BIOL 4430 Syllabus Curr Bauzon S13v1

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CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, EAST BAY Department of Biological Sciences Dr. Ken Curr Office: North Science 418 Office hours: T/Th 3:30-5pm Email: Phone: 510-885-2629 Dr. Fred Bauzon Office: North Science 425 Office hours: M/W 2:30-4pm, F 1-2 Email: Phone: 510-885-XXXX LEC TTh PE-124 6:00P-7:50pm Curr, Ken and Bauzon, Fred REQUIRED MATERIALS: Kuby Immunology by Owen, Punt, Stranford 7th ed. Scantron sheets (small, green 100-question), #2 pencil for multiple-choice answers. Questions and participation in discussions are encouraged. COURSE DESCRIPTION: BIOL 4430 is an examination of many immunological topics such as innate and adaptive immunity, B and T cell development, Antibody structure and function, & Major Histocompatibility Complex and Antigen presentation. We also cover major topics such as cytokines, autoimmunity, immune responses to disease and vaccines, hyper-sensitivity, immunodeficiencies, cancer and immune system, and transplantation. EXAM FORMAT: Lecture-Two multiple choice, short answer, true false questions exams from the lecture material will be given during the regular quarter. Each exam is worth 100 points and will require a ScantronTM answer sheet and #2 pencil. There will also be 2 quizzes worth 30 points. There will be two assignments worth 20 points each, one from Dr. Curr and one from Dr. Bauzon. The type of assignment is up to the instructor. Dr. Bauzon will require CSUEB identification to obtain exams on exam dates. Roster numbers will be assigned. Have a Scantron with you at all times. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES After completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Compare and contrast Innate and Adaptive Immunity 2. Understand B and T cell development (antibody structure and function). 3. Understand Major histocompatibility complex and antigen presentation 4. Understand how cytokines lead to cell signaling and immune function. 5. Appreciate how to manipulate self-antigens in autoimmunity and transplantation. 6. Understand the basics of cancer, microbes, and viruses and the immune system. 7. Understand laboratory techniques and procedures designed to foster immunology discoveries. 8. You should be able to think independently using immunological concepts that you

have learned from class. PREREQUISITES: Prerequisites as prescribed by CSU EB University Catalog: Biol 1401, 1402, and 1403 or the equivalent, Chem 2301,-2, 3301,-2,-3 You will need a college-level chemistry and biology courses to benefit from this class. This course is for Biology B.S. degree credit & meant for biology majors. LECTURE: There will be no make-up exams for any reason. If you miss the midterm exam for a valid reason (this would include sickness with a doctors note or an extreme circumstance) the score earned on the subsequent exam will be counted doubly in the final grade tabulation. Everyone MUST take the final. You know the date of the final exam so please make sure you dont make travel plans on the final date. A make-up final will be provided only for extreme circumstances. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: By enrolling in this class the student agrees to uphold the standards of academic integrity described in the catalog at Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any one caught cheating will get an F in the class with the possibility of being withdrawn from the program. NUMERICAL GRADING BREAKDOWN: A AB+ B BC+ 94-100% 90-93% 86-89% 83-85% 80-82% 76-79% C CD+ D F 73-75% 70-72% 65-69% 60-64% <60%

Tentative Lecture/Reading Schedule (7th edition) Introduction of the Course and Innate April 2 Immunity 4 Overview of The Immune System 9 Experimental Procedures 11 Experimental Procedures 16 Antibody Function and Rearrangement 18 TCR Function and Development* 23 T Cell Development and Function Major Histocompatibility Complex and Antigen 25 Presentation 30 Catch-up May 2 Exam 1 7 Cytokines 9 Autoimmunity Immune Response to Infectious Diseases and 14 Vaccines 16 Quiz 2 21 23 Hypersensitiviites 28 Immunodeficiencies 30 Cancer and the Immune System June 4 Transplantation 6 The Final Exam is Thursday June 13th 6:00pm

This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change at any time!!! Note regarding the readings: While the assigned chapters and pages cover most of the material for class, you are encouraged to look up topics and subjects in the text index for useful, companion information. Final Exam: Monday June 10, 2013, 12:00-1:50 am, South Science 205. HOW TO DO WELL IN BIOLOGY 4430 Lecture and Lab: If you study, attend lectures/labs and understand the material you will do well. BIOLOGY 4430 is NOT graded on a curve. Attend class, take notes, go over the notes, read the book, ask questions in class, after class, and in office hours. Use your notes, form study groups to help learn the material. Devise questions based on the lecture and reading to study for exams questions. Typically, 2hr to 4 hours of independent study will be needed per lecture period to master the material.

ACCOMMODATION FOR THOSE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Please contact me as soon as possible if you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations. Arrangements will be made in the event of an emergency evacuation. Students with disabilities needing accommodation should also speak with the Accessibility Services. If you miss deadlines with Accessibility Services, accommodations will not be honored. EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: Please review these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis. Course Rules: No cell phones, PDA, beepers or texting for any reason, however my phone is exempt. If we see a phone, see you texting or hear a phone the entire class will have an immediate deduction of 5 points/offense. If it is an emergency, please a leave the class and take the call or text outside. Behavior deemed disruptive or disrespectful to instructors or classmates will be immediately dropped from the course. Tablets and Laptop users must sit in the 1st 3 rows. - Note this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

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