BT WhitePaper FiveFactorsSharePointMigration Apr2009
BT WhitePaper FiveFactorsSharePointMigration Apr2009
BT WhitePaper FiveFactorsSharePointMigration Apr2009
April 2009
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3 1. Is the application being used? .............................................................................. 4 What about replica databases?...................................................................................................................................... 5 What about applications that do not have usage activity collection enabled? .......................................... 5 What about applications that have no user activity recorded by real users? .............................................. 6 Is the application used by a significant number of users?................................................................................... 6 2. Is the application critical to the business? .......................................................... 6 3. Can the application be matched to a standard SharePoint template? ............... 7 4. Is the application used only for displaying data? ............................................... 8 5. W ill the application be used by SharePoint? ....................................................... 8 Automated Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 9 About Binary Tree .................................................................................................... 11
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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The migration process from Lotus Notes to the Microsoft platform can be divided into five phases: 1. Pre-project Assessment 2. Detailed Assessment 3. Coexistence 4. Messaging Migration 5. Application Migration Customers considering the migration of their Lotus Notes applications to the Microsoft SharePoint platform often ask which applications to migrate. Determining the list of applications to migrate is one of the steps in the Detailed Assessment phase. The same considerations exist whether a customer has 100 applications or 10,000 applications. Binary Tree has determined that there are many factors to determine which Lotus Notes applications to migrate to Microsoft SharePoint. However, there are five key factors for customers to consider: 1. Is the application being used? 2. Is the application critical to the business? 3. Can the application be matched to a standard SharePoint template? 4. Is the application used only for displaying data? 5. Will the application be used on SharePoint? This paper describes these five factors. Successful completion of this step will ensure that the correct applications are chosen for migration. The results from this step will also be used in estimating the migration effort and target platform requirements.
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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However, not all of the user names stored represent real users. For example, the recorded user activity includes Domino servers, Administrator names, and Notes IDs used to sign databases and to run restricted agents. These user names can often give the appearance that an application is being used when in fact it is not. Thus, the first step to take in analyzing user activity is to build a list of user names to exclude from the usage analysis. The next step is to gather the user activity from all Notes databases and filter out the user names on the exclusion list. The filtered user activity list will provide the last user name and last used date and time that the application was used.
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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The last used date values from all of the applications can be grouped into common time periods: Less Than One Month Two To Three Months Four To Six Months Seven To Twelve Months More Than Twelve Months
The analysis can now continue with determining which applications to include in the migration based on the time period that they belong to.
What about applications that do not have usage activity collection enabled?
Some applications may not have any the Record activity checkbox enabled to collect user activity.
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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These applications cannot be grouped into a time period. A document level inspection may need to be performed to determine user activity or the application may need a physical review.
What about applications that have no user activity recorded by real users?
Some applications may no longer have any user activity recorded by a real user. These applications can be grouped in a time period called Usage contains only ignore name list members. Additional analysis of these applications should be taken before they are archived or are not included in a migration plan.
4. Are any workflow process solutions integrated into existing Lotus Notes applications? 5. What are some of the applications critical to the business? 6. What makes these applications critical to the business? One of the methods used to determine the actual business criticality of an application is to apply a ratings system based on a combination of the number of users of an application and the applications visible impact to an organization. The visible impact value may be determined as follows: Critical Rating Very High High Medium Low None Visibility Customers/Public Executive Management Departmental Operations Individual Workers No Visibility
The rating system should be built together with the customer to ensure that it meets their business requirements. The rating system should include some indication of what the result would be if an application were no longer available to the customer. That is, the result should indicate what the impact is of not migrating an application?
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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The Lotus Notes Discussion Database and the Document Library are two examples of standard Lotus Notes applications that can be built off of a standard Lotus Notes template. These applications can have their content migrated to the SharePoint Discussion and Document applications. Other Lotus Notes applications such as Team Room and QuickPlace can often be migrated using an application migration solution. Custom applications can also be migrated; but will require that the design be migrated and customized to function on the SharePoint platform. The content can be migrated afterwards. Customers should be made aware that migrating custom applications is often the source of the greatest expense. Additional analysis should be performed to determine and verify that the custom applications can be migrated and what the cost would be.
Comment Lotus Notes help documentation is not required on SharePoint Administration applications are only required for Lotus
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Lotus Notes templates Fax application Virus detection application Test applications Deletion Stub applications Applications without designs
Notes Cannot build a SharePoint application from a Lotus Notes template Probably replaced with a Microsoft platform solution Probably replaced with a Microsoft platform solution A new test application could be created if there is an existing production SharePoint application. Some Lotus Notes applications are marked for deletion; but were never deleted. Some Lotus notes applications were created as a new replica; but the replica was never completed and the application sits empty on the server.
There are many other examples of Lotus Notes applications that can be filtered out during the inspection and analysis process. Some of these are determined by visually analyzing the list of applications and others are determined through an interview process with the customer.
Automated Analysis
Some customers with a small number of applications are comfortable with performing an inspection and analysis process manually. However, the process becomes tedious and difficult for customers with a very large number of applications. The process is also more prone to human error. An automated inspection and analysis approach is recommended to create an initial list of applications that meet the migration criteria.
The inspection and analysis process of determining which Lotus Notes applications to migrate to the Microsoft SharePoint platform requires thoughtful consideration and due diligence. The process can be expedited by reducing the list using the five factors in this document. However, it is important to note that these factors should be reviewed with the customer to ensure that they meet their business requirements. Customers may also request that other factors should be considered. An application migration expert may also recommend additional factors to consider for determining which Lotus Notes applications to migrate.
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The use of an automated inspection and analysis tool can greatly expedite this process. Such a tool will provide a consistent and reliable approach to the analysis. An application migration expert can assist with running the tool and completing this inspection and analysis process. The application migration expert can then guide the customer through the remaining steps of the application migration process. Determining the list of applications to migrate is one of the steps in the Detailed Assessment phase. This is a key step to ensure a successful application migration.
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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Copyright 2009, Binary Tree, Inc. All rights reserved. Binary Tree, the Binary Tree logo, and any references to Binary Trees CMT software products, are trademarks of Binary Tree, Inc. All other trademarks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Five Key Factors to Determine Which Lotus Notes Applications to Migrate to Microsoft SharePoint
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