Coastal Life Volume 5 Issue 7
Coastal Life Volume 5 Issue 7
Coastal Life Volume 5 Issue 7
Real Estate Brokerage
Just Listed
For these and other distinctive properties Please Call William J. Milbury at 508.525.5200
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4 | Coastal Life | Volume 5 Issue 7
We did it!
We completed our changes and we are settling into our new
spaces. We have had a great response to our "reinvented" store.
Changes are always challenging but we couldn’t be happier.
The key word of success these days is adaptation, and I believe we
have accomplished it beautifully. Our Interior Design offices
have expanded to the second floor. A conference area and enlarged
resource library upstairs has been a blessing for our clients and designers.
The Oriental rugs are sharing a room with the lamp collection.
Explore and discover additional accents as well!
The Rug Sale is Back! Now that our Oriental Carpets have settled
into their new digs, we have put them back on sale with savings of up to 75% off.
The Original Create a different
look every day.
8 Publisher’s Letter
12 F e at u r e d A r t i s t
William Shattuck
• by Beth Perdue
32 Stonington Borough
Stonington, CT
• by Nicole M. Bouchard
38 Olde Mistick
Mystic, CT
• by Nicole M. Bouchard
46 BL o o m s !
F l o w e r S h o w, B o s t o n , M A
• by Beth Perdue
Marion, MA, Milbury and Company
• by Jay Alexander
22 66
The Artisan Kitchen
M e r e d i t h C i a b u r r i , R o c h e s t e r, M A
• Jay Alexander
66 P e r r y Fa r m P at c h w o r k
Emily McLaughlin,Acushnet, MA
• by Nancy A. Bergquist
76 The Tides
Kitchen & Bath Details, Mattapoisett, MA
Palace Papers, Chicago, IL
Chad Michael Peters, Fairhaven, MA
Andrew Aaron, New Bedford, MA
82 Be Green
Environmentally Friendly Products ON THE COVER
90 ART CALENDAR The small wooden lighthouse at the south end of the Seaport, two miles upriver from Noank,
has never been an official aid to navigation. Rather, it is a replica of the current Brant Point
Lighthouse in Nantucket, built in 1901. The Mystic Seaport does have a genuine piece of
lighthouse history - a working fourth-order Fresnel lens on loan from the Coast Guard.
Joseph Hopfenspirger As the yearly fight between winter and summer moves
across the northern hemisphere, we experience the season
Sarah Hopfenspirger called spring. It's a time of renewed warmth, sunny days, Capturing the Essence of New England
Ming Tsai’s
Blue Ginger
Wellesley, MA
PHOTO: Anthony Tieuli
Authorized Dealer for Package Steel Buildings
Marion is a very special place with its beautiful coastal landscape, pristine
harbors, classic homes, stone walls, great sailing, and people who care about and
want to preserve the character of their communities. We’re inspired by Marion’s
ambiance, lifestyle and people, and enjoy marrying homes with buyers who
understand the rich history and environmental charm of this lovely
New England village.
ABOVE LEFT: Epiphany Waits for Thee, William Shattuck seated
ABOVE: Cherry, Oil, 36 x 32
RIGHT: Cherry, Charcoal, 7 x 7 ¾
508- 947-8794
The Converse Company Realtors
Art for Everyday
Visit us soon!
or all the garden lovers do a little advance planning of one’s Greenway Garden’s three abutting
devastated by last fall’s news own garden, based on the best of the neighbors: One International Place,
that the Massachusetts best out there. 125 High Street, and InterContinental
Horticultural Society was More importantly, for many, Boston from March 13-15.
cancelling its annual spring flower show, the show’s surplus of greenery and But that was before Sadeck, a
hope has bloomed again. color served as a tonic for the soul, a Lakeville horticulturalist, decided to
A new event, called Blooms!, chance to sooth the spirit after winter’s up the ante.
has sprung from the ashes of the harshness, and a way to leapfrog March’s Sadeck learned about the
old tradition thanks to Mass Hort, last chilling blow and land directly in canceled Flower Show while working
Simon Properties, and a SouthCoast spring, if only for a few hours. on landscape exhibits at the Mall at
landscaper who didn’t want to see the With such a heady mission, Chestnut Hill. Looking around, he
show he had participated in for nearly the show’s cancellation hit both noticed the mall had a few empty retail
40 years come to an end. professional gardeners and everyday spaces, plus broad, open walkways and a
Peter Sadeck, a well-known flower-aficionados hard. venue that already draws large numbers
horticulturalist who has been exhibiting That began changing last month of people.
at the New England Flower Show since with the announcement of a new Mass What if, he thought, the mall and
he was 12 years old, said hearing the Hort event to take place this spring, Mass Hort teamed up to host a flower
news that there would be no 2009 one that has been generating increasing show?
show, was disappointing. enthusiasm among landscapers and “I was working hard and on my
“It’s known for being the longest gardeners as it has grown from a three- mind was the fact that there was no
continuous event of its kind in the day version of the flower show set for flower show and all those hundreds of
country and one year without doing Mass Hort’s Greenway neighborhood thousands of spectators that come who
anything, it puts an end to that,” he to a six location, 11-day event that expect to see color,” Sadeck said about
said. includes exhibits, lectures, a garden his idea. “All the people depend on that,
A highly anticipated harbinger of marketplace, and best of all, free people get excited about it.”
spring, the New England flower show admission. “I could see empty spots in the
has been a 136-year-tradition for flower Blooms! was originally set to mall floor space and I thought if the
lovers, offering exquisitely arranged feature arrangements and displays mall hosted the spring flower show, and
garden exhibits, educational lectures for horticultural enthusiasts in the worked with Mass Hort it’d be good for
and techniques and an opportunity to impressive marble lobbies of Mass Hort’s everybody involved,” he said.
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transformation of your house
of your NEW house
housing design
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design makes the difference
beamed ceiling. Plenty of space one bedroom cottage, far enough Price: $2,300,000
for games and family fun with away to provide privacy but close
Description: REMARKABLE WATERFRONT with 300' of shoreline
direct access to the spacious yard. enough to house family members
on Buzzards Bay. Deep water access via private dock. This
Outside, an oyster shell drive and guests.
leads to an oversized garage with Minutes from the historic quintessential Cape captures the essence of seaside living with its
ample loft storage. There are village of Marion with its yacht beautiful lawns, plantings and private sandy beach; plenty of space
ancient stone walls, rambling club, shops and restaurants. to relax and enjoy. Sited on a slight rise, the view is expansive and
roses over white picket fences, Within an hour’s drive from enjoyed from most rooms. Wood floors,3 fireplaces, nooks and
perennial gardens that boast an Providence and Boston without crannies, period detailing, built-ins - all resonate with character and
array of color all summer long. the traffic woes of Cape Cod, this
charm. Picture perfect New England setting.
Plus a newly planted orchard wonderful summer retreat can
which will provide a late summer be enjoyed for generations.
Exclusive to Coastal Life
hen a boutique owner I'd above Tom's general store, had burned his its residents which include ship captains, ex-
known over the years had toast again, a nearby restaurant was roast- plorers such as Nathaniel B. Palmer who dis-
changed her location, she ing coffee beans, or something was on fire. covered Antarctica, and copious amounts of
beckoned for me to come to Stonington Bor- They'd look to one another, nod and agree. artists and writers whose creative endeavors
ough, Conn., a place I'd seen but not experi- They would simply wait and see. continue to be appreciated today.
enced. "I intend to make you fall in love with Yet despite its small size, a mile-long pe- The Stonington Village Iprovement As-
it and forever be drawn back to it throughout ninsula, and friendly demeanor, Stonington sociation (SVIA) feeds the community and its
the course of your life." What could I do but Borough is not to be underestimated. As ear- artistic heritage through its various endeavors
heed the call? ly as 1649, its founders saw the value of the including The James Merrill House & Writer-
I was introduced to what was more than a desirable location – it being located within in-Residence Program which gives promising
collage of unique artistic shops and fine eater- the protected waters of Long Island Sound, authors and scholars time to write and make
ies. From the onset, the Borough embraced yet accessible to the sea. In the Revolution- use of James Merrill's residence at 107 Water
me on a fiercely cold day in February and ary War and the War of 1812 Stonington re- St. James Merrill was the son of Charles Mer-
neatly presented itself as a living, breathing pelled the attack of five British Warships and rill, co-founder of Merrill Lynch. At Amherst
idea of community; one of the precious few held strong. The cannons can still be seen at College, Merrill became acquainted with poet,
places left that has inoculated itself against Cannon Square, though they are currently Robert Frost. During the course of his long
the isolationist and commercial mentalities being repaired off-site to return in spring 09’, career, he won numerous prestigious awards
that have infected modern society. Here, in front of the village's first house which was including a Pulitzer Prize in 1976. James
3am sojourns down the street are not only built in 1753. Merrill served as Chancellor of the Academy
safe, but commonplace. A seafood venue is The Borough takes great pride in its his- of American Poets from 1979 until his death
on the honor system- you ring yourself out tory and the well preserved architectural de- in 1995 whereupon he gave his residence to
and make your own change in the absence of tails of the 18th and 19th century Colonial, the SVIA. Other community projects of the
a watchful clerk's eye. Having the ability to Georgian and Federal homes are always well- SVIA include the Farmers Market, hailed by
walk to the general store and fetch a banana appointed and updated. Wealthy families Coastal Living, DuBois Beach, and Mathews
to go with breakfast is a pleasurable intimacy. who traversed the world introduced the more Park.
A store accidentally left unlocked for a week, European styles, including French Second Another furthering of culture in the Bor-
becomes a self-serve clothing store in the Empire, Italianate and Greek Revival. ough is La Grua Center with Executive Di-
owner's absence. Nothing is stolen, but there Both the Stonington Historical society and rector, Wendy Bury. Winifred G. La Grua
are checks and friendly notes on the counter. The Stonington Free Library whose start be- donated five hundred thousand dollars in
Even a return or so. The enormously wealthy gan with one dime and a collection of charm- memory of her late husband, Maurice, to
and famous mingle with the everyday citizen ingly well-intentioned women, have wonder- purchase and renovate the structure which,
in perfect ease and everyone knows one an- ful resources that explore the development through the La Grua non-profit foundation,
other. Some Sunday mornings, a few of the of Stonington Borough and the sculpting of is able to host community events in the arenas
shop owners used to venture outside to sniff its character through not only its structures of education, art, entertainment, and com-
the air- either Charlie, the gentleman living and accomplishments, but more importantly munity gatherings. Bury and the Board of
The Feeling and the Philosophy impervious, flocked to the little boy, much to environment of the Village and the tradition
his great amusement. of “giving back to the community.”
During a stop over at Franklin’s General Moments like these make it no surprise that Additionally, the theme of hard work mixed
store for what I personally feel is the best the Village was family founded and is family with ingenuity is ever present. Back in the 70’s
chocolate fudge in this hemisphere, I owned with an open arms mentality. Martin when banks were hesitant to back a woman’s
noticed a basket near the register holding Olson came from Norway, knowing not a business venture, Joyce Olson Resnikoff
bags of Mystic Quakers Duck Food- food word of English and built a fine reputation sought to encourage women to open their
specifically healthy and safe for feathered of builder and developer. In 1963, he own shops. She spoke to one woman whose
friends. Yes, even as an adult I had to grab purchased the farm land near I-95 which dream was to own a toy store. Resnikoff
a bag. As I walked over to the duck pond was under construction at the time. In 1973, asked why the woman thought she’d be
on a breezy summer afternoon amongst the his children, fraternal twins Joyce and Jerry, successful. “Because I have five children and
peaceful early 18th century designed village, manifested their parents’ dream of a 1700’s I know what I want to see in such a store.”
I saw a little boy leaning over, desperately themed shopping center that incorporates Dreams were becoming realities. The Toy
trying to get the attention of the waddling a bit of nature and encourages the idea of a Soldier is one of the stores that has been in
creatures who were immune to his entreaties. much simpler time. Christine Robertson, the village since its first season, thirty-six
The ducks were already eyeing my bag, sizing who works in the Administrative office years ago. A family-friendly atmosphere
me up and waiting for my move. I walked and creatively plans many of the Village’s even exists amongst the shop-owners and
over to the little boy’s father and handed him wonderful events, said of the philosophy their landlords. Ducks, and one chipmunk
my newly purchased bag of duck food so that behind the village, “We like to make people of note, have been known to peek their heads
his son could grab the attention of his aloof feel that we are their community. People get into the stores. There exists a vibrant warm
audience. The father and son had traveled married here… Generations of families come feel to the Village which I felt, as a little girl,
from Japan to visit Mystic. We didn’t speak here… That’s the kind of enjoyment we want was a treasure chest with many welcoming
the same language, but with the aid of a few to see in the people who visit us.” Owners doors and different finds behind each of
gestures, I got to watch a new generation Joyce and Jerry compliment one another them.
enjoy Olde Mistick Village the way I did with their business and creative skills and
when I was that age. The ducks, no longer together they desire to preserve the family With unique shops and a cultured, worldly
The General Gist of Things- you are invited to step back from
the hectic pace of modern life and appreciate time with your
family while finding treasures and bargains which will serve
as conversations pieces through generations. Stand still in
one spot long enough and you’ll hear at least three different
languages as families from all over the world pass you by. Your
purchases won’t be the only treasures you discover at Olde
Mistick Village; your treasures will also be the memories you
made there.
Not all the fabulous stores and restaurants were mentioned here,
so for a wealth more of them, check website for details: www.
all patterns are hand drawn and silk screened on natural papers
Also available at Surroundings in Mattapoisett, MA
North Dartmouth: New Listing! This 4500 s.f.
Colonial has 5 BR & 3 ½ baths, some new wood
floors, extra large rooms, sun porch looking out to
rear yard, expansive deck, 6 zones of heat & new AC
units. Enjoy the 1.45 A of land. $ 649,900
Mattapoisett: Easy living in this Mat tapoiset t: Located in “The Village” condo complex,
3 bedroom 2 bath contemporary this 2 bedroom 2 ½ bath unit has many upgrades and has
Ranch with a fieldstone fireplace in the living area, an association pool and walking trail. $ 365,000
granite counters in the kitchen and great deck & hot
tub for entertaining and 2 car garage. New Price! $375,000
Eighteenth Century Homes •
“Howland Homestead”
- 1747 -
An absolute delight for the history buff and lover of antique homes!
This center chimney bow roof Cape was built in the mid-1700’s by
one of the earliest settlers. In the National Registry and lovingly
preserved and almost every detail original. 7 rooms including 28’
keeping room, and 4 fireplaces and set on 1.6 acres with views of
West Barnstable’s Great Marshes. Offered at $649,900
98 Nash Road
New Bedford, MA 02746
M o n d a y - T h u r s d a y, S u n d a y 1 1 : 3 0 a m - 9 : 0 0 p m
F r i d a y & S a t u r d a y, 1 1 : 3 0 a m - 1 0 : 0 0 p m
w w w. t h e r o a s t e d p i g . c o m
kitchen & bath
We’re Moving!
Our Church St. Extension showroom will be open by appointment only
for the month of March as we prepare to move to the:
River Shops
81 1/2 Fairhaven Road (Rt. 6)
Mattapoisett, MA 02739
Volume 5 Issue 7 | Coastal Life | 59
Plumb Corner Mall
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delights for
the palate
and the eye
BY Jay Alexander
exclusive to coastal life
When pastry chef Meredith Ciaburri decided to create her business scratch items.
from scratch-pardon the pun, it was the support of her family and her Looking at the families 12 foot by 12 foot mudroom one day,
thrifty young business mind that has continued to make her wholesale Meredith envisioned a commercial bakery set up where she could
bakery a household name throughout the Tri-Town areas. create a small space to produce her products to sell.
But don’t let Ciaburri’s young face or the fact that she created Realizing it would be an upgrade to their own home, Paul and
a bakery in her Rochester childhood home fool you into thinking Beverly Ciaburri agreed to fund part of the renovations to the
things have just been handed to her. Quite the opposite. mudroom-plumbing for a new sink and steam for ovens, more
After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde electrical outlets for the mixers and other tools Meredith would need
Park, New York in 2004, Meredith took the experience to the next to create her apple crumb Danishes, cheddar onion dill Artisan Bread
level, completing an externship at the Sagamore Resort in Lake or spinach and cheddar quiche, among others.
George, NY. In 2006, Meredith graduated from Johnson & Wales “The key behind agreeing for her to build a commercial kitchen in
University in Providence with a Bachelors Degree in business/food here was that the house had to pass a Title 5 inspection,” said Beverly,
service administration. a kindergarten teacher in Rochester. “If it didn’t pass, they’re would
Unlike many culinary students fresh out of college, Meredith’s be no commercial kitchen, because redoing it (the septic) would be
grand plan wasn’t to match herself up with a restaurant or hotel- far too expensive.”
where students gain years worth of experiences before taking the next Beverly said her and Paul weren’t about to give Meredith a free
business step-but instead to go it along and create her own business- ride either. What they wanted to see was the sweat equity to show
an immense risk for a young person who has never run a business them that Meredith was ready to create her own business and keep
before. it successful. Besides working the previous summer and hording her
After returning from college, Meredith found herself keeping money away to help fund the renovations and supplies she would need
busy with orders for wedding cakes or pastries for parties from for the operation, Meredith continuing to work long, sometimes 12-
family members and friends when it got her thinking that it could hour shifts, creating her token Whimsical Cakes, cupcakes, Artisan
be formed into a real business, focusing on wholesale, made-to-order, and Sandwich breads and locally-grown fruit pies.
not yet look forward to. But one step at a time, she says.
The near future will see her expanding her farmers’ market 2 West Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-326-2567
presence. While she has already taken part on the Thursday
Plymouth farmers market and the Rochester on Saturdays, she’ll be
moving on the Carver one on Sundays this spring.
She’s also looking for a full-time assistant pastry chef to help
cut back on her 90 plus hours a week of work, but stressed that
the person she will hire will need to be experienced in the world
of production deadlines and business-savvy operations before
becoming part of the Artisan Kitchen.
“You need to be more than just a great baker. You have to go to
stores, talk to people, continue to educate yourself,” said Meredith,
who also guest lectures at Johnson & Wales. “Few people in the
food industry become millionaires, so you have to love what you’re
doing. For me, it’s the instant gratification I get from people saying
that the cake turned out exactly the way they wanted it. That’s what
I want.”
Grandmother Virginia said she’s learning to deal with the fact
that her Rochester granddaughter has become a sensation in the
town, even if it’s taken away some of a grandmothers greatest
“Grandmothers like to brag about their grandchildren, but with
Meredith, I don’t even get the chance,” said Virginia. “Once they
find out she’s the bakery girl, they give me a ten minute commercial
about her and how much they love the bakery. Everyone else brags
about her and I don’t get a chance to.”
very quilt has a story. Just houses a large authentic beehive oven. Perry Emily estimates that she has made
ask Emily McLaughlin, Farm Patchworks Quilt Shop has been in hundreds of quilts over the years. She says, “I
the charming owner of business for 25 years. It carries a magnificent don’t have a favorite pattern because I have to
Perry Farm Patchworks array of colorful fabrics, quilt patterns, craft live to be 2000 first in order to try them all.
Quilt Shop in Acushnet, magazines, quilt frames, quality thread, quilt There are thousands to choose from.” One she
Massachusetts. She’s so well versed on the soap, scissors …virtually everything beginner has yet to tackle, but would love to someday,
subject of quilting, she can teach you every and veteran quilters need. is the pretty “Carolina Lily” quilt which is
kind of pattern there is and the fascinating The first full-size quilt Emily ever made commonly made using red and green fabrics.
history behind it, too. The simple joy she gets was a “Dresden Plate”. Popular in the 1920s Emily also enjoys creating her own designs.
from using a sewing needle and thread is as and 1930s, the pattern reflects the romance She showed me a photo album of the many
evident as the 500 bolts of colorful fabric that of the Victorian era as it features plates that quilts she has made over the years. It was quite
strikingly cover the walls of her quaint shop. resemble ornate porcelain china made in an impressive collection. The lucky recipients
One would think Emily has been quilting Dresden, Germany in the 1700s and 1800s. of her talent have been her husband, four
all her life by the way she expertly coordinates The petals of each plate are pieced together children, seven grandchildren, close friends
the different colored fabrics and stitches and then appliquéd to the background of the and faithful customers. She belongs to the
them together with such precision and grace. quilt. The petals usually have a curved outer Shining Tides Quilt Guild which supports
Surprisingly, her love of the craft only started edge, but sometimes you’ll also see them the Women’s Center in New Bedford and
back in the late 1970s when she and her designed with pointed edges. When first meets in Mattapoisett once a month. She
girlfriends decided to take an introductory shopping for supplies at the fabric store Emily also thoughtfully makes quilted pillowcases
quilting class at Old Rochester High School recalled, “The lady probably thought she for the young cancer patients at Children’s
during the evening. A natural from the start, would have to rent me a room…I was there so Hospital in Boston.
she was quickly bitten by the quilting bug and long trying to pick them out.” Emily has made Emily’s favorite thing about quilting
was even later asked by the school to teach plenty of “Dresden Plate” quilts since her first is that it’s so relaxing. She comments, “I
the class. Over the years, Emily has taught the one. In fact, when I visited the shop she was love to play with the patterns and colors. I
fine art of quilting at several other area high making a beautiful one for a special family enjoy picking out the fabrics…and of course,
schools including Wareham, New Bedford member (I won’t say who so not to spoil the anything is better than housework.” First, she
and Fairhaven. Today, she offers lessons at her surprise). Emily says the “Dresden Plate” likes to place her patterns on graph paper and
shop located in the front twin parlors of her is a popular pattern that customers often then shade them in with colored pencils to
delightful antique cape home. request. Sometimes she adds even more visual give her an idea of the finished product. The
The original portion of the dwelling was interest to it by painting sections of the fabric possibilities are virtually endless. In earlier
built in the early 1800s, with additional rooms with acrylic paints, giving it a more textured days, women quilters didn’t worry so much
being added over the years. The old cellar appearance. about matching everything so perfectly. They
According to Emily, some people believe that It features a series of block patterns that correspond Store Hours: Closed Sunday & Monday
Tuesday thru Saturday, 10am – 5pm
secret codes were purposely woven into quilts by to a cryptic message stitched upon on it…“The Tuesday Evenings 7pm – 9pm
abolitionists in order to signal slaves who were monkey wrench turns the wagon wheel towards
trying to escape the South. She showed me one Canada on a bear’s paw trail to the crossroads. Once
known as the Underground Railroad “Code” quilt. they got to the crossroads they dug a log cabin on
Fear, Urgency & Doubt?
by ron fortier Bizarro's
T r a nspo r tat i on
ear, urgency and doubt; there’s a lot of it going on out there today.
Some of the little mom and pop shops are hanging on while giants
sedans — limousines — vans
like Circuit City, KB Toys and scores of others shutter their doors
or downsize for survival. Marketing practitioners have traditionally used Nights Out Airport Service
fear, urgency and doubt to motivate buyers because the average person Casinos Sporting Events Concerts
is less than secure that they are absolutely sure that don’t have halitosis Black Falcon
(a marketing invention for bad breath), or that they will be the “first kid 24 Hour Service
on their block to own one” or, they must convince themselves that whiter
teeth will make them more attractive.
Most would agree that marketing helps to grease the wheels of busi-
nesses. And, as case study after case study can attest to, marketing, when
well-crafted, can be measurably successful. However, to many, marketing
remains somewhat of an enigma positioned somewhere between voo-
doo and hard science. I tell my students and my clients that marketing is
simply a function employed by businesses to control change.
After thirty or so years practicing the art and science of marketing,
I’ve come to the conclusion that good marketing has been and will al-
ways be a part of an organization’s (SOP) Standard Operating Procedure.
It is not, and it should never be, however, set apart from any vital busi-
ness function; whether sales, or accounting or, well, even housekeeping.
Based on my experiences, observations and acquired knowledge on the 774.930.2416
subject and practice; I have developed a simple to understand and easy
to employ system, for the lack of better description - Business Engineer-
It’s a system that is best applied to existing small businesses. It studies
an organization from the outside in – literally. I usually begin my busi-
ness engineering at the curb; in front of the business. It’s amazing what
goes on and what doesn’t from that perspective! If familiarity really does
breed contempt, then the first objective of my study is to get the owner(s),
manager(s) and both the back of the house and the front line employees
to see their environment, their behavior and their organizational pur-
pose a bit more clearly from the consumer’s perspective.
It still continues to amaze me how good marketing and advertising
are erroneously condemned as ineffective when in fact, it attracts and
directs customer inquiries by web, email and telephone, as well as, store
visits. Yet, sales, it’s pointed out, have not been affected. Perhaps it’s be-
cause the prospective customer was turned off by the location, the lack of
pride in the upkeep of the property or the less than enthusiastic greeting
they received? Could it be that Goethe the philosopher, or Mies van der
Rohe the architect, if you prefer, was correct in believing that ”God is in
the details”?
From curbside to first impressions; how your customers are greeted
and treated readily exposes your organization’s underbelly. In many cas-
es, the lack of focus on the customer and their needs or, in marketing-
speak, consumer centricity, reveals why your business may be wobbly.
And, if first impressions are lasting impressions, then as my father used
to say, if you didn’t have the time to do it right, how can you justify finding
the time to do it over?
Daffodil Days
The daffodil; a symbol of hope, the promise of a new day
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Daffodil Days
culture, spent many years cultivating the
grounds and grew thousand of plants in
the gardens including seedlings from the
Giant Sequoia.
“The daffodil; a symbol of hope, Today, as in years past, Blithewold’s
gardens will once again come to life as 50
the promise of a new day…. “
thousand daffodils, early blooming bulbs,
Located on the tranquil seaside set- trees and shrubs are coaxed from winter
ting of Narragansett Bay, New Eng- slumber to enchant guests with their quiet
land’s f inest garden estate, Blithewold beauty and subtle scents during the an-
Mansion has stood for over 100 years. nual Daffodil Days celebration held April
The 45 room English style manor is 11 – May 3. The sweeping f ields of daf-
brimming with the rich history and the fodils make a stunning backdrop to the
love of horticulture of the Van Wickle endless blue of Narragansett Bay. Visitors
family. Built in 1908 after f ire destroyed many times have commented that they
the original Blithewold, the authentic have been transported to the Garden of
The Carriage House, dating back to
turn-of-the-century home is a testament Eden.
the late 1800s, was originally used to
to days long gone by and is still, to this Along with the wonderful display in
house the family’s horses and carriages.
day f illed with all of original furniture the gardens, Daffodil Days offers oth-
The structure now serves as our Educa-
and furnishings, the oldest dating back er special exhibits and activities for the
tional Center and will host “Awakening,”
to the late 1600s. whole family to enjoy.
a juried photography show curated by lo-
Blithewold’s architectural layout New this year will be a fascinating chil-
cal artist Jan Armor this year. All ages
takes full advantage of 33 acres of lush dren’s art show entitled “Thru the Eyes of
have been invited to participate and a va-
gardens and breathtaking views that a Child; Art of the Daffodil.” This ex-
riety of subjects will be featured.
showcase Bessie Van Wickle’s and her hibit will feature drawings or paintings of
An exciting new way to enjoy
daughter, Marjorie’s eye for design and daffodils from a child’s perspective. Visi-
Blithewold Mansion and Gardens will
plant knowledge. Bessie, with the help tors will f ind their interpretation both
also make its debut during Daffodil Days,
of Bristol Landscape architect John De- lovely and interesting. Their work will be
Wolf, personally oversaw the placement showcased throughout the Mansion and
Guests will be invited to use a cell phone
of almost every tree, garden, and struc- will be highlighted with incredible f loral
to dial in for a fascinating, self-paced au-
ture at Blithewold. Marjorie, who in- displays from top designers from Bristol
dio tour created by Blithewold Mansion.
herited her mother’s dedication to horti- and surrounding communities.
Visitors will control what they hear, when
and in what order and will enjoy expert
commentary about Blithewold’s enchant-
ing historical gardens and arboretum from
the Van Wickle Family’s perspective.
Daffodil Days is a special, once a year
celebration of life, community and the
spirit of a family that created a New Eng-
land treasure. Come and be inspired!
and sexual pleasure are vitally important for
mong the cobblestone streets, a high quality of health and life.”
gas lamps and historic building Of all the possible avenues for professional
of downtown New Bedford, is a exploration, Andrew spoke about his
place where couples go when they decision to choose love and sexual health
want more passion in their relationships. No it because of his own passion for people loving
is not a secret gathering place; it is the office each other. “I come from a family in which
of New Bedford’s only sex therapist. Andrew divorce played a role…as do too many
Aaron gives to the local area a necessary, people these days. Knowing the impact that
but rather unique service: guiding couples can have, and experiencing first hand the
to love more deeply give each other greater a moral and legal way!” When asked if such hurt, disappointment, and pain that ripples
pleasure and rekindle lost passion. He has an unusual specialty is more difficult than through a couple, family and community
given to Southcoast residents the support and others he voiced some frustration, “Sex is a each time a couple doesn’t make it, I thought
skills to overcome what may seem to many, tough business! In a metropolitan area such this was a way I could be most useful. I love
overwhelming obstacles to create satisfying as Boston or Providence it would be much nothing more than seeing two people love
love relationships and marriages. According easier because people there are more liberal each other deeply, but also who have passion
to Andrew statistics don’t lie, “Yes, the divorce in their attitudes about sex, but also because for each other. I help a great many couples
rate is very high,” he said while sitting in his in a large city there exists an anonymity that restore faded passion. My work is different
historic district office. “It is my belief that doesn’t exist in less populated areas such as than many other therapists, and perhaps
loving another, and doing it well, is among the Southcoast. In our area people are far more challenging. Couples are far from
the hardest tasks we can undertake, perhaps more conservative, especially regarding sex. easy. When I was training to become a sex
followed by parenting. Many do it poorly There is a strong religious influence here, therapist, I remember my colleagues laughing
because they just don’t realize how much of which also seems to have a strong anti-sexual and teasing me because sex was the focus of
themselves must be given.” effect on peoples’ attitudes. It is too bad my work. They didn’t take me seriously.
As he voiced his perspective on the because unhealthy and negative perspective Still many people joke about the kind of
plight of those who risk themselves in love on sex dooms a large percentage of couples work I do. Just mentioning that I am a sex
relationships, Andrew passionately described to a short and disappointing relationship or therapist evokes snickers, snide comments or
the importance of helping couples. “I see so marriage lifespan right from the start. I get a stunned absolute silence. It can be a great
many people doing it badly; they hurt each reputation for being a sex therapist, but truly conversation maker or conversation killer.
other. When a love relationship is not going love is my business. My passion is teaching I love my work and would not want to do
well, the partners suffer tremendously. A people how to love, to love more deeply. anything else. Couples don’t snicker when
relationship done poorly is sure to come to a When learning to love, the beginning is they are confronted with a sexual problem,
tragic end. That is why I am devoted to giving always for people to love themselves.” which, if unchecked, will swell to infect the
couples the hope and guidance so they can do His office, situated in the Benjamin Rodman whole relationship. I just want people to
it better.” House, looks more like a living room than know that there exists help for these most
Andrew describes himself as a mental health it does an office. Furnished with mission- difficult problems.”
professional and also a business person. He style cabinets and populated with flowering When asked about the kinds of problems
reflected on the South Coast area, describing plants, Andrew explained that the office is couples have who show up at his office, he
it as a beautiful part of New England, with a tool of his trade; to make his patients as described two general kinds of scenarios.
all the qualities of the Cape, but without the comfortable as possible so they are ready With all the seriousness that comes from
crowds, traffic and summer intensity. Having address what are the most difficult problems someone who is practiced at talking about
previously lived in the Boston area, he and that many people face. Who are his patients? a topic that makes most of us wince, he
his wife moved to the Southcoast more than Of course he cannot reveal the identities of explained that women are most troubled by
fifteen years ago while seeking not only a any patients; confidentiality reigns supreme lack of sexual desire. Men, he said, commonly
better quality of life, but also a healthy place in his work and vital to maintaining the seek help with learning to have control over
to raise a family. “There aren’t many who good reputation he has built. “Many of their own responses. But a second situation
make love and sex a business, while doing it in my patients are business people, business that many couples find difficult, Andrew
80 | Coastal Life | Volume 5 Issue 7
explained, is attempting to love deeply while When asked to about what is the most sexual far more often they would fight a
linking love and sex. “Loving is something important advice he could give to the readers to whole lot less. It is true, the saying, “Make
that many of us are not really good at. We best nourish their love relationships, Andrew love, not war.” A second bit of advice is
tend to falter causing hurt to our partners and offered passionately, “People underestimate that if problems between you and your
ourselves. Trying to link love and sex adds the importance of sex. In general they don’t lover develop; don’t wait to get outside
another layer of complexity which is made realize the strong link sex has with health, help to sort it out. Too many people wait
more difficult by a generally negative feeling happiness and even spirituality. It has the too long and permanent damage is done
about our bodies and sex.” When asked why potential to produce so much pleasure, which before they know it.” Andrew Aaron,
he thought that sex was such a minefield for unfortunately has become associated with LICSW, AASECT can be reached
people, he became thoughtful, “People have guilt and sinfulness. Truly if partners were through his website
long associated sex with being animalistic.
Our religions and our societies through the
millennia have encouraged citizens to be
civilized with an emphasis upon getting as far
away from anything animal-like as possible.
There has been confusion between what is
natural and what is civilized. So that what
is sexual, or the sexual parts of our bodies,
have gotten linked with sinfulness, while
what which is seen as civilized has gotten
associated with the sacred. The net result is
that people have become cut off from their
natural selves. Having been instilled for so
long, this perspective has become deeply
embedded in our consciousness, thus when
the topic of sex comes up for many, they
experience discomfort and fear. This greatly
interferes with people’s ability to relax and
find contentment in themselves and in their
love relationships.” A PET GROOMER WITH
As he spoke more about the intricacies
of his work as a sex therapist, he drew a VETERINARIANS ON STAFF?
distinction between those who seek to fix a
Only at Marion Animal Hospital
relationship or marriage, fix a sexual problem
and the others who simply desire to improve
the quality of their lives by making sex Marion Animal Hospital offers full service pet health care that
great. “As a therapist, people assume that I includes the bathing and grooming of dogs and cats. The Vet
offers a state-of-the-art grooming facility. Professional all-breed
only solve problems. Yes, that is much of my grooming features bathing equipment and all natural
work, but what I love to do most is to help a shampoos. Medicated shampoos are also available for
couple who already have a decent sex life, and special needs. Fluff drying and hand scissoring are
guide them to make it fantastic.” In probing both standard procedures. In addition to specialized
further about what he gives to those couples, care of skin and coat, each pet is gently examined for often hard
to find growths, skin problems, ear infections, or eye irritations. Should
he shared that it was not complicated…not a
groomers note possible health care problems our friendly professionals
bunch of professional secrets known only to are standing by to answer your
sex therapists, but instead “I teach partners questions and offer suggestions MARION ANIMAL
how to love themselves more deeply. I teach
them how to be together, give pleasure while
on the care your pet needs.
Rachel Francis, DVM HOSPITAL
also learning to relax very, very deeply. Deep
relaxation is the secret to great sex. Little (508) 748-1203 303 Wareham Road Marion, MA 02738
makes a love relationship more satisfying
than to share fantastic sexual experiences
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The plaque on this elegant Federal style home states that this was originally
the Salathial Eldridge House built ca 1763. The most recent addition, in
2001, provides room for the state of the art eat-in kitchen with granite
counters and built-ins plus a modern second floor bathroom with Jacuzzi tub,
shower and separate laundry area. Four period fireplaces feature the
original mantels, moldings and tile surrounds while the floors and windows
throughout have been meticulously restored and maintained. Other recent
upgrades include the 200 amp electrical service plus a new roof and
furnace. The double lot offers plenty of room for the 1-car garage and
attached cabana which overlooks the garden. Proudly offered at $479,000.
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Volume 5 Issue 7 | Coastal Life | 85
Properties that Make a Statement
eautiful house reflecting an easy style of living. This 4,500 sq. ft. Rochester residence offers superior craftsmanship & the finest
of quality for the discriminating buyer. A stately home situated on a country lane lined with century old stone walls, magnificent
hardwoods, fields and ponds. Features include: 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, luxurious au pair suite, private office, library, imported
Italian marble, high end appliances, granite countertops, 2 fireplaces, central vac, air conditioning, alarm system & sprinklers. A mahogany
deck, fountains, koi pond and mature gardens accentuate the beautifully landscaped grounds. New roof & driveway. Set on 1.5 acres just
minutes from the water and convenient location to the Cape, Boston or Providence. Minutes to the T. Owner/Broker. $745,000
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Steve Belsito
PLYMOUTH, MA - BEACH HOME, builder's own PLYMOUTH, MA - Set in one of Plymouth's most prestigious PLYMOUTH, MA - Incredible Ocean views! This
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all the bells & whistles, Indonesian Rosewood floors, BR Greek Revival & Charming 1500sqft 3 BR guest house shores, one of the finest private sandy beaches in
tile, custom oak kitchen cabinets w/center island, w/kitchen & Bath. Excellent flow, butler's pantry, french Plymouth. Features hardwood floors, granite counter,
Wilsonart High-definition counter tops, stainless doors, music parlor, sunroom, breakfast room. Open, center island in kit, 1st floor laundry, large open
appliances, covered front porch, 900sq.ft.of rear & spacious, natural light pouring in. Old world charm, Rooms w/plenty of sunlight, custom windows, stone
side mahogany deck, 2 car under garage w/work period FPS, hardwoods, coffered ceilings & antique FP in LR, MBR suite with walk-in closet & cathedral
area, recessed lighting, surround sound, security details. Recently updated for todayʼs living,1st floor MBR, ceilings, ocean views from almost all rooms, sprinkler
system, Close to PRIVATE Assoc. sandy Beach, finished attic, Mahogany deck, hot tub, landscaped system, ribbon stone w/granite steps to patio. Check
GREAT BEACH HOME w/ROOM to entertain family garden. Great in law, family compound or B&B. New out the beach at low tide, sandbar w/starfish & sand
& friends $495,000 508-888-8101 septic, fresh int/extr paint. $829,900 508-888-8101 dollars. $539,000 508-888-8101
PLYMOUTH, MA - Located on a dead end PLYMOUTH, MA - Clark Estates! Custom built PLYMOUTH, MA - Welcome home to this
street, this Nantucket style Colonial home boasts colonial! Features a Gourmet kitchen w/red birch custom Colonial located in a gorgeous new
beautiful ocean views and is steps from the cabinets, granite counters & hardwood floors. subdivision known as "The Trails". This 3BR
white sandy beach. 3 levels of living including Breakfast area overlooks deck & 2 acres of 2.5 bath brand new Colonial is truly a beauty,
a fantastic master suite with a private balcony land! Huge Family room w/FP & vaulted ceiling! featuring hardwoods, tile, open floor plan &
off the sitting room and views, views, views. Anderson windows! Laura Ashley carpets! Extras: generous allowances. Bonus room above garage
The main living area offers a large, open floor recessed lighting, wainscoting, crown moldings, waiting to be finished for additional living space!
plan with expansive views out to the deck and window seat, cherry vanity, irrigation & beautiful This beautiful & peaceful setting features horse
ocean beyond. Lower level includes 2 BRS, bath stone work. Easy access to rte 3,shopping & golf & walking trails, is centrally located, minutes
& laundry. A gorgeous property waiting to be course at Pine Hills! Just minutes to Ocean Beach. to downtown & the ocean, but also your own
seen. $569,000 508-888-8101 Best Of All Worlds! $499,900 508-888-8101 private retreat! $349,900 508-888-8101
PLYMOUTH, MA - New Construction set on a PLYMOUTH, MA - Sprawling Executive Colonial PLYMOUTH, MA - Wonderful home with frontage
peaceful cul-de-sac in Clark Estates. Gorgeous Home located in one of Plymouths most sought after on fully recreational Great Herring Pond! Swimming,
Colonial with Farmers porch. Kitchen offers granite neighborhoods. Double Story Foyer welcomes you, boating, fishing right in your own backyard! Relax on
counters, stainless, hardwood flooring & wonderful huge kitchen w/maple cabinets & center island the wrap around deck or enjoy the views from the sun
eat in nook. 1st floor laundry, double story foyer, opens to the large family room w/warm FP. 1st floor porch. Cozy living room w/hdwd floor & fireplace.
window box molding, 3BRS w/unfinished bonus office w/french doors. Formal LR & DR window box Spacious kitchen with maple cabinets. The 9 ft high
room or 4th BR over garage, MBR w/walk in closet, molding, hardwood flooring & enough room to host ceilings & built ins add to the character of this home.
jacuzzi tub, stand up shower & fabulous tile work. any party. Master suite offers double sinks, soaking tub Many updates - windows, roof, deck & septic. FREE
Outside offers stone patio/walkway and stone wall. & enormous closet. 2nd fl laundry. Fabulous finished ONE YEAR WARRANTY INCLUDED FOR BUYER!
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belsito & associates 100 Court Steet, Plymouth, Massachusetts
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Steve Belsito
PLYMOUTH, MA - New Construction by a K I N GSTO N , M A - Fab u l o us views KINGSTON, MA - Bright & Spacious Colonial in
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moldings, granite counters, tile & wood floors, b rig ht a n d ch e e r y i nt e rio r wi t h t h re e with maple cabinets, large pantry, granite
2 furnaces & AC units! Large level wooded! fl o o rs of ove r 250 0 s qu a re fe e t countertops, opening into spacious family room,
Horse lovers are welcomed! Close to golf of l ivi n g s p a c e - Fe n c e d i n b a ck elegant DR w/wainscoting & crown molding,
courses! Easy access to either rte 3 or 495! ya rd wi t h n ewly i n s t a l l e d p a t io a n d luxurious master suite w/ cathedral ceilings,
Call & make an appointment to sit down with p rofe s s io n a l ly l a n d s c ap e d. $ 550 ,0 0 0 walk in closet, granite bath w/jacuzzi tub,
builder. For the Buyer who appreciates fine 50 8 -74 6 - 810 0 tranquil setting w/ pond views! Great commuter
workmanship! $680,000 508-746-8100 location. $439,900 508-746-8100
MANSFIELD, MA - Well cared for Colonial KINGSTON, MA - What a great find! This 2 year KINGSTON, MA - NEW CONSTRUCTION,
set in one of Mansfield's most sought after young Colonial located in desirable oceanside B ri g h t & s p a ci o u s Colonial in
neighborhoods. Minutes to 495 & 24. Huge community has a great open floor plan & features Ki n g s t o n ' s m o s t d e s i ra b l e s u b d ivi s i o n.
MBR Suite, walk in closet, claw foot tub & marble, tile & hardwood flooring. This Property M i n u t e s t o Ro u t e. 3 & 4 4 ! ! H a rd wo o d
balcony overlooking salt water/heated pool. includes an eat in kitchen plus a separate formal f l o o ri n g, 9 ' c e i l i n g s , cu s t o m k i t c h e n
Large kitchen with eat in area. Enormous DR, A generous size MBR suite w/walk in closet, cabinets, granite countertops,
Finished basement w/custom shelving.4+ 2nd floor laundry & a full in law apartment in Wa i n s c o t i n g & c row n m o l d i n g i n
BRS 2.5 baths, bright large FR, gleaming finished basement. All this w/seasonal Ocean d i n i n g ro o m, l uxu ri o u s m a s t e r s u i t e.
hardwood floors, formal LR/DR for the Views & steps away from private association S t i l l t i m e t o m e e t wi t h t h e b u i l d e r !
growing family, must see! $599,900 508- beach. Nothing to do but move in! $349,900 $ 471, 5 0 0 5 0 8 -74 6 - 810 0
746-8100 508-746-8100
PLYMOUTH, MA - Exceptional circa 1904 KINGSTON, MA - ANTIQUE REPRODUCTION with PLYMOUTH, MA - Welcome home to this gorgeous
antique colonial. Beautifully restored property boasts 6 MODERN APPOINTMENTS, family room w/ period in town Victorian Antique with farmer's porch!
bedrooms, refinished oak & maple floors, 2 fireplaces, FP mantel & over mantel vaulted, beamed ceiling & Completely redone with all fresh paint inside & out,
period mantles & trim, 5 panel pocket doors, flowing wainscoting; kitchen w/ maple cabinets, stainless steel New windows, heat, electric, gourmet eat-in kitchen
floor plan, oversized parlors, formal dining, high ceilings, appliances & granite countertops, central staircase, & showcase baths! Beautiful wood floors throughout,
pool parlor, steam room, hot tub, slate roof, brand new 12X8 foyer, hardwood floors, central AC & vacuum, pocket doors, pantry, Morning staircase, built ins. Full
red cedar shingles, resorted trim, gutters, downspouts, hardwood deck, security system, 1st floor laundry, walk up attic & walk out basement just waiting to be
new front porch & balcony, captains walk, town sewer & private well for lawn sprinkler system, shed w/water finished. Spacious yard w/ custom stone walls. With
water, Natural Gas heat, Graceful old world charm with & electric, new septic system in 2000. Free Home Peek a boo ocean views, just a hop skip to the beach,
all the in town amenities. $599,900 508-746-8100 Warranty to buyer for year. $475,000 508-746-8100 downtown & waterfront! $357,000 508-746-8100
Museum of Fine Art s, B oston
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), is open seven days a week, the MFA’s hours are Saturday through Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.; Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m.
– 9:45 p.m. General admission (which includes two visits in a 10-day period) is $17 for adults and $15 for seniors and students age 18 and older. Admission for students who are
University Members is free, as is admission for children 17 years of age and younger during non-school hours. Visit the MFA website at or call 617.267.9300.
M u s e u m o f A r t, Rhod e I s l a n d S c hool o f D e s i g n
British Artists Abroad
Hugh William “Grecian” Williams, Athens from the Southwest, ca. 1818-22. Anonymous gift. John Frederick Lewis, The Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, ca. 1838. Anonymous
Photography by Erik Gould, courtesy of the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design. gift. Photography by Erik Gould, courtesy of the Museum of Art, Rhode
Island School of Design.School of Design.
The RISD Museum is open Tuesday through Sunday, 10am-5pm. (The Museum stays open until 9pm on the third Thursday of the month). Admission is "pay-what-you-wish"
every Sunday, 10am-1pm; free to all: 5-9pm on Gallery Night, the third Thursday of each month). General Admission Members, children under 5: free, Adults: $10, Senior
citizens (age 62+): $7, Youths (ages 5-18): $3, RISD, Brown students, faculty, staff: free, College students with valid ID: $3. 224 Benefit Street, Providence, RI 02903,
India’s Artists Mine Their Traditions
Lady with a Rose, Peabody Essex Museum, East India Square, 161 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970-3783
19th Century, watercolor USA Phone: 978-745-9500, 866-745-1876 For the Hearing Impaired: 978-740-
on paper, 18 x 11 inches, 3649 Program Reservations: ext. 3011 Open Tuesday-Sunday and holiday Mondays,
Peabody Essex Museum.
10 am-5 pm. Museum Admission: Adults $15, Seniors $13, Students $11 Youth (16 and
under) and Salem, Mass. residents admitted free. Members admitted free to all sites.
w w w. a n n e r o l a n d . c o m
kitchen & bath
Mon - Fri 10 am-5:30 pm Sat 9:30 am - 5 pm 508-992-5700 • 508-991-4500
89 North Water Street, Historic National Park (Across from Candleworks)