Offi Cial Methods of Analysis: 19th Ed. (2012)

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Ofcial Methods of Analysis

19th Ed. (2012)

Front Matter Revised to reect changes in the 19th Edition NEW SECTION: Standard Method Performance Requirements: Stakeholder Panel on Marine and Freshwater Foods AOAC SMPR 2009.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Quantitative Methods for Drug Residues in Shrimp, Tilapia, Catsh, and Salmon Stakeholder Panel on Agent Detection Assays: AOAC SMPR 2010.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Methods for Detection of Francisella tularensis in Aerosol Collection Filters and/or Liquids AOAC SMPR 2010.002 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Methods for Detection of Yersinia pestis in Aerosol Collection Filters and/or Liquids AOAC SMPR 2010.003 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Methods for Detection of Bacillus anthracis in Aerosol Collection Filters and/or Liquids AOAC SMPR 2010.004 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Immunological-Based Hand-Held Assays (HHAs) for Detection of Bacillus anthracis in Spores in Visible Powders AOAC SMPR 2010.005 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Immunological-Based Hand-Held Assays (HHAs) for Detection of Ricin in Visible Powders Stakeholder Panel on Endocrine Disruptors AOAC SMPR 2010.007 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Quantitative Determination of Estrone (E1) in Freshwater Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals: AOAC SMPR 2011.003 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin A in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.004 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin D in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.005 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin B12 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.006 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Folate in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.007 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Myo-Inositol in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.008 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Nucleotides in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.009 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Ultra Trace Minerals in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula AOAC SMPR 2011.010 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin E in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods: AOAC SMPR 2011.011 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Antioxidants in Food Chapter 6 2011.26 (6.1.04) First Action 2011: Phenols and Phenates in Disinfectant Formulations by Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection 955.14 (6.2.01) Approved by Methods Committee on Antimicrobial Efcacy Testing and revised July 2012 to include editorial and procedural revisions 955.15 (6.2.04) Approved by Methods Committee on Antimicrobial Efcacy Testing and revised July 2012 to include editorial and procedural revisions
iii If you have any questions of a technical nature or suggestions for editorial changes, please e-mail us at 2012 AOAC INTERNATIONAL

964.02 (6.2.06) Approved by Methods Committee on Antimicrobial Efcacy Testing and revised July 2012 to include editorial and procedural revisions 960.09 (6.3.03) Approved by Methods Committee on Antimicrobial Efcacy Testing and revised October 2011 to include editorial and procedural revisions Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 2007.06 (15.5.10) Move to Chapter 17, Subchapter 5 (17.5.11) 2011.03 (16.1.04) First Action 2011: Salmonella by the VIDAS Easy Salmonella Assay (EasySLM) with ChromIDTM Salmonella (SM2) Agar in a Variety of Foods 2005.04 (17.4.01E) Revised 2011 to include procedural revisions 2005.05 (17.4.06A) Revised 2011 to include procedural revisions 2000.07 (17.9.24A) Delete full text of method, which was repealed in 2008 2003.09 (17.9.32) Revised First Action 2011 to include a hot start functionality 995.22 (17.10.06) E(a): Revised January 2012 to read Transfer 1.0 mL LEB... (not 10 mL) 2012.05 (17.14.05) First Action 2012: Bacillus anthracis Spores on Filters and in Liquid Suspensions Derived from Surface Swabbings, Triple Signature QFlowJBAIDS Polymerase Chain ReactionNational Guard Bureau Method 2011.17 (17.15.01) First Action 2011: Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Other Enterobacteriaceae, VITEK 2 GramNegative (GN) Biochemical Identication Method 2012.02 (17.15.02) First Action 2012: VITEK 2 Gram-Positive (GP) Biochemical Identication Method (Identication of Gram-Positive Bacteria Including Listeria and Staphylococcus species) Chapter 23 2011.22 (23.1.18) First Action 2011: Ractopamine in Swine, Bovine, and Turkey Tissues by HPLC with Fluorescence Detection 2011.23 (23.1.19) First Action 2011: Parent and Total Ractopamine in Bovine, Swine, and Turkey Tissues by Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectroscopy 2011.24 (23.1.20) First Action 2011: Narasin and Monensin in Bovine, Swine, and Chicken Tissues by Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectroscopy Chapter 32 2011.25 (32.1.43) First Action 2011: Insoluble, Soluble, and Total Dietary Fiber (CODEX Denition) in Foods by EnzymaticGravimetric-Liquid Chromatography 2012.01 (32.1.44) First Action 2012: Gliadin as a Measure of Gluten in Foods Chapter 35 977.13 (35.1.32) C(b): Revised September 2012 to read Phosphoric acid.To prepare 1.19M phosphoric acid, dilute 73.33 (not 121.8) mL 85% (15M H3PO4) to 1 L. D: Revised September 2012 to read After exactly 4 min, pipet in 3 mL 1.19M (not 3.57N) H3PO4 and mix immediately. Chapter 39 Chapter 41 2011.04 (39.1.40) First Action 2011: Protein in Raw and Processed Meats by Sprint Rapid Protein Analyzer 940.28 (41.1.21) (a): Revised April 2012 to read Report as percent free fatty acids expressed as oleic acid. (Using the sample size and molarity of NaOH specied in the method, the mL 0.25 M NaOH used in the titration corresponds directly to the percent oleic acid in the sample.) 963.27 (42.3.08) A(b): Revised July 2012 to correct oxalic acid formula to H2C2O42H2O (not H2C2O4H2O) A(d): Revised October 2011 to read Hydrogen peroxide solution.0.05 M (not 0.1 M) A(e): Revised October 2011 to read 2,6-Dichloroindophenol solution.0.001 M. Dissolve about 290 mg 2,6-dichloroindophenol sodium salt (CAS-620-45-1) or 265 mg 2,6-dichloroindophenol (CAS-956-48-9) in H2O and dilute to 1 L. D: Revised July 2012 to include calculations for K1 and Kf directly in the method instead of referencing 947.11D and change log to ln Chapter 45 981.17 (45.1.21) Delete full text of method, which was repealed in 2007 2001.13 (45.1.34) D: Revised June 2011 to compensate for volume of vitamin E (vitamin E portion of method was not accepted in 2001): for high standard, add 35 mL (not 25 mL) of 95% ethanol; intermediate standard, 38 mL (not 33 mL); and low standard, 39.5 mL (not 37.5 mL) 2009.01 (45.4.17) Revised January 2012 to replace HMWDF with IDF:SDFP and LMWSDF with SDFS in text and Figure 2009.01B; include additional information in B(v) on chromatography of SDFS; include note on sorbital presence in C(p) Chapter 47 Chapter 49 2012.03 (47.2.05) First Action 2012: Analytical Parameters of the Microplate-Based ORAC Pyrogallol Red Assay 2012.04 (47.2.06) First Action 2012: Antioxidant Activity in Foods and Beverages by Reaction with 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 2011.02 (49.10.05) First Action 2011: Paralytic Shellsh Toxins in Mussels, Clams, Scallops and Oysters by Liquid Chromatography Post-Column Oxidation 2011.27 (49.10.06) First Action 2011: Paralytic Shellsh Poisoning in Shellsh by Receptor Binding Assay Chapter 50 2011.01 (50.1.27) Revised June 2011 to identify sample codes by matrixes [Tables 2011.01C and D and sections G(a) (d)]; revised August 2011 to include collaborative study reference to J. AOAC Int. 94, 1217(2011); revised November 2011 to correct statistical data in Table 2011.01A

Chapter 42



2011.05 (50.1.28) First Action 2011: Folate in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric by Optical Biosensor Assay 2011.06 (50.1.29) First Action 2011: Total Folates in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by Trienzyme Extraction and UPLC-MS/MS Quantitation 2011.07 (50.1.30) First Action 2011: Vitamin A in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals by UPLC-UV 2011.08 (50.1.31) First Action 2011: Vitamin B12 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by Liquid Chromatography/UV Detection with Immunoafnity Extraction 2011.09 (50.1.32) First Action 2011: Vitamin B12 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Using HPLC After Purication on an Immunoafnity Column 2011.10 (50.1.33) First Action 2011: Vitamin B12 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by HPLC 2011.11 (50.1.34) First Action 2011: Vitamin D in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by Ultra-HighPerformance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry 2011.12 (50.1.35) First Action 2011: Vitamin D in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by Ultra-Pressure Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry Detection (UPLC-MS/MS) 2011.13 (50.1.36) First Action 2011: Vitamin D2 and D3 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by LC-MS/MS 2011.14 (50.1.37) First Action 2011: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, and Zinc in Infant Formula by Microwave Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry 2011.15 (50.1.38) First Action 2011: Vitamin A (Retinol) in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals by Liquid Chromatography 2011.16 (50.1.39) First Action 2011: Vitamin B12 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by Surface Plasmon Resonance 2011.18 (50.1.40) First Action 2011: Myo-Inositol (Free and Bound as Phosphatidylinositol) in Infant Formula and Adult/ Pediatric Nutritional Formula by HPLC Column Switching and Pulsed Amperometry 2011.19 (50.1.41) First Action 2011: Chromium, Selenium, and Molybdenum in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by ICP-MS 2011.20 (50.1.42) First Action 2011: Routine Analysis of 5-Mononucleotides in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by Liquid Chromatography 2011.21 (50.1.43) First Action 2011: Nucleotides in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by HILIC-MS/MS Chapter 51 2008.04 (51.7.01) Revised January 2012 to correct ratio of diluent solvent in C(i) from 10 to 90 mL acetonitrile and from 90 to 10 mL water 2009.04 (51.9.01) C(s): Revised January 2012 to include EDTA in alginate buffer preparation Appendix A Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I 890.01 (A.1.14) B: Correct cross-reference to read See 936.15D not E NEW APPENDIX: Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements NEW APPENDIX: Procedures and Guidelines for the Use of AOAC Voluntary Consensus Standards to Evaluate Characteristics of a Method of Analysis NEW APPENDIX: Probability of Detection (POD) as a Statistical Model for the Validation of Qualitative Methods Revise AOAC INTERNATIONAL Methods Committee Guidelines for Validation of Biological Threat Agent Methods and/or Procedures to include Systems Suitability Requirements for Biological Threat Agent Methods NEW APPENDIX: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Methods Committee Guidelines for Validation of Microbiological Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces NEW APPENDIX: Guidelines for Dietary Supplements and Botanicals Part I: AOAC Guidelines for Single-Laboratory Validation of Chemical Methods for Dietary Supplements and Botanicals Part II: AOAC Guidelines for Validation of Botanical Identication Methods Part III: Probability of Identication: A Statistical Model for the Validation of Qualitative Botanical Identication Methods Appendix L Appendix M Subject Index Index of Method Numbers NEW APPENDIX: AOAC Recommended Guidelines for Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN) Single-Laboratory Validation NEW APPENDIX: Validation Procedures for Quantitative Food Allergen ELISA Methods: Community Guidance and Best Practices Revised to reect changes in the 19th Edition Revised to reect changes in the 19th Edition

Appendix J Appendix K


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