutes enhance previously enacted statutes that require the registration of sex offenders with local law
enforcement agencies.
Typically, a Megans law statute provides for registration and notification to the public that a convicted sex
offender lives in their area.


A Jessicas law statute often includes a stay-away order, mandating that a sex

offender cannot live within a certain distance from areas such as a school or park where children tend to
congregate. Jessicas law statutes also provide for GPS monitoring and extend the sentencing and parole
terms of child sex offenders.


Figure 10.5 Diagram of Megans and Jessicas Law Statutes

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Common-law rape was a capital offense, did not include rape of a spouse,
required extreme resistance by the victim, and required evidence to corroborate
a victims testimony. Modern statutes do not make rape a capital offense, often
criminalize spousal rape, and do not require extreme resistance by the victim or
evidence to corroborate the victims testimony. At early common law, sodomy
was the anal penetration of a man, by a man. Modern statutes make sodomy
gender-neutral and only criminalize sodomy without consent.

The criminal act element required for rape is sexual penetration accomplished
with force or threat of force in many jurisdictions.

The attendant circumstance element required for rape is lack of consent by the

In many jurisdictions, the victim does not need to resist if the defendant uses
force. If the victim is faced with a threat of force rather than force, the victim
need not resist if he or she has a subjective fear of serious bodily injury, and this
fear is reasonable under the circumstances.

In modern times, a victims testimony does not need to be corroborated by other

evidence to convict a defendant of rape.

The criminal intent element required for rape is general intent or knowingly to
commit the criminal act.

In some jurisdictions, the criminal intent element required for the rape attendant
circumstance is negligent intentproviding for a defense of mistake of fact as to
the victims consent. In other jurisdictions, the criminal intent element required
for the rape attendant circumstance is strict liability, which does not allow for the
mistake of fact defense.

The harm element required for rape is penetration, no matter how slight.
Ejaculation is not a requirement for rape in most jurisdictions.

Rape shield laws generally preclude the admission of evidence of the victims
past sexual conduct in a rape trial, unless it is allowed by a judge at an in camera
hearing. Rape shield laws also preclude the admission of evidence of the victims

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style of dress and the victims request that the defendant wear a condom to
prove victim consent. Some rape shield laws provide that the victims testimony
need not be corroborated by other evidence to convict the defendant of rape.

Acquaintance rape often goes unreported and does not necessarily include use of
force by the defendant or resistance by the victim.

States that criminalize spousal rape generally require the same elements for
spousal rape as for rape and grade spousal rape the same as rape.

Statutory rape is generally sexual intercourse with a victim who is under the age
of legal consent. Statutory rape does not have the requirement that the
intercourse be forcible and does not require the attendant circumstance of the
victims lack of consent because the victim is incapable of rendering legal
consent. In the majority of jurisdictions, the criminal intent element required for
statutory rape is strict liability. In a minority of jurisdictions, the criminal intent
element required for statutory rape is negligent or reckless intent, providing for a
defense of mistake of fact as to the victims age.

Sodomy has the same elements as rape except for the criminal act element,
which is often defined as forcible penis to anus penetration, rather than penis to
vagina penetration. In addition, in some states sodomy is criminal with consent
when it occurs in a state prison or a local detention facility or jail. Oral copulation
also has the same elements as rape, except for the criminal act element, which is
forcible mouth to sexual organ or anus penetration. Incest is sexual intercourse
between family members who cannot legally marry.

Generally, rape, sodomy, and oral copulation are graded as serious felonies.
Factors that enhance grading of sex offenses are penetration, gang rape, bodily
injury, the use of a weapon, a victim who has intellectual or mental disabilities or
is youthful or intoxicated, and the commission of other crimes in concert with the
sex offense. Sex offenses committed with the victims consent and without
penetration are typically graded lower. If the victim is below the age of consent, a

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large age difference exists between the defendant and the victim, the defendant
is an adult, or the victim is of tender years, grading typically is enhanced.

Typically, a Megans law statute provides for sex offender registration and
notification to the public that a convicted sex offender lives in their area. A
Jessicas law statute often includes a stay-away order mandating that a sex
offender cannot live within a certain distance from areas such as a school or park
where children tend to congregate. Jessicas law statutes also provide for GPS
monitoring and extend the sentencing and parole terms of child sex offenders.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Jorge and Christina have consensual sexual intercourse. Could this consensual
sexual intercourse be criminal? Which crime(s), if any, could exist in this fact
2. Read Toomer v. State, 529 SE 2d 719 (2000). In Toomer, the defendant was
convicted of rape after having sexual intercourse with his daughter, who was
under the age of fourteen. The jury instruction did not include any requirement
for the defendants use of force or victim resistance. The defendant appealed and
claimed that the prosecution should have proven he used force and the victims
resistance because the charge was rape, not statutory rape. Did the Supreme
Court of South Carolina uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The
case is available at this
3. Read Fleming v. State, 323 SW 3d 540 (2010). In Fleming, the defendant appealed
his conviction for aggravated sexual assault of a child under fourteen because he
was not allowed to present a mistake of age defense. The defendant claimed that
the requirement of strict liability intent as to the age of the victim deprived him
of due process of law. Did the Court of Appeals of Texas agree with the
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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defendant? The case is available at this


[1] Donna Macnamara, History of Sexual Violence, Interactive website, accessed February 8,
[2] Sex Offenses, website, accessed February 8,
[3] Matthew R. Lyon, No means No? Withdrawal of Consent During Intercourse and the Continuing
Evolution of the Definition of Rape, website, accessed February 8,
[4] Kennedy v. Louisiana, 128 S. Ct. 2641 (2008), accessed February 8,
[5] Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003), accessed February 8, 2011,
[6] Md. Code Ann. 3-303, accessed February 8, 2011,
[7] Md. Code Ann. 3-301(g), accessed February 8, 2011,
[8] K.S.A. 21-3501(1), accessed February 8,
[9] K.S.A. 21-3502, accessed February 8,
[10] K.S.A. 21-3502, accessed February 8,
[11] N.Y. Penal Law 130.25(3), accessed February 10, 2011,
[12] Md. Code Ann. 3-304, accessed February 8, 2011,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[13] K.S.A. 21-3502, accessed February 8,

[14] Iowa v. Vander Esch, 662 N.W. 2d 689 (2002), accessed February 10,
[15] Boro v. Superior Court, 163 Cal. App. 3d 1224 (1985), accessed February 17,
[16] Del. Code Ann. tit. II, 761(j) (1), accessed February 9,
[17] N.Y. Penal Law 130.05, accessed February 9, 2011,
[18] Minn. Stat. Ann. 609.343(c), accessed February 10,
[19] In re John Z., 29 Cal. 4th 756 (2003), accessed February 10,
[20] State v. Borthwick, 880 P.2d 1261 (1994), accessed February 10,
[21] State v. Lile, 699 P.2d 456 (1985), accessed February 8,
[22] People v. Mayberry, 542 P.2d 1337 (1975), accessed February 11,
[23] State v. Plunkett, 934 P.2d 113 (1997), accessed February 11,
[24] Idaho Code Ann. 18-6101, accessed February 10,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[25] Ala. Code 13A-6-60, accessed February 11,

[26] Fla. Stat. Ann. 794.022, accessed February 11,
[27] Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-3-407(1) (a), accessed February 14,
[28] Rape Case against Bryant Dismissed, website, accessed February 27,
[29] Tom Kenworty, Patrick ODriscoll, Judge Dismisses Bryant Rape Case, website,
accessed February 27, 2011,
[30] Richard Haddad, Shield or Sieve? People v. Bryant and the Rape Shield Law in High-Profile
Cases, Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, accessed February 27,
[31] Associated Press et. al. v. District Court for the Fifth Judicial District of Colorado, 542 U.S. 1301 (2004),
accessed February 27, 2011,
[32] The National Center for Victims of Crime, Acquaintance Rape, website, accessed February
14, 2011,
[33] The National Center for Victims of Crime, Acquaintance Rape, website, accessed February
14, 2011,
[34] State of New Jersey in the Interest of M.T.S., 609 A.2d 1266 (1992), accessed February 14,
[35] Utah Code Ann. 76-5-402(1), accessed February 14,
[36] People v. Liberta, 64 N.Y. 2d 152 (1984), accessed February 14,
[37] N. H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 632-A: 5, accessed February 14,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[38] Utah Code Ann. 76-5-402(2), accessed February 14,

[39] Age of Consent Chart for the U.S.-2010, website, accessed February 14,
[40] US Department of Health and Human Services, Statutory Rape: A Guide to State Laws and Reporting
Requirements, website, accessed February 16,
[41] US Department of Health and Human Services, Statutory Rape: A Guide to State Laws and Reporting
Requirements, website, accessed February 16,
[42] Cal. Penal Code 261.5, accessed February 15,
[43] La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 14-80, accessed February 15,
[44] Alaska Stat. 11.41.445(b), accessed February 15,
[45] Michael M. v. Superior Court, 450 U.S. 464 (1981), accessed February 15,
[46] N.Y. Penal Law 130.30, accessed February 15, 2011,
[47] Alaska Stat. 11.41.410, accessed February 15, 2011,
[48] Cal. Penal Code 286(a), accessed February 15,
[49] Cal. Penal Code 286(b), accessed February 15,
[50] Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003), accessed February 15,

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[51] Cal. Penal Code 286(c) (3) (e), accessed February 15,
[52] Cal. Penal Code 288a, accessed February 15,
[53] Ala. Code 13A-6-65, accessed February 15,
[54] Fla. Stat. Ann. 826.04, accessed February 15,
[55] Del. Code Ann. Tit. 11, 766, accessed February 15,
[56] Del. Code Ann. Tit. 11, 766, accessed February 15,
[57] Fla. Stat. Ann. 826.04, accessed February 15,
[58] Fla. Stat. Ann. 826.04, accessed February 15,
[59] Del. Code Ann. Tit. 11, 766, accessed February 15,
[60] Fla. Stat. Ann. 794.023, accessed February 15,
[61] Del. Code Ann. Tit. 11, 773, accessed February 15,
[62] N.Y. Penal Law 130.52, accessed February 15, 2011,
[63] Del. Code Ann. Tit. 11, 766, accessed February 15,
[64] Cal. Penal Code 261.5, accessed February 15,
[65] 42 Pa. C. S. 9799.1, accessed February 15, 2011,
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[66] Va. Code Ann. 19.2-295.2:1, accessed February 15, 2011,

10.2 Assault and Battery


Define the criminal act element required for battery.

2. Define the criminal intent element required for battery.

3. Define the attendant circumstance element required for battery.
4. Define the harm element required for battery.
5. Analyze battery grading.
6. Distinguish between attempted battery and threatened battery assault.
7. Define the elements of attempted battery assault.
8. Define the elements of threatened battery assault.
9. Analyze assault grading.
Assault and battery are two crimes that are often prosecuted together, yet they are separate offenses with
different elements. Although modern jurisdictions frequently combine assault and battery into one statute
called assault, the offenses are still distinct and are often graded differently. The Model Penal Code calls
both crimes assault, simple and aggravated (Model Penal Code 211.1). However, the Model Penal Code does
not distinguish between assault and battery for grading purposes. This section reviews the elements of both
crimes, including potential defenses.

Battery Elements
Battery is a crime that has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, attendant circumstance,
causation, and harm as is discussed in the subsections that follow.

Battery Act
The criminal act element required for battery in most jurisdictions is an unlawful touching,
often described as physical contact.


This criminal act element is what distinguishes assault from

battery, although an individual can be convicted of both crimes if he or she commits separate acts
supported by the appropriate intent. The defendant can touch the victim with an instrumentality,
like shooting the victim with a gun, or can hit the victim with a thrown object, such as rocks or a
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bottle. The defendant can also touch the victim with a vehicle, knife, or a substance, such as
spitting on the victim or spraying the victim with a hose.

Example of Battery Act

Recall from Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law" an example where Chris, a newly hired
employee at McDonalds, spills steaming-hot coffee on his customer Geoffs hand. Although Chris
did not touch Geoff with any part of his body, he did pour a substance that unlawfully
touched Geoffs body, which could be sufficient to constitute the criminal act element for battery
in most jurisdictions.

Battery Intent
The criminal intent element required for battery varies, depending on the jurisdiction. At early
common law, battery was a purposeful or knowing touching. Many states follow the common-law
approach and require specific intent or purposely, orgeneral
intent or knowingly.



Others include reckless intent,


or negligent

Jurisdictions that include reckless or negligent intent generally require actual injury,

serious bodily injury, or the use of a deadly weapon. The Model Penal Code requires purposely,
knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another, or negligently causing bodily injury to
another with a deadly weapon (Model Penal Code 211.1(1) (b)). If negligent intent
is not included in the battery statute, certain conduct that causes injury to the victim may not be

Example of Battery Intent

Review the example with Chris and Geoff in Section 10 "Example of Battery Act". Assume that
Chriss act of pouring hot coffee on Geoffs hand occurred when Chris attempted to multitask and
hand out change at the same moment he was pouring the coffee. Chriss act of physically touching
Geoff with the hot coffee may be supported by negligent intent because Chris is a new employee
and is probably not aware of the risk of spilling coffee when multitasking. If the state in which
Chriss spill occurs does not include negligent intent in its battery statute, Chris probably
will not be subject to prosecution for this offense. If Chriss state only criminalizes negligent
battery whenserious bodily injury occurs, or when causing bodily injury to another with a deadly
weapon, Chris will not be subject to prosecution for battery unless the coffee caused a severe
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burning of Geoffs hand; hot coffee cannot kill and would probably not be considered a deadly

Battery Attendant Circumstance

The attendant circumstance element required for battery in most jurisdictions is that the
touching occur without the victims consent. Thus victims consent can operate as a failure of
proof or affirmative defense in some factual situations.

Example of Battery Consent Defense

Recall from Chapter 5 "Criminal Defenses, Part 1" the example where Allen tackles Brett during a
high school football game, causing Brett to suffer a severe injury. Although Allen intentionally
touched Brett, and the result is serious bodily injury, Brettconsented to the touching by
voluntarily participating in a sporting event where physical contact is frequent. Thus the
attendant circumstance element for battery is absent and Allen is probably not subject to
prosecution for this offense.

Justification and Excuse Defenses to Battery

In addition to consent, there are also justification and excuse defenses to battery that Chapter
5 "Criminal Defenses, Part 1" and Chapter 6 "Criminal Defenses, Part 2"discuss in detail. To
summarize and review, the justification defenses to battery are self-defense, defense of property
and habitation, and the lawful apprehension of criminals. An excuse defense to battery
that Chapter 6 "Criminal Defenses, Part 2" explores is the insanity defense. One other excuse
defense to battery is the reasonable discipline of a child by a parent that is generally regulated by
statute and varies from state to state.


Battery Causation
The defendants criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of the harm, which is defined
in Section 10 "Battery Harm".

Battery Harm
The harm requirement for battery varies, depending on the jurisdiction. Many jurisdictions allow
for harmful or offensive contact.



Some jurisdictions require an actual injury to the

The severity of the injury can elevate grading, as is discussed in Section 10 "Battery

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Example of Battery Harm

Review the example in Section 10 "Example of Battery Act" where Chris pours hot coffee on
Geoffs hand. If Chris and Geoff are in a state that requires actual injury to the victim as the harm
element of battery, Chris will not be subject to prosecution for this offense unless the hot coffee
injures Geoffs hand. If Chris and Geoff are in a state that allows for harmful or offensive contact,
Chris may be charged with or convicted of battery as long as the battery intent element is present,
as discussed in Section 10 "Battery Intent".
Figure 10.6 Diagram of Defenses to Battery

Battery Grading
At early common law, battery was a misdemeanor. The Model Penal Code grades battery (called
simple assault) as a misdemeanor unless committed in a fight or scuffle entered into by mutual
consent, in which case it is a petty misdemeanor (Model Penal Code 211.1(1)). The Model Penal
Code grades aggravated battery (called aggravated assault), which is battery that causes serious
bodily injury or bodily injury caused by a deadly weapon, as a felony of the second or third degree
(Model Penal Code 211.1(2)). Many states follow the Model Penal Code approach
by grading battery that causes offense or emotional injury as a misdemeanor
causes bodily injury as a gross misdemeanor or a felony.



and battery that

In addition, battery supported by a

higher level of intentsuch as intent to cause serious bodily injury or intent to maim or
disfigureis often graded higher.


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Other factors that can aggravate battery grading are the use

of a weapon,


the commission of battery during the commission or attempted commission of a

serious or violent felony,


law enforcement officer.



the helplessness of the victim,

and battery against a teacher



Assault Elements
Assault is a crime that has the elements of criminal act and intent. A certain type of assault also
has a causation and harm element, as is discussed in Section 10 "Threatened Battery Assault".

Attempted Battery and Threatened Battery Assault

Two types of assault are recognized. In some jurisdictions, assault is an attempted battery. In
other jurisdictions, assault is a threatened battery. The Model Penal Code criminalizes both
attempted battery and threatened battery assault (Model Penal Code 211.1). The elements of
both types of assault are discussed in Section 10 "Attempted Battery and Threatened Battery

Attempted Battery Assault

Attempted battery assault is an assault that has every element of battery except for thephysical
contact. The elements of attempted battery assault are criminal act supported by criminal intent.
There is no requirement of causation or harm becauseattempt crimes do not have a harm
requirement. Although attempted battery assault should allow for the same defense
of consent as battery, this is not as common with assault as it is with battery, so most statutes do
not have the attendant circumstance element of lack of consent by the victim.

Attempted Battery Assault Act

The criminal act element required for attempted battery assault is an act thatattempts to make
physical contact with the victim but falls short for some reason. This could be a thrown object that
never hits its target, a gunshot that misses, or a punch that doesnt connect. In some states, the
defendant must have the present ability to cause harmful or offensive physical contact, even

though the contact never takes place.

The present ability requirement is simply an extension of

the rule that attempt crimes must progress beyond mere preparation. In the majority of
jurisdictions, the criminal act element is measured by the Model Penal Codes substantial steps
test described in detail in Chapter 7 "Parties to Crime".


To summarize, the substantial steps

test requires the defendant to take substantial steps toward completion of the battery, and the
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defendants actions must be strongly corroborative of the defendants criminal purpose (Model
Penal Code 5.01).

Example of Attempted Battery Assault Act

Diana points a loaded pistol at her ex-boyfriend Dan, says, Prepare to die, Dan, and pulls the
trigger. Fortunately for Dan, the gun malfunctions and does not fire. Diana has probably
committed attempted battery assault. Diana took every step necessary toward completion of
battery, and her conduct of aiming a pistol at Dan and pulling the trigger was strongly
corroborative of her criminal purpose. In addition, it appears that Diana had the present
ability to shoot Dan because her gun was loaded. Thus Diana may be charged with and convicted
of the offense of attempted battery assault with a deadly weapon. Note that Diana may also be
charged with or convicted of attempted murder because it appears that murder intent is present.

Attempted Battery Assault Intent

The criminal intent element required for attempted battery assault is the specific
intent or purposely to cause harmful or offensive contact.


Like all attempt crimes, attempted

battery assault cannot be supported by reckless or negligent intent.

Example of Attempted Battery Assault Intent

Change the example in Section 10 "Example of Attempted Battery Assault Act" so that Dan hands
Diana a pistol and comments that it is unloaded. Diana says, Really? Well, then, I can do this!
She thereafter points the gun at Dan and playfully pulls the trigger. The gun malfunctions and
does not shoot, although it is loaded. Diana probably cannot be charged with or convicted of
attempted battery assault in this case. Although Diana took every step necessary toward making
harmful physical contact with Dan, she was acting with negligent, not specific or purposeful,
intent. Thus the criminal intent element for attempted battery assault is absent, and Diana could
only be charged with a lesser offense such as negligent handling of firearms.

Threatened Battery Assault

Threatened battery assault differs from attempted battery assault in that the intent is not to cause
physical contact with the victim; the intent is to cause the victim to fearphysical contact. Thus
threatened battery assault is not an attempt crime and has the additional requirement
of causation and harm offense elements.
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Threatened Battery Assault Act

The criminal act element required for threatened battery assault is conduct that causes the
victim apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive physical contact. In
general, words are not enough to constitute the criminal act element required for threatened
battery assault.


The words must be accompanied by threatening gestures. In addition, a threat

of future harm or a conditional threat is not sufficient.


The physical contact threatened must be

unequivocal and immediate. Some jurisdictions still require present ability for threatened battery
assault. In others, onlyapparent ability is necessary; this means the victim must reasonably
believe that the defendant can effectuate the physical contact.


Example of Threatened Battery Assault Act

Change the example given in Section 10 "Example of Attempted Battery Assault Act" so that Dans
pistol is lying on a table. Diana says to Dan, If you dont take me back, I am going to shoot you
with your own gun! At this point, Diana has probably not committed the criminal act element
required for threatened battery assault. Diana has only used words to threaten Dan, and words
are generally not enough to constitute the threatened battery assault act. In addition, Dianas
threat was conditional, not immediate. If Dan agrees to get back together with Diana, no
physical contact would occur. Add to the example, and assume that Dan responds, Go ahead,
shoot me. I would rather die than take you back! Diana thereafter grabs the gun, points it at Dan,
and cocks it. At this point, Diana may have committed the criminal act element required for
threatened battery assault. Dianas threat is accompanied by a seriousgesture: cocking a pistol. If
the state in which Dan and Dianas example occurs requires present ability, then the gun must
be loaded. If the state requires apparent ability, then Dan must believe the gun is loadedand
if he is wrong, Diana could still have committed the criminal act element required for threatened
battery assault.

Threatened Battery Assault Intent

The criminal intent element required for threatened battery assault is the specific
intent or purposely to cause fear of harmful or offensive contact.


This is different from the

criminal intent element required for attempted battery assault, which is the specific intent or
purposely to cause harmful or offensive contact.
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Example of Threatened Battery Assault Intent

Review the example in Section 10 "Example of Threatened Battery Assault Act". Change the
example so that the gun that Diana grabs is Dianas gun, and it is unloaded. Diana is aware that
the gun is unloaded, but Dan is not. In this example, Diana probably has the intent required for
threatened battery assault. Dianas act of pointing the gun at Dan and cocking it, after making a
verbal threat, indicates that she has the specific intent or purposely to cause apprehension in
Dan of imminent harmful physical contact. If Diana is in a state that only requires apparent
ability to effectuate the contact, Diana has committed the criminal act supported by criminal
intent for threatened battery assault. Note that Diana does not have the proper criminal intent
forattempted battery assault if the gun is unloaded. This is because the intent required for
attempted battery assault is the intent to cause harmful or offensive contact, which Diana clearly
cannot intend to do with an unloaded gun.

Threatened Battery Assault Causation

The defendants criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of the harm that is defined
in Section 10 "Threatened Battery Assault Harm".

Threatened Battery Assault Harm

The harm element required for threatened battery assault is the victims reasonable
apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact.


Thus the victims lack of awareness of

the defendants criminal act could operate as a failure of proof oraffirmative defense in
many jurisdictions.

Example of Threatened Battery Assault Harm

Review the example in Section 10 "Example of Threatened Battery Assault Act". Change the
example so that after Diana verbally threatens Dan, he shrugs, turns around, and begins to walk
away. Frustrated, Diana grabs the gun off of the table and waves it menacingly at Dans back. Dan
is unaware of this behavior and continues walking out the door. Diana has
probably not committed threatened battery assault in this situation. A key component of
threatened battery assault is victim apprehension orfear. If Diana silently waves a gun at Dans
back, it does not appear that she has the specific intent or purposely to inspire fear in Dan of
harmful physical contact. In addition, Dan was not cognizant of Dianas action and did not
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experience the fear, which is the threatened battery assault harm element. Thus Diana may not
be convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in states that criminalize only threatened battery
assault. Note that if the gun is loaded, Diana may have committed attempted battery
assault in many jurisdictions. Attempted battery assault requires neither intent to inspire fear in
the victim nor victim awareness of the defendants criminal act. A trier of fact could find that
Diana took substantial steps toward committing harmful physical contact when she picked up a
loaded gun and waved it at Dans back after making a verbal threat. Attempted battery assault has
no harm element, so the crime is complete as soon as Diana commits the criminal act supported
by criminal intent.
Figure 10.7 Diagram of Assault Elements

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Figure 10.8 Crack the Code

Assault Grading
Assault grading is very similar to battery grading in many jurisdictions. As stated previously,
many modern statutes follow the Model Penal Code approach and combine assault and battery
into one statute, typically called assault.



Simple assault is generally a

Aggravated assault is generally a felony.


Factors that could enhance grading

of assault are the use of a deadly weapon and assault against a law enforcement officer, teacher, or
helpless individual.


Table 10.2 Comparing Battery, Attempted Battery, and Threatened Battery Assault


Criminal Act

Criminal Intent

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Criminal Act

Criminal Intent




Unlawful touching

Specific or
general or
reckless, or


Substantial steps
toward a battery plus
present ability

Specific or
purposely to
commit battery

None required



Conduct that inspires

fear of physical contact;
words are not enough;
may require apparent
rather than present

Specific or
purposely to
inspire fear of
physical contact

reasonable fear
of imminent
physical contact


Harmful or
physical contact felony

Note: Battery could also include the attendant circumstance element of lack of consent by
the victim.


The criminal act element required for battery is an unlawful touching.

The criminal intent element required for battery can be specific intent or
purposely, general intent or knowingly, recklessly, or negligently, depending on
the circumstances and the jurisdiction. Jurisdictions that criminalize reckless or
negligent battery generally require actual injury, serious bodily injury, or the use
of a deadly weapon.

The attendant circumstance element required for battery is lack of consent by

the victim.

The harm element of battery is physical contact. Jurisdictions vary as to whether

the physical contact must be harmful or if it can be harmful or offensive.

Battery that causes offense or emotional injury is typically graded as a

misdemeanor, and battery that causes physical injury is typically graded as a
gross misdemeanor or a felony. Factors that can aggravate grading are a higher
level of intent, such as intent to maim or disfigure, use of a weapon, committing

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battery in concert with other serious or violent felonies, and battery against a
helpless victim, teacher, or law enforcement officer.

Attempted battery assault is an attempt crime that does not require the
elements of causation or harm. Threatened battery assault requires causation
and harm; the victim must experience reasonable fear of imminent physical

Attempted battery assault requires the criminal act of substantial steps toward
commission of a battery and the criminal intent of specific intent or purposely to
commit a battery. Because attempted battery assault is an attempt crime, it also
generally requires present ability to commit the battery.

The criminal act element required for threatened battery assault is conduct that
inspires reasonable fear in the victim of imminent harmful or offensive physical
contact. Words generally are not enough to constitute the criminal act element,
nor are conditional threats. However, because the act need only inspire the fear,
rather than culminate in a battery, apparent ability to commit the battery is
sufficient in many jurisdictions. The criminal intent element required for
threatened battery assault is specific intent or purposely to inspire the victims
reasonable fear. The defendant must also be the factual and legal cause of the
harm, which is the victims reasonable fear of imminent harmful or offensive
physical contact.

Simple assault is generally graded as a misdemeanor; aggravated assault is

generally graded as a felony. Factors that can aggravate grading are the use of a
weapon or assault against a law enforcement officer, teacher, or helpless victim.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Bob and Rick get into an argument after drinking a few beers. Bob swings at Rick
with his fist, but Rick ducks and Bob does not hit Rick. Bob swings again with the
other hand, and this time he manages to punch Rick in the stomach. Identify the
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crimes committed in this situation. If Bob only swings once and misses, which
crime(s) have been committed?
2. Read State v. Higgs, 601 N.W.2d 653 (1999). What criminal act did the defendant
commit that resulted in a conviction for battery? Did the Court of Appeals of
Wisconsin uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is
available at this
3. Read Commonwealth v. Henson, 259 N.E.2d 769 (1970). In Henson, the defendant
fired blanks at a police officer and was convicted of assault with a deadly
weapon. The defendant appealed, claiming that he had no present ability to
shoot the police officer because the gun was not loaded with bullets. Did the
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts uphold the defendants conviction? The
case is available at this

[1] 720 ILCS 12-3, accessed February 18, 2011,
[2] Fla. Stat. Ann. 784.03, accessed February 18,
[3] K.S.A. 21-3412, accessed February 18,
[4] R.I. Gen. Laws 11-5-2.2, accessed February 18,
[5] United States statutes pertaining to spanking, website, accessed February 18,
[6] 720 ILCS 12-3, accessed February 18, 2011,
[7] Ala. Code 13A-6-21, accessed February 18, 2011,
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[8] 720 ILCS 12-3, accessed February 18, 2011,

[9] 720 ILCS 12-4, accessed February 18, 2011,
[10] Ala. Code 13A-6-20, accessed February 18, 2011,
[11] R.I. Gen. Laws 11-5-2, accessed February 18,
[12] Ala. Code 13A-6-20(4), accessed February 18, 2011,
[13] Wis. Stat. 940.19(6) (a), 940.19(6) (b), accessed February 18,
[14] Wis. Stat. 940.20(5), accessed February 18,
[15] Wis. Stat. 940.20(2), accessed February 18,
[16] Cal. Penal Code 240, accessed February 19,
[17] Commonwealth v. Matthews, 205 PA Super 92 (2005), accessed February 19,
%22assault%22+%2B+%22conditional+threat%22+%2B+%22not+enough%22&hl= en&as_sdt=2,5.
[18] People v. Nickens, 685 NW 2d 657 (2004), accessed February 19,
[19] Clark v. Commonwealth, 676 S.E.2d 332 (2009), accessed February 19,
[20] Clark v. Commonwealth, 676 S.E.2d 332 (2009), accessed February 19,

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[21] Fla. Stat. Ann. 784.011, accessed February 19,

[22] Commonwealth v. Porro, 458 Mass. 526 (2010), accessed February 20,
[23] Commonwealth v. Porro, 458 Mass. 526 (2010), accessed February 20,
[24] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1203, accessed February 20, 2011,
[25] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1203, accessed February 20, 2011,
[26] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1204, accessed February 20, 2011,
[27] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1204, accessed February 20, 2011,

10.3 Domestic Violence and Stalking


Identify the individuals covered by domestic violence statutes.

2. Identify some of the special features of domestic violence statutes.

3. Define the criminal act element required for stalking.
4. Define the criminal intent element required for stalking, and compare various
statutory approaches to stalking criminal intent.
5. Define the harm element required for stalking, and compare various statutory
approaches to ascertaining harm.
6. Analyze stalking grading.
Domestic violence and stalking are modern crimes that respond to societal problems that have escalated
in recent years. Domestic violence statutes are drafted to address issues that are prevalent in crimes between

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family members or individuals living in the same household. Stalking generally punishes conduct that is
a precursorto assault, battery, or other crimes against the person, as is explored in .

Domestic Violence
Domestic violence statutes generally focus on criminal conduct that occurs
betweenfamily members. Although family cruelty or interfamily criminal behavior is not a new
phenomenon, enforcement of criminal statutes against family members can be challenging
because of dependence, fear, and other issues that are particular to the family unit. In addition,
historical evidence indicates that law enforcement can be reluctant to get involved in family
disputes and often fails to adequately protect victims who are trapped in the same residence as
the defendant. Specific enforcement measures that are crafted to apply to defendants and victims
who are family members are an innovative statutory approach that many jurisdictions are
beginning to adopt. In general, domestic violence statutes target crimes against the person, for
example, assault, battery, sex offenses, kidnapping, and criminal homicide.

Domestic Violence Statutes Characteristics

The purpose of many domestic violence statutes is equal enforcement and treatment of crimes
between family members and maximum protection for the domestic violence victim.



violence statutes focus on individuals related by blood or marriage, individuals who share a child,
ex-spouses and ex-lovers, and individuals who reside together.


Domestic violence statutes

commonly contain the following provisions:

Special training for law enforcement in domestic issues [3]

Protection of the victim by no-contact orders and nondisclosure of the victims

residence address [4]

Duty of law enforcement or prosecutors to inform the victim of the decision of

whether to prosecute and the duty to inform the victim of special procedures
available to protect domestic violence victims [5]

Ability to arrest domestic violence offenders with or without a warrant [6]

Special factors to consider in the sentencing of domestic violence defendants [7]

Peace officer immunity for enforcement of domestic violence provisions [8]

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California was the first state to enact a stalking law in 1990, in response to the high-profile
murder of a young actress named Rebecca Schaeffer whose attacker stalked her for two years.

Now all states and the federal government have stalking laws. Although statutes criminalizing
stalking are gender-neutral, in reality, most stalking victims are women, and most stalking
defendants are men.
Before the states enacted stalking laws, a victim who was threatened and harassed but not
assaulted had no remedy except to go to court and obtain a restraining order. A restraining order
is a court order mandating that the defendant neither contact nor come within a certain distance
of the victim. If the defendant violated the restraining order, law enforcement could arrest him or
her. Until a restraining order was in place, however, the defendant was free to continue
frightening the victim. Restraining orders typically take some time to obtain. The victim must
contact and employ an attorney and also set up a court hearing. For this reason, the restraining
order method of preventing a defendant from stalking was cumbersome, ineffective, and
frequently resulted in force or violence against the stalking victim.
The modern crime of stalking allows law enforcement to arrest and incapacitate
defendants before they complete an assault, battery, or other violent crime against a victim. Like
all crimes, stalking requires the defendant to commit a voluntary act supported by criminal
intent. In many jurisdictions, stalking also has the elements of causation and harm, as is
discussed in .

Stalking Act
Various approaches have been made to criminalize stalking, and a plethora of descriptors now
identify the stalking criminal act. In the majority of jurisdictions, thecriminal act element
required for stalking includes any course of conduct thatcredibly threatens the victims safety,
including following,






pursuing, or making an express or implied

threat to injure the victim, the victims family member,


or the victims property.


In general,

credible threat means the defendant has the apparent ability to effectuate the harm


The stalking criminal act is unique among criminal acts in that it must occur

on more than one occasion or repeatedly.

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The popularity of social networking sites and the


frequency with which defendants use the Internet to stalk their victims inspired many states to
specifically criminalize cyberstalking, which is the use of the Internet or e-mail to commit the
criminal act of stalking.


Example of a Case Lacking Stalking Act

Elliot tells Lisa on two separate occasions that he loves her. Lisa intensely dislikes Elliot and
wants nothing to do with him. Although Elliots proclamations of love are unwelcome, Elliot
probably has not committed the criminal act element required for stalking. Elliots behavior does
not threaten Lisas safety or the safety of her family members or property. Thus Elliot may not be
charged with and convicted of stalking in most jurisdictions.

Example of Stalking Act

Change the example in so that Elliot tells Lisa he loves her on one occasion. Lisa frowns and walks
away. Elliot then follows Lisa and tells her that he will make her pay for not loving him. Lisa
ignores Elliots statement, climbs into her car, and drives away. Later that evening, Elliot rings
Lisas doorbell. Lisa does not answer the door but yells at Elliot, telling him to leave. Disgruntled
and angry, Elliot carves, you will die for not loving me into Lisas front door with his
Elliots conduct could constitute the criminal act element required for stalking in most
jurisdictions. In this example, Elliot has followed Lisa and approached her, which is a repeated
course of conduct. On two occasions Elliot threatened Lisa: once by telling her he will make her
pay and again by carving a death threat into her front door. Keep in mind that Elliots threat to
Lisas safety must be credible in many jurisdictions. Thus if Elliot is unable to actually harm Lisa
for any reason, the trier of fact could find that he does not have the apparent ability to carry out
his threat, and he could not be convicted of stalking.

Stalking Intent
The criminal intent element required for stalking also varies, depending on the jurisdiction. In
most states, the defendant must commit the criminal act willfully or maliciously.


This indicates

a specific intent or purposeful conduct. However, in states that require the victim to
experience harm, a different criminal intent could support the harm offense element. States that
include bad results or harm in their stalking statutes require either specific
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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intent or purposely, general intent orknowingly, reckless intent, negligent intent,

or strict liability (no intent) to cause the harm, depending on the state.


Example of Stalking Intent

Review the stalking act example in . In the majority of states, Elliot must make the threatening
statement and carve the threatening message into Lisas front doorwillfully or maliciously.
However, the requirement that Elliot act with the intent tocause Lisas reaction to this conduct
varies, depending on the jurisdiction. In some jurisdictions, Elliot must act with the specific
intent or purposely to cause Lisa to suffer the stalking harm, which is generally fear for bodily
safety, the safety of family members, or fear of damage to Lisas property. In others, Elliot can act
to cause Lisas fear with general intent or knowingly, reckless intent, or negligent intent. In some
jurisdictions, Elliots purpose or awareness as to Lisas feeling of fear is irrelevant because strict
liability is the intent supporting the harm or bad results requirement.

Stalking Causation
In jurisdictions that require harm for stalking, the defendants criminal act must be
thefactual and legal cause of the harm, which is defined in .

Stalking Harm
As stated previously, some states require a specific harm element in their stalking statutes. This
element is defined differently depending on the state but generally amounts to victim fear. The
fear is typically fear of bodily injury or death of the victim


or damage to the victims property.



or of the victims family

States also employ different tests to ascertain

the harm element. States can require subjectiveand objective fear,



or just objective fear.



just subjective

Subjective fear means the victim must actually experience fear.

Objective fear means a reasonable victim under similar circumstances would experience fear.

Example of Stalking Harm

Review the stalking act example in . In jurisdictions that require subjective andobjective victim
fear as the harm element for stalking, Elliot must cause Lisa to experience fear that
is reasonable under the circumstances. In a jurisdiction that requires only subjective victim fear,
Elliot must cause Lisa to feel fear, either reasonably or unreasonably. In a jurisdiction that
requires only objective fear, Elliot must act in a manner that would cause a reasonable victim
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under similar circumstances to experience fear. Keep in mind that if Lisa is aware of a
circumstance that makes it unlikely that Elliot can carry out his threat, Elliot could not be
convicted of stalking in a jurisdiction that requires Lisa to experience subjective fear.

Stalking Grading
Jurisdictions vary as to how they grade stalking. Many states divide stalking into degrees or
grade it as simple and aggravated. First-degree or aggravated stalking is generally graded as a
felony, and second-degree or simple stalking is generally graded as a misdemeanor.



that could enhance grading are the violation of a restraining or protective order, the use of a
weapon, a youthful victim, or previous convictions for stalking.

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Figure 10.9 Diagram of Domestic Violence and Stalking


Individuals covered by domestic violence statutes are relatives by blood or

marriage, individuals who share a child, ex-spouses and ex-lovers, and individuals
who reside together.

Some special features of domestic violence statutes are special training for law
enforcement in domestic issues, protection of the victim by no-contact orders

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and nondisclosure of the victims residence address, the duty of law enforcement
or prosecutors to inform the victim of the decision of whether to prosecute and
the duty to inform the victim of special procedures available to protect domestic
violence victims, the ability to arrest domestic violence offenders with or without
a warrant, special factors to consider in the sentencing of domestic violence
defendants, and peace officer immunity for enforcement of domestic violence

The criminal act element required for stalking varies, but in general it is
repeatedly engaging in a course of conduct that poses a credible threat to the
victims safety, including following, harassing, approaching, or pursuing the

The criminal intent supporting the stalking criminal act is specific intent or
purposely in most jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions require a different criminal
intent to support the harm requirement: either specific intent or purposely,
general intent or knowingly, reckless intent, negligent intent, or strict liability.

Some jurisdictions require the defendant to cause harm, which is victim fear of
serious bodily injury, fear of death of the victim or the victims family member, or
damage to the victims property. The test for victim fear varies and could be
either subjective and objective fear, just subjective fear, or just objective fear.

It is common to divide stalking into degrees or grade it as simple and aggravated.

First-degree or aggravated stalking is generally graded as a felony, and second-
degree or simple stalking is generally graded as a misdemeanor. Factors that can
aggravate grading are the violation of a restraining or protective order, the use of
a weapon, a youthful victim, or previous convictions for stalking.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Chris punches and slaps Rhianna, his roommate and girlfriend. Could this be
considered domestic violence?
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2. Read State v. Holbach, 2009 ND 37 (2009). In Holbach, the defendant appealed a

conviction for stalking based on his constitutionally protected right to travel
around town and do errands. The defendant was on probation for stalking the
victim and subject to conditions of probation, including a stay-away order.
However, the victim claimed that she saw the defendant following her around
town on many occasions. Did the Supreme Court of North Dakota uphold the
defendants stalking conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read Burke v. State, 676 S.E.2d 766 (2009). Why did the Court of Appeals of
Georgia reverse the defendants conviction for aggravated stalking in this case?
The case is available at this

[1] RCW 10.99.010, accessed February 21,
[2] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3601(A), accessed February 21,
[3] RCW 10.99.030, accessed February 21,
[4] RCW 10.99.040, accessed February 21,
[5] RCW 10.99.060, accessed February 21,
2011,, Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3601(J), accessed
February 21, 2011,
[6] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3601(B), accessed February 21,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[7] RCW 10.99.100, accessed February 21,

[8] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3601(G), accessed February 21,
[9] 18 U.S.C. 2261A, accessed February 22,
[10] Tex. Penal Code 42.072, accessed February 22,
[11] Cal. Penal Code 646.9, accessed February 22,
2011, (accessed February 22, 1022).
[12] Md. Code Ann. 3-802, accessed February 22,
[13] Ala. Code 13A-6-90, accessed February 22,
[14] Tex. Penal Code 42.072(a) (1) (c), accessed February 22,
[15] S. D. Codified Laws 22-19A-6, accessed February 22,
[16] Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-3-602, accessed February 22,
[17] Alaska Stat. 11.41.270 (b) (3) (F), accessed February 22,
[18] Cal. Penal Code 646.9, accessed February 22,
2011, (accessed February 22, 1022).
[19] Criminal Stalking Laws, website, accessed February 22,
[20] Ala. Code 13A-6-90, accessed February 22,
[21] Alaska Stat. 11.41.270 (a),
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[22] Tex. Penal Code 42.072(a) (1) (C), accessed February 22,
[23] Tex. Penal Code 42.072, accessed February 22,
[24] Alaska Stat. 11.41.270 (a), accessed February 22,
[25] Md. Code Ann. 3-802, accessed February 22,
[26] Alaska Stat. 11.41.260, 11.41.270, accessed February 22,
[27] Alaska Stat. 11.41.260, accessed February 24,

10.4 Kidnapping and False Imprisonment


Define the criminal act element required for kidnapping.

2. Define the criminal intent element required for kidnapping.

3. Define the harm element required for kidnapping.
4. Define the attendant circumstance element required for kidnapping.
5. Analyze kidnapping grading.
6. Compare false imprisonment with kidnapping.
7. Identify two potential defenses to kidnapping and false imprisonment.
8. Identify two special features of interference with custody statutes.
Kidnapping and false imprisonment are crimes that involve physical restraint and intrude on the liberty
interests of victims. In ancient times, kidnapping was used to remove members of royalty from the kingdom
for ransom or to implement the overthrow of the existing monarchy. In the United States, high-profile
kidnapping cases, such as the Lindbergh baby kidnapping in the 1930s, and the frequency with which
organized crime participated in kidnapping led many states to impose the harshest penalties for this offense:
the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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In modern times, kidnapping is still a serious felony, although the US Supreme Court has held that capital
punishment for any crime against an individual other than criminal homicide is unconstitutional. False
imprisonment is generally a lesser included offense of kidnapping and is graded lower, as is discussed
in .

Kidnapping Elements
In most jurisdictions, kidnapping has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, causation,
harm, and an attendant circumstance.

Kidnapping Act
The criminal act element required for kidnapping is twofold. First, the defendant
must confine the victim.


Second, in many states, the defendant must move the victim, which is

called asportation. One common issue with the kidnapping criminal act is how far the victim must
be moved. In the majority of states, the movement can be slight, as long as it is not incidental to
the commission of a separate offense.
kidnapping is for ransom.




Other states do not require asportation when the

Some states have done away with the asportation requirement

The Model Penal Code requires the movement to be from the victims residence,

place of business, or a substantial distance from the vicinity where he is found (Model Penal
Code 212.1). However, when the kidnapping is for ransom, for the purpose of committing a
felony, to inflict bodily injury or terrorize the victim or another, or to interfere with the
performance of a governmental or political function, the Model Penal Code does notrequire
asportation, although it does require confinement for a substantial period in a place of isolation
(Model Penal Code 212.1).

Example of a Case Lacking Kidnapping Act

Joseph breaks into Abbys home and sees Abby sitting on the couch. A picture window in front of
the couch puts Abby in full view of the street and sidewalk. To avoid detection, Joseph grabs Abby
off the living room couch and drags her into the bedroom to rape her. Joseph has
probably not committed the criminal act element required for kidnapping if the kidnapping
statute in Josephs state requires asportation. Joseph forcibly confined Abby when he grabbed
her. However, his movement of Abby from the couch to the bedroom appears incidental to the
crime of rape, which is not sufficient to constitute kidnapping asportation in most jurisdictions.
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Kidnapping Intent
The criminal intent element required for kidnapping in many jurisdictions is specific
intent or purposely to commit the criminal act in order to harm or injure the victim or another,
confine or hold the victim in secret,


receive a ransom, commit a separate offense, subject the

victim to involuntary servitude, or interfere with the purpose of the government or some political


Example of Kidnapping Intent

Review the example in with Joseph and Abby. Change this example so that Joseph drags Abby to
his car, stuffs her into the trunk, and then drives fifteen miles to a deserted field where he
thereafter removes her from the trunk and rapes her. Joseph probably has the criminal intent
required for kidnapping in most jurisdictions. Joseph committed the criminal act of forcible
confinement and asportation with the purpose of raping Abby, which is specific
intent or purposely to commit a separate offense. Thus if the other elements of kidnapping
are present, Joseph can most likely be charged with and convicted of kidnapping, along with the
crime of rape.

Kidnapping Causation
In jurisdictions that require harm for kidnapping, the defendants criminal act must be
the factual and legal cause of the harm, which is defined in .

Kidnapping Harm
The harm element required for kidnapping in most jurisdictions is confinement andasportation.
As stated previously, some jurisdictions have done away with the asportation requirement or do
not require asportation when the kidnapping is for ransom.

Kidnapping Attendant Circumstance

In many jurisdictions, the attendant circumstance element required for kidnapping is that the
confinement or asportation occur against the victims will or without the
victims consent.


Thus consent could function as a failure of proof oraffirmative

defense to kidnapping.

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Example of a Case Lacking Kidnapping Attendant Circumstance

Thomas sees Shawna hitchhiking on the side of a busy freeway at night. Thomas pulls over, rolls
down the window, and asks Shawna if she wants a ride. Shawna says, sure, and climbs into
Thomass vehicle. Thomas drives away with Shawna in the front seat. Thomas has not committed
kidnapping in this case. Although Thomas confined and moved Shawna in his vehicle, the facts do
not indicate that he has the specific intent to harm her, obtain a ransom, confine her in secret, or
commit a separate offense. In addition, Shawna consented to the confinement and asportation.
Thus the attendant circumstance element for kidnapping is also absent and Thomass conduct
may be perfectly legal (unless engaging in hitchhiking is illegal in Thomass state).

Example of Kidnapping Attendant Circumstance

Change the example given in so that after fifty miles of driving, Shawna asks Thomas to pull over
and let her out. Thomas refuses, threatens to harm Shawna if she tries to escape, and continues to
drive another twenty miles with Shawna in the front seat. If Thomas acted with the proper
kidnapping intent, Thomas might have committed kidnapping in this case. Although Shawnas
original entrance into Thomass vehicle and her asportation for the first fifty miles
was consensual, once Shawna requested that Thomas pull over and let her out, the confinement
or asportation was against Shawnas will and without her consent. If the trier of fact determines
that twenty miles is far enough to constitute sufficient asportation for kidnapping, Thomas could
be charged with or convicted of this offense.

Kidnapping Grading
Jurisdictions vary as to how they grade kidnapping. The Model Penal Code grades kidnapping as
a felony of the first or second degree (Model Penal Code 212.1). Many states divide kidnapping
into degrees or grade it as simple and aggravated.


First-degree or aggravated kidnapping is

generally graded as a serious felony, and second-degree or simple kidnapping is generally graded
as a lower-level felony.


One factor that could mitigate or reduce grading is the defendants

release of the victim unharmed in a safe place.

youth of the victim



Factors that could enhance grading are the

or the infliction of serious bodily injury.


When kidnapping takes a victim

across state lines, the defendant can also be prosecuted for the additional offense of federal


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False Imprisonment
In many jurisdictions, false imprisonment, also called felonious restraint, is a lesser included
offense of kidnapping. This means that the crime of false imprisonment is missing one or two of
the kidnapping elements and is graded lower than kidnapping. Often, false imprisonment
functions as a partial defense to kidnapping because of the less serious sentencing options. In
general, false imprisonment and felonious restraint under the Model Penal Code require
confinement but not asportation (Model Penal Code 212.2).


In some jurisdictions, false

imprisonment requires onlygeneral intent or knowingly to commit the criminal act, rather
than the specific intent or purposely to commit other crimes, harm the victim, or receive a


False imprisonment does not require movement and has a lower level of intent, so it is

generally graded as a gross misdemeanor or a low-level felony.


The Model Penal Code grades

felonious restraint as a felony of the third degree (Model Penal Code 212.2). Factors that can
aggravate grading of false imprisonment are the youth of the victim
violence to carry out the criminal act.


or the use of force or


Example of False Imprisonment

Review the case example given in . Change the facts so that after fifty miles of driving, Shawna
asks Thomas to pull over and let her out. Thomas pulls over but thereafter locks all the doors and
refuses to let Shawna out for twenty minutes, in spite of her begging and pleading for him to
unlock the doors. In this case, Thomas might have committed false imprisonment. Although
Shawnas entrance into Thomass vehicle was consensual, when Thomas confined Shawna to his
vehicle by locking the doors, he deprived her of her liberty against her will. Thomas did not move
Shawna without her consent because he pulled over and stopped the vehicle at her request.
However, asportation is not required for false imprisonment. Although Thomass actions do not
indicate specific intent or purposely to injure Shawna, commit a separate offense, or seek ransom,
often general intent or knowingly to commit the criminal act is sufficient for false
imprisonment. Thus these facts indicate the lower-level crime of false imprisonment rather than
kidnapping, and Thomas may be charged with and convicted of this offense.

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Potential Defenses to Kidnapping and False Imprisonment

As stated previously, consent is a potential failure of proof or affirmative defenseto
kidnapping and false imprisonment in some jurisdictions. Another potential defense is lawful
authority to execute the kidnapping or false imprisonment. Thus when a law enforcement
officer or a citizen lawfully arrests a defendant, he or she is not committing kidnapping or false
imprisonment. By the same token, if an arrest is executed unlawfully, it might be kidnapping,
false imprisonment, or another related offense.


Figure 10.10 Diagram of Defenses to Kidnapping and False Imprisonment

Interference with Custody

Because of a dramatic increase in the abduction of children by their estranged parents and parental
interference with child custody and visitation agreements, almost all states have specifically
criminalized interference with the custody of children


or unlawful visitation.



significant features of these modern offenses are their specific applicability to parents as defendants and
various defenses based on the good faith belief that the child would be in danger without the allegedly
criminal conduct.


Grading of these offenses varies, with some states grading nonforcible parental

interference with custody as a misdemeanor


and others as a low-level felony.


Table 10.3 Comparing Kidnapping and False Imprisonment

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Criminal Act

imprisonment Confinement

Specific or
General or
knowingly in





Lack of


Lack of

or low-level

Figure 10.11 Diagram of Crimes against the Person


The criminal act element required for kidnapping in many jurisdictions is

confinement and asportation of the victim. Some states do not require
asportation when the kidnapping is for ransom, and others have done away with
the asportation requirement altogether.

The criminal intent element required for kidnapping in many jurisdictions is the
specific intent or purposely to commit the criminal act in order to harm or injure
the victim or another, confine or hold the victim in secret, receive a ransom,
commit a separate offense, subject the victim to involuntary servitude, or
interfere with the purpose of the government or some political function.

The harm element required for kidnapping in many jurisdictions is confinement

and asportation of the victim.

The attendant circumstance element required for kidnapping is lack of victim


Kidnapping is generally graded as first degree or aggravated or as second degree

or simple. First-degree or aggravated kidnapping is typically a serious felony,

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while second-degree or simple kidnapping is typically a low-level felony. One

factor that could mitigate or reduce grading is the release of the victim unharmed
in a safe place. Factors that could aggravate grading are the youth of the victim
or the infliction of serious bodily injury.

False imprisonment is often a lesser included offense of kidnapping, missing the

asportation element, and requiring general intent or knowing commission of the
criminal act. False imprisonment is also graded lower than kidnapping as either a
gross misdemeanor or a low-level felony.

Two potential defenses to kidnapping and false imprisonment are victim consent
and a lawful arrest by a law enforcement officer or citizen.

Interference with custody statutes specifically include parents as defendants and

allow for a good faith defense that a child would suffer injury if not for the
allegedly criminal conduct.

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Coby is in the process of robbing a bank. When a security guard threatens to

shoot Coby, he grabs a customer in the bank and holds a knife to her throat. Coby
thereafter demands a getaway vehicle and fifty thousand dollars in cash in
exchange for the hostages release. Has Coby committed kidnapping in this case?
Why or why not?
2. Read State v. Salaman, 949 A.2d 1092 (2008). In Salaman, the defendant grabbed
the victim, pinned her to the stairs for five minutes, punched her in the face, and
violently stuck his fingers down her throat. He was thereafter convicted of
second-degree kidnapping and appealed, claiming his restraint of the victim was
merely incidental to the crime of assault. In Connecticut, the state where the
offense occurred, the kidnapping criminal act is restraint with the specific intent
to prevent the victims liberation. Connecticut also had case precedent holding
that restraint that is incidental to the commission of a separate offense is still
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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kidnapping. Did the Supreme Court of Connecticut uphold the defendants

conviction? The case is available at this
3. Read Commonwealth v. Rivera, 828 A.2d 1094 (2003). In Rivera, the defendant,
who had a court order depriving him of custody, forcibly removed his daughter
from her day care and drove around with her in his car, frequently calling and
terrorizing the childs mother. The defendants daughter disappeared, and the
defendant was later convicted of felony murder, kidnapping, and other offenses.
The underlying felony for the felony murder was kidnapping, and the defendant
appealed claiming he could not legally kidnap his own biological child. Did the
Superior Court of Pennsylvania affirm the defendants felony murder and
kidnapping convictions? Why or why not? The case is available at this

[1] 720 ILCS 5/10-1,
[2] People v. Dominguez, 140 P.2d 866 (2006), accessed February 24,
[3] N.R.S. 200.310, accessed February 24, 2011,
[4] N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-39(a), accessed February 24, 2011,
[5] N.R.S. 200.310(2), accessed February 24, 2011,
[6] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1304, accessed February 24, 2011,
[7] N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-39, accessed February 24, 2011,
[8] N.R.S. 200.310, accessed February 24, 2011,
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[9] N.R.S. 200.310, accessed February 24, 2011,

[10] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1304(B), accessed February 24, 2011,

10.5 End-of-Chapter Material

States vary as to how they categorize and grade sex offenses. In general, rape is knowing, forcible
sexual intercourse without consent or with consent obtained involuntarily. Although the victim
had to resist to indicate lack of consent at early common law, in modern times the victim need not
resist if it would be futile to do so. Another modernization from common-law rape is the
elimination of an exemption for spousal rape and the elimination of the requirement that victim
testimony in a rape case be corroborated. Most states have rape shield laws that govern the
admissibility of evidence of the victims past sexual conduct at a trial for rape. Sodomy and oral
copulation are sometimes combined and included with rape in one statute called sexual assault. If
sodomy and oral copulation are the subject of separate statutes, sodomy is typically knowing
forcible penis to anus penetration, and oral copulation is typically knowing forcible mouth to
sexual organ or anus penetration. Statutory rape is generally sexual intercourse with an underage
victim either recklessly, negligently, or with strict liability depending on the jurisdiction, and
incest is generally knowing sexual intercourse between family members who cannot marry. States
vary as to how they grade sex offenses, with force and penetration enhancing the grading to a
felony in most jurisdictions.
Assault and battery are often included in the same statute (called assault) but are actually
separate offenses with distinct elements. Battery is generally a purposeful, knowing, reckless, or
negligent (depending on the jurisdiction) unlawful harmful or offensive touching without victim
consent. Assault can be attempted battery, in which case all the elements of battery except the
physical contact are present, or threatened battery, which is a purposeful act that causes
apprehension of harmful or offensive physical contact in the victim. Simple battery and simple
assault are typically misdemeanors, while aggravated versions of these offenses are often felonies.

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Factors that can aggravate the grading of assault and battery are the use of a weapon or serious
Domestic violence statutes criminalize conduct such as assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal
homicide between family members and have special provisions that pertain to interfamily
violence. Stalking criminalizes a purposeful course of conduct that poses a credible threat to the
victims safety. Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or e-mail to commit stalking. Simple
stalking is generally a misdemeanor, while aggravated stalking, which is stalking that causes
injury or violates a restraining order, is generally a felony.
Kidnapping is the purposeful confinement and asportation (movement) of a victim for the
purpose of injuring or harming the victim or another, hiding the victim in secret, obtaining a
ransom, committing a separate offense, subjecting the victim to involuntary servitude, or
interfering with the purpose of government or political function. False imprisonment is a lesser
included offense of kidnapping that does not include asportation or specific intent. Interference
with custody is parental kidnapping or violation of a child custody or visitation agreement. While
kidnapping is typically a felony, false imprisonment and interference with custody are generally
graded lower, as either a gross misdemeanor or low-level felony.


You are a newly hired law enforcement officer starting out in the file room. You have been given
five case files. To properly file them, first read over the facts of each case, determine which
crime has been committed, and determine whether the crime is amisdemeanor or felony. Check
your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant was on a date with the victim. After a few drinks, the victim
became extremely intoxicated, and the defendant had to have help carrying him
to her vehicle. The defendant thereafter drove to a secluded area where she had
sexual intercourse with the victim. The victim was unconscious and did not
discover the act of sexual intercourse until two months later when the defendant
told him she was pregnant. Which crime has been committed? Is the crime
amisdemeanor or a felony?
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2. The defendant, a security guard, forced the victim, a shopper in the store, to kiss
him by threatening to falsely arrest her for shoplifting if she refused.
Whichcrime is this? Is this a misdemeanor or a felony?
3. The defendant chased the victim with a knife for two miles. After the defendant
was arrested, law enforcement determined that the knife was made of rubber
and could not cause injury. Which crime has been committed? Is the crime
amisdemeanor or a felony?
4. The defendant grabbed a law enforcement officers gun and pointed it at him
while the law enforcement officer was having coffee in a local restaurant.
Whichcrime has been committed? Is the crime a misdemeanor or a felony?
5. The defendant, a jilted lover, picked up her ex-boyfriends child from school and
took her to an amusement park where they spent the afternoon going on rides
and eating junk food. Which crime has been committed? Is the crime
amisdemeanor or a felony?

Cases of Interest

U.S. v. Lanier, 520 U.S. 259 (1997), discusses sexual assault by a judge as the
subject of a federal criminal action:

Oregon v. Rangel, 934 P.2d 1128 (1997), discusses the constitutionality of

Oregons stalking statute under the First

Chatwin v. U.S., 326 U.S. 455 (1946), discusses federal kidnapping in the context
of joining a religious cult:

Articles of Interest

High-profile criminal cases, including rape criminal


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The sexual assault case of former IMF chief, Dominique StraussKahn:

Cyberstalking among college


Parental kidnapping and domestic


Websites of Interest

State statutes on statutory


Information about various sex


Information about stalking:

Rape and other sex offenses:

Nationwide crime by state:

Statistics of Interest

Answers to Exercises
From Section 10.1 "Sex Offenses"

1. The sexual intercourse could be rape or statutory rape if either Jorge or

Christina (or both) are incapable of rendering legal consent because they are
below the age of consent, have mental or intellectual disabilities, or are
intoxicated. If Jorge and Christina are incapable of marrying because of a family
relationship, their sexual intercourse could be incest.
2. The South Carolina Supreme Court upheld the defendants conviction on the
grounds that force and victim resistance are not required when a victim is under
the age of legal consent. The court specifically stated that the victims inability to
legally consent vitiates the need to prove the defendants use of force for rape.
3. The Court of Appeals of Texas held that state legislatures have broad powers to
define crimes and criminal intent requirements, including the power
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toeliminate a culpable mental state. Thus the court upheld the defendants
conviction and did not strike the strict liability aggravated sexual assault statute.
The court reviewed significant state and federal precedent to determine that the
majority of states disallow the mistake of age defense, and that this does not
violate federal or Texas state due process because it is supported by the
legitimate government interest of protecting children.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 10.2 "Assault and Battery"

1. In the first scenario where Bob swings once and misses, then swings again and
connects, two crimes have been committed: assault and battery. The first swing
that misses is an assault. The swing that punches Rick in the stomach is a battery.
In the second scenario, where Bob only swings and misses, only an assault has
been committed.
2. The defendant threw a cup of urine in the victims face. Although the battery
statute in Wisconsin requires bodily harm, the court held that the stinging
sensation in the victims eyes was sufficient and upheld the defendants
3. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts upheld the defendants conviction,
reasoning that the defendants apparent ability to consummate the shooting is
what is essential to the crime of assault with a deadly weapon, not the secret fact
that the gun is loaded with blanks rather than bullets.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 10.3 "Domestic Violence and Stalking"

1. Most domestic violence statutes include individuals residing together, so

this could be domestic violence battery or assault.
2. The Supreme Court of North Dakota upheld the defendants conviction, stating
that the constitutional right to travel is not absolute and can be restricted to
protect a victim from harm, as in this case.

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3. The Court of Appeals of Georgia reversed the defendants conviction because

aggravated stalking in Georgia requires a course of conduct violating a
protective order. In this case, the prosecution only proved that the defendant
committed one act violating the protective order.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 10.4 "Kidnapping and False Imprisonment"

1. If Cobys state does not require asportation for kidnapping when the
kidnapping is for ransom, then Coby has probably committed kidnapping. He
confined a victim against her will with the purpose of committing another offense
(theft) and demanded a ransom, which are all the elements of kidnapping.
2. The Connecticut Supreme Court rejected precedent and changed the rule that an
act of kidnapping could be incidental to the commission of a separate offense.
Thereafter, the court ordered a new trial on the kidnapping charge, although it
surmised that a jury could reasonably find the defendant guilty of kidnapping
separate from the assault.
3. The Superior Court of Pennsylvania affirmed the defendants convictions, holding
that the kidnapping statute applied to any individualincluding aparent.

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


Rape shield laws focus on the protection of the victim at trial and preclude the
admission of evidence of the victims sexual history (other than a sexual history
with the defendant). They do not necessarily prevent the media from publishing
information about the victim or from taunting the victim. Of course, in the Bryant
case, this publication ended up badly demoralizing and frightening the victim,
leading to the eventual demise of the rape case against Bryant. However, blanket
prohibitions against publication of information by the media would
be overbroad and would violate the First Amendment. A balance must be
present between protection of the victim, preservation of the right to a fair trial,
and freedom of speech. This case illustrates the damage the media can do to a fair
trial, unprejudiced jury, and a willing and cooperative victim. However, the

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publics right to know is also paramount and cannot be sublimated without

narrow tailoring and a compelling government interest.

Answers to You Be the Law Enforcement Officer


The crime is rape. Although nonforcible, sexual intercourse with an inebriated

or unconscious victim is still rape. Rape can be committed by a woman in most
jurisdictions. Rape is a felony.

2. The crime is simple battery, as long as your jurisdiction criminalizes

offensive physical contact. Simple battery is a misdemeanor.
3. The crime is threatened battery assault. Threatened battery assault typically
requires apparent, rather than present, ability. Threatened battery assault that
does not involve a deadly weapon is a misdemeanor.
4. The crime is assault with a deadly weapon. The defendant committed the
assault with a deadly weapon and inflicted it against a law enforcement officer, so
the assault is a felony.
5. The crime is kidnapping. Although the child was unharmed, children cannot
give legal consent, so the crime was complete once there was confinement and
asportation with the proper criminal intent (most likely the intent to confine the
child in secret). Kidnapping is a felony.

Chapter 11

Crimes against Property

Arson is one of the easiest crimes to commit on the spur of the momentit takes only seconds to light a
match to a pile of clothes or a curtain

People v. Atkins, cited in Section 11 "Arson Intent"

11.1 Nonviolent Theft Crimes


Define the criminal act element required for consolidated theft statutes.

2. Define the criminal intent element required for consolidated theft statutes.
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3. Define the attendant circumstances required for consolidated theft statutes.

4. Define the harm element required for consolidated theft statutes, and distinguish
the harm required for larceny theft from the harm required for false pretenses
5. Analyze consolidated theft grading.
6. Define the elements required for federal mail fraud, and analyze federal mail
fraud grading.
Although crimes against the person such as murder and rape are considered extremely heinous, crimes
against property can cause enormous loss, suffering, and even personal injury or death. In this section, you
review different classifications of nonviolent theft crimes that are called white-collar crimes when they
involve commercial theft. Upcoming sections analyze theft crimes that involve force or threat, receiving
stolen property, and crimes that invade or damage property, such as burglary and arson. Computer crimes
including hacking, identity theft, and intellectual property infringement are explored in an exercise at the
end of the chapter.

Consolidated Theft Statutes

Historically, nonviolent theft was broken down into three categories: larceny,embezzlement,
and false pretenses. The categories differ in the type of propertythat can be stolen and
the method of stealing. Modern jurisdictions combine all three categories of nonviolent theft
into one consolidated theft statute, with a uniform grading system largely dependent on
the value of the stolen property. The Model Penal Code consolidates all nonviolent theft offenses,
including receiving stolen property and extortion, under one grading system (Model Penal Code
223.1). What follows is a discussion of theft as defined in modern consolidated theft statutes,
making note of the traditional distinctions among the various theft categories when appropriate.
Theft has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, attendant circumstances, causation, and
harm, as is discussed in this chapter.

Consolidated Theft Act

The criminal act element required under consolidated theft statutes is
stealingreal property, personal property, or services. Real property is land and anything
permanently attached to land, like a building. Personal property is any movable item. Personal
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property can be tangible property, like money, jewelry, vehicles, electronics, cellular telephones,
and clothing. Personal property can also beintangible property, which means it has value, but it
cannot be touched or held, like stocks and bonds. The Model Penal Code criminalizes theft by
unlawful taking of movable property, theft by deception, theft of services, and theft by failure to
make required disposition of funds received under one consolidated grading provision (Model
Penal Code 223.1, 223.2, 223.3, 223.7, 223.8).
The act of stealing can be carried out in more than one way. When the defendant steals by a
physical taking, the theft is generally a larceny theft. The act of taking is twofold. First, the
defendant must gain control over the item. Then the defendant must movethe item, which is
called asportation, as it is with kidnapping.


Although asportation for kidnapping must be a

certain distance in many jurisdictions, the asportation for larceny can be any distanceeven the

slightest motion is sufficient. Control plus asportation can be accomplished by the defendants
physical act or by deceiving the victim into transferring the property with a false representation of
fact. This is called larceny by trick. Because larceny requires a physical taking, it generally only
pertains to personal property.
Another way for a defendant to steal property is to convert it to the defendants use or
ownership. Conversion generally occurs when the victim transfers possession of the property to
the defendant, and the defendant thereafter appropriates the property transferred. When the
defendant steals by conversion, the theft is generally anembezzlement theft.



could occur when the defendant gains possession of property from a friendship or a family
relationship or from a paid relationship such as employer-employee or attorney-client.
Embezzlement does not require a physical taking, so it can pertain to real or personal property.
When the defendant steals by a false representation of fact, and the subject of the theft is
a service, the theft is generally a false pretenses theft.


False pretenses can alsobe used to

steal personal or real property and is very similar to larceny by trick in this regard. What
differentiates false pretenses from larceny by trick is the status of the property after it is stolen,
which is discussed under the harm element of consolidated theft statutes.
To summarize, whether the defendant steals by a physical taking, a conversion, or a false
representation of fact, and whether the defendant steals real or personal property or a service, the
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crime is theft under modern consolidated theft statutes and is graded primarily on the value of
the property or service stolen.

Example of Consolidated Theft Act

Jeremy stops by the local convenience store on his way to work and buys some cigarettes. Before
paying for the cigarettes, Jeremy slips a package of chewing gum into his pocket and does not pay
for it. Jeremy continues walking to his job at a local gas station. When one of the customers buys
gas, Jeremy only rings him up for half of the amount purchased. Once the gas station closes,
Jeremy takes the other half out of the cash register and puts it in his pocket with the chewing
gum. After work, Jeremy decides to have a drink at a nearby bar. While enjoying his drink, he
meets a patron named Chuck, who is a taxi driver. Chuck mentions that his taxi needs a tune-up.
Jeremy offers to take Chuck back to the gas station and do the tune-up in exchange for a taxi ride
home. Chuck eagerly agrees. The two drive to the gas station, and Jeremy suggests that Chuck
take a walk around the block while he performs the tune-up. While Chuck is gone, Jeremy lifts the
hood of the taxi and then proceeds to read a magazine. When Chuck returns twenty-five minutes
later, Jeremy tells him the tune-up is complete. Chuck thereafter drives Jeremy home for free.
In this scenario, Jeremy has performed three separate acts of theft. When Jeremy slips the
package of chewing gum into his pocket without paying for it, he has physicallytaken personal
property, which is a larceny theft. When Jeremy fails to ring up the entire sale for a customer
and pockets the rest from the cash register, he hasconverted the owner of the gas stations cash
for his own use, which is anembezzlement theft. When Jeremy falsely represents to Chuck
that he has performed a tune-up of Chucks taxi and receives a free taxi ride in payment, he has
falsely represented a fact in exchange for a service, which is a false pretenses theft. All three of
these acts of theft could be prosecuted under one consolidated theft statute. The three stolen
items have a relatively low value, so these crimes would probably be graded as a misdemeanor.
Grading of theft under consolidated theft statutes is discussed shortly.
Figure 11.1 Diagram of Consolidated Theft Act

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Consolidated Theft Intent

The criminal intent element required under consolidated theft statutes is eitherspecific

intent or purposely, or general intent or knowingly to perform the criminal act, depending on
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the jurisdiction. The Model Penal Code requirespurposeful intent for theft by unlawful taking, deception,
theft of services, and theft by failure to make required disposition of funds received (Model Penal Code
223.2, 223.3, 223.7, 223.8).
When the criminal intent is specific or purposely, the defendant must intend the criminal act of stealing and
must also intend to keep the stolen property.


This could create a potential failure of

proof or affirmative defense that the defendant was only borrowing property and intended to
return it after use. In some jurisdictions, specific or purposeful intent to keep the property does not apply
to embezzlement theft under the traditional definition.


Thus in these jurisdictions, a defendant who

embezzles property and later replaces it cannot use this replacement as a defense.

Example of a Case Lacking Consolidated Theft Intent

Jorge goes to the nursery and spends hundreds of dollars on plants for his garden. Some of the
plants are delicate and must be put into the ground immediately after purchase. When Jorge gets
home, he discovers that he has no shovel because he loaned it to his brother-in-law a few weeks
ago. He notices that his neighbors shovel is leaning against his neighbors garage. If Jorge
borrows his neighbors shovel so that he can get his expensive plants into the ground, this
appropriation would probably notconstitute the crime of theft under a consolidated theft statute
in certain jurisdictions. Jorge had the intent to perform the theft act of taking personal property.
However, Jorge did not have the specific or purposeful intent to deprive his neighbor of the
shovelpermanently, which is often required for larceny theft. Thus in this scenario, Jorge may not
be charged with and convicted of a consolidated theft offense.

Example of Consolidated Theft Intent

Review the example with Jeremy given in . Change this example and assume when Jeremy
charged his customer for half of the sale and later pocketed fifty dollars from the cash register, his
intent was to borrow this fifty dollars to drink at the bar and replace the fifty dollars the next day
when he got paid. Jeremy probably has the criminal intent required for theft under a consolidated
theft statute in many jurisdictions. Although Jeremy did not have the specific or purposeful intent
to permanently deprive the gas station owner of fifty dollars, this is not generally required
with embezzlement theft, which is the type of theft Jeremy committed. Jeremy had the intent to
convert the fifty dollars to his own use, so the fact that the conversion was only
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a temporarydeprivation may not operate as a defense, and Jeremy may be charged with and
convicted of theft under a consolidated theft statute.
Figure 11.2 Crack the Code

Larceny or False Pretenses Intent as to the False Statement of Fact

As stated previously, the taking in both larceny by trick and false pretenses occurs when the
defendant makes a false representation of fact that induces the victim to transfer the property or
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services. In many jurisdictions, the defendant must havegeneral intent or knowledge that the
representation of fact is false and must make the false representation with the specific
intent or purposely to deceive.


The Model Penal Code criminalizes theft by deception when a

defendant purposely creates or reinforces a false impression, including false impressions as to

law, value, intention or other state of mind (Model Penal Code 223.3(1)).

Example of Larceny or False Pretenses Intent as to the False Representation of Fact

Review the example with Jeremy in . In this example, Jeremy told Chuck that he performed a
tune-up of Chucks taxi, when actually he just lifted the hood of the taxi and read a magazine.
Because Jeremy knew the representation was false, and made the representation with the intent
to deceive Chuck into providing him with a free taxi ride home, Jeremy probably has the
appropriate intent for theft of a service by false pretenses, and he may be subject to prosecution
for and conviction of this offense under a consolidated theft statute.

Consolidated Theft Attendant Circumstance of Victim Ownership

All theft requires the attendant circumstance that the property stolen is the property of


The criminal intent element for theft must support this attendant circumstance

element. Thus mistake of fact or law as to the ownership of the property stolen could operate
as a failure of proof or affirmative defense to theft under consolidated theft statutes in
many jurisdictions.


The Model Penal Code provides an affirmative defense to prosecution for

theft when the defendant is unaware that the property or service was that of another (Model
Penal Code 223.1(3) (a)).

Example of Mistake of Fact as a Defense to Consolidated Theft

Review the example of a case lacking consolidated theft intent given in . Change this example so
that Jorge arrives home from the nursery and begins frantically searching for his shovel in his
toolshed. When he fails to locate it, he emerges from the shed and notices the shovel leaning
against his neighbors garage. Jorge retrieves the shovel, uses it to put his plants into the ground,
and then puts it into his toolshed and locks the door. If the shovel Jorge appropriated is
actually his neighbors shovel, which is an exact replica of Jorges, Jorge may be able to
use mistake of fact as a defense to theft under a consolidated theft statute. Jorge took the
shovel, but he mistakenly believed that it was his, not the property of another. Thus the
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criminal intent for the attendant circumstance of victim ownership is lacking, and Jorge
probably will not be charged with and convicted of theft under a consolidated theft statute.

Consolidated Theft Attendant Circumstance of Lack of Consent

Theft under a consolidated theft statute also typically requires the attendant
circumstance element of lack of victim consent.


Thus victim consent to the taking or

conversion may operate as a failure of proof or affirmative defense in many jurisdictions.

Keep in mind that all the rules of consent discussed in and apply. Thus consent
obtained fraudulently, as in larceny by trick or false pretenses, is not valid and effective and
cannot form the basis of a consent defense.

Example of a Consensual Conversion That Is Noncriminal

Review the example given in with Jeremy. Change the example so that the owner of the gas
station is Jeremys best friend Cody. Cody tells Jeremy several times that if he is ever short of
cash, he can simply take some cash from the register, as long as it is not more than fifty dollars.
Assume that on the date in question, Jeremy did not ring up half of a sale but simply took fifty
dollars from the register because he was short on cash, and he needed money to order drinks at
the bar. In this case, Jeremy may have a valid defense of victims consent to any charge of theft
under a consolidated theft statute.

Embezzlement Attendant Circumstance of a Relationship of Trust and Confidence

In many jurisdictions, embezzlement theft under a consolidated theft statute requires
the attendant circumstance element of a relationship of trust and confidencebetween the
victim and the defendant.


This relationship is generally present in an employer-employee

relationship, a friendship, or a relationship where the defendant is paid to care for the victims
property. However, if the attendant circumstance element of trust and confidence is lacking, the
defendant will not be subject to prosecution for embezzlement under a consolidated theft statute
in many jurisdictions.

Example of a Case Lacking Embezzlement Attendant Circumstance

Tran sells an automobile to Lee. Trans automobile has personalized license plates, so he offers to
apply for new license plates and thereafter send them to Lee. Lee agrees and pays Tran for half of
the automobile, the second payment to be made in a week. Lee is allowed to take possession of the
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automobile and drives it to her home that is over one hundred miles away. Tran never receives the
second payment from Lee. When the new license plates arrive, Tran phones Lee and tells her he is
going to keep them until Lee makes her second payment. In some jurisdictions, Tran
has not embezzled the license plates. Although Tran and Lee have a relationship, it is not a
relationship based ontrust or confidence. Tran and Lee have what is called a debtor-creditor
relationship (Lee is the debtor and Tran is the creditor). Thus if the jurisdiction in which Tran
sold the car requires a special confidential relationship for embezzlement, Tran may not be
subject to prosecution for this offense.

Attendant Circumstance of Victim Reliance Required for False Pretenses or Larceny by

A false pretenses or larceny by trick theft under a consolidated theft statute requires the
additional attendant circumstance element of victim reliance on the false representation of
fact made by the defendant.


Thus a victims knowledge that the statement is false could

operate as a failure of proof or affirmative defense in many jurisdictions.

Example of a Case Lacking the Attendant Circumstance of Victim Reliance Required for
False Pretenses
Review the example with Jeremy and Chuck in . Change the example so that Chuck does not walk
around the block as Jeremy asked him to do. Instead, Chuck walks around the corner and then
spies on Jeremy while he reads a magazine with the hood open. Chuck takes out his phone and
makes a videotape of Jeremy. After twenty-five minutes, Chuck walks back over to Jeremy and
thereafter gives Jeremy the free taxi ride home. When they arrive at Jeremys house, Chuck shows
Jeremy the videotape and threatens to turn it over to the district attorney if Jeremy does not pay
him two hundred dollars. In this case, Jeremy probably has a valid defense to false pretenses
theft. Chuck, the victim, did not rely on Jeremys false representation of fact. Thus the
attendant circumstance element of false pretenses is lacking and Jeremy may not be subject to
prosecution for and conviction of this offense. Keep in mind that this is a false pretenses scenario
because Chuck gave Jeremy a service, and larceny by trick only applies to personal property. Also
note that Chucks action in threatening Jeremy so that Jeremy will pay him two hundred dollars
may be the criminal act element ofextortion, which is discussed shortly.
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Figure 11.3 Diagram of Defenses to Consolidated Theft

Consolidated Theft Causation
The criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of the consolidated theft harm, which is
defined in .

Consolidated Theft Harm

Consolidated theft is a crime that always includes bad results or harm, which is the victims
temporary or permanent loss of property or services, no matter how slight the value. In the case of
theft by false pretenses and larceny by trick, in some jurisdictions, the status of the
property after it has been stolen determines which crime was committed. If the defendant
becomes the owner of the stolen property, the crime is afalse pretenses theft.


If the

defendant is merely in possession of the stolen property, the crime is larceny by trick.



the stolen property is money, the crime is false pretenses theft because the possessor of money is
generally the owner.


Example of False Pretenses Theft Harm

Review the example given in with Tran and Lee. In this example, Lee paid Tran half of the money
she owed him for his vehicle, with a promise to pay the remainder in one week. Assume that Lee
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never intended to pay the second installment when she made the deal with Tran. Tran signs the
ownership documents over to Lee, promises to send Lee the license plates when they arrive, and
watches as Lee drives off, never to be seen again. In this example, Lee has most likely committed
false pretenses theft, rather than larceny by trick. Lee made a false representation of fact with the
intent to deceive and received a vehicle for half price in exchange. The vehicle belongs to Lee, and
the ownership documents are in her name. Thus Lee has ownership of the stolen vehicle rather
than possession, and the appropriate offense is false pretenses theft.

Example of Larceny by Trick Harm

Jacob, a car thief, runs up to Nanette, who is sitting in her Mercedes with the engine running.
Jacob tells Nanette he is a law enforcement officer and needs to take control of her vehicle to
pursue a fleeing felon. Nanette skeptically asks Jacob for identification. Jacob pulls out a phony
police badge and says, Madam, I hate to be rude, but if you dont let me drive your vehicle, a
serial killer will be roaming the streets looking for victims! Nanette grudgingly gets out of the car
and lets Jacob drive off, never to be seen again. In this example, Jacob has obtained the Mercedes,
but the ownership documents are still in Nanettes name. Thus Jacob has possession of the stolen
vehicle rather than ownership, and the appropriate offense is larceny by trick.

Consolidated Theft Grading

Grading under consolidated theft statutes depends primarily on the value of the stolen property.
Theft can be graded by degrees


or as petty theft, which is theft of property with low value,

and grand theft, which is theft of property with significant value.


Petty theft or theft of the

second or third degree is generally a misdemeanor, while grand theft or theft of the first degree is
generally a felony, felony-misdemeanor, or gross misdemeanor, depending on the amount stolen
or whether the item stolen is a firearm.


The Model Penal Code grades theft as a felony of the

third degree if the amount stolen exceeds five hundred dollars or if the property stolen is a
firearm, automobile, airplane, motorcycle, or other motor-propelled vehicle (Model Penal Code
223.1(2)). The Model Penal Code grades all other theft as a misdemeanor or petty misdemeanor
(Model Penal Code 223.1(2)). When determining the value of property for theft, in many
jurisdictions, the value is market value, and items can be aggregated if they were stolen as part of
a single course of conduct.


The Model Penal Code provides that [t]he amount involved in a

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theft shall be deemed to be the highest value, by any reasonable standard[a]mounts involved in
thefts committed pursuant to one scheme or course of conduct, whether from the same person or
several persons, may be aggregated in determining the grade or the offense (Model Penal Code
223.1(2) (c)).
Table 11.1 Comparing Larceny, Larceny by Trick, False Pretenses, and Embezzlement


Criminal Act

Type of




Specific or
purposely to
deprive victim

Victims property
(applies to all
four theft
crimes), lack of
victim consent


Taking control

Larceny by

Taking by a
of fact

Specific or
purposely to

Victim reliance
on false

Victim loses
of property


Taking by a
Personal, Specific or
representation real,
purposely to
of fact

Victim reliance
on false

Victim loses
of property

Relationship of
trust and
defendant and
victim (some

loss either


Specific or
purposely to
deprive victim
Personal, temporarily or

Embezzlement Conversion

*Some jurisdictions include general intent or knowingly to commit the criminal act.
Note: Grading under consolidated theft statutes is based primarily on property value;
market value is the standard, and property can be aggregated if stolen in a single course
of conduct.

Federal Mail Fraud

The federal government criminalizes theft by use of the federal postal service
asfederal mail fraud, a felony.


Like every federal offense, federal mail fraud is criminal in all

fifty states. In addition, a defendant can be prosecuted by the federal and state government
for one act of theft without violating the double jeopardy protection in the Fifth Amendment of
the federal Constitution.
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The criminal act element required for federal mail fraud is perpetrating a scheme to defraud
using the US mail.


Scheme has been given a broad interpretation and includes everything

designed to defraud by representations as to the past or present, or suggestions and promises as

to the future.


Even one act of mailing is sufficient to subject the defendant to a criminal

prosecution for this offense.

himself or herself.



In addition, the defendant does not need to actually mail anything

The criminal intent element required for federal mail fraud is general

intent or knowingly orawareness that the mail will be used to further the scheme.



defendant does not have to intend that the US Mail will be used to commit the theft, as long as use
of the postal service is reasonably foreseeable in the ordinary course of business.



defendants criminal act, supported by the appropriate intent, must be the factual andlegal
cause of the harm, which is the placement of anything in any post office or depository to be sent
by the US Postal Service in furtherance of the scheme to defraud.


The Mail Fraud Act has been used to punish a wide variety of schemes, includingPonzi schemes,
like the recent high-profile Bernie Madoff case.


In a Ponzi scheme, the defendant informs

investors that their investment is being used to purchase real estate, stocks, or bonds, when, in
actuality, the money is appropriated by the defendant and used to pay earlier investors.
Eventually this leads to a collapse that divests all investors of their investment.
Federal statutes also punish bank fraud,
foreign labor contracting.



health care fraud,


securities fraud,


and fraud in

Fraud committed by wire, television, and radio also is federally



The criminal act element required for consolidated theft statutes is stealing real
or personal property or services. The defendant can commit the theft by a
physical taking (larceny), conversion of property in the defendants possession
(embezzlement), or a false representation of fact (false pretenses or larceny by

The criminal intent element required for consolidated theft statutes is either
specific intent or purposely, or general intent or knowingly to perform the

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criminal act, depending on the jurisdiction. When the criminal intent is specific or
purposely, the defendant must intend the criminal act of stealing and must also
intend to keep the stolen property. For false pretenses or larceny by trick theft, in
many jurisdictions the defendant must have general intent or knowledge that the
representation of fact is false and must make the false representation with the
specific intent or purposely to deceive.

All theft generally requires the attendant circumstances that the property stolen is the
property of another, and victim consent to the taking, conversion, or transfer of
ownership is lacking.

In many jurisdictions, embezzlement theft under a consolidated theft

statute requires the attendant circumstance element of a relationship of
trust and confidence between the victim and the defendant.

A false pretenses or larceny by trick theft under a consolidated theft

statute requires the additional attendant circumstance element of victim
reliance on the false representation of fact made by the defendant.

The harm element required for consolidated theft statutes is the victims
temporary or permanent loss of property or services, no matter how slight the
value. When the defendant gains possession of personal property by a false
representation of fact, the theft is larceny by trick theft. When the defendant
gains ownership of personal property or possession of money, the theft is false
pretenses theft.

Theft can be graded by degrees or as petty theft, which is theft of property with
low value, and grand theft, which is theft of property with significant value. Petty
theft or theft of the second or third degree is generally a misdemeanor, while
grand theft or theft of the first degree is generally a felony, felony-misdemeanor,
or gross misdemeanor, depending on the amount stolen or whether the item
stolen is a firearm.

The criminal act element required for federal mail fraud is the use of the federal
postal service to further any scheme to defraud. The criminal intent element

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required for this offense is general intent, knowingly, or awareness that the
postal service will be used. The criminal act supported by the criminal intent
must be the factual and legal cause of the harm, which is the placement of
anything in a depository or postal office that furthers the scheme to defraud.
Federal mail fraud is a felony.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Recall a scenario in where Linda and Clara browse an expensive department

stores lingerie department and Linda surreptitiously places a bra in her purse
and leaves the store without paying for it. What type of theft did Linda commit in
this scenario?
2. Ellen goes to the fine jewelry department at Macys and asks the clerk if she can
see a Rolex watch, valued at ten thousand dollars. The clerk takes the watch out
of the case and lays it on the counter. Ellen tells the clerk that her manager is
signaling. When the clerk turns around, Ellen puts her hand over the watch and
begins to slide it across the counter and into her open purse. Before the watch
slides off the counter, the clerk turns back around and pins Ellens hand to the
counter, shouting for a security guard. Has Ellen committed a crime in this
scenario? If your answer is yes, which crime?
3. Read State v. Larson, 605 N.W. 2d 706 (2000). In Larson, the defendant, the
owner of an automobile leasing company, was convicted of theft by temporary
taking under a consolidated theft statute for failing to return security deposits to
customers pursuant to their automobile lease contracts. The defendant
appealed, claiming that the lease deposits were not the property of another.
Did the Supreme Court of Minnesota uphold the defendants conviction? Why or
why not? The case is available at this
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4. Read People v. Traster, 111 Cal. App. 4th 1377 (2003). In Traster, the defendant
told his employer that it was necessary to purchase computer-licensing
agreements, and he was given the employer credit card to purchase them. The
defendant thereafter appropriated the money, never purchased the licenses, and
quit his job a few days later. The defendant was convicted of theft by false
pretenses under a consolidated theft statute. Did the Court of Appeal of
California uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is
available at this
5. Read U.S. v. Ingles, 445 F.3d 830 (2006). In Ingles, the defendant was convicted of
federal mail fraud when his sons cabin was burned by arson and his son made a
claim for homeowners insurance. The evidence indicated that the defendant was
involved in the arson. The defendants son was acquitted of the arson, and only
the insurance company, which sent several letters to the defendants son, did the
acts of mailing. Did the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit uphold the
defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this

[1] Britt v. Commonwealth, 667 S.E.2d 763 (2008), accessed March 8,
[2] Britt v. Commonwealth, 667 S.E.2d 763 (2008), accessed March 8,

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[3] Commonwealth v. Mills, 436 Mass. 387 (2002), accessed March 7,

[4] Cal. Penal Code 484(a), accessed March 8, 2011,
[5] Itin v. Ungar, 17 P.3d 129 (2000), accessed March 8,
[6] In the Matter of Schwimmer, 108 P.3d 761 (2005), accessed March 8,
[7] People v. Lueth, 660 N.W.2d 322 (2002), accessed March 9,
false+pretenses+knowledge+statement+is+false+intent+to+deceive&hl= en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=1999.
[8] Alaska Stat. 11.46.100, accessed March 8, 2011,
[9] Haw. Rev. Stat. 708-834, accessed March 8, 2011,
[10] Tex. Penal Code 31.03(b) (1), accessed March 8,
[11] Commonwealth v. Mills, 436 Mass. 387 (2002), accessed March 7,
[12] People v. Lueth, 660 N.W.2d 332 (2002), accessed March 9,
false+pretenses+knowledge+statement+is+false+intent+to+deceive&hl= en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=1999.

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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[13] People v. Curtin, 22 Cal. App. 4th 528 (1994), accessed March 10,
[14] People v. Beaver, 186 Cal. App. 4th 107 (2010), accessed March 10,
[15] People v. Curtin, 22 Cal. App. 4th 528 (1994), accessed March 10,
[16] Connecticut Jury Instructions 53a-119, 53a-122 through 53a-125b, accessed March 10,
[17] Cal. Penal Code 486, accessed March 10, 2011,
[18] Cal. Penal Code 489, accessed March 10, 2011,
[19] Connecticut Jury Instructions 53a-119, 53a-122 through 53a-125b, accessed March 10,
[20] 18 U.S.C. 1341, accessed March 18,
[21] 18 U.S.C. 1341, accessed March 18,
[22] Durland v. U.S., 161 U.S. 306, 313 (1896),
[23] U.S. v. McClelland, 868 F.2d 704 (1989), accessed March 18,
[24] U.S. v. McClelland, 868 F.2d 704 (1989), accessed March 18,
[25] U.S. v. McClelland, 868 F.2d 704 (1989), accessed March 18,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[26] U.S. v. McClelland, 868 F.2d 704 (1989), accessed March 18,
[27] 18 U.S.C. 1341, accessed March 18,
[28] Constance Parten, After Madoff: Notable Ponzi Schemes, CNBC website, accessed March 11,
[29] 18 U.S.C. 1344, accessed March 11,
[30] 18 U.S.C. 1347, accessed March 11,
[31] 18 U.S.C. 1348, accessed March 11,
[32] 18 U.S.C. 1351, accessed March 11,
[33] 18 U.S.C. 1343, accessed March 11,

11.2 Extortion, Robbery, and Receiving Stolen Property


Define the criminal act element required for extortion.

2. Define the criminal intent element required for extortion.

3. Identify a potential defense to extortion.
4. Define the attendant circumstances required for extortion.
5. Define the harm element required for extortion.
6. Analyze extortion grading.
7. Identify the differences between robbery, larceny, and extortion.
8. Analyze robbery grading.
9. Define the criminal act element required for receiving stolen property.
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10. Define the criminal intent element required for receiving stolen property.
11. Identify a failure of proof or affirmative defense to receiving stolen property in
some jurisdictions.
12. Define the attendant circumstances and harm element required for receiving
stolen property.
13. Analyze receiving stolen property grading.

All states and the federal government criminalize extortion, which is also calledblackmail.



stated previously, the Model Penal Code criminalizes theft by extortion and grades it the same as
all other nonforcible theft offenses (Model Penal Code 223.4). Extortion is typically nonviolent,
but the elements of extortion are very similar to robbery, which is considered a forcible theft
offense. Robbery is discussed shortly.
Extortion has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, attendant circumstances, causation,
and harm, as is explored in .

Extortion Act
The criminal act element required for extortion is typically the theft of property accomplished
by a threat to cause future harm to the victim, including the threat to inflict bodily injury, accuse
anyone of committing a crime, or reveal a secret that would expose the victim to hatred,
contempt, or ridicule.


The Model Penal Code criminalizes theft by extortion when the

defendant obtains property of another by threatening to inflict bodily injury on anyone, commit
any criminal offense, accuse anyone of a criminal offense, expose any secret tending to subject
any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule or impair his credit and business repute, take or
withhold action as an official, bring about a strike or boycott, testify with respect to anothers legal
claim, or inflict any other harm that would not benefit the actor (Model Penal Code 223.4). Note
that some of these acts could be legal, as long as they are not performed with the unlawful intent
to steal.

Example of Extortion Act

Rodney tells Lindsey that he will report her illegal drug trafficking to local law enforcement if she
does not pay him fifteen thousand dollars. Rodney has probably committed the criminal act
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element required for extortion in most jurisdictions. Note that Rodneys threat to expose
Lindseys illegal activities is actually desirable behavior when performed with the intent to
eliminate or reduce crime. However, under these circumstances, Rodneys act is most
likely criminal because it is supported by the intent to steal fifteen thousand dollars from Lindsey.

Extortion Intent
The criminal intent element required for extortion is typically the specific
intent orpurposely to commit the criminal act and to unlawfully deprive the victim of


This intent requirement is similar to the criminal intent element

required for larceny and false pretenses theft, as discussed in . Some jurisdictions only
require general intent or knowingly to perform the criminal act.


Example of a Case Lacking Extortion Intent

Review the example with Rodney and Lindsey in . Change the example and assume that Rodney
asks Lindsey to loan him the fifteen thousand dollars so that he can make a balloon payment due
on his mortgage. Lindsey refuses. Rodney thereafter threatens to expose Lindseys drug
trafficking if she doesnt loan him the money. In many jurisdictions, Rodney may not have the
criminal intent element required for extortion. Although Rodney performed the criminal act of
threatening to report Lindsey for a crime, he did so with the intent to borrow money from
Lindsey. Thus Rodney did not act with the specific intent or purposely to permanently deprive
Lindsey of property, which could operate as a failure of proof or affirmative defense to
extortion in many jurisdictions.

Extortion Attendant Circumstance

Extortion is a form of theft, so it has the same attendant circumstance required in
consolidated theft statutesthe property stolen belongs to another. In many jurisdictions, it is
an affirmative defense to extortion that the property taken by threat to expose a secret or
accuse anyone of a criminal offense is taken honestly, as compensation for property, or restitution
or indemnification for harm done by the secret or crime.


The Model Penal Code provides an

affirmative defense to extortion by threat of accusation of a criminal offense, exposure of a secret,

or threat to take or withhold action as an official if the property obtained was honestly claimed as
restitution or indemnification for harm done in the circumstances to which such accusation,
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exposure, lawsuit or other official action relates, or as compensation for property or lawful
services (Model Penal Code 223.4).

Example of Extortion Affirmative Defense

Tara, a real estate broker, hires Trent to be a real estate sales agent in her small realty office. Tara
decides she wants to get the property listing of a competitor by using Trent to obtain information.
Tara tells Trent to pretend he is a buyer interested in the property. She asks him to make an
appointment with the competitor, ask a lot of questions about the owner of the property, and
thereafter bring Tara the information. Tara promises to pay Trent one thousand dollars for his
time and effort. Trent spends several hours performing this task and thereafter demands his one
thousand dollars payment. Tara tells Trent she is experiencing tough times and cant afford to
pay him. Trent threatens to tell Taras competitor what she is up to if she doesnt pay him the one
thousand dollars. Trent has probably not committed extortion in many jurisdictions. Although
Trent threatened to expose Taras secret if she didnt pay him one thousand dollars,
Trent honestly believed he was owed this money for a job he performed that was directly
related to the secret. Thus in many jurisdictions, Trent has anaffirmative defense that the
money demanded was compensation for services and not the subject of unlawful theft by

Attendant Circumstance of Victim Consent

Extortion also requires the attendant circumstance of victim consent. With extortion, the
victim consensually transfers the property based on fear inspired by the defendants threat.


Example of Attendant Circumstance of Victim Consent for Extortion

Review the example with Rodney and Lindsey in . Assume that Lindsey grudgingly gives Rodney
the fifteen thousand dollars so that he will not report her drug trafficking. In this example,
Lindsey is consensually transferring the money to Rodney to prevent him from making good on
his threat. Thus the attendant circumstance of victimconsent based on fear is most likely
present, and Rodney could be subject to prosecution for and conviction of extortion in most

Extortion Causation
The criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of extortion harm, which is defined in .
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Extortion Harm
The defendant must obtain property belonging to another for the completed crime of extortion
in most jurisdictions.


If the defendant commits the criminal act of threatening the victim with

the appropriate criminal intent, but the victim does not actually transfer the property to the
defendant, the defendant can only be charged withattempted extortion.


Example of a Case Lacking Extortion Harm

Review the example with Rodney and Lindsey in . Assume that after Rodney threatens to report
Lindseys drug trafficking to local law enforcement, Lindsey calls local law enforcement, turns
herself in for drug trafficking, and also reports Rodney for making the threat. In this case, because
Rodney did not obtain property by threat, the crime of extortion is not complete,
and attempted extortion would be the appropriate charge in most jurisdictions.

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Figure 11.4 Diagram of Defenses to Extortion

Extortion Grading
Extortion is generally graded as a felony in most jurisdictions.


As stated previously, the Model

Penal Code grades extortion under its consolidated theft offense.

Robbery was the first common-law theft crime. The criminalization of robbery was a natural
progression from other common-law crimes against the person because robbery always involves
force, violence, or threat and could pose a risk of injury or death to the robbery victim, defendant,
or other innocent bystanders. Recall from that robbery is generally a serious felony that is
included in most felony murder statutes as a predicate felony for first-degree felony murder.
When robbery does not result in death, it is typically graded more severely than theft under a
consolidated theft statute. Robbery grading is discussed shortly.
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The elements of robbery are very similar to the elements of larceny and extortion. For the
purpose of brevity, only the elements of robbery that are distinguishable from larceny and
extortion are analyzed in depth. Robbery has the elements of criminal act, attendant
circumstances, criminal intent, causation, and harm, as is explored in .

Robbery Act
It is the criminal act element that primarily distinguishes robbery from larceny and extortion.
The criminal act element required for robbery is a taking of personal property
by force or threat of force.


Force is generally physical force. The force can be slight, but it

must be more than what is required to gain control over and move the property.



jurisdictions require force during the taking, which includes the use of force to prevent the victim
from reclaiming the property, or during escape.


The Model Penal Code requires force or threat

in the course of committing a theft and defines this as occurring in an attempt to commit theft
or in flight after the attempt or commission (Model Penal Code 222.1(1)). Threat for robbery is
a threat to inflictimminent force.


While larceny and extortion also require a taking, the defendant typically accomplishes the
larceny taking by stealth, or a false representation of fact. In extortion, the defendant
accomplishes the taking by a threat of future harm that may or may not involve force.

Example of Robbery Act

Review the example given in with Rodney and Lindsey. In this example, Rodney threatened to
expose Lindseys drug trafficking if she didnt pay him fifteen thousand dollars. Change the
example so that Rodney tells Lindsey he will kill her if she doesnt write him a check for fifteen
thousand dollars. Rodney exemplifies his threat by pointing to a bulge in his front jacket pocket
that appears to be a weapon. In this scenario, Rodney has most likely committed the criminal act
element required forrobbery, not extortion. Rodneys threat is a threat of immediate force.
Compare this threat to Rodneys threat to expose Lindseys drug trafficking, which is a threat
offuture harm that relates to Lindseys arrest for a crime, rather than force.

Example of a Case Lacking Robbery Act

Peter, a jewelry thief, notices that Cheryl is wearing a diamond ring. Peter walks up to Cheryl and
asks her if she wants him to read her palm. Cheryl shrugs her shoulders and says, Sure! What
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have I got to lose? While Peter does an elaborate palm reading, he surreptitiously slips Cheryls
diamond ring off her finger and into his pocket. Peter has probably not committed the criminal
act element required for robbery in this case. Although Peter used a certain amount of physical
force to remove Cheryls ring, he did not use any force beyond what was required to gain control
over Cheryls property and move it into his possession. Thus Peter has probably committed the
criminal act element required for larceny theft, not robbery, and is subject to less severe
sentencing for this lower-level offense.

Robbery Attendant Circumstances

Another difference between robbery and larceny or extortion is the attendant
circumstances requirement(s). Robbery requires the same attendant circumstance required for
both larceny and extortionthat the property taken belongs to another. It also has the same
attendant circumstance as larcenythat the defendant accomplish the taking against the victims
will and without consent. However, robbery has one additional attendant circumstance, which is
that the property be taken from the victims person or presence.


The property does not

need to be in the actual physical possession of the victim, as long as it is under the
victims control.


Thus if the victim could have prevented the taking if not for the force,

violence, or threat posed by the defendant, this attendant circumstance is present.


Example of Robbery Attendant Circumstances

Review the example given in with Rodney and Lindsey. In this example, Rodney tells Lindsey he
will kill her if she doesnt write him a check for fifteen thousand dollars. Change this example so
that Rodney knows Lindsey has recently withdrawn fifteen thousand dollars in cash from the
bank. Rodney demands the cash, tells Lindsey he will kill her if she doesnt give it to him, and
gestures toward a bulge in his front jacket pocket that appears to be a weapon. Lindsey tells
Rodney, The money is in my purse, but if you take it, you will be ruining my life! and points to
her purse, which is on the kitchen table a few feet away. Rodney walks over to the table, opens
Lindseys purse, and removes a large envelope stuffed with bills. In this scenario, the attendant
circumstances for robbery appear to be present. Rodney took the property of another without
consent. Although the money was not on Lindseys person, it was in herpresence and subject to
her control. If Rodney had not threatened Lindseys life, she could have prevented the taking.
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Thus Rodney has most likely committed robbery and is subject to prosecution for and conviction
of this offense.

Robbery Intent
The criminal intent element required for robbery is the same as the criminal intent element
required for larceny and extortion in many jurisdictions. The defendant must have the specific
intent or purposely to commit the criminal act and to deprive the victim of the
property permanently.


Some jurisdictions do not require the intent to permanently deprive the

victim of property and include temporary takings in the robbery statute.


Example of Robbery Intent

Review the example with Rodney and Lindsey in . In this example, Rodney demands a loan from
Lindsey in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars and threatens to expose her drug trafficking
activities if she doesnt comply. Change this example so that Rodney tells Lindsey to loan him
fifteen thousand dollars or he will kill her, gesturing at a bulge in his front jacket pocket that
appears to be a weapon. In a jurisdiction that requires the criminal intent
to permanently deprive the victim of property for robbery, Rodney does not have the
appropriate criminal intent. In a jurisdiction that allows for the intent to temporarily deprive
the victim of property for robbery, Rodney has the appropriate criminal intent and may be
charged with and convicted of this offense.

Robbery Causation and Harm

The criminal act supported by the criminal intent must be the factual and legal causeof the
robbery harm, which is the same as the harm requirement for larceny and extortion: the
property must be transferred to the defendant.


In some jurisdictions,no transfer of property

needs to take place, and the crime is complete when the defendant employs the force or threat
with the appropriate criminal intent.


Example of Robbery Harm

Review the example with Rodney and Lindsey in . In this example, Rodney threatens to kill
Lindsey if she does not give him fifteen thousand dollars out of her purse and gestures to a bulge
in his front jacket pocket that appears to be a weapon. Change this example so that Lindsey leaps
off of the couch and tackles Rodney after his threat. She reaches into his pocket and determines
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that Rodneys gun is a plastic water pistol. Rodney manages to get out from under Lindsey and
escapes. If Rodney and Lindsey are in a jurisdiction that requires a transfer of property for the
harm element of robbery, Rodney has probably only committed attempted robbery because
Rodney did not get the chance to take the money out of Lindseys purse. If Rodney and Lindsey
are in a jurisdiction that does not require a transfer of property for the harm element of robbery,
Rodney may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense.
Figure 11.5 Diagram of Defenses to Robbery

Robbery Grading
As stated previously, robbery is generally graded as a serious felony that can serve as the
predicate felony for first-degree felony murder



and a strike in states that have three strikes

Robbery grading is aggravated by the use of a weapon or when the defendant inflicts

serious bodily injury.


The Model Penal Code grades robbery as a felony of the second degree,

unless the actor attempts to kill anyone or purposely inflicts or attempts to inflict serious bodily
injury, in which case it is graded as a felony of the first degree (Model Penal Code 222.1(2)).
Table 11.2 Comparing Larceny, Extortion, and Robbery



Criminal Act

Criminal Intent

Specific or purposely
Taking by stealth or to deprive the victim
false representation of property
Victims property, lack of
of fact
victim consent

Taking by threat of
future harm; not
Extortion necessarily physical

Specific or purposely Victims property; the

to deprive the victim victim consents based on
of property

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Attendant Circumstance




Criminal Act

Criminal Intent

Attendant Circumstance




Specific or purposely
to deprive the victim
of property

Taking by force or
threat of imminent

Victims property, lack of

victim consent, property
is taken from the victims Property
person or presence

*In some jurisdictions, the defendant can intend a temporary taking.

**In some jurisdictions, the victim does not need to transfer the property to the

Receiving Stolen Property

All jurisdictions criminalize receiving stolen property, to deter theft and to break up organized
criminal enterprises that benefit from stealing and selling stolen goods. Receiving stolen property
criminal statutes often are targeted at pawnbrokers or fenceswho regularly buy and sell property
that is the subject of one of the theft crimes discussed in the preceding sections. As stated, the
Model Penal Code includes receiving stolen property in its consolidated theft offense (Model
Penal Code 223.1, 223.6). Receiving stolen property has the elements of criminal act, criminal
intent, attendant circumstances, causation, and harm, as is explored in .

Receiving Stolen Property Act

The criminal act element required for receiving stolen property in many jurisdictions is
receiving, retaining, disposing of,





trafficking in,


buying, or aiding in

of stolen personal property. The Model Penal Code defines the criminal act

element as receiving, retaining, or disposing of stolen movable property (Model Penal Code
223.6(1)). The criminal act does not generally require the defendant to be in actual physical
possession of the property, as long as the defendant retains control over the item(s).



would be a constructive possession. The Model Penal Code defines receiving as acquiring
possession, control or title, or lending on the security of the property (Model Penal Code
223.6(1)). Note that the criminal act element of receiving stolen property includes
both buying andselling. Thus dealers that regularly purchase and then sell stolen items can be
prosecuted for both of these acts under the same statute.

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Example of Receiving Stolen Property Act

Chanel, a fence who deals in stolen designer perfume, arranges a sale between one of her thieves,
Burt, and a regular customer, Sandra. Chanel directs Burt to drop off a shipment of one crate of
the stolen perfume at Chanels storage facility and gives Burt the key. Chanel pays Burt five
thousand dollars for the perfume delivery. Chanel thereafter accepts a payment of ten thousand
dollars from Sandra and gives Sandra another key with instructions to pick up the perfume the
next day after it has been delivered. Chanel could probably be charged with and convicted of
receiving stolen property in most jurisdictions. Although Chanel did not ever acquire
actual possessionof the stolen designer perfume, Chanel had control over the property or
constructive possession through her storage facility. Chanels acts of buying the perfume for five
thousand dollars and then selling it for ten thousand dollars both would be criminalized
under one statute in many jurisdictions. Thus Chanel could be prosecuted for both acts as
separate charges of receiving stolen property.

Receiving Stolen Property Intent

The criminal intent element required for receiving stolen property has two parts. First, the
defendant must have the intent to commit the criminal act, which could be specific
intent or purposely, general intent or knowingly, recklessly, or negligently to either
buy-receive or sell-dispose of stolen personal property, depending on the jurisdiction. This means
that the defendant must have actual knowledge that the property is stolen,
must be aware or should be aware of a risk that the property is stolen.



or the defendant

The Model Penal Code

requires the defendant to purposely commit the act knowing that the property is stolen
or believing that the property hasprobably been stolen (Model Penal Code 223.6(1)). The Model
Penal Code also provides a presumption of knowledge or belief when the defendant is a dealer,
which is defined as a person in the business of buying or selling goods including a pawnbroker,
and has been found in possession or control of property stolen from two or more persons on more
than one occasion, or has received stolen property in another transaction within the year
preceding the transaction charged, or acquires the property for consideration far below its
reasonable value (Model Penal Code 223.6(2)). Many state statutes have a similar provision.

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The second aspect of criminal intent for receiving stolen property is the defendantsspecific
intent or purposeful desire to deprive the victim of the propertypermanently, which is
required in some jurisdictions.


This creates a failure of proof or affirmative defense that

the defendant received and retained the stolen property with the intent to return it to the true


The Model Penal Code also provides a defense if the property is received, retained, or

disposed of with purpose to restore it to the owner (Model Penal Code 223.6(1)).

Example of Receiving Stolen Property Intent

Chips iPod breaks, so he decides to go to the local electronics store and buy a new one. As he is
approaching the store, Heather saunters over from a nearby alley and asks him if he wants to buy
a brand new iPod for ten dollars. Suspicious of the price, Chip asks Heather to see the iPod. She
hands it to him, and he notices that the box looks like it has been tampered with and a price tag
removed. He shrugs, takes ten dollars out of his wallet, and hands it to Heather in exchange for
the iPod. In jurisdictions that requireactual knowledge that the property is stolen, Chip
probably does not have the appropriate criminal intent for receiving stolen property because he
did not know Heather and had no way of knowing if Heather was selling him stolen property. In
jurisdictions that require awareness of a risk that the property is stolen, Chip may have the
appropriate criminal intent because he knew the price was too low and noticed that the box had
been tampered with to remove evidence of an actual price or vendor.
Change the example so that Chip is a pawnshop broker, and Heather brings the iPod into his shop
to pawn for the price of ten dollars. In many jurisdictions, if Chip accepts the iPod to pawn, this
creates a presumption of receiving stolen property criminal intent. Chip is considered a dealer,
and in many jurisdictions, dealers who acquire property for consideration that they know is far
below the reasonable value are subject to this type of presumption.
Change the example again so that Chip notices the following message written on the back of the
iPod box: This iPod is the property of Eugene Schumaker. Chip is Eugene Schumakers friend,
so he pays Heather the ten dollars to purchase the iPod so he can return it to Eugene. In many
jurisdictions and under the Model Penal Code, Chip can use his intent to return the stolen
property to its true owner as a failure of proof oraffirmative defense to receiving stolen
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Retaining Stolen Property

If retaining is the criminal act element described in the receiving stolen property statute, a
defendant can still be convicted of receiving stolen property if he or she originally receives the
property without the appropriate criminal intent, but later keeps the property after discovering it
is stolen.


Example of Retaining Stolen Property

Review the example with Chip and Heather in . Change this example so that Chip is not a dealer
and is offered the iPod for one hundred dollars, which is fairly close to its actual value. Chip
purchases the iPod from Heather and thereafter drives home. When he gets home, he begins to
open the box and notices the message stating that the iPod is the property of Eugene Schumaker.
Chip thinks about it for a minute, continues to open the box, and then retains the iPod for the
next six months. If Chip is in a state that defines the criminal act element for receiving stolen
property as retains, then Chip most likely committed the criminal act with the appropriate
criminal intent (knowledge that the property is stolen) and may be subject to prosecution for and
conviction of this offense.

Receiving Stolen Property Attendant Circumstances

The property must be stolen for this crime, so the prosecution must prove theattendant
circumstances that the property belongs to another and lack of victim consent.

Receiving Stolen Property Causation

The criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of receiving stolen property harm, which is
defined in .

Receiving Stolen Property Harm

The defendant must buy, receive, retain, sell, or dispose of stolen property for the completed
crime of receiving stolen property in most jurisdictions.


If the defendant does not actually gain

or transfer control of the property, only attempted receiving stolen property can be charged.

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Figure 11.6 Diagram of Defenses to Receiving Stolen Property

Receiving Stolen Property Grading

Receiving stolen property is graded as a felony-misdemeanor


or as a misdemeanor if the stolen

property is of low value and a felony if the stolen property is of high value.


Figure 11.7 Diagram of Crimes Involving Theft


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The criminal act element required for extortion is typically a theft of property
accomplished by a threat to cause future harm to the victim.

The criminal intent element required for extortion is typically the specific intent
or purposely to unlawfully deprive the victim of property permanently. However,
in some jurisdictions, it is the general intent or knowingly to perform the criminal

In many jurisdictions, it is an affirmative defense to extortion that the property

taken by threat to expose a secret or accuse anyone of a criminal offense is taken
honestly, as compensation for property, or as restitution or indemnification for
harm done by the secret or crime.

The attendant circumstances of extortion are that the property belongs to

another and that the victim consents to transferring the property to the
defendant based on fear inspired by the defendants threat.

The harm element required for extortion is that the defendant obtains the
property of another.

Extortion is graded as a felony in most jurisdictions.

Robbery requires a taking accomplished by force or threat of imminent force.

Extortion requires a taking by threat of future harm that is not necessarily force,
and larceny generally requires a taking by stealth or a false representation of
fact. Robbery also requires the attendant circumstance that the property be
taken from the victims person or presence and is generally graded more severely
than larceny or extortion.

Robbery is typically graded as a serious felony, which is a strike in jurisdictions

that have three strikes statutes, and a predicate felony for first-degree felony

The criminal act element required for receiving stolen property is typically
buying-receiving, retaining, and selling-disposing of stolen personal property.

The defendant must have the intent to commit the criminal act of receiving
stolen property, which could be specific intent or purposely, general intent or

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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knowingly, recklessly, or negligently to either buy-receive or sell-dispose of stolen

personal property, depending on the jurisdiction. If retain is the criminal act
element specified in the receiving stolen property statute, a defendant who
obtains property without knowledge that it is stolen commits the offense if he or
she thereafter keeps property after discovering that it is stolen. The defendant
must also have the specific intent or purposeful desire to deprive the victim of
the property permanently in some jurisdictions.

A failure of proof or affirmative defense to receiving stolen property in some

jurisdictions is that the defendant received and retained the stolen property with
the intent to return it to the true owner.

The attendant circumstances for receiving stolen property are that the property
belongs to another and lack of victim consent. The harm element of receiving
stolen property is that the defendant buy-receive, retain, or sell-dispose of stolen
personal property.

Receiving stolen property is graded as a felony-misdemeanor or a misdemeanor

if the stolen property is of low value and a felony if the stolen property is of high

Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Review the example given in with Jeremy and Chuck. In this example, Chuck
shows Jeremy a video he made of Jeremy reading a magazine instead of tuning
up Chucks taxi. Chuck thereafter threatens to show this video to the district
attorney if Jeremy does not pay him two hundred dollars. Has Chuck committed a
crime in this scenario? If your answer is yes, which crime?
2. Read State v. Robertson, 531 S. E. 2d 490 (2000). In Robertson, the Court of
Appeals of North Carolina reversed the defendants conviction for robbery of the
victims purse. What was the basis of the courts reversal of conviction? The case
is available at this
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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3. Read People v. Pratt, 656 N.W.2d 866 (2002). In Pratt, the defendant was
convicted of receiving stolen property for taking and concealing his girlfriends
vehicle. The defendant appealed, claiming that there was no evidence to indicate
that he intended to permanently deprive his girlfriend of the vehicle, and thus it
was not stolen. Did the Court of Appeals of Michigan uphold the defendants
conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this

[1] K.S.A. 21-3428, accessed March 18,
[2] Ga. Code 16-8-16, accessed March 11, 2011,
[3] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 53a-119(5) and 53a-122(a) (1), accessed March 12,
[4] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-1804,
[5] Ga. Code 16-8-16, accessed March 11, 2011,
[6] Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions No. CR 5-34, accessed March 12,
[7] Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions No. CR 5-34, accessed March 12,
[8] Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions No. CR 5-32, accessed March 12,
[9] Or. Rev. Stat. 164.075, accessed March 12, 2011,
[10] Ind. Code 35-42-5-1, accessed March 18, 2011,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[11] S.W. v. State, 513 So. 2d 1088 (1987), accessed March 18,
[12] State v. Handburgh, 830 P.2d 641 (1992), accessed March 18,
[13] Ala. Code 13A-8-43, accessed March 18, 2011,
[14] Cal. Penal Code 211, accessed March 19,
[15] Jones v. State, 652 So. 2d 346 (1995), accessed March 19,
[16] Jones v. State, 652 So. 2d 346 (1995), accessed March 19,
[17] Metheny v. State, 755 A.2d 1088 (2000), accessed March 19,
[18] Fla. Stat. Ann. 812.13, accessed March 19, 2011,
[19] Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions No. CR 4-141, accessed March 19,
[20] Williams v. State, 91 S.W. 3d 54 (2002), accessed March 19,
[21] Cal. Penal Code 189, accessed March 19, 2011,
[22] Cal. Penal Code 1192.7, accessed March 19,
[23] Tex. Penal Code 29.03, accessed March 12, 2011,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
Saylor URL:

[24] Ala. Code 13A-8-16, accessed March 12, 2011,

[25] Cal. Penal Code 496, accessed March 12, 2011,
[26] Fla. Stat. Ann. 812.019, accessed March 12,
[27] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266 60,
[28] Ga. Code 16-8-7, accessed March 12, 2011,
[29] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266 60, accessed March 13,
[30] Ala. Code 13A-8-16(a), accessed March 12, 2011,
[31] Ala. Code 13A-8-16, accessed March 13, 2011,
[32] Hawaii Criminal Jury Instructions No. 10.00, 10.20, accessed March 13,
[33] Ga. Code 16-8-7(a), accessed March 12, 2011,
[34] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 53a-119(8) and 53a-122 through 53a-125b, accessed March
13, 2011,
[35] Ala. Code 13A-8-16, accessed March 13, 2011,
[36] Cal. Penal Code 496, accessed March 13, 2011,
[37] Ga. Code 16-8-12, accessed March 13, 2011,

11.3 Crimes That Invade or Damage Property


Define the criminal act element required for burglary.

2. Define the criminal intent element required for burglary.

3. Define the attendant circumstances required for burglary.
4. Analyze burglary grading.
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5. Define the elements of criminal trespass, and analyze criminal trespass grading.
6. Define the criminal act element required for arson.
7. Define the criminal intent element required for arson.
8. Define the attendant circumstances required for arson.
9. Define the harm element required for arson.
10. Analyze arson grading.
11. Define the elements of criminal mischief, and analyze criminal mischief grading.

Although burglary is often associated with theft, it is actually an enhanced form of trespassing. At
early common law, burglary was the invasion of a mans castle at nighttime, with a sinister
purpose. Modern jurisdictions have done away with the common-law attendant circumstances
and criminalize the unlawful entry into almostany structure or vehicle, at any time of day.
Burglary has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, and attendant circumstances, as is
explored in .

Burglary Act
The criminal act element required for burglary varies, depending on the jurisdiction. Many
jurisdictions require breaking and entering into the area described in the burglary


Some jurisdictions and the Model Penal Code only require entering (Model Penal Code

221.1). Other jurisdictions include remaining in the criminal act element.


When criminal breaking is required, generally any physical force used to enter the burglarized
area is sufficienteven pushing open a closed door.


Entry is generally partial or complete

intrusion of either the defendant, the defendants body part, or a tool or instrument.
jurisdictions, the entry must be unauthorized,


while in others, it could be lawful.



In some

The Model

Penal Code makes an exception for premisesopen to the public or when the defendant is
licensed or privileged to enter (Model Penal Code 221.1(1)). Remaining means that the
defendant lingers in the burglarized area after an initial lawful or unlawful entry.


Example of Burglary Act

Jed uses a burglar tool to remove the window screen of a residence. The window is open, so once
Jed removes the screen, he places both hands on the sill, and begins to launch himself upward.
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The occupant of the residence, who was watching Jed from inside, slams the window down on
Jeds hands. Jed has probably committed the criminal act element required for burglary in many
jurisdictions. When Jed removed the window screen, he committed a breaking. When Jed
placed his hands on the windowsill, his fingers intruded into the residence, which satisfies
the entryrequirement. Thus Jed may be subject to a prosecution for burglary rather
thanattempted burglary, even though he never actually damaged or broke the barrier of the
residence or managed to gain complete access to the interior.

Burglary Intent
Depending on the jurisdiction, the criminal intent element required for burglary is typically
the general intent or knowingly to commit the criminal act, with thespecific
intent or purposely to commit a felony,
inside the burglarized area.



any crime,


or a felony, grand, or petty theft once

The Model Penal Code describes the criminal intent element as

purpose to commit a crime therein (Model Penal Code 221.1(1)).

Example of a Case Lacking Burglary Intent

Hans dares Christian to break into a house in their neighborhood that is reputed to be haunted.
Christian goes up to the front door of the house, shoves it open, steps inside the front hallway,
and then hurriedly dashes back outside. Christian probably does not have the criminal intent
element required for burglary in this scenario. Although Christian committed the criminal act of
breaking and entering, Christian did not have the intent to commit a crime once inside.
Christians conduct is probably criminal, but it is most likely a criminal
trespass, not burglary. Criminal trespass is discussed in.

Burglary Attendant Circumstances

Depending on the jurisdiction, burglary often includes the attendant circumstancethat the
area entered is a structure, building, or vehicle belonging to another.


However, modern

jurisdictions have eliminated the requirement that the property belong to another


and prohibit

burglarizing property owned by the defendant, such as a landlord burglarizing a tenants

apartment. Some jurisdictions require a structure or building to be occupied,
a dwelling,


and require a vehicle to be locked.



or require it to be

A few jurisdictions also retain the common-

law attendant circumstance that the burglary take place at nighttime.

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Structure or building generally includes a house, room, apartment, shop, barn, or even a


The Model Penal Code expressly excludes abandoned structures or buildings (Model

Penal Code 221.1(1)). A dwelling is a building used for lodging at night.


Occupied means that

the structure or building can be used for business or for lodging at night and does not necessarily
require the actual presence of a person or victim when the criminal act takes place.



means the time after sunset and before sunrise when it is too dark to clearly see a defendants


Example of Burglary Attendant Circumstances

Susan breaks down a door and steps inside a building with the intent to commit arson, a felony,
once inside. If the building is an empty childs tiny plastic playhouse, the attendant circumstance
that the structure be occupied or a dwelling is lacking. If it is twelve noon, the attendant
circumstance that the criminal act takes place at nighttimeis lacking. If it is pitch black outside
and 10 p.m. and the building is Susans ex-boyfriends residence, then Susan has most likely
committed burglary and may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense.
Figure 11.8 Diagram of Defenses to Burglary

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Burglary Grading
Burglary is typically divided into degrees.


First-degree burglary is generally a serious felony

that can serve as the predicate felony for first-degree felony murder
have three strikes statutes.



and a strike in states that

Factors that can elevate burglary grading are the use or possession

of a weapon, the entry into a residence, dwelling, or building where people are present, the
commission of burglary at nighttime, or the infliction of injury or death.


Second- and third-

degree burglary generally are still felonies, although less serious than first-degree


The Model Penal Code grades burglary as a felony of the second degree if perpetrated

in the dwelling of another at night, or if the actor purposely, knowingly, or recklessly inflicts or
attempts to inflict bodily injury or is armed with explosives or a deadly weapon. Otherwise, the
Model Penal Code grades burglary as a felony of the third degree (Model Penal Code 221.1(2)).
Keep in mind that a defendant can be prosecuted for burglary even if the felony or crime intended
after entry never takes place. In addition, if the defendant actually commits the felony or crime
after entry, the defendant can be prosecuted for both burglary and the completed crime without
violating the protection against double jeopardy in the Fifth Amendment to the federal
Constitution. The Model Penal Code states that a person may not be convicted both for burglary
and for the offense which it was his purpose to commit after the burglarious entryunless the
additional offense constitutes a felony of the first or second degree (Model Penal Code

Criminal Trespass
As stated previously, criminal trespass is generally charged when one or more of the attendant
circumstances of burglary are lacking or when the criminal intent is less heinous. Typically,
criminal trespass is an unauthorized (attendant circumstance) entry or remaining (criminal
act) into a building, occupied structure, or place as to which notice against trespassing is given,
owned by another (attendant circumstance), with general intent or knowingly that the
entry was unauthorized (criminal intent).


The Model Penal Code states that it is criminal

trespass when the defendant knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do soenters or
surreptitiously remains in any building or occupied structureor any place as to which notice
against trespass is given (Model Penal Code 221.2). Criminal trespass is generally graded as a
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less serious felony than burglary or is graded as a misdemeanor if the trespass is into a place,
rather than a building or occupied structure.


The Model Penal Code grades criminal trespass as

a misdemeanor if it is committed in a dwelling at night; otherwise, it is graded as a petty

misdemeanor or a violation (Model Penal Code 221.2).

Arson is one of the most destructive crimes in the United States, costing billions of dollars per
year in lost or damaged homes, businesses, and real property. Many jurisdictions punish arson as
a high-level felony that could merit a punishment of life in prison and mandatory registration
requirements similar to serious sex offenses.


At early common law, arson was primarily a crime against habitation, rather than a crime
against property. The elements of arson at common law were the malicious or intentional burning
of a dwelling owned by another. Modern statutes criminalize burning almost anything, including
the defendants own property in many instances.
Arson is a crime that has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, attendant circumstances,
causation, and harm, as is explored in .

Arson Act
The criminal act element required for arson is typically setting fire to or burning real or
personal property specified in the arson statute.
and vehicles.



This could include buildings, structures, land,

Some states define the criminal act element as damaging the specified property

by fire or explosives.


The Model Penal Code describes the criminal act element as starting a fire

or causing an explosion (Model Penal Code 220.1(1). The type or value of the property the
defendant burns or damages can enhance grading. Grading is discussed shortly.

Example of Arson Act

Clark and Manny are bored and decide to light a fire in the woods near their houses. The grass is
damp from a recent rain, so the fire does not spread and burns only a small circle of grass. Clark
and Manny give up and walk home. Clark and Manny have probably committed the criminal act
element required for arson in most jurisdictions. Although a large destructive fire was not set by
Clark and Manny, the two did burn or damage real property and start a fire, which satisfies the
criminal act requirement in most jurisdictions and under the Model Penal Code.
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Arson Intent
The criminal intent element required for arson in many jurisdictions is the general
intent or knowingly to commit the criminal act.


Thus the defendant only needs the intent to

burn or damage property specified in the arson statute; the defendant does not have to intend to
burn a specific structure or personal property, even if that is the end result.


The Model Penal

Code requires starting a fire or causing an explosion with the purpose of destroying a building or
occupied structure of another; or destroying or damaging any propertyto collect insurance for
such loss (Model Penal Code 220.1(1)).

Example of Arson Intent

Review the example with Clark and Manny in . Change this example so that Clark and Manny
leave the area and a tiny spark from the fire they set begins to ignite. After a few hours, a large
and powerful fire starts and burns thousands of acres in the forest. Clark and Manny most likely
have the criminal intent element required for arson in many jurisdictions. Although Clark and
Manny did not necessarily want to burn thousands of acres of forest land, they
did intentionally or knowingly start a fire in the forest, which is all that many modern arson
statutes require. Thus even though Clark and Manny did not intend the end result, Clark and
Manny are probably subject to prosecution for and conviction of arson for their conduct.

Arson Attendant Circumstances

In most jurisdictions, arson must burn a specific type of property. Although this can be
interpreted as an attendant circumstance, it is also a function of grading. Thus first-degree arson
may focus on arson of a dwelling,



while second-degree arson focuses on arson of other

Many jurisdictions do not require the attendant circumstance that property belongs

to another, and therefore the defendant can burn his or her own property and still be guilty of
arson. However, the defendant must generally burn his or her property with the specific
intent or purposely to defraudfor the burning to constitute arson.


The Model Penal Code

requires destroying or damaging any property, whether his own or anothers, to collect insurance
for such loss (Model Penal Code 220.1(b)).

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Example of a Case Lacking Arson Intent for Burning the Defendants Property
Tim decides he wants to get rid of all the reminders of his ex-girlfriend. Tim piles all the
photographs, gifts, and clothing items that are connected to his relationship with his ex into his
fireplace and burns them. In this scenario, Tim probably does not have the criminal intent
element required for arson in most jurisdictions. Although Tim burned or damaged property, the
property belongs to Tim, not another. Thus Tim must burn the property with the specific
intent or purposely to defraudmost likely an insurance carrier. Tim burned his own property
with only general intent or knowingly, so Tim may not be charged with and convicted of arson
in most jurisdictions.

Arson Causation
The criminal act must be the factual and legal cause of arson harm, which defines. As stated
previously, the defendant does not have to intend to burn a specific structure or personal
property, even if that is the end result in many jurisdictions. However, there must be a causation
analysis in every arson case because arson is a crime that requires a bad result or harm. Thus the
arson harm must be reasonably foreseeable at the time the defendant commits the criminal act
with the accompanying criminal intent.

Example of Arson Causation

Review the example with Clark and Manny in . In this example, Clark and Manny try to light a fire
in the forest, but the grass is too damp, so they give up and leave the area. Hours later, a spark
from their fire ignites, burning thousands of acres. Clark and Manny could be
the factual and legal cause of this harm in many jurisdictions. Even though the grass was damp
and difficult to burn, a trier of fact could find that it is reasonably foreseeable when lighting a fire
in the forest that the fire could turn into a massive and destructive blaze. Thus Clark and Mannys
act accompanied by the general intent or knowingly to burn caused significant harm, and Clark
and Manny may be subject to prosecution for arson in this case.

Arson Harm
The harm element required for arson is burning, charring, or damage to the property specified in
the arson statute. Damage could be damage to even a small part,


and in the most extreme


cases, even smoke damage without burning or charring is sufficient.

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The Model Penal Code

only requires starting a fire or causing an explosion with the appropriate criminal intent,
regardless of whether damage to real or personal property ensues (Model Penal Code 220.1(1)).
Some states follow the Model Penal Code approach.


Example of Arson Harm

Review the example with Clark and Manny in . In this example, Clark and Manny started a fire in
the woods that burned a small circle of dead grass. This damage is probably sufficient to
constitute the harm for arson in most jurisdictions. Although the value of the damaged forest land
is not excessive, excessive damage is not typically a requirement under modern arson statutes
any damage is enough. Thus Clark and Manny may be subject to a prosecution for and conviction
of this offense in most jurisdictions.
Figure 11.9 Diagram of Defenses to Arson

Arson Grading
Arson is typically divided into degrees,


or simple and aggravated.

elevate grading are the burning or damage of anothers dwelling,





Factors that can

bodily injury or

extensive property damage, or damage to property of high value.


As stated previously,

arson is a serious felony that can result in a sentence of life in prison and mandatory registration
requirements similar to serious sex offenses.
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Arson is also generally a strike in states that have


three strikes statutes


and a predicate felony for first-degree felony murder.



jurisdictions grade even simple arson or second or third-degree arson as a felony.


The Model

Penal Code grades arson as a felony of the second degree (Model Penal Code 220.1).

Criminal Mischief
Criminal mischief prohibits damaging or destroying property, tampering with property, or
deception or threat that leads to a loss of property. Although criminal mischief may be a felony in
many jurisdictions, it is generally a less serious felony than arson, either because the defendant
inflicts damage to property in a safer manner or because the criminal intent is less heinous.
The criminal act element required for criminal mischief is damaging,


or tampering with



destroying, interfering

property. The criminal intent element required for criminal mischief

varies, depending on the jurisdiction and the degree of the offense. The criminal intent could
be specific intent or purposely, general intent or knowingly, reckless,


The attendant circumstances required for criminal mischief are typically

committing the criminal act against the property of another (or property that is government
owned) without victim consent or with no right or authorization.


Theharm element required

for criminal mischief is damage, destruction, or interference to property by fire, explosive, flood,
or some other method, or interference with electricity, water, oil or gas,


or loss of property or

money by deception such as causing the victim to purchase a worthless product.


As stated

previously, criminal mischief is often a less serious felony than arson and could also be graded as
a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor.


Factors that could elevate grading of criminal

mischief are the extent of the property damage and the severity of the defendants criminal


The Model Penal Code criminalizes criminal mischief when the defendant purposely,

recklessly, or negligently damages tangible property of another by fire, explosives, or other

dangerous means, purposely or recklessly tampers with tangible property of another so as to
endanger person or property, or purposely or recklessly causes another to suffer pecuniary loss by
deception or threat. The Model Penal Code grades criminal mischief as a felony of the third
degree, misdemeanor, petty misdemeanor, or violation, depending on the extent of the damage or
the criminal intent (Model Penal Code 220.3).

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Figure 11.10 Diagram of Crimes That Invade or Damage Property


The criminal act element required for burglary is breaking and entering, just
entering, or remaining.

The criminal intent element required for burglary is typically the general intent or
knowingly to commit the criminal act and the specific intent or purposely to
commit a felony, any crime, or a felony, petty, or grand theft once inside the
burglarized area.

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Burglary generally includes the attendant circumstances that the area entered is
a structure, building, or vehicle belonging to another, or an occupied building or
structure, or a dwelling. Modern jurisdictions have eliminated the requirement
that the property belong to another and prohibit the defendant from burglarizing
his or her own property. Some jurisdictions require a vehicle to be locked, and a
few jurisdictions require the burglary to take place at nighttime.

Burglary is typically graded as a felony that is divided into degrees. First-degree

burglary is often a strike in jurisdictions that have three strikes statutes and a
predicate felony for first-degree felony murder.

Typically, criminal trespass is an unauthorized (attendant circumstance) entry or

remaining (criminal act) into a building, occupied structure, or place as to which
notice against trespassing is given, owned by another (attendant circumstance)
with general intent or knowingly that the entry was unauthorized (criminal
intent). Criminal trespass is generally graded as a felony, albeit a less serious
felony than burglary, or a misdemeanor if the area trespassed is a place rather
than an occupied building or structure.

The criminal act element required for arson is starting a fire, burning, or
damaging with fire or explosives specified real or personal property.

The criminal intent element required for arson is the general intent or knowingly
to commit the criminal act in many jurisdictions.

Arson statutes can specify the attendant circumstance that the defendant burns
a specific type of property, such as a dwelling or other real or personal property.
In most jurisdictions, if the defendant burns his or her own property, the
defendant must act with the specific intent or purposely to defraud, typically an
insurance carrier.

The harm element required for arson is burning, charring, damage, or, in the
most extreme cases, smoke damage.

Arson is typically graded as a felony that is divided into degrees. First-degree

arson is often a strike in jurisdictions that have three strikes statutes and a

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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predicate felony for first-degree felony murder. Arson could also carry a
registration requirement like serious sex offenses.

The elements of criminal mischief are damaging or destroying property,

tampering with property, or deception or threat that leads to a loss of property
(criminal act and harm) with specific intent or purposely, general intent or
knowingly, recklessly, or negligently. Although criminal mischief may be a felony
in many jurisdictions, it is generally a less serious felony than arson and in some
jurisdictions it is graded as a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Why is burglary of a dwelling at nighttime generally graded higher than other

2. Read Butler v. Florida, No. 1D08-0958 (Fla: Dist. Court of Appeals, 2009). InButler,
the defendant appealed his convictions for trespass and criminal mischief, based
on the trial courts failure to instruct the jury on the defense of necessity. The
defendant claimed he broke into a residence because he was being chased and
feared for his safety. Did the Court of Appeal of Florida reverse the defendants
convictions? Why or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read In the Matter of V.V.C., No. 04-07-00166 CV (Tex.: Court of Appeals, 2008).
In V.V.C., the Court of Appeals of Texas dismissed a minors adjudication for
arson when he started a fire in the boys restroom of a middle school. What was
the basis for the courts dismissal? The case is available at this
WikiLeaks: Should Exposure of Information Be Criminal?
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Julian Assange, famous for his computer hacking skills, is the editor in chief of WikiLeaks, a
whistleblower website. WikiLeaks has exposed documents and videos detailing the corruption in
Kenya, Guantanamo Bay procedures, and the American involvement in the Afghan and Iraq wars,
portions of which were classifiedconfidential and secret.
of this information.



The New York Times published some

Although WikiLeaks did not actually leak classified material (some of it

was allegedly passed to WikiLeaks by a low-level US Army intelligence analyst), the US

Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation regarding the release, and US
prosecutors are reportedly considering charges against Assange.


1. Do you think it is ethical to expose or publish leaked confidential and secret

government information?
2. What is the difficulty in prosecuting a defendant for this type of publication?
Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

[1] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266 14, accessed March 20,
[2] Fla. Stat. Ann. 810.02(b)
[3] Commonwealth v. Hallums, 61 Mass. App. Ct. 50 (2004), accessed March 20,
[4] People v. Nible, 200 Cal. App. 3d 838 (1988), accessed March 20,
[5] State v. Hall, 3 P.3d 582 (2000), accessed March 20,
[6] People v. Nunley, 168 Cal. App. 3d 225 (1985), accessed March 20,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[7] State v. Allen, 110 P. 3d 849 (2005), accessed March 20,

[8] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266 14, accessed March 20,
[9] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 53a-102, accessed March 20,
[10] Cal. Penal Code 459, accessed March 20, 2011,
[11] Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions No. CR 5-13, accessed March 20,
[12] Cal. Penal Code 459, accessed March 20, 2011,
[13] Iowa Code 713.1, accessed March 20, 2011,
[14] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 53a-102, accessed March 20,
[15] Cal. Penal Code 459, accessed March 20, 2011,
[16] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266 15, accessed March 20,
[17] Cal. Penal Code 459, accessed March 20, 2011,
[18] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 53a-102, accessed March 20,
[19] Iowa Code 702.12,
[20] State v. Reavis, 700 S.E.2d 33 (2010), accessed March 20,
[21] Iowa Code 713.3, 713.5, 713.6A, accessed March 20, 2011,
[22] Cal. Penal Code 189, accessed March 20, 2011,

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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[23] Cal. Penal Code 1192.7, accessed March 21,

[24] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266 14, accessed March 20,
[25] Ala. Code 13A-7-7, accessed March 20, 2011,
[26] 18 Pa. C.S. 3503, accessed March 20, 2011,
[27] 18 Pa. C.S. 3503, accessed March 20, 2011,
[28] 730 ILCS 148 10, accessed March 21, 2011,
[29] Cal. Penal Code 451, accessed March 21, 2011,
[30] Tex. Penal Code 28.02, accessed March 22, 2011,
[31] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-7-60, accessed March 21, 2011,
[32] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-7-60,
[33] People v. Atkins, 25 Cal. 4th 76 (2001), accessed March 22,
[34] Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13 502, accessed March 22,
[35] Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 13 503, accessed March 22,
[36] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-7-62, accessed March 22, 2011,
[37] California Criminal Jury Instructions No. 1515, accessed March 22,
[38] Ursulita v. State, 706 S.E.2d 123 (2011), accessed March 22,
[39] Tex. Penal Code 28.02, accessed March 22, 2011,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[40] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-7-60, accessed March 21, 2011,

[41] Cal. Penal Code 451.5, accessed March 22,
[42] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-7-60, accessed March 21, 2011,
[43] Connecticut Criminal Jury Instructions 53a-111, accessed March 22,
[44] Cal. Penal Code 451.5, accessed March 21,
[45] 730 ILCS 10, accessed March 21, 2011,
[46] Cal. Penal Code 1192.7, accessed March 21,
[47] Cal. Penal Code 189, accessed July 15,
2010, (accessed July 15, 2010).
[48] Cal. Penal Code 451, accessed March 22, 2011,
[49] Ala. Code 13A-7-21, accessed March 24, 2011,
[50] Or. Rev. Stat. 164.365, accessed March 24, 2011,
[51] Alaska Stat. 11.46.480, accessed March 24, 2011,
[52] 18 Pa.C.S. 3304, accessed March 24, 2011,
[53] Alaska Stat. 11.46.475, accessed March 24, 2011,
[54] Alaska Stat. 11.46.475, accessed March 24, 2011,
[55] 18 Pa.C.S. 3304, accessed March 24, 2011,

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[56] 18 Pa.C.S. 3304, accessed March 24, 2011,

[57] 18 Pa.C.S. 3304, accessed March 24, 2011,
[58] Raffi Khatchadourian, No Secrets, New Yorker website, accessed March 29,
[59] Charlie Savage, U.S. Prosecutors Study WikiLeaks Prosecution, New York Times website, accessed
March 29, 2011,
[60] Charlie Savage, U.S. Prosecutors Study WikiLeaks Prosecution, New York Times website, accessed
March 29, 2011,

11.4 End-of-Chapter Material

Crimes against property include theft, crimes connected to theft, and crimes that invade or
damage property. Modern jurisdictions criminalize several forms of theft under consolidated theft
statutes that grade theft primarily on the value of the property stolen. Larceny under a
consolidated theft statute in many jurisdictions is the physical taking or gaining possession of a
victims personal property by control and asportation, or a false representation of fact, with the
intent to keep the property. Embezzlement under a consolidated theft statute is the conversion of
a victims real or personal property entrusted to the defendant. False pretenses under a
consolidated theft statute is the permanent transfer of ownership of real or personal property or
services from the victim to the defendant, based on a false representation of fact. The theft of
property of low value is typically a misdemeanor (petty theft), while the theft of property of high
value (grand theft) is a felony, felony-misdemeanor, or a gross misdemeanor, depending on the
circumstances and the jurisdiction. Federal mail fraud, a felony, is the knowing use of the mail to
perpetrate a scheme to defraud.
Extortion is the purposeful theft of property by a threat of future harm such as bodily injury or
exposure of the victims crime or secret that subjects the victim to hatred, contempt, or ridicule.
Extortion is typically graded as a felony. Robbery is the purposeful theft of property from the
victims person or presence by force or threat of imminent physical harm. Robbery is typically
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graded as a serious felony. Receiving stolen property is receiving, buying, selling, disposing of, or
retaining stolen property with either knowledge or awareness that the property is stolen or
knowledge or awareness of a risk that the property is stolen. Receiving stolen property is typically
graded as a felony-misdemeanor or a misdemeanor if the property is of low value and a felony if
the property is of significant value.
Burglary is either breaking and entering, entering, or remaining on anothers property with the
intent to commit a felony, any crime, grand theft, or petty theft once inside. In some jurisdictions,
the defendant can burglarize his or her own property. Burglary is typically graded as a serious
felony. Criminal trespass is a knowing unauthorized entry onto the property of another. Criminal
trespass is typically graded as a less serious felony than burglary, or a misdemeanor if the trespass
is into a place, rather than an occupied building or structure. Arson is knowingly burning or
damaging by fire property described in the arson statute. Arson is typically graded as a serious
felony. Criminal mischief is damaging, destroying, or interfering with property with specific intent
or purposely, general intent or knowingly, recklessly, or negligently, depending on the jurisdiction
and the degree of the offense. Criminal mischief is typically graded as a less serious felony than
arson, a gross misdemeanor, or a misdemeanor.


Read the statute, and then describe the elements of each of the following crimes. Check your
answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. Offenses against computer users: Fla. Stat. Ann. 815.06. The statute is
available at this link: Identify
the criminal act (seven possible), criminal intent, attendant circumstance,
andharm. How is this crime graded?
2. Identity theft: 18 Pa. C.S. 4120. The statute is available at this
offenses/ Identify the criminal act (two possible), criminal
intent, attendant circumstance, and harm. How is this crime graded?
3. Unlawful duplication of computer-related material in the first degree: N.Y.
Penal Law 156.30. The statute is available at this
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link: Identify
the criminal act (three possible), criminal intent, attendant circumstance,
and harm. How is this crime graded?

Cases of Interest

People v. Beaver, 186 Cal. App. 4th 107 (2010), illustrates the complexity of
prosecuting theft under a consolidated theft
q= false+pretenses+theft+of+a+service&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=1999.

State v. Castillo, Docket No. 29, 641 (NM: 2011), discusses the difference between
a debit card and credit card for

People v. Nowack, 614 N.W.2d 78 (2000), discusses the criminal intent element
required for
= arson+%22specific+intent+crime%22&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=2000.

Articles of Interest

Bernie Madoff

Largest hedge fund insider trading case in US



Wildland arson:

Information on arson:


Websites of Interest

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US DOJ identity theft


Statistics of Interest


Identity theft:

Answers to Exercises

1. Linda has committed larceny because she took personal property belonging to
another without consent and with what appears to be the intent to keep it
permanently. Shoplifting is typically larceny. A bra is not a high-value item (even
in an expensive department store), so Lindas larceny is probably petty, second-,
or third-degree theft under a consolidated theft statute.
2. Ellen has committed larceny because she took personal property belonging to
another without consent and with what appears to be the intent to keep it
permanently. When Ellen put her hand over the Rolex watch, she
gainedcontrol of it. When she slid it across the counter, this was
sufficientasportation of the property because asportation for larceny can
generally be any distanceno matter how slight. The Rolex is valued at ten
thousand dollars, so Ellens larceny is probably grand or first-degree theft under
a consolidated theft statute.
3. The Minnesota Supreme Court reversed, holding that the lease deposits were
held in trust and belonged to the defendant, not the lessees. The court also held
that the prosecution failed to prove a relationship
of trust andconfidence between the defendant and the lessees, which is
required in Minnesota for embezzlement theft under the consolidated theft
4. The Court of Appeal of California modified the defendants conviction under a
consolidated theft statute. The court held that the defendant actually committed
attempted larceny by trick, not false pretenses, because he was directed to
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purchase licensing agreements with the money, which put him inpossession of it
rather than ownership.
5. The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed the defendants conviction.
The court held that the defendant did not have to use the mails or intend that the
mails be used by another to be convicted of federal mail fraud. However, because
all the mailings involved the defendants son, who was acquitted of the arson and
therefore not involved in a scheme to defraud the insurance company, the
defendants mail fraud conviction had no basis.

Answers to Exercises

1. Chuck has committed the crime of attempted extortion. Although Chuck

threatened to expose Jeremys crime of false pretenses with the intent to force
Jeremy to pay him two hundred dollars, Jeremy did not pay Chuck. Thus
theharm element of extortion is lacking, and Chucks conduct is only attempted
2. The Court of Appeals of North Carolina reversed the defendants robbery
conviction because he snatched the purse, using only the force required to take it
from the victims possession. Thus the crime was most likely larceny rather
than robbery.
3. The Court of Appeals of Michigan upheld the defendants conviction. Although
the court conceded that a theft by larceny requires the intent
to permanentlydeprive the owner of personal property, the court held that the
term stolen in the receiving stolen property statute encompasses more than
larceny theft, and thus it includes any taking of personal property without
permission of the owner.

Answers to Exercises

1. Burglary of a dwelling is graded higher than burglary of a structure or vehicle

because it is likely that the owners of a dwelling might be inside and might
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employ protective actions that could lead to injury or death. Burglary

atnighttime enhances the probability that the dwelling owners will be home and
makes it more difficult to identify the defendant. This could also enhance the
probability of injury or death and reduce the chances of conviction, which does
not serve deterrence.
2. The Court of Appeal of Florida held that the evidence was insufficient to warrant
the necessity jury instruction. Although a neighbor to the burglarized residence
testified that the defendant rang her doorbell and asked to come in while looking
around in a scared manner, and a guest at a party testified that the defendant was
slapped by an individual claiming the defendant owed him money, the court held
that this evidence did not establish the defendants reasonable belief that he was
at risk for immediate serious bodily injury.
3. The Court of Appeals of Texas dismissed the minors judgment of adjudication
because the middle school was not located in the incorporated city limits, as
was alleged in the States petition for adjudication.

Answers to Law and Ethics Questions


Whether it is ethical to publish classified information depends on the contentof

the published material, and requires a balancing of the publics right to know and
the safety risk posed by the publication. If the publication exposes government
corruption or another topic that could lead to government reformand the risk of
harm is minimal, then many would feel the exposure is of high value and ethical.

2. The First Amendment complicates the prosecution of WikiLeaks for simply

publishing information provided by an informant. Without evidence that
WikiLeaks participated or assisted the government informant, a prosecution of
WikiLeaks is a prosecution for speech, and this requires a compelling
government interest and a narrowly tailored statute. Of course the government
has a strong interest in protecting those involved in national defense; however,
government speech has traditionally been accorded the highest form of
protection from censorship. An additional problem is the Constitutions
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prohibition against the enactment of ex post facto laws because it does not
appear that there is a statute addressing WikiLeaks behavior (government
property cannot be copyrighted, trademarked, or patented, so there was no
intellectual property infringement).

Answers to You Be the Legal Textbook Author


Criminal act: access, disrupt, damage, destroy, take, injure, introduce computer
contaminant to any computer, computer system, or network. Criminal intent:
general intent or knowingly. Attendant circumstance: without
authorization. Harm: disruption, damage, destruction, or use of the computer to
commit a scheme to defraud. Grading: a felony or a first-degree misdemeanor.
Also provides a civil action for damages.

2. Criminal act: possess or use the identifying information of another person.

Criminal intent: specific intent or purposely to further an unlawful
purpose.Attendant circumstance: lack of victim consent. Harm: identifying
information of another is possessed or used to further any unlawful
purpose.Grading: a felony or misdemeanor, depending on the value of property
obtained, the prior record of the defendant, and whether the unlawful purpose is
a conspiracy or dependent abuse.
3. Criminal act: copy, reproduce, or duplicate any computer data or program.
Criminal intent: general intent or knowingly to deprive the owner of property
valued in excess of $2,500, or specific intent or purposely to commit or attempt
to commit any felony. Attendant circumstance: with no right to do so. Harm:
computer data or program is copied, reproduced, or duplicated.Grading: felony.

Chapter 12
Crimes against the Public
The state has not only a right to maintain a decent society but an obligation to do so. In the public
nuisance context, the communitys right to security and protection must be reconciled with the individuals

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right to expressive and associative freedom. Reconciliation begins with the acknowledgment that the
interests of the community are not invariably less important than the freedom of individuals.

People v. Acuna, cited in Section 12 "Civil Responses to Gang Activity"

12.1 Quality-of-Life Crimes


Define the criminal act element required for disorderly conduct.

2. Define the criminal intent element required for disorderly conduct.

3. Define the attendant circumstance required for disorderly conduct.
4. Identify potential constitutional challenges to disorderly conduct statutes.
5. Analyze disorderly conduct grading.
6. Identify potential constitutional challenges to vagrancy statutes.
7. Identify potential constitutional challenges to loitering statutes.
8. Define the elements of loitering, and analyze loitering grading.
9. Compare sit-lie laws to loitering statutes.
Crimes against the public include offenses that affect the quality of life, group violence such as gang activity,
and vice crimes. Because quality-of-life crimes are often based onmoral or value judgments, these offenses
tend to target the poor and downtrodden. If the conduct prohibited involves an individuals status in
society, assembling, orspeech, the First and Fourteenth Amendments require a narrowly tailored
statute supported by a compelling government interest. This creates a conflict between legislators trying to
ensure peace and tranquility for citizens and judges upholding the many individual protections included in
the Bill of Rights.
The quality-of-life offenses discussed are disorderly conduct, vagrancy, and loitering. Upcoming sections
analyze crimes involving group activity, such as unlawful assembly and riot, along with the ever-growing
problem of criminal gangs, and novel criminal and civil responses. The final section of this chapter discusses
common vice crimes, including possession, sale, and use of controlled substances and prostitution.

Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly conduct, also called disturbing the peace, criminalizes conduct that negatively
impacts the quality of life for citizens in any given city, county, or state. Although disorderly
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conduct is typically a low-level offense, the enforcement of disorderly conduct statutes is

important to preserve citizens ability to live, work, and travel in safety and comfort. Disorderly
conduct has the elements of criminal act, criminal intent, and an attendant circumstance, as is
explored in .

Disorderly Conduct Act

Three criminal acts generally are identified in any disorderly conduct statute. The defendant
must either (1) make a loud and unreasonable noise, obscene utterance, or gesture, (2) engage in
fighting or threatening, or state fighting words, or (3) create a hazardous condition by an act that
does not serve a legitimate purpose.


The Model Penal Code defines disorderly conduct as

engaging in fighting or threatening or violent tumultuous behavior, making unreasonable noise or

an offensively course utterance, gesture, or display, addressing abusive language to any person
present, or creating a hazardous or physically offensive condition by an act that serves no
legitimate purpose (Model Penal Code 250.2). When the criminal act is a loud and unreasonable
noise, the quality of the noise is judged in the setting where the noise occurred. A noise made in
an extremely quiet area can be softer than a noise made in a loud and busy area like a city street
during peak hours.


The term hazardous condition generally refers to a situation that is

dangerous and poses a risk of injury to others in the vicinity of the defendants conduct.


Example of Disorderly Conduct Act

David and Daniel leave a party in a quiet neighborhood at three in the morning. Both are
inebriated. After walking a couple of blocks and telling stories, they begin singing loudly with
their arms wrapped around each other. David stumbles and trips Daniel, who falls heavily to the
sidewalk. Daniel gets up and starts screaming and swearing at David, challenging him to fight.
David yells back, Bring it on! David pushes Daniel, he pushes back, and they begin punching
and kicking. In this instance, David and Daniel have probably committed three separate
disorderly conduct offenses. When David and Daniel began singing at three in the morning on a
quiet street, they made a loud and unreasonable noise. When they challenged each other to fight,
they uttered threats or stated fighting words. When they engaged in a fistfight, they committed
fighting, or created a hazardous condition. Thus David and Daniel are most likely subject to a
prosecution for and conviction of three counts of disorderly conduct in many jurisdictions.
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Disorderly Conduct Intent

The criminal intent element required for disorderly conduct in many jurisdictions is thespecific
intent or purposely to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm, or the reckless intent
to cause a risk thereof.


The Model Penal Code has the same criminal intent requirement (Model

Penal Code 250.2(1)).

Example of Disorderly Conduct Intent

Review the example given in with David and Daniel. David and Daniel may not have had
the specific intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm; however, their behavior
in a quiet neighborhood late at night displays the reckless intent to cause a risk of such
inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm. Although David and Daniel are inebriated, recall from that
intoxication is not generally a defense to a reckless intent crime. Thus a trier of fact could find
that David and Daniel have the appropriate criminal intent for disorderly conduct, and they may
both be subject to conviction of this offense.

Disorderly Conduct Attendant Circumstance

In many jurisdictions, disorderly conduct requires the attendant circumstance that the
conduct occur in a public place.


This goes along with the purposeful or reckless intent to

inconvenience, annoy, or alarm the public, or create a risk thereof. The Model Penal Code defines
public as affecting or likely to affect persons in a place to which the public or a substantial group
has accesshighways, transport facilities, schools, prisons, apartment houses, places of business
or amusement, or any neighborhood (Model Penal Code 250.2).

Example of Disorderly Conduct Attendant Circumstance

Review the example in with David and Daniel. David and Daniel commit their acts of loud and
unreasonable noise, threats, fighting words, fighting, and creating a hazardous condition on
a sidewalk in a neighborhood. Thus in jurisdictions that require the disorderly conduct
attendant circumstance of a public place, David and Daniel may be subject to prosecution for and
conviction of this offense. If David and Daniel committed exactly the same acts in a private
residence located on fifty acres with no neighbors for miles, the attendant circumstance for
disorderly conduct would belacking, along with the criminal intent to annoy, inconvenience, or
alarm the public.
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Potential Constitutional Challenges to Disorderly Conduct Statutes

Because disorderly conduct statutes often criminalize obscene gestures and words,threats,
and fighting words, they are subject to constitutional challenges under the First and Fourteenth
Amendments. However, not all speech is protected under the First Amendment. As discusses in
detail, it is constitutional to regulate obscenity, true threats, and fighting words. Nonetheless,
any statute criminalizing speech or expression is subject to strict scrutiny, must be narrowly
drafted, and supported by a compelling government interest. Thus two common grounds for
challenging disorderly conduct statutes are void for vagueness and overbreadth.


Example of a Disorderly Conduct Statute That Is Unconstitutional

A state legislature enacts a disorderly conduct statute that prohibits making rude and annoying
comments to another. This statute is most unlikely unconstitutional under the First and
Fourteenth Amendments. The words rude and annoying are ambiguous, which could lead to
uneven application by law enforcement and a failure to provide adequate notice to the public of
what is criminal. Therefore, the statute can be stricken as void for vagueness. In addition, rude
and annoying comments are not necessarily fighting words, true threats, or obscenity, so they
could be protected under the First Amendment. This means that the statute could also be stricken
as overbroad because it includes protected and unprotected conduct within its parameters. For
a fuller and more detailed description of void for vagueness and overbreadth constitutional
challenges, please refer to .

Figure 12.1 Potential Constitutional Challenges to Disorderly Conduct Statutes

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Disorderly Conduct Grading
As stated previously, disorderly conduct is a low-level offense that is typically gradedas a


The Model Penal Code grades disorderly conduct as a petty misdemeanor if the

defendants purpose is to cause substantial harm or serious inconvenience or if the defendant

persists with his or her conduct after a warning. Otherwise, the Model Penal Code grades
disorderly conduct as a violation (Model Penal Code 250.2(2)).

Vagrancy and Loitering

Although the government technically does not have an interest in punishing individuals for who
they are, such as an impoverished person or a transient, the public perception of law enforcement
is often affected by the presence of so-called vagrants and panhandlers in any given area. Thus
virtually every jurisdiction has statutes punishing either vagrancy or loitering. However, these
statutes are subject to constitutional attack if they are void for vagueness, overbroad, or
target status.
Historically, vagrancy statutes were broadly drafted to allow law enforcement considerable
discretion in arresting the unemployed, gamblers, drug addicts, alcoholics, and those who
frequented houses of prostitution or other locations of ill repute. In a sense, vagrancy statutes
attempted to incapacitate individuals before they engaged in criminal activity, to ensure the safety
and security of any given area.
In 1972, the US Supreme Court struck down a Florida vagrancy statute in Papachristou v. City of
Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156 (1972). The Court held that the statute, which prohibited night
walking, living off ones spouse, and frequenting bars or liquor stores was void for vagueness and
violated the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment. Thereafter, many states repealed
or modified vagrancy statutes in lieu of more precisely drafted statutes prohibiting specific
criminal conduct such as loitering. The Model Penal Code prohibits public drunkenness and drug
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incapacitation (Model Penal Code 250.5) and loitering or prowling (Model Penal Code 250.6).
To summarize US Supreme Court precedent refining loitering statutes: it is unconstitutional to
target those who are unemployed


or to enact a statute that is vague, such as a statute that

criminalizes loitering in an area with no apparent purpose,

law enforcement with credible and reliable identification.


or without the ability to provide


In a jurisdiction that criminalizes loitering, the criminal act element is typically loitering,
wandering, or remaining, with the specific intent or purposely to gamble, beg, or engage in


An attendant circumstance could specify the location where the conduct takes

place, such as a school or transportation facility.


Another common attendant circumstance is

being masked in a public place while loitering, with an exception for defendants going to a
masquerade party or participating in a public parade.


The Model Penal Code prohibits

loitering or prowling in a place, at a time, or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals
under circumstances that warrant alarm for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity
(Model Penal Code 250.6). Loitering is generally graded as a misdemeanor



or a

The Model Penal Code grades loitering as a violation (Model Penal Code 250.6).

Figure 12.2 Crack the Code

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Many jurisdictions also criminalize panhandling or begging. Panhandling statutes essentially criminalize
speech, so they must be narrowly tailored to avoid successful constitutional challenges based on the First
Amendment, void for vagueness, or overbreadth. Constitutional panhandling statutes generally proscribe
aggressive conduct


or conduct that blocks public access or the normal flow of traffic.

Sit-Lie Laws
One modern statutory approach to preventing homeless individuals and transients from
congregating in cities and affecting the quality of life or the prosperity of businesses and tourism
are sit-lie laws. Sit-lie laws prohibit sitting or lying on public streets and sidewalks and thereby
encourage individuals to move about, rather than block access to businesses, roadways, or
transportation facilities. If precisely drafted, sit-lie laws could resemble
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constitutional loitering statutes, substituting sitting or lying down for the criminal act of
loitering, wandering, or remaining. However, these statutes are susceptible to the same
constitutional challenges as vagrancy and loitering statutes because they target the impoverished,
addicts, and the unemployed.
Seattle was the first city in the United States to enact a sit-lie ordinance in 1993 that prohibited
sitting or lying on a public sidewalk between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. in Seattles downtown
area. The ordinance was attacked and ultimately upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit in 1996.


Los Angeles thereafter enacted a more comprehensive ordinance that banned

sitting, lying, or sleeping on public streets and sidewalks at all times and in all places within Los
Angeles city limits. This ordinance was stricken by the same court as unconstitutional cruel and
unusual punishment pursuant to the Eighth Amendment.


The court held that the homeless

in Los Angeles far outnumbered the amount of space available in homeless shelters, and therefore
the ordinance punished defendants for conduct that wasinvoluntary. Portland followed Los
Angeles with a sidewalk-obstruction ordinance, requiring individuals to keep their personal
belongings within two feet of their bodies. This ordinance was stricken as void for vagueness in


The most recent enactment of a sit-lie ordinance took place in San Francisco in 2010. The San
Francisco ordinance is modeled after the Seattle ordinance and prohibits sitting or lying on a
public sidewalk in the city limits between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m., with exceptions for medical
emergencies, protests, or those who have disabilities.
second offense is a misdemeanor.



The first offense is an infraction, and the

If the San Francisco ordinance successfully reduces the

presence of transients and is upheld as constitutional, other cities that desire the same results
could soon follow suit.
Figure 12.3 Potential Constitutional Challenges to Loitering, Panhandling, and Sit-Lie Laws

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Table 12.1 Comparing Disorderly Conduct, Loitering, and Sit-Lie Laws

Criminal Act

Criminal Intent


Unreasonable noise, obscene

utterance or gesture, fighting,
threats, fighting words,
creating a hazardous

Specific or purposely
or recklessly to
disturb the public or
create a risk thereof

Act takes place in public


Loitering, wandering,

Specific or purposely
to beg, gamble, solicit

Act takes place near a

school, transportation
facility: the defendant is

Sit-lie law

Sitting or lying down

Strict liability*

Act takes place between

certain times of day, in

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Criminal Act


Criminal Intent

public, on a sidewalk, or
on a street
*Exceptions for medical emergencies, people who have disabilities, protests


The criminal act element required for disorderly conduct is either when the
defendant (1) makes a loud and unreasonable noise, obscene utterance, or
gesture, (2) engages in fighting or threatening, or states fighting words, or (3)
creates a hazardous condition by an act that does not serve a legitimate purpose.

The criminal intent element required for disorderly conduct in many jurisdictions
is the specific intent or purposely to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or
alarm, or the reckless intent to cause a risk thereof.

The disorderly conduct attendant circumstance is that the conduct occurs in a

public place.

Disorderly conduct statutes can be constitutionally challenged under the First or

Fourteenth Amendments as void for vagueness or overbroad.

Disorderly conduct is typically graded as a misdemeanor.

Vagrancy statutes are subject to constitutional challenges if they are void for
vagueness, overbroad, or target status.

Loitering statutes are subject to constitutional challenges if they target the

unemployed or are void for vagueness.

The loitering criminal act element is typically loitering, wandering, or remaining,

with the specific intent or purposely to gamble, beg, or engage in prostitution. An
attendant circumstance could specify the location the conduct takes place, such
as a school or transportation facility. Another common attendant circumstance is
being masked in a public place while loitering, with an exception for defendants
going to a masquerade party or participating in a public parade. Loitering is
typically graded as a misdemeanor or a violation.

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Sit-lie laws typically prohibit sitting or lying on a public sidewalk or street, instead
of loitering, wandering, or remaining like loitering statutes.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. A city enacts an ordinance that prohibits standing or remaining in a crosswalk for

an extended period with a sign. What are three potential constitutional
challenges to this ordinance? Can you identify a government interest supporting
2. Read State v. Russell, 890 A.2d 453 (2006). Why did the Supreme Court of Rhode
Island reinstate a complaint against the defendant for disorderly conduct in this
case? The case is available at this
3. Read People v. Hoffstead, 905 N.Y.S.2d 736 (2010). Why did the New York
Supreme Court overturn the defendants conviction for loitering in this case? The
case is available at this

[1] 18 Pa. C. S. 5503, accessed April 2, 2011,
[2] Haw. Rev. Stat. 711-1101(2), accessed April 2,
[3] Wolfe v. State, 24 P.3d 1252 (2001), accessed April 2,
[4] Ala. Code 13A-11-7, accessed April 3, 2011,
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[5] Tex. Penal Code 42.01, accessed April 2, 2011,

[6] Colten v. Kentucky, 407 U.S. 104 (1972), accessed April 3,
[7] N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-132,
[8] Edwards v. California, 314 U.S. 160 (1941), accessed April 5,
[9] City of Chicago v. Morales, accessed April 5, 2011, 527 U.S. 41
[10] Kolender v. Lawson, accessed April 5, 2011, 461 U.S. 352
[11] Ala. Code 13A-11-9, accessed April 5, 2011,
[12] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-2905, accessed April 5, 2011,
[13] Ala. Code 13A-11-9, accessed April 5, 2011,
[14] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-2905, accessed April 5, 2011,
[15] Ala. Code 13A-11-9, accessed April 5, 2011,
[16] Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899 (2000), accessed April 5,
[17] Heather Knight, San Francisco Looks to Seattle: Did Sidewalk Sitting Ban Help?
website, accessed April 5, 2011,

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[18] Jones v. City of Los Angeles, 444 F.3d 1118 (2006), accessed April 5,
[19] Matt Davis, Sit/Lie Law Unconstitutional, Portland Mercury website, accessed April 5,
[20] San Francisco Police Code 16.8, accessed April 5,
[21] San Francisco Police Code 16.8, accessed April 5,

12.2 Crimes Targeting Group Conduct


Define the elements of unlawful assembly and failure to disperse.

2. Identify potential constitutional challenges to unlawful assembly and failure to

disperse statutes.
3. Analyze unlawful assembly and failure to disperse grading.
4. Define the elements of riot, and analyze riot grading and the potential for
constitutional challenges to riot statutes.
5. Define criminal gang and criminal gang member.
6. Compare gang participation and gang-enhancement statutes.
7. Analyze two civil responses to the criminal gang problem.
8. Identify potential constitutional challenges to gang activity statutes.
Group conduct, if criminal, can enhance the potential for violence and injury and is punishable as the crimes
of unlawful assembly, riot, or criminal gangs. However, the right to peacefully assemble is guaranteed in
the First Amendment, so statutes codifying these offenses can be subject to constitutional attack similar to
disorderly conduct, vagrancy, and loitering statutes. In addition, the problem of criminal gangs has proven
to be so stubborn that it has produced some novel criminal and civilresponses. The following sections
discuss group activity offenses as well as their potential constitutional defenses.

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Unlawful Assembly and Failure to Disperse

Unlawful assembly can be the predicate offense to riot, which is discussed shortly. The elements
required for unlawful assembly are the assembling



or meeting (criminal act) of a group,

with the specific intent or purposely to commit a breach of the peace, some other unlawful


or riot.


Some jurisdictions and the Model Penal Code punish

the failure to disperse (criminal act) when a peace officer or public servant orders a group
participating in disorderly conduct likely to cause substantial harm, serious annoyance, or alarm
to do so


(Model Penal Code 250.1(2)). The criminal intent element for failure to disperse

is general intent orknowingly


(Model Penal Code 250.1(2)).

Jurisdictions vary as to the attendant circumstance for unlawful assembly and failure to
disperse, which is the size of the group. Some common group minimums




or five.


The Model Penal Code requires three or more persons (Model

Penal Code 250.1(2)).

Example of Unlawful Assembly and Failure to Disperse

Six neighbors are sitting on their porches, peacefully chatting. One of the neighbors, Buck, notices
a pro-choice group with signs in the park across the street. Annoyed, Buck tells the group, Lets
go show those losers what its like to fear for your life! He marches angrily over to the park, and
the other neighbors follow. Buck begins chanting, How would you like to be aborted? and the
other neighbors join in. The individuals in the pro-choice group stand their ground, and the
decibel of the chanting increases. Buck and his neighbors form a ring around the group and move
in closer, almost touching the individuals and their signs. A park ranger hears the noise, walks
over to Buck and his neighbors, and tells them to move along. Buck spits at the rangers feet and
starts up the chant again. The other neighbors laugh and join him.
In this scenario, Buck and his neighbors have most likely committed unlawful assembly and
failure to disperse in many jurisdictions. Buck and his neighbors number six, which generally
meets the minimum unlawful assembly and failure to disperse attendant circumstance
requirement. When Buck and his neighbors go to the park in a group, they are assembling. Their
chant, How would you like to be aborted? is directed at a pro-choice group, so it is evident that
Buck and his neighbors have the specific intent or purposely to cause a breach of the peace. In
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addition, the increasing decibel of the chanting and the neighbors close proximity to the prochoice group indicates an intent to intimidate, threaten, and possibly commit an unlawful act
such as false imprisonment, assault, battery, or riot. When the park ranger, who is most likely a
peace officer, tells Buck and his neighbors to move along, he is ordering them to disperse.
Bucks response in spitting at the rangers feet and starting up the chant again is probably a
failure to disperse committed with general intent or knowingly. Thus Buck and his neighbors may
be subject to prosecution for and conviction of bothof these offenses in many jurisdictions.

Potential Constitutional Challenges to Unlawful Assembly and Failure to Disperse

The offenses of unlawful assembly and failure to disperse target conduct that, ifpeaceful, is
protected by the First Amendment. Therefore, similar to disorderly conduct offenses, statutes
proscribing this type of conduct are subject to strict scrutiny, must be narrowly tailored, and must
be supported by a compelling government interest, or they are vulnerable to attack under
the First Amendment


or as void for vaguenessand overbroad.

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Figure 12.4 Potential Constitutional Challenges to Unlawful Assembly and Failure to

Disperse Statutes

Criminal Gangs
Many jurisdictions have statutes, both criminal and civil, that address the ongoing dilemma of criminal
gangs. However, gang activity remains a problem in major cities and even smaller, rural areas. Criminal
gangs can create a stigma that attaches to a location, affecting property values and residents attitudes about
the effectiveness of law enforcement and the justice system in general. Commentators and legislators differ
as to the most effective remedies for the gang problem, leading to a plethora of diverse statutory responses.
What follows is a discussion of modern statutes targeting gang activity and the potential constitutional

Criminal Gang Definitions

It is important for a jurisdictions gang statute to
define criminal gang andcriminal gang member precisely, to avoid constitutional challenges
under the First Amendment or void for vagueness and overbreadth. This is because gang
membership involves assembly, which, if peaceful, is protected under the First Amendment.

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Federal law defines a criminal street gang as an ongoing group, club, organization, or association
of five or more that has as one of its primary purposes the commission of specific criminal
offenses or activities that affect interstate or foreign commerce.


Federal law defines a gang

member as someone who participates in a criminal street gang with the general
intent or knowledge that its members engage in a continuing series of specified crimes, or an
individual who intends to promote or further the felonious activities of the criminal street


One representative state statutory definition of criminal gang is a group of three or

more persons who have in common a name, identifying sign, symbol, tattoo, style of dress, or use
of hand signs and who have committed or attempted to commit specified crimes for the benefit of
the group.


Criminal gang member could be statutorily defined as any person who engages in a

pattern of criminal gang activity and who meets two or more of the following criteria: (1) admits
to gang membership; (2) is identified as a gang member; (3) resides in or frequents a particular
gangs area and adopts its style of dress, use of hand signs, or tattoos; (3) associates with known
gang members; or (4) has been arrested more than once in the company of identified gang
members for offenses consistent with gang activity.


Example of Criminal Gang Definitions

The North Side Boys are a group of fifty-five members who have a special tattoo, wear
the colors black and white daily, and pride themselves on their illegal controlled substances
distribution. Mike decides he wants to be a North Side Boy. Mike participates in a special
initiation process that includes selling a specified quantity of an illegal controlled substance in a
certain location over a period of two weeks. After Mike completes the initiation, he gets the North
Side Boys tattoo, wears the North Side Boys colors daily, and spends all his time with the North
Side Boys, hanging out and also contributing to their illegal activities. The North Side Boys
probably meets the criteria for a criminal gang, and Mike is most likely a criminal gang
memberunder many modern statutes. The North Side Boys has an identifiable tattoo and style
of dress and furthers a criminal activity, which is the distribution of illegal controlled substances.
Mike can be identified as a gang member by other North Side Boys members, frequents the North
Side Boys gang area, and adopts the gangs style of dress and tattoos along with furthering its
criminal enterprise. Thus the North Side Boys and Mike fit the definition of criminal gang and
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gang member in many jurisdictions, and Mike may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of
criminal gang activity if he commits crimes at the direction of or in furtherance of the gang, as is
analyzed in .

Criminal Gang Activity

States generally criminalize gang participation,
committed in furtherance of a gang,



or both.

enhance the penalty for a crime when it is


If a state enacts agang participation statute,

the criminal act element is generally described as actively participating in a criminal gang and
promoting, furthering, or assisting in any felony, with the general intent or knowingly that
members of the gang engage in a pattern of criminal gang activity.
generally graded as a felony.



Gang participation is

Gang enhancement statutes enhance the defendants sentence

for actually committing a misdemeanor or felony with the specific intent or purposelyto
benefit, promote, or further the interests of the criminal gang.
gang enhancement for the commission of a felony.


Some jurisdictions only provide


Example of Criminal Gang Activity

Review the example with Mike and the North Side Boys given in . Assume that Mike resumes
selling illegal controlled substances at the behest of the North Side Boys after his initiation and is
arrested. If the state where Mike sells illegal controlled substances has a gang participation
statute and grades the crime of sale of illegal controlled substances as a felony, Mike could be
prosecuted for and convicted of this crime. He furthered and assisted in the North Side Boys sale
of illegal controlled substances with the general intent or knowingly that members of the North
Side Boys engaged in this pattern of criminal gang activity. If the state also has a gang
enhancement statute, Mike could have his sentence for sale of illegal controlled
substances enhanced because he committed the sale of illegal controlled substances in
furtherance of the criminal gang. In either situation, Mike will be punished more severely for the
sale of illegal controlled substances than an individual defendant who sells illegal controlled
substances on his or her own, rather than at the direction or in furtherance of a criminal gang.
Figure 12.5 Diagram of Typical Modern Gang Statutes

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Civil Responses to Gang Activity

As stated previously, the problem of criminal gangs is challenging and has proven resistant to criminal
remedies. Thus many jurisdictions have also enactedcivil gang control statutes, along with resorting to the
remedy ofcivil gang injunctions to try to curb the multitude of harms that gangs inflict.
Civil gang control statutes generally provide for damages, often enhanced, for coercion, intimidation,
threats, or other harm caused by a gang or gang member.


A common provision of civil gang control

statutes is the ability of a resident or state agency to sue as a plaintiff.


Figure 12.6 Example of a Civil Gang Control Statute

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Civil gang injunctions (CGIs) are precisely drafted orders prohibiting gang members from associating with
other gang members or entering certain areas known for gang activity.
resident can typically make a motion requesting a CGI.



A state agency or an individual

The basis for a CGI motion is the tort

of public nuisance, which requires proof that the gang is disturbing the enjoyment of life and property for
those living in the community.


Common provisions of CGIs are a prohibition on associating with known

gang members, wearing gang colors, flashing gang hand signs, or loitering in areas known for gang

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Violation of a CGI could constitute the crime of contempt, resulting in fines or



Example of Civil Responses to Gang Activity

Review the example with Mike and the North Side Boys in . Mike and the North Side Boys are
subject to a criminal prosecution for gang participation for their sale of illegal controlled
substances. They also are subject to gang enhancements for any felony committed at the direction
or in furtherance of the North Side Boys. In addition, if the state where Mike and the North Side
Boys are located has statutes providing civilremedies and CGIs, both Mike and the North Side
Boys members are subject to a civil suit for damages if they coerce, intimidate, or injure another.
They also are subject to an injunction constraining their ability to meet, associate, wear black and
white, flash gang hand signs, or loiter in certain areas. If a CGI is in place, and Mike or the North
Side Boys violate it, a potential exists for criminal charges of contempt, leading to fines or

Potential Constitutional Challenges to Gang Statutes

Gang activity and gang association require assembly, which, if peaceful, is protected by the First
Amendment. Thus statutes proscribing gang conduct are subject to attack under the First

Amendment or void for vagueness and overbreadth. CGIs have the same constitutional
concerns as criminal gang activity statutes because their violation can lead to a criminal prosecution for


In City of Chicago v. Morales, 527 U.S. 41 (1999), the US Supreme Court struck down Chicagos Gang
Congregation Ordinance as void for vagueness. The ordinance prohibited criminal street gang members
from loitering in public. The term loiteringwas defined as remaining in any one place with no apparent

purpose. When a Chicago law enforcement officer observed a gang member loitering, he was obligated to
order the gang member to disperse, and if the gang member refused, the gang member was subject to arrest
for violating the ordinance. The Court held that the ordinance did not give the public notice of what was
criminal, as required by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and allowed too much
discretion to law enforcement to unevenly enforce its provisions.
Under Morales, modern statutes targeting gang activity and association must precisely define criminal
conduct, avoid vague terms such as no apparent purpose, and ensure that First Amendment protected

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activity is not included within the statutes reach. CGIs should support a significant government interest, be
narrowly tailored to avoid constitutionally protected activity, and be buttressed by evidence that the CGI is
the least restrictive means to carry out the interest stated.


Figure 12.7 Potential Constitutional Challenges to Statutes Targeting Gangs

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Figure 12.8 Diagram of Crimes Involving Group Activity


The elements of unlawful assembly are the assembling or meeting of a group

(criminal act) with the specific intent or purposely to commit breach of the
peace, some other unlawful act, or riot. Some jurisdictions punish the failure to

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disperse (criminal act) with general intent or knowingly when a peace officer or
public servant orders a group likely to cause substantial harm, serious
annoyance, or alarm to do so. Jurisdictions vary as to the attendant
circumstance, which is the group minimum, identifying two, three, five, or some
similar number, depending on the statute.

Unlawful assembly and failure to disperse statutes can be constitutionally

challenged under the First Amendment, as void for vagueness, or overbroad.

Unlawful assembly and failure to disperse are typically graded as misdemeanors.

Riot is group commission of an unlawful violent act or a lawful act in a violent

manner (criminal act) with either the specific intent or purposely to commit a
felony or misdemeanor or prevent official action, or the general intent or
knowingly that someone in the group possesses a firearm, or with strict liability
intent. Some jurisdictions require the criminal act and intent to be the factual
and legal cause of harm, which is public terror, alarm, or a risk thereof. The
attendant circumstance, which is the group minimum, could be two, five, six, or
some similar number, depending on the statute. Riot is often graded as a
misdemeanor, or a felony if a firearm is used or there is property damage or
physical injury to someone other than a defendant. Because riot statutes
criminalize conduct involving force or violence, riot statutes are not as prone to
constitutional challenges as disorderly conduct, vagrancy, loitering, and unlawful
assembly statutes.

Criminal gang could be defined as a group of a statutorily specified number that

engages in a pattern of criminal activity and has in common hand signs, tattoos,
and style of dress. Criminal gang member could be defined as someone who is
identified as a gang member, admits to gang membership, associates with gang
members, adopts the hand signs, tattoos, and style of dress of gang members,
and commits crimes at the behest of the gang.

Gang participation statutes criminalize actively participating in a criminal gang

and promoting, furthering, or assisting (criminal act) the commission of a felony

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on behalf of a criminal gang with the general intent or knowingly that the gang
participates in a pattern of criminal activity. Gang participation is typically graded
as a felony. Gang enhancement statutes enhance a sentence for a misdemeanor
or felony committed with the specific intent or purposely to promote or further a
criminal gang. Some states only provide gang enhancement statutes for the
commission of a felony.

Civil responses to the gang problem include civil gang control statutes that allow
plaintiffs, including state agencies, to sue for enhanced damages for threats,
intimidation, or physical injury caused by a gang or gang member and civil gang
injunctions (CGIs) that prohibit gang members from associating or congregating
in certain areas frequented by criminal gangs.

Statutes targeting gangs can be constitutionally challenged under the First

Amendment or as void for vagueness or overbroad.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. A law enforcement officer arrests a group of individuals for standing outside a

Jewish temple with signs that indicate a disbelief in the holocaust. The officer
tells the individuals that he is arresting them for unlawful assembly. What are
some potential constitutional problems with this arrest?
2. Read Ortiz v. NYS Parole in Bronx, 586 F.3d 149 (2009). In Ortiz, the defendant
was found guilty of several counts of riot under New Yorks first-degree riot
statute for conduct that occurred after he left the scene of the riot. Did the US
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit uphold the defendants conviction? Why
or why not? The case is available at this
3. Read People v. Englebrecht, 88 Cal. App. 4th 1236 (2001). Did the California Court
of Appeal hold that the defendant, an alleged gang member, had the right to a
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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jury trial on the issue of his gang membership for the purpose of a civil gang
injunction? The case is available at this

[1] Ala. Code 13A-11-5, accessed April 9, 2011,
[2] Fla. Stat. Ann. 870.02, accessed April 9, 2011,
[3] Fla. Stat. Ann. 870.02, accessed April 9, 2011,
[4] Ala. Code 13A-11-5, accessed April 9, 2011,
[5] Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 269 1, accessed April 9, 2011,
[6] N.J. Stat. 2C:33-1, accessed April 9, 2011,
[7] Cal. Penal Code 407, accessed April 9, 2011,
[8] Fla. Stat. Ann. 870.02, accessed April 9, 2011,
[9] N.J. Stat. 2C:33-1, accessed April 9, 2011,
[10] People v. Sanchez, 888 N.Y.S. 2d 352 (2009), accessed April 9,
[11] Ala. Code 13A-11-5, accessed April 9, 2011,
[12] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-11-30, accessed April 9, 2011,
[13] N.J. Stat. 2C:33-1, accessed April 9, 2011,
[14] Cal. Penal Code 404, accessed April 9, 2011,; Ga.
Code tit. 16 16-11-30,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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[15] Ala. Code 13A-11-3, accessed April 9, 2011,

[16] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-11-30, accessed April 9, 2011,
[17] N.J. Stat. 2C:33-1, accessed April 9, 2011,
[18] Ala. Code 13A-11-3, accessed April 9, 2011,
[19] Ala. Code 13A-11-3, accessed April 9, 2011,
[20] Va. Code Ann. 18.2-405, accessed April 9, 2011,
[21] N.Y. Penal 240.06, accessed April 9, 2011,
[22] 18 U.S.C. 521(a), accessed April 12,
[23] 18 U.S.C. 521(d), accessed April 12,
[24] Alaska Stat. 11.81.900 (13), accessed April 12, 2011,
[25] Idaho Code Ann. 18-8502(2), accessed April 12,
[26] Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2923.42, accessed April 14,
[27] Fla. Stat. Ann. 874.04, accessed April 14, 2011,
[28] Cal. Penal Code 186.22,
[29] Del. Code Ann. tit. 11 616 (2)(b), accessed April 13,
[30] Del. Code Ann. tit. 11 616 (2)(b), accessed April 13,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[31] Fla. Stat. Ann. 874.04, accessed April 14, 2011,

[32] Del. Code Ann. tit. 11 616 (2)(c), accessed April 13,
[33] Fla. Stat. Ann. 874.06, accessed April 14, 2011,
[34] Fla. Stat. Ann. 874.06, accessed April 14, 2011,
[35] Tex. Penal Code 125.065, accessed April 14,
[36] Tex. Penal Code 125.064, accessed April 14,
[37] People v. Acuna, 14 Cal. 4th 1090 (1997), accessed April 14,
&oi=scholarr (accessed April 15, 2011).
[38] Max Shiner, Civil Gang Injunctions a Guide for Prosecutors, website, accessed April 14,
[39] Tex. Penal Code 125.066, accessed April 14,
[40] People v. Acuna, 14 Cal. 4th 1090
1&oi=scholarr (accessed April 15, 2011).
[41] Max Shiner, Civil Gang Injunctions a Guide for Prosecutors, website, accessed April 14,

12.3 Vice Crimes


Identify the sources of federal and state drug laws.

2. Describe a drug schedule.

3. Analyze various drug crimes and their grading.
4. Identify two modern trends in state drug crimes statutes.
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5. Identify a potential constitutional challenge to a states medical marijuana

6. Analyze prostitution, pimping, and pandering and their grading.
Vice crimes offend the sensibilities, yet are often victimless and harmless, other than harm done to the
defendant or society in general. Section 12.3.1 "Drug Crimes" explores drug crimes, including manufacture
or cultivation, possession, sale, and under the influence offenses. Upcoming sections analyze prostitution,
pimping, and pandering. In the final section, various vice statutes are available for review, including statutes
criminalizing gambling and conduct involving alcohol.

Drug Crimes
All states and the federal government criminalize
the manufacture or cultivation,possession, sale, and use of specified drugs. Many modern
statutes focus onrehabilitation for nonviolent drug offenders, rather than incarceration,
because this has proven effective in reducing recidivism and freeing up jails and prisons for
defendants who pose a greater security risk to society. In addition, marijuana, a drug that has
demonstrated valid therapeutic qualities, has been legalized by many states
formedicinal purposes, which poses interesting constitutional questions, as is discussed
in Section 12 "Modernization of Drug Crimes Statutes".

Federal and State Drug Schedules

Federal criminal statutes targeting illegal drugs are part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse
Prevention and Control Act of 1970, commonly known as theControlled Substances Act.
states follow one of the three versions of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act,




which was

drafted by a commission striving for uniformity in state and federal laws. For the purpose of drug
crimes, the states and the federal government categorize illegal drugs in drug schedules.



schedules generally focus on the harmful or addictive qualities of the drug, with Schedule I drugs
being the most harmful or addictive; the remaining schedules reflect less harmful or addictive
drugs, including drugs that are legal with a prescription.


Example of a Drug Schedule


The North Carolina drug schedule is located in N.C. Gen. Stat. 90-89-90-94. Review the
schedule and note that heroin, a highly addictive drug that can cause death if a user ingests too
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much, is listed in Schedule I, while marijuana, a less addictive drug that is generally not as
harmful as heroin, is listed in Schedule VI.

Federal and State Drug Crimes

The federal government and all fifty states criminalize the manufacture and cultivation,
possession, sale, and use of drugs categorized in a jurisdictions drug schedule, with exceptions
for validly prescribed drugs and drugs involved in scientific or medical research. As discussed
in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime", the government cannot criminalize the status of being a
drug addict.


However, there is no constitutional impediment to punishing criminal

acts involving controlled substances, even though it may be more difficult for an addict to control
drug-related criminal behavior.
In most jurisdictions, the manufacture of scheduled drugs is a felony,


with a more severe

penalty for the accompanying use of a firearm or the furtherance of a clandestine laboratory


Cultivation of marijuana, which must be done withgeneral intent or knowingly,

can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the quantity cultivated.


Possession of scheduled drugs is typically graded based on the quantity possessed, the drugs
classification in the schedule, and whether or not the possession is for the purpose of distribution,
with the penalties ranging from a misdemeanor for simple possession to a serious felony for
possession with intent to sell.


As is discussed more fully in Chapter 4 "The Elements of a

Crime", possession can be actual, meaning the drug is located on or very near the defendants
person, or constructive, meaning the drug is within the defendants control.
possession can be joint, meaning between two or more.




Simple possession typically must be

with general intent or knowingly, while possession for the purpose of distribution or sale
must be with specific intent or purposely.


In many states, possession of marijuana is

graded lower than possession of other scheduled drugseven as low as an infraction if the
quantity is less than one ounce.


The sale, distribution, or trafficking of scheduled drugs is generally a felony, with more severe
penalties for drugs in a higher schedule,


or a sale near school grounds.

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the sale of larger quantities,


a sale by an adult to a



Scheduled drug use, also designated as being under the influence of a controlled
substance, is typically a misdemeanor with more severe penalties for habitual offenders.


Example of Drug Crimes

Charlene decides she wants to make some extra money by growing and selling marijuana.
Charlene acquires some marijuana seeds and plants a marijuana garden in her backyard. Once
her plants are ready for harvest, Charlene harvests some buds, weighs and packages them, and
then puts some of the packages into her backpack and walks to a street corner known for drug
sales. After she arrives at the street corner, Rick drives up, rolls down his window, and asks
Charlene if she knows where he can score. Charlene replies, I have some pot if that is what you
are looking for. Rick responds affirmatively, so Charlene gets into Ricks car and they drive to a
local park. Rick insists on trying the marijuana before he buys it. Charlene takes out a joint, and
Rick and Charlene smoke it. Thereafter, Rick buys one of Charlenes packages that weighs half an
ounce and drops Charlene off back at the street corner.
In this example, Charlene has probably committed every drug crime discussed inSection 12
"Federal and State Drug Crimes". When Charlene planted the marijuana garden, she committed
cultivation of a scheduled drug. Harvesting and packaging the marijuana is possession for sale.
Smoking the marijuana with Rick is use, or under the influence of a controlled substance. Selling
Rick a half-ounce of marijuana is drug sale, distribution, or trafficking. Rick has also probably
committed two drug offenses. Smoking the marijuana with Charlene is use, or under the influence
of a controlled substance. When Rick took the package of marijuana from Charlene, he committed
possession (which may be an infraction in some states because he bought less than an ounce).
Thus, in this example, Charlene and Rick may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of the
stated drug offenses in most jurisdictions.

Modernization of Drug Crimes Statutes

Two new trends in state drug crimes statutes are the emphasis on rehabilitation for nonviolent
drug offenders and the legalization of marijuana for medical use.
Modern statutes allow nonviolent drug offenders to go through a specializeddrug court that
typically sentences the offenders to probation and rehabilitation, rather than


Common offenses for drug courts are simple possession and use of drugs listed

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in a jurisdictions drug schedule.


Typically, the drug court offender must participate in a

rehabilitation program that includes counseling and detoxification within a specified time


During the rehabilitation, the offender is frequently drug tested to ensure compliance.

If the drug offender tests positive, reoffends, or does not complete the program within the
specified time limits, the offender will be found guilty of the original nonviolent drug offense and
sentenced accordingly.


Legalization of marijuana for medical use is another modern statutory trend among the states.
Currently, sixteen states and the District of Columbia legalize medical marijuana.


The criteria

under these statutes vary, but in general a qualified individual can gain a prescription for
marijuana from a caregiver, usually a physician, and thereafter obtain, possess, and use a
specified quantity of marijuana.


In some states, limited cultivation is also permissible.


The legalization of marijuana for medical use presents an interesting constitutional dilemma
because federal law lists marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug and does not permit its possession, use,
or sale for medicinal purposes.


Technically, the legalization of marijuana for medical use

violates the Supremacy Clause in the federal Constitution, which Chapter 2 "The Legal System
in the United States" and Chapter 3 "Constitutional Protections" discuss in detail. However, the
US Supreme Court has not invalidated any states medical marijuana statutory scheme on this
basis, although the Court has upheld federal Congresss authority to prohibit the possession and
use of small quantities of marijuana under the Federal Controlled Substances Act
rejected a medical necessity exception for the possession and use of marijuana.


and has


Example of the Modernization of Drug Crimes Statutes

Remy lives in a state that legalizes marijuana for medical use and also has a drug court program.
Remy obtains a prescription from an authorized caregiver and then buys the maximum amount of
marijuana permitted under her states medical marijuana statute at a medical marijuana
distribution center. As Remy leaves the distribution center, Donny, a drug dealer standing nearby,
asks Remy if she would like to buy some cocaine. Remy agrees and buys a gram of cocaine from
Donny. Unfortunately for Remy, Donny is a federal Drug Enforcement Agent who thereafter
arrests Remy for possession of marijuana and cocaine.

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In this example, the federal government can most likely prosecute Remy for possession of
both marijuana and cocaine, even though her state legalizes marijuana for medical use and Remy
has complied with the requirements of the state medical marijuana statute. The US Supreme
Court has held that the federal government may criminalize the possession of small amounts of
marijuana, and there is no federal medical necessity exemption. Thus Remy may be subject to
prosecution for and conviction of both of these offenses under federal law. Remys state also can
prosecute Remy for possession of cocaine. Remys state has a drug court program, so Remy may
be qualified to go through drug court for the possession of cocaine charge and may face only
probation and rehabilitation for this offense rather than incarceration.
Figure 12.9 Diagram of Modern Drug Crimes Statutes

Crimes Involving Prostitution

Every state except Nevada criminalizes prostitution. In Nevada, legal prostitution must follow specific

guidelines and can occur only in a licensed house of prostitution.

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The criminal act element required for prostitution varies, depending on the jurisdiction. In many states,
prostitution is offering, agreeing, or engaging



in sexual conduct for money,


property, or anything of

Agreeing and engaging are both considered prostitution, so the prostitute and the

prostitutes clientcould be prosecuted for and convicted of prostitution in most jurisdictions. The Model
Penal Code criminalizes loitering in or within view of any public place for the purpose of being hired to
engage in sexual activity and an inmate of a house of prostitution engaging in sexual activity as a business
(Model Penal Code 251.1(1)). The sexual conduct or sexual activity specified in statutes criminalizing
prostitution generally includes sexual penetration, touching, or fondling sexual organs for sexual


The Model Penal Code includes homosexual and deviate activity (Model Penal Code

The criminal intent element required for prostitution is either strict liability

intent or knowingly in most jurisdictions.




The Model Penal Code requires purposeful intent if

the defendant is loitering to engage in prostitution orstrict liability if an inmate in a house of prostitution
engages in prostitution as a business (Model Penal Code 251.1). Prostitution is typically graded as a
misdemeanor, with sentencing enhancements for habitual offenders, prostitution that occurs near a


or clients who patronize juvenile prostitutes.


The Model Penal Code grades prostitution as a

petty misdemeanor (Model Penal Code 251.1(1)).

Two crimes associated with prostitution are pimping and pandering. Although the elements of these
offenses vary depending on the jurisdiction, in general, the criminal act element required for pimping is
receiving anything of value from a prostitute with the general intent or knowingly that it was earned
by prostitution.


Pimping is generally graded as a misdemeanor


or felony,

enhancements if intimidation or force is used to compel an act of prostitution




with sentencing

or if the prostitute is a


Pandering is generally procuring another (criminal act) with the specific intent orpurposely to
commit an act of prostitution.


Pandering is typically graded as a felony, with sentencing enhancement

if the pandering occurs near a school.


The Model Penal Code criminalizes a broad spectrum of conduct as

promoting prostitution, including encouraging and inducing another purposely to become or remain a
prostitute (Model Penal Code 251.1(2) (c)). The Model Penal Code grades these acts of promoting
prostitution as felonies of the third degree (Model Penal Code 251.1(3) (a)).

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Example of Crimes Involving Prostitution

Daniel approaches Penelope, a sixteen-year-old, as she wanders down the sidewalk. Daniel asks
Penelope if she would like to earn a little extra cash. Penelope responds affirmatively, and Daniel
asks her if she will have sexual intercourse with John (who is an adult) for one hundred and fifty
dollars. Penelope eagerly agrees. Daniel walks Penelope over to the entrance of a motel where
John is waiting. John and Penelope enter the motel, and John rents a room where they engage in
sexual intercourse. Afterward, John pays Penelope the one hundred and fifty dollars. As Penelope
leaves the motel, Daniel swiftly walks over, grabs Penelope by the wrist, and demands the one
hundred and fifty dollars. Penelope protests, but Daniel twists her arm behind her back, and she
grudgingly hands him the money. Daniel removes twenty dollars, hands it to Penelope, and
informs her that it is her share, and if she wants more, she needs to engage in another act of
sexual intercourse.
In this example, Penelope and John have probably committed prostitution, and Daniel has most
likely committed pimping and pandering in many jurisdictions. When Penelope has sexual
intercourse with John for one hundred and fifty dollars, she is engaging in sexual conduct for
money with general intent or knowingly, which constitutes prostitution in most jurisdictions.
When John has sexual intercourse with Penelope and thereafter pays her one hundred and fifty
dollars, he is engaging in sexual conduct for money with general intent or knowingly, which is
also generally criminal prostitution. Penelope is a juvenile, so Johns sentence may
be enhancedand more severe than Penelopes. When Daniel procures John and Penelope for the
purpose of committing prostitution, he is most likely committing pandering. When Daniel takes
money from Penelope with the general intent or knowingly that it was earned by prostitution, he
is probably committing pimping. The use of force to obtain the money and
Penelopes age could enhance Daniels sentence for both crimes in many jurisdictions. Thus
Penelope, John, and Daniel may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of the stated crimes
of prostitution, pimping, and pandering in most jurisdictions.

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Figure 12.10 Diagram of Vice Crimes

Various Vice Statutes

Most states criminalize gambling,
the influence.



drunkenness in public,


and driving while under

Review the representative state statutes in the Notes for the elements of these

vice crimes.


Federal criminal statutes targeting illegal drugs are part of the Comprehensive
Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, commonly known as the
Controlled Substances Act. The states follow one of the three versions of the
Uniform Controlled Substances Act, which was drafted by a commission striving
for uniformity in state and federal laws.

For the purpose of drug crimes, the states and the federal government categorize
illegal drugs in schedules. The schedules generally focus on the harmful or
addictive qualities of the drug, with Schedule I drugs being the most harmful or
addictive, and the remaining schedules reflecting less harmful or addictive drugs,
including drugs that are legal with a prescription.

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In most jurisdictions, the manufacture of scheduled drugs is a felony, and

cultivation of marijuana, which must be done with general intent or knowingly,
can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the quantity cultivated.
Possession of scheduled drugs is typically graded based on the quantity, schedule
classification, and whether or not the possession is for sale, with penalties
ranging from a misdemeanor for simple possession to a serious felony for
possession with intent to sell. Possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is
graded lower than possession of other scheduled drugs in many jurisdictions.
Sale, distribution, or trafficking of scheduled drugs is generally graded as a felony,
with sentencing enhancements for drugs in a higher schedule, the sale of larger
quantities, a sale by an adult to a minor, or a sale near school grounds. Scheduled
drug use is typically a misdemeanor with more severe penalties for habitual

Two modern trends in state drug crimes statutes are the emphasis on
rehabilitation for nonviolent drug offenders, which drug courts provide through
sentencing, and the legalization of marijuana for medical use in sixteen states
and the District of Columbia.

Technically, a states legalization of marijuana for medical use violates the

Supremacy Clause because federal law classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug
and does not allow its possession, sale, or use for any purpose.

Prostitution is generally offering, agreeing, or engaging in sexual conduct for

money or anything of value (criminal act), with general intent or knowingly, or
strict liability. Prostitution is typically graded as a misdemeanor, with sentencing
enhancements for habitual offenders, prostitution that occurs near a school, or
clients who patronize juvenile prostitutes. Pimping is generally receiving anything
of value from a prostitute (criminal act), with general intent or knowingly that it
was earned by prostitution in many jurisdictions, and is typically graded as a
misdemeanor or felony, with sentencing enhancements if intimidation or force is
used to compel an act of prostitution or if the prostitute is a juvenile. Pandering

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is generally procuring another (criminal act) with specific intent or purposely to

commit an act of prostitution and is typically graded as a felony with sentencing
enhancement if the pandering takes place near a school.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Anita lives in a state that permits the possession and use of marijuana for medical
reasons. Anita obtains some marijuana and uses it to treat her medical condition,
carefully following her states statutory requirements. Has Anita committed a
2. Read Poindexter v. State, 153 S.W. 3d 402 (2005). In Poindexter, the defendant
purchased cocaine from a confidential informant inside his house. After the
defendant left, a subsequent law enforcement search uncovered the cocaine
inside a tin breath mints can hidden in the ceiling of the master bedroom closet.
The defendant was convicted at trial, but the appellate court reversed, based on
the fact that another individual was seen on the premises, so there
wasinsufficient proof of the defendants possession. Did the Court of Criminal
Appeals of Texas affirm the courts reversal? Why or why not? The case is
available at this
3. Read People v. Watson, No. 90962 (Ohio 2120 2009). In Watson, the defendant
was convicted of compelling prostitution. The defendant appealed on the
grounds that the proper interpretation of compelling prostitution under the Ohio
statute requires force, duress, or coercion and the defendant merely arranged it
so that the prostitute had no money for shelter, clothes, and food if she did not
continually commit prostitution. Did the Court of Appeals of Ohio uphold the
defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this
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Should Convicted Prostitutes Be Subjected to Involuntary AIDS Testing?

Read Love v. Superior Court, 226 Cal. App. 3d 736 (1990). The case is available at this
Love+v.+Superior+Court&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5. In Love, the defendants, convicted prostitutes,
challenged the constitutionality of a California statute that required AIDS testing and counseling
for those convicted of prostitution and other sex offenses.


The defendants claimed the statute

was an unreasonable search pursuant to the Fourth Amendment and also violated the due
process and the equal protection clauses. The California Court of Appeals upheld the statute,
holding that the special need of preventing the spread of AIDS was a valid exercise of state
police power, and the statute was a reasonable means to effectuate that interest. In California,
soliciting or agreeing to exchange sexual conduct for money constitutes prostitution,


so a

conviction for prostitution does not necessarily indicate an exchange of bodily fluids that could
spread AIDS.

1. Do you think it is ethical to require all convicted prostitutes to submit to AIDS

testing, whether or not they engaged in sexual intercourse? Why or why not?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

[1] 21 U.S.C. 801 et seq., accessed April 17,
[2] Uniform Controlled Substances Act (1994), accessed April 17,
[3] 21 U.S.C. 812, accessed April 17,

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[4] Minn. Stat. Ann. 152.02, accessed April 17,

2011, (accessed April 17, 2011).
[5] N.C. Gen. Stat. 90-89-90-94, accessed April 17,
[6] Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962), accessed April 18,
[7] Ala. Code 13A-12-217, accessed April 17, 2011,
[8] Ala. Code 13A-12-218, accessed April 17, 2011,
[9] Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2925.04, accessed April 17, 2011,
[10] Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2925.11, accessed April 17, 2011,
[11] Connecticut Jury Instructions No. 2.11-1,
1.htm (accessed February 13, 2010).
[12] Connecticut Jury Instructions No. 2.11-1,
1.htm (accessed February 13, 2010).
[13] People v. Parra, 70 Cal. App. 4th 222 (1999), accessed April 17,
[14] Cal. Health and Safety Code 11357(b), accessed April 18,
[15] N.C. Gen. Stat. 90-95, accessed April 17,
[16] Ala. Code 13A-12-231, accessed April 17, 2011,

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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[17] Ala. Code 13A-12-215, accessed April 17, 2011,

[18] Ala. Code 13A-12-250, accessed April 17, 2011,
[19] Cal. Health and Safety Code 11550, accessed April 17,
[20] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3422, accessed April 17, 2011,
[21] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3422, accessed April 17, 2011,
[22] Tex. Penal Code 469.001, accessed April 17,
[23] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-3422, accessed April 17, 2011,
[24] Medical Marijuana Summary Chart, website, accessed April 17,
[25] Alaska Stat. 17.37.010-17.37.070, accessed April 17,
[26] Cal. Health and Safety Code 11362.7-11362.83, accessed April 17,
[27] 21 U.S.C. 812, accessed April 17,
[28] Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005), accessed April 17, 2011,
[29] U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001), accessed April 17,
[30] N.R.S. 201.354, accessed April 18, 2011,
[31] N.Y. Penal Law 230.00, accessed April 21, 2011,
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[32] N.Y. Penal Law 230.00, accessed April 21, 2011,
[33] 720 ILCS 5/11-14, accessed April 21, 2011,
[34] 720 ILCS 5/11-14, accessed April 21, 2011,
[35] N.Y. Penal Law 230.00, accessed April 21, 2011,
[36] N.M. Stat. 30-9-2, accessed April 21, 2011,
[37] 720 ILCS 5/11-14, accessed April 21, 2011,
[38] N.Y. Penal Law 230.06, accessed April 21, 2011,
[39] 720 ILCS 5/11-19, accessed April 21, 2011,
[40] 720 ILCS 5/11-19, accessed April 21, 2011,
[41] N.M. Stat. 30-9-4.1, accessed April 21, 2011,
[42] N.Y. Penal Law 230.33, accessed April 21, 2011,
[43] N.Y. Penal Law 230.32, accessed April 21, 2011,
[44] Cal. Penal Code 266 i, accessed April 21, 2011,
[45] 720 ILCS 5/11-16, accessed April 21, 2011,
[46] Danny Hakim, William K. Rashbaum, Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring, New York Times website,
accessed September 4, 2011,
[47] 18 Pa. C.S. 5513, accessed April 21, 2011,
[48] Cal. Penal Code 647(f), accessed April 21, 2011,
[49] Or. Rev. Stat. 813.010, et seq., accessed April 21, 2011,

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[50] Cal. Penal Code 1202.1, accessed April 22,

[51] Cal. Penal Code 647(b), accessed April 2, 2011,

Chapter 13

Crimes against the Government

Bribery, of course, connotes a voluntary offer to obtain gain, where extortion connotes some form of

U.S. v. Adcock, cited in Section 13.3.2 "Bribery Elements"

13.1 Crimes Involving National Security


Define the elements of treason, and analyze treasons evidentiary requirements

and grading.

2. Define the elements of sedition, and analyze sedition grading.

3. Define the elements of various forms of sabotage, and analyze sabotage grading.
4. Define the elements of espionage, and analyze espionage grading.
The government is tasked with keeping the nation safe from domestic and international attacks on the
government and citizens. National security is an issue that affects the entire country, so most of the
regulation in this area is federal, rather than state.


Criminal statutes protecting the government can

encroach on the individual freedom to protest government action and can also affect privacy interests, which
subjects them to enhanced constitutional scrutiny similar to the crimes against the public reviewed
inChapter 12 "Crimes against the Public". This section explores crimes against the nation, such as treason,

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sedition, sabotage, and espionage. Section 13.2 "Crimes Involving Terrorism" examines terrorism and the
USA PATRIOT Act. The last section of this chapter discusses other crimes against the government that are
primarily stateregulated, such as perjury, bribery, and obstruction of justice.

Article III 3 of the US Constitution defines treason and specifies the evidentiary requirements
for any treason trial. The founding fathers wanted to ensure that the government would not
charge an individual with treason without significant and reliable proof. Treason was punishable
by death in England, so it was a constant threat to anyone who disagreed with the ruling party.
Although the treason clause in the Constitution is modeled after the early English law defining
treason, it omits a section that criminalized imagining the death of the King and also limits
Congresss authority to extend or expand the crime of treason or to lighten the evidentiary
The pertinent section of the Constitution states, Treason against the United States shall consist
only in levying War against them, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same
overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Treason Elements and Grading

The criminal act element required for treason is levying war against the United
Statesor adhering to the enemy by giving aid and comfort.


Prosecutions for treason are

practically nonexistent, so case law in this area is dated, yet still constitutes viable precedent.
In U.S. v. Burr, 25 F Cas 55 (1807), a case involving then-vice president Aaron Burrs prosecution
for treason, the US Supreme Court held that levying war means an actual assembling of men, not
a conspiracy to levy war, nor a mereenlistment of men. In Haupt v. U.S., 330 U.S. 631 (1947),
the US Supreme Court held that the defendants acts of harboring and sheltering his son in his
home, helping him to purchase an automobile, and obtain employment constituted providing aid
and comfort to the enemy because the defendants son was a spy and saboteur. The criminal
intent element required for treason is most likely the general intent or knowingly to commit
an act of levying war or the specific intent or purposely to betray the United States by giving
aid and comfort to enemies.


The Constitution specifies the evidentiary requirements that two

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witnesses testify to an overt act of treason or that the defendant confess in open court, although
this is not set forth in the federal treason statute.


As stated in Cramer v. U.S., 325 U.S. 1, 34, 35

(1945), Every act, movement, deed, and word of the defendant charged to constitute treason
must be supported by the testimony of two witnesses, and it is not enough that the elements of
treason can beinferred from the witness statements. Treason is graded as a felony that can merit
the death penalty or prohibit the defendant from ever holding federal office.


Example of a Case Lacking Treason Elements and Evidentiary Requirements

Benedict is identified as a person of interest in a treason case. A government agent posing as an
enemy spy invites Benedict to dinner, and they discuss the decline of the United States and
whether or not they should do something about it. At the conclusion of the dinner, Benedict
picks up the tab. Thereafter, Benedict is arrested for treason and refuses to incriminate himself by
responding to law enforcement interrogation. It is unlikely that Benedict will be convicted of
treason in this case. Benedict paid for the government agents dinner, which could constitute
providing aidto the enemy. However, Benedict indicated a hesitancy to take further action, which
does not satisfy the requirement that he act with the specific intent or purposely tobetray the
United States. In addition, only the government agent can testify as to Benedicts act of paying for
a meal because Benedict is asserting his right to remain silent. Therefore, the constitutional
requirement that two witnesses testify about the overt act charged as treason is not satisfied. The
intent element and evidentiary requirement for treason are lacking, so Benedict probably will not
be subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense.

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Figure 13.1 Crack the Code

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Sedition criminalizes the incitement of insurrection or revolution by seditious speech or writings and, as
such, is subject to the restrictions set forth in the First Amendment. The first federal law prohibiting sedition
was the Sedition Act enacted in 1798 and repealed by Thomas Jefferson after his election as president. The
current federal statute criminalizing sedition was originally enacted in 1940 and is codified at 18 U.S.C.
2385. Conspiracy to commit sedition is codified at 18 U.S.C. 2384. Many states have similar


Like treason, sedition is rarely prosecuted.

The criminal act element required for sedition is either advocating, aiding, teaching, organizing or
printing, publishing, or circulating written matter that advocates, aids, or teaches the overthrow of the US
government or any state, district, or territory thereof by force or violence.


The criminal intent element

required for sedition is the general intent or knowingly to advocate, aid, teach, or organize, or
the specific intent orpurposely to print, publish, or circulate written matter that advocates, aids, or
teaches the violent government overthrow.


In Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298 (1957), the US Supreme Court

held that only advocacy directed at promoting unlawful action could be constitutionally prohibited.
Advocacy of an abstract doctrine was protected by the First Amendment as free speech.



is graded as a felony that can prohibit the defendant from obtaining employment with the US government
for a minimum of five years postconviction.


Example of Sedition
Mo, a disgruntled immigrant who has been denied citizenship, decides he wants to overthrow the
US government and supplant it with a new government that will grant the citizenship privileges
he desires. Mo prints up leaflets advocating the overthrow of the government by placing a series
of bombs in strategic and specifically named places and passes them out every Saturday in front
of varied places known for ethnic diversity throughout the city. Mo has most likely committed
sedition in this example. Moprinted written matter advocating the overthrow of the US
government by unlawfulaction, using force and violence. Mos intent was to get rid of the current
government so that he could gain citizenship, which is specific intent or purposely. Thus Mos
conduct probably constitutes sedition, and he may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of
several counts of this offense.

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Figure 13.2 Diagram of Sedition

Sabotage is criminalized at 18 U.S.C. 2151 et seq., which includes several different forms of this offense.
Many states have similar provisions.


In general, sabotage is destroying, damaging, or defectively

producing (criminal act and harm) property with the specific intent or purposely, general

intent or knowingly, ornegligently to impede the nations ability to prepare for or participate in war
and national defense and is detailed in the following United States Codes:

18 U.S.C. 2152 focuses on destroying or damaging harbor-defense property.

18 U.S.C. 2153 focuses on destroying or damaging war material, premises, or


18 U.S.C. 2154 focuses on producing defective war materials, premises, or


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18 U.S.C. 2155 focuses on destroying or damaging national defense material,

premises, or utilities.

18 U.S.C. 2156 focuses on producing defective national defense material,

premises, or utilities.
Both 18 U.S.C. 2153 and 2154 have the attendant circumstance that the conduct occur
during war or a national emergency. All the sabotage statutes grade sabotage as a felony, with
sentences ranging from five to thirty years incarceration in federal prison.
Sabotage is prosecuted more often than treason and sedition, and there have been some extremely
interesting criminal sabotage cases, including sabotage indictments against a corporation manufacturing
defective raincoats for the armed forces during wartime, asabotage trial for the burning of an ROTC building
on the Washington University campus after the Kent State University riots, a sabotage trial for defendants
who stole copper wire from a railroad track that was used to ship war materials, and the sabotage
indictment of Osama bin Laden for extraterritorial (outside the United States) activity.

Example of Sabotage
Review the example in Section 13 "Example of Sedition" with Mo. Add to this example and
imagine that Mo gets no response to his fliers and becomes enraged. He decides to get back at the
United States for not allowing him to become a US citizen by harming its national security and
exposing it to attack by enemy forces. He thereafter hacks into the computer system used by the
US Department of Defense and damages it so that it is out of commission for two weeks. Mo has
most likely committed the federal crime ofsabotage. Mo damaged national defense material
with the specific intent orpurposely to interfere with the nations security and defense, which
is prohibited under 18 U.S.C. 2155, whether or not it is wartime or during a national emergency.
Thus Mo may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense and could face many
years of incarceration for his conduct.

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Figure 13.3 Diagram of Sabotage

Espionage, also known as spying, is criminalized at 18 U.S.C. 792 et seq. Originally part of one of the
early versions of the Sedition Act of 1918, the crime of espionage has a colorful history and many interesting
criminal prosecutions similar to criminal sabotage. Federal espionage statutes criminalize various acts,
depending on whether the conduct occurs during peace or during war. During times of peace, it is criminal
espionage to gather, transmit, or attempt to gather or transmit defense information (criminal act)

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with general intent or knowingly, or with the specific intent or purposely that it will be used to
damage the United States or assist any foreign nation.


During times of war, it is criminal espionage to

collect, record, publish, or communicate information about military activities or to attempt any of the
foregoing (criminal act) with the specific intent or purposely that the information will be
transmitted to the enemy.
the death penalty.


Espionage is graded as a felony, with potential sentencing of life in prison or


Some interesting criminal espionage cases are the Rosenberg case, where a married couple conspired to pass
nuclear secrets to the Soviets and were later executed pursuant to the death penalty, the Hanssen case,
where an FBI agent sold state secrets to Moscow for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds, and the Aragoncillo
case, where a White House employee stole intelligence documents from White House computers and emailed them to the Philippines.

Example of Espionage
Review the example given in Section 13 "Example of Sabotage" with Mo and his computer
hacking. Change the example so that before Mo damages the US Department of Defense
computer system, he copies some information from different top-secret sites and sends them to
operatives in an enemy nation with this message: I have stolen this information directly from the
US Department of Defense. I have also disabled their computer system, which will probably take
some time to repair. Now is an excellent time to attack the United States. He thereafter severely
damages the computer system. In this example, Mo has most likely committed both sabotage and
espionage. As stated in Section 13 "Example of Sabotage", Mo probably committed sabotage when
hedamaged national defense material with the specific intent or purposely to interfere with
the nations security and defense. When Mo copied top-secret information and sent it to an enemy
nation, along with informing the nation that the US Department of Defense computer system was
disabled, he gathered andtransmitted information with the specific
intent or purposely that it be used to injure the United States. Thus Mo has probably
committed both sabotage and espionage and may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of
these offenses.
Table 13.1 Comparing Treason, Sedition, Sabotage, and Espionage

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Criminal Act or Harm

Criminal Intent


Levy war, or give aid

and comfort to enemies

Most likely, general intent or

knowingly to levy war, specific
intent or purposely to betray
the United States with aid and


Advocating or printing
matter that advocates
the forceful or violent
overthrow of the US

General intent or knowingly to

advocate, specific intent or
purposely when printing
matter that advocates the
forceful or violent overthrow of
the US government


Varies: either
destroying, damaging,
or producing defective
property that impedes
US defense capabilities

Varies: specific intent or

purposely, general intent or
knowingly or negligently

Certain conduct must

take place during war
or a national emergency

Varies: either general intent or

knowingly, or specific intent or
purposely that information will Certain conduct must
be transmitted to the enemy
take place during war

Espionage Spying

*Includes the evidentiary requirement of the testimony of two witnesses or the

defendants confession in open court


The criminal act element required for treason is levying war against the United
States or adhering to the enemy by giving the enemy aid and comfort. The
criminal intent element required for treason is most likely the general intent or
knowingly to commit an act of levying war, or the specific intent or purposely to
betray the United States by giving aid and comfort to enemies. Treason also has
the constitutional evidentiary requirement that two witnesses corroborate the
acts of treason or that the defendant confess in open court. Treason is graded as
a felony.

The criminal act element required for sedition is advocating, aiding, teaching,
organizing, or printing, publishing, or circulating written matter that advocates,
aids, or teaches the overthrow of the US government by force or violence. The
criminal intent element required for sedition is the general intent or knowingly to

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advocate, aid, teach, or organize or the specific intent or purposely to print,

publish, or circulate written matter that advocates, aids, or teaches the forceful
or violent government overthrow. Sedition is graded as a felony.

The criminal act and harm elements required for sabotage vary but are generally
damaging, destroying, or producing defective property that impedes the US
national defense or ability to participate in or prepare for war. The criminal intent
element required for sabotage also varies but is either specific intent or
purposely, general intent or knowingly, or negligent intent, depending on the
criminal act. Some forms of sabotage require the attendant circumstance that
the conduct occurs during wartime or a national emergency. Sabotage is graded
as a felony.

Espionage is spying (criminal act) with general intent or knowingly, or the specific
intent or purposely to transmit information to another nation. Some forms of
espionage require the attendant circumstance that the conduct occurs during
wartime. Espionage is graded as a felony.
Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Stephanie stands in front of a mosque and advocates for the overthrow of the US
government. Is Stephanie committing sedition? Why or why not?
2. Read U.S. v. Kabat, 797 Fed.2d 580 (1986). Did the US Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit uphold the defendants convictions for sabotage when, as nuclear
protestors, they intentionally damaged US missiles? Why or why not? The case is
available at this
3. Read In re Squillacote, 790 A.2d 514 (2002). Did the District of Columbia Court of
Appeals hold that conspiracy to commit espionage and attempted espionage are
crimes of moral turpitude that could support the defendants disbarment? The
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case is available at this


[1] Pennsylvania v. Nelson, accessed May 1, 2011, 350 U.S. 497
[2] 18 U.S.C. 2381, accessed April 29,
[3] Cramer v. U.S., 325 U.S. 1 (1945),
[4] 18 U.S.C. 2381, accessed April 29,
[5] 18 U.S.C. 2381, accessed April 29,
[6] 51 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. 6018, accessed April 30, 2011,
[7] 18 U.S.C. 2385, accessed April 30,
[8] 18 U.S.C. 2385, accessed April 30,
[9] Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298, 318 (1957), accessed April 30,
[10] 18 U.S.C. 2385, accessed April 30,
[11] RCW 9.05.060, accessed May 1, 2011,
[12] 18 U.S.C. 793, accessed May 1,
[13] 18 U.S.C. 794(b), accessed May 1,
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[14] 18 U.S.C. 792 et seq., accessed May 1,


13.2 Crimes Involving Terrorism


Identify three federal statutory schemes targeting terroristic conduct.

2. Ascertain the function of the Department of Homeland Security.

3. Define international and domestic terrorism.
4. Identify crimes involving terrorism.
5. Identify potential constitutional challenges to the USA PATRIOT Act.
In recent years, crimes involving terrorism have escalated both in the United States and abroad. The federal
governments response has been to enact comprehensive criminal statutes with severe penalties targeting
terroristic conduct. In this section, federal statutes criminalizing acts of terrorism are reviewed, along with
potential constitutional challenges.

Statutory Schemes Targeting Terrorism

Before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, the primary federal statutes
criminalizing terrorism were the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 and
the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA), which was enacted after the
Oklahoma City bombings. After September 11, 2001, Congress enacted the USA PATRIOT Act,
which stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.
The USA PATRIOT Act changed and strengthened existing laws targeting terrorism and enhanced
US capabilities to prosecute terrorism committed abroad. Specifically, the USA PATRIOT Act
increases federal jurisdiction over crimes committed outside the United States,
crimes involving financial support of terrorism or terrorists abroad,
forfeiture of assets connected to terrorism.




creates new

and provides for the civil

Other fundamental changes incorporated in the USA

PATRIOT Act are the expansion of government surveillance capabilities, including telephone
interception and scrutiny of e-mails.


In 2002, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the authority of
the Homeland Security Act. DHS enforces provisions of federal laws against terrorism and
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includes the following agencies: the Secret Service, Customs, the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, United States Coast Guard, Border Patrol, Transportation Security Administration, and
Citizenship and Immigration Services.


Criminal Terroristic Conduct

International terrorism is defined as violent acts committed outside the United States that would
be criminal if committed in the United States, and that appear to be intended to influence a
civilian population or government by intimidation, or to affect the conduct of government by

mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. Specific crimes such as murder, attempted

murder, and conspiracy to commit murder committed against an American national (defined as
an American citizen or individual who owes permanent allegiance to the United


while outside the United States are graded as high-level felonies with all ranges of

sentencing options available, including the death penalty. Domestic terrorism is defined exactly
the same as international terrorism, except that the violent acts are committed within the
territorial jurisdiction of the United States.


Prohibited as terrorism are the use of

aweapon of mass destruction, which is defined as any destructive device or weapon designed to
cause death or serious bodily injury through the release of chemicals, toxins, or


bombings of places of public useincluding public transportation systems

financing of terrorism,


harboring or concealing terrorists,



or attempt or conspiracy to do

any of the foregoing. All these crimes aregraded as serious felonies.

Example of Terrorism
Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen, was the only defendant prosecuted for the September 11,
2001, terrorist attacks. Although Moussaoui was not onboard any of the planes that crashed into
the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field because he was in federal custody, he
was indicted


for several counts of conspiracy to commit terrorism and aircraft piracy

and pleaded guilty to all charges. Specifically, Moussaoui pleaded guilty to conspiracy to
commit acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries, conspiracy to commit aircraft piracy,
conspiracy to destroy aircraft, conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy to
murder US employees, and conspiracy to destroy property of the United States. After the
extended trial, during which Moussaoui attempted to represent himself, and the resulting guilty
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pleas, the jury carefully considered and recommended against the death penalty for Moussaoui,
who was thereafter sentenced to life in prison.


Moussaoui later moved to withdraw his guilty

pleas, but his motion was rejected by the US District Court for the Eastern District of


whose decision was later affirmed by the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth


Figure 13.4 Moussaoui Indictment

Constitutional Challenges to the USA PATRIOT Act

Portions of the USA PATRIOT Act provide for enhanced government surveillance capabilities, which are
considered a search, so constitutional implications are present pursuant to the Fourth Amendment,
which prohibits unreasonable search and seizure. In addition, provisions of the Act that prohibit financing
terrorists and terrorism have been attacked as violative of the First Amendments protection of free

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speech, free association, and freedom of religion. Litigation involving these challenges is ongoing and was
filed on behalf of citizens by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).


Figure 13.5 Diagram of Crimes Involving National Security and Terrorism


Three statutory schemes targeting terroristic conduct are the Omnibus

Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, the Antiterrorism and
Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, and the USA PATRIOT Act.

The Department of Homeland Security enforces terrorism laws.

The definition of international terrorism is violent acts committed outside the

United States that would be criminal if committed in the United States and that
appear to be intended to influence a civilian population or government by
intimidation, or to affect the conduct of government by mass destruction,
assassination, or kidnapping. The definition of domestic terrorism is exactly the
same, except the criminal acts take place within the territorial jurisdiction of the
United States.

Examples of crimes involving terroristic conduct are murder, use of a weapon of

mass destruction, bombing places of public use, financing terrorism, harboring a
terrorist, and conspiracy or attempt to commit any of the foregoing.

The USA PATRIOT Act expands government surveillance capabilities, so it is

subject to a Fourth Amendment challenge as an unreasonable search, and also
prohibits financing terrorism, so it is subject to a First Amendment challenge as a
prohibition on free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to associate.

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Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Joshua shoots and kills Khalid in front of the Pakistani Embassy in Washington,
DC. Is this an act of domestic terrorism? Why or why not?
2. Read Humanitarian Law Project v. Reno, 205 F.3d 1130 (2000). Did the US Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit uphold 18 U.S.C. 2339, which prohibits
providing material support to terrorists? What were the constitutional challenges
to this federal statute? The case is available at this
3. Read Humanitarian Law Project v. U.S. Department of Justice, 352 F.3d 382
(2003). In this case, the same federal statute was analyzed (18 U.S.C. 2339) as
inHumanitarian Law Project v. Reno, in Exercise 2. Did the US Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit uphold the statute in the face of a Fifth Amendment
challenge that the statute deprived the defendants of due process of law? Why
or why not? The case is available at this

[1] USA PATRIOT Act, Tit. VIII 804, accessed May 4,
[2] USA PATRIOT Act, Tit. VIII 805, accessed May 4, 2011,
[3] USA PATRIOT Act, Tit. VIII 806, accessed May 4, 2011,
[4] USA PATRIOT Act, Tit. II, 203 et seq.,
[5] Department of Homeland Security website, accessed May 4, 2011,
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[6] 18 U.S.C. 2331(1), accessed May 3,

[7] 8 U.S.C. 1101(a) (22), accessed May 3,
[8] 18 U.S.C. 2332, accessed May 3,
[9] 18 U.S.C. 2331(5), accessed May 3,
[10] 18 U.S.C. 2332A(c) (2), accessed May 4,
[11] 18 U.S.C. 2332F, accessed May 4,
[12] 18 U.S.C. 2339C, accessed May 3,
[13] 18 U.S.C. 2339, accessed May 3,
[14] Zacarias Moussaoui indictment, website, accessed May 4,
[15] Jerry Markon, Timothy Dwyer, Jurors Reject Death Penalty for Moussaoui, Washington
Post website, accessed May 11, 2011,
[16] U.S. v. Moussaoui, Criminal No. 01-455-A (2003), accessed May 4,
[17] U.S. v. Moussaoui, 591 F.3d 263 (2010), accessed May 4,
[18] Nancy Kranich, The Impact of the USA PATRIOT Act: An Update, website, accessed
May 4, 2011,

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13.3 Perjury, Bribery, and Obstruction of Justice


Define the elements of perjury.

2. Identify the issues commonly encountered in a perjury prosecution.

3. Identify a potential defense to perjury.
4. Define perjury by inconsistent statements and subornation of perjury.
5. Analyze perjury and subornation of perjury grading.
6. Define the elements of bribery, identify the primary difficulty in a prosecution for
this offense, and analyze bribery grading.
7. Define the elements of various forms of obstruction of justice, and analyze
obstruction of justice grading.
Crimes against the administration of justice impede the governments ability to carry out the important
functions of prosecuting and convicting criminals, which, in turn, destroys citizens confidence that the US
legal system is effective in ensuring individual safety and security. This section analyzes perjury, bribery, and
obstruction of justice, along with the issues commonly encountered when prosecuting these offenses.
Additional statutes criminalizing contempt of court, resisting arrest, and escape are also available for review.

Perjury History and Elements

Witness testimony is important in a variety of settings. Juries depend on witness testimony to
reach a fair and impartial verdict in civil and criminal trials, and grand juries depend on witness
testimony to indict defendants for criminal conduct. Thus modern laws of perjury are calculated
to ensure that witnesses testify truthfully so that justice can be done in each individual case.
In the Middle Ages, the witnesses were the jurors, so the criminalization of false witness
testimony did not occur until the sixteenth century when the idea of a trial by an impartial jury
emerged. The first common-law prohibition against witness perjury criminalized false testimony,
given under oath, in a judicial proceeding, about amaterial issue. This definition was also
incorporated into early American common law.


In modern times, every state prohibits perjury, as well as the federal government. Most state
statutes or state common law, in states that allow common-law crimes, define perjury as a false
material statement (criminal act), made with the specific intent or purposely to deceive, or
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the general intent or knowingly that the statement was false, in a judicial or official
proceeding (attendant circumstance), under oath (attendant circumstance).


The Model

Penal Code defines perjury as a false material statement, that the defendant does not believe to be
true, made under oath in any official proceeding (Model Penal Code 241.1(1)). The biggest issues
commonly encountered in any perjury prosecution are proving the validity of the oath, the
defendants criminal intent, the materiality of the false statement, and any requirement of
corroborative evidence.

Necessity of a Valid Oath

The defendant must be under oath when making the statement at issue in any perjury
prosecution, and the oath must be administered by someone of legal authority or
someone authorized to take evidence under oath,


including a referee, hearing examiner,

commissioner, notary, or other person authorized to take evidence in connection with an official
or judicial proceeding.


Federally and in many jurisdictions, the false statement can be written,

as long as it is certified, such as a signature on an income tax return


or a report.


The Model

Penal Code also considers a false written statement perjury, as long as the document containing
the statement is made upon oath or affirmation (Model Penal Code 241.1(3)). In spite of
the attendant circumstance requirement that the statement be made under oath, many
jurisdictions disallow a defense to a prosecution for perjury based on the assertion that the oath
or affirmation was administered or taken in an irregularmanner.


The Model Penal Code has a

similar provision (Model Penal Code 241.1(3)). In addition, many jurisdictions have a provision
that witnesses who refuseto take an oath shall have the option of making a nonreligous
affirmation that has thesame legal effect as the oath.


The Model Penal Code allows for an

oath or equivalent affirmation (Model Penal Code 241.1(1)).

Perjury Criminal Intent

As stated previously, in many jurisdictions, the defendant must know that a statement is false or
must make the statement with the specific intent or purposely to deceive. When the intent
requirement is general intent or knowledge that the statement is false, proof that the statement is
false could give rise to an inference of intent.

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Materiality Requirement
Perjury generally requires a false statement that is material, which means that it substantially
affected or could substantially affect the outcome of the proceeding.


In many jurisdictions and

federally, materiality is a question of fact for the trier of fact, which could be a jury.


The Model

Penal Code defines materiality as a statement that could have affected the course or outcome of
the proceeding and declares that materiality should be a question of law, which means it should
be determined by ajudge, not a jury (Model Penal Code 241.1(2)). Typically, it is not a defense
to perjury that the defendant did not know that the statement was material.


The Model Penal

Code has a similar provision (Model Penal Code 241.1(2)).

Corroborative Evidence Requirement

Some jurisdictions have a requirement of corroborative evidence for perjury, which necessitates
the testimony of two witnesses to support a conviction, similar to a treason conviction.



Model Penal Code also has this corroborative evidence requirement (Model Penal Code

Defense of Retraction
Many jurisdictions provide a defense to perjury if the defendant retracts his or her false
statement in the course of the same proceeding in which it was made before it becomes manifest
that the falsification will be exposed.


The Model Penal Code has a similar provision (Model

Penal Code 241.1(4)).

Example of a Case Lacking an Element of Perjury

Marcus is a witness in a civil suit for damages against Lindsay. Macys department store is suing
Lindsay for the alleged theft of a diamond necklace. Marcus takes an oath sworn by the court
commissioner. He thereafter testifies that he saw Lindsay try on the necklace and then walk out of
the store without paying for it. When the Macys attorney asks Marcus what he was doing at
Macys, Marcus responds that he was buying some jewelry as a gift for his wife. In actuality,
Marcus was shopping for jewelry as a gift for his girlfriend. Marcus has probably not committed
perjury in this case. Marcus is testifying as a witness in a civil rather than criminal trial, but this
satisfies the perjury requirement that the testimony be offered during
a judicial or official proceeding. Before testifying, Marcus took an oath that was administered
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by a court commissioner, also satisfying the perjury requirement that the defendant take an oath
administered by someone with the legal authority or authorization to take evidence under oath.
Marcuss statement is false, and he made the statement with knowledge of its falsity, which
satisfies the perjury criminal intent requirement. However, Marcuss statement does not appear
to be material to this judicial proceeding because the reason for Marcuss presence at Macys will
not affect the outcome of Lindsays civil theft trial (usually called the tort of conversion). Thus
Marcus is probably not subject to prosecution for and conviction of perjury, based on his
testimony in this case.

Example of Perjury
Review the example in Section 13 "Example of a Case Lacking an Element of Perjury"with Marcus.
Change this example so that Marcus testifies that he did not see Lindsay walk out of the Macys
department store without paying for the necklace because he does not want to admit that he was
shopping for jewelry to buy his girlfriend. Anthony, the Macys civil trial attorney, cross-examines
Marcus, and forces him to admit that he saw Lindsay steal the necklace, and that he
was lying previously. Marcus has most likely committed perjury in this example. Marcus made
a false statement, under a validly administered oath, in a judicial proceeding,
with knowledge of its falsity. Marcuss statement was material because, if believed, it would
have helped exonerate Lindsay in her civil case. In many jurisdictions, the trier of fact, which
could be a judgeor jury, determines whether or not the statement is material. Marcuss admission
that he was lying is not a retraction that could serve as a defense because it was not made until
the lie was about to be exposed. Thus all the elements of perjury appear to be present, and Marcus
may be subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense.

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Figure 13.6 Diagram of Defenses to Perjury

Perjury by Inconsistent Statements

Some jurisdictions criminalizeperjury by inconsistent or contradictory statements, which is
slightly different from criminal perjury.


Perjury by inconsistent statements is easier to prove

than traditional perjury because the prosecution can simply offer evidence that the defendant
made statements that are inconsistent, in a judicial proceeding, after taking a validly
administered oath. Corroborative evidence is not required, and the prosecution does not have the
burden of proving that one of the statements is false, just that one or the other was false and not
believed by the defendant to be true.


The Model Penal Code has a similar provision (Model

Penal Code 241.1(5)).

Example of Perjury by Inconsistent Statements

Review the example with Marcus in Section 13 "Example of Perjury". If Marcuss jurisdiction
criminalizes perjury by inconsistent statements, Marcus could most likely be prosecuted for this
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offense. Marcus made two inconsistent statements while under a validly administered oath in
Lindsays conversion trial, which is a judicial proceeding. In Marcuss criminal perjury by
inconsistent statements prosecution, the prosecutor need only offer evidence of the inconsistent
statements to the trier of fact. The prosecutor does not have to provide corroborative evidence
and does not have the burden of proving that the first statement was false, which will simplify
and expedite the trial and may subject Marcus to conviction of this offense.

Subornation of Perjury
Most jurisdictions criminalize subornation of perjury, which is typically procuring another to
commit perjury (criminal act) with specific intent or purposely, orgeneral
intent or knowingly, and factually and legally causing the resultingharm that perjury is in
fact committed.


Example of a Case Lacking an Element of Subornation of Perjury

Review the example given with Marcus in Section 13 "Example of Perjury". Add to this example
and assume that Marcus begs Janelle, another witness in Lindsays conversion trial, to say that
she did not see him at Macys the day Lindsay stole the necklace. Janelle flatly refuses. Marcus
has not committed subornation of perjury in this case. Although Marcus tried to procure Janelle
to commit perjury, with specific intent or purposely, Janelle did not cooperate and did not
commit the perjury. Thus the harm element of subornation of perjury is lacking, and Marcus can
be prosecuted only for attempted subornation of perjury or solicitation to commit perjury, rather
than the completed offense.

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Figure 13.7 Comparison of Perjury by Inconsistent Statements and Subornation of Perjury

Perjury Grading
Perjury is generally graded as a felony,


with a potential sentencing enhancement for

committing perjury that causes another to be sentenced to prison or the death penalty.



Model Penal Code grades perjury as a felony of the third degree (Model Penal Code 241.1(1)).
Subornation of perjury is also graded as a felony.


However, because of the procedural

difficulties in successfully convicting a defendant of perjury and subornation of perjury, these

crimes are not often prosecuted. Nonetheless, the threat of a felony conviction still serves as a
deterrent and helps to ensure that witnesses testify truthfully in judicial and official proceedings
and give accurate statements in certified writings.

Bribery Elements
Bribery is often compared to extortion, yet extortion is considered a crime of threatened force or
violence, while bribery involves financial inducement.


At early common law, bribery was the

receiving or offering any undue reward by or to any person in a public office in order to influence
his or her behavior in office and induce him or her to act contrary to the known rules of honesty
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and integrity.


In modern times, many criminal statutes define bribery as conferring, offering,

agreeing to confer, or soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any benefit upon a public official
(criminal act) with the specific intent or purposely or the general intent orknowingly to
form an agreement or understanding that the public officials vote, opinion, judgment, action,
decision, or exercise of discretion will be influenced by the benefit.


The crime of bribery is

often extended to apply to persons other than public officials, such as employees, agents, or
fiduciaries for the purpose of influencing the bribed individuals on-the-job conduct.
of bribery is typically calledcommercial bribery.




This type

Bribery can also cover members of a state

any judicial officer, juror, referee, umpire,


or witness


when a bribe is

conferred or offered, asked for, received, or agreed to be received to influence their vote or
decision. The Model Penal Code criminalizes as bribery the act of conferring, offering, agreeing to
confer, soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any pecuniary (which means monetary)
benefit in exchange for a public servant, party official, voters decision, opinion, recommendation,
vote, or other exercise of discretion (Model Penal Code 240.1(1)). The Model Penal Code also
criminalizes as bribery the act of conferring, offering, agreeing to confer, soliciting, accepting, or
agreeing to accept anybenefit in exchange for a judicial or administrative officers decision, vote,
recommendation, or other exercise of official discretion (Model Penal Code 240.1(2)).

Prosecutorial Burden in Bribery Prosecutions

Similar to perjury, bribery is notoriously difficult to prove, which is a factor prosecutors must
consider when deciding whether or not to charge an individual(s) with this offense. The most
difficult bribery element to prove beyond a reasonable doubt is the criminal intent element
of specific intent or purposely or general intent orknowingly to enter into an agreement
that influences the bribed individuals decision.

Example of Bribery
Isabel, a defendant on trial for perjury, notices the judge presiding in her case shopping at Macys
department store. Isabel thereafter buys an expensive watch, has it wrapped, walks up to the
judge, and offers it to him as a gift. Isabel has most likely committed bribery in this case.
Although the judge did not accept Isabels gift, most states criminalize as bribery the offer of
any benefit, so the act of bribery is complete when Isabel proffers the watch. In addition, based on
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these facts, Isabels connection to the judge is only through her perjury prosecution, so her act
appears calculated to influence his decision in that case, especially because the watch is expensive
and not merely a token. Note that a prosecutor is required to prove beyond a reasonable
doubt Isabelsspecific intent or purposely or general intent or knowingly to enter into an
agreement with the judge influencing his decision, which is challenging even under the obvious
circumstances apparent in this case.

Another Example of Bribery

Review the example with Isabel in Section 13 "Example of Bribery". Add to this example and
assume that the judge graciously accepts Isabels gift and thereafter rules in her
favor, acquitting her of perjury. In this example, both the judge and Isabel have likely committed
bribery because most states criminalize the conferring, offering, andaccepting and receiving a
bribe as the criminal act elements. Thus both Isabel and the judge may be subject to prosecution
for and conviction of this offense, and the judges acquittal of Isabel will ease the prosecutors
burden in proving the specific intent or purposely or general intent or knowingly to enter
into an agreement corruptly influencing the decision making in this case.

Example of a Case Lacking an Element of Bribery

Isabel notices a gentleman struggling to pay his bill at a local coffee shop. Isabel steps up and
charitably offers to pay the gentlemans bill. Later in the day, while watching her sons
professional baseball game, Isabel notices that the umpire looks familiar. After pondering it for a
few minutes, she realizes that he is the same gentleman who could not pay his bill at the coffee
shop. Isabel and the umpire probably have notcommitted bribery in this case. Although Isabel
gave the umpire money, and he was the decision maker in her sons baseball game, Isabel did not
give the money, nor did the umpire accept it, with the specific intent or purposely or general
intent orknowingly to enter into an agreement influencing the umpires decisions. Thus the
criminal intent element for bribery appears to be lacking, and neither Isabel nor the umpire are
subject to prosecution for and conviction of this offense.

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Bribery When No Authority to Act Is Present

In many states and under the Model Penal Code, it is no defense to bribery that the individual
bribed does not have the authority to act or make the decision that is the subject of the bribe
(Model Penal Code 240.1).


Example of Bribery When No Authority to Act Is Present

Review the example with Isabel and the judge in Section 13 "Another Example of Bribery".
Change this example and assume that the judge in question is an imposter who is merely
masquerading as a judge to live out a lifelong fantasy. Isabel and the judge may still be
prosecuted for and convicted of bribery in many jurisdictions and under the Model Penal Code
because lack of authority is typically not a defense to bribery under modern statutes
criminalizing this offense.
Figure 13.8 Diagram of Defenses to Bribery

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Bribery Grading
Bribery is typically graded as a felony
larger sum of money




with enhancements for bribery that is carried out with a

or bribery that results in someones prosecution or incarceration for a

When a state legislator


or a public official


commits bribery, it is typical

to disqualify that individual from his or her office for life, in addition to any other sentence.

Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of justice takes many forms and is a classic example of an offense against the
administration of justice. States and the federal government exercise broad latitude in enacting
statutes that criminalize interference with any aspect of law enforcement procedure or the
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prosecution and conviction of criminal offenders. Some typical examples of obstruction of justice
are as follows: giving false identification to a law enforcement officer,
enforcement officer,






impersonating a law

refusing to aid a law enforcement officer when requested,

hiding or concealing oneself and refusing to give evidence,

and tampering with a witness


or juror.




giving false

tampering with

All these acts are generally supported

by specific intent or purposely or general intent or knowingly. The Model Penal Code
prohibits threatening unlawful harm to any person or public servant with purpose to influence his
decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, or other exercise of discretion (Model Penal Code
240.2). Obstruction of justice offenses are most oftengraded as a misdemeanor or felony,
depending on the offense.

Example of Obstruction of Justice

Barry Bonds, a baseball player and record-breaking home run hitter for the San Francisco Giants,
was found guilty by a federal jury for obstruction of justice, based on his refusal to answer a
question during a grand jury investigation of his steroid use.


Bonds was also charged with three

counts of perjury, but the jury could not agree to convict, resulting in a mistrial on all three


The perjury charges stemmed from Bondss claim while testifying under oath that he

never knowingly used steroids, never knowingly used human growth hormones, and was never
injected with a substance by anyone other than his trainer. The obstruction of justice conviction
resulted from Bondss evasive answer to the question of whether his personal trainer had ever
injected him with steroids.


Instead of answering yes or no to this question, Bonds began

reminiscing about his friendship with the trainer, who went to prison four times in five years for
also refusing to testify in the investigation.


The perjury charges support the obstruction of

justice charge, so the defense asked for a court dismissal of the obstruction of justice conviction in
order to clear the way for an appeal.


Note that Bondss obstruction of justice charge of

evading the question and refusing to give evidence appears easier to prove than
the perjury charges, which have a daunting criminal intent requirement, as discussed in Section
13 "Perjury Criminal Intent".

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Additional Crimes against the Government

Additional crimes against the government that impair the orderly administration of justice
are contempt,


resisting arrest,


and escape.


Review the statutes in the endnotes for

common elements and grading of these offenses.

Figure 13.9 Diagram of Perjury, Bribery, and Obstruction of Justice


Most jurisdictions define perjury as a false material statement (criminal act),

made with specific intent or purposely to deceive, or the general intent or

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knowingly that the statement was false, in a judicial or official proceeding, or in a

certified writing (attendant circumstance), under oath (attendant circumstance).

The issues commonly encountered in any perjury prosecution are proving the
validity of the oath, the defendants criminal intent, or the materiality of the false
statement, and any requirement of corroborative evidence.

Many jurisdictions provide a defense to perjury if the defendant retracts his or

her false statement in the course of the same proceeding in which it was made
before it becomes manifest that the falsification will be exposed.

Perjury by inconsistent statements is when the defendant makes statements that

are inconsistent (criminal act), in a judicial proceeding (attendant circumstance),
after taking a validly administered oath (attendant circumstance). The
prosecution does not need to prove which statement is false for this offense.
Subornation of perjury is procuring another to commit perjury (criminal act), with
specific intent or purposely, or general intent or knowingly, and factually and
legally causing the resulting harm that perjury is actually committed.

Perjury is generally graded as a felony, with a potential sentencing enhancement

for committing perjury that causes another to be sentenced to prison or the
death penalty. Subornation of perjury is also graded as a felony.

Many criminal statutes define bribery as conferring, offering, agreeing to confer,

or soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept, any benefit upon a public official
(criminal act) with the specific intent or purposely, or the general intent or
knowingly to form an agreement or understanding that the public officials
decision making will be influenced by the benefit. The crime of bribery is often
extended to apply to persons other than public officials, such as employees,
agents, or fiduciaries for the purpose of influencing the bribed individuals on-
the-job conduct, which is called commercial bribery. Bribery can also cover
members of a state legislature, any judicial officer, juror, referee, umpire, or
witness. The primary issue in a bribery prosecution is proving the defendants
criminal intent to enter into an agreement that influences the bribed individuals

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decision making. Bribery is typically graded as a felony, with enhancements for a

bribe that is a large sum of money or bribery that results in incarceration for a
felony, along with a disqualification from office.

Some typical examples of obstruction of justice are as follows: giving false

identification to a law enforcement officer, impersonating a law enforcement
officer, refusing to aid a law enforcement officer when requested, giving false
evidence, hiding or concealing oneself and refusing to give evidence, tampering
with evidence, and tampering with a witness or juror. All these acts are generally
supported by specific intent or purposely, or general intent or knowingly.
Obstruction of justice is graded anywhere from a misdemeanor to a felony,
depending on the offense.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the

1. Susannah, a Hollywood movie star, is a witness in a civil personal injury case.

Susannah saw a car accident and is subpoenaed to testify that the defendant was
at fault. After the court commissioner administers an oath to tell the truth,
Susannah takes the witness stand. She knows the case will generate significant
publicity, so Susannah shaves ten years off of her age when asked routine
background questions by the prosecutor. If Susannah is thereafter caught in this
lie and prosecuted for perjury, what will be the primary issue in her perjury
prosecution? How will this issue be resolved?
2. Read State v. Carr, 172 Conn. 458 (1977). In this case, the defendant was
convicted of bribery when he paid an undercover detective to refrain from
investigating narcotics crimes in the area. The defendant appealed, claiming the
jury should have been instructed on the lesser included offense of offering gifts
to state police officers. Did the Supreme Court of Connecticut uphold the
defendants bribery conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this
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3. Read People v. Silverberg, 771 N.Y.S. 2d 274 (2003). In this case, the defendant
was convicted of witness tampering for a single telephone call he made to an
attorney that implied he would send letters to a grievance committee if the
attorney did not drop charges against him. Did the Supreme Court of New York
uphold the defendants conviction? Why or why not? The case is available at this
Should Former President Clinton Have Been Criminally Prosecuted for Perjury and Obstruction of
On May 6, 1994, Paula Jones filed a civil lawsuit for sexual harassment against then-president Bill
Clinton. The US Supreme Court ruled that the president was not immune to this lawsuit, allowing
it to continue.


An investigation pursuant to the Jones lawsuit revealed that the president was

currently having an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.


During a Jones lawsuit

deposition, the president stated under oath that he did not have sexual relations with Ms.
Lewinsky pursuant to the definition of sexual relations given by the questioning attorneys.
also stated that he could not recall ever being alone with Lewinsky at the White House.





the deposition, he was involved in an effort to get Ms. Lewinsky a federal job outside
Washington, DC.


Although the Jones lawsuit was dismissed, the president was evasive when

asked questions regarding the Lewinsky affair during a grand jury investigation instigated by
Prosecutor and former Solicitor General Kenneth Starr. The evening of the grand jury
investigation, the president appeared on national TV and admitted, Indeed, I did have a
relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a
critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely


The House of Representatives later impeached Clinton for perjury and

obstruction of justice, based on the statements he made at the grand jury investigation and his
conduct during the Jones deposition. After a trial in the Senate, he was acquitted of both counts
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and thereafter served out his term as president.


He was nevercriminally prosecuted for

perjury or obstruction of justice outside the impeachment procedure, although he was

later disbarred for his behavior.


1. Is it ethical to allow the president to avoid a criminal prosecution for perjury and
obstruction of justice while he is in office? Why or why not?
Check your answer using the answer key at the end of the chapter.
[1] PerjuryPerjury at Common Law, website, accessed May 5,
[2] 18 U.S.C. 1621, accessed May 5,
[3] Ga. Code tit. 16 16-10-70, accessed May 5, 2011,
[4] Connecticut Jury Instructions 53a-156, accessed May 5,
[5] Connecticut Jury Instructions 53a-156, accessed May 5,
[6] 18 U.S.C. 6065, accessed May 5,
[7] Cal. Penal Code 129, accessed May 5, 2011,
[8] Ala. Code 13A-10-108, accessed May 5, 2011,
[9] 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. 5901, accessed May 5, 2011,
[10] State v. Kimber, 48 Conn. App. 234 (1998), accessed May 5,
[11] Mo. Ann. Stat. 575.040, accessed May 5,

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[12] U.S. v. Gaudin, 515 U.S. 506 (1995), accessed May 5,

[13] Mo. Ann. Stat. 575.040(3) (1), accessed May 5,
[14] Tex. Code of Criminal Procedure, 38.18, accessed May 5,
[15] Ala. Code 13A-10-107, accessed May 6, 2011,
[16] Ala. Code 13A-10-104, accessed May 6, 2011,
[17] Ala. Code 13A-10-104, accessed May 6, 2011,
[18] N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-210, accessed May 6, 2011,
[19] N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-209, accessed May 6, 2011,
[20] Ga. Code tit. 16, 16-10-70, accessed May 6, 2011,
[21] N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-210, accessed May 6, 2011,
[22] U.S. v. Adcock, 558 F.2d 397 (1977), accessed May 6,
[23] Legal definition of bribery, website, accessed May 6,
[24] N.Y. Penal Law 200.00, accessed May 6, 2011,
york/penal/PEN0200.00_200.00.html; N.Y. Penal Law 200.10,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
Saylor URL:

[25] N.Y. Penal Law 180.00, accessed May 6, 2011,

[26] N.Y. Penal Law 180.00, accessed May 6, 2011,
[27] Cal. Penal Code 85, accessed May 6, 2011,; Cal.
Penal Code 86,
[28] Cal. Penal Code 92, accessed May 6, 2011,; Cal.
Penal Code 93,
[29] Or. Rev. Stat. 162.265, accessed May 6, 2011,
the-state-and/162.265.html; Or. Rev. Stat. 162.275, accessed May 7,
[30] Ala. Code 13A-10-61, accessed May 7, 2011,
[31] N.Y. Penal Law 200.00, accessed May 6, 2011,
[32] N.Y. Penal Law 200.03, accessed May 6, 2011,
[33] N.Y. Penal Law 200.04, accessed May 6, 2011,
[34] Cal. Penal Code 88, accessed May 7, 2011,
[35] Cal. Penal Code 74, accessed May 7, 2011,
[36] 720 ILCS 5/31-4.5, accessed May 7, 2011,
[37] Fla. Stat. Ann. 843.08, accessed May 7, 2011,
[38] N.Y. Penal Law 195.10, accessed May 7, 2011,
[39] 720 ILCS 5/31-4, accessed May 7, 2011,
[40] 720 ILCS 5/31-4, accessed May 7, 2011,
[41] Or. Rev. Stat. 162.295, accessed May 7, 2011,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[42] 18 U.S.C. 1512, accessed May 7,

[43] Ariz. Rev. Stat. 13-2807, accessed May 7, 2011,
[44] Juliet Macur, Bonds Guilty of Obstruction, but Not of Perjury, New York Times website, accessed
May 8, 2011,
[45] Jorge L. Ortiz, Verdict in: Bonds Found Guilty, but Case Not Closed Yet, USA TODAY website,
accessed May 8, 2011,
[46] Juliet Macur, Bonds Guilty of Obstruction, but Not of Perjury, New York Times website, accessed
May 8, 2011,
[47] Juliet Macur, Bonds Guilty of Obstruction, but Not of Perjury, New York Times website, accessed
May 8, 2011,
[48] Jorge L. Ortiz, Verdict in: Bonds Found Guilty, but Case Not Closed Yet, USA TODAY website,
accessed May 8, 2011,
[49] N.C. Gen. Stat. 5A-11, et seq., accessed May 8, 2011,
[50] 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. 5104, accessed May 8, 2011,
[51] Tex. Penal Code 38.06, accessed May 8, 2011,
[52] Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681 (1997), accessed May 9,
[53] Presidential Impeachment Proceedings, website, accessed May 9,
[54] Deposition excerpts, Jones v. Clinton deposition, website, accessed May 9,
[55] Deposition excerpts, Jones v. Clinton deposition, website, accessed May 9,
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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[56] Presidential Impeachment Proceedings, website, accessed May 9,

[57] Presidential Impeachment Proceedings, website, accessed May 9,
[58] Presidential Impeachment Proceedings, website, accessed May 9,
[59] Ann Gearan, Clinton Disbarred by Supreme Court, website, accessed May 9,

13.4 End-of-Chapter Material

The federal government protects national security by primarily regulating crimes against the
United States. One of the only crimes defined in the Constitution, treason, prohibits levying war
against the United States, most likely with general intent or knowingly, or providing aid and
comfort to the enemy with the specific intent or purposely to betray the United States, and is
graded as a serious felony with all sentencing options available, including capital punishment.
The Constitution specifies the evidentiary requirement that treason be proven by the testimony of
two witnesses or the defendants confession in open court. Sedition criminalizes the advocating,
aiding, organizing, or teaching with general intent or knowingly, or publishing, printing, or
circulating writings that advocate, aid, or teach with specific intent or purposely the forceful or
violent overthrow of the US government and is graded as a serious felony that can prohibit the
defendant from holding federal office for five years postconviction. Sabotage is destroying,
damaging, or defectively producing specified property with specific intent or purposely, general
intent or knowingly, or negligently to impede national defense and is graded as a serious felony.
Espionage is gathering or transmitting defense information with general intent or knowingly or
the specific intent or purposely to damage the United States or assist any foreign nation, during
peace or war, and is graded as a serious felony with all range of sentencing options available,
including capital punishment.

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The federal government also primarily regulates terrorism and terroristic acts using the Omnibus
Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty
Act of 1996, and the USA PATRIOT Act. The Department of Homeland Security enforces criminal
laws targeting terrorism. Terrorism is violent acts committed inside (domestic) or outside
(international) the United States that appear to be intended to influence a civilian population or
government by intimidation or to affect the conduct of government by mass destruction,
assassination, or kidnapping. Currently prohibited as terrorism or terroristic conduct are murder,
use of a weapon of mass destruction, bombing places of public use, financing terrorism, harboring
a terrorist, and conspiracy or attempt to commit any of the foregoing. The USA PATRIOT Act
expands government surveillance capabilities, so it is subject to a Fourth Amendment challenge
as an unreasonable search, and also prohibits financing terrorism, so it is subject to a First
Amendment challenge as a prohibition on free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to
The state and federal government both criminalize conduct that impedes the administration of
justice, including perjury, bribery, and obstruction of justice. Perjury is typically defined as a false
material oral or written statement made under oath or affirmation with the specific intent or
purposely to deceive, or the general intent or knowingly that the statement is false, in a judicial or
official proceeding or in a certified writing. The biggest issues encountered in a perjury
prosecution are proving the validity of the oath, the defendants criminal intent, the materiality of
the false statement, and any requirement of corroborative evidence. One defense to perjury is
retraction of the false material statement during the same judicial or official proceeding before it
becomes manifest that the falsity will be exposed. Many jurisdictions also criminalize perjury
committed by inconsistent statements made under oath or affirmation in an official or judicial
proceeding and subornation of perjury, which is procuring another to commit perjury with
specific intent or purposely. Perjury and subornation of perjury are typically graded as felonies.
Bribery is conferring, offering, agreeing to confer, or soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept a
benefit upon a public official, employee, legislator, participant in a judicial proceeding, or sports
official with the specific intent or purposely, or the general intent or knowingly to influence the
bribed individuals decision making. The most difficult bribery element to prove is the criminal
Attributed to Lisa M. Storm
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intent element. Bribery is typically graded as a felony. Obstruction of justice crimes interfere with
the orderly administration of justice. Examples of obstruction of justice offenses are giving false
identification to a law enforcement officer, impersonating a law enforcement officer, refusing to
aid a law enforcement officer when requested, giving false evidence, hiding or concealing oneself
and refusing to give evidence, tampering with evidence, and tampering with a witness or juror,
with specific intent or purposely, or general intent or knowingly. Obstruction of justice is graded
as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the offense.


You are an assistant US attorney starting your first day on the job. You have been presented with
four case files and told to review them and recommend criminal prosecutions based on the facts.
Read each one and then decide which crime should be prosecuted. Check your answers using the
answer key at the end of the chapter.

1. The defendant, an army intelligence analyst stationed near Baghdad, Iraq,

downloaded thousands of classified Iraq and Afghanistan documents and
confidential cables and released them to an ex-computer hacker who thereafter
exposed them to the public. Which crime should be
prosecuted: treason orobstruction of justice? Read about this case at this
2. The defendant typed up notes while her husband was analyzing sketches of a
top-secret bombs design for the purpose of passing the design on to another
nation.Which crime should be prosecuted: conspiracy to commit
espionage orsabotage? Read about this case at this
3. The defendant, a cosmetic company, paid Chinese officials to obtain direct
licensing of its product in China. Which crime should be prosecuted: harboring
terrorists abroad or bribery? Read about this case at this
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4. The defendant, a corrections officer, lied to federal law enforcement during an

investigation of her role in the assault of an inmate. Which crime should be
prosecuted: perjury or obstruction of justice? Read about this case at this

Cases of Interest

Kawakita v. U.S., 343 U.S. 717 (1952), discusses a treason conviction based on
the treatment of American
= %22treason%22&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5.

U.S. v. Rosen, 445 F.Supp.2d 602 (2006), discusses prosecution under the

Schultz v. Sykes, 638 N.W. 2d 604 (2001), discusses the dismissal of a civil case
based on subornation of
q=%22subornation +of+perjury%22&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_ylo=2000.

Articles of Interest

Treason prosecutions in modern times:

The trial of Faisal


The extension of certain portions of the USA PATRIOT


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The famous perjury trial of Alger Hiss: -convicted-of-perjury

High-profile bribery cases: 0121072820100401

The criminal prosecution of a sitting


Websites of Interest

The U.S. v. Lindh case:

Information about

Information about the USA PATRIOT Act:

The Department of Homeland Security:



Statistics of Interest


Answers to Exercises
From Section 13.1 "Crimes Involving National Security"

1. Stephanie has not committed sedition because she did not advocate for the use
of force or violence or the commission of an unlawful act. Stephanies speech is
most likely protected because she might be envisioning a peaceful government
overthrow by legitimate means.
2. The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit upheld the defendants
convictions for sabotage, stating that the specific intent or purposely to impede
the US national defense could be gleaned from the defendants conduct in
deliberately damaging the missiles.

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3. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals upheld the defendants disbarment

based on convictions for crimes of moral turpitude, and stated that other
thantreason, no act was more base, vile, or depraved than an intentional act to
breach the confidentiality of national defense secrets that have come into the
hands of an individual.

Answers to Exercises
From Section 13.2 "Crimes Involving Terrorism"

1. Whether or not this is an act of terrorism requires more information. Although

the killing takes place in front of the Pakistani Embassy within the territory of the
United States, this evidence is not enough to prove that Joshua intended his
conduct to influence a civilian population or government by intimidation or to
affect the governments conduct by assassination. The location of the shooting
could be a pure coincidence, and Joshua could have a nonterroristic motive for
the killing, such as a personal hatred or malice toward Khalid.
2. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the statute, which was in
place before September 11, 2001, and under AEDPA prohibited domestic material
support to terrorists and terroristic organizations. The court held that the statute
was not an unconstitutional prohibition on the right of free association or
expression under the First Amendment, nor did it violate federal due process
under the Fifth Amendment by granting the secretary of state unfettered and
unreviewable authority to designate organizations as terroristic. However, the
court affirmed the US District Courts decision that portions of the statute
defining personnel and training wereunconstitutionally vague.
3. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the statute against a Fifth
Amendment due process challenge by construing the statute to require proof that
the defendant act with the general intent or knowledge of the terrorist
organizations designation or of the unlawful activities that caused it to be so

Answers to Exercises
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From Section 13.3 "Perjury, Bribery, and Obstruction of Justice"

1. The primary issue in Susannahs perjury prosecution is the materiality of her

false statement made under oath in a judicial proceeding. While Susannah was
asked her age during routine background questions, her lie might still be material
if her advanced age affected her vision because Susannah is testifying about an
important personal observation. In many jurisdictions, the trier of fact, which
could be a jury, determines the materiality of this statement.
2. The Supreme Court of Connecticut upheld the defendants bribery conviction,
holding that offering gifts to state police officers is not a lesser included offense of
bribery because it requires specific intent, and bribery under Connecticut law
is not a specific intent crime.
3. The New York Supreme Court reversed the defendants conviction because the
defendant did not have a complaint filed against him, so the witness was
notabout to testify in a judicial proceeding, which is required under the witness
tampering statute.

Answer to Law and Ethics Question


The criminal prosecution of a sitting president would set a good example for the
citizens of the United States, but it would pose an immense disruption to the
orderly functioning of the government without a leader or commander in chief of
the armed forces and would also expose the nation to a security risk. The US
Supreme Court decision to allow a civil lawsuit against the president forced him
to spend time away from office attending depositions that were protracted and
inordinately time consuming. If the case had not been dismissed, the president
would have expended an additional amount of time and effort in preparing for
and defending against the Jones lawsuit. A similar and even more timeconsuming disruptive process would ensue if a sitting president were to
be criminally prosecuted. Not only would the criminal prosecution require a
series of procedures from arrest, indictment, and discovery through pretrial
motions, hearings, and the trial itself, but if the president were to be convicted,

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the consequences to the nation would beirreparable. It might not be ethical to

spare a sitting president a criminal prosecution when a normal person would
not be spared, but the ethical concerns are outweighed by the important interests
at stake, and most countries would protect their leaders from this type of legal
action while in office.

Answers to You Be the USA


This conduct aids the enemy, rather than impeding the administration of justice
by interfering with law enforcement procedure, criminal prosecution, or
conviction, so the proper crime to prosecute is treason.

2. Copying a top-secret design and providing it to another nation is spying, rather

than destroying, damaging, or producing defective property to impede national
defense, so the proper crime to prosecute is conspiracy to commit
3. This payment is made for the purpose of influencing a public officials decision,
rather than harboring a terrorist abroad, so the proper crime to prosecute
is bribery.
4. The defendant was not under oath when she made the false statement. She was
giving false evidence and impeding a law enforcement investigation, so the
proper crime to prosecute is obstruction of justice.

Chapter 14
Appendix A: Case Listings

Chapter 1 "Introduction to Criminal Law"

BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, 517 U.S. 559 (1996)

Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 U.S. 243 (2006)

Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980)

Johnson v. Pearce, 148 N.C.App. 199 (2001)

State v. Gillison, 766 N.W. 2d 649 (2009)

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Campbell v. State, 5 S.W.3d 693 (1999)

Keeler v. Superior Court, 470 P.2d 617 (1970)

Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989)

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1Cranch) 137 (1803)

Shaw v. Murphy, 532 U.S. 223 (2001)

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

Cetacean Community v. Bush, 386 F.3d 1169 (9th Cir. 2004)

People v. Wrotten, 2010 NY Slip Op 04501 (2010)

Wilson v. Layne, 526 U.S. 603 (1999)

Padilla v. Gonzales, 397 F.3d 1016 (2005)

Rogers v. Tennessee, 532 U.S. 451 (2001)

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986)

United States v. Hudson & Goodwin, 11 U.S. 32 (1812)

Alabama v. Shelton, 535 U.S. 654 (2002)

Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005)

U.S. v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 518 (2000)

Pennsylvania v. Nelson, 350 U.S. 497 (1956)

Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952)

Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004)

United States v. P.H.E., Inc., 965 F.2d 848 (1992)

Hertz Corp. v. Friend, 130 S.Ct. 1181 (2010)

Patterson v. New York, 432 U.S. 197 (1977)

Sullivan v. Louisiana, 508 U.S. 275 (1993)

Robles v. State, 758 N.E. 2d 581 (2001)

Donahue v. Burl Cain, 231 F.3d 1000 (2000)

State v. Hall, 966 P.2d 208 (1998)

Richards v. Florida, No. 4008-4216 (2010)

Chapter 2 "The Legal System in the United States"

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Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681 (1997)

Sabri v. United States, 541 U.S. 600 (2004)

U.S. v. Comstock, 627 F.3d 513 (2010)

McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 (1819)

Commonwealth v. Webster, 59 Mass. 295 (1850)

In re Winship, 397 U.S. 358 (1970)

U.S. v. Arizona, No. CV 10-1413-PHX-SRB (2010)

Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145 (1968)

Smith v. Doe, 538 U.S. 84 (2003)

Stogner v. California, 539 U.S. 607 (2003)

Smith v. Goguen, 415 U.S. 566 (1974)

Grayned v. City of Rockford, 408 U.S. 104 (1972)

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377 (1992)

Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973)

Jenkins v. Georgia, 418 U.S. 153 (1974)

United States v. Stevens, 552 U.S. 442 (2010)

Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 47 (1993)

Reno v. American Civ. Liberties Union, 521 U.S. 844 (1997)

Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 130 S. Ct. 2705 (2010)

Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965)

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783 (2008)

McDonald v. Chicago, No. 08-1521 (2010)

Lewis v. U.S., 445 U.S. 55 (1980)

U.S. v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995)

Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972)

Chapter 3 "Constitutional Protections"

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Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153 (1976)

Baze v. Rees, 128 S. Ct. 1520 (2008)

Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584 (1977)

Kennedy v. Louisiana, 128 S. Ct. 2641 (2008)

Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466 (2000)

U.S. v. Booker, 543 U.S. 220 (2005)

Blakely v. Washington, 542 U.S. 296 (2004)

Lockyer v. Andrade, 538 U.S. 63 (2003)

Fierro v. Gomez, 77 F.3d 301 (1996)

Gall v. U.S., 128 S. Ct. 586 (2007)

South Dakota v. Asmussen, 668 N.W.2d 725 (2003)

Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, 130 S. Ct. 2971 (2010)

U.S. v. Alvarez, 617 F.3d 1198 (2010)

Snyder v. Phelps, No. 09-751 (2011)

Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962)

U.S. v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437 (1965)

U.S. v. White, 882 F.2d 250 (1989)

Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385 (1926)

Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 U.S. 497 (1954)

Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)

Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652 (1925)

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503

R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377 (1992)

Sable Communis. of California, Inc. v. FCC, 492 U.S. 115 (1989)

Schenck v. U.S., 249 U.S. 47 (1919)

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 572 (1942)

Lewis v. City of New Orleans, 415 U.S. 130 (1974)

Gooding v. Wilson, 405 U.S. 518 (1972)

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969)

Virginia v. Black, 535 U.S. 343 (2003)

Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957)

City of Erie et al v. Paps A.M., 529 U.S. 277 (2000)

Gonzales v. Carhart, 127 S.Ct. 1610 (2007)

Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005)

Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399 (1986)

Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002)

Ewing v. California, 538 U.S. 11 (2003)

State ex rel. Kuntz v. Thirteenth Jud. Dist., 995 P.2d 951 (2000)

Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962)

Powell v. Texas, 392 U.S. 514 (1968)

Oler v. State, 998 S.W.2d 363 (1999)

Staples v. U.S., 511 U.S. 600 (1994)

Morissette v. U.S., 342 U.S. 246 (1952)

State v. Crosby, 154 P.3d 97 (2007)

State v. Horner, 126 Ohio St. 3d 466 (2010)

Dean v. U.S., 129 S.Ct. 1849 (2009)

Bullock v. State, 775 A.2d. 1043 (2001)

Commonwealth v. Casanova, 429 Mass. 293 (1999)

State v. Andrews, 572 S.E.2d 798 (2002)

State v. Sowry, 155 Ohio App. 3d 742 (2004)

Regalado v. U.S., 572 A.2d 416 (1990)

State v. Slayton, 154 P.3d 1057 (2007)

State v. Kanavy, 4 A.3d 991 (2010)

U.S. v. Grajeda, 581 F.3d 1186 (2009)

People v. Roberts, 826 P.2d 274 (1992)

Govt. of Virgin Islands v. Smith, 278 F.2d 169 (1960)

Chapter 4 "The Elements of a Crime"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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State ex rel. Kuntz v. Thirteenth Jud. Dist., 995 P.2d 951 (2000)

Jones v. U.S., 308 F.2d 307 (1962)

State v. Davis, 84 Conn. App. 505 (2004)

U.S. v. Pompanio, 429 U.S. 10 (1976)

People v. McDaniel, 24 Cal. 3d 661 (1979)

Commonwealth v. Ely, 444 N.E. 2d 1276 (1983)

State v. Huff, 469 A.2d 1251 (1984)

Key v. State, 890 So. 2d 1043 (2002)

State v. Burkhart, 565 S.E.2d 298 (2002)

Hoagland v. State, 240 P.3d 1043 (2010)

Rodriguez v. State, 212 S.W.3d 819 (2006)

Shuler v. Babbitt, 49 F.Supp.2d 1165 (1998)

Menendez v. Terhune, 422 F.3d 1012 (2005)

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)

Commonwealth v. Alexander, 531 S.E.2d 567 (2000)

Dutton v. Hayes-Pupko, No. 03-06-00438 (2008)

People v. Lovercamp, 43 Cal. App. 3d 823 (1974)

State v. Daoud, 141 N.H. 142 (1996)

Donaldson v. Lungren, 2 Cal. App. 4th 1614 (1992)

Ramey v. State, 417 S.E.2d 699 (1992)

State v. Perez, 840 P.2d 1118 (1992)

Allison v. Birmingham, 580 So.2d 1377 (1991)

Roy v. Inhabitants of Lewiston, 42 F.3d 691 (1994)

U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001)

Acers v. United States, 164 U.S. 388 (1896)

Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989)

State v. Rogers, 912 S.W.2d 670 (1995)

State v. Williams 644 P.2d 889 (1982)

Chapter 5 "Criminal Defenses, Part 1"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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State v. Belgard, 410 So.2d 720 (1982)

State v. Taylor, 858 P.2d 1358 (1993)

Bechtel v. State, 840 P.2d 1 (1992)

State v. Sandoval, 130 P.3d 808 (2006)

State v. Faulkner, 483 A.2d 759 (1984)

People v. Kurr, 654 N.W.2d 651 (2002)

Commonwealth v. Miranda, No. 08-P-2094 (2010)

State v. Curley, Docket # 0000011.WA, (Wash. App. 2010)

People v. Ceballos, 12 Cal.3d 470 (1974)

State v. Holmes, 129 Ohio Misc. 2d 38 (2004)

Durham v. U.S., 214 F.2d 862 (1954)

U.S. v. Brawner, 471 F.2d 969 (1972)

State v. Guido, 191 A.2d 45 (1993)

State v. Hornsby, 484 S.E.2d 869 (1997)

People v. Register, 60 N.Y.2d 270 (1983)

Garnett v. State, 632 A.2d 797 (1993)

Sosa v. Jones, 389 F.3d 644 (2004)

Farley v. State, 848 So.2d 393 (2003)

Clark v. Arizona, 548 U.S. 735 (2006)

State v. Ramer, 86 P.3d 132 (2004)

People v. Garcia, 87 P.3d 159 (2003)

Sebesta v. State, 783 S.W.2d 811 (1990)

U.S. v. Hinckley, 493 F.Supp. 2d 65 (2007)

Legue v. State, 688 N.E.2d 408 (1997)

U.S. v. Albertini, 830 F.2d 985 (1987)

Queen v. MNaghten, 10 Clark & F.200, 2 Eng. Rep. 718 (H.L. 1843)

State v. Crenshaw, 659 P.2d 488 (1983)

State v. Skaggs, 586 P.2d 1279 (1978)

Chapter 6 "Criminal Defenses, Part 2"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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State v. Worlock, 569 A.2d 1314 (1990)

State v. White, 270 P.2d 727 (1954)

Kent v. United States, 383 U.S. 541 (1966)

Hopkins v. State, 69 A.2d 456 (1949)

People v. Olsen, 685 P.2d 52 (1984)

People v. Barraza, 23 Cal.3d 675 (1979)

Graham v. Florida, 130 S.Ct. 2011 (2010)

New York Central R. Co. v. U.S., 212 U.S. 481 (1909)

State v. Ulvinen, 313 N.W.2d 425 (1981)

People v. Premier House, Inc., 662 N.Y.S 2d 1006 (1997)

Commonwealth v. Life Care Centers of America, Inc., 456 Mass. 826 (2010)

U.S. v. Hill, 268 F.3d 1140 (2001)

State v. Truesdell, 620 P.2d 427 (1980)

Collins v. State, 438 So. 2d 1036 (1983)

State v. Jackson, 137 Wn. 2d 712 (1999)

U.S. v. L.E. Meyers Co., 562 F.3d 845 (2009)

State v. Melvin, No. 382PA09 (North Carolina 2010)

State v. Merida-Medina, 191 P.3d 708 (2008)

State v. Guminga, 395 N.W.2d 344 (1986)

Staten v. State, 519 So. 2d 622 (1988)

Commonwealth v. Hargrave, 745 A.2d 20 (2000)

People v. Rolon, 160 Cal. App. 4th 1206 (2008)

People v. Lauria, 251 Cal. App. 2d 471 (1967)

Bogdanov v. People, 941 P.2d 247, 251 n. 8 (1997)

Standefer v. U.S., 447 U.S. 10 (1980)

State v. Akers, 400 A.2d 38 (1979)

Joubert v. State, 235 S.W.3d 729 (2007)

Chapter 7 "Parties to Crime"

Chapter 8 "Inchoate Offenses"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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People v. Hart, 176 Cal. App. 3d 662 (2009)

U.S. v. Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966)

Reynolds v. State, 207 Tex. App. LEXIS 6139 (2007)

Rex v. Scofield, Cald. 397 (1784)

Rex v. Higgins, 102 Eng. Rep. 269 (K.B. 1801)

State v. Withrow, 8 S.W.3d 75 (1999)

People v. Strand, 539 N.W.2d 739 (1995)

Pinkerton v. U.S., 328 U.S. 640 (1946)

State v. Blackmer, 816 A.2d 1014 (2003)

Commonwealth v. Roux, 350 A.2d 867 (1976)

People v. Han, 78 Cal. App. 4th 797 (2000)

Planter v. State, 9 S.W. 3d 156 (1999)

People v. Dennis, 340 N.W.2d 81 (1983)

U.S. v. Contreras, 950 F.2d 232 (1991)

People v. Miller, 856 N.Y.S. 2d 443 (2008)

State v. Montgomery, 22 Conn. App. 340 (1990)

State v. Pinson, 895 P.2d 274 (1995)

Grill v. State, 337 Md. 91 (1995)

People v. Luna, 170 Cal. App. 4th 535 (2009)

Commonwealth v. Hamel, 52 Mass. App. Ct. 250 (2001)

People v. Dillon, 668 P.2d 697 (1983)

Hamiel v. Wisconsin, 285 N.W.2d 639 (1979)

U.S. v. Mandujano, 499 F.2d 370, 373 fn. 5, (1974)

Dennis v. U.S., 341 U.S. 494 (1951),

State v. Bond, 49 Conn. App. 183 (1998)

State v. Verive, 627 P.2d 721 (1981)

State v. Lewis, 220 Conn. 602 (1991)

U.S. v. Castaneda, 9 F.3d 761 (1993)

Ianelli v. U.S, 420 U.S. 770, 785 (1975)

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Callanan v. U.S., 364 U.S. 587 (1961)

Clune v. U.S., 159 U.S. 590 (1895)

Commonwealth v. Barsell, 424 Mass. 737 (1997)

People v. Cole, 95 P.3d 811 (2004)

Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 844 (1997)

U.S. v. Moore, 846 F.2d 1163 (1988)

State v. West, 844 S.W.2d 144 (1992)

U.S. v. Downs, 56 F.3d 973 (1995)

People v. Anderson, 666 N.W.2d 696 (2003)

Enmund v. Florida, 458 U.S. 782 (1982)

Berry v. Superior Court, 208 Cal. App. 3d 783 (1989)

Dowda v. State, 776 So.2d 714 (2000)

Stevens v. State, 691 N.E.2d 412 (1997)

Tripp v. State, 374 A.2d 384 (1977)

Walker v. Superior Court, 47 Cal.3d 112 (1988)

People v. Taylor, 86 P.3d 881 (2004)

State v. Evangelista, 353 S.E.2d 375 (1987)

Wood v. State, 620 S.E.2d 348 (2005)

State v. Warmke, 879 A.2d 30 (2005)

United States v. Watson, 501 A.2d 791 (1985)

Calderon v. Prunty, 59 F.3d 1005 (1995)

Mullaney v. Wilbur, 421 U.S. 684 (1975)

People v. Ochoa, 966 P.2d 442 (1999)

Keeler v. Superior Court, 2 Cal.3d 619 (1970)

Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 844 (1997)

People v. Carines, 597 N.W. 2d 130 (1999)

Acers v. United States, 164 U.S. 388 (1896)

Hawthorne v. State, 835 So. 2d 14 (2003)

Chapter 9 "Criminal Homicide"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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People v. Anderson, 447 P.2d 942 (1968)

State v. Snowden, 313 P.2d 706 (1957)

Commonwealth v. Carroll, 412 Pa. 525 (1963)

State v. Schrader, 302 SE 2d 70 (1982)

Kennedy v. Louisiana, 128 S. Ct. 2641 (2008)

State v. Hoang, 755 P.2d 7 (1988)

People v. Hernandez, 82 N.Y.2d 309 (1993)

State v. Canola, 73 N.J. 206 (1977)

People v. Young, 105 P.2d 487 (2005)

People v. Steele, 47 P.2d 225 (2002)

Ohio v. Shane, 63 Ohio St.3d 630 (1992)

Girouard v. State, 583 A.2d 718 (1991)

State v. Cole, 338 S.C. 97 (2000)

State v. Doub III, 32 Kan.App.2d 1087 (2004)

State v. Salaman, 949 A.2d 1092 (2008)

Toomer v. State, 529 SE 2d 719 (2000)

Fleming v. State, 323 SW 3d 540 (2010)

State v. Higgs, 601 N.W.2d 653 (1999)

Commonwealth v. Henson, 259 N.E.2d 769 (1970)

State v. Holbach, 2009 ND 37 (2009)

Burke v. State, 676 S.E.2d 766 (2009)

Commonwealth v. Rivera, 828 A.2d 1094 (2003)

U.S. v. Lanier, 520 U.S. 259 (1997)

Oregon v. Rangel, 934 P.2d 1128 (1997)

Chatwin v. U.S, 326 U.S. 455 (1946)

Kennedy v. Louisiana, 128 S.Ct. 2641 (2008)

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

Chapter 10 "Sex Offenses and Crimes Involving Force, Fear, and

Physical Restraint"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Iowa v. Vander Esch, 662 N.W. 2d 689 (2002)

Boro v. Superior Court, 163 Cal. App. 3d 1224 (1985)

In re John Z., 29 Cal. 4th 756 (2003)

State v. Borthwick, 880 P.2d 1261 (1994)

State v. Lile, 699 P.2d 456 (1985)

People v. Mayberry, 542 P.2d 1337 (1975)

State v. Plunkett, 934 P.2d 113 (1997)

Associated Press et. al. v. District Court for the Fifth Judicial District of
Colorado, 542 U.S. 1301 (2004)

State of New Jersey in the Interest of M.T.S., 609 A.2d 1266 (1972)

People v. Liberta, 64 N.Y. 2d 152 (1984)

Michael M. v. Superior Court, 450 U.S. 464 (1981)

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

Commonwealth v. Matthews, 205 PA Super 92 (2005)

People v. Nickens, 685 NW 2d 657 (2004)

Clark v. Commonwealth, 676 S.E.2d 332 (2009)

Commonwealth v. Porro, 458 Mass. 526 (2010)

People v. Dominguez, 140 P.2d 866 (2006)

State v. Larson, 605 N.W. 2d 706 (2000)

People v. Traster, 111 Cal. App. 4th 1377 (2003)

U.S. v. Ingles, 445 F.3d 830 (2006)

State v. Robertson, 531 S. E. 2d 490 (2000)

People v. Pratt, 656 N.W.2d 866 (2002)

Butler v. Florida, (Fla: Dist. Court of Appeals, 2009)

In the Matter of V.V.C., No. 04-07-00166 CV (Tex.: Court of Appeals, 2008)

People v. Beaver, 186 Cal. App. 4th 107 (2010)

State v. Castillo, Docket No. 29, 641 (NM: 2011)

People v. Nowack, 614 N.W.2d 78 (2000)

Chapter 11 "Crimes against Property"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Britt v. Commonwealth, 667 S.E.2d 763 (2008)

Commonwealth v. Mills, 436 Mass. 387 (2002)

Itin v. Ungar, 17 P.3d 129 (2000)

In the Matter of Schwimmer, 108 P.3d 761 (2005)

People v. Lueth, 660 N.W.2d 322 (2002)

People v. Curtin, 22 Cal. App. 4th 528 (1994)

People v. Beaver, 186 Cal. App. 4th 107 (2010)

Durland v. U.S., 161 U.S. 306, 313 (1896),

U.S. v. McClelland, 868 F.2d 704 (1989)

S.W. v. State, 513 So. 2d 1088 (1987)

State v. Handburgh, 830 P.2d 641 (1992)

Jones v. State, 652 So. 2d 346 (1995)

Metheny v. State, 755 A.2d 1088 (2000)

Williams v. State, 91 S.W. 3d 54 (2002)

Commonwealth v. Hallums, 61 Mass. App. Ct. 50 (2004)

People v. Nible, 200 Cal. App. 3d 838 (1988)

State v. Hall, 3 P.3d 582 (2000)

People v. Nunley, 168 Cal. App. 3d 225 (1985)

State v. Allen, 110 P. 3d 849 (2005)

State v. Reavis, 700 S.E.2d 33 (2010)

People v. Atkins, 25 Cal. 4th 76 (2001)

Ursulita v. State, Docket No. A10A1733 (Georgia 2011)

People v. Acuna, 14 Cal. 4th 1090 (1997)

Papachristou v. City of Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156 (1972)

State v. Russell, 890 A.2d 453 (2006)

People v. Hoffstead, 905 N.Y.S.2d 736 (2010)

City of Chicago v. Morales, 527 U.S. 41 (1999)

Ortiz v. NYS Parole in Bronx, 586 F.3d 149 (2009)

Chapter 12 "Crimes against the Public"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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People v. Englebrecht, 88 Cal. App. 4th 1236 (2001)

Poindexter v. State, 153 S.W. 3d 402 (2005)

People v. Watson, No. 90962, (Ohio 2120 2009)

Love v. Superior Court, 226 Cal. App. 3d 736 (1990)

Satterfield v. State, 395 S.E. 2d 816 (1990)

Silvar v. Dist. Ct., 129 P.3d 682 (2006)

Manduley v. Superior Court, 41 P.3d 3 (2002)

State v. Bradshaw, 98 P.3d 1190 (2004)

Roulette v. City of Seattle, 97 F.3d 300 (1996)

Noy v. State, 83 P.3d 538 (2003)

Phillips v. State, 25 So. 3d 404 (2010)

In re BW, 313 S.W. 3d 818 (2010)

Wolfe v. State, 24 P.3d 1252 (2001)

Colten v. Kentucky, 407 U.S. 104 (1972)

Edwards v. California, 314 U.S. 160 (1941)

City of Chicago v. Morales, 527 U.S. 41 (1999)

Kolender v. Lawson, 461 U.S. 352 (1983)

Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899 (2000)

Jones v. City of Los Angeles, 444 F.3d 1118 (2006)

People v. Sanchez, 888 N.Y.S. 2d 352 (2009)

Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962)

People v. Parra, 70 Cal. App. 4th 222 (1999)

Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005)

U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001)

U.S. v. Adcock, 558 F.2d 397 (1977)

U.S v. Burr, 25 F Cas 55 (1807)

Haupt v. U.S., 330 U.S. 631 (1947)

Cramer v. U.S., 325 U.S. 1, 34, 35 (1945)

Chapter 13 "Crimes against the Government"

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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Yates v. U.S., 354 U.S. 298 (1957)

U.S. v. Kabat, 797 Fed.2d 580 (1986)

In re Squillacote, 790 A.2d 514 (2002)

Humanitarian Law Project v. Reno, 205 F.3d 1130 (2000)

Humanitarian Law Project v. U.S. Department of Justice, 352 F.3d 382 (2003)

State v. Carr, 172 Conn. 458 (1977)

People v. Silverberg, 771 N.Y.S. 2d 274 (2003)

Kawakita v. U.S., 343 U.S. 717 (1952)

U.S. v. Rosen, 445 F.Supp.2d 602 (2006)

Schultz v. Sykes, 638 N.W. 2d 604 (2001)

Pennsylvania v. Nelson, 350 U.S. 497 (1956)

U.S. v. Moussaoui, 591 F.3d 236 (2010)

State v. Kimber, 48 Conn. App. 234 (1998)

U.S. v. Gaudin, 515 U.S. 506 (1995)

Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681 (1997)

Attributed to Lisa M. Storm

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